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STA. BRIGIDA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Grade 5 - English First Grading MODULE 1 Filling up Simple Forms Are you ready to learn? Let us discuss the parts of a bio-data in detail. Some reminders on how to fill-out each item are given. Let’s see how well you understand and follow directions. Personal Data @ Name- the most important information in any form and refers to your complete name including your first name, middle name, and family name. For example, Heraux Vanmerre Vallejos Miraples. @ Sex- refers to your sex that is, either male or female. Provincial address- refers to your address in the province where you originally came from, Make sure you include the number of your house, street, village/barangay or municipality, city, ‘or province. You may indicate your zip code too. For example, Teresita, Mansalay, Oriental Mindoro. If you do net have a provincial address, you can write n/a which stands for “not applicable. © Date of birth- refers to the date when you were born. Make sure you include the month, day, and year of your birth. For example, January 17, 2013, @ Place of birth-refers to where you were born; the city or municipality of your birth will do. For example, Poblacion, Mansalay, Oriental Mindoro. Citizenship-refers to your nationality. For example, Filipino, American, Indonesian, etc. @ Height-may be expressed in either feet and inches or centimeters. For example, if you are 4 feet and 6 inches tall, you can write either 4'6” or 137 cm, ‘@ Weight- may be expressed in either pounds or kilograms. For example, if you weigh 105 pounds, you can write either 105 lbs. or 47.73 kg. Religion-refers to a cause, principle, or system of beliefs you hold on to. For example, you may be a Roman Catholic, Muslim, iglesia ni Cristo, etc. ‘# Telephone/Celiphone-refers to the number of your telephone/cellphone or the number where you can be contacted. For example, 064-433-8873. If you have more than one contact ‘umber, you may indicate all of them here. ‘@ Father’s name- refers to the complete name of your father. For example, Emesto Martinez de Jesus. Make sure you indicate your father’s first name, middle name, and family name. You may choose not to write his middle name in full. In this case, you may simply indicate his middle initial. If your father is already dead, write “deceased” after his name. ‘© Occupation- refers to your father’s job. For example, carpenter, farmer, etc. If he isnot working anymore, write “retired.” Or if he does not have a job at the time you are filling-out the bio-data, write “unemployed.” # Mother's name- refers to the complete name of your mother. For example, Nena Reyes Callos. Make sure you indicate your mothers first name, middle name, and family name. You may decide not to write her middle name in full. In this case, you may simply write her middle initial. f your mother is already dead, write “deceased” after her name. ‘ Occupation. refers to your mother's job. For example, dressmaker, cook, etc. ‘© Applicant's signature- shows your signature to signify that you have been truthful in your application. ig-out a Bio-data Sheet Below is a blank form of a bio-data sheet. Fill it out with the necessary information with the help of an adult in your family, Make sure that all data are entered accurately. Refer to the scoring rubrics given to you. Activity 1: Lo BIO-DATA PHOTO Citizenship _ = Height a — Weight Religion = Father's Name Occupation = Mother's Name a Z Occupation : = Thereby certify that theaboveinformaticn istrucand correct tothe bestof my knowle&e and belie. also understandthat any msiterprtation willbe consdred sufficient reason 1 withdraval ofanoffer or subsequent dismissal employed Teas ignatare ‘Activity 2 Lesson 1: Follow printed directions in completing school forms such as information sheet. Exercise A Directions: Fill out the sample Science Club membership form below. Name: pain esate es last Name First Name Mi Grade & Section: Birthday: Month/Date/Year Sex: Age: Male Female Color of Eyes: Color of Hair: Complexion: Height: Weight: Address: No. Street Barangay Town Province Citizenship: Person to contact in case of Emergency: Name Relationship Address Telephone Number J Signature of the Member ‘Activity 3 Lesson 1. Follow printed directions in completing school forms such as information sheet. Exercise 8 Directions: Next year, you will be in Grade VI and old enough to enroll by yourself. Fill out the Enrolment form below. Name: Last Name. First Name Mi Grade this school year: Final Rating in Grade V: Birthday: ‘Age: Month/Date/Year Place of Birth: No. Street Barangay Town Province City Sex: Nationality: Religion: Name of Father: (Occupation: Name of Mother Occupation: Name of Guardian: Address: Telephone Number: Activity 4 What | know ‘A. Directions: Read the short dialogue to answer the questions below. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on the space before the number. My School ID Interview Today is August 24th, itis 10 o'clock in the morning, Nona is atthe school office, because she needs her ID. Learner: Good Mor ;00d morning. Can | help you? Learner: Yes, Ineed my student ID. Secretary: Okay. What is your name? Learner: My last name is Fernandez Secretary: Can you spell it, please? Learner: Yes, it is FE-R-N-AN-O-EZ. 1nd what is your first name? Learner: My first name is Nona. Secretary: How old are you? Learner: | am eleven years old n fact, today is my birthday. Secretary: Oh! Happy birthday, sweetheart. What is your address? Learner: My address is #864 Tisa St Secretary: What is your telephone and zip code number? Learner: My phone number is 064-201-1234 and my zip code is 9805 Secretary: Where do you come from? Learner: live in Kalawag 2, Isulan, Sultan Kudarat. Secretary: Here is your ID, Learner: Thank you very much! Secretary: Have a nice day! , Ma'am, 11. What is the full name of the learner? a.Nona . Kalawag, b. Fernandez d. Nona Fernandez

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