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Version 5.0

Revision Record
Version Date Change Description Reviewer Approved by
Siby Joseph, Poonam
1.0 1-Apr-2009 New Document Release J. Ram

Document Modification to include updation Siby Joseph, Srinivas

2.0 01-Mar-2013 Preeti Das
in clause 5.0 Sastri

01-Jan-2015 Document updation to replace Birlasoft Siby Joseph, Deepak Preeti Das
3.0 Values and Beliefs with Group Corporate Core Dobriyal, Subrat
Values (clause 7). Chakravarty

Deepak Dobriyal, John Anjan Lahiri

4.0 01-Jan-2016
Document updation for updation Bahadur, Samit Deb
in Values
4.1 01-Nov-2016 Updation of review of frequency clause Siby Joseph, Deepak Anjan Lahiri
Dobriyal, John
Bahadur, Samit Deb

5.0 01-Apr-17 Siby Joseph, Deepak Anjan Lahiri

Policy modification for updation of Dobriyal, John
Values and its definitions. Also Bahadur, Samit Deb
added social responsibility clause.

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unless written permission is obtained from the authorized Birlasoft personnel
Classification: Internal Ver 5.0

1.0 Objective .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
2.0 Applicability ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
3.0 Definitions ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
4.0 Organization Commitments ............................................................................................................................... 3
5.0 Moral Code Of Conduct and Integrity ............................................................................................................... 4
6.0 Work Ethics ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
7.0 Birlasoft Values ................................................................................................................................................... 5
8.0 Employee Obligations: ....................................................................................................................................... 6

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unless written permission is obtained from the authorized Birlasoft personnel
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1.0 Objective
To lay down Birlasoft Code of Conduct, Ethics, Values, Integrity and Beliefs, which forms the basis of the organization’s
existence and the way business is conducted. Our Business Principles and Code of Ethics and Conduct define our core
values of integrity, commitments and respect for people, which determines the way we manage our business. These
are supported by various policies, processes and standards that define how we aim to operate in socially and
environmentally responsible ways.

2.0 Applicability
 All regular full-time permanent employees on the rolls of Birlasoft
 All full-time/part-time trainees, including summer interns
 All contractual and vendor staff (full-time and part-time) &
 All part-time employees / contractual staff who are providing services for Birlasoft

Collectively known as ‘Associates or Birlasoftians’ in this document.

3.0 Definitions
The term ‘Birlasoft’ used in this document includes all holding companies, associate companies, branches and
subsidiaries of Birlasoft Globally.

4.0 Organization Commitments

4.1 Commitment to Equal Opportunity & Equal Remuneration and Dignity of Human Beings

Birlasoft is committed to provide equal opportunities to all its employees, who perform activities which are similar
in nature and are holding similar qualifications and relevant experience. Birlasoft undertakes that it will not
discriminate any employee, customer, visitor or any individuals or body corporate on the basis of gender, caste,
color, religion, nativity or nationality. Merit will be the prime consideration in all its dealings and engagements,
including hiring, promotions and alternative job opportunities.

Birlasoft also undertakes to provide equality in terms of employment opportunity, remuneration, facility,
infrastructure, services etc. to all its equally qualified and equally competent employees and it will always adhere
to the principle of ‘equality among equals’ in all its dealings.

Birlasoft, in all its transactions and dealings, is committed to ensure respect of all human beings and fair and
impartial treatment to all its employers, customers, vendors and business partners at all times.

Birlasoft is also committed to the dignity of human beings. Its commitments and practices are based on the belief
that ‘human life and human dignity are inviolable’. Human life is worthy of protection and human dignity worthy
of respect of always. Therefore, all Birlasoftians in all their dealings and engagements with their colleagues,
customers, vendors, government officials, security and service staff and any and all human beings, irrespective of
their nationality, nativity, religion, caste or color, social status or official positions, shall treat all human beings with
dignity and honour. Any violation to this fundamental belief and commitment will be dealt as per the disciplinary
policy of the organization.

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unless written permission is obtained from the authorized Birlasoft personnel
Classification: Internal Ver 5.0

4.2 Commitment to Compliance of Laws, Regulations

Birlasoft, upholding the traditions of the CK Birla Group, is committed to all its stakeholders, including employees,
customers and vendors that while doing business in any part of the world it will comply with the applicable Laws
and Regulations, which are in force from time to time. It is committed to comply with all Laws and Regulations
related to taxation, employment laws, work environment, safety and health standards, environmental laws, labour
and employee welfare regulations, wages acts, visa regulations, maternity benefit laws, retirement benefits
regulations and/or any such laws and regulations, as applicable to the organization and/or its employees.

While doing all kinds of transactions and dealings the organization shall ensure complete fairness and transparency
of its books of account to the best of its knowledge and maintain them as stipulated in applicable the laws and
regulations of the land.

An organization’s commitment is the collective commitment of all its associates. Therefore, by virtue of being part
of the Birlasoft family, each Birlasoftian is mandated to fully meet the organization’s commitments, as in this policy
document, at all times.

5.0 Moral Code Of Conduct and Integrity

A Code of Conduct and Integrity are not processes or guidelines but a way of our daily life and a means by which we
put our values into practice. This code is not merely a set of rules for specific circumstances but an intentionally
expansive statement of principles meant to inform and perform all our actions in our day-to-day life. One of our
Company’s major assets is our reputation for acting in honor and equality.

Each Birlasoftian is a brand ambassador holding the values and ethics of the organizations. All Birlasoftians are
expected to be extremely fair and impartial in all transactions and are expected to avoid situations, which might tarnish
the image of Birlasoftian and or the Company’s reputation.

Birlasoft’s Corporate Code of Conduct requires Birlasoftians to conduct business consistent with its corporate values
and in accordance with applicable laws. It sets forth guidelines to govern the way Birlasoftians operate and help them
exercise the highest degree of honesty and integrity in their dealings with others.

Each Birlasoftian is also required to hold high degree of integrity in all their dealings – be it with internal customers,
external customers, vendors, auditors, contractors, suppliers, procurement agents, government officials, legal bodies,
corporate or any person or institution directly or indirectly attributable to having any business interest or transaction
with Birlasoft.

Birlasoft has a zero tolerance policy on any matter related to moral code of conduct, ethics and integrity, including but
not limited to the following:

 Accepting or giving bribe in any manner

 Funding and/or supporting any anti-social activities or organizations, banned institutions, including terrorism
 Misinterpretation and use of organizational policies and procedures for undue personal gains and benefits.
 Falsification of documents, willful concealment of information or facts related to one’s employment, including
failure to report involvement in any criminal cases prior to or during the course of employment with Birlasoft
 Inappropriate trading practices, including insider trading, inappropriate billings and invoicing to clients /
 Breach of confidentiality agreement of organization, client or breach of employment terms
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unless written permission is obtained from the authorized Birlasoft personnel
Classification: Internal Ver 5.0

 Unlawful discrimination, unlawful assembly inside office premises and workplace violence
 Conflict of interest including decisions intended to unduly benefit self and/or relatives and/or fellow
colleagues and/or external bodies.
 Seeking or accepting undue favours of any kind from clients, vendors or other business associates
 Inappropriate reporting of working time and/or inappropriate claim of business expenses
 Willful violation or potential violation of company’s policies and standard operating procedures
 Working against the interest of the organization, including inciting others to underperform or act against the

6.0 Work Ethics

The image of the organization is determined by the work ethics and habits its associates imbibe. Birlasoftians must
ensure high quality of work ethics while being part of the organization. All Birlasoft employees are required to follow
these guidelines:
 Focus on job goals/objectives/output standards.
 Treat achievement of result as a basic commitment to the organization.
 Follow specified system and procedure in all aspects of their job.
 Keep work area clean and tidy. When break for the day, leave Work Station/Desk as clean, tidy and orderly as you
would like it to be on the next day.
 Keep your work area healthy and clean.
 Keep telephonic conversations as few and brief as possible, including avoiding long personal calls during working
 Do appreciate that the facilities and equipment provided in the work place are meant to promote your functional
efficiency and effectiveness. Therefore, their use for any other purpose but official is inappropriate and should be
 Birlasoft believes in maintaining a non-smoking environment for the comfort and safety of its employees.
Therefore, smoking within the work area is not permitted.
 As a mature member of the organization, scrupulously avoid and discourage gossip, loose talk and rumors,
especially pertaining to company affairs, policies, procedures or your fellow employees. If you hear anything of
this nature, do share/clarify with HR.
 Give your colleagues due consideration and cooperation and they too, in turn, should promote the spirit of
 Deal with the Company’s support staff with due tact and understanding so that they can contribute their maximum
towards making your work environment comfortable. In case of any misdemeanor on their part, report the same
to Administration.
 Mutual respect for every individual, both within the organization and outside, must be learnt and nurtured by all.

7.0 Birlasoft Values

7.1 Engaged : People are our biggest assets. This includes the customers we serve, our colleagues and the
suppliers we partner with. When customer work with us, they allow us to enter their organization and
blend harmoniously with their culture and people. We engage them to work seamlessly and it’s no
different when it comes to working with our partners. We stay engaged by:-

 Mutual Trust: We establish trust while engaging with our customers, colleagues and partners
every time we interact with them as we nurture these precious bonds in the best possible way.

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unless written permission is obtained from the authorized Birlasoft personnel
Classification: Internal Ver 5.0

 A Sense of Responsibility: Our customers have faith in our sense of responsibility. They are aware
that we will deliver in time by constant monitoring, creative backup plans and measuring results
at every stage.
 A Deep Sense of Caring: Companies perform when people do. We make people feel included and
happy by caring for them and treating them with respect.

7.2 Dependable: Customers look for support and we need to make them feel that they can rely on us. It’s
important for us to find out how we as an organization can win their trust and continue to function as a
dependable unit. Our dependability is enhanced by:

 Teamwork: Teamwork is about working together towards a common goal. One can only depend
on people by reaching out to them and creating a bond, rather than seeking their help only when
in need.
 Learning Organization: Businesses need people to innovate. Constant learning for the individual
and the organization is essential as it is the only dependable way to keep pace with change.
 Transparency in dealings: Transparency brings dependability. It promotes faith and nurtures trust.
Technology builds this transparency by removing barriers and making knowledge available.

7.3 Challenger: Our Organization is about scale and quality. We take great care to deliver the best to our
customers by understanding their needs. Focus, agility and flexibility from our side are always paramount
as we go the extra mile to drive success for our customers. We come out as challengers as by:

 5% Strech: Whenever we take up a challenge, we make sure that we deliver at least 5% more than
what’s expected. We achieve this by breaking down internal boundaries and creating a unique
solution by involving everyone in the organization.

 Flexible and Faster: We are relatively more agile in the industry. Flexibility in our approach
provides us an opportunity to offer a customized solution to our customers.

 Debate and dissent: We foster a culture of debate and dissent to generate new ideas and move
forward. This way we challenge the boundaries and defy the norms for innovating and setting
benchmarks in the industry.

8.0 Employee Obligations:

8.1 Confidentiality:
Besides employees and physical property/items/materials, our other assets include confidential data,
reports, technology, expertise in software related areas, R&D activities, and Market and Business plans.
It is expected that all Birlasoftians do not disclose any information related to employees, customers,
competition, management or anything which can be attributable to having accessed/gained knowledge
of during their employment with Birlasoft, without prior written approval from the authorized Birlasoft
management person. Protecting all confidential information against theft and misuse is the responsibility
of every employee.

8.2 Safe Custody Of Company Materials

Birlasoftians are be solely responsible for safe custody of any files, documents, equipment, computers,
machines, etc., of the company, which may be assigned to them as a part of their job

8.3 Ownership Rights:

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Any work, such as developmental, modifications, improvisations, in the form of modules, programs or
products carried out by any Birlasoftian on behalf of the Company shall be the property of the Company
and/or customer (as the case may be per agreement terms) and will have no personal claims to it.
Similarly, Birlasoft shall have full rights on any inventions or discoveries made by any Birlasoftian during
the course of employment with Birlasoft.
8.4 Social Responsibility:
As our workplace and daily lives are becoming more and more social, it is important for every Birlasoftian
to understand and segregate what is personal and official. You should not give the appearance of speaking
or acting on behalf of Birlasoft in social platforms or through social media unless you are authorized in
writing by the Head of Marketing or CEO of Birlasoft. When you speak out or comment on public issues or
in a public forum and where name of Birlasoft appears/taken, you should disclose that these are your
personal views and not the views or opinions of Birlasoft.


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