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1. Complete the sentences using relative pronouns. Use who and which.
1. A Scot is a person ………………… lives in Scotland
2. Nessie is a monster …………………lives in Loch Ness
3. A fridge is a thing …………………. Keeps food cool
4. A bee is an insect ………………… makes honey
5. A lemon is a fruit ………………… is yellow and sour
6. A watch is a thing ………………. tells the time
7. A ferry is a ship ………………… carries people across the water
8. A shop assistant is someone ………………… works in a shop
9. A key is a thing ……………….. can open and lock doors
10. A DJ is someone ……………….. plays music in a disco
11. This is the man ….......................... built our house.
12. That is the bridge ….......................... we have to cross.
13. The girl …......................... lives next door is very nice.
14. The bus …........................... takes you to the station should be here any minute
15. This is the dog …............................ barks every night.

2. Join the definitions and complete with a relative pronoun

1. A banana a. is a person …..................... pulls teeth
2. A hat b. is a horse …...................... is very small
3. A pony c. is a fruit …........................ is long and yellow
4. A dentist d. is a big car …...........................carries a lot of people
5. A bus e. is a thing …...................... which people wear on their heads

3. Decide whether the relative pronoun is correct or not.

1. The postman which works in this village is very old.
2. The egg which is in the nest is brown.
3. Where is the bed who was in the attic?
4. The bottles that are lying on the floor are green.
5. The cowboy who is wearing the red shirt is very funny.

4. Choose the correct relative pronoun (who, which, whose).
1. This is the bank …............................... was robbed yesterday.
2. A boy …............................... sister is in my class was in the bank at that time.
3. The man …................................ robbed the bank had two pistols.
4. He wore a mask …................................... made him look like Mickey Mouse.
5. He came with a friend ….............................. waited outside in the car.
6. The woman …................................. gave him the money was young.
7. The bag …................................... contained the money was yellow.
8. The people ….................................. were in the bank were very frightened.
9. A man …................................... mobile was ringing did not know what to do.
10.A woman …................................... daughter was crying tried to calm her.
11.The car …...................................... the bank robbers escaped in was orange.
12.The robber …....................................mask was obviously too big didn't drive.
13.The man ….................................... drove the car was nervous.
14.He didn't wait at the traffic lights ….............................. were red.
15.A police officer car …............................. was parked at the next corner stopped
and arrested them.

5. Complete the sentences with relative clauses in simple present. Use who
or which.
1. This is the man (work at the station) .
2. The tree (grow in the garden) is an apple tree.
3. The man (go jogging) every Friday is my neighbour.
4. The elephants (live in Africa) have big ears.
5. Turn left at the yellow house (be opposite) the petrol station.

6. Complete the sentences with who, which or where

1. There isn’t anyone ………………………. Can cook better than me
2. I’ve got something ………………………. You can use for your project
3. This is a place ……………………… we can have lunch.
4. Is there anyone here ……………………… can play the guitar?
5. We went to a party ……………………….. they had great food

7. Read the text, and fill in the gaps

that that what when when when when where which which
which which which who who who whose

Did you ever hear about the man eats paper? This is a true story took place in
Australia from I heard. It's the story of a man suffers from some sort of disease
makes him crave cellulose, is the material paper is made of.

He used to eat newspapers, was all he could get, until his wife decided that it would
be better if she made paper for him (so he wouldn't have to eat the ink covers
newspapers, you know). She didn't want to be known as the woman husband was
obliged to eat inky newspapers because he had no kind person to make newsprint for

His wife is a woman loves a joke, so she makes him paper has all sorts of
exotic flavours. So, now he only eats the paper his wife makes and only eats
ordinary newspapers he is travelling, for instance he is in New York.

He likes to visit New York, because it is the newspapers are the thickest. He is
happiest on Sunday, he is in New York, because that is the newspapers are
really thick. Thick newspapers, for him, are like a banquet at an excellent restaurant.

8. Decide whether the relative pronoun is necessary or not.

1. This is the ring that I found yesterday.
2. Do you know the man that is speaking with Anne?
3. I still have the book that you gave me.
4. Is this the woman that lost her purse?
5. Is this the key that we were looking for?
6. This is the picture that Jane painted.
7. Do you know the man who is speaking on the phone?
8. We ate the sweets which my mother had bought.
9. Is this the boy who plays the piano?
10. This is the house that was broken into.

9.- Complete the sentences with relative clauses. Use who or which.
1. A Dutch is a person (live in the Netherlands)
2. A giant is someone (be very tall)
3. An alarm clock is a clock (wake you up in the morning)

4. A ladybird is a red beetle (have black spots on its back)
5. A waitress is a woman (serve food and drinks in a restaurant)
6. Catherine and Sue are two girls (like dancing)
7. My mobile phone is something (be very important to me)
8. Antony is a friend of mine (live in Boston)
9. West Side Story is a musical (be very famous)
10. An airport is a place (planes land)

10. Combine the sentences using a relative clauses without a relative

1. I watched a film last night. The film was interesting.
The film
2. Carly helps a man. The man is my teacher.
The man
3. We ate chicken at the restaurant. It was delicious.
The chicken
4. The boy is very nice. I know him from school.
The boy
5. The shoes are too big. My grandma bought them for me.
The shoes
1. We bought a car last week. The car is blue.
The car
2. The girl is a singer. We met her at the party.
The girl
3. The bananas are on the table. George bought them.
The bananas
4. We watched a film last night. It was really scary.
The film
5. I have to learn new words. They are very difficult.
The new words

11. Join the sentences with a relative pronoun. Make any necessary changes

1. A man has gone to prison. He shot two policemen.

2. A bomb caused a lot of damage. It went off this morning.
3. A scientist has won the Nobel Prize. He discovered a new planet.
4. A footballer has been banned from playing again. He took drugs.
5. A little girl has been found safe and well. She had been missing since Tuesday.
6. A company has laid off thousands of workers. It owns Greenway supermarkets.
7. An old lady now wants to swim the English Channel. She did a parachute jump.
8. Harriet talked to a couple. They were staying at the camp site.
9. The postcard was from Harriet. It came this morning.
10. Mike and Harriet are visiting a woman. They met her on holidays.
11. The old castle was really interesting. We visited it.
12. She’s Tom’s new girlfriend. She just said hello.
13. The dog has been rescued. It fell down a hole.
14. The story was untrue. It upset everyone.
15. He’s a film producer. He interviewed Natasha.
16. The accident wasn’t very serious. Daniel saw it.
17. He’s a millionaire. Claire knows him.
18. The vase was extremely valuable. David broke it.
19. It’s really nice. Melanie wore it at the party.
20. This is the bus. I have been waiting for it.
21. The restaurant is closed today. We normally go to this restaurant.
22. We stayed at the hotel. I can’t remember the name of the hotel.
23. Electronics is a subject. I know very little about it.
24. Vera Stokes is a politician. Her sister once worked for Colin.
25. Felix Reeves is a journalist. His tape-recorder was stolen.
26. Graham Wilshaw is an architect. He knew Colin at school.
27. Rex Carter is a farmer. Colin bought his land.
28. Norman Bridge is a lawyer. He looked after Colin’s interests.
29. Sonia Goldman is a house guest. Her fingerprints were on the door handle.
30. George Paxton is a company director. He had an argument with Colin.

31. I’d like to speak to that person. He lives next door.
32. A woman has just bought a new house. My sister knows her.
33. He’s an architect. He designed the new library.
34. I saw a house. My brother wants to buy it.
35. I go to Barcelona next week. I haven’t gone there for a long time.
36. Madonna’s parents were born in Italy. She’s a famous American singer.
37. He’s the man. He lives in the fourth floor.
38. Please, give me the tool. I need it.
39. The doctor told me it wasn’t very serious. He lives near my office.
40. The building was built many centuries ago. You can see it here on the right.
41. The manager has left his job. He offered me that position.
42. The book was a detective story. I was reading it yesterday.
43. The man is my English teacher. You spoke to him in the street.
44. The street isn’t very wide. It leads to the school.
45. The doctor is famous. She visited him.
46. The ring has three diamonds. My boyfriend gave it to me.
47. I met a young woman. She works in the Post Office.
48. Did you see that letter? It came this morning.
49. I would like to see the tree. You picked the apple from it.
50. They are the people. They offered Sue a job.
51. The car has now been found. It was stolen.
52. That’s the knife and fork. I eat with them.
53. He’s the person. He wanted to buy your house.
54. We threw out the computer. It never worked properly.
55. This is the lion. It’s been ill recently.
56. The man was badly injured. He was driving the car.
57. The children broke my window. They live in the next street.
58. They sold the cat. It was afraid of mice.
59. This is the chair. My parents gave it to me.
60. I’ve applied for the job. You told me about it.
61. We’re looking for the ball. We were playing with it.

62. Tom has driven all day. He is tired and wants to stop.
63. A man answered the phone. He said tom was out.
64. I met Mary. She asked me to give you this.
65. We can’t come back to Liverpool. Our mother died there.
66. I’m looking for some children. They are terribly spoilt.
67. This is the story of a man. His wife suddenly loses her memory.
68. I went to Munich. I had always wanted to visit Munich.
69. We lit a fire. It soon dried out our clothes.
70. A man has gone to prison. He shot two policemen.
71. A bomb caused a lot of damage. It went off this morning.
72. A scientist has won the Nobel Prize. He discovered a new planet.
73. A footballer has been banned from playing again. He took drugs.
74. Harriet talked to a couple. They were staying at the camp site.
75. The postcard was from Harriet. It came this morning.
76. Mike and Harriet are visiting a woman. They met her on holidays.
77. The old castle was really interesting. We visited it.
78. She’s Tom’s new girlfriend. She just said hello.
79. The dog has been rescued. It fell down a hole.
80. The man is very friendly. He lives next door.
81. We know a lot of people. They live in London.
82. Where are the eggs? They were in the fridge.
83. A man answered the phone. He told me you were out.
84. A waitress served us. She was very impolite and impatient.
85. Some boys were arrested. They have now been released.
86. The man was away on holiday. I wanted to see him.
87. Have you found the keys? You lost them.
88. Do you know that girl? Tom is talking to her.
89. The bed wasn’t very comfortable. I slept in it last night.
90. The bed was so soft. I slept in it.
91. The flight was fully booked. We wanted to travel on it.
92. Who was that girl? You were with her last night.

93. The police haven’t found the man. He stole my car.
94. I was at school with the man. He´s driving a taxi.
95. There’s some cheese in the fridge. It needs to be eaten.
96. We’ve got some light bulbs. They last for years.
97. Where’s that nurse? I saw her last time.
98. There are problems. You don’t have them.
99. She showed me a photo of her son. Her son is a policeman.
100. We decided not to swim in the sea. The sea looked rather dirty.
101. The new stadium will be opened next month. It holds 90.000 people.
102. The postman was late this morning. The postman is nearly always on time.
103. We often go to visit our friends in Bristol. Bristol is only 30 miles away.
104. I went to see the doctor. The doctor told me to rest for a few weeks.
105. The story was untrue. It upset everyone.
106. He’s a film producer. He interviewed Natasha.
107. The accident wasn’t very serious. Daniel saw it.
108. He’s a millionaire. Claire knows him.
109. The vase was extremely valuable. David broke it.
110. It’s really nice. Melanie wore it at the party.
111. This is the bus. I have been waiting for it.
112. The restaurant is closed today. We normally go to this restaurant.
113. We stayed at the hotel. I can’t remember the name of the hotel.
114. Electronics is a subject. I know very little about it.
115. Vera Stokes is a politician. Her sister once worked for Colin.
116. Felix Reeves is a journalist. His tape-recorder was stolen.
117. Graham Wilshaw is an architect. He knew Colin at school.
118. Rex Carter is a farmer. Colin bought his land.
119. Norman Bridge is a lawyer. He looked after Colin’s interests.
120. Sonia Goldman is a house guest. Her fingerprints were on the door handle.
121. George Paxton is a company director. He had an argument with Colin
122. The girl had a car. It broke down in front of the shop.
123. This is the girl. She comes from Spain.

124. Peter is the boy. He has just arrived at the airport.
125. The man forgot his umbrella. It was a present.
126. The children are not from our school. They shouted in the street.
127. I like the car. You bought it yesterday.
128. What did you do with the money? Your mother lent it to you.
129. My flat is in an old part of the city. It was built in the 1920s.
130. There are lots of bars and restaurants in the neighbourhood. I live there.
131. My neighbour comes from Ecuador. He works on the fruit farms
132. The traffic is also very noisy. It passes my flat.
133. Thank you for the present. You sent it to me.
134. I sleep on the bed. It has no mattress.
135. I had come to see the man. He was sitting at this desk.
136. I missed the train. I usually catch it.
137. The firm is sending me to New York. I work for it.
138. This is the village. I live here.
139. That is the mountain. I go skiing there every summer.
140. This is the iPod. My mother bought it for me.
141. Is that the man? You arrived with him.
142. Where are the plums? I put them on the fridge.
143. The people have all been arrested. He works with them.
144. He works for a spy network. I know nothing about it.
145. The person is his mother. He looks after her.
146. The chair belonged to my grandmother. You are sitting on it.

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