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Independent University Bangladesh

Course ID: Cse 104 Lab

Course Instructor: Nashid sultana

Name of student: Shahriar Amin Ronok

Department: Computer science

Experiment No: 2
Experiment Name: Resistance Measurement with Color Code and DMM

Working Date: 1 July 2021

Date of submission: 15 July 2021
Resistance measurement with color code and DMM
1. By using color table to find out the resistance of the resistance.
2. Measure the resistance using only DMM and compare the values with the tables.
3. To determine the resistor coded tolerance
Digital multimeter: A multimeter is an estimating instrument that can quantify various electrical
properties. A regular multimeter can quantify voltage, obstruction, and current, in which case it
is otherwise called a volt-ohm-milliammeter (VOM). Simple multimeters utilize a microammeter
with a moving pointer to show readings.

Resistor: Resistor is an electrical component that reduces the electric current. The fixed resistor
type is the most common resistor.
Theory: We learn the color code table to calculate value without DMM. Our instructor guides us
how to calculate this. We will compare the value with color code and using DMM.

 We can find the values of resistor using a DMM but at first, we will find the value of a
resistor by its color code and then we will see it is ok or not.
 Observe the color code and all the data given below in the table will help us to find out
the value of resistor without DMM.
 After calculating the value without the DMM then we will connect the DMM that the
value we calculate is ok or not.
 We connect the wire first to the two pole of resistor then start the stimulation and
calculate the value.
 We will get nominal value by +-- of x%.
Set up of all equipment:
Data Table:

Picture Colors Resistance Toleranc Maximum Minimum


Orange, 39×103 Ω 5% 5850 Ω 1950 Ω

White, =39000Ω

Yellow, 47×100 Ω 5% 49.35 Ω 44.65 Ω

Purple, =47Ω

Brown, 15×102 Ω 5% 1575Ω 1425 Ω

Green, Red, =1500 Ω

Red, Red, 22×102 Ω 5% 2310 Ω 2090 Ω

Red, Golden 2200 Ω

Yellow, 47×102 Ω 5% 4935Ω 4465 Ω

Purple, Red, =4700 Ω
Discussion: The resistors of the resistance were measured using the color chart. The first two
band of color gives the first two digits, and the 3rd band gives the number of powers in 10 and the
tolerance was measured by the 4th band which helps find the maximum and minimum resistance
of the resistor. The DMM was also used to measure the resistance to clarify the calculations and
hence the experiment was complete. Here I find the value of 5 resistors. I measure the resistor of
resistance using the color code mechanism. Then I measured the resistance to see the picture of
the resistors. I get the value from the picture and then measured the values of resistance,
tolerance, the maximum and minimum values of the resistors.

 First, need a working net connection because we are performing this lab in online.
 When we calculate the value using color code must calculate it very carefully otherwise,
we will get wrong value.
 Resistor should be connected by wire with DMM.
 Calculate value in DMM with resistor mode and after finishing all this thing start the

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