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Lesson Plan Yr: - 2021-22

Month: April Date: - From: - 20/04/2021 to 30/04/2021
Subject: - Science STD: VIII Div: A to E
Lesson no/name: 2/ Microorganisms: Friend and Foe
Name of the teacher/s: - Neeru ma’am and the other parallel teachers
Heads Particulars

1.Periods 8 periods ( approx.40 min each)


2.Pre-requisite This lesson requires the knowledge of how the microorganisms are useful and harmful for us.

3.Important ● Useful microorganisms

points to be
covered ● Harmful Microorganisms

4.Expected The students will be able to

objectives (Refer ● understand the Usefulness of microorganisms
to Bloom’s
● understand the harm of microorganisms
adjectives to
cover all aspects
of learning)

5. Common Misconception-
This is a misconception in the mind of students that microorganisms are always harmful for us.
6.Additional Nitrogen cycle

7. Instructional The teacher uses the ICT equipment to explain the lesson with the help of PPT, mind maps, flow charts,
resources videos,NCERT textbook grade 8.

8.Period wise procedure in brief

Period/Topic Transaction methodology Learners’ response Skills(S) and Homework(STD 1-5)

values(V) or
(Teacher) development-(as
prescribed by Practice work(STD 6-
CBSE) 10)
P -1 Questioning method Students recall the previous Skillsdeveloped- Write the mind for the
knowledge and answer the 1.Comprehension different types of
Introduction to Introduction/Warm-up -Teacher questions. skills microorganisms.
microorganism can ask the following
and types of questions(developing and What are microorganisms? 2.Analytical
microorganism probing)from the students to make thinking
the lesson more interactive. What is the different types of
microorganisms? 3.Visual thinking
What are microorganisms ?
Where does it come from? 4.Reflective
What are the different types of thinking
Let’s explore more about crops. reasoning
Interactive Discussion Method 6.Creativity
Teacher shares the slides of the Values
PPT related to developed-
1. microorganisms 1.Collaboration-
2. types of microorganisms Shares his ideas
with others
3. examples of each type of
microorganisms 2.Patience to
listen attentively
She discusses and explains each and wait for his
slide turn

3.Respect the
opinions of others

Students participate in the ideas of others
P-2 Interactive-Discussion Method- Students watch the PPT Skillsdeveloped- Complete the activity
intently and answer 1.Comprehension of settling of curd at
Useful Teacher shares the slides of the questions related to it. skills home.
microorganisms PPT related to useful Students are able to
microorganisms 2.Analytical
- understand the different thinking
type of microorganisms and
3.Visual thinking
She discusses and explains each how they are useful to us.
slide. Clarification of doubts 4.Reflective
raised by students after each thinking
Experiential learning- reasoning

Students put curd in hot milk and 6.Creativity

prepare new curd in few hours.
This shows the usefulness of Values
microorganisms. developed-

Shares his ideas
with others

2.Patience to
listen attentively
and wait for his

3.Respect the
opinions of others

ideas of others

5.Freedom of

P-3 Interactive-DiscussionMethod- Students watch the PPT Skills-Analytical Students are asked to
intently and answer thinking write the medicinal use
Useful Teacher shares the slides of the questions related to it. of microorganisms.
microorganisms PPT related to Visual thinking
Students are able to
1. commercial use of Creative thinking
microorganisms describe commercial and
medicinal use of Observation skills
2. medicinal use of
microorganisms. Comprehension
She discusses and explains each
slide.Students share their ideas. Values-
Clarification of doubts raised by
students after each slide. Patience

Self expression

P-4 Interactive-DiscussionMethod- Students watch the PPT Skills-Analytical Students collect the
intently and answer thinking information about
Useful Teacher shares the slides of the questions related to it. vaccine made with the
microorganisms PPT related to Visual thinking
Students are able to help of
1.Vaccine, understand the usefulness of Creative thinking microorganisms.
microorganisms in terms of
2.Increasing soil fertility , vaccine, increasing soil Observation skills
3.Cleaning the environment fertility and cleaning the
environment with the help of Comprehension
microorganisms. skills

She discusses and explains each Values-

slide.Students share their ideas. Compassion

Clarification of doubts raised by Patience

students after each slide.
Self expression


P-5 Interactive-DiscussionMethod- Skills-Analytical 1.Learn questions and

thinking answers given for the
Harmful Teacher shares the slides of the Students watch the PPT test next week.
Microorganism PPT related to intently and answer Visual thinking
s questions related to it.
1. Disease causing Students are able to describe Creative thinking
microorganisms in the disease causing
humans. Observation skills
microorganisms in humans,
2. Disease causing plants and animals. Comprehension
microorganisms in skills
animals. Values-
3. Disease causing Compassion
microorganisms in plants. Patience

Self expression

P -6 and 7 Interactive-DiscussionMethod- Students answer the textual Skills-

Food Teacher shares the slides of the question orally and write the Knowledge,Under
Preservation PPT related to food preservation answers under the guidance standing,Applicati
by of the teacher. on,Analysing and
1. 1. Chemical method Students would be able to
2. 2. Preservation by common salt enhance their creativity by Values- Honesty
3. 3. Preservation by sugar creating a mind map for the
4. 4. Preservation by oil and vinegar entire chapter using topics Time on task
5. 5. Heat and cold treatments and subtopics for each.
6. 6. Storage and packing
7. 7. Nitrogen fixation Paper-pen test/Open book
test/Worksheet/Oral test or
Viva/Online test/any other.

8.Addressing Due to various social backgrounds and multiple intelligences, the classroom might be a diverse arena.

Classroom The following techniques can be used for various groups:For high performers:

Diversity • High order questions to be done

• Encouragement for referring other resources to find information

For low performers students:

• Basic questions to be completed

Provide online structured practice worksheets

For CWSN students:

• Provide a worksheet for revision of basic concepts.

• Call parents at regular intervals

• Provide reteaching online tutorial/video

9.Class activity Experiential learning- Students do the experiment of settling of curd and understand the usefulness of

10.Subject Not Applicable


11.Subject 1. Art- Drawing mind maps,diagrams of type of microorganisms.


12.Recapitulatio Teacher asks the following questions:

● Why are the different types of microorganisms?

● What are communicable diseases?

● What do you mean by pasteurization?

● What is nitrogen cycle?

● What are different methods of preservation/

13.Home Find out at least two use and harms of microorganisms.

elf study

14.New words Preservatives, nitrogen cycle, pasteuresation.


15.Learning Students are able

outcomes ● understand the usefulness of microorganisms

● understand the usefulness of microorganisms

and comments

Prepared by:- Neeru Malik

Date& Sign of the Principal/Academic Coordinator’s sign:-_________ Date &Signature of the HOD: - _____________

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