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This technical consulting Agreement (“Agreement“) is made on (“Effective



[Your Company Name], a company registered under the Companies Act,

2013 having CIN [•] with its registered office at [Address of Your Company],
(the “Company“), which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or
meaning thereof, be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns;


[Employee Name], son of [Employee Father’s Name], aged about

[Employee Age], with permanent account number [ABCD], residing at
[Current Address] (the “Technical Consultant”) which expression shall,
unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be deemed to mean and
include its agents, successors and assigns

The Company and the Technical Consultant shall hereinafter collectively be

referred to as the “Parties” and individually as the “Party“.


1. The Company is engaged in the business of marketing and selling IT

Solutions (Hardware & Software).
2. The Technical Consultant is desirous of providing technical consulting
3. The Parties have recorded the terms and conditions of their
arrangement in this Agreement.


1.1          The Company hereby appoints the Technical Consultant as an

authorized non- exclusive independent representative to provide technical
consulting services to the company.

1.2.         The Technical Consultant shall be required to devote such time,

energy and skill on a regular and consistent basis as is necessary to procure
Contracts for the Company in the Territory during the term of this Agreement.

1.3          The Company may call upon and the Technical Consultant shall
assist the Company in all services required or requested in connection with
Company’s business, including, but not limited to, such services of an
advisory nature as may be requested from time to time by Company.


2.1          The Technical Consultant shall receive a weekly sum amounting to

INR [AMOUNT] as Salary (Commission).

2.2          The Salary (Commission) shall be paid out within 07 days of raising
the invoice and shall be paid only on fees for services rendered by the
Company as per the Contract and shall not include freight, supplies, and other
charges incidental to the performance of said services.

2.3          The Technical Consultant shall bear any and all costs or expenses
incurred by him to perform his obligation under this Agreement, including, but
not limited to, vehicle insurance, travel expenses and telephone expenses.


3.1 This Agreement shall be valid for a period of [90] days from the
Effective Date.

3.2 Each Party may terminate this Agreement by means of a registered

letter with advice of receipt, to be sent to the other Party with a notice period
of 07 Days. The party terminating this Agreement shall have the option of
replacing the notice period, in whole or in part, with compensation for
Commission for the number of months’ notice involved, calculated on the
average Commission paid in the calendar year preceding the communication
to the other party of the wish to take up this option. A party may waive the
notice received, in whole or in part, and in this case, the party terminating this
Agreement shall not be entitled to any compensation in lieu.

3.3 The giving of notice shall not be required in the event of termination of
the Agreement for the infringement of contractual obligations. The present
contract shall be cancelled automatically in the event of the bankruptcy,
arrangement with creditors or any other insolvency procedures, the
debarment and disqualification of either of the parties; any criminal cases
being registered against the Sales Representative, any judgements against
the Sales Representative in civil proceedings that could damage its reputation
or prevent the normal running of its business.

3.4 A trial period of 30 Days is provided for, during which time either party
may withdraw from the contract by giving 07 Days notice.


During the term of this Agreement or within [2] year(s) after its termination, the
Technical Consultant shall not provide same or similar services within the
Territory to any other person, firm, partnership, corporation or other entity in
the same business as the Company.


Under no circumstances and at no time shall the Technical Consultant

disclose to any person any of the secrets, methods or systems used by
Company in its business. All customer lists, brochures, reports, and other
such information of any nature (“Confidential Information“) made available
to the Sales Representative by virtue of the Sales Representative’s
association with the Company shall be held in strict confidence during the
term of this Agreement and after its termination.


6.1          This Agreement shall not create a partnership, joint venture, agency,
employer/employee or similar relationship between the Company and the
Technical Consultant.
6.2          The Technical Consultant shall be an independent contractor. The
Technical Consultant shall not be considered an employee of Company and
shall not be entitled to participate in any plan, arrangement or distribution by
Company pertaining to or in connection with any pension, stock, bonus, profit
sharing or other benefit extended to Company’s employees.

6.3          The Technical Consultant is not authorized to extend any warranty

or guarantee or to make representations or claims with respect to Company’s
services without express written authorization from Company.


7.1          The Technical Consultant covenants and undertakes to provide

consulting and advisory services on the basis of the stipulated prices and
terms of contract and in accordance with the instructions given by the

7.2          The Technical Consultant agrees and undertakes to comply with the
instructions of the Company as communicated from time to time, the general
directives and the commercial policy of the Company which shall be
communicated to the Technical Consultant from time to time.

7.3          The Technical Consultant shall act independent of the Company and
in a completely autonomous manner. The Sales Representative shall not be
subordinate to or employed in any capacity by the Company.

7.4          The Technical Consultant shall be required to submit a weekly

progress report (“Weekly Progress Report“) in the prescribed format. The
Company may also request the Technical Consultant to and the Technical
Consultant shall provide any documentation as requested by the Company
regarding sales.

7.5          The Technical Consultant covenants and undertakes to notify the

Company in relation to any  act of unfair competition or infringement of
industrial property rights or intellectual property rights, regarding the Contracts
committed by third parties in the Territory  and, on request, to provide the
Company with assistance for the protection of its rights in the Territory.

The rights and duties of the Technical Consultant under this Agreement are
personal and may not be assigned or delegated without the prior written
consent of Company.


9.1          The Technical Consultant shall indemnify and hold the Company
harmless of and from any and all claims or liability arising as a result of
negligent, intentional or other acts of the Technical Consultant.

9.2          The Company shall indemnify and hold the Technical Consultant
harmless of and from any and all liability attributable solely to the negligent,
intentional or other acts of the Company or its employees.


10.1 This agreement and all transactions contemplated hereby, shall be

governed by, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of India.

10.2 Subject to the above, the appropriate courts in Delhi shall have
exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any matter arising out of this
Implementation Agreement.


Any notice under this Agreement shall be deemed given on the third business
day following the mailing of any such notice, postage paid, to the address set
forth above.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Technical Consultant and Company have executed

this Agreement effective as of the date and year first written above.

For Company    

(Signature of Authorized Signatory)

Name: Signing Authority

Designation: Head Human Resource

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