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Collective bargaining

Collective bargaining is a type of negotiation used by employees to work with their

employers. During a collective bargaining period, workers' representatives approach the
employer and attempt to negotiate a contract which both sides can agree with.
A Method of negotiation in which employees use authorized union
representatives to assist them.

Importance Of Collective Bargaining

Collective bargaining includes not only negotiations between the employers and unions but also
includes the process of resolving labor-management conflicts. Thus, collective bargaining is,
essentially, a recognized way of creating a system of industrial jurisprudence. It acts as a method of
introducing civil rights in the industry, that is, the management should be conducted by rules rather
than arbitrary decision making. It establishes rules which define and restrict the traditional authority
exercised by the management.

Importance to employees

 Collective bargaining develops a sense of self respect and responsibility among the employees.

• It increases the strength of the workforce, thereby, increasing their bargaining capacity as a

• Collective bargaining increases the morale and productivity of employees.

• It restricts management’s freedom for arbitrary action against the employees. Moreover,
unilateral actions by the employer are also discouraged.
• Effective collective bargaining machinery strengthens the trade unions movement.
• The workers feel motivated as they can approach the management on various matters and
bargain for higher benefits.

It helps in securing a prompt and fair settlement of grievances. It provides a flexible means for the
adjustment of wages and employment conditions to economic and technological changes in the
industry, as a result of which the chances for conflicts are reduced.

Importance to employers

1. It becomes easier for the management to resolve issues at the bargaining level rather than
taking up complaints of individual workers.
2. Collective bargaining tends to promote a sense of job security among employees and
thereby tends to reduce the cost of labor turnover to management.
3. Collective bargaining opens up the channel of communication between the workers and the
management and increases worker participation in decision making.
4. Collective bargaining plays a vital role in settling and preventing industrial disputes.

Importance to society

1. Collective bargaining leads to industrial peace in the country

2. It results in establishment of a harmonious industrial climate which supports which helps
the pace of a nation’s efforts towards economic and social development since the obstacles
to such a development can be reduced considerably.
3. The discrimination and exploitation of workers is constantly being checked.

It provides a method or the regulation of the conditions of employment of those who are directly
concerned about them.
Collective bargaining process:

This will normally include procedures in respect of individual grievances, disputes and discipline.
Frequently, procedural agreements are put into the company rule book which provides information
on the overall terms and conditions of employment and codes of behavior. A substantive agreement
deals with specific issues, such as basic pay, overtime premiums, bonus arrangements, holiday
entitlements, hours of work, etc. In many companies, agreements have a fixed time scale and a
collective bargaining process will review the procedural agreement when negotiations take place on
pay and conditions of employment.

The collective bargaining process comprises of five core steps:

1. Prepare: This phase involves composition of a negotiation team. The negotiation team
should consist of representatives of both the parties with adequate knowledge and skills for
negotiation. In this phase both the employer’s representatives and the union examine their
own situation in order to develop the issues that they believe will be most important. The
first thing to be done is to determine whether there is actually any reason to negotiate at
all. A correct understanding of the main issues to be covered and intimate knowledge of
operations, working conditions, production norms and other relevant conditions is required.
2. Discuss: Here, the parties decide the ground rules that will guide the negotiations. A
process well begun is half done and this is no less true in case of collective bargaining. An
environment of mutual trust and understanding is also created so that the collective
bargaining agreement would be reached.
3. Propose: This phase involves the initial opening statements and the possible options that
exist to resolve them. In a word, this phase could be described as ‘brainstorming’. The
exchange of messages takes place and opinion of both the parties is sought.
4. Bargain: negotiations are easy if a problem solving attitude is adopted. This stage
comprises the time when ‘what ifs’ and ‘supposals’ are set forth and the drafting of
agreements take place.

Settlement: Once the parties are through with the bargaining process, a consensual agreement is
reached upon wherein both the parties agree to a common decision regarding the problem or the
issue. This stage is described as consisting of effective joint implementation of the agreement
through shared visions, strategic planning and negotiated change.

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