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Modeling air quality prediction using a deep learning approach: Method

optimization and evaluation

Wenjing Mao, Weilin Wang, Limin Jiao, Suli Zhao, Anbao Liu

PII: S2210-6707(20)30785-X
Reference: SCS 102567

To appear in: Sustainable Cities and Society

Received Date: 18 July 2020

Revised Date: 14 October 2020
Accepted Date: 15 October 2020

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Modeling Air Quality Prediction using a Deep Learning
approach: Method Optimization and Evaluation

Wenjing Maoa, b,1, Weilin Wanga, b,1, Limin Jiaoa, b,*, Suli Zhaoa, Anbao Liuc

a School of Resource and Environmental Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079,


b Key Laboratory of Geographic Information System, Ministry of Education, Wuhan

University, Wuhan, 430079, China

c Fujian Jingwei Surveying and Mapping Information Co., Ltd.

* Corresponding author
E-mail addresses: Wenjing Mao [email protected]; Weilin Wang
[email protected]; Limin Jiao [email protected]; Suli Zhao [email protected];

Anbao Liu [email protected]


Competing Interests

The authors declare no competing interests


1 These authors contributed equally to this work and should be considered as co-first



 A temporal sliding model is proposed for PM2.5 concentration

long-term predictions.

 Integrating the optimal time lag of the spatiotemporal

correlations can improve model performance.

 The proposed model achieves higher prediction in the longer

time series.

 The proposed model has strong practicability in making

atmospheric management decisions.

Abstract: Air pollution is one of the hot issues that attracted widespread attention from

urban and society management. Air quality prediction is to issue an alarm when severe
pollution occurs, or pollution concentration exceeds a specific limit, contributing to the

measure-taking of relevant departments, guiding urban socio-economic activities to
promote sustainable urban development. However, existing methods have failed to
make full use of the temporal features from spatiotemporal correlations of air quality
monitoring stations, and achieved poor performances in long-term predictions (up to or
above 24h-predictions). In this study, we proposed a deep learning framework to predict
air quality in the following 24 hours: a neural network with a temporal sliding long
short-term memory extended model (TS-LSTME). The model integrated the optimal
time lag to realize sliding prediction through multi-layer bidirectional long short-term
memory (LSTM), involving the hourly historical PM2.5 concentration, meteorological

data, and temporal data. We applied the proposed model to predict the next 24-hour
average PM2.5 concentration in Jing-Jin-Ji region, with the most severe air pollution in
China. The proposed model had better stability and performances with high correlation
coefficient R2 (0.87), compared to the multiple linear regression (MLR), the support

vector regression (SVR), the traditional LSTM, and the long short-term memory
extended (LSTME) models. Moreover, the proposed model can achieve PM2.5
concentration predictions with high accuracy in long-term series (48 h and 72 h). We

also tested the model to predict O3 concentration. The proposed model could be applied
for other air pollutants. The proposed methods can significantly improve air quality
prediction information services for the public and provide support for early warning

and management of regional pollutants.

Keywords: air pollutant; air quality prediction; deep learning; long-term prediction;
temporal sliding

1. Introduction
With the rapid development of the world economy and the acceleration of
industrialization and urbanization, many cities around the world are suffering from air
pollution. Air pollution problems are becoming more apparent, threatening human
production, life, and sustainable social development seriously (Li et al., 2019). Wherein,
PM2.5 (fine particles with a diameter of 2.5 microns or less in the atmosphere) is the
main factor of air pollution, and the increasing PM2.5 concentration will also directly
affect the human health (Kampa and Castanas, 2008; Martins and Carrilho da Graça,
2018; Kumar et al., 2020; Barzeghar et al., 2020; Pak et al., 2020). Therefore, real-time
PM2.5 concentration predictions in advance have significant practical and social values,
which play a significant role in making atmospheric management decisions to control
air pollution and are important information needed to facilitate sustainable development.
Previous models for air pollutant predictions can be divided into two major
categories: physical prediction models and statistical prediction models. The physical
prediction models are based on aerodynamics, atmospheric physics, and chemistry to
study pollutant diffusion mechanism (Geng et al., 2015), and apply mathematical
methods to calculate the spatiotemporal distributions of pollutants (Jeong et al., 2011;
Kim et al., 2010), such as CMAQ models (Jiang and Yoo, 2018; Woody et al., 2016;

Yang et al., 2019), WRF-Chem models (Geng et al., 2015; Liu et al., 2018; Ma et al.,
2018) and GEO-Chem models (Jeong et al., 2011; Lee et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2014).

However, due to the complex pollutant diffusion mechanism, some problems produced
by these models result in the usage limitations, such as colossal calculation workload,
the complexity of the process, uncertainty of parameters (Pan et al., 2011; Stern et al.,
2008; Vautard et al., 2007; J. Wang et al., 2019). The statistical prediction models are
based on statistics and use historical time series data to predict future air quality.
Compared with the physical prediction models, the statistical prediction models not
only avoid the complicated mechanism so that the calculation is faster and the cost of
each prediction can be reduced, but also can achieve an almost equivalent level of PM2.5
concentration prediction accuracy of the physical prediction models (Engel-Cox et al.,

2013). Due to those advantages, the application of the statistical prediction models is
more extensive. Commonly used statistical prediction models are included machine
learning (ML) and artificial neural network (ANN) models (Perez and Reyes, 2006).
Machine learning models include multiple linear regression (MLR) models (Han et al.,

2020; Stadlober et al., 2008), support vector regression (SVR) models (Zhu et al., 2018),
random forest models (Gariazzo et al., 2020), etc. Machine learning models have clear
mathematical logic, in which the relationship between input and output is relatively

definite, and the structures are simple. However, these models ignore the influences
of external variables and spatial factors (Leng et al., 2017), and are prone to overfitting
due to improper index selection (Ausati and Amanollahi, 2016).

With the development of artificial intelligence, artificial neural network models,

especially deep learning models, which take the nonlinear relationship between the
prediction target and external variables into account, have excellent performance in
prediction tasks because of their adaptiveness and robustness. Moreover, many studies
showed that these models are suitable for large sample tasks (Franceschi et al., 2018;
Kolehmainen et al., 2001; Voukantsis et al., 2011). Commonly used models include
multilayer perceptron (MLP) models (Li et al., 2011), back propagation neural network
(BPNN) models (W. Wang et al., 2019), general regression neural network (GRNN)
models (Antanasijević et al., 2013), recurrent neural network (RNN) models (Feng et
al., 2011), long short-term memory (LSTM) models (Sak et al., 2016), long short-term
memory extended (LSTME) models (Li et al., 2017), lag layer-LSTM-Fully connected
network (Lag-FLSTM) models (Ma et al., 2020), etc. Compared with the MLP, BPNN
and GRNN models, the RNN models are more excellent in processing time-series
information (Ma et al., 2015), but the problems such as suffering from gradient
explosion or disappearance limit the long-term dependence of capturing time series.
LSTM models can effectively overcome these problems of RNN models (Hochreiter
and Schmidhuber, 1997). However, when establishing the LSTM models, some
previous studies did not make full use of the spatiotemporal correlations of PM2.5
monitoring stations, and some of them ignored the influences of meteorological factors.
Studies have shown that meteorological characteristics and temporal characteristics
will affect prediction results of PM2.5 concentration (Bai et al., 2016; Krishan et al.,
2019; Zhang et al., 2018; Zhao et al., 2020), and there exist strong spatial correlations
of PM2.5 monitoring stations within a certain range (Wen et al., 2019). The LSTME

models are based on the LSTM, considering the meteorological factors and the
spatiotemporal correlations with the monitoring stations, and they performed well in

short-term prediction tasks (Li et al., 2017). In recent years, some researchers combined
convolutional neural networks (CNN) and LSTM models to simulate the changing
process of air pollutants and achieved good performances of prediction, such as C-
LSTME (Wen et al., 2019), graph GC-LSTM (Qi et al., 2019), multi-output deep
learning LSTM (DM-LSTM) (Zhou et al., 2019), and Deep CNN-LSTM (Huang and
Kuo, 2018) models. However, they have failed to capture the time dependence features
effectively, which resulted in exhibiting relatively low precision for long-term
prediction tasks (up to or above 24h-predictions) of PM2.5 concentration.
Studies have proven that spatiotemporal correlations of PM2.5 monitoring stations

play a non-substitutable role, which can significantly affect the changing trend of PM2.5
concentration (Li et al., 2017; W. Wang et al., 2019; Wen et al., 2019). In our study, we
proposed a temporal sliding long short-term extended (TS-LSTME) model, taking the
spatiotemporal correlations of PM2.5 concentration at the monitoring stations into

consideration. This model realized temporal sliding predictions of PM2.5 concentration

by using the optimal time lag of PM2.5 concentration temporal correlations. At the same
time, the auxiliary data, including meteorological data and temporal data, were

integrated to improve the prediction performance of the model. The model was applied
to the long-term predictions of PM2.5 concentration in Jing-Jin-Ji (Beijing, Tianjin, and
Hebei) area, China. The results showed that the proposed model with high accuracy

could be used for long-term predictions of PM2.5 concentration. Compared with the
MLR model, SVR model, LSTME model, and conventional LSTM model, the TS-
LSTME model achieved the best performance, especially in the predictions of long-
term series (48 hours and 72 hours). According to the seasonal characteristics of PM2.5
concentration, we selected representative time points (January 1st, April 1st, July 1st,
and October 1st) to spatially interpolate the model predicted results and observed values
of monitoring stations and compared spatiotemporal distributions. The results showed
that the proposed TS-LSTME model has spatiotemporal prediction capability, which
can be applied for early warning and management of regional pollutants. We also apply
the proposed model to predict O3 concentration, and the results indicated that the model
is suitable for other air pollutants prediction.

2. Data and methods

2.1 Study area and data description
Jing-Jin-Ji (113°E–120°E and 36°N–43°N) area was taken as our study area,
which includes 13 cities in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei province. The economy is
developing rapidly, the population and heavy industries are concentrated in this area. It
is a region where air pollution problems are relatively serious.
Our study collected PM2.5 observed data from 65 air quality monitoring stations
and meteorological data over Jing-Jin-Ji area from January 1, 2014 to December 31,
2019, and regarded each city as a basic unit to establish a model respectively, which

predicted the average PM2.5 concentration of each station in the next 24 hours. The
hourly scale PM2.5 monitoring data came from the national city air quality real-time
publishing platform (, and the day scale meteorological

data came from the China Meteorological Data Service Center (CMDC: The data of missing time for each kind were compensated by the
collected data of adjacent time. Figure 1 shows the distribution of air quality monitoring
stations (red circles) and meteorological monitoring stations (blue triangles) in the Jing-
Jin-Ji area. The statistics of air quality monitoring stations in 13 cities are shown in
Table 1. The measured PM2.5 data at the historical moment, meteorological data, and
temporal data were entered into the model. Meteorological characteristics included
precipitation (PRE), air pressure (PRS), relative humidity (RHU), sunshine (SSD),
temperature (TEM), and wind direction and speed (WIN). Table 2 lists the statistical

characteristics of the selected data.

Ji area.
Figure 1. Distribution of air quality monitoring stations and meteorological stations over Jing-Jin-

Table 1. Statistics of air quality monitoring stations in various cities.

City Station code Count of stations
Beijing 1001A-1012A 12
Tianjin 1015A,1019A,1024A,1027A 4

Shijiazhuang 1029A-1035A 7
Tangshan 1036A-1041A 6
Qinhuangdao 1042A-1045A 4
Handan 1047A-1050A 4

Baoding 1051A-1056A 6
Zhangjiakou 1057A,1059A-1061A 4
Chengde 1062A-1066A 5

Langfang 1067A-1069A 3
Cangzhou 1071A-1073A 3
Hengshui 1074A-1076A 3

Xingtai 1077A-1080A 4

Table 2. Statistical characteristics of experimental data.

Variable Unit Range Variable Mean
PM2.5 μg /m3 [1,500] 62.14 62.69
PRE mm [0,175.04] 1.51 5.85
PRS hPa [893.50,1043.28] 967.06 33.40
RHU % [3.04,97.85] 47.67 21.73
SSD MJ/m2 [0,13.82] 6.40 3.89
TEM ℃ [-22.66,35.13] 12.87 11.22
WIN m/s [0.05, 28.77] 2.21 3.02
Season NA [1,4] - -
Month NA [1,12] - -

2.2 Spatiotemporal correlation

Pearson correlation coefficient is usually used to reflect the statistics of the linear
correlation between two variables (Box and Jen, n.d.). Pearson correlation coefficient
formula is as follows:
Cov  X  Y 
ρxy  (1)
σx  σ y

Where X and Y represent two variables, Cov  X  Y  represents the covariance of two variables,

σ x σ y respectively represent the standard deviation of two variables X, Y.

To evaluate the degree of the temporal correlation, Pearson correlation coefficient
formula was used to calculate the temporal correlations. The variables X and Y are the
values of PM2.5 concentration before and after the time interval. Figure 2 shows the
changes in the Pearson correlation coefficients of the 65 air quality monitoring stations
over our Jing-Jin-Ji area for 0-50 hours intervals. It can be seen from Figure 2 that the
Pearson correlation coefficients decrease with the increase of the time interval. When
the time interval is less than 15h, the Pearson correlation coefficients of the front and
back time intervals are greater than 0.4. The smaller the time interval, the higher the

degree of correlation.
Figure 2. Variations among the time autocorrelation coefficients with respect to different time
lags for 65 selected stations (s1-s65).
Besides, there exist strong spatial correlations of PM2.5 monitoring stations. The
Pearson correlation coefficient formula was also used to calculate the correlation
coefficients among monitoring stations in each city. Table 3 shows the maximum and

minimum values of spatial correlation coefficients of PM2.5 monitoring stations in

different cities. It can be seen from Table 3 that the correlation coefficients of PM2.5
monitoring stations in each city are higher than 0.70, and the most of them are higer
than 0.90, indicating that there is a high degree of spatial correlations.

Table 3. Maximum and Minimum of spatial correlation coefficients in different cities

City Maximum of correlation Minimum of correlation
coefficients coefficients

Beijing 0.97 0.81

Tianjin 0.93 0.84
Shijiazhuang 0.95 0.91

Tangshan 0.95 0.92

Qinhuangdao 0.86 0.77
Handan 0.92 0.89
Baoding 0.95 0.90
Zhangjiakou 0.83 0.73
Chengde 0.92 0.80
Langfang 0.95 0.92
Cangzhou 0.94 0.93
Hengshui 0.94 0.84
Xingtai 0.94 0.90

2.3 TS-LSTME model

2.3.1 LSTM model
The long short-term memory neural network (LSTM NN) is a variant of the
recurrent neural network (RNN). The LSTM NN can make full use of long time-series
data, and effectively solve the gradient explosion and disappearance problems
generated by the RNN. Figure 3 shows the structure of the LSTM. Compared with the
RNN, the LSTM NN introduces three gating mechanisms inside, which can control the
path of information transmission through the forget gate 𝐹𝑡 , input gate 𝐼𝑡 , and output
gate 𝑂𝑡 . Where 𝐶𝑡−1 and ℎ𝑡−1 represent the internal and external state of the last
moment, 𝑋𝑡 , 𝐶𝑡 , and ℎ𝑡 represent the input, internal and external state of the current
moment. Using the two activation functions of sigmoid and tanh, the forget gate 𝐹𝑡 ,

input gate 𝐼𝑡 , output gate 𝑂𝑡 , and candidate state 𝑐𝑡 are calculated through ℎ𝑡−1 and
𝑋𝑡 . Then combine the forget gate 𝐹𝑡 , the input gate 𝐼𝑡 , and the candidate state 𝑐𝑡 to
update the internal state 𝐶𝑡 at the current moment. Finally combine the internal state

𝐶𝑡 at the current moment and the output gate 𝑂𝑡 to obtain the external state ℎ𝑡 at the
current moment. The forward propagation formulas of the LSTM NN are as follows:
Ft   W f X t  U f ht 1  b f
-p  (2)

It   Wi X t  Ui ht 1  bi  (3)
Ot   Wo X t  U o ht 1  bo  (4)

ct  tanh Wc X t  U c ht 1  bc  (5)

Ct  Ft Ct 1  It ct (6)

ht  Ot tanh  Ct  (7)

Where W f , Wi , Wo and Wc are the weight matrices for input vector X t at current

moment. U f , U i , U o and U c are the weight matrices for external state ht 1 at last

moment. b f , bi , bo and bc are the bias vectors.  and tanh are activation functions

which can bring non-linearity to model. stands for element-wise multiplication of

the matrix.
Figure 3. The network structure of the LSTM.

2.3.2 TS-LSTME model
Integrating hourly-scale PM2.5 concentration data and day-scale meteorological
data, and taking the spatiotemporal correlations of PM2.5 monitoring stations into
account, our study regarded a city as a basic unit to establish a TS-LSTME model. The
model can perform collaborative training on the data of multiple base stations in the
unit city to predict the average PM2.5 concentration of multiple monitoring stations in
the next 24 hours. Figure 4 shows the framework of the TS-LSTME model. The feed-
forward process of the TS-LSTME model is as follows: (1) Considering the significant

spatiotemporal correlations of PM2.5 monitoring stations in each city, the historical data
of PM2.5 concentration at monitoring stations in each city are used as the inputs of the
model; (2) The time-related characteristics of PM2.5 concentration data of monitoring
stations in each city are extracted through the bidirectional LSTM layer and the fully

connected layer, and the results will be the PM2.5 concentration for 0-r hours (output1)
in the future. The previous step outputs are used as the inputs for the next prediction to
predict the PM2.5 concentration for r-2 * r hours (output2) in the future. Through the
combination of a bidirectional LSTM layer and a fully connected layer, the above

process performs temporal sliding prediction to form the temporal sliding block until
the PM2.5 concentration in the next 24 hours is predicted, where the value of r is
determined by the optimal time lag selected. Then, the predicted results (output1,

output2, ..., outputn) are concatenated, and the training results are passed through the
bidirectional LSTM layer, which is used as the inputs of the next process. This process
is forming the TS-LSTME unit; (3) The outputs of the previous process and auxiliary
data are integrated into the fully connected layer, which could obtain the results of the
PM2.5 concentration of each monitoring station in the next 24 hours. The auxiliary data
are composed of normalized meteorological data (precipitation, air pressure, humidity,
sunshine, temperature, wind direction, and speed), and temporal data (one-hot codes
formed by seasons and months).
In the TS-LSTME model, the rectified linear unit (ReLU) function was used as the
activation function, and dropout and regularization were used respectively in the LSTM
layer and the fully connected layer to improve the generalization ability of the model
and accelerate the speed of network training. To evaluate the effectiveness of the
proposed model, root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE),
coefficient of determination (R2) and normalized root mean square error (NRMSE)
were used as metric indices to evaluate model performance. These indicators are
defined as follows:
RMSE   P  O 
i i (8)
N i=1

1 N
MAE =  Pi  Oi
N i=1

 P O 
N 2

 1
i i
R2 i=1
 O  O 
N 2
i=1 i i

NRMSE = (11)
Omax  Omin
where Oi is the observed air pollutant concentration, Oi is the average observed air pollutant
concentration, Omax is the observed maximum value of air pollutant concentration, Omin is the

observed minimum value of air pollutant concentration, Pi is the predicted air pollutant

concentration, and N is the number of test samples.


Figure 4. Network framework of the TS-LSTME model for PM2.5 concentration predictions.
The model inputs consist of historical PM2.5 concentration data of all monitoring stations in the unit
city in the dark blue dotted box and auxiliary data (meteorological data and temporal data) in the
yellow dotted box. r represents the time lag, T represents the present time, S represents the

monitoring station, and n indicates the number of monitoring stations.

According to the temporal correlations of PM2.5 concentration data and the
characteristics of the LSTM layer, the inputs of the TS-LSTME network are three-

dimensional data: the number of input samples, the time lag for future prediction
selection, and the number of monitoring stations in the city. The time lag is also used
as the time lag interval of each output in the TS-LSTME unit to determine the value of

r. As shown in Figure 5, according to the time lag r, the next 24 hours are grouped (T
to T + r, T + r + 1 to T + 2r + 1, etc.) to form the TS-LSTME unit, and it is worth
noting that the average concentration is predicted in the last stage (T + 24-r to T + 24).
Based on the TS-LSTME unit, the model can predict the average PM2.5 concentration
of multiple monitoring stations in the next 24 hours. According to the previous temporal
correlations analysis, the time lag will be selected from {6, 8, and 12}. Taking time lag
selection 6 as an example, the TS-LSTME unit is formed by four temporal sliding
prediction results (output1, output2, output3, output4), which are respectively the
predicted PM2.5 concentration in the next 1-6 hours, 7-12 hours, 13-18 hours, and the
predicted average PM2.5 concentration in the next 19-24 hours. Experiments with
different time lag values were made to choose the best time lag, which is the recursive
time interval of the TS-LSTME unit. The experimental results of all cities in our study
area have shown that with 12 as the time-lag input, the prediction ability of the model
was better. The experimental results of Beijing in Table 4 show that when the time lag
is selected as 12, that is, r = 12, the results showed better performance with RMSE
20.00 μg/m3, MAE 13.54 μg/m3 and R2 0.72, compared with the other values of r.

Figure 5. Illustration of TS-LSTME Unit. r represents the time lag, T represents the present time,

S represents the monitoring station, and n Indicates the number of monitoring stations.

Table 4. Effects of different time lags.

Time lag Structure of TS-LSTME Unit RMSE MAE R2

(value of r) (μg/m3) (μg/m3)

6 1-6h→7-12h→13-18h→19-24h average 23.41 16.33 0.64
8 1-8h→9-16h→16-24h average 21.90 15.21 0.69

12 1-13h→14-24h average 20.00 13.54 0.72


3. Results
`3.1 Performance of the model TS-LSTME
The study obtained the data including a total of 52,584-hour PM2.5 concentration
data and 2191-day meteorological data (January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2019) in Jing-
Jin-Ji monitoring stations, 60% of which were chosen as the training set, 20% as the
validation set and 20% as the test set. After determining the best network architecture
for the current predicting tasks, models were established in units of cities, and the
training set was used to train the current TS-LSTME models. The accuracy indicators
of the model prediction results of 13 cities in the study area are shown in Table 5 and
Figure 6. Table 5 shows that the R2 values in 13 cities were above 0.70, and the R2 value
of Hengshui city was above 0.80. Moreover, the NRMSE values are between 5.96%-
9.42%. Figure 6 shows the average values of the observed PM2.5 concentration in each
city, the MAE and RMSE values of the corresponding models. The abscissa was sorted
from largest to smallest according to the average values of urban PM2.5 concentration.
We can see that the overall trends of MAE and RMSE were also gradually decreasing,
and there existed no apparent fluctuation. In cities with high concentration of air
pollution (such as Shijiazhuang, Baoding, and Tianjin city) and cities with low
concentration (such as Chengde, Zhangjiakou city), models performed well overall,
indicating that the TS-LSTME models have good capabilities of PM2.5 concentration
Table 5. Effects of the TS-LSTME models in different cities, using three indicators: the root mean
square error (RMSE), the mean absolute error (MAE), coefficient of determination (R2) and the
normalized root mean square error (NRMSE).

City RMSE (μg/m3) MAE (μg/m3) R2 NRMSE (%)

Beijing 20.00 13.54 0.72 7.52

Tianjin 24.37 17.69 0.72 8.04
Shijiazhuang 24.94 16.91 0.78 7.16
Tangshan 23.04 16.13 0.71 8.36
-p 0.74
Baoding 28.44 20.26 0.72 5.96
Zhangjiakou 12.61 9.34 0.72 9.42
Chengde 12.04 8.77 0.73 9.02

Langfang 20.74 14.20 0.72 8.30

Cangzhou 19.91 14.27 0.74 9.16
Hengshui 17.94 12.35 0.81 9.31
Figure 6. Distribution of average values of PM2.5 concentration at each city in study area
(histogram) and distribution of MAE values and RMSE values in TS-LSTME models of each cities.

To explore the prediction performances of the TS-LSTME models and the

temporal correlations of PM2.5 concentration, Figure 7 shows the changes in the daily
average observed PM2.5 concentration and predicted PM2.5 concentration by our models
in our study area from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019 (the regression curve
corresponds to Figure 8 (b) ). As we can see, the predicted trend curve can simulate the
trend change of the actual observed values, indicating the proposed model do well in
capturing temporal correlations of PM2.5 concentration by virtue of the way of temporal
sliding predictions. Figure 8 shows the regression curves of predicted and observed
PM2.5 concentration for all test samples (a) and daily samples (b). The values of R 2 are
0.86 and 0.87, which suggests that the proposed model can achieve predictions with
high accuracy. The model can accurately predict the changing trend of PM2.5

concentration, but the forecast results appeared "high values underestimation, low
values overestimation" phenomenon, and the intervals of the prediction results were

smaller than the intervals of the observation values, which also reflects the complexity
of PM2.5 concentration predictions.


Figure 7. Distribution of daily averaged observed PM2.5 concentration of all stations and the
corresponding predictions by TS-LSTME models for Jing-Jin-Ji area from January 1, 2019 to
December 31, 2019.
Figure 8. Correlation between the predicted and observed average values by TS-LSTME models

for Jing-Jin-Ji area from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019: (a) all test samples (b) daily
samples. The red dashed line is y = x reference line.

To further explore the spatiotemporal prediction capabilities of the TS-LSTME
models and the spatial correlations of PM2.5 monitoring stations, we compared
predicted spatial interpolation results of PM2.5 concentration by TS-LSTME models
with observed results at monitoring stations, and selected representative comparison
results on four days (January 1st, April 1st, July 1st, and October 1st) according to the
seasonal characteristics of PM2.5 concentration. From January to March and October to
December each year, the PM2.5 concentration is generally high, while from April to
September, PM2.5 concentration is generally low. Figure 9 shows the spatiotemporal

distributions of the observed data and predicted data on January 1st, April 1st, July 1st,
October 1st, 2019. From Figure 9, it can be found that the heavily polluted areas in the
Jing-Jin-Ji area are mainly concentrated in cities in the southern and eastern regions.
By comparison, the predicted results on January 1st in the southern area were lower

than the observed values, but the predicted spatial distributions on January 1st, April
1st, July 1st, and October 1st were generally consistent with the observed spatial
distributions of PM2.5 concentration. The predicted spatial distributions were accurate,

which indicated that the TS-LSTME models have strong capabilities for extracting
spatiotemporal features to realize high accuracy predictions.
Figure 9. Spatial interpolation results of observed values and predicted values by TS-LSTME
models on Jan 1st, 2019 (a, e), on April 1st, 2019 (b, f), on July 1st, 2019 (c, g), and on Oct 1st,

2019 (d, h).

3.2 Comparison of experiments

In order to verify the performances of the TS-LSTME models, our study also
established deep learning models (LSTM and LSTME) based on cities and established
MLR models and SVR models based on stations. The inputs of the models based on
deep learning, the time lag, the number of nodes in each neuron layer structure, and the
output structures remained unchanged, but the LSTM models did not consider the
influences of meteorological factors. The MLR and SVR models are only time series

prediction models, without considering the spatial correlation characteristics of PM2.5

monitoring stations, and using the stations as the basic unit to perform prediction
experiments separately. Table 6 shows the evaluation indices of experimental prediction
results obtained by using three deep learning models TS-LSTME, LSTME and LSTM

in 13 cities. The MAE values predicted by the TS-LSTME, LSTME, LSTM, MLR, and
SVR models at each monitoring station were shown in Figure 10. It can be seen from
Figure 10 that the MAE values of each monitoring station of the TS-LSTME, LSTME,

LSTM models are less than the MAE values of the MLR, SVR models, indicating that
the models based on deep learning which take into account the spatiotemporal
correlations of PM2.5 monitoring stations and possess the complexity of the networks,

are more suitable for complex PM2.5 concentration prediction tasks and can obtain
prediction results of multiple monitoring stations at the same time. As can be seen from
Table 6, the R2 values of the LSTME models in each city are between 0.51-0.66, the R2
values of the LSTM models are between 0.45-0.63, and R2 values of the TS-LSTME
models are above 0.70, of which evaluation indicators are better than other models. It
is worth noting that has the R2 value of the TS-LSTME model in Hengshui city is 0.81,
and the MAE value at 1076A monitoring station is 5.98 μg/m3, which is better than the
other two models. The results show that compared with the directly predicted LSTM
models and LSTME models, the TS-LSTME models use a highly time-correlated delay
for temporal sliding prediction, which can achieve higher accuracy and stability in long-
term prediction, and add auxiliary data (meteorological data and temporal data) can
improve the prediction performances of the models.

Table 6. Effects of the different models (TS-LSTME, LSTME, LSTM), using three indicators: the
root mean square error (RMSE), the mean absolute error (MAE), and R2.
Beijing 20.00 13.54 0.72 24.76 17.54 0.52 24.84 17.76 0.52
Tianjin 24.37 17.69 0.72 28.51 20.30 0.52 30.45 23.24 0.45
Shijiazhuang 24.94 16.91 0.78 29.76 20.79 0.66 30.89 21.80 0.63
Tangshan 23.04 16.13 0.71 25.87 18.02 0.52 27.15 19.89 0.47
Qinhuangdao 18.79 13.19 0.74 22.14 15.01 0.51 26.21 17.13 0.46

Handan 25.33 18.08 0.74 31.14 22.48 0.58 36.65 25.61 0.51
Baoding 28.44 20.26 0.72 29.34 22.12 0.66 30.67 22.49 0.62
Zhangjiakou 12.61 9.34 0.72 13.65 10.44 0.57 13.93 11.68 0.52

Chengde 12.04 8.77 0.73 14.20 10.00 0.51 14.85 10.10 0.47
Langfang 20.74 14.20 0.72 23.54 16.29 0.59 24.46 17.12 0.56
Cangzhou 19.91 14.27 0.74 22.83 16.75 0.62 23.60 16.86 0.59

Figure 10. Comparison of the results (MAE) of different models (TS-LSTME, LSTME, LSTM,
MLR, SVR) at each station in study area.

3.3 Long term predictions

To validate the broad applicability of the TS-LSTME model predictions for more
extended time series, our study used Beijing as an experimental object to establish the
TS-LSTME models to predict the average PM2.5 concentration in the next 24h, 48h, and
72h. The most suitable hyperparameters were used in each model. The optimal time lag
(the value of r in the TS-LSTME Unit) and the auxiliary data increases as the prediction
time extends. The model for the prediction task in the next 24h involved one-day
meteorological data, while the models in the next 48h and 72h respectively involved
two-day and three-day meteorological data. It can be seen from Table 7 that as the
prediction time extends, the indicators RMSR, MAE values also increase, but the
proposed model can also show satisfactory performances in the prediction tasks of 48h
and 72h, which the MAE values are 17.86 μg/m3 and 20.63 μg/m3 respectively,
comparing the MAE values of the LSTME model and the LSTM model in the 24-hour
prediction of 17.54 μg/m3 and 17.76 μg/m3. The results showed that TS-LSTME models
for the 48-hour prediction task (MAE 17.86 μg/m3 and RMSE 24.96 μg/m3) can achieve
an almost equivalent level of prediction accuracy of LSTME models (MAE 17.54
μg/m3, RMSE 24.76μg/m3) and LSTM models (MAE 17.76 μg/m3, RMSE 24.84 μg/m3)
for the 24-hour prediction task, demonstrating the TS-LSTME models which are based
on the idea of temporal sliding prediction, can yield high accuracy in the long-term

prediction tasks.
Table 7. Structure and prediction accuracy of multiscale air pollutant concentration predictions.

Task Time lag Structure of TS-LSTME Unit RMSE MAE
(value of r) (μg/m3) (μg/m 3)
24h 12 1-13h→14-24h average 20.00 13.54
1-24h→25-48h average
1-36h→37h-72h average
4. Discussion
4.1 Application of predicting O3 concentration

In order to further reflect the performance of the present model for other air quality
predictions, we applied the proposed model to predict O3 concentration over Jing-Jin-
Ji area. According to the correlation analysis (Table 8), it can be known that O3 is less
relevant to other pollutants, and O3 is a critical atmospheric pollutant in summer, which

has become a limiting factor affecting the number of days to achieve the standard. O3
also has significant spatial and temporal characteristics, seasonal characteristics, and
will be affected by meteorological conditions, which we could apply the proposed

model to predict. Data from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2016, over Jing-jin-ji area
were input into the model to train and adjust the model’s structure to achieve the best
results. Figure 11 shows the correlation between the predicted and observed daily

average O3 values by TS-LSTME models on train set (2014-2015) and test set (2016),
respectively. The proposed model obtained high R2 values (0.96 and 0.86), indicating
strong consistency between predicted and observed values. The results show that the
proposed model is suitable for predicting multiple air pollutants.
Table 8. Pearson's coefficients between multiple air pollutants
R PM2.5 SO2 NO2 CO O3 PM10
PM2.5 1.00 0.66 0.65 0.81 -0.25 0.76
SO2 - 1.00 0.56 0.80 -0.31 0.54
NO2 - - 1.00 0.70 -0.54 0.54
CO - - - 1.00 -0.45 0.62
O3 - - - - 1.00 -0.19
PM10 - - - - - 1.00

Figure 11. Correlation between the predicted and observed daily average O3 values by TS-LSTME
models on different datasets: (a) on train dataset (2014-2015), (b) on test dataset (2016). The solid
line and dashed line are the regression line and y = x reference line, respectively.
4.2 Limitations and future work
In methodology, this study constructed a deep learning-based, nonlinear and
adaptive PM2.5 spatiotemporal temporal sliding prediction model by the analysis of the

temporal and spatial correlations and influencing factors of atmospheric pollutants,

based on the historical data of atmospheric pollutants from monitoring stations. The
proposed model can more effectively capture the long-term change law of the target
variable in the way of time sliding and thus performs well in long-term prediction tasks.

It is suitable for predicting multiple air pollutants such as O3, PM10, etc. Moreover, the
proposed model structure can be adjusted to predict other target variables by choosing
suitable influencing factors and time lag appropriately according to the actual situation.

However, there exist some limitations of the proposed model. First, the intervals of the
prediction results are often smaller than the ranges of the actual values. There exist
cases of underestimation and overestimation, which also reflects the complexity of

PM2.5 concentration predictions. In the future study, we will propose a global-local

neural network model. A global model based on TS-LSTME is established to learn the
overall change trend of air pollutants in the area, and a local model is set to learn the
changes of air pollutant concentrations with higher or lower values, and fine-tune
predictions of the global model to obtain the final forecast results. Second, we
established the model in units of cities, without fully considering the regional effects of
pollutants in a large area. In the future study, we will combine CNN and TS-LSTME
model to extract more essential spatiotemporal correlation features, and apply it to a
5. Conclusions
Most current studies directly predict air pollutants by inputting data for a fixed
period of time in the future. The prediction results performed well in the short-term
prediction such as 1h-predictions, but in the long-term prediction (up to or above 24h-
predictions), the time interval between forecasting and training will become very long,
which results in lowering the temporal correlations between them. Thus the accuracy
of the long-term prediction is generally low. In this paper, the TS-LSTME model based
on deep artificial neural networks was proposed for air quality in long-term prediction.
The proposed model involved hourly historical PM2.5 concentration data and auxiliary
data (meteorological data and temporal data). The model, which integrated the optimal
time lag by the spatiotemporal correlation analysis, is capable of capturing the long-
term change in the way of temporal sliding prediction through multi-layer bidirectional

LSTM, which can maintain the high temporal correlations. The results of the
performance evaluation and comparison with other models demonstrated that the

proposed model based on the method of temporal sliding prediction could be more
effective in extracting temporal features from spatiotemporal correlations of PM2.5
monitoring stations for predicting PM2.5 concentration in long-term series. The
proposed model is suitable for long-term forecasting tasks and has strong practicability.
The proposed model can be applied in other regions for multiple air pollutant
predictions such as O3, PM10, etc. By spatializing predicted results of the air quality
monitoring stations by the TS-LSTME model, the spatial distribution characteristics of
air pollutants in the region can be evaluated in real-time.
Based on the forecast results, the relevant departments can predict where will appear

more severe pollutant pollution and adjust some measures in time to effectively control
pollution emissions according to the specific conditions of different cities, such as warn
the public to go out as little as possible to reduce exhaust emissions caused by cars
driving, supervise and control the construction site to reduce the dust caused, require

some industrial enterprises to reduce production to ensure the stable discharge and meet
the standards, strengthen the comprehensive management of catering industry fume and
so on. The conceptual and methodological advancement of this study could assist in

joint prevention and control of regional pollutants which could promote sustainable
urban development.

Conflict of Interest
We would like to submit the revised manuscript entitled “Modeling air quality
prediction using a deep learning approach: method optimization and evaluation”, which
we wish to be considered for publication in “Sustainable Cities and Society”. No
conflict of interest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and manuscript is
approved by all authors for publication. I would like to declare on behalf of my co-
authors that the work described was original research that has not been published
previously, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part.
All the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed.


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