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Activity 1: Fill the gaps with the correct pronouns.

1. Once upon a time there was a girl called Little Red Riding Hood.
Together with her mum, they lived in a big forest.

2. One fine day, Little Red Riding Hood’s mother said, “ your grandma is ill. Please go and take
this cake and a bottle of wine to her Grandma’s house is not too far from the house, but always
keep to the path and don’t stop!”

3. So, Little Red Riding Hood made her way to Grandma’s house.

4. In the forest she met the big bad wolf.

5. Little Red Riding Hood greeted him and the wolf asked:

6. “Where are you going, Little Red Riding Hood?”

7. “To my grandma’s house.” answered Little Red Riding Hood.

8. “Can you tell me where your grandma lives?”

9. “she lives in a little cottage at the edge of the forest.”

10.“Why don't you pick some nice flowers for her?” asked the wolf.

11.“That’s a good idea.” said Little Red Riding Hood and began looking for flowers. Meanwhile, the
wolf was on its way to grandma’s house.

12.The house was quite small but nice and its roof was made out of straw.

13.The wolf went inside and swallowed poor old Grandma. After that it put Grandma’s clothes on
and lay down in her bed.

Activity 2:go to

1. Grammar Exercises
2. Pronouns mixed
3. Do exercises 12, 15
4. Next page : exercises 12,13,14,1
a. Is this cake for me? Yes, it is for you
b. Give me a glass of water. I am thirsty.
c. Peter is hungry. Give him a sandwich.
d. Is you mother at home? Yes, she is sitting in the dining room.
e. Do you know John? Yes, I know him.
f. Do you know Betty? Yes, I know her
g. The boys are there. Do you want to talk to them
h. This is my pen. Give it to me.
i. Why is she here? Because she wants to see you.
j. Are those boys English? Yes, they are.
k. Are you French? No,I am not.
l. It's Anthony's birthday, so I'm buying him a present.
m. You have the keys of my car, so please give them to me.
n. That's a nice cake. I want it
o. We are going to the supermarket and Christine is coming withweus
p. Here are Paul and Robert. Do you want to see them
q. Caroline wants some biscuits, so give these biscuits to her
r. We always take our bags with us when we go shopping.


a. Who is siting behind me ?
b. John is with us
c. Jane is between them
d. We are near him
e. That is a beautiful beach. Look at it
f. I want some cheese. Take it out of the cupboard
g. Peter is between you and me
h. There is a policeman among them
i. Here are some coins. Put them into the drawer


a. She is taking an orange out of her bag it
b. I am between Philip and Jane them
c. You are near your friends them
d. Put these bottles into the fridge them
e. Where is the shelf? it
f. Give Peter a coke. Peter hehim wants to drink a coke it
g. Buy some lemons. I want to make some lemon juice with the lemons
h. Elizabeth is getting ready for the party. Look at Elizabeth her
i. Here is the waiter. Ask the waiter to bring the menu him
j. Mummy is coming with you and me to the supermarket us
k.Take this apple. This apple is delicious it
l. The shop assistant is behind the counter. The shop assistant is a
beautiful girl she


a. Is this car yours? Yes, it's mine
b. Is that Alice's coat? No, it isn't hers
c. I think these bicycles are Molly's and yours. Oh yes, they are ours
d. Mary, this cardigan isn't mine. Is it yours ?
e. Where is Molly and Andy's house?their house is in West street.
f. Nick has his cap but Henry hasn't his
g. I saw Liz and Philip with theirtheirs son, Bill.
h. Oxford is famous for its colleges.
i. mymine favourite sport is football. I play a lot in summer.
j. I like mine my job.
k. They've got two children but I don't remember their names.
l. ESL printables is a nice site. Most teachers make their own

Q1 - Give that to me
Q2 - Did she see us?
Q3 - Did you phone her?
Q4 - I took it from them.
Q5 - It's not up to us.
Q6 - My sister and i went there.
Q7 - Between you and me, I think it's a stupid idea
Q8 -mine is the white one.
Q9 - What did they say about it?
Q10 - They said we had to pay for it.
Q11 - I told him to be here at three o'clock.
Q12 - What did she want?
Q13 - Tell me what happened.
Q14 - If we have time, it should be OK.
Q15 - It's got nothing to do with you and me.
Q16 - I took them both.

Quiz: They, Them, Their & Theirs

Q1 - It took them an hour to get to work.

Q2 - You take our books and I'll take theirs.
Q3 - I am angry with both of them.
Q4 - Do you know them?
Q5 - Are they coming?
Q6 - It was very kind of them to help.
Q7 - Did they speak to you?
Q8 - Did you speak to them?
Q9 - Have ____ been invited?
Q10 - Ask them.
Q11 -They're not coming.

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