Doppler Effect

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Science NIE ACTIVITY Science Matters!

is a series presented in

collaboration with the Connecticut Academy of
Science and Engineering.
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or call 860.571.7143.

The Doppler Effect

The Doppler effect is an apparent change in the frequency and wavelength of any wave, such
as sound or light, emitted from any object that is moving toward or away from an observer.
Almost all of us have observed vehicles with a siren approaching and then receding. The Frequency – how fast the wave goes up and down; the
siren’s actual pitch is constant, but the pitch we hear drops suddenly as it passes us. In the number of waves per second
mid-1800s, Austrian physicist Christian Doppler realized that successive waves from an Wavelength – see image
approaching object are emitted from points closer and closer to the observer, so that they Pitch – Pitch of a sound depends on the frequency of the vibrations
are received with an apparently shorter wavelength and higher frequency. This raises the that are making it. A low pitch sound has a low frequency while a
apparent pitch of sound, and with light waves shifts the color of light toward the blue end high pitch sound has a high frequency.
of the electromagnetic spectrum. For an emitter traveling away from the observer, the
apparent pitch of sound is lowered, and light’s color shifted toward the red. The faster the Wave – In physics, a wave is a traveling disturbance that travels
motion, the greater the shift, so we can easily calculate the speed of motion. through space and matter transferring energy from one place to
In the 20th and 21st centuries, the Doppler effect has been used in a variety of applications.
It has been applied extensively in astronomy to measure the speed at which stars are Electromagnetic spectrum – includes a wide range of light
approaching or receding or to detect planets outside of our Solar System. It's easy to picture waves, including many that we cannot see like radio waves,
planets orbiting stars in other solar systems. For example, Earth travels around the Sun microwaves, infrared rays, and X-rays.
at about 30 kilometers per second. However, Newton's law tells us that for every action, Center of Mass – the point at which all the mass of a
there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means that the Sun is being tugged around body may be considered to be concentrated in analyzing
a common center of mass in a much smaller orbit by Earth and the other planets in our its motion
Solar System. Astronomers use the Doppler effect to measure the velocity of stars outside
our Solar System and to deduce the mass and orbit of unseen planets.
The Doppler effect is also used in some types of radar, for example when police check
for speeding drivers. The police officer shoots a radar beam at a passing vehicle and can
Did You Know
The Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering is a non-profit
measure its speed as it approaches or recedes from the radar source. Meteorologists send
institution patterned after the National Academy of Sciences to identify and study issues and
radar beams into the atmosphere and look at the changes in the wavelengths that come
technological advancements that are or should be of concern to the state of Connecticut. It
back, using the Doppler effect to detect water in the atmosphere. The Doppler effect is also
was founded in 1976 by a Special Act of the Connecticut General Assembly.
applied in medical tests, like an echocardiogram, which uses sound waves to examine the
heart and blood vessels.

Skills and Knowledge:

People who know about the theory behind the Doppler effect and use it in research are often
physicists. However, as noted above, the Doppler effect is applied in different ways from
weather prediction to medical testing. If you are interested in learning to apply the Doppler
effect in a research or technology career, take as many science and mathematics classes
as you can in high school. These courses will provide a good foundation for many different
fields related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). It is important
to pay attention to what topics hold your interest. Common Core State Standards (CCSS): Mathematics
• CCSS.Math.Practice.MP1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them
Hyperlinks: • CCSS.Math.Practice.MP3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others
• CCSS.Math.Practice.MP5 Use appropriate tools strategically
The Doppler Effect
Doppler Effect, Big Bang Theory Style
Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE): Science Framework
• Scientific inquiry is a thoughtful and coordinated attempt to search out, describe, explain and predict natural phenomena

• Scientific inquiry progresses through a continuous process of questioning, data collection, analysis and interpretation
Doppler Effect, shock wave and sonic boom
• Scientific inquiry requires the sharing of findings and ideas for critical review by colleagues and other scientists

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