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Tesla Supplier Code of Conduct

Tesla’s Mission: To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.

Tesla is a technology and manufacturing company with a focus on energy innovation and
sustainable transportation. We live by the principles of hard work, exceptional performance,
integrity, and fairness.

This Tesla Supplier Code of Conduct (“Code”) is the foundation for ensuring social and
environmental responsibility and ethical conduct throughout our supply chain. The principles
outlined below serve as the cornerstone of Tesla’s relationship with our partners.

Tesla will identify and do business with organizations that conduct their business with principles
that are consistent with the Code. We encourage Supplier Partners to develop policies defining
the operating principles for their own organizations and supply chains and to share these in a
transparent manner.

Suppliers shall maintain accurate and up-to-date recordkeeping indicating their compliance with
this Code and all applicable laws and regulations. Tesla, along with our partners and
independent 3rd parties, will conduct audits to observe these principles in action. If there is a
reasonable basis to believe a supplier partner is in violation of the Code, Tesla will transition
away from that relationship unless the violation is cured in a satisfactory manner.

For more information on Tesla corporate responsibility, please visit

Human Rights and Labor
Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. Tesla is an equal opportunity
employer and we expect all of our suppliers to be as well.

Discrimination & Harassment

Providing an environment in which employees are provided opportunities to succeed in their
roles without fear of prejudice or abuse is essential to the values of our company.
Discrimination & Harassment are strictly prohibited. This includes on the basis of race, color,
religion, marital status, age, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical
condition, pregnancy, genetic information, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or
expression, veteran status, or any other status protected under federal, state, or local law.

Forced Labor and Human Trafficking

Forced, prison, bonded, indentured, or slave labor and all forms of human trafficking are
prohibited as they take advantage of people who are not in a position to consent to their
actions. Withholding of, or destruction of, employee identity or immigration documents,
passports or work permits is prohibited. Tesla Supplier Partners are required to provide full
disclosure under the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010.

Child Labor
Work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity, and that is
harmful to physical and mental development, as defined by the International Labor
Organization, is inconsistent with Tesla’s values. Suppliers shall employ and use only workers
who are at least the age of 15, have reached the age of completion of compulsory education, or
meet the legal minimum age for employment, whichever is highest.

Working Hours
Suppliers shall not require workers to work more than the regular and overtime hours allowed
by the law of the country where the workers are employed or perform work.

Wages and Benefits

Compensation paid to workers should comply with all applicable wage laws, including those
relating to minimum wages, overtime hours and legally mandated benefits. Punitive deductions
from wages as a disciplinary measure are prohibited.

Association and Grievance Mechanisms

As permitted by and in accordance with applicable law and regulations, suppliers shall respect
the rights of employees to associate or not associate with any third party. Workers should also

have mechanisms in place to bring matters of attention to management without fear of reprisal
within an environment that fosters respectful interactions among all co-workers including
company representatives.

Health and Safety

A safe and healthy working environment can enable and encourage innovation. We expect
Tesla Partners to adopt and maintain Health and Safety Management Systems to limit exposure
to occupational hazards, prevent emergencies, safeguard machines, manage physically
demanding work, and provide access to clean toilets, potable water, and sanitary eating
facilities. People’s work conditions should not make them sick or cause them harm. Suppliers
shall comply with all applicable laws related to maintaining a healthy and safe working

To meet our mission to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy, Tesla and our
Partners must work to avoid additional harm to the environment in all our activities. Tesla
Partners shall adopt and maintain Environmental Management Systems to ensure compliance
with all applicable environmental laws and regulations. Following principles of continuous
improvement, partners shall take a proactive approach to reducing environmental and resource
impacts in all areas of their business. This should also include management of all waste,
discharges, and emissions, and lead to more efficient use of water and energy resources.

Tesla expects to work with people driven to do the right thing and who act with integrity even
when no one is looking. Obeying the law, both in letter and spirit, is the foundation on which
Tesla’s ethical standards are built. Please refer to, “Tesla Motors, Inc. Code of Business Conduct
and Ethics”. Tesla Partners need to live by these values.

Responsible Mineral Sourcing

Tesla is committed to sourcing responsibly and considers mining activities that fuel conflict as
unacceptable. Tesla Supplier Partners are expected to strictly follow all U.S. and applicable
foreign law, and are required to provide full disclosure on material sourcing in accordance with
the United States Government Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Section 1502 of
the 2010 Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, including by providing
complete and accurate IMDS submissions as requested by Tesla. Partners are accountable for
developing and implementing their own due diligence program in alignment with the OECD Due
Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-

Risk Areas. Supplier Partners must identify, address and mitigate any risks in their supply chain
related to the mining of minerals originating from regions at high risk.

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