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Object o = () -> {System.out.println(“Example”); }; Object o can be replaced with ?

Runnable r--correct

Lambda Expressions are based on

Functional Programming--correct

public interface Adder { String add(Function f); void add(Consumer f); }

public class AdderImpl implements Adder {

public String add(Function<String, String> f) {
return f.apply("Welcome ");

public void add(Consumer<Integer> f) {}
} On calling add() method as described below, String r = adderImpl.add(a -> a + "
lambda"); System.out.println(r);

Runtime error--correct

Lambda Expressions in Java allow us to treat

Code as data--correct

which of the following are not valid lambda expressions?

None of the options--correct

Parameter types be inferred in Lambda expressions ?


Which of the following is correct about Java 8 lambda expression?


Following lambda expression is valid (x, y) -> return x + y


public class App{ public static void main(String [] args){ String

name="WelcomeJava"; Runnable r1=() -> System.out.println(name); String name1="";
name1=name.toUpperCase(); Runnable r2=() -> System.out.println(name1);; } } What is the o/p of the above program?

compilation error--correct

Which of the following are valid uses of lambda expressions?

public void execute(Runnable r){; } Execute(() -> {});--correct

Which of these interfaces are functional interfaces?

public interface Cards{ int totalCount(int a, int b); }--correct

A functional interface acts as target types for which of the following?

All the options mentioned--correct

Which of the following functional interface represents an operation that accepts a

single input argument and returns no result?


Which of the following functional interface represents a function that accepts an

int-valued argument and produces a long-valued result?


Which of the following functional interface represents an operation upon two long-
valued operands and produces a long-valued result?


A FunctionalInterface annotation (@FunctionalInterface) is necessary for making an

interface a functional interface


What functional interface would you use for the following? No parameters , returns
a value


Below code includes a valid Functional Interface ? package


@FunctionalInterface public interface MyFirstFunctionalInterface { public void

firstWork(); @Override public String toString();
@Override public boolean equals(Object obj);


Which of the following functional interface represents an operation that accepts an

object-valued and an int-valued argument, and returns no result?


Which of these does Stream filter() operates on


Stream operations in java 8 can be divided into


Stream operation iterations are internal over the source of elements


Which of the following is valid Stream operation type


If you wanted to process a stream of names, extract the male names, and store them
in a new List, What is the appropriate operation to be used?


The newly introduced Streams API is available in which package of java 8

Identify intermediate and terminal operations in the code. double average =

roster .stream() .filter(p -> p.getGender() == Person.Sex.MALE)
.mapToInt(Person::getAge) .average() .getAsDouble();

Intermediate: filter, mapToInt Terminal: average--correct

Terminal operation produces another stream as its output


Each pipeline ends with a

Terminal operation--correct

Repeating annotations can be added with below 2 declarations

1) Declare a repeatable annotation type 2) Declare the containing annotation type--


On which of these does annotations can be used on in Java 8

All the options mentioned--correct

Optional type validation can be used to substitute runtime validations.


Type annotation used to depict non blank string value


Repeating annotations can be retrieved using


Below code includes a valid Functional Interface ?

package functionalInterfaceExample;
public interface MyFirstFunctionalInterface {
public void firstWork();
public String toString();
public boolean equals(Object obj);


'map' and 'filter' are

Intermediate operation--correct

DateTimeFormatter formatter=DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("EEEE",Locale.US);
Choose the correct output.


Which package contains Date/Time (JSR 310) API in Java 8


Which class can be used Instead of System.getCurrentTimeMillis() to get a date and

time in Java 8


In Functional Reactive Programming, we pull the stream of data


Library used to write reactive programs in java


Which of the following can be a valid input for jdeps dependency analyzer?

All the options mentioned--correct

Which of these should be used to show package-level and class-level dependencies of

Class files in Java 8


Which methods preserve parameter names in Java bytecode (through reflection API)

All methods--wrong

In java 8, Static methods cannot be added to a Interface


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