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Definitions: Information Technology (IT): is the application of computers
and other electronic devices to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data
and information.
Information And Communication
Technology is the application of computers
and other electronic communication means to
manage and process information effectively.
Telecommunication is the spread of information over
a distance by technological means.
Stages of information evolution

ICT has
developed through
various stages
characterized by
They include;
1. Invention of printing
The printing press process began in 1440 by a
German inventor named Johannes Gutenberg.
Printing is a process of transferring lettering or
images onto paper or similar material.
2. Invention of the telephone
The telephone was invented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell.
The telephone is used to transfer voice and data signals over
long distances

3. Invention of the Radio

The radio owes its invention to Guglielmo Marconi. Radio is
the wireless transmission of signals over the atmosphere. It
consists of a transmitter and a receiver.
4. Invention of the television
The television was invented by an American inventor named Philo Taylor
Farnsworth. The television is an electronic device that transmits images and
sounds over a distance. it also consists of a transmitter and a receiver for sending
and receiving signals.

5. Invention of the computer

Not one but there are many geniuses behind the development and growth
of this phenomenal technology.
The 1 computing device, Pascal's calculator (also known as the arithmetic
machine or Pascaline), was invented by BLAISE PASCAL in 1642. however
invention of modern computers is credited to CHARLES BABBAGE, who is
also the world acclaimed “father of the computer”.
6. Invention of the computer network
• Invention of the computer led to the invention of the internet, e-
mail, world wide web and the computer has become an
indispensable business tool.

• The first-ever computer-to-computer link was

established on ARPANET (Advanced Research
Projects Agency Network), the precursor to the
Internet, on October 29, 1969.

• Originally funded by ARPA (Advanced Research Projects

Agency), now DARPA, within the United States Department of
Defense, ARPANET was to be used for projects at universities
and research laboratories in the US.

Relationship/ Link between the computer and ICT

1. Computers led to most discoveries in ICT

2. Computers and ICT gadgets interconnect and function as
one. 3. Computers and ICT gadgets are programmable.
4. Computers can perform the functions of other ICT gadgets.

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