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Taiwan International

Mathematics Competition 2012

(TAIMC 2012)
World Conference on the Mathematically Gifted Students
---- the Role of Educators and Parents
Taipei, Taiwan, 23rd~28th July 2012

Invitational World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition

Individual Contest
Section A. (5 points each)
Correct Answers:

1. 678 2. 3. 7161, 9361, 9812 4. 4 cm2

5. 1458 6. 672 7. 4757 8. 6 cm

9. 160 10. 536 11. 12. 196

1. Determine the maximum value of the difference of two positive integers whose
sum is 2034 and whose product is a multiple of 2034.
【Solution】 】
Let the two numbers be x and y. From y = 2034 − x, we have xy = 2034x − x 2 . If this
is divisible by 2034, then x2 is divisible by 2034. Now 2034 = 2×32×113. Hence
2×3×113 = 678 must divide x, so that 678 ≤ x < 2034 . It follows that the only
possible values for x are 678 and 2 × 678 = 1356. The corresponding values for y are
1356 and 678 respectively. Hence x − y = ±678 and its maximum value is 678.
ANS: :678

2. The diagram below shows a semicircle sitting on top of a square and tangent to
two sides of an equilateral triangle whose base coincides with that of the square.
If the length of each side of the equilateral triangle is 12 cm, what is the radius
of the semicircle, in cm?
【Solution】 】 A
Let the triangle be ABC and let O be the centre of the
semicircle. Let r be the radius of the semicircle. With the
sides of the triangle as bases, the heights of triangles OAB, r O
OAC and OBC are r, r and 2r respectively. Their total area is
equal to the area of triangle ABC. Since the height of triangle 2r
ABC is , we have and . B C

3. A four-digit number abcd is a multiple of 11, with b + c = a and the two-digit
number bc a square number. Find the number abcd .
【Solution】 】
Since the two-digit number bc is a square number, and , we have
. Since abcd is a multiple of 11, by trying possible digit d, we
ANS: :7161, 9361, 9812
4. The area of the equilateral triangle ABC is
8 + 4 3 cm2. M is the midpoint of BC. The bisector
of ∠MAB intersects BM at a point N. What is the
area of triangle ABN, in cm2?
【Solution】 】
NM AM 3 BM 2 + 3
We have = = . Hence = and
BN AB 2 BN 2 B N M C
= 2 + 3 . Denote the area of the triangle T by [T].
[ ABC ] BC [ ABC ] 8 + 4 3
Then = = 2 + 3 . It follows that [ ABN ] = = = 4 cm2.
[ ABN ] BN 2+ 3 2+ 3
ANS: :4 cm2
5. There is a 2×6 hole on a wall. It is to be filled in using 1×1 tiles which may be
red, white or blue. No two tiles of the same colour may share a common side.
Determine the number of all possible ways of filling the hole.
【Solution】 】
The top left space can be filled in 3 ways and the bottom left space can be filled in 2
ways, so that the first column from the left can be filled in 3×2=6 ways. In moving
from column to column, we must retain at least one colour used in the preceding
column. If we retain both colours, the only ways is to reverse the positions of the two
tiles. If we retain just one colour, the tile with the repeated colour must be placed in a
non-adjacent position, and the remaining space is filled with a tile of the third colour.
Hence there are 3 ways to fill each subsequent column. It follows that the total
number of ways is 6×35 =1458.
ANS: :1458
6. Let N =1 × 2 × 3 × 4 × 5 × 6 × 7 × 8 × 9 . How many perfect squares divide
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

【Solution】 】
The prime factorization of N is 230 × 313 × 55 × 73 . Its largest square factor is
230 × 312 × 54 × 7 2 . Its square factors are the squares of the factors of 215 × 36 × 52 × 71 .
Their number is (15+1)(6+1)(2+1)(1+1)=672.
ANS: :672
7. How many positive integers not greater than 20112012 use only the digits 0, 1
or 2?
【Solution】 】
The first few numbers are 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, 100, 101 and so on. These are
just numbers in base 3. The base 3 number 20112012 can be coverted to base 10 as
2 0 1 1 2 0 1 2
+ 6 + 18 + 57 + 174 + 528 + 1584 + 4755
6 19 58 176 528 1585 4757
× 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3
6 18 57 174 528 1584 4755
Including the number 20112012 itself, there are 4757 positive integers which use
only the digits 0, 1 and 2.
ANS: :4757
8. The diagram below shows four points A, B, C and D on a circle. E is a point on
the extension of BA and AD is the bisector of ∠CAE. F is the point on AC such
that DF is perpendicular to AC. If BA = AF = 2 cm, determine the length of AC,
in cm.
【Solution】 】 D E
Let G be the point on AC such that FG = AF = 2 cm.
Then GD = AD and ∠DAG =∠DGA. Sine ABCD is a
cyclic quadrilateral, ∠DCG =∠DBA. Moreover, A
∠DGC =180° −∠DGA
=180° −∠DAG F
=180° −∠DAE =∠DAB. B
It follows that triangles DGC and DAB are congruent, so C
that GC = BA = 2 cm. Hence AC = AD + DG + GC + 2 +2+2 = 6 cm.
ANS: :6 cm
9. There are 256 different four-digit numbers abcd where each of a, b, c and d is
1, 2, 3 or 4. For how many of these numbers will ad – bc be even?
【Solution】 】
Note that ad − bc is even if ad and bc are either both odd or both even. The former
occurs when all four numbers are odd. The number of this case is . The latter
occurs when a and d are not both odd, and b and c are not both odd. The number of
this case is . Hence there are possible numbers.
ANS: :160
10. In a plane, given 24 evenly spaced points on a circle, how many equilateral
triangles have at least two vertices among the given points?
【Solution】 】
24 × 23
There are = 276 pairs of given points. For each pair, we can have an
equilateral triangle on each side of the line joining them. However, some of these
2×276 = 552 triangles have been counted 3 times, because all three vertices are
among the given points. There are 24 ÷ 3 = 8 such triangles. Hence the final count is
552 − 2 × 8 = 536.
ANS: :536
11. The diagram below shows a circular sector OAB which is one-sixth of a circle,
and a circle which is tangent to OA, OB and the arc AB. What fraction of the
area of the circular sector OAB is the area of this circle?
【Solution】 】
Let C be the centre of the circle and let the extension of OC A
cut arc AB at a point P. Let D be the point on OB such that
CD is perpendicular to OB. Let CD = r. Then OC = 2r and
CP = r, so that OP = 3r. Hence the area of the sector is P
1 3 C
π (3r )2 = π r 2 while the area of the circle is π r 2 . The
6 2
desired fraction is . O D B


12. An 8 × 8 chessboard is hung up on the wall as a target, and three identical darts
are thrown in its direction. In how many different ways can each dart hit a
different square such that any two of these three squares share at least one
common vertex?
【Solution】 】
There are 7 pairs of adjacent rows and 7 pairs of adjacent columns, so that the
number of 2 × 2 subboards is 7 × 7 = 49. The three darts must all hit a different
square of some 2 × 2 subboard, and the square they miss can be any of the 4 squares
in the subboard. Hence the total number of ways is 4 × 49 = 196.
ANS: :196
Section B. (20 points each)
1. What is the integral part of M, if

M = 2012 × 2013 × 2014 × ⋯ (20122 − 3) × (20122 − 2) × (2012 2 − 1) × 20122

【Solution】 】
The required answer is 2012.
By using the inequality ( N − 1)( N + 1) < N , we arrived that

(20122 − 1) × 20122 < (20122 − 1)(20122 + 1) < 20122 ,

It follows that
(20122 − 2) × (20122 − 1) × 20122 < (20122 − 2) × (20122 ) < 20122 − 1 ,
(20122 − 3) × (20122 − 2) × (20122 − 1) × 20122 < (20122 − 3) × (20122 − 1)
< 20122 − 2
Repeating the same process, we conclude

M = 2012 × 2013 × 2014 × ⋯ (20122 − 2) × (20122 − 1) × 20122

< 2012 × 2014

< 2013
This implies the integral part of M is less than 2013.
And Conversely,
20122 ≥ 2012 ,

(20122 − 1) × 20122 > 2012 × 2012 = 2012 ,

(20122 − 2) × (20122 − 1) × 20122 > 2012 × 2012 = 2012 ,

(20122 − 3) × (20122 − 2) × (20122 − 1) × 20122 > 2012 × 2012 = 2012 ,

Continuing the same process, we have

M = 2012 × 2013 × 2014 × ⋯ (20122 − 2) × (20122 − 1) × 20122

> 2012 × 2012

= 2012
In summary, the integral part of M is 2012.
【Marking Scheme】 】
........................................................................................................ Showing
M is at least 2012...................................................................................... 5 points
........................................................................................................ Showing
M is less than 2013 ................................................................................... 13 points
........................................................................................................ Correct
answer ....................................................................................................... 2 points
2. Let m and n be positive integers such that
n 2 < 8m < n 2 + 60( n + 1 − n )
Determine the maximum possible value of n.
【Solution】 】
When divided by 8, n2 leaves a remainder no greater than 4.
Hence if 60( n + 1 − n ) < 4 , then there will not be a multiple of 8 between n2 and
n 2 + 60( n + 1 − n ) . It follows that we must have 60( n + 1 − n ) ≥ 4 .
Hence 15 ≥ = n + 1 + n > 2 n , so that n ≤ 56 .
n +1 − n
When n = 55 or 56, 60( n + 1 − n ) < 5 , and the remainder when 552 or 562 is
divided by 8 is no greater than 1. Hence the desired multiple of 8 cannot exist either.
60 30
For n = 54, 60( 55 − 54) = ≥ > 4 since 30 × 30 = 900 > 880 = 4
55 + 54 55
× 4 × 55. Now 542 = 2916 so that 542 + 60( 55 − 54) > 2920. Since 2920 ÷8 = 365,
we can take m = 365. It follows that the maximum value of n we seek is 54.
ANS: :54
【Marking Scheme】 】
........................................................................................................ Show that
60( n + 1 − n ) ≥ 4 .................................................................................. 11 points
........................................................................................................ Solve the
inequality .................................................................................................. 7 points
........................................................................................................ Correct
answer ....................................................................................................... 2 points
3. Let ABC be a triangle with ∠A = 90° and ∠B = 20° . Let E and F be points on
AC and AB respectively such that ∠ABE = 10° and ∠ACF = 30° . Determine
∠CFE .
【Solution】 】
Note that FC = 2AF. Let D be the midpoint A
of BC and let G be the point on AB such F
that GD is perpendicular to BC. Then G
triangles ABC and DBG are similar, so that
= . By symmetry, D
∠GCB=∠GBC= 20° , so that ∠GCF= 20° also. Hence CG bisects ∠BCF so that
= . Since BE bisects ∠ABC, = . Now
1 1
= = = = = .
It follows that CG is parallel to EF, so that ∠CFE =∠GCF = 20° .
ANS: : 20°
【Marking Scheme】 】
........................................................................................................ Draw the
correct auxilary line CG ........................................................................... 3 points
........................................................................................................ List
equations of ratios of lengths.................................................................... 6 points
........................................................................................................ Prove
that CG is parallel to EF ........................................................................... 9 points
........................................................................................................ Correct
answer ....................................................................................................... 2 points

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