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One who creates new styles of clothing is called a

A. Model
1. Home Economics prepare you to use what you
have in _______ways B. Designer

A. Wasteful C. Adviser

B. Creative D Advertiser

C. Orderly 6. Each hair that grows from a narrow tube in the

skin is called hair_______
D. Manner less
A. follicle
2. All these are major areas of home economics
except one______ B. Pit

A. Food and nutrition C. Root

B. Clothing and textile D. Organ

C. Home management 7. The use of good working posture helps the

worker to______________
D. Brick laying
A. do good quality work
3. ________ education teaches people how to make
wise decisions when selection or buying goods B. Get tired easily
and services.
C. Be uncomfortable
A. consumer education
D. Be unhappy
B. Physical education
8. The act of making the body performs some
C. Computer education activities is __________

D. Custom education A. Dancing

4. The subject that helps Home Economist to B. Exercise

understand the effect of heat on food
is__________ C. Jumping

A. Mathematics D. Running

B. Sociology 9. Fatigue simply means ________

C. Chemistry A. Worry

D. History B. Happiness
C. Eating A. Hand towels

D. Tiredness B. Oven gloves

10. Special clothing is required for all of the C. Mustin

following except_______
D. Dish clothes E. Bath towel
A. School
15. _________ are used as a covering for warmth
B. Sport on cold nights

C. Eating A. Blankets

D. Sleeping B. Bed sheet

11. One of the following is not an important C. Mattress cover

point to consider when selecting clothes
D. Dampens
A. Occasion
E. Bed linen
B. Friend
16. _________ is the process of replacing the
C. Weather worn part cloth with a piece of fabric

D. Money available A. Darning

12. Before the application of make-up, the face B. Mending

must first be __________
C. Patching
A. Covered
D. Garment repair
B. Cleansed
E. Calico
C. Moisturized
17. All these are fruits drinks except
D. Pat dry
A. Pineapple drinks
13. Which of the following should be removed
from clothes before storage? B. Mineral drink (coke)

A. Broaches & pin C. Orange drink

B. Collars and cuffs D. Mango drink

C. Sleeves and collar E. Apple drink

D. Buttons and pads E. Zippers 18. Lack of proper storage and management can
lead to food _______in bulk purchasing
14. Kitchen linens includes the following except
A. Losses
B. Gain B. Wooland silk

C. Grading C. Nylon and cotton

D. Making D. Nylon and silk

E. Storage E. Polyester and cotton.

19. Foods that can spoil easily are said to be 23. Which of these are principles of design?

A. Non-perishable A. Proportion, colour, line

B. Perishable B. Colour, line, and balance

C. Food C. Emphasis, proportion, colour

D. Good D. Shape, line, form.

E. Hard E. Proportion, balance, emphasis.

20. Methylated spirit is a solvent that can remove 24. The end product of protein is ____________
___________from clothes.
A. Amino acid
A. Dust
B. Citric acid
B. Dirt
C. Glycogen
C. Grease
D. Fatty acid
D. Water
E. Glycerol
E. Soot
25. The elements that makeup carbohydrates are
21. The first set of teeth which human beings carbon, hydrogen and __________
grow are
A. Nitrogen
A. Childhood teeth
B. Sulphur
B. Milk teeth
C. Iron
C. Permanent teeth
D. Oxygen
D. wisdom teeth
E. Iodine
E. junior teeth.
26. Solid fats ____________ whenheat.
22. One of the following gives the smell of
burning hair or feather when A. Curdles

A. Cotton and linen B. Melts

C. Expands D. Wax

D. Shrinks E. Bleach

E.Stinks 31. A small cap-like metal or plastic worn on the

finger tor protect it from the needle when
27. Adolescence is a period of rapid ___________ sewing is called _______
A. Exercise A. crewels
B. Rest B sharps
C. sleep C. between
D. Work D. Thimble
E. Growth E. Cover
28. The cheapest source of vitamin D in Nigeria is 32. The process of choosing among alternative is
A. Carrot called _______
B. Potato A. action
C. Moonlight B action making
D. Water C. Decision making
E. Sunshine D. alternating
29. Fruits and vegetables are good sources of E. Groups
33. The decisions one makes are sometimes
A. Fats and oil influenced by one of the following.
B. Energy A. Resources
C. Protein B. Goals
D. Vitamins C. Utility
E. Calcium D. Accessibility
30. A dirty galvanized bucket can be cleansed E. Community
with ___________
34. Human resources exist in.
A. Sand paper
A. books
B Pawpaw leaves
B families
C. Polish
C. schools B side plate

D. people C. Meat fork

E. Classes D. Apron

35. Houses that are very common in riverine areas E. Place mats
39. The simplest and most commonly used seam
A. Mud houses is

B. Concrete houses A. French seam

C. Bamboo houses B Open seam

D. Apartment houses C. Run and fell seam

E. Modern houses D. Overlaid seam

36. The physical force used to harm someone or E. Lapped seam

something is called __________.
40. A boy or a girl that is passing through the
A. Violence adolescence period is __________

B. Combat A. An adolescent

C. Problems B. An adolescence

D. Action C. An adolesm

E. Emotion D. Puberty

37. All these are types of domestic violence E. Matured boys and girl
41. The monthly flow of blood from the womb,
A. Partner abuse through the vagina which occurs in every
woman of child bearing age is called ______
B child abuse
A. Menstruation
C. Child abuse in sexual way
B. Ovulation
D. Child abuse in physical way
C. Discharge
E. Handing abuse
D. Cycle
38. The following are materials for table setting
except. E. Flow

A. Table cloth
42. one of the following has no known cure at the 46. The struggle between two or more people
moment who disagree is called _________

A. Malaria A. Conflict

B. HIV/AIDS B. Crisis

C. Gonorrhoea C. Debate

D. Syphilis D. Right

E. Cholera E. Decision

43. Human immunodeficiency virus causes 47. When things cease to go on as usual in a
family, it means there is family _________
A. Syphilis A. Crisis
B. Gonorrhoea B. Conflict
C. Malaria C. Debate
D. Tuberculosis D. Right
E. AIDS E. Decision
44. Beliefs, feelings or ideas of what is important 48. The functional area used for food preparation
desirable and good are called is
A. Standard A. Kitchen
B. Goals B. Living room
C. Resources C. Toilet
D. Values D. Hall ware
E. Needs E. Dining room
45. Freedoms and benefits that are guaranteed to 49. Which of the following does not belong to
people by law are called _________ the group?
A. Bills A. Bed
B. Rights B. Mattresses
C. Responsibilities C. Pillow
D. Requirements D. Wardrobe
E. Needs
E. Tub C. Oversize

50. Which of these is not a cleaning agent? D. free sizes

A. Detergent E. Extra large

B. Bleaches 55. Egg _________ in moist heal

C. Solvents A. Coagulate

D. Izal B. Spread

E. Abrasives C. Increase

51. Any material placed on the floor before D. Decrease

laying the carpet is called
E. Emerge
A. Undersurface
56. With the Fehling’s test simple sugar give
B. Over-lay _________ colour

C. inlay A. Orange

D. Underlay B. Yellow

E. Under-material C. White

52. The best paperto use with a water closet is D. Black

A. Newspaper E. Brown

B. Fresh paper 57. Chopping boards are commonly made of

C. Soft tissue paper A. Glass

D. Dry leaves B. Plastic

E. Old leaves of notebook C. China

53. The thread which runs lengthwise in a woven D. Wood

fabric is A. Weft B. Selvedge C. Bias D.
Fibre E. Warp E. Steel

54. The extra allowance provided in garment is 58. Cake is often baked in
called A. Refrigerator
A. Fullness B. Oven
B. Filling C. Sink
D. Cooker E. Father

E. Roaster 63. Improvement in the welfare of every family

member contributes to
59. Pounded yam, vegetable soup and meat stew ____________development
can be eaten as the _________.
A. Child
A. Breakfast meal
B. Parents
B. Lunch meal
C. Guardian
C. Supper meal D. Moral
D. In between meal E. National
E. Appetizer 64. A light sensitive spot where image is formed in
the eye is the __________
60. Fats are ________ at room temperature
A. Lens
A. Solid
B. Pupil
B. Liquid
C. Retina
C. Cool
D. Cornea
D. Hot
E. Tear gland
E. Good
65. The ___________is made up of bone, cartilage,
61. Those things the family has to meet the needs of small muscles, and skin linked with a fine moist
the household members are ______________ mucous membrane.

A. Cars A. Ear

B. Houses B. Nose

C. Shops C. Leg

D. Recourses D. Hand

E. Furniture E. Teeth

62. The basic unit of the society is the ___________ 66. The pulp cavity of the teeth contains
A. Uncle ___________ and nerves

B. Family A. Salt

C. Mother B. Bone

D. Siblings C. Tissues
D. Water E. Dignity

E. Blood vessels 71. The struggle between two or more people who
disagree is a _______________
67. Decisions can easily be influenced by
__________ A. Problem

A. Period B. Crisis

B. Self C. Fault

C. Time D. Conflict

D. Size E. Challenge

E. Resources 72. The development of a child starts from the

_____________ and spreads over the body
68. Which the following is a strong hand stitch that
can be used in place of a straight machine A. Legs
B. Hands
A. Basting
C. Head
B. Hemming stitch
D. Mouth
C. Back-stitching
E. Eyes
D. Over-sewing
73. The two major factors that influence development
E. Running stitch are __________and_____________

69. Which of the following is not sexually A. Food , drink

transmitted disease?
B. Vitamins, minerals
A. Gonorrhoea
C. Carbohydrates, proteins
B. Malaria
D. Fats, oil
E. Heredity, environment
74. One of the disadvantages of early marriage is
E. Syphilis ____

70. Which of the following is an instrumental value? A. Joyful home

A. Orderliness
B. Marital stability
B. Love
C. Disrupted education
C. Freedom
D. decent accommodation.
D. Truth
E. Well trained children
75. Cutting food into long thin pieces is 79. ____________is the process of mending or
___________ repairing a knitted or woven articlE.

A. Shredding A sewing

B. Grating B stitching

C. Chopping C Basting

D. Mincing D patching

E.Dicing 80. Cotton fabric is used for bedsheets and

_________ for blankets.
76. For a sick person, the food can be served
___________ A nylon

A. Inside B wool

B.inside the bowl C silk

C. Inside the pot D rayon

D. On the tray E acetate

E. On the bed 81. A thread made by twisting or spinning fibres is

77. Personal hygiene helps to
A fabric
A. Eat good food
B fibre
B. Remove body odour
C warp
C. Sit properly
D weft
D. Walk fast
E yarn
E.exercise the body
82. Tall and slender figure should avoid clothes with
78. Rough skin may be as a result of inadequate A many designs
intake of ____________
B red
A. Fats and oil
C blue
D tiny
C. Iron
E black
D. Iodine
83. Stewed or steamed foods are ________
E. Phosphorus
A easily digested
B take time to digest
C not digestible D. Brush

D strong and firm E. Soap

E watery 88. ________ Fabric is very smooth and slippery.

84. _________occurs when there is sexual A. Cotton

relationshipbetween a man and a woman that is
ovulating B. Linen

A ante natal C. Nylon

B pre natal D. Silk

C pregnancy E. Polyester.

D post natal 89. Which of the following smoulders when burnt

and gives the smell of burning hair or feather?
E child birth
A. Cotton and Linen
85. Colic is one of the common aliments in
_________ B. Wool and Silk

A men C. Nylon and Cotton

B children D. Nylon and Silk

C. Mother E. Polyester and Cotton.

D adult 90. The way the surface of a fabric looks and feels is
A. Colour
E youth
B. Filling
86. One of the following is not a source of family
income C shape

A. Salaries D. Texture

B. Wages E space

C. Gifts 91. Which of these are principles of design?

D. Debts A Proportion, colour, line

E. Investments. B. Colour, line and balance.

87. Laundry agents include water and ___________ C. Emphasis, proportion and colour.

A. Bowl D. Shape, line, form

B. Bucket E. Proportion, balance and emphasis.

C. Bath
92. The end product of protein digestion is 96. Buttons are used as fasteners and also for
A decoration
A. Amino acids
B opening
B citric acids
C binding
C glycogen
D embroidering
D fatty acids
E sewing
97. ___________ or ___________which stimulates
. appetite and supplies vitamins can be served as
93. Solid fat _________ when heated.
A ice cream, biscuits
A. Curdles
B cake, custard
B. Melts
C jelly, pancake,
C. expands
D fruit, fruit juice
D. Shrinks
E candy, sweets\
E. Stinks
98. Adolescence is a period of rapid _________
94. Which of these lines add the height?
A exercise
A horizontal lines
B rest
B diagonal lines
C sleep
C vertical lines
D work
D curved lines
E growth
E wide lines
99. The refreshment which are served in between
95. Zippers foot, hammer foot, gathering foot, and meals are _________
button hole maker are sewing machine
_________ A snacks

A accessories B chips

B parts C potatoes

C functions D plantain

D service manual E coconut

E materials

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