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DATE: 14/07/2021

1. Read the text and do the following activities.

Nurse who stabbed daughter to death is jailed for 12 years

A nurse who stabbed her four-year-old daughter to death before drinking
antifreeze has been sent to prison for 12 years.

Dawn Makin, 35, killed Chloe Burke at their home in Bury, Greater
Manchester, after she was sacked following allegations that she passed
information about patients to a personal injury claims firm.

Preston crown court heard that Makin was suffering from an "abnormality
of mental function" when she attacked Chloe.

Peter Wright QC, for the prosecution, said: "She was no longer able to form a
rational judgment and believed the only way was to kill herself and her

The court heard how the nurse practitioner lost her job at Moorgate walk-in
centre in Bury after giving patient details to her boyfriend, Martin Campbell, who
worked for a personal injury claims firm. Her dismissal in August 2010 had "a
considerable effect … both financially and psychologically," Wright said. Five
months later Makin and Campbell split up, causing her further "considerable distress", the court
was told.

…Outside court, Chloe's father, Michael Burke, 40, said: "I'm shocked at the jail term because
she's already got a punishment. I feel sorry for her in a way. She wasn't in the right state of mind
and didn't know what she was doing at the time…

…Makin was jailed for 12 years and must serve a minimum of six
years before she can be released on parole.


2. Answer the following questions:

1. What can you say about Dawn Makin?

I think that when she had to go to rehab and not stay with her daughter.
2. Why did she (Dawn) commit such a crime?
Because she was fired from her job after being accused of passing patient information to
3. a personal injury claims firm. What did Peter Wright say for the prosecution?
Peter Wright QC, for the prosecution, said: "She was no longer able to form a rational
judgment and believed the only way was to kill herself and her daughter."
4. What did the court hear?
The court heard the statements of the boyfriend and also of the witnesses.
5. Who is Michael Burke?
He was the boyfriend and father of the girl she killed.
6. What is his attitude to Dawn’s punishment?
He was sorry for what happened

3. Translate into your native language:

1. to stab-apuñalar 4. an allegation- un acusacion 7. prosecution-procesamiento

2. a prison- una prision 5. to pass- dictar 8. judgment-jucio
3. to sack- robo 6. an injury- una lesion 9. court- corte
10. dismissal- despido 11. considerable-considerable 12. to split up-dividir
13. a jail- una carcel 14. punishment- castigo 15. to serve-servir
16. to release- lierar 15. a parole-libertad condicional

4. Match the words on the left with their meaning on the right:

Nr. Word Meaning

1. To stab (g) a) when someone is removed from their job
2. A prison (d) b) the lawyers in a trial who try to prove that a
person accused of committing a crime is guilty of
that crime
3. To sack (a) c) a building where trials and other legal cases
4. Prosecution (h) d) a building where criminals are forced to live as
a punishment
5. Judgement (b) e) when someone is punished
6. Court (c) f) to give freedom or free movement to someone
or something
7. Punishment (e) g) to injure someone with a sharp pointed object
such as a knife
8. To release (f) h) an official legal decision

5. Complete the following chart (try to write your own explanations):

Person Someone who… Name of crime

Burglar person who takes things from other Burglary
people and does not belong to them
arson takes things from pockets or bags Arsony
Arsonist person who starts a fire arson
Robber person who takes things from other robbery
Shoplifter steals from shops Shoplifting
Murderer person who kills other people murder

6. What for the crime these pictures describe?

1. 2. 3. 4.

1. Arsonist
He has a match in his hand
2. . Pickpocketing
He is stealing a wallet from a man
3. Shoplifting
He is stealing a cereal from a supermarket.
4. Burglary
He is stealing a TV from a house at night

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