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Discover sleep’s hidden secrets

Pamela Ball

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Published by Eagle Editions Limited

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ISBN 1-900032-67-8

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I would like to acknowledge the help I have received from various people.
Firstly, I must pay due regard to the assistance from Andrew, who has
lightened many a dull moment and done a large portion of the typing and
research. I should also like to acknowledge help from James, Davina, Ann
and Nikki and the many others drawn into the task of writing this book.
Not least, do I thank my husband John for his support during some trying

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Being asked to compile a second book on the interpretation and meaning
of dreams is something of a compliment. The subject is so vast that it
becomes difficult to know what to include and what to leave out. On
consideration, I did recognise, however, that the KISS (Keep It Simple,
Stupid) principle, so beloved of management gurus today, worked best in
dream management also. This book could therefore be useful in giving
people in this high-speed world of ours the opportunity to interpret their
dreams and use them creatively while on the move.

The book would contain succinct explanations, and would allow people
insights into their own personalities and the meanings of their dreams
without them having to undergo a rigorous period of self-training. By
including dream interpretations the reader could easily accumulate the
information they needed and could use many more of the modern-day
techniques and tips available to them. I have aimed to make the book easy
to use and practical and I have also devised it so that it would be less
cumbersome and of greater practical use, the sections and explanations
would be put in such a way that they could be used independently of each
other. It is up to the reader to discover which section affects their lives in
a more positive way.

So the following introduction gives a brief explanation of the functions of

dreams, an explanation of our basic responses and the language we learn
to use in dreams, along with suggestions as to how to use this book.
The second section gives a history of dream interpretation through the
ages and takes a brief look at the thinking of the main personalities and
methods. For interest, I have included a sample of the way that the
Chinese have offered explanations of their symbols - some of which are
very similar to Western interpretation.

The third part discusses sleep and sleep disorders, with some help on how
to deal with problems, as well as how to aid sleeping and dreaming.

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The next section deals more fully with the language of dreams, types of
dreams, the archetypes (a concept of great help in interpreting dreams),
some ways of understanding how we can deal with dreams and what we
can do to clarify some of the questions they raise. Prior to any dream
interpretation it is sensible to keep a dream journal, so that insights can be
gained into one’s own dreaming processes. It is also wise to learn how to
incubate a dream or rather learn how to dream for one’s own needs, and
also to learn how to meditate in order to enhance the dreaming process.
This segment of the book gives some suggestions.

There are then some sample dream interpretations reprinted with the
dreamer’s permission to show how the process works.

Before we come to the various interpretations of symbols and dream

images we discuss creativity and lucid dreaming. In many ways the art of
using dreams to enhance the waking life has progressed little beyond the
therapeutic methods beloved of psychologists, yet there are many ways in
which we can learn to dream and make use of our innate creativity.

The main part of this dictionary deals first, for ease of use, with four
separate sections containing explanations of (1) animal images (2)
environments (3) journeys (4) people. Such things appear so frequently in
dreams that it is easier to clarify their meaning than have to leaf through
the A-Z section, which is the final part of the images explained.

Finally there are work sheets which may be photocopied for the reader’s
own use.

The whole book gives, it is hoped, an easily understandable way of

working with dreams and learning to use their rich insights to enhance the
lives we lead.

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The focus of conscious activity is generally geared towards the
management of our everyday lives - how we react to circumstances
around us, what we think and what we feel. We take in information which
must be either used immediately or stowed until we can process it and fit
it into some kind of pattern. All this activity takes place quite quickly, but
at the same time we are receiving many subconscious and subliminal
impressions which frequently form the ‘stuff that dreams are made of’. It
is this material which often pops up in the dream state in what seems to
be a fairly random fashion, but often is not entirely haphazard. It has
simply been put together in a different context from the one in which we
received it. Dreams tap into a huge database of memory, experience,
perception and cultural belief to form new ideas and concepts. They also
present us with a way of solving problems which may seem impossible on
a conscious level.
Dreams thus perform at least two functions, and interestingly these
activities are relevant to the attributes of the two separate halves of the
brain. One is the correct sorting and filing of incoming information -
activity appropriate to the logical, more verbal side of the brain, and the
other is the intuitive, more visually based activity of the right side. Dreams
are the presentation of information - material which is of relevance only
to the dreamer - necessary for him to function successfully within the
world in which he lives. As he becomes more efficient at opening up to
these two potentials, he has more creative energy available to him, and
can therefore make better use of his own talents. In dreaming, the
limitations that the conscious mind places on the thought processes are
removed, and the mind has the freedom to roam wherever it pleases,
assembling images at random to suit its own purpose. Free from
hindrance, it will create scenarios and situations which challenge
rationalisation by the logical side of the personality, and yet have a clarity
and purpose of their own, if only we are able to crack the code. In looking
for explanations we have to become more creative and open in the
pursuit of knowledge. We can thereby tap into not only our own database
of images, but also into an even more subtle level of information available

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to everyone. This is the level that Jung labelled the Collective
Much of that which we call the ‘unconscious’ forms a set of basic
physiological and psychological responses, our way of successfully
managing our existence. It is also a collection of inherited norms of
conduct, beliefs and ideals. So when the Collective Unconscious becomes
more accessible to us, it becomes obvious that there are certain patterns
or models which continually emerge. These basic patterns often have
been adjusted according to the dreamer’s perceptions or experience, and
can therefore be distorted or skewed in some way. Often our dreams will
highlight the way in which we have made those distortions and allow us
to re-adjust them so we can function better. Conversely, dreams may
often distort our carefully constructed beliefs and ideals, forcing us to
question many aspects of our daily existence. New experience, trauma, or
a reassessment of our own lives can bring to the surface a level of memory
which is not normally easily accessible. It is a sort of Pandora’s box
containing good, bad and indifferent material presented for our scrutiny.
The more we scrutinise this treasure chest, the more subtle and
interesting the explanations become. The simpler, easier and more
pertinent the explanations are, the more we shall be able to use the
knowledge and wisdom we gain as a tool. Thus dreams can often be
interpreted from more than one perspective in order to be fully
understood. Dream interpretation can never be an exact science and must
take into account the dreamer’s understanding of himself. No one other
than the dreamer can totally understand a dream, however skilled they
may be. The dreamer may not be looking for psychological or spiritual
interpretation, but simply an easy explanation of the dream. The aim is to
recognise that:-

. Our unconscious Self has information that it, or we, need to have
brought into conscious knowledge, and therefore the dream is

. remembered.
Information is often given in a kind of coded form, where things are
sometimes symbolised, rather than presented directly. (Many dream
interpreters do not feel that much attention needs to be paid to

. symbols, and that only what is recognisable need be acknowledged.)

Dreams often highlight aspects of ourselves which we do not

. necessarily wish to deal with, such as sexuality and spirituality.

The dreaming self has a huge store of information with which to

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Rapid Eye Movement has been detected in unborn babies, so it is
assumed that even in the womb the baby is learning and either
categorising or being affected by information it is receiving. Cushioned in
a safe environment, presumably the baby is aware that it is the centre of
its own universe. A medley of external impressions gradually gains
meaning and order, and a meaningless hotchpotch of noise achieves
some kind of significance. Throughout all of this there is the sound of the
mother’s heartbeat, and it has been proved that babies sleep more easily
after birth if there is some such sound in their environment. This may also
be why in certain forms of meditation, peace and tranquillity can be
achieved in adult life by paying attention to one’s own heartbeat.
Dreaming is a little like returning to this state and recognising the
significance which has been placed on certain sounds and impressions.
Re-learning dream language is simply remembering the process of sorting
and the recognition of the symbolism.

It is hoped that readers will find many different ways of using this book.
It can be used as a straightforward dream dictionary to discover the
meaning of individual images, or to interpret an entire dream. The themes
and whole story of dreams can be carefully considered if the book is used
effectively, and when a journal is kept for a period of time much insight
can be gained into the individual sub-conscious workings of the dreamer.
If the dreamer so dares he or she can progress to making creative use of
dreams and their material. Information is given on using lucid dreaming
and those semi-aware states surrounding sleep to enhance the natural
creativity inherent in each of us. It is the author’s wish that her readers’
lives are enriched by an understanding of their own highly individualistic

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The interpretation of dreams has always been an integral part of human
life. To quote a writer at the beginning of this century: “The emphasis
with which the wise men of each century affirm or deny the validity of
dreams indexes the enlightenment, spiritual or mental of the era in
question”. To be fair, in the previous century dream interpretation had
sunk somewhat to the level of parlour games, and it was not until Dr
Charcot of Paris recognised the twilight area between the physical body
and the existence of the psyche, that the subconscious self achieved
greater significance. As a pioneer of hypnosis, Charcot regarded dreams
as helpful in the diagnosis of nervous diseases. His theories have now
been largely disproven but he was the scientific pioneer in the search for
the understanding of the unconscious and therefore of dream analysis.
Freud at some point is said to have been a student of Charcot. Freud and
his contemporaries are considered more fully later in the chapter.
As far back as 25BC Philo Judas in his ‘Book of Giants and Civil Life’
called Abraham the first dream interpreter. Up until this time dreams
were considered to be messages and orders from the gods - indeed, the
Chaldeans were the first masters of dream interpretation, and greatly
influenced Egyptian and Assyrian thought. The Egyptians believed the
gods revealed themselves in dreams and required acts of devotion, while
the Assyrians saw dreams as omens - most dreams were advice, but bad
dreams required further action.
At the time of Christ’s coming it was perceived that men’s souls had lost
their bearings within the spiritual realms and dreams had simply become
occurrences within an individual’s life; they were now mere warnings and
premonitions from within.
These changes were only happening in what is now known as ‘The
Ancient World’ and not in the barbarous lands to the north. Here the old
gods still held sway and the Druids, among other belief systems, still held
dreams to be an important part of worship. In the Norse region the
prophetesses were called Vollen and the battle-maidens Valkyren, neither
of which the warrior kings would fail to consult before going into battle -
indeed, the Valkyren would always be at the king’s side, even in battle. It

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does seem that dreams and visions tended to be more vivid in the north
than in the southern regions.
Dream interpretation was kept alive in early Christian times by Plotinus
who had a profound effect such on holy men as Basil, Clement and
Gregory. Even later Anselm and Hugh of Lorraine were affected by
Plotinus’ writings. The suppression of pagan religions and compulsory
conversion to Christianity forced many mystics and dream interpreters to
the barren lands of Arabia and Africa, where they were soon to face the
horrors of the Crusades. The Crusades, in fact, had and still have a
profound effect on dreams and dream interpretation; their gory nature
has given material for nightmares to feed on right up until the present day.
The living hell of the battles was to haunt the fighters and those they told
for many generations to come, and indeed the story of vampires is
traceable to events that happened in the battles with the Saracens. Such
events became part of what later became labelled by Jung (see later in the
chapter) as the Collective Unconscious. Indeed myths and fairy stories
always have provided rich material for dream imagery and vice versa. Art
and creativity of all kinds have gained from dream images. Fabulous
beasts as depicted in stone imagery, for example, most likely arose initially
in dreams, in order to draw the dreamer’s attention to certain qualities or
fearsome and terrifying powers of nature. Archetypally, there are many
combinations of the fantastic and the grotesque which are possible and
which would give unlimited potential to the creative abilities within the
dreamer. The Norse folk-lore of the Eddas, for instance, is full of dreams
which reveal the unsettled and belligerent Scandinavians’ emotions. Their
symbolic images in dreams - Fetches, Guardian Spirits, Gods and Trolls -
bear comparison, not only with the dream life of pagan cultures, but with
examples to be found so far afield as Greek, Mesopotamian and
Mohammedan dream cults.

It is perhaps sad that today we only have the work of Artemidorus (one
of the 4th century workers with dreams) available in translation from his
original texts since it is from him that we inherit a great deal of our
interpretative material. He also followed the traditional Babylonian and
Greek methods of interpretation and speaks of ‘cosmic’ dreams which are
akin to those ‘big’ dreams of the Elgonyi tribe of which Jung was aware.
These were dreams which were given from God, and were of two sorts:
the ‘oracula’, which were verbal messages, and ‘visio’, which were images.

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The professional dream interpreter such as Artemidorus had little to do
with such dreams, since they belonged mainly to the priests and seers.
Such people would have had to go through much preparation such as
ritual cleansing, prayers and so on to be fit vehicles for the information
that they were given. This discipline meant that their dreams could safely
be believed, and could be interpreted by them.
Artemidorus’ method of interpretation for the masses was conspicuous
for its reasonableness. All mysticism and superstition were absent, and he
worked logically and not in any pseudo-scientific way. His interpretation
was based on experience, for he felt that, ‘The wildest excesses of
credulity may arise not from ignoring experience, but from refusing to
correct it’ (Balfour). He believed that the dream is a movement of the
soul, which creates images interpreted by reason. He also believed that
the soul may, in sleep, move in two ways, either in sympathy with the
ultimate or through its own power.
Many of the ideas accepted in ancient times still survive today. For
instance, because the right side was generally stronger and more
developed than the left, the former was designated masculine, and the
latter feminine. Astrology made use of this concept by assigning the sun
to the right eye and the moon to the left. Right-hand auspices were good,
left-hand were bad. (Today, many clairvoyants still use this system,
though for some of us the right side represents logic, and the left
intuition.) Medicine made use of the concept to foretell the sex of
offspring, and Asclepius, god of healing, communicates power with his
right hand.
Artemidorus’ work on dream interpretation led to the writing of five
volumes, and probably owes its origin to Babylonian and Byzantine
sources. Many of his beliefs and classifications were handed down into
Christianity, and some of his interpretations survive in older dream
dictionaries. Nowadays, we have moved into a more personally
psychological approach and until recently have not tended to treat dreams
from a philosophical point of view. It was not really until the nineteenth
century that dream interpretation took another step forward.


“In dreams, mirrors, and waters, there exist heavens and earths. Those who wish to
relinquish the heaven and earth in dreams do not sleep when in bed, those who wish to
relinquish the heaven and the earth in the mirror do not have their appearances reflected
(in it). Those who wish to relinquish the heaven and earth in water do not fetch it when

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it brims. The reason for their being lies here (in us) and not there (in them). Hence, the
sage does not give up heaven and earth; he gives up cognition.”

The basic idea behind dream interpretation in ancient China was to

recover the meaning hidden in dreams. Thus, the same dream imagery
might have a different interpretation according to the changing
circumstances of the dream. It was important to transcend the physical
realm and to reach a spiritual or mystical awareness that the Tao, the
primordial vital principle underlying all existence, is immanent. That is, all
things spring from the same root. One of the most famous Oriental
dream conundrums on record is that of Chou. He sleeps, dreaming that
he is a butterfly; but upon waking he wonders whether in fact he is being
dreamed by the butterfly. (In Chinese lore the butterfly signifies the soul.
Quoted below is one interpretation of this idea.)

The Butterfly Spirit

“The leyp-lya is the cause of dreams. It is not absolutely necessary that the
butterfly should remain constantly in the body; death will not necessarily
ensue from the separation. When the man is asleep, therefore, it leaves the
body and roams about far and wide. But in these wanderings it can only
go to such places as the person to whom it belongs has previously been
in. A straying from known paths would cause extreme danger to the
sleeping body, for it might happen that the butterfly would lose its way
and never return, and then both would die, the body because the
animating principle was gone, the leyp-lya because it had no earthly
tenement to live in. The butterfly is enabled to perform these journeys
through its existence as thway seht, or soul of the blood; and it is the state
of this blood which makes the leyp-lya more or less inclined to roam, and
which directs its movements. If the blood is feverish or excited, the
butterfly necessarily becomes restless, and wanders about more or less
rapidly and into more or less strange places, according to the degree of
perturbation. Therefore it happens that the soul thus existing in itself, and
straying or flying at random, see extremely strange and fantastic visions
on these voyages. An elaboration of this notion divides dreams into three
special varieties; those that occur at the beginning of sleep, those about
midnight, and those in the early morning; or the false, the mixed and the

In the waking state the dreamer cannot have it both ways at the same
time. In other words, he must decide for himself which is his reality. The

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states of dreaming and being awake belong to the whole self and therefore
there must be some point of contact between them. Both states are
intertwined and thus ‘Mind’ is the source of all creation. Depending upon
the point of perspective, one is false and the other is real. While awake the
dreaming self is false, while asleep dream achieves reality.
The Ancient Chinese believed that objects and their perception depended
on each other and that all manifestations were completely interwoven.
Neither the object nor the perception were more important than the
other. This corresponds to modern-day thinking on the chaos theory.
This way of thinking allowed them to intertwine dream interpretation
with the casting of the yarrow stalks and divination using the shell of the
tortoise. Where ambiguity was present, meaning was uncertain, and hence
interpretation was called for. Dream interpretation was therefore an
important part of the search for meaning and the correct course of action.
At any rate, as practised in ancient China, the art of dream interpretation
consisted in recovering the meaning hidden in dreams.
An important part of the thinking was, as it still is today, that we know of
our own dreams only by recollections, those of other people we receive
only second-hand as either oral or written accounts. All that we know is
that we report our perception of the dream. The same dream imagery may
have signified differently in accordance with its changing contexts.
Dreams therefore become dynamic only in the interpretation of the
personal meaning. However, the Chinese also attributed specific
interpretations to objects, and for comparison a selection is shown below.

Ancestors and good spirits Recognising your ancestors in dreams

suggests good fortune. Seeing moving spirits, particularly in one’s living
area, can also suggest good fortune. An angry demonic, aggressive spirit
indicates bad luck.
Axe Symbolising authority and punishment the sacrificial axe suggests the
death of the sensual side of man.
Birds Birds, in Chinese lore, are an important emblem; they can represent
freedom of the spirit but also often unpleasant occurrences. A chicken in
a tree indicates money arriving in one way or another.
Clouds In common with western interpretation, white clouds are
fortuitous and dark are unfortunate; a cloudy sky suggests difficulty.
Dragons Money and fame are suggested by the presence of a dragon.
The number of toes a dragon has in a dream suggests status; the royal
dragon has five toes.
Dent A dent indicates an incoming unfortunate event.

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Egg The cosmic egg represents totality; it is said to have split open at the
moment of creation and formed the Earth and the Sky.
Fish In the Chinese language the words for fish and abundance are
phonetically similar; thus in Chinese dream interpretation they are
Flame A flame can indicate danger, anger and speed.
Ghosts Arguing with ghosts in a dream usually indicates that one will
continue to have a long and fortunate life.
Horse This animal represents the heavens, speed and perseverance. In
dreams it also represents fertility.
Iron In a Chinese dream iron in its raw state would represent evil power,
principally because of its own lack of flexibility.
Jade This is an extremely potent image in Chinese dream interpretation.
As the jewel of heaven it is a symbol of sincerity and, in various forms,
suggests intellect, benevolence, humility and chastity it always symbolises
good fortune.
Knot A knot represents longevity, binds the ‘good’ and blocks evil.
Lion In Chinese interpretation the lion stands for valour, energy and
strength. It can also mean good fortune in marriage.
Magpie The ‘bird of joy’ brings good fortune and sometimes good news.
North This is cold, stands for winter suggesting pessimism, and the
symbol of the Black Tortoise, which signifies a chaotic beginning.
Olive This fruit suggests quiet persistence and grace.
Owl Ambivalence surrounds the meaning of the owl. As well as
ungrateful children, it can also suggest evil and death.
Poplar The yin-yang, the lunar and solar and all duality are represented by
the poplar.
Quail The Chinese used many birds and animals to symbolise qualities
inherent in human beings. The quail suggests military zeal.
Rice Rice symbolises abundance and divine providence and also
River The Yellow River, the main waterway in China, represents the
boundary between life and death.
Serpent In China the serpent is not often distinguished from the dragon.
In its form as a serpent it is negative, malevolent and destructive.
Shell The famine principle and a good life in the next world is suggested
by the shell.
Toad As with so many symbols in Chinese lore, the toad represents
longevity and the acquisition of wealth. The three-legged toad lived in the

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moon, its three legs symbolising, according to Chinese belief, the three
phases of the moon.
Trees For the Chinese the Tree of Life is the Peach, Mulberry or Plum.
In dreams the sun associated with a tree denotes the end of a cycle. Trees
with branches entwined represent yin-yang, the reconciliation of
Unicorn This mythical animal signifies gentleness, wise rule and famous
children. Also known as the ky-lin, it is fortuitous for a leader in certain
situations. Riding a unicorn indicates fame.
Vase In dreams this usually suggests perpetual harmony. Holding the
waters of life denotes compassion and fertility.
Weaving For the Chinese weaving represents the ebb and flow of life, the
continual changes between yin and yang.
Yarrow Since the stalks of yarrow are used in I Ching divination, its
appearance in dreams is often a specific against curses.
Zodiac In Chinese there are six wild and six domestic animals
represented in the zodiac, six yin and six yang: the rat, ox, tiger, hare,
dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, cock, dog and boar, the signs of the
Chinese Zodiac, and all have relevance in Chinese dream interpretation.

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was sometimes credited as the ‘uncoverer’ of
the unconscious, although many before him had formed theories about
the richness of an awareness that seemed to lie below the level of
Freud was perhaps the first psychological thinker to give precedence to
this layer of awareness which he called the unconscious. For him
predominantly understanding this level meant that the psychoanalyst had
access to the distortions and tensions which caused his patients the
problems that they had. According to Freud, dreams are of prime
importance as products of this hidden layer. He states: “The
interpretation of dreams is the royal road to a knowledge of the
unconscious activities of the mind”. In fact the ‘via regia’ might be
interpreted as the ‘regal road’, thus placing dreams firmly in the intuitive
feminine side of our personalities.
In terms of modern psychology he was the first to give a systematic
description of the mind’s working, and to draw up a scientific method for
translating the products of the unconscious into language that the layman

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could understand. Freud’s ideas on dream interpretation and his
development out of hypnosis of what came to be called ‘free association’
became one of the cornerstones of psychoanalysis. It should be stressed
that Freud felt that only an experienced practitioner was capable of
interpreting dreams in a therapeutic way, since the patient’s mind would
disguise what went on below the surface.
On the assumption that we retain and absorb in some way each and every
experience that we have ever had, the mind must have some way in which
it associates the various occurrences which happen to us. Like is
compared with like, and quantified accordingly. Memories are not
constantly at the front of our minds, but may be recalled through certain
associations. For instance, a certain piece of music may have us recalling
what we were doing when we first heard it, the person we were with, a
certain perfume or whatever. It is a little like a line of dominoes set up in
a certain way, which when knocked, sets up a chain reaction whereby they
all fall over.
The process of remembering is one everyday experience which regularly
reminds us that we have a part of ourselves which functions separately
from the conscious one. For example, a sudden smell, taste or sound in
the present may remind us of long- forgotten scenes from our past. This
illustrates that we take in far more of our experiences than we actually
realise. It is possible that we internalise everything which has occurred,
without appreciating that we have done so. It stands to reason that we are
not constantly aware of all of our memories - our internal computers
would become seriously overloaded. There therefore has to be some way
or structure in which the information is stored. In modern-day terms this
would be in certain ‘directories’ which show similarities of content. By
using such a theoretical model it can be seen that ideas and concepts can
be associated with one another, and should we wish to remember
something, including distortions which may have occurred in our
understanding, this can be done by association.
Freud held that by using free association - that is, associations which had
meaning for the client, however trivial - it was possible to uncover the
hidden meaning in dreams. It must be remembered that Freud was in the
business of psychoanalysis, of trying to understand the distortions which
occur, using dream interpretation as a tool, and not in the business of
dream interpretation per se. Thus many dreams which he would have
interpreted would have been those which occurred during the therapeutic
Freud’s contention was that we are capable of forgetting because we do

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not wish to remember, and that this material also needs to be uncovered.
It thus appears that there are two distinct parts to us - one which holds the
memories and one which decides whether we shall remember or forget.
The true Freudian sense of “unconscious” is defined as that part of me
that does not remember because I do not allow it to do so.
Freud believed that dreams do have meaning but, in order to understand
how concepts and ideas fitted together in the dreamer’s mind and how
they affected behaviour, they have to be translated into the language of
waking consciousness in order to be understood. Starting from the
premise that all dreams are the fulfilment of wishes, even after being
deciphered, the dream interpretation will need to yield up which wishes
are being suppressed. The adult mind will have become adept at
distorting the unconscious wish, and will need competent help to express
it. Dreams can, in Freud’s eyes, give unconscious urges only indirect
expression, and must therefore be interpreted in order to achieve direct

There are four elements to dream interpretation according to Freud:-

The Manifest Content, which is the crude description of the dream

given by the dreamer before any attempt is made to work with the dream
The Day’s Residues, which are those images which are associated with
the previous day’s experiences.
The Latent Content, which is the true ‘purpose’ of the dream, which is
an understandable association of unconscious thoughts, revealing often
several hidden wishes or desires.
The Dreamwork describes the processes used in dealing with both the
latent content and the day’s residue by which the mind arrived at the
manifest dream.
The whole process leaves the dreamer with a workable framework to
uncover hidden aspects of the ways in which the personality has blocked
off helpful insights and awareness.

Freud identified four devices the mind uses in dreams to distort reality:-

Condensation This is having a single image represent more than one

idea. It is only by making the correct associations that the ideas can be
Displacement Sometimes an important or meaningful idea cannot be

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dealt with because it is too powerful. The mind uses its ability to present
a less emotive issue which is connected in some way with the difficult one.
Representability Dream images are often shown as representations of
things, using metaphors and figures of speech to enable pictures to be
Secondary Revision The details of a dream may be rearranged by the
dreamer in order to make sense of or give coherence to the dream itself.
This is more often than not in accordance with the dreamers own logic,
rather than the intuitive process.

Dream symbols for Freud were valid only if there was no proper
association which could be made by the dreamer. Thus if a gun appeared
in a dream an association with a gun would be looked for first, before
making the assumption that it symbolised masculine aggression. There
was a problem with this method of working, however, in that most issues
in Freud’s time could become reduced to mere sexual symbols, and lead
both the psychoanalyst and the client to indifferent interpretation.
Dream interpretation, according to Freud, had to have relevance to the
life that the patient was living. He would not have accepted the validity of
a dreamer’s dictionary, since each interpretation was specific to the client.
However, he did find certain common representations which have led to
the supposition that he was principally concerned with sexuality and
sexual issues. All containers or hollow objects, entrances and fruits
symbolised for him the female sexual organs, while anything that
penetrated, grew or had liquid flowing from it represented the phallus.
The house represented the human body and he felt that travel suggested
the act of dying.
Not everyone can go along with Freud’s interpretations and it is for the
dreamer to decide if his own dreams can be interpreted according to

Fantasies of the unconscious
‘The unconscious is not an entity but a mere term, about whose
metaphysical essence we do not permit ourselves to form any idea.’
To understand Jung it is perhaps important to go right back to his original
words to make his own interpretation quite clear. He stressed that the
unconscious was a concept rather than a thing which could be quantified.

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He stated, ‘One cannot assert or deny anything about the potential of the
It is only as time has gone on that modern thought has led to the
perception that the unconscious is a kind of repository for images, both
archetypal and otherwise, with the perhaps mistaken belief that it is in
some way finite. When we recognise that the unconscious is in fact
infinite, though accessible to us, dreams achieve their proper place in the
hierarchy of awareness, as a way of accessing that limitless source of
Jung felt initially, in common with Freud, that unconscious fantasies were
useful for psychoanalytical technique, and that the parallels between the
unconscious fantasies were brought to light by psychoanalytic methods
and the exploration of mythological ideas. He stated, ‘Modern psychology
has the distinct advantage of having opened up a field of psychic
phenomenona which are themselves the matrix of all myths - I mean
dream visions, fantasies and delusion ideas’.
The pattern of our thoughts normally arises from the material contained
in our memories and is a control mechanism of our own unique
unconscious psychoanalytical process. He believed, however, that dreams
enter the consciousness as a complex structure compounded of elements
whose connection with each other is not easily apparent. They are also
one of the clearest examples of psychic contents whose composition
evades direct understanding. Jung held at that time that dreams were the
key to the way that neuroses were formed, and it was only later that he
recognised the validity of dreams within the development of the spiritual
self. This understanding led to the concept of big (important) and little
(unimportant) dreams.
“Big dreams” as defined by the Elgonyi tribe from central Africa were
those dreams which the priests and chieftains had, which - because they
had a general significance - they would have an overwhelming need to
share. Such dreams come from the collective unconscious and are
characterised by what Jung initially called collective images, that is those
which have the appearance of cosmic elements. (He wrote in
‘Psychogenesis of Schizophrenia’ that “It seems that such dreams come
chiefly at those moments or periods when the man of antiquity or the
primitive would deem it necessary to perform certain religious or magic
rites, in order to procure favourable results or to propitiate the gods for
the same end.”) In such dreams there is a sense of temporal and spatial
infinity, speed and an extension of movement. They are also distinguished

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by symbols of telluric (i.e. magical) and astrological significance, and lunar
and solar signs, and also changes in the proportions of the body.
Such dreams, apparently coming directly from the gods, were elevated to
the status of the religious rite similar to that of baptism. It was important,
therefore, as in analytical psychology, to understand dream images
symbolically, that is, not to take them literally but to find a hidden
The psychoanalyst tries to uncover the dream’s original meaning and
collect its historical parallels to every part of the experience. Dreams are
symbolic and require interpretation because their origin, meaning and
purpose are obscure, and are therefore one of the purest products of the
unconscious. They emanate from an unknown part of the psyche and
may prepare the dreamer for the events of the following day.
In order to understand dream thoughts the personality and circumstances
of the dreamer need to be considered. Dreams are a series of images
which may be contradictory and meaningless but which contain symbolic
material which can yield a clearer meaning. How is it that dreams are
symbolic at all? Where does this capability for symbolic representation
come from?
The process goes something like this:-
We begin a train of thought with an initial idea and pass on to individual
ideas that hang together. If we examine the process of thinking more
closely, for example finding a solution to a difficult problem, we find that
we are thinking in words.
In very intensive thinking we begin talking to ourselves. Any very
profound train of thought works itself out in a verbal form. (Jung called
this, “thinking with directed attention”). The material with which we
think is in language and verbal concepts.
More creatively, if we can give ourselves permission to allow the images
in our mind to follow one another with the same continuity as we do
words, the solution to the problem will often present itself.
Dreams and dream motifs can often repeat themselves without our being
able to discover anything new in them. The only exception to this is where
a particular symbol or a whole dream repeats itself because it has not been
properly understood. This is often because there is a multiplicity of
meanings in dreams. Dreams often make compensation for the conscious
situation or supply what is lacking in it. This can lead us to dream in
opposites. (Thus an outwardly optimistic person may have very
pessimistic dreams). Unfortunately this compensatory factor was not well

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understood by the layman, and this led to many misinterpretations of
dream symbols, such as that birth signifies death and vice versa.
Jung is chiefly remembered, of course, for his work on Archetypes (see
dream interpretation) but also for the fact that having recognised the
validity of the spiritual content in dreams he opened the door to dream
interpretation as it is today. His main concern was in establishing lines of
communication between the inner and the outer self. He himself
accepted the subjective existence of his own entity whom he called
Philomen, who was presented as a Wise Old Man, and who patently
knew a great deal more than Jung himself. He was a figure of internal
guidance, and allowed Jung to make decisions which were right for him.
This concept allows us to build a bridge across to the unconscious, and to
accept that part of ourselves which is now more often accepted as the
‘Higher Self.’

I do my thing and you do your thing.
I am not in this world to live up to your expectations
And you are not in this world to live up to mine.
You are you and I am I,
And if by chance we find each other, its beautiful.
If not it can’t be helped

The Gestalt prayer stated the principles behind the work of Fritz Perls in
California in the late 1960s. His belief was that it was vital to promote the
growth process and to develop the individual human potential. This
meant not just building a bridge between the inner and outer self, but
filling in the spaces within the personality and making the person
complete. This requires an ‘investment’ in oneself in order to achieve
spontaneity. Perls disliked anyone calling themselves a Gestalt therapist,
since that required the use of technique, and yet his own way of working
with dreams has become probably one of the best known. He did not
believe the dreams needed to be interpreted; he believed that the dream
should be brought back to life and acted out in the present.
He held that all of the details of the dream had relevance, every person
every thing and every mood. By becoming each of these and setting up
encounters between them, the dreamer could come to a deeper
understanding of himself as a ‘real’ personality. He recognised that in the

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dream state and by understanding the dreams we could integrate
opposing forces within ourselves.
He saw quite clearly that there were three levels of awareness - that of the
self, of the world , and of an intermediate zone of fantasy that prevented
a person from being in touch with either himself or the world. He gave
Freud full credit for the discovery of this intermediate zone, and for
recognising that there are always so many processes going on in one’s
fantasies. Freud called this a complex, or a prejudice. If a person has
prejudices, often engendered by the world in which he lives or other
people around him, then the relationships with the world are upset and
made unmanageable. The prejudice becomes like a mask, and the person
behind the mask cannot be reached. It then becomes necessary to clear
away the space that the prejudice or complex has had created for it, in
order to have proper contact between the self and the world. Perls
considered that Freud’s error was in dealing only with the in-between
zone, and not finding a way to integrate self-view and world-view.
There is a huge degree of fantasy activity or illusion going on in this
indeterminate area, which leads to a loss of communication with our
genuine inner self, and a lack of connection with the ‘real’ world.
Handling this area of complexes and prejudice takes a great deal of
energy, which could be better used in being in touch with the real
individual and the real world. Only by coming to terms with what is not
rational and what is real can we discover who we truly are and where we
are coming from. If we are able to get rid of the illusions and phantasms
which we have built up, there is often the experience of waking up or
emerging from a dark space, and being very present in the here and now.
Sometimes called Satori, it actually contains within itself the full range of
the senses, so that each moment is experienced and savoured without
trying to analyse what is happening.
In many ways this is very much akin to the dream experience. There is an
acceptance without questioning of what is occurring, and interpretation
only comes later. The dream experience can therefore be used both to
clear away the problems which have arisen through our various
misconceptions, and also to help us to handle our immediate lives with
understanding and compassion. Using dreams as therapy enables us to be
more creative and spontaneous.
The main thing to note is that working in this way with dreams requires
that we own each and every part of the dream experience, and thus with
practice are able to fill in those spaces within our personality. It is fair to
say then that this method does not interpret dreams - that is, we do not

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say that the dream means such and such - but that the dream has given us
a particular insight into ourselves, which we can use in our daily lives.

Calvin S. Hall is best known for his research on the study of dream
content, later to be known as the cognitive theory of dreams. His early
work was based on anonymous reports of dreams received from students
who proved to be good subjects, because of their willingness to
participate and the fact that they were at ease with the subjective world of
dreams. Hall’s early research and experimentation had been to do with the
behaviour and varying temperaments of rats, but the study of dreams and
their quantitative analysis of content is by far and away the thing he is
most remembered for.
In his analysis he did not look to interpret meaning, but to search for
obvious themes and patterns. This led him to divide dream content into
several categories:- characters, emotions, interactions, misfortunes,
objects and settings. He discovered that dreams express conceptions of
family members, friends, social environment and self. He understood the
use of symbolism in dreams to be the same as that used in slang and
poetry, and accepted that metaphor formed an integral part of that
With Robert van de Castle he developed the method of quantitative
coding which is still in use today in dream research. This allowed such
feelings as assertive, unloved, domineering and hostile to be graded.
Hall’s later research showed that there are strong similarities in the
dreams of people from all over the world, given that cultural differences
do cause variations. There were individual differences in the frequency of
the dream elements as he called them, which showed that there was a
continuity between waking thought and dream content. In other words,
dreams reflected waking concerns, interests and emotional focus. Hall’s
scientific approach opened up whole new areas of research into dreams,
but his most popular publications were ‘The Meaning of Dreams’ and
‘The Individual and his Dreams’, which alerted the layman to the
usefulness of keeping a dream journal and the necessity of continually
looking at the wider context of dreams.

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In order to understand dreaming it is perhaps important to understand
sleep. The cyclical nature of mankind means that periods of activity are
interspersed with times of rest and relaxation. Sleep is a way of turning
away from the external stimuli by which we are bombarded daily to an
inner landscape which permits regeneration and rejuvenation. The
human being needs sleep in order to function successfully, and sleep
deprivation has a profound effect on efficiency and ability. Dreaming
seems to be part of the process of regeneration. After periods of sleep
deprivation, certain experiments show that the body seems to require
additional dreaming time as though to make up for time lost. So one
function of dreams seems to be to balance the psychological and
physiological activity within us. It is also thought to be the mind’s way of
making sense of the various types of input with which it has had to cope.
Mental and physical breakdown occurs very quickly without the
alleviation of the dreaming process. Everyone dreams at some point
during sleep without necessarily remembering the content of the dream.


Sleep itself is passive, yet there is activity constantly occurring. Some kind
of physical movement takes place at least once every fifteen minutes. This
may be a discernible, almost deliberate movement of limbs and body
which seems to take place at random. Initially, once one has found a
comfortable position the physical body begins to relax. Learning a
technique such as the one given in the section entitled ‘Relaxation,
Meditation and Visualisation’ is of inestimable value, since it allows one to
fall asleep more quickly and also permits deeper sleep. From a physical
standpoint, when the muscles begin to relax from a state of extreme
tension, there sometimes takes place an involuntary ‘myoclonic jerk’. This
is a physical muscular reaction when the muscles themselves involuntarily
let go. As one drifts into sleep this can be experienced as the feeling of
falling - this can be quite frightening. It can waken the sleeper again, and
the whole process of letting go must then begin all over again. Deep

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relaxation allows faster access to the hypnagogic state - that stage between
waking and sleeping in which we can be at our most creative. Other
involuntary reactions can occur during sleep such as a penile erection
without apparent stimulus.
Dreams are perhaps caused by certain physical stimuli from our sleep
environment. Opinions vary as to whether, for instance, the sound of a
doorbell or a dog barking will be translated into part of the content of our
dreams. If we tie ourselves up in our sheets, will that cause us to feel
trapped, or will the dream of being trapped cause us to tie ourselves up?
Physical relaxation does enable us to get the best use out of sleep, and
therefore to use dreaming, as a tool for complete health. Opinions also
vary as to whether eating certain foods and other physiological stimuli
have an effect on dreaming.
Digestion does seem to have some part to play in dreaming, but probably
more from the effect it has on one’s solar plexus. ‘Solar plexus’ actually
means ‘the gathering of the sun’, and thus is an important centre for
physical energy. In many people, any upset, whether physical or
emotional, first registers in this area, so disturbing the equilibrium will
have a profound effect on sleep patterns. (Some people will take refuge in
the sleep state and therefore presumably in the activity of dreaming while
others will find great difficulty in sleeping at all.)
During waking hours our emotional selves are continually aware of new
stimuli and subtle changes which take place according to the situations in
which we find ourselves. We can move remarkably quickly - particularly
in today’s fast changing environments - from circumstances where we
have to remain calm and unflustered, to conditions where we can allow
our emotions free rein. Conversely, we can find ourselves in stressful
situations, with no way of discharging the excess of adrenalin which has
been built up. All this has an effect on the subtle electrical impulses
known as brain waves. As far back as the 1930s when the
electroencephalograph (EEG) was invented, it was discovered that these
tiny electromagnetic surges in the brain were measurable.
Over the years a much greater understanding has been gained of the links
between sleeping and dreaming. Research into sleep rather than dreaming
initially proved that the pattern of the brain waves changed as sleep
occurred and certain common patterns were identified in brain activity
during sleep. EEG patterns identify a kind of progression. In the waking
state the wave activity is low, but the frequency is fast. As we relax the
brain produces alpha waves, which in the first stage of sleep then sink into
theta waves. In 1953 Aserinsky and Kleitman identified stages in sleep

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where Rapid Eye Movement (REM) occurred. In 1957, Rapid Eye
Movement was tied in with dreaming. It appeared that REM was some
sort of scanning activity.

state of of
state relaxation, electrical
relaxation, brain
electrical activity
brain falls.falls.
activity Alpha brainbrain
Alpha waves
waves from eight
range fromor eight
nine or
to nine
elevento or twelve
eleven cycles per
or twelve cyclessecond, and are
per second,
perceived as a feature
and are perceived as of the state
a feature of of
statemeditation practisedpractised
of deep meditation by trained
practitioners of Yoga, Zen
by trained practitioners and Sufism,
of Yoga, Zen andall exponents
Sufism, of the state
all exponents of theof
state of awareness.
watchful awareness.

watchfulness andand
or watchfulness thethe
the brain greatest.ItItis is
brain is greatest.
frequenciesof ofthirteen
thirteen cycles per second
abouttwenty-six perper
twenty-six second.
second.These frequencies
These can be
frequencies canevoked by anxiety
be evoked by
and are also associated with poltergeists, thereby proving a link
anxiety and are also associated with poltergeists, thereby proving a linkto human,
rather than spiritual,
to human, rather thanenergy.
spiritual, energy.

theinrange of four to seven cycles per second. Oddly, they
the range of four to seven cycles per second. Oddly, they register register
duringfeelings ofof
feelings embarrassment
embarrassment and frustration,
and butbut
frustration, areare
linked with
creativity and inspiration.
with creativity Perhaps
and inspiration. theythey
Perhaps are the interface
are the between
interface betweenthe
physical and the
the physical andspiritual realms.
the spiritual realms.

range from
from 0.5 to three
three cycles
secondand andareare
sleep and
and a withdrawal
withdrawal from
rhythms arearevery common
very common in the months
in the monthsbefore andand
before after
after which
birth, is apparently
which associated
is apparently with the
associated release
with of the of
the release growth
hormone. This ties This
growth hormone. in withtiesthe morethe
in with esoteric belief that
more esoteric a baby
belief that ‘dreams’
a baby
himself intohimself
‘dreams’ existence.
into existence.

have aa frequency of
of twenty-seven
are not fully investigated,
investigated, nor

Brain activity research continues. It has been discovered that a signal of

18,000 hertz fed into the brain induces mystical feelings, and may
therefore eventually mean that dreams could be influenced by such
external stimuli. Some researchers suggest that the brain is a filter whose
purpose is to reduce the amount of data which would otherwise invade
our consciousness and to eliminate what is superfluous. This filter is

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bypassed in certain states when information is ‘paranormally’ perceived.
REM sleep was at one time thought to be the only time during which
dreams occurred, and it is these dreams which are normally categorised as
being worthy of interpretation. They are usually active and realistic,
though sometimes somewhat bizarre. We do dream during non-rapid eye
movement (NREM) times, but the dream content is very different, less
discernible, shadowy and more akin to thought forms. It seems that these
latter are less easily reported.
The first period of dreaming REM sleep happens about an hour after we
have first gone to sleep and into a state of deep relaxation. Unless we are
woken immediately after this we are liable to lose or forget the dream.
Oddly, however, we are less easily aroused at this point than at any other.
We then travel back up the scale until it seems as though we are almost
waking; REM and NREM sleep then alternate four or five times in the
night. The longest period of REM sleep occurs just before waking in the
morning and it is these dreams which are remembered most clearly and
are available for interpretation.
Physiologically the brain seems to produce less of two substances called
serotonin and noradrenaline during sleep. Both of these substances are
involved in the transmission of nerve impulses and messages to the brain
and may be involved in waking activity. We do not know whether sleep is
affected by these two substances or vice-versa. Deep meditation seems to
have the same effect on the body as sleep, though it does appear that
psychologically we do need the escape of the sleep state.
There are several disorders that destroy the quality of the sleep and
disturb the dreams we have. These are shown below:-

Apnea is Greek for “want of breath” and the condition causes problems
in both infants and adults. The symptoms include frequent bouts of
difficulty in breathing - the sufferer ceasing to breathe for up to half a
minute, and such periods are often accompanied by severe snoring akin
to the sound of a road drill. Obstructive apnea is the most common, the
muscles at the back of the throat relax to the point where they obstruct
the upper airway. Central apnea occurs when the airway remains open,
but the diaphragm and chest muscles stop working. This form is more
dangerous because the sleeper must awaken several times during the
night to resume breathing (snoring may not necessarily occur). Mixed

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apnea is a combination of the two, a brief period of central apnea,
followed by a longer period of obstructive. This combination is common
particularly in middle-aged men who are overweight.
The victim first becomes conscious that in many ways all is not right,
perhaps not being fully aware of the severity of the problem. More often
than not the first daytime indication of the problem may be a feeling of
not having slept properly. Irritable and forgetful, also finding difficulty in
concentrating, on waking, sufferers often have a fierce headache which
lessens in an hour or so. Interest in sex may lessen, not least because of
the disturbance and distress experienced by the partner. All these
symptoms can combine to cause depression.
Sufferers may suddenly fall asleep during the day and this may lead to the
mistaken diagnosis of narcolepsy.
The causes are not fully understood but experts generally agree that apnea
is probably connected to hormonal disorder, such as hypothyroidism (an
underactive thyroid gland) or occasionally acromegaly (excess bone
growth due to oversecretion of growth hormone).
Marfan’s syndrome, in which anatomical structures built of connective
tissue are exceptionally weak, is an inherited disorder which may cause
sleep apnea.
Solutions include taking a decongestant, avoiding sleeping on one’s back,
or surgery. The use of a special mask redirects air into blocked passages,
giving some relief. Overweight sufferers whose condition is complicated
by high blood pressure or heart problems will benefit from weight loss
and better diet.

Possibly the most well-known disorder, though the full name is rarely
heard, is frank insomnia. Simply, it is a difficulty in sleeping, either getting
off to sleep or staying asleep. Chronic insomnia is such difficulty
extending for longer than a one month period. The causes can range from
anxiety, depression, environmental factors such as a poor mattress or
loud noises, general bad health, lack of adequate exercise and the use of
drugs. Various complementary medicinal techniques such as acupressure,
aromatherapy, herbalism, homeopathy and relaxation techniques (see
page 80) are all helpful.

The principal characteristic of narcolepsy is completely overwhelming
daytime sleepiness. The sufferer is likely to fall asleep or become drowsy

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at the most inappropriate times and in the most awkward places. Even an
adequate night’s sleep does not seem to prevent this.
There does not seem to be any known cause, although it is thought to
arise from an abnormality in the central nervous system. Narcolepsy is as
prevalent as Parkinson’s disease or Multiple Sclerosis and it does seem as
though there is a genetic link. It is often mistaken for attention deficit
disorder, depression, epilepsy, laziness or the side effects of medication
such as the use of steroids.
The four classic symptoms are:-
1. Catalepsy, (episodic loss of muscle function) which may be triggered by
sudden emotional reactions such as laughter, anger or fear. There may be
slight weakness or complete body collapse and the attacks may last from
a few seconds to several minutes.
2. Daytime sleep attacks occur with or without warning repeatedly in a
single day. Interestingly, night-time sleep may be considerably broken.
3. Hypnagogic hallucinations which are vivid, frightening experiences
akin to the dream state while one is falling asleep or dozing.
4. Sleep paralysis - lasting a few seconds to minutes - is a temporary
inability to talk or move when falling asleep.
The primary symptom is daytime sleepiness; the others often appear
months or years later. Only about 20% of sufferers have all four
symptoms. Indications first appear in teenagers and adults under the age
of thirty.
The order and length of NREM and REM sleep periods is disturbed in
narcolepsy, so it is a disorder where REM sleep and what happens during
that time is abnormal. (See page 34)

Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless Leg Syndrome seems to be a disorder of the circulation, which
results in a number of unpleasant sensations when the sufferer sits or lies
down for protracted periods. Principally occurring in the calf area, these
sensations are noted as a creeping, crawling, tingling or pulling.
Sometimes it can occur from the thigh to the ankle and one or both legs
may be affected. There is an uncontrollable need to move the legs which
often worsens during periods of relaxation. Symptoms can vary in
severity over a period of time, often daily and sometimes with long pauses
between attacks. These seem to be worse in the evening and night, giving
sufferers difficulty in being able to relax and therefore sleep. There is also
a related sleep disorder called ‘periodic limb movement in sleep’, which

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appears to have some connection with the Myoclonic Jerk (see page
By and large the cause is unknown but it does appear that the condition is
more prevalent in some families, in other words, Restless Leg Syndrome
seem to be inherited. Excessive consumption of caffeine seems to be
connected, as do low levels of iron and anaemia. Chronic diseases such as
diabetes, kidney failure and rheumatoid arthritis may give rise to the
condition. Women who experience it during pregnancy usually find that
it disappears after having given birth. ‘Growing pains’ in young adults
may also be connected with this condition.
Restless Leg Syndrome can be relieved by hot and cold baths, frequent
bending of the knee, massage, stretching and walking.

Parasomnias are disorders that intrude not only on the sleep of the victim
but also on the quality of life of people round them.

Gastroesophageal Reflux
This is a type of heartburn which occurs during sleep, waking the victim
and giving a sour taste, a burning discomfort or a pain in the chest. The
condition can be helped by adjusting the height of the pillows.

Night Terrors
These begin in early childhood usually between the ages of three and five.
Originally thought to only be a childhood disorder, such episodes
continue into adulthood. They usually occur fifteen minutes to one hour
after going to sleep and last for about a quarter of an hour; the person
then goes back to sleep and is unable to remember anything in the
morning. Why night terrors happen is not known, and perhaps the most
startling thing about these attacks is that the patient is asleep throughout
them. Such terrors mean that the subject wakes up gasping, crying and
moaning, and often with a wide-eyed terror-filled stare. The heartbeat
often rises to around 160 to 170, double the normal, and semi-conscious
panic lasts for fifteen to twenty minutes after the event. The most
effective way of dealing with the problem is through constant reassurance
from loved ones and family members (who may well have experienced
the same problem themselves).

REM disorder
This occurs when the normal paralysis that happens during REM sleep is

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absent or incomplete. The victims recall vivid dreams which are often
acted out. A condition more common in older men, it can result in
injuries and violent behaviour.

Sleep Talking/Walking
Both of these afflictions tend to occur more often in younger people and
both are associated with stress and illness. They, as with night terror, take
place during the deeper stages of sleep and tend also to have a genetic link.
Sleep talking is essentially harmless, though unfortunate for the partner,
while walking in one’s sleep has obvious dangers - people have been
known to drive for many miles while still asleep.

If one counts snoring as a sleep disorder, it is more distressing for the
relatives and associates of the sufferer. While snoring can occur in sleep
apnea the two conditions are not the same, and may need to be treated
separately. There are various techniques which can be used to alleviate the
condition. The well-known one of sewing a cork into the pyjama jacket
works until the sleeper learns to sleep through the discomfort. An
aromatherapy pillow (see page 46) also helps, as do therapeutic oils of
eucalyptus, cajuput or sometimes pine, placed on the pillow. Sometimes
an operation to eradicate nasal polyps may be called for, though this is
obviously a last resort.

All of these conditions can be helped by good sleep hygiene - that is,
learning how to sleep properly and well.


Reduce stress as far as you can and relax. This means doing something
which you find relaxing, which may mean an aromatherapy bath using
essential oils, having a massage, going for a walk or whatever. Reducing
stress can consist of, for instance, using a technique such as reviewing the
day, deciding what has been done well, what could have been done better,
and what was quite frankly not done well at all. There is no need to
agonise over such things, but simply to note them and then let them go.
This allows you to leave things behind, and means that the next day
becomes easier to deal with, since it is not cluttered up with regrets and
difficulties. Continued practice allows you to highlight those things which

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consistently give you difficulty, and therefore to learn new coping
Follow a regular routine so far as bed and waking times are concerned. A
routine you keep to without necessarily having to think about it, enables
your body to slow down into a comfortable idling mode, and your mind
gradually to relax before sleep. Following a set routine so far as waking up
is concerned can also be helpful. For instance, do not allow yourself to be
shocked out of sleep by a loud alarm, but use either soft music or a change
in light levels to wake you gradually.
Avoid stimulating drinks such as caffeine, or alcohol. (Alcohol may relax
one initially, but tends to cause wakefulness later during the night,
disturbing and decreasing REM sleep). Caffeine stimulates the system,
making it more difficult to get to sleep initially, and again lowering the
quality of the sleep itself.
Do not struggle to try to sleep. The frustration of lying in bed tossing and
turning can of itself prevent sleep, and cause anxiety, for instance over
health matters. Much better to try writing down one’s worries and
perhaps prioritising them. Then having done something practical about
them, you can put them on one side. Switching your brain into a different
activity, such as reading a good book or watching a relatively mindless
movie, can help to ‘switch off’ the brain.
When you do fall asleep, try to sleep only as much as you need. Your
pattern will be totally different from anyone else’s, and it is worth
experimenting to find the best pattern for you. You may discover, for
instance, that you are at your most creative early in the morning, and
therefore prefer to preserve this time for yourself, without any
Study your eating habits and use foods that are right for your system.
Complex carbohydrates are often good, so the idea of a hot milky drink
before retiring has some merit. A light meal containing some protein
(such as milk, turkey and beans, containing l-tryptophan) not too late at
night can be sleep-inducing: this is because that particular amino acid is
converted into serotonin. Exercise in the late afternoon or early evening
is also a good idea.
There is one last consideration that may be worth looking at, and that is
what might be called natural disturbers. These can range from the
neighbour who uses the lift late at night, to the milk float with a bright
light in the morning. Even pets which wake early in the morning can ruin
sleep for their owners.

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Use of any or all of these techniques can aid and improve sleep. One way
to make up for lost sleep is take a short nap in the afternoon but limit the
time to fifteen or twenty minutes. Anything more than that runs the risk
of becoming deep sleep. Another way is to lie in one morning or go to bed
early one night, but not both.


“That the typical dreams induced by narcotics and anodynes are due to the physical
effects of the drugs themselves is obvious to the modern dream analyst. Impeded heart
action, the effects of certain stimuli upon the various nerve centres and organs, the
retina, the lungs, the bladder etc., all these are translated by the dream consciousness
into terms of the individual temperament of the dreamer. They may, however, be forced
to give a complete account of themselves as physical stimuli, hence their physical value
as dreams is of little or no importance.”

One of the difficulties any dream interpreter has is to sort out what can be
accepted as ‘real’ dreaming, and which dreams are definitely caused by the
use of drugs and herbs. In days of old, prophetic dreams, such as those
experienced by the Delphic oracle, were most likely induced by the
natural seepage of carbon monoxide and other noxious gases from
fissures in the ground below the temples, and the hierophantic class did
not scorn the use of drugs and narcotics altogether. When the deadly
fumes were lacking, other means were employed. Hypnotism, what later
became known as mesmerism and other mysterious faculties were in the
hands of the priestly orders, who guarded their secrets so successfully that
they frequently lost them beyond recovery.
Incenses of various sorts are conducive to dreams and visions. The
burning of sacrificial incense is one of the favourite themes of Egyptian
frescoes, and Apollo’s priestesses after eating the sacred Laurel inhaled its
smoke before prophesying. Laurel is now known to be poisonous, as is
ivy, used by the Bacchantes, but at this time people were not sure of the
poisonous properties of various plants.
The poppy, from which the deadly narcotic opium is brewed, was known
as the universal symbol of sleep and is the symbol of Demeter, Earth
Mother and goddess of the harvest. Opium is probably the oldest of the
narcotics, and De Quincey, who used powerful imagery, wrote some
beautiful language to describe the use of opium. He says, “Space swelled
and was amplified to an extent of unutterable infinity”. He later admitted,
however, that his “dreams from being gorgeous phantasms of oriental

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imagery, gradually waxed heavy and oppressive, until at length they
distorted to the menace of a nightmare”. It seemed at the time that the
opium dreamer’s images arose from oriental imagery and scenes.
Whether this was because of the dreamer’s subconscious association with
the history of the drug, or whether, as may be more likely, they were
accessing archetypal demonic images is open to question.
Morphine is, of course, a derivative of opium, and while it acts as a pain
reliever also creates problems of hallucinations which become
indistinguishable from dreams. Often as a terminally ill patient
approaches death he or she can become very disturbed by the bizarre
images which manifest themselves as two realities merge.
There were many other herbs and plants and substances which affected
Alcohol takes the patient beyond the first exhilarating stage of
intoxication to cause dreams which are almost invariably unpleasant,
often with the dreamer having a sensation of being bitten or stung. This
effect is due to the stimulation of nerve endings in the skin, because the
skin is irritated by alcohol. After a while the dream is prolonged beyond
the sleep state and manifests itself in a sort of over-the-top delirium.
Flames and blood sometimes accompany the voices that occur in the
alcoholic dream. It was alcohol which disassociated the subconscious
from the conscious faculties, leading to the Bacchanalian and Dionysian
excesses, which occurred in the religious rites of Greek and Roman times.
The Mexicans also used a drink made from corn, called soma, which was
heavily indulged in by the Incas, although it was forbidden to the
common people.
Absinthe or wormwood was first brought to Europe from Algiers by
French soldiers. It rouses weird unnatural dreams and hallucinations
(wormwood is still used today in the treatment of round and pin worms).
Anise Seed was said by Pliny not only to impart a youthful look to the
features, but to have the power “if attached to the pillow so as to be smelt
by a person when asleep of preventing all disagreeable dreams”.
Pliny and other writers also make frequent allusion to briony or the
poyemcy as a soporific, giving vivid dreams and causing somnambulism
(sleep walking). There are strange aspirations, and a longing for that
which never existed even in the soul of the dreamer.
Hemlock - an extreme poison - gave rise to hideous dreams overrun with
superstitious horror and unease. It was a favourite remedy of the Middle
Gentle slumber was induced from the hop pillow, causing soothing

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dreams. Even today hops are used to induce sleep See how to make a
dream pillow on page 46.
Hypericum, or St John’s Wort, was said to avert the evil eye, to reveal
the presence of witches, and dipped in oil, to be a cure-all for every
wound. Dew that falls on the plant on the 24th of June, St John’s day, was
carefully collected as a remedy for eye troubles. In ‘Materia Medica’
Herring describes the dreams produced by St. John’s Wort as, “visions of
spirits and spectres with the sensation of being lifted high in the air”.
Increased intellectual power is furthermore attributed to the dreamer, and
it is interesting to note that even today this plant is used to treat some of
the symptoms of the menopause, such as forgetfulness.
Henbane (hyoscyamus), which has now proved to be toxic, causes
double vision, presbyopia, and lights flashing before the eyes. Dreams
under the use of henbane were often of people who lived at a distance,
and it was almost as though one had summoned that person’s spirit, for it
seemed that the delusion of the presence of the absent one continued into
the waking state. Visions of punishment and revenge meted out to others
when there was jealousy and immoral behaviour, made this drug
Hyssop, Dittany and the male fern - the latter used today to deal with
tapeworm infestation - were much used before the age of modern
medicines. They did not necessarily bring about soothing, comforting
dreams. Dittany and hyssop (used today as a mild sedative) were well
known biblical remedies inducing deep sleep. The nature of the dreams
was specific to the dreamer’s temperament, but they tended to include
hideous images. It is possible that these herbs may well have been used by
those who knew of their properties to manipulate the dreams of others.
Lobelia is still established in modern pharmacopoeia. It dates back to the
days of the Crusades. Having an effect on the central nervous system, it
brings restless sleep and many dreams. Overuse brought dreams of
images of limbs that are amputated, or perhaps the sleeper would dream
of a bullet passing through the head from one temple to another.
Pulque, or mescal was the chosen narcotic of the Mexicans. Distilled
from the peyote cactus, it was said to rouse fiery dreams that devoured the
innermost being of the dreamer.
Solanum, or belladonna (deadly nightshade), again now known to be
highly toxic, held its remarkable, half-repulsive mystery through biblical
lore and medieval magic to the stern, straight-laced Victorian era. The
more recent name of solanum is derived from solamen meaning solace or
consolation, in that it induces sleep. Its visions were wild and fantastic.

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Stramonium (Datura or thornapple) was, we are told, a favourite drug
with the Druids, and historical descriptions of the dreams induced by this
remedy corroborate the fact that the Druids were probably ostracised for
tampering with the spirit realm and the misuse of the black arts. Young
wives of Portugal were said to have made use of stramonium seeds as a
remedy for otherwise unruly husbands, thus lulling them into dreams of
self-importance. Although the plant grows in abundance in the wild
thickets and other neglected corners of North America, Indians know it
as the ‘white man’s plant’. It was held in high regard by the doctors of the
seventeenth century, who favoured its use more than laudanum.

In the present day there are many herbs which are of use in obtaining a
good night’s sleep and therefore making our dreams more accessible,
rather than attempting to actually influence our dreams. These herbs are
known as hypnotics or soporifics. Different herbs work for different
people, so the order here is alphabetical, without any particular preference :-

Hops provide a remedy for insomnia, having an effect on the central

nervous system. Used as an infusion or tincture, the herb should not be
used in cases of depression.
Jamaican Dogwood is a fish poison, so should be treated with care. Also
used in cases of insomnia or broken sleep patterns, it is taken as a
decoction or a tincture.
Mistletoe is a relaxing nervine which soothes and quietens the nervous
system, and is used as an infusion or tincture. It is only the young leafy
twigs which are used, and not the berries.
Passion flower acts without leaving any kind of a hangover effect, and
makes it easy for those who suffer from insomnia on a regular basis to
find restful sleep. It is best used internally as an infusion or tincture.
Skullcap has a sedative action par excellence. Working on the central
nervous system it is particularly useful in cases of nervous exhaustion, and
is taken as an infusion or tincture.
Valerian, included in many pharmacopoeias, as a sedative, is used to
manage tension, and sleeplessness caused by tension. It can be used as an
infusion, tincture or in capsules.
Wild lettuce is invaluable where there is restlessness and excitability, and
is both sedative and hypnotic - that is, relaxing and sleep-inducing. Usually
taken as an infusion or tincture, it is particularly useful for children.

Nervines have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Some which are

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relaxants include: Balm, Black Haw, Bugleweed, Camomile, Damiana,
Lady’s Slipper, Lavender, Oats, Pasque Flower, Peppermint and Vervain.

Finally for a little light relief here are some other spells and customs
associated with sleeping and dreaming.

There is a long tradition of using herbs both to aid sleep and to aid
dreaming. Many spells were devised to achieve certain ends, and below is
a selection from various sources.
The following herbs are by tradition those which may be used to enhance
the dream state, often with the idea of revealing those things which at the
moment remain hidden. This may be the face of one’s future lover or
someone who has done you wrong.
These herbs are considered by many, even in the present day, to be
magical and therefore have ascribed to them the appropriate gender. By
tradition they were also ruled by the various astrological bodies and also
had assigned to them an element - Earth, Fire, Air or Water.
It should be noted that, as usual, the author takes no responsibility for the
use, magical or otherwise, of substances used in this book!!

Bracken Gender: Masculine

Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Spell: Place under your pillow and it will solve, by dreams, any problem
you want solving.

Buchu Gender: Feminine

Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Spell: Mix with Frankincense and burn just before you retire. This will
produce prophetic dreams. It must be used sparingly and only in the

Cinquefoil Gender: Masculine

Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Spell: Find a Sprig with seven leaflets and put under your pillow to dream
of a future lover or mate.

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Heliotrope Gender: Masculine
(Poison) Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Spell: Place under your pillow to induce prophetic dreams. If one has
been robbed the face of the thief will appear in your dream.

Jasmine Gender: Feminine

Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Spell: Burn in bedroom for prophetic dreams.

Marigold Gender: Masculine

Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Spell: Place under your pillow to make your dreams come true. In
addition it will reveal the face of someone who has robbed you.

Mimosa Gender: Feminine

Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Spell: Place under your pillow

Mugwort Gender: Feminine

Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Spell: Place under your pillow. It is burned with sandalwood or
wormwood during scrying rituals. Drink an infusion before divination.
Place it next to the bed to help with astral projection.

Onion Gender: Masculine

Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Spell: Place under your pillow.

Rose Gender: Feminine

Planet: Venus
Element: Water

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Spell: Drink rose tea before going to bed to induce prophetic dreams. It
is especially useful for women to see their future lover.
This recipe is to make the bedroom a beautiful place
To make Swete Powder for Bagges
(A 17th century recipe from The Mystery and Lure of Perfume.)

Take Damask rose leaves (petals), orris root, calaminth, benzoin gum and
make into a powder and fill ye bagges.

A Pillow Full of Flowers

Place this under your pillow, and you will be lulled to sleep by the perfume
of a country flower garden.
One cup of dried fragrant rose petals, one cup of other dried fragrant
flower petals, one cup of dried lavender, one cup of dried lemon verbena,
one cup of dried rosemary and six drops of essence of bergamot.
Mix the dried flowers and herbs. Add the essence of bergamot. Fill small
muslin bags to put beneath your pillow.

St Agnes’s Charm.
It must only be used on 21st January - St Agnes’s Day. You must prepare
yourself by a 24 hour fast, drinking nothing but pure spring water,
beginning at midnight on 20th to the same hour on the 21st. Go to bed
and mind you sleep by yourself and do not tell what you are trying to do
to anyone, or you will break the spell. Go to rest on your left side and
repeat these lines.
St Agnes be a friend to me
in the gift I ask of thee
let this night my husband see.
You will then dream of your future spouse, if you see more than one in
your dreams you will wed two or three times, if you sleep and dream not
you will never marry.

The Myrtle Charm

A method of having your future husband revealed in a dream is by ‘The
Myrtle Charm’ which must be used on Nov 25th, St Catherine’s Day.
Let a number of young women, not exceeding seven, assemble in a room
where they will be safe from interlopers. As the clock strikes eleven at
night, take from your bosom a spray of myrtle which you have worn all
day, and fold it up in tissue paper. Light up a small chafing dish of

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charcoal and on it let each maiden throw nine hairs from her head and a
pairing of her finger and toenails, then let each sprinkle a small quantity of
myrrh and frankincense in the charcoal, and while the vapour rises
fumigate your myrtle; the plant is sacred to Venus. Go to bed while the
clock is striking twelve and you will dream of your future husband. Place
the myrtle exactly under your head. Only virgins will find the charm
effective. The myrtle hour must be passed in silence.

Mother Bridget’s Wisdom

“The 1st of January - If a young maiden drink, on going to bed, a pint of
cold spring water, in which is beat up an amulet, composed of the yolk of
a pullet’s egg, the legs of a spider, and the skin of an eel pounded, her
future destiny will be revealed to her in a dream. This charm fails of its
effect if tried any other day of the year.

“Valentine Day - Let a single woman go out of her own door very early in
the morning, and if the first person she meets be a woman, she will not be
married that year; if she meets a man she will be married within three

“Lady Day - The following charm may be tried this day with certain
success; string thirty-one nuts on a string, composed of red worsted
mixed with blue silk, and tie it round your neck on going to bed, repeating
these lines:
Oh, I wish! Oh, I wish to see
Who my true love is to be!
Shortly after midnight, you will see your lover in a dream, and be
informed at the same time of all the principal events of your future life.

“St. Swithin’s Eve - Select three things you most wish to know; write
them down with a new pen and red ink on a sheet of fine wove paper,
from which you must previously cut off all the corners and burn them.
Fold the paper into a true lover’s knot and wrap round it three hairs from
your head. Place the paper under your pillow for three successive nights
and your curiosity to know the future will be satisfied.

“St. Mark’s Eve. - Repair to the nearest churchyard as the clock strikes
twelve, and take from a grave on the south side the church three tufts of
grass (the longer and ranker the better) and on going to bed place them
under your pillow, repeating earnestly three several times.

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The Eve of St. Mark by prediction is blest,
Set therefore my hopes and my fears all to rest
Let me know my fate, whether weal or woe
Whether my rank’s to be high or low
Whether to live single, or be a bride
And the destiny my star doth provide.

Should you have no dream that night you will be single and miserable all
your life. If you dream of thunder and lightning, your life will be one of
great difficulty and sorrow.

“Candlemas Eve - On this night (which is the purification of the Virgin

Mary), let three, five, seven or nine young maidens assemble together in a
square chamber. Hang in each corner a bundle of sweet herbs, mixed with
rue and rosemary. Then mix a cake of flour, olive-oil and white sugar;
every maiden having an equal share in the making and the expense of it.
Afterwards it must be cut into equal pieces, each one marking the piece as
she cuts it with the initials of her name. It is then to be baked one hour
before the fire, not a word being spoken the whole time. and the maidens
sitting with their arms and knees across. Each piece of cake is then to be
wrapped up in a sheet of paper, on which each maiden shall write the love
part of Solomon’s Song. If she put this under her pillow she will dream
true. She will see her future husband and every one of her children, and
will know besides whether her family will be poor or prosperous, a
comfort to her or the contrary.

“Midsummer- Take three roses, smoke them with sulphur, and exactly at
three in the day bury one of the roses under a yew-tree; the second in a
newly-made grave and put the third under your pillow for three nights,
and at the end of that period burn it in a fire of charcoal. Your dreams
during that time will be prophetic of your future destiny, and what is still
more curious and valuable, says Mother Bridget, the man whom you are
to wed will enjoy no peace till he comes and visits you. Besides this you
will perpetually haunt his dreams.

“St John’s Eve - Make a new pincushion of the very best black velvet (no
inferior quality will answer the purpose). And on one side stick your name
at full length with the very smallest pins that can be bought (none others
will do). On the other side make a cross with some very large pins and
surround it with a circle. Put this into your stocking when you take it off

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at night, and hang it up at the foot of the bed. All your future life will pass
before you in a dream.

“First New Moon of the Year - On the first new moon in the year take a
pint of clear spring water, and infuse into it the white of an egg laid by a
white hen, a glass of white wine, three almonds peeled white and a
tablespoonful of white rose-water. Drink this on going to bed, not more
nor less than three draughts of it; repeating the following verses three
several times in a clear distinct voice, but not so loud as to be overheard
by anybody:
If I dream of water pure
Before the coming morn,
’Tis a sign I shall be poor
And unto wealth not born,
If I dream of tasting beer,
Middling then will be my cheer-
Chequer’d with the good and bad,
Sometimes joyful, sometimes sad;
But should I dream of drinking wine,
Wealth and pleasure will be mine.
The stronger the drink, the better the cheer-
Dreams of my destiny, appear, appear!
“Twenty-ninth of February - This day, as it only occurs once in four years,
is peculiarly auspicious to those who desire to have a glance of futurity,
especially to young maidens burning with anxiety to know the appearance
and complexion of their future lords. The charm to be adopted is the
following: Stick twenty-seven of the smallest pins that are made, three by
three, into a tallow candle. Light it up at the wrong end, then place it in a
candlestick made out of clay, which must be drawn from a virgin’s grave.
Place this on the chimney-place, in the left-hand corner, exactly as the
clock strikes twelve, and go to bed immediately. When the candle is
burnt out, take the pins and put them into your left shoe; and before nine
nights have elapsed your fate will be revealed to you.”

Crystals are an integral part of learning and understanding one’s inner self.
The crystals mentioned below are all aids to sleeping and dreaming.

Beta quartz is said to aid in decoding dreams.


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Chinese writing rock is porphyric with patterns resembling Chinese
script. It is a stone good for assisting one into the dream state and
directing one’s dreams towards the intended subject.
Diaspor gives clarity of dream recall.
Green Sapphire encourages the remembering of dreams.
Jade is known as the dreamstone, and assists in dream solving and the
release of emotions. Place under your pillow for successful dreaming.
Jasper (red) allows dream recall, as though one were watching a video
and is good for the technique of carrying the dream forward.
Kyanite calms and clears and gives good recall and dream solving.
Lapis gives insights into one’s own dreams. It makes possible a
connection with the higher self.
Manganosite improves the dream state and helps the memory both
during and after the dream.
Opal, the ‘happy dream’ stone, gives understanding of the dreamer’s
Rhonite stimulates the vividness of dreams and allows one to ‘hold on’
to the dream while it is recorded.
Ruby protects against distressing dreams.
Star garnet helps the dreamer to remember his dreams, particularly those
which clear the chaotic state.
Tunnellite stimulates beta waves (See p33) and can promote creativity
and the achievement of one’s dreams.

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This section deals with simple explanations of symbolism and dream
images. It will enable the reader to interpret single images, and thus give
added meaning to a dream. It will also allow the dreamer to decipher the
inter-relationship between multiple images, and will hopefully give a
sufficiently clear interpretation to allow the dreamer fresh insight into
their own psyche.


The first thing to be looked at in dreamwork is the situation, or the
environment in which the dreamer finds himself. This gives some
indication of the overall feeling of the dream. For instance, to dream of
being in a big building would indicate a dream about oneself and how one
is relating to present circumstances. A dream of being lost in such a
building might suggest that one is not fully aware of one’s own abilities,
and if in addition it were an office buildings the solution might lie in the
everyday work environment. The dreamer could then relate this to his
present circumstances - this sets the scene for the individual to
understand what the dreaming self is trying to make known.
After this the various images need deciphering and what is pertinent to
the dreamer may be recognised as symbols of what is occurring at a very
deep level of consciousness. It is possible that the dreams use symbolism
so that the dreamer must work to uncover the meaning behind the dream
rather than the dream itself. Just as a child learns that certain words
represent certain objects, the dreamer begins to understand his or her
own dream language. For instance in the dream of the hostel on p93 it
was recognised that there was word play between ‘hostel’ and ‘hostile’.
The people in the dream are then seen as meaningful within the drama
which has been created, and finally the entire assortment is put together
to create a particular message for the dreamer, for all dreams are of note
at some level of awareness.
The story played out in dreams often has no running sequence; the scenes
jumping from one thing to another in apparently no particular order. If it

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is believed, however, that the mind gives emphasis subjectively to what
must be brought to the dreamer’s notice, then there is in fact some kind
of order. The theme of the dream will be followed, rather than the
sensible order. Once the theme of the dream is revealed, then the various
aspects can be given definition and the symbols interpreted correctly for
the individual. The only interpretation which is truly valid is our own,
though we can ask for help from others who have learned to understand
the language of dreams. Just as each person’s speech pattern is highly
personal, so also is our own dream terminology.
It cannot be stressed too often that dream interpretation is a highly
individualistic pastime. Through its uniqueness, for those with patience, it
offers insight into the many-faceted personality. One insight can be into
the types of dreams one has.

There are several types of dreams which are worth noting.

Recurring Dreams
Most people will remember having had recurring dreams of one sort or
another. Often such dreams will recur in response to a particular set of
circumstances in the dreamer’s waking life, when the scenario, the people
or the actions will be the same or similar. In problems to do with the
author’s working life, for instance, a hospital theme is often apparent.
This is partly because of her nursing background, partly because she is a
healer, but probably most of all because the nursing experience was
particularly stressful. Such a dream therefore suggests a stressful situation
which needs to be resolved. Most recurring dreams are to do with some
aspect of the dreamer’s personality with which they have not yet come to
terms. It is as though the record has got stuck, to be replayed until such
times as the problem itself is understood.
Parts of dreams can also recur when there is a particularly difficult
situation which has elements within it which the dreamer needs to
recognise. One such dream is that quoted in the section on lucid
dreaming, where the character known as the Nazi woman reappears quite
frequently in dreams, although in different settings. In this case the
dreamer is alerted to behaviour which is inappropriate and when action
needs to be taken to avoid mistakes. The rest of the dream is in no way
similar to any other dream, but the presence of this particular character
adds a certain tone to the dream.

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In popular belief, recurring dreams are those where the main elements are
the same. More properly they may be considered as those dreams where
the theme or themes are the same.

Anxiety dreams
Anxiety dreams are another type of dream needing consideration. Often
remnants from childhood leave their traces within the psyche, and the
dreamer must contend thereafter with the traces within dreams of the
anxieties which perpetually rise to the surface. Anxiety dreams tend to be
remembered more than most, purely and simply because the emotional
content is more difficult to handle, and less well understood. Dreams
often allow us to handle anxiety better than we do in the waking state,
since the anxiety can be experienced in the dream, but also left within it.
Thus the dream cited on p98 of performing operatic songs without
knowing the music - although the dreamer knew the words - tied in with
circumstances in his life at that particular time when he had no doubt
about his abilities, but was unsure of what was expected of him. Anxiety
dreams are often to do with some aspect of performance anyway,
whether that is to do with our own ability to perform well or adequately,
or whether we are presenting ourselves in a good light. They tend to stem
from our need to ‘fit in’ to the world in which we live, and may well stem
from our perception of ourselves at a very young age. If we do not feel
that we have control of what is happening, then anxiety results.

Precognitive dreams
Precognitive dreams are another type of dream causing people some
concern. It is always difficult to prove that dreams are precognitive, since
there are those who believe that strictly the dream should have been
reported, preferably in writing, before the event. It is all too easy to claim
knowledge after the occurrence, or to make the event fit the dream, so it
is only recently that there has been a more scientific approach to such
things. It is here that quantitative analysis can come into its own.
It is, however, possible that people will have single precognitive dreams,
based on their knowledge of themselves and of people around them,
which have not been classed as such. This is the type of dream where an
action or behaviour is represented symbolically, but only the dreamer will
understand the significance. A personal dream of this type is one where I
myself dreamt of two friends who were to get married shortly. In the
dream I saw them on an island which split down the middle, one part of
which sank. This was borne out in later years, when the husband’s

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business went bankrupt, and they parted. At the time there was little
likelihood of this happening, and my interpretation was more to do with
my own fears and doubts about our friendships. It was only with
hindsight that this dream could be called precognitive. By keeping a
journal, it is possible to build a record of the development of what might
be called personal precognitive dreams, and to build a library of symbols
which are recognisable. This may be a place, a feeling or a particular
character within a dream.

Prophetic dreams
What might be called a sub-set of precognitive dreams are prophetic
dreams, particularly those which forecast the fate of a baby. We have
already seen that in ancient times the dream gift - that is, the ability to
connect to the divine - was bestowed to the priesthood and to women.
With their intuitive ability women appeared to be able to make that
connection much more easily. The druids of Gaul and Eire had ten
prophetesses to every prophet.
It would appear that during pregnancy mothers seem to make a
connection with the unborn baby and be able to receive information
through dreams as to the future fate of the infant. It is recorded in the
Mahabharata that in a dream Devali, the mother of Krishna, heard
predictions of the priests and knew her baby would be divine.
Such dreams have occurred throughout history and it is perhaps a moot
point whether the mother’s dreams had an effect on the baby, ensuring
the correct environment and education, or whether the baby was divine
and informed the mother during pregnancy. Dagachi, for instance, the
mother of Zoroaster, who was the founder of Zoroastrianism (the faith
of Parsees of India and Persia) also dreamt her son would be divine.
The ‘Gospel of Mary’ is said to have been written by James, the son of
Joseph, and shows that Mary, her mother Anne, and her cousin Elizabeth
(mother of St John) were prophetesses and ‘mystic dream women’. The
dreams of Mary are said to have lacked the intensity of Oriental imagery,
but nonetheless she was certain of the divinity of her son. This Gospel
was accepted as genuine by the early Christians and indeed still is by
Oriental churches, but by the early fourteenth century was believed to be
apocryphal. The faith of the early Christians seems to have frequently
manifested itself in mothers’ dreams. Over the centuries all these mothers
are recorded as having dreamt their sons would be great:-
Rohes - Thomas à Becket.

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Aethelwold of Winchester.
St Gudula.
St Euthymius.
Monica, mother of St Augustine.
Amina, mother of Mohammed.
Samson’s mother dreamt her son would be the saviour of Israel.
Olympias, the mother of Alexander the Great, dreamt her son would be
a great leader whose empire would rise and fall.
The mother of Nero dreamt he would be a monster.
Paganini’s mother was asked by an angel in a dream what gift she wanted
for her son and she said “to be a great violinist”.
Even today it seems that during pregnancy women can receive
information about their children on a subliminal level, and are not
particularly surprised by what happens to them, or dream their future in a
quite surprising way.

The negative side of dreaming can be encapsulated in nightmares. It
seems that they arise from six main causes, many of which are based in
childhood. Nightmares around loss and deprivation seem to be
associated with the traumas and difficulties of the birth process. Those
linked to a fear of being attacked may also centre around the same
situation and anxiety about internal motivations, and are connected with
a basic need for survival and the satisfaction of the need for food, warmth
and shelter. The rage at being thwarted in the gratification of those needs
that the child experiences may surface later as nightmares. Much research
has been done lately on ‘Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome’ where it has
been found that the distress experienced at the time of the original trauma
can surface many years later. It seems that the brain has not been enabled
to get rid of the shock enough for the sufferer to recover. It is this type of
nightmare that may be suffered by those who were sexually abused as
children. The motivation to survive can also surface in adults as fear of
the future, change and growth - largely it is a fear of the unknown.
Many nightmares are centred around a sense of foreboding. It seems that
the human being is capable of picking up information subliminally, which
is then brought out in dreams. Many would say that these are pre-
cognitive dreams. Serious illness with its fears and anxieties surrounding
death can also cause nightmares; in this case help can be gained from
therapy and counselling.

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Sexual dreams
Sexual dreams often take place at times when formally in primitive
societies the individual would be taking part in various rites of passage.
Modern-day people do not mark such times as puberty, birth and passage
into old age with ceremony, and sexual dreams - that is the integration of
one part of the personality with another - often mark this process.
It is often helpful for the dreamer to be able to identify the type of dream
he or she has had for further reference - this is where a journal is of use,
particularly when dealing with a series of dreams. Many such series deal
with the archetypes (basic pictures of ideals which each of us holds
within); a brief explanation of these archetypes follows.

In the Middle Ages, long before the advent of modern psychology, it was
thought that every man carried a woman inside himself. Although it was
Jung who first gave a name to the Anima (the feminine within) and to the
various parts of the personality and also recognised man’s potential for
developing symbols as a way of understanding, it had long been
recognised that there was a duality in the way man thought. It is as though
there was some kind of internal pendulum which eventually sorted out
the opposing concepts into a unified whole. Nowadays we are aware that
the unconscious mind appears to sort information by comparing and
contrasting. When we are aware of disharmony within ourselves, whether
this is between the inner and the outer selves, the masculine and feminine
or whatever, we may dream in pairs (e.g. masculine/feminine, old/young,
clever/stupid). Dreams have always been used to make sense of those
things which are not understood in everyday terms, and it is perhaps
sensible right at the beginning to define those parts of the character which
have been accepted in the modern day to have a validity of their own.

There are three main aspects of the personality which continually

manifest in dreams - the Shadow, the Animus or Anima and the Ego
Most of us become aware of these facets of personality when they can no
longer be denied or suppressed, and much can be gained by working with
the images which come up in dreams. Sometimes the images are of people
we know, sometimes fictitious figures, or those from myths and fairy tales
and sometimes images such as animals and birds. It is for this reason that
this book categorises such things under separate sections for ease of

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The Shadow
The most difficult side of the personality is called the Shadow and is the
epitomisation of all of the worst faults and weaknesses which we have.
This appears as a vague instinctual figure in a dream whom the dreamer
usually does not recognise or of whom they are somewhat apprehensive.
Initially this figure appears behind the dreaming self. Most often this
figure is initially depicted as the opposite sex to the dreamer and can
therefore be confused with the Animus and Anima. It is only later that the
dreamer recognises it as the same sex as themselves. It is the part which
has been neglected and not developed, and has within it those
characteristics that have already been suppressed and thwarted; as well as
parts which have never been recognised. It is the piece of ourselves
hidden behind the rest of our personal characteristics but which has been
suppressed because it is frightening and unmanageable.

That aspect which in a man it is all that is instinctive, feminine and
sensitive is known as the Anima - those qualities which belong to the
opposite sex. The masculine attributes of logic and objectivity in a woman
are known collectively as the Animus. Both of these figures are idealised
perceptions of the opposite sex which tend to become distorted by
experience and trauma. No one person can quite approximate to the
feminine within the man or the masculine within the woman, but when
young people begin relationships outside the family circle they usually
project their own ideal of the opposite sex onto their partner. They then
have difficulty when that person in no way matches that ideal. This
confusion of the inner ideal with the outer reality can cause a problem
throughout life in any male/female relationship.
It is possible to come to an understanding of these figures and to accept
them for what they are. Often through dreams they become the basis of
our understanding of the opposite sex as well as helping us to open up to
our own inner being, and the potential for co-operation between the
masculine/feminine parts of our personality. If this potential for inner
union is disregarded or mistreated, the human being is likely to be cut off
from connection with the meaningful aspects of the opposite sex. It is
more than probable then that the man may behave in a highly unstable,
perhaps almost neurotic, way, whereas a woman may become
quarrelsome and aggressive.

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The Ego
When in the dream state we are observing what is going on, the part that
stands to one side and examines the situation is the Ego. We are more
aware in dreams of the friction that there is between it and other aspects
of the personality. The Ego is the part of us that makes sense of our reality
within the world, but if we are not constantly vigilant the need for an
inner correctness - a kind of self-deception - can negatively influence this
When the Ego has become split off or detached from other parts of the
personality, our perception of the world we live in becomes distorted. We
may find difficulty in accepting anything other than our own view of the
world, and become self-seeking and close minded as well as having
difficulty in relating to others. When this process goes too far, other
aspects try to restore the balance through dreams. Developing objective
self-criticism, observation of our fantasies and patience, can create a
balance. The Ego, therefore, as a balance between reason and imagination
must be brought under control, although it can never be given up

The True Self

Within each of us there is a potential for true creativity which is most
likely initially to communicate through dreams. This True Self first
appears as a figure or possibility belonging to the future, but as the other
aspects become properly synthesised the individual in his waking life may
then be able to manifest within himself or herself the complete, real,
many-sided Self. When the dreamer learns to work with archetypal
images and is prepared to make the effort to understand them, the dream
figures play their role in helping to create a sustainable reality that
manifests in the real world in the form of better relationships increased
opportunity for success, and a happier way of living. They will then have
accomplished their task and are less likely to appear in dreams, except in
times of stress or trauma. The inner-Self is packed with potential which,
given the right stimulus, may be used as power. Using the True-Self to
gauge one’s own abilities results in a more efficient use of the energy
which is inherent in each of us.

Further understanding
Personal growth takes place as we learn to understand and integrate each
of the many facets of our character, but each aspect of the personality
must ultimately grow in its own sphere, and achieve a balance without

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disturbing the purpose of the others. It is vital to keep the correct
personal aim in focus. As each part of the character matures, we are able
to comprehend our own way of operating within the world more and
more. When conflict does arise between the various aspects, while the
process may be painful, if we understand it - often through dreams - it
should not be destructive. The interaction between the archetypes should
both improve and sharpen the character, and those parts, having first
been seen as separate entities and then understood, should become
familiar, manageable and properly integrated into the whole personality.
This again allows access to the higher aspects of creativity.

The Shadow
When part of our personality is suppressed or forgotten it can often
assume the guise of what might be called the personal demon. Everyone
has his or her individual Shadow, the worst side of him or herself that has
not been recognised. Meeting the Shadow is painful: the distress of seeing
ourselves as we really are in our worst moments can be almost
unbearable, and is often the stuff of nightmares. One way to meet the
Shadow is to think of all the things we dislike most about people, add to
that everything we find hard to deal with in man’s treatment of his fellow
man and try to imagine what sort of person this would be. It is everything
we hope we are not, but fear we may be, and unfortunately if we have the
courage to ask others for an assessment of our character, they may well
have perceived just those qualities within us. The sensitive artist may
have a totally egotistic Shadow; the man or woman of compassion may
have a cruel overbearing Shadow when thwarted; the intrepid
mountaineer must overcome his fear of ridicule before he can succeed.
When we are able to face this awful inner entity with integrity we learn to
accept our own inadequacies, and from that acceptance learn to see the
rest of reality honestly. The Shadow will often appear in dreams as
someone for whom we have strong negative feelings, are afraid of, or
envy, but whom we find difficulty in ignoring. We come to understand
when we realise that we have been given an opportunity through dreams
to bring such feelings to the surface rather than ignore them. This is the
route to greater understanding of others, and of new perceptions of the
unconscious. When we have the courage to face the Shadow - to pinpoint
the behaviour patterns within ourselves - we are moving towards
wholeness. We can admit the Shadow’s existence and recognise it for
what it is, a distortion of perceived reality, often made more difficult
through childhood misapprehension.

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The child primarily perceives a need to have things right within his or her
world, and will begin very early on to create a type of reality where this can
happen. This often means suppressing parts of the personality which are
not perceived to be appropriate, because this is the only way they can be
dealt with. It also often means that the child accepts the projections of
other people’s personalities because he or she does not have enough
information to question their validity. The conflict between the inner
personality and the outer information then becomes highly destructive,
either on an inner or on an outer level, and a kind of grey area is created,
where everything which is not understood or properly processed resides.
Dreaming can enable us to integrate the Shadow into the personality in
such a way that we are able to live more fully both on an inner level and
on an outer level. Dreams can both alert us to the need for integration and
assist in the process.
We can often get back in touch through dreams with those normal
feelings, right responses and creative abilities that we have suppressed and
buried along with the negative and destructive sides of the personality.
This energy, when harnessed and understood, becomes a force for
forward movement rather than a dangerous enemy.

There is a note of caution to be sounded in working with archetypes as

dream images. It is unwise to concentrate totally on either the inner realm
or the outer reality lest we find ourselves limiting the extent and richness
of our lives. We run the risk of yet again creating fantasies and illusions.
The introvert needs to begin to experience the outer reality, and the
extrovert to experience the inner self. This is a fresh experience that
allows us to experience life in a new and, for us, innovative way, which
may not always initially be comfortable The extrovert may discover for a
time that he is unable to cope with his relationship with the outside world,
and the introvert may lose his sense of inner peace.

Anima/Animus (a figure of the opposite sex to the dreamer)

This is the feeling and clear-sighted side of the male’s nature. All the
women the individual has known, but principally his mother, will help to
form his idea of the feminine and will give point to all the feminine energy
within him. In dreams this female figure may show herself as a completely
unknown ideal woman, aspects of women the dreamer has known, or as
feminine deities.
Dreams make an attempt to offset unbalanced conscious attitudes. The

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Anima will often appear when a man is not using the feminine side of
himself, for instance by forcing everything he is into the masculine, or
when he has need for inspiration in a creative way. As he becomes more
conscious of the feminine within, the dreamer is able to develop
sentiment and genuine feeling and to accept within himself the feminine
qualities of openness, sympathy and other such perceptiveness and
adaptable characteristics. If he fails to synthesise these feminine attributes
he will be perceived as rigid, world-weary or irresponsible. The
suppressed feminine may also blow up into capricious and irrational
behaviour. He will also constantly project his own negative image of the
feminine onto each and all of the women he meets and will not
understand when all women appear to have the same faults. Also he will
project it onto an unobtainable ‘object’, avoiding proper contact with the
opposite sex. When she is thwarted, the Anima turns into the completely
negative feminine illusion who destroys all around her. This part of the
personality only becomes a guide to inner wisdom and an ally when a man
confronts his destructive side and learns how to handle the energy he has

The masculine part within a woman’s character is known as the Animus.
The reasonable premeditating side of herself, along with her ability to
develop self-awareness - the inner masculine - is affected by her early
contact with the masculine. If the men around her have not developed in
their own understanding of themselves, a woman’s Animus will pick up
on that lack of understanding. When she learns how to integrate her inner
masculine properly she is able to develop. While the Animus is
completely different for each woman, it is only when she is capable of
developing this side of herself and regarding it as almost a completely
separate personality that she will be able to use it as a natural guide to the
deeper layers of her own personality. Her question then becomes ‘What
would I do if I were a man?’
The Animus usually displays itself in dreams to emphasise the woman’s
need to develop the masculine traits in her personality. A woman can
become confused when her judgement has been distorted by the
customary assumptions that she has taken as her own and has never
questioned. They have been handed down to her as truths, and she has
not been prepared to look at her own inner philosophy. Only when she
learns to develop her own judgement can she then put to good use the
masculine inside herself without over-developing the need to compete

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with men, or equally to be destructive to other women; a woman must
evolve that side of herself that can judge without being judgmental, create
strategy without being inflexible, and can deliberately rather than
instinctively maintain a hold on her inner reality.
The Animus, like the Anima, can be projected on to the men around her,
and when the negative side of the Animus rules her ability to think and
plan, she may become obstinate and self-seeking, with the thought that
she is owed her success. Continuously she will be irritated and
antagonistic to her man if she does not realise that she is mirroring her
own masculine side. Relationships will fail over and over again until she
realises that each failure is down to her. When she is able to take
responsibility for her own lack of wisdom she can progress and grow, and
so can the relationships she has.
When we have made contact with the Animus or Anima, we can allow
ourselves to integrate them into waking life and use the power released.
Dreams allow us access to the singular characteristics which make each
person so individual. There may be some conflict between the masculine
attributes and the feminine ones, but once some kind of equilibrium is
established the integration of the whole character can take place. This
leads to a much greater awareness, and ease of life.

The Self
Because one’s true potential beckons from the future the first experience
in dream form of the Self may be a figure encouraging us to move
forward. The Self is the true archetype of potential which has in fact
always been present, but has been hidden behind the necessary unfolding
of the character. Later on it can become a symbol of wholeness which we
are able to work with in the here and now to create a sustainable future.
The Self holds the secret of all the other parts, and their eventual
When we first meet this aspect we are often aware of it as a holy figure or
some aspect of the particular god we have worshipped - Christ, Buddha,
Krishna and so on. This is the unknown, unknowable, higher spiritual
quality held within everyone. As we become more familiar with the
knowledge we receive, we begin to appreciate that we do not need the
form and personalised attributes we have invested it with, but can have
direct awareness of our own existence. It is an inner guidance which we
need to understand and trust, often perceived as a knowledge we have
already had without being fully conscious of it. We interact not just with
other people but also with everything. We cannot exist without the

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interaction which goes on at every level in our lives, and must appreciate
that we are ultimately all part of one greater whole. It is an essential
component in the two-way traffic between the uniqueness and the
holiness of our being.
When images of this archetype, such as a guru, god, a saintly animal, a
cross, a mandala or other geometric shape begin to appear in dreams, we
are ready to face the business of becoming complete. We are capable of
moving beyond a self-opinionated fascination to a wider appreciation of
a greater reality. This reality can become so much part of our personal
experience that we stand in danger of becoming confused between the
needs of the physical world and the demands of a more spiritual life. Only
by being prepared to interweave the two and pay attention to the
demands and benefits of both do we live our lives successfully.
When negative or destructive images occur, such as demons and vengeful
gods, we are made mindful that we are dismissing the power of the Self.
It is often at this point that we make a decision to advance and to change
for the better. If we do not, often change will be forced upon us.

The Great Mother/Mother Earth

This archetype is the personification of all the aspects of femininity, both
positive and negative. In searching for this ideal, woman must use and
interpret all the separate functions of her being. She must learn to use
sensation, feeling, thinking and intuition as her tools rather than as
weapons, and often does this through dreams. This fundamental figure is
not the nurturing mothering side of woman, but is a much more spiritual,
innately wise sense of Self. All life, and the instinctual awareness of its
processes, is the Great Mother’s sphere and her attributes can be
cultivated in many different ways.

A Woman’s Self
Every woman is herself the epitome of feminine energy. As she matures,
her abilities express themselves through the functions of sensation,
feeling, intellect and intuition. Her focus is on the intangible side of life,
on instinct and on feeling. She recognises the processes of life and death
and of rebirth. Ideally she seeks to create, but at the same time knows she
holds within the ability to demolish. She can be merciless within that
destruction, seeing no point in maintaining that which is flawed.
In each individual woman there is a striving to express each function as
fully as possible, and she will tend to counteract her own inadequacies, by
seeking balance through her man. The mothering type of woman thus

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seeks union with a man who needs nurturing, as in the example of the
‘princess’ with the father figure. These relationships work until such times
as either partner recognises that they can develop other sides of their

The Wise Old Man

This is the prime archetype for the man’s whole Self; he is the composite
figure of all the masculine characteristics which have been understood
and assimilated. When a person recognises that the only appropriate
guidance is that which comes from within, the Wise Old Man often
appears in dreams. By drawing on the deep well of the unconscious, a
protector and ally appears to be a source of inspiration and
understanding, to give advice and to support necessary decisions. Within
the Wise Old Man are combined the functions of sensation, feeling,
thinking and intuition.

A Man’s Self
A man’s self will express itself much more through intellect, logic and
conscious awareness, although today’s society can mean that he will deny
the intuitive function. Each person again grows into maturity by
developing the functions of thinking or intellect, sensation, emotion and
intuition. For a man in this day and age the process of separation from the
mother is understood as a process of individuation and development, and
the need to be separate from - and yet connected with - his unconscious
self. If a man loses himself too much on an intellectual, logical level, his
dreams will begin to depict the danger he is in. Provided he remembers
not to try to counteract his inner self by developing the macho side of
himself at the cost of everything else, he will reach a state of equilibrium
which allows him to relate to the rest of the world on his own terms. He
will achieve a coherence which allows him to operate properly as a human
being. He will not seek to express his inadequacies through his
relationships or need to do so through his dreams.


Now that there are so many schools of thought about dream
interpretation, it is worthwhile experimenting with more than one
method to find out if the dream will yield all of its insights and intangible
aspects. Here are a few methods to try:-

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Anxiety, Fears and Doubts
It is worthwhile looking at your dreams in terms of the anxieties or
negative feelings they cause you. We do tend to remember negative
dreams more than positive ones, and if we can identify what is causing
anxiety at a deep level in our lives then the dream can be interpreted much
more clearly. One such dream is the one about the cats in the garden on

This can be done with the whole dream, or with its component parts. Ask
yourself what memories it makes you recall, and what comes first of all to
mind. Some of the association will surprise you, some will be fairly
obvious. The trick is to continue with the associations until there is
nothing more left, or you become aware of a strong and certain
knowledge that you have ‘hit paydirt’.This is a process which can be done
only by you as the dreamer, though the prescence of someone else can
facilitate the process. For example, you may have dreamed of filling a

bucket with earth. The associations might be:

Bucket and spade

.. Sand

.. Holiday

.. Play

.. Grandparents
Ice cream

.. Slippery

. Pain

It could be seen that the association could stop there or continue until the
anger is thoroughly understood.
An extension of such free association is to write down all that you can
think of in relation to one aspect of that process, but to do it in such a way
that you can see the relevance of each link. You might try the process
known as mind-mapping. Say, for instance, you choose one of the words
in the above list. Let us choose ‘Ice cream’.

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Mind Map

If you wished to take the process into even more detail you might take
one of the further associations and perform the same exercise. Coming
back to it days or even weeks later, you may have further insights into
your own awareness.

If we work on the theory that all parts of the dream are aspects of you, it
is often worth while setting up a conversation between you and part of
your dream. This you can do either in your head or by placing two chairs
opposite one another and alternately being yourself, and the aspect of
your dream. (See p 27 on Gestalt work.)
Let us take the example we used earlier of the bucket of earth.You might
ask the bucket what it felt like to be filled up. As bucket you might reply
for instance ‘Satisfying, thank you’ or ‘I wish they wouldn’t throw this
stuff at me’. It is what first comes up spontaneously without conscious
monitoring that is important. You can also set up such a conversation
between two parts of the dream, for instance, between the bucket and the
earth. This method sounds very weird, but in fact can be most
enlightening about our inner motivation, and indeed can often lead to
further dreams of clarification.

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Each dream that we have is a dramatic representation of some part of our
understanding of the life we live, so acting it out and taking the dream
further than its waking point can be interesting. If you have a group of
like-minded friends it is possible to re-enact one another’s dreams, and to
find out what might have happened next. As an example the dream scene
might have you hurtling down the road in a lorry towards certain disaster.
Act out what happened next; to you, the lorry, the road and whatever you
did or did not hit.
A further extension of this technique is either to exaggerate or minimise
some part of the dream and experiment with what might happen. For
instance, what happens if the lorry is an articulated truck? Do you feel
more or less safe? What happens if it is a little tiny toy model?

Traces of the day

Look at your dream in terms of what you may have absorbed on a
subliminal level during the last thirty six hours, and find out if a version
appears in your dream. You probably need to ask yourself why the event
has left an impression. Decide for yourself whether you need to explore
your reaction further, and whether it gives you information of which you
can make use.

Re-running the dream

It is possible to go over the dream in your mind as many times as you
wish. Sometimes, it presents itself in the same way as you dreamt it, other
times, there are additional images which surface either as a result of an
insight which has occurred or as an explanation of something which you
have not fully understood. You may also find that you have sensations,
emotions and bodily feelings which you can explore.

Certain parts of the dream may tell you a lot more than the various
images, people and so on. Consider the environment of the dream, and
what information it gives you.
Colours within a dream can give many insights. It is a vital part of
symbolism. This is partly to do with the vibratory frequency which each
individual colour has, and partly to do with tradition. Scientific
experiments have now been carried out to ascertain what effect colour
has, and have proved what occultists and healers have always known. In
working with the colours of the rainbow, we discover that the warm,

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lively colours - which give back light - are yellow, orange and red. Cold
passive colours are blue, indigo and violet. Green is a synthesis of both
warmth and cold. White light holds all colour in it.
By working with one’s own colour spectrum it is possible to maintain
health. Some meanings given to colours are:-

. Black This colour holds within it all colour in potential. It suggests

. materialisation, pessimism and judgement.

Blue It is the colour of the clear blue sky. This is the most effective

.. healing colour. It suggests relaxation, sleep and tranquillity.

Brown The colour of the earth, death and promise.
Green This is the colour of equilibrium and compatibility. It is the

. colour of nature and of plant life.

Grey There is probably no true grey. It means dedication and

. service.
Magenta This is in some ways a colour which links both the
physical and the spiritual. It signifies surrender, altruism, perfection

. and meditative practice.

Orange This is an essentially cheerful, uplifting colour. The

. qualities associated are satisfaction and autonomy.

Red Vitality, strength, dynamism, life, sensuality and power are all
connected with this colour. A beautiful clear mid-red is the correct
one for these qualities, so if there is any other red in dreams the

. attributes may not be totally uncontaminated.

Turquoise The colour is clear greeny-blue. This is supposed in
some religions to be the colour of the freed soul. It means rest and

. simplicity.
Violet This colour, while found by some to be too strong, means

. grandeur, esteem, and hope. It’s purpose is to uplift.

White The colour containing within it all colours. It suggests

. innocence, spiritual purity and wisdom.

Yellow This colour is the one which is closest to daylight.
Connected with the emotional self, the attributes are reasoning,
sometimes listlessness and judgement.

Colour confirms for us the existence of light. In spiritual terms, red is the
colour of self-image and sexuality, orange is relationships - both with self
and others. Yellow is the emotional self, green is self-awareness and blue
is self-expression and wisdom. Indigo is the colour of creativity, while
violet depicts cosmic responsibility. Emotions and feelings in dreams are

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worth studying since we may often express, in dreams, things that we feel
might not be appropriate in everyday life, yet, we still experience them.
Sometimes, also, it is worthwhile turning the dream around and
expressing it with the opposite emotion to the one we actually

The position of objects may be important. When a particular position is
highlighted in a dream it usually signifies our moral standpoint, or our
position in life. It can also give an indication of how we are handling
situations in our lives. For instance, something in the wrong position
means we are going about things in the wrong way.
Anything higher, or above us, represents spirit or an aspect of the higher
self, the intellectual side and the ideals we hold. This applies also when
dreaming of the upper part of anything (of a building or body, for
example). Anything underneath, below, or downstairs signifies the
anarchic or immoral side of our being; the sexual impulses can also be
characterised in this way. Something appearing upside down emphasises
the potential for chaos and difficulty. The personality has a need to
balance the heights and depths of it’s experience, and if this does not
happen a warning will usually appear in dream form.

Back/Front Rejection and acceptance can be shown in a dream as seeing

the back and front of something.
Backward/Forward A backward and/or forward movement is usually
indicating the possibility of adopting a retrograde, backward-looking
disposition. There is a need or a tendency to retire into the past, rather
than tackling fears and moving ahead.
Centre (Also see Shapes) To be aware of the centre of any aspect of a
dream is to be conscious of a particular objective, or perhaps the
dreamer’s real Self. There is possibly a need to be the centre of attention
whatever the circumstances.
Far/Near In dreams, space and time can become interchangeable.
Dreaming of something which is far away, may indicate that it is far away
in time. This may be future or past, depending on the dream. A long way
in front would be future, a long way behind would be past. Near or close
would mean recently, or, in the here and now.
Horizontal This usually symbolises the material world.
Left The left-side suggests the less controlling, more receptive side.
Often it is taken to represent all that is dark and sinister and instinctive,

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and those parts of our personality which we do our best to curb. It is
connected with what is experienced as good inside and with personal
behaviour, without attention to any code of conduct. It is sympathetic in
expression, and understanding by nature, so anything appearing on the
left-side in dreams can be accepted as evidence of support. Any pain
experienced on the left-side is interpreted in terms of sensitivity. Often,
the left represents the past. It also expresses the more feminine attributes.
Feelings of being left behind suggest a sense of inferiority, and of having
to leave the past behind. Indecision over left or right suggests an inability
to decide whether to rely on force or intuition.
Low In dreams, ‘feeling low’ can suggest a sense of inadequacy, reserve
or depression. There may be submissive behaviour, which puts us in a
lower position than others. Occasionally, to be below something or
someone can denote a need to explore the depths or negativity of a
relationship or situation.
Opposite Anything in a dream, which is opposite, may suggest a dilemma
in reconciling a paradox (good/bad, male/female, up/down, etc.). This
may or may not suggest antagonism. One thing, deliberately put opposite
another, suggests, that there is a deliberate attempt to introduce discord.
Changing the position from opposite, suggests, that differences may be
Right/Left The conflict between right and left is usually between logic
and intuition.
Right The right-side signifies the more controlling logical and confident
side, which perceives the exterior world in an impersonal fashion. It is to
do with ‘rightness’, that is propriety, morality and social behaviour.
Anything observed on the right-side in dreams is usually significant as the
dreamer progresses. Any pain experienced on the right-side can also be
interpreted in terms of motivation. It also expresses the more masculine
attributes. Movement to the right indicates that something is coming into
conscious awareness.
Straight Straight suggests a more direct approach, the shortest way
between two objects or places.
Top To be at the top is to have succeeded in our objective, usually after
effort. To be on top is to have accepted leadership. Trying to reach the
top suggests greater exertion is needed.
Up/Upper We have the proficiency to be able to achieve much. We are
capable of getting the ‘upper hand’ (gaining supremacy) in whatever
situation the dream refers to. We can move away from the mundane,
ordinary, everyday world, and learn to win.

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Under/Underneath Being underneath something signifies taking
shelter or submitting to someone else’s handling of a situation. It may also
represent the part of us that we conceal, or the part that is less capable,
and more vulnerable.
Vertical The vertical in dreams tends to represent the spiritual realm. The
points of the compass appearing in dreams can give some indication of
where we are spiritually: The North signifies the Unknown, and hence
sometimes darkness. It is spirituality within the world. The East
traditionally suggests birth and mystic religions. It also represents
becoming ‘conscious’. The South is representative of earthly passion and
sensuality. The West can symbolise death, but more properly the state
after death when there is increased spiritual awareness. Traditionally, it
can also represent the more logical side of our natures.

The geometry and the use of shape in dreams can be fascinating, arising
from a subliminal awareness of the significance of numbers. Many shapes
can manifest, which the dreamer recognises on a dream level without
consciously knowing what they mean. The significance of numbers is as
a) Summary of qualities represented by primary numbers:
One Independence, self-respect, resolve, singleness of purpose. Intolerance, conceit,
One Independence, self-respect,
narrow-mindedness, degradation, resolve, singleness of purpose.
stubbornness. Intolerance,integrity,
Two Placidity, conceit,
unselfishness, degradation,
gregariousness, harmony,stubbornness.
indecision, indifference, lack of responsibility,
bloody-mindedness. Three Freedom, bravery,gregariousness,
Placidity, integrity, unselfishness, fun, enthusiasm, harmony.
indifference, lack of responsibility, bloody-mindedness.
over-confidence, impatience, lackadaisical behaviour. Four Loyalty, stolidity,
Three Freedom,
practicality, bravery,
honesty, fun, enthusiasm,
clumsiness, dullness,brilliance. Listlessness,
conservatism, over-confidence,
unadaptibility. Five
impatience, lackadaisical behaviour.
Adventurousness, vivaciousness, courage, health, susceptibility, sympathy, rashness,
Four Loyalty,inconstancy,
irresponsibility, stolidity, practicality, honesty.
unreliability, Clumsiness,Six
thoughtlessness. dullness, conservatism,
Idealism, selflessness,
honesty, charitableness, faithfulness, responsibility, superiority, softness, unpracticality,
Five Adventurousness,
submission. Seven Wisdom, vivaciousness,
discernment,courage, health,
philosophy, susceptibility,
fortitude, sympathy.
depth, contemplation,
morbidity, irresponsibility,lack
of action,unreliability,
Eight Practicality, power,
Six Idealism, selflessness, honesty, charitableness,
business ability, decision, control, constancy, unimaginativeness,faithfulness, responsibility,
bluntness, self-
superiority, softness, unpracticality, submission.
sufficiency, domination. Nine Intelligence, discretion, artistry, understanding,
Seven Wisdom,
brilliance, lofty moral discernment,
sense, genius,philosophy,
lack contemplation.
of concentration,
aimlessness. hypercriticism, lack of action, unsociability.
Eight Practicality, power, business ability, decision, control, constancy.
Unimaginativeness, bluntness, self-sufficiency, domination.
Nine Intelligence, discretion, artistry, understanding, brilliance, lofty moral sense,
genius. Dreaminess, lethargy, lack of concentration, aimlessness.

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b) The more esoteric interpretations are:-
One Oneself, the beginning, the first, unity. Two Duality, indecision, balance, male v
One Oneself, the beginning; the first; unity.
female, two sides to an argument, opposites. Three The triangle, freedom. Four The
Two Duality; indecision; balance; male v female; two sides to an argument;
square, strength, stability practicality, the earth, reality, the four sides of human nature
- sensation, feeling, thought, intuition, earth, air, fire and water. Five The human
Three The triangle; freedom.
body, human consciousness in the body, the five senses. Six Harmony or balance.
Four The square, strength, stability practicality; the earth; reality; the four sides of
Seven Cycles of life, magical, spiritual meaning, human wholeness. Eight Death and
human nature - sensation, feeling, thought, intuition; earth, air, fire and water.
resurrection, infinity. Nine Pregnancy, the end of the cycle and the start of something
Five The human body; human consciousness in the body; the five senses.
new, spiritual awareness. Ten A new beginning, the male and female together. Eleven
Six Harmony or balance.
Eleventh hour, the master number Twelve Time, a full cycle or wholeness. Zero The
Seven Cycles of life, magical, spiritual meaning; human wholeness.
feminine, the Great Mother, the unconscious, the absolute or hidden completeness.
Eight Death and resurrection, infinity.
Nine Pregnancy; the end of the cycle and the start of something new; spiritual
Ten A new beginning; the male and female together.
Eleven Eleventh hour; the master number
Twelve Time; a full cycle or wholeness.
Zero The feminine; the Great Mother; the unconscious; the absolute or hidden

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It is suggested by some religions that sleep is a preparation for death. As
it is thought that babies ‘dream’ themselves into physical existence,
dreams also give us access to another dimension of being - spirituality.
Dreams can then become a learning experience, giving us a wider
perspective than that of the ordinary mundane existence to which most of
us have become accustomed. One definition of spirituality is the
awareness of other dimensions of existence beyond that of the purely
physical, tangible realms.
The knowledge and information that we acquire in dreams allows us entry
into a whole library of creativity which is ours to use if only we have the
courage. Perhaps the biggest problem is that unless we have undergone
some kind of training in remembering and categorising our dreams, it is
all to easy to forget the content of a dream on waking. It is therefore
important that we learn to record our dreams and various methods are
suggested elsewhere in the book.
There are many recorded examples of dreams with a creative content,
such as Kekule’s dream of the structure of the benzene molecule. Trying
to solve the mystery of this structure, Kekule dreamt that the most
important aspect was that the molecules formed a complete ring which he
saw as a snake eating its own tail. Remembering that this dream occurred
in the latter part of the 19th century when less was known about
chemistry, this dream certainly constituted a breakthrough in knowledge.
This benzene ring gave the basis for the whole science of molecular
chemistry. It is interesting that this particular symbol echoes the ourobus
(the symbol of the cycle of existence).
Many authors, artists, poets, scientists and engineers are able to use their
dreams creatively. It is perhaps because such people tend to be more
lateral in their thought processes that they are more likely to remember
their dreams and to make the quantum leaps in understanding. Scientists
and engineers tend to be more logical and linear in their thought process
and will not necessarily accept their dreams without being able to prove
the reality in waking life.
Many people admit to having creative flashes of inspiration following

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dreams. It is as though a missing piece of jigsaw suddenly fits into place,
allowing one to see the whole picture and therefore to make sense of a
creative problem. Often a fragment of music, poetry or apparent doggerel
will linger in the mind, which on consideration is not as beautiful or
pertinent as it has seemed in the dream, but does contain the seeds of an
idea or project The mind has opened up to possibilities and potentials far
beyond the waking consciousness. Meditation can often aid in this
process of creative dreaming, whether one uses it to open up before sleep
to the creative self or uses it after dreaming to gain a greater
understanding. Examples of such techniques are given on p85.
Part of the process of dreaming creatively is to be able to remove the
restrictions placed on us by the society in which we live. It is perhaps of
prime importance that we know and understand ourselves, what makes us
the unique individuals that we are, and what we need to do to bring out
the best in us. The way a child grows in understanding as it matures is a
good matrix for spiritual and creative growth - this process is often seen
in dreams as we become more proficient in understanding and taking
control of our lives.
As children we must first become alert to our environment. We form a
perception of ourselves and should learn to associate with others around
us in a way that gives us feedback and permits us to know both what is
acceptable for us and for others. We learn how to manage, and above all
to understand, our own emotions and to appreciate that we belong to a
wider world and can take responsibility for ourselves. If we want a quality
existence then we must be able to accept what happens with a degree of
serenity, but not necessarily to blame ourselves when things go wrong.
Often dreams will mimic this early process of awareness, and allow us the
opportunity to come to terms with earlier trauma.
Once we have been able to do this, and have cleared the decks of any
baggage we may be carrying, we are in a position to be aware of just
exactly what our potential is. The world becomes exciting to be in, and we
can begin to adjust the original concept of how we saw ourselves into a
finer and better version. The way we express ourselves then begins to
improve, and we can be more honest and open. With the realisation that
we are very much part of a greater whole, we can begin to take
responsibility for the creation of a better, fuller existence for ourselves,
and finally to accept that out of that creation we can build a better and
more stable future. Whatever stage of understanding we may have
reached, dreams can help and encourage us or indicate that we are going
down a particular route which may be unproductive.

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Dreams can be taken as events in their own right and can be interpreted
as such. Whether it makes sense or we choose to act on the information
given, is decided by the dreamer. Dreams can also be taken as an
expression of the unconscious creative self, and can contain a message
which may be given either in an easy-to-understand form or in the
language of symbolism, where initially the meanings are not easily
discernible. It is when we begin to recognise the creativity behind the
process of dreaming that we open ourselves up to different ways of
approaching our own talents and abilities in a novel way. For instance, it
cannot be considered that the author is at all creative in the artistic sense,
but is creative in her dealings with people. Answers to other people’s
problems will often present themselves in dreams, when there does not
seem to be any conscious awareness of those solutions.

The Hypnagogic and Hypnopompic states

To be able to utilise the rich imagery which is available to us it is
important to be able to make use of two states of awareness which in
creative terms are vital to the management and understanding of dreams.
These are the states of alertness which occur just before (hypnagogic) and
just after (hypnopompic) sleep. Many dream interpreters tend to feel that
the two states are very similar, and to some extent this is true. They are
both times in which the material available to the dreaming self is
presented for review.
The hypnopompic state is one in which we are able to retain the images
of the dream state, to remember the ‘big’ dreams, or anything which we
consider to be important. It is a transition between sleeping and waking,
a sort of airlock of awareness where the images are not necessarily
connected with one another but pop up at random, and are very quickly
lost in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Only if we train ourselves to
remember and work with the images do we make use of this state. It is
often in this condition that the dreamer hears their name called - the voice
is accepted as a relative who has passed over, or that of the Spirit Guide,
or the Higher Self. Many people do feel that this is not feasible and often
disregard this highly creative time. With practice it can be a time when
wishes and desires can be given substance and brought into reality.
The hypnagogic state is one which occurs between waking and sleeping.
As we drift off into sleep, images again occur randomly, and are often
very beautiful in their content. They may be of landscapes, tranquil
spiritual scenes, representations of the four elements or of faces. It is
doubtful if the dreamer will know or recognise any of the pictures, but it

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is a little like scanning a clip-art file on the computer. The dreamer may be
looking for something but is having his attention drawn to other images
as well. The mind is settling down into a state in which it is opened to the
material of which dreams are made. Often during this time there are
auditory ‘soundbites’ as well, snatches of music, phrases, odd words or
the sound of water. (This is why relaxation tapes which have the sound of
water or something akin to white noise are so successful.)
The best explanation of these two states comes from the realms of
Spiritualism. The Astral planes are those levels of awareness wherein are
stored the various thought-forms which have occurred, and in the
hypnagogic and hypnopompic states the mind has access to those realms,
without moving into the sphere of spirit entity. Some of the images may
be negative or frightening, and need to be handled with a degree of
objectivity that can only be developed with practice. If such negative
images do occur frequently it is worthwhile gaining some control over the
process, not by pushing them away - which only gives them added
potency - but by accepting their validity for the moment and being
prepared to deal with them in the more conscious state. They are the
demons, imps and devils which arise often from our own insecurities and
self-doubts. It would seem that most people go through such experiences
at some point in the process of handling images and dreams, but it is
worthwhile recognising that they are the mind’s way of attempting to be
master rather than servant.
While dream interpretation does not necessarily require an understanding
of the ‘hypno’ states or vice versa, it is often of value to use dream images
to interpret the random forms which occur in those states. The half-and-
half awareness of consciousness and the semi-dream state that one has
within the hypnagogic state particularly offers an opportunity to follow a
line of thought which can clear away problems in an almost magical way.
The mind is in idling mode, and a review of the day can lead to insights
about our behaviour or beliefs in a startling and refreshing way. By using
this pre-sleep state to ‘download’ each day’s material the mind can then
throw up deeper and more meaningful images in dreams which eventually
allow us the opportunity to take more control of our lives. We can dream
creatively rather than simply using dreaming as a dumping ground. We
can then start the next day with a clean slate and can use the
hypnopompic state to bring order to the coming day. A way of doing this
is suggested in the last section of the book. During the two ‘hypno’ states
we can train ourselves to dream more lucidly.
Another way of looking at the ‘hypno’ states is as a kind of programme

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manager for the mind. If we think of the dream state as the hard-disk of
our minds we have stored various programmes for our use, some of
which at any one moment are not accessible to us or are beyond our
comprehension. As our understanding of the tool we have grows, we
become braver and braver and begin to use the more complex
programmes and stored information, and even learn to combine
programmes to give us greater access to our hard disk. There are times,
however, when, for our own safety, only the ‘icon’ appears or we may be
denied full access to a programme but are allowed a trial version for our
consideration. This can be an exciting time, and can open up all sorts of
possibilities, such as the exploration of telepathy, ESP (Extra Sensory
Perception), healing and so on. It is our choice as to which route of
exploration we wish to undertake. In the ‘hypno’ state the filters which
operate within the conscious mind are no longer operative, and those
subjects which do not belong to the waking self become more accessible.

Extra Sensory Perception (ESP)

Most people think of ESP as being the sighting of ghosts, premonitions
and other such psychic phenomena. More correctly, it should be defined
as clairvoyance (clarity of perception), clairaudience (the hearing of
auditory fragments), precognition (knowledge of a future event) and
psycho-kinesis (movement of physical objects). Mediumship,
channelling, and awareness of the spirit realm might also be included in
ESP. All of these are states of awareness are seen as apparently
paranormal. Telepathy is sometimes included in the consideration of
ESP, but is more a meeting of two minds and the sharing of impressions.
All of these happenings require conscious awareness, but their initial
appearance usually occurs spontaneously - often in the ‘hypno’ states.
How many times have we stated ‘I knew that was going happen’, or ‘I’ve
heard this before’ without quite knowing where this knowledge has come
from? If the astral state referred to previously contains everything that ‘is,
was and ever shall be’ then indeed we have known all this, because we
have accessed the information on the bridge between waking and sleeping.
By their very nature, flashes of ESP are symbolic and indistinct. When
they occur spontaneously in the ‘hypno’ states they are more readily
accepted as valid, and capable of interpretation in the same way as dream
images, from which they are sometimes not easily distinguished. By
becoming more practised at working in that state, we become more able
to use the psychic senses if we so wish. We are able to make use of a far
more creative input than our ‘normal’ awareness.

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Lucid Dreaming
Lucid dreaming is an extension of the ‘hypno’ alertness, this time
extending our control into the dreaming state. There are those who
appear to be able to do totally without sleep, although this normally
requires a high degree of spiritual awareness. However, with training, one
can become aware first that one is dreaming and then can gain an element
of lucid control. Decisions can be made as to which direction one wishes
to manipulate the dream. This is mostly used in ensuring that a bad dream
can be turned into a dream with a reasonable, or happy, ending.
Having become aware that one is dreaming, a kind of ‘a-ha’ experience,
the dream becomes somehow more real. Dream images appear brighter
and sharper, and more easily accessible, and one is able then to take
control. It is important however to realise that it is difficult to dream
lucidly all the time and although techniques such as meditation can be
developed they are not always reliable, and having worked several times in
succession are no longer of use. This is one of the qualities of lucid
dreaming in that it can manifest a quality of unexpectedness which can be
disconcerting. Some believe that parts of dreams can be lucid while other
parts are not. Thus, although one knows that one is dreaming, it also
appears that the final decision remains with the dreaming self rather than
the conscious self.

The earliest recorded lucid dreams were as far back as the fifth century AD
by none other than St Augustine. Slightly later than that the Tibetans had
perfected a way of remaining aware throughout the whole process of
dreaming, and had therefore achieved an understanding of themselves far
greater than we have today.
It is probably then not until the early nineteenth century that any sort of
scientific explanation was sought - lucid dreaming received much
attention,when many people were attempting to call up the spirits
through the use of dreams. In the late 1860s a book entitled ‘Dreams and
how to Guide Them’ by Saint Denys documented much of his own
research and development of lucid dreaming. Then, as now, it was
important to develop dream recall before becoming aware that one was
In 1913 Frederick Van Eeden drew the attention of the Society for
Psychical Research to his research of some fourteen years. His paper was
entitled ‘A Study of Dreams’. Bringing research up to date have been
Stephen LaBerge and Lynn Nagel. Other research continues, both in
Britain and the United States.

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Technically, lucid dreaming occurs when one becomes aware at some
stage in a dream that one is actually dreaming, A simple test is to decide
that an action or occurrence would not be possible within everyday life,
and therefore one must be dreaming. By maintaining a state of alert
watchfulness it is therefore possible to manipulate the dreaming process.
The first stage is to manipulate the dream, possibly from an unwanted
negative ending to a positive. Often the simple realisation that one has
that amount of control over what should be an unconscious process is
enough to open up all sorts of possibilities in one’s waking life. It
becomes possible to introduce far more positivity into the management
of the circumstances around the individual than formerly, and also alerts
one to the possibility that we can use the dream state to lay the foundation
for things which happen later.
This technique was developed in America as a therapeutic tool and way of
dealing with inappropriate feelings. It was called the RISC technique, and
has four stages which go something like this:-
1) Recognise a negative dream as it occurs
2) Identify the bad feeling
3) Stop the dream (Initially you may only be able to do this by waking
yourself up. With more practice it is possible to accomplish the change
simply by becoming aware that you are dreaming.)
4) Change the negative feeling into a positive feeling
The second stage is to decide on what other elements in the dream can be
changed. Often it is better to approach this stage of experimentation in a
light-hearted fashion, perhaps changing colours or small details of the
scenario. This enables the dreamer to get to grips with their own method
of developing control. Sometimes the process can be frustrating since, as
mentioned previously, there are other factors which seem to have an
effect on the faculty of lucid dreaming; at other times, particularly if one
is also developing the ability to meditate or use creative visualisation, great
success can be manifested.
The third stage is to work at developing the dream to suit one’s own
creativity. Here it is better to allow the dream process to begin naturally,
to decide within the dream what strand of information you are working
with, and what needs to be adjusted. It must be stressed that there is a very
fine dividing line between ordinary dreaming and lucid dreaming, and
between lucid dreaming and what we have called the ‘hypno’ states and
attempting to over-manipulate one’s dreams will only lead to
disappointment and frustration. It works better to allow things to happen
naturally rather than to try to force them, and for this reason only one

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strand should be worked with at any one time. Thus it should be possible
to change the environment, or the emotions or the actions of the
participants, but not all of them at the same time. Using meditation, a
state of awareness much akin to lucid dreaming will also allow you to
manipulate dream material to have an effect on your waking creativity.
Thus, in the dream of the hostel and the headlice quoted on p93, work
was done on the meaning and significance of the headlice through
meditation, and a sense of frustration at not being able to pinpoint a
growing sense of unrealistic expectations was identified. Through lucid
dreaming the following night, in a confrontation with one of the dream
figures the situation was resolved to the dreamer’s satisfaction. While the
dream content was not the same, the dream of resolution was incubated
and then dreamt out in a lucid way. It is perhaps worth noting that this
particular process was accomplished very quickly, which is not always the
case. Incubation of a dream may take some time, and coupled with the
fact that lucid dreaming can be somewhat capricious it might have taken
some weeks to achieve success. It is, however, always worth the
expectation of success, and combining the various methods can be of
much interest.
It should be stated that there are many people who would deny the
validity of lucid dreaming, believing that either one is awake or asleep. In
many ways this is similar to the beliefs of the Ancient Chinese who held
that there could only be one reality at a time. However, when we think of
lucid dreaming we are aware of two states of being and are capable of
controlling and changing one state from the standpoint of the other.
Recognising that the state we are trying to change is an illusion means that
we are accessing a highly creative part of ourselves where anything
becomes possible.


As aids to sleep, the techniques of relaxation, meditation and visualisation
are all excellent tools. The more proficient one becomes in these
techniques the easier it is also to achieve Lucid Dreaming. Some
suggestions are included:

An easy relaxation technique which can be performed whether or not one
wishes to meditate is as follows:-
Beginning with the toes, first tighten and relax all the muscles in your

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body, so that you are able to identify the difference between tight and
Then tighten each part of your body in turn.
First tighten the toes and let go. Do this three times.
Then tighten the ankles and release them. Again repeat three times.
Tighten the calves and let go. Again three times.
Tighten the thighs and let go. Repeat twice more.
Finally for this part tighten the full length of your legs completely and
release, again repeating three times. (This exercise is good for restless leg
Now move on to the rest of your body.
Repeating three times for each part, tighten in turn your buttocks, your
stomach, your spine, your neck, your hands, your arms and your neck
(again), your face and your scalp.
Finally tighten every single muscle you have used, and let go completely.
Repeat three times, and by now you should recognise the difference
between the state of relaxation at the beginning of the exercise, and the
one at the end.
In time, with practice you should be able to relax completely just by doing
the last part of the exercise, but for now be content with taking yourself
slowly through the process.

One of the best ways of assisting the process of dreaming, both through
access to the unconscious and improved recall, is, meditation. Learning
the process and practising regularly gives many benefits both
psychological and spiritual. Concentration and awareness are much
improved also in everyday life.

Meditation Techniques
The Techniques
aim in meditation is to keep the mind alert yet relaxed, and focused
The aim in meditation
upon a single subject, rather is tothan
keepto the mind
listen alert
to the yet relaxed,
‘chatterbox’ in and
head. uponperiod
A short a single
ofsubject, rather
meditation or than to listen
creative to the ‘chatterbox’
visualisation last thing at
in one’s
night giveshead. A short
one access period
to the full of meditation
creative world or creative while
of dreams, visualisation
a similar
last thing
period at night
in the gives allows
morning one access
onetotothe full creative
work with and world of dreams,
understand the
while you
dreams a similar
have period
had. in the morning allows one to work with and
understand the dreams you have had.
Choose a place where you will not be disturbed and make sure that the
Choose a place where you will not be disturbed and make sure that the
telephone is disconnected. To begin with, five minutes’ meditation is
telephone is disconnected. To begin with, five minutes’ meditation is
enough. Sit in an upright chair or cross-legged on the floor with your back

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enough. Sit in an upright chair or cross-legged on the floor with your

back supported if necessary; it is important to be as comfortable as
possible, although probably not to lie down since you may fall asleep
before the process of meditation is completed.

Partially close your eyes to shut out the everyday world or close your
eyes completely. If you are an experienced meditator you may find it
easier to focus your eyes on the bridge of your nose or the middle of
your forehead.

Begin to breathe evenly and deeply; initially breathe in for a count of

four and out for a count of four. Once this rhythm is established,
breathe out slightly longer than is breathed in but at a rate that is still
comfortable for you. Rather than being conscious of your breathing
become more aware of the breath itself. As you breathe in breathe in
peace and tranquillity; as you breathe out breathe out negativity. It
should be possible to achieve a deep state of awareness which if so
wished can allow one to move straight into the sleep state, or in the
morning to concentrate on any dream you may have had. Any stray
thoughts can be noted and dismissed.

At night, if it is wished at this point, you may instruct yourself to

remember any dreams which may follow, or consider any problem
you may wish to solve. You may also use this period to visualise
creatively something that you desire so that this may be carried over
into dreams. Obviously in the morning the concentration may be
focused on the solution to the problem or the realisation of one’s

As your practice improves so you will find the period of meditation

tends to extend of its own free will to anything up to twenty minutes.
When you finish the meditation, keep the mind in the same calm and
tranquil state. It’s best to go straight to bed. Keep your physical
movements unhurried, as if they are flowing in harmony with your
consciousness. When you settle to sleep, allow your awareness to rest
gently in the same place as your meditation.

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The Tower Meditation
Any building may be taken in dreams as a symbol of the ‘self’ or of the
personality. Using this, visualisation or meditation can give us access to
information about ourselves which may allow us to use more creativity in
our dreaming. Experience teaches that one of the best images to use is
that of a tower. Sometimes the tower can appear spontaneously in a
dream, or after a meditation can be used to focus the mind ready for
information which will help us to live our lives more fully. This
meditation can either be done from memory or can be recorded on a tape
recorder. The more experienced meditator will recognise within this
practice the relevance of the seven spiritual centres.
Dream interpretation and meditation share many symbols, so the
visualisation allows the dreamer access to the language of creativity. The
first image of the tower gives us an insight into how we present ourselves
to the outside world thus a round tower might suggest a more spiritual
approach, while a square tower might indicate more practicality. The
meditation is as follows:

Visualise a tower, note its shape and structure but at this point do not
spend too much time on the intricacies. Simply note how you approach
the tower, including how the entrance appears. Does it open inwards or
outwards? Is it strong or flimsy? Is it decorative or plain?

All of these things will, with a little thought, show how in everyday life we
allow ourselves to be approached by others.

Now enter the tower and look around, take note as to whether it is
furnished or bare and attempt to find some stairs; these may lead either up
or down. If they lead downwards you will first explore your sub-
conscious self, if upwards a more accessible side of your personality. Any
obstacles on the stairs may be translated as difficulties which need to be
overcome. Each level of the tower can then be explored in turn, noting
colours, shapes and anything odd about each stage (often such things will
form images in your dreams later).

When ready, progress to the top of the tower noting points of interest on
the way up. These may require contemplation later on, or perhaps form
images in dreams at a later date. When the top is reached spend some
quiet moments contemplating what you have just achieved and then
come back down to each level noting any changes which have

dream dictionary 1/16/04 4:45 PM Page 84


spontaneously occurred. These changes may give you clues as to the types
of changes which may be important to you in everyday life. When you get
back to the ground floor take a last look round and come back out into
the sunshine, closing the door behind you. Remember now that you can
come back to this tower whenever you like either in meditation or the
dream state and next time you may even discover secret rooms or
passages which need further exploration. Walk away from your tower
allowing the image to fade away and allow yourself to drift gently off to

When we learn how to ask for guidance and help through dreams to make
decisions which may well be life-changing we are truly becoming creative.
This ties in with the belief that somewhere within there is a part of us,
which knows what is the best or ideal course of action. This part is called
by some the Higher Self. Often we are not consciously aware of this part,
but giving ourselves permission to access it through dreams can have a
profound effect on the way we manage our lives. Obviously it can be
effectively used for problem solving, and for clarifying feelings with
which we are having difficulty coming to terms. However, more
importantly dream hypothesising can give us ways of dealing with
negative tendencies. It can also encourage positive ones and enhance our
natural abilities and talents. There is the potential to obtain results in what
often seems to be a magical way.

Asking for the Dreams You Want

This technique is of most use when there is a strong, passionate, deeply-
felt association with the question or request. It works most effectively for
those who have already learnt how to recall and record their dreams,
because they have already established the lines of communication, but it
also works well for those who have learnt to meditate, or for those who
use other kinds of self-management tools such as creative visualisation or
chanting. The technique is a very easy one, particularly if one has learned
through work or other experience to remain focused on issues at hand. It
is a little like being able to consult a management guru who has at his or
her disposal a wealth of information.

Using that analogy means that the steps are very easy to remember. One
simply remembers to use as a memory jogger the word CARDS.

dream dictionary 1/16/04 4:45 PM Page 85

.. Clarify the Issue


.. Ask the question

Repeat it

. Dream and document it

Study the dream

C means that you spend some time in clarifying exactly what the issue
really is. By identifying the basic aspects of what seems to be blocking
your progress or where you are stuck you can gain some insight into your
own mental processes. You have thus dug over the ground. Try to state
the issue as positively as you can: for example, ‘Promotion eludes me’
rather than ‘I am not getting promotion’.This is because the subconscious
tends to latch on to negative statements in preference to positive, so by
stating the problem negatively you are already giving weight to
pessimistic aspects of the situation. There is no need to try to resolve the
situation at that point.

A suggests that you ask the question with as much relevance as possible.
Using an old journalistic technique, ask the questions ‘Who? What?
Where? When? Why?’ and sort out in your own mind exactly what the
relevant question is. For instance, in our example, you might ask:-
Who can best help in my search for promotion?
What must I do to be in line for promotion?
Where do the best opportunities lie for me?
When will I be able to use my greater experience?
Why is my expertise not being recognised?
It should be recognised that all of these questions are open questions, and
are not necessarily time-specific. If you ask a confused question you may
well have a confusing answer, so try to get as close to the heart of the
matter as you can. Conversely, by asking inappropriate questions you may
notch up answers you do not wish to have.

Repeat the question. By repeating the question over and over, you are
fixing it in the subconscious. Blocks of three repetitions often work very
well, so repeating three sets of three means that it should have reached
every part of your being.
Dream command means informing your inner self that you will have a
dream which will help. As you compose yourself for sleep and use your
relaxation techniques, tell yourself that you will have a dream which will
give you an answer.

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One word of warning. The dreaming self is quite capricious, so to begin
with you may not receive an answer on the night you request it. You may
only receive part of an answer, or nothing for several nights, and then a
series of dreams which tell you what you need to know. It is a highly
individual process, and no-one can tell you how it should be. With time
you will recognise your own pattern, but be prepared to be patient with

Dream it. When you do dream, document it briefly as soon as you can,
noting down only the main theme. There is an explanation of dream
themes later in the book.

Study the dream in more detail when you have time enough to do so.
Look carefully at the imagery within the dream, which will probably be
fairly clear-cut and straightforward. Look for details, clues and hidden
meanings, and see whether you can apply any of them to situations in
your normal everyday life. Sometimes the answer to your question can
come from applying your knowledge to a different sector of your life,
before tackling the question you have asked.
As you become more proficient at dealing with the blockages you may
find the nature of your questions changing. For instance, you may find
yourself asking, ‘How can I make so and so happen?’ or ‘What if I did....?’
This is true creativity and is a manifestation of the inner you appearing in
your external life. It is an exciting process.

Keeping a dream journal - that is, recording each and every one of the
dreams we can recall - can be a fascinating but a somewhat arduous task.
Over a period of time it can give us information from all sorts of angles.
We may find that we go through a period when most or all of our dreams
seem to be around a particular theme. Having thought that we have
understood that series of dreams, we come to terms with the theme and
can put it to one side. It is interesting to discover months or perhaps years
later that the same pattern and theme recurs, with additional information
and clarity. By keeping a dream journal we are thus able to follow and to
chart our own progress in learning about ourselves and in understanding
our waking life.
Each individual dream has an interpretation in its own right, at the time of
the dream, but also may need looking at in a different way as part of a

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series. The dreaming self is highly efficient in that it will present
information in different ways until we have got the message. Equally, that
same dreaming self can be very inefficient in that the information can be
shrouded in extraneous material and need teasing out of the rubbish.
Dreams are so multi-faceted that they can be interpreted on many
different levels and indeed more than one explanation is usually
applicable. It is up to the dreamer to decide which explanation is more
relevant. For instance, a window may be interpreted as something that
gives light but also as a way of escape; it could also be suggested that it
represents a barrier between oneself and the outside world.
A dream journal also allows us to assess not just the content of our
dreams, but also the pattern of our dreaming. Many people seem to be
highly prolific dreamers, others less so, and many more have noteworthy
dreams very rarely. In fact, we all dream at some point every night, often
without remembering, though it does appear that the more we learn to
remember our dreams the more proficient we become at dreaming. It is
as though the more we use the ‘muscle’ the better it responds.
The actual chronicling of dreams is a difficult but often inspiring and
enlightening process. Many people nowadays prefer to use a recording
device in order to capture the immediacy of the waking moment. This
method is faster and requires less concentration than writing down our
dreams, thus enabling us to return to the dream state more easily. It is
normally all too easy to wake remembering a dream but to forget the
content before we can properly record it. Picking up a tape recorder and
‘speaking’ the dream fixes it in our mind in a particular way, enabling us to
be in touch with the feelings and emotions of the dream. It is sometimes
easier to explain the dream in the present tense. For instance, ‘I am
standing on a hill’ rather than, ‘I was standing on a hill’. This allows the
individual access to what was happening to them as a participant in their
dream, rather than as an observer.
The well-proven way of keeping a notebook and pencil on the bedside
table works successfully for most people as a method of recording
dreams. Not everyone is interested in analysing their dreams, but they do
like to keep an account of the more inexplicable or ‘way-out’ kind. Using
this method, it is an easy task to note down the main points of the dream,
including the setting, the people in the dream, their actions, and any
feelings and emotions. It does not matter particularly what implements
are used, since materials can range from beautifully bound notebooks to
the odd scrap of paper, and from a highly sophisticated pen to an old stub
of pencil. It is important to use whatever is comfortable. The main

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drawback to using writing materials is not being able to decipher the
scribblings in the morning! There is one simple scheme for recording
your dreams after waking properly as briefly and succinctly as possible. It
allows you to record your feelings and emotions, what was odd, animals
and other aspects, and is useful for any further research you may wish to
Date of dream
Where of
Date dream
were you when you recalled the dream?
State were of
content you when you recalled the dream?
State content of dream
Write down anything odd about the dream (e.g. animals, bizarre
Write down
situations anything odd about the dream (e.g. animals, bizarre
What etc.)feelings in/about the dream?
were your
What were your feelings in/about the dream?

If you wish to keep more extensive records of your dreams it is

worthwhile setting your own conventions for this. Decide whether you
will annotate your dreams, for instance with the date of the evening when
you went to bed, or the morning when you wake up. It does not much
matter which you choose provided you are consistent. It also helps if you
can remember the approximate time of night when you had the dream.
There are two reasons for this. One is that you will be able to pinpoint
your most fertile dreaming periods, but the other is that according to
Chinese lore the organs of the body are more (or less) active at certain
times of night. With this knowledge you will come to understand your
own personality better. Holistically, once we get in touch with our own
bodies more fully we can take more care of the inner workings and
therefore dream more effectively.
For those with a deeper interest in the analysis and interpretation of
dreams it is often worth, if possible, setting up a computer database. This
might include where you were on the night of the dream, the company
you had been keeping, the food you had eaten and your moods on going
to bed and on waking. It will also be possible to include ways of labelling
certain aspects of the dream, such as the appearance and reappearance of
certain symbols, the occurrence of objects, animals, people and so on.
Such a database makes it considerably easier to search for meanings
alphabetically in the dream dictionary. Those with a mathematical bent
will also find it simple to ferret out instances of statistical importance to

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make the analysis rather than the interpretation of dreams easier. Dreams
with similar themes, activities and objects can also be very easily traced.
A useful tip to remember is, if a dream seems to be of particular
significance it is often worthwhile carrying your journal around with you
to jot down any meaningful aspects which may be brought to your notice.
As Aristotle noted in 350BC, often ordinary everyday activities can
achieve the status of coincidence and ‘break’ a dream image i.e. allow you
to return to the dream with greater clarity. This can give greater insight
into how your dream applies to your everyday life.
If you are just beginning to record your dreams the important thing is not
to try too hard. Being relaxed about the whole thing will give far more
potential for success than getting worked up because you cannot
remember your dream or because you do not appear to have dreamed at
all. The more you practise the easier it becomes.
If you do decide to keep a journal it is worthwhile incorporating it in the
preparation for your night’s sleep. Making these preparations into
something of a ritual can help to concentrate your mind on the activity of
dreaming, and thinking over a situation before you go to sleep, or
meditating on it, can help to open the doors of the unconscious to some
of the answers you are seeking. So, carefully laying out your tools,
rereading some of your old dreams, using deep relaxation, assisted by
relaxing oils or herb teas, and even asking the superconscious for usable
material can all assist in the dreaming process. (See page 38 for
information on oils, herbs and dream aids.)
To begin with, try to wake up naturally, without the shrill call of an alarm
clock. There are various devices on the market such as daylight simulators
which come on gradually, dimmer switches, and clocks which have a soft
alarm, graduating in intensity, which can help with this. Even a radio or
tape recorder programmed to play soft relaxing music can be used. It is
worth noting that some dreamers have reported that the spoken word
seems to chase away a dream. Using such waking aids can help us
eventually to hold on to the hypnagogic state and use it creatively.
On waking, lie as still as possible for a moment, and try to recall what you
have dreamt. Often it is the most startling thing or feeling which you will
remember first, followed by lesser elements. Transcribe these elements
into your journal, and write the ‘story’ of the dream. This may well give
you an initial interpretation which is sufficient for your needs.
Later, list alphabetically the elements of the dream, and decide first on the
individual meanings of each aspect of the dream. Then look for the theme
of the dream, and which part of your life it applies to. Often the theme is

dream dictionary 1/16/04 4:45 PM Page 90


presented in more than one form, so that you ‘get the message.’ Next,
reconstruct the dream and interpret it on a deeper level, so you
understand what kind of dream it is - that is, whether it is giving
information as to the state of things as they are at the moment, whether it
is suggesting a particular course of action or whether it is offering an
explanation of what is happening within your Superconscious. Finally
look at whether the dream can be interpreted differently, using for
instance, Freudian, Jungian or ‘Gestalt’ techniques. Pages for doing this
are found in the Dream Workbook at the end of the book.
Sometimes much can be gained from taking the dream action forward
using the questions, ‘what happens next?’ or sometimes ‘what if?’. Let us
assume that your dream has been of an argument with someone who is
close to you in waking life. You wake with the situation unresolved, but
are aware that this suggests some inner conflict. Try then to imagine what
would happen if the argument continued. Would you or your opponent
‘win’? What if your opponent won? How would you feel? What if you


There are several ways to gain insights through dreams, and this process
is not necessarily the same as interpreting the dream. We can start off by
defining the conventional meaning of something which comes up in a
dream which will help us to understand our situation. Let us suppose that
the dreamer is standing on a cliff top looking out to sea. The conventional
explanation is that he or she is on the edge of something, perhaps a new
experience (the cliff top). This experience may be to do with the
emotions, since often water symbolises emotions in dreams.
Insight comes when the dreamer applies conscious rationality to the
dream scenario. Thinking about it allows the order and clarity to be
perceived, rather than the randomness of the images. On this occasion
the dreamer is aware of the vastness and depth of the sea, and therefore
understands that his emotions are far deeper and more meaningful than
previously realised. This is an insight into his personality. When the
dreamer consciously applies this insight to his everyday life, the dream has
been of use.
The dreamer is aware in his dream state that he cannot decide whether to
jump off the cliff (take a risk) or move away from the cliff-top (refuse to
face the situation or move away from danger). He discovers himself at the
foot of the cliff. The interpretation is that he has achieved what he felt was

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right, the insight that it did not matter how. By keeping the interpretation
simple the insight may be more telling.
Given the basic meaning of the dream action or symbol, it is possible to
extract the necessary information to understand the dream. Having the
information offers an interpretation of the dream, and working with the
interpretation gives insight. The dream vocabulary is both diverse and
specific to the dreamer, and each person is so intricate that several
simultaneous explanations are possible, all of which may be equally valid.
It will depend on the person who has the dream which one has most
Working at dream interpretation with other people, whether known to
the dreamer or not, can be a highly illuminating experience. Taking the
time to explore all facets of the dream - and bring into conscious memory
all aspects of it - can deepen the insights that we obtain as we work with
our dreams. Someone who knows us well may be able to see the relevance
to the situation we are in of some image in a dream, whereas we are too
close to the situation to be able to understand. Someone who does not
know us well may have the degree of objectivity needed to round off an
interpretation so that we can move forward. The support offered through
the insights that friends gain in interpreting our dreams can make a
tremendous difference to our lives and theirs. Sometimes acting a dream
through with friends and perhaps taking the dream into a consideration of
what would happen next, can be helpful and can clarify a course of action
for us. This does not simply mean using the imagination. The dreamer has
the opportunity to work interpretations through more fully using his own
techniques. He may choose to use meditation, guided imagery, or other
methods since these share much of the symbolism of dream imagery.
Techniques for doing this are given elsewhere in the book.


When you have WITH
been recording your DREAMS
dreams for some time you may
find ityou
When useful
turn recording
one of them yourinto a creative
dreams project.
for some This
time youcould
may befind
a painting, sculpture or other artistic process; it could also
it useful to turn one of them into a creative project. This could be a be a short
story perhaps
painting, taking
sculpture the dream
or other artisticfurther forward,
process; it coulda also
playbeor aeven
perhaps taking the- dream
nature creatively it needsfurther
to be forward,
somethinga which
play ortakes
evenoneusing nature
creatively - it needs
normal everyday to be something
activities. which takes
By acknowledging one beyond
the creative normal
processes in
everyday activities. By acknowledging the creative
dreams and making them tangible within the normal sphere of processes in dreams
and making them tangible within the normal sphere of reality, you are

dream dictionary 1/16/04 4:45 PM Page 92


opening yourself up to all sorts of possibilities and changes of
reality, you are opening yourself up to all sorts of possibilities and
changes of consciousness.
One of the benefits is a different perception of events in the world around
One of the benefits is a different perception of events in the world
you. Colours may appear more vibrant, shapes sharper, and
around you. Colours may appear more vibrant, shapes sharper, and
sounds clearer. These changes can be quite subtle, but usually bring
more focus to one’s awareness and allow one to use creativity to its
best advantage.
sounds clearer. TheseLife changes
begins tocan takebeon newsubtle,
quite meaning. but usually bring more
focus to symbols give fertile
one’s awareness andground
allow for onemeditation
to use creativitywhich can allow
to its best
unconscious insights to come
advantage. Life begins to take on new the surface, thus giving rise to greater
Dream You may
symbols give wish
meditate foronmeditation
the overallwhich feelingcan or allow
particular aspect of the dream. When you find
unconscious insights to come to the surface, thus giving rise to greater yourself dreaming
about yourYou
creativity. chosen
wish to youmeditate
have come on almost
the overallfull circle - from
feeling or anone
acorn to an oak tree and back to an acorn - a
particular aspect of the dream. When you find yourself dreaming about situation akin to rebirth.
It does
your chosen notproject
matteryou whether
have come the almost
projectfull is circle
good -orfrom bad;anwhatacornisto
important is the enjoyment that you achieve
an oak tree and back to an acorn - a situation akin to rebirth. from doing it. One of the
does fulfiling
not matter aspects
whetherof such
the aproject
processis isgoodthe realisation
or bad; what thatisyou have
entered a stream of consciousness which belongs
is the enjoyment that you achieve from doing it. One of the most fulfiling to all of us, but
aspects sosuch
few amanage
processtoistap theinto. This ‘locking
realisation that youon’ have canentered
give a astrong
physical sensation as much as an emotional
of consciousness which belongs to all of us, but which so few manage or spiritual one. Theto
tap into. This ‘locking to this
numbera strongof times
physical thatsensation
you will as getmuch
or come up against a brick wall in this part
an emotional or spiritual one. The counter-balance to this is the number of the process, but
times that you does
willbrings about
get stuck or acomegreaterup understanding
against a brick of wallone’s inner
in this part
of the process, but perseverance does brings about a greater
For the purposes
understanding of self-development
of one’s inner self. you may like to keep a separate
For the purposes of self-development youand
journal or record of the processes maystageslike to of keep awareness
a separate
journal or recordduring
of thethisprocesses
strenuousand activity
stages- itofis awareness
a shortthis
during while each dayactivity
strenuous working - itwith your projectspending
is worthwhile and a journal
a short allows
each to see how far
working withyou have
your travelled
project and in this journey
a journal allowsofyou discovery.
to see how It
can be fascinating to recognise, for instance, in looking
far you have travelled in this journey of discovery. It can be fascinating to back over your
daybook for
recognise, how you have
instance, found itback
in looking easieroveras your
time daybook
goes on to how recognise
you have
found it easier as time goes on to recognise when the fears andthem.
when the fears and doubts arise, and how you have dealt with doubts
It may
arise, andbehow thatyou
yourhavecreative journal
dealt with takes precedence over the dream
mayor bevice
thatversa. It is possible
your creative journal that withprecedence
takes time you will overrecognise
the dreamthat one
versa. Itchange whenthat
is possible you with
are intime a more
you overtly creativethat
will recognise phase.your
You may
dreams be able
change when to you
are ina acreative
more overtlyhiatus creative
by askingphase.your Youdreams may
befor anto
able answer
unblock (seea p65) or by
creative lucidbydreaming.
hiatus asking your You will gradually
dreams find
for an answer
thatp you
(see 0000) willorbebyable
intertwineYou the various states of
will gradually awareness
find that youwhen will be
able without
to intertwine thelosing
each one.when This isnecessary
the true without
use of
losing thecreativity.
reality of each one. This is the true use of dream creativity.

dream dictionary 1/16/04 4:45 PM Page 93


I was going to have to live in a hostel with other women, most of
whom were depressive types, and had boring jobs - not a type I liked
at all, but the sort of person I could have become. To be accepted,
there had to be some kind of inspection, at which it was discovered
that I had head lice, particularly on the right-side. This was a shock to
me, and not something of which I was aware. This, incidentally, was
after my hair had been washed with Derbac soap (a remedy for
headlice) and combed with a small tooth comb.
The nurse/doctor was the ‘Nazi-type’ woman, who has been part of
my dreams before - disapproving and totally judgmental. I had to
accept that there was something desperately wrong, and went through
to the dining-room. There about half of the people took no notice,
whereas others seemed to approve and accept, while others obviously
hated the idea.

The Components of the Dream

Old-fashioned remedy
Small tooth comb
Nazi type
Something wrong
Notice taken or not

Sort Alphabetically
Acceptance: This sets the theme of the dream, which is about the
acknowledgement of a group about which the dreamer is ambivalent.
Depression: The overall tone of the dream was depressive and ‘ grey’.
Dining-room: The dining-room was somewhat regimented and on the
whole unwelcoming.

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Headlice: This was an infestation from an exterior source, something
the dreamer had caught.
Hostel: This emphasises the idea of a group activity: living together.
Inspection: Having to pass some kind of test or judgement.
Nazi-type woman: Her appearance in dreams usually represents the
restrictive side of the dreamer’s personality.
Non-awareness: There is an element of surprise in the very idea of
having caught an infestation.
Notice taken or not: In the dream it eventually did not matter
whether the dreamer was accepted or not.
Nurse/Doctor: This represents the healer in the dreamer.
Old-fashioned remedy: Suggests outdated methods.
Right-side: Is the masculine, logical side of our being.
Small tooth comb: Linked with removing nits, the source of re-
Something wrong: At this point there is a degree of additional
negativity in the dreamer’s life.
Women: Although in this dream negative, this is the dreamer’s peer
group, and perhaps needs to be looked at.

The theme in this dream is to do with acceptance within a wider group
which obviously has fairly strict rules or codes of conduct. The group
is female, and in the dreamer’s view somewhat negative. The dreamer
is put under scrutiny, which indicates that there is some kind of
contamination (the head lice) on the intellectual side (right) which even
after old-fashioned cleansing (the soap and comb) is still present.
The Nazi-type woman is a known quantity in that in previous dreams
she has appeared as that part of the dreamer which is restrictive and
does not approve of any behaviour which could be judged as over the
top. Having been made to feel different, and negative about herself,
the dreamer nevertheless realises that if she wishes to be accepted then
she must brave the opinions of the group, albeit in a nurturing
environment (the dining-room). In fact, people would act as they saw
fit. Thus this dream is more about how the dreamer experiences
herself rather than about what other people think of her.
Further work might be done in working out what the headlice
symbolise and in taking the dream forward to find out what happens
after she has become a member of the group.

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A more esoteric interpretation of the dream
Given that the group of women personified the feminine side of the
dreamer’s nature, it becomes obvious that she is experiencing
negativity and anxiety within herself. Part of the personality is not able
to be integrated into the total feminine due to the fact that there has
been some kind of contamination or infection. (It is interesting to note
that in real life the dreamer was having to deal, emotionally, with the
effects of dry-rot in her own home). On some level she requires some
kind of acceptance of her own inability to deal with ordinary mundane
matters, and to make sensible decisions. She tends to judge herself too
harshly, and should realise that in the event it is her own acceptance
of herself which is important.

These next dreams show how dreams can be interpreted individually

and in some cases as part of a series.

My friend, Mike, my mother and I were in a big old Victorian
house. We all went into a big room and realised we were going to
have to leave by the fireplace. At first we could not find the key, then
I did. We put the key into a hole in the fireplace and after some time
succeeded in opening it. The space was too small for my mother to
get through and, even though we are both of a fairly large build, Mike
and I did. We were greeted by an older man, who was what I suppose
one would call the creative type. He was not terribly pleased to see us.
We knew we were to go through this room, again leaving by the
fireplace. This time the key was a simple piece of metal which turned
easily. Again I was the one to discover how. This next room obviously
belonged to a woman of about my age, who again seemed to be of a
creative ilk: there was a large wardrobe on one wall. We were looking
round when we heard the occupant of the room coming back and it
was then that I woke up with some disappointment.
The main symbols in this dream are
Fireplaces, Hidden rooms, House, Keys, Older man, Small space,
Wardrobe, Young woman.
Fireplaces usually suggest a focal point or a place of warmth, and a
point of transformation. Hidden rooms are of note in dreams, because
they usually represent parts of our personality which we have either

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ignored or rejected. The house indicates our everyday personality, our
sense of being, in this case one which stands for old-fashioned values.
Keys are usually knowledge or information which we have and can
make use of. People are aspects of ourselves, and wardrobes have
either the significance of passages, or of ways in which we prepare to
meet the outside world.

The overall theme of the dream is the progression forward through

very specific barriers, the fireplaces, by using the correct tools - the
'keys.' The dreamer's connection with his mother is being broken, in
that his exploration can only be done in the company of an old friend.
The dreamer is obviously looking for something, in this case a
connection with the feminine, whether this is his own feminine side,
or is actually a woman who meets his needs. This can be achieved by
going through a creative phase to more easily reach the sensitive,
feminine side. The dream is full of symbols to do with transition from
one phase to another, though the movement gets progressively easier.
This dream is demonstrating to the dreamer that by his own efforts he
can take steps to learn more about himself. To do this he must discover
how to use, by trial and error, the knowledge that he is accumulating;
having found the key he must experiment with it to get it to work. His
creative side has lain dormant for some time, and may not operate
properly to begin with (the creative gentleman was not pleased to be
intruded upon.) This part of the personality was not the true objective
of the dream, however, which depicts quite clearly that there is yet a
further aspect to be uncovered, beyond that - that of sensitivity and
intuition. This in time can be accessed fairly easily, (the second 'key')
and there is then a period when the dreamer will have to get used to
the transitions and processes of familiarisation which must take place.

The dreamer is a 31-year-old male in process of making a career
change from primary school teaching into herbalism.

I was with a group of people, running towards a fortified place made

of wood. I cannot remember whether we were being pursued, or were
going to be, but there was a sense of urgency in the air. I was running
quite a way behind the group. We were running towards two large

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wooden doors, which of course closed just as I reached them. I was
urged by the people inside to climb over the fence, which was three
or four times my height. It was made by a lattice of large planks, so
I started to climb, somewhat as one would climb a ladder, but with
slightly more effort. I remember being apprehensive of getting to the
top and having to swing both legs over, and reminded myself not to
look down, when the moment came.
Meanwhile one of the children from my class at school (the dreamer
is a primary school teacher) was also climbing up the other side. I
knew my mother and his were both on the other side too. When I
reached the top I realised that this part of the fence was totally smooth
- it looked like a shiny black plastic surface. I needed to move across
to the left, but the boy got in the way. As I held on to the top of the
fence, the top three or four feet moved backwards and downwards on
hinges, which I had not noticed, and I was in danger of being crushed.
At that moment I woke up with a pounding heart.

Apprehensive: This sets the tone of the dream, since the dreamer is
aware of the urgency within the dream.
Behind: This shows the dreamer's awareness that he can get left
behind in what is going on.
Being obstructed at the top of the fence: He is reaching for the top
of what for him has become an insurmountable obstacle.
Both legs: Legs usually represent the way forward and the drive that
one has to succeed.
Fortified place made of wood: Such a thing in a dream usually
suggests one's internal private place, or that part which is sacrosanct.
Group of people: A group of people in this case denotes those with
whom the dreamer is in close relationship. They can also signify
different parts of one's personality.
Ladder: This denotes our ability to break through to a new level of
Large wooden doors which closed: Doors also represent entry into
a new phase of life. As they were closing the dreamer is obviously
afraid of missing an opportunity.
Lattice: this could be given two interpretations. It may represent
repeated behaviour in the dreamer’s life, but could also depict the
choices that the dreamer must make.
Mother: The caring, nurturing side of the personality, albeit sometimes

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Pounding heart: this suggests fear and returns us to the apprehension
at the beginning of the dream.
Pupil: Here the pupil represents the childlike qualities of himself -
immaturity could get in the way of progress.
Pupil’s mother: Another aspect of femininity differentiating between
the mothering necessary as a child rather than as an adult.
Running: This indicates a sense of urgency.
Smooth surface: Whereas the climb up was difficult, the slide down
is smooth if a little risky or dangerous.
Swing: This represents the need to maintain one's balance in a difficult
Three or four: When numbers appear in dreams they usually highlight
some quality. Three can indicate stability and success, while four
suggest loyalty and sometimes clumsiness.

When broken down into its component parts the theme of the dream
is easy to decipher. Urgency and apprehension run side by side, so the
dreamer is aware that he cannot afford to miss opportunities.
Encouraged by others, he is prepared to take risks in order to
overcome obstacles in his path and must make choices which fit in
with his aspirations. However, the child in him does not make it easy
and indeed puts him in danger by apparently working in the opposite
way to him. This destabilises his 'higher' aspirations and puts him in
danger of being overcome (the moving fence). He has not overcome
his own fears sufficiently yet to be able to cope with the instability and
therefore wakes up.

2nd Dream
I was in drag!! I was going to perform some songs, somehow. It
seemed only four or five. I was not sure I remembered the words,
although I did know the tunes. Actually I believe I did know the
words, only forgetting some. It was not a small venue, though that is
what I originally thought. However, as the curtain opened I realised
that it was in fact more like a small theatre than the pub venue I
thought it was.
This dream is similar to one I had some months ago, when I dreamt
I was performing Parsifal in Wagner's opera. Here also I did not know
the words just the music.
Curtain: In this case a barrier between the dreamer and his audience,
which is lifted to reveal the unexpected.

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Drag: Putting on a more feminine, sensitive exterior for the purpose
of performance.
Forgetful: Being aware that he had knowledge, but not remembering
Four or five: Here concentrating on the form of something (four )
rather than the expression of it (five).
Knowing words: Having the basic knowledge.
Larger than first expected: The dreamer is capable of reaching a larger
Not knowing tunes: Unsure of the correct 'rhythm' to adopt.
Similar dream: Music is an important part of the dreamer's life, and
the emphasis is on getting both the words and tunes right.
Songs: This represents using some-one else's creativity and awareness.
Theatre not pub: The dreamer is becoming aware of a greater
formality in what he is doing.

The theme of this dream is that of adequate professional performance,

and what may be necessary to achieve this.
This dream highlights some of the anxieties that the dreamer must deal
with as he moves into the more formal part of his course. He is
beginning to become aware that he has the ability to move into a
bigger arena than he first intended, and that there are people 'out there'
who will listen to him. At this stage, there is a lot to learn, assimilate
and put together coherently, which he knows he can do, and he can
overcome his fears of performance, in a credible way. His 'dream-self'
in using the vehicle of music to drive home the message is highlighting
the rightness of his decision to change career, but also reassuring him
of his eventual capability, provided he makes use of his intuition and
sensitive side.
Though this dream deals with professional performance and future
work, from a more spiritual point of view he is learning how to adopt
a role in life which will require managing but also bring a good deal
of satisfaction. Work could usefully be done on this dream in one of
two ways. The dreamer could take the dream forward into 'what
happens next?' and gain additional insights into his own process of
development. He could try out various scenarios and work out what
he would be comfortable with in the future, using the same symbolism
as the dream. He could also work with the idea of making the dream
into a creative project. Here he could choose the songs he would sing,
think about a suitable venue and so on. This process might well reveal

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other aspects of creativity which he is not yet confident in using in his
transition in career.


These next three dreams are all by the same person over a period
of about a month. They demonstrate how one can progress from
apparently everyday concerns to a deeper awareness.
I dreamed about joining a consultancy, with an old colleague, who gave
me a team of people. I felt very young, confident and experienced, and
very close to my colleague. The team came from all over the world -
some older, some younger, married, women, Asian and so on. One
was close to me. I was getting them all together - calling them together
to meet them and find out who they were.
Since I would be seeing another old (male) friend tomorrow, I
suggested it might be good for them to join an environmental group,
which pleased my partner. The consultancy was based in some offices
I occupied years ago.

Calling together: This represents forming a group, something the

dreamer does well.
Close to colleague: A recognition in the dream of her ability to make
a successful working relationship.
Colleague: Someone who the dreamer values.
Confident: Confidence in dreams usually indicates that the dreamer is
aware of her own inner knowledge and wisdom.
Consultancy: In this dream the consultancy suggests a working
environment which suits the dreamer's personality, since she works
through co-operation and collaboration.
Environmental group: Those concerns which are important to the
dreamer in waking life appear in her dream.
Ethnic group: Once again such a group highlights those aspects of
her life which she considers necessary to be worked with.
Experienced: Ability and confidence.
Old friend: A (masculine) element of trust the dreamer has at this
Previous offices: Somewhere in this case where the dreamer has
functioned effectively. A known environment.
Team: A group of people working together.
Women of all sorts: Aspects of her own femininity.

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Young: In this case 'young' represents fresh and new ideas.
This dream can be interpreted in more than one way.
On a totally mundane level it echoes the concerns, fears and doubts
which arise in the dreamer's everyday life. It highlights her ability to
facilitate groups and to encourage people to take an interest in global
concerns. It suggests that the dreamer will gain by drawing on old
experience and abilities to create something new. In many ways it is a
dream of reassurance.
Looking more deeply into the personal significance, it would seem that
the dreamer is aware of the need to make use of the more masculine
qualities of her colleague and old friend, within herself, but also that
she needs to gather together all the aspects of her femininity so that
she can be an effective force for learning and change.
Taken from a more spiritual point of view, this dream looks forward
to the success of this lady's aims and objectives in waking life. She is
reassured that she has the abilities she needs to accomplish her more
esoteric aims and to make her mark in a global sense, to create that
which will last.

2nd Dream
My dreams were about Australia and being on a little beach. I was
calling my very dear friend who was in the UK. He was in a cooler
climate than me, but he did not feel cold. I cannot remember what we
talked about, but I was feeling guilty about not being at work for four

Australia: Often in dreams this continent represents the unconscious

side of ourselves.
Beach: A symbol for femininity.
Calling: Communication.
Close friend: Here represents her relationship with the masculine.
Cool climate: In this dream symbolises the way the dreamer suspects
her friend feels about her - cool but not cold.
Guilty: Guilt in dreams often stands for the need for high
UK: Home ground.
Work: For this dreamer the way she expresses herself most effectively
in waking life.
This dream is indicative of the inner conflict which the dreamer has
between two aspects of herself. One seems to be her need for

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relationship and communication, and the perception that her friend is
cooler about this than she is. The second is her need to be an effective
working individual , and achieving a great deal within the ordinary
mundane world. Her feeling seems to be that if she takes time out to
be more feminine (the beach) her work will suffer, even though it is
for a finite period of time - four weeks. This is something of an anxiety
dream, since the dreamer at this period was extremely busy.

3rd Dream
Today I remember my dream. We were in Czechoslovakia on holiday.
There were maybe eight of us who had rented a house. It was a bit
of a mess - food everywhere to be cleared up. My brother and
daughter, who was meant to be studying, were there. It was three or
four days into the holiday and they had spent all their money, because
they had had to hire some special kind of boots or something.
Then we were having a party in my garden at home, though it felt like
a new home and a new garden. I went into the kitchen and no-one
had laid the table. I asked my brother to do it. The others were walking
round the garden looking at flowers. I was concerned about my
daughter in Czechoslovakia, because they had ten days to go without
money. Upstairs was a hair salon, where three or four people were
getting their hair cut. I was brushing someone's hair until the head
stylist came up and took them into a private room to cut their hair.
From the downstairs sitting-room, which was very untidy with dirty
piles of vegetables, there were large square windows through which
one could see the mountains. They were pyramid-shaped, with snow
on top - rather pretty. I wanted to explore and suggested we hire a
car. My sister was there, and I told the man (my brother?) that she was
great at driving in difficult situations. They were concerned that the
country was so poor that we might be in difficulty, but I did not want
to spend my holiday indoors. We eventually used the car we had come
in and went to the airport. There were four or five lanes of cars going
in the same direction with no road markings, and we wanted to get
from the extreme right to the left. We got across as the traffic came
to a grinding halt, and four or five girls, including an old friend were
idling in the road eating ice cream.

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Brushing hair

Close family

.. Czechoslovakia
Difficult situations

.. Driving

.. Extreme right to left


.. Four or five lanes of cars

Four or five girls

.. Garden
Grinding halt

.. Hair salon
Hire car

.. Holiday
Ice cream

.. Kitchen

.. Mountains
New garden

No road-markings
Old friend

.. Poor

.. Pyramid shaped
Private room

.. Rented house
Rotting food

.. Sister

.. Special boots
Square windows

.. Table
Ten days

. Traffic

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This is a dream which could be highly significant in the dreamer's
understanding of herself. There is a degree of what has been called
'day's residue ' in her concern for her daughter, and in the perception
that things were not ordered and straightforward, but principally this
dream is about handling situations in everyday life. The dreamer is
aware of the country of Czechoslovakia as a poor country, and this
theme comes up again in the debate over whether to hire a car. Would
such an act upset a very delicate balance which is in existence? This is
much to do with whether to use the resources she has available or
whether to call on others. This is shown in the image of her daughter
and brother needing special boots, and then not having enough money
- perhaps energy - to carry on without concern. It is also shown in the
image of the rented house, a space which is taken over for a time, for
a specific purpose (the holiday, which may be looked at as a break
from routine or in its older sense of a Holy Day, a dedicated time.).
At the same time this space needs clearing and adjusting since it has
within it the residue of other nurturing activities which are no longer
relevant - the rotting food, for instance.
The next part of the dream suggests a new environment, but which
still contains overtones of a known situation. Now, nobody is
concerned at the lack of preparation for dinner, and the dreamer must
again take charge. She must perform the ordinary mundane tasks, while
others are doing nice things like seeing the flowers and new growth
which is occurring. The dreamer then finds herself upstairs (in a more
spiritual environment?), literally grooming others in preparation for
them to be made beautiful, and presumably more aware of themselves.
The third part of the dream is equally rich with symbolism, particularly
that of number and shape. There are the mountains which are
pyramid-shaped, four or five lanes of cars, and four or five girls. All
this symbolises change from the material to the magical and the
understanding that the dreamer must use her own resources to get to
the point where she can lift off into the next level of awareness (the
airport),that there are no directions (markings), she must move from
logical appraisal of what she is doing to the more intuitive (right to
left) and avoid getting caught up with the feminine energy which is less
than focused and just wishes to have fun. Her understanding is that
her 'sister', that part of herself which is good at driving forward, has
the ability to get her where she wishes to go.

Each of this lady's dreams are complete in their own right, but are also

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part of a series of dreams which, when considered together, indicate a
progression, both in learning how to remember dreams, and also in
achieving a deeper and deeper understanding of herself.
The first dream is principally concerned with her view of herself within
the world, the second principally with her relationship both with
herself and those she wishes to be close to, and the third and much
more extended one is to do with the handling of her resources on a
more spiritual level. That which was important to her in the first dream
- the group of women - appear in the last dream in two slightly
different forms: first as the group of women in the hair salon and
secondly as the group in the road. One she is helping, the other is seen
as an impediment and possibly a danger.


The dreamer in this case had recently lost his mother. Prior to this loss
he had been exploring aspects of the spiritual realms, and those of the
'inner awareness’. Many of his dreams had been of significance during
the period of his mother's illness, but this one has been chosen
because it is significant both in his process of coping with death, and
in the development of his ability to interpret his own dreams. He was
able to recognise the ability to perceive other realms and dimensions
of being which were then of comfort to him.

A large mushroom-shaped cloud of cream and white is suspended in

the sky. Small stars are travelling towards it. The centre of the cloud
becomes a bright white light, and I realise the stars are people. I can
zoom in on one and realise that it's mum. She's now swimming in the
sea, and large waves are breaking over each other towards her. She is
laughing as she dives into the wave. I see her calves and feet disappear
into the foam.

The large-mushroom shaped cloud suggests the devastation that he

himself feels, but the bright light in the middle emphasises his own
idea of the 'ultimate'. He recognises that those people who have died
return to the ultimate and allows himself to understand that this is
what is happening to his mother.
He also understands that the emotion which has surrounded her death
(the sea and the waves) is not harming her, but that her soul is using
this energy to free her from earthly concerns. Sometimes the sea

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signifies the 'primordial sea' from which we all emerge, and in this case
it is a second symbol of the ultimate to appear in the dream. It
therefore emphasises that Mother is now free and immersed in more
spiritual concerns.


I dreamed that someone from my childhood had been going around
telling people that I was alright.
Then I dreamt that I was in a carpark standing next to a black car. I
wasn't able to drive the car to where I wanted to go, so I parked it
three spaces up.

Due to circumstances around her Wendy had become quite fearful and
worried about her ability to cope. This dream both reassures her in
that she is aware that she can draw on childhood experiences, and also
gives information, in that it shows she will not be able to deal with
her own concerns, i.e. drive where she wants to go, but should put her
own difficulties, and possibly her own negativity, on one side for later
consideration, perhaps for a period of three months


Moving through an entry of my home, I noticed a very large
transparent bag filled with a couple of large Christmas wreaths, one of
a plaid, and the other I don't remember, with gold ribbons through,
and a smaller transparent bag on a shelf close by, with orange shoes
in them. Both bags were knotted closed and not mine. As I looked
beyond the foyer, I saw my love (my true love) making love to another
woman. While I didn't see specifics, I sensed I was not noticed.....
Then I woke up.
The setting was not one I recognised: neither his home nor mine.
I find it strange that I know I dreamed in colour, the time of year
appearing to be Christmas. This dream occurred a couple of weeks ago
(6th Aug.) and is still with me. I usually don't remember my dreams.
My feelings about the dream were that I am both puzzled and curious.
We have just recently decided to begin a life together. He is moving a
great distance to do this.
The glimpse I describe above is all I saw. Not much feeling or action.
The details which struck me were the orange shoes (women's pumps)

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and the Christmas wreaths. Both in transparent bags, tightly knotted

Another woman: An aspect of the dreamer's own feminine.

Christmas wreaths: Possibly marking a time span.
Dreamer is not noticed: The present personality is not acknowledged
Gold ribbons: Emotion or sometimes masculine energy.
Knotted in bag: Something is being preserved.
Large transparent bag: There is a situation which needs to be 'seen
Own home: This starts off as a known environment , then is not
recognised, so suggests that the couple's sharing will lead to
adjustments of the now shared space.
Orange shoes: Shoes are a symbol of groundedness and the ability to
move. Orange is often the colour of relationship.
Plaid: Any pattern in dreams suggests creativity.
Wreath: Celebration of completeness or wholeness.

This dream is actually quite simple to interpret, and the theme is fairly
straightforward. On a subliminal level the dreamer is aware of the
changes which must occur as she takes up a new life. While she is
aware of the changes that her lover must make, she is also aware of
those which will occur in her.
The environment will have to be adjusted, possibly from a space which
has hitherto been safe (her own), to something which, though shared,
is an unknown quantity. There are things which are precious (the gold
ribbons) which are worth preserving, and also aspects of the
relationship which need to be celebrated, though not yet.
The 'other woman' is, I suspect, not a rival, but herself as she will be
changed by the relationship. She must also try to preserve her newly
learned ability to be free within the relationship (the orange shoes
which are protected.) Thus this dream highlights her awareness of the
changes in her as she moves into a more permanent relationship, and
perhaps also allows her to consider her own fears.

2nd Dream
I dreamed I looked out onto our back garden and saw a hippy type
of person, with a sheep on a leash walking round and round the
garden. Although we shouted at him he would not go away, and

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eventually we called the police. We told him we had done this, but he
still would not leave. At that point I woke up.

Back garden: A known environment which is secluded and private.

Hippy: An unconventional character.
Leash: Binding something or bringing it under control.
Police: Authority figures, law and order.
Sheep: The herd instinct, following the ‘flock’.
Wouldn't leave: Cannot be got rid of.

This dream is somewhat unusual, in that it has elements in it which

can be interpreted in isolation. Firstly, the setting is a known one,
suggesting that the dreamer is aware that this is something happening
in his life as he knows it, at this particular moment. There are two
aspects of unconventionality in the figure of the hippy and the sheep
which is leashed, not something which would normally happen. The
sheep usually represents the herd instinct and the need to belong to a
group. There is another aspect of non-conformity in that the hippy will
not disappear (go away) when shouted at. These things therefore set
the theme of the dream and suggest that the dreamer needs to look at
his own need to be different from others within the framework of his
everyday life, and also to bring his need to both be in control and to
be controlled into his conscious awareness.
The awareness of the authority figures in the form of the police, which
should impose law and order, but seem to cause no threat to the
nonconformist hippy, pinpoints a conflict between the dreamer's own
natural need for such things in his life, and the need for freedom. The
fact that the dreamer woke up at the point that he did suggests that
he is still not ready to face the conflict but is aware of it.
The repetitive circular wandering around the garden by the hippy
indicates that the dream self is obviously making a point that there is
an element of self- imposed order, even upon the unconventionality,
which is not necessarily appropriate under the circumstances.
So this dream highlights this young man's need to be unconventional
within circumstances which he can control, but he must take care not
to overstep the mark or boundaries which he has set himself.
It is perhaps interesting to note that, though this dream was received
anonymously through my Internet site, I instinctively recognised who
the dreamer was, much to his surprise and mine.

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This dream was submitted by a 19-year-old female.
I walked into my bedroom and saw my husband under the covers - he was
on the phone. I didn’t really understand what he was saying, but I knew
he was talking to another woman. I grabbed the phone and there was a
little struggle. I asked the girl on the phone who she was and she replied
she was my husband’s girlfriend. I asked her if they had had sex but she
didn’t reply. I hung up and my husband said he didn’t want to be with her;
he was just confused and he was sorry.
I felt angry, hurt and confused. Worried about AIDS.

Bedroom, Husband, Covers, Phone(twice), Another woman, Struggle, Girlfriend, Sex,

No reply, Denial, Anger, Lack of understanding, AIDS, Confusion.
AIDS: Such a symbol in this day and age represents fear of contamination
and perhaps of death.
Anger: This is an emotion that we can allow ourselves to feel in dreams
when it might not be appropriate in everyday life. It can also be a
displacement for fear.
Another woman: This can often represent another side of our
Bedroom: A place of sanctuary.
Confusion: In dreams suggests that the dreamer is unsure of what she
should be feeling.
Covers: Such a symbol in dreams can denote either sanctuary or the wish
to hide something.
Denial: A refusal to accept a given situation.
Girlfriend: Again another part of the dreamers personality.
Husband: In this case it is most likely that the dream figure is actually her
Lack of understanding: Difficulty with communication.
No reply: Lack of communication.
Phone(2): The phone is an instrument of communication.
Sex: So often sex is about closeness, but also is a symbol for unity or
Struggle: The struggle in this dream was to gain possession of the phone,
and was not between the dreamer and her husband.

This dream could so easily have been considered to be precognitive, and

cause a good deal of difficulty between the dreamer and her husband. It

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is, however, more likely to be an anxiety dream, putting into a coherent
form all the fears and doubts of the dreamer. By careful consideration she
will be able to deal with them consciously and improve her relationship
In the dream the husband is hiding the fact that he is communicating with
another woman, and this gives the theme of the dream, which is difficulty
with communication. There are several symbols of communication here:-
The dreamer did not understand what her husband was saying, the
phone, the struggle to gain control of the means of communication, the
fact that the woman did not reply when asked about sex, which itself is
another form of communication.
The dreamer is fearful that her husband has become contaminated
(caught AIDS) through contact with another side of her own personality,
perhaps a part of herself which she does not like very much, and through
this she is likely to become conscious of a jealous or fearful streak within
herself, which may or may not cause problems.
In the dream her husband shows confusion and is apologetic for his
behaviour, both feelings which the dreamer may need to look at in
herself. The dream itself is confusing to the dreamer, since it brings to the
surface feelings which presumably she did not know existed, and there is
a sense here that the dreamer needs to feel that she is the more powerful
one in the relationship, that she is in control.
She is perhaps reassured by her husband’s attitude, but should also realise
that because it is her dream it is her problem that she must deal with and
not his.


In my dream I meet a girl I really fancy. She appears to live in the big
Victorian house at the back of my garden. (There is in fact really no
house). It has recently been converted into upmarket flats. I am keen to
check that the girl is really there; it’s not the right time to call but
somehow I will find out, how is not clear. I am aware that a colleague of
mine is also living in the building and I am not sure who is in which flat,
but although I don’t wish my colleague to know that I am seeing the girl
I decide to call. When he answers I am surprised and his voice is strangely
deep. He says something like, “Oh you will wish to speak to Claire”, and
although that wasn’t the idea I am through to her anyway.
Suddenly I am in her flat, which has one bedroom and a huge lounge with

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a high ceiling. It is on the ground floor (I always look for a top floor flat),
ordinary but very nice. I feel more at home than I expect.
She has been ill, which I knew, and I do not expect to stay for more than
a few minutes. I am willing to give her time to recover. But she is happy
to see me, and everything is very relaxed. In no time we are curled up on
her big leather sofa.
There is no great sexual passion, although there is an unspoken
understanding that this will come. She is the woman of my dreams, girl
and woman. She is attractive, but not wonderfully pretty. Her very
ordinariness makes her all the more wonderful, not in a ‘she is not too
pretty so it’s OK for her to be real’ way but in a totally rounded complete
depth and love and integrity way. Her looks, wonderful or not, do not get
in the way of appreciating her, so I love everything about her, including
her looks.
She speaks and her sense is as full of appreciation for me as mine for her,
although we never use those words. We talk about almost missing each
other and find it amusing, as though in the finding we have reduced all
fear and apprehension to the trivial.
I have stayed for hours and realised that in seeing me before she has
recovered she trusts me completely. I recognise the potential for a full
blown relationship but remember that I hadn’t planned this for a first
date. She was not that sort of girl and she would probably be too wise to
allow things to happen in a rush. Then I realised that whether or not we
make love is really irrelevant. If we do it will be right and if we don’t it will
be that we haven’t got round to it, not that we don’t value it.
High on the wall in a corner is a burglar alarm. It seems relevant but totally

This is a dream which is full of romanticism and yearning. The dreamer

makes contact with his ideal feminine, but only through a masculine
protective aspect of himself (the dreamer’s colleague). It is almost as
though he must seek permission before he can find this ideal woman. His
old-style way of thinking about himself is being converted into a more ‘up
market’ image, but he is still being secretive (the house and flats, and not
wanting his colleague to know).
He is aware in the dream that the feminine side of himself is unwell
(possibly negative), and is doubtful of the wisdom of making contact,
though having done so is quite at ease. It is something of a surprise to find
that they integrate well, and that there is plenty of potential to be
explored. The idea of a trust building up between the masculine and

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feminine parts of himself is somewhat novel, and the dreamer is aware of
the fact that this can take him into areas of experience which are new to
him. The burglar alarm, while apparently incongruous, is actually a
warning against intrusion, which is one of the themes in the dream.

Second dream (next night)

I wake up in the half-light and find many cats in my garden, almost
crawling over each other: at least two are copulating. It’s a disturbing
scene. To the left on the window ledge are a few small pebbles. I throw
these at the cats, partly not caring if I hit them, partly worrying that I
might and partly being concerned that I have! I want to clear all the cats
from the garden but whilst some leave some more come into the garden
from the left. I am running out of stones and realise that these were part
of a bird’s nest and that in brushing away the debris, I have knocked a
small bird off the ledge. Annoyed and disturbed, I brush the last remnants
of the nest and some straw away. I regret it as I do so. The garden is at
least as full of cats as it was before, perhaps more so. I close the window
with a slam.

This dream is one which uses symbolism and feeling in equal measure.
The first thing which becomes evident is the sense of irritation. First there
is irritation at the cats - dream symbolism suggests that these are a
manifestation of the negative feminine - then the irritation at himself for
having destroyed the bird’s nest, and finally the irritation at the whole
thing in his slamming of the window, as if to shut out a problem which he
cannot deal with, as it seems to be growing.
Thus the dreamer must look at his own emotions and try to discover what
it is about the situation which he finds irritating. An intelligent guess
might be that he is feeling somewhat pressured by the feminine energy
around him, for though the cats can suggest negative energy they also
represent independence and strength of character. The fact that some of
them were mating shows that there is a process of integration of the
softer, more feminine qualities going on within him, which probably
cannot be stopped. The small pebbles suggest that there is something in
his life which is perhaps difficult for him to handle, and he can only use
this destructively, whereas it is actually part of a new and very delicate
construction. Nesting is a symbol for home-making, so the inference can
be drawn that if the dreamer is too aware of negativity, he may be
destroying the very thing he is looking for, which is a workable

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Remembering that this is part of a series of three dreams, this dream is
quite specific in its symbolism, and shows that the dreamer’s irritation is
perhaps misplaced, since what is happening is going on despite him rather
than because of him.

Third dream (some nights later)

I am in the car with a good female friend and we take a long round-about
route through the streets to an upmarket department store.
We return from the store and almost immediately I realise that I need an
electric fire and ask my friend to go back with me to the store. I cannot
remember the route entirely, but road by road I find my way without any
trouble. I apologise to my friend about the delay but she is happy to be
We reach the store and make our way to the third floor to view the electric
fires. I cannot find what I want, despite there being a good selection. The
fires all seem to have a fan that is obtrusive in the base or hearth. I
apologise again to my friend and realise I have the fire I need at home.
Somehow I change into the Michael J Fox character in ‘Spin City’ and
whilst I am doing something else Death in the guise of ‘The Lord High
Executioner’ - an Elizabethan gentleman in full ruff arrives at my home,
a tall thin building with three storeys. He waits for me and then decides to
come back later and leaves.
As Michael J Fox I am riding a bike down a steep hill on the way home
when I see Death. As I am on the pavement and can’t stop I pass right
through him ( he is a ghost) and I rush into the house to hide.
I go to the second floor and turn off the light. I know he is waiting for me
and I wish to hide. Despite knowing that this will give him the clue that I
have gone back into the house, I then pull a blind as if to shut him out and
so give him another clue that I am at home. I know I cannot shut him out.
As a ghost he will enter the house if he wishes. Then, as if I were the
audience in a movie, I see him turn to go back to the house.
At some level I know he is not here to damn (kill me) but rather to tell me

Since we know that this dream is part of a series, it is perhaps easier to see
the theme, which is about coming to terms with the dreamer’s persona in
the everyday world. While bearing in mind the conventional
interpretation of the symbols, we must widen the understanding to take
account of the dreamer’s personality.
Initially he is with a good female friend, who is tolerant of his

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idiosyncrasies, and quite prepared to go along with his search for what he
feels he wants. He must, however, find his own way to a place where he
can consider his choices (the department store - a commercial
environment). Here he realises that nothing is quite suitable, and the
obtrusive fans in the fires may be interpreted in his own personal
symbolism as too much energy on the level of self-image. Fire in this
dream suggests warmth and comfort, but the fan suggests feminine
coquettishness, and perhaps too much overt sexual energy. This would
seem to refer back to dream two. Again, using the dreamer’s knowledge,
the third floor would represent the emotional abilities within himself.
Having the fire at home would suggest that he no longer needs to be
conscious of having to choose a suitable female partner, as he already
knows her.
The second part of the dream highlights what the dreamer feels he is
going to have to face, but at the moment is not prepared to do. Meeting
Death in the form of the Lord High Executioner suggests that he must
come to terms with the ending of his former way of thinking, the old-
fashioned dress. The bicycle suggests duality in his thinking, but also
suggests that he is moving towards thinking of himself in terms of being
on the move, in a partnership, and that he can pass through the death to
the old self, without coming to harm. He is set on a course of action
which cannot be changed.
The dreamer wishes to hide from this knowledge, but also in hiding from
the Lord High Executioner, recognises that he is revealing his fears and
doubts. The fact that there is a part of him watching the action highlights
his own awareness of the action he must take, and the fact that he can
learn from the experience.

All three dreams have as their theme the integration of the masculine and
feminine in one way or another and occur as the dreamer is moving
towards feeling more comfortable in a meaningful relationship. However,
these dreams are not to do with relationship with someone else, but with
the dreamer’s relationship with himself and his inner being. He moves
from the romanticism of the first dream, to the energy, power and
potential negativity of the second, and then through to the acceptance of
change within the third dream. He still has fears and doubts but he
understands his own motivations better.

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This dream was submitted by a 31-year-old female
I was in a big tall building which was in Occupied France, with two other
adults. I was second in command and we knew we had to get away. The
only way we could escape was to jump out of the window but we didn’t
want to do that because I thought we were on either the third or the
fourth floor. I realised I was holding three or four large grubby coins
which did not seem of any great financial value.
A Nazi male character in full uniform burst in, so we jumped, but
discovered that we were, after all, on the ground floor. I was still holding
the coins.

Two adults: Dual aspects of the dreamers personality.

Big building: The perceived structure of the dreamer’s life.
Dirty money: Commercial considerations.
Escape: Trying to get away from.
Ground floor: Lower down, grounded or manageable.
Nazi: Regimented strict codes of conduct.
Occupied France: A country bound by constraints which are externally
Second in command: The dreamer has been given a degree of
responsibility, but not necessarily to make all the decisions.
Third or fourth floor: Higher up - in some cases a more emotional state.
Uniform: Signifying a common belief structure.
Window: A barrier between inside and outside.

This dream took place at a time when the dreamer was making major
changes in her life and moving into regular ‘nine to five’ employment
after a period of self-employment and relative personal freedom. These
themes are shown in the appearance of the Nazi officer, suggesting
imposed discipline, and a degree of rigidity which were perhaps not
natural to the dreamer. The new job was indeed one where there was an
element of her being second in command, and therefore responsible for
the safety and well-being of other people around her.
She was reluctant to escape by jumping out of the window (through a
barrier) since she was too ‘high up’ to do so, yet when the pressure
became too great she was prepared to take the risk. She then found it
relatively easy to do so, since the risks were now not so great, she now
being in a better position to take an active role (on the ground floor). It

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would seem that the coins in her hand represent the way she thinks of
herself, as not terribly valuable, but worth preserving intact. This dream,
while on the face of it being somewhat frightening, is actually also
reassuring. It indicates that the dreamer will experience some pressure in
the new job, which emotionally will be quite taxing to begin with, but
should the regimentation and regulation be too great she will be able to
get away from the situation, albeit by retaining her previous feeling about
From a slightly more esoteric point of view, there are two occurrences of
the symbolism of the numbers three and four (the floor she was on, and
the coins in her hand). This suggests that there are changes between the
significance of the more emotionally charged three to the more material
self-aware manifestation qualities of the practical four. Thus whatever
happens he dreamer is aware that materially and in terms of her
knowledge of herself she survives. Because of her very practical nature,
she can move forward now, and take care of other things later.

This dream was by a 30-year-old woman
My boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend (and mother of his children) had about two
months previously taken action which led to her death.
In my dream I was looking for her grave in a huge cemetery. I had no idea
where it was. At the side of a tall grey building I asked a lady in a yellow
dress if she knew where it (the grave) was. She pointed me in the right
direction but seemed a bit ‘off’ with me, though it did not seem to be
personally directed. Then I woke up.
When I mentioned the dream to my boyfriend he identified the lady as a
friend who had been very helpful to his ex-girlfriend during the time
when she was most in need.

Big cemetery: This connects with death, and possibly the vastness of the
Building: Buildings usually represent some kind of ‘structure’ in the
dreamer’s life.
Ex-girlfriend: Such a figure can suggest that the dreamer is looking for
the qualities of the girlfriend in herself.
Feeling of woman being “off’: This seems to indicate a lack of
understanding, though it was not personally directed.
Given right directions: This indicates being shown the correct way.

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Grave: Again there is the connection with death.
Lady: In this case represents one of the feminine elements within the
Unable to find: This suggests a sense of loss.
Yellow dress: The colour yellow often represents emotion, so there is
the awareness of the emotionally charged situation.

In real life, the dreamer had had no part in the drama which surrounded
the death, but was having some difficulty in understanding what had
This is echoed in the dream, by her need to be reassured that the ex-
girlfriend was at peace, though she could not find the grave on her own.
She was, however, being shown the right way forward. It would seem that
she recognised her acceptance by the lady in the yellow dress, albeit
There is an element of the psychic here, in that she had never actually met
either the girlfriend or the helpful lady.

This dream was reported by a teenage girl and suggests that there is some
conflict in her over her own sexuality, rather than that of her mother.

Last night I dreamt that I was in a market with my mother shopping for
fruit. While we were doing this a fairly young man walked straight up to
my mother, squeezed her breasts and began to walk off. I looked at my
mother to see if she was going to do anything about it, but she carried on
looking for the right strawberries as though nothing had happened. At
this point I was fuming with rage and automatically raised my leg and
kicked him on the back of his. There was then a short pause, I was
watching him, and nothing was moving. Then the man slowly turned
round, gazed at me and then began to walk off. He did not respond, and
made me angry.

Market, mother, fruit, young man, squeeze breasts, right (correct) strawberries, rage, leg
kick, back of leg, pause, nothing happening, turning round, looking at dreamer
walking away (twice), lack of response, anger.

Anger: An emotion which is appropriate within the framework of the

dream since it allows the dreamer to be angry at the young man for his
actions towards her.

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Back: Rejection or disappointment.
Breasts: These are a strong symbol of the feminine and particularly of
Fruit: This stands for fertility but also ‘harvesting’ from our efforts and
Kick: A symbol of aggression.
Lack of response: This suggests rejection or ignoring the obvious.
Leg: It is thought that limbs can represent the phallus, so hitting the leg
would suggest an attack on masculine sexuality.
Looking at dreamer: To be looking at something is to be paying
attention, which is what is happening here, but the young man is actually
rejecting the dreamer.
Market: A market shows our ability to relate to crowds. A commercial
environment, it is also public and therefore not the sort of place for the
type of action shown in the dream.
Mother: In this dream the mother’s behaviour is seen as being
inappropriate. The dreamer thus needs to come to terms with the
knowledge that her mother is a sexual being.
Nothing happening: When no action is taken there is some doubt in the
dreamer’s mind as to what is appropriate.
Pause: The highlighting of a period of inactivity usually suggests the need
to stop and consider what is going on.
Rage: Passion or an extreme form of anger.
Right (correct): In terms of ‘rightness’ the dream is looking for good.
There could also be a recognition of ‘right’ again representing the
Squeeze: Such an action is both intrusive and testing. In this dream it
almost constitutes aggression.
Strawberries: Given the general tone of the dream, strawberries here
represent sexuality.
Turning round: This signifies again paying attention to the dreamer as
herself in the dream.
Walking away (twice): This symbolises rejection.
Young man: This denotes the dreamer’s perception of masculinity.

The theme of this dream is the conflict between the masculine and
feminine within the dreamer. There is also conflict between her and her
mother, since she feels her mother should have done something about
the blatant intrusion upon her femininity. The dreamer’s initial rage and
passionate feeling and possible need to control the masculine (symbolised

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by the kick) later turns into anger, which is perhaps more manageable for
One suspects that before the dreamer is able to come to terms with
‘normal’ sexual behaviour she must take the necessary step for teenagers
of understanding her parents’ sexuality. She is aware that she is not yet
ready for relationship, since the young man virtually ignores her, except as
an onlooker.

This dream was that of a 22-year-old female
I dreamt I was getting married to a friend I had not seen in ages. At
university I was infatuated (in love) with him for one and a half years but
he did not feel the same way. We were good friends though. Anyway we
were in the church (I think) and I was getting ready to marry him, but I
did not want to. He was not the right person.

This dream is what, as a dream interpreter, I have called ‘Unfinished

Business’. The dreamer becomes aware that as a partner the former friend
would be inappropriate. Whatever the qualities which he reflected in her
at the time of the infatuation (some time ago), she has now moved on
and, interestingly, is now ready to integrate those qualities of masculinity
within herself. (We look for those qualities in our partners we cannot
necessarily find within ourselves. In real life the friend did not feel as she
did, and yet in the dream they have reached some kind of understanding.
The dreamer can now take up her life. She has come to terms with his
rejection of her, and can now let him go, knowing that there may well be
someone else.
This dream could well be worked with further, for instance by taking the
action forward to see what might happen. Would the young lady wish to
tell her friend how she feels, or would she wish simply to walk away from
the situation? Would she wish to work with the fact that this friendship
has probably up until now protected her in some way ( the symbol of the
church as sanctuary), perhaps from having other relationships? The
subliminal realisation that he was not the right person could lead to a very
positive outcome for her.

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To make it as easy as possible for the reader to interpret dreams, the
decision was made to separate off those images which seem to occur
most frequently. These are Animals, Environment, Journeys and People.
Quantitative analysis discloses that the images from these four categories
occur continually in dreams, and interpreting their meaning or symbolism
allows us admittance to a rich vein of awareness, which may not otherwise
be accessible. The theme of the dream is often revealed in these
representations, before the A-Z needs to be consulted, making
interpretation simpler.

Animals are symbols which appear in dreams with such regularity and in
so many guises that it is sensible to give them a section all on their own,
purely and simply so that the meaning becomes readily available. For ease
of interpretation the alphabetical listing has been retained, and we have
also included the symbolism which is ascribed to birds. Most of the time
the animals represent aspects of the personality which cannot be easily
understood except on an instinctive level.

There are some basic interpretations which are important before the
symbolism of the actual animal is even considered. These are:-
Animal with a cub This will represent motherly qualities and therefore
the mother.
Baby animal The dreamer will be dealing with the child-like side of his
or her personality, or possibly children known to him.
The hurt young animal The dreamer may perceive a difficulty in
becoming mature or facing life. It may be therapeutic to work with
dreams as a way of putting oneself in touch with the inner child, and
working through some of the traumas which inevitably occur during
childhood. It is worthwhile noting that here we are not talking about child
abuse, but about those things that the child has not had enough
knowledge or maturity to deal with. This could be such things as illness or

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death in the family, a change in location and so on. What traumatises one
child will be accepted and assimilated by another.
Cold-blooded animals The hostile, heartless aspect of the instincts is
often portrayed by reptiles and other cold-blooded animals. They are
usually recognised as being destructive and alien.
Composite animals To dream of composite animals could indicate
some difficulty in deciding what qualities are needed in a particular
situation. The various characteristics of the different animals of which
they are made up need to be assimilated and integrated. There are two
potentials for growth in one figure.
Half animal, half man (such as the centaur) The dreamer’s animal
instincts are beginning to be recognised and humanised. This can also
suggest the astrological sign of Sagittarius.
Deformed animals Through such a dream the dreamer realises that
some of his impulses are offensive or revolting.
Eating the animal Pagan belief thought that one assimilated, through
eating the animal, aspects of it that were superior - in some respects - to
ordinary human attitudes. Dreams can illustrate such beliefs. Such a
dream could also be about the ‘demons’ one creates which can only be
overcome by re-absorbing them in a constructive way. Animals are often
symbols of our lower, more primitive urges.
Godlike, talking, awe-inspiring or wise animals, or those with
human characteristics It is always important to pay attention to this
aspect of animal life in both fairy tales and dreams, since these aspects are
an important part of our make-up. It is the part of ourselves that has an
instinctive wisdom and grasp of circumstances, but which is often not
listened to in the hurly-burly of everyday life. Animals have not yet
become mindful of, or have challenged, the ‘greater’ power from which
they came, so the wisdom they show is innocent and simple. They learn
to go with the cycle of growth and decay which is a part of nature.
Helpful animals The figures of animals are an easy way for the dreamer
to accept assistance from the unconscious side of ourselves. This is much
seen in the practice of modern day shamanism, where each person
develops a relationship with his or her totem animals.
Invertebrate animals These usually represent the more instinctive
responses in a person.
Killing the animal May illustrate the need to destroy the energy derived
from the baser instincts. The dreamer may well be conscious of the fact
that his motives are not necessarily of the purest and that part of his
personality needs to be suppressed.

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Parts of animals (the limbs, eyes, mouth, etc.) have the same significance
as parts of the human body (See Body). If the four legs are particularly
emphasised - possibly in contrast with a three-legged animal - the whole
rounded personality with all four functions of the mind fully developed is
being highlighted.
Pets Pets represent unconditional love, affection and a mutual
appreciation. A dead pet can represent the end of childhood or the loss of
Prehistoric animals A trauma from the past, or from childhood, may be
causing difficulty.
Sinister Animals Any threat from animals indicates the fears and doubts
the dreamer has over his ability to cope with the stirrings of the
Taming or harnessing the animal shows the efforts made to control
the dreamer’s instincts and, if possible, make them productive and useful.
Just as one would domesticate a horse one can tame one’s instincts for the
greater good. When we dream of already domesticated animals we are
aware of those parts of ourselves with which we have come to terms.
There are passions which are being used in a controlled way, although
there is the suggestion that those passions were never very formidable in
the first place.
To dream of trying to find some refuge from animals, whether by
building defences or perhaps by running away is indicative of the
dreamer’s struggle with his animal instincts, and raises the question as to
whether the action being taken is adequate. The dreamer may be fearful
of those instincts, and conscious of the fact that they can go out of
control at any point and overwhelm him.
Transformation of animals In dreams, the mutation of the dreamer or
other people into animals and vice-versa shows the potential for change
within any situation. It may be that consideration should be given to the
process of change as much as to the qualities of the animals themselves.
Vertebrate animals When the backbone of an animal is emphasised in a
dream the interpretation should concentrate on the qualities associated
with that animal and tend to repressed the emotions.
Wild animals Usually wild animals stand for danger, dangerous passions,
or dangerous people. There is a destructive force arising from the
unconscious, threatening the safety of the individual. Such a dream may
be a way of understanding anxiety.
Wounded animals The dreamer may be suffering either emotional or
spiritual wounds.

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Animals appear in dreams whenever we need some sort of understanding
of our own psychological urges. Most animals have certain characteristics
which are specific to the type, and therefore represent those
characteristics in dreams.

Bear The mother appears in dreams in many guises, the bear among
them. The image may be of the possessive, devouring mother or of the
all-caring mother. If it is recognised in the dream that the bear is
masculine the image may then be of an overbearing person, or possibly
the father.

Birds Birds have over the years come to represent the Soul - both its
darker and its enlightened side. They were believed to be vehicles for the
soul and to have the ability to carry it to heaven. In dreams birds usually
represent freedom, imagination, thoughts and ideas which by nature need
freedom to be able to become evident. Ever since the Stone Age times,
man has been fascinated by birds and by flight. As a result, birds were very
often invested with magical and mystical powers.
Psychologically, birds’ conduct being entirely natural, they can be used in
dreams to understand man’s behaviour. Thus:-

A caged bird can indicate some kind of restraint or entrapment.

A bird flying freely represents aspirations and desires and possibly the
spirit, set free and soaring towards the Divine.
A display of plumage indicates the dreamer’s facade - the way the
individual sees him or her self, or projects himself to the world.
A flock of birds containing both winged and plucked birds indicates
some confusion over conflict between bodily or material considerations
and spiritual aspirations.
Birds can sometimes denote the feminine free side of the being.
The golden-winged bird has the same significance as fire and therefore
indicates spiritual aspirations.
A high-flying bird Spiritual awareness or that part in us which seeks
knowledge, and needs elevation or ascension to do so.
In a man’s dream a bird can represent the Anima. In a woman’s dream
it suggests the Self, in the sense of the Spiritual Self.
White/Black birds The two aspects of the Anima or Self may be
represented as two opposites. The black bird signifies the dark, unheeded,
or hidden aspects, the white the open, clear, untrammelled side.
A pet bird A pet bird can either denote some dearly loved principle or

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ideal, or our sense of carefully nurtured happiness, which still is not totally
As with animals, birds can suggest various aspects of our personalities
which may need to be studied and understood:-

Chicken The imagination is being used to serve a practical function.

There is potential for growth, though this may also come about through
belonging to a group. The chicken can also represent stupidity and
Cock The cock is the symbol of a new day and of vigilance or
watchfulness. It represents the masculine principle and so the need to be
more up front and courageous.
Crow Traditionally the crow warns of death but may also represent
wisdom and deviousness.
Cuckoo The meaning of the cuckoo is ambivalent, since it can represent
deviousness or unrequited love. As the harbinger of spring there is a
change from old, stale energy to newness and freshness.
Dove The Anima. Always taken to mean the bringer of tranquillity after
the storm, the peaceful side of man’s nature appears in dreams as the
Duck In a dream this can often denote some kind of superficiality or
childishness, possibly because it floats upon its own element of water.
Eagle Because the eagle is a bird of prey, in dreams it signifies dominion
and superiority. It can also mean keenness and awareness as well as
perception and objectivity. If the dreamer identifies with the eagle his
own wish to dominate is becoming apparent though there may be some
difficulty in reconciling other parts of the dreamer’s nature. If the dreamer
feels threatened somebody else may be threatening the status quo.
Falcon The falcon as a bird of prey shares the attributes of the eagle. It
embodies freedom and hope for those who are being restricted in any
way. It can represent victory over lust, arising from the control imposed
on it by its owner.
Goose/Geese The goose is said to represent circumspection and love. A
flock of geese is often taken to represent the powers of intuition and to
give warning of disaster. Like the swan the goose can represent the dawn
or new beginning.
Wild goose The wild goose can represent the soul and often depicts the
pagan, wild side of us. Geese are considered to be witches’ familiars.
Hen The hen denotes discretion, mothering and procreation. When a
hen crows in a dream it is taken to represent feminine domination.

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Ibis The ibis, sometimes taken to be the stork, is the symbol of
perseverance and of aspiration.
Kingfisher A kingfisher signifies honour and peacefulness.
Lark A lark is traditionally supposed to represent the transcendence of
the worldly self.
Magpie/Jackdaw Because of the belief that magpies and jackdaws are
thieves, to dream of one may indicate that a colleague is trying to take
away something of value. The magpie can denote good news.
Ostrich The ostrich suggests that the dreamer is attempting to run away
from responsibility, or hide from knowledge.
Owl The owl is sacred to Athena, goddess of strategy and wisdom;
therefore in a dream the owl can describe those qualities. Because it is also
associated with the night-time, it can sometimes represent death.
Peacock To see a peacock in a dream suggests an expansion of
understanding from the plain and unadorned to the beauty of the fully
plumed bird. Like the phoenix it represents rebirth and resurrection.
Pelican. The pelican in dreams is sacrifice and devotion or careful
mother love.
Penguin The penguin is thought to represent harmony but also possibly
Pheasant To dream of pheasants generally foretells of prosperity and
good fortune to come.
Phoenix The phoenix is a universal symbol of rebirth, resurrection and
immortality (dying in order to live).
Quail The quail represents ardent behaviour, sometimes courage and
often luck. Negatively it can also represent witchcraft and sorcery.
Raven The raven, if it is seen to be talking, often represents prophecy. Its
meaning can be ambivalent since it can represent evil and sin, but also
Seagull The seagull is a representation of freedom and power.
Sparrow The sparrow denotes business and industry.
Stork The stork is a symbol of new life and new beginnings.
Swallow The swallow seen in a dream signifies the coming of Spring and
therefore new beginnings.
Swan The swan is the soul of man and is often taken to be the divine bird.
It can sometimes denote a peaceful death.
Turkey The turkey is traditionally a food for celebrations and festivals,
and denotes that there may be good times ahead.
Vulture/Buzzard The vulture is a bird which scavenges for food. It has
an association with the feminine aspect in its destructive persona.

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Woodpecker The woodpecker is a guardian of both kings and trees in
mythology. It is also reputed to have magical powers.
Bull In dreams the bull is recognised as sexual passion or creative power
and out-and-out masculinity and assertiveness. However, depending on
the other aspects of the dream the bull denotes the negative side of
behaviour, such as destructiveness, fear or anger (for example, a bull in a
china shop). Slaying the bull is a very powerful image, linking with ancient
festivals, and suggests initiation into the world of the mature adult who
succeeds in mastering his instincts. The bull can also represent the sign of
Taurus in the Zodiac.
Cat To dream of cats is to link with the sensuous side in human beings,
usually in women. The refined, but also the powerful, yet self-reliant
aspect of woman may also be suggested by the cat. Goddesses such as
Bast the Egyptian cat goddess are usually represented as having two sides
to their natures, one devious and one helpful, so the cat often denotes the
capricious side of the feminine.
Chameleon Just as the chameleon is capable of changing in order to fit
in with its surroundings so the human must learn how to adapt, and this
is represented by a chameleon in dreams.
Cow The eternal feminine, especially the mother or mother figure, is often
depicted by the cow. This is partly because it provides milk and nourishment.
Coyote The coyote represents a transformer, usually of negative energy
into positive, and also the Trickster.
Deer/Reindeer The deer signifies pride and nobility. The herd has an
organisation, based on rank. The dreamer therefore is enabled to
recognise his place in the world.
Dog The dreamer may recognise either a devoted and loyal companion,
a protector, or somebody the dreamer cannot get rid of and who might
make trouble. If the dog is one that the dreamer owned or knew at some
period of his life there may be memories associated with that period of his
life which hold clues to present behaviour. A dream of a huntress with
dogs suggests that the dreamer is making a connection with one of the
feminine archetypes, that of the Amazon. A dog guarding gates or being
near a cemetery indicates the guardian of the threshold, or possibly death;
and creatures which must be put to sleep or tamed before there can be an
initiation into the underworld.
Donkey The donkey symbolises patience, or stupidity and obstinacy.
Elephant An elephant appearing in dreams signifies loyalty, memory,
patience and strength. In the more esoteric sense it signifies lucid and
dazzling wisdom.

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Fox A fox in a dream tells of dissimulation, cunning and crafty behaviour.
Frog A period or act of transformation (a frog transforms from a tadpole
and moves from water breathing to air breathing) may be seen as a frog.
There is something offensive which is turning into something of value
(for example, a frog into a prince).
Goat It is the symbol for Capricorn in the Zodiac. In its more negative
aspect it signifies the darker side of human nature, immorality and overt
sexuality. More positively, dreaming of a goat is to recognise creative
energy and masculine vigour. The goat may also represent the Devil or Satan.
Hare Because of its affiliation with the moon, the hare can signify the
Priestess/Witch aspect of femininity or the Priest/Sorcerer of the
masculine - the intuitive faculty, spiritual insight and instinctive ‘leaps’.
Madness, however, comes from not using one’s powers effectively,
leading to illusion. In its positive imagery, it is the radiant hare (often
holding its baby in a cave), and thus the Mother of God.
Hedgehog The hedgehog can represent wrong-doing and rudeness, or
literally our inability to handle a ‘prickly’ situation.
Horse The figure of a horse in dreams represents the vitality present in
the dreamer. Traditionally a white horse describes the state of spiritual
awareness in the dreamer; a brown one the more rational and sensible
side, while a black horse is the excitable side of the dreamer’s nature. A
pale horse suggests death, and a winged horse depicts the soul’s ability to
transcend the earthly plane. If the horse is under strain or dying there may
be a problem with motivation and there may be insurmountable pressure
in the life of the dreamer. When the horse is being harnessed the dreamer
may be focusing too hard on thoroughly practical objectives. In a man’s
dream, a mare will denote the Anima, a woman, or the realm of the
feminine. In a woman’s dream, if she is being kicked by a horse, this may
indicate her own Animus or her relationship with a man. A horse that can
get through any door and batter down all obstacles is a representation of
the collective Shadow - those aspects of the personality which most
people attempt to suppress. The horse as a beast of burden often signifies
the mother, or mother archetype. In modern dreams the car has largely
taken over from the horse as a symbol with many of the same associations
(See Journey).
Hyena The hyena is taken in dreams, through its scavenging nature, to
signify imperfection, lack of stability and deviousness.
Jackal Esoterically, the jackal is the servant of the transformer, guiding
souls from the earth plane into the light. It is often associated with the
graveyard, and therefore with death.

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Jaguar The jaguar’s main qualities are its speed and balance. In dreams it
therefore suggests the balance of power between the dark and light
Kangaroo This animal often stands for motherhood, and also strength.
Lamb The lamb is the innocent side of man’s nature. It is said that evil
cannot withstand such innocence.
Leopard The leopard represents oppression and aggression and
traditionally the underhandedness of power wrongly used.
Lion A lion lying with a lamb suggest that there is a union, or
compatibility of opposites; instinct and spirit going hand in hand. The
lion stands for dignity, strength and courage. It can also represent the ego
and the feelings associated with it. If in the dream there is a struggle with
the lion there should be a successful development as long as the dreamer
is not overpowered or the lion killed..
Lizard The lizard appearing in a dream represents instinctive action or
‘one-track’ thinking.
Lynx In dreams the lynx suggests objectivity and clarity of vision, since it
is well known for its keen eyesight.
Monkey The qualities of mischief, impudence and inquisitiveness all
belong to the monkey and characterise the immature, childish and
arrested side of the dreamer’s personality. While these are often seen as
regressive tendencies, that of lively curiosity maintains a necessary
lightness of spirit.
Mare - See Horse
Mole The mole is often taken to represent the powers of darkness, but
can often signify the heedless perseverance and tenacity which enable the
dreamer to succeed.
Mouse The mouse’s quality of shyness can often be addressed in the
dreamer, if it is recognised that this can arise from chaos and lack of
Otter The otter often suggests the ability to exist in an environment
which is highly emotionally charged.
Ox The ox depicts the ability to be untiring, and to make sacrifices for
Pig The pig indicates ignorance, foolishness, selfishness, greed and
dirtiness. The dreamer’s better self may be beginning to recognise these
unattractive qualities in himself. Without such recognition there can be
no transformation or mastery of them. Big litters of piglets can represent
fruitfulness, although sometimes without result, since the sow can depict
the Destructive Mother.

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Rabbit Rabbits have an obvious connection with fertility in dreams, or
the trickster aspect of the personality could be coming to the fore (See
Hare). A white rabbit may show the dreamer the way to the inner
spiritual world and as such act as a guide.
Ram The ram is a symbol of masculine potency and authority, and, by
association with those qualities, of the sign of Aries in the Zodiac.
Rat The rat signifies the contaminated and devious part of the dreamer or
of his situation. It can also represent something which is repellent in some
way. Traditional symbolism suggests that the dreamer may be
experiencing disloyalty from a friend or colleague.
Reptiles To dream of reptiles indicates that we are looking at our more
frightening lower attitudes. We may have no control over these, and could
therefore be easily overcome by them.
Seal Dreaming of a seal suggests that we are in touch with the elements
in which we live but may not have progressed too far away from an
instinctual reaction to circumstances.
Serpent - Also see Snake The serpent is a universal symbol which can
be male or female or it can be self-created. It can signify death or
destruction or conversely life and also rejuvenation. It is the instinctive
nature and is also potential energy. When the power of the instinctive
nature is understood and harnessed the dreamer comes to terms with his
or her own sexuality and sensuality, and is able to make use of the higher
and more spiritual energies which become available. In a man’s dream a
serpent may appear if he has not understood the feminine or intuitive part
of himself, or when he doubts his own masculinity. In a woman’s dream
the serpent may manifest if she is afraid of sex, or sometimes of her own
ability to seduce others. Because of its connection with the Garden of
Eden the serpent is the symbol of duplicity and trickery, and also of
Sheep The sheep is renowned for its flock instinct, and it is this
interpretation which is most usually accepted in dreams. The helplessness
of the sheep when off-balance is also another aspect which is
recognisable, as is the apparent lack of intelligence. The god-fearing,
‘good sheep’ and also the passive and ‘sheepish’ may have relevance
within the context of the dream. To dream of sheep and wolves, or of
sheep and goats is to register the conflict between good and evil.
Snake/Serpent Snake and serpent dreams occur usually when there is an
aspect of sexuality or emotional passion that has not been understood and
the dreamer must come to terms with his or her more instinctive self.
Usually this part of the personality has been suppressed and thwarted and

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since the most primitive urge is sexuality, the image of the snake or
serpent as sustained power is the most effective available. On a more
basic level this has direct connotations with the penis. The serpent is
always taken to signify evil, as in the Garden of Eden, yet it actually
represents uncontrolled passion. The serpent suggests temptation, yet
also signifies the search for the spiritual. A snake entwined around the
body or limb indicates some form of entrapment, possibly being enslaved
to the passions. A snake, or worm, leaving a corpse by its mouth can
represent the sexual act, but can also signify the dreamer’s control of his
or her libido. A snake in the grass denotes disloyalty, trickery and evil.
With its tail in its mouth, this image is one of the oldest available to man
and signifies completion, and the union of the spiritual and physical.
Being swallowed by a snake shows the need and ability to return to the
ultimate, and lose our sense of space and time (See Eating).Because
snakes are such a low form of life, while also being in some cases
poisonous, they have become associated with death and all that man fears
- this is symbolised by the mythical figure of Medusa, the snake-haired
goddess, who if looked at directly would turn men into stone. A staff or
similar object twined around it is also called the caduceus. It signifies that
the unconscious forces that are released once the dreamer reconciles the
opposing sides of himself create healing, rebirth, and renewal. This is
universally represented as two snakes entwined round a central staff and
is now known to be a symbolic representation of the basic form of DNA,
the ‘building blocks’ of life. The colours of the snake may give additional
insight into the meaning of the dream.
Squirrel The squirrel represents the possessive aspect of our personalities
but may also suggest our ability to guard for the future.
Tiger The tiger signifies royalty, dignity and power and is both a creator
and a destroyer.
Toad Implicit in the ugliness of the toad is the power of mutation and
growth into something beautiful. To dream of toads is to connect with
whatever the dreamer may consider ugly in life, yet also to recognise the
power of transformation. For a toad and an eagle to appear is to note the
difference between earthly and spiritual values.
Vermin In the sense that they are unwanted and invade others’ space
vermin represent a negativity that needs to be got rid of.
Whale The whale, because it is a mammal which lives within water,
indicates the power of resurrection and rebirth - man’s ability to come
back from the dead and to handle more than one set of circumstances at
a time.

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Weasel The weasel traditionally highlights the devious, more criminally
oriented side of ourselves.
Wild Boar The wild boar depicts the archetypal masculine principle, and
therefore the negative Animus in a woman’s dream. The dreamer may be
trying to escape from an issue that should be confronted and dealt with
more daringly.
Wolf Dreaming of wolves may indicate that we are being threatened by
others, whether singly or in a pack. The dreamer may have cruel sadistic
fantasies without taking responsibility for them. The She-wolf represents
not only the hussy but also the carer for orphans and rejected young.
Zebra This animal has the same significance as the horse, but with the
additional meaning of balancing the negative and the positive in a very
dynamic way.

Often the setting or environment in a dream can give an insight into the
state of mind that the dreamer is in. A particularly dark and depressing
atmosphere can illustrate the feelings that the dreamer has over his
situation at that particular moment, or be a warning of conditions to
come. A bright airy space may suggest happiness and potential, and may
also be a representation of the dreamer’s own way of looking at life. A
room, for instance, may show a facet of our overall personality, while a
building indicates our overall feeling about ourselves. (In dreams the
house has particular significance since it is said to represent the soul).
Interpreting the attributes of certain places as they appear in dreams gives
us a perception of our own ‘inner landscape’. So a landscape that becomes
fertile or lighter in the course of the dream indicates that an aspect that the
dreamer has not previously appreciated - or has found unpleasant - is now
developing possibilities and potentials, possibly for spiritual
development. Dreary unfriendly landscapes, or tranquil favourable places
may well refer to the dreamer’s subjective view of the world.
The country where the dream takes place or the destination we are
pursuing may have a certain resonance for the dreamer. For example,
America for most people will signify a rather brash, commercially
oriented culture. England tends to be seen as inhibited and dutiful. France
will represent the temperamental masculine and so on. Such a dream may
also be highlighting cultural differences or wish fulfilment.
The countryside can suggest a particular mood or feeling, especially of
freedom. An urban environment may well suggest stress or bustle and

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hurry, while quickly changing scenes may graphically depict the theme of
the dream.
Places which are familiar to us will evoke certain moods connected with
previous experiences, though the details may have changed, perhaps to
depict a change in our appreciation of that particular memory. For
instance, the dreamer’s birthplace suggests a secure space but if it now
feels oppressive it may no longer be a sanctuary.
Unknown or unfamiliar places are aspects of ourselves of which we are
not yet aware. A place that seems familiar and yet is unknown to us
signifies a situation we are continually rerunning in our lives without
being able to resolve it. A sheltered space offers peace and tranquillity,
whereas wide-open spaces offer us freedom of movement.

Buildings can represent the structure we try to give to our everyday lives.
The attitudes and beliefs we have formed, built from experience and
perception, and even from the beliefs and perceptions of others round us
such as our families, can often appear in dreams as buildings. In real life
we learn a lot about a person from his personal environment, and dreams
reflect the dreamer’s character, hopes and concerns, often by highlighting
such things through the environment of the dream itself. The features of
the building often mirror the features of the dreamer’s personality. For
example, a house with a door that is difficult to open might signify a
natural shyness and difficulty in getting to know people.
Buildings can become composite, and therefore confusing. In
understanding the dream, we should interpret the main appearance of the
building first, and the secondary appearance as qualities to be recognised.
Various buildings have certain meanings:-
Boarding house/Hotel A boarding house or hotel indicates a situation
which is of a temporary nature or shows that we may be aware of our own
insecurities and may not feel particularly grounded.
Castle, Citadel, Fortress As a defended space such an image may
variously represent the feminine nature, or a place of safety and our
innermost selves.
Church, tabernacle, temple etc. Any religious building will suggest a
place of sanctuary and refuge, where we may be at peace with our beliefs.
A sacred space or one which has been consecrated is often that part of
ourselves where we can communicate with our idea of divine power. Such
a building in dreams allows us to understand the raising of our own
vibration to a more spiritual level.

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House A house nearly always refers to the soul and the manner in which
we set up our lives. If we are initially aware that the house is not empty -
that there is something in it (e.g. furnishings) - it indicates some aspect of
the dreamer which needs to be considered. There being someone else in
the house may mean that the dreamer is feeling threatened by an aspect of
his own personality. If there are different activities going on, particularly
if they are very different, this suggests antagonism between two parts of
our personality, possibly the creative and the intellectual, or the logical
and intuitive. The front of the house portrays the facade we present to the
outside world. Going into or out of the house means we are in a position
to decide whether we need at that time to be more introverted or
extroverted. Being outside the house depicts the more public side of
ourselves. In a dream of an impressive, awe-inspiring house we are
conscious of the Self or the Soul, the ‘higher’ aspects of ourselves.
Moving to a larger house implies that there is need for a change in our
lives, perhaps to achieve a more open way of life, or even for more
emotional space. If a small house is seen the dreamer is seeking security,
or perhaps the safety of babyhood, without responsibility. If the
smallness of the house is constricting the dreamer may be being trapped
by responsibilities, and may need to escape. Work on the house,
cementing, repairing, and making changes shows that relationships may
need to be worked on or repaired, or perhaps we need to look at health
matters. We may need to take note of the damage or decay that has
occurred in our lives.
The different rooms and parts of houses in dreams indicate the diverse
aspects of one’s personality and experience. For example:
Attic Dreaming of being in an attic is to do with past experiences and old
memories. Interestingly, it can highlight family patterns of behaviour and
attitudes which have been handed down.
Basement/cellar The cellar most often represents the subconscious and
those things we may have suppressed through an inability to handle them.
A basement can also highlight the power that is available to us provided
we are willing to make use of it. We may not have come to terms with our
own sexuality and prefer to keep it hidden. It can also represent family
beliefs and habits, particularly those that we have internalised without
realising it.
Bathroom In dreams our attitude to personal cleanliness and our most
private thoughts and actions can be shown as the bathroom or toilet.
Bedroom The bedroom portrays a place of safety where we can relax and
be as sensual as we wish.

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Hall The hallway in a dream is representative of how we meet and relate
to other people, though it is also indicative of how we make the transition
from the private to the public self and vice versa.
Kitchen Being the ‘heart’ of the house, this shows how we nurture and
care for others.
Library Our minds, and how we store the information we receive, can
appear as a library.
Rooms Rooms in a dream can describe various parts of our personalities
or levels of understanding, but often signify either the womb or the
mother figure. - a sitting room or lounge would be the more relaxed
comfortable side which seeks ease and comfort.
Igloo Because of its shape, the igloo stands for completeness and
sanctuary. It is warm on the inside and cold on the outside and therefore
signifies the difference between the internal and the external
Pyramid The pyramid is considered to be a focus for power, so for one
to appear in a dream is to be concentrating on the power within. Being a
construction of triangular shapes it may represent body, mind and spirit.
Tower (obelisk, steeple, lighthouse, etc.) Any image of a tower is
representative of the personality, and the Soul within. While there are
obvious connotations that connect it with masculinity, it is more correct
to perceive it as the Self within a wider context. When thought of in this
way, attention can then be paid to other attributes of the tower, such as
where windows, doors and staircases are placed. This leads to a greater
understanding of the Spiritual self.
Warehouse The warehouse, being primarily a place for storage, has the
symbolism of being a repository either for spiritual energy or for spiritual
rubbish. It will depend on the personality of the dreamer, how it is

Components of buildings
Balcony (or ledge, sill, etc.) A balcony indicates both support and
protectiveness. It can also represent the Mother in her protective aspect.
Chimney As a conduit from one state to another and a conductor of
heat, in dreams the chimney can indicate how we deal with our inner
emotions and warmth.
Doors Doors refer to the openings of the body and therefore, by default,
one’s sexuality. The front door and back door signify the vagina and the
anus respectively, but may also suggest how we allow people to approach
us, and how vulnerable we can become. Breaking down the door means
that one is now ready to tackle inhibitions and an unwillingness to face the

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issues over sex and relationships. It can also represent rape or abuse.
Opening and closing the door, while often taken to stand for intercourse,
can show the dreamer’s attitude to sex, and his or her ability to be open
and broad-minded over all sorts of issues. Refusing to open the door
shows an innocent approach to sexuality, but also sometimes a narrow-
minded approach to life. A door between the outer and inner rooms
shows there may be a conflict between the conscious and the
unconscious, or the inner private self and the public personality. Barring
the door denotes the dreamer’s need for self-protection, though if the
door is barred to the dreamer there is some block to progress. If an animal
or person forces his way in and destroys the lock our own protective
mechanisms have let us down. Escaping by another door indicates the
dreamer needs to find a different solution to the one he thought would
solve a problem. Someone knocking on the door signifies that the
dreamer’s attention is being drawn to an external situation.
Hall/Passages Any passages can stand for the passages within the body,
the vagina or the anus, the intestines and so on. Equally, on a
psychological level, they signify how we allow our personal space to be
penetrated. Passages also represent the transitions between the various
stages of our lives.
Lift A lift usually indicates how we deal with information. For instance, a
lift going down would suggest going down into the subconscious, while a
lift going up would be moving towards the spiritual. It is believed that in
the sleep state we leave our bodies, and this can be reflected in dreams of
lifts or elevators. Thus, descending in a lift and getting stuck represents
the entrapment of the spiritual by the physical body, and going up in a lift
and getting stuck can suggest that we are too geared towards the material
Rooms While the function of each room is important - see above - rooms
can have significance in dreams in other ways. A small room with only
one door, a basement with water in it is a very direct representation of the
womb, and may suggest a need to return to the womb-like state, or a
consideration of issues to do with pregnancy. A series of rooms refers to
the various aspects of femininity, and often to the whole soul. Something
in an upstairs room denotes an idea or concept belonging to the spiritual
or intellectual realms. Leaving the room and going into another room
suggests leaving something behind in order to bring about change on
whatever level is appropriate. Such a change need not necessarily be for
the better. If a room is empty something, such as comfort or support, is
lacking in our lives.

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Stairs Stairs are often an indication of the steps we must take in order to
achieve a goal. Climbing the stairs is illustrative of the effort that we must
make in order to have access to the more mystical, spiritual side of our
being. It can more simply be the exertion we practise in everyday life. To
have access to the hidden, unconscious side of ourselves, we need to ‘go
down’ into the unconscious, thus going downstairs. A golden staircase is
such a basic image, with so many interpretations, that particular attention
needs to be paid to other aspects of the dream, and also the dreamer’s
spiritual state at that specific time. Largely it represents a ‘death’, though
not necessarily a physical one. It is more the realisation that we no longer
need to be trapped within the physical, but can move towards a more
fulfiling life. It is a way out of the mundane.
Walls A wall signifies a block to progress The nature of the wall will give
some clue as to what the block is. Construction or demolition of a wall or
building suggests that we all have the ability within us to construct
successful lives, and equally an ability to self-destruct. A dream that
highlights construction or demolition gives us access to those qualities
and abilities within ourselves. For instance, an old wall suggests an old
problem, whereas a glass wall would indicate difficulties with perception.
A dream where walls close in could describe the remembered feelings of
birth, but is more likely to represent a feeling of being trapped by the
lifestyle we have. A brick wall, rampart or dividing wall all signify the
difference between two states of reality, often the inner psychological
state and the exterior everyday world.

Water is usually taken in dreams to symbolise all that is emotional and
feminine. Deep water suggests either being out of our depth, or entering
our own subconscious. It also represents cleansing, being able to wash
away the things which deeply affect us in everyday life. In baptism, water
is a cleanser of previously held ‘sins’, often also those habits, beliefs and
concepts inherited from the family. So, to dream of a baptism may
suggest that it is time to let go of these ‘inheritances’.
Water can also stand for the dreamer’s potential and his ability to create a
new life in response to his own inner urgings.
The representation of water appears so often in dreams, with so many
different meanings, that it is possible only to suggest some probable ones.
Thus coming up out of the water indicates a fresh start. Deep water
suggests the unconscious; flowing water signifies peace and comfort or
going with the scheme of events. Going down into water indicates a need

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to renew one’s strength, while being immersed in water can suggest
pregnancy and birth. While rushing water denotes passion, shallow water
reveals a lack of essential energy. To be on the water (as in a boat) can
represent indecision or a lack of emotional commitment, while to be in
the water but not moving signifies inertia.
Other images associated with water are as follows:
Bathing is associated with purification.
Canals may symbolise the process of birth, but also attempts to regulate
our emotions.
Diving into water can be interpreted as trying to find the parts of
ourselves which we have suppressed. It can also suggest taking risks
which we might not normally do.
Drowning indicates that we may not be in control of our emotions
properly and may be in a situation where we can be overcome by them.
We are pushing ourselves to the limit.
Floods, being by their nature chaotic and destructive, symbolise the
uncontrollable ‘welling up’ of emotion which can destroy our known way
of life. Eventually there has to be some sort of cleansing process.
Fountains are always taken as symbols of womanhood, in particular the
Great Mother in her most giving sense.
Lake A lake, like a pool, can signify a stage of transition between the
conscious and the spiritual Self, as in the story of King Arthur. The
unexpected image of a lake denotes the need to consider one’s emotional
responses very carefully. To see one’s self reflected in a pool suggests that
the dreamer needs to come to terms with the Shadow. We have to
understand that there is a part of ourselves that we do not appreciate but
which, when harnessed, can give much energy for change.
Obstacles such as dams, islands and driftwood symbolise both our
conscious efforts to control the force of the water (and therefore our
emotions) or difficulties which are being put in our way.
Rivers or streams, like roads, denote the dreamer’s life and the way that
he or she is living it at that moment. It will depend on the dreamer’s
attitude or state of mind as to whether he sees his life as a large river or a
small stream. If the water in the river appears to be contaminated we are
not deciding on the best actions for ourselves, and may be letting others
affect our judgement. Crossing a river means there will be great changes,
but can sometimes suggest death, either of the self or of the old. If the
river is very deep we should perhaps be paying attention to how we relate
to the rest of the world, and our feelings about it. If the river is rushing by
we may feel that life is moving along at too fast a pace. If we can see the

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sea as well as the river, we may be aware that a great change must occur,
perhaps an expansion of consciousness, or that greater attention must be
paid to the unconscious within. If the river causes fear we are creating an
unnecessary difficulty for ourselves by not understanding our emotions
Sea or Ocean The original chaotic state from which all life emerges is
often pictured as a sea. It usually depicts cosmic consciousness, that is a
state of total knowledge, although that may be obscured by our fear of
‘the deep’. We need not fear that which we understand. A shallow sea
suggests insincere emotion. The waves in the sea characterise emotion
and lust. A calm sea suggests a peaceful existence, while a stormy sea
signifies passion, either negative or positive. To be conscious of the rise
and fall of the tides is to be conscious both of the passage of time and of
the rise and fall of our own emotions.
Waterfall is often taken to represent an orgasm, or any display of
emotion that is powerful and yet under control. It can also suggest some
kind of spiritual cleansing.
Waves signify the ups and downs of everyday life.

The idea of a journey standing as a metaphor for the story of our lives is
perhaps one of the most powerful ones there is. Not only does it describe
our everyday lives, in a purely practical sense, but also our path to an
understanding of ourselves in the spiritual. Dreams often show us how
we are progressing, using the symbolism of a journey, and showing
obstacles as difficulties on that journey. Often the symbolism is highly
graphic, giving us the opportunity to work out what is holding us back, or
often what is around to help us to move forward. The dreaming mind will
have at its disposal the totality of our experience to date, and will call on
that to highlight particular patterns of behaviour, courses of action or
recognisable scenes which help us to manage our lives. The image of a
journey becomes more apparent as time goes on and death approaches.
We become more aware of reaching our final destination.
If we accept that any journey consists of moving between two points
there is much to be learnt by that process. Indeed, if we translate our
dreams in terms of a journey we can often uncover fresh insights into our
motivation and various agendas.
Arriving at a destination gives some idea of how we have succeeded in
what we are attempting to do. If we do not know where we are, then it is
perhaps important that we take time to re-orientate ourselves within a

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new environment. A sense of anticipation may show we are capable of
moving on confidently, whereas a feeling of dread suggests that we
should try to manage our fears better. If we feel that we have arrived but
have forgotten something along the way, we are perhaps not recognising
the effort we have put in or the help we have had. If we sense that a
difficult journey is now behind us, then we have come through the
problem and pitfalls of the past.
When the destination is known or becomes apparent, it will give some
indication of the aims and objectives the dreamer has. It is often enough
just to have a plan for that particular section of the journey. Because our
aims and objectives can change according to our ability to accommodate
change we may discover through dreams that we actually need to change
the way we are functioning in order to focus on a new goal. Our declared
desires and intentions may not correspond with those we subconsciously
have - our inner motivation may be totally different from our outer
behaviour - and dreams will highlight this discrepancy. The exact nature
of our objective is often not known to us until after we have confronted
the obstacles and challenges along the way.
In fact, obstacles ahead in dreams may indicate that the dreamer is or
needs to be aware of the difficulties which may occur. We do need to be
aware that we ourselves can cause the problems. Our own attitude to life
is perhaps responsible. When we find ourselves turning a corner, we have
accepted the need for a change of direction. We may have made a major
decision. To be stopping and starting suggests that there is conflict
between laziness and drive. When we are at a standstill we are being
preventedor are preventing ourselves from moving forward. This
interpretation needs handling with care, since to stop may also be
Departing Any dream which deals with departures, whether from home
stations or airports and so on, usually suggests new beginnings. Formerly
all departures were interpreted as death, but it is mostly to do with some
form of transition which leaves behind the old and allows room for the
new. In certain circumstances, to dream of wanting to leave but not being
able to suggests that there is still further work to be done before we can
begin the new. To be conscious of the time of departure might suggest
that we are aware of a time limit within some circumstance in our
Driving The whole of the symbolism of driving in dreams is particularly
obvious. It represents our basic urges, wants, needs and ambitions. If we
are driving we are usually in control, though we may be aware of our own

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inadequacies, particularly if we do not drive in everyday life. If we are
uncomfortable when someone else is driving we may not believe in that
person, and may not wish to be dependent on them. When someone else
takes over, we are becoming passive. If we are overtaking the vehicle in
front, we are achieving success, but perhaps as an aggressor. When we are
overtaken, we may feel someone else has got the better of us. Once again
the way we are in everyday life is reflected in the dream. Our drives,
aggressions, fears and doubts are all reflected in our driving.
Engine This represents the sexual impulse or instinctive drives, the life
force or one’s basic motivation. Something wrong with the engine may
indicate the beginning of a health problem.
Passenger In dreams, if we find that we are a passenger in a car the image
most likely denotes that we are being carried along by circumstances, and
have not planned for all eventualities. Travelling with one other passenger
indicates that there may be a one-to-one relationship on the horizon,
while carrying passengers suggests we may have knowingly or
inadvertently made ourselves responsible for other people. This last
image could suggest that other people are not pulling their weight in
circumstances round us.
Road Just as each individual vehicle demonstrates the dreamer’s body
and external way of being, so the road reflects the dreamer’s way of doing
things. For instance, a road which meanders all over the place may
indicate that we have no real sense of direction. Any turns in the road,
particularly a blind corner, will suggest changes of direction; cross-roads
will offer choices, while a cul-de-sac would signify a dead end. Any
obstacle in the road will reflect difficulties on the chosen path, and if a
particular stretch of road is accentuated it may be a period of time, or may
mean a effort. Going up hill will suggest extra effort, while going down
hill will suggest lack of control.
Traffic accidents and offences may all be to do with sexuality or self-
image, or the way we handle aggression or carelessness, both in ourselves
and others. A collision might suggest, therefore, a conflict with someone.
Road rage would signify not being in control of our emotions. Avoiding
an accident would typify being able to control our impulses.
Transport we are using in our dreams may suggest how we are moving
through this specific period of our lives. Previously the horse was used as
an image to depict how we dealt with life. Nowadays the car, the
aeroplane and so on have been substituted. The vehicle which appears in
our dreams often conforms with the view we hold of ourselves. For
instance, we may be driving a very basic type of car or a Rolls Royce. We

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may be driving a workaday vehicle or a sports car. Such an image may
represent either our physical body or our personality. If the dreamer is
with friends the suggestion is that he or she may wish to look at group
goals. If he does not know the other people he may need to explore his
ability to make social relationships.
Aeroplane An aeroplane suggests a swift easy journey with some
attention to detail. Interestingly, the aeroplane can symbolise both a new
sexual relationship and a new awareness of spiritual matters. An airport
signifies a state of transition and an airman or pilot is either a romanticised
picture of the Animus or of the Self, that part of ourselves which will ‘get
us there’.
Bicycle As a representation of duality the bicycle epitomises youth and
freedom, and perhaps the first stirrings of sexual awareness. A bicycle can
also denote some kind of effort which needs to be made to succeed.
Boats It will depend on what kind of boat is depicted. A small rowing
boat would suggest an emotional journey, which requires a great deal of
effort; a yacht might suggest a similar journey done with style; whereas a
large ship would suggest creating new horizons but in the company of
others. A speedboat might represent an adventurous spirit, a canoe a
different personally challenging way of working.
What happens to the boat in the dream will have relevance as a reflection
of our waking life. Running aground, pulling into harbour and so on are
easily interpreted. Disembarking shows the end of a project or period,
successful or otherwise. Making a long sea voyage suggests leaving friends
and family, as would running away to sea. If we miss the boat we have not
paid enough attention to detail in a project in our waking lives, or we do
not have enough information. Any narrow waterway or river signifies the
birth experience. A ship usually represents the feminine because of its
capriciousness. A ferry holds all the symbolism of the journey across the
River Styx after death. It is the giving up of selfish desires. After this we
may be ‘reborn’ into a better life, or way of life. It may also represent a
transition in our lives.
Bus A bus journey is that part of our lives where we are aware of the need
to be on the move, but particularly to be with other people, with whom
we have a common aim. Such a journey has a great deal to do with our
public image. Trouble with timetables, e.g. missing the bus, arriving too
early, missing a connection, denotes that we are having difficulty with our
external lives and perhaps should re-evaluate how we want to live our
lives. Getting on the wrong bus or going the wrong way means that there
are conflicting needs and desires and we need to be aware of our own

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inner intuition. This is usually a warning of a wrong action. Dreaming of
not being able to pay the fare shows that we do not have enough
resources to set out on a particular course of action.
Car The car is a reflection of the dreamer, how he or she handles life, and
the image the dreamer wishes to project to other people. It also mirrors
the physical body, so anything wrong with the car will alert us to a
problem. Any part of the car will be of consequence. For instance, if the
engine is not working properly we are literally feeling ‘run down’. If the
starting motor was not working this would suggest that we need help to
start a project, or lack motivation. Each dreamer should be able to
decipher the symbolism, with relevance to their own lives. The back tyres
might suggest the dreamer’s backside, the steering wheel the way we
control our lives and so on. If the brakes are not working we are not
exerting proper control over our lives. Too many people in the car would
suggest that we feel overloaded by responsibility.
Lorry/Commercial vehicle A lorry in a dream will mean the same as a car,
except that the drives and ambitions will be linked more with work and
how we relate on a business basis to the outside world.
Motorbike/Motorcycle Imaging independent behaviour, blatant
masculinity and daring it also can stand for the sexual act. It can also be a
symbol of freedom. If the rider is a woman the motorcycle can suggest
androgyny, while a Hell’s Angel would suggest some kind of anarchical
Train A train, as a method of public transport, brings the dreamer’s
attitude to social behaviour and relationships with other people into
prominence and elucidates his attitude to himself. A steam train would
denote outdated and obsolete behaviour, whereas a modern-day train
might suggest speed and efficiency. A tube train may indicate exploring
the unconscious.
We have successfully achieved a particular goal and circumstances have
gone our way when we dream of actually catching the train. If we miss the
train, however, we may be missing an opportunity and do not have the
resources to enable us to succeed. Equally we may feel that external
circumstances are imposing an element of control over us. Often dreams
of missing a train and then in the same dream catching either it or a later
one, suggest that we are managing our inner resources better. Dreams of
missing a train alternating with dreams of catching one show that the
dreamer is trying to sort out his motivation. Getting off the train before
its destination means that we are afraid of succeeding at a particular
project. This can also signify premature ejaculation. Getting off the train

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before it starts suggests the dreamer has changed his mind about a
situation in waking life.
Railway lines and tracks will have relevance as ways of getting us to our
destination. Being conscious of the way the track is laid, for instance
whether it turns right or left ahead, may give us an inkling as to what
direction we are going. Recognising the signals in front of us would have
the same meaning. Coming off the rails might suggest doing something
unbecoming to our nature. Not wanting to be on the train might suggest
we feel we are being unduly affected by outside events. Arriving at the
station by train indicates we have completed that stage of our life journey.
It may be that we now feel ready for new relationships and experiences.
The carriages on a train suggest the various facets of our lives and the way
we feel about them. For example, if a carriage is untidy or dirty, we should
be aware that we need to ‘clean up’ an aspect of our lives.
Tram Trams may be seen by many as out-dated transport, yet they
combine the best of several types. In dreams, therefore, they will indicate
controlled movement as well as a given destination.
Walk If in our dreams we are conscious of walking as opposed to a
mechanised form of transport it usually suggests that we are capable of
carrying out that part of our journey on our own. Going for a walk (a
symbol of a short journey) shows that we can enjoy the process of
recharging our batteries and clearing our minds.

This section is designed to enable the readers who do not necessarily wish
to interpret the whole of their dream to make some intelligent
assumptions for themselves as to the overall meaning.
People appear in dreams in many guises. Sometimes they appear simply as
themselves, because the dream scenario requires a particular set of
circumstances. This may range, for instance, from shopping with one’s
mother to climbing a mountain with an old friend. The people’s
appearance in a dream may be significant because of the ordinariness of
the occasion, because their behaviour is bizarre, or because the dreaming
self wishes to highlight a particular aspect of either the dreamer’s
character, or his or her actions. They may be reminders of earlier, happier
times or emphasise characteristics of their occupation or indeed may
offer explanations of past actions. Only the dreamer can be certain of the

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In order to extract the ‘information’ which each character brings to the
dreamer, it is often necessary to decide what or who each one makes us
think of. This is one area where free association comes into its own. That
way we are able to reveal the deeper meanings and connections that we
make. As an example, one particular old school friend of the author’s
appearing in a dream invariably suggests some form of religious fervour,
simply because of that person’s teenage behaviour. An individual from
the past could link us with that period of our lives, or with certain
memories which may, or may not, be painful.
Sometimes, rather than trying to unravel the meaning of the dream it is
enough to look at what bearing the dream character’s actions have or
could have on the dreamer’s everyday life. To interpret why the dreamer
has elected to have his characters adopt a particular role in his ‘dream play’
it would be necessary to know a little bit more about his or her lifestyle. A
member of someone else’s family may by association suggest our own
family members or possibly unresolved issues of some kind.
Also, we are more likely to dream about people when there is some
conflict between love and discord. Often in dreams there may be a noted
difference between two of the participants, to clarify two sides of the
dreamer’s thoughts and feelings. Similarly, there may be a marked
contrast in the way the dreamer handles a situation with two of his dream
characters. It is as though two options are being practised.
As with composite animals, the composite character will emphasise more
than one characteristic or quality in order to draw the dreamer’s attention
to them. Not being able to decide if the dream character is one person or
another, may suggest a common characteristic - the fact that it is not just
one person emphasises the many-faceted human being. Every character
who appears in our dreams is ultimately a reflection of a facet or part of
our own personality, and can often be better understood if we put
ourselves in the position of that person in the dream.
Below are some common figures which appear in dreams:-
Adolescent Dreams of oneself as an adolescent concentrate on the
undeveloped, perhaps immature, side of the personality. Dreaming of an
adolescent of the opposite sex often means having to deal with a
suppressed part of one’s development. The emotions associated with
adolescence are very raw and clear and to get back to such innocence is
often possible only through dreams. There may be conflict over freedoms
both given and taken by others.
Ancestors Our conformity, ways of behaving, ethics and our religious
observances are all handed down from generation to generation. When

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we become conscious of our ancestors in a dream we are focusing on our
roots, and perhaps questioning them. We may also come to an
understanding of ourselves through our relationship with the past, either
our own or others’.
Authority Figures (such as judges, police, teachers etc.) Our
impression of authority is first developed through our relationship with
our father or father figure. Often depending on how we were treated as
children, our view of authority will be anything from a benign helper to an
exploitative disciplinarian. Most authority figures will ultimately lead us
back to what is right for us, although not necessarily what we might
consider good. Authority figures in dreams initially appear to have power
over us, though if worked with properly will generate the power to
succeed, and may come to be viewed in terms of the Higher Self.
Dreaming particularly of police can indicate a kind of social control and a
protective element for us as members of society. Often a policeman will
appear in dreams as one’s conscience. We may feel that our wilder, more
renegade side needs controlling.
Baby To dream about a baby that is our own, indicates that we need to
recognise those vulnerable feelings over which we have no control. We
may be attempting a new project or way of life which is literally ‘our baby’.
Dreaming of a foetus rather than a fully-formed baby suggests that the
project or idea has not yet been properly formed, sufficient for it to
survive on its own. If the baby is someone else’s in the dream we need to
be aware of that person’s vulnerability, and to recognise that we cannot
interfere in a certain situation, or that they may be innocent of something.
Psychologically we are in touch with the innocent, curious side of
ourselves, with the part which neither wants nor needs responsibility.
Dreaming of a baby can indicate that, on a spiritual level, the dreamer has
a need for a feeling of purity.
Boy To have a dream about a boy shows the potential for development
through new experience. If the boy is known he reflects aspects of the
dreamer’s personality which he or she is learning to understand.
Emotionally, we may need to be in touch with ourselves at that age and
with the unsophisticated naiveté and passion that a boy has. We are
contacting our natural drives and ability to face difficulties.
Boyfriend To dream of a boyfriend, whether present or former,
associates with the feelings, attachments and sexuality connected with
him, and our concept of how he expresses himself. To dream of having
as a boyfriend someone whom you would not anticipate, e.g. someone
you do not like, indicates the need to have a greater understanding of the

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way you relate to men, and particularly that type of individual.
Consideration may need to be given to the loving, nurturing side of
masculinity. We are still searching for the ideal lover.
Child (who could be one of the dreamer’s own children) Dreaming
of a child gives us access to our own inner child. We all have parts of
ourselves which are still child-like and inquisitive. When we are able to get
in touch with that side of ourselves we give ourselves permission to clarify
a capacity for wholeness which we may not previously have recognised.
Dictators (Hitler, Stalin, Napoleon etc.) If the dreamer has had a
domineering father, a known dictator may appear in dreams as
representing that relationship.
Carers such as nurses, nuns etc. This suggests the more
compassionate, nurturing, feminine side of ourselves. Often it is that part
of the personality which has been ‘called’ or has a vocation. Usually there
is also, for men, the idea of a non-sexual relationship.
Crowd Crowds in dreams can suggest how we relate to other people,
particularly socially. Oddly, a crowd may signify the many varying aspects
of our personalities as a group. They may indicate how we can hide
ourselves, or indeed how we hide parts of ourselves and do not single out
any one attribute. We may also be attempting to avoid responsibility. A
huge crowd suggests information which we may not be capable of
handling properly.
Emperor or Empress - See Authority Figures, and also King and Queen
Girl When a girl of any age appears in our dreams we are usually
attempting to make contact with the more sensitive, innocent, intuitive,
feminine side of ourselves. If the girl is known to us we probably are
aware of those qualities, but need to explore them more fully. If she is
unknown, we can acknowledge that a fresh approach would be
Girlfriend When a girlfriend or ex-girlfriend appears in a man’s dream
there are usually matters to do with the relationship between the
masculine and feminine, whether in the dreamer himself or in his
environment. There may also be fears to do with sexuality. If a girlfriend
appears in a woman’s dream, there can either be a concern about her in
the dreamer’s mind, or she (the dreamer) needs to search for - and find -
qualities belonging to the friend within herself.
Hero (any heroic figure) In a man’s dream the figure of the hero can
represent all that is good in him, the Higher Self. In a woman’s dream he
will suggest the Animus. When the hero is on a quest, the dreamer is
struggling to find a part of him or herself which is at this time

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unconscious (Also see Quest). It is important that the darker forces in
oneself are conquered - but not annihilated, since they cannot be totally
eradicated without harming the ‘Wise Old Man’. In other words, our
eventual integration still needs the challenge of the negative. In dreams
the hero’s failure may be brought about inadvertently. We all have a weak
point through which we can be attacked, and we may be being warned of
an element of self-neglect. To have such a dream indicates that we are not
paying attention to the details in our lives or to that part of ourselves we
tend not to have developed. The death of the hero can often suggest the
need to develop the more intuitive side of ourselves, to be born again to
something new. A conflict between the hero and any other dream
character suggests a basic disharmony between two facets of our own
character. The hero often appears in dreams as an antidote to some hated
external figure within the dreamer’s everyday life.
High Priest, Astrologer, or anyone with similar esoteric knowledge
The Higher Self often presents itself in dreams as a character who appears
to have knowledge of magical practices or similar types of knowledge. It
is as though we can only become aware of this deeper knowledge by
meeting our teacher first.
An Inadequate Person It is a lot simpler to encounter our own
shortcomings in the dream state, where we are safe. Often this is the first
occasion we have to meet the Shadow. We dare not ignore this aspect of
ourselves nor can we afford to reject such an image when it does appear.
We must learn to deal with a sense of inferiority.
Intruder The intruder in a woman’s dream is often an image of her own
inner masculinity, i.e. the Animus (See Archetypes). In a man’s dream it
personifies the shadow. A change in the dreamer’s attitude brings about a
better and more meaningful relationship with himself.
King A king surfacing in a dream usually represents the father or father-
figure. An emperor may indicate that some of the father’s attitudes are
alien to the dreamer. When the king is old or on the point of dying the
dreamer will be able to discard old-fashioned family values.
Ministers of all Religions Ministers of all religions are vested with a
certain type of authority that many people find daunting. When such
figures appear in dreams there seems to be an aura about them which
highlights moral and correct behaviour.
Man Any masculine figure which appears in a dream demonstrates an
aspect or facet of the dreamer’s personality so that we can recognise it.
There is a particular group of behaviour patterns within each of us that
makes us recognisable. In dreams these patterns and characteristics can

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be magnified so that they are easily identifiable - they can often appear as
personalities. Much energy and power can become available once their
significance is understood. A man in a dream can identify the Shadow (the
negative side of himself) for a man, and the Animus for a woman. Even
when we are threatened by a negative character trait, we still have the
ability to access room for improvement.
An older man (if the man is white-hairded or holy) can represent the
innate wisdom we all have. Such a person can also signify the father in dreams.
A large man appearing in our dreams indicates either our appreciation of
the strengths, certainties and protection which our basic beliefs give us, or
suggests that we may be threatened or made apprehensive by those very
A man in woman’s dream highlights the more logical side of her nature.
She has, or can develop, all the aspects of the masculine which enable her
to function with success in the external world. If the man is one she
knows or loves she may be trying to understand her relationship with him.
An unknown man is generally that part of the dreamer’s personality
which is not recognised. In a woman’s dream it may be the masculine side
of herself, and in a man’s dream it is The Self.
Any member of an ethnic minority may suggest any part of ourselves
which is unconventional or different, highlighting what the dreamer sees
as cultural characteristics. For instance, an Egyptian may represent our
magical knowledge, or the ability to barter, depending on our experience.
Old People In dreams, old people can represent either our ancestors or
grandparents, hence wisdom accrued from experience. If the old person
is male - depending on the gender of the dreamer - he will stand for either
the Self or the Animus. If female, then she will signify the Great Mother
or the Anima. All father figures, or representations of the father, will
often appear old as if to highlight their remoteness. A group of old people
often appears in dreams. Usually this signifies the traditions and wisdom
of the past - those things which are sacred to the ‘tribe’ or family. Older
people usually stand for our parents even though the dream figures may
bear no relationship to them.
Pirate Dreaming of a pirate suggests there is an aspect of the dreamer’s
personality which destroys our emotional connection with the soul, or
steals away some basic attribute.
Prince (Hero) and Princess As well as standing for the archetypal
figures, these represent those parts of ourselves, or other people, which
exist by right, that is, those aspects which have been brought into
conscious awareness and authority. As the Hero has taken responsibility

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for his own journey, so the prince and princess take responsibility for the
lives they live.
Queen (Not only the present queen, but a historical one such as
Victoria) Such a figure most often represents the dreamer’s relationship
with his mother, and thus with women in authority generally.
Stranger - Also see Shadow under Archetypes The stranger in a dream
represents that part of ourselves which we do not yet know. There may be
a feeling of reverence or of conflict which we need to deal with before we
can progress.
Twins (including the mirror-image of a figure in the dream) Twins
can suggest two sides of our personality. If they are identical we may be
coming to terms with our indeterminate feelings about ourselves. If not
identical they suggest the inner self and the outer reality. Twins may also
signify our projections into the world of our own personalities.
Woman In a woman’s dream a female family member or friend is often
representative of an aspect of her own disposition, but often one she has
not yet fully integrated. In a man’s dream such a figure describes his
relationship with his own feelings and with his intuitive, softer side. It can
denote how he relates to his female partner.
A goddess or holy woman signifies more spiritually the highest aspect of
the feminine that can be attained, and the need to work for the greater
good. It can also suggest intuitive wisdom.
Oriental women appearing in dreams usually suggest the enigmatic side
of the feminine. In a woman’s dream they will reveal her own intuitive
and exquisite powers. In a man’s dream such figures will often reveal his
attitude to his own sexuality.
An older woman most often represents the dreamer’s mother and her
sense of inherited awareness. An unknown woman in dreams will
represent either the Anima)in a man’s dream, or the Shadow in a
woman’s. It is the quality of surprise and intrigue which allows us to
explore further the relevance of that figure. We can gain a great deal of
information because the figure is unknown, and therefore needs to be
carefully considered.

When we begin to work spiritually to develop ourselves, it can be seen
that there is a huge store of knowledge which can be worked on and with
to enhance our lives.
Below are some occupations with tentative explanations. It cannot be

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stressed too strongly however that people appearing in dreams in this way
will more than likely have a particular significance for the dreamer.
Actor Dreaming of an actor suggests that we need to take responsibility
for our actions and for who we are. Performers of one kind or another
may also serve in dreams as a projection of the type of person we would
like to be. We may, for instance, in real life be shy and withdrawn, but
need to be admired and loved.
Analyst We may well be in contact with our own ‘inner analyst’ - our
instinctive knowledge of our own actions.
Artist Such a figure often represents the creative force within us.
Bailiff This oppressive figure usually represents a particular kind of
authority figure, especially one of retribution.
Baker This old-fashioned figure symbolises nurture and caring, and our
ability to change our circumstances by our own means.
Ballerina This figure symbolises our search for balance and poise.
Banker Dreaming of a banker highlights our need for an authority figure
to help us manage our resources, emotional as well as material.
Barber/Hairdresser In dreams the hairdresser or barber may appear as
the part of ourselves that deals with self-image and the way we feel about
ourselves. On another plane, the connection between self-image and
beauty is obvious. We cannot progress unless we like ourselves.
Beggar/Tramp Emotional drives and thoughts in waking life can
become starved and appear in dreams as a beggar. The tramp, more
properly, personifies the ‘drop-out’, wanderer or freedom-lover in us.
Burglar/Intruder To dream of a burglar or intruder suggests that we feel
threatened in some way - possibly sexually, but we may also need to
defend ourselves against a violation of personal space. On another level,
the intruder can represent that part of us that has trouble dealing with
doubt and fear.
Butcher Sometimes seen as the grim reaper or sign of death, in times
gone by, the butcher both destroys and provides at the same time death
and rejuvenation
Chemist Psychologically, the chemist represents the part of ourselves
which is capable of making changes and is concerned about bodily health.
Doctor or physician A doctor in our dreams may suggest a known
authority figure, or some-one who has our best interests at heart. Such a
figure may represent a healer.
Estate agent Dreaming of an estate agent suggests that part of us which
is trying to act in our own best interests or is aware of our need for security.
Fisherman Whenever one of our dream figures is carrying out a specific

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action we need to look at what is represented by that action. Often a
fisherman will represent a provider, or perhaps bravery, as with a deep-sea
fisherman; whilst a fresh-water fisherman may indicate the need for rest
and recuperation. Because of the Christian connection a fisherman can
suggest a priest in dreams.
Gardener The gardener can represent the insights which we have
gathered through our experience in life and can equally represent wisdom,
but of a particular sort. Often the gardener indicates someone on whom
we can rely, who will take care of those things with which we do not feel
capable of dealing.
Hermit The hermit is a lonely figure with principles, who in dreams may
suggest that side of ourselves which finds itself unable to make
relationships. The hermit can also suggest the wise old man.
Huntsman This figure can often suggest death, or possibly a vendetta
which is being waged against the dreamer.
Inventor Dreaming of an inventor connects us with the more creative
side of ourselves - someone who is capable of taking an idea and making
it tangible. When we dream of an inventor, we are also linking with that
side of ourselves that is wiser, but at the same time perhaps more
introverted than our waking selves.
Jailer This is another aspect of an authority figure, but one which is
restrictive in its intent.
Judge/Magistrate Also an authority figure, the judge suggests power
vested in him by the people, and therefore that part of ourselves which
monitors our behaviour.
Leper That part of us which feels cut off and alienated from normal
society, but perhaps also recognises its own mistakes.
Monk This links with the more reclusive religious side of our lives.
Official An official in a dream often links back to someone who has been
given authority or status by others. Someone in uniform may suggest a
‘service’ element to the dream.
Organist The co-ordinator of our life force or vibration is often seen as an
organist. Occasionally such a figure may also suggest a healer, or therapist.
Optician This most often represents the need for clarity and wisdom, or
rather knowledge applied.
Osteopath As with a doctor, such a person in dreams may suggest that
part which is capable of manipulating our lives towards success.
Outlaw This suggests the anarchic, rebellious side of us.
Pope To meet the Pope in a dream is to meet the side of ourselves which
has developed a code of behaviour based on our religious beliefs. He may

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be benign or judgmental depending on how the figure of the Pope was
presented in childhood. The Pope often appears in dreams as a substitute
for the father, or as a personification of God.
Prostitute This indicates some kind of need, whether it is to understand
an extrovert side of the personality, or to understand the siren.
Sailor The sailor in dreams, as with other uniformed figures, is a
romanticised representation of the hero, the masculine exploitative side.
Tailor It is perhaps more important to decide what significance the tailor
has to the dreamer before attempting an interpretation. Any professional
person develops certain talents, such as, in this case, the ability to do
precise work and to ‘fashion’ something new. To dream of a tailor alerts
us to these qualities within ourselves.
Waiter/Waitress The interpretation of this dream depends on whether
we ourselves are waiting at table, or whether we are being waited upon. If
we are in the role of waiter, we are aware of our ability to care for other
people. If we are being waited on, we perhaps need to be nurtured and
made to feel special.

Images of the family, being the first people we relate to, have a great deal
of significance in dreams.
Beyond the womb, the family structure is the first secure image that a
child latches on to. Sometimes, through circumstances not within the
child’s control, that image can become distorted, and later dreams will
either attempt to put this image right or will confirm the distortion.
Therefore, we may dream of arguing with a family member, but the
significance depends on both the circumstances of the dream and our
everyday relationship with that person. All our future relationships, both
intimate and platonic, are influenced by the ones we first develop within
the family.
The struggle, as it were, for individuality should happen within the relative
safety and confines of the family unit. This, as we know, does not always
happen. In dreams we are able to ‘control’ family images, in order to work
through our difficulties without harming anyone else. It is worth
mentioning that one person, working on his own dreams, can have a
profound effect on the interactions and unconscious bonding between
other members of his family. Almost all of the problems we come across
in life are mirrored within the family, so in times of stress we will dream
of previous problems that the family has experienced. In a nutshell,
dreams about the family are so prominent because many of the conflicts

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and problems in life are experienced first within that environment. It is as
though a pattern is laid down which, until it is broken willingly, will
continue to appear.
There are numerous variations when it comes to interpreting dreams
relating to the family, beginning, though, with the fairly common dream
of a man’s mother being transformed into another woman. We know that
generally a man’s first close relationship with a woman is with his mother.
So, depending on the particulars of the dream, such a change can be either
positive or negative. It can be a sign of growth and maturity, time for him
to realise, through dream, that he can let mother go. This transformation
suggests some change in his understanding of women.
Similarly, a woman’s first relationship with the male is usually with her
father. Therefore in a dream where a woman’s father, brother or even
lover turns into someone else she must become more independent (and
in the case of the lover, walk away completely) from that relationship in
order to progress towards more rounded relationships.
When a man’s brother or a woman’s sister appears in a dream, it often
symbolises what is known as the Shadow. It is often simpler to project the
negative side of our personalities onto members of the family. If this
projection continues, it can cause all sorts of problems with family
relationships later on in life. The solution can, and will, present itself in
dreams to enable us to come to terms with our own image. The aggressive
pattern between family members is fairly distinctive, but it is somehow
easier to work through in dreams than in everyday life.
If in a dream the images are confused, for example, a mother’s face on a
father’s body, then this suggests that we may be having problems in
deciding which parent is more important to us - we must decide if it is
even relevant to make such a decision. Family members suffering from
injury or appearing to be distorted in some way may reflect the dreamer’s
fear for, or about, that person. If one of the family continually appears in
dreams, or maybe does not appear when expected, then the relationship
or concept we have of that person needs to be better understood.
Dreaming of an incestuous relationship, which is not so in waking life,
may signify that the dreamer has become obsessed in some way with the
other person. The dream has occurred in order to highlight either the
importance or though more likely, the potential danger of such a
relationship. If we dream that our parents are somehow suffocating us
and thus forcing rebellion, then we need to break away from childhood
behaviour and develop as an individual; dreaming of a parent’s death can
also have the same symbolism. If a parent appears in our own

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environment it denotes we have learnt to change roles within the
parent/child relationship and can possibly accept our parents as friends.
If, within a dream, it appears that our parents are behaving in an
inappropriate way, then it indicates our need to acknowledge that they are
only human, and not as perfect as we had first imagined.
Very early on in a child’s life it moves through extreme self-involvement
and interest to an almost exclusive relationship - usually with mother. It is
only later that he or she acknowledges the need for a different
relationship. This relationship can sometimes cause the child to doubt his
or her own validity as a person. When this question is not sorted out
successfully it can show in the dream image as a conflict or a rivalry with
either one or both parents.
To dream of a conflict between a loved one and a member of one’s family
denotes the dreamer has not really differentiated between his needs and
desires for each person. Learning how to love outside the family is a
necessary sign of maturity. The idea of a family member intruding in
dreams signifies that family loyalties can obstruct the dreamer’s
progression in everyday life.
Rivalry between siblings, a common problem in life and in dreams,
usually reverts back to a feeling of insecurity and doubt, possibly relating
to whether we feel we are loved enough within the family set-up.

Individual members Individual members, and their status within the

family, can symbolise the various archetypes. With that in mind the father
represents the masculine principle and that of authority, while mother
signifies the nurturing, protective principle.
A brother can represent the dual feelings of parity and rivalry. In a man’s
dream an older brother indicates experience coupled with authority, while
a younger, less experienced brother suggests vulnerability and possibly a
lack of maturity. In a woman’s dream a younger brother represents, again,
rivalry, but also vulnerability - whether her own or her brother’s. An older
brother can denote her out-going, confident self.
When the relationship with a daughter is emphasised in dreams, it often
represents the outcome of the relationship between husband and wife. In
a woman’s dream, the relationship with the daughter suggests a jointly
supportive one - although rivalry and jealousy can arise that, of course,
needs to be dealt with. In a man’s dream his daughter may bring into
prominence his fears about his own ability to handle his vulnerability.
When members of the extended family-cousins, aunts, uncles, etc.- appear
in dreams it typifies the many parts of ourselves that are discernible.

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If the relationship with father is a good one in waking life, the image of
father in dreams will usually be a positive one. Father also represents
authority and all the conventional forms of law and order. In a man’s life
the father generally becomes a role model, though it is often only when
the individual discovers that he is not being true to his own nature that
dreams can point the way to a more fruitful life. In a woman’s life father
is the standard on whom she bases all later relationships. When she
appreciates that she no longer needs to use this standard, she is then able
to work out in dreams a more suitable way to have a mature relationship.
If the relationship with father has been a difficult one, there may be some
opposition to resolving the various conflicts that will have arisen - often
this can be accomplished in dreams.
Grandparents appearing in dreams denotes not only our attitude to them,
but also to the traditions and beliefs handed down by them, of which
there are usually many. It could be said that grandparents do not know
whether they have done a good job of raising their children until their
sons and daughters have children of their own.
Within the husband/wife relationship lie the crucial feelings a wife has
about her own sexuality and intimacy of body, mind and spirit. Her view
of herself will have been formed by her connection with her father, and
any ensuing relationship will be tinted by that bond. If her doubts about
validity are not expressed correctly, they will appear in dreams in the guise
of the loss, or death, of her husband. They can, on occasion, also be
projected onto other women’s husbands.
Primary, in a child’s development, is its relationship with mother. In the
main it is the first relationship that the child develops, and should be
perceived by the child as a loving, caring one. If this does not happen,
anxiety and mistrust may arise, which can result in men perpetually having
relationships with older women, or, in some cases, completely denying
the right to any relationship. In a woman’s life her ability to relate to
others depends on her relationship with her mother. She may feel she has
to look after the needy male, or form relationships with both men and
women that may not be totally fulfiling. In the use of dreams as therapy
there are many ways of working through relationships with the mother
figure if one dares; much material and spiritual success can be attained.
The sister in dreams represents the feeling, sensitive side of ourselves.
Through being able to understand our sister’s personality we have the
ability to make connections with that part of ourselves. If she is older in a
man’s dream the sister allows the ability to show the capacity for
persecution but also for caring. If she is younger, then she can highlight

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the more vulnerable side of his personality. Women dreaming of a
younger sister suggest some kind of sibling rivalry. If older, the sister
stands for aptitude and capability.
The son appearing in dreams can suggest the dreamer’s need for self-
expression. He can also signify parental responsibility. In a mother’s
dream he may characterise her ambitions. In a father’s dream he can
highlight unfulfilled hopes, dreams and desires, depending on how the
dream develops.
The wife/husband relationship is based on how good the man perceives
himself to be as a husband or the woman as wife. If he has formed a
relatively good, if not entirely successful, relationship with his mother, he
will try to prove himself a good husband through his dreams. He will also
experience the potential loss and death of his partner in the same way as
he experienced the loss in emotional terms of his mother.

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Akin to the sense of being rejected, being abandoned is in many ways one
of the first experiences we have as a human being. It represents a sense of
how we experienced the first severance from our mother. How the child
experiences this severance can traumatise it to the point where in later life
that abandonment and severe sense of loss occurs in dreams. More
positively, to be without restraint - to act in an abandoned manner -
suggests a need for freedom.

Abortion suggests the need for effort to get rid of what is no longer
needed. One can reject a sensitivity, emotion, conviction or philosophy,
which could be troublesome in some way. Abortion, being somewhat
violent, can also indicate the sudden termination of a favourite project. In
a woman’s dream abortion can suggest some fear of childbirth.

By allowing ourselves to be in touch with natural forces we can make use
of them rather than fight them. In dreams, the aboriginal, or native,
suggests to the western mind elements of the unsophisticated. This is a
basic raw energy which can put us in touch with the real meaning of life
without all its material attachments.

To be aware of the absence of something in a dream can suggest some

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kind of loss. The unexpected often occurs in dreams and frequently one
has an awareness that not everything is as it should be. For something to
be missing shows that there is a feeling of impermanence. For instance, to
be in a room with no door could indicate that there is no way out,
whereas no window might show that there needs to be more openness in
a situation.

A great deal of the process of understanding takes place through
absorption of information. In dreams to be absorbed into something
represents the need to belong to a greater whole, or to make efforts to
integrate various parts of our lives. We often experience states in dreams
which are not feasible in everyday life and absorption is one of these. To
be absorbed in what we are doing suggests the focussing of attention on
the action in hand.

An abyss suggests that we recognise within ourselves the so-called
bottomless pit or void. There is a fear of losing control, of a loss of
identity, or of some type of failure. We must take a risk without knowing
what the outcome is going to be.

Dreams of an accident suggests an element of the unexpected in some
circumstance within our lives We are usually receiving a warning or
highlighting anxieties to do with safety or carelessness. It may be that we
need to be aware of a lack of forethought in other people.

Psychologically, there is an awareness that self-confidence and the
dreamer’s usual sense of well-being is being eroded by outside influences.
There is perhaps a corrosive issue in the dreamer’s life which is bad but
may eventually be cleansing. There could be the perception that the
dreamer is being eaten away by some inappropriate feeling.

Life, fertility and immortality are symbolised by the acorn, as is the
androgynous. A huge growth process is starting to emerge from small
beginnings. The germ of an idea is present but patience is needed. When
such a fundamental symbol appears we are literally returning to our roots.

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We all have our own everyday needs, be it alcohol, drugs, exercise or
anything that one feels that one can’t do without. If we dream of being
addicted, then some obsession needs to be acknowledged and action
needs to be taken. A release of some kind is needed, be it from a
substance, a person, or a certain situation. If one is not normally of an
addictive personality, then perhaps the human pleasure-seeking
capabilities should be recognised. Fear of addiction in dreams suggests we
have a fear of being swamped or overcome by someone or something.

Address - Also see Letter and Parcel

An address is usually a place of safety and security. However, the
relevance of a particular address to the dreamer is probably significant. If
that place was safe, then the dreamer is probably harking back to
something from that period that is missing; if unhappy, the dreamer
wants to escape from the past, and is being reminded of how he or she
dealt with the situation. Comparisons are being drawn to enable the
dreamer to act appropriately. A new address may suggest radical change.

There comes a time in all our lives when we need recognition for our
efforts - being aware of advertisements in dreams signifies this need for
something to be publicly recognised. We are perhaps acknowledging also
that we have undersold ourselves and need to sell ourselves better in
order to achieve the goal for which we are aiming.

Inner awareness often manifests itself as a figure which is giving advice.
The wise old man or woman is an archetypal representation of the part of
us that knows what we should be doing. Receiving advice from someone
may highlight a need to listen to others.

We need to come to terms with our own sexual needs and desires for
excitement and stimulation. Dreaming of an affair allows us to release
such feelings. We may feel the need to do something naughty or to take
emotional risks.
Such a dream may also indicate the need to integrate a perhaps
unrecognised part of ourselves or to learn to love that part of us
represented by the lover.

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Alcohol - Also see Drunk, Intoxication and Wine
Everybody needs to experience pleasure at some point, and to dream of
alcohol or of being drunk often represents the need for this pleasure-
seeking venture. We are often more honest and open in the drunk state
but are so in an uncontrollable manner. Therefore to dream of being
drunk can signify a need to be more honest but to be aware of the
consequences of our actions. As a symbol alcohol suggests a means of
changing consciousness.

Dreaming of aliens usually suggests that we are in touch with a part of
ourselves which is unknown and frightening, and which needs to be
faced. There is the potential for experiencing oneself - or a part of oneself
- as not belonging.
There are increasing numbers of people who dream of being abducted by
aliens. Often these dreams contain an element where the physical body is
being explored or changed in some way, often from a sexual point of
view. Many women believe they have become pregnant because of this,
and thus do in fact become different from other people. Whether this is
some kind of hysterical reaction, a genuine step on the path of self-
development, or is in fact real is difficult to evaluate. Most alien figures do
seem to have certain characteristics in common, and may be linking with
an archetypal impression.

Being single, isolated or lonely in dreams can suggest issues to do with
independence. Loneliness can be experienced as a negative state, whereas
being alone can be positive. In dreams a feeling can be highlighted in
order for us to recognise whether it is positive or negative, and whether
we can deal with our own emotional make-up without the help of others.
Often being alone in a dream suggests that there is a wholeness or
completeness about us which indicates a degree of self-sufficiency.

Altar - Also see Religious Imagery and Table

There is usually some religious significance in dreaming of an altar. Since
pagan times an altar has represented the surface from which a sacrifice of
some sort is made and thus an altar can also signify a dedication to a cause
or objective. An altar thus becomes a symbol of the public
acknowledgement of one’s efforts or beliefs. In more esoteric terms an
altar represents the meeting of the physical and spiritual realms, and the
communion or coming together of like-minded people.

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Amputation in dreams suggests some kind of loss of power or ability, or
some disfigurement of the perfection of each individual. When we speak
of something costing an arm or a leg we are aware that the price of
something is exorbitant, and this type of imagery can pop up in dreams.
Giving away our power or integrity may be too great a price to pay within
a particular situation in our lives. To dream of amputating someone else’s
limb indicates our ability to deny others their right to self-expression.
Many sayings evolve from acts to do with amputation e.g. ‘I’d give my
right arm for that’.

Trying to avoid painful emotions, and feeling overpowered by external
circumstances can lead to dreams of being anaesthetised. It may be that
we are trying, or being forced, to avoid something that we cannot or do
not want to face. We would rather cut the situation off painfully than face
the consequences. Occasionally such a dream will indicate the need to be
quiescent and let events unfold around us.

The necessity to remain stable in emotional situations often means that
we need to catch hold of a concept or idea which will give us a point of
reference in difficult situations. We have to become grounded in order to
weather the storm. Occasionally an anchor can suggest a spiritual concept
which represents hope and sanctuary.

Antlers - Also see Horns

Traditionally supernatural powers, fertility and nobleness of spirit are
represented by antlers. More mundanely, antlers will suggest masculine
supremacy and power, intellectual or otherwise. In many supposedly
more primitive societies powdered antler horn enhanced sexual prowess,
or gave one the power of the animal concerned.

The anvil is an image which belongs to the mists of time , and will
probably therefore not come to consciousness, unless perhaps one is
learning about basic forces, or studying mythology. It contains within the
symbolism the idea of creating a spark, and therefore new life, or of
tempering a basic energy into something useable and more highly

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Apple - Also see Food
Apple blossom is a Chinese symbol of peace and beauty. Spiritually an
apple suggests a new beginning and a freshness of approach. The apple
obviously has connections with Eve’s temptation of Adam, though it is
believed that the fruit used was in fact a fig.

The apron is such a symbol of domesticity that its original function as a
protective garment or even a badge of office as in Freemasonry has
largely been lost. In many cases dreaming of an apron suggests ties with
one’s mother or the more nurturing side of the personality.

Normally in dreams time has a strange way of lengthening or shortening
according to the demands of the particular scenario. Therefore to be
aware of an actual appointment in a dream, such as going to the dentist or
a solicitor, suggests having an aim or objective in mind, perhaps to do
with acting professionally or appropriately. Using time effectively may be
important to us.

Passing through an arch or doorway in dreams usually indicates some
kind of initiation or rite of passage. We move into a new phase of life,
perhaps taking on new responsibilities, learning new skills and meeting
new people. There may be some kind of test, but the way is not barred to
us: We simply are required to make the effort.

An arena suggests a ritualised conflict. Today sport is used as a release
from tension and difficulty. By creating a specific environment where
conflict can be dealt with we allow more space for self-expression and
creativity. The old-style arenas were usually circular and tiered in order to
preserve a hierarchical system.

Armour in dreams signifies chivalry, protection and the need to protect or
be protected, possibly from something we feel is threatening us. It may be
that there is a degree of old-fashioned rigidity in our make-up which
prevents us from moving into new situations.

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Arms - Also see Body
Arms - in the sense of weapons - are used to protect and defend. There
was quite a series of rituals to do with the Page becoming the Knight and
making the transition from the arms-bearer to the user. In dreams we may
be defending ourselves, fighting, being held or acknowledging.

Arrows as weapons suggest power, energy and expertise - they can also
symbolise words in dreams. We could either hurt or be hurt by directness,
and their is the need to be aware of the consequences of our actions.
In today’s world of signs and symbolism the arrow can indicate the
direction our lives should take.

Ascension is an altered state of consciousness which can occur as a result
of meditation and spiritual practices. In dreams it is seen as acceptable and
real, and is often accompanied by symbols of paradise. Esoterically,
ascension frequently follows the experience of a descent into the

To meet an ascetic or holy man in a dream is to meet our higher self, and
to recognise the part of ourselves which is continually seeking union with
the ultimate or whatever our idea of the divine is. There may be conflict
with natural drives, such as a search for celibacy. We are looking for clarity
and purpose.

When a situation has outlived its usefulness and there is nothing more to
be learnt we may dream of ashes. When a relationship or affair ends, ashes
whether dead or hot can indicate penitence and sorrow. These are what
remains of our experience which will enable us to make the best of a

The interpretation of the dream will depend on whether the dreamer is
being attacked or is the aggressor. Being attacked in a dream indicates a
fear of being under threat from external events or internal emotions.
Impulses or ideas which the dreamer does not fully understand force the

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dreamer into taking a defensive position. If the dreamer is the attacker he
needs a more positive form of self-expression.

Audience - Also see Actor and Stage

We need to be carefully considering some aspect of our lives, particularly
one which takes place in public. We are the creators of our own play, and
an audience may also represent the various parts of our own personality
we have created.

The aura is a representation of the power we hold within, the force field
with which we repel and attract people It is an expression of the Self,
particularly if we are undergoing a period of self-improvement. To
perceive an aura in a dream indicates how powerful we consider ourselves
- or others - to be.
The aura is an energy field which surrounds the physical body.

Psychologically, we need to regain control of forces either within or
outside ourselves. The power of frozen emotions could overwhelm us
and we may therefore be in danger.

Esoterically, the axe represents power; thunder; conquest of error and
sacrifice. So in dreams we become aware of the destructive force which
may be needed to take us out of a particular situation. The axe is often also
a symbol of time.

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Back/Backbone - Also see Body
If the backbone is particularly noticeable in the dream we need to
consider our main support structure, and also either our firmness of
character or perhaps some rigidity in our personality. Someone else’s back
may suggest that they are not giving us sufficient support, though it may
also signify that a particular situation no longer has a place in our lives.

Regressive tendencies can cause us to move backwards into previous
behaviour patterns. To dream of going backwards indicates that we may
be slow to learn, and should withdraw gracefully from a situation.
Continuing with a course of action may be detrimental and impede our

Dreaming of a badge shows our need to be accepted not just as ourselves,
but also as part of a greater whole, and to belong to a group of special
people while still maintaining our own identity. We are aware that certain
qualities in ourselves need to be recognised and the wearing of a badge is
showing the world those qualities.

The dreamer may be having problems with the feminine or more secret
elements in his or her identity. Everybody needs a certain amount of
privacy, and a bag allows us to carry around our emotions in public

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without openly displaying them. Any container tends to signify the more
feminine attributes and therefore, by association, intuition and hidden

An indication of the dreamer’s feelings of sorrow can manifest in dreams
as baggage. The dreamer is under some psychological stress, carrying past
hurt or trauma, and may be carrying an extra load, either emotional or

The bailiff in dreams signifies retribution or Karma of some kind. When
a bailiff appears in our dream we doubt our own ability to manage our
resources and are perhaps accepting that we need to be more accountable
for our actions especially to figures of authority. We have put ourselves at
risk and have not fulfiled our obligations. We could be ‘punished’ by
material loss and loss of status.

There is an aspect of our lives which needs to be enticed out into the
open. In a woman’s dream putting down bait can be an indication of her
doubts about her own ability to attract a partner. The bait could be an
action or the use of a particular emotion in order to achieve the end result.

In dreams balance and all symbols associated with balance are to do with
maintaining one’s equilibrium in the face of difficulty. The circumstances
we find ourselves in will demonstrate what the difficulty may be and show
us how we need to weigh things up in order to act appropriately.

To be looking at financial balances or at balancing the books generally

means a consideration of the resources we have available to us.

Balcony - Also see Buildings

Psychologically we are searching for power within a situation in which we
feel powerless. To dream of being on a balcony indicates that we are
searching for a higher status than we have at present, or are aware of the
fact that within a particular situation we have a degree of competence and

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Priests used to shave their heads to show they had nothing to hide, and
thus showed both their humility and their spirituality. Dreaming of being
bald can be somewhat difficult to interpret since, for a woman, loss of
hair can suggest a loss of femininity, whereas for a man baldness can
suggest intelligence and the wisdom of maturity

A ball connects with the playful, childlike side of ourselves and our need
to express ourselves with freedom. In dreams the sphere also suggests
perfection and completeness, that is both structure and freedom. Solar
and lunar festivals are symbolised by games with balls, when there is
much laughter and fun. This of course then leads us to the ball in the
sense of a formal party, again allowing us to mark a special occasion, or
rite of passage.

Ballerina - Also see Dance

We are aware of the creative side of ourselves, and the need for
controlled movement through music, grace and the inner aspect of
Feeling. Also we are searching for balance and poise.

A balloon is a symbol for joy, and in dreams it may introduce a note of fun
amid seriousness. It may often make us aware of our ‘humanness’ but also
our search for the spiritual, or more free-spirited side of our personalities,
often a feeling of ‘light-spirited’ joy, or indeed the spirit rising.
Very often it is the colour of balloons in our dreams which is important
(See Colour).

Man is symbolised by bamboo, perfect, but also pliant or yielding. In
Chinese lore the bamboo suggests enduring strength, and being a hardy
plant signifies the ability to survive. The pliability of bamboo indicates
yielding but enduring strength.

To be excluded from anything is perhaps one of man’s biggest fears, since
this ties in with a basic feeling of rejection. To be banned from a favourite
place in dreams suggests that we have not come up to scratch in some

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way, or are not conforming with authority. Banning someone ourselves
signifies that we do not approve of an action or feeling.

Some kind of band or tape suggests that the dreamer is marking (or needs
to mark) some kind of limitation within his life. Perhaps there is some
kind of restriction or exclusion operating, which needs to be
A musical band or group in dreams indicates the basic harmony which
can exist in each of us, but could also suggest the type of behaviour to
which we aspire - maybe recognition for talent, or suitable remuneration
for our efforts.

Bandages signify preservation or a protective healing process. There may
be hurt feelings or emotional injuries which need attention. If a bandage
is being applied in a dream this shows the beginning of a healing process,
which may be self-motivated. If it is being taken off the healing process is
over, and we are free of restriction.

A bank indicates a secure spiritual space, from which we can manage
whatever resources we have. Those resources may be material, emotional,
mental or spiritual. For many, a bank will suggest resources held in reserve
for uses as we need them.
A river bank would suggest the boundary between our emotional and
practical selves.
The financial, mental or spiritual resources of the dreamer may need
careful management.

Banner - Also see Flag

A banner appearing in a dream can stand for some kind of ideal, which
may for instance be a certain standard of acceptable behaviour. An old
fashioned banner - as used in mediaeval battles - indicates a need to
consolidate thoughts and actions as a group, and perhaps agree on a
particular course of action. Such a crusade may require some statement of

Baptism - Also see Religious Imagary

Baptism is a rite of passage, and as such is symbolic of many things -

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initiation; death and rebirth; regeneration; renewal. The basic link of all
these is the feeling of optimism that it brings. The dreamer is probably
aware of moving into a new phase of existence, perhaps having made a
promise or vow along the way.

Bar - Also see Public House

The bar is a symbol of our spiritual power, and power in everyday life. We
need to handle ourselves with strength of purpose, but when we dream of
a bar, such as an iron bar, we should look at how rigid or aggressive we are
being in our behaviour.
A bar, in the sense of a public house, can represent masculinity or perhaps
behaviour which is designed to give us relaxation and fun. This will
depend of course on the dreamer’s conscious beliefs about such places.

Being barefoot at one time indicated great humility. When Christ wished
to show that he was no different from other men he washed his disciples’
feet. Depending on the circumstances of the dream, to be barefoot can
indicate either poverty, humility or the recognition of sensual freedom. A
common dream is to have lost one’s shoes, which has a great deal to do
with appropriate behaviour.

An old-style interpretation of a dream of a basket full of bread suggests
nurturing and sharing - as in a sacramental meal. By association a basket
therefore represents the feminine, nurturing, fruition and abundance.

A flying bat symbolises discernment or obscurity of a spiritual, sometimes
occult, kind. There may be some idiosyncrasy within ourselves, of which
we are very afraid. Popular belief has it that bats are evil, which actually
arises from their association with witchcraft, and bats attacking us can
indicate the need to confront our fears of what we do not understand.
Other types of bat, such as those used in ball games, suggest

To dream of bathing someone shows the need to nurture or to have an
intimate connection with that person When we dream of being in the
bath, it may indicate the need for cleansing of some old feelings, the need

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to relax, to let go. We have an opportunity to contemplate what has
occurred in the past and to adopt new attitudes.
Interestingly ritual bathing and cleansing is said to enhance the ability to

To dream of a seashore and be conscious of a bay or inlet is said to show
we are aware of a woman’s sexuality and receptiveness. The wolf baying
at the moon shows the overcoming of basic animal instincts. To be
keeping something at bay indicates a need to be on our guard.

The sea usually suggests emotion, so in dreams to be on a beach shows
our awareness of the boundary between emotion and reality, our ability to
be in touch with the elements. Depending on our actions and state of
mind in the dream, dreaming of a beach usually means relaxation and

Beacons in dreams may light the way to spiritual enlightenment and
spiritual sanctuary. They can show, variously, a warning, the need for
communication or a strongly held principle by which one lives.

To be storing beans, which in ancient folklore signify immortality and
magic power, in a dream may show a fear of failure, or lack of confidence
in our ability to carry through a mission, or the need to create something in
the future. To be planting beans would suggest faith in the future, and a
wish to create something useful. Traditionally the bean was supposed to be
capable of feeding, clothing and providing an object of exchange for barter.

Spiritually there are two meanings in interpreting the symbol of the beard
and the meaning will depend on the culture. It may mean wisdom and
dignity, or it may mean deceit and deviousness. To dream of a man with
a beard means we must guard against cover-up and deceit. We also need
to consider more masculine attributes in ourselves or others.

If in dreams one is taking a beating, humility, anguish and grief are

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symbolised. To be beaten either physically or in a game indicates
submission on our part to a greater force. The act of beating something
or someone represents our need for ‘power over’ by our aggression and
brute force, and possibly an anger in us which cannot be expressed
properly in waking life.
A bed can represent a form of spiritual sanctuary and a sense of purity. To
be going to bed alone in a dream can indicate a desire for a return to the
safety and security of the womb. To dream of a bed made up with fresh
linen indicates the need for a fresh approach to those thoughts and ideas
that really matter to us.

The bee symbolises immortality, rebirth and order. As something to be
feared, as well as trained and used, the meaning of bees in dreams can be
ambivalent. Folk-tales, such as the one about telling one’s troubles to the
bees, can surface in dreams without us necessarily recognising what they
mean. The beehive is said to represent an ordered community and
therefore the ability to absorb chaos.
To be stung by a bee is a warning of the possibility of hurt, but can also
suggest penetration. Being attacked by a swarm indicates we are creating
a situation which may become uncontrollable To dream of tending a
beehive alerts us to the need for good management of our resources, and
an awareness of the need for hard work.

Beetle - Also see Insects

The scarab beetle in Egyptian mythology represents protection from evil,
and its ability to cleanse an environment represents hard work. Thought
by many to be dirty, in a dream the beetle carries the same symbolism as
all insects - that is, something which is unclean or not properly attended to.

Traditionally, to hear a bell tolling in a dream was to be warned of disaster
or of a death. Bells can also indicate the conscience, and our need to seek
approval from others. By forewarning us of risk or danger they alert us to
potential mistakes.

A belt may be an insignia of power particularly if it seems ornate in the

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dream. Additionally we may be ‘hide-bound’ through outdated material,
attitudes and duty.

We tend to dream of birth at the beginning of a new way of life, a new
attitude, new ability, or a new project - also when we become aware of the
death of the old.

Being bitten in a dream may show that we are experiencing aggression
from someone else, or conversely that our own aggressive instincts are
not under control.

In spiritual terms, blindfolding is a rite of passage. It is a transition
between two states. If we are conscious in a dream of a blindfold there
may be something we are deliberately not seeing or being shown (this ties
in with the interpretation of blindness).

Spiritually, blindness is a form of ignorance. It can suggest the irrational.
It is also a form of initiation as in the blindness of St. Paul on the road to
Damascus. In dreams it may be that we are choosing not to use
knowledge appropriately.

The body in dreams signifies the individual and all that he is. In dreams,
the body often represents the Ego. The body forms the prime source of
information about ourselves, and often highlights problems we may have
on a physical level. Those aware of other systems of belief will often find
knowledge fed to them through dreams about the body. Psychologically,
most of what happens to us is translated into feeling about the body, and
therefore becomes a fertile source of symbolism in dreams. When
emotions cannot be faced in ordinary everyday life, they very often
become distorted dream symbols.
Different aspects of the body can have various meanings in dreams. For
example, to dream of the upper part of the body is to link with the
intellect and the spiritual aspects of the character, while the lower part of
the body represents the inborn emotional aspects of a character. An

adult’s head on an immature body, or a child’s head on an adult body, is

an indication that the dreamer needs to recognise the difference between
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mature thought and emotion. If there is conflict between the upper and
lower part it indicates that there is disharmony between the mental
faculties and instinctive behaviour. The right side or hand being especially
noticeable in dreams signifies we should take note of the logical side of
our personality, whereas the left side or left hand indicates we need to be
aware of our intuitive, creative side.
Body parts can have relevance as follows:-
Abdomen, stomach, belly When the dream appears to concentrate on
the abdomen, there is a need to focus on emotions and repressed feelings.
Anus - Also see Excrement In dreams, the mind returns to the initial
gaining of the control of bodily functions, as evidence of self realisation,
self reliance and control but also of suppression and defence. Such a
dream therefore is indicating an aspect of childish behaviour or egotism.
Arms We use our arms in all sorts of different ways. In dreams we may be
defending ourselves, fighting or being held. We may also be showing
passionate commitment.
Back Dreaming of seeing someone else’s back suggests we should
identify the more private elements in our own personality. Other people
may not at this present time wish to share their thoughts with us, or
indeed may suggest contempt or disapproval. We may also be exposed to
the unexpected happening. If we dream of turning our backs we are
rejecting the particular feeling being experienced in the dream.
Backbone If the backbone is particularly noticeable in a dream, we
should consider the main support structure in our lives. Intellectually, we
need to consider our firmness of character.
Becoming fat or thin To dream of a change in body shape suggests the
possibility of change in our personality or in the way we handle trauma.
Blood Many people fear blood, and thus a dream about blood can
highlight the need to handle such fears. On a more spiritual level it
represents the blood of Christ or martyrdom, and that a sacrifice is being
made. This links into the ancient belief that the blood somehow
contained the life of the spirit, and therefore spilt blood was sacred. It can
also represent renewal of life through its connection with menstruation.
Breasts Usually, breasts in dreams indicate our connection with the
mother figure and our need for nurturing. Such a dream can also depict a
wish to return to being an infant without responsibilities.
Constipation (in life as well as in dreams) Withholding signifies an
inability to let go of the past or of previous patterns of behaviour, and an
inability to perform adequately.
Excrement The dreamer may not have gone beyond the feeling that

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anything to do with bodily functions is dirty and self-centred. There may
be an element of rebellion in the dreamer’s waking life. Playing with
excrement can represent money and value, so in a dream this can
highlight anxiety about money, as well as a fear of responsibility. If the
excrement is transformed into living animals, maybe rats, the dreamer is
coming to terms with the fact that he is responsible for managing his own
impulses. Excrement in its more spiritual meaning belongs to the realm of
feelings and we may simply be trying to get rid of bad feelings. Those bad
feelings can be turned into something worthwhile. Evacuation of the
bowel usually highlights our need to be free of worry and responsibility,
or possibly the need to learn how to be uninhibited. It can also in dreams
signify the sexual act.
Eye Any dream to do with the eye is to do with observation and
discrimination. It has a connection with the power of light and, in ancient
times, of the sun-gods. Through its connection with Egyptian symbolism,
the eye is also a talisman. Loss of eyesight suggests loss of clarity, and
depending on which eye can be either the loss of logic (right eye) or loss
of intuition (left eye). Regaining the eyesight can indicate a return to the
innocence and clear-sightedness of the child.
Hair The hair represents strength and virility. In dreams, to be combing
the hair is to be attempting to untangle a particular attitude we may have.
To be having our hair cut is to be trying to create order in our lives. To be
cutting someone else’s hair may be to be curtailing an activity (It is
possible that there may be some fear or doubt connected with sexuality).
To be bald in a dream is to recognise one’s own intelligence or wisdom.
Hand The hands are two of the most expressive parts of the body and
signify power and creativity. The two hands contrasted with each other, a
different object in each hand show there may be some conflict in the
dreamer between his belief and his feelings. A hand on the breast signifies
submission. Clasped hands indicate union or friendship, while clenched
hands suggest a threat. Folded hands suggest deep repose, or a state of
rest. The hands covering the eyes generally represent shame or horror,
while hands crossed at the wrists suggest that one is being bound. The
open hand represents justice, and the laying-on of hands signifies healing
and blessing (particularly if the hand is placed on the neck). The hands
placed together signify defencelessness, while placed in someone else’s
are an indication of a kind of surrender. When the hands are raised this
can indicate either adoration, prayer or surrender; if the palms are turned
outwards a blessing is being given, while when they are raised to the head
the dreamer should give a great deal of thought and care to his situation.

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Washing the hands suggests innocence or rejection of guilt, while
wringing the hands signifies grief and distress. A huge hand, particularly
from the sky, suggests that one has been ‘specially chosen’. The right
hand is the ‘power’ hand, while the left is passive and receptive.
Sometimes in dreams the left hand can represent cheating.
According to ancient belief which is now again in vogue, each finger
suggests a certain quality: first finger - expansion, second finger -
restriction, third finger - the self and little finger - communication. Thus a
pointing finger can suggest a way forward or a special kind of selection.
Head The head is the principal part of the body. Because it is the seat of
intellect, it denotes power and wisdom. Dreaming of the head suggests
that we should look very carefully at the way we deal with both
intelligence and folly. To dream of the head being bowed suggests prayer
or invocation. When the head is covered we may be covering up our own
intelligence or acknowledging somebody else’s superiority. A blow to the
head in a dream can indicate that we should reconsider our actions in a
particular situation.
Heart The heart is the centre of the being and represents ‘feeling’ wisdom
rather than intellectual wisdom. It is also representative of compassion,
understanding and love.
Heel This suggests the part of ourselves which is strong but, at the same
time, vulnerable.
Jaw The jaw depicts our way of expressing ourselves. Spiritually,it is also
thought to signify the opening to the underworld.
Kidneys The kidneys are organs of elimination; therefore to dream of
them is to be aware of the need for cleansing.
Knees The knees are symbolic of prayer and entreaty, and of emotional
Limbs In dreams any limb can be taken to mean sexuality and fears
associated with gender issues. Being dismembered can be taken in its literal
sense - we are being torn apart. Sometimes this can suggest the need to
restructure our lives and begin again. At other times it can indicate that there
is a way in which we are being threatened to the very core of our existence.
Liver The liver is representative of irritability and suppressed anger.
Lungs In Chinese medicine the lungs represent grief. They are also
involved in decision making. Spiritually, the lungs are the seat of
righteousness, and the source of thoughts concerning the Self.
Highlighted in dreams, they can represent the breath of life.
Mouth The mouth represents the devouring, demanding part of
ourselves, and by implication the feminine, receptive side. The

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circumstances of the dream may give a clue to the correct interpretation.
Nose The nose in dreams can stand for curiosity, and also for intuition.
Sometimes it is also representative of the penis.
Penis Dreaming of a penis - either one’s own or someone else’s - usually
highlights the attitude to penetrative sex.
Skin Skin in a dream stands for our persona, or the protective camouflage
we create for others.
Teeth Teeth are said to stand for aggressive sexuality. Teeth falling or
coming out easily means we are going through some form of transition,
e.g. from childhood to maturity, or from maturity to old age and
helplessness. If one is anxious about teeth dropping out it suggests there
is a fear of getting old and undesirable, or an anxiety about maturing. In a
woman’s dream, if the teeth are swallowed this can signify pregnancy.
Throat Dreaming of the throat denotes awareness of our vulnerability
and also of the need for self-expression.
Thumb Dreaming of a thumb suggests awareness of how powerful we
are. The thumb pointing upwards represents beneficial energy, but
pointing downwards is negative. This latter was used as the death signal
for Roman gladiators.
Tongue The tongue in dreams may be associated with our understanding
of information that we wish to pass on to other people. We may have
deeply felt beliefs we wish to share, but need to know when to speak and
when to remain silent. Another explanation that is much more basic is
that of the symbolism of the serpent and the phallus, and hence sexuality.
Urine Urine in a dream often indicates our feelings about emotional
control. We may either yield to emotion or bottle it up. How we deal with
urine often also tells us a great deal about our own sexuality.
Vagina Most often, dreams of the vagina are to do with one’s self image.
In a woman’s dream, it highlights her receptivity. In a man’s dream it
suggests his need to be penetrative, both mentally and physically.
Womb The womb represents a return to the beginning. We all have need
of security and shelter, and freedom from responsibility. Dreams of the
womb can signify our need to satisfy those requirements. On a slightly
more esoteric level, the womb represents our connection with the Great
Mother or Mother Earth. Dreams of returning to the womb suggest a
reconnection with the passive, more yielding side of our nature. We may
need a period of self-healing and recuperation.

In dreams bombs appearing suggest that our own emotions are likely to

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get the better of us. We may be in some kind of explosive situation with
which we need to deal. A bomb actually exploding is usually an
unexpected event. Dreaming of such an explosion would suggest a fear of
sudden death.

Bonfire - Also see Fire

To be lighting or tending a bonfire in a dream indicates passions that are
not confined by rigidity and custom, while at the same time suggesting
that such passion needs to be given space in one’s life. To be burning
rubbish suggests a need for cleansing some aspect of our lives. Reflecting
the power of the sun. Encouraging the power of good. Solar festivals.

Book - Also see Novel and Reading

Our search for knowledge and the ability to learn from other people’s
experience and opinions, is symbolised in dreams by books and libraries.
To dream of old books represents inherited wisdom and spiritual
awareness - sacred ones, such as the Bible or Koran, signify hidden or
sacred knowledge. To dream of account books indicates the need or
ability to look after our own resources.

To have our attention drawn to the edge or border of material often
indicates changes we will make in the material world. To be standing on a
border between two countries would show the need to be making great
changes in life; perhaps physically moving our place of residence or
making decisive changes in the way we think and feel. Meeting new
experiences may give us the sense of crossing a barrier or border.
Psychologically we may need to make decisive changes.

To a certain extent it depends on which type of bottle is perceived in the
dream. To see a baby’s feeding bottle would indicate the need to be
successfully nurtured and helped to grow. A bottle of alcohol would show
the need to celebrate, or to curb an excess, while a medicine bottle might
symbolise the need to look at one’s own health. A broken bottle could
indicate either aggression or failure.

Since bowing is indicative of giving someone else status, to be bowing to
someone in a dream would indicate our sense of inferiority. To perceive a

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bow, as in Cupid’s bow, within a dream can indicate the need to be loved
- the union of masculine and feminine. To see a bow made of ribbon in a
dream is making a connection to the feminine principle and to beauty - it
may also represent some form of celebration.

The bowl is one of the oldest dream symbols known. A bowl of water
represents the feminine, fertility and the receptive principle or our
capacity for emotion. A bowl of food in a dream represents our ability to
nurture and sustain others. A bowl of flowers can represent a gift or a

Various types of boxes perceived in a dream may represent different
aspects of the feminine personality. This arises from the old symbol of the
square representing the physical aspect of the feminine.
To feel boxed in in a dream is to be prevented from expanding in an
appropriate way, while to dream of packing things in a box suggests that
we are not able to deal with feelings or thoughts which are giving us
The feminine containing principle.

Bread - Also see Food

Dreaming of bread connects us with our need for basic emotional and
biological satisfaction.
Bread is symbolic of life itself. It is food of the soul and can also represent
the need to share.

To dream of something being broken symbolises loss or damage. If the
dreamer actually dreams of breaking something, appropriate action needs
to be taken in order to break a bond or connection in the dreamer’s life.
If a favourite object is broken we must make changes and break from the
past or give up a cherished principle.

Psychologically, for most people a breeze indicates happy times.
Symbolically, wind is usually considered to belong to the intellect, so by
this association a gentle breeze indicates love, while a stiff breeze can
indicate a degree of abrasiveness.

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A bridge in a dream signifies the emotional connection between the
dreamer and other people or various parts of his life. It is one of the most
commonly found images in dreams and almost invariably indicates the
crossing from one phase of life to another, some kind of rite of passage, and
for this reason it can sometimes indicate death. The bridge may be depicted
as weak or strong, sturdy or otherwise, which gives an indication of the
strength of connection necessary to make changes in the dreamer’s life.

Symbolically a degree of spiritual restraint or control is often needed. To
be bridled in a dream, as in being yoked to something, indicates the need
for focused effort. If the bridle is made of flowers it indicates a more
feminine way of imposing control. If the bridle is harsher - such as one of
metal and/or leather - we perhaps need to be harder on ourselves or on
someone we love.

A bright light symbolises the dreamer’s move towards spiritual
illumination, and to experience brightness in a dream means that some
part of our life needs illuminating, often by an external source.

Broken - See Break

In dream interpretation The Priesthood is often represented by a
brotherhood and usually suggests the need to belong to a group of like-
minded people. This could be something in the nature of a trade union,
or of the Freemasons - something which allows us to work with our

Brutality manifests itself in demonic acts of evil. Unrestrained passion -
whether sexual or otherwise - can appear as brutality and cruelty in our
dreams. To experience some form of brutality in a dream can be
frightening until we realise that we are connecting into the darker, more
animal side of ourselves. We may need to deal with fears associated with
that side of ourselves.

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Bubbles as beautiful but fragile objects remind us of the transitory nature
of human existence, that nothing is permanent. We may dream of
bubbles as part of our need to have fun in a child-like way. We often
become aware of the temporary nature of happiness, and our need for

A buckle can have a double meaning in this case. It can represent a
protective element against the forces of evil; it can also help us take the
strain and not ‘buckle’ under pressure. To be fastening a buckle in a
dream shows that we accept responsibility for what we do.

Buddha, Buddhist
If we dream of being Buddhist when we are not we need to look at the
difference between Western and Eastern religion. This is usually to do
with spiritual clarity and the denial or loss of ego. There is a saying that
goes, ‘If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him.’

Burial - Also see Death

To have a dream about being buried either alive or dead indicates a fear
of being overcome, possibly by responsibility, or of repressing parts of
our personality in ways which are harmful. To be attending a burial in our
dreams shows the need to come to terms with loss, particularly of
something that we value.
The obvious spiritual symbols of death, loss and pain are relevant here.
This is not necessarily a negative meaning; the dreamer should look at the
resurrection and the positive elements that it can bring.

When seen in dreams or meditation, the butterfly represents the freed
soul and immortality. There is no need for the soul to be trapped by the
physical body, although psychologically, the butterfly can indicate a lack
of ability to settle down or to undertake a protracted task. On a practical
level, when seen in dreams, the butterfly represents light-heartedness and

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Cage/Cell - Also see Prison
The cage normally represents some form of trap or jail. To dream of
caging a wild animal alerts us to our need to restrain our wilder instincts.
To dream that we are in a cage indicates a sense of frustration and perhaps
of being trapped by the past.
We are being warned that we are enforcing too much restraint on our
hidden abilities. We could be allowing others to hold us back in some way.

Time is a self-imposed limitation, so when anything that marks time
appears in a dream we are being warned of the potential for limitation.
Our attention may be being drawn to the past, present or future and
something significant in our lives.

Calf - See Baby Animals under Animals

To be using a camera in a dream means we are recording events or
occasions which we may need to remember or take note of more fully.
Being filmed indicates that we need to look more carefully at our actions
and reactions to certain situations.

Because a canal is a man-made structure, a dream about a canal usually
indicates that we are inclined to be rigid insofar as the control of our

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emotions is concerned. We may be introducing too much structure into
our lives at the expense of our creativity.

To dream of a cancer, one of our most primal fears, indicates that we are
out of harmony with our body. It indicates fear of illness and equally can
represent something ‘eating away’ at us - usually a negative idea or
concept. Intellectually we may have worked through our fears but still be
left with attitudes and beliefs that cannot be cleared away, and very often
this appears as cancer in dreams.
There is also the astrological sign of Cancer to bear in mind - The Mother
and The Moon.

To dream of candles indicates that we are trying to clarify something that
we do not understand. Candles on a birthday cake can therefore indicate
that we are marking a transition from the old to the new. Lighting a candle
represents using courage and fortitude or asking for something that we
need. Psychologically candles can represent knowledge or wisdom that
has not fully crystallised. They can also represent our control of personal
magic. On another level candles suggest illumination, wisdom, strength,
and beauty.

Because many people associate the cane with some form of punishment
or sadism, it can represent self-punishment or masochism. It is more
likely, however, that we are trying to come to terms with some form of
childhood trauma. Because a cane also represents pliability we may be
trying to achieve a balance between our willingness and our unwillingness
to accept a situation.

Cannibalism in dreams represents inappropriate behaviour. To be aware
of eating human flesh may indicate our dislike of unsuitable foods or
actions. There is often a part of ourselves we have not ‘internalised’ which
we need to absorb. Eating human flesh in a dream can mean that we are
taking in wrong information. It also symbolises the absorbtion of powers
or qualities belonging to someone else.

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To dream of a canoe indicates that we are handling our emotions in
isolation though we are possibly making efforts to control the flow of our
emotion. We are aware that we are capable of making changes but only by
our own efforts. We may be protected from our emotions, but may also
be at risk.

Dreaming of a canopy suggests that we need protection, shelter or love -
or possibly all three. As a canopy protects the head - the seat of intellect -
we may have a need to draw attention to higher ideals or aspirations.

Car - Also see Journey

The car is representative of our own personal space. To dream of being in
a car usually alerts us to our own motivation. Therefore, driving the car
can indicate our need to achieve a goal, while being a passenger could
indicate that we have handed over responsibility for our lives to someone
else. Dream scenarios involving cars are often more to do with what we
are doing to ourselves on a psychological or emotional level. Being alone
in a vehicle indicates independence, while dreaming of the brakes of a car
shows one’s ability to be in control of a situation. The car engine indicates
the essential drives with which we have to deal. A crashing vehicle
suggests fear of failure in life, while a car on fire denotes stress of some
sort, either physical or emotional. To be in a car which is driven carelessly,
either by the dreamer or someone else, marks a lack of responsibility,
while a feeling of being left behind would be shown by your car being
overtaken. To dream of reversing a car registers a feeling that one is
slipping backwards or having to reverse a decision.

Cards (Greeting)
To dream of giving or receiving a card such as a birthday card alerts us to
the need for a specific kind of communication with the addressee. Our
subconscious may be registering concern, either about ourselves or
others. On another level, there may be a need for visual communication,
that is, the ability to convey a message spiritually.

Cards (Playing)
In a dream, playing cards highlights our ability to be open to opportunity
or to take chances. The cards that one deals, or is dealt, in a dream may

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have significance as to number or as to suit. Hearts indicate emotion and
relationship. Diamonds represent material wealth. Spades represent
conflict, difficulties and obstacles. Clubs represent action, work and
intelligence. The King portrays human success and mastery. The Queen
indicates emotional depth, sensitivity and understanding. The Jack
represents impetuousness, creativity or an adolescent energy.

Carriage - Also see Journey

Dreaming of a carriage, such as a horse-drawn one, could be suggestive of
old-fashioned attitudes to modern thinking. A train carriage would
indicate that we are taking a journey that is slightly more public in
character than a car journey. Any symbol that signifies our being moved
in some way usually draws attention to our ability to make progressive
changes in our lives. The carriage is also a symbol of majesty and power.

To be aware of carrying an object suggests we need to look at what is
being accepted as a burden or difficulty. If we dream of being carried we
may feel that we are in need of support. To dream of carrying someone
registers the fact that we may be accepting responsibility for someone else
and that this responsibility is a burden.

Castrate - Also see Sex

In any dream that contains sexual trauma, we are usually being alerted to
our inner fears. The violent act of castration in a dream indicates the
damage we are doing to ourselves in denying such fears. Conventionally,
there may be some difficulty in coming to terms with the conflict between
the masculine and feminine within oneself.

A caterpillar in a dream indicates that we need to go through a major
change in order to progress. However, we must ensure that we remain
flexible in our attitudes; that way we will be more open to the potential we

Cauldron - Also see Kettle

The cauldron symbolises abundance, sustenance and nourishment. The
magic cauldron represents feminine power and fertility. On another level,
it may be that we need to acknowledge our intuitive abilities.

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A cave represents a doorway into the unconscious. While initially the cave
may be frightening, an exploration can reveal strong contact with our own
inner selves. Passing through the cave signifies a change of state, and a
deeper understanding of our own negative impulses.

A cemetery in a dream can mean both the part of ourselves that we have
no use for and also our thoughts and feelings about death. Both things
need to be handled, though the latter also entails dealing with the fear we
may have surrounding death.

The Centaur is half man and half beast, and is associated with the Zodiac
sign of Sagittarius. To have a Centaur appear in a dream demonstrates the
unification of man’s animal nature with his qualities of human virtue and
judgement. The symbol of a Centaur in a dream represents our ability to
unite two complete opposites in an acceptable way.

To dream of being at the centre of something highlights our awareness of
our ability to be powerful within a situation; that everything revolves
around us. To be moving away from the centre indicates that part of our
lives may be off balance. Psychologically, to be at the centre or in the
middle of a situation we need to be aware of both our ability to control
that situation and our ability to be flexible. Moving towards the centre
shows our need for integrity in our day-to-day life.

When we dream of taking part in a ceremony, we are conscious of a new
attitude or skill that is needed or an important major life-change that is
taking place in our lives. We may need new order in our lives, or a deeper
sense of awareness, and this is symbolised by a ceremony.

To dream of chains in any form indicates a type of restriction or
dependency. The links in a chain can very often symbolise the
communication that we need to free ourselves from stifling attitudes.
Bondage and slavery, dignity and unity are all symbolised by chains and
highlight their ambiguity.

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Chariot - Also see Journey
To dream of a chariot would possibly imply the necessity for old-
fashioned methods of control within the situations surrounding the
dreamer. The chariot may represent basic urges before they have been
altered by conditioning.

To dream of giving or receiving charity has a lot to do with our ability to
give and receive love and care. Charity comes from the word ‘caritas’,
which means ‘caring from the heart’.

This is a common dream and it often has to do with escaping
responsibility or any sense of fear or failure we may have. To be chased by
an animal generally indicates we have not come to terms with our own

When dreaming of a chasm we are being alerted to situations which hold
unknown elements or are in some way risky. We will need to face the
situation and eventually make decisions one way or another.

The game of chess originally signified the ‘war’ between good and evil. So
in dreams it may still express the conflict within. It may also indicate the
need for strategy in our lives. Playing chess and losing indicates that we
have undertaken an activity in our waking lives that cannot be successful.
We have not got the wherewithal, or perhaps the knowledge, to pit
ourselves against greater forces.

Chest - Also see Box

A chest appearing in a dream symbolises the way in which we hide or
store our emotions or our important ideals. It may also store the best in
us. Also in dreams a box - whether plain or otherwise - will show how we
handle life.

Any opening in a roof represents an awareness of change and growth. It
symbolises an escape from the ordinary. On another level, a chimney and

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the passage of smoke portray the channelling of energy in a more
productive way than is presently occurring.

When we find ourselves choking in a dream we are coming up against our
inability to express ourselves appropriately. There is some conflict
between our inner and outer selves, perhaps some indecision over
whether we should speak out or remain silent. It is also possible that we
are being stifled by people or circumstances and are not in control of

Christmas Tree
For most people the Christmas Tree is associated with a time of
celebration, so to have one appear in a dream signifies the marking of a
particular period of time, perhaps a new beginning. It may also indicate a
time of giving, and by association the ability to enjoy the ‘present’. We
may recognise in a Christmas Tree the lightening of a situation that has
been either oppressive or depressive.

Most dreams in which there is a liquid being churned, boiled or made to
move in some way are linking back to a very primitive sense of chaos (lack
of order), and this indicates we may need to reassess our creative abilities
to make use of the energy available to us. We very often need to become
conscious of a very deep-rooted chaos in ourselves in order to become
appreciative of our capacity for order.

Dreaming of a city indicates that we are trying to comprehend our sense
of community or neighbourhood. We may need to socially or emotionally
interact better. A deserted city may portray our feelings of having been
neglected by others.

To be on the edge of a cliff in a dream indicates the dreamer is facing
danger. It shows the need to make a decision as to how to deal with a
situation, and possibly be open to taking a risk. We are often facing the
unknown. There may be a step we need to take which will psychologically
put us either on edge or on the edge in such a way that we must overcome
our own fears in order to proceed through our own limitations.

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To dream of climbing is to dream of getting away from something,
possibly of escaping - we may even be avoiding trouble. It also suggests
that we are trying to reach new heights in our lives, possibly having to
make greater efforts than before to succeed. On another plane, climbing
symbolises ascension, in the sense of climbing to achieve enlightenment.

A cloak can suggest warmth and love, but also protection. This protection
can be either physical or emotional, or the spiritual protection of faith.
Fear of losing the cloak can suggest the fear of loosing faith or belief.

When a clock appears in a dream we are being alerted to the passage of
time. We may need to pay more attention to our own sense of timing or
duty, or may need to recognise that there is a sense of urgency in what we
are doing. The clock hands in a dream may be indicating those numbers
that are important to us. If an alarm clock rings we are being warned of

There are various meanings in dreams about clouds. One indicates an
uplifting experience; the other can indicate that we are feeling
overshadowed by someone; and a third may also suggest that we have a
hidden depression that can be dealt with only after it has been given form
in a dream.

Traditionally the clover plant is considered to be lucky, and therefore
denotes good fortune is on its way. We need to look at our ability to
bring the various parts of ourselves back into harmony with one

Club - People
When we dream of being in a night club we are highlighting the right of
every human being to belong. Psychologically we are not able to be part
of a group until we have a certain level of maturity, so to dream of being
with a crowd can denote our awareness of ourselves.

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Club - Weapon
To dream of using a weapon to club someone denotes an inner violence
that has remained unexpressed. It may also depict our violence against
ourselves. Conversely, we have great strength at our disposal, for which
we need to find an outlet. On another level, a club signifies masculinity,
although somewhat crudely expressed.

When we dream of a coffin, we are reminding ourselves of our own
mortality. We may also be coming to terms with the death of a
relationship and feelings of loss. We are also, perhaps, shutting our own
feelings away, and therefore causing a part of ourselves to die. On another
level redemption, resurrection and salvation are all personified by the

To be conscious of cold in a dream is to be aware of feeling neglected, or
of being left out of things. We can very often translate our inner feelings
or our emotions into a physical feeling in dreams - to feel cold is one such

A comb often signifies the need to tidy something up in our lives - we
need to tidy up our thoughts. In a man’s dream it can indicate seduction
or sensuality. We may be conscious of the fact that we need to work with
our self-image. Fertility; the rays of the sun; entanglement and music are
all represented by the comb.

To dream of seeing a comet is to recognise the possibility of
circumstances arising very quickly over which we have no control - the
outcome may be unavoidable. It may also symbolise the answer to a
problem coming to us with the speed of light. On another level, a comet
symbolises a deep impact, Armageddon, fire or danger.

Dreaming of a compass means we are attempting to find a direction or
activity. We need to be able to understand the differing directions offered
to us, and to follow the one that is right for us. The compass can also

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represent the source of life, or sometimes justice. On another plane, when
we are trying to find direction, and sometimes our own limitations and
boundaries, we need a compass.

The computer and other high technology images are now such a part of
people’s lives that it very much depends on other circumstances in the
dream as to the correct interpretation of this image. If one works with
computers it may simply be a tool, whereas in other cases it will be a
reminder of personal potential or abilities. It may be that we are making a
link with past memories or stored information.

Contraceptive - See Sex

If we are cooking in a dream, then we are trying to satisfy a hunger - it may
be ours, it may be someone else’s. Also, it does not have to be a physical
hunger. Cooking can suggest the need to blend certain parts of our life
with a view to success; after all, cooking is creative.

Within any relationship there are certain restrictions or dependencies that
become apparent, and these may be depicted in dreams as cords or ties.
These emotional bonds can be both limiting and freedom-giving. There
is a need to be appreciative of the ties of duty and affection. On another
level, there is the symbolism of the Silver Cord - the subtle energy that
holds the life force within the body.

Dreams containing images of corn or wheat symbolise fertility or
fruitfulness. They may also represent new life or new developments in
other ways. To be harvesting corn is to be reaping the rewards of hard
work. We may be linking with some very primeval needs and
requirements. It is worth knowing that The Great Mother in her
nurturing aspect is always shown with corn.

If we turn a corner in a dream, then we have moved forward into a new
experience or phase of our life. If we can note the direction, then turning
a right-hand corner indicates a logical course of action; to turn a left-hand

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one indicates a more intuitive approach.

Corridor - Also see Hall/Passage under Environments

When we dream of being in a corridor we are usually in a state of
transition; possibly moving from one state of mind to another, or perhaps
between two states of being. We may be in a poor situation, but not be
able to make decisions except to accept the inevitable.

Cosmetics - Also see Make-up

If we are using cosmetics in a dream, then it could be that we want to
cover up our features or conversely enhance them. If we are using
cosmetics on someone else, then it suggests that we need to enhance that
relationship. Another meaning relates to our image and whether or not
we are happy with it.

Countryside - Also see Enviroments

Dreaming of countryside puts us in touch with our own natural
spontaneous feelings. It can help us to relax or may even provoke a
certain mood. The countryside may also signify a need to clarify our own
feelings about our lifestyle - particularly in terms of freedom.

To dream of a cradle can represent new life or new beginnings or, for a
woman, pregnancy. In a man’s dream a cradle can represent the need to
return to a womb-like, protected state. An empty cradle can represent a
woman’s fear of childlessness or her fears of motherhood, depending on
the other aspects of the dream. On another level, the physical as opposed
to the spiritual body is sometimes represented as a cradle.

There may be a weakness or a flaw in our lives and this is symbolised by
the notion of a crack appearing in a dream. It can also represent the
irrational or unexpected. Another meaning is our inability to mentally
keep it together.

Crooked Line
When a line appears in a dream as crooked, there is usually the need to
register the oddity, as being out of balance or off kilter. Another
signification is acknowledging our own ability to be directed away from

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truth and honesty, and in some cases from what we consider to be

Cross - See Religious Imagery and Shapes

To dream of crossing a road is recognising the possibility of danger or
fear. We are perhaps pitting ourselves against the majority, or something
that is bigger than us. To be crossing a field could suggest having a false
sense of security - we may need to bring our feelings out into the open.
On another plane, crossing a river or chasm often depicts death, not
necessarily a physical death but possibly a spiritual change.

Dreaming of cross-roads indicates that we are going to have to make
choices in our lives, often to do with career or life-changes. Turning left
at a cross-roads can indicate taking the wrong route, though it can indicate
the more intuitive path. To turn right can obviously mean taking the
correct path, and can also mean making logical decisions.

Dreaming of being in a crowd can symbolise the fact that we do not wish
to stand out, or that we do not have a sense of direction at present - we
may wish to camouflage our feelings from others. We may need to retain
our anonymity, to create a facade for ourselves. A crowd, on another
level, suggests popular belief, or common religious feelings.

To dream of a crown is to acknowledge one’s own success, and to
recognise that we have opportunities that will expand our knowledge and
awareness. It can also represent that we are about to receive an honour of
some sort. The crown can represent victory, and dedication, particularly
to duty. Another signification of the crown is victory over death,
suggesting eventual attainment.

Dreaming of a crucible suggests receptivity, intuition and creativity. It can
also signify the great power we have, which, when released, allows us to
take responsibility both for others and ourselves. A crucible can
symbolise the potential of psychic energy.

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When we dream of crutches we are experiencing the need for support,
although it may also be that we need to support others. We may find
others inadequate and need to readjust our thinking. We may disapprove
of other people’s shortcomings or weakness. In our development we
become aware of our various dependencies, whether these are alcohol,
drugs, patterns of behaviour or people.

Crucifixion - See Religious Imagery

Cube - See Shapes

When we find ourselves trapped in a cul-de-sac it symbolises futile action,
but perhaps also a state of idleness. Circumstance may be preventing a
forward movement, and it may be necessary to retrace one’s steps in
order to succeed. If we are stuck in old patterns of behaviour, then we
may be being threatened by past mistakes.

The cup has much of the symbolism of the chalice, indicating a receptive
state that accepts intuitive information. Often the feminine is offering
some opportunity from the unconscious. Intuitively if we are open to the
more feminine side we are able to both give and receive help and
assistance. The feminine awareness of the draught of life, immortality and
plenty is intuitively and sensitively used.

Cymbals are connected with rhythm and sound, so for them to appear in
a dream is an indication of the need for and return to a basic vibration.
Often there is a connection with sex and sexuality, since with the drum
and tambourine they are used to induce an ecstatic state. We are
reconciling passion and desire. In another meaning cymbals signify two
inter-dependent halves.

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Dagger - Also see Knife
The dagger, as a weapon, is usually understood as a symbol of aggression
or masculine power. Having the same significance as a knife, it will
depend how it is being used as to the interpretation. Used to attack, the
dreamer might become aware that he or she has something to eradicate in
life. Used to defend suggests that one is being threatened in some way,
but can be more assertive in reply. Any attack highlights the vulnerability
of the dreamer.

Dam - Also see Enviroments

Any symbol which suggests a bottling up of great energy can be
interpreted as a natural expression of difficulty or frustration. The
association with water suggests that we may be bottling up our own
emotions and drive, or conversely we could be trying to stop somebody
else’s emotional outburst from happening. When we build a dam we are
putting up defences but if a dam is bursting we may feel we have no
control over emotional situations around us.

Spiritually, dance signifies the rhythm of life, and the freedom of spirit
which comes about through co-ordinated movement. In many cultures
dance movements are symbolic of actions which were necessary for
survival, such as the conflict with animals, or represented patterns of
creativity. Dance is also used to portray extreme emotion, and it is probably
this symbolism which comes about most strongly through dreams.

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A dangerous situation in dreams will usually reflect in a graphic, rather
exaggerated form the anxieties and dilemmas of everyday life. Dreams
can often highlight a danger or insecurity in symbolic form, such as
conflict, fire or flood. Often such a dream contains a warning of
inappropriate action which may harm ourselves or others. Dreaming of
oneself in a dangerous or precarious position can also indicate a spiritual

When the setting in a dream is dark it usually suggests some kind of
negativity, a state of confusion or the depressed, hidden side of the
personality. It can also suggest the Shadow, or a part of ourselves with
which we have not come to terms.

Date - Day
When a particular date is highlighted in a dream, we are either being
reminded of something particularly significant - or possibly traumatic - in
our lives or perhaps to consider the symbolism of the numbers contained
in the date itself.

Date - Fruit
Fruit, and particularly the date, is often associated with fertility and
fertility rites. In Roman times dates, because of their luscious taste and
spiritual connections, were often used as an aphrodisiac during pre-
nuptial activities. Because dates are an exotic fruit, when we dream of
dates we are becoming conscious of the need for the rare or exotic in our
lives. Equally, we may need sweetness and nurturing. We need to be
cared for and looked after in a way that is different from normal.

A new dawn can bring a great sense of hope. To dream of a dawn or a new
day represents a new beginning or a new awareness in circumstances
around us. We are looking for different, perhaps more spiritual, ways of
dealing with old situations.

Time has no real meaning in dreams, so to note that time is measurable
suggests that we are actually looking at the length of our lives. It will
perhaps be a period of time before something can happen. Dreaming of

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a specific day of the week may also be a way of alerting us to our state of

Death is a transition from an awareness of the gross physical to the more
spiritual side of one’s nature. To dream of death, particularly one’s own,
usually heralds some major change in life, the death perhaps of an old
outdated way of being, necessitating a move into the unknown. Dreams
of death often occur during those periods in life which were formerly
handled by ceremonies and rites of passage, such as puberty to adulthood,
maturity to old age. Many women dream of death during the menopause,
and this is thought to be because the role of mother is no longer valid, and
the woman must re-evaluate her life. Because in the past death held great
dread, it also depicted catastrophe, in the sense that nothing would ever
be the same again. Depending on one’s belief, and whether one believed
in life after death it was something that had to be experienced and faced
up to rather than understood. Dreaming of death therefore often became
a symbol for birth, as a way of coping with it. In these present times, as
people’s attitudes change, death in a dream indicates a challenge which
must be confronted. We need to adjust our approach to life and to accept
that there can be a new beginning if we have courage.

Defecate - See Excrement under Body

If we are carrying out the demolition we need to be in control, but if
someone else is in charge we may feel powerless in the face of change.
We may be conscious of a build-up of emotional energy within ourselves
which can only be handled by a breakdown of old attitudes and

In previous times, the figure of the Devil was one to be feared and hated.
It personified evil, and all of those things which cause conflict between
higher ideals and the lesser self. As the wilder, more Pagan side of
ourselves, the conventional figure with horns and a tail will often appear
in dreams. It is almost as though it has been given ‘life’ by the way that
people concentrate on it. Once it is understood as something to be
confronted, as something belonging to all of us, the Devil loses its

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Clearing evil - or taking in good - is symbolised as devouring it. Kali, as the
keeper of the graveyard, symbolises this, as do the devouring Gods. It is
a way of returning to source.

Digging, Excavation - Also see Mine

Often, when we begin the process of learning about ourselves, we need to
uncover those parts we have kept hidden, and this is shown in dreams as
excavating a hole or digging up an object.

When we dream of monsters or prehistoric animals we are touching into
very basic images which have the power to frighten and amaze us.
Because they are considered to be so large, we need to be aware of
whether it is their size or their power which is frightening. Urges as basic
as this can threaten our existence, by either their size or power.

Evil or negative impulses are often shown in dreams as things or people
being dirty.

A computer disk in a dream could suggest a great deal of information and
knowledge is available to us. A compact disc can have a similar
significance except that its content, being musical, is more recreational
than work-oriented. This could indicate that in waking life we need to be
aware of our need for relaxation. Divinity and power are represented
spiritually by the disk.

It will depend what sort of doctor appears in our dream as to the correct
interpretation. A surgeon would suggest the need to cut something out of
our lives. A physician would indicate that careful consideration should be
given to our general state, whereas a psychiatrist signifies the need to look
at our mental state. If the doctor is known to us he may stand as an
authority figure.

A doll depicts how the dreamer felt as a child, a need for comfort or the
reappraisal of childhood experiences which we have forgotten. Only

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‘coming alive’ when played with, a doll may also express some
undeveloped part of the dreamer’s personality.

Donkey - See Animals

A door in a dream expresses the idea of a movement between two states
of being. It can gain us entry into a new phase of life, such as puberty or
middle age. There may be opportunities available to us about which we
must make deliberate decisions. If the door in the dream is shut or
difficult to open it indicates we are creating obstacles for ourselves,
whereas if the door is open we can have the confidence to move forward.

Dove - See Birds

There is a heroic part in each of us which must face danger and conflict in
order to manage the lower side of our natures and reach our inner
resources. Seen as both frightening and yet manageable, the dragon under
certain circumstances will represent in us the ‘wild’ side of ourselves. We
must come to terms with our own passions and chaotic beliefs in order to
become custodians of our own future

The dragonfly represents immortality and regeneration. In dreams the
dragonfly shows the need for freedom, but equally the recognition that
freedom can be short-lived. Our reactions are instinctive rather than

Typically a cold draught when working psychically indicates a visitation
by Spirit. To feel a draught in a dream is to be aware of an external force
which could affect us, or a situation we are in. It also suggests a
communication from a hidden part of ourselves.

Draughts/Checkers - See Games

Drinking in a dream may indicate our need for comfort and sustenance,
and to be taking something in or absorbing it. Spiritually there is a belief

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that the drinking of wine is, or symbolises, the imbibing of Divine Life
and power. Being drunk in a dream indicates the need to make contact
with a part of ourselves which is able to let go of restriction and inhibition.
In previous societies it was an accepted part of life that, at certain times,
drunkenness was allowed as a way of celebration or as a release of
tension- hence the term a ‘Bacchanalian revel’. There is the need to
achieve a change of consciousness.

Drowning - Also see Swimming

We have allowed ourselves to be put in a situation over which we have no
control and where we can be overwhelmed by emotions we cannot
handle We have an incompetence in being able to handle an emotionally
stressful situation around us at the time of the dream. In more esoteric
terms drowning symbolises an immersion in the Sea of Life, and therefore
a loss of ego.

Drum - Also see Musical Instruments

We may be seeking a more basic form of expression than the normal,
everyday methods we use. We are becoming conscious of the natural
rhythm which lies behind all life, and using sound and vibration to seek
divine truth.

Drunk - Also see Alcohol and Intoxication

Being drunk in a dream indicates the need to make contact with a part of
ourselves which is able to let go of restriction and inhibition. In previous
societies it was an accepted part of life that, at certain times, drunkenness
was allowed as a way of celebration or as a release of tension- hence the
term a ‘Bacchanalian revel’. There is the need to achieve a change of

Dwarf, malformed figure - Also see People

A dwarf may signify a small part of ourselves that needs consideration.
This may be a stunted aspect of our personality, not yet integrated or
which has been left undeveloped and does not become apparent until we
are prepared to take responsibility for it.

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In dreams, earth is often a symbol for the natural support and nurturing
which we all need. It can also suggests the mechanisms and networks
which we have established, and therefore take for granted. If we are
trapped in earth, or buried in some way, it may be that the unconscious
drives and needs which have been of value now are tending to overwhelm

Old opinions, attitudes and relationships may be breaking up and causing
concern. There is massive upheaval occurring in our lives which may be
on an emotional level. A dream such as this is almost bound to reveal
insecurities. but growth can take place, provided we are prepared to get
rid of the debris.

Easter Egg
The Easter Egg tends to be a symbol of spring, and suggests renewal or
undeveloped potential. In dreams we are taken back to childhood
feelings of promise and wonder. It may also alert us to the passage of
time, since the mind will often produce symbols of times and seasons
rather than actual dates.

Being eaten in a dream suggests being attacked by our own - or possibly
other people’s - emotions and fears. Being eaten by a wild animal shows

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the likelihood of us being consumed by our more basic, carnal nature or
by our internal drives. Hunger is a basic drive and only once such a drive
is satisfied can we move forward to satisfying our more aesthetic needs.
To be eating in a dream shows that one is attempting to satisfy one’s
needs or hunger. To refuse food suggests a rejection of growth and the
opportunity to change.

Eclipse - Also see Moon

On a spiritual level, an eclipse in dreams can represent a loss of faith and
fears and doubts about our own ability to succeed. Our light is being
dimmed by others more able or talented than we are.

Dreaming of education often takes us back to a former state, and
indicates that we need to apply the knowledge we have gained from the
experiences we have had to a present situation. To dream of a place of
education, such as a school or college, suggests that we should be
considering our own need for discipline or disciplined action. In terms of
psychic development dreaming of education of some sort can symbolise
new knowledge becoming available to us.

The egg is the symbol of potential, of opportunities yet to come; we have
not made fully conscious our natural abilities, and are therefore not yet
perfect. To be eating an egg in dreams demonstrates the need to take in
certain aspects of newness before we can fully explore a different way of
life. We may have to stand back and observe before we can undertake
new learning experiences.

Egypt - Also see Enviroments

Faraway places in dreams usually signify the exotic. Egypt in particular is
always seen as magical, mysterious or connected with ancient knowledge,
though this may depend on the dreamer’s own knowledge of the country.

Ejaculation - Also see Emission under Sex

The dreamer’s attitude to sex and sexuality often becomes apparent in
dreams through the sexual act, and to ejaculate in a dream may be an
effort to understand negative feelings, such as fear and doubt. It could
also simply be indicative of the need for release, and the satisfaction of
sexual needs.

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Electricity symbolises power, and it will depend on the context of the
dream which aspect of our energy is being highlighted. To dream of
electrical wires is to be aware of the dreamer’s capability, which may have
had to remain hidden for a time. Dreaming of switches is to be aware of
the ability to control. To receive an electric shock, suggests that we are not
protecting ourselves from danger, and need to be more aware.

Elopement suggests some kind of union, which is not accepted as valid by
those around. This may be an actual relationship, or some kind of
partnership which by its nature needs to be kept secret. Dreaming of
eloping, particularly with someone you know, is trying to escape from a
situation in which our actions are not understood, but may lead to some
kind of integration within ourselves.

The core of being is the embryo, an extremely vulnerable part of
ourselves, and therefore the centre of Creation. We may have the
beginnings of a project in mind, or a new situation developing which
needs careful nurturing. We are working towards conscious knowledge.

Employment dreams are often to do with how we assess our own worth,
among our peers, and what we mean by being gainfully employed. This
can be as much to do with status as with reward. Such dreams may also
have relevance to the way we perform tasks, with a high degree of focus
or not, and also to how we perform in teams.

In a dream where there is emptiness this may reflect a day-to-day lack of
pleasure and enthusiasm, or a sense of isolation There is an inability to
realise expectations, and we have nothing left to give us a sense of
security. Empty boxes or rooms might signify having got rid of out-dated
material, but having nothing to put in its place.

As the negative aspect of the feminine, the enchantress can appear in
dreams as a woman meets her self-destructive side. She is to be
understood rather than feared.

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The enchantress is such a strong image within both the masculine and
feminine psyches that she can appear in dreams in many guises. Morgan
le Fay in the story of Arthur epitomises the enchantress, She is the
feminine principle in its binding and destroying aspect; the evil witch or
the beautiful seductress. She has the power to create illusion, and the
ability to delude others.

Enclosed, enclosure
Spiritually, any enclosure represents the protective aspect of The Great
In dreams the defence mechanisms we put in place to prevent ourselves
from deeply feeling the impact of such things as relationships, love,
anxiety or pain can often manifest as an enclosed space. Restraints and
constraints can appear as actual walls and barriers. Aspects of ourselves
which are too frightening to be allowed full expression are often
perceived as enclosed spaces.

When in life we come to an ending there is also usually a new beginning.
Thus when we dream of being at the end of a situation the signs are that
it has run out of energy, and it is time to move on. Such a dream can
suggest the attainment of a goal, or a point where change is inevitable. We
need to decide what we can leave behind, and what must be taken
forward. Endings can be both positive and negative.

Often in dreams engineering will suggest the control and management of
the inherent power we have, both within the spiritual and the physical
realms. It suggests our ability to create a structure and use forces which
are not normally available to us through techniques and mechanical
means. These will allow us either to move forward or will make life easier
for us. Dreaming of engineering works - as in road works - is to recognise
the need for some adjustment in part of our lives.

Enter, entrance
An entrance in a dream has the same relevance as a door, suggesting new
areas of experience, the need to make changes, to create new
opportunities. It is often worthwhile to note whether the entrance opens
inward or outward, since this may give an indication as to how we handle
ourselves in states of transition. An entrance which has two parts to it,

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such as a porch or an airlock, may be interpreted as the need to balance
two aspects of ourselves before proceeding.

Escape suggests our need for spiritual freedom, of attempting to move
beyond - or to avoid - difficult feelings. Many anxiety dreams have an
element in them of the need to escape, either the situation itself, or
something that is threatening us. We may also be trying to escape from
something we know we must tackle, such as a responsibility or duty.

By raising one’s consciousness the energy within a situation can be
changed for the better. We have it within our power to create
opportunities for transformation, once we can deal with passionate
feelings (water). They do not go away, they simply change state.

Evening signifies old age, and wisdom. It also suggests twilight, and the
boundaries of our conscious mind. Many times evening or evening light
means that we should take time for ourselves - perhaps relaxation and
quiet peace.

A sense of evil occurring in a dream usually suggests that there is
something which is misplaced or corrupt. Evil usually brings with it a
sense of dread, foreboding or disgust, particularly if it is accompanied by
inappropriate action from other people. To experience evil in a dream is
usually to be conscious of our own urges, which we have judged to be

Exams, being examined - Also see Tests

Dreaming of taking or being barred from examinations is a fairly typical
anxiety dream which has a great deal to do with the standards we set
ourselves, and our need for achievement. We have a need to be accepted
for what we can do, so some of the occasions which first give us anxiety
as children are used by the dreaming self to symbolise other such
occasions. Being examined by a doctor or an alien may be in the first
place alerting us to concerns over health, though this need not necessarily
be physical, and in the second our own need to come to terms with our
sense of our own body.

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Excrement - Also see Body
The power of the person is said to be contained in his excrement, since
we often need to let go various aspects and experiences of our loves, in
order to make room for the new. Dreaming of experiencing pleasure in
our own excrement returns us to a very deep innocent type of self-

A dream is a safe space in which to accomplish the cleansing which
occurs through the release of anger and fear, and an explosion can
symbolise such a process. It enables us to make room for more positive
expression of what we are feeling and thinking

Eye - See Body


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Faces appearing in dreams by themselves often seem to be random
snatches of what many might call the psychic or astral content of our
dreams. It often strikes us that the faces are particularly beautiful or by
contrast hideously ugly, and since there is an element of disembodiment
about them we are most likely being alerted to particular types of
personality. We may be seeking knowledge or information not otherwise
available to us. To concentrate on somebody else’s face in a dream is an
attempt to understand the outward personality. When the face is hidden
from us, which can happen frequently as we choose to begin to develop
psychic powers, we can make the assumption that certain information is
being hidden from us until we are able to deal with it. We also at that stage
probably need to look at how we are presenting ourselves within the
everyday world.

Failure in a dream may not necessarily be personal. If, for instance, lights
fail or refuse to work we may need to be aware of a lack of energy or
power. Personal failure can indicate a degree of competitiveness or can
offer alternatives in the way we need to act. The fear of failure is an almost
universal fear, and to dream of failure may give us the opportunity to face
that fear in an acceptable way.

The fairground has a dreamlike quality of its own. It is a sort of enclosed

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world of fantasy, and may alert us to the way in which we handle the child-
like aspects of ourselves. Roundabouts might, for instance, suggest the
daily round of existence, while swing-boats might signify the ups and
downs of fortune. The Ferris wheel is often a representation of the Wheel
of Life. It is possible that we need to lose some of our inhibitions.

Fairies are known to be capricious, and in dreams may represent the
spontaneous elemental side of our being. It will obviously depend upon
which type of fairy appears in our dreams, since each type will have a
different significance. They may suggest mischief, or the more malign side
of the coin, as in goblins and elves.

The sensation of falling in dreams can arise during the hypnogogic or
hypnopompic states. It may be interpreted as the need to be grounded, to
take care within a known situation. Equally we may be harmed by being
too pedestrian. Falling has also come to be interpreted as sexual surrender
and as moral failure, not being as one should. We may not feel that we are
properly in control of our lives.

The ego craves recognition, and dreaming of being famous or of
achieving fame within a chosen field signifies that we ourselves need to
recognise and give ourselves credit for our own abilities. If we are trying
to make decisions as to how to move forward within our lives, we have to
recognise our potential to stand out in a crowd. Being treated as a famous
film star suggests our ability to be acknowledged by others, often in a
slightly more glamorous way than normally.

A fan often suggests sensuality and sexuality. There was at one time a
recognisable language associated with the fan, so such an article has come
to represent the capricious feminine personality. Particularly in a woman’s
dream, the fan can be used as a symbol for openness to new experience
and creativity. Waving a fan is reputed to clear away evil forces.

A dream in which one is having to pay a fare occurs when one feels that
what one has done has not been paid for, and that there is a need to come

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to terms with the demands that may be being made on us. To be paying a
fare in a dream is acknowledging the price that is paid in order to succeed.
A taxi fare would be a more private process than a bus fare.

To be fasting in a dream may be an attempt to come to terms with some
emotional trauma, or to draw attention to the need for cleansing in some
way. If we have a grievance, fasting may be a way of making it known.
Fasting is a way of changing consciousness, and also a move towards
realisation through resistance to temptation.

To dream of being fat alerts the dreamer to the defences used against
inadequacy. Equally we may also be conscious of the sensuality and fun
side of ourselves we have not used before. Depending on how we think
of our bodies in the waking state, we can often use the dream image of
ourselves to change the way we feel.

Fax machine, fax

Messages from a hidden source or part of ourselves are often brought to
us in dreams in a totally logical way. Thus, while the message itself may be
unintelligible, how it is initially received is not. We may be aware that
someone is trying to communicate with us but, because we are distanced
from them, the transmission has to be mechanical. In a dream, a fax
machine can have spiritual undertones in that it can be a way of
transmitting messages from ‘beyond’.

Feathers in a dream could denote softness and lightness, perhaps a more
gentle approach to a situation. We may need to look at the truth within
the particular situation and to recognise that we need to be calmer in what
we are doing. Feathers often represent flight to other parts of the Self, and
because of their connection with the wind and the air, can represent the
more spiritual side of ourselves. To see feathers in a dream perhaps means
that we have to complete an action before allowing ourselves to rest.

Dreaming of fences signifies that we are aware of boundaries - maybe
class or social - it could also be a boundary within a relationship. It may be

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that we find it hard to express ourselves, in which case we need to put in
a bit more effort. In terms of a fence, we have to get over it.

To dream of being on a ferry indicates that we are making some
movement towards change. Because the ferry carries large numbers of
people it may also represent a group to which we belong that needs to
make changes. The ferry is associated with death; there is the story of
being ferried across the River Styx to death. This would indicate a major
change is on its way.

When we dream that we are in a field we are looking more at our field of
activity, that is, what we are doing in everyday life. It may also be a play on
words in that it is to do with the feeling state and is to do with the freedom
from social pressure. It may also be an indication that we need to get back
to nature, to basics as it were.

Fiend - Also see Devil

To dream of a fiend or devil usually means that we have got to come to
terms with a part of ourselves that is frightening and unknown. We need
to confront this part and make it work for us rather than against us. It is
said that there is sometimes little difference between ‘friend’ and ‘fiend’.
The dreamer may find it worthwhile to look close to home if examining
some kind of evil or wrong-doing for the answers.

The fig, because of its shape, is connected to sexuality, fertility,
masculinity and prosperity. If we are eating figs in a dream, then it may be
that a celebration is in order. The fig is also associated with the Tree of
Knowledge and the deeper awareness that comes with that. On another
level, it can represent a psychic ability and a direct connection with the
beginning of physical life.

If we dream that we are in a fight, it usually indicates that we are
confronting our need for independence. We may also need to express our
anger and frustration and the subconscious desire to hurt a part of

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Dreaming of an abrasive file - such as a metal file - would suggest that we
are capable of being too abrasive with people.
In modern times to dream of files or filing and thus putting order into our
lives is to make sense of what we are doing and how we are doing it. A
chaotic situation can now be dealt with in an orderly manner.

To dream of being at a film indicates we are viewing an aspect of our own
past or character that needs to be acknowledged in a different way. We are
attempting to view ourselves objectively or perhaps we may be escaping
from reality. Film as recording images is an important part of modern
man’s make-up and to be put in a position of viewing film within a dream
is to be creating a different reality from the one we presently have. If we
are making a film, (if it is not our normal occupation) we may need to
question the reality we are creating.

If we dream of finding something we are becoming aware of some part
of ourselves that is or will be of use to us. To find something without
much effort shows that events will take place that will reveal what we
need to know. On another plane, we may be close to finding something
that will enable us to move forward.

Fire in a dream can suggest passion and desire in its more positive sense,
and frustration, anger, resentment and destruction in its more negative. It
will depend on whether the fire is controlled or otherwise as to the exact
interpretation. To be more conscious of the flame of the fire would be to
be aware of the energy and strength that is created. Being aware of the
heat of a fire is to be aware of someone else’s strong feelings.
Psychologically, fire often appears in dreams as a symbol of cleansing and
purification. We can use the life-giving and generative power to change
our lives. Sometimes fire indicates the need to use our sexual power to
good effect. To dream of being burnt alive may express our fears of a new
relationship or phase of life. We may also be conscious of the fact that we
could suffer for our beliefs. Baptism by fire signifies a new awareness of
spiritual power and transformation.

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Fireworks are generally accepted as belonging to a happy occasion or
celebration, though they may also be frightening. So when we dream of
fireworks we are hoping to be able to celebrate our own or someone else’s
good fortune. Fireworks can have the same significance as an explosion.
A release of energy or emotion can have quite a spectacular effect on us,
or on people around us. In another meaning there could be an excess of
spiritual emotion that needs to be channelled properly.

To dream of fish links in with our emotions - more specifically our ability
to be wise without being methodical. We should all have awareness and
knowledge, and dreaming of fish indicates that the common experience,
as it were, is now more available to us than ever. Two fish swimming in
opposite directions represents Pisces.

Flag - Also see Banner

A flag in a dream will have the same meaning as a banner, that is, a
standard or a place round which people with common aims and beliefs
can gather. It may represent old-fashioned principles and beliefs.

Any instrument used to beat us in dreams is a recognition that someone
has power over us, and can use force rather than giving us the power to
act for ourselves. The flail would reinforce our ideas about authority. In
older times the Jester would use a pig’s bladder to flail the king to remind
him of his need for humility. A flail can also represent spiritual supremacy
and Supreme power that may be available to us.

Fleas are an irritation, and in dreams signify just that. There may be
people or situations in our lives that are causing us difficulty and we need
to go through a process of decontamination in order to be free. We may
be aware that we are not being treated properly and that people who
should be our friends are not being fair. Fleas are symbolic of the type of
evil that is likely to hurt, rather than destroy - such as gossip. The dreamer
should be aware that he has the ability to deal with it.

We may be word-associating as in the sense of being ‘fleeced’ or cheated.

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The fleece of a sheep also represents security, warmth and comfort, and
will often signify those creature comforts we are able to give ourselves.

Flies are always associated with something nasty, which does not allow
for the fact that they also devour rotten material. So to dream of flies is to
be aware that we have certain negative aspects of our lives that need
dealing with.

Flight/Flying - Also see Journey

Conventionally to dream of flying is to do with sex and sexuality, but it
would probably be more accurate to look at it in terms of lack of
inhibition and freedom. We are releasing ourselves from limitations that
we may impose on ourselves. To be flying upwards is to be moving
towards a more spiritual appreciation of our lives, while to be flying
downwards is to be making an attempt to understand the sub-conscious
and all that entails.

Floating in a dream was considered by Freud to be connected with
sexuality, but it is probable that it is much more to do with the inherent
need for freedom. Generally we are opening to power beyond our
conscious self, when we are carried along apparently beyond our own
volition. We are in a state of extreme relaxation and are simply allowing
events to carry us along. Because we are not taking charge of our own
direction, we are being indecisive and perhaps need to think more
carefully about our actions and involvements with other people.

Any violent act against the person usually indicates some form of
punishment. To dream of being flogged would indicate that we are aware
that someone is driving us beyond our limits, often in an inappropriate
manner. Flogging ourselves would highlight a type of masochism in our
own personality.

Although flood dreams are sometimes frightening they mostly indicate a
release of positive energy. Often it is an overflow of repressed feelings,
which, if we are in the middle of a flood, are also feelings that we have been
overwhelmed by. On the flipside, floods do sometimes suggest depression.

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Flowers in a dream usually give us the opportunity to link to feelings of
pleasure and beauty. We are aware that something new, perhaps a feeling
or ability, is beginning to come into being and that there is a freshness
about what we are doing. To be given a bouquet means that we are being
rewarded for an action - the colour of the flowers may be important (See
Colours). Formerly each individual flower had a meaning in dreams:
Anemone Your present partner is untrustworthy. Arum Lily An
unhappy marriage or the death of a relationship. Bluebell Your partner
will become argumentative. Buttercup Your business will increase.
Carnation A passionate love affair. Clover Someone who is in need of
finance will try to get in touch. Crocus A dark man around you is not to
be trusted. Daffodil You have been unfair to a friend; look for
reconciliation. Forget-me-not Your chosen partner cannot give you
what you need. Forsythia You are glad to be alive. Geranium A recent
quarrel is not as serious as you thought. Honeysuckle You will be upset
by domestic quarrels. Iris Hopefully, you will receive good news.
Lime/Linden This suggests feminine grace. Marigold There may be
business difficulties. Mistletoe Be constant to your lover. Myrtle This
gives joy, peace, tranquillity, happiness and constancy. Narcissus Take
care not to mistake shadow for substance. Peony Excessive self-restraint
may cause you distress. Poppy A message will bring great
disappointment. Primrose You will find happiness in a new friendship.
Rose Indicates love and perhaps a wedding, within a year. Snowdrop
Confide in someone and do not hide your problems. Violet You will
marry someone younger than yourself.

Flute - Also see Musical Instruments

Many musical instruments - particularly wind instruments - indicate
extremes of emotion, enticement and flattery. Because of the shape the
flute is often taken as a symbol of masculine virility, but could also be
taken to stand for anguish. As a way of expressing the sound of the spirit,
and therefore harmony, the flute can be used as a symbol of happiness
and joy. It may also indicate celestial music and all that’s associated with

To dream of being in a fog marks our confusion and inability to confront,
or often even to see, the real issues at stake in our lives. To be walking in
a fog is often a warning that matters we consider important can be

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clouded by other people’s judgement and it may be wiser to sit still and do
nothing at this time.

If we are following someone in a dream we may need a cause or crusade
to help give us a sense of identity. We could be looking for leadership or
are aware that we can be influenced by other people. It also indicates that,
particularly in a work situation, we are perhaps more comfortable in a
secondary position rather than out in front. When we dream of being
followed we need to identify if what is following us is negative or positive.
If it is negative, we need to deal with past fears, doubts or memories. If
positive, we must recognise our need to take the initiative, or to identify
what drives us.

Food - Also see Eating and Nourishment

Our need and enjoyment of food fulfils certain inherent needs. The
meanings are as follows: Bread When we dream of bread we are looking
at our experiences and our basic needs. Cake This signifies sensual
enjoyment. Fruits We are representing in dream form the fruits of our
experience or effort, and the potential for prosperity. The colour could
also be significant. Ham/Cured Meat Our need for preservation is
represented by cured meats. Meals Depending on whether we are eating
alone or in a group meals can indicate acceptance and sociability. Meat
Physical or worldly satisfaction or needs are shown often in dreams as
meat. Raw meat can supposedly signify impending misfortune. Milk As a
basic food, milk will always signify baby needs and giving to oneself.
Onion The different layers of oneself are often shown as an onion (Also
see Individual Entry). Sweets These tend to represent sensual pleasure.
Vegetables These represent our basic needs and material satisfaction.
They also suggest the goodness we can take from the Earth and situations
around us. The colour may also be important (See Colour).

To see footprints in a dream indicates that we are needing to follow
someone. If those footprints are stretching in front of us there is help
available in the future, but if they are behind us, then perhaps we need to
look at the way we have done things in the past. They usually indicate help
in one way or another and certainly consideration. If we see footprints
going in opposite directions we need to consider what has happened in
the past and what is going to happen in the future.

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Dreaming of forests or a group of trees usually means entering the realms
of the feminine. A forest is often a place of testing and initiation. It is
always something to do with coming to terms with our emotional self, of
understanding the secrets of our own nature.

A fork, particularly a three-pronged one, is often considered to be the
symbol of the Devil and therefore can symbolise evil and trickery. In
dreams a fork denotes duality and indecision. Psychologically, the fork
can signify the same as a barb or a goad - something that is driving us,
often to our own detriment. We may have come to a fork on our spiritual
path and development and need guidance as to which direction to take.

When the forge and the blacksmith were a part of normal, everyday life
this particular dream would indicate some aspect of hard work or desire
to reach a goal. Now it is more likely to mean a ritual action. The forge
represents the masculine and active force. It also represents the power of
transmuting that which is base and unformed into something sacred. To
dream of a forge indicates that we are changing internally and allowing
our finer abilities to be shown.

To dream of a fountain means that we are aware of the process of life and
‘flow’ of our own consciousness. Because of its connection with water it
also represents the surge of our emotions, and often our ability to express
this. The fountain can also represent an element of play in our lives, the
need to be free-flowing and untroubled.

When fraud appears in a dream, particularly if the dreamer is being
defrauded, there is the potential to be too trusting of people. If the
dreamer is the one committing fraud, he or she runs the risk of losing a
good friend.

A friend appearing in our dreams can signify one of two things. Firstly we
need to look at our relationship with that particular person, and secondly
we need to decide what that friend represents for us (for instance:

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security, support, and love). Often friends highlight a particular part of
our own personality that we need to look at, and perhaps understand or
come to terms with, in a different way.

To dream of being at a funeral indicates that we need to come to terms
with our feelings about death. It may also indicate a time of mourning for
something that has happened in the past and this time of mourning can
allow us to move forward into the future. Dreaming of one’s parents’
funeral indicates a move towards independence.

The furniture which appears in our dreams, particularly if it is drawn to
our attention, often shows how we feel about our family and home life,
and what attitudes or habits we have developed. It can also give an
indication as to how we feel about ourselves. For instance, dark heavy
material would suggest the possibility of depression, whereas brightly
painted objects could testify to an upbeat mentality.
Sometimes the furniture which appears in a dream can highlight our need
for security or stability, particularly if it is recognisable from the past.
Different articles can represent different attitudes:-
Bed, Mattress This can show exactly what is happening in the subtle
areas of our close relationships. We can get an insight into how we really
feel about intimacy and sexual pleasure. For some people the bed is a
place of sanctuary and rest, where they can be totally alone. Carpet Often
when carpets appear in a dream we are looking at our emotional links with
finance. The colour of the carpet should be noted (See Colour). Chair A
chair can indicate that we need a period of rest and recuperation. We may
need to deliberately take time out, to be open to other opportunities.
Cupboard, Wardrobe Cupboards and wardrobes may depict those
things we wish to keep hidden, but may also depict how we deal with the
different roles we must play in life. Table For a table to appear in a dream
is often to do with communal activity, and with one’s social affiliations
(Also see Individual Entry and Altar under Religious Imagery).

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Gall in old-style symbolism represented bitterness and disgust. To find
something galling is to find it irritating, often without being able to do
anything about it. In dreams, this can be translated into slime or goo,
which is overwhelming. Recognising the feeling through dreams can
result in us being able to express whatever is irritating us.

Gale - Also see Wind

Being in a gale in dreams indicates that we are being buffeted by
circumstances that we feel are beyond our control. We have got ourselves
into circumstances over which we have no control. We must make
decisions as to whether we are going to confront the forces of nature, or
perhaps our own inner spirituality, and harness the energy that we have,
in order to fulfil a task.

Playing any game in our dream indicates that we are taking note of how
we play the game of life. If we are playing well we may take it that we are
coping well with circumstances in our lives. If we are playing badly we
may need to reassess our abilities and to identify which skills we need to
improve in order to do things better. Games and gambling can also
represent not taking life seriously. They can show how we work within
the competitive field and give us some kind of insight into our own sense
of winning or losing.
Specific games such as football, baseball, rugby and cricket, which are

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team games, represent for many the strong ability to identify with a ‘tribe’
or a group of people. Because they are mock fights they can be used as
expressions of aggressiveness against other people, in the way that wars
and localised tribal fights were used previously. They indicate the way in
which we gain identity and how we connect with people. In dreams,
games which require the power of thought and strategy - such as chess or
draughts - often give some idea of how we should be taking a situation
forward (See Chess). Decisions may need to be made where we have to
gauge the result of our action, and take into account our opponent’s
reaction. To dream of gambling indicates that we may need to look at
something in our lives that is figuratively a gamble; we may need to take
risks, but in such a way that we have calculated the risks as best we can.

A garage is the workshop from which we move out into the world, having
done what we need to do in order to repair and conserve the symbols of
our success. In dreams a garage is representative of the way we look after
and maintain our drive and motivation, and how we look after the
resources that we have.
If we are having to pay a visit to a professional garage, it can suggest an
expertise that we do not have, or a source of energy that is properly

Garbage or rubbish in our dream suggests that there are certain parts of
our lives that can now be thrown away or discarded. We have perhaps still
retained ‘left-over’ feelings and concepts that may have nurtured us in the
past but no longer do so. It will often depend on the type of garbage that
is being thrown away as to the symbolism. The remains of food
preparation would make us look at nurturing, while throwing out old
furniture might suggest discarding something that no longer brings comfort.

In dreams a garden can represent a form of paradise, as in the Garden of
Eden, and is often a symbol of the feminine and qualities of wildness.
Dreaming of a garden can be illuminating, because it can indicate areas of
potential growth in our own lives, or it can be that which we are trying to
cultivate in ourselves. A closed garden suggests virginity It often signifies
the inner life of the dreamer and that which we totally appreciate about
our own being.

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Psychologically a garland can represent honour and recognition, some
sort of accolade for work done or a task completed. Such a thing in
dreams would suggest approval by one’s peers, rather than self-
congratulation. Garlands as decoration of a space or building are a
rather old-fashioned representation of a time of celebration and

Garlic in olden times had a great deal of importance, particularly in the
use of magic. It was often seen as a symbol of masculine fertility and
because of its smell it was seen as protection against evil forces. Dreaming
of garlic may therefore connect back to either of these meanings, unless
of course it is being used in cooking when the meaning may be altered by
the symbolism of the other ingredients.

Gas can have the same significance as air and wind in dreams but usually
is taken to be slightly more dangerous. It may suggest intellectual power,
which when controlled is useful but dangerous when misused. As
something supplied to us from an external source it is a precious useable
commodity, which requires discretion and thought in its application. To
dream of not being able to turn the gas on, for instance, would suggest
that there is a lack of energy in a particular project.

A gate in dreams signifies passing through some kind of barrier or
obstacle in order to continue on our way. It marks a transition or
change from one stage to another. Often the awareness of change is
highlighted by the type of gate. For instance, a utilitarian gate such as a
factory one would tend to indicate a work change, whereas a garden gate
might represent pleasure. Dreaming of a gate usually signifies some
kind of change, often in awareness. The gate between the physical and
spiritual realms has a long established existence, and may suggest

Genitals - Also see Body

The child becomes aware of his or her own genitals, particularly as a
source of pleasure, at a very early age, so to dream of one’s own genitals
could suggest a need for child-like comfort, or some problem with one’s

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own sexuality. To dream of being mutilated around the genitals could
refer to either past or present abuse, either sexual or emotional, or a blow
to one’s self-esteem. Dreaming of someone else’s genitals either indicates
our involvement with that person’s sexuality, or, if of the opposite sex,
our need to understand the hidden side of ourselves.

When we dream of the dead they usually appear as quite substantial
figures, so it is unlikely that dreaming of a ghost actually represents a spirit
entity. It is much more likely to signify old memories, feelings, or hopes
and dreams, which may be somewhat insubstantial. By putting ourselves
in touch with what is now defunct we can take appropriate action in the
here and now. Oddly, ghosts in dreams can also suggest perhaps previous
incarnations or spiritual states. The shadowy figure so often perceived in
dreams is a representation of the Shadow - those parts of ourselves that
we have suppressed.

Giants and ogres in dreams often represent an emotion that is big and
uncontrollable. It is often unconfined primordial power, and takes us
back to the helplessness we may have experienced as a child in an adult
world. We may also become conscious of ourselves as being larger than
life as we begin to develop spiritually, and need to become aware of the
shifts in perspective that are necessary. Dreaming of giants helps us to
handle such change without too much trauma.

Gift - Also see Present

In a spiritual sense, dreaming of a gift may be highlighting our creative
talents, of which we may not have been aware. To receive a gift within a
dream is to recognise our talents and abilities. Each of us has a store of
unconscious knowledge which from time to time becomes available,
often through dreams. Depending on the circumstances, we are
acknowledging what we receive from others.

Today, the gig, concert, or rave, has taken the place of the dance or tea
party. In dreams, therefore, it can represent an opportunity for freedom
and movement, a social occasion or a gathering of people who are on the
same wavelength as ourselves. This then signifies our need for us to ‘let
go’, if only for a short time.

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A girdle represents wisdom, strength and power, and also the inevitability
of the cycle of life and death. In a woman’s dream the girdle may depict
her sense of her own femininity, for instance whether she feels bound or
constricted by it. In a man’s dream it is more likely to show his
understanding of his power over his own life.

Giving is all about the internal relationship with oneself or the
environment and with others. We all need to share aspects of ourselves
with others, and to be conscious of giving in a dream shows our need to
share our (perhaps excess) energy.

Glass is a barrier but it is transparent and therefore allows us to see that
which we cannot reach. If we dream of breaking glass we are probably
ready to break free from emotional ties and enter a new phase in our lives.
Any barriers that we or others put up can be dealt with successfully. Glass
also signifies the barrier of death.

Glasses, Spectacles
Glasses or spectacles indicate an association with our ability to see or to
understand. Psychologically, when we are able to wear glasses we are
more able to look at that which is external to ourselves rather than turning
inwards and becoming introspective. In the spiritual sense, a dream of
glasses or spectacles may be urging us to take a different viewpoint.
Equally, if someone is unexpectedly wearing glasses, it is to do either with
our lack of understanding or perhaps their inability to see where we are
coming from.

A globe symbolises our need for wholeness or the approach to wholeness
To dream of looking at a globe, particularly in the sense of a world globe,
indicates our acknowledgement of the need for a wider viewpoint. We
can cultivate a more globally aware perspective. We have certain powers
within us that will enable us to create a sustainable future for all, and for
this we need to be able to understand and take a world view.

If we are goading somebody to do something they do not want to do, we

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must take care that we are not creating circumstances that could turn
around and control us. We may be trying to force people to take action to
move forward but we must also be aware that we need to be in control of
that particular movement. Psychologically, we are all goaded by our own
more aggressive and negative parts. Often a dream can reveal how we are
making things difficult for ourselves and can represent which parts of
ourselves are taking authority over the others.

To dream of scoring a goal may indicate that we have set ourselves
external targets. In achieving those targets we may also recognise that the
goals that we have set ourselves in life are either short or long-term and
we may need to adjust them in some way. If we miss a goal, then we may
need to reassess our abilities to make the grade - but we can still aspire to
great things.

In dreams the goblet represents the feminine, receptive principle and our
ability to achieve enjoyment in different ways. We may be able to make a
celebration out of something that is quite ordinary. To be drinking from
a goblet indicates allowing ourselves the freedom to enjoy life to the full.
To dream of a set of goblets, indicates several different ways in which we
can make our lives enjoyable and fun.

Goggles - See Glasses and Mask

Gold signifies the best, most valuable aspects of ourselves. Finding gold
indicates that we can discover those characteristics in ourselves or others.
Burying gold shows that we are trying to hide something. Gold in dreams
can also represent the sacred, dedicated side of ourselves. We can
recognise incorruptibility and wisdom, love and patience. In this context
it seldom stands for material wealth, being more the spiritual assets that
one has.

Golf - Also See Games

The game of golf can represent belonging to a team, but conversely it can
also represent our own individual achievement. To be playing such a game
indicates that we need freedom of movement and clarity of vision. Playing
golf can often represent our need to show our prowess, to be able to drive

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as far as we can, and often is used within the context of business acumen.

If we are a gong, sounding then we need to recognise that a limitation has
been reached, or that we are summoned to success. If we are striking the
gong, then this represents a need for strength.
Overall a gong symbolises that something requires recognition.

To be gossiping in a dream can mean that one is spreading information,
but in a way that is not necessarily appropriate. To be in a group of people
and listening to gossip generally means that we are looking for some kind
of information, but perhaps do not have the ability to find it alone. Thus,
to be gossiping in a dream may mean that we have to complete certain
actions before moving on.

The Holy Grail is such a key image that in dreams it can appear as
something miraculous, something that fulfils our wish and allows us to
move forward into our full potential. Often it signifies the achievement of
spiritual success, but can also represent the cup of happiness. The grail
appearing in a dream indicates that we can expect some form of
satisfaction and change to occur within our lives. We are searching for
something that we may feel is unattainable, but by putting ourselves
through various tests may eventually be attainable.

Dreaming of grain can indicate some kind of a harvest. We have created
opportunities for ourselves in the past that now can come to fruition.
Provided we look after the outcome of these opportunities, we can take
that success forward and create even more abundance. To dream of grain
growing in a field can indicate that we are on the point of success, that we
have tended our lives sufficiently to be able to achieve growth.

The grasshopper is a symbol of freedom and capriciousness, and in
dreams it can often indicate a bid for freedom. The expression ‘a
grasshopper mind’ shows an inability to settle to anything, and will be
seen in dreams as a grasshopper. On another level, in Chinese history the
grasshopper is often associated with enlightenment.

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Grave - Also see Death
Dreaming of a grave is an indication that we must have regard for our
feelings about, or our concept of, death. Such a dream may also be
attempting to deal with our feelings about someone who has died - part
of our personality may have been killed off, or is dead and buried to the
outside world.

Often our attention is drawn to the size of an article within a dream.
Gravel in this context is simply an indication of small particles. Such a
dream may also bring back memories of a particular time or place, and
remind us of happier times, such as those of childhood. Skidding on
gravel signifies that we should avoid taking risks in everyday life.

In a dream, grease is the word that indicates that we have not taken as
much care over a situation as we should have. It suggests that we should
use better judgement lest we put ourselves at unnecessary risk. Grease can
also signify making things easier for ourselves.

A guillotine in a dream indicates something irrational in our personality.
We may be afraid of losing self-control. We could be aware of an injury to
our person or to our dignity. There is the potential for us to lose contact
with someone we love, or with the part of ourselves that is capable of
love. By way of its physical action, a guillotine represents a severance of
some kind.

Guitar music in a dream can indicate the possibility of a new romance, but
can also indicate the need for caution. If the dreamer is playing the guitar
he or she is making an attempt to be more creative. Any musical
instrument characterises our need for rest and relaxation and for harmony
in our lives.

Gun - Also see Weapons

In dreams the gun has masculine and sexual connotations. If a woman is
firing a gun she is aware of the aggressive side of her personality. If she is
being shot at she perhaps feels threatened by overt sexuality. It will
depend on the circumstances in the dream as to how we interpret the use

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of a gun. We may be using it as a protection of those things we feel are
important to us. The symbolism here reverts to a more base attribute -
that of straightforward masculinity.

A guru appearing in a dream is a representation of the wisdom of the
unconscious. As that wisdom becomes available we often bring it through
to conscious knowledge. Psychologically, we all need a symbol for a
father figure and this is one such symbol. In searching for knowledge of a
specific sort, we need an external figure with whom to relate. In Eastern
religions, this is the guru - who performs the same function as the priest
in Western religion. For many of us, God is too remote for us to be able
to have a personal relationship with him. A guru therefore becomes the
personification of all wisdom made available to us through his
perception. He will assist us to access our own innate wisdom.

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Because it is frozen water, hail signifies the freezing of our emotions. It
would appear that the damage created by these frozen emotions comes
from outside influences rather than internal feelings. Hail has a particular
part to play in the cycle of nature. We need to appreciate that there are
times when numbing our emotions may be appropriate - though not

Hair - See Body

Ham - See Food

Dreaming of hammers indicates a more aggressive, masculine side of our
nature. There may be the feeling that part of our personality needs to be
crushed or struck, for us to be able to operate properly. The double-sided
hammer also has symbolism. The two sides are justice and vengeance.
The dreamer needs to be aware which one is relevant to them.

Hand - See Body

Dreaming of being in handcuffs denotes that we are being, or have been,
restrained in some way, possibly by an authority figure, or possibly by our
own doubt or fear; If we are putting handcuffs on someone, we may be

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attempting to bind that person to us, which at the same time smacks of

Hanging is a violent, sometimes misjudged, act against a person; if we
witness a hanging in our dream, then we are open to violence, and
perhaps need to reconsider our actions. If we ourselves are being hanged,
we are being warned of some problem - possibly the prospect of taking
the blame for someone else’s actions. Alternatively, there may be a hang-
up in our lives. If something is hanging over us, then we are being
threatened or suppressed by some circumstance around us.

Hare - See Animals

For a man to dream that he is in a harem (whilst asleep!) suggests that he
is struggling to come to terms with the feminine nature. For a woman, it
shows that she is understanding her own flamboyant, sensual side. On a
different level, she is recognising her need to belong to a group of women
- a sisterhood.
Any group of women appearing in dreams will signify femininity in one
form or another, and a detailed interpretationwill depend on whether the
dreamer relates to a particular person in the scenario.

A hat frequently suggests knowledge.

Dreaming of a harp indicates that we need to find the correct vibration
within our life to create a harmony. If we are ‘harping on’ then we need
to be listened to. The harp sometimes signifies the ladder to the next

We are going to reap the rewards of all the hard work we’ve put in - if the
symbolism for harvest has its way. To dream of a harvest can actually
have two meanings. In can mean looking back into the past and reaping
the rewards, or it can mean looking towards the future in order to use
what has happened previously.

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To dream of hash, as in marijuana weed, indicates we are using substances
to raise consciousness and we probably need to recognise that it’s time to
look at things from another direction and perspective.

Hay, hayfield and haystacks often indicate fun, relaxation and girls and
boys who like to have fun. There is a warmth surrounding the symbolism
for hay as it also can conjure up good memories and feelings.

Head - See Body

Obviously linked to death, the hearse denotes we are concerned about a
lack of time. However, it may be that time is running out, not necessarily
for us, but for a project or relationship. If we connect with the latter, then
it maybe best to leave things as they are rather than try any kind of

Heart - See Body

To dream of a hearth or fireplace is to recognise the need for security.
This may be of two different types. One is knowing that the home is
secure. The other is recognising the security of the inner self. We may be,
or need to be, linking with our own passionate wilder nature.

Heaven - See Religious Imagery

Hedgehog - See Animals

Heel - See Body

Hell - See Religious Imagery

Hen - See Birds

Hermaphrodite - Also see Sex

When we dream of a hermaphrodite, we may be uncertain about our own
gender, or about our ability to adjust to the roles played by our own sex.

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As we learn more about ourselves, we attempt to achieve a balance
between the logical and the sensitive sides of our nature.

There is a type of loneliness within many people that prevents them from
making relationships on a one-to-one basis. This may manifest in dreams
as the figure of the hermit. In dreams if we meet the hermit, we are
discovering the dimension in ourselves that has a spiritual awareness.

Hero/Heroine - See Archetypes

To be on top of a hill indicates we are aware of our own expanded vision.
We have worked hard to achieve something and are able to survey and
assess the results of what we have done. To be climbing a hill in the
company of others often indicates that we have a common goal - that a
journey we thought was ours alone is actually not - and we can use their
knowledge to help us. To dream that we are going downhill would
indicate we are feeling as if circumstances are pushing us in a certain

To acknowledge a sense of history in a dream suggests we are linking with
the past and past aspects of our personality. It may be that we are looking
back and assessing the person that we may have been, and that can either
be a positive or negative thing.

The hive usually represents an area of work where there is considerable
activity - and where the best use is made of all resources in order to move
out and move on. To dream of being near a hive can represent the effort
that is needed to be made to create fertility for ourselves. The hive can
also represent protective motherhood.

A hole usually represents a difficult situation. If we are falling into a
hole then we are getting into the unconscious side of our fears, that is,
getting beneath the surface of our personalities. A hole above our heads
can signify a way through to spiritual understanding. A round hole
represents the Heavens; a square hole represents the Earth.

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To be on holiday in a dream indicates a sense of relaxation and of
satisfying one’s own needs without having to take care of others. It could
also be a warning that it is time to take a break from everyday life.

Dreaming of feeling hollow connects with our feelings of emptiness, lack
of purpose, direction and control in our lives. We may also be lacking
motivation. To dream of being in a hollow would indicate that we need
some kind of protection from what is going on around us.

Holy Communion - See Religious Imagery

The home, and particularly the parental home, can stand for shelter,
warmth and nourishment. To dream of being at home signifies a return to
the standards we learnt as a child. The home can also represent sanctuary,
that is a place where we can be ourselves without fear of reprisal.

Homosexuality - Also see Sex

If, in a dream, we are attracted to someone of the same sex, then the
suggestion is that we have a conflict, or are anxious about our own
gender. It may also indicate that we need a different kind of love other
than sexual, sometimes needing to love ourselves in a specific way. In
another way, to dream of homosexuality is an attempt to come to terms
with opposite aspects of oneself - we are making ourselves more whole
with a view to more success in relationships.

Honey represents pleasure and sweetness. To dream of eating honey can
be to recognise that we need to give ourselves pleasure. Equally, it can
indicate the very essence of our feelings. Honey has links to fertility and
virility. So, in a dream this would indicate that we are perhaps entering a
much more actively sexual or fertile time.

Horse - See Animals

The horseshoe is a lucky symbol and, traditionally, if it is turned upwards
it represents the moon and protection from evil. When turned

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downwards the power is reputed to ‘drain out’, bringing bad luck. The
horseshoe is also connected as a lucky symbol to weddings. Commonly,
to dream of a horseshoe may indicate that there will shortly be a wedding
in your family

A hood has a menacing air to it and it may indicate that there is a part of
us that feels threatened in some way. More likely is the idea that part of
our personality may be invisible to us and needs to be uncovered in order
for us to function. Traditional interpretation said that for a woman to be
wearing a hood indicated she was being deceitful. If a man is wearing a
hood, it suggests that he is withdrawing from a situation.

When we dream of a hook we are understanding that, we have an ability
to draw things towards us that are either good or bad. It can also indicate
that we are being ‘hooked’, and therefore not being allowed the freedom
we want. In childhood dreams the hook can represent the hold that a
parent has over us. This symbolism can continue into adulthood,
depicting the way that we allow people to take control within our lives.

Horns - Also see Antlers

Horns suggest the idea of the animal within the human. Following on
from that horns also denote masculine sexuality, and possibly the desire
to hurt.
If it is a hunting horn, then, is either a warning or a summoning of some
kind. More spiritually, horns can suggest the search for divinity.

Hospital - Also see Operation

Depending on our attitude to hospitals, when one appears in a dream it
can either represent a place of safety, or a place where one’s very being is
threatened and we become vulnerable. It can also represent that aspect
within ourselves that knows when some kind of respite is needed,
possibly in order to re-evaluate a situation.

Good feelings can be translated in dreams to a physical feeling. To dream
of being hot indicates warm, passionate feelings. To be aware that our
surroundings are hot indicates that we are loved and cared for. Now and
again, extreme emotion can be interpreted as a physical feeling - so anger,

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jealousy or other such feelings can be experienced as heat. Experiencing
something as hot that should be cold indicates that we are perhaps having
difficulty in sorting out our feelings.

Hotel - Also see Boarding House/Hotel under Buildings

If a hotel crops up in dreams, then we may need to escape from a situation
for a while. Alternatively, it may be that our current situation is only
Living in a hotel signifies a basic restlessness and unsettled aspect of the
dreamer’s character, who may be attempting to escape from himself.

In dreams time is irrelevant. To experience something that measures time
is often to alert us to the need for measuring our activities more precisely.
When we are under stress we can be overly aware of the running out of
time, that it can become an enemy - this can be symbolised as an
hourglass. The hourglass used to be taken as a symbol of death. More
properly, it is a symbol for the Passage of Life.

Apart from the dreamer actually being hungry, to experience hunger in a
dream suggests that our physical, emotional or mental needs are not being
properly satisfied - every human being has needs that require fulfilment.

Dreaming of being hunted is mostly taken to be to do with one’s
sexuality. Its even older meaning is linked with death, particularly a death
containing an aspect of ritual killing or sacrifice. By association, therefore,
to dream of a hunt is to register the necessity for a change of state in
everyday life.

When we experience a hurricane in a dream, we are sensing the force of
an element in our lives that is beyond our control. A hurricane can also be
symbolic of our passion - we may need to figure if we can control it - with
the consequences for others being of importance.

Husband - See Family

Hyena - See Animals


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Ibis-See Birds

Ice-cream appearing in a dream deals with the sensual tastes that we have.
Normally it is a pleasurable experience, and very often reminds us of
childhood. To be eating ice-cream indicates that we may be accepting
pleasure into our lives in a way that we have not been able to do before.
To be giving other people ice-cream indicates that we are giving other
people pleasure. However, we must bear in mind that the pleasure, like
the ice-cream, can melt away.

Icon - See Religious Imagery

Igloo - Also see Buildings

An igloo can represent both a cold exterior containing a very warm
interior, or the coldness of the construction itself. It can appear as though
someone is uncaring and therefore creating an icy home environment,
although there is warmth within that person. On another level an igloo
can symbolise the feminine, particularly the womb.

Illness - Also see Sickness

Dreaming of illness may alert us to the fact that all is not well either with
ourselves or our environment. The nature of the illness may give some
indication as to what is amiss, or it may highlight what needs to be done
in order to make a situation improve.

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To dream of being imitated can mean that we are aware that whatever we
have done is the correct thing to do and that other people can learn from
our example. It can equally mean that other people are seeing us as being
leaders, when we ourselves do not necessarily feel that it is the correct role
for us. Imitating someone else suggests we are aware of their greater
knowledge and wisdom.

To be immersed in water indicates the way we handle our emotions. We
could be trying to find that part of us that is forever innocent. We are
attempting to clarify situations, ideas and attitudes that have been
suggested to us by other people.
To be immersed, that is in the sense of being focused, reveals we need to
concentrate on one thing only in order to understand ourselves.

To be made immobile in a dream is to suggest that either the energy has
run out of a particular situation, or that there is nowhere else to go.

An imp appearing in a dream usually indicates disorder and difficulty. The
imp often has the same significance as the Devil in tormenting us, creating
difficulty and harming us. The imp can also represent the uncontrolled
negative part of ourselves, that part that instinctively creates chaos and
takes great joy in doing so. It is perhaps an aspect of loss of control.

Incense - See Religious Imagery

Incest - Also see Sex

Incest is such a taboo subject that to dream of it seldom refers to the
physical act. It usually represents the need and desire we have to be in
control. It is possible that incest in real life occurs because the child has
not yet been allowed to sort out his or her feelings so far as the family are
concerned. Since self image and sexuality are so closely connected, incest
in dreams is much more likely to be an effort to sort out our feelings
about ourselves.

The income we earn is an important part of our structure, so any dream

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connected with this will tend to signify our attitude towards our wants
and needs. To dream of an increased income shows we feel we have
overcome some obstacle in ourselves and can accept that we have value.
A drop in income signifies our neediness, and perhaps our attitude to
poverty. Dreaming of receiving a private income suggests we perhaps
need to look at our relationships with other people.

To experience indigestion in a dream shows that there is something in our
lives that we do not agree with or cannot tolerate. Equally, it may indicate
that we are actually suffering from indigestion, and this is recognised in
the dream state - there is a belief that certain foods can trigger off intense
dreams. If something is indigestible in a dream, it may be that we
recognise that we have some sort of mental block to deal with. Perhaps
we need to do things in a different way, or in smaller steps.

Dreaming of having an infection suggests that there is the possibility of us
having internalised negative attitudes from other people. However, it
greatly depends on which part of our body we see as infected. If, for
example, the leg is infected, then this will denote we are being held up
somehow. On another level, it may be that we are being negatively

Initiation - See Religious Imagery

If we are given an injection, then we are feeling as though our space has
been penetrated. To dream of giving an injection suggests that we are
attempting to force ourselves on other people - this may have sexual
connotations. An injection may also be our way of healing, thus making
ourselves better. More negatively, an injection can indicate short-term
pleasure rather than long-term gain.

Insects in dreams can reflect the feeling that something is bugging us -
something we could do without. It may also indicate a feeling of
insignificance and powerlessness. It will depend on the particular insect in
the dream as to the interpretation. Thus, a wasp might indicate danger,
whereas a beetle could mean either dirt or protection.

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Any inscription in a dream is information which will need to be
understood. Reading an inscription can suggest that something is
understood already, whereas not being able to read an inscription
suggests that more information is required in order to complete a task.

Insomnia - See Sleep Disorders

Intestines - See Body

Intoxication - Also See Alcohol and Drunk

When we are intoxicated in a dream it can be important to decide why we
are so. Being drunk can indicate a loss of control, whereas a change of
state brought about by drugs can represent a change in awareness. The
changes that occur in consciousness through intoxication can be
mirrored in a dream. Sometimes that change can be depressive -
suggesting a need to explore the negative in our lives; sometimes they can
be euphoric - showing our ability to reach a state similar to a kind of

If we are invisible in a dream, then it denotes that there is something we
want to put behind us and forget. If something is invisible, then we just
need to recognise the presence of something without having to look at it
too closely to begin with.

Iris - See Flowers

When iron appears in dreams, it usually represents our strengths and
determination. It can perhaps also signify the rigidity of our emotions or
beliefs. When we dream of using a clothes iron we are often attempting to
make ourselves more presentable. We may also be trying to ‘smooth
things over’. Iron in a dream can also signify the part of ourselves that
requires discipline.

Dreaming of an island signifies the loneliness one can go through. An
island can also represent safety in that, by isolating ourselves, we are not
subject to external demands. Occasionally we all need to recharge our

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batteries, and to dream of an island can help, or warn, us to do this, which
will in turn help us to function better. On another plane, an island can
signify a retreat - somewhere that is cut off from the world - which will
allow us to contemplate our inner self.

Ivory is something that should be protected and preserved, thus, to
dream of ivory is to be looking within to discover what is worth
preserving. To dream of an ivory tower can signify the way we shut
ourselves off from communication.

Dreaming of ivy denotes, on one level, celebration and fun. However, it
can symbolise the clinging dependence that can develop within
relationships. Because ivy has the symbolism of constant affection, we
can recognise that we are in need of love and affection. On yet another
level, ivy symbolises immortality and eternal life.

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A jailer in a dream can suggest a strong sense of restriction either by some
part of our personality or by an external force. There may arise a period
of loneliness and a sense of being trapped in an ongoing situation. The
spiritual side of one’s nature may give us the ability to break out of the
situation, or bring us to a realisation that we must remain within the
particular situation for the time being.

In old-style symbolism a jar, or any kind of hollow container, represents
womanhood. For a woman it can represent her ability to be a mother and
in a man it can represent the principle of ‘mothering’. On a slightly more
esoteric note a jar can suggest the more sensitive side of our nature, so
being jarred or shaken up represents being hurt by what is happening. If
the jar is broken one has received some deep hurt.

Judge/Justice - Also see Judge under Authority Figures and Jury

Often when we are attempting to stabilise two different states or ways of
being, the figure of justice or balance can appear within a dream. This is
to warn us that we may need to use both the physical and spiritual aspects
of ourselves successfully. Since justice is usually to do with the correct
way to do things according to group belief, we may feel that there is the
need to conform with others - that we are doing, or are about to do,
something which goes against the grain.

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Being able to use judgement, whether good or otherwise, is a skill which
comes with maturity. In dreams we may find ourselves making the types of
judgement which we would not normally do in waking life. For instance, we
may pride ourselves on not being judgemental and find that, in dreams, that
part of ourselves which judges behaviour works completely differently.

A jungle can often represent chaos. This chaos can be either positive or
negative, depending on other elements in the dream, and may suggest some
kind of obstacle or barrier that has to be passed through in order to reach a
new state of understanding. Being trapped in a jungle suggests we may be
trapped by negative and frightening feelings from the unconscious, though
having come through a jungle would indicate that we have passed through,
and overcome, aspects of our lives which we have previously found
difficult. In mythology and fairy tales, cutting through the jungle often
represents overcoming the impenetrable defences created by feminine

The act of jumping can be somewhat ambiguous in a dream. Repetitive
movement usually suggests the need to look at what we are doing and
perhaps to express ourselves in a different way. Jumping up can indicate
reaching for something that is above us, beyond our reach and requires
effort to achieve, whilst jumping down can mean exploring the
unconscious or those parts of ourselves which we have not yet examined.
Jumping up and down can indicate frustration or joy.

A group of people in dreams sitting in judgement suggests that we are
having to deal either with issues of peer pressure, that is how others think
of us, or with our own estimation of ourselves. We may be questioning the
values which we have adopted, or feel that we or a part of us have not been
true to our own ideals - we have been found wanting. Being a member of a
jury calls into question our ability to belong to a group of like-minded
people or not. For example, we may not feel we can go along with the group
decision. Provided we adhere to our own inner truth, we cannot be judged.

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A child is fascinated by the patterns that a kaleidoscope creates - no two
being the same and yet each one being regular in its repetition and
reflection within itself. The dream image of a kaleidoscope can introduce
us to our own creativity, which may become trapped. It connects us with
our childlike selves, and with the beauty of basic patterns such as the
mandala and the intricacies of creativity. We become aware of our own
‘smallness’ within the larger scheme of things.

Any object which evokes memories reminds us of what we have been
capable of doing or being. Keepsakes which traditionally were exchanged
between lovers are indicative of the love and respect there is between two

Kettle - Also see Cauldron

A kettle is often taken to symbolise transformation and change. In dreams
it will have an almost magical significance and indicate practical,
pragmatic learning to do with the process of change. In some instances,
like all hollow objects, a kettle can represent femininity and home-

Key/Keyhole - Also see Lock and Prison

A key has obvious significance in that it locks or unlocks that which needs
opening or closing. This may be one’s potential or perhaps old memories,

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experiences or emotions. For instance, if the key opens a door something
will be revealed - usually to our advantage, whereas if it locks the door we
are trying to shut something away, perhaps the past or situations we do
not wish to handle. Keys often appear in dreams. To dream of a bunch
of keys suggests the need to ‘open up’ the whole of our personalities to
new experiences. Sometimes the material the key is made of will be
significant. The more mundane the material, the more mundane is the
solution. We hold within us many of the answers to our difficulties, but
often need a down-to-earth worldly symbol to trigger off our ability to
work out solutions we have previously hidden. Silver and gold keys
represent - respectively - transient and spiritual power.
Peering through a keyhole suggests that our vision and understanding is
restricted in some way, or that we are being excluded from activity. Being
unable to fit a key into a keyhole indicates inappropriate behaviour. If the
size of keyhole is wrong, we have the choice of adjusting, in waking life,
our knowledge (represented by the key) or the way we apply that
knowledge (the keyhole). Noticing that there is no keyhole indicates a
problem in reconciling one’s inner and outer self. Conventionally the
keyhole has been taken to represent the feminine, more sensitive side of
our personality.

Aggression is often shown in dreams in an easily recognisable form. A
kick is a way of propelling something, such as a ball, forward and
therefore represents our need for motivation - either within ourselves or
with others. Kicking someone else suggests there is an unresolved
frustration either with the other person or ourselves, while being kicked
highlights our ability to be a victim.

Within any situation we can find that our own fears and doubts cause us
to be victims at various times in our lives. Being kidnapped in a dream
highlights our ability to be taken over and forced to do, or be, something
against our will. To be the kidnapper shows that we are trying to influence
someone else and need to moderate our actions.

Kidneys - See Body

Killing is an extreme answer to a problem. It indicates the violent ending

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to a predicament. Killing someone in a dream is attempting to be rid of
the power they have over us. Dreaming of being killed suggests that
factors with which the dreamer is dealing are making him, or a part of
him, ineffective in everyday life.

King - See People

Kingfisher - See Birds

Kissing someone in a dream usually suggests acceptance, approval or
respect. Dreaming of kissing someone whom we do not like in real life
may indicate having to come to terms with qualities within ourselves
which we actively dislike in others. Kissing also suggests that we are
sealing a pact, or coming to an understanding. Being kissed on the
forehead indicates a lack of sexual involvement and counts more as a

In dreams, the kitchen can often represent the mother, or rather the
mothering function, highlighting the housekeeping or nurturing aspect.
The kitchen is the place from which we go out into the world, and to
which we return. It is also the place in which transformation can take
place. Perhaps the best illustration which shows this is the way in which
Cinderella is transformed into a princess within her own domain.

The kite represents freedom, particularly freedom from responsibility,
but at the same time suggests that our activities should have an element of
control about them. The expertise needed to fly a kite is only learnt
through experience. In Chinese lore, the kite symbolised the wind and can
suggest ones spiritual aspirations.

Any burden that we carry in dreams represents either the difficulties we
have accumulated, or the resources we have with which we can deal with
problems. It will depend on whether the dream generally has a positive or
negative tone which interpretation is correct. A knapsack, being small,
would suggest a short period of emotional difficulty. If one believes in
reincarnation, the knapsack is also reputed to carry those things one has

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brought forward from a previous life, or those experiences we must
assimilate in this.

Knee - See Body

Kneeling usually suggests submission or sometimes supplication. Initially,
kneeling represented giving someone or something status in our lives -
that is, putting ourselves on a lower level. In dreams, this is the most
frequent explanation. If kneeling is simply a way of being in contact with
the earth it will indicate the need to be in contact with the basic aspects of

A cutting implement in a dream usually signifies some kind of severance,
whether from a person, relationship or situation. We may need to cut out
what is non-essential. It can be important in a dream about a knife to
notice what type is being used, and what the action is. A stabbing action
suggests penetration, whereas a slashing action suggests the violent
removal of unwanted material.. In a woman’s dream this is probably more
to do with her own fear of penetration and violation, whereas in a man’s
dream it is highlighting his own aggression.

It will depend whether the knight appears in a woman’s or a man’s dream
as to the correct interpretation. There is the standard interpretation for
the female, that of the knight in shining armour, and therefore a romantic
relationship - a search for the perfect partner. A man may be looking for
the heroic part of himself; the part that will take risks because they are
there to be taken. In both cases the knight may represent the spiritual side
of one’s nature. A “black” knight is often taken as a figure of evil, whereas
a “white” knight is a fighter for the good of all. Psychologically, the knight
in a dream signifies the guiding principle.

There are many interpretations which can be given for a knob. Just as a
key can represent an answer to a problem, so also can a knob suggest a
particular course of action for the dreamer. This may be a turning point in
one’s life, a new way of accessing information or a different way of
regarding the situation. Not being able to turn a doorknob can suggest an

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obstacle which stands in our way. In some dreams the knob will represent
the penis or masculine principle.

Hearing knocking in a dream is often a warning of some kind of difficulty.
Our attention needs to be refocused on the matter in hand. For example,
if in a dream we are knocking on a door, it may be that we are wanting
some attention or approval. We may be feeling excluded from a particular
situation or event. It could also suggest that we are trying to be with
someone - to be part of their lives - but do not feel particularly confident
of our right to be there.

A simple knot seen in a dream could represent a blockage in the natural
flow of events or the need to take a different direction in a project. To be
untying a knot suggests solving a problem which is more complex than
we first appreciated, and which may take time to undo. In more symbolic
terms, a knot can suggest a maze or labyrinth which itself represents the
complex feminine make-up. A more complex knot could indicate that we
are bound to a situation by a sense of duty or guilt. To be feeling knotted
up inside suggests being under some emotional strain.

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A label is a means of identification, of establishing one’s right to own
some object or of differentiating between several different categories.
Dreams can often highlight basic human instincts and one’s sense of
identity is one of the most important instincts we have. To be able to label
or mark our possessions in some fashion gives us a place in the world, a
right to belong, to mark up our successes or failures. To be re-labelling
something suggests that we have rectified a misperception.

‘Hard labour’ suggests self-flagellation or self-punishment in what we are
doing. However, if a woman dreams of being in labour she perhaps has
an issue with her wish and desire to be pregnant, or with that of
mothering. It may also be that she is bringing a scheme or project to
fruition, and is about to achieve a long cherished goal.

Dreaming of a laboratory indicates we need to make an impartial appraisal
of what is happening to us. If we are specimens in a laboratory we may
feel that we are being judged in some fashion, whereas being the scientist
or technician suggests that we may need to look more carefully at the
situation highlighted by the dream. Being in a laboratory suggests a more
objective approach to life, and often seems to be a feature of dreams
about alien beings.

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Labyrinth - Also see Maze
In undertaking our own journey of discovery and exploring our deeper
personality, we open ourselves up to all sorts of potentials, some of which
will lead us to new experiences and some of which will lead us into cul-de
-sacs. It is often at this point that we dream of exploring a labyrinth or a
series of underground interlinking passages. Often such a dream will
force us into confronting our own fears and doubts, and overcoming the
Shadow, or that part we most dread and have difficulty in understanding.
The labyrinth is also the representation of the hidden feminine
mysterious part of our personality.

In dreams, the ladder often represents our ability to move from one phase
of existence to another and denotes how secure we feel in moving from
one situation to another. Such a dream may occur during career changes
and can signify promotion. Probably the most well-known ladder dream
is the “Jacob’s Ladder” one recounted in the Bible. This signifies the
transition between earth and heaven, and in this context the ladder shows
the ability to move from the physical realms of existence into an
awareness of the spiritual dimension in life. In spiritual development such
a dream is fairly commonplace.

Lagoon, Lake - Also see Water

The unconscious side of ourselves - an abundant source of power when
it can be properly accessed and understood - often manifests in dreams as
a lake or lagoon. The home of the darker, more occult side of femininity
and sensitivity - as seen in the Arthurian legends - gives rise to both the
sword as a weapon of protection and the more negative beautiful witch as
Morgan le Fey. The lagoon as part of a wider sea is also a potent symbol
of deep emotion.

Lamb - See Animals

A loss of confidence and strength suggests that part of our personality
is not functioning correctly. This will often manifest in dreams as
lameness. As we become more proficient in interpretation, lameness on
the left side will show difficulty with the softer sensitive feminine whilst
on the right it will suggest problems with the masculine assertive side of
the personality. In mythological terms, lameness is taken to represent the

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imperfections of the physical realms which are a necessary part of existence.

Any type of lance, being both a cutting and penetrative instrument, has
the same meaning in dreams as a knife. It suggests masculine power and
therefore sometimes the sexual act. Lancing a boil or cutting out bad flesh
creates a sense of releasing negative energy or contamination.

Hearing foreign or strange language suggests that there is something
within us which we do not yet understand. Just as a child must sort out
and learn to make sense of what it hears, so in dreams a fresh idea or
concept may not present itself with clarity initially, but as a series of
increasingly better understood words. Recognising in dreams that we
understand a strange language suggests that we have internalised such an
idea or concept. Various aspects of our personalities may present
themselves as speaking in foreign languages, and in waking life this may
give rise to the phenomenon of ‘ speaking in tongues’.

Large - See Size

Lark - See Birds

Late - Also see Time

Being aware of being late in a dream suggests that we are not totally in
control of the situations around us. Psychologically, such a dream is said
to represent the search for perfection and the feeling that we have, or may
be will, let someone down. If someone else is late in a dream, we may be
conscious that there is a lack of communication in some way.

Laughter in the spiritual sense signifies pure joy. If we ourselves are
laughing we may be experiencing a release of tension. Often the object of
our entertainment will give a clue to the bearing of the dream on everyday
life. Being laughed at in dreams suggests we may have a fear of being
ridiculed, or may have done something which we feel is not appropriate.

Lava - see Volcano

Lavatory - see Toilet


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Lead (Metal)
The conventional explanation of lead appearing in a dream is that we have
a situation around us which is a burden to us. It can indicate that the time
is ripe for transformation and transmutation. In spiritual symbolism lead
stands for bodily consciousness, and has connotations with the process of
alchemy, of the transformation of the base into the pure.

Lead and Leading

Leadership qualities are not necessarily ones that everybody will use.
Often we can surprise ourselves in dreams by doing things that we would
not normally do, and taking the lead is one of them. This suggests taking
control of a situation around us. Leading someone in a dream pre-
supposes that we know what we are doing and where we are going. Being
led indicates that we have allowed someone else to take control of a
situation around us. Dreaming of a dog lead would symbolise the
connection between ourselves and our lesser nature, and the necessity to
introduce some kind of controlling element into our lives.

A leaf very often represents a period of growth and fertility and can also
indicate time. It will depend on the look of the leaves as to how they are
interpreted. For instance bright green leaves can suggest hope and new
opportunities, or the Springtime. Dead leaves signify a period of sadness,
barrenness or Autumn (See Autumn in Seasons).

Leak - Also see Water

Dreaming of a leak suggests we are wasting or losing energy in some way,
and may indicate that we are being careless with our personal resources.
Someone may be draining us emotionally and we need to be more
responsible in our actions.

Depending on the circumstances in the dreamer’s life, leather is often
associated with protection of one’s physical body. It may also suggest
some kind of recognisable clothing creating a rebellious or different
image. Leather can also be connected with control such as in the use of
whips, bridles or harnesses. In today’s climate leather can also be
associated with ‘real’ goods rather than man-made.

Left - See Position


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Leg - See Body

Lens - Also see Glasses and Goggles

Using a lens in dreams suggests that more attention needs to be paid to
the details of our lives. Something needs to be closely examined. It may be
that detail needs to be enlarged, so that we can see things more
clearly.(See Magnifying glass)

Lemon - See Fruit

In spiritual terms, the concept of lending is connected with healing and
support. If in a dream we are lending an object to someone we are aware
that the characteristic that object represents can only be given away
temporarily. If someone is lending us an article then we are perhaps not
responsible enough to possess what it represents on a full-time basis.
Conversely, we may only need it for a short time. If we are being lent
money we need to look at the way we are managing our resources, but
also at what guidance or support we need to do this. If we are lending
money, we are creating an obligation within our lives.

Leopard - See Animals

Spiritually, a leper in a dream can suggest that we are having to deal with
a moral dilemma which takes us away from compassion and caring. We
may feel that our lives have been contaminated, or that we have been
rejected by the society in which we live, or that conversely we are having
to accept or reject some kind of impurity in others. It will depend on the
rest of the dream which interpretation is correct.

Letter - Also See Address

At its simplest, a letter suggests communication of some sort. An official
letter may represent information we need or have, a bill may indicate that
some action we propose to take has a cost, while a love letter may mean
that we are aware of how much we are cared about by others. If we are
sending a letter we need to be clear about our own way of

Dreaming of a level road or surface would indicate our way ahead is fairly

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straightforward, suggesting ease and comfort. A level crossing suggests
that we are approaching a barrier, or hindrance, to our progress which
requires attention. We may not, at this stage, have enough information to
take avoiding action.

Library - Also see House

A library in a dream can often represent the sum total of our life’s
experience. It suggests both the wisdom and skills that we ourselves have
accumulated, and the collected wisdom available to all humanity. It can
also represent our intellectual capacity and the way we handle knowledge.
Additionally, in those who have, or are developing, clairvoyance it is often
taken as the Akashic records - the spiritual records of existence.

Lice - See Insects

Any kind of light in a dream usually means illumination. It is much to do
with confidence. In dreams it is often the quality of the light which is
important. For instance, a bright light suggests intuition while a dim light
might suggest the potential for sickness. To feel lighter signifies feeling
better about ourselves. The lamp in dreams often signifies guidance, and
wisdom, particularly from a divine source. An old-fashioned lamp will
represent ancient wisdom, often of a personal kind rather than universal.
A candle is often used in meditational practices, and therefore in
dreaming becomes an archetypal symbol of the soul.

Spiritually a lighthouse highlights the correct course of action to help us
achieve our spiritual goals. It can act as a shaft of light which can lead us
into calmer waters. A lighthouse is a warning system, and in dreams it
tends to warn us of emotional difficulties.

Lightning in a dream reveals unexpected changes, often occurring through
some type of sudden realisation of a personal truth, or of a more universal
awareness. It can also indicate a revelation which knocks away the
structures we have built in as safeguards in our lives. There is often a
discharge of tension or passion, which may initially seem destructive, but
ultimately clears away the debris of outmoded ideas and principles. Lightning
can also in the more spiritual sense suggest a visitation by the Holy Spirit.

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Spiritually lilies are a symbol of resurrection and of everlasting life.
Because of their association with funerals for many, lilies can signify
death. They can, however, also symbolise purity (and hence virginity),
nobility, grace, and other aspects of femininity.

Spiritually in dreams a line can have great importance. The straight line
can represent time and the capacity to go both forward and back. In more
mundane terms a line marks a boundary or the division between two
spaces. A straight line will suggest a degree of rigidity, while a curved line
perhaps a more easy-going approach. A line can also demonstrate some
kind of connection between two dream objects.

Linen in dreams on a purely practical level can suggest an appreciation of
fine things. Spiritually, fine linen signifies purity and righteousness. It was
the cloth used to wrap Christ within the tomb, and therefore suggests
reverence and love. This symbolism would be carried through in a dream
of a family celebration in which, for instance, linen tablecloths figured.
Formerly, a woman’s dowry consisted of the finest cloth and clothes that
she could afford and fine linen was therefore a sign of status.

Using liniment in a dream suggests the need for healing or perhaps for
nurturing and caring. The method of application may also be important.

Liquid - Also see Flow

One of the symbols of liquid is to do with liquidity - that is, having
resources or equity which can be realised. This can be on either a physical
or emotional level. Liquid in dreams can have more than one meaning.
Water has its own meaning, but other liquids will lend themselves to
different interpretation. Orange juice, for instance, might suggest looking
at matters of health. Because liquid is always connected with ‘flow’ the
idea of allowing feelings to flow properly is one which needs to be
A strong symbol in spiritual development is golden liquid, which can
represent both power and energy

Liver - See Body


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Lizard - See Animals

Lock, locked - Also see Key and Prison

A lock appearing in a dream may highlight the need to free up whatever
we have shut away. To force a lock would indicate that we perhaps need
to work against our own inclinations to lock things away in order to be
free of inhibitions. We may also be trying to bring about a situation which
requires a good deal of force or energy to succeed. To recognise in a
dream that a part of our body has become locked suggests that we are
carrying extreme tension. It is possible that we need to release that tension
in a physical way in order to be healthy.

The loom in spiritual terms fate, time, and the weaving of destiny. A loom
symbolises creativity, whether more mechanical or craft-oriented, and
signifies the ability to create our lives according to a set pattern. One is
more likely to dream of such a creative tool if one is an artist or weaver.

Lorry - See Journey

The search for the lost object or the lost chord (in the sense of a missing
vibration) epitomises the search for enlightenment. To have lost
something in a dream may mean that we have forgotten, or are out of
touch with, matters which could be important. To have suffered some
kind of loss or deprivation may mean that part of ourselves or our lives is
now dead or defunct and we must learn to cope without it. This may be
an opportunity, a friend or a way of thought which has previously
sustained us. We may have lost the ability or the motivation to make clear
decisions and must remain in a state of confusion. Often this type of
dream is classified as an anxiety dream.

Nowadays the lottery has a great deal of significance in people’s lives. It
is a sort of legitimised gambling or taking of risks, and in dreams
epitomises the achievement of all that one could wish for. It also signifies
the principle of luck operating on one’s behalf. Rather than the effort we
are prepared to put in to gain some kind of profit, we instinctively
recognise the element of chance or happenstance in our lives. A lottery
ticket suggests the recording of our desires. Spiritually the lottery

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represents the ability to take chances, to rely on fate rather than good

Low - See Position

Luggage will often symbolise what we feel may be important or necessary
for our future progress. Sometimes having the same meaning as baggage,
those things we have picked up on life’s journey but must now decide
whether we still need to carry with us, luggage can also suggest a
temporary situation which we must continue to endure. Spiritually if we
are to travel ‘light’ we must often find a way of unburdening ourselves.
Luggage in a dream can help us to envisage this.

Lungs - See Body


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Machinery in dreams often focuses on the mechanical processes within
our bodies which enable us to survive. These functions are those
associated with the automatic nervous system which continue with the
minimum of maintenance. Machines can also suggest a mechanistic way
of looking at life, of creating a universe which meshes together but
without the back-up of a creative process. Perceiving a large machine
such as a tank in dreams can suggest an unstoppable force.

Madness in dreams is slightly different from madness in the waking state,
which can be seen as inexplicable behaviour. The former can suggest an
uncontrolled and uncontrollable part of ourselves which is not being
integrated into the present situation. This may be frightening, or may
suggest some kind of intense feeling - the other circumstances of the
dream will indicate the correct interpretation.

Maggots in dreams may reflect our own fears about death and illness, but
can also suggest impurities within the body or within a situation around
us. For most people maggots cause such a reaction of distaste that they
will tend to represent something that we cannot ‘handle’.

Magic in dreams speaks of our ability to link with our deepest powers.

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They can be the powers of sexuality or the powers of control, or of power
over our surroundings. We are all intrigued by mystery or the inexplicable,
and have the need to make things happen - a symbol to do with magic can
alert us to our own inner talents.

Magistrate - Also see Authority Figures under People

Magistrates and judges appear in dreams as representatives of authority
figures and therefore of the people we first knew in that capacity - our
parents. They also can suggest that part of ourselves which knows right
from wrong and allows us to act within the norms and laws of the society
in which we live.

The magnet has the ability to create a ‘field’ round itself, a field of
magnetic energy. This energy is similar to the energy field that
clairvoyants and psychics perceive around other people, and often a
magnet appearing in a dream alerts us to the intrinsic power that we have,
which seems to be inert until such times as it is activated by greater
knowledge We all have within us the ability to attract or repel others, and
often a magnet appearing in a dream will highlight that ability. Since of
itself the magnet is inert, it is the power it has that is important. We often
need to realise that the influence that we have over other people comes
not only from ourselves, but also from our interaction with them.

Magnifying glass - see Lens

When anything is magnified in a dream it is being brought to our
attention. To be using a magnifying glass indicates that we should be
paying attention to the details of our lives. We should be able to act in full
awareness of what we are doing - making what we are looking at
conscious. When the magnifying glass itself and not what we are looking
at is important, we are recognising our own abilities, our own power
within a situation.

Magpie - See Birds

Make-up - Also see Cosmetics

To be aware of make-up in dreams is to acknowledge that we have a
choice as to the sort of person we want to be. We can choose the image
we wish to project, and can create whatever facade we choose. Our use of

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make-up in dreams may depend on how we use it in everyday life. It can
be used to create beauty or to cover up imperfections.

Mansion - See House

The Mantis, as with most insects, can often show the trickster part of us
that can create problems when things are effectively working out for us.
We may be the trickster or perhaps we are the one being tricked. This is
usually on an emotional level and, by and large, if the dreamers are
completely honest they will know the genuine meaning of the dream .

Some of the experiences which we have to go through can be distressing
or difficult. If we cannot understand what is going on and do not utilise it
as part of the development we all go through, those experiences remain
with us and cause difficulty later on. These bad experiences may appear as
manure within a dream ready to be dealt with by natural processes.

A map in dreams can represent the help we need in our quest to find the
way forward. It often indicates the clarification of the direction we should
be taking in life. It is worth remembering that we need to read the map
ourselves, and therefore we are our own guides. Not being able to read a
map might therefore indicate confusion, while knowing we needed a map
but not having one might suggest a lack of information.

Marble can represent spiritual firmness, permanence and stability. Its
particular quality of long-lasting beauty is a symbol of those things which
are meant to endure. It can also suggest rigidity and inflexibility

Mare - See Horse under Animals

Marigold - See Flowers

A market complete with stalls tends to be somewhat impermanent or
temporary and can be interpreted in dreams as such. It can also suggest
that we need to become more commercial in the work that we are doing,

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or perhaps to be more creatively influenced, rather than doing something
purely and simply because it is commercial. A marketplace can be viewed
as a place of spiritual exchange. The stock market or a scene associated
with it suggests that we probably need to pay attention to the way we
handle our resources, financial or otherwise.

To dream of a wedding or marriage can often give an indication as to how
the dreamer feels about relationships. For instance, a teenager may dream
of marrying her father, as she learns how to handle relationships with
other people. On a subliminal level the human being is always looking for
someone to complement him or herself, to supply qualities which he or
she feels are not present within themselves, so to dream of a wedding can
give an indication of the potential for growth by uniting two particular
parts of the dreamer which need to come together in order to create a
better whole.

Marsh - Also see Swamp

Dreaming of marshy ground very often represents difficulty on an
emotional level. It may be hard to feel secure and properly grounded in
the middle of these problems. It may be that we lack either the self-
confidence or emotional support that we need to move forward. Literally
there is some way in which we are feeling ‘bogged down’.

Dreaming of being a martyr suggests that there is the potential for the
dreamer to turn him or her self into some kind of sacrificial victim,
perhaps doing things out of a sense of duty rather than love. Not feeling
that one can refuse to fulfil what others expect of us - or rather what we
think they expect - can lead to the type of behaviour that may be seen, for
instance, in the over-possessive mother who expects her children for
lunch, but then grumbles because she spends all morning cooking.
Additionally, dreaming of religious martyrs can suggest behaviour we
admire or some kind of fanatical act in order to prove a point.

Dreaming of a mask often makes us aware of either our own or other
people’s facade - the public face. Most people are capable of concealing

their true selves from other people and when it is no longer appropriate
behaviour this conduct can appear in dreams as a mask. This mask can be

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perceived as either a positive or negative more frightening mask. In
primitive cultures to wear a mask such as that of an animal gave the
wearer the powers of that animal.

Masturbation - See Sex

Masochism - See Sex

Mattress - Also see Bed under Furniture

Similar to a bed, the mattress can suggest one’s private space. To dream
of a mattress indicates the feeling we have about a situation we have
created in our lives, whether it is comfortable or not. Interestingly,
dreaming of a mattress may also suggest the temporary nature of a
relationship we have.

The maypole in a spiritual sense is a representation of the phallic, of
masculine spirituality and of life-giving energy. It is the central axis of the
world that we create for ourselves; thus to dream of a maypole may have
sexual connotations, but also may indicate the way in which we handle
our own lives.

Maze - Also see Labyrinth

A maze often represents a confusion of ideas and feelings.
Psychologically, the maze in a dream may suggest the variety of opinions
and authoritative beliefs that we come up against in our ordinary,
everyday world, and which may represent blocks to progress. There are
conflicting drives and assumptions and we often discover that in
attempting to find our way through the maze we have learnt something
about our own courage, our own ability to meet problems. Often there is
the apparently irrational fear and doubt that arises from not being able to
find our way in and out of the maze. This can allow us to release feelings
of self-doubt and fear through dreams.

Since meandering is a kind of aimless wandering, often without a
particular purpose in mind, experiencing such a thing in dream can
suggest variously a lack of purpose, or a freedom of movement not
normally available to us. The emotions associated with the action will give
some inkling of the correct interpretation. Often we need to go with the flow.

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Human beings appreciate feeling good about themselves. A medal being
awarded in a dream acknowledges our abilities and/or successes - not just
in the immediate moment - but gives a tangible reminder of what we have

Sometimes an incident in waking life can be unpleasant at the time, but
ultimately results in some kind of healing, and is finally good for us. In
dreams medicine can stand as such a symbol. Medicine also may suggest
a health problem, or a circumstance which can be changed from the
negative to the positive.

Interpreting the act of meditation will depend on whether the dreamer
meditates in real life. In someone who does, it will suggest a discipline that
is helpful to the dreamer, putting him or herself in touch with intuition
and spiritual matters. In someone who does not, it may indicate the need
to be more introverted in order to understand the necessity to be
responsible for oneself.

Mediumistic aspects in a dream can represent the dreamer’s wish to be in
contact with those who have passed over, whether literally, or figuratively,
in the sense of not being available to us. It may be that we need to have
some sort of deeper contact with our own unconscious, or with the dead.
Interestingly, there may be a play on words, and the middle way is called

A memorial is a tangible representation of homage and esteem, and in
dreams may represent a memory which needs to be treated with respect.
Such a memory deserves its proper place, before we can move on.

Menstruation - Also see Blood under Body

All that is mysterious in women can be symbolised by menstruation. It is
only in a patriarchal society that such a natural process is seen as unclean.
Thus to dream of menstruation may be linking with the creative side of
ourselves which can conceive new ideas and can create new and more
wonderful ‘children’ out of simple material. Dreams of menstruation tend

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to occur as a woman goes through the various rites of passage associated
with her life, such as puberty or the menopause, and can therefore
sometimes stand as a symbol for opportunities lost.

Mermaid, Merman
Traditionally, the mermaid or merman belongs to the sea as well as being
able to exist on land. This symbolically represents an ability to be deeply
emotional and also entirely practical and to need to spend some time in
the dark recesses of the emotional self in order to exist within the natural
world. A merman or mermaid appearing in a dream is usually a call to
integrate the material and emotional sides of ourselves, in order to
function more effectively. Until these two separate parts are properly
integrated, the human being cannot fully exist in either realm.

Any metal appearing in dreams represents the restrictions and
constraints of the real world. Most metals have symbolic meanings, often
connected with the planets and their qualities. Sun is represented by gold
(masculine), the Moon by silver (feminine), Mercury by quicksilver
(communication), Venus by copper (love), Mars by iron (drive or
determination), Jupiter by tin (expansiveness), Saturn by lead

A microscope appearing in a dream very often indicates that we need to
pay attention to detail, or to be aware that some aspect of ourselves needs
to be expanded in some way. Also we may need to be somewhat
introspective and more objective in order to achieve a personal goal.

Milk - See Food

The two stones in an old-fashioned mill are said to signify will and
intellect, the tools we use in self-transformation We are able to extract
from our experiences in life what is useful to us and can convert it into
nourishment. Symbolically a millstone in dreams may also represent a
heavy burden that we carry (as in ‘a millstone round my neck’.)

Dreaming of a mine signifies bringing the resources of the unconscious

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into the light of day. This is one of those symbols which can actually be a
word play. The things in the dream are ‘mine.’ The dreamer is able to use
the potential available.

The mirror suggests self-realisation backed up by wisdom. Dreaming of a
mirror suggests concern over one’s self-image. We are worried as to what
others think of us, and need self-examination or reflection in order to
function correctly. There may be some anxiety over ageing or health. By
association it may be that our behaviour needs adjusting. Magically
mirrors can be used to reflect back onto someone their past misdeeds or
difficulties, and as one becomes more aware of personal magic, a mirror
in a dream can assume this significance.

Dreaming of a miscarriage suggests that we are conscious of the fact that
something is out of order or has been brought to an end too quickly. In a
woman’s dream it will depend on whether she has actually suffered a
miscarriage, since nowadays she may well not have given herself time to
grieve for the loss of her child.
Dreaming of a miscarriage can also suggest the loss of work, a project or
even a part of ourselves, and we need time to acclimatise.

Mist is a symbol of loss and confusion - particularly emotionally -or a state
of transition or initiation in the move from one type of awareness to
another. Symbolically mist can also signify the passage of time.

A moat in dreams can be an emotional barrier or defence. It is a
representation of our defences against intimacy. In dreams we often gain
an insight into how we build or dig those enclosures. We can also decide
what steps we need to take to remove them. Often it is the water in the
moat which gives us an awareness of our emotional state.

Mole - See Animals

Money in dreams represents our own personal resources - whether
material or spiritual - and our potential for success. In some

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circumstances a dream of money can be linked with our view of our own
power and our sexuality. It does not necessarily represent hard currency,
but more the way in which we value ourselves and our own resources.
This symbol appearing in dreams would suggest that we need to assess
that value more carefully, and maybe to be aware of what is the ‘cost’ of
our actions and desires. This is one of those symbols which can only be
interpreted in the context of the dreamer’s life.

Monk - See People

Monkey - See Animals

A monster in dreams usually stands for our negative relationship with
ourselves and fear of our own emotions and drives. Something which we
have allowed to grow out of all proportion comes back to haunt us and to
highlight the frightened child within. Often by choosing to work with the
dream image we can overcome the actual fear itself.

Moon - Also see Planets

The Great Mother, in her guise as the darker, unknown side of Self, is
symbolised by the moon, and therefore represents the unapproachable.
The moon has even in pagan times represented the emotional and
feminine self. To dream of the moon, therefore, is to be in touch with that
side of ourselves which is dark and mysterious. It is the intuition, the
psychic, love and romance. Often in dreams the moon can also represent
one’s own mother or the relationship with her.

Morning - See Environment

Death and dying even in today’s more enlightened times holds much
fear for many people. When a mortuary appears in a dream, we are
usually having to consider our fears and feelings about death. In fact, this
may not only be in relation to physical death, but may suggest that a part
of ourselves has died or ceased to be vibrant. The mortuary may stand
for a transition state between two ways of existing, a sort of halfway

Moses - See Religious Imagery


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Just as the butterfly symbolises the emerging soul, so the moth stands for
the Self, but perhaps in its darker sense. It represents the hidden transient
side of our personality, the night time self and therefore sometimes the
dreaming self.

Mother - See Family and Archetypes under People

Motorbike - See Journey

Mound - Also see Hill

The Earth Mother or the entrance to the Underworld is symbolised by
the mound, and connects back to our very early childhood needs and the
comfort that mother’s breast brought. Man’s need for comfort and
sustenance continues throughout his life. At the same time, he needs to
come to terms with his dependence on the feminine, nurturing aspects of
the personality. Dreaming of mounds as opposed to mountains helps him
to understand this.

The symbol of the mountain, as an archetypal representation of
difficulties to be overcome, offers many alternatives and choices. In
dream sequences it most often appears in order to symbolise an obstacle
which needs to be overcome. We are able to challenge our own
inadequacies and to free ourselves from fear. To reach the top is to
achieve one’s goal. Because the symbol of a mountain is common to
meditation and dream-work, it is often possible to work through with this
image what our course of action needs to be.

Mourning - Also see Funeral and Weeping

Psychologically, we need a period of adjustment when we have lost
something, so the process of mourning is an important one in all sorts of
ways. We not only mourn death but also the end of a relationship or a
particular part of our lives. Since sometimes mourning or grieving is seen
as inappropriate in waking life, it will often appear in dreams as a form of
relief or release. Through dreams we may find that we can help ourselves
to create a new beginning through our mourning for the old. Often some
kind of a ritual is needed to mark the ending of an old phase and the
beginning of a new.

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Mouse - See Animals

Mouth - See Body

The way we move in dreams can indicate a great amount about our
acceptance of ourselves. For instance, to be moving quickly might suggest
a smooth acceptance of the necessity for change, whereas being moved
would signify being moved by outside circumstances or at the wish of
other people. Being conscious of movement in dreams highlights certain
options of action which are available to us. Moving forward suggests an
acceptance of one’s abilities, while moving backwards signifies
withdrawal from a situation. Moving sideways would suggest a deliberate
act of avoidance.

Spiritually mud represents the very basic primordial material from which
we are all formed, and the need to go ‘back to basics’. Mud in a dream
suggests that we are bogged down, perhaps by not having separated the
practical from the emotional (earth and water). Mud can also represent
past experiences or our perception of them, which has the ability to hold
us back.

Mummy - Egyptian
The Egyptian mummy symbolises death, but also preservation after death
and therefore the afterlife and new beginnings. However, we may be
trapped by old concepts and belief systems, from which we need to be set
free. The most obvious connection between Mummy and mother is a
play on words. In many ways, for full psychological health, our mother
must ‘die’ to us, or rather, we must change our relationship with her, in
order for us to survive. The Egyptian mummy in dreams can also
symbolise our feelings about someone who has died.

To be angry enough to wish to kill suggests that we are still holding some
kind of childhood anger, since it is quite natural for a child to wish
somebody dead. If we are trying to murder somebody else in a dream, we
first need to understand what that person represents to us before
recognising the violence of our own feelings.
We may be denying, or trying to control, a part of our own nature that we

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do not trust. We may also have feelings about other people which can
only be safely expressed in dreams. If we ourselves are being murdered a
part of our lives is completely out of balance and we are being destroyed
by external circumstances.

A museum in dreams can represent the sub-conscious, that part of
ourselves which we only approach in an effort to understand who we are
and where we came from. It can also signify the past, or old-fashioned
thoughts, concepts and ideas. Those things which are most interesting are
worth preserving.

Music/Rhythm/Musical Instruments - Also see Orchestra

Sacred sound has always been used in acts of worship, often to induce an
altered state of consciousness, and music and rhythm are both an
expression of our inner selves and of our connection with life. Music in
dreams can equally represent a sensuous and sensual experience.
Musical instruments can symbolise the way we communicate with others.
For instance, wind instruments tend to suggest the intellect. Percussion
instruments suggest the basic rhythm of life.

Mystic Knot
Spiritually the mystic knot suggests Infinity, since it has no beginning and
no end. In dreams in terms of self-development, it suggests a problem
which cannot be solved by conventional means.

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Almost immediately the notion of bonding comes to mind - bonding and
thus ‘holding together’ - and therefore it is not difficult to correlate that
with relationships particularly sexual. The same can be applied if
dreaming of a finger or toe nail along with the idea of ‘holding on’ within
a relationship. A nail related to The Cross also signifies sacrifice and pain,
which of course are both part and parcel of relationships.

Nakedness - See Nude

Hearing our own name in a dream is quite rare. We should be alerted to
our own self-sense, to our own nature as well as our desire to belong.
Conversely, hearing another person’s name may lead us to look at what
qualities they have in order to find a new aspect to ourselves: an aspect
that will, hopefully, lead us to a more Essential Self, and to a more
contented state of being.

A sense of narrowness in a dream often suggests that a restriction or a
limitation, possibly regarding communication, may be being placed on us.
However, we need to differentiate between a negative and positive
restriction; it may be that we should not be moved from our current path
of finding.

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Almost certainly a dream of nausea indicates something needs to be
expelled from the system, either physically or emotionally. If emotional,
find out who or what it is that is making us nauseous and give them short
shrift. Physically, it could well be an alert to something pending.

Necklace - Also see Jewels

A woman who dreams of a man giving her a necklace should beware, as
it is thought to be a pre-cursor to a marriage proposal. However, if her
feelings about the dream border on anticipation it is worth noting that this
is a very old interpretation open to a degree of scepticism. More seriously,
a necklace can represent a deep abundance of feeling or emotion because
of its often special meaning to its owner.

Dreaming of a needle can signify a healing power, through penetration.
However, we must be alert to the aspect of ‘needle dependency’ so to
speak, particularly if the needle is being used on us rather than by us. All
in all, though, to dream of a needle indicates that we need to apply some
sort of insight into our own being that is ‘penetrative’ and healing.

We should look at our emotional state with regard to our home life and
our dependency on that - or maybe non-dependency. A nest symbolises
the safety of home life, so it is not surprising that women often dream of
this prior to giving birth.

Dreaming of a net is often linked to the feeling of being trapped, or more
broadly, claustrophobia. It is up to the dreamers to figure out which parts
of their lives are being stifled - that is, where they cannot ‘move’ one way
or another. Alternatively, being ‘under a net’ could be a good thing, giving
a feeling of security, maybe within a relationship.

In real life nettles are something to be avoided, so in a dream, when
nettles appear, we are being warned that a prickly situation could be about
to befall us and we should do our utmost to steer clear. Nettles can
symbolise ‘wildness’. We should look at that with regard to ourselves and
what constitutes wild behaviour for us through to the point of losing

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control. We must decide if a degree of healing can or cannot take place

through this, since nettles are also a symbol of healing.

When, during a dream, a sense of ‘newness’ is felt, it usually represents
new beginnings, new ways of progressing, or possibly even new
relationships. It is also a time to look at how we can learn anew, or maybe
even re-learn old rules and evaluate from there.

New Year
To dream of the New Year, as with dreaming of something new, is to
recognise the potential for a fresh start. The New Year is a time when
plans are laid and we feel full of hope and excitement. It may be that
we have moved out of a darker time, and are now ready to face the

A newspaper, in the real world, tells us what’s going on around the place
- with varying degrees of style and accuracy. Hence, in dreams, different
newspapers mean different symbolism. A tabloid paper will suggest low-
level information. A broad-sheet will invariably mean better, ‘quality’
advice. A Sunday paper often points to knowledge gained in and through
rest, and a local rag symbolises that the news we need is just around the

When we have found our niche, in everyday life, we feel protected and
safe; therefore, in dreams we are being alerted to this and it may be that
we just need to recognise where we are in life or what outside influences
can help us get to where we want to be.

Night is usually the time we can gather strength and relieve ourselves of
the day’s torment.The antithesis is one of fear and restlessness. We must
rid ourselves of the latter symbolism in order to use the night as a
forerunner to a ‘new day’ and a fresh approach. It must also be said that
night can symbolise death, so we must look closely at the dream to
determine whether this is so, and if it is what we can do about it. It does
not have to be negative: it could be, for example, the death of a situation
or relationship that will ultimately move us on.

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‘No’ has a number of interpretations in the dream world, though all are
more or less similar. To be saying no, that is to be resisting, is a sign that
we can now make decisions without the consequence of guilt. In a
relationship, it is now possible to face rejection positively and without
trepidation - with the added bonus of knowing that it is right for us to do

Noose - Also see Hanging and Rope

Apart from the obvious link to death, the symbolism of a noose centres
around being or feeling trapped. We need to find out if we are in danger
of trapping ourselves or if we are being manipulated by others into a
potentially ‘tight’ situation. If the latter is the case, we must assert and
express ourselves, as it could also be an attempt to curb self-expression.

Nourishment/Nurturing - Also see Food

We must look at what we need - both physically and emotionally - as the
symbolism of nourishment pertains to basic needs and wants. It is also
linked to our relationship with the mother figure and following through
from that the feminine side of our nature/nurture.

Novel - Also see Book and Reading

If, in a dream, we are conscious of reading a novel, we must try and
establish its theme, as this will have a bearing on the symbolism. For
example, if the novel is an adventure story this might suggest the need to
take a risk, to ‘go where angels fear to tread’ as it were. It follows then that
we may need new stimulation to help move us forward.

Nuclear Explosion - Also see Bomb

If we have been anxious or even afraid of the future, or of change, then it
is common to dream of an explosion. We may fear that things are going
to change too quickly when we would prefer a more measured route.
However, change is imminent, and we must be ready to handle it lest
another element of symbolism come into play - that of destructive

Dreaming of being naked has various connotations but most revolve
around self-image or self-expression and the need to be seen for what we
are, not what is projected. Nudity is also linked with innocence and with

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that the desire to be open and honest. This could tie in with the need for
a new start; in effect - and bearing in mind we are born naked - a rebirth.

A nugget is the best part of a larger, usually less bright situation. So it may
be that we have to find some piece of information or understanding in
order to be inspired. It can also signify that there is something that we
must find within ourselves - something that can, for example, give us

When numbers are brought into focus in dreams they can have a personal
and/or a symbolic significance. Often a number will turn up which has
personal meaning, such as a relevant date, or the number of a house we
may have lived in. Our minds will retain the significance of the number,
even though we do not always consciously remember it ourselves. It is
also worth noting that numbers are infinite and that mathematics is the
link between man and science.

If the nut in question is of the metal variety, then this indicates a
construction or reconstruction of our life in such a way that it will hold
together more securely.
A nut - the edible kind - is seen as being a way of taking in wisdom, in
other words, nourishment to the brain; this in turn can also feed, and thus
enhance, any psychic power we may have.

It is excellent indeed for a man to dream of nymphs, as they represent
beauty, youthfulness, innocence and purity. For both men and women
who dream of nymphs, it would be necessary to look at those aspects
along with their own sense of femininity. We must figure out what areas
we may need to progress in or highlight about ourselves.

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Oak - See Tree

An oar can be seen as a way of guiding us to our goal - but we must be
aware that it takes skill and judgement. In other words, we are in control
of our own destiny.

All around the world an oasis is viewed as a place of sanctuary, where we
may live forever in peace and contentment whilst receiving emotional
invigoration. Our worries and anxieties should cast no shadow, until they
eventually fade away into a distant blur. We then feel fully refreshed and
can come together, step out, and roll with whatever life throws at us.

Oats are a crucial source of nourishment - simple and effective - and
because of this oats have come to represent homeliness, warmth,
comfort, and strength. The alternative symbolism surrounds sexuality -
sowing our wild oats: it might be that we need to decide whether to
branch out of a relationship or not, depending on our feelings at the time.

There are two sides to the concept of obedience. If we are aware of being
obedient then we are acknowledging a higher authority, possibly even a
‘higher power’; if we expect or demand obedience from others, then we

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are allowing ourselves to be powerful, though hopefully not in a despotic
way. If this is the case we should look closely at our actions.

A carved stone appearing in a dream signifies we are now looking at how
we have shaped our own fundamental nature. The more basic it is, the
more space we have for improvement; the more elaborate it is, then the
more successful we are at using our creative energies and instincts.

Obligation in a dream relates to our sense of duty, usually to another
person. It may well transpire that we have to carry out a task that we do
not particularly want to, or have been putting off, but as the old saying
goes, ‘duty calls’.

We are more able to deal with whatever obscene inclinations we may have
via the dream state than in waking life. If in dreams we are seen to be
involved in an obscene exploit, then we should be aware of how this is
being kept in check; if it is being performed against us, then maybe we are
being deceived or victimised.

In waking life obsession is often dangerous, but if it comes up in dreams
it may be an indication that there are anxieties that simply need working
through. Obsession can also translate into repetition of actions, and it is
likely that we are being encouraged, by the unconscious mind, to fully
appreciate and understand a real situation.

In dreams, as in wakefulness, obstacles, whether the physical or
emotional kind, have to be scaled, yet that is generally easier said than
done. However, how we overcome obstacles in a dream is often a pointer
to how we can handle such things as self-doubt and indecision in real life.

The literal meaning of occult relates to things being ‘hidden from view’. So for
someone to dream of the occult, when they have no inkling of the subject,
often suggests the need to address their hidden fears. Yet it may also be
pushing towards revealing a wisdom that has remained hidden in us for too long.

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Ocean - See Water

An octopus can move around freely and in any direction at any given
time, so the symbolism here appears straightforward. We need to be
aware that we can have the same unrestricted movement in all senses - if
we want it. More esoterically, the octopus picks up on the symbolism of
the mandala, and the Bhuddhist eightfold way of life.

Odour - Also see Perfume and Smell

Suffice to say that if we sense a pleasant odour in a dream it indicates good
things; if it is bad, then this an omen of bad things to come. It can also be
an odour that takes us back to another time or place, and if so we need to
determine what that situation means to us both then and now.

If in a dream we offend someone, then we need to be more aware of
people’s feelings. If we take offence, then we are tapping into our
emotional sensitivity and its place in our everyday life. In another sense,
if we are committing an offence, then we have to look at our behaviour -
particularly the moral aspect.

An office or work situation sometimes, in dreams, represents a place
where we are comfortable (in a formal way). We would look at our
feelings regarding work and authority and assess if this is so, and if not,
what to do about it. An office scene can also point to our feelings about
responsibility and the need to have or relinquish it.

Officer, Official - Also see Authority Figures under People

Here we have to look at the part of ourselves that directs our life and puts
it into ‘order’and to establish if a good job is being done. It may be our
desire to fit into an organised group that causes us to dream of an officer
- or an official figure - or the need to be guided, or in some cases told what
to do.

Ogre - See Archetypes

The specific type of oil determines what symbolism is to be applied. For

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example, cooking oil indicates a removal of dissension, whereas massage
oil indicates an easing away of tension by love and care. Engine oil, on the
other hand, highlights just that, our ability to keep our own engines in
good working order.

Ointment relates directly to the caring and healing process, that is, our
ability to heal or need to be healed in some form or other. Also the
preservation of our system and prevention of disease can be significant in
the dream world.

Old, Ancient, Antique

In a dream, when we have a sense of things being old, it is an indication
that we need to bring some past knowledge to the fore, or maybe some
old wisdom or advice needs to be re-assessed. If the ‘oldness’ takes the
form of a man, then this could be a sign that we should take a look at our
feelings surrounding time, and more specifically, death.

Onion - Also see Food

The onion is understood to be a symbol of wholeness - albeit a complex
multi-layered one - as our own personalities are. So if we dream of an onion
it means we need to look at, and, in a manner of speaking, ‘into’ ourselves.

Opal - See Crystals

Operatic symbolism centres around the dramatic. If we dream we are at
the opera, then this indicates that we are looking at the ‘dramas’ around
us; to be actually taking part in an opera indicates that we need more
drama in our lives or we may need to express ourselves more dramatically.

Operation - Also see Hospital

To dream of an operation, particularly if it is being performed on us, is to
allow ourselves to come to terms with our fear of illness and pain. It is, as
well, the recognition that we need to get better, and that our need for that
is greater than our fear. We may need to have something which is wrong
for us cut out of our lives.

Most people want to know what is going to happen to them in the future;

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they like also to be told what to do next - to an extent. So dreaming of an
oracle links us with that perceptive part of ourselves, the part that knows
what our next move is. More spiritually, the oracle represents Hidden

Orange - See Colour and Fruit

An orchard signifies our ability to look after our interests. If the orchard
is showing flowers, then we have what is required to be a success. If it is a
fruit orchard, then we are being reassured that the work we are doing will
come to fruition. Another branch of orchard symbolism is fertility;
indeed, any collection of trees can signify fertility, but an orchard suggests
a more orderly way of going about things.

Orchestra - Also see Music, Musical Instruments and Organ

For us to function correctly we must work in harmony with others.
Dreaming of an orchestra is a pointer to how we can bring elements
together to achieve a wholeness. We will need to orchestrate the moves,
to take some degree of control, to ‘conduct’, which means listening and
understanding as well as being listened to and understood.

Ore is a crude material which requires working with, so a dream of this
kind is alerting us that our opinions and ideas, though resourceful, can be
somewhat crudely put and need refining. It may also be suggesting that
we do not fully comprehend our own thoughts and we need to evaluate
before speaking.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the various organs of the body depict
different qualities. For example, the gall bladder handles our ability to
make decisions, while the liver is the foundation of irritability. In dreams,
therefore, being aware of a bodily organ would require us to be alert to
what is bothering us and dealing with it in an appropriate way.
An organ in the sense of a musical instrument suggests grand sound and
therefore one of high vibration.

To dream of being involved in an orgy, aside from the physical effect it

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may have on us, relates to excess energy, and particularly the release of
sexual energy. It can also make us aware of our need to relate and inter-
relate with others, perhaps with one eye on our own sense of, or even fear
of, non self-control.

In rare moments to ourselves, to get away from the rigours and demands
of our everyday lives we may day-dream about lying on a beach in a far-
off land, sipping a cool drink whilst being massaged by an exotic man or
woman. So, to dream in sleep of such a situation is to set free the
emotions that are often suppressed because of our hectic schedule.

Ornaments, whether religious or secular, become part of our personal
space, though the original intent was to enhance that space. In dreams it
is this symbolism which is important. It may be, for instance, within a
relationship that we feel under-valued and somewhat taken for granted,
like an ornament. If so, we should act quickly to rectify the situation. On
the other hand, it may be that we have something of meaning and worth
that we wish to elevate to a better position. This of itself signifies that we
need to use our own time and space more constructively in order to bring
greater success.

We all at some point in our lives feel deserted, unloved and vulnerable. It
is not uncommon at this time to dream of an orphan. However, if we
sense that we have been orphaned, then this might indicate that we need
to stand on our own two feet and be more responsible. In another sense
if we are taking care of an orphan, then it could be that we are trying to
heal that part of us that feels un-cared for.

Ostrich - See Birds

Otter - See Animals

Ouija Board
A Ouija board - an unrefined device used to contact the ‘other side’ -
allows us to tap into the unknown which can sometimes become the
dangerous unknown. So to dream of one suggests we need to explore the
things we don’t understand, to take risks and to confront our fears.

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The ouroboros represents The Whole. Illustrated mostly as a serpent that
is eating its own tail, it symbolises infinite energy and power. It will usually
appear in dreams when the dreamer is ready to deal with, and
comprehend, total spiritual self-sufficiency.

To dream of being an outlaw suggests we are aware of that part of us that
feels it is beyond the laws of other men, both legally and morally. It has to
do with that element (that most of us have) which aspires to be rebellious
and anarchic. We must, however, endeavour to keep things in

Oval - See Shapes

When dreaming of an oven we are being made aware that we can
transform some of our less developed traits into something more
accessible and cultured. The old ‘bun in the oven’ saying does actually
have some weight, as an oven can represent the womb as well as birth and

Owl - See Birds

Ox - See Animals

Although there is no scientific evidence that the oyster encourages sexual
desire, we should not dismiss the connected symbolism - all things sexual
- that relates to it through dreams. The oyster also symbolises spiritual
change. We can focus and build on negative qualities in our lives without
trying to erase them completely.

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Packing - Also see Wadding
When we dream of packing suitcases, as though going on a journey, we
are highlighting the need to prepare carefully for the next stage of our
lives. There is a need, or want, to get away from old ideas and difficulties.
It also suggests we need to get some sort of order in our lives.

Dreaming of locking a padlock would mean that we are attempting to
shut something - maybe an emotion - away. This links with another piece
of symbolism, that is the need to defend ourselves from fear or
possessiveness. Alternatively, if we are opening a padlock we may be
trying to open up to new experiences.

Pagoda - See Temple under Buildings

Because painting has a lot to do with creative talent and self-expression,
the way that we are painting in a dream may be important. If, for example,
we are painting on a small canvas we may need to concentrate on detail.
If we are painting large pictures we may need to adopt a wider
perspective. Colour in a painting also has a bearing on interpretation.

The unconscious mind has a knack of sorting information by comparing
and contrasting. So when we are aware of conflict within ourselves, we

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may dream in pairs. Note also that in dream interpretation looking at the
opposite meaning to the obvious can give us greater insight into our
mental processes.

Palace - See Buildings

To see a palm tree in a dream is most often to do with chilling out - maybe
it’s time to take a holiday. The palm of the hand is significant as a symbol
of generosity and openness.

In dreams a pan signifies nurturing and caring. It can also suggest a
receptive frame of mind. Just as a cauldron can be taken to indicate the
transformative process, so a pan can suggest the ability to combine
several ‘ingredients’ to make something completely different.

A pantomime often appears in dreams as a reminder of a happier time -
usually childhood. In a dream a pantomime can be used to draw our
attention to something - that something would be seen as larger than

Paper is an image that, in dreams, is dependent on the circumstances in
the dreamer’s life. For example, in a student’s life paper would suggest the
need to pay attention to the studies. For a postman, there may be job
anxieties, whereas festive wrapping paper could indicate the need for
celebration. On a more universal level, paper can indicate a potential for
learning and creativity.

To dream of a parachute suggests that, whatever is happening to us in
waking life, we have the protection that will see us through. It may also
indicate that we are able to face our anxieties and still progress. A
parachute can also denote a freedom.

To dream of Paradise is to link with the dreamer’s inborn ability to be
perfect. We can experience total harmony within ourselves. From another

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standpoint, paradise is that part of ourselves that is enclosed within, and
does not need to be available to anyone else.

When paralysis is felt in a dream we are experiencing some kind of fear or
suppression. Feelings that are emotionally based are felt as paralysis; this
is to highlight the physical effect those feelings can have. The imagination
can play tricks on us, and when we experience as real some kind of reaction
we would not normally allow ourselves, it comes across as paralysis.

Lice, fleas or bugs in a dream suggest that we may be aware that someone
is attempting to live off us in some way. In another way, we may feel
unclean in some aspect of our lives, which makes us ashamed or
uncomfortable. We are aware that we cannot exist without support. We
realise that we are not satisfied with our own lives and why we may be
living vicariously.

Parcel, Package - Also see Address

If we receive a parcel, then we are being made aware of something we
have experienced but not really explored. If we are sending a parcel, then
we are releasing our energy. Both parcels and packages indicate potential
and skill.

If we dream of parliament, then we may need to make important
decisions. Parliament also symbolises our recognition of a higher

When we dream we are attending a party, we are alerted to our social skills
- or lack of them. In waking life we may be shy and dislike such gatherings,
but in dreams, if we are coping with the groups involved, we have a
greater awareness of our own belonging. On a more obvious level we may
need a celebration of some sort.

The passport in a dream links with our own identity and self-image. It
may also suggest, particularly if we have recently undertaken a new
project, that we are allowing ourselves a passport to a better life.

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A path signifies the direction we have to take. This is pretty much all-
encompassing as it may represent the path of relationships, career, etc.
We should try and identify if the path is smooth or rocky, winding or
straight, as this will have a bearing.

Pattern - See Shape

Dreaming of a pawn-shop can indicate that we are not being sufficiently
careful with the resources, whether material or emotional, that we
possess. Also, it may be alerting us to other people taking what is ours,
leaving us with nothing.

Pearl - See Jewels

When we become conscious in a dream that something has been placed
on a pedestal we have obviously attempted to make that thing special. We
have elevated it to a position of power and worship - we have to decide if
this is appropriate or not.

Pen/Pencil - Also see Ink

If a pen or pencil appears in a dream we are expressing or recognising the
need to communicate with other people. If the pen will not work we do not
understand information we have been given. If we cannot find one we do
not have enough information to proceed with an aspect of our lives. The
difference between a pen and a pencil is that a pen suggests permanence.

Pendant - See Necklace

Pentacle/Pentangle/Pentagram - See Shapes

From a herb point of view, we probably need to liven up a situation to
make it more interesting. In any case, pepper suggests that a radical
change could be on the cards.

Perfume - Also see Odour and Smell

It is likely that a certain perfume will remind us of a certain person or time

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- whether that is good or bad depends on the individual. Also, intuitive
information is often recognised because of a particular perfume.

When we experience fear in a dream, the physical manifestation - such as
rapid heartbeat and sweating - is often absent. It is only on awakening that
we realise that we have reacted physically. When we realise we are
perspiring in a dream, we are aware of our reactions to external stimuli.
We are alerted to the need to handle our own emotions and fears.

Pet - Also see Animals

A pet appearing in a dream means we are linking in with our natural desire
to give and receive love. We may need to ‘look after’ someone (or
something), possibly more vulnerable than us.

In dreams, petrol symbolises the energy we need to go places. Whether
we are giving or receiving petrol will depend on whether we are
reciprocating the energy.

Photographs conjure up past occasions and memories - not all good, of
If we dream of looking at photographs we are often looking at some
aspect of ourselves. To be given a photograph of oneself would indicate
that we need to be taking an objective view of stuff around us or perhaps
of ourselves within that situation - we need to stand back and look closely
at what is going on.

Physician - See Doctor

A piano appearing in a dream signifies our potential creativity - though we
will have to practise a great deal. It may be that we need to look at our
workaday situation in the light of making something happen in order to
use our best potential.

A picture in a dream is usually an illustration of something that is part of
our lives. It will depend on whether it is painted, or a print of another

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picture, as to the interpretation. The condition of the picture may be
important, as may also the colours in the picture. The subject matter may
give us suggestions as to what we should be ‘looking at’ in our lives.

Dreaming of a pier would suggest happy times and memories to most
people. We may have an association with a particular town or it may
simply be that a seaside pier signifies rest and relaxation. It may also
indicate the end of a journey.

When we undertake a pilgrimage in a dream we recognise the purposeful,
directed side of our personality. We have a goal in life, which may require
faith to achieve. A pilgrim can often represent that part of our personality
that is secure, and does not need external input; we have the ability to
direct our lives provided we create the correct circumstances.

One symbolism of a pillar relates to phallicism. Another, though, is
probably more accurate. We are able to create stability and support and
can stand firm in the presence of difficulty. In dreams, to find that we are
a pillar of the community suggests that we should be taking more
responsibility for our actions.

Pillows, both in life and in dreams, indicate comfort and support.
Sometimes, when we are going through a period of self-denial, we deny
ourselves any comfort symbolism and so our pillow may disappear. To
dream of a pillow fight indicates a mock conflict.

For most people the way they view themselves is important. To be overly
conscious of something like a pimple in a dream is to indicate some worry
as to how one comes across to others. A pimple can also represent some
kind of blemish in our characters which at some time or another will have
to be handled.

Here it depends whether the pin is holding something together or is being
used to pierce us or some object in our dreams. If it is holding something

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together it indicates the emotional bonds we have. If it is piercing an
object a trauma is suggested, although hopefully it will be quite small.
Sometimes in dreams we are reminded of a feeling we have in everyday
life. To experience pins and needles in our dream suggests that we are not
ensuring an adequate flow of energy in a situation around us.

Pine Cone
If the pine cone does not have a personal connection for the dreamer -
such as a childhood memory - it denotes good fortune. The shape of the
pine cone and the fact that it contains many seeds gives an obvious
connection to the phallus and masculinity.

On a practical level a pipe symbolises many things. A water pipe can give
information as to how we might handle our emotions. A tobacco pipe or
chillum might suggest a means of escape, whereas a musical pipe indicates
our connection with the rhythm of life.

Pistol - See Gun and Weapons

Piston - Also see Engine in Journeys

A piston in a dream can mean sexual drive or activity. In this context it is
more of a mechanical action than a loving act, and may show the
dreamer’s attitude to sex. A piston may also suggest a person’s drive for
success. The dreamer may need to assess the amount of effort that is
necessary for him or her to be able to achieve their goals.

Pit - Also see Abyss

People often talk about ‘the pit of despair’ and the feelings attached to it.
A pit in a dream makes us more conscious of this particular feeling. We
may be in a situation that we cannot get out of, or may find that if we are
not careful we will put ourselves in such a situation. The pit, like the abyss,
can represent death - not necessarily a physical death, but more a death of
the old self.

The baby in the womb will use the placenta as a source of nourishment,
so for us it will indicate that we are reliant on others, those we are
connected to. In another meaning, one of the biggest traumas to be gone
through is separation from our mother, and the placenta acts as a cushion

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in this process. Dreaming of a placenta indicates our need for such a
cushion at times of separation.

If we dream of a plague it suggests that we have an imbalance from which
we will suffer - whether it is physical, mental or emotional - within
ourselves. The plague has obvious links with religion, so on that level it
signifies Divine Retribution.

Dreaming of planets is to do with those subtle energies that surround us
and affect us, even though we may not be aware of it. The significance of
the various planets is as follows:- Jupiter suggests growth and expansion.
Mars indicates activity and war but also ambition. Mercury signifies
communication and intuition. Moon represents our emotions and our
links with our mother. Neptune works with illusion coupled with
inspiration. Pluto rules the unconscious and transformation. Saturn is a
restraining influence and rules the past. Sun usually symbolises the energy
that we have. Uranus governs sudden changes. Venus highlights love and

Plank - Also see Wood

To dream of walking the plank suggests taking an emotional risk. A plank
of wood appearing in a dream can indicate that something needs
repairing, or that we feel safer carrying our own means of support. If the
plank is to be used in flooring, the symbol is one of security, but if to be
used as a door or as decoration on a wall, it signifies an adornment of
one’s inner space.

Plants - Also see Weeds

Due to the natural process of growth and decay that plants go through,
they become a symbol for progressive change. Many plants have both
healing and magical qualities. Equally, and as with all things, without
proper knowledge plants can be harmful.

A plate can be simple or elaborate. In dreams the interpretation will
depend on the decoration. On another front, in the old days plates were
often only owned by the rich. So to own a plate suggests that we have
achieved a certain level of awareness.

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When in a dream we are watching a play, we need to decide whether it is
a drama, a comedy or a tragedy or if it’s good or bad. This is because we
often are trying to view our own lives objectively. More practically, it links
with our creative side.

Ploughing symbolises working at clearing oneself for new growth and
being able to prepare for change - we may be in the process of creating a
new opportunity for ourselves.

In a dream plumage being drawn to our attention can often stand for a
display of our power and strength in achieving what we want. It may also
be a signal of defiance, and we need to stand firm and show our colours,
as it were.

Dreaming about plumbing is to look at the way we direct our emotions.
It indicates how we make use of our emotions by avoiding obstacles and
creating security for ourselves and thus controlling the flow of emotions
within. Another interpretation is that of the internal plumbing. Often, to
dream of plumbing in this sense alerts us that something is wrong with
our bodies.

To dream of plunging into something is to recognise that we are facing
uncertainty. We are taking a risk and going into the unknown. That risk
will often take us into our emotional depths and we will learn new things
about ourselves which we will then be able to make use of. Also, to dream
of plunging is to recognise that we have the ability to go forward.

To dream of a pocket is to be dealing with one’s personal secrets or
thoughts - those things that we have deliberately chosen to hide rather
than share. Following on from that, and on another level, a pocket can
symbolise the Occult.

Anything pointed refers to male sexuality. To be aware of the point of

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decision is to come to the conclusion that something has to be done - we
must bring about change in one way or another and at that particular ‘point’.
In other words, until we decide to take action nothing will be happen.

When we dream of someone pointing, normally we are having our
attention drawn to a particular object, feeling or place. We need to take
note of both who is pointing it out to us and equally what they are
pointing at - after all, it may be an indication of the right direction for us.
Alternatively, we may feel that we are at the receiving end - often pointing
can be an aggressive act.

To be able to recognise poison in a dream means that we need to avoid an
attitude, emotion, or thought which will not be good for us. It indicates
that there may be something about to contaminate us and therefore hold
up our progress.

A poker has obvious links with masculinity and the sexual, but it also links
with rigidity. In dreams a poker can therefore suggest aggressive action,
but also rigid attitudes and behaviour that we have to ‘deal’ with.

It will depend how the pole is being used in the dream as to its meaning.
It is seen as an expression of the life force - as in a maypole - but also as a
stabilising force or rallying point, as in a flagpole. It can also be a support

Pool - Also see Water

Dreaming of a pool deals with our need for the understanding of our own
emotions and inner feelings - we might need to submerge ourselves in our
emotions to understand them. Other interpretations are: a pool in a wood
suggests the ability to understand our own need for peace and tranquillity;
an urban swimming pool might signify our need for structure in our
relationships with other people; whereas a pool in the road would suggest
an emotional problem to be got through before carrying out our plans.

The poppy symbolises forgetfulness. In spiritual terms the soul must

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forget all it knows in order to reincarnate and rediscover its own
awareness. The Great Mother as the Goddess was, and is, responsible for
that forgetting - hence the poppy signifies the Great Mother.

Body language is an important part of dreams. Our dream character may
develop exaggerated movements or posture to highlight certain
information that we need to recognise, for example, an exaggerated
posture will indicate the emotion within a dream.

To encounter poverty in a dream highlights a sense of being deprived of the
ability to satisfy our fundamental needs. If it is more to do with poor
surroundings, then we have to look at things around us, rather than be introspective.

Prayer - Also see Religious Imagery

Prayer denotes the idea that we need to help ourselves by seeking outside
help. We may need someone else’s authority to succeed in what we are
doing. Psychologically, the human being has always needed to feel that
there is a greater power than himself available to him.

Dreaming of pregnancy suggests a fairly protracted waiting period
necessary for something, possibly the completion of a project. Oddly, to
dream of pregnancy seldom actually means one’s own pregnancy,
although it can indicate pregnancy for someone around us. Another
meaning centres around being patient and waiting for a natural process to
take place so that we can fulfil a task.

When a present appears in a dream, it can be a play on words. We are
being given a ‘be here now’ - we are being reminded to live in the
moment, and not the past or future. If we are receiving a present we are
being recognised as well as gaining from the relationship. If we are giving
a present, we appreciate that we have characteristics we are able to offer
other people. A pile of presents in a dream can signify as yet unrecognised
talents and skills.

Prison - Also see Key and Lock

Prison, in dreams, denotes the traps we create for ourselves. We

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sometimes create a prison for ourselves through duty - for example, in
relationships - or by guilt. And at this time, we can often see no way

In dreams to win a prize is to have succeeded in overcoming various
In another meaning, gaining a prize in a dream means having used one’s
instincts and intuition in harmony in order to be able to use inspiration.

Often a procession is hierarchical, with the most important people either
first or last. This could be important in a dream in enabling us to adopt
priorities and intentions for ourselves.

A propeller acknowledges the drive and ambition behind our journey of
progression and discovery. Recognising our needs, we also need to
understand how to move forward. The action of a propeller is to give us
‘lift’, which suggests being able to use the intellect.

Public House
To be in a pub in a dream and aware of our behaviour indicates how we
relate to groups and what our feelings are about society. A public space
where we can drop inhibitions has links with our need for celebration. As
a meeting place where generally few judgements are made, it becomes a
place in which people can co-exist.

If, in a dream, we are pulling, then this suggests a positive action. We are
being alerted to the fact that we can do something about a situation. If we
are being pulled we may feel that we are having to give in to outside
pressure. In slang terms, pulling means picking up a potential partner. In
dreams this can actually translate itself into a physical feeling. We may
also, in everyday life, be being pulled in a certain direction - against our
wishes - by our emotions and feel that we are powerless to resist.

A pulse is the essential rhythm to life: without it we ‘die’. To be aware in
sleep of one’s pulse may indicate some kind of anxiety. In dreams this

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may translate itself into a rhythm that is external to ourselves. There could
also be health worries.

Later on in life, when there is fear of retribution from an external source,
we will often dream of being punished. Self-punishment occurs when we
have not achieved the standards we expect of ourselves or if there is
conflict in our lives, and we cannot resolve it we will often dream of being

When a puppet appears in a dream there is often a sense of being able to
manipulate circumstances or people around us. If someone else is
working the puppet, we may feel that it is we who are being manipulated.
If the puppet is manipulating us, then we need to be aware of some sort
of official difficulty. We may also sense that, as the puppet, we are part of
something bigger.

In dreams a purse takes on a value of its own, because it holds what is
valuable to us - usually money. The old saying, ‘You cannot make a silk
purse out of a sow’s ear’ has relevance in dreams as well as life. The mind
can play tricks and manifest an apparently inappropriate image - one that
needs to come under further inspection.

When in waking life we are aware of pressure, this can be symbolised in
dreams as being pushed and can sometimes highlight our fear of illness. In
certain forms of mental illness, the patient experiences a feeling of being
pushed around and made to do something he does not want to do. Now and
again, when experienced in dreams, this can actually be a form of healing.

A pyramid is an extremely strong image. In dreams it exists on different
levels; on a physical level, it is a building of wonder; on a mental level, it is
a structure of regeneration: on a spiritual level, it is a guardian of power. It
will depend on the level of awareness in the dreamer as to which
interpretation it relates to.

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Dreaming of having to put an animal into quarantine suggests our
inability to look after a vulnerable part of ourselves, or others. When in
normal life we feel isolated, this may translate itself in dream language as
being in quarantine. It would seem that ‘authority’ has taken over to
manage this isolation.

Quartz seen in dreams tends to represent the crystallisation of ideas and
feelings. It touches into our internal process, often enabling us to express
that which we have found impossible before. Really, to dream of quartz
signifies a recognition of developing power.

To dream of a quarry is to be plumbing the depths of our personality,
searching for any positive knowledge and intuition we may have hidden,
in the hope of bringing it to a more conscious plane.

The Hero’s Quest is an archetypal image that can appear in many guises
in dreams. To be searching for something usually signifies that we are
aware that we must undertake a frightening task in order to progress.
Many fairy stories and mythological tales have as their main theme the
search for something magical. Such themes can be translated into dreams
on a personal level.

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To be asking questions in a dream indicates a degree of self-doubt. To
have someone asking the dreamer questions shows us we are aware that
we have some knowledge to share. If the question cannot be answered,
the dreamer may need to seek the answer himself in waking life. If we
have a question in waking life that needs answering, by keeping it in mind
before going to sleep we may often find the answer through dreams.

Queue - See Line

Quicksand signifies a lack of security, possibly in all aspects of our life. To
find ourselves trapped in quicksand suggests that we have been put in a
difficult situation that is not necessarily of our own making.

To dream of a quilt (or duvet) is, on all planes, to identify our need for
security, warmth, care and love. A particular quilt may have a special
significance. For instance, a childhood quilt in an adult dream would
suggest the need for some kind of reassurance.

When we become aware of a joke or quip by someone else in a dream, we
are recognising that we can allow ourselves to be affected by other
people’s sense of humour. If we are the ones who are communicating
through wit or sarcasm, we may often be surprised by our own ability.

Quivering symbolises extreme emotion. It may be an emotion that has
surfaced because of a past experience and now needs addressing. On a
more physical level, it could be that we are feeling the cold.

To be giving a quote - as in a building estimate - can signify the value that
we put on our talents. If we have difficulty with the accuracy - or the
acceptance - of the quote we need to reconsider our own self-image. To
hear a quote would suggest we should ‘listen’ to the sentiment being
expressed. On another plane, a quotation signifies Truth.

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A rack indicates that we may need some order in a small part of our lives.
In another meaning, to be ‘on the rack’ suggests we may have done
something that we regret or feel guilty about. Either that or we have got
into the position of being victim of someone else’s mistaken actions.

To dream of radar indicates that we have now come to terms with our
intuitive faculty, and maybe it is now also being picked up by others and
appreciated, and vice-versa. Radar can also suggest a degree of
clairvoyance is available to the dreamer.

If something is distinguished by its radiance it has a special significance or
quality that we should look at more closely, with pure thought and
wisdom our main concerns.

Heading the symbolism here is communication. There may be information
or ideas available to us that we need to listen to and understand more
fully. The radio also signifies ‘a voice of authority’, so we should find that
person whom we look up to and whose opinions we can take on board.

To dream of a raffle - particularly of taking part in one - might suggest that

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we want to gain something in an easier fashion than by effort or hard
work. Alternatively, we may feel that we are due a bit of luck that our
work deserves.

On an emotional level a raft represents a certain kind of safety and
stability - for the time being - during a difficult time. It will give us the
required security, but in time we will need to have a more solid foundation
on which to make the necessary transition.

Dreaming of railways indicates that we have some tiny indecision on our
mind. That is, we are wondering if, in life, we are on the right track and if
not which way to go. If, in the dream, we can see only one track, then
there may be only one way to go. If we can see more than one, then we
have more opportunities and need to take more time choosing our way

Appropriately, rain indicates tears and the releasing of pent-up emotions.
If we have been feeling low, then we are being made to realise that now is
the time to let go. Rain as itself, as well as symbolically, can refresh and
wash away. It may be that we need to clean ourselves of someone or
something. It may also represent the sexual act.

To dream of a rainbow is normally a good thing as it is an indication of
better things on the horizon. It can also mean that we have been hoping
for, and now we are literally dreaming, of something better, something
‘over the rainbow’ as it were. From an esoteric standpoint, a rainbow is
said to depict the seven steps of awareness necessary for true spirituality.

Rape - See Sex

Which interpretation is appropriate depends on the type of razor of
which we have dreamt. A safety razor suggests a less risky method is
needed to help us reveal the truth about ourselves. An electric razor
suggests that we need to pay more attention to the image we have made
and put across in everyday life - and then, if necessary, make changes. A

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cut-throat razor has the same symbolism as a knife, that is, cutting
through the unnecessary.

Reading a book indicates that we are actively seeking knowledge or
information. Also, to be aware that we are reading a novel is to begin to
understand our own need for fantasy. A psychic reading often uses many
basic dream images. To dream of having such a reading suggests a need to
understand ourselves on a deeper level.
Reading, or being in a library, appears in dreams as a form of spiritual

In the song ‘Perfect Day’, Lou Reed sings ‘you’re going to reap just what
you sow’, and to dream of reaping indicates just that, that there is a way to
gain from work done. Also, if we dream of ‘reaping a reward’ for
something we have done, we are approving of our own activities. On a
more negative tack, a hurtful act could return to haunt us. Possibly even
more negative is The Grim Reaper, often pictured with a scythe; he is said
to reap in the dead.

Red - See Colours

Red Indian
A Red Indian signifies a strength of which we may or may not have been
aware, that of natural instinct and wisdom. The dreamer should now be
prepared to look at his spirituality further, and be able to deal with a new
type of energy and inner power.

A reflection seen in a dream has a lot to do with the way we see ourselves or
our self-image at that particular moment. It could also be a warning against
self-worship. Also, we may at this time be attempting to understand our
inner working and the way in which we deal with everyday life.
A symbol of self-preservation. On a practical level it could simply be that
the bedroom is cold. You may have turned away on your side - that is,
emotionally as well as sexually. This could be a result of stored-up
resentment, and therefore emotions will not grow.

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Reins - Also see Bridle, Halter and Harness
Reins indicate intelligent control and will. However, as a form of guidance
and restraint they show that we need to be in control of the power
available to us.
On a cerebral level, to be ‘reined’ suggests some form of inhibition -
either our own or other people’s.

Religious Imagery
We all hold within ourselves a personal basic truth. Religious imagery,
because it is so universal, helps us to link back to that basic ‘truth’. Despite
cultural differences there are certain aspects of this imagery which are
universally recognised. An icon -a statue or a painting - though more
often thought of within orthodox religion, is actually an illustration of a
religious concept. For instance, the statue of the Virgin Mary in
Christianity has the same inherent meaning as Durga, the goddess of
devotion in Hinduism.
When such symbolism begins to appear in dreams it is time for the
dreamer to begin to access the inner truth or spirituality which we all
possess, and to take responsibility for his or her life. Depending on the
culture and/or knowledge the images will often be startlingly specific in
their symbolism. Christian images will tend to appear more readily for
people within a society whose law is based on the Ten Commandments.
Other systems of belief will manifest their own images.
In the following section an attempt has been made to include the types of
dream images which most often appear:
Angels It is important to distinguish between the ‘higher-self’ and the
angelic form. Angels tend to be androgynous and to represent pure being
and freedom from sin. When the image of a ‘dark’ angel appears in
dreams it usually suggests that we are being alerted to some kind of
spiritual wrong-doing that has probably already taken place. Angels are
seen as messengers from the gods. Baptism This is a rite of initiation into
the family of man, and in dreams suggests a ceremony or ritual of
welcome, marking a particular stage of development. Bible/religious
texts If we dream of a Bible or other religious book, it usually means that
we are aware of traditional moral standards. We need a code of conduct
which helps us to survive and there is such a resource available to us.
Buddha The figure of Buddha in dreams highlights our ability to
experience life to its fullest extent, and those qualities of ‘being’ which are
necessary to be able to do this.Ceremony Ceremony and ritual form an
integral part of religion and also mark the various rites of passage which

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are necessary as we grow towards maturity. In dreams, taking part in such
ceremonies usually denotes a change in attitude, belief or awareness.
Christ Christ personifies ‘perfect man’ demonstrating the reconciliation
of the spiritual and the physical - God and man. Seen in his various
aspects, such as appearing on the cross, he represents that part of us
which is prepared to suffer for our beliefs. Churches, chapels
synagogues, temples etc. In dreams any religious building usually
suggests sanctuary, our feelings of awe and wonder or a place where we
can share our beliefs. In certain dreams it may represent the human body.
Crucifixion Often represents sacrifice made in the name of principle.
Demon/Devil Seen as temptation, such figures can signify suppressed
sexual drives and desires. For most, such figures are the personification of
evil. Feathered Sun This symbol appears in a number of cross-cultural
religious images, drawing together the symbols of the Sun and the Eagle.
It indicates the universe and the centre of ourselves - the universal centre
and solar power. Festivals In waking life festivals were developed by
religious leaders as an opportunity for people to meet together for
celebration and sharing. They continue to have this meaning in dreams, as
well as pinpointing the various times of year at which the festivals take
place. Pagan festivals such as Beaten were adopted by conventional
religions in order to give continuity to worship rituals.
God/Gods When we dream of God we are acknowledging to ourselves
that there is a higher power more knowing and able than we are.
Throughout one stage of development there is comfort and security in
believing that there is a paternal God who will care for us and approve of
us, and the forceful emotions we sometimes encounter may be linked
with our childhood need for love and parental approval. In a woman’s
dream, dreaming of mythical gods will help her to understand various
aspects of her own personality. In a man’s dream he is linking with his
own masculinity and his sense of belonging to himself, and therefore to
the rest of humanity.
Often these emotions can be personalised and recognised in the figures of
the mythical gods. In Greek and Roman mythology for instance, Adonis
signifies health, beauty and self-adoration. Apollo signifies the Sun, and
taught Chiron the art of healing. Heracles was taught the art of healing by
Chiron, but when he accidentally shot Chiron the latter was not able to
accept healing from him. Mars as the god of war symbolises the drive we
require to succeed. Mercury (or Hermes) suggests communication, often
of a sensitive sort. He is the patron of magic. Zeus is the king of the gods,
and signifies fathering in both its positive and negative forms.

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Christian belief holds to one God, although manifesting in three forms -
Father, Son and Holy Ghost. (Jehovah, in the sense of a vengeful god,
alerts us to the negative side of power.) Other religions attribute the
powers to various Gods. As we grow in understanding, we can appreciate
the relevance of both beliefs and can begin to understand God as an all-
pervading energy. Goddess/Goddesses Dreaming of goddesses
connects us with our archetypal images of femininity (See Archetypes).
In a woman’s dream a goddess will clarify the connection through the
unconscious that exists between all women and female creatures. It is the
sense of mystery, of a shared secret, which is such an intangible force
within the woman’s psyche. In the waking state it is that which enables
women to create. To dream about goddesses, therefore, is to accept our
right to initiation into a sisterhood or network in order to bring about a
common aim. In a man’s dream the goddess figure signifies all that a man
fears in the concept of female power. It usually also gives an insight into
his earliest view of femininity through his experience of his mother.
There are many goddess figures in all cultures. There are those perceived
as being destructive, such as Kali, Bast and Lilith, and also beneficent
ones such as Athena and Hermia. The beneficent ones which women
most closely relate to are given here. Aphrodite, goddess of love and
beauty, moves women to be both creative and procreative. She governs a
woman’s enjoyment of love and beauty. Artemis, who is the goddess of
the moon, personifies the independent feminine spirit whose ultimate
goal is achievement. She is often pictured as the huntress. Athena is
goddess of wisdom and strategy. She is logical and self-assured and is
ruled by her mental faculties rather than her emotions. Demeter, the
maternal archetype and goddess of fertility, highlights a woman’s drive to
provide physical and spiritual support for her children. Hera, the goddess
of marriage, denotes the woman who has her essential goal of finding a
husband and being married as paramount and any other role as
secondary. Hestia, goddess of the hearth, manifests the patient woman
who finds steadiness in seclusion. She emits a sense of wholeness.
Persephone, who is ultimately queen of the underworld but only through
having rejected her status as Demeter’s daughter, gives expression to
woman’s tendency towards a need to please and be needed by others. Her
submissive behaviour and passivity must change to an ability to take
responsibility for who she is.
Through her understanding of the goddesses, and often through dreams
which highlight such figures a woman will come to terms with her own
essential nature. Hell The old fashionioned image of hell suggests a state

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of illusion, where nothing is ever as it seems. In dreams, to be aware that
there is such a place suggests that the dreamer is beginning to understand
his or her chaotic nature. Heaven In dreams, heaven is represented as a
place of high energy, where there is no suffering. Such an idea is seen in
most religions, and manifests when the individual is becoming more
spiritually orientated. Holy Communion/Manna/Spiritual Food Any
image in dreams of sharing food, particularly bread, in a religious setting,
has the symbolism of holy communion, a sacred sharing of the power that
belongs to God. This has its roots in the pagan belief that all power and
energy can be shared. Incense This symbolises a request and a prayer
offered to God or to the gods, through perfume and smoke. For those
who have knowledge the perfume used may be important. Mother These
images in dreams such as that of the Virgin Mary signify the whole
essence of feminine nurturing and holiness associated with the figure of
the mother. The Holy Man or Woman The holy man or woman
appearing in dreams signifies the inner guidance, which is available to all.
Pope Often to meet the Pope in a dream is to meet the side of ourselves
which has developed a code of behaviour based on our religious beliefs.
He may be benign or judgmental depending on how the figure of the
Pope was presented in childhood. The Pope often appears in dreams as
a substitute for the father, or as a personification of God. Priest or
prophet Such a figure in dreams indicates an inner awareness of a belief
system, sometimes in the future.

Religious Service or Ritual

Most dreams which have overtones of ritual or ceremony highlight the
idea of certain of the actions having meaning whether individually or in
sequence. Indeed, it is often the cumulative effect of the actions which is
seen to be important. It is also necessary to understand the effect of group
behaviour in such services.

Whenever we undertake a personal responsibility in waking life, it is often
symbolised by dreaming of paying rent in some way. Receiving rent, on
the other hand, indicates that we have entered into a negotiation that will
benefit us in the long run, that we have understood material value. It is
also a symbol of security.

Reptiles in dreams connect with our basic and instinctive reactions and

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responses. When there is a need to understand why we do things we first
need to control, understand and manage our basic drives.

When we are rescued in a dream we are aware that we are then indebted
to our rescuer. The knight rescuing the maiden symbolises the notion of
the untouched feminine being rescued from her own passion. On another
level it could be that we feel lost or desperate and need rescuing from

In dreams, to resign signifies, literally, to give up. We need to know if this
a good or bad thing. It could be that we cannot face the music that life
presents to us. If this is the case we need to assure ourselves that no
further effort can be put in. It may be that we need to try harder or have
more belief in ourselves.

If we fear being alone, then we sometimes dream of being in a restaurant
or cafe as it suggests a need for company. It follows then that we require
emotional support with which food is connected. We may also be
conscious of the need for a ‘relationship’.

Ribbon - See Bridle

Rice as an image in dreams suggests food and therefore sustenance, both
for the mind, body, and spirit. It can also suggest abundance. Rice is also
supposed to be magical and symbolises spiritual nourishment.

A ring is continuous and self- perpetuating, so, appearing in a dream,
normally suggests a relationship. Because of this there are different
meanings for different rings. A signet ring would imply setting the seal on
something. A wedding ring symbolises commitment. A ‘family’ ring
would represent tradition and value. An engagement ring hints at a more
tentative promise of devotion. An eternity ring would be a long-term

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Ritual - Also see Ceremony under Religious Imagery
Rituals are actions that are carried out repeatedly, in order to achieve a
required result. The ritual, for example, of getting up in the morning,
because it is a habit, simply has the purpose of getting us focused. On the
religious front rituals help bond the power of the many, and in dreams
usually have this significance.

River - See Water

Road - See Journey

If we dream of, say, a bath robe this indicates two things. One is the
covering up of nakedness, the other is a sense of being at ease. To be
dressing someone else is to be protecting them. In another way a robe can
symbolise our thoughts, relationships and sex, with clean and dirty being
the operative words. In the magical sense, a robe can suggest status and
power; the white robe is innocence, and the seamless robe represents

To dream of rock might indicate that we need a more solid foundation in
the real world. On another tack, seaside rock - that is edible - can remind
us of happier more carefree times. We may need to recognise various
qualities within ourselves that are connected with rock, such as reliability,
coldness, rigidity, and then deal with them appropriately. Dual rocks
through which we must pass suggest the same image as the passage
between two pillars, that is, passing from one state of being to the next.

On a base level the rocket is connected with male energy and sexuality. A
rocket is also a symbol of power, so we may need to look at whether or
not we can do things better then we previously thought. A rocket can also
represent a search for something more spiritual and ‘out of this world’ in
our lives.

Rocking in dreams can be a comforting activity, like a child who will rock
himself to sleep. Rocking can also suggest infantile behaviour, from the
point of view that it puts us in touch with the natural rhythms of life. This

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gentle movement also helps us touch in with our own centre, but is also a
symbol of transition.

In the biblical sense a rod can suggest support and encouragement. More
mundanely a rod indicates rigidity and impassivity. It can also signify

To dream of being under a roof allows us to acknowledge the shelter and
protection it gives. Obviously if the roof is leaking or we are on the roof,
then we are leaving ourselves open to emotional attack. The sheltering
aspect of the feminine as the guardian of the hearth is sometimes
represented as a roof.

Room - See Buildings

Root - See Tree

A rope can indicate strength and power. The power, however, can turn
against us.
If the rope is made of an unusual material there is some special bond or
necessity that requires the qualities of that essence. If we are tied to the
rope, something is holding us back from expressing ourselves. Being tied
by a rope to something else means we need to look at the relationship
between us and what we are tied to.

The rose in dreams, as in life, often represents love, admiration and
perfection. It can also suggest fertility and virginity. Through its own cycle
of growth and decay the rose can symbolise the cycle of life. It also
represents the heart-centre of life.

Round Table
A round table, like the symbolism of a ring, suggests wholeness - but
more essentially the idea that everyone is equal. The table also indicates a
centre, but one from which all things can begin.

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When something is left in ruins we have to ascertain if it is through
carelessness or vandalism. If the former, the suggestion is that we need to
get things together. If the latter, we need to look at how we are allowing
ourselves to be vulnerable.
If we have deliberately ruined something we need to acknowledge the
self-destructive element in us.

When running occurs in a dream we need to establish the time and place
as this will have a bearing on the symbolism. As an example, one of the
most common ‘running’ dreams is that of actually not being able to run
away from somebody; this indicates fear and an inability to do something
- a common element in anxiety dreams.

We need to learn how to control time successfully and ideally with the
minimum of fuss, and to be rushing suggests that we are not doing so. It
may be that we have to contend with outside pressure - but that is all
about control and management.

Rust symbolises neglect and lethargy, both emotionally and physically. To
dream of rust means we have to clean up our act before we can progress.
If we don’t, we will suffer. Rust can also signify outdated attitudes.

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Sackcloth represents humiliation, (as in sackcloth and ashes). Because of
that, it can also signify repentance - we may want to reveal to the world
that we are ready to repent of an action that, in turn, has humiliated us.

A saddle appearing in a dream will indicate a need to exercise control over
someone. For a woman this is often sexual control; for a man it is more
likely that his own life needs management.

Sadism - See also Sex

Sadism often surfaces because of anger held-over - but suppressed- from
childhood pain. It is the wish to hurt or provoke a reaction-often in someone
we love. In the dream we have to recognise if we are being sadistic or having
a form of sadism inflicted upon us. Both can represent parts of ourselves.

Sailing - See also Journey

Sailing suggests a sense of freedom and the chance to use our intellect. It
can also bring into focus the way we are directing our lives. If we are
sailing in a yacht there is more of a sense of immediacy than if we were
sailing, say, in a liner. The first is more to do with one-to-one
relationships, while the second suggests more of a group effort.

Sails - Also see Sailing and Wind

Sails can suggest that there is power available that we can use. Sails also

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represent the spirit - as in a force that moves us. If we combine the two it
may be that the power to progress is within us.

A sailor represents freedom of movement and spirit as he is in total
control of his own destiny. For a woman the sailor can appear as the
Hero; for a man it is more to do with being given permission to run free.

In dreams, most food indicates a need to be nurtured and stimulated -
that is, we are probably lacking nourishment. Salad, because it is food in
its simplest sense, takes us right back to nature and simple values.

In dreams, salt highlights the refined qualities we bring to our lives, those
things we do to enhance our lifestyle. We run most of our lives through
our emotions but the more subtle aspects are just as vital. As a symbol of
permanence and incorruptibility salt is also important in dreams.

Sand in a dream suggests instability and a lack of emotional security. Sand
can also represent impermanence. It may be that the foundations we are
working from do not have a solid enough base, and are likely to ‘shift’ at
any moment.

In dream terms sap indicates that we are now ready to undertake new
work or perhaps even a new relationship. We are aware of our own
strength and vitality and are prepared to take on a new challenge. In
another way a ‘sap’ is a more affectionate term for ‘wimp’. It may be that
we need to get a bit of backbone into our lives.

To dream of a sarcophagus is, amongst other things, to recognise the
importance of death and the rites of passage associated with it. It is likely
that we are in a state of transition. It can also indicate that there are parts
of our ego that we need to keep in check.

A satellite signifies communication. It suggests an efficient, effective way

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of contact and relation. A satellite can also appear in a dream to alert us to
a dependency that one person can have upon another - though this need
not be a bad thing.

The satyr, in one form, represents the male spirit at its lowest link with
nature. It is that part of nature which is uncontrollable and potentially
anarchic. However, if we see it as being destructive then it will be.
Conversely, if we see it as being helpful then it will be so.

Our savings may represent resources, either material or emotional, which
we have hidden away until such times as they are needed. It usually
suggests that we need to plan ahead - in order to call upon another energy
at an appropriate time.
In another sense, savings suggest an ability that we have or have
developed, but have not yet utilised.

Saw - See Tools

A scaffold in a dream will normally indicate that there is some kind of
temporary structure in our lives. If it is a hangman’s scaffold this will
suggest that a part of our lives must come to an end. Either way, a scaffold
denotes that some change needs to occur in our lives.

Scales (astrologically represented by the sign of Libra) in a dream suggest
the need for balance and self-control in our world. The type of scale we
see in our dream will determine the meaning. Bathroom scales would
suggest a more personal assessment is required, whereas a weigh-bridge
might suggest that we need to take our whole lives into consideration. If
they were doctor’s scales we may be alerting ourselves to a potential
health problem.

Scalp - See Head under Body

If in our dream we are the scapegoat for someone else’s deeds, then we
are being made the victim - other people may be trying to make us pay for

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their misdemeanours. If we are making another person a scapegoat, then
this denotes a shift in blame. It is worth the dreamer looking at the idea of
co-operation and understanding, as this may be what is needed to rectify
a situation.

A scar in a dream tells us that there are old wounds that have not been
fully dealt with. These may be emotional as much as physical. It is often
important which part of the body is scarred, as our nervous system has
ways of giving information through our dreams.

The sceptre can represent a magic wand and in dreams can indicate our
right to use such magic coupled with authority. It also signifies the
transference of divine power from above rather than below. Thus it is
masculine power - the sceptre also has the same phallic symbolism as
most other rods.

In situations where we are learning new abilities or skills, the image of a
school, or ‘school of life’ will often appear in dreams. However, we may
also be learning about the nature of people and relationships.
Alternatively, a school will often appear at a time when we are attempting
to get rid of antiquated ideas and concepts.

In dreams scissors denote cutting the non-essential out of our lives. These
may be things that we simply cannot deal with, and it is now time to cut
them out. On a more ‘out there’ level, scissors have ambivalent
significance. They can cut the Thread of Life, but can also represent unity
and the coming together of the spiritual and physical.

It rests on what culture we belong to as to how we are going to interpret
a screw. In the criminal circle a screw will mean a prison officer or jailer.
To the younger element in society it is used, along with a number of
others words as slang for sex. So we need to look out for word play, even
if the object seen is a proper screw. Screws can also suggest a task that, in
itself, we may consider pointless, but which becomes more significant in
a wider context.

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If we dream of a scroll we are endorsing the knowledge or information
that has been given to us, so that we can now enhance our lives. A scroll
can also represent hidden knowledge as well as the passing of time.

Scythe - Also see Sickle

The scythe is a cutting instrument, and has a similar symbolism to that of
a knife. Its appearance will alert us to some very deeply held notions and
ideas. The scythe, as used by the Grim Reaper, also represents death.

Sea - See Water

Seal - Also see Animals

A seal can represent hidden knowledge, authority and power. In dreams,
the ownership of a seal gives us the authority to take responsibility for our
own actions. If we are seen to be breaking a seal, then this might indicate
we are betraying a confidence.

Dreaming of being at a seance denotes a need to examine the psychic side
of our nature. Remembering that ‘psychic’ means ‘being in touch with
self’, this can suggest being aware of our intuition. However, it may well
be that we have to take time out of our normal routine to relax and be still.

To be searching in a dream is to be attempting to find a solution to a
problem. If we are searching for someone we may be aware of our
loneliness. If we are searching for something then there is something, we
want or need that we have yet to find. In another area, a move towards
enlightenment often stems from a feeling of searching for something.

If a searchlight appears in a dream, then we need to focus our attention
and concentrate more fully on matters that concern us. A searchlight is
used to show the way ahead, as is a torch.

When we are made aware of the seasons of the year in dreams, we are also
connecting with the various periods of our lives. Spring signifies
childhood; Summer, young adulthood; Autumn, middle age; Winter, old

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age. It could also be alerting us to the need for enjoyment, as the seasons
are also connected with celebration and festival.

A seed symbolises our potential. For a woman, though, it may also
suggest pregnancy. A seed can also indicate the validity of something we
are planning. We need to have the right conditions in which to grow and

A child’s first appreciation of itself is as a separate entity from its mother
which has to cope with the separation from her. It becomes aware of its
need to be protected, comforted and loved.
A crucial stage of its development is its fascination with its own body, and
what feels comfortable and good, whether it is nice to touch or be
touched, or indeed if touch is permissible. A fear of being touched may
reveal itself in dreams, and be recognised as a sexual problem even though
the original trauma may have been kept hidden. It is when the individual
is no longer afraid of the curiosity that allows an innocent exploration of
his own body, that real growth can begin. Dreams will often allow us to
explore this physicality in a safe and very personal way.
The complete range of the individual’s sexuality can be revealed in
dreams. If we ignore our own sexual nature and fail to acknowledge our
life force, then the negative aspects will make themselves known in
dreams - this is nature’s attempt at levelling out the waking state where
this awareness may be over-intellectualised or over-dramatised.
Interaction with others then becomes essential, and this need will often
make itself apparent in dreams.
There are many aspects of sex and sexuality to be interpreted and explained,
beginning here with bi-sexuality. As individuals we carry both masculine
and feminine potential and responses. One is often more obvious than the
other, and there can additionally, in some cases be conflict between the
internal and external. This sometimes shows itself in dreams as bi-sexuality
or a need for some kind of bond with members of both sexes.
Dreaming of castration indicates a fear of losing our masculinity or even
our sexual prowess - a common fear amongst men.
To dream of clothing in a sexual context can have specific relevance to
the dreamer’s perception of him or herself. For example, dreaming of
being fully clothed during sex would signify some degree of guilt, either
on the part of the dreamer or of someone close to them.

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Contraception can indicate a fear of pregnancy or of the responsibility for
both men and women. More specifically for women there might be a fear
of giving birth.
In dreams, fetishes - fixations on an external object without which there
can be no sexual act - can highlight fear, immaturity and lack of capability.
There is evidence substantiating the belief that, at an unconscious level,
man would go for a life of celibacy and that by focusing his energies onto
an object he relinquishes responsibility for the sexual act.
Dreaming of a hermaphrodite (who has both masculine and feminine
sexual organs) can indicate either bi-sexuality, or androgyny - the ideal
balance within one person of masculine and feminine qualities.
Universally, homosexuality is understood as the desire for sex with a
partner who is the same sex. However, a more correct definition is the
desire for someone who is the same or very similar to oneself. It is this
element that comes across in dreams. If, on reflection, the dreamer can
identify similarities in ways which are not purely sexual the dream can be
interpreted more fully.
Images appearing in a dream preceding orgasm can signify the real nature
of the dreamer’s attitude to sex and sexuality. The conflicts and problems
which arise in the dreamer because of his sexual desire for someone can
be dealt with in the dream state through dreaming of emission or orgasm.
Incest in a dream usually symbolises the desire to express love or have it
expressed in a warmer more tactile way. More obviously, dreaming of
incest can highlight guilty feelings about one’s parents or members of the
The need to be able to communicate properly with someone, on a more
intimate level, can show itself as intercourse in a dream. If intercourse is
interrupted the dreamer may have inhibitions of which he or she is not
consciously aware. Also intercourse in a dream can denote the integration
of a particular part of one’s personality - if a child is then born that
integration has been or can be considered a success.
A kiss can indicate a mark of respect, or a desire to stimulate the dream
partner. It indicates we should be aware of what arousal we need for
The desire to hurt oneself or to be hurt through sex in dreams highlights
masochism. This often arises from two causes. The first is to play the
martyr - to suffer for one’s sins. The second is to feel exceptional emotion
of one sort or another. It may be we are not allowing ourselves to feel
deeply in everyday life.
Dreaming of masturbation is to do with the need for comfort and

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for a younger person, the excitement and innocence of exploration.
When some kind of image that we as the dreamer consider to be sexually
perverted appears we are avoiding or attempting to avoid issues to do
with closeness and bonding.
If ideas of rape appear in a dream, then it can be as much to do with
violation of personal space as with the sexual act. Sexual rape is unlikely
to appear in the dreams of sexually abused children , though the adult may
later suffer from nightmares. Rape itself may only manifest when the
adult is ready to deal with the trauma. Most rape dreams are based around
the need for, or perception of, power issues between the male and female.
Sadism appearing in a dream highlights a counter-balance to the
dreamer’s conscious way of being in the world. In everyday life the
dreamer may be either very placid, in which case it is an escape valve; or
if the dreamer has to be dominant and controlling in everyday life the
unconscious is showing its need for freedom.
Dreams have a crazy way of throwing up pictures of primitive rites and
practises of which we may have no conscious knowledge. Semen is the
sign of masculinity and physical maturity and is often seen in dreams as
other milky fluids. The spilling of such fluid can represent the sexual act
as in primitive times.
Feeling desire for someone else - most often of the opposite sex, is a basic
urge for closeness with that person. It seems that we are looking for a part
of ourselves that we have lost and the other character represents the
closest that we can get to it. If we were fully integrated we would have no
need for sex with someone else, but for most of us there is a desire to be
united with everything which is not part of our own ego. Such a dream,
which highlights the feelings we are capable of having, provides a basis
that enables us to understand our own needs (see interpretation on page
Transvestism in dreams signifies a confusion so far as gender is
A dream where we are conscious of venereal disease suggests an
awareness of some kind of infection. This need not always be of a sexual
nature; it may also be emotional.
Sexual activity is either the highest expression of love and spirituality
between two people, or if purely physical is entirely selfish. It would be up
to the dreamer to determine which it is.

It may be that we need to clear our minds and our heads in order to see

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and think clearly. This is often symbolised in a dream by shampoo. In
another, more lyrical way, it could be we need to wash someone out of
our hair, so to speak.

If and when geometric shapes appear in a dream, then we are given a
greater understanding of the abstract world - depending on what stage of
development we have reached at that point. It is as though the ancient
perception of form is beginning to take on a new meaning and
signification. It is important to note as much as possible in the dream, as
the number of sides the shape has will be significant, as will the colours.
Generally, though, the dreamer can accept the nature of things as they are,
and can take time to look at the basic structure of his own nature. He can
appreciate the shape his life is taking without placing emotional
inhibitions in the way.
The various shapes and patterns likely to be thrown up in dreams are
interpreted thus; beginning with the centre - the point from which
everything starts. In regard to shape, it is the point from which the pattern
The circle symbolises the inner being or the Self. It is also totality and
perfection. A circular object - such as a ring - may have the same meaning
as the circle. A circle with a dot in the centre can signify the soul in
completion. It is also sometimes taken to represent femininity.
The crescent (including the sickle and crescent moon) also signifies the
feminine, that is, the mysterious power that is intuitive and typically non-
Any cross appearing in a dream stands for the realisation (in the sense of
making real) and moving of spirit into substance. Travelling through the
symbol of the sword to the equal-armed cross, from there to the cross of
suffering and crucifixion, and finally to the Tau of perfection, the soul
learns through experience to conquer the barricades, thus enabling
spiritual progression. The hung cross with the figure of Christ symbolises
the sacrifice of self for others. The four arms pointing in opposing
directions signify conflicts, sorrow and torment, but these are ultimately
necessary in order to reach perfection. The three upper arms are said to
stand for God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, though more clearly any
Divine Trinity. The intersection signifies the reconciliation of opposites.
A diamond in a dream suggests that we have greater but fewer options
A hexagram symbolises the harmonious development of the physical,

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social and spiritual elements of human life and its cohesion in creating a
perfect whole.
Symbolic of the womb is the oval shape, which also suggests feminine
life. Called the Vesica Piscis, it is the halo that totally encircles a sacred
In dreams, patterns such as mosaic or kaleidoscope, which appear as part
of the dream scenario, can classify how we handle the patterns, and
perhaps behavioural repetition, in our lives.
The sphere has a similar meaning to the globe, and denotes perfection
and completion of all possibilities.
The spiral, meanwhile, is the ideal path to evolution and growth. The
doctrine states that everything is continually in motion, but also
continually rising or raising its vibration. If the spiral is towards the centre
we advance towards our own centre by a roundabout route. A clockwise
spiral, moving outward to the right is a movement towards consciousness
and enlightenment. If counter-clockwise, the movement is towards the
unconscious, probably regressive behaviour. There is also a link with the
navel or solar plexus, as the centre of power and energy.
The square or cube symbolises the manifestation of the spirit into the
physical. It represents the earthly realm as opposed to the heavens. A
square within a circle suggests the act of ‘becoming’ or taking on form.
The figure within a square is the Self or perfect Man. Any square object
signifies the enclosing and feminine principle.
The star, especially if it is a bright one, denotes those things we all reach
for - hope, aspiration, and ideal. The five-pointed star or pentagram
evokes personal magic, and all matter in harmony. To be accurate, the star
should point upwards. In dreams it symbolises the dreamer’s ownership
of his own magical qualities and wishes. If it is pointing downwards it
symbolises the antithesis - evil and witchcraft. Twelve stars signify both
the Twelve Tribes of Israel and the Apostles. The six-pointed star, or Star
of David, is made up of one triangle pointing upward and another
pointing downward. Here, the physical and the spiritual are united in
harmony creating wisdom.
The swastika, with its arms moving clockwise, portrays Ideal man and the
power he has for good. In eastern symbolism it signifies the movement of
the sun. Moving counter-clockwise the swastika in this form signifies all
that is sinister and wrong. In this respect it is not known whether Hitler -
who had aspirations towards magic - deliberately chose this reversed
The triangle portrays standing man, with his three parts or being - body,

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mind and spirit. It also symbolises consciousness and love revealed
through his physicality. If the triangle points upwards, human nature
moves towards the divine. If it is pointing down it is spirit seeking
expression through the physical. The triangle can also represent family
relationships - that is, father, mother and child.

There is a game based on shapes in which you draw a square, a circle and
a triangle, and then get someone else to elaborate each of the basic shapes
into a drawing. Whatever he makes of the square is supposed to relate to
his outlook on the world, the circle to his inner being, and the triangle to
his sex life.

If it is a man dreaming of shaving, (it is likely he’ll be shaving his face) this
suggests that he is trying to change his image. If it is a woman, she is likely
to be shaving other parts of her body in order to create a more beautiful
image. Both indicate removing an unwanted layer, that is, a facade that
has been created. On another tack, if we sense that we have had a ‘close
shave’ then it is possible that we are taking too many risks.

Shawl - See Coat in Clothes

A sheaf, which is not often seen nowadays, can represent a number of
things: harvest, hard work, good husbandry and consolidation, but
sometimes also old-fashioned ways. As a symbol of Demeter, the sheaf
also symbolises the nurturing mother. It represents the ‘dying world’, in
that Demeter refused to nurture ‘her’ humans when Persephone was
kidnapped by Pluto.

Shears - See Scissors

A shell, in life as in dreams, is a form of defence that we use to prevent
ourselves from being hurt emotionally. It can also be seen as a magical
symbol that holds within it the power of transformation. A shell can also
indicate that there is wisdom within us - a ‘pearl’ of wisdom.

Shelter of any kind signifies protection. If we are giving shelter to

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someone in dreams, we may be protecting a part of ourselves from hurt
or difficulty. If we are being given shelter we are conscious of the fact that
there is protective power in our lives.

A shield is a symbol of preservation and growth. In our development as
human being, the shield may appear as a symbol of a particular stage of
growth. It is at this point that the individual needs to acknowledge that he
has control over his own destiny. Often this symbol first appears in
dreams representing this stage of development.

To be aware of shivering in dreams can represent either a fear of conflict
or of coldness of emotion. It may also suggest that we are getting nearer
to a release of unconscious behaviour.

These allow us to become grounded and in touch wit life. Strange shoes
suggest some change which should be made.

In dreams, a shop signifies something that we feel we want or need. If it
is a shop we know then we are most likely, aware of what we want from
life. If it is an unknown shop, then we may have to search our minds for
what we want. If we are out on a shopping spree, then we need to satisfy
our desires and are willing to pay large amounts for it.

Shot, Shooting - Also see Gun

When we are shot in a dream this indicates that our feelings have been
hurt recently - or we are a target for others’ rage. If the dreamer is
shooting something, he may be having to deal with his own fears. He
could be guarding against meeting parts of his personality he does not

Shovel, Spade
A shovel in a dream will signal a desire to dig into past experiences for
information - possibly from an introspective point of view. A garden
spade would suggest a degree of pragmatism, whereas a fire shovel would
symbolise a need to take care.

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Firstly, on a psychological level we can learn to handle who we are by
recognising both how necessary, and also how small, we are in the bigger
picture. The latter can be accompanied by a feeling of shrinking.
Therefore we become less threatening to ourselves and others. This links
with a possible need to return to childhood.

A shroud is obviously linked with death, and can signify that we do not
fully understand the subject. The image can sometimes be quite
frightening, though if we are aware that by shrouding we are hiding
something, then it becomes less so.

Sickness - Also see Illness

To feel, or to be, sick, signals that there is something we need to get rid of;
we may be ‘sick’ of something or somebody. When something is not right
in our world, on any level, we need to abolish it. Sickness is one way of
doing this.

Now that we have moved from an agricultural to a more technological
way of thinking, the sickle is no longer such an important image. What we
are left with is the old symbol of the sickle representing mortality and
death. As so often happens, this is not necessarily a physical death, but the
death of part of ourselves.

In dreams a sieve indicates our ability to make the right decision, the
ability to sort the good from the bad. It can suggest that we have the
knowledge available to know how to get the best out of ourselves.

Our signature in a dream signifies that we have an appreciation and a
recognition of ourselves and our mark in the world. If our signature
appears to be illegible, then this might suggest that we are not sure if we
are going about things in the right way.

In dreams silence can suggest apprehension and expectation. If we are
being silent, then this indicates that we are, at this time, unable to voice

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our thoughts and feelings. Conversely, it may be that there is no need for
sound, and that leads us to the old saying of silence being golden.

On one level silver can represent money or financial affairs - or certainly
something of value. On a totally different level silver symbolises the
qualities of the moon. It could be that we want to reach for something but
we may now need to consider it only a remote possibility - or not,
depending on our frame of mind.

Singing is to do with self-expression. If we are singing, then we are
expressing our happiness with life. We may also be aware of our skill in
If we are chanting, then this suggests we are in touch with a higher

To be sinking in a dream suggests we have lost confidence and are feeling
afraid or hampered by a situation. Someone else sinking suggests we are
aware of a difficulty that perhaps needs our assistance. What we are
sinking into is often relevant. To be sinking in water would suggest a
particular emotion is threatening to drown us. To be sinking in sand
indicates that we feel there is no safe ground for us.

When we hear a siren in a dream, then we are being warned of
forthcoming danger. A Siren, in the sense of an alluring woman, indicates
deception and distraction of man from his direction. For a woman, the
siren can be a destructive thing if not acknowledged.

To be conscious of size in a dream highlights how we feel in relation to a
person or object, remembering that in dreams size is relative. Big might
suggest important or threatening, whereas small might indicate
vulnerability and a degree of insignificance.

A skeleton in a dream indicates the ‘bare bones’ of something, perhaps an
idea or concept. A skeleton in a closet represents a past action or shame

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we wish to hide. A skeleton alerts us to our own feelings about death. We
are aware that the physical must ‘die’, but there is a framework - a
reminder - left.

Skin - See Body

There is varied skull symbolism in dreams: To be aware of one’s own skull
is to recognise the structure that we have given our lives. To perceive a
skull where there should be a head suggests that part of the person has
‘died’. To be talking to a skull is recognising the need to communicate
with people we have not heard from in a while. When a skull is talking to us,
a part of us that we have rejected is beginning to come back to life. If we
believe in life after death, we may feel that spirit is talking through the skull.

In dreams the sky can represent the mind. It can also signify our potential.
If the sky is dark it may reflect our mood of gloominess; if it is bright, our
mood of joy.

Smell - Also see Odour and Perfume

To be aware of a smell in a dream usually reminds us of a time and a place
that holds certain memories. Whether the smell is good or bad indicates
the nature of its association.

Smoke/Smoking - Also see Fire

Smoke in dreams suggests danger around the corner, especially if we
cannot locate the fire. If we are smoking, we are attempting to control
anxiety. If we smoke in real life, but recognise in dreams that we no longer
do so, we have overcome a difficulty. Smoke, on another level, can
signify prayer rising to heaven.

Snake - See Serpent and Snake under Animals

Snow represents a crystallisation of an idea. If the snow is melting, then
this could suggest the idea or project is fading away, but it is more likely
to symbolise something different, and that is the softening of the heart.
On the emotional front snow can indicate coldness, and it may be that we
need to thaw out a bit ourselves.

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In dreams, soap signals the idea of being cleansed. It could be that we
need to clean up our act in order to progress. Also, we may feel a sense of
having been made dirty by an experience and our dream is alerting us to
the fact that we need to deal with it.

Soup - See Food

South - See Position

Sowing can signify the sexual act, as well as suggesting good tillage. It can
also represent the beginning of a new project. We need to decide what is
Sowing in another sense suggests creating the correct environment in
which growth can take place. It is the creative act.

If we are aware of space, then we are in touch with our potential for
learning - but we may need the space to carry out the process. An
acknowledgement of space can also broaden our current view of the

Spade - See Shovel

A spark in a dream represents a beginning. It is a small thing that gives rise
to a much bigger picture. It can be perceived as our creative potential. A
spark can suggest fire and from there love - so look closely, as we don’t
want to extinguish a potential match!

The phallic imagery of the spear relates to the masculine. A great warrior
holding a spear is a more aggressive male image. The spear is also that part
of ourselves which is fertile and dominant. Whether in a man’s or a
woman’s dream, it allows us to be conscious of the need to get straight to
the point.

Spectacles - See Glasses


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Speed in dreams identifies an intensity of feelings that is not usually
available in waking life. Travelling at speed suggests trying to achieve a
fast result. Speeding - as in a traffic offence - suggests being too focused
on an end result, and not the method of getting there.

A sphinx symbolises some kind of mysterious, enigmatic feeling.
The sphinx also stands for vigilance, power and wisdom, as well as dignity.

The spider, via the horror movie and its scuttling movement, is associated
with all things scary and in dreams we can add deviousness to that list.
More positively a spider can represent a perfectly woven pattern that both
nurtures and protects us.

Spine - See Backbone under Body

Spirits - Also see Ghost

We all have fears and feelings about death, and the appearance of a spirit
helps us to come to terms with these. It will depend on the dreamer’s own
belief as to whether he or she feels they are actual spirits or not. When we
are conscious of a kindly spirit we are aware that we can move on. When
we see the spirits of dead people we usually need reassurance.

Spiral - See Shapes

To see a spire in a dream is to recognise a landmark. In previous times,
people used the church as a meeting place. These days, the pub tends to
be a marker, but in dreams the spire still persists in the communal sense
of recognition.

Negatively, spittle represents disgust. On a positive note spittle can be a
sign of good faith - the old spitting on the palms routine to close a deal,
and thus a bonding through the exchange of bodily fluids.

A splinter can symbolise an irritation, albeit a minor one. Of greater

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significance is the suggestion that splinters represent painful words or ideas.
If we sense we are part of a splinter group, then we are saying to ourselves
that it is alright to break away from conventional or mainstream thinking.

Springtime indicates new growth and opportunity. Now could be the
time to set in motion some idea or project. Spring is a symbol of
progression, particularly insofar as emotion is concerned. We can make a
new beginning. A metal spring can signify a huge leap forward.

Sprinkling as a symbol in dreams signals an attempt to make a little go a
long way. Possibly we need to get the best out of situations around us, by
putting a little effort into a lot of things. Bearing this in mind, sprinkling
can also symbolise impregnation.

Square - See Shapes

Squirrel - See Animals

Stab - Also see Knife

To be stabbed in a dream indicates we are open to being hurt. To stab
someone is, conversely, being prepared to hurt. Since a stab wound is
penetrative it obviously has connections with aggressive masculine
sexuality, but also with the faculty of being able to get straight to the
point. When we make ourselves vulnerable we are open to being hurt.
Often a stab is a quick way of achieving a result.

A staff signifies support - that is, the support we need to help us through
life. It symbolises the journeying and pilgrimage we must undertake - but
we will not have to do it alone - we shall receive help in some way.

‘All the world’s the stage’, so to dream of one indicates that we want to
make ourselves visible or known to the world - maybe we have envisaged
our potential to succeed; if so, play on.

To have a stake in something is to have made a commitment, either on a

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material or emotional level. On another level, the stake is also a symbol
of torture or death by fire.

Stairs - See Buildings

Star - See Film Star and Shapes

Dreaming of a statue is to be linking with the unresponsive, cold side of
human nature. However, the statue may stand for an ideal, so we must
identify what that is by taking in its surroundings and its contours - if

Stealing - Also see Thief

To dream of stealing suggests just that, that we are taking something
without permission. If someone we don’t know is stealing from us, it is
likely to symbolise a part of ourselves that we don’t trust. ‘Stealing’ is an
emotive word, and it will depend on the dreamer’s background as to how
they feel about inappropriate behaviour. For this image also comes up
when dealing with the emotions. Just as an example, a ‘needy’ person may
feel they are stealing affection.

Steam in dreams can suggest emotional pressure and transformation
from negative to the positive. In another sense, it could be that we are
looking at, and are aware of, the power of the Spirit.

Steeple - See Spire

Steps - Also see Stairs under Buildings

Steps in dreams almost always suggest the effort we need to put in to
succeed. Going up steps suggests trying to make things better, whereas
going down means going either into the past or the subconscious. Either
way, there is a change in awareness necessary.

For a woman to dream of being sterilised, either by an operation or
otherwise, may be associated with her feeling of powerlessness. In a
man’s dream sterilisation may suggest sexual dissatisfactions or doubts
about his self-image. Sterilisation can also have ambivalent symbolism. It

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can either suggest cleanliness of spirit, or an aspect of the self that is
unable to grow.

Dreaming of stone can suggest stability but without feeling. Stone has
many connotations on an emotional level. For stone to be broken up
signifies being badly hurt. Being turned to stone would suggest that we
have had to harden up our attitudes. Being stoned could have two
meanings depending on our lifestyle. One is being punished for
misdemeanours; the other is being under the influence of marijuana.

Storm - Also see Lightning and Thunder

A storm indicates an emotional outburst stemming possibly from anger
rather than, say, frustration. When we are in difficulty, for instance, in a
relationship, a storm can bring release. When an argument is not
appropriate in everyday life, in dreams a storm can clear our ‘emotional

Straightness - See Position

To dream of strangling someone is an attempt to stifle the emotions. To
dream of being strangled is to be aware of the need to get a grip on
ourselves. Strangulation suggests a violent act of suppression.
Emotionally, our more aggressive side may not allow us to act
appropriately in certain situations.

Straw in dreams highlights weakness and emptiness. A straw house -
being a temporary structure - would suggest a state of impermanence is
present in our lives. When we say something is built on straw, we are
aware that it does not have a proper foundation. We need to look at what
we feel is permanent in our lives and build on it.

Dreaming of a stream suggests the awareness of the flow of our
emotions. To be in a stream suggests being in touch with one’s sensuality.
Emotionally if we are to function properly we must feel loved and
appreciated. To be in the stream of things suggests being part of a social
group which will enable us to interact with people.

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In dreams a submarine suggests we have deep feelings within us that we
can now access. This can help us understand some of our subconscious
urges anecessary process if we are to feel more comfortable with

When we feel we are suffocating in a dream, it may be that our own fears
- possibly of sexual and personal relationships - are threatening to
overwhelm us. It can also indicate that we are not in control of our own
environment. To be suffocating another person may mean we are
overpowering them in real life.

Dreaming of suicide alerts us to a violent end to something, perhaps a
business project or relationship. Primarily, it is also a sign of anger against
the Self.
Emotionally, when dreams of suicide occur, we may have come to the
end of our ability to cope with a particular situation in our lives.

Suitcase - See Baggage and Luggage

To be conscious of summertime in a dream indicates the good times in
our lives - and we may even be able to look forward to success around us.
Summer also suggests the potential to relax and take it easy for a while.

Sun - Also see Planets

The sun in dreams suggests happiness, warmth and conscious awareness.
If we are staring at the sun, then this is said to be symbolic of obsession,
but also of worship. With its many seeds, the sunflower represents
fertility. In another variation, if we are taking part in a sun dance, then we
are, in effect, using the energy of the sun for guidance and vitality.

Swallowing in a dream indicates we are taking something in. This could be
knowledge or information, though if we find it is hard to swallow then
this shows we are blocked in some way. Swallowing can also suggest
suppressed emotion.

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Swamp - Also see Marsh
A swamp in a dream symbolises feelings that can threaten our confidence
and well-being. To be swamped is to be overwhelmed by a feeling or
emotion. On an emotional level, when a swamp appears it indicates that
we are linking with our most basic feelings.

Swastika - See Shapes

There may be certain elements of confusion, or attitudes, which we need
to clear away. It is common to dream of sweeping in this instance.

Sweets - See Food

Swimming - Also see Drowning

In dreams, swimming in water is symbolic of the emotions. However,
there are different variations; to be swimming upstream would indicate
that the dreamer is going against their own nature. Swimming fish can
have the same symbolism as sperm, and therefore can indicate the desire
for a child. Swimming in clear water indicates being cleansed, whereas
dark water could symbolise the possibility of depression.

Swinging - See Rocking

Sword - Also see Weapon

A sword can suggest a powerful weapon, but it also indicates strength,
courage and justice. For the image of a sword to appear in a dream points
to an element of warrior in us, and that we are prepared to fight for our

Synagogue - See Churches under Religious Imagery

Syringe - See Injection


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A tabernacle is a place where a sacred object is kept for safety and also
represents a temple. To dream of one is therefore to be trying to
understand our own need for sanctuary, permanence and safety.

A table as a focus for a meeting is recognised in dreams as a symbol of
decision making. As a place for a family gathering, the dreamer may
consider meals to be an important ritual. To dream of dealing with a table
instils a sense of order. It represents our ability to create order out of
chaos. On another level a table can represent judgement and legislation.

As with the Tablets of Moses, there is access to esoteric and magical
knowledge. Taking or being given tablets in dreams suggests the need to
be healthy. If we are giving tablets to someone else we may be aware that
their needs - or that part of ourselves represented by them - are not being

In a woman’s dream tadpoles may signify either her wish, or her ability, to
become pregnant. Spiritually, the tadpole represents the Germ of Life and
so dreaming of tadpoles links to a focus on the simplicity of life, and
perhaps the beginning of a new phase.

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Man has a deep connection with objects he believes to be sacred, and
which are a protection against evil or difficulty. In most pagan religions,
objects such as stones and drawings were given special powers. While
consciously the dreamer may not believe, unconsciously he is capable of
linking with ancient magic, so dreaming of a talisman can suggest that his
own mental powers are not sufficient to protect him from fear and doubt.
He is in need of external help.

If we are aware of people talking in a dream, then we are linking with the
ability to communicate, which, in normal life, we may find difficult. We
are perhaps afraid of not being listened to properly, and this anxiety can
express itself through hearing someone else talking.

To dream of taming an animal indicates our ability to control or develop
a relationship with the animal aspect of ourselves. To dream of being
tame signifies the need for restraint in our lives. To find that something is
tame - in the sense of something dull or half-hearted - suggests that we
should reconsider the way we live our lives. Another symbol is of self-
control - in C.S. Lewis’ Narnian chronicles Aslan, the Great Lion, despite
not being tame, displayed self-control and discipline, and thus ruled with
the same. For us, in order to progress, we must do the same.

Sometimes when we are confused in everyday life, we may dream of an
object being entangled with something else. Often the way that we
untangle the object indicates the action we should take. When something
like hair is tangled, we need to be aware that our public image is coming
across to other people as distorted.

Dreaming of a water tank is putting ourselves in touch with our inner
feelings and emotions. Dreaming of a war tank connects us with our own
need to defend ourselves, but to be aggressive at the same time. Such a
dream would indicate that we are feeling threatened in some way. Often
in dreams we become aware of our need to overcome objections and
difficulties - the image of a war tank helps to highlight our ability to do
this without being hurt.

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A tap symbolises our ability to make use of worldly resources. If we
dream of not being able to turn a tap on or off, then this alerts us to our
ability - or lack of ability - in controlling things we consider to be ours by
right. It may also indicate our need to deal with our emotions better.

If we dream of a tape measure, then we need to measure our progression
in life. Or we need to consider how we ‘measure up’ to others’
expectations. Equally, if we are doing the measuring we may be trying to
create order in our lives. Dreaming of a recording tape would suggest that
we are aware that the way we express ourselves is worth remembering.

Tapestry - See Weaving

Road tar suggests that we may be trapped somehow, while on the move.
Beach tar indicates that we have allowed our emotions to be
contaminated. Despite its blackness, tar is not wholly negative it can also
symbolise repair and protection.

Dreaming of a target indicates that we have a goal to aim for. To be
shooting at a bull’s-eye could be interpreted as a search for perfection. To
be aiming at a person could suggest either hatred or sexual desire. If we
were setting someone else a target in dreams, we would need to
understand that the other person in the dream is a reflection of part of

On one level, a tattoo will stand for an aspect of individuality in the
dreamer. A tattoo in dreams can also signify something that has left an
indelible impression. This could be great hurt, but could also be a good
memory. Sometimes, the image that is tattooed is worth interpreting if it
can be seen clearly. On another level a tattoo can suggest a group identity,
belonging to a tribe or cult.

In dreams having to pay a tax suggests some kind of a penalty for living
the lifestyle we have chosen for ourselves. Different taxes represent

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different symbolism. Thus, dreaming of car tax would indicate that
greater effort is needed to move forward. To be paying income tax
suggests that we may feel we owe a debt to society. To be paying council
tax may suggest that we feel we have to pay for the ‘space’ in which we
exist. Refusing to pay any taxes suggests an unwillingness to conform.

It will depend on whether the dream is about tea as a commodity, or a
social occasion. On one level, tea represents a unit of exchange, whereas
the social occasion suggests inter-communication. The Japanese tea
ceremony suggests a unique way of caring for and nurturing someone, as
does afternoon tea. Dreaming of tea cups in particular links with the
individual’s need for divination - such as reading tea leaves.

A teacher is an authority figure - often the first one we meet outside the
family. It may be that we are looking for guidance, or an alternative
guidance, as the teacher’s views are often different from those we may get
at home.

If we are crying in a dream, then it may be that in normal life we find it
difficult to show our emotions. To dream of being in tears and then to
wake up and discover that we are actually crying, suggests that some hurt
or trauma has come sufficiently close to the surface to enable us to deal
with it on a conscious level.

To be teased in a dream indicates that our behaviour in everyday life may
not be wholly appropriate. If we are teasing someone and pointing out
their idiosyncrasies, we may actually be highlighting our own
discrepancies. Teasing can also come about because of insecurity and an
awareness of our own doubts and fears.

Teeth - See Body

Receiving a telegram in a dream highlights communication in the most
efficient way possible under the circumstances. It indicates that a part of
ourselves is attempting to give us information in a way that is going to be

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remembered. If we send a telegram, then we want known something
about ourselves that we cannot impart verbally. On another level, a
telegram symbolises the way we make knowledge tangible.

The telephone in a dream connects us with contact and communication -
either with another person or with a part of ourselves. Being contacted by
telephone suggests there is information available to us that we do not
already consciously know. If we recognise the number we are ringing,
then obviously we may need to contact that person or establishment.

Using a telescope in a dream suggests taking a closer look at something. A
telescope enhances our view and makes it bigger and wider. We do need
to make sure, however, that we are not taking a one-sided view of things.
On another plane, a telescope can symbolise clairvoyance.

Temple - Also see Churches under Religious Imagery

A temple can often symbolise our own body - we need to treat it with care
and respect, or suffer the consequences. There may be also be a sense of
awe attached to the creative elements of a temple.

Temptation is yielding to that which is easiest and not necessarily the best
course of action - we need to be very careful. The idea of giving in to
temptation suggests that it is bigger or more powerful than we are. Often
dreams can show us the course of action we should be taking. On another
level, temptation is a barrier we must overcome. It is a conflict between
ego and Self.

To have a tenant signifies that we are prepared to have someone live in
our space. If we are tenants, then we need to be taking more
responsibility. On a commercial level it may be an insight into how to
handle a transaction.

A tent in a dream would suggest that we feel we are on the move, and not
able to settle down and put down roots. We perhaps need to get away
from everyday responsibilities for a time. There is benefit to be gained by

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being self-sufficient and not dependent on anyone - we are not tied to any
one place, but can be where we need to be at short notice.

Tests - Also see Exams

Dreaming of tests of any sort can indicate some form of self-assessment.
Medical tests may be alerting us to the need to watch our health. A driving
test would suggest a test of confidence or ability, whereas a written test
would signify a test of knowledge. Testing something in a dream suggests
that there has been some form of standard set, to which we feel we must
adhere. This need not mean that we are setting ourselves against others,
but simply that we have resolved to maintain a certain standard.

For a text to appear in a dream would signify the need for encouragement
and perhaps wisdom. Text from a book or a text of a play would indicate
the need for the dreamer to carry out instructions in a particular way in
order to achieve success. On another plane, a spiritual text is an
encouraging message to enable us to progress.

In dreams to be aware of a thaw is to note a change in our own emotional
responses. If we are aware of coldness within ourselves, on an emotional
level we need to discover what the problem is or was, and why we have
reacted as we did. In another way a thaw can suggest the ability to come
to terms with old barriers and to become warm and loving.

Theatre - See Stage

A thermometer in a dream symbolises how we judge warmth and feeling
- we may be uncertain of how we come across to other people and need
some kind of outside measurement. A clinical thermometer would
portray our emotional warmth, whereas an external thermometer would
suggest our intellectual abilities. Just as a thermometer measures
temperature, so the way we handle situations around us will give
indications of our health and ability.

Dreaming of a thief links with our fear of losing things, or of having them
taken away. It may be love, it may be possessions. When a thief appears

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in dreams, we are aware of part of our personality which can waste our
own time and energy on meaningless activity. A spiritual thief is that part
of us which has no respect for our beliefs.

Thigh - See Limbs under Body

Third Eye - See Religious Imagery

We need to satisfy an inner need - it may be that we have been feeling low
and need a boost. Also if we need to satisfy a thirst, then this translates to
satisfying a desire. If we are thirsty in a dream, we need to look very
carefully at either what we are being denied, or what we are denying
ourselves, in waking life.

To dream of being pierced by a thorn signifies that a minor difficulty has
got through our defences. If the thorn draws blood, we need to look at
what is happening in our lives that could make us vulnerable. In a
woman’s dream this could represent the sexual act, or rather, fear of
intercourse. A thorn also represents suffering, particularly a physical

A thread symbolises a line of thinking or an enquiry of some kind,
probably regarding the way our lives are going. If we are threading a
needle, besides the obvious sexual representation, it can also relate to
incompetence - many of us know how difficult it is to thread a needle.

Crossing the threshold in dreams indicates that new experiences and new
responsibilities are on the horizon. Being lifted across a threshold may
suggest marriage, or in this day and age, merely a new relationship.

Throat - See Body

When we dream of sitting on a throne, we are acknowledging our right to
take authority. When the throne is empty, we are not prepared to accept
the responsibility for who we are. It may be that we are conscious of a lack

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of parenting. When someone else is on the throne, we may have passed
over authority to that person. In dreams a throne can represent our ability
to belong to groups, or to society. We often use word play or slang in
interpretation, but in this case it is unlikely that the throne relates to the

Thumb - See Body

Thunder/Thunderbolts - Also see Storm

If we hear thunder in a dream, then it is a warning of some emotional
storm to come. If the thunder is in the distance, then there is still time to
compose ourselves and ride out any anger we may have. Thunder also has
the potential to cleanse.

Tiara - See Crown

The symbolism here revolves around approaching life with a degree of
humour, after all, in everyday life tickling often helps break down barriers.
However, it depends on whether the dreamer is a tactile person when
awake as to the interpretation. If tactile, this would indicate there is
perhaps a need for humour. If not, then any approach at intimacy should
be made with humour.

Tide -Also see Sea in Water

We need to go with the ebb and flow of life and emotions a bit more. A
high tide may symbolise high energy, whereas a low tide would suggest a
drain on our abilities or energy.

There is the idea of tilling the ground, that is, cultivation. There is also a
till, in the sense of safe-keeping for money. We need to decide which is
relevant to us.
We may also have the need to save and hopefully accumulate - it could be
money, or it could be something less material.

Timber - See Wood

Titans in dreams appear as huge, over-bearing god-like figures. In this

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context they represent the forces within us that allow things to manifest,
or to happen. There are titanic forces that can arise in dreams: they are
those parts of us that are untamed and untameable. When used properly,
they are the ability to create a world of our own.

If the dreamer is a smoker, then tobacco suggests a way of comforting
ourselves. If not, then the symbolism is more to do with being able to
achieve a certain state of mind - possibly a mood lift or a more relaxed

There has always been the inevitable association with sexuality.
Nowadays, though, the symbolism is more to do with notions of privacy,
and the ability to reach a state where we can release our feelings in private.
If there is something wrong with the toilet, then we are emotionally
blocked. Going to an unfamiliar toilet suggests we are in a position where
we do not know what the outcome to a situation will be. Cleaning a dirty
toilet suggests we are losing our ‘prudish’ attitude.

If we sense that we are a tomb raider, then we are entering the darker parts
of our personality. If we are trapped in a tomb in a dream we may be
trapped by fear, pain or old outdated attitudes in our waking life. If there
are bodies in the tomb, these are usually parts of ourselves we have either
not developed or have killed off.

Tongue - See Body

Tools in dreams suggest the practical tools we have at our disposal for
enhancing our lifestyle. Each tool will have its own significance. A drill
suggests working through emotions and fears as well as attitudes that
have become hardened. A hammer provides the energy to break down
old patterns of behaviour and resistances. A saw suggests being able to
cut through all the rubbish we have accumulated in order to make
something new.

Top - See Position


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In dreams, a torch can depict self-confidence. It can also suggest the need
to be able to move forward. A torch can be used not only for ourselves,
but also for other people. Dreaming of a torch shows we can have the
confidence to know that because of our own knowledge we have the
ability to see the way forward. On another level we may feel that we need
spiritual guidance, and this can sometimes be symbolised as a torch.

A tornado denotes a violent and destructive energy, usually emotions or
feelings against which we are powerless. A tornado sweeps all before it,
but afterwards there is the potential for a new beginning.

The torpedo is often connected to aggressive male sexuality. A torpedo
also suggests a way of directing energy - this may be a type of honesty in
getting to the point that we can do with friends, or it may be a warning
that such directness could be harmful.

When an image connected with torture appears in a dream, often we are
trying to come to terms with a great hurt. This does not need to be on a
physical level it is more likely to be emotional or mental pain.

Totem/Totem Pole
A totem pole appearing in a dream links us with a very basic, primitive
need for protection. A totem pole is also believed to have a strength and
power of its own. When it appears in dreams we need to be looking at
those parts of our lives that are based around our belief system, to find
out if we are really living according to those beliefs.

Touch in dreams suggests making contact or transferring power in some
way. We are linking up with other people, usually to our mutual
advantage. We are perhaps becoming conscious of both our need for
other people and of their need for us.
Within relationships touch can be an important act of appreciation. Often
dreams will reveal our attitude to such concepts as touching and being

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A tourist in a dream is someone who does not know his way around. If we
are the tourist, then we need to look at that aspect within ourselves. If
someone else is the tourist, then we need to be aware of what help we can
give other people. To play the tourist in a dream is to be aware of the fact
that we have the necessary information to do what we want, but that we
are choosing not to.

Town - See Environment

Track - See Path and Also Train in Journey

Train - See Journey

To dream of a traitor suggests that one is subconsciously aware of
deviousness. This may be in someone else, or it could be a part of our
personality that is letting us down. We may feel that our standards are not
appreciated by others. When in a dream we are betrayed by others and
believe them to have let us down, we are perhaps aware of the fact that it
is with through shared belief in waking life that they have let us down.
This would mean they are traitors.

Dreams where changes occur and things are transformed into something
else suggest a shift in awareness and freedom of thought. A landscape
may change from dark to light (negativity to positivity); a person may
change from masculine to feminine; or one image may change into
another. Once the dreamer understands the change is for the better, he is
able to accomplish changes in his own life.

If something appears transparent, then it may be that we are feeling
vulnerable - though we may also be able to see things more clearly. On
another level, transparency can indicate an honesty and openness within

Transvestism - See Sex


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To be in a trap in a dream signifies that we feel we are trapped by outside
circumstances. To be aware of trapping something or someone is
attempting to hold on to them. When we feel trapped in dreams, we are
not usually able to break free of old patterns of thought and behaviour -
we may need outside help. On another plane, it may suggest that we are
holding ourselves back.

Travelling - See Journey

Treasure represents what we value - often something that we have
achieved through hard work and effort. To find a box that has treasure in
it is to have some understanding of the fact that we must break through
limitations before we find what we are looking for.

The tree is symbolic in dreams of the basic structure of our inner lives.
Different trees represent different things. For example, a tree with wide
branches would suggest a warm loving personality, whereas a small close-
leafed tree would suggest an uptight personality. As far as the roots of a
tree are concerned, this is connected to how we relate to the earth. On the
other hand, the trunk of a tree indicates how we may use all available
energies. In another sense a tree represents heaven, earth and water - the
Tree of Life.

When we find ourselves trespassing in a dream, we are perhaps intruding
on someone’s personal space and vice-versa. This may also suggest that
there is a part of ourselves that is private and feels vulnerable. We should
respect those boundaries. On a spiritual level we are perhaps approaching
areas of knowledge where we cannot go without permission.

Triangle - See Shapes

If we dream of a trophy, then we are recognising that we have done
something that deserves a reward. A cup suggests receptivity, whereas a
shield indicates protection. A trophy may also signify that we need to, or
about to, achieve a goal.

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A trumpet suggests either a warning or a ‘call to arms’. When we have
conflict around us, for example, a trumpet is often the symbol that
appears. A trumpet can also suggest the need to maximise our potential.

A trunk could represent a long journey; however, it is more likely to
symbolise old ideas. A trunk also signifies that it is time to sort out any
physical or mental rubbish we may have stored.

Tumble - See Fall

A tunnel in a dream represents the need to explore our own unconscious,
and those things we have left untouched. A tunnel can also symbolise the
birth canal and therefore the process of birth. If there is a light at the end
of the tunnel, it indicates we are reaching the final stages of our
exploration. If something is blocking the tunnel, some past fear or
experience is stopping us from progressing. In another sense the image of
a tunnel helps us to escape from the unconscious into the light, and also
to go down into the depths.

To dream of being on ‘sacred’ turf - ground that is revered because of its
association, such as Wembley, Lords etc. -is to wish for supreme success.
Dreaming of one’s association with a particular piece of ground can
activate memories and feelings connected with happy times. This may, by
recollection, help to clarify a particular problem or situation.

Twins - Also see People

In dreams twins may, if known to us, simply be themselves. If they are not
known to us, then they may represent two sides of one idea. Often in
everyday life, we come up against conflicts between two opposites. Twins
in dreams can actually represent two sides of our personality acting in
harmony. Duality must eventually re-unite into unity. Twins illustrate the
idea that while there is separation at the moment, unity can be achieved.

Typhoon - See Storm and Wind


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An ulcer is a sore place, where tissue has been eroded, and that is only
cured with patience. In dreams we become aware of work that needs to
be done to heal a great hurt. It will depend on where the ulcer is, as to
what needs healing. To dream of a stomach ulcer, for instance, would
suggest an emotional difficulty, while a mouth ulcer would suggest some
problem with speech or making ourselves understood to those around us.
Spiritually it suggests some soreness of Spirit or spiritual dilemma. So a
varicose ulcer might signify a fear of moving forward, or of finding our

The Silver Cord is the spiritual connection seen psychically as the
connection between body and soul. In dreams it is often experienced as
the umbilical cord, signifying life-giving connections. Teenagers often
dream of severing the umbilical cord as they grow into adulthood. When
we have perhaps not yet learnt to take care of our own needs in a mature
way and have an emotional dependency on others, the umbilical cord in
dreams can signify that dependency.

As we mature we need to develop certain coping skills. In dreams these
can be seen as a protective covering, often seen as the shelter and
sanctuary of an umbrella. It is this symbolism that comes across in
dreams. Often in a work situation the large corporation acts as an

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umbrella and we need to work under someone else’s teaching. This
notion can often be perceived in dreams as an umbrella.

Under/Underneath - See Position

The subconscious or the unconscious is often perceived in dreams as a
cave or place underground Dreams give us opportunities to explore our
own hidden depths. To dream of being underground will often allow us
to come to terms with that side in a very easy way. To dream of being on
the underground or subway usually signifies the journeys we are prepared
(or forced) to take towards understanding ourselves.

To be undressing in a dream suggests a need for spiritual openness and
honesty, but can also suggest that we may be putting ourselves in touch
with our own sexual feelings. When we find ourselves undressing in a
dream, we may also be needing to reveal our true feelings about a
situation around us, and to have the freedom to be totally open about
those feelings.

Dreaming of being unemployed suggests that we are not making the best
use of our talents, or that we feel our talents are not being recognised. It
can indicate that we feel inadequate, a fear many of us share.

When a unicorn appears in a dream, we are linking with the innocent,
pure part of ourselves. This is the instinctive, receptive feminine
principle. There is a story that unicorns missed being taken into Noah’s
Ark because they were too busy playing. We need to be mindful of what
is going on in the real world if we are to survive.
The unicorn can also signify that rarest of qualities - unconditional love.

Dreaming of being in a university highlights our own individual potential
and learning ability. Since a university is a place of ‘higher’ learning, we are
being made aware of the breadth of experience and increase in knowledge
available to us. We need to move away from the mundane and ordinary
into specific areas of knowledge and awareness.

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Up, upper - See Position

Urine - See Body

Urn - Also see Vase

For many people the tea urn is a symbol of community life. To dream of
one suggests our ability to belong to a community and act for the greater
good. Just as all receptacles signify the feminine principle, so does the urn,
although in a more ornate form. In earlier times, a draped urn signified
death. That symbolism is still carried on today in the urn used in
crematoriums. Thus, to dream of an urn may alert us to our feelings about

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There are two meanings which can be given to a valley. The first is the
fairly obvious one of the sheltering, more nurturing side of our
personalities, associated with the feminine: the second is the valley of
death, a transition period between two states of being. There may be a
need to explore the unconscious or lesser known parts of ourselves.

Life-threatening evil or negative influences can be represented by the
vampire in dreams. When heavy demands are made on us we are
figuratively being ‘sucked dry.’
Often the fear of emotional and sexual relationships can be represented
in dreams as a vampire. Ancient symbols that have represented such
fear of the unknown can still appear in dreams. The succubus and
incubus preying on young people’s vital energy is often pictured as a

Van - See Journey

Varnish is a protective outer covering which is designed to enhance the
appearance of an object. Dreaming of varnish can therefore signify either
of these meanings: either a layer of protection is required to preserve our
creativity, or we are hiding imperfections.

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As a holder of beautiful things, any receptacle - such as a vase, water pot,
pitcher or urn - tends to represent the feminine within a dream, the
accepting and receptive nature of the feminine, intuitive side. Such an
object can also signify the Great Mother and hence, by association,

A vault represents the meeting place of the spiritual and physical.
Consequently, a vault also symbolises death. While a vault can represent a
tomb, it also represents the ‘archives’ or records to which we all have
access. In dreams any dark, hidden place suggests sexual potency or the
unconscious. It can also symbolise our store of personal resources, those
things we learn as we grow and mature.

VD - See Sex

Vegetables - See Food and Harvest

Vegetation in a dream often symbolises abundance and the capacity for
growth on a spiritual level, though it can also suggest obstacles that we put
in front of ourselves in order to grow - a patch of brambles might suggest
irritating snags to our movement forwards, whereas nettles might
represent people actually trying to prevent progress.

A veil in a dream suggests the Occult or some kind of secret which we are
hiding from ourselves. It may be something of which consciously we are
ignorant but which with a little delving can be revealed.

There are two very distinct meanings which can be attributed to velvet;
the ancient one which signifies discord, and the modern-day which
suggests richness and sensuousness. It can also mean richness and

Vermin - See Animals

Vertical - See Position


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When a vicar appears in a dream, we are usually aware of the more
spiritual, knowledgeable side of ourselves A vicar is a man of God,
and the dreamer may need to acknowledge that there is much to learn
on a physical as well as spiritual level. Less feared than the priest, in
dreams he is often the authority figure to whom we have given

The side of ourselves which is rebellious and out of step with society may
allow us to behave in dreams in ways which are not those we would
normally try in waking life. We may in both cases need to make
adjustments in our behaviour. Conversely, sloth, envy, apathy, etc. in one
of our dream characters may enable us to handle that tendency within
Dreaming of a vice in the sense of something which grips, suggests some
kind of constraint in our lives.

If the dreamer is repressing his own ability to develop spiritual potential,
he will appear in a dream as a victim - a victim of his own making. The
nature of the difficulty may reveal itself through the dream content. In
dreams we are often aware of something happening to us over which
we have no control, or some way in which we are creating a no-win

The dream scenario may be a conflict between two aspects of ourselves,
or require us to overcome some difficulty. This can often be recognised
as a difficulty we have created for ourselves, and which by achieving
victory gives us confidence in ourselves.

Any violence in dreams is a reflection of our own inner feeling,
sometimes about ourselves, sometimes about the situations around us.
Often the type of violence is worthy of notice if we are fully to understand
ourselves. Violence in dreams can arise because we are unable to express
our aggression appropriately in everyday life.

Viper - See Serpent and Snake under Animal


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Spiritually there is a kind of innocence and purity, which can often be
dedicated to service. The virginal mind - that is, a mind that is free from
deception and guile - is perhaps more important than physically being a
virgin, and it is this aspect which often becomes evident in dreams. In a
woman’s dream such a figure suggests she is in touch with her own

Virgin Mother - See Religious Imagery

One’s spiritual guide often first makes itself available by a visit in the
dream state. To be visited by someone in a dream can suggest that there
is information, warmth or love available to us. To be paying someone else
a visit in a dream signifies that we may need to widen our horizons in
some fashion.

The mind, once it is free of conscious restraint, appears to work on
several different levels. Thus it is possible to be aware of three separate
parts of the dream. These are the ‘I’ of the dream, the content, and finally
- usually pictorially - information and knowledge. These are the visions of
dreams. Many dreamers have suggested that this type of dream has a
different ‘feel’ to it from other more mundane dreams. Manifestations of
Spirit are accepted as visions. (See History of dreams on p 000.)

A voice that speaks through or to one has two types of meaning. If one
believes in the spirit realm, this is communication from a discarnate spirit.
More psychologically, when we suppress certain parts of our
personalities, they may surface in dreams as disembodied voices.

Void - See Abyss

An erupting volcano usually signifies that we are not in control of a
situation or of our emotions - of which there may be a hurtful release. If
the lava is more prominent, feelings will run very deep. If the lava has
cooled there has been a deep passion which has now cooled off. If the
explosiveness is more noticeable, anger may be more prominent. To

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dream of a volcano being extinct can indicate either that we have ‘killed
off’ our passions, or that a difficult situation has come to an end.

Vomiting is a symbol of a discharge of evil. To dream of vomiting
suggests a discharge of disagreeable feelings and emotions. It is a clearing
of something within that makes us extremely uncomfortable. When we
become overloaded, we may need to ‘throw up’ (or throw away) the
distress it is causing us.

A vortex in dreams usually suggests a centre of energy which either takes
us down into the unconscious at some speed, or into a change of
consciousness, which allows some kind of insight into ourselves. It
usually suggests some way in which we feel we are out of control.

When we have given unconditional acceptance to something, we have
placed our trust in it. To vote for something in dreams may suggest that
we believe wholeheartedly in a particular cause, or are becoming
conscious of our need to belong to a group of like -minded people.

A vow is a pact or agreement between two people or oneself and God, or
more correctly a spiritual promise made between the dreamer and his
universe. To dream of making a vow is to be recognising responsibility
for one’s own life. It is more binding than a simple promise and the results
are more far-reaching. It is an inner acknowledgement of the way we wish
to be.

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Wadding - Also see Packing
In dreams our need for security can become more noticeable than we
allow it to be in ordinary, everyday life. We may need to take action to
protect ourselves rather than defend ourselves. Wadding can also
represent a fear of getting fat or becoming ungainly.

Spiritually, wading, particularly through water, suggests a cleansing
process which ties in with baptism. It can often allow us to understand
what our emotions can do to us, how they can stop us from moving
forward, or how we can work with the flow. Moving through any other
substance can suggest how we tend to impede our own progress - we can
literally get bogged down.

The Body of Christ, the Bread of Life, is represented in Christian
communion services by a wafer - a thin layer of matter which is usually
very fragile. Thus in dreams a wafer represents something which is easily
broken and which we need to treat with respect.

Wager - See Gambling

Spiritually, wages can represent payment for our actions, and the
recompense we deserve coming our way. Often when we are doing

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something that we do not want to do - or which we do not enjoy - the only
pay-off is in the ‘wages’ we receive. To receive a wage packet in a dream
suggests that our value is tied up with other things such as loyalty and duty.

Grieving and the making of sounds is used spiritually to banish bad
spirits, or as in chanting to summon the spirits and to get in touch with a
power that is greater than ourselves. Wailing is a prolonged way of
releasing emotions. Through dreams we can often put ourselves in touch
with emotions which we might not otherwise allow ourselves to access in
ordinary life.

To be waiting for somebody, or something, in a dream implies a need to
recognise the importance of patience. We must wait for the passage of
time. We may be looking to other people, or outside circumstances, to
help us move forward or make decisions. If we are impatient, it may be
that our expectations are too high.

A wake, in the sense of a funeral service, gives us an opportunity to grieve
appropriately. If in dreams we find ourselves attending such an occasion,
there may be some reason in our lives for us to go through a period of
grieving, or we may need support to overcome a disappointment. We
need to let go those things which we hold dear.

In a dream, walking indicates the way in which we should be moving
forward, a journey of exploration. To be walking purposefully suggests
we know where we are going. To be wandering aimlessly suggests we
need to create goals for ourselves. To take pleasure in the act of walking
is to return to the innocence of the child, or to obtain relief from stress.
To be using a walking stick is to recognise our need for support and

In dreams, the wallet is a representation of how we look after our
resources. These need not simply be financial resources, but can be of any
kind. Many dreams can suggest our attitude to money, and to dream of a
wallet is one of those dreams.

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Interestingly, because the wallet can also take on the significance of a
container, it suggests the feminine aspects of care and containment, and
highlights our attitude to intuition and awareness.

Wallpaper often symbolises an outer facade of some kind. To be putting
up wallpaper signifies covering up the old self (possibly superficially),
particularly if the old wallpaper is not removed. To be stripping wallpaper
in dreams suggests stripping away the old facade in order to create a new
image. We may be wanting to make changes in our lives but need to
experiment - and get a proper fit - first.

Waltz - See Dance

To dream of a wand can symbolise ‘magical’ powers which may influence
us. We are aware of some force external to ourselves which needs
harnessing. When we dream of using a wand we are aware of our
influence over others. Conversely, if someone else uses a wand we are
aware of the power of suggestion, either for negative or for positive
within a situation in our lives.

Wanderer/Wandering - See Tramp under Archetypes

War is a way of dealing with distress and disorder. The outcome should
be the re-establishment of order, although sometimes this can only
happen through the passage of time. To dream of war, therefore,
indicates that this natural process is taking place on an inner level. There
is some kind of conflict, which may be going on inwardly, but may well
have been deliberately engineered rather than spontaneous. We need to
be more conscious of the effect our actions will have on others.

Wardrobe - Also see Furniture

A wardrobe, because it houses our clothes, also suggests how we deal
with our self-image, or the various personalities we use within everyday
life. Often because it is large, it can have the same significance as a
passage, and therefore suggests a period of transition or rite of passage.
This idea is well used in C.S. Lewis’s ‘The Lion, the Witch and the

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A feeling of warmth in a dream can symbolise unconditional love. It
touches our ‘feel good’ factor and enhances our sense of comfort and
well-being. Psychologically, feelings of cheerfulness and hopefulness can
create an awareness of warmth and can be interchangeable.

To be warning someone highlights our ability to be aware of difficulty and
danger, either to others or to hidden parts of our personality. To receive
a warning in a dream suggests that we are aware that either internally or
externally something needs attention. We may be putting ourselves in
danger. The environment within the dream may clarify this. To receive a
written warning indicates we may be behaving badly.

The dreamer may be seeking some kind of permission, and this can be
symbolised by a warrant. It represents permission from a higher
authority, either spiritual or physical. It will depend on the type of warrant
as to what action needs to be taken. For instance, a search warrant
suggests looking at one’s motives, whereas a warrant for arrest indicates
we need to stop carrying out a particular action.

We are often distressed by anything which is out of the ordinary or wrong.
Any blemish which comes to the attention in dreams can be accepted as
evidence of there being a distortion in our view of ourselves or of the
world. A great deal of folklore has grown up around warts and how to get
rid of them. Dreaming of warts can connect with that part of ourselves
which remains superstitious.

Washing - Also see Water

Since water is a symbol for emotion and the unconscious, washing stands
for achieving a relationship with our emotional selves and dealing
successfully with the results. Dreaming of washing either oneself or, for
instance, clothes, suggests getting rid of negative feelings - our attitude,
either internally or externally, needs changing. Washing other people
touches on our need to care for others.

Waste in dreams signifies matter or information we no longer need. It can

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now be thrown away. Waste can also suggest a misuse of resources - we
may, initially, be using too much energy on a particular project, and may
need to reassess how we are running our lives.

Watch - See Clock

Wax is symbolic of the need for spiritual pliability, and the desire to move
away from rigidity. Dreaming of wax is a great deal to do with the
pliability that we are able to achieve in our lives. We should be prepared
to give way, but also to be firm when necessary More negatively, wax can
also be taken to represent insincerity, with the ability to be affected by
external events, and irrevocably changed.

Wealth - Also see Money

Wealth and status usually go naturally together, so often when we are
having problems in dealing with our own status in life we will have
dreams about wealth. It can also often indicate the resources that we have
or of which we can make use.

Weather, as being part of the ‘environment’ of the dream, usually
indicates our moods and emotions. We are aware of changing external
situations and have to be careful to adjust our conduct in response to
these. This would suggest that we need to recognise that we are part of a
greater whole rather than just individuals in our own right.
Weather also can point to our internal responses to situations. If, for
instance, there is a storm in our dream we are, perhaps, angry and
aggressive. If we are watching a very blue, unclouded sky, it signifies fair
weather and happier times ahead.

Weaving is one of the strongest spiritual images. In most cultures there is
an image of our fate being woven in a particular pattern. We are not
supposed to be in control of that pattern, but must accept that Gods or
the gods know what is best. However, it does suggest that we need to take
responsibility for our own lives. To be doing any handicraft shows that
we have situations in hand.
Weaving is taken to signify life itself and often our attitude to the way we
run our lives.

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When we dream of a web we are linking into one of the most basic of
spiritual symbols. It is within the ‘web of life’ that the divine powers have
interwoven fate and time in order to create a reality in which we can exist.
We are the spiritual entrapped within the physical and not able to escape
back to our own spiritual realm.
In everyday life, we may well be caught up in a situation that could trap us.
We could be in a ‘sticky’ situation and not quite know which way to move.
This can result in the symbol of a web appearing in the dream. We are
‘caught in the middle’ or we are trapped.

Wedding - See Marriage

Wedding Dress - See Marriage

Wedding Ring - Also see Ring

Traditionally, the wedding ring was a symbol of total encircling love. To
dream of this symbol is to link in with that basic concept of eternity.
Within the human being there is the need to make vows, to give promises
and above all to symbolise the making of those promises. To lose or be
wearing the ring on any other figure than the third finger of the left hand
in a dream suggests difficulties within the relationship.

The triangle symbolises the ability to manifest matter within the physical.
The wedge esoterically indicates the passage of time which allows
something to become real in our lives - for a dream to become reality.
Dreaming of a wedge often indicates that we need to open up, perhaps
carefully, to situations around us.

Weeds - Also see Plants

Weeds, plants which grow on waste ground, may indicate misplaced trust,
misplaced energy or even misplaced attempts at success. To be digging up
weeds would show that we are aware that it is important to free ourselves
of the non-essential. Mental attitudes which clog us up and do not allow
us to move forward, and old patterns of behaviour, can very often be
shown in dreams as weeds. Plants growing wild do have healing

properties, and our bodies can often give us information in dreams as to

what we need.

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Weeping - Also see Mourning
Weeping suggests uncontrollable emotion or grief, so to experience either
ourselves or someone else weeping in dreams is to show that there needs
to be a discharge of such emotion. We may be mourning some spiritual
quality we have lost. We may simply be creating difficulty within ourselves
and this enables us to express the feelings we have bottled up.
Something exuding moisture so that it seems to be weeping is often
deemed to be miraculous, and this dream can appear quite often in stages
of transition as we are moving from one state of awareness to another.
The excess energy can be shown as a weeping plant, tree or some such

To be weighing something in dreams is to be assessing its worth, deciding
what is of value to us. Weighing something up is to be trying to make a
decision in order to decide what the risks are in any situation. The old-
fashioned image of the scales indicates that we are looking for justice and
natural balance.

Weight in a dream indicates gravitas and seriousness and may well
indicate the need to be practical and down to earth. Experiencing a weight
in a dream is to be conscious of our responsibilities, or those things which
are holding us down.

Occasionally there is a degree of wordplay in the image of a well in a
dream which suggests our ability to be ‘well’. Through our intuitive, aware
selves, we contact the depths of our very being and open up the potential
for healing and success.

Wheel - Also see Circle under Shapes

When we need to make changes and move forward the wheel is an
appropriate symbol. It represents the Wheel of Life, and the cycle of growth
and decay. When we lose motivation, we may dream of losing a wheel.

The whip or lash is an instrument of torture and suggests corrective
punishment and self-flagellation. In trying to force things to happen, we

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may also be creating problems for ourselves, by trying to be either too
controlled or controlling. The lash was often used by monks and nuns to
mortify the flesh and bring the natural urges into subjection, and in
dreams this image may still appear.

Whisky - See Alcohol

A whistle blown in a dream can mark the end of a particular phase of time.
It can also sound as a warning to make us aware of something such as a
deviation or difficulty. As a method of controlling and training, there may
be information in the way it is being blown. The whistle may also be seen
as a phallic symbol.

A hairpiece or toupee highlights false ideas or an unnatural attitude. A
judge’s wig can suggest authority, wisdom and judgement.

At a time when we need everything to be done properly and with a certain
degree of precision, to dream of a will - our own or someone else’s - is
highlighting how our inner self can make us aware of what is right for us.
To be making a will is to be stating our intent, and may also have to do
with the way we need to look after those we love. To inherit from a will
means that we need to look at the tendencies, idiosyncrasies and beliefs
we have inherited from our families.
Because for many making a will is a very final action, in dreams such an act
can signify a recognition that we are entering a new phase of life, and must
clear up the old. There is the obvious play on words, where a will would
indicate the will to do or to be - the determination to take action, for instance.

The power of the Spirit and the movement of Life are often perceived as
wind, and in dreams we may recognise a powerful passionate part of
ourselves through the symbol of wind. It also represents the intellect and
the wisdom we have available to us.

As a storehouse of fruitfulness and of conservation, in dreams a windmill
can represent the feminine or the mother. The representation of a

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windmill in dreams also suggests the proper use of resources. Because
wind often suggests intellect, it is therefore the use of intellectual assets.

Wine - Also see Alcohol

Wine suggests the potential for spiritual abundance and highlights our
capability of using what we harvest to give fun and happiness. We are able
to use the sum of our experiences to make something fine and new. A
wine cellar thus signifies the totality of our past experiences. A wine bottle
is taken to indicate the penis and masculinity, but also to suggest
femininity and containment.
The wine glass is interesting in that it can have two meanings. Firstly, it
stands for the happiness and joviality of celebration and secondly it can
stand for pregnancy. A broken wine glass can depict sorrow, or in a
woman’s dream, miscarriage.

Wings, connected with flight and freedom, can also be protective. An
angel’s wings depict the power to transcend our difficulties, often through
the protection of greater knowledge. A broken wing indicates that a
previous trauma is preventing us from ‘taking off’.

Within the cycle of nature, winter suggest a time of lying fallow before
rebirth; hence winter can also mean death or old age. In dreams, winter
can represent a time in our lives which is unfruitful. When we are
emotionally cold or lonely, images associated with winter can appear.
In clairvoyance, the seasons can also indicate a time of year when
something may happen.

Wireless - See Radio

Witch - See Archetypes

In dreams to be a witness to, for instance, an accident, suggests that we
need to observe some circumstance in our life very carefully. We may be
being called to account for our actions or beliefs, or our way of looking at
things. To be in a witness box suggests that we are accountable to a higher

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Wood - Also see Forest and Tree
Dreaming of wood, in the sense of timber, suggests our ability to
appreciate the past and to build on what has gone before. If the wood is
still standing and growing it is more likely to represent the feminine or
fertility. If it is cut timber, then the purpose for which it is being used will
be important. We are most likely to need some form of structure or
shelter. Wooden toys can indicate our need to be in control of our
environment or of our lives. When our behaviour becomes rigid or
wooden, dreams will often attempt to make us aware of this and of the
necessity to balance our feelings.

Wool has from earliest times represented warmth and protectiveness in
dreams and is symbolic of spiritual protection. Nowadays it particularly
represents gentleness and mothering. The best example of such a dream
is that of Alice in ‘Through the Looking Glass’, when she is aware of the
sheep in the boat knitting.

At its basic interpretation, the worm can suggest the penis. The worm is
not necessarily seen to be particularly clean, but is one of those images
which can have several meanings. Depending on the dreamer’s attitude to
sexuality and gender, there may be a sense of threat to one’s self-image,
and a sense of ineffectiveness and insignificance.
Being given to the worms is a metaphor for death, so spiritual changes
may shortly be taking place. If we are particularly conscious of a
wormcast, that is, the earth the worm has passed through its body, then
this is a transformation image and indicates we are capable of changing
our lives into something more fertile.

Worship - Also see Religious Imagery

An act of worship is an acknowledgement of the power that belief has.
Dreaming of being in a situation where we are worshipping an idea, a
person, a concept or an object is to be opening ourselves up to its
influence. If we are not particularly religious but find ourselves in the
middle of such an act, we may be trying to decide how best to function in
a group or team of people.
To be worshipping an object which is not a religious image may suggest
that we are paying too much attention to whatever that object represents,
and giving too much importance to a particular area of our lives.. For

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instance, we may be too materialistic, be paying too much attention to sex
and so on.

A wound symbolises an experience - which was probably unpleasant -
that the dreamer should take note of and learn from. The type of wound
will be important in interpreting the dream. A large ugly wound will
suggest more violence, whereas a small one may indicate that there has
been a more focused attack.
Any wound or trauma in dreams will signify hurt feelings or emotions. If
we are inflicting the wounds our own aggressive behaviour is being drawn
to our attention; if the wounds are being inflicted on us we may be making
ourselves into, or being, the victim.

A wreath in dreams can have the same significance as any of the binding
symbols such as harnesses and halters. It forms a bond which cannot be
broken, or a sacrifice which must be accepted So to receive a funeral
wreath would suggest the ending, perhaps of a relationship, but also its
continuation in a different form A wreath in a dream in previous times
could also suggest honour, though perhaps less so nowadays.

A wreck of some kind symbolises a failure, possibly through lack of
control. The dreamer will have to rescue the situation and struggle
through to reach his goal. Dreaming of a wreck, such as a car or
shipwreck, suggests that our plans may be thwarted, whether we are at
fault for the failure of our plans or someone else is.

Writing gives substance to our thoughts and allows us to communicate
when spoken words are inadequate. In dreams we may learn how to
communicate with ourselves in differing ways, and can often make things
more tangible for ourselves. To dream of writing is an attempt to
communicate information that one has. Sometimes the instrument we are
writing with is important. For instance, a pencil would suggest that the
information is less permanent than with a pen, whereas a typewriter or
word processor would suggest a more technical approach.

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If an X appears in a dream, we are usually ‘marking the spot’. It can also
represent an error or something that we particularly need to note.
If a cross appears in the shape of an X, this usually represents the idea of
sacrifice or perhaps of torture. This symbol also signifies Man within the

In Spiritual terms, the Y signifies duality becoming unity and represents
the human form with outstretched arms. It is reaching towards

Yacht - See Boat under Journey

The yardstick represents the measurement of acceptable standards, often
those that we have set ourselves. Symbolically it suggests correctness and
rigidity and sometimes good judgement.

A yarn - as in a tale or story - is most often to do with our sense of history,
or of continuity. To be being told a yarn or story in dreams links with our

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need for heroes and heroines, and perhaps our need for a mentor. Yarn in
the sense of knitting yarn or twine often signifies our ability to create
order out of chaos. In olden times it also suggested spinning, an
archetypal symbol for life, and often in dreams it is this image that is
portrayed. We fashion our lives out of what we are given.

In the animal kingdom a yawn is often a warning against aggression, and
a yawn in dreams may be a way of controlling our own or another’s
abusive behaviour.

Year - See Time

Yeast is accepted as a substance which both lightens food and makes it
palatable. At the same time it changes the substance and texture. In
dreams it represents ideas or influences which can irrevocably change our
lives or situations, often for the better.

Yew - Also see Tree

In former times the yew tree symbolised mourning and sadness, and the
idea of eternal life. Such a symbol can surface as instinctive awareness in
There can be an aspect of word-play here, in that the ‘yew’ is in fact ‘you’
in the sense of someone other than the dreamer.

The yin-yang symbol signifies a state of dynamic potential. In dreams it
indicates the balance between the instinctive, intuitive nature of the
feminine and the active, rational nature of the masculine, and our need to
establish a balance between the two.

Yoke - See Harness and Halter

In ancient dream-lore a yoke was said to represent marriage.

Youth - See Archetypes

Yule Log - Also see Fire

A Yule log represents a spiritual offering or sacrifice, particularly at the
time of a spiritual or religious celebration. In dreams it will be seen as a

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symbol of light and new life, and frequently is a sign of prosperous times
to come.

Zigzag-Also see Meander
A zigzag can often suggest some kind of exploratory movement, or a
passage through some difficulty which is not totally straightforward. It
may also signify a discharge of energy such as a bolt of lightning.

Psychologically, we are capable of being either open or closed to our
friends and family. Often a zip in a dream can highlight this. A stuck zip
suggests a difficulty in keeping our dignity in an awkward situation.

Everyone has a fascination with horoscopes, without necessarily
understanding the significance of the zodiac wheel. It is often only when
we begin the journey of self-discovery that images and symbols from the
zodiac will appear in dreams. Frequently, the animal or creature
associated with our own star sign will appear, almost as a reminder of
basic principles. The way we deal with that image will give us insight into
how we really feel about ourselves.
The zodiac wheel is symbolic of our relationship with the universe.
Sometimes the signs of the zodiac are used in dreams to demonstrate time
or the passing of time and also suggest courses of action we might take.
For instance, if we dream of a lion playing with a fish we might have to
become brave (Leo) in dealing with sensitivity (Pisces). Each sign also
rules a particular part of the body, and often a dream alerts us to a possible
The spheres of influence are described below:-.

Aries The symbol is the Ram and it governs the head. The colour
associated with the sign is red; its specific gemstones are amethyst and
Taurus The symbol is the Bull and it governs the throat. The colours
associated with the sign are blue and pink; its specific gemstones are moss
agate and emerald.
Gemini The symbol is the Twins (often shown as masculine and
feminine) and it governs the shoulders, arms and hands. The colour

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associated with the sign is yellow; its specific gemstones are agate and
Cancer The symbol is the Crab and it governs the stomach and higher
organs of digestion. The colours associated with the sign are either violet
or emerald green; its specific gemstones are moonstones and pearls.
Leo The symbol is the Lion and it governs the heart, lungs and liver. The
colours associated with the sign are gold and orange; its specific
gemstones are topaz and tourmaline.
Virgo The symbol is the Virgin and it governs the abdomen and
intestines. The colours associated with the sign are grey and navy blue; its
specific gemstones are pink jasper and jade.
Libra The symbol is the Scales and it governs the lumbar region, kidneys
and skin. The colours associated with the sign are blue and violet; its
specific gemstones are opal and lapis lazuli.
Scorpio The symbol is the Scorpion and it governs the genitals. The
colours associated with the sign are deep red and purple; its specific
gemstones are turquoise and ruby.
Sagittarius The symbol is the Archer and it governs the hips, thighs and
nervous system. The colours associated with the sign are light blue and
orange; its specific gemstones are carbuncle and amethyst.
Capricorn The symbol is the Goat and it governs the knees. The colours
associated with the sign are violet and green; its specific gemstones are jet
and black onyx.
Aquarius The symbol is the Water-Bearer and it governs the circulation
and ankles. The colour associated with the sign is electric blue; its specific
gemstones are garnet and zircon.
Pisces The symbol is the Fishes and it governs the feet and toes. The
colour associated with the sign are sea-green and mauve; its specific
gemstones are coral and chrysolite.

Zoo - Also see Animals

Dreaming of being in a zoo suggests the need to understand some of our
natural urges and instincts. There may be an urge to return to simpler,
more basic modes of behaviour. We perhaps need to be more objective in
our appraisal than subjective.

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The following pages are for

the reader’s personal use.

They suggest various

methods which can be used in

your own journals, and for

your own private


dream dictionary 1/16/04 4:45 PM Page 380

Dream Interpretation
The Dream
The List

Alphabetical list with brief meanings

The Theme

dream dictionary 1/16/04 4:45 PM Page 381

The Interpretation

dream dictionary 1/16/04 4:45 PM Page 382

Dream Interpretation
The Dream
Dream Components




Others in alphabetical order


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Free Association

Chosen for free Association

This makes me think of

This dream is to do with


dream dictionary 1/16/04 4:45 PM Page 385

Day’s Residue

I dreamt like this because in the last 48 hours I have

1) Seen



dream dictionary 1/16/04 4:45 PM Page 386

Gestalt Technique

If all parts of the dream are parts or reflections of me,

to communicate
communicate with isisthe the
Person /Thing ininmy
Person/Thing mydream

(If the dreamer finds it easier he may place two chair

opposite one another and play each part in turn, or
use his own image in a mirror to signify the other part.)

dream dictionary 1/16/04 4:45 PM Page 387

Clarify the Issue and write it down.

Ask the question. Make sure you have stated it

positively and write it down.

Repeat it, and it is suggested that you also write it down

(Placing it under your pillow seems to focus the mind.)

Dream and document it. NB: this may take longer

than just one night to manifest. Note below how long
it took.

Study the dream in detail and decide if it has been

helpful, or whether further work needs to be done.
Record your reaction

dream dictionary 1/16/04 4:45 PM Page 388

GroupWork with Dreams

It is suggested that the group, which preferably should be
small, - no more than eight in number - meets at regular
intervals perhaps every two weeks or once a month.
This allows enough time for everyone to work with their
dream. Choose a different person to timekeep and facilitate
the discussion for each meeting.

1) Bring one of your own dreams to the group, preferably

one which you do not mind exposing to public view.

2) Each individual in turn tells of their dream. Try to keep

to the present tense when recounting the dream, as this
makes it more immediate.

3) Each person’s dream then is discussed by the group

, and possible interpretations given, either singly by each
member of the group or as a group activity. The dreamer
is at liberty to join in or remain silent according to their

4) Dreams, or parts of dreams, may be acted out by the

group at the request of the dreamer for clarity or insight.

5) The dreamer should record his or her feelings and

conclusions for later consideration. During this process
other feelings and insights may surface either about the
dream, themselves or members of the group.

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Project Work
1) Decide which of your dreams you would like to make
the basis of your project.

2) Decide what your project will be and write it down

. E.g. story, play, sculpture, dance etc.

3) Spend some time every day thinking about it but don’t

get too worried if ideas do not come. Write down snatches
of music which appeal, words to use, movements and so on.

4) Decide what characters or aspects from your dreams

you will use. Try to make notes if only briefly, and do as
much research as feels right. Remember that it is the
spontaneity of this which is important.

5) Record any frustrations, difficulties and suchlike.

Often simply writing them down helps to minimise them.
Note how you deal with them.

6) Carry a notebook or recorder with you at all times, and

pay particular attention to the hypnagogic and
hypnopompic states.

7) Note the changes of awareness that occur, and when

you are confident enough discuss it with others. Do try to
finish off the project, if only to your own satisfaction, and
remember it is a process to be enjoyed.

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Hypnopompic and
Hypnopompic and
Hypnagogic States
Hypnagogic States
1) After your deep relaxation watch for any moving
bright lights or colours. Watch what happens and later
make a record of what happens.

2) As time goes on and you become more efficient you will

find the shapes become more solid or are recognisable as
faces and so on. Record when this happens.

3) Often the shapes turn into a coloured ‘tunnel’ which

seems to flash past you, as though you are going down the
tunnel. Without any particular effort, try to change the
colours, but stop when you have succeeded and just let
things happen. (This is good preparation for lucid
dreaming.) In the morning record what happens.

It is probably better to work only at sleep time or in the

morning initially, until you are confident in working with
one of the states. Under no circumstances should you put
pressure on yourself to perform, nor should you try to do
this under the influence of any drugs or alcohol. Also
should you choose to do this you may be wise to find some-
one with whom you can discuss what is happening, since
the changes of awareness are very subtle but meaningful.
Keep a record of such changes and realisations.

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My Notes

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My Notes

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Dream Dictionary
comprehensive workbook which we can
use to explore the intensely fascinating
and deeply curious world of dreaming.
With insights into the various levels and
structures of dreaming, as well as a thought-
provoking and revealing A–Z of dream
interpretation, we can guide ourselves and
reinvigorate and inspire our lives by learning
more about the essence of our own
subconscious and its creative nature.
Pamela Ball

Mind, Body, Spirit

U.K. £9.95

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