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This book is dedicated to the memory of Werner E. Suomi.


Stanley Q. Kidder
T h e U n i v e r s i t y o f A l a b a m a in H u n t s v i l l e

Thomas Η. Yonder Ham

C o l o r a d o State U n i v e r s i t y

Academic Press
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Library o f C o n g r e s s C a t a l o g i n g - i n - P u b l i c a t i o n D a t a

Kidder, Stanley Q.
Satellite m e t e o r o l o g y : an introduction / b y Stanley Q. Kidder,
T h o m a s H. V o n d e r Haar,
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 0-12-406430-2
1. Satellite m e t e o r o l o g y . I. V o n d e r Haar, T h o m a s Η. II. Title.
QC879.5.K53 1995
551.6'354-dc20 94-42859

98 99 00 MM 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

During more than three decades since the launch of Vanguard 2, Explorer 7,
and TIROS 1, no textbook has appeared to guide students in the use of what has
become an indispensable tool for meteorology: the weather satellite. This book
is an attempt to remedy this problem at the introductory level. The book is
intended for upper level undergraduates or beginning graduate students who have
a background in calculus and physics and have been introduced to atmospheric
science (meteorology). It can be useful to students in any field which deals with
the atmosphere, in particular with atmospheric measurements.
This is not an "advanced" book. We have included the basics—what we think
every atmospheric scientist should know about satellite meteorology. Measure-
ment of basic meteorological quantities (temperature, wind, etc.) is stressed over
ways to analyze or forecast various features. Our philosophy is that with a
thorough understanding of how the basic quantities are measured and how accu-
rate they are, the reader can proceed to use the data in many types of investigations
and will be able to understand more advanced techniques. Unfortunately this
means that many useful and interesting applications of weather satellite data have
not been included in this book. Some of these advanced applications can be found
in the bibliography at the end of each chapter.
We place special emphasis on the physical understanding of measurements
from space because it is this understanding which will allow both the useful
application of current techniques and the development of future techniques. We
also tend to emphasize operational techniques over experimental techniques. We
do this in the belief that most readers will not do their own information or

x Preface

parameter retrievals from raw satellite data; they will use parameters retrieved
by others. Most often these parameters will be retrieved using operational, near
real-time methods. A thorough exploration of the operational techniques is there-
fore important.
Extensive lists of original references are included at the ends of chapters. There
is no substitute for reading the technical literature, not even this book. One of
our major goals is to enable students to read and understand the literature: articles
on which this book is based, articles which we did not cover, and future articles
which will be written in this rapidly evolving area of atmospheric science.
We would like to acknowledge the research support of NOAA and Colorado
State University, especially the staff at the Cooperative Institute for Research in
the Atmosphere, throughout the period involved in writing this book. In addition,
other research sponsors have provided support necessary to explore the field and
to complete this book. Many people contributed generously to this effort. We
spoke to a substantial fraction of the authors of papers cited and were constantly
amazed and pleased at the time and effort which they were willing to donate.
Many errors and misconceptions were detected and eliminated by these colleagues,
for which we are grateful. In particular, we would like to acknowledge the assis-
tance of the men and women of the National Aeronautics and Space Administra-
tion (NASA), and of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA), without whose help this book would have been impossible. For many
of these scientists and engineers, the daily operation and use of weather satellites
is their profession. We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Judy Sorbie Dunn,
who expertly drafted the figures; Fredi Boston, our librarian, who found all those
references for us; and Loretta Wilson, our special assistant. We extend special
thanks to our colleague, Donald L. Reinke, for his substantial contributions to
the layout and content of Chapter 5, Image Interpretation. We thank Dr. William
W. Vaughan who carefully read and made valuable comments on the draft.
Finally, we thank and dedicate this book to our wives, Bobbie Poole and Dee
Vonder Haar—and to our children of all ages—whose support and encourage-
ment was matched only by their patience throughout the extended period of au-

Stanley Q. Kidder
Thomas H. Vonder Haar

Ν THE MORE than 30 years since the first meteorological satellites were
/ launched, they have become indispensable for study of the Earth's
atmosphere. Indeed, together with their land- and ocean-sensing cousins, meteoro-
logical satellites view the Earth from a global perspective which is unmatched
and unmatchable by any other observing system. In this book we explore what
has become a very broad field: satellite meteorology. As we explore, we attempt
to reveal the excitement that new observing capabilities bring to science.
To begin, we present an overview of the history and important milestones of
satellite meteorology. This, we hope, will give readers the background necessary
to understand today's satellites and techniques. In the second section of this
chapter, we offer a preview of the remainder of the book to give readers some
perspective on where we are taking them.


Satellite meteorology predates the launch of the first meteorological satellite

{metsat). As early as 1860, Jules Verne wrote about "Lunanauts" observing cloud

2 Chapter 1 Introduction

systems (Vaughan, 1982). By the late 1940s, rockets carrying cameras were being
launched into suborbital flights. The photographs that they returned gave rise by
the early 1950s to serious scientific discussion of the possibility of observing the
weather from space (e.g., Wexler, 1954). Several groups, notably the U.S. Army
Evans Signal Laboratory and the University of Wisconsin, pursued the idea of
launching a weather satellite. These efforts were intensified after the launch by
the Soviet Union on 4 October 1957 of the first successful Earth satellite, Sputnik
1. The first successful U.S. satellite, Explorer 1, was launched 123 days later on
31 January 1958. These early days are chronicled in proceedings volumes edited
by Vaughan (1982) and Vonder Haar et al (1982).
Of fundamental importance to space flight, in general, and satellite meteorol-
ogy, in particular, was the formation of the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) on 1 October 1958. For more than 30 years, NASA has
lead the development of all types of scientific satellites used for civilian purposes.
Appendix A of this book attempts to list all satellites that have made atmospheric
measurements. A large fraction were developed by NASA. Involved from the first
in satellite meteorology were agencies that now are components of the U.S. Na-
tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), particularly the U.S.
Weather Bureau (now the National Weather Service). Today operational U.S.
meteorological satellites are controlled by NOAA and the U.S. Air Force.
The first satellite with a meteorological instrument was Vanguard 2, launched
17 February 1959. Developed by the U.S. Army's Evans Signal Laboratory, Van-
guard 2 had a pair of photocells behind lenses that, much like today's scanning
radiometers, were supposed to sweep out a visible Earth image as the satellite
orbited and spun. Unfortunately, the satellite wobbled on its axis, causing the
scan lines to crisscross, which rendered the data unusable.
Explorer 6, launched 7 August 1959, was the second satellite with meteorologi-
cal instruments. It carried an imaging system and a Suomi radiometer (see below).
It went into a highly elliptical orbit, however, and was essentially unusable,
although it did return the first Earth photo.
The first successful meteorological instrument on an orbiting satellite was the
Suomi radiometer, which flew on Explorer 7, launched 13 October 1959. Devel-
oped by Verner Suomi and colleagues at the University of Wisconsin, it consisted
of hemispheres, painted either black or white, backed by aluminum mirrors, and
mounted on the equator of a spinning satellite. The mirrors reflected the scene
back to the hemispheres, such that the hemispheres acted like spheres isolated in
space. Since the satellite spun, the spheres sampled solar radiation and terrestrial
radiation independent of the orientation of the satellite's spin axis. The tempera-
ture of each hemisphere was monitored, and its time rate of change was related
to the net gain or loss of radiative energy at the sensor. The black hemispheres
absorbed all radiation; the white hemisphere reflected solar radiation but absorbed
infrared radiation. The difference between the radiation balance of the hemi-
spheres indicated solar radiation. With these data, coarse maps of the solar radia-
tion reflected by the Earth and the infrared radiation emitted by the Earth were
made for the first time.
1.1 History of Satellite Meteorology 3

The first satellite completely dedicated to satellite meteorology was launched

on 1 April 1960. TIROS 1 (Television and Infrared Observational Satellite), the
22nd successfully launched satellite, was hatbox-shaped, about 57 cm in height
and 107 cm in diameter. Its mass was 120 kg. Figure 1.1 shows a sketch of
TIROS 1 along with Vanguard 2, Explorer 7, and Nimbus 1.
The image-making instrument on TIROS 1 was a vidicon camera, which was
an adaptation of a standard television camera. Essentially, a lens focused the
image on the light-sensitive face of a cathode ray tube (CRT) about 12.7 mm
square. The bright and dark areas of the image resulted in a pattern of electrical
charge on the CRT. An electron beam scanned the CRT face to measure the
charge. The scanning was similar to normal television, it had 500 lines, each with
500 elements. Scanning an entire image took 2 s. The voltages measured by the
vidicon camera were telemetered to the ground to be assembled into an image.
Figure 1.2 shows the first image returned by TIROS 1. Although crude by
today's standards, TIROS 1 images generated immense excitement. For the first
time we could view the Earth and its weather systems as a whole. Not only have
satellite observations become essential for meteorology; we believe that they have
fundamentally changed our perception of the Earth from a set of distant, isolated
continents to an integrated, inseparable system of land, ocean, atmosphere, and
living things. Nearly 23,000 images were returned in the 79-day lifetime of
Nine additional satellites were launched in the TIROS series; the last, TIROS
10, was launched on 2 July 1965. Several technological improvements were intro-
duced in the TIROS series. TIROS 2 introduced a scanning radiometer, the Me-
dium Resolution Infrared Radiometer (MRIR), which was similar to today's
imaging instruments (see Chapter 4). TIROS 3, 4, and 7 also carried improved
versions of the Suomi radiometer.
The first four TIROS were launched into 48°-inclination orbits (see Section
2.2.4). Beginning with TIROS 5, they were launched into 58°-inclination orbits
to expand coverage 10° toward the poles.


FIGURE 1.1. Four early metsats.
4 Chapter 1 Introduction

FIGURE 1.2. First TIROS 1 image. [After Rao et al (1990).]

TIROS 8, launched 21 December 1963, introduced Automatic Picture Trans-

mission (APT). A new vidicon camera with 800-line resolution was scanned at
the slow rate of 4 lines per second, and the data were immediately broadcast to
the Earth at VHF (very high frequency) frequencies. The slow transmission rate
meant that inexpensive equipment could be used to receive and display the images.
Thus anyone with the proper equipment could directly receive weather satellite
images as the satellite passed by twice each day. APT is still an important function
on today's polar-orbiting weather satellites.
To maintain their orientation in space, many satellites spin. In the absence of
external torques, angular momentum is conserved, and the spin axis points in a
constant direction in space as the satellite orbits the Earth. TIROS spun at about
12 revolutions per minute (rpm). This caused a viewing problem with the first eight
TIROS, however. The vidicon cameras on these satellites were on the "bottom" of
the craft; that is, they pointed parallel to the spin axis and, therefore, in a constant
direction in space. The Earth was in their field of view only about 2 5 % of the
time. During the remaining 75% of each orbit, they viewed space. TIROS 9,
launched 22 January 1965, introduced a new configuration, the "cartwheel"
configuration. The satellite's spin axis was tilted to be perpendicular to the orbital
plane, and the cameras were reoriented to point out the side of the spacecraft.
Thus, the satellite "rolled" like the wheel of a cart in its orbit about the Earth.
With each rotation of the satellite, the cameras would point toward Earth, and
a picture could be taken. This allowed global composite images to be made; an
example is shown in Fig. 1.3.
1.1 History of Satellite Meteorology 5

FIGURE 1.3. TIROS 9 Earth mosaic. [Courtesy of N A S A and N O A A . ]

In 1964 an extremely important series of experimental meteorological satellites

was initiated, the Nimbus series. Nimbus 1, launched 28 August 1964 (see Fig.
1.1), had two notable firsts. It was the first three-axis stabilized metsat; that is,
with the use of momentum wheels (flywheels inside the spacecraft) controlled by
horizon sensors, it rotated once per orbit (by placing torque on the appropriate
momentum wheels) so that its instruments constantly pointed toward Earth. Its
APT camera was therefore much more useful than that of TIROS 8, which only
viewed the Earth 2 5 % of the time. Figure 1.4 shows a Nimbus 1 APT photo.
Nimbus 1 also was the first sunsynchronous satellite, which means that it
passed over any point on Earth at approximately the same time each day (see

FIGURE 1.4. Nimbus 1 APT photo. [Courtesy of NASA.]

6 Chapter 1 Introduction

Section 2.4.1). This regularity increased its utility in operational forecasting. The
sunsynchronous orbit has been used ever since for U.S. operational metsats in
near-polar orbits. Nimbus l's High Resolution Infrared Radiometer (HRIR), a
scanning radiometer quite similar to those in operational use today, provided
night and day coverage. Figure 1.5 shows an HRIR image of Hurricane Gladys.
An important accomplishment of satellite meteorology is that since sometime
in the mid-1960s when metsat coverage became continuous, there have been no
undetected tropical cyclones anywhere on Earth. These ocean-born storms, which
for centuries menaced seafarers and coastal and island dwellers, can no longer
surprise potential victims. Lives are still lost to tropical cyclones, but many are
now saved because of the warnings that metsats make possible.
In total, seven Nimbus satellites were launched. Some experiments on the last
one, Nimbus 7, launched 24 October 1978, were still operational as this book
was being written! The Nimbus series tested many new concepts that have lead
to the operational instruments in use today. These instruments will be discussed
elsewhere in this book.
The first 5 years of satellite meteorology are also documented by Hubert and
Lehr (1967), to which the reader is referred for interesting details to augment the
references noted at the beginning of this section.
By 1966 the United States was ready to initiate an operational (as opposed to
experimental) series of metsats. The Environmental Science Service Administration
(NOAA's predecessor) commissioned nine satellites, ESSA 1 through 9, which
were launched between 3 February 1966 and 26 February 1969. Each was essen-
tially like TIROS 9; each flew in the cartwheel configuration, but in sunsyn-

FIGURE 1.5. Nimbus 1 HRIR image of Hurricane Gladys. [Courtesy of NASA.]

1.1 History of Satellite Meteorology f

chronous orbit. The odd-numbered satellites had Advanced Vidicon Camera

Systems (AVCSs), which were proven on the Nimbus satellites, and which could
record images for later playback to Earth receiving stations. The even-numbered
satellites had APT cameras for immediate broadcast to Earth. Once again,
Suomi-type radiometers measured the Earth's energy budget from some of
these satellites.
On 16 September 1966 the U.S. Air Force (USAF) launched the first in a series
of metsats, the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP). This series was
called DMSP Block 4. It included seven satellites; the last was launched on 23
July 1969.
On 7 December 1966 satellite meteorology took another leap forward with
the launch of the first Applications Technology Satellite (ATS 1). Carrying a
Spin Scan Cloud Camera, developed by Verner Suomi and Robert Parent at the
University of Wisconsin, ATS 1 was placed into geostationary orbit (see Section
2.4.2) to view the Western Hemisphere in visible light. For the first time, rapid-
imaging of nearly an entire hemisphere was possible. We could watch, fascinated,
as storm systems developed and moved and were captured in a time series of
images. Today such images are an indispensable part of weather analysis and
forecasting. ATS 3, launched 5 November 1967, carried a Multicolor Spin Scan
Cloud Camera, which employed a filter wheel to make the first color images of
Earth (Plate 1).
Virtually all parts of the electromagnetic spectrum are useful for satellite meteo-
rology. The microwave portion of the spectrum was first explored by the Soviet
satellite Kosmos 243, launched 23 September 1968.
In 1969 the Soviets began a lengthy series of operational metsats, which, in
its third generation, continues today. The first Meteor-1 was launched on 26
March 1969. The 31st member of the Meteor-1 series was launched on 10
July 1981.
Another very important event occurred on 14 April 1969 with the launch of
Nimbus 3. It carried two instruments designed to provide atmospheric soundings
from space. For the first time, satellite data were used quantitatively in numerical
weather-prediction models. The Satellite Infrared Spectrometer (SIRS), made mea-
surements in the 15-μ,πι portion of the spectrum. It was the forerunner of today's
operational sounding instruments. A second instrument, the Infrared Interferome-
ter Spectrometer (IRIS), measured spectra in the infrared from about 6 to 25 μπι.
(See Section 4.3.1.) IRIS also flew on the Voyager spacecraft to Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, and Neptune, and a similar instrument is under consideration for future
geostationary spacecraft.
The second series of U.S. operational metsats began on 23 January 1970 with
the launch of TIROS M, also called the Improved TIROS Operational System
(ITOS). The NOAA 1 through 5 satellites completed the series. These satellites
were three-axis stabilized and flew in sunsynchronous orbits.
An extremely long-lasting instrument, and the first ultraviolet instrument in
space, was the Backscatter Ultraviolet (BUV) launched on Nimbus 4 on 8 April
1970. BUV measured ozone (see Section 6.5) for nearly 10 years.
g Chapter 1 Introduction

Similar in appearance to the Nimbus satellites, the Landsat series was designed
for land remote sensing. Its sensors have extremely high resolution, 80 m in the
first satellite and up to 30 m in the latest satellite (Landsat 5). Landsat 1, also
called the Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS), was launched on 23 July
1972. Landsat data are used in meteorology primarily to study small clouds and
surface features that may influence weather.
The first generation of semioperational geostationary metsats began with the
launch of the Synchronous Meteorological Satellite 1 (SMS 1) on 17 May 1974.
SMS 2 was launched on 6 February 1975. These satellites carried the first Data
Collection Platform (DCP) repeater. Data from meteorological or other platforms
on the surface (Fig. 1.6) could be relayed by the satellite to a central receiving
site. Thus data from remote ground sites could be easily obtained for the first
time. The cloud cameras on the ATS satellites made images in the visible portion
of the spectrum only. SMS and the succeeding GOES have an infrared radiometer
as well. Since 27 June 1974, when SMS 1 became operational, we have had
continuous, uninterrupted, 24-hour-per-day monitoring of most of the Western
Hemisphere from space.
On 11 September 1976 the DMSP Block 5D series of the USAF began. The
primary Block 5D instrument is the Operational Linescan System (OLS). It is
still the highest-resolution (600 m) meteorological instrument in space. OLS is
interesting in another way, also. Its shortwave sensor has a broad passband, which
means that it can collect enough radiation to make some images by moonlight, and
it can sense city lights at night. (See Section
The second series of operational Soviet metsats began on 11 July 1975 with
the launch of Meteor-2 1. Eighteen satellites have been launched in the series.
The first truly operational geostationary metsat, the Geostationary Operational
Environmental Satellite 1 (GOES 1), was launched on 16 October 1975. GOES

FIGURE 1.6. Data Collection Platform (DCP).

1.1 History of Satellite Meteorology 9

2 and 3 were similar. Since the launch of SMS 2, the United States has generally
maintained two geostationary satellites in orbit, one at 75° west longitude, and
one at 135° west longitude.
In 1977 and 1978 two more geostationary metsats were launched: Japan's
Geostationary Meteorological Satellite 1 (GMS 1) was stationed it at 140° east
longitude, and the European Space Agency's Meteosat 1 was stationed at the
prime meridian. Meteosat was the first geostationary satellite to make images of
mid- to upper-troposphere water vapor at 6.7 μπι (Fig. 1.7) in addition to visible
and ΙΟ-12-μπι infrared.
The third generation of U.S. polar-orbiting metsats began on 13 October 1978
with the launch of TIROS N. This series, which continues today, is discussed in
Chapter 4.
India has been quite active in satellite meteorology. Two Indian polar orbiters
have been launched: Bhaskara 1 on 7 June 1979 and Bhaskara 2 on 20 November
1981. On 31 August 1983, the geostationary Insat IB was launched from the
Space Shuttle. Stationed at 74° east longitude, Insat IB completed geostationary
coverage of the tropics and midlatitudes around the Earth. (Although in 1978
and 1979, GOES 1 was temporarily stationed at 55° east longitude to provide
global coverage for the First GARP Global Experiment.) Insat was also the first
three-axis stabilized geostationary metsat.
On 9 September 1980 GOES 4, the first in the second generation of GOES
satellites, was launched. This series of satellites is discussed in detail in Chapter 4.

FIGURE 1.7. Meteosat water vapor image. [Courtesy of ESA.]

"IQ Chapter 1 Introduction

The first satellite dedicated to climate research was launched on 5 October

1984 from the Space Shuttle Challenger (Fig 1.8). Called the Earth Radiation
Budget Satellite (ERBS), it carried two instruments: the Earth Radiation Budget
Experiment (ERBE), which is discussed in Chapter 10, and the Stratospheric
Aerosol and Gas Experiment II, which is discussed in Chapter 8. ERBS flies in a
nonsunsynchronous orbit so that its measurements will sample all local times. It
was teamed with two NO A A satellites carrying identical ERBE instruments. This
sampling strategy is discussed in Section 2.6.
The final satellite series, which completes the suite of operational satellites in
use as this book was being completed, began with the launch by the Soviet Union
of Meteor-3 1 on 26 July 1988.
The history of satellite meteorology has many facets in addition to the hardware
that has been launched into orbit. In particular, the explosion in computer and
communications technology during the space age has literally made weather satel-
lites possible. This technology has also made possible the dissemination of the
satellite data and products to the operational forecasting and research sites where
they are needed. Figure 1.9 shows what today seems unremarkable, a satellite
image transmitted in 1980 from the Colorado State University Direct Readout
Ground Station for GOES to the National Weather Service Forecast Office in
Denver. Without such communications capabilities, and without the computing

FIGURE 1.8. ERBS being launched from the Space Shuttle. [Courtesy of NASA.]
1.2 Scope of the Book 11

FIGURE 1.9. GOES image transmitted in near-realtime to a remote site.

power necessary to turn raw counts received from the satellite into useful measure-
ments, satellite meteorology would still be in its infancy. Although the reader will
see in this book only glimpses of the communications and computer technology
that underlies all of satellite meteorology, it should not be forgotten.
In the remainder of this chapter, we offer the reader a preview of the contents
and philosophy of this book.


Within the context of related areas of study, Fig. 1.10 denotes the scope of
this basic, introductory book. As shown in the figure, the technical subareas that
constitute the core of satellite meteorology are (1) time and space sampling of
weather and climate features, (2) algorithms and interpretation methods, (3)
satellite senors, and (4) weather and climate products and applications.
Chapters 2 through 4 present basic material necessary to understand satellites
and how they can be used in meteorology. Chapter 2 discusses satellite orbits.
Satellites are not free to travel any path in space, they must follow those dictated
by the laws of physics. Knowledge of these laws and of possible orbits is essential
to understanding satellite meteorology. Chapter 3 discusses electromagnetic radia-
"12 Chapter 1 Introduction

FIGURE 1.10. Scope of the book.

tion, which is the only quantity that meteorological satellites directly measure.
The sources of this radiation and its interaction with the Earth's surface and
atmosphere are explored. Chapter 4 discusses the instruments that make the
measurements. Using instruments on current satellites as examples, the basic
operation and capabilities of meteorological instruments are detailed.
Chapter 5 presents the basics of weather satellite image analysis, that is, inter-
preting the pictures returned by metsats. This was the first, and for many is still
the only, application of meteorological satellite data. Because this subject can
1.2 Scope of the Book 13

(and does) fill volumes, we present only what we think everyone should know
about satellite images. References at the end of the chapter direct the reader to
more detailed discussions.
Chapters 6 through 10 discuss the fundamental parameters that can be retrieved
from meteorological satellite data. We concentrate on three issues: what meteoro-
logical parameters can be retrieved, how the parameters are retrieved from the
electromagnetic measurements, and how accurate the retrieved parameters are.
The parameters covered in Chapters 6 through 10, respectively, are temperature
and trace-gas concentration, winds, clouds and aerosols, precipitation, and radia-
tion budget. Many specialized applications of satellite data are not covered in
this book. We have confined ourselves to the basic parameters in the interest of
brevity, but also in the belief that the fundamental parameters are better able to
be combined with other measurements such as rawinsonde data or radar data to
further our knowledge of the atmosphere.
Finally, in Chapter 11 we look into the future as best we can to indicate what
the next decade may bring to satellite meteorology. The reader is warned that
the technological, political, and economic rates of change are such that making
forecasts of the future of satellite meteorology is a difficult task, yet pleasant. In
planning one's career, or indeed one's next project, however, it is necessary have
some idea of what the future holds.
Now, dear reader, welcome to the world of satellite meteorology. We hope
that you enjoy the following tour.

Hubert, L. F., and P. E. Lehr (1967). Weather Satellites. Blaisdell Publishing Co., Waltham, MA.,
120 pp.
Rao, P. K., S. J. Holmes, R. K. Anderson, J. S. Winston, and P. E. Lehr (eds.) (1990). Weather
Satellites: Systems, Data, and Environmental Applications. American Meteorological Society,
Vaughan, W. W. (ed.) (1982). Meteorological Satellites—Fast, Present, and Future. N A S A Conference
Publication 2 2 2 7 , Washington, D C , 60 pp.
Vonder Haar, Τ. Η., W. W. Vaughan, Μ. H. Davis, and M. A. Cook (eds.) (1982). The Conception,
Growth, Accomplishments, and Future of Meteorological Satellites. N A S A Conference Publication
2 2 5 7 , Washington, D C , 101 pp.
Wexler, H. (1954). Observing the weather from a satellite vehicle. / . Br. Interplanetary Set., 1 3 ,

Τ ο FULLY UNDERSTAND and use satellite data it is necessary to under-

stand the orbits in which satellites are constrained to move and the
geometry with which they view the Earth. This chapter begins with a review of
basic physical principles which reveal the shape of a satellite orbit and how to
orient the orbital plane in space. This knowledge allows us to calculate the position
of a satellite at any time. Orbit perturbations and their effects on meteorological
satellite orbits are then discussed. Next the geometry of satellite tracking and
Earth location of the measurements made from the satellites are explored. This
leads to a discussion of space—time sampling. The chapter concludes with a brief
overview of satellite launch vehicles and orbit insertion options.


Isaac Newton discovered the basic principles that govern the motions of

satellites and other heavenly bodies.

English physicist and mathematician, 1 6 4 2 - 1 7 2 7 .

16 Chapter 2 Orbits and Navigation

Newton's Laws of Motion

1. Every body will continue in its state of rest or of uniform motion in a
straight line except insofar as it is compelled to change that state by an
impressed force.
2. The rate of change of momentum is proportional to the impressed force
and takes place in the line in which the force acts.
3. Action and reaction are equal and opposite.
Since momentum is the product of the mass of a body and its velocity, Newton's
Second Law is the familiar

F = ma = ~j~> m

where F is force, m is mass, a is acceleration, ν is velocity, and t is time. In addition,

Newton gave us the functional form of the force that determines satellite motion:

Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation

The force of attraction between two point masses m and m separated by x 2

a distance r is

F=^ » h , ( 2 . 2 )

where G is the Newtonian (or universal) gravitation constant (see Appen-

dix E).
Consider the simple circular orbit shown in Fig. 2.1. Assuming that the Earth
is a sphere, we can treat it as a point mass. The centripital force required to keep
the satellite in a circular orbit is rnv /r, where ν is the orbital velocity of the

satellite. The force of gravity that supplies this centripital force is Gm rn/r , where e

m is the mass of the Earth (Appendix E) and m is the mass of the satellite.

Equating the two forces gives

= Gm me

r r L


FIGURE 2.1. A circular satellite orbit.

2.2 Keplerian Orbits ]7

Division by m eliminates the mass of the satellite from the equation, which means
that the orbit of a satellite is independent of its mass. The period of the satellite
is the orbit circumference divided by the velocity: Τ = lirrlv. Substituting in Eq.
2.3 gives
4-7Γ 2

Gm e

The current NOAA satellites orbit at approximately 850 km above the Earth's
surface. Since the equatorial radius of the Earth is about 6378 km, the orbit

radius is about 7228 km. Substituting in Eq. 2.4 shows that the NOAA satellites
have a period of about 102 min.
As a second example, we calculate the radius required for a satellite in geosyn-
chronous orbit, that is an orbit in which the satellite has the same angular velocity
as the Earth. The angular velocity of a satellite is

ξ =~ (2.5)

Substituting Eq. 2.5 in Eq. 2.4 gives

^ =ψ · (2.6)

Inserting the angular velocity of the Earth (Appendix E), the required radius for a
geosynchronous orbit is 42,164 km, or about 35,786 km above the Earth's surface.


Satellites, however, do not travel in perfect circles, although a circular orbit is

the goal for most meteorological satellites. It is possible to derive the exact form
of a satellite's orbit from Newton's laws of motion and the law of universal
gravitation. The results of this derivation are neatly summarized in Kepler's laws

and in Kepler's equation.

2.2.1 Kepler's Laws

Johannes Kepler died 12 years before Newton was born and, therefore, did not

have the advantage of Newton's work. Kepler formulated his laws by analyzing
a mass of data on the position of the planets. This task was complicated by the
rotation of the Earth and the motion of the Earth about the sun, which make

Specifications call for them to orbit at either 833 or 870 km; 8 5 0 km is a representative value.
The reader is referred to Escobal (1965) and Goldstein (1950) for two quite different, but equally
lengthy, derivations.
German astronomer, 1 5 7 1 - 1 6 3 0 .
Chapter 2 Orbits and Navigation

planetary motions seem very complex. In modern form, Kepler's laws may be
stated as follows:

Kepler's Laws
1. All planets travel in elliptical paths with the sun at one focus.
2. The radius vector from the sun to a planet sweeps out equal areas in
equal times.
3. The ratio of the square of the period of revolution of a planet to the
cube of its semimajor axis is the same for all planets revolving around
the sun.
The same laws apply if we substitute satellite for planet and Earth for sun.
Equation 2.4 is a statement of Kepler's third law for the special case of a circu-
lar orbit.

2.2.2 Ellipse Geometry

The parameters that are used to specify satellite orbits are based in part on
geometric terminology. Figure 2.2 illustrates the geometry of an elliptical orbit.
The point where the satellite most closely approaches the Earth is the perigee, or
more generally, the perifocus. The point where the satellite is furthest from the
Earth is called the apogee or apofocus. The distance from the center of the ellipse
to the perigee (or apogee) is the semimajor axis and will be denoted by the symbol
a. The distance from the center of the ellipse to one focus (to the center of the
Earth) divided by the semimajor axis is the eccentricity and will be denoted by
the symbol ε. For an ellipse, the eccentricity is a number between zero and one
(0 < ε < 1). A circle is an ellipse with zero eccentricity. The equation for the
ellipse, that is, the path that the satellite follows, is given in polar coordinates



FIGURE 2.2. Elliptical orbit geometry.

2.2 Keplerian Orbits 19

with the Earth as origin as

1 + ε cos0

The angle θ is the true anomaly and is always measured counterclockwise (the
direction of satellite motion) from the perigee.

2.2.3 Kepler's Equation

A satellite in a circular orbit undergoes uniform angular velocity. By Kepler's

Second Law, however, a satellite in an elliptical orbit cannot have uniform angular
velocity; it must travel faster when it is closer to Earth. The position of the satellite
as a function of time can be found by applying Kepler's equation:

Μ = n(t - t ) = e - ε sine,
p (2.8)
where Μ is the mean anomaly; Μ increases linearly in time at the rate n, called
the mean motion constant, given by

Y=J¥- ·
(2 9)

By definition Μ is zero when the satellite is at perigee; therefore, t is the time p

of perigeal passage. The angle e is the eccentric anomaly. It is geometrically related

to the true anomaly (Fig. 2.3):



FIGURE 2.3. The geometric relationship between true anomaly (0) and eccentric anomaly {e).
Chapter 2 Orbits and Navigation

2.2.4 Orientation in Space

By calculating r and Θ at time t, we have positioned the satellite in the plane

of its orbit; now we must position the orbital plane in space. To do so requires
the definition of a coordinate system. This coordinate system must be an inertial
coordinate system, that is, a nonaccelerating system in which Newton's Laws of
Motion are valid. A coordinate system fixed to the rotating Earth is not such a
system. We will adopt an astronomical coordinate system called the right ascen-
sion-declination coordinate system. In this system (Fig. 2.4) the ζ axis is aligned

with the Earth's spin axis. The χ axis is chosen such that it points from the center
of the Earth to the sun at the moment of the vernal equinox, when the sun is
crossing the equatorial plane from the Southern Hemisphere to the Northern
Hemisphere. The y axis is chosen to make it a right-handed coordinate system.

In this system, the declination of a point in space is its angular displacement

measured northward from the equatorial plane, and the right ascension is the
angular displacement, measured counterclockwise from the χ axis, of the projec-
tion of the point in the equatorial plane (Fig. 2.5).
Three angles are used to position an elliptical orbit in the right ascension-decli-
nation coordinate system (Fig. 2.6): the inclination angle, the right ascension of
ascending node, and the argument of perigee.
The inclination angle (i) is the angle between the equatorial plane and the
orbital plane. By convention, the inclination angle is zero if the orbital plane
coincides with the equatorial plane and if the satellite rotates in the same
direction as the Earth. If the two planes coincide but the satellite rotates
opposite to the Earth, the inclination angle is 180°. Prograde orbits are those
with inclination angles less than 90°; retrograde orbits are those with i greater
than 90°.
The ascending node is the point where the satellite crosses the equatorial plane
going north (ascends). The right ascension of this point is the right ascension of
ascending node (Ω). It is measured in the equatorial plane from the χ axis (vernal
equinox) to the ascending node. In practice, the right ascension of ascending node
has a more general meaning. It is the right ascension of the intersection of the
orbital plane with the equatorial plane; thus it is always defined, not just when
the satellite is at an ascending node.
Finally, the argument of perigee (ω) is the angle measured in the orbital plane
between the ascending node (equatorial plane) and the perigee.

Because the origin of this coordinate system moves about the sun with the Earth, it is not truly
inertial. However, the sun's gravity causes the satellite to rotate around the sun as does the Earth.
Therefore, the satellite acts as if the right ascension-declination coordinate system were inertial.
This χ axis is also referred to as the First Point of Aries because it used to point at the constellation
Aries. Because of the influence of the sun and m o o n on the nonspherical Earth, the Earth's spin axis
precesses like a top with a period of 2 5 , 7 8 1 years. This causes the vernal equinox to change. Today,
the χ axis points to the constellation Pisces, but it is still referred to as the First Point of Aries.
2.2 Keplerian Orbits 21


FIGURE 2.4. The right ascension—declination coordinate system.

FIGURE 2.5. Coordinates used in the right ascension-declination coordinate system: right ascension
(Ω), declination (δ), and radius (r).


FIGURE 2.6. Angles used to orient an orbit in space.
22 Chapter 2 Orbits and Navigation

2.2.5 Orbital Elements

The just-discussed parameters for location of a satellite in space are collectively
known as the classical orbital elements (Table 2.1) or as Brouwer mean orbital
elements (Brouwer and Clemence, 1961). These parameters may be determined
by optical, radar, or radio ranging observations or by matching features of known
locations on the Earth's surface (landmarks) with observations made by instru-
ments on the satellite (Dubyago, 1961; Escobal, 1965). The orbital elements for
particular satellites are available from the agencies that operate them: NOAA or
NASA in the United States, the European Space Agency (ESA) in Europe, etc. A

final parameter, included in Table 2.1, is the time when these elements are observed
or are "valid." This time is called the epoch time (t ). Some of the orbital elements

change with time, as we shall see below. A subscript " o " on an orbital element
indicates a value at the epoch time.
There is some variation in how the orbital elements are specified. ESA, for
example, substitutes true anomaly for mean anomaly. Also, in less formal descrip-
tions of satellite orbits, one frequently sees the height of the satellite above the
Earth's surface substituted for the semimajor axis. Since the Earth is not round,
the height of a satellite will vary according to its position in the orbit. Specifying
the semimajor axis is a much better way to describe a satellite orbit.
Orbits in which the classical orbital elements (except M) are constant are called
Keplerian orbits. Viewed from space, Keplerian orbits are simple. The satellite
moves in an elliptical path with the center of the Earth at one focus. The ellipse
maintains a constant size, shape, and orientation with respect to the stars (Fig
2.7a). Perhaps surprisingly, the only effect of the sun's gravity on the satellite is
to move the focus of the ellipse (the Earth) in an elliptical path around the sun
(the Earth's orbit).
Viewed from the Earth, Keplerian orbits appear complicated because the Earth
rotates on its axis as the satellite orbits the Earth (Fig. 2.8). The rotation of the
Earth beneath a fixed orbit results in two daily passes of the satellite near a point
on the Earth (assuming that the period is substantially less than a day and that
the inclination angle is greater than the latitude of the point). One pass occurs
during the ascending portion of the orbit; the other occurs during the descending
portion of the orbit. This usually means that one pass occurs during daylight and
one during darkness.


Although satellites travel in nearly Keplerian orbits, these orbits are perturbed
by a variety of forces (Table 2.2). Forces arising from the last five processes are
small and can be viewed as causing essentially random perturbations in the orbital
elements. Operationally they are dealt with simply by periodically (1) observing
N O A A orbital elements for the polar-orbiting satellites are broadcast in the form of "TBUS

bulletins." Barnes and Smallwood (1982) explain h o w to interpret these bulletins.

TABLE 2.1. Classical Orbital Elements

Element Symbol

Semimajor axis a
Eccentricity ε
Inclination i
Argument of perigee ω 0

Right ascension of ascending node Ω 0

Mean anomaly M 0

Epoch time 0t

FIGURE 2.7. The change with season of (a) a Keplerian orbit and (b) a sunsynchronous orbit.
24 Chapter 2 Orbits and Navigation

FIGURE 2.8. The orbit of a representative satellite as viewed from a point rotating with the Earth.

the orbital elements and (2) adjusting the orbit with on-board thrusters. Forces
due to the nonspherical Earth cause secular (linear with time) changes in the
orbital elements. These forces can be predicted theoretically and indeed are useful.
The gravitational potential of Earth is a complicated function of the Earth's
shape, the distribution of land and ocean, and even the density of crustal material.
As a first-order correction to a spherical shape, we may treat the Earth as an
oblate spheroid of revolution. In cross section the Earth is approximately elliptical.
The distance from the center of the Earth to the equator is, on average, 6378.140
km, whereas the distance to the poles is 6356.755 km. One can think of the Earth
as a sphere with a 21-km-thick "belt" around the equator. The gravitational
potential of the Earth is approximately given by

( 1 - 3 sin 6) + - , (2.11)
17= "

where r is the equatorial radius of the Earth, δ is the declination angle, and

J is the coefficient of the quadrupole term (Appendix E). The higher-order


TABLE 2.2. Orbit Perturbing Forces

Force Source

Nonspherical gravitational field Nonspherical, nonhomogeneous Earth

Gravitational attraction of auxiliary bodies M o o n , planets
Radiation pressure Sun's radiation
Particle flux Solar wind
Lift and drag Residual atmosphere
Electromagnetic forces Interaction of electrical currents in the satellite
with the Earth's magnetic field
2.3 Orbit Perturbations 25

terms are more than two orders of magnitude smaller than the quadrupole term
and will not be considered here, although they are necessary for very accurate
How does this belt of extra mass affect a satellite's orbit? One might expect
it to cause the satellite to orbit at a different speed, and indeed it does. The time
rate of change of the mean anomaly (dM/dt) is given by the mean motion constant
η in the unperturbed orbit and by the anomalistic mean motion constant, n, in
a perturbed orbit. Considering only the quadrupole term, Escobal (1965)
shows that

dM _
—-— = η — η (2.12)

When the inclination angle is less than 54.7°, η is greater than n; the satellite
orbits faster than it would in an unperturbed orbit. However, for larger inclina-
tions, the satellite orbits more slowly than it otherwise would.
Because the belt exerts an equatorward force, one might also expect that it
would have an effect on the inclination angle. This force, however, affects the
right ascension of the ascending node rather than the inclination angle. Just as
the force of gravity causes a top to precess rather than to fall over, so the attraction
of the belt causes the orbit to precess about the ζ axis rather than to change its
inclination angle. Escobal (1965) gives the rate of change of the right ascension
of ascending node as

—τ- = -n f / ( ^ ) ( l - e ) - c o s / ] .
2 2 2
dt 2

The final effect of the belt is to cause the argument of perigee to rotate or
precess. Escobal (1965) gives

άω _ 3 (r, x2

^ j ( l - e ^ ( - f s m ^ ) ] . (2.14)
2 2 2

The other three orbital elements, α, ε, and /, undergo small, oscillatory changes
that may be neglected.
If SI Units are used, Eqs. 2.9, 2.12, 2.13, and 2.14 result respectively in values
of n, n, d£lldt, and άω/dt whose units are radians per second.
The anomalistic period of a perturbed orbit is simply

— 27Γ
= ψ·
η (2.15)

However, because Μ is measured from perigee, the anomalistic period is the time
for the satellite to travel from perigee to moving perigee. Of more use is the
synodic or nodal period, T, which is the time for the satellite^ to travel from one
ascending node to the next ascending node. An exact value of Τ must be calculated
2£ Chapter 2 Orbits and Navigation

numerically; however, to very good approximation


In summary, then, the first-order effects of the nonspherical gravitational poten-

tial of the Earth consist of a slow, linear change in two of the classical orbital
elements, the right ascension of ascending node and the argument of perigee, and
a small change in the mean motion constant.


Nearly all present meteorological satellites are in one of two orbits, sunsynchro-
nous or geostationary, but other orbits are also useful.

2.4.1 Sunsynchronous Orbits

The nonspherical gravitational perturbation of Earth, far from being a problem,

has a very useful application. As shown in Fig. 2.7a, the angle between the lines
that join the sun and the ascending node to the center of the Earth changes in a
Keplerian orbit because the orbital plane is fixed while the Earth rotates around
the sun. This causes the satellite to pass over an area at different times of the
day. For example, if the satellite passes over near noon and midnight in the spring,
it will pass over near 6:00 am and 6:00 pm in the winter. Several problems result;
among them are (1) the data do not fit conveniently into operational schedules,
(2) orientation of solar cell panels is difficult, and (3) dawn or dusk visible images
may not be as useful as images made at other times. Fortunately, the perturbations
caused by the nonspherical Earth can be employed to keep the sun-Earth-satellite
angle constant.
The Earth makes one complete revolution about the sun (2π radians) in one
tropical year (31,556,925.9747 s). Thus the right ascension of the sun changes
at the average rate of 1.991064 x 10~ rad s" (0.9856473° day" ). If the inclina-
7 1 1

tion of the satellite is correctly chosen, the right ascension of its ascending node
can be made to precess at this same rate. An orbit that is so synchronized with
the sun is called a sunsynchronous orbit. For a satellite with a semimajor axis of
7228 km and zero eccentricity, Eq. 2.13 requires an inclination of 98.8° to be
sunsynchronous. Figure 2.7b shows the change with season of a sunsynchro-
nous orbit.
Because the sun-Earth-ascending node angle is constant in a sunsynchronous

orbit, the satellite is often said to cross the equator at the same local time every

Apart from small changes due to the elliptical orbit of the Earth.
2.4 Meteorological Satellite Orbits 27

day. Unfortunately, local time is an ambiguous term. We will use it to mean

"' U +
TF ( 2
· 1 7 )

where t is coordinated universal time in hours and Ψ is the longitude in degrees


of a particular point. Equator crossing time (ECT) is the local time when a

satellite crosses the equator:

ECT=t v + j&, (2.18)

where Ψ is the longitude of ascending or descending node. If


Y s u n = -15°(iu-12) (2.19)

is the longitude of the sun, and if ΔΨ = Ψ Ν - Ψ 81ιη , it is easy to show that

ECT = 12+ ~ (2.20)

If ΔΨ is constant, as it is for a sunsynchronous satellite, then ECT is constant.

Sunsynchronous satellites are classified by their ECTs. Noon satellites (or
noon—midnight satellites) ascend (or descend) near noon LT (local time). They
must, therefore, descend (or ascend) near local midnight. Morning satellites ascend
(or descend) between 06 and 12 h LT, and descend (or ascend) between 18 and
24 h LT. Afternoon satellites ascend (or descend) between 12 and 18 h LT, and
descend (or ascend) between 00 and 06 h LT.
The highest latitude reached by the subsatellite point (in any orbit) is equal to
the inclination angle (or the supplement of /, in the case of retrograde orbits).
Since sunsynchronous orbits reach high latitudes, they are referred to as near-
polar orbits. This is frequently shortened to polar orbits, although they do not
cross directly over the poles. These orbits are also called low Earth orbits {LEOs)
to distinguish them from geostationary orbits {GEOs). Note, however, that polar
orbiter is a general term for a satellite that passes near the poles, and low Earth
orbiter is a general term for a satellite that orbits not far above the Earth's surface.
While sunsynchronous satellites are of necessity polar orbiters and LEOs, the
converse is not necessarily true.
The ground track of a satellite is the path of the point on the Earth's surface
that is directly between the satellite and the center of the Earth (the subsatellite
point). Figure 2.9 shows the ground track for three orbits of the sunsynchronous
NOAA 11 satellite.

The other use of local time refers to the time on one's watch, that is, the time in a particular
time zone. Time zones are defined as areas where time is agreed to be the local time (in our sense)
on a particular meridian. Eastern Standard Time, for example, is the local time on the 75° west
meridian (Ψ = - 7 5 ° ) .
28 Chapter 2 Orbits and Navigation

T h r e e Orbits on 2 2 March 1 9 9 0
Start time: 0 2 5 8 UTC End time: 0 8 0 4 UTC

a = 7 2 2 9 . 6 0 6 km Λ = 29.31059°

i = 98.97446° ω = 167.74754 °
0 .
€ = 0.00119958 Epoch time = 2 2 Mar 1 9 9 0 Γ I 5 5 2 . 3 5 3 UTC

M = 192.28166°
0 Nodal Period = 1 0 2 . 0 7 6 4 m i n
FIGURE 2.9. The ground track of a typical sunsynchronous satellite.

2.4.2 Geostationary Orbits

In Section 2.1 we calculated the radius of a geosynchronous orbit to be 42,164

km. Perturbations due to the nonspherical Earth, however, require a slight adjust-
ment in this figure. The adjustment is small because geosynchronous orbit is about
6.6 Earth radii, and the correction terms are inversely proportional to the square
of this ratio. For an orbit with zero eccentricity and zero inclination, Eqs. 2.12,
2.14, and 2.16 require a semimajor axis of 42,168 km to be geosynchronous.
The terms geosynchronous and geostationary are often used interchangeably.
In fact, they are not the same. Geosynchronous means that the satellite orbits with
the same angular velocity as the Earth. Geostationary orbit is geosynchronous, but
it is also required to have zero inclination angle and zero eccentricity. Geostation-
ary satellites, therefore, remain essentially motionless above a point on the equator.
They are classified by the longitude of their subsatellite point.
Second-order perturbations cause a geostationary satellite to drift from the
desired orbit. Periodic maneuvers, performed as frequently as once a week, are
required to correct the orbit. These maneuvers keep operational geostationary
satellites very close to the desired orbit. For example, on 11 March 1990, the
GOES 7 satellite had an inclination angle of 0.05°; therefore, it did not venture
more than 0.05° latitude from the equator. Figure 2.10 shows the ground track
for a geostationary satellite that is no longer used for imaging and therefore whose
orbit is not so carefully maintained.
2.4 Meteorological Satellite Orbits 29

(One Orbit on 6 March 1 9 9 0 )
3°N 1 1 • 1

2° Ν
APOGEE 0 6 2 0
1200 (42185.12 km)

^ / A S C E N D I N G NODE
EQ 1 1 1

PERIGEE 1 8 1 8 ^ ^
2°S (42158.47km) ;

3°S 1 1 1

a = 42171.798 km i l = 80.259°

i=l.973IO° ω = 223.891°

M = 9ÄiiS!SP

147 0 2 0
P° , p
N o d a
= |
c h t i m e

e r i o d

M o r 1 9 9 0

4 3 6
4 h
8 2 0 UTC
m s

FIGURE 2.10. The ground track of a geostationary satellite. N o t e that the satellite's orbit is not quite
geostationary; it drifts west slightly each day.

2.4.3 Other Orbits

Geostationary and sunsynchronous are only two of infinite possible orbits.

Others have been and will become useful for meteorological satellites.
The Earth Radiation Budget Satellite (ERBS) was launched from the Space
Shuttle and orbits at an altitude of 600 km with an inclination angle of 57°. It
was placed in this orbit so that it would precess with respect to the sun and
sample all local times (see Section 2.6) over the course of a month.
The former Soviet Union placed its Meteor satellites in low Earth orbit with
inclination angles of about 82° (see Appendix A). The former Soviet Union also
used a highly elliptical orbit for Molniya communications satellites. It has been
suggested that this orbit would be useful for meteorological observations of the
high latitudes (Kidder and Vonder Haar, 1990). The Molniya orbit has an inclina-
tion angle of 63.4°, at which the argument of perigee is motionless (Eq. 2.14);
thus the apogee, from which measurements are made, stays at a given latitude.
The semimajor axis is chosen such that the satellite makes two orbits while the
Earth turns once with respect to the plane of the orbit. The eccentricity is made
as large as possible so that the satellite will stay near apogee longer. However,
the eccentricity must not be so large that the satellite encounters significant atmo-
spheric drag at perigee. Α semimajor axis of 26,554 km and an eccentricity of
0.72 result in a perigee of 7378 km (1000 km above the equator), an apogee of
45,730 km (39,352 km above the equator), and a period of 717.8 min. The
30 Chapter 2 Orbits and Navigation

attractiveness of this orbit is that it functions as a high-latitude, part-time, nearly

geostationary satellite. For about 8 h centered on apogee, the satellite is synchro-
nized with the Earth so that it is nearly stationary in the sky. For a meteorological
satellite in a Molniya orbit, the rapid imaging capability, which is so useful from
geostationary orbit, would be available in the high latitudes.
As meteorological satellite instruments become more specialized, more custom
orbits are likely to be used.


It is important to be able to calculate the position of a satellite in space, to

track it from Earth, and to know where its instruments are pointing. These topics
are discussed in turn in this section.

2.5.1 Positioning in Space

To locate a satellite in a perturbed orbit at time £, one needs current values of

the orbital elements. The three constant elements, α, ε, and /, are taken directly
from a recent bulletin. The other three, Μ, Ω, and ω, are calculated:

M = M + ^-(t-t ),
a 0 (2.21a)

Ω= Ω +^(ί-ί ),
0 0 (2.21b)

ω= ω +^(ί-ί ).
0 0 (2.21c)

Then the satellite is positioned by one of several methods. We find two methods
useful: the vector rotation method and the spherical geometry method.
15.11 The Vector Rotation Method
Figure 2.11 illustrates what we call the vector rotation method. It is discussed
in a somewhat different form by Escobal (1965) and others. In the first step, the
satellite is located in the plane of its orbit; that is, the true anomaly Θ and the
radius r are calculated. This is done by (1) solving for e using Eq. 2.8, (2) calculating
θ using Eq. 2.10a, and (3) calculating r using Eq. 2.7. (For a circular orbit, this
step is simplified because the mean anomaly, the eccentric anomaly, and the true
anomaly are identical, and r is constant.)
In the second step, a vector is formed that points from the center of the Earth
to the satellite in the right ascension-declination coordinate system. The Cartesian

Such bulletins are available from a variety of sources. Because these sources change rapidly, we
1 0

suggest that the interested reader contact the agencies listed in Section 4.4 to find a convenient source
of satellite bulletins.
2.5 Satellite Positioning, Tracking, and Navigation 31

a b Rotations used to position a satellite in its orbit: (a) the satellite in the plane of its orbit,
(b) rotation about the ζ axis through the argument of perigee (ω), (c) rotation about the χ axis through
the inclination angle (i), and (d) rotation about the ζ axis through the right ascension of ascending
node (Ω).

coordinates of this vector are

( \ ( ^\


At this point, the orbital ellipse is assumed to lie in the x—y plane with the perigee
on the positive χ axis (Fig 2.11a).
In the final three steps, the vector is rotated so that the orbital plane is properly
oriented in space.
In the third step, the vector is rotated about the ζ axis through the argument
of perigee (Fig. 2.11b). This rotation is conveniently accomplished by multiplying
32 Chapter 2 Orbits and Navigation

the vector by a rotation matrix, in this case

/χ'\ ιcosco -sinco 0 \ /x\ fx cosω - y sinaA
3/' J = | sinco cosω 0 Ι I y Ι = Ι χ ύηω + y cosω Ι . (2.23)
0 0 \)\ζ) \ ζ J
In the fourth step, the vector is rotated about the χ axis through the inclination
angle (Fig. 2.11c).
1 0 0 \ /x'\ / x' \
0 cos*' -sin/ Ι I y' 1 = 1 3/' cos/ - z' sin/ j . (2.24)
0 sin/ cos/ / \ y ' sin/ + z' cos//
In the fifth and final step, the vector is rotated about the ζ axis through the
right ascension of the ascending node (Fig. 2. l i d ) .

cosft -sinn 0 \ /x"\ ix" cosü - y" sinilX
sinü cosft 0 J I y" \ = x" sinil + y" cosü ] . (2.25)
0 0 i / \ * 7 \ z
" /
The vector (*'", y " ^" ) is the location of the satellite in the right ascension-

declination coordinate system at time t. This vector may be converted into the
radius, declination, and right ascension of the satellite by
Vx"' + / " 2 2
+ *"' = r, 2

δ - sin" [j-J
, (2.26b)

n ^ t a n " 1
^ - (2.26c)

After one has calculated the right ascension, declination, and radius of the
satellite, it is useful to calculate the latitude and longitude of the subsatellite point.
Assuming that the Earth is a sphere, the latitude (known as the geocentric latitude)
is simply equal to the declination. The longitude of the subsatellite point is the
difference between the right ascension of the satellite and the right ascension of
the prime meridian (0° longitude) which passes through Greenwich, England (Fig.
2.12). The right ascension of Greenwich can be calculated knowing its right
ascension at a given time and the rotation rate of the Earth. Since the rotation 11

rate changes very slightly, due to the actions of the wind and ocean currents, very
accurate knowledge of the right ascension of Greenwich requires observations.
Some satellite bulletins give the right ascension of Greenwich in addition to the
satellite orbital elements.
If nothing else is available, one can use the following: at 0 0 0 0 UTC on 1 January 1 9 9 0 the
1 1

right ascension of Greenwich was 100.38641°, and the rotation rate was 7 . 2 9 2 1 1 5 9 2 2 x 1 0 ~ radians 5

per second or 3 6 0 . 9 8 5 6 5 0 7 ° per day.

2.5 Satellite Positioning, Tracking, and Navigation 33



FIGURE 2.12. The relationship between Earth longitude and right ascension.

The inverse problem of finding when a satellite passes over (or close to) a
particular point is solved iteratively by (1) estimating the time, (2) calculating the
position of the satellite, and (3) correcting the time estimate. Steps 2 and 3 are
repeated until a satisfactory solution is found. The Spherical Geometry Method

The spherical geometry method can be derived using spherical geometry (Mad-
den and Parsons, 1973), but it is also a distillation of the vector rotation method.
Let Γ, the argument of latitude, be the angle, measured in the orbital plane, from
the ascending node to the satellite. Numerically,
Γ = 0 + ω, (2.27)
where θ is the true anomaly and ω is the argument of perigee. Working through
the mathematics of the vector rotation method results in 12

r = r,
s (2.28a)
Θ = 6 = sin (sinr sin/),
5 S

*.—-(^) «.-OA>-($-£)<·-a + <"*)

Here r is the distance of the satellite calculated with Eq. 2.7; Θ and Ψ are its 5 $

latitude and longitude, respectively. il (t ) is the right ascension of Greenwich at

e Q

the epoch time, and therefore, i i - Ω (£ ) is the longitude of ascending node at

0 ε 0

the epoch time. The quantity (diljdt — άΩ,/dt) is the relative Earth rotation
rate, that is, the rotation rate of the Earth relative to the orbital plane. For a
sunsynchronous satellite, it must be exactly 2π radians per day.

Normally the arctangent term would be written t a n ( t a n r c o s / ) . The form in Eq. 2.28c is used
1 2 _1

because it allows the quadrant of the angle to be determined unambiguously. In Fortran, for example,
ATAN2(sinrcos/,cosr) will result in the correct angle.
34 Chapter 2 Orbits and Navigation

For a circular orbit, or one which is so nearly circular that no significant error
occurs from neglecting its elliptical nature,

Γ(ί) = Γ + (» + 0 ^(ί-α (2.29)

and the spherical geometry method is particularly easy to apply. Polar orbiters
can often be treated with this approximation. When they are so treated, the orbital
parameters may come in a different form. The supplied parameters may be (1)
the longitude of ascending node, (2) the nodal period, (3) the radius (or semimajor
axis), (4) the inclination, (5) the time of ascending node, and (6) the nodal longitude
increment (ALON), which is the difference in longitude between successive 13

ascending nodes:

i L 0
^(f-f) - f (2.30)

where Τ is the nodal period. The above equations still apply, but one must
remember that Γ = 0, [η + άω/dt) = 2π/Τ, and {düjdt - dill dt) = A L O N / f .

2.5.2 Tracking
A list of time versus position of a celestial body is called an ephemer is (plural:
ephemer ides). To track a satellite, one must be able to point one's antenna at it.
The elevation angle, measured from the local horizontal, and the azimuth angle,
measured clockwise from the north, can be calculated from the ephemeris data
as follows.
Suppose the subsatellite point is at latitude Θ and longitude Ψ and that the 5 85

satellite is at radius r from the center of the Earth. Suppose also that the antenna

is located at latitude Θ , longitude Ψ , and radius r (the radius of the Earth).

ε ε e

The Cartesian coordinates of the satellite, then, are

χλ I r c o s 0 cosYA
s s

y $ = r cos@ sinY
s s s , (2.31)
zj \ r sin@
s s /

whereas the Cartesian coordinates of the antenna are

*e\ / t C O S 0 COS^PA

y e = r cos© sh^
e e e . (2.32)
ζJ \ r sin@
e e /

The difference vector (r = r — r ) points from the antenna to the satellite (Fig.
D % e

2.13). Assuming a spherical Earth, the vector r points to the local vertical (Fig. e

That is, the next ascending node occurs ALON west of the current ascending node.
2.5 Satellite Positioning, Tracking, and Navigation 35

FIGURE 2.13. Satellite tracking geometry.

2.14). The cosine of the satellite's zenith angle ζ (the complement of the elevation
angle) is given by

COS£ = £ T ^ - (2.33)

Finding the azimuth angle is a little more difficult. First, we need to find two
vectors in the tangent plane at the antenna. The first points north:

-sin@ cos^ N e e

-sin@ sinY | .
e e (2.34)
cos@ e

The second is the horizontal projection of r . If we define unit vectors in the


FIGURE 2.14. Definition of zenith angle (ζ) and azimuth angle (ψ).
36 Chapter 2 Orbits and Navigation

directions of f and r as
t D



the required horizontal vector is

r =r-
H D (f · r )f = r - |r |cos£ f = |r |(r - cos£ f ).
e D c D D e D D e (2.36)
The azimuth angle is then given by

cos ψ = ρ (2.37)

One must be careful when taking the inverse cosine. If the satellite is west of the
antenna, ψ will be greater than 180°. It also must be noted that these equations
assume a spherical Earth. Fortunately, most receiving antennas are insensitive to
the slight errors this assumption causes.

2.5.3 Navigation
In addition to knowing where a satellite is in its orbit, it is necessary to know
the Earth coordinates (latitude, longitude) of the particular scene it is viewing.
The problem of calculating the Earth coordinates is known as the navigation
problem; fundamentally, it is a complex geometry problem. It requires an accurate
knowledge of where the satellite is in its orbit, the orientation of the satellite (its
attitude), and the scanning geometry of the instrument involved.
In simplified form, we can proceed as follows. Suppose that at a particular
time a satellite is at position (# ,y ,£ ) with respect to the center of the Earth
s s s

in the right ascension-declination coordinate system. Suppose further, that the

telescope is pointing in a direction specified by declination δ and right ascension

Ω . A unit vector in the direction that the telescope is pointing is given by



Figure 2.15 shows that the ray from which the telescope receives radiation (that
is, the line in space through the satellite and in the direction of the telescope) is
given by


where s is the distance from the satellite.

2.5 Satellite Positioning, Tracking, and Navigation

FIGURE 2.15. Navigation geometry.

The location at which this ray strikes the spherical Earth is the solution of
the equation
(x + s xj)
+ (y + s y )
s T
+ (z + s z )
s T
= r\. (2.40)
This is a quadratic equation in s that has no real roots, if the ray does not intersect
the Earth; or two real roots, if it does. The smaller root is to be chosen; the larger
root represents the location from which the ray reemerges from the opposite side
of the Earth. When the ray is just tangent to the Earth, the two roots are equal. 14

After a solution for s has been found, Eq. 2.39 gives the Cartesian coordinates
in the right ascension-declination coordinate system of the point on the Earth's
surface being viewed. The latitude and longitude can then be found as in Sec-
tion 2.5.1.
Satellite images are usually the result of a scanning instrument. The data come
in the form of scan lines, each divided into elements or samples known as pixels
or scan spots. Because scanning is very carefully timed, each pixel has a unique
time associated with it. Therefore, calculating the latitude and longitude of a pixel
is accomplished using the equations of Sections 2.5.1 and 2.5.3 in the forward
direction; time yields satellite position and telescope pointing angles, which then
yield latitude and longitude. The opposite problem, finding the pixel which ob-
served a particular point on Earth (latitude and longitude), must be solved in an
iterative manner because the exact time when the point was observed is unknown.
In brief, the time of observation is estimated, the actual point being observed at
that time is calculated, and a correction is made in the time which moves the
point of observation closer to the desired point. This procedure is iterated until
satisfactory convergence is achieved.
The scheme outlined here for finding latitude and longitude is simple and very
general. It is applicable to a wide variety of satellite orbits and instruments. For

1 4
For a geostationary satellite, this occurs about 81° from the satellite subpoint and explains why
geostationary satellites never observe the poles.
33 Chapter 2 Orbits and Navigation

each instrument, the difficult part is to determine the telescope pointing angles
δ and Ω .
τ χ Geostationary Geometry

Until recently, all geostationary meteorological satellites were spin stabilized.
They spin on an axis which is maintained nearly parallel to the Earth's spin axis.
The rotation of the satellite changes the right ascension of the telescope and
provides scanning across the Earth. Scanning in the north-south direction is
accomplished by a tilting mirror (see Chapter 4), which changes the telescope
declination. Thus δ and Ω are natural coordinates for spin-stabilized geostation-
χ χ

ary satellites.
Unfortunately, the satellite's spin axis is not exactly parallel to the Earth's spin
axis. Furthermore, although the radiometer's telescope is rigidly oriented with
respect to the principal axis of the satellite, the spin axis deviates slightly from
the principal axis, which causes deviations similar to pitch, roll, and yaw in a
low Earth orbiter (see next section). Corrections for these effects and for the non-
spherical Earth can be made. The interested reader is referred to Hambrick and
Phillips (1980).
The parameters that describe the satellite orbit and attitude must be accurately
known to perform accurate navigation. These parameters can be determined by
the use of landmarks. Normally the orbit and attitude parameters are accurate,
as is navigation performed with them. However, for up to 18 h after the thrusters
are fired in an orbit- or attitude-correcting maneuver, navigation parameters are
poorly known, and pixels can be significantly misplaced. These errors can be
partially corrected by displaying the data as an image and shifting the image up
or down and right or left until a landmark is properly positioned. Rotation of
the image is sometimes necessary to achieve good navigation, especially if a large
(continent-size) area is being studied.
It is interesting to note that the GOES satellites can detect a few stars at the
edges of the image frame. These stars can be used to very accurately determine
the attitude of the satellite. Then landmarks can be used to determine the orbital
elements (Hambrick and Phillips, 1980). Low Earth Orbit Geometry
Low Earth orbit satellite instruments have many scanning patterns. Navigation
of these data can be achieved using different approachs. We outline an approach,
based on the discussion above, which is general enough for use with many scanning
patterns. The basis of the technique is that if we can determine where a scan spot
is in relation to the satellite, then we can use nearly the same rotation matrices
with which we position the satellite to position the scan spot. First we must define
the angles and a coordinate system used to specify satellite attitude.
The instruments on many low Earth orbit satellites are mounted on the under-
side of the satellite and scan perpendicular to the velocity vector through the
subsatellite point (see Chapter 4). A convenient coordinate system (Fig. 2.16) is
one in which the ζ axis points from the satellite toward the center of the Earth,
2.5 Satellite Positioning, Tracking, and Navigation 39

FIGURE 2.16. Coordinate system used for satellite attitude.

the χ axis points in the direction of satellite motion, and the y axis is chosen to
complete a right-handed coordinate system. Three angles specify the orientation
of the satellite in this coordinate system. Rotation about the y axis is called pitch,
rotation about the χ axis is called roll, and rotation about the ζ axis is called yaw.
A combination of these angles can be used to specify nearly any scan geometry.
Instruments that scan through nadir perpendicular to the satellite motion vector
are described by changing the roll angle. Instruments that scan in a cone can be
described by a constant pitch plus a variable yaw. Instruments that scan through
the subpoint but at an oblique angle with respect to the satellite motion vector
can be described with a roll plus a constant yaw.
To calculate the position of a scan spot with respect to the satellite, we proceed
as follows. First, position the satellite at radius r , declination zero, and right

ascension zero, and let its velocity vector point east. Assume that the telescope
is pointing straight down, or δ = 0 and Ω = π. That is, the telescope pointing
χ τ

vector is x = - 1 , y = 0, z = 0. Next, rotate the telescope vector through the


pitch, roll, and yaw angles that describe the position of the telescope at time i,

1 5
If the satellite is not pointing straight d o w n , its deviation is described by pitch, roll, and yaw
bias errors, which are usually small. For example, horizon sensors and a sun sensor on the current
N O A A satellites maintain pitch, roll and y a w bias errors to within ± 0 . 2 ° of zero. If the bias errors
are known, and if the desired precision of the calculation requires it, the initial telescope pointing
vector can be corrected for bias errors at this point.
40 Chapter 2 Orbits and Navigation

or for the scan position desired. At the assumed position and orientation of the
satellite, in the right ascension-declination coordinate system, the pitch rotation
matrix is
cosctp sinctp 0^
—sina P cosa P 0
0 0 1/
where a is the pitch angle; the roll rotation matrix is

'cosa: R 0 -sina^
0 1 0
v sina: R 0 cosa R

where a is the roll angle; and the yaw rotation matrix is


' 1 0 0
0 cosa Y — sina Y

^0 sina Y cosa Y

where a is the yaw angle.


After the telescope pointing vector has been determined, the distance s from
the satellite to the scan spot is calculated using Eq. 2.40, and the position of the
spot relative to the satellite is calculated using Eq. 2.39.
Finally, the scan spot is moved along with the satellite to its actual position
by (1) rotating about the ζ axis through the argument of latitude, (2) rotating
about the χ axis through the inclination angle, and (3) rotating about the ζ axis
through the right ascension of the ascending node minus the right ascension
of Greenwich.
An advantage to this method is that if the orbit is sufficiently circular, the
vectors to the scan spots can be calculated in advance and simply rotated into
position at successive times.
Note that limb scanners, which scan the atmosphere above the Earth's horizon,
can be treated with this procedure except that Eq. 2.40 is not applicable because
the ray does not strike the Earth. Instead, the distance to the tangent point, that
is, the point where the ray most closely approaches the Earth, can be used for s.
If a is the angle between the initial telescope pointing vector (straight down) and
the final vector, then
s = r cosa. s (2.41)
Finally, we would like to outline a simple calculation that is frequently useful
in satellite meteorology: how to find the distance of a scan spot from the subsatellite
If the satellite is thought of as an airplane, a positive pitch angle is defined here as the nose
1 6

pointing up, a positive roll as the right wing pointing up, and a positive yaw as a counterclockwise
rotation of the plane as viewed from above.
2.6 Space-Time Sampling 41

FIGURE 2.17. Determining the distance of a scan spot from the subsatellite point.

point. Figure 2.17 shows the geometry of this calculation. If a is the scan angle,
then the law of sines gives the angle β as


The angle measured from the center of the Earth is

φ = π — β — α, (2.43)
and the distance from the subsatellite point to the scan spot is $ r . e

The swath width is the width of the entire scan of the satellite instrument. If
the instrument scans equally on each side of the ground track, then the swath
width is 2 0 r , where a is the maximum scan angle.


To select an orbit for a satellite or a scan pattern for a particular instrument,

several questions must be answered: What areas will the orbit and scan pattern
allow the instrument to observe? How often will an area be observed? At what
local times will the observations be made? At what viewing zenith and azimuth
angles will the observations be made? These questions are all aspects of what is
called space-time sampling.
Geostationary satellites are designed to be nearly stationary over a point on
the equator. They therefore view a fixed area (about 42% of the globe). Any
1 7
With this definition, the swath width is the distance between the centers of the extreme scan
spots (see Fig. 4.10). Sometimes, the halfwidth of the radiometer field of view is added to each end
of the swath, so that the swath width describes all that the radiometer senses.
42 Chapter 2 Orbits and Navigation


9 0 Si
90E 180
I 2 or more
FIGURE 2.18. One day's coverage by a hypothetical instrument on a sunsynchronous satellite. The
coverage at the equator is 5 0 % . The orbit is circular with a semimajor axis of 7228 km and an
inclination angle of 98.8°. N o t e that slightly different orbit parameters can result in quite different pat-

point in this area can be observed as frequently as their instruments will allow;
that is, it can be observed at any local time. However, since each point has a
fixed geometric relationship to the satellite, it is viewed at only one zenith and
one azimuth angle.
For a satellite in low Earth orbit, these questions depend on the satellite's
orbit and the scanning geometry of its instruments. Most meteorological satellite
instruments are designed such that the area viewed on one orbit touches or overlaps
the area viewed on previous and successive orbits. If the satellite's inclination angle
is large enough, the instrument views every point on Earth twice per day, at least.
The poles are observed on every orbit. Usually each point is viewed at a wide
range of zenith and azimuth angles. Many meteorological satellites are in sunsyn-
chronous orbits, which have constant equator crossing times. These satellites view
each point (except near the poles) only in a small range of local times [±iT)
centered on the two equator crossing times.
For instruments whose scans on successive orbits do not overlap, it is often
best to plot the coverage for a day and to determine visually which areas are
observed and which are not. Figure 2.18, for example, shows the one-day coverage
of a hypothetical instrument in a sunsynchronous orbit which has 50% coverage
at the equator. Some areas are not observed, some are observed once, and some

are observed twice or more. This pattern will be the same on succeeding days,
except that it will drift in longitude. The drift rate can be calculated as follows.
Divide the length of day by the nodal period and round to the nearest integer,

1 8
That is, the swath width divided by the sine of the inclination angle is 5 0 % of ALON.
2.6 Space-Time Sampling 43

Ν. The westward longitude increment in Ν complete orbits is NALON. If we

express the nodal longitude increment ALON (Eq. 2.30) in degrees, then the
change in the pattern per day is

Drift = - N A L O N + 360°. (2.44)

Sunsynchronous satellites have a relative Earth rotation rate of exactly 360°

per day. They have the interesting property that if they make an integral number
of orbits in an integral number of days, then they must arrive exactly at the
longitude where they started and repeat the ground track. If such a satellite makes
Ν + klm orbits per day, where k and m are integers, then the orbit track repeats
every m days after making mN + k orbits. Furthermore, if k and m have no
common factors, all m of the ground tracks, spaced ALON/ra, will be traversed.
Earth remote sensing satellites have utilized this property. Landsats 1, 2, and 3,
for example, were designed to make 1 3 / i 8 orbits per day. Thus they had a
1 7

nodal period of 103.27 min, which means that ALON was 25.82°. The distance
between ascending nodes at the equator was about 2874 km. The Multispectral
Scanner (MSS) scanned across the satellite track with a ground swath width of
only 185 km; only a small fraction of the equator was observed on any one day.
The daily longitude drift was -1.43° (-ALON/18), or about 160 km west of an
ascending node on the previous day. Since the swath width was greater than the
westward movement, the swaths on successive days overlapped. In 18 days the
satellites observed every point on the equator and began the cycle anew.
The French SPOT satellites (see SPOT User's Handbook) utilize the same type
of repeat cycle, except that they orbit 14 /i6 times per day. The swaths on

successive days do not overlap, but in 26 days the entire Earth is imaged. Landsats
4 and 5 have similar orbits.
Note that this repeat cycle is very sensitive to the semimajor axis. If the orbital
altitude of Landsats 1, 2, and 3 had been decreased by only 19 km, they would
have made exactly 14 orbits in one day. There would have been no westward
progression of the swaths. Some parts of the Earth would be observed every day;
the rest would never be observed.
For studies of diurnal variation, a point must be observed at local times through-
out the day. Since sunsynchronous satellites view a point at nearly the same two
local times every day, they are not useful for diurnal variation studies. A satellite
designed specifically to measure diurnal variation is the Earth Radiation Budget
Satellite (ERBS; see Chapter 10). It is in a 57°-inclination orbit at an altitude of
600 km. The right ascension of ascending node moves west by 3.955° per day,
while the mean sun moves east 0.986° per day (360° in one year). Thus the angle
between the sun and the ascending node changes 4.94° per day. Because the
satellite makes observations both as it ascends and as it descends, all local times
will be sampled when the sun-Earth-ascending node angle has changed by 180°.
The ERBS, then, samples all local times in about 36 days.
Many space-time sampling strategies are possible. The reader is encouraged
to use the equations presented above to investigate some of the possibilities.
44 Chapter 2 Orbits and Navigation


A discussion of satellite orbits would not be complete without mention of the

launch vehicles used and the strategies available for achieving orbit.

2.7.1 Launch Vehicles

U.S. meteorological satellites have been launched by a variety of vehicles, but

recently two have predominated (Fig. 2.19). The Delta 3914 was used to place
the 345-kg GOES 4 - 7 satellites into 35,790-km geostationary orbits. The Atlas
E/F is used to boost the 1421-kg NOAA satellites into 850-km sunsynchronous
orbits. Other meteorological satellites have been placed into orbit by the French
Ariane rocket, the Soviet F-2 rocket, and the Japanese N-2 rocket, and the U.S.
Space Shuttle (see Appendix A). As satellite launches become more commercial
and more competitive, many different rockets are likely to be used for meteorologi-
cal satellites.
It is interesting that a far larger rocket is used to launch the low Earth orbit
satellites than the geostationary satellites. In part this is because the energy
required to achieve orbit is proportional to the mass of the satellite. However,
Fig. 2.20 shows that the Earth is at the bottom of a deep gravitational potential
well. The first step into space is the energy-consuming step. It takes approximately
35 MJ kg" to lift a satellite into an 850 km orbit; it takes only about 65%

(23 MJ kg" ) additional energy to increase that orbit by a factor of 42 to geostation-


ary altitude.

39.7 m

35.4 m

Delta 3914 Atlas/
FIGURE2.19. Rockets used to launch recent U.S. meteorological satellites. [After Chen (1985). Reprinted
by permission of Academic Press.]
2.7 Launch Vehicles and Profiles 45

100 ipoo 10,000 100,000

FIGURE 2.20. The energy per unit mass required to place a satellite in orbit as a function of orbital
altitude. N o t e that the considerable energy required to lift the rocket itself is not included in this figure.

2.7.2 Launch Profiles

Three basic strategies are available for orbit insertion. In power-all-the-way

ascents the rocket burns steadily until the desired orbit is achieved. This launch
profile is more costly, but less risky, than the others because rockets do not have
to be restarted in space. This profile is used for manned space flights.
The second type of launch profile is called ballistic ascent because of its similar-
ity with artillery. A large first-stage rocket is used in the early part of the flight
to propel the payload to high velocity. It then coasts to the location of the
desired orbit, where a second-stage rocket is fired to adjust the trajectory to the
desired orbit.
The third type of launch profile is called elliptical ascent. Orbit insertion is
achieved in three steps. First the payload is placed in a low Earth orbit by either
of the above means. This first orbit is referred to as a parking orbit. In the next
phase, a rocket is fired to move the payload into an elliptical transfer orbit whose
perigee is the parking orbit and whose apogee is the desired orbit. When the
payload reaches apogee, a rocket (sometimes called an "apogee kick motor")
modifies the orbit to the desired (usually circular) shape. Elliptical ascent is used
for geostationary satellites.

Barnes, J. C , and M. D . Smallwood (1982). TIROS-N Series Direct Readout Services Users Guide.
N O A A , Washington, D C .
Brouwer, D., and G. M. Clemence (1961). Methods of Celestial Mechanics. Academic Press, N e w York.
Chen, H. S. (1985). Space Remote Sensing Systems: An Introduction. Academic Press, Orlando.
46 Chapter 2 Orbits and Navigation

Dubyago, A. D. (1961). The Determination of Orbits. The Macmillan Company, N e w York.

Escobal, P. R. (1965). Methods of Orbit Determination. John Wiley and Sons, N e w York.
Goldstein, H. (1950). Classical Mechanics. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA.
Hambrick, L. N . , and Phillips, D. R. (1980). Earth Locating Image Data of Spin-Stabilized Geosynchro-
nous Satellites. N O A A Tech. M e m o . NESS 1 1 1 , Washington, D C .
Kidder, S. Q., and T. H. Vonder Haar (1990). On the use of satellites in Molniya orbits for meteorologi-
cal observation of middle and high latitudes. / . Atmos. Ocean. Tech., 7, 5 1 7 - 5 2 2 .
Madden, R., and Parsons, C. (1973). A technique for real-time, quantitative display of APT Scanning
Radiometer data. / . Appl. Meteor., 12, 3 8 1 - 3 8 5 .
Short, Ν . M., P. D . Lowman, Jr., S. C. Freden, and W. A. Finch, Jr. (1976). Mission to Earth: Landsat
Views the World. NASA, Washington, D C .
Smith, E. A. (1980). Orbital Mechanics and Analytic Modeling of Meteorological Satellite Orbits.
Colo. State Univ. Atmos. Sei. Pap. 3 2 1 , Fort Collins, C O .
SPOT User's Handbook. SPOT Image Corp., Reston, VA.

Mm LL OF THE information received by a satellite about the Earth and its

# 1 atmosphere comes in the form of electromagnetic radiation. It is
necessary, therefore, to understand the mechanisms by which this radiation is
generated and how it interacts with the atmosphere. Several texts listed in the
Bibliography explore atmospheric radiation in detail. Here we concentrate on
those aspects that are essential for satellite meteorology.


Electromagnetic radiation consists of alternating electric and magnetic fields

(Fig. 3.1). The electric field vector is perpendicular to the magnetic field vector,
and the direction of propagation is perpendicular to both. Radiation is often
specified by its wavelength, which is the distance between crests of the electric
or magnetic field. Figure 3.2 shows the electromagnetic spectrum. A broad range
of wavelengths from the ultraviolet to the microwave region is useful in satel-
lite meteorology.
An alternate way to describe radiation is to give its frequency, which is the
rate at which the electric or magnetic field oscillates when observed at a point.

48 Chapter 3 Radiative Transfer

FIGURE 3.1. Schematic representation of electromagnetic waves.

The fundamental unit of frequency is the hertz (Hz), or one cycle per second.
The frequency ν is related to the wavelength λ by

v = i> (3-D

where c is the speed with which electromagnetic radiation travels and is known
as the speed of light. In a vacuum the speed of light is 2.99792458 x 10 m s" . 8 1

In the atmosphere, it travels slightly more slowly, due to interaction with air
The index of refraction, n, of a substance is the ratio of the speed of light in
vacuum to the speed with which electromagnetic radiation travels in that sub-
stance. At sea level, the index of refraction of air is approximately 1.0003. For


10 -IO" 7

10* HARD -IO 6

I0 9
-IO 5

io 8 X-RAYS -ID 4

I0 7
-ID 3

IO 6
I0 5
io - 4 VISIBLE
10 1Λ 3
an 10°
0.01 10 s


10 Ho 8

FIGURE 3.2. The electromagnetic spectrum.

3.1 Basic Quantities 49

TABLE 3.1. Radiation Symbols' and Units


Quantity Recommended symbol SI Unit

Frequency V Hz
Wavelength λ m
Wavenumber κ m- 1

Radiant energy Q J
Radiant exposure Η Jm" 2

Radiant flux Φ W
Radiant flux density Μ, Ε Wm" 2

Radiant exitance Μ WnT 2

Irradiance Ε Wm" 2

Radiance L W m" s r 2 1

Emittance ε Unitless
Absorptance α Unitless
Reflectance Ρ Unitless
Transmittance τ Unitless
Absorption coefficient ν* nT 1

Scattering coefficient σ 8
m" 1

Extinction coefficient m- 1

Single-scatter albedo
Z e

ω Unitless
Absorption number α Unitless
Vertical optical depth δ Unitless
Slant-path optical depth Unitless
Scattering angle φ. rad
Scattering phase function sr" 1

Bidirectional reflectance sr" 1

Anisotropic reflectance factor Unitless

Albedo Α Unitless

We use primarily the radiation symbols recommended by the Radiation Commission
of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS)
as described in Raschke (1978).

most purposes, therefore, the speed of light in a vacuum can be safely used even
in the atmosphere. However, strong vertical gradients of atmospheric density and
humidity result in strong vertical gradients of η (see Section 3.5.3). These cause
bending of electromagnetic rays and can cause slight mislocation of satellite
scan spots.
One also sees radiation specified by wavenumber, κ, which is the reciprocal
of the wavelength. Traditionally, wavenumber is expressed in inverse centimeters.
Radiation with a 15-μ,ηι wavelength has a 667-cm wavenumber, for example.

Since wavenumber is inversely proportional to wavelength, it is directly propor-

tional to frequency.
A fundamental property of electromagnetic radiation is that it can transport
energy. Many of the units used to quantify electromagnetic radiation are based
on energy. These units are summarized in Table 3.1. The basic unit of radiant

Some units, such as the lumen and the candela, are based on h o w bright an object appears to
the human eye. These units are no longer used in satellite meteorology.
50 Chapter 3 Radiative Transfer

energy is the joule. Radiant flux is radiant energy per unit time, measured in watts
[W; joules per second (J s" )]. Radiant flux depends on area, which is often

inconvenient; it is usually normalized by surface area. Radiant flux density is

radiant flux crossing a unit area. It is measured, of course, in watts per square
meter (W m~ ). Radiant flux density is so frequently used that it is subdivided

to indicate which way the energy is traveling. Radiant exitance (M) is radiant
flux density emerging from an area, and irradiance (E) is radiant flux density
incident on an area.
In nature, radiation is a function of direction. The directional dependence is
taken into account by employing the solid angle. If one draws lines from the
center of the unit sphere to every point on the surface of an object, the area of
the projection on the unit sphere is the solid angle (Fig. 3.3). The solid angle of
an object that completely surrounds a point is 4π steradians (sr), the area of the
unit sphere. The solid angle subtended by an infinite plane is 2π sr. For an object
with cross-sectional area A at a distance r from a point (A « r ), the solid
c c

angle is AJr . Solid angle is traditionally represented by the symbol Ω. If θ


represents the zenith angle (the angle measured from the vertical or from the
normal to a surface), and φ represents the azimuth angle (Fig. 3.4), then a differen-
tial element of solid angle is mathematically given by
dCl - s'mQdQdfy = -άμάφ, (3.2)
where μ = cosö.
Radiant flux density per unit solid angle is known as radiance and is preferably
assigned the symbol L. Suppose that a small element of surface is emitting radiation
with radiance L. A question that arises is: What is the radiant exitance, that is,
what is the total amount of radiation leaving the surface? This question is answered
by integrating the radiance over the 2π sr above the surface. However, radiance
represents the radiation leaving (or incident on) an area perpendicular to the
beam. For other directions, we must weight the radiance by cos0. Therefore, the


Projection of object

FIGURE 3.3. Illustration of a solid angle.
3.1 Basic Quantities

FIGURE 3.4. Mathematical representation of a solid angle. [After Raschke (1978), with permission of
the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences.]

radiant exitance is

1(θ,φ) cosO dil = 1{θ,φ)οο$θύηθάθάφ (3.3)

ο Jo Jo

= Ζ,(μ,,φ) μ άμ άφ
h Jo

If the radiance is independent of direction (isotropic), then

M = L\ cos6 sin0 άθ άφ = TTL. (3.4)

Jo Jo

The above energy-based quantities may all be prefixed with the word mono-
chromatic or spectral to indicate the wavelength dependence of the radiation.
A subscript (λ, ν, or κ) is used to indicate whether wavelength, frequency, or
wavenumber is being considered. Because radiance is simply the integral over all
wavelengths (frequencies, wavenumbers) of monochromatic radiance, we must

L=fL dk=i
k L dv=\
v L dK
K (3.5)
Jo Jo Jo


52 Chapter 3 Radiative Transfer

In other words, radiation per unit wavelength interval is the same as radiation
per unit frequency or wavenumber interval, if we take into account the different
size of the intervals.
The most fundamental radiation unit for satellite meteorology is mono-
chromatic radiance, which is the energy per unit time per unit wavelength
(frequency, wavenumber) per unit solid angle crossing a unit area perpendicular
to the beam. The reason radiance is most fundamental is that the basic satel-
lite instrument, the radiometer (see Chapter 4), has a detector of a certain area
whose output is proportional to the energy per unit time striking it. Further, the
sensor is usually at the focus of a telescope which collects radiation from a certain
solid angle and which has filters that pass radiation of only a certain narrow
range of wavelengths. Normalizing the sensor output by area, solid angle, and
wavelength range results in a quantity that is most closely related to monochro-
matic radiance.
Radiance also has the useful property that it is independent of distance from
an object as long as the viewing angle and the amount of intervening matter are
not changed. Consider a satellite viewing a small object. The irradiance reaching
the satellite from the object will decrease inversely as the square of the distance
of the satellite. However, the solid angle of the object subtended at the satellite
will also decrease inversely as the square of the distance of the satellite. The
radiance of the object as viewed by the satellite, which is simply the irradiance
divided by the solid angle, is, therefore, independent of distance. Of course, if
the object were at the Earth's surface, its radiance measured at the Earth's surface
would be different from that measured at the satellite, due to the intervening atmo-


All material above absolute zero in temperature emits radiation. Explaining

the nature of this radiation was one of the chief problems facing physicists in the
nineteenth century. As usual, though, nature guards her secrets. If one looks at
two different kinds of material, each at the same temperature, one finds that the
radiation being emitted by them is different. This led physicists to invent the
perfect emitter, known as a blackbody, which emits the maximum amount of
radiation at each wavelength. Although some materials come very close to being
perfect emitters in some wavelength ranges, no real material is a perfect blackbody.
Fortunately, the radiation inside a cavity whose walls are thick enough to prevent
any radiation from passing directly through them can be shown to be the radiation
that would be emitted by a blackbody. By observing the radiation inside cavities
(through small holes) physicists knew, by the late nineteenth century, the empirical
relationship between blackbody radiation and the two variables on which it
depends: temperature and wavelength.
3.2 Blackbody Radiation 53

3.2.1 The Planck Function

In searching for a theoretical derivation of blackbody radiation, Planck made 2

the revolutionary assumption that an oscillating atom in the wall of a cavity can
exchange energy with the radiation field inside a cavity only in discrete bundles
called quanta given by Δ Ε = hv, where h is known as Planck's constant (see
Appendix E). With this assumption, he showed that the radiance being emitted
by a blackbody is given by

ΒΛΤ) = \ ' (3-7)

m) - 1

where k is Boltzmann's constant (see Appendix E), and Tis the absolute tempera-

ture. Equation 3.7 is known as the Planck function; it earned him the Nobel
Prize in 1918. The Planck function is more conveniently written as

B , m = . (3.8)

where c and c are the first and second radiation constants (see Appendix E).
1 2

Since the radiance from a blackbody is independent of direction, the radiant

exitance from a blackbody is simply ττΒ . λ

Figure 3.5 shows Β (Τ) plotted versus wavelength and temperature. It is import-

ant to note that B (T) is a monotonically increasing function of T. For a particular


wavelength λ = Λ, if T is less than T , then B (T ) is less than Β (Τ ). B (T) is

x 2 K X Λ 2 k

not monotonic in λ. For any temperature T, B (T) has a single maximum at a k

wavelength that may be determined by setting the partial derivative of B (T) with k

respect to λ equal to zero. The result is known as Weins displacement law: 4

k T=
m 2897.9 /xmK, (3.9)
where X is the wavelength (expressed in micrometers) of maximum emission for

a blackbody at temperature Τ (expressed in kelvins). Wein's displacement law

was discovered empirically; he was awarded the Nobel Prize for it in 1911. The
dashed line in Fig. 3.5 shows this relationship.
Another important aspect of the Planck function is its integral over wavelength.
The total radiant exitance from a blackbody is

M BB = ΓττΒ (Τ)άλ
λ = £c 2 T
4 4
= σΤ\ (3.10)

M a x Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck, German physicist, 1 8 5 8 - 1 9 4 7 .
Ludwig Eduard Boltzmann, Austrian physicist, 1 8 4 4 - 1 9 0 6 .
Wilhelm Wein, German physicist, 1 8 6 4 - 1 9 2 8 .
54 Chapter 3 Radiative Transfer

ΙΟ/im \ΟΟμι* I IT K)mm I OOmm


Ό.Ι "IfJ ίο 2
FIGURE 3.5. The Planck function, (a) Planck radiance versus wavelength for the indicated temperature,
(b) temperature versus wavelength for the indicated Planck radiances (W m " s r " V m ) , (c) Planck
2 -1

radiance versus temperature for the indicated wavelengths. The dashed line is Wein's displacement
law, which gives the wavelength of maximum emission as a function of temperature.
3.2 Blackbody Radiation

FIGURE 3.5. (continued)

where σ is called the Stefan-Boltzmann constant (see Appendix E), and Eq. 3.10
is called the Stefan-Boltzmann law. 5

Finally, we would like to discuss a useful approximation to the Planck function.

At millimeter and centimeter wavelengths, for temperatures encountered on the
Earth and in its atmosphere, c /XT « 1. Thus exp(c /XT) can be approximated
2 2

by 1 + c l\T. The Planck function then becomes


B (T) =^λ~ Τ.

This is known as the Rayleigh-Jeans approximation. It says that in the microwave


portion of the spectrum, radiance is simply proportional to temperature. In fact,

in the microwave region, it is customary to divide radiance values by (c /c )k~ 1 1

and to refer to the quotient as brightness temperature. Brightness temperature is

also used in the infrared portion of the spectrum, where it is known as equivalent
blackbody temperature. However, equivalent blackbody temperature must be
found by inverting the Planck function rather than by simple division.

N a m e d after Josef Stefan, Austrian physicist, 1 8 3 5 - 1 8 9 3 , w h o discovered it by observing the
cooling rates of hot bodies; and Boltzmann, w h o demonstrated it using thermodynamics.
After John William Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh, English physicist, 1 8 4 2 - 1 9 1 9 ; and Sir James
H o p w o o d Jeans, English mathematician and astronomer, 1 8 7 7 - 1 9 4 6 .
5£ Chapter 3 Radiative Transfer

3.2.2 Nonblackbodies

Since real material is not perfectly black, a way must be devised to quantify
how closely it approximates a blackbody. The emittance of a body is defined as
emitted radiation at λ ...
^ ßjT) ( 3
· 1 2 )

Emittance can be a function of temperature and viewing geometry as well as

wavelength. For a blackbody, ε is identically one. Three related quantities describe

the fate of radiation incident on a body:

ι absorbed radiation at λ
a = absorptance = -——, γ-—: —-> 3.13a
incident radiation at λ

reflected radiation at λ ^
ρ = reflectance = -—— τ.—: —-> 3.13b)
a x

incident radiation at λ
λ Λ

transmitted radiation at λ ν
τ = transmittance = ——— r.—: — (3.13 c)
incident radiation at λ
λ t

Because these three processes are the only possibilities for the incident radiation, 7

by energy conservation, each quantity must be between zero and one, and
«Α + Ρχ + τ = 1 .
λ (3.14)
Kirchhoff discovered that a body is exactly as good an absorber as it is an

emitter. This is summarized in Kirchhoff s law:


α = ε.
λ λ (3.15)
This law applies only to material that is in local thermodynamic equilibrium,
which means that it can be characterized by a single thermodynamic temperature.
This is a good assumption below about 100 km in the Earth's atmosphere. Above
100 km, collisions between molecules are rare enough that different chemical
species can have different thermodynamic temperatures. For most satellite meteo-
rology applications, however, the Earth's atmosphere can be considered to be in
local thermodynamic equilibrium.
Since the emittance of a blackbody is by definition one, its absorptance must
also be one; that is, a blackbody, in addition to being a perfect emitter, is also a
perfect absorber. It therefore appears black, thus the name blackbody.
The emittance of real materials is enormously variable. Shown in Fig. 3.6 is
the emittance of two materials used in the Suomi radiometer discussed in Chapter
1. The black paint is supposed to approximate a blackbody by absorbing all
radiation incident on it. Anodized aluminum looks like flat white paint. It is
supposed to reflect solar radiation and absorb infrared radiation emitted by the

We will not consider Raman scattering or fluorescence, in which radiation is absorbed at one

wavelength and reemitted at another.

Gustav Robert Kirchhoff, German physicist, 1 8 2 4 - 1 8 8 7 .

Assuming the contrary can be shown to violate the second law of thermodynamics.
3.3 The Radiative Transfer Equation 57

FIGURE 3.6. Emittance as a function of wavelength for two materials used in a satellite radiometer.
Normalized Planck curves representing solar radiation (5800 K) and terrestrial radiation (260 K) are
shown. (Do not be deceived by these normalized curves. The sun's radiance is larger than the Earth's
at every wavelength.) [Adapted from Smith, W. L. (1985). Satellites. In D . D . Houghton (ed.),
Handbook of Applied Meteorology. Copyright © 1 9 8 5 , John Wiley &c Sons, Inc. Reprinted by
permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.]

Earth and its atmosphere (terrestrial radiation). The difference between measure-
ments made with instruments coated with these materials is related to the amount
of incident solar radiation.


At last we are ready to discuss the transfer of electromagnetic radiation through

the atmosphere. Consider radiation incident on a differential volume of atmo-
sphere (or, more generally, material) shown in Fig. 3.7. The equation that will
be developed deals with the change in radiance as the radiation passes through
the volume. Radiance is the appropriate variable because, as explained above, if
there were no material in the volume, the radiance would not change.
If we do not consider polarization effects, four processes can change the radi-
ance as it passes through the volume:
A. Radiation from the beam can be absorbed by the material.
B. Radiation can be emitted by the material.
C. Radiation can be scattered out of the beam into other directions.
D. Radiation from other directions can be scattered into the beam.
The rate of change of radiance with distance, dLJds, then consists of the above
four terms:

^f* = A + B + C + D. (3.16)
58 Chapter 3 Radiative Transfer

FIGURE 3.7. Differential volume element containing material which alters a beam of radiation passing
through it.

Terms A and C remove radiation from the beam and are known as depletion
terms. Terms Β and D add radiation to the beam and are known as source terms.
Beer's law states that the rate of decrease in the intensity of radiation as it

passes through a medium is proportional to the intensity of the radiation. Term

A, therefore, takes the form - σ ( λ ) ί . , where σ (λ) is the volume absorption
3 λ α

coefficient and is equal to p)3 (X), where ρ is the density of absorber and β (λ) is
a α

the mass absorption coefficient. If Beer's law is integrated over a finite depth

of absorber from a to b, then

L = L exp(-|\(X)&),
x 0 (3.17)

where s is distance along the path and L is the radiance incident on the absorber. Q

If there were no scattering, the transmittance (Eq. 3.13c) would be

r^,fc) = exp(-jV (X)^,

a (3.18)

and the absorptance (Eq. 3.13a) would be 1 - τ . λ

The emission with which we will be concerned is Planckian emission. Since by

Kirchhoff's law a material is as good an emitter as an absorber, term Β takes the
form +σ,(λ)Β (Τ). λ

Scattering of radiation out of the beam follows Beer's law. Term C takes the
form —a (k)L , where σ (λ) is the volume scattering coefficient.
s k 5

Finally, Term D describes the amount of radiation from other directions that
is scattered into the beam. This term is complicated by the fact that all directions
must be considered. If we are concerned with radiation traveling in a direction
specified by the angles θ and φ, then Term D is given by

Term D = + Γ Ι (0',φ') ρ(ψ ) sinrT άθ' άφ',

λ 5 (3.19)

After Wilhelm Beer, German astronomer, 1 7 7 9 - 1 8 5 0 . It is also known as Bouguer's law, after
1 0

the French mathematician Pierre Bouguer ( 1 6 9 8 - 1 7 5 8 ) , w h o first published it in 1729; and as

Lambert's law, after the German mathematician Johann Heinrich Lambert ( 1 7 2 8 - 1 7 7 7 ) .
σ has SI units of m" (reciprocal meters); p, of course, has SI units of kg m ; and /3 has SI
1 1
1 - 3

units of m k g .
2 - 1
3.3 The Radiative Transfer Equation 59

where (θ',φ') represents the direction of incoming radiation, and i// is the scattering s

angle (the angle between 0, φ and 0', φ'):

cosi// = cos0 cos0' + sin0 sin0' cos((/> - φ').
s (3.20)
ρ(ψ ) is called the scattering phase function. Basically, it tells what portion of the

radiation from direction {θ',φ') is scattered into direction (0,φ). ρ(ψ ) has the δ

property that

ά C[ * ' ' '"

p{ s) sine de άφ L (3,21)

(For an isotropic scatterer, ρ(ψ ) = 1.) Term D can be thought of as the product

of cr (X) and a directionally weighted average [ρ(ψ ) is the weight] of the radiance
s 8

from all directions:

Term D = a (\)(L' ), s k (3.22)


(L' ) - j -
K Γ Ι (β',φ') ρ(ψ ) sinö' Jö'
λ 5 (3.23)

Combining all terms, the radiative transfer equation for nonpolarized radia-
tion becomes

^ = - σ . ( λ ) Ι , ( Μ ) - ο- (λ)Ι (0,φ) + σ (λ)Β (Τ)

λ 5 λ 3 λ

+ ¥^ Γ [ ^χ(Ο',Φ') ρ(Ψ,) sinö' άθ' άφ'.


This is a very complex equation. It is useful to examine its physical meaning

before attempting to solve it.
Substituting Eq. 3.23 and rearranging slightly, the radiative transfer equa-
tion becomes

^ = σ.(λ)[Β (Τ) - LtfM

λ + a (X)[<H> - LtfM-
s (3-25)

Consider a beam of radiation upwelling through a thin atmospheric layer on its

way to a satellite. The first term on the right-hand side of Eq. 3.25 represents
the effects of absorption and emission. If σ (λ) is zero, the layer is transparent

absorptionally, and the beam passes through it unchanged. If σ (λ) is not zero, Ά

the temperature of the layer and the radiance itself determine the change in the
beam. The beam is augmented if B (T) is greater than Ζ. (0,φ); it is diminished
k λ

if B (T) is less than Ζ, (0,φ). The second term on the right represents the effects
k Λ

1 2
The radiative transfer equation for polarized radiation is not much more complicated. Polarized
radiation can be described by a vector whose elements are the four Stokes parameters. The scattering
phase function becomes a 4 x 4 matrix. The reader is referred to Liou (1980) for further details.
60 Chapter 3 Radiative Transfer

of scattering. If scattering particles are absent, σ (λ) is zero, and scattering has

no effect on the beam. If σ (λ) is nonzero, the beam is augmented if the directionally

weighted average radiance (L' ) is greater than the beam radiance L (0,</>); it is
x x

diminished if (L' ) is less than L (0,</>).

k x

The radiative transfer equation can be formally solved. Since we will not use
the formal solution, we refer readers to Goody and Yung (1989) for further
discussion of it. Instead, we will concentrate on several simplifications that are
used in satellite meteorology.
The first two terms on the right-hand side of Eq. 3.24 can be combined to
form -σ (λ)Ι, (0,φ), where
6 λ

σ (λ) - σ (λ) + σ (λ)

β β 8 (3.26)
is called the volume extinction coefficient.
It is convenient to divide the radiative transfer equation by the extinction
coefficient and to introduce a new variable, 6 , the slant path optical depth:


Because most meteorological variables are known as a function of height ζ rather

than of slant path s (Fig. 3.8), we will use the vertical optical depth


Since the Earth's atmosphere is thin in comparison with the radius of the Earth,
the two optical depths are related by

Ssi(*i,s ) = 2



FIGURE 3.8. Relationship of depth to slant path through an infinitesimal atmospheric slab.
3.3 The Radiative Transfer Equation β]

where μ is the cosine of the zenith angle 0, Ζχ corresponds to s , and z corresponds x 2

to s . We will use the symbol δ without arguments to mean the vertical optical
2 λ

depth between the surface and level z, that is, δ = δ (0,ζ), and therefore, λ λ

άδ = a dz = μσ^άε.
λ e

Two additional definitions are useful. The absorption number, a , is defined as k

δ χ - ^ » (3.30)
and the single-scatter albedo, ώ , is defined as

ώ χ - ^ · (3-31)
With these definitions, the radiative transfer equation becomes

μ^ξ = -^(θ,φ) + ά Β (Τ)

λ λ +^ ζ J"^ Ιλ{μ',φ') ρ(ψ,) άμ' άφ'. (3.32)

Note that we have substituted μ for cos0 in this equation, as is commonly done.
Now we are ready to simplify and solve the radiative transfer equation. We
will explore two common simplifications: the no-scattering case and the no-
emission case.

3.3.1 No-Scattering Equations

A common assumption is that scattering is negligible. This is a good assumption
in the infrared portion of the spectrum in the absence of clouds. If there is no
scattering, the single-scatter albedo is zero, and the absorption number is one.
The radiative transfer equation then becomes

μ ^ = - 1 ^ ) + 8»(Τ), (3.33)

which is known as Schwarzchild's equation. 13

The infrared radiance observed by a satellite (in the absence of scattering) can be
calculated by formally integrating Schwarzchild's equation. Since Schwarzchild's
equation is a first-order, linear, ordinary differential equation, its integration is
straightforward. A detailed derivation is justified, however, because the result is
arguably the most important equation in satellite meteorology. To start, we re-
arrange Eq. 3 . 3 3 and multiply by the integrating factor εχρ(δ /μ)/μ: λ

fe) t S + e x p
fe) * '
LM ]
i e x p
fe) ΒΛη (3J4)

The left-hand side is now an exact differential:

exp (fy L (0,<m] = ^ exp (fy

x B (T).
K (3.35)

1 3
After Karl Schwarzchild, German astronomer, 1 8 7 3 - 1 9 1 6 .
Chapter 3 Radiative Transfer

ι λ

8 +d8
/ i
θ / J

) m m m 111111 η 1111)))ι))ι))))))))))11 π ι///;

FIGURE 3.9. The vertical optical depth coordinate system.

Using δ as the vertical coordinate (Fig. 3.9), Eq. 3.35 can be integrated from the

Earth's surface (δ = 0) to the satellite (δ = δ ) :

λ λ 0

Γ A h (I) ] * C fe) > LM} = exp B m

f - ( 3
· 3 6 )

Because the left-hand side of Eq. 3.36 is the integral of an exact differential, the
integral is simply

"exp Ν l J ° = exp (J) L - L = f° e x l^j

x D P Β (Τ) ^ ,
λ (3.37)
where L is the radiance reaching the satellite, and L is the radiance leaving the
k G

surface. Solving for L : x

L, = L e x ( - ^ )
0 P + j\xp(-iVlöjW ( T ) A. (3>38)
\ μI J
o \ μ I μ
This equation forms the basis for sounding the atmosphere and for corrections
necessary for surface parameter estimation (Chapter 6).
The vertical transmittance (see Section 3.2.2) of the atmospheric layer between
optical depths h and δ isx 2

Τλ(δι,δ ) = βχρ(-|δ -δ |;
2 2 1 (3.39)
We will use the symbol τ without arguments to mean the vertical transmittance

of the layer between level δ and the satellite (δ ), that is, τ = τ (δ ,δ ). The
λ 0
λ λ λ 0

Meteorological satellites orbit well above the effective top of the atmosphere; therefore, δ is
1 4

the vertical optical depth of the entire atmosphere.

This definition is a little unusual. The customary definition is τ = exp(—δ ). However, this
1 5
λ λ

transmittance is that between the surface and level δ . Since the transmittance between δ and δ is
λ λ 0

a much more useful quantity, w e adopt τ = exp[— (δ - δ ) ] . λ 0 λ

3.3 The Radiative Transfer Equation (β

transmittance between the surface and the satellite is τ = τ (0,δ ). With the aid 0 λ ο

of these definitions, the integrated form of Schwarzchild's equation has a simple

physical explanation.
Equation 3.38 says that the radiance reaching a satellite comes from two
sources. The first term on the right-hand side is the surface term. L is the radiance 0

leaving the surface; exp( - δ / μ ) = τ * is the transmittance of the entire atmosphere


along the slant path to the satellite. The product is that portion of the surface
radiance which reaches the satellite. The second term is the contribution of the
atmosphere. Since we are not considering scattering,

^ =σ β , (3.40)
μ μ
that is, άδ /μ is the emittance of the atmospheric layer between δ and δ + d8 .
κ λ λ k

Therefore, Β (Τ)άδ /μ is the radiance emitted in the direction of the satellite by

κ κ

the layer. The factor e x p [ - ( ö — δ )/μ] = τ{ is the slant path transmittance

0 λ

from δ to the satellite. Therefore, the product e x p [ - ( 6 - 8 )/μ]Β (Τ)άδ /μ

λ is 0 λ λ λ

that portion of the radiance emitted by the atmospheric layer between 8 and k

δ + d8 which reaches the satellite. The integral indicates that the contributions
λ k

of all atmospheric layers are to be summed.

A useful rule of thumb is that a satellite receives the maximum radiation from
the layer which is one optical depth into the atmosphere, that is, where (δ - δ )/ 0 λ

μ = 1. This rule is exact for the uninteresting case of an isothermal atmosphere

and is approximately correct for other atmospheres.
Note that it is sometimes convenient to use transmittance as the vertical coor-

L = Ly >»+fB (T)T^-V^-
x 0 K (3.41)
r 0 μ

For overhead viewing (μ = 1),

L = L r + \ B {T)dr .
x 0 0
k k (3.42)

3.3.2 No-Emission Equations

Neither the Earth nor its atmosphere emits significant radiation at visible or
near-infrared wavelengths. For these wavelengths, Planck emission [B (T)] may k

be neglected, and the radiative transfer equation becomes

μ^ξ= -L GM>)
X \ λ
Ι (μ\φ')ρ(^)άμ·
λ αφ . 1

Neither liquid water nor water vapor absorbs much radiation in the visible
portion of the spectrum. At visible wavelengths, it is often acceptable to assume
that absorption in clouds is zero, or equivalently that ώ = 1. This approximation λ

is called conservative scattering because radiative energy is conserved: all of the

54 Chapter 3 Radiative Transfer

energy that is incident on a cloud is assumed to emerge from it, although in

various directions.
The source of ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared radiation is, of course, the
sun. It is convenient and traditional to divide this radiation into direct-beam
radiation, which comes directly from the sun without any interaction with the
atmosphere, and diffuse radiation, which has undergone at least one scattering
event in the atmosphere or reflection from the surface. Direct-beam radiation
follows Beer's law:

L direct = L s^un £ χ ρ / _ δ
ο ~ δ
λ J, (344)

V Msun /

where L{ is the sun's radiance at the top of the atmosphere, and μ is the

cosine of the solar zenith angle. The diffuse radiation is described by Eq. 3.43,
but one correction must be made. When the second term of Eq. 3.43 is calculated,
both direct and diffuse radiation must be considered. Since the sun's radiation
comes from essentially only one direction (0 ,φ ), the direct-beam term can 81ιη 81ιη

be taken out of the integral, leaving only the diffuse radiance:

J r diffuse ~ Γ 2π Λ

Μ^— = - L f ^(μ,φ) +^ J O ^(μ',φ') Ρ(φ ) άμ' άφ'


+^ Lril s u n exp ( - ρ(ψ ), !Ιιη (3.45)

where Ω is the solid angle subtended by the sun, and ψ is the scattering angle
81ιη 8υη

between the sun and the observed direction (θ,φ). The product L^ n is the un

solar spectral irradiance, E{ . Equation 3.45 is used to study clouds' effects on


radiation. It includes the multiple scattering of radiation that occurs in thick

clouds, and it has challenged atmospheric scientists for many years. The reader
is referred to Liou (1980) for a discussion of the ways it has been approached.
A further approximation, which is useful for the study of aerosols (see Chapter
8) and thin clouds, is that only the first scattering need be considered. This is
called the single-scattering approximation, and it is equivalent to neglecting the
second term in Eq. 3.45, which deals with the scattering of diffuse (already
scattered) radiation.
In order to apply the radiative transfer equation, we must have a knowledge
of the absorption and scattering properties of the Earth's atmosphere, the reflection
properties of the Earth's surface, and the characteristics of the sun's radiation.
These will be dealt with in the next four sections.


The study of absorption and emission by gases is the field of spectroscopy, an

old and complex science which was largely explained by quantum mechanics in
the first half of the twentieth century (Herzberg, 1950; McCartney, 1983). Radia-
3.4 Gaseous Absorption 65

tion can interact with atmospheric gases in five ways: ionization-dissociation

interactions, electronic transitions, vibrational transitions, rotational transitions,
and forbidden transitions.

3.4.1 Radiative Interactions

In ionization-dissociation interactions, an electron is stripped from an atom
or molecule, or a molecule is torn apart. These interactions occur primarily at
ultraviolet and shorter wavelengths. Because any energy greater than the threshold
energy will ionize or dissociate a molecule, these interactions produce relatively
smooth spectra (plots of absorption coefficient versus wavelength or wavenum-
ber), unlike the spectra produced by the processes described below.
If one divides the absorption coefficient by the number density (number of
molecules per unit volume), one arrives at a quantity with the units of area that
spectroscopists call the absorption cross section. It is a molecule's effective area,
that is, a measure of how effectively it absorbs radiation. Figure 3.10 shows a
semischematic representation of the absorption cross sections of 0 , 0 , and N 3 2 2

in the ultraviolet and visible portions of the spectrum.

All solar radiation shorter than about 0.1 μηι in wavelength is absorbed in
the upper atmosphere by ionizing atmospheric gases, particularly atomic oxygen;
this ionization produces the ionosphere. Wavelengths between 0.1 and 0.2 μ,ηι
are absorbed by dissociation of molecular oxygen ( 0 ) into atomic oxygen. Short

of about 0.2423 μηι, 0 dissociates in the Herzberg continuum. Short of about



FIGURE 3.10. Absorption cross sections of atmospheric gases in the visible and ultraviolet portions of
the spectrum. N o t e that these curves are intended to indicate the relative significance of various
absorbers and should not be taken as the source of quantitative data. [After Liou (1980). Reprinted
by permission of Academic Press.]
Chapter 3 Radiative Transfer
0.1750 μηι, 0 dissociates in the much stronger Schuman-Runge continuum.

Virtually all radiation between 0.2 and 0.3 μηι is absorbed by dissociation of
ozone ( 0 ) in the Hartley bands. Ozone also dissociates in the weak Chappuis

bands in the visible portion of the spectrum. Ionization-dissociation interactions

are important to satellite meteorology primarily for measuring ozone concentra-
tion profiles.
In electronic transitions, an orbital electron jumps between quantized energy
levels. These transitions occur mostly in the ultraviolet and visible portions of
the spectrum. Of importance to satellite meteorology are the ultraviolet Huggins
bands of ozone, which are used to measure integrated (total) ozone, and a weak
0.77-μιη band (the A band) of molecular oxygen, which may someday be used
to estimate surface pressure by measuring the total amount of 0 in an atmospheric 2

column. Figure 3.11 shows the vertical transmittance of the Earth's atmosphere
in the visible, ultraviolet, and near-infrared portions of the spectrum.
In vibrational transitions, a molecule changes vibrational energy states. These
transitions occur mostly in the infrared portion of the spectrum and are extremely
important for satellite meteorology. They are discussed in the next section. At
temperatures found in the Earth's atmosphere, most molecules are in the ground
vibrational state. The spectrum of vibrational transitions, therefore, is caused
primarily by transitions between the ground state and the first vibrational ex-
cited state.
In rotational transitions, a molecule changes rotational energy states. These
occur in the far-infrared and microwave portion of the spectrum. However, rota-

0.25 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

WAVELENGTH ( ^ m ) Vertical transmittance of the Earth's atmosphere between 0.25 and 1.0 jam. Rayleigh
scattering by air molecules is the chief limitation to the transfer of visible radiation through the
clear atmosphere. The effects of aerosols have not been included in these curves. [Calculated using
L O W T R A N 6 (Kneizys et ai, 1983).]
3.4 Gaseous Absorption 67

tional transitions can occur at the same time as a vibrational transition, which
complicates the spectrum. Figure 3.12 shows the infrared spectrum of the radia-
tively most important atmospheric gases. The far-infrared spectrum is dominated
by rotational transitions of water vapor. Measurement of water vapor in the
microwave region is an important use of rotational transitions.
Finally, forbidden transitions are those transitions which are not caused by
the interaction between the electric field of the radiation and the electric dipole
moment of a molecule. Some forbidden transitions do, in fact, occur. A meteoro-
logically important forbidden transition is caused by the reorientation of unpaired
electron spins in the O molecule. This results in an absorption band in the 5-mm

region which is used for temperature sounding. Figure 3.13 shows the microwave
spectrum of the Earth's atmosphere.
Figure 3.14 shows the complete spectrum of the Earth's atmosphere under
very low spectral resolution. Although much of the spectrum is opaque because
of absorption by atmospheric gases, there are several important areas, called
windows, where the atmosphere is relatively (but not absolutely) transparent.
The most important of these are the visible window, the 3.7-μηι window, the
microwave windows (2-4 mm and > 6 mm), and the 8.5-12.5 μπι window. This


1 ,1 1 1



^"V Y
IT -
* 0


ir COe


JT \!
Λ ^ ^ Μ ^ EARTH'S

ffi ΛjAa . 2000 1600 1400 1200 1000 900

.V. .800 700 (cm )

8000 5000 3000

—Η 1— 1
1— 1 r1
• 1
' 1 1
• 1
Γ " —1—' ι 1

7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 (15m)
5 6
FIGURE 3.12. Infrared transmittance of several gases in the Earth's atmosphere and the combined
atmospheric transmittance. [After Valley (1965).]
£g Chapter 3 Radiative Transfer

300 200 100 70 50 30 20 10
1 1I ι τ • f X H
2 ° / ^
o 2

0 if \
I5°N Annuol Atmosphere
H 0/


/ , , , , ι
FIGURE 3.13. Transmittance of the Earth's atmosphere in the microwave portion of the spectrum.
[Calculated using the model of Liebe and Gimmestad (1978).]

last window is punctuated by the 9.6-μιη ozone absorption band (vibrational),

and it is affected by water vapor absorption.

3.4.2 Vibrational Transitions

Because vibrational transitions are so important in satellite meteorology, it is
necessary to consider them in detail. The two chief absorbers in the infrared
region of the spectrum are carbon dioxide and water vapor. Shown in Fig. 3.15
are the three ways that each molecule can vibrate and the wavelengths (and
wavenumbers) of these vibrations. Not all of these vibration modes are radiatively
active, however. The symmetric stretching mode of the linear C 0 molecule, for 2

example, has neither a static nor a dynamic electric dipole moment because the
symmetry of the molecule is maintained. If a molecule has no electric dipole
moment, the electric field of incident radiation cannot interact with the molecule.
The infrared spectrum of C 0 (Fig. 3.12) shows that there is no absorption at

7.46 μ,ιη. For the same reason, C 0 cannot have a pure rotation spectrum. The 2

lack of an electric dipole moment also explains why the two most abundant gases
in the Earth's atmosphere, N and 0 , are transparent in the infrared.
2 2

Quantum mechanics tells us that vibrational transitions occur only at discrete

frequencies. These results, however, are for isolated, motionless molecules. In the

en, cm
o _»| frH^fycgJ o μ' mostly opoque due to H 0_»| o q

ζ o.e[
,0 3 c?t s 2 ; z

Η 0.6
£ 02
I 0 4

ι- 0.1/xm 0.3 0.6 1.0/xm 3 6 \0μτη 30 60 100/xm 300 600 0.1cm 0.3 0.6 1.0cm 3

FIGURE 3.14. Spectrum of the Earth's atmosphere. [Adapted from Goody and Yung (1989), with
permission from Oxford University Press.]
3.4 Gaseous Absorption (ft

*-0 — C - 0 - > SYMMETRIC /O
• X
> = ' 3 4 0 001-' * , = 3 6 5 7 . 0 5 cm'
λ, = 7 4 6 ^ X,= 2 . 7 3 m M

t •
o - c — 0 0
I I / \
* = 6 6 7 . 4 0 cm" 1
^ ^ -i
κ2 = 1594.78 cm
2 Ω

* 2 = , 4
- 9 8
^ m
λ = 6.27/xm

0 —
—(J — C ^ O STRETCHING ^ ^

* 3 =2349.16 cm" 1
' „ -I c c fto

* 3 = 3 7 5 5 . 9 2 cm
λ 3 =4.26^m χ 2.66 m3 s M

FIGURE 3.15. Vibration modes of carbon dioxide and water vapor.

Earth's atmosphere, absorption lines are broadened chiefly by collisions, which

distort the molecule and cause it to absorb (or emit) at slightly different wave-
lengths. Infrared lines are usually modeled as having the Lorentz lineshape
(Fig. 3.16):

FIGURE 3.16. The Lorentz lineshape for near-surface and near-tropopause conditions; κ is the central 0

wavenumber, and Δκ is the halfwidth, which is a function of temperature and pressure.

70 Chapter 3 Radiative Transfer

where β (κ) is the mass absorption coefficient, κ is wavenumber, K is the central


wavenumber, S is the line strength (independent of Δκ), and Δκ is the halfwidth.

The halfwidth is proportional to the collision frequency of a molecule and can
be shown to depend on temperature and pressure as

A (T,P) =
K AK {pj(^J\
0 (3.47)

where T is a reference temperature, and P is a reference pressure. The line

Q 0

strength S is a function of temperature and the energy of the lower level (£") of
the transition. Four numbers, then, specify each line: κ , S , Δκ , and E" (McClat- 0 0 0

chey et 1973). If two or more absorption lines overlap, which is usually the
case, the volume absorption coefficients are summed. Calculation of absorption
coefficients by this method (the line-by-line method) would not be too difficult
except that there are more than 100,000 absorption lines between 1 and 25 μπι!
How can there be so many lines with only a few absorbing gases? Close
examination of the 15-μιη band of C 0 gives the answer. Figure 3.17 shows 2

what serves as a high-resolution spectrogram of C 0 in the wavenumber range 2

600-740 cm" (16.67-13.51 μπι). The bending mode vibrational transition oc-

curs at 667.40 cm" (14.98 μπι). Quantum-mechanical selection rules, however,


allow rotational transitions to accompany vibrational transitions. The rotational

quantum number / may change by + 1 , forming the higher frequency R branch;
0, forming the central Q branch; or - 1 , forming the lower frequency Ρ branch.
In addition, the energy of the Jth rotational state is proportional to / (/ + 1). The
difference between the / and / + 1 energy levels is therefore linearly related to / .
Since many excited rotational states are populated, the Ρ and R branches consist
of a series of equally spaced lines, the strengths of which are related to the number
of molecules in the Jth state.
The spectrum is further complicated by the presence of isotopes that vibrate
at slightly different frequencies due to differing molecular masses. The dominant
form of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere is C C > 2 . At 649 and 662 1 2 6

cm" , the Q branches of isotopes C C > 2 and C 0 0 , respectively, can be

1 13 6 1 2 1 6 1 8

seen. The less intense Ρ and R branches of these isotopes are masked by the
C 0 spectrum. Other, less abundant isotopes are also present.
1 2




660 680


FIGURE 3.17. Vertical transmittance of the atmosphere above 4 0 km. The P, Q, and JR branches of the
bending vibrational mode of C 0 can be seen along with absorption due to isotopes of C 0 (see
2 2

text). [Adapted from Kyle and Goldman (1975).]

3.4 Gaseous Absorption 71

The spectrum is still further complicated by combination and overtone bands.

A combination band is one in which two transitions take place simultaneously.
At 618 and 721 c m , for example, one can see bands which arise from the

transition of the symmetric stretching mode from the ground state to the first
excited state simultaneous with the transition of the bending mode from the first
excited state to the ground state. An overtone band is one in which a molecule
absorbs (or emits) a photon of sufficient energy to cause it to jump two or more
levels. Water vapor, for example, absorbs in a band centered at 3151 cm" , 1

which is the result of double excitation of its bending mode. When all of these
complications are taken into account, 100,000 is not an unreasonable number
of absorption lines, even though only a handful of atmospheric gases contribute
to the infrared spectrum.
Comparing Fig. 3.17 with Fig. 3.12, one might ask: Why are the rotational
transitions not evident in Fig. 3.12? The answer has two parts. First, Fig. 3.12
shows the transmittance of the entire atmosphere. Near the surface, the individual
rotation lines are considerably broadened (Fig. 3.16) so that they overlap each
other. Second, Fig. 3.12 is what is called a low-resolution spectrum. The spectrum
is averaged over a passband and therefore appears smooth. The result of these
two effects is that in Fig. 3.12, only the envelopes of the P, Q, and R branches
of absorption bands are discernable. Note also that not all molecules have a Q
branch. Ozone, for example, has a bimodal absorption band centered at 9.6 μ,ιη,
which consists of the envelope of its Ρ and R branches.
A complete compilation of vibration-rotation lines important for satellite
meteorology has been made by the U.S. Air Force Geophysics Laboratory (McClat-
chey et al., 1973) and an optimized computer codes to calculate atmospheric
transmittances have been written, for example, FASCOD (Clough et al., 1982).
Readers who need to do line-by-line calculations are advised to obtain one of
these codes.
Vibrational transitions are the basis of temperature sounding and measurement
of a wide variety of trace gases in the atmosphere. The 15-μηι and 4.3-μπι C 0 2

bands are used for temperature sounding. The 6.3-μ,ιη H 0 band is used for

water vapor measurements. The 9.6-μπι band of ozone is used to make total
ozone measurements. Several other important gases have been measured in the
stratosphere using vibrational transitions. Among them are NO, N 0 , N 0 , 2 2

H N 0 , HCl, HF, C H , CO, and C 0 .

3 4 2

3.4.3 Practical Problems

Two problems arise in the application of absorption line data in satellite
meteorology. First, the parameters that specify absorption lines are not perfectly
known. Calculated atmospheric transmittances agree with laboratory measure-
ments only to within about 10%. This uncertainty results in errors in temperature
retrievals, for example.
The second problem is that the radiative transfer equation is strictly only valid
at a single wavelength. A typical satellite sounder channel, however, is about 20
72 Chapter 3 Radiative Transfer

cm" wide (see Chapter 4), which includes several lines. Calculation of the radiance

that a satellite radiometer would measure requires the calculation of radiance at

many closely spaced wavelengths followed by integration over the passband of
the radiometer channel:

'measured (3.48)

where f(k) is the response function of the radiometer channel. Even with fast line-
by-line routines such as FASCOD, these calculations are too time consuming to
be of practical use in many applications. Instead, one turns either to band models
or to polynomial expansions.
In a band model the transmittance of an atmospheric layer in an entire band
is calculated at one time using an appropriate parameterization, which is usually
based on fitting line-by-line calculations to a function. Goody and Yung (1989,
Chapter 4) explain several parameterizations. The LOWTRAN computer code
(McClatchey et ai, 1972; Kneizys et al., 1983), in which transmittance averaged
over a 20-cirT band is calculated, is an example of this type of model.

In polynomial expansions, the atmosphere is divided into layers. For each layer
and for each channel of the radiometer, transmittances are calculated line-by-line
for a variety of temperatures and humidities. Polynomial functions of temperature
and humidity are then fitted to the transmittances. To calculate the transmittance
of the atmosphere from a particular level to a satellite, one uses an estimate of
atmospheric temperature and humidity and calculates the transmittance of each
layer. The total atmospheric transmittance is the product of the layer transmit-
tances. Polynomial expansions are used extensively in satellite sounding (see Mc-
Millin and Fleming, 1976).


Radiation scattered from a particle is a function of several things: particle

shape, particle size, particle index of refraction, wavelength of radiation, and, of
course, viewing geometry. In 1908 Mie applied Maxwell's equations, which
16 17 18

describe electromagnetic radiation, to the case of a plane electromagnetic wave

incident on a sphere. The far-field radiation (that observed at many radii from
the sphere) is the scattered radiation. [See Liou (1980) for this lengthy derivation.]
Mie showed that for a spherical scatterer, the scattered radiation is a function of
only viewing angle, index of refraction, and the size parameter defined as

1 6
See van de Hülst (1957) for a thorough discussion of scattering by particles.
1 7
Gustav Mie, German physicist, 1 8 6 8 - 1 9 5 7 .
1 8
James Clerk Maxwell, Scottish mathematician and physicist, 1 8 3 1 - 1 8 7 9 .
3.5 Scattering 73

where r is the radius of the sphere. The size parameter can be used to divide
scattering into three regimes (Fig. 3.18).

3.5.1 Mie Scattering

For size parameters in the range 0.1-50, the wavelength of the radiation and
the circumference of the particle are comparable. Radiation strongly interacts
with the particle, and, therefore, the full Mie equations must be used. These
equations have been applied extensively to the detection of raindrops by radar.
The study of aerosols (smoke, dust, haze) using visible radiation falls in the
Mie regime. Also in the Mie regime is the interaction of cloud droplets with
infrared radiation.
A complete discussion of Mie scattering is outside the scope of this book
because the scattering equations are very complicated. Insight into the results,
however, can be gained as follows. If the volume absorption coefficient is divided
by the number of scattering particles per unit volume and by the cross-sectional
area of each scatterer, the result is the scattering efficiency (Q ) for a single s

scatterer. Q is the ratio of the total scattered radiation (regardless of direction)


to the incident radiation. Q is a function of the size parameter and of the index

of refraction of the particle.

Many substances absorb radiation as well as scatter it. This can be conveniently
taken into account by letting the index of refraction become a complex number
m = η — in', (3.50)
where n, the real part of the index of refraction, is as defined above, and n'', the
imaginary part, accounts for absorption inside the scatterers. Figure 3.19 shows

io 4

io 3


SMOKE, 0.1

io 3

£ I I I I L

0.1 I 10 100 IO 3
IO 4
IO 5
IO 6

ζ ζ
t/)2 λ {μπ\)
s i Ii <

FIGURE 3.18. Scattering regimes. [Adapted from Wallace and Hobbs (1977). Reprinted by permissipn
of Academic Press.]
74 Chapter 3 Radiative Transfer

' ι


0.1 I 10 100 1000
FIGURE 3.19. Imaginary part of the index of refraction of water and ice. [Plotted from data in Irvine
and Pollack (1968).]

«' as a function of wavelength for water and ice. In the visible portion of the
spectrum, n' is negligibly small, but in the infrared it becomes significant.
Figure 3.20 shows the scattering efficiency for water drops (n = 1.33) as a
function of size parameter for several values of n'. Scattering efficiency in the
Mie regime is quite clearly a complicated function. In clouds, there is usually a
distribution of drop sizes. Suppose that N(r)dr is the number of drops per unit
volume in the radius range r to r + dr. If the scatterers are sufficiently far
apart (many wavelengths) that they act independently, the scattering coefficient
is given by
r 00

σ,(λ) = Trr Q N(r)dr


Τ Τ I 1 Ja! I 1 I
I ι ι ι11 11

sζ 3
- ι n'--.0/\l 1/ -

- / n
' r /
\t //

n= l.33(Water)_
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 5 10 50 IC
FIGURE 3.20. Scattering efficiency (Q ) of water spheres (n = 1.33) as a function of size parameter (χ)

for several values of n'. [Adapted from Liou (1980) and Hansen and Travis (1974). Reprinted by
permission of Academic Press, Inc. and Kluwer Academic Publishers.]
3.5 Scattering 75

Integration over the size distribution smooths the scattering efficiency. In any
case, it must be noted that scattering is a much smoother function of wavelength
than is gaseous absorption.
Also of interest is the scattering phase function, which determines in which
direction the radiation is scattered. Figure 3.21 shows the scattering phase function
for water drops for several size parameters. As the size parameter increases, the
phase function becomes strongly peaked in the forward direction; relatively little
radiation is backscattered toward the source of the radiation. Finally, we note
that in general scattering polarizes radiation; in some applications polarization
must be taken into account.

3.5.2 Geometric Optics

For χ greater than about 50, the sphere is large in comparison with the wave-
length of radiation. This is the realm of geometric optics, where rays, which are
reflected and refracted at the surface of a scatterer, can be traced. Ray tracing
can be used with scatterers that are nonspherical. As shown in Fig. 3.18, the
interaction of solar radiation with virtually all types of hydrometeors falls in this
regime. A wide variety of optical phenomena such as rainbows and halos can
be explained with geometric optics. The interaction of infrared radiation with
precipitation-size particles also falls within this regime.

FIGURE 3.21. Polar plots (note the logarithmic scales) of the scattering phase function of water drops
for several size parameters. [Plotted from data supplied by Steven A. Ackerman, Cooperative Institute
for Meteorological Satellite Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison.]
Chapter 3 Radiative Transfer

For nonabsorbing spheres, Fig. 3.20 shows that the scattering efficiency asymp-
totically approaches 2 as the size parameter increases. Not only is the radiation
that directly strikes the drop scattered, but an equal amount of radiation that
comes near the drop is refracted around it. Since the refracted radiation changes
direction, it has been scattered.

3.5.3 Rayleigh Scattering

For χ less than about 0.1, only the first term in the Mie equations must be
considered. The scattering efficiency becomes
8 " ' "
m (3.52)
m +22

where m is the complex index of refraction. Because the particle is small in

comparison with the wavelength of the radiation, Rayleigh scattering is insensitive
to particle shape; Eq. 3.52 works for nonspherical as well as spherical particles.
Because of the χ dependence, scattering becomes negligible for χ less than 1 0 .
4 - 3

Air molecules act as Rayleigh scatterers for visible and ultraviolet radiation.
The scattering coefficient for air molecules should be simply

σ = nr Q N,
s (3.53)

where Ν is the number of air molecules per unit volume. However, this formula
can be made more useful and more accurate as follows. First, we multiply by a
factor f = 1.061 to correct for the anisotropic behavior of air molecules. Second,
we note that the index of refraction of air is very close to one, and if only scattering
is to be considered, only the real part of the index of refraction need be used.
Therefore, m + 2 ~ 3, and m - 1 = (η + l)(n - 1) ~ 2(n - 1). Substituting
2 2

these and χ = lirrlk into Eqs. 3.52 and 3.53 gives

Third, the volume of each scatterer is 47rr /3. Since air fills any volume that it

occupies, this volume must be equal to the reciprocal of the number of scatterers
per unit volume (N). Therefore,

<Wf^(«-D . 2

Finally, both Ν and η - 1 are proportional to atmospheric density p. For an

ideal gas, Ν is given by

N=(|^)p, (3.56)
3.5 Scattering 77

where N is Avogadro's number (Appendix E), and W is the molecular weight


of the gas (28.966 kg kmol" for dry air). The index of refraction of air is given by

η — 1= (3.57)

where p and n are the sea-level values. The Rayleigh scattering coefficient for
Q 0

air then becomes

Liou (1980) states that n — 1 can be approximated as


Κ - 1) x 10* = 64.328 + ^ l 1
! + (3.59)

where λ is in micrometers. Equation 3.58 states that for Rayleigh scattering, σ (λ) 8

is proportional to p, as it must be, and to the familiar λ . - 4

Figure 3.11 shows the vertical transmittance of the Earth's atmosphere due to
Rayleigh (molecular) scattering. At visible and ultraviolet wavelengths, Rayleigh
scattering by air molecules must be taken into account. Aerosol optical depth can
be measured over the ocean // the observed radiance is corrected for Rayleigh
scattering by air molecules (see Section 8.5). Rayleigh scattering of air molecules
must also be taken into account when making ultraviolet measurements of ozone
(see Section 6.5).
The Rayleigh scattering phase function for unpolarized incident radiation is
given by

P K M W s ) = ^ + ™^X (3.60)
where t// is the angle between the incoming and the scattered radiation (Fig. 3.21).

It is important to note that unlike larger particles, Rayleigh particles scatter

equally well in the forward direction (ψ = 0°) and the backward direction

(ψ = 180°).

Rayleigh particles, for example, cloud droplets, can also absorb radiation. The
Rayleigh absorption efficiency is given by

Q> = ^(StI)'
(3 61)

where I indicates the imaginary part. Because Q varies with χ while Q varies
m a s

with χ , absorption can quickly dominate scattering for Rayleigh particles that

have even the smallest amount of absorption. The absorption coefficient due to
a number of particles is (similar to Eq. 3.51)

σ , ( λ ) = \\r QMr)dr.

Amedeo Avogadro, count of Quaregna, Italian physicist, 1 7 7 6 - 1 8 5 6 .

Chapter 3 Radiative Transfer

In the Rayleigh regime, Q is proportional to r; thus σ (λ) is proportional to the

a Ά

total volume of scatterer per unit volume of atmosphere. In a cloud, for example,
absorption due to Rayleigh-size cloud droplets is proportional to the liquid water
content. This is important in the microwave region where cloud droplets absorb,
but do not scatter. Using microwave measurements, the vertically integrated liquid
water content of clouds can be estimated (see Section 8.3).

3.5.4 Clouds
Because clouds play a large role in satellite meteorology, it is important to
understand in a general way the interaction of clouds with radiation. Clouds
consist of water drops or ice crystals with radii on the order of 10 μ,ιη. Drops
with radii of 100 μτη have significant fall speed and constitute drizzle. Drops
with radii of 1000 μ,ιιι (1 mm) are raindrops. Clouds have drop concentrations
on the order of 10 m~ ; that is, the drops are on the order of 1 mm apart.
8 3

In the visible portion of the spectrum (λ — 0.5 μτη), cloud drops are geometric
scatterers; therefore, the scattering efficiency is approximately 2. The scattering
coefficient, then, is —0.1 m" . A photon's mean free path (the average distance

between scattering events) is the reciprocal of the volume scattering coefficient,

or —10 m. Therefore, a cloud only a few tens of meters thick is sufficient to
scatter all of the visible radiation incident on it. Since liquid water does not absorb
visible radiation well, very little of the radiation is absorbed; most emerges from
the cloud somewhere after being scattered many times. Welch et al. (1980), for
example, have made calculations for a 2-km-thick stratus cloud with the sun
directly over head (Table 3.2). At 0.55 μπι, the cloud absorbs only 0.2% of
incident radiation; 79.8% is scattered out the top of the cloud, and 20.0% is
scattered out the bottom of the cloud. Since clouds have a distribution of drop
sizes and the size parameter is large, all visible wavelengths are scattered nearly

TABLE 3.2. Calculated Radiative Properties of a 2-km-thick Stratus Cloud*

Scattered (%)
(μτη) Absorbed (%) Out top Out bottom

0.55 0.2 79.8 20.0

0.765 0.5 80.6 18.9
0.95 8.1 76.3 15.5
1.15 17.9 70.4 11.7
1.4 47.4 49.9 2.7
1.8 61.9 37.6 0.5
2.8 99.6 0.4 0.0
3.35 99.4 0.6 0.0
6.6 99.05 0.95 0.0
Total 10.0 73.8 16.6

From Table 2.12a of Welch et al. (1980).
3.6 Surface Reflection 7^

equally well. Clouds therefore appear white. Solar radiation extends into the near
infrared region of the spectrum. In the near infrared, absorption due to water
vapor increases as does the absorption of liquid water. Averaged over the solar
spectrum, Welch et al. (1980) calculate that the cloud absorbs 10.0%, scatters
73.8% out the top of the cloud, and scatters 16.2% out the bottom of the 2-km-
thick cloud.
In the 8.5-12.5-μηι window, cloud droplets are Mie scatterers. The scattering
efficiency is roughly in the range 1-3, but in contrast to visible wavelengths, the
absorption efficiency is on the order of 1. Therefore, clouds absorb nearly all of
the infrared radiation incident on them. They act essentially as blackbodies.
In the microwave portion of the spectrum (χ ~ 0.01), absorption due to cloud
drops is very small. The transmittance of a typical nonraining cloud is greater
than 90%. Scattering is negligibly small. Raindrop-size particles, however, interact
strongly with microwave radiation. Therefore, clouds are nearly transparent in the
microwave region, but raining clouds are not. This forms one basis of microwave
detection of precipitation (see Chapter 9).
Cirrus clouds have a higher transmittance than water clouds because ice clouds
have far fewer particles per unit volume than water clouds and because water is
a better absorber than ice. Cirrus clouds can also be vertically thinner than water
clouds. In general thin cirrus clouds are difficult to detect with satellite radiometers,
yet their effects are not negligible. They can cause problems in the retrieval of
atmospheric soundings (see Chapters 6 and 8). The detection of cirrus clouds
with satellite instruments is an area of active research.


Reflected radiation, particularly reflected solar radiation and reflected micro-

wave radiation, is very important to satellite meteorology. Several quantities are
used to describe reflected radiation. The most basic is the bidirectional reflectance,
y , which is related to the fraction of radiation from incident direction (θ φ )
r ϊ9 {

that is reflected in the direction (0 ,φ ). Perhaps the best way to define it is to


write the formula for the radiance reflected from a small element of surface:

i<i(0i,<M y ( 0 r A ; θ φ ) cose, sinö, de άφ .

r ϊ9 { { χ (3.63)
0 J

Basically, radiation from incident direction (θ φ ) illuminates a small element of

ϊ9 {

surface. Taking into account the effect of incident angle, L^osd, is available to
be reflected. A fraction γ ( ^ , φ ; 0 ,φ ) is reflected into direction (0 ,φ ). Integrating
Γ ί ί Γ Γ Γ Γ

over all incident solid angles gives the reflected radiance in direction (0 ,φ ). Γ Γ

An important property of the bidirectional reflectance is known as the Helm-

boltz reciprocity principle. It states that the bidirectional reflectance is invariant
if the directions of incoming and outgoing radiation are interchanged:
γ (0 ,φ ; 0i,<fo) = γ (0 Φί; 0 ,φ ).
Γ Γ Γ Γ ί? Γ Γ
gO Chapter 3 Radiative Transfer

Equation 3.64 is used in the construction of tables of bidirectional reflectance from

satellite observations because not all incident radiation angles can be observed (see
Chapter 10).
Probably the most frequently used reflection quantity is the albedo (A), which
is the ratio of radiant exitance (M, due to reflection) to irradiance (£):

ί ^ ^ , φ ί ) cosöi sinfy άθ άφ { η (3.65a)

ο Jο

£ (0 ,φ ) cos0 sin0 dd, άφ„

Γ Γ Γ r r (3.65b)
0 J

Α= ^· (3.65c)

Albedo is a unitless ratio between zero and one. As defined in Eqs. 3.65, it is a
function of neither the incoming nor the outgoing angles; however, this does not
mean that the albedo is constant. If the incoming radiation changes, the albedo
will change. This is most easily understood by restricting the incoming radiation
to direct-beam solar radiation, which comes from a very narrow range of angles.
In this case,
£ = L n sun sun cos0 , sun (3.66a)
L (0 ,(/> ) =
r r r L n sun sun c o s 0 y ( 0 , φ ; 0 , φ ),
sun r r Γ sun 51ιη (3.66b)
Μ= L sun il sun cos0 sun γ (0 , φ ; 0 , φ ) cos0 sin0 de, άφ ,
Γ Γ Γ sun δ1ιη r r τ (3.66c)

^ ( ^ s u n ^ s u n ) = ~F = y (0 , φ ; 0 , φ ) cos0 sin0 J 0 ί/φ , (3.66d)

r r Γ sun διιη r r r Γ

where i l is the solid angle of the sun subtended at the Earth. Since the direction

of the sun remains in the equation, the albedo is a function of solar direction.
As an example of reflecting surfaces, two limiting cases are useful. A Lambertian
or isotropic reflector reflects radiation uniformly in all directions. If its albedo is A,
then its bidirectional reflectance is a constant ΑΙ π. Flat white paint approximates a
perfect {A = 1, independent of wavelength) Lambertian reflector. A specular
reflector is like a mirror; its bidirectional reflectance is strongly peaked. Solar
radiation from a perfect specular reflector would be observed only at the zenith
angle equal to the solar zenith angle and at the azimuth angle equal to the solar
azimuth angle plus 180°. Water surfaces are similar to specular reflectors, except
that real water surfaces are always somewhat rough, so the solar reflection is
blurred and larger than the sun. This is called sun glint or sun glitter (see Chap-
ter 5).
Although we have not used the subscript λ with the reflectance quantities
discussed here, they are functions of wavelength. They can be integrated over the
passband of a satellite radiometer or over the solar spectrum. To so integrate
albedo, integration is performed separately for £ and Μ over the passband, and
3.7 Solar Radiation g]

TABLE 3.3. Albedo (%) of Various Surfaces Integrated

over Solar Wavelengths*

Bare soil 10-25

Sand, desert 25-40
Grass 15-25
Forest 10-20
Snow (clean, dry) 75-95
Snow (wet and/or dirty) 25-75
Sea surface (sun > 25° above ho- <10
rizon) 10-70
Sea surface (low sun angle)

Adapted from Kondratyev (1969) by Wallace and


Hobbs (1977).

then the ratio is taken. Readers of the literature should be careful to determine
whether "albedo," in particular, refers to a monochromatic quantity or to one
integrated over some passband. The albedo of various surfaces, integrated over
solar wavelengths, is given in Table 3.3.
A function closely related to albedo and bidirectional reflectance is the aniso-
tropic reflectance factor

ί (β ,φ ;βΐ,Φί)=57Γ(β ,Φ ;βί,Φί).
Γ Γ Γ Γ Γ (3.67)

Suppose a non-Lambertian surface has albedo Α. ξ compares the radiance from τ

the surface to that from a Lambertian surface also with albedo A; it is greater
than one where the surface reflects more than a Lambertian surface; it is less than
one where the surface reflects less than a Lambertian surface. Since bidirectional
reflectance is usually applied to solar radiation, it is convenient to use the azimuth
angle of the sun as the reference azimuth. ξ is therefore usually written as τ

£ (0 , 0 ,φ - φ ι η ) · Figure 3.22 shows ξ for four surfaces: snow, cloud, land,

r r 51ιη Γ δ1 ν

and ocean. Note that although isotropic reflection (ξ ~ 1) is not a bad assumption Τ

in some cases, sun glint is evident in the water reflectance. Most surfaces deviate
significantly from Lambertian surfaces at low solar elevation angles (high solar
zenith angles). Finally, note that Eqs. 3.66 and 3.67 require that for any incident
direction (0 ,φ ) 8υη 51ιη

'Itt γττ/2
£ (0 , φ ; 0 , φ ) cos0 sin0 άθ, άφ = ττ.
r r Γ sun 5υη r r τ (3.68)
0 J
This equation is useful for checking experimentally determined values of ξ . Τ


The solar radiation reaching the Earth originates (for our purposes) from a
layer of the sun called the photosphere, which coincides with the visible disk of
αθ·-25.8· SOLAR ZENITH ANGLE 66,4«-72.5* QO*-25.8* SOLAR ZENITH ANGLE 66,4»-72.5'
0.667 ALBEDO 0-677 0.425 ALBEOO 0.560


0.0·-25.8· SOLAR ZENITH ANGLE 66.4·-72.5· Ο0·-25.8· SOLAR ZENITH ANGLE 66.4 -72.5
e e

0.160 ALBEDO °- 2 0 5
0.076 ALBEDO 0.161

FIGURE 3.22. Anisotropic reflectance factor for snow, middle cloud (overcast), clear land, and clear
ocean from the Nimbus 7 Earth Radiation Budget Experiment. The radial lines represent the viewing
azimuth angle relative to the sun: At the top of each plot (0° relative azimuth), reflection is back
toward the sun; at the bottom of each plot (180° relative azimuth), reflection is away from the sun.
The circles represent the viewing zenith angle: The center (0° zenith angle) is looking straight down
on the scene; the outer circle (90° zenith angle) represents viewing parallel to the surface. Shaded
areas are those in which the scene reflects less radiation (appears darker) than an isotropic (Lambertian)
reflector; unshaded areas reflect more radiation (appear brighter) than an isotropic reflector. [Plotted
from data in Suttles et al. (1988).]
3.7 Solar Radiation

the sun and has a radius of 6.96 x 10 km. The radiation leaving the photosphere 5

is very nearly that of a 6000-K blackbody. However, before reaching Earth, solar
radiation must traverse the solar atmospheric layers of the chromosphere and the
corona. The gases in these layers are both cooler and warmer than 6000 K;
therefore, they both absorb and emit radiation at their characteristic wave-
lengths. After leaving the solar atmosphere, the radiation travels (on average) the
1.49598 x 10 km to Earth. Because the solid angle subtended by the sun at the

Earth is so small (6.8 x 10~ sr) solar radiation all comes from essentially the

same direction. It is customary, therefore, to use solar irradiance rather than solar
radiance. The irradiance reaching the top of the Earth's atmosphere is the radiant
exitance leaving the top of the sun's atmosphere times the square of the ratio of
the radius of the photosphere to the Earth-sun distance (L il ). The radiation sun sxin

reaching the Earth's surface is further modified by scattering and gaseous absorp-
tion in the atmosphere. Figure 3.23 shows the solar spectral irradiance reaching
the top of the Earth's atmosphere and that reaching the surface. Shown for
comparison is the spectral irradiance which would reach the Earth if the sun were
a 6000-K blackbody.
Solar irradiance reaching the Earth peaks in the visible portion of the spectrum
near 0.48 μηι, whereas infrared radiation emitted by the Earth peaks near 10
μηι. The Earth emits essentially no visible radiation; likewise, the Earth receives
negligible amounts of 10 μηι solar radiation, due to a combination of the sun's

O 0.4 Ο.Θ 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3,2 3.6

, Μ , Ο . 5 0,7 0.94, I.I 1.38 Ι.Θ7 2.7 3.2

0 3 0 5 0 2 H 0 Η θ'
2 2 H0 '
2 H 02 H2O-CO2 ' H^Ö
FIGURE 3.23. Solar spectral irradiance. The dashed curve shows the approximate irradiance that would
be received at the Earth if the sun were a 6000-K blackbody. The top solid curve shows the spectral
irradiance at the top of the atmosphere. (The integral under this curve is the solar constant.) The
bottom solid curve represents the approximate solar irradiance reaching the Earth's surface after
absorption and scattering in the atmosphere. The shaded area represents absorption by atmospheric
gases, and the difference between the top solid curve and the envelope of the shaded area represents
scattering. [Adapted from Liou (1980). Reprinted by permission of Academic Press.]
J4 Chapter 3 Radiative Transfer

temperature and its very great distance from Earth. As a result of this separation
in wavelength, solar radiation is often called shortwave radiation, and terrestrial
radiation is called longwave radiation. The separation between solar and terrestrial
radiation is not quite complete, however. Suppose that we represent the Earth as
a 250-K blackbody and that we represent the sun as a black, 5774-K sphere
whose radius is that of the sun and whose distance is the mean Earth-sun distance.
Then solar radiation and terrestrial radiation are equal in magnitude at about
5.7 μπι. Solar radiation is one tenth terrestrial radiation at 7.7 μιη, and terrestrial
radiation is one tenth solar radiation at 4.5 μτη. During daylight hours, satellite
data must be carefully interpreted near these wavelengths.
The annual average total irradiance reaching the top of the Earth's atmosphere
is known as the solar constant (S ). Accurate determination of the solar constant

is important for solar physics and astronomy as well as meteorology. Several

satellites are currently making measurements of the solar constant. A "consensus"
value of S , based on satellite radiometer measurements, is about 1368 W m "
20 2

(equivalent to a 5774-K blackbody). Unfortunately the solar "constant" is not

constant. It appears to follow the 11-year sunspot cycle, varying about ±0.6 W
m (see Section 10.1). Of course the solar irradiance varies ±3.4% from S
- 2

during the year due to the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit about the sun.

Clough, S. F., F. Kneizys, W. Gallery, L. Rothman, L. Abreu, and J. Chetwynd (1982). FASCOD.
U.S. Air Force Geophys. Lab. AFGL-TR-78-0081, Hanscom AFB, MA.
Goody, R. M., and Y. L. Yung (1989). Atmospheric Radiation: Theoretical Basis, 2nd ed. Oxford
Univ. Press, Oxford and N e w York.
Hansen, J. E., and L. D. Travis (1974). Light scattering in planetary atmospheres. Space Sei. Rev.,
16, 5 2 7 - 6 1 0 .
Herzberg, G. (1950). Atomic Spectra and Atomic Structure. Dover, N e w York.
Irvine, W. M., and J. B. Pollack (1968). Infrared optical properties of water and ice spheres. Icarus,
8, 3 2 4 - 3 6 0 .
Kneizys, F., Ε. Shuttle, W. Gallery, J. Chetwynd, L. Abreu, J. Selby, S. Clough, and R. Fenn (1983).
Atmospheric Transmittance I Radiance Computer Code LOWTRAN 6. U.S. Air Force Geophys.
Lab. AFGL-83-0187, Hanscom AFB, MA.
Kondratyev, K. Ya. (1969). Radiation in the Atmosphere. Academic Press, N e w York.
Kyle, T. G., and A. Goldman (1975). Atlas of Computed Infrared Atmospheric Absorption Spectra.
National Center for Atmospheric Research, N C A R - T N / S T R - 1 1 2 , Boulder, CO.
Liebe, Η. J., and G. G. Gimmestad (1978). Calculation of clear air EHF refractivity. Radio Science,
13, 2 4 5 - 2 5 1 .
Liou, K.-N. (1980). An Introduction to Atmospheric Radiation. Academic Press, N e w York.
McCartney, E. J. (1983). Absorption and Emission by Atmospheric Gases. Wiley, N e w York.
McClatchey, R. Α., R. W. Fenn, J. E. A. Selby, F. E. Volz, and J. S. Garing (1972). Optical Properties

Based on measurements from the Nimbus 7 Earth Radiation Budget (ERB) experiment, the
2 0

Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor (ACRIM) on board the Solar M a x i m u m Mission
satellite, and the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) on board the Earth Radiation Budget
Satellite, N O A A 9, and N O A A 10. A systematic difference between the instruments of approximately
7 W m ~ has yet to be resolved (see Section 10.1).
3.7 Solar Radiation g5

of the Atmosphere (3rd ed.). U.S. Air Force Cambridge Res. Lab. AFCRL-TR-72-0497, Hanscom
McClatchey, R. Α., W. S. Benedict, S. A. Clough, D. E. Burch, R. F. Calfee, K. Fox, L. S. Rothman,
and J. S. Garing, (1973). AFCRL Atmospheric Absorption Line Parameters Compilation. U.S.
Air Force Cambridge Res. Lab. AFCRL-TR-73-0096, Hanscom AFB, MA.
McMillin, L. M., and Η. E. Fleming (1976). Atmospheric transmittance of an absorbing gas: A
computationally fast and accurate transmittance model for absorbing gases with constant mixing
ratios in inhomogeneous atmospheres. Appl. Optics, 15, 3 5 8 - 3 6 3 .
Raschke, E. (ed.), (1978): Terminology and Units of Radiation Quantities and Measurements. Interna-
tional Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS, formerly the International
Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics) Radiation Commission, Boulder, CO.
(Printed by the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, C O 80307.)
Smith, W. L. (1985). Satellites. In D . D. Houghton (ed.), Handbook of Applied Meteorology. John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., N e w York.
Suttles, J. T., R. N . Green, P. Minnis, G. L. Smith, W. F. Staylor, B. A. Wielicki, I. J. Walker, D . F.
Young, V. R. Taylor, and L. L. Stowe (1988). Angular Radiation Models for Earth-Atmosphere
System, Volume I: Shortwave Radiation. N A S A Ref. Pub. RP 1184, vol. I, Langley Research
Center, Hampton, VA.
Valley, S. L. (ed.) (1965). Handbook of Geophysics and Space Environments. Air Force Cambridge
Research Laboratory, Hanscom AFB, M A .
van de Hülst, Η. C. (1957). Light Scattering by Small Particles. John Wiley &c Sons, N e w York.
Wallace, J. M., and P. V. Hobbs (1977). Atmospheric Science: An Introductory Survey. Academic
Press, N e w York.
Welch, R. M., S. K. Cox, and J. M. Davis (1980). Solar radiation and clouds. Meteorol. Monogr.,
17, 96 pp.

€ ENTRAL το SATELLITE meteorology is the instrumentation with which

the basic radiometric measurements are made. A book devoted entirely
to satellite instruments is Chen (1985). We approach this subject by discussing
in some detail the instruments on currently operational meteorological satellites 1

because these are the sources of the data that readers will most likely use. Next
we discuss important but not yet operational instrumentation on other satellites.
In the final section of the chapter, we list data archives, the locations where
satellite data are stored.


Two countries maintain systems of operational polar-orbiting satellites: the

former Soviet Union and the United States. The Soviet satellites are called Meteor
satellites; we defer discussion of them to Section 4.1.7.
Operational satellites are designed for and used in day-to-day operations of weather services.
The opposite is experimental satellites, which may find use in weather service operations, but are
designed to test new instruments.






' P I N W H E E L L O U V E R S (15)



SLA SE A R C H A N D R E S C U Ε T R A N S M I T T I N G A N T E N N A ( L - B A N D )

FIGURE 4.1. The TIROS N-series satellite (a) TIROS Ν ; (b) Advanced TIROS N . [After Schwalb
( 1 9 7 8 , 1982).]
4.1 Operational Polar-Orbiting Satellites 89

The United States polar-orbiting meteorological satellites began with TIROS

1, launched on 1 April 1960; 10 satellites were launched in the series ending in
1965. The first operational series of meteorological satellites was the ESSA series; 9
satellites were launched between 1966 and 1969. The second series of operational
satellites was the ITOS series; 6 satellites (ITOS and NOAA 1-5) were launched
between 1970 and 1976. The current polar-orbiting series began with TIROS N,
which was launched 13 October 1978. Figure 4.1a shows a diagram of the TIROS
Ν satellite; the NOAA 6, 7, and 12 satellites are similar. The NOAA 8, 9, 10,
11,13, and 14 satellites are modified versions of TIROS Ν and are called Advanced
TIROS Ν (ATN; Fig. 4.1b). Table 4.1 summarizes the physical characteristics of
these satellites.
The satellite bus (the part of the satellite excluding instruments) for the TIROS
Ν series satellites is built by RCA Corporation (now Martin Marietta Astro
Space). The duties of the bus are many. It contains radio transmitters, which send

TABLE 4.1. N O A A Satellite Summary

Parameter TIROS Ν Advanced TIROS Ν

Satellite mass 1421 kg 1009 kg

(including expendables) (excluding expendables)
Payload mass (including tape recorders) 194 kg 3 8 6 kg
Satellite size
Length 3.71 m 3.71 m
Diameter 1.88 m 1.88 m
Solar array
Length 4.91 m 4.91 m
Width 2.37 m 2.37 m
Power output (worst case) 420 W 515 W
Power required (full operation) 330 W 475 W
Attitude control system
Absolute (all axes) 0.2° 0.2°
Determination (all axes) 0.14° 0.14°
Communications frequencies (MHz)
Command link 148.56 148.56
Beacon 136.77 137.77
137.77 137.77
S-band 1698.0 1698.0
1702.5 1702.5
1707.0 1707.0
APT 137.50 137.50
137.62 137.62
DCS (uplink) 401.65 401.65
S&R — 1544.5
S&R (uplink) — 121.5
— 243.0
— 406.0
Launch vehicle Atlas E/F Atlas E/F
Planned lifetime 2 years 2 years
90 Chapter 4 Meteorological Satellite Instrumentation

TABLE 4.2. N O A A Satellite Instruments


NOAA 10 AM 1 X X X X X X X
NOAA 11 PM 2 X X X X X X X
NOAA 12 AM 1 X X X
NOAA 13 PM 2 X X X X X X X
NOAA 14 AM 2 X X X X X

data collected by the instruments to Earth stations, and radio receivers, which
acquire operational commands from the ground. The bus contains the computers
that process the data from the instruments and the tape recorders on which data
are recorded for later transmission to Earth. The bus must supply electrical power
to itself and the instruments, control the environment (particularly temperature)
for the instruments and electronics, maintain proper orientation, and be capable
of adjusting its orbit. These are difficult tasks in the harsh environment of space.
Satellite bus technology is a subject unto itself, and we will not pursue it further.
We concentrate on the instruments which make the measurements.
Table 4.2 lists the instruments carried on the TIROS Ν series satellites. Several
of these instruments are not directly related to meteorology. For example, the
Search and Rescue (S&R ) system detects signals from downed aircraft and other

vessels and gives a precise estimate of their location to aid in rescue operations.
The Space Environment Monitor (SEM) measures energetic particles (protons,
electrons, alpha particles) for solar and ionospheric studies. Finally, the Data
Collection System (DCS) relays meteorological and other data transmitted from
ground-based instruments. In the following sections, the meteorological instru-
ments are described in detail.

4.1.1 The Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer

The Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) is a scanning

radiometer, which means that it makes calibrated measurements of upwelling
radiation from small areas (scan spots or pixels) that are scanned across the
subsatellite track (see Fig. 2.16). Images or pictures are constructed by displaying
successive scan lines on photographic film or on a computer display. The operation
of the AVHRR is representative of many scanning radiometers on low Earth or-
The AVHRR is built by ITT Aerospace/Communication Division in Fort
Wayne, Indiana. Figure 4.2 is a photograph of the instrument, and Table 4.3 lists
Search and Rescue is also abbreviated SAR, but this abbreviation is also used for synthetic

aperture radar. To avoid confusion, we use S&R for Search and Rescue.
4.1 Operational Polar-Orbiting Satellites

FIGURE 4.2. Photograph of the A V H R R instrument. [Courtesy of N O A A and ITT Aerospace.]

TABLE 4.3. Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) System Parameters

Parameter AVHRR/1 AVHRR/2

Type Afocal Mersenne Afocal Mersenne
Diameter 2 0 . 3 2 cm 2 0 . 3 2 cm
Field of view 1.3 mrad 1.3 mrad
Ground resolution*
Nadir 1.1 km 1.1 km
End of scan 2.3 x 6.4 km 2.3 x 6.4 km
Scan mirror rotation 1 2 π rad s _ 1 127Γ rad s" 1

Data sampling rate 4 0 kHz 4 0 kHz

Scan line
Angle from nadir ±55.3° ±55.3°
Distance from nadir ± 1 5 0 0 km ± 1 5 0 0 km
Steps 2048 2048
Channels (half-power points)

1 0 . 5 5 - 0 . 6 8 μπι 0 . 5 8 - 0 . 6 8 μηι
2 0 . 7 5 - 1 . 1 0 μηι 0 . 7 2 5 - 1 . 1 0 μπι
3 3 . 5 5 - 3 . 9 3 μπι 3 . 5 5 - 3 . 9 3 μπι
4 1 0 . 5 - 1 1 . 5 μπι 1 0 . 3 - 1 1 . 3 μπι
5 channel 4 repeated 1 1 . 5 - 1 2 . 5 μπι
Data rate c 7 5 0 kbits s" 1 7 5 0 kbits s" 1

Instrument size 2 7 x 3 7 x 79 cm 2 7 x 3 7 x 79 cm
Instrument mass 3 0 kg 3 0 kg
Power consumption 29 W 29 W

a From an orbital height of 8 5 0 km.

b Changes slightly with satellite (see Kidwell, 1986).
c Kilobits per second.
92 Chapter 4 Meteorological Satellite Instrumentation


5.08cm AND

U — 2 0 . 3 2 cm *\

FIGURE 4.3. Schematic diagram of the A V H R R scan mirror and telescope.

the physical properties of the two versions of the instrument that have been flown
to date. The AVHRR, like its predecessor, the Very High Resolution Radiometer
(VHRR), which flew on the previous generation of NOAA satellites (the ITOS
series), consists of a rotating scan mirror, a telescope, internal optics, detectors,
and electronics.
The scan mirror is elliptical with a major axis of 29.46 cm and a minor axis
of 20.96 cm. It is aligned at a 45° angle to the axis of the telescope, which is
nominally parallel to the satellite velocity vector (Fig. 4.3). As the mirror rotates,
it scans the field of view of the telescope across the Earth perpendicular to the
satellite ground track. The AVHRR scan mirror rotates at a rate of 360 revolu-

tions per minute (rpm). Since the subsatellite point of the TIROS Ν series satellites
moves at the rate of about 392 km min" , the distance between successive scan

lines at the subsatellite point is about 1.1 km. The distance between successive scan
lines is one parameter that describes the spatial resolution of a satellite instrument.
The afocal Mersenne telescope consists of parabolic primary and secondary
mirrors. The primary mirror is 20.32 cm in diameter, and the beam reflected
from the secondary mirror is 5.08 cm in diameter. Unlike other instruments, the
reflected beam is collimated (not focused).
After passing through the hole in the primary mirror, the beam encounters an
array of beam splitters, mirrors, lenses, and filters (Fig. 4.4) whose job is to deliver
a filtered portion of the beam to each of the detectors. The optics are designed
to minimize stray radiation and polarization effects that would contaminate the
signal. Also, the optics are carefully aligned so that each of the channels views
the same spot on Earth within an angle of 0.1 mrad.
Two versions of the AVHRR have been flown. The AVHRR/1 has 4 channels,
and the AVHRR/2 has 5 channels. Channels 1 (0.6 μιτι) and 2 (1.1 μιη) on both
instruments use silicon detectors that are 2.54 mm on each side. In front of the
Since the spacecraft is moving, however, a plot of the scan spots will make a slight angle with

the ground track.

4.1 Operational Polar-Orbiting Satellites 93








FIGURE 4.4. The A V H R R posttelescope optical system. [Courtesy of N O A A and ITT Aerospace.]

detector is a 0.6-mm-square field stop, which blocks radiation except for that
coming from a rectangular scan spot on Earth. Channel 3 (3.7 μηι) uses an indium
antimonide (InSb) detector that is 0.173 mm square. Channel 4 on the AVHRR/1
(11 μιτι) and channels 4 (11 μηι) and 5 (12 μηι) on the AVHRR/2 use mercury
cadmium telluride (HgCdTe) detectors that are also 0.173 mm square. To lessen 4

the amount of thermal noise, the detectors for channels 3, 4, and 5 are cooled
to 105 Κ by exposing them to space (2.7-K equivalent blackbody temperature)
through the side of the instrument housing. NOAA Κ will have a third version
of the AVHRR (AVHRR/3) on board. AVHRR/3 will add a sixth channel (called
channel 3A) sensitive to radiation between 1.58 and 1.64 μπι. Channel 3A will
operate during daylight, and channel 3 will operate at night.
The properties of the detectors and the optics in front of them determine the
spectral response of each channel. Figure 4.5 shows the relative response functions
for the AVHRR/2 which flew on NOAA 9. The AVHRR/1 response functions
are very similar, but the AVHRR/1 lacks channel 5. These response functions
are slightly different for the instrument on each satellite. They are measured in the

For more information o n the properties of various types of detectors, the reader is referred to
Chen ( 1 9 8 5 ) .
Chapter 4 Meteorological Satellite Instrumentation



w 0.8-
ft 0.6-

8 0.2-

o.o- I I I I I
0.506 0.8 1.0 2 3 4 5 7 9 II 13
FIGURE 4.5. A V H R R spectral response functions. [Adapted from Kidwell ( 1 9 8 6 ) /

laboratory before launch and are published by NOAA's National Environmental

Satellite, Data, and Information Service [NESDIS, Kidwell (1986)].
Radiometer channels are commonly described by either one or two wave-
lengths. One-wavelength descriptions refer to a center wavelength, frequently the
wavelength of peak response. Two-wavelength descriptions indicate the range of
wavelengths to which a radiometer is sensitive. By convention, these wavelengths
are specified by the half-power points of the response functions. For example,
examination of Fig. 4.5 shows that the half-power points of channel 4 on the
NOAA 9 AVHRR are approximately 10.3 and 11.3 μπι. For some applications
it is important to remember that the response of the instrument is not zero outside
of this range, it is merely less than 50%.
The output of each sensor is a voltage that is proportional to the energy striking
the sensor per unit time. When the area of the sensor, the spectral response
function of the optics, and the field of view of the instrument are considered, the
output voltage is proportional to the radiance (weighted by the channel spectral
response function) of the scene that the instrument is viewing. The analog voltage
is digitized for transmission to the ground. In the AVHRR, the digitization has
10 bits, that is, a number between 0 and 1023 is transmitted to the ground to
represent the radiance for each pixel.
To make accurate measurements, the output of each channel must be calibrated,
that is, compared with a known input. AVHRR channels 1 and 2 are calibrated
in the laboratory before launch. Twelve matched, quartz-iodide lamps, which
emit known radiance, are used. By turning on combinations of the lamps, a plot
of radiance versus output digital count is constructed for each channel. The 5

radiance in this plot is expressed as a percentage (0-100) of the mean annual

solar irradiance at the top of the atmosphere weighted by the spectral response
function of the channel. The slope and intercept of the straight line that best fits
this plot is used to linearly convert digital counts returned by the satellite into

Twelve points are used for channel 1, but for channel 2, only 6 - 7 points (lamps) are necessary

to reach 1 0 0 % of the solar irradiance.

4.1 Operational Polar-Orbiting Satellites 95

percent of the mean annual spectrally weighted solar irradiance at the top of the
atmosphere. A spectrally averaged radiance can be calculated by multiplying
6 7

this percentage by the mean annual spectrally averaged solar irradiance and
dividing by π. Typically, channels 1 and 2 have a 1 0 : 1 signal-to-noise ratio for
a very dark scene which reflects only 0.5% of the solar irradiance.
Until now, channels 1 and 2 have not been calibrated after launch; the labora-
tory slope and intercept were used throughout the lifetime of the instrument. As
of this writing, however, NESDIS is planning to implement a system whereby
AVHRR observations of Earth targets such as White Sands, New Mexico, of
known or independently measured reflectance are used to update the slope and
intercept every few weeks. This system should alleviate the inevitable postlaunch
degradation of the sensor system and improve radiation budget estimates, for ex-
AVHRR channels 3, 4, and 5 are calibrated in flight by viewing hot and cold
objects. During each rotation of the mirror, the telescope views both cold space
and the instrument housing, which is painted black and equipped with platinum
resistance thermometers to accurately measure the housing temperature (roughly
290 K). The radiance of the instrument housing (calculated from its measured
temperature) plus the digital counts for the housing and for space (essentially
zero radiance) allow digital counts for Earth scenes to be linearly converted to
radiance (Lauritson et al., 1979). The equivalent blackbody temperature of the
scene can then be determined with the Planck function.
NOAA specifications for AVHRR channels 3 - 5 require the equivalent black-
body temperature of a 300 Κ scene to be determined within ±0.12 K. This is
equivalent to radiance errors of 2.1, 16.9, and 14.6 mW m " s r μιτΓ at 3.7, 2 - 1 1

11, and 12 /xm, respectively. Because the sensors basically measure radiance, the
radiance error for each channel is approximately constant. The temperature error,
however, varies with scene temperature as specified by the Planck function. At
250 K, for example, the temperature errors will be approximately 1.1, 0.20, and
0.18 Κ at 3.7, 11, and 12 /xm, respectively.
The output of each sensor is continuous; a voltage can be measured at any
time. This continuous output is discretized by electronically sampling (measuring)
the voltage at the rate of 40 kHz (once each 25 μ$). Each pixel in the data stream
represents one such sample. Since the scan mirror rotates at the rate of 127Γ rad
s , it turns about 942 /xrad between samples. From a height of 850 km, a scan

spot at the subsatellite point moves about 0.80 km between samples. This distance
between adjacent scan spots is a second parameter that is used to describe the
spatial resolution of a satellite instrument. For each rotation of the scan mirror,
the AVHRR records 2048 samples centered on the subsatellite point. This means

In the documentation (e.g., Kidwell, 1986) this value is often called albedo, but it takes into

account neither solar zenith angle, variation of the Earth-sun distance, nor anisotropic reflectance
of the scene; therefore, it is not an albedo as defined in Chapter 3.
Alternately, the albedo of the scan spot can be calculated (see Chapter 10). If the scan spot being

observed is assumed to be a Lambertian reflector, its albedo can be calculated by dividing the percentage
by the cosine of the solar zenith angle at the scan spot.
96 Chapter 4 Meteorological Satellite Instrumentation

Channel 1 Channel 5

• r ι ^

l.35mrad A

2 3
ANGLE (mrod)
FIGURE 4.6. A V H R R angular response functions. [Courtesy of N O A A and I T T Aerospace.]

that it scans ±55.3° from nadir. From a height of 850-km, it scans about 1500
km from the subsatellite track. All five channels are measured simultaneously.
The final parameter that is used to describe the resolution of a satellite instru-
ment is the field of view (FOV, also called the instantaneous field of view or
IFOV) of the instrument. In the case of the AVHRR, the active area of the

detectors themselves (or the field stops in front of the sensors) determines the
FOV. All channels of the AVHRR have fields of view of 1.3 ± 0.1 mrad. From
850 km altitude, this translates to a scan spot 1.1 km across at the subsatellite
point. At either end of a scan line, each pixel measures about 2.3 km in the
direction of satellite motion (along-track) and about 6.4 km in the direction
perpendicular to the satellite track (across-track).
Just as a radiometric instrument measures radiation covering a range of wave-
lengths, not just from a single wavelength, so an instrument measures radiation
coming from a range of directions, not just from a single direction. The angular
response curve for an instrument is the relative response as a function of angle
from the central angle. Figure 4.6 shows an example of the angular response
curves for two of the AVHRR channels. Before launch, the spectral and angular
responses of all AVHRR instruments are measured. Similar to the case of spectral
response, the field of view of a satellite radiometer is specified by giving the full
width at half maximum of the response curve: 1.40 mrad for channel 1 of the
instrument depicted in Fig. 4.6, 1.35 mrad for channel 5.
The angular response curve for the AVHRR visible channel is steep near the
half-power points; only about 7% of the area under the curve is outside of these
points. The curve for the AVHRR infrared channel is broader; about 16% of the

See, however, the discussion of the effects of motion on scan spot size in Section
4.1 Operational Polar-Orbiting Satellites

area under the curve is outside the half-power points. This broadening of the

response curves tends to blur temperature and brightness gradients.

These two curves also reveal something about the shape of the FOV. The
sensors themselves are square. Because the angular response function for the
visible channel is sharp, the FOV is also nearly square. The infrared response
function, on the other hand, indicates that the IR FOV has rounded corners. A
circle is probably a better approximation of the IR FOV shape than is a square.
All meteorological data on the TIROS N-series satellites are continually broad-
cast to Earth by a 5.25-W transmitter on 1698 or 1707 MHz. These direct
broadcasts are called high-resolution picture transmission (HRPT). These data 10

can be received and processed by anyone with the proper equipment. Because the
data rate is rather high, however, the necessary equipment is relatively expensive.
For those interested only in acquiring visible and infrared images, the AVHRR
data are processed on board the satellite into a much lower data rate data stream
that can be received with inexpensive equipment. Two channels of the AVHRR,
usually channels 1 and 4, are reduced in resolution to about 4 km by averaging
along the scan line and by neglecting some scan lines. These data are transmitted
to the ground in an analog (television-like) signal by a separate 5-W transmitter
operating at a frequency of 137.50 or 137.62 MHz. These transmissions are called
automatic picture transmission (APT). Barnes and Smallwood (1982) describe the
APT transmissions.
Since APT and HRPT can be received only when the satellite is within range
of a receiving station, five pairs of digital tape recorders are used on the satellite
to record data for playback to ground stations. NOAA operates two Command
and Data Acquisition (CDA) stations, one at Gilmore Creek, Alaska, and the
other at Wallops Island, Virginia. In addition, the Centre National d'Etudes
Spatiales (CNES) operates a receiving station near Lannion, France. All these data
are transmitted to the Satellite Operations Control Center (SOCC) in Suitland,
Maryland. Each tape recorder can store either one full orbit of 4-km-resolution
data, called global area coverage (GAC) data, or 10 min of full-resolution HRPT

data, called local area coverage (LAC) data.

Some of the LAC data, virtually all of the GAC data, and data from the NOAA
satellite instruments discussed below are archived by NESDIS (see Section 4.4).

4.1.2 The High Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder

The High Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder 2 (HIRS/2) is derived from

the HIRS/1, which flew on the Nimbus 6 satellite. The HIRS/2 is built by ITT
Aerospace/Communication Division and operates much like the AVHRR. The
primary differences between the HIRS/2 and the AVHRR are (1) the HIRS/2 has
many more channels (20) than does the AVHRR (4 or 5), and (2) the HIRS/2
Because of the way in which the response curves are measured, the fraction of energy sensed by
the detectors that comes from outside the half-power points will be greater than these areas.
1 0
S&R data are processed and transmitted separately.
See Section 10.2.1 for a description of h o w GAC data are produced from the full-resolution data.
Chapter 4 Meteorological Satellite Instrumentation

has much coarser resolution (42 km) than the AVHRR (1.1 km). These differences
are due to the different requirements of the two instruments. The AVHRR is
designed to make images, in which the horizontal structure of the atmosphere is
most important, whereas the HIRS/2 is used for soundings, in which the vertical
structure of the atmosphere is most important. Table 4.4 contains the HIRS/2
system parameters, and Table 4.5 summarizes the HIRS/2 channels.
The HIRS/2 utilizes two carbon dioxide bands for temperature sounding: seven
channels are located in the 15-μπι band, and six channels are located in the 4.3-
jLtm band. Older sounding instruments [such as the Vertical Temperature Profile
Radiometer (VTPR), which flew on the NOAA satellites prior to the TIROS Ν
series] had only 15-/xm temperature sounding channels. The 4.3-μπι channels
were added to improve sensitivity (change in radiance for a given change in
atmospheric temperature) at relatively warm temperatures. Moisture is sensed
with three channels in the 6.3-μηι band of water vapor. The 9.7-μπι channel is
designed to sense ozone. Three channels are in atmospheric windows: the 11.11-
and 3.76-/zm channels help determine the surface (skin) temperature, whereas
the 0.69-μτη channel is used to detect clouds. A detailed description of the process
by which atmospheric soundings are retrieved from these radiances can be found
in Chapter 6.

TABLE 4.4. High Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder (HIRS/2) System Parameters

Parameter Value

Type Cassegrainian
Diameter 15.24 cm
Field of view 21.8 mrad (1.25°)
Ground field of view
Nadir 18.5 km diameter
End of scan 31.8 km along-track x 62.8 km cross-track
Scan line
Time per scan 6.4 s
Angle from nadir ±49.5°
Distance from nadir ± 1 1 1 5 km
Number of steps 56
Scan step
Time 100 ms
Angle 1.8°
Distance between scan spots
Cross-track 2 6 . 4 km
Along-track 41.8 km
Gap between consecutive passes at equator 5 4 0 km
Number of channels 20
Calibration 2 stable blackbodies and space
Data rate 2 8 8 0 bits s _ 1

Instrument mass 2 0 . 4 kg
Instrument volume 0.040 m 3

Average power consumption 20 W

4.1 Operational Polar-Orbiting Satellites 99

TABLE 4.5. H I R S / 2 Channels*

Central Specified Mean

Half-power NEAL h
scene Equivalent
Wavenumber Wavelength bandwidth (mW sr' 1
temp. NEAT C

Channel Description (cm~ )

(yum) (cm~ )
m~ cm)
(Κ) (K)

1 15 μπι C 0 2 669 14.95 3 3.00 235 2.77

2 15 μπι C 0 2 680 14.71 10 0.67 220 0.74
3 15 μπι C 0 2 690 14.49 12 0.50 220 0.55
4 15 μηι C 0 2 703 14.22 16 0.31 250 0.31
5 15 μηι C 0 2 716 13.97 16 0.21 245 0.18
6 15 μηι C 0 2 733 13.64 16 0.24 260 0.18
7 15 μηι C 0 2 749 13.35 16 0.20 275 0.14
8 Window 900 11.11 35 0.10 290 0.06
9 o 3
1030 9.71 25 0.15 270 0.13
10 H 0
2 1225 8.16 60 0.16 290 0.17
11 H 0
2 1365 7.33 40 0.20 260 0.44
12 H 0
2 1488 6.72 80 0.19 245 0.96
13 4 . 3 μηι C 0 2 2190 4.57 23 0.006 280 0.10
14 4 . 3 μηι C 0 2 2210 4.52 23 0.003 265 0.10
15 4 . 3 μηι C 0 2 2240 4.46 23 0.004 250 0.24
16 4 . 3 μηι C 0 2 2270 4.40 23 0.002 230 0.31
17 4 . 3 μηι C 0 2 2360 4.24 23 0.002 250 0.15
18 4 . 3 μηι C 0 2 2515 4.00 35 0.002 300 0.04
19 Window 2660 3.76 100 0.001 300 0.02
20 Vis. w i n d o w 14500 0.69 1000

Values in this table will change slightly with satellite (see Kidwell, 1 9 8 6 ) .
Noise equivalent radiance difference (rms error).
Noise equivalent temperature difference (rms error) at the mean scene temperature.

The scan mirror in the AVHRR rotates continuously; the HIRS/2 scan mirror,
however, moves in steps. Between each step, the mirror moves 1.8°. The instrument
then stares at a location for approximately 65 ms while all 20 channels are
sampled. During the next 35 ms, the scan mirror steps to the next position. The
total time between scan spots is 100 ms. Fifty-six scan spots between nadir angles
of ±49.5° are sampled during each scan line. The total time for a scan line,
including the time for the mirror to rotate back to the first position, is 6.4 s. The
instantaneous field of view of the radiometer is 1.25°. This scanning geometry
results in the scan pattern shown in Fig. 4.7.
Only three detectors are used on the HIRS/2. The visible channel (20) is
sampled by a silicon detector at ambient temperature. Channels 1—12 are called
the longwave channels and are sampled by a single HgCdTe detector cooled to
105 K. The shortwave channels (13—19) are sampled by a single InSb detector
also cooled to 105 K. Sampling of multiple channels with a single detector is
accomplished with a rotating filter wheel. Figure 4.8 shows a schematic diagram
of the HIRS/2 optics. The angular length of each filter and the rotation rate of
100 Chapter 4 Meteorological Satellite Instrumentation

FIGURE 4.7. HIRS/2 scan pattern.

the filter wheel determine the integration time for each channel and are chosen
to provide an acceptable signal to noise ratio.
Unlike the AVHRR, the HIRS/2 is not calibrated on each scan line. Instead,
every 256 s the instrument goes into calibrate mode. First it looks at space, then
at the internal hot and cold calibration sources. Each of these is viewed for a
time equivalent to one full scan line. During the calibration period, no Earth data
are collected. This results in 3-line gaps in the scan pattern (Fig. 4.7).
Voltages from each of the HIRS/2 channels are digitized using 13 bits and are
processed by the TIROS Information Processor (TIP) as are data from the other
sounders, the SEM, the DCS, the SBUV/2, and the ERBE. These data are transmit-
ted continuously over the beacon frequencies of 136.77 or 137.77 MHz. The
data are also included in the HRPT data. Up to 250 min of these data can be
recorded on each of the tape recorders for later playback.
4.1 Operational Polar-Orbiting Satellites 101

FIGURE 4.8. HIRS/2 optics. [After N A S A (1981).]

4.1.3 Microwave Sounding Unit

The second sounding instrument on the NOAA satellites is the Microwave

Sounding Unit (MSU). Its primary purpose is to make temperature soundings in
the presence of clouds. The instrument is built by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
(JPL) of the California Institute of Technology. Its predecessor was the Scanning
Microwave Spectrometer (SCAMS), which flew on the Nimbus 6 satellite. The
MSU system parameters are listed in Table 4.6, and a photograph is shown in
Fig. 4.9.
Externally the MSU is similar to the HIRS/2 in that it has rotating scan mirrors
which step perpendicular to the satellite track. In all there are 11 steps each of
9.47°. The total scan line, therefore covers ±47.35° from nadir. The time for
each step is 1.84 s, and the total time for each scan line is 26.6 s. The MSU field
of view is 7.5°. These parameters, combined with the orbital parameters, result
in the scan pattern shown in Fig. 4.10.
Immediately obvious in Fig. 4.10 is the fact that the MSU resolution is much
coarser than that of the HIRS/2. This is a general property of microwave instru-
ments. The Rayleigh criterion for the resolving power of a lens is that two points
can just be resolved (distinguished as two points rather than one) when their
102 Chapter 4 Meteorological Satellite Instrumentation

TABLE 4.6. Microwave Sounding Unit (MSU) System Parameters

Parameter Value

Instrument type Dicke Radiometer

Field of view 7.5°
Ground field of view
Nadir 111 km diameter
End of scan 180 km along-track x 3 3 2 km cross-track
Scan Line
Time per scan 25.6 s
Angle from nadir ±47.35°
Distance from nadir ± 1 0 1 5 km
Number of steps 11
Scan step
Time 1.84 s
Angle 9.47°
Distance between scan spots (at nadir)
Cross-track 140 km
Along-track 167 km
Gap between consecutive passes at equator 4 3 3 km
1 5 0 . 3 0 GHz
2 5 3 . 7 4 GHz
3 5 4 . 9 6 GHz
4 5 7 . 9 5 GHz
RF bandwidth 220 MHz
Noise equivalent Δ Τ Β
0.3 Κ
Calibration Stable blackbody and space
Data rate 3 2 0 bits s" 1

Instrument mass 20.9 kg

Instrument size 5 8 . 4 x 20.3 x 38.1 cm
Average power consumption 30 W

angular separation θ is given by

θ (4.1)

where λ is the wavelength of radiation, and D is the diameter of the lens. The
same principle applies to a microwave receiving antenna. Consider an infrared
instrument (λ ~ 10 μτη) and a microwave instrument (λ ~ 1 cm) with comparably
sized optics. Other factors being equal, the size of a scan spot for the microwave
instrument will be approximately 1000 times that of the infrared instrument, due
to the ratio of their wavelengths. That the MSU resolution is not 1000 times
worse than the HIRS/2 resolution indicates that the optics of the two instruments
are not comparable. However, it should be kept in mind that the Rayleigh criterion
severely limits the resolution of all microwave instruments. Only by using very
large antennas can the resolution of microwave radiometers be made comparable
to the resolutions of visible or infrared radiometers.
4.1 Operational Polar-Orbiting Satellites 103

FIGURE 4.9. Photograph of the Microwave Sounding Unit. [Courtesy of James C. Fischer, N O A A /
104 Chapter 4 Meteorological Satellite Instrumentation

FIGURE 4.10. MSU scan pattern.

Although externally the HIRS/2 and the MSU are similar, internally they are
quite different. In the MSU, radiation from each of the two scan mirrors enters
a feedhorn where it encounters a transducer that separates the beam into two
beams (4 channels total). Each of these beams travels via a waveguide to a device
called a Dicke switch, which switches between viewing radiation from the feedhorn
or from an internal microwave source of known temperature. In the MSU this 12

switching occurs at the rate of 1 kHz. The radiation is then mixed with an
internally generated signal at the frequency of the channel and processed by a
superheterodyne (radio) receiver. The output of the receiver is proportional to
the difference between the brightness temperature of the scene being viewed and
the temperature of the internal radiation source.

N o t e that this detector system essentially amounts to a dipole antenna. The MSU and all other
1 2

microwave radiometers measure polarized radiation. The polarization vector for the MSU rotates
with the scan angle.
4.1 Operational Polar-Orbiting Satellites 105

Calibration of the MSU is accomplished by viewing a blackbody, attached to

the instrument housing, and space once each scan. Since no scan lines are devoted
exclusively to calibration, the MSU has no breaks in its scan pattern.
The radiance from a typical Earth scene is much lower in the microwave
portion of the spectrum than in the infrared portion; however, microwave receivers
are much more sensitive than infrared detectors. Brightness temperatures measured
by the MSU are accurate to within about 0.3 Κ rms, which is comparable with
the temperature accuracies of the HIRS/2 channels (see Table 4.5). The brightness
temperatures are digitized in 12 bits for transmission to Earth.
On the NOAA K,L,M series, both the MSU and the SSU (Stratospheric Sound-
ing Unit) will be replaced with two Advanced Microwave Sounding Units (AMSU-
A, and AMSU-B). AMSU will be the primary sounding instrument. The infrared
instrument (HIRS/3) will be used to improve the soundings in cloud-free regions
(see Chapter 11).

4.1.4 The Stratospheric Sounding Unit

The Stratospheric Sounding Unit (SSU) is designed to retrieve temperatures in

the stratosphere. Its immediate predecessor is the Pressure Modulator Radiometer
(PMR) flown on Nimbus 6. The SSU is supplied by the United Kingdom Meteoro-
logical Office. A diagram of the instrument is shown in Fig. 4.11, and the SSU
system parameters are listed in Table 4.7.





FIGURE 4.11. SSU diagram. [After Schwalb (1978).]

]Q£ Chapter 4 Meteorological Satellite Instrumentation

TABLE 4.7. Stratospheric Sounding Unit (SSU) System Parameters

Parameter Value

Telescope None
Optics Simple 2-lens, 15 mm diameter, / / 2 . 4 ,
imaging system for each channel
Field of view 10°
Ground field of view
Nadir 148 km diameter
End of scan 187 km along-track x 2 4 9 km cross-track
Scan line
Time per scan 32 s
Angle from nadir ±35°
Distance from nadir ± 6 1 7 km
Number of steps 8
Scan step
Time 4s
Angle 10°
Distance between scan spots (at nadir)
Cross-track 148 km
Along-track 2 0 9 km
Gap between consecutive passes at equator 1330 km
Number of channels 3
Calibration Stable blackbody and space
Data rate 4 8 0 bits s" 1

Instrument mass 15 kg
Instrument size 26.5 x 36.5 x 26.3 cm
Average power consumption 18 W

The SSU is a scanning radiometer like all the instruments discussed above. Its
scan mirror steps in 10° increments for 8 steps from 35° left to 35° right of the
satellite track. Each step takes 4 s, and an entire scan line takes 32 s. Since the
field of view of the radiometer is 10°, the scan spots are contiguous in the cross-
track direction (Fig. 4.12), but there is an underlap in the along-track direction.
Also, the SSU scans only about two thirds as far out as does the HIRS/2 and the
MSU. Thus the outermost HIRS/2 and MSU scan spots have no corresponding
SSU data. Special handling of the SSU data are necessary in the retrieval process
to correct for this (see Chapter 6).
The SSU utilizes an interesting method for filtering the incoming radiation. All
three of its channels sense radiation within 50 c m of the center of the Q branch
- 1

of the 15-μηι C 0 band. Each channel has a cell containing C 0 in its optical
2 2

path. The C 0 cell acts as a filter with a response function which is very similar

to that shown in Fig. 3.17; that is, it is perfectly tuned to sense C 0 . This is 2

called gas correlation spectroscopy. The pressure inside the cells is modulated at
40 Hz. The radiation on the detector is a weighted average of the radiance emitted
by the atmosphere and by the gas in the cell. As the cell pressure increases, the
absorption lines of the C 0 in the cell broaden and filter radiation from the

atmosphere; that is, more of the radiation striking the detector is from the gas
4.1 Operational Polar-Orbiting Satellites 107

FIGURE 4.12. SSU scan pattern.

in the cell. As the cell pressure decreases, the lines become narrower, and the
detector better senses more radiation from the atmosphere. The mean cell pressure
determines the level to which the channel is most sensitive (Table 4.8). The
amplitude of the 40-Hz signal from each of the three channels yields information
on the vertical temperature structure.

TABLE 4.8. SSU Channels

Level of peak sensitivity

Central Cell NEAT
wavenumber pressure Pressure Height (K)
Channel {cm-') {hPa) a
(hPa) (km) (at 273 K)

1 669.99 100 15 29 0.25

2 669.63 35 5 37 0.50
3 669.36 10 1.5 45 1.25

The hectopascal (hPa) is used throughout the book as the unit of pressure. It is numerically equal
to the non-SI unit millibar.
Chapter 4 Meteorological Satellite Instrumentation

The detector for each of the three SSU channels is a flake of triglycine sulfate.
Once each 256 s, the SSU enters a calibration mode in which it first looks at
space, then at an internal blackbody source maintained near 15°C. Calibration
takes 32 s, during which time no Earth data are collected. This produces a one-
line gap in the scan pattern.
The radiances falling on the detectors are integrated for 3.6 s of each 4-s step
and are digitized to 12 bits for transmission to Earth as part of the TIP data stream.

4.1.5 The Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet Radiometer

On board the Advanced TIROS Ν satellites (NOAA 9 and NOAA 11 to date)

is the Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet Radiometer 2 (SBUV/2), which is the successor
to the SBUV/1 on the Nimbus 7 satellite. SBUV/2 is built by the Aerospace
Systems Division of Ball Corporation in Boulder, Colorado. Its purpose is to
estimate the global ozone distribution by measuring backscattered solar radiation
in the ultraviolet Hartley-Huggins bands.
SBUV/2 actually consists of two instruments: the Monochrometer is the pri-
mary instrument, and the Cloud Cover Radiometer detects clouds that would
contaminate the signal (Fig. 4.13). Neither of these instruments scan spatially;
they simply view nadir. The field of view of the instruments is 11.3°, which means
that the scan spot has a 168 km diameter on the Earth.
Technically, the Monochrometer consists of two Ebert-Fastie monochrometers
in series (Fig. 4.14). Before entering the Monochrometer, the radiation is depolar-
ized and chopped at a 20-Hz rate. Radiation enters each half of the Monochrome-
ter through a 0.13 x 3.0 cm entrance slit and reflects from a 25-cm focal length
Ebert mirror, which collimates the beam. The beam then encounters a blazed
holographic grating that separates the radiation into its constituent wavelengths

much like a prism. The radiation again reflects from the Ebert mirror and leaves
via an exit slit. The grating is rotated to select which wavelength leaves the
Monochrometer. The entrance slit for the second half of the Monochrometer is
the same as the exit slit for the first half. The two gratings are mounted on a
common shaft to coordinate spectral scanning. The use of two monochrometers
in series improves rejection of stray light and sharpens spectral response in compar-
ison to a single monochrometer. The spectral resolution of each channel is 1.1 nm.
The Monochrometer has two operational modes. In discrete mode, the gratings
are rotated to 12 discrete positions to sample 12 discrete wavelengths (see Table
4.9). Each wavelength is sampled for 1.25 s, and 0.75 s is allowed to step to the
next position. All 12 wavelengths are sampled in 24 s. Eight seconds are allowed
for the gratings to rotate back to the first position to begin a new wavelength
scan. Each wavelength scan thus takes 32 s. In sweep mode, the gratings are
stepped such that the wavelength is scanned through the range 160-407 nm in
0.148-nm increments. Each step takes 0.1 s, so that the entire wavelength scan

See Halliday and Resnick (1962). Chapter 45 reviews the optical properties of gratings.
S T E P P E R M T 0 R
L 0 6 I C
( \ \ GEAR « 1 γ , 1
Λ * ^ W \^ C L O U D C O V E R
--y\ T r r Q— €4-Η>Η>- -
/ \ \ \ "Zm" ι ENTRANCE SLIT ™ ' ·
I VS ILJ___LJ j grating

\ ι ·—ι ΓΊ ι <T ANALOG
( T W 0 ^ ^ / V ^
\~Ί ΙI ι 1 ι 1 V 7 EBERT
j , TORQUE —ENCODER "] ^ ^ / v

/^S I I "0™* Υ ν » \/ I TO THE

A N L 6 I C
DIFFUSER J | * / [_ ( ° °
1 \ i

FIGURE 4.13. Diagram of the SBUV/2 instrument. [Courtesy of N O A A and Ball Corp., Aerospace Systems Division.]
110 Chapter 4 Meteorological Satellite Instrumentation


FIGURE 4.14. SBUV/2 Monochrometer. [Courtesy of N O A A and Ball Corp., Aerospace Systems Di-

takes about 168 s. During the next 24 s, the gratings are rotated back to the
initial position.
Retrieval of ozone profiles requires a knowledge of the fraction of solar radia-
tion reflected at each wavelength. Not only must the radiance reflected by the
Earth's atmosphere be known, but also the incident solar radiation. Ground-
based estimates of the solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere in the ultraviolet
portion of the spectrum are not useful because of the opacity of ozone. Therefore,
the SBUV/2 measures the ultraviolet solar irradiance itself. A Lambertian diffuser
plate painted with BaS0 (Kodak White) can be swung into place such that once

each orbit solar radiation is reflected into the instrument. The Monochrometer
can be operated in either discrete mode or sweep mode during this time.
The SBUV/2 is calibrated with an on-board mercury lamp that has eight
emission lines in the wavelength range of the instrument: 184.0, 253.7, 302.2,
313.2, 365.0, and 404.7 nm. The lamp can be positioned such that it shines
directly into the optics, or such that it first reflects from the diffuser plate, thus
checking the properties of the diffuser. During these measurements, the SBUV/2
can be operated in either discrete mode or sweep mode. Normally, discrete mode
is used during calibration and 12 wavelengths around the 253.7-nm line are mea-
The Cloud Cover Radiometer (CCR) is a separate radiometer used to detect
clouds. It operates at 379 nm using a 3.0-nm-wide filter. The CCR is aligned to
4.1 Operational Polar-Orbiting Satellites ]]]

TABLE 4.9. Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet Radiometer (SBUV/2) System Parameters

Parameter Value

Instrument type Spectral scanning
Double Ebert-Fastie Monochrometer
Depolarizer 4 elements
Chopper wheel 2 0 Hz
Mirror Ebert, 25 cm focal length
Entrance slit 0.13 x 3.0 cm
Grating 2 4 0 0 lines m m " 1

Grating step 9 5 . 9 0 /xrad

Detector Photomultiplier tube
Channels 12 (discrete mode):
252.0, 273.5, 283.0, 287.6, 292.2,
297.5, 301.9, 305.8, 312.5, 317.5,
3 3 1 . 2 , 3 3 9 . 8 nm
Wavelength Range 1 6 0 - 4 0 7 nm (sweep mode)
Field of view 11.3°
Ground resolution (nadir only) 168 km
Calibration On-board mercury lamp

Cloud Cover Radiometer

Optics Chopper wheel (20 Hz)
Bandpass filter
Singlet lens
Spherical folding mirror
Detector Vacuum photodiode
Channels 1 (379 nm)
Field of view 11.3°
Ground resolution (nadir only) 168 km
Calibration On-board mercury lamp

Total Instrument Package

Data rate 3 2 0 bits s _ 1

Instrument mass
Sensor module 2 5 . 6 kg
Electronics and logic module 11.2 kg
Instrument size
Sensor module 31.1 x 3 5 . 6 x 50.5 cm
Electronics and logic module 2 2 . 2 x 3 3 . 0 x 3 3 . 4 cm
Average power consumption 12 W

view the same scene as the Monochrometer, and it has the same 11.3° field of
view. The CCR shares the chopper wheel, mercury lamp and diffuser plate with
the Monochrometer.
Data from both the Cloud Cover Radiometer and the Monochrometer are
digitized to 8 bits for transmission to Earth as part of the TIP data stream.
|]2 Chapter 4 Meteorological Satellite Instrumentation

4.1.6 The Earth Radiation Budget Experiment

Because atmospheric motions are driven by differential absorption of solar

radiation and infrared loss to space, the study of the Earth's radiation budget is
extremely important. The first successful meteorological instrument in space (on
board the Explorer 7 satellite launched 13 October 1959) was an Earth radiation
budget instrument. Since then there have been several instruments designed pri-
marily to study the Earth's radiation budget. The latest is the Earth Radiation
Budget Experiment (ERBE), which flies on the NOAA 9 and NOAA 10 satellites
as well as on the Earth Radiation Budget Satellite (ERBS). The ERBE is designed
to make highly accurate (—1%) measurements of incident solar radiation, Earth-
reflected solar radiation, and Earth-emitted longwave radiation at spatial scales
ranging from global to 250 km and at temporal scales sufficient to generate
accurate monthly averages (Luther et al., 1986). It consists of two separate instru-
ments, a scanner and a nonscanner. Both were built by TRW in Redondo Beach,
California, in cooperation with NASA's Langley Research Center.

4.16.1 The ERBE Nonscanner

The ERBE Nonscanner (ERBE-NS) has four channels which continuously view
nadir (except during calibration and solar observations) and one channel which
views the sun once during each orbit. The ERBE-NS is discussed by Luther et al.
(1986). Table 4.10 summarizes the ERBE-NS parameters, and a diagram of the
instrument is shown in Fig. 4.15. The radiometers hang from a pedestal that
contains the main electronics. The contamination cover remains closed until 29
days (NOAA satellites) after launch to prevent deposition of material from the
booster rocket motors on the sensors. The sensor assembly can be rotated both
in azimuth and elevation for calibration and direct solar viewing by the four
normally Earth-viewing sensors. The Solar Aspect Sensor (SAS) measures solar
angles during solar calibration. The Solar Monitor Assembly (SMA) views the
sun once during each orbit; it is the primary instrument for solar monitoring.

TABLE 4.10. Earth Radiation Budget Experiment Non-Scanner

(ERBE-NS) System Parameters

Parameter Value

Telescope None
Number of channels 5
Detector Active cavity radiometer (5)
Calibration 1. T w o internal blackbodies
2. On-board tungsten lamp
3. Direct viewing of sun
Digitization 13 bits (each channel)
Data rate 130 bits s" 1

Instrument mass 3 6 . 7 kg
Instrument size 4 5 . 7 x 50.3 x 62.5 cm
Average power consumption 20 W
4.1 Operational Polar-Orbiting Satellites 113

Main electronics
Azimuth drive
Solar aspect assy. & cable wrap
sensor (SAS)
Elevation drive assembly
Solar monitor
Instrument head
assembly (SMA)

FIGURE 4.15. Diagram of the ERBE Non-Scanner. [After Luther et al. (1986).]

The sensors of the ERBE-NS are active cavity radiometers similar to those
employed on the Solar Maximum Mission (Willson, 1979). Figure 4.16a details
the Earth sensor module. It consists of two silver conical cavities wrapped with
resistance heater windings on the outside, painted with a black coating on the
inside, and mounted inside silver cylinders. The cylinders are wrapped with resis-
tance temperature sensors and soldered back-to-back inside a temperature-con-
trolled heatsink. The heatsink can be commanded to any desired temperature

Reference cavity-
Active cavity
Heat sink
Elevation beam

Field-< Primary aperture

limiting aperture J

Filter dome

-Primary aperture
^-Duplex cone assembly
Mounting bracket

FIGURE 4.16. ERBE-NS active cavity radiometers: (a) Earth sensor module; (b) solar monitor. [After
Luther et al. (1986).]
114 Chapter 4 Meteorological Satellite Instrumentation

between ambient (~15°C) and 60°C within ±0.02°C. The reference cavity views
only the heatsink; thus the resistance of its temperature sensor is determined by
the heatsink temperature. The active cavity views radiation from the Earth (or
sun or internal calibration source), field-of-view-limiting aperture, and filter. The
active cavity is maintained at a constant temperature approximately 0.5 Κ above
the temperature of the reference cavity by supplying power to the heater windings
around the active cavity. If the irradiance from the Earth increases, less power
must be supplied by the heater windings to maintain the desired temperature
difference between the active and reference cavities. On the other hand, a decrease
in Earth irradiance requires an increase in heating to maintain the temperature
difference. The output of the sensor is the voltage across the active cavity heater
windings which is required to maintain a constant temperature difference. This
voltage (0-10 V, full scale) is digitized using 13 bits for transmission to Earth.
The detector time constant is 1-2 s.
The solar monitor (Fig. 4.16b) is very similar to the Earth monitors, except
that it has a shutter which covers the sensor for 32 s and then uncovers it for an
equal length of time. The shutter eliminates the need for actively controlled
heatsink temperature.
The four Earth-viewing sensors are differentiated by filters and field-of-view-
limiting apertures. Two sensors have no filters; they absorb essentially all radiation
incident on them in the wavelength range of 0.2 μηι to beyond 50 μ,ιτι. These
are called total channels. The other two sensors are covered by hemispherical,
fused-silica (Suprasil-Wl) domes that pass radiation in the wavelength range
0.2-3.5 μτη (see next section). These are called shortwave channels. Longwave
radiation emitted by the Earth can be calculated by subtracting the irradiance
measured by the shortwave channels from that measured by the total channels.
Two of the sensors have wide-enough fields of view (135.8°) that they sense the
Earth from horizon to horizon. These are called the wide-field-of-view (WFOV)
channels. They are also called flat-plate sensors because they sense essentially the
same radiance as would a flat plate, which has a 180° FOV. The other two sensors
have fields of view of 66.6°, which allows them to view a spot on Earth with
about a 1100-km diameter. These are called medium-field-of-view (MFOV) chan-
nels. The solar monitor has no filter, but has a field of view of 18.0°. The ERBE-
NS channels are summarized in Table 4.11.
The ERBE instruments are the most accurately calibrated instruments of their

TABLE 4.11. ERBE-NS Channels

Field c\f view Systematic

Wavelength Precision error
Channel Description Filter (ju,m) Earth Solar (W m~ ) 2
(W m~ ) 2

1 WFOV-T None 0.2-50+ 135.8° 17.6° ±2.6 ±4.0

2 WFOV-SW SW dome 0.2-3.5 135.8° 17.6° ±2.5 ±6.0
3 MFOV-T None 0.2-50+ 66.6° 14.0° ±2.0 ±3.3
4 MFOV-SW SW dome 0.2-3.5 66.6° 14.0° ±2.3 ±4.5
5 Solar None 0.2-50+ 18.0° ±4.2 ±7.0
4.1 Operational Polar-Orbiting Satellites 115

type ever flown in space. During assembly, all important optical, electrical, and
thermal characteristics of the instruments were measured. Before launch, the
instruments were calibrated in a specially built vacuum chamber at TRW. Approxi-
mately every 14 days in orbit, the normally Earth-viewing sensors are commanded
to directly view the sun through a special port. Also approximately every 14 days,
the instruments are rotated to the stow position, where they view calibrated
blackbodies or tungsten light sources, both of which were carefully calibrated
prior to launch and are monitored in flight by calibrated platinum resistance
thermometers or photodiodes. In addition, a variety of checks of the electronics
can be made. Finally, during data reduction, several consistency checks, which
compare the instruments, such as the solar monitor and the Earth-viewing sensors
in solar calibration mode, are made. The measurement uncertainty specifications
to which each nonscanner sensor was designed and built are listed in Table 4.11.

116.2 The ERBE Scanner

Like the ERBE Nonscanner, the ERBE Scanner (ERBE-S) is designed to be
simple, reliable, and accurate. The ERBE-S instrument is reviewed by Kopia
(1986). Table 4.12 summarizes the instrument parameters. The ERBE-S also hangs
TABLE 4.12. Earth Radiation Budget Experiment Scanner (ERBE-S) System Parameters

Parameter Value

Telescope Cassegrainian, /71.84, 2 3 . 0 3 mm focal length

Field of view Hexagonal: 4.5° along-track x 3.0° cross-track
(see Fig. 4.20)
Ground field of view*
Nadir 66.8 km along-track x 4 4 . 5 km cross-track
End of scan 2 6 7 km along-track x °° cross-track (off Earth)
Rotation rate of scan head 66.7° s" 1

Sampling rate 3 0 . 3 0 3 Hz (1 sample each 33 ms)

Scan line
Time per scan 4 s
Angle from nadir Horizon-to-horizon (±61.9°)
Distance from nadir ± 3 1 2 2 km
Distance Between Scan Spots (at nadir)
Cross-track 3 2 . 6 km (2.2°, 4 8 % overlap)
Along-track 26.1 km (60% overlap)
Overlap of consecutive passes at equator 3 4 1 0 km (55%)
Number of channels 3
Detector Thermistor bolometer (3)
Calibration 1. Internal blackbody
2. On-board tungsten lamp
3. Indirect viewing of sun
Digitization 12 bits (each channel)
Data rate 9 6 0 bits s _ 1

Instrument mass 3 2 kg
Instrument size 3 7 . 6 x 4 0 . 4 x 5 8 . 9 cm
Average power consumption 28 W

From a height of 8 5 0 km on a N O A A satellite. The resolution of the instruments from the 610-
km height of the ERBS is slightly different.
Chapter 4 Meteorological Satellite Instrumentation

(contains main
Azimuth drive assembly
Solar viewing ports

Electronics -

Contamination Sensor modules ( 3 )

cover (open)

FIGURE 4.17. Diagram of the ERBE Scanner. [After Kopia ( 1 9 8 6 ) /

Supra si I window
(short wave Filter diamond (long wave)
channel only) >
Suprasil-Wl (short wave)
Active flake

Compensating flake


Cap assembly
Pivoted baffle
Detector assembly

FIGURE 4.18. ERBE Scanner optical module. [After Kopia (1986).]




70 ... \
i; :

- •\ "V \

<« 40
20 :
0 ι V ι ^"
0.1 1 10 100
FIGURE 4.19. ERBE Scanner spectral response functions. [After Smith et al. (1986).]
4.1 Operational Polar-Orbiting Satellites ]"\f

from a pedestal that contains the main electronics (Fig. 4.17). The instrument
consists of three optical modules that are identical except for filters (Fig. 4.18).
Light enters each module through a baffled entrance tube where it encounters a
23.03-mm focal length, /"/1.84 Cassegrainian telescope. The telescope mirrors are
aluminized glass, coated to enhance ultraviolet reflection. Before encountering
the detector, the radiation in the shortwave module passes through a suprasil
filter, while the radiation in the longwave module passes through a multicoated
diamond filter. The total module has no filter. Fig. 4.19 shows the spectral response
function of each module, and Table 4.13 describes the channels.
Just above the detector is a hexagonal field stop aperture (Fig. 4.20) that is 3°
in the cross-track direction and 4.5° in the along-track direction. This field stop
was chosen to minimize problems caused by motion of the scan mechanism during
sampling (see below).
The detector is a thermistor bolometer. A bolometer is a device that measures
radiation by measuring the temperature of an object which is warmed by absorp-
tion of the radiation. A thermistor is a solid-state device whose resistance changes
with temperature. Each ERBE-S optical module contains two thermistor flakes
about 2 mm square. One is in a temperature-controlled cavity. The other is directly
beneath the field stop aperture and is heated by radiation from the telescope. The
resistances of the two thermistors are constantly compared in a bridge network.
The voltage difference across the bridge, which results when there is an imbalance
between the cavity temperature and the active flake temperature, is digitized using
12 bits for transmission to Earth. This voltage is converted to radiance with the
help of cold and warm calibration sources of known radiance.
The scan mechanism moves at the rate of 66.7° s" and is sampled every 33

ms, that is, every 2.2°. Since the scan head moves continuously, the area scanned
in 33 ms will be octagonal (Fig. 4.20), and adjacent scan spots will overlap by
about 4 8 % . The time between adjacent scan lines is 4 s. Thus adjacent scan lines
also overlap (by about 60%) because during the scan period the subsatellite point
moves only about 26.1 km, but the along-track field of view is about 66.8 km.
The scan head can be rotated azimuthally so that it scans in the along-track
direction rather than in the normal cross-track direction. In this mode, each spot
along the subsatellite track is viewed once each 4 s for the approximately 10 min
that the point is in view of the satellite. These observations can be used to
check the anisotropic factors necessary to convert the ERBE-S observations into

TABLE 4.13. ERBE-S Channels

Wavelength Precision Systematic error

Channel Description Filter (μτη) (W m~ sr~ )
2 l
(W m~ 2
sr~ )

1 Shortwave Suprasil-W 0.2-5.0 ±0.3 ±0.75

2 Longwave Diamond 5.0-50 ±0.45 ±0.75
3 Total None 0.2-50+ ±0.3 ±0.5
118 Chapter 4 Meteorological Satellite Instrumentation

t 0 s
t=33ms t =66ms

FIGURE 4.20. ERBE Scanner scan spots, (a) Instantaneous field of view from the ERBE-S aperture,
(b) A motion-produced ERBE-S scan spot (solid line), that is, the area sensed between t w o consecutive
samples separated by 33 ms as the scanner moves along the scan line. N o t e that the center is
continuously sampled; other areas are sampled for less time, (c) Overlap of t w o consecutive scan
spots (48%).

quantities used in radiation budget studies (see Chapter 10). Unfortunately, this
mode has not been used much in practice.
Like the ERBE-NS, the ERBE-S is very carefully calibrated both in space and
before launch, and the data are validated after collection. During each scan line,
the instrument views cold space and an internal radiance source that includes a
temperature-controlled blackbody and a tungsten lamp that is monitored by a
photodiode. Approximately once every 14 days, the instrument is rotated to view
sunlight reflected from a diffuser plate. Prior to launch, the ERBE-S was carefully
calibrated and characterized in the calibration chamber used for the ERBE-NS.
Finally, an elaborate system of data validation has been devised (Barkstrom,
1986). As examples, data from the longwave and shortwave channels of the
ERBE-S are compared with data from the total channel, and data from the ERBE-
S are integrated over the field of view of the ERBE-NS channels and compared.
This cross-checking helps ensure that the data are as error-free as possible.
4.1 Operational Polar-Orbiting Satellites 119

4.1.7 Meteor Satellites

The former Soviet Union has had an active series of operational polar-orbiting
meteorological satellites since 1969. There have been three series of Meteor satel-
lites. Through 1991, 31 Meteor-Is, 20 Meteor-2s, and 5 Meteor-3s have been
launched (see Appendix A). Both Meteor-2 and Meteor-3 satellites are in current
operational use, although the Meteor-2 satellites are being phased out. These
satellites are described in the 1989 World Meteorological Organization report,
Information on Meteorological and Other Environmental Satellites. Tables 4.14
and 4.15 contain descriptions, excerpted from the report, of the Meteor-2 and

TABLE 4.14. Meteor-2 Instrumentation Description*

A scanning telephotometer for direct transmission of images in the visible spectrum ( 0 . 5 - 0 . 7 μηι),
giving a swath width of 2 1 0 0 km at a resolution of 2 km

A television-type scanner (spectral range 0 . 5 - 0 . 7 μπι), giving a swath width of 2 6 0 0 km at a reso-

lution of 1 km

A scanning IR radiometer (spectral range 8 - 1 2 μηι), giving a swath width of 2 8 0 0 km at a nadir

resolution of 8 km

A scanning IR radiometer [spectral ranges (bands) 11.10, 1 3 . 3 3 , 13.70, 14.24, 1 4 . 4 3 , 14.75,

15.02, and 18.70 μ π ι ] ; giving a swath width of 1000 kn at an angular resolution of 2°

A device for measuring penetrating (particle) radiation flux densities

"From W M O (1989).

TABLE 4.15. Meteor-3 Instrumentation Description*

A scanning telephotometer for direct transmission of images in the visible spectrum ( 0 . 5 - 0 . 7 μηι),
giving a swath width of at least 2 6 0 0 km at a resolution of 1.0 x 2.0 km or better at the subsat-
ellite point

A scanning telephotometer for global survey mode in the visible spectrum ( 0 . 5 - 0 . 7 μηι), giving a
swath width of at least 3 1 0 0 km and a resolution at the subsatellite point of 0.7 x 1.4 km or

A scanning IR radiometer for direct image transmission and global survey mode (spectral range
10.5—12.5 μηι), giving a swath width of at least 3 1 0 0 km; nadir point resolution 3 x 3 km

A scanning IR radiometer for global survey mode (spectral range 8 - 1 2 μηι), providing a swath
width of at least 3 1 0 0 km; resolution at the nadir point 10 x 10 km

A multispectral scanning IR radiometer (10 channels between 9.6 μηι and 15.2 μηι and 18 μηι)
for atmospheric temperature and humidity sensing; swath width 1000 km, surface resolution
5 0 km

A radiation measuring complex for recording fluxes of protons and electrons with threshold ener-
gies from 0.15 M e V to 9 0 M e V

There is an experimental complex for measuring total ozone content and vertical ozone distribu-
tion in individual regions

' F r o m W M O (1989).
120 Chapter 4 Meteorological Satellite Instrumentation

Meteor-3 instrument capabilities. In summary, they have visible and infrared

imaging radiometers, including an APT transmission, an infrared sounder, and
an instrument to monitor the space environment. Rao et al. (1990) discuss some
of the characteristics of the APT transmissions.
The instruments described in Section 4.1 measure radiation in all parts of the
electromagnetic spectrum that are useful for satellite meteorology and serve as
an introduction to the fundamentals of satellite instrumentation for low Earth
orbiters. Next we turn to the instruments on geostationary orbiters.


For weather analysis and forecasting, geostationary satellites have an advantage

over polar orbiters: images may be made frequently rather than once or twice
per day. Thus the motion and rate of change of weather systems may be observed.
Meteorological agencies around the world have developed and launched geosta-
tionary weather satellites. Normally there are five such satellites positioned nearly
equally around the equator (Fig. 4.21).

4.2.1 GMS

The Geostationary Meteorological Satellite (GMS) is positioned at 140° east.

GMS 3 and 4 were launched from the Tanegashima Space Center by the Japanese
National Space Development Agency (NASDA) and the Japanese Meteorological
Agency. GMS has a spin scan radiometer (see below) that returns visible and
infrared images very similar to those from GOES. Table 4.16 describes the charac-
teristics of GMS.

4.2.2 Meteosat

Launched by the European Space Agency from Kourou, French Guiana, Meteo-
sat is positioned at the prime meridian. The Meteosat spin scan radiometer returns
images in the visible and 11-μηι bands as well as the 6.7-μιη water vapor band.
In fact, Meteosat 1, launched in 1977, provided the first 6.7 μηι data from
geostationary orbit (Morgan, 1981). Beginning with Meteosat 4, these satellites
are also called Meteosat Operational Program (MOP) satellites. Table 4.17 de-
scribes the characteristics of Meteosat.

4.2.3 Insat
Insat is positioned at 74° east. Insat IB was launched from the Space Shuttle
as part of the Indian National Satellite System. Insat is the first of a new breed
of geostationary meteorological satellites which do not rely on spinning to provide
attitude stabilization. They are called three-axis stabilized-, their instruments al-
ways point toward Earth, as do the instruments on the low Earth orbiters. Insat
4.2 Operational Geostationary Satellites


FIGURE 4.21. Areas viewed by geostationary meteorological satellites. The solid line shows the limb;
a satellite sees nothing outside this area. The dashed line encloses the area of useful data where the
satellite is at least 10° above the horizon.

was built by Ford Aerospace (now Space Systems/Loral), which is building the
GOES I - M satellites based on the three-axis-stabilized Insat design. Table 4.18
describes the characteristics of Insat.

TABLE 4.16. Geostationary Meteorological Satellite (GMS) Characteristics 0


Parameter Visible Infrared

Detectors 4 photomultipliers 1 HgCdTe

+ 4 redundant + 1 redundant
Wavelengths 0 . 5 0 - 0 . 7 5 μια 1 0 . 5 - 1 2 . 5 μπι
Digitization 6 bits (square root) 8 bits
Angular field of view 35 x 31 μτζά 140 x 140/xrad
Resolution at nadir 1.25 km 5.0 km
Frame size 10,000 x 10,000 2500 x 2500
(pixels x lines) (pixels x lines)
Frame time 25 min 25 min
Accuracy S/N > 6.5 Ν Ε Δ Τ < 0.5 Κ
for 2 . 5 % albedo at 3 0 0 Κ

Information from Rao et al. (1990).
"122 Chapter 4 Meteorological Satellite Instrumentation

TABLE 4.17. Meteosat Characteristics 3


Parameter Visible Infrared Water vapor

Detectors 2 silicon photodiodes 1 HgCdTe 1 HgCdTe

+ 2 redundant + 1 redundant + 1 redundant
Wavelengths 0 . 4 - 1 . 1 μπι 1 0 . 5 - 1 2 . 5 μτη 5 . 5 - 7 . 1 μ-m
Digitization 8 bits 8 bits 8 bits
Angular field of view 65 /Ltrad 140 jurad 140 /itrad
Resolution at nadir 2.5 km 5.0 km 5.0 km
Frame size 5000 x 5000 2500 x 2500 2500 x 2500
(pixels x lines) (pixels x lines) (pixels x lines)
Frame time 25 min 25 min 25 min
Accuracy S/N > 2 0 0 Ν Ε Δ Τ < 0.4 Κ Ν Ε Δ Τ < 1.0 Κ
for 2 5 % albedo at 2 9 0 Κ at 2 6 0 Κ

Information from Rao et al. (1990).

4.2.4 GOES

The series of geostationary satellites operated by NOAA began with the Syn-
chronous Meteorological Satellite 1 (SMS 1) launched 17 May 1974. Like TIROS
N, both SMS 1 and SMS 2 were considered experimental satellites and were
initially operated by NASA. The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satel-
lites (GOES) were commissioned and are operated by NOAA. SMS 1 and 2 and
GOES 1, 2, and 3 were designed and built by Ford Aerospace based on NASA's
Applications Technology Satellites 1 and 3 (ATS 1 and 3). GOES 4, 5, 6, and 7
were designed and built by Hughes Aircraft. GOES 8, launched as this book was
nearing publication, and its successors (GOES J - M ) are built by Space Systems/
Loral. Table 4.19 summarizes the physical characteristics of these satellites. Figures
4.22 and 4.23 illustrate the GOES 7 and 8 satellites, respectively.

TABLE 4.18. Insat Characteristics*


Parameter Visible Infrared

Detectors 1
Wavelengths 0 . 5 5 - 0 . 7 5 μπι 1 0 . 5 - 1 2 . 5 μια
Digitization 10 bits 10 bits
Angular field of view 78 x 67 /xrad 2 4 3 X 3 2 6 jitrad
Resolution at nadir 2.75 x 2.75 km 11 x 11 km
Frame size 20° x 20° 20° x 20°
Frame time 23 min 23 min
Accuracy S/N > 13 Ν Ε Δ Τ < 0.19 Κ
for 2 . 5 % albedo at 3 0 0 Κ

Information from Rao et al. (1990).
4.2 Operational Geostationary Satellites ]23

TABLE 4.19. Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite Characteristics

Parameter GOES 4-7 GOES 8-12

Satellite mass 835 kg (at launch) 2 1 0 0 kg (at launch)

Satellite size Height 3.7 m Main body 2 m cube
Diameter 2.1 m Deployed length 2 7 m
Solar panel output At launch: 4 0 0 W 1 0 5 0 W at 4 2 V
End of life: 3 2 0 W
Communications frequencies
UHF 4 0 2 and 4 6 8 M H z
S-band 1681 and 2 0 3 4 M H z
Instruments VAS Imager
SEM Sounder
Launch vehicle Delta 3 9 1 4 Atlas I/Centaur
Planned lifetime 7 years 5 years, minimum

Normally there are two GOES satellites in operation. GOES—East is stationed

at 75° west, and GOES-West is stationed at 135° west. These provide coverage
of most of the Western Hemisphere (Fig. 4.21). At times only one GOES is in
operation, in which case it is called GOES-Prime, and it is located at 98° west
(summer) or 108° west (winter). Table 4.20 lists the positions of the GOES satel-
The instruments on the GOES are representative of the instruments on most
geostationary meteorological satellites; they will be discussed in detail.
4.111 GOES 4-7 Instruments
The GOES/SMS satellites have three major subsystems: the Space Environment
Monitor (SEM), the Telemetry, Tracking, and Command (TTC) subsystem, and
a meteorological instrument. The SEM is quite different from the SEM on board
the NOAA satellites. It includes a magnetometer, a solar X-ray sensor, and an
energetic particle monitor. The instrument package is designed to study solar
activity and the Earth's magnetic field. The TTC has several functions including
transmission to Earth of data collected by the satellite instruments, satellite com-
mand, relay of data from Earth-based data collection platforms (DCPs), and relay
of weather facsimile (WEFAX) charts.
Prior to GOES 4 the meteorological instrument on GOES was the Visible and
Infrared Spin Scan Radiometer (VISSR). On GOES 4—7, the primary instrument
has been the VISSR Atmospheric Sounder (VAS), which has sounding capabilities
in addition to the VISSR imaging capabilities. The VAS instrument was designed
and built by Santa Barbara Research Center, a subsidiary of Hughes Aircraft. A
sketch of the instrument is shown in Fig. 4.24, and the instrument parameters
are summarized in Table 4.21.
GOES 4 - 7 have spun and de-spun portions. The de-spun portion includes the
antennas for communication with Earth. The VAS resides in the spun portion of
the satellite, and its optical axis coincides with the principal axis of the satellite.
124 Chapter 4 Meteorological Satellite Instrumentation

FIGURE 4.22. Sketch of GOES 7. [After Vaughan (1982).]

The spin axis is maintained closely parallel to the Earth's spin axis. The satellite
rotates at the rate of 100 rpm (10.4720 rad s ) , which provides east—west optical

scanning (thus the name spin scan radiometer). North-south optical scanning is
provided by a scan mirror that moves in 192-/xrad steps. At geostationary altitude,
the Earth subtends only 17.4°. Therefore, the mirror need only scan ±10° from
the subsatellite point to view the entire hemisphere. A complete hemispherical

scan is made in 1821 rotations of the satellite with one mirror step after each
rotation. At 100 rpm, a hemispherical image, called a full-disk image, is completed
in 18.21 min. Usually, full-disk images are terminated short of 1821 scans thus

These figures actually refer to the radiation beam; the mirror itself moves only half this amount,
1 4

between 40° and 50° from the spin axis.

4.2 Operational Geostationary Satellites ]25


FIGURE 4.23. Sketch of GOES 8. The face of the main body, which contains the imager and sounder
telescopes continually points toward Earth. The b o o m on which the solar sail is mounted is parallel
with the Earth's spin axis. [After Komajda and McKenzie (1987).]

eliminating a portion of the Southern Hemisphere. At the end of each image, the
mirror rapidly retraces to its northernmost position to start a new image. 15

The normal GOES 4 - 7 operating schedule calls for an image to be initiated

each 30 min. GOES-East images start on the hour and 30 min past the hour;

Meteosat does not retrace; every other image starts in the south and proceeds northward.
126 Chapter 4 Meteorological Satellite Instrumentation

TABLE 4.20. GOES Locations*

Satellite Instrument Period on station

G O E S - E a s t (75° West)
SMS 1 VISSR 2 7 Jun 1 9 7 4 - 8 Jan 1976
GOES 1 VISSR 8 Jan 1 9 7 6 - 1 5 Aug 1 9 7 7
GOES 2 VISSR 15 Aug 1 9 7 7 - 2 6 Jan 1979
SMS 1 VISSR 2 6 Jan 1 9 7 9 - 1 9 Apr 1979
SMS 2 VISSR 19 Apr 1 9 7 9 - 5 Aug 1981
GOES 5 VAS 5 Aug 1 9 8 1 - 2 9 Jul 1984
GOES 7 VAS 25 Mar 1 9 8 7 - 2 1 Jan 1989

G O E S - W e s t (135° West)
SMS 2 VISSR 10 Mar 1 9 7 5 - 1 3 Jul 1978
GOES 3 VISSR 13 Jul 1 9 7 8 - 5 Mar 1981
GOES 4 VAS 5 Mar 1 9 8 1 - 1 Jun 1983
GOES 6 VAS 1 Jun 1 9 8 3 - 1 Aug 1984
GOES 6 VAS 2 6 Mar 1 9 8 7 - 2 1 Jan 1989

GOES-Prime (98°- 108° West)

GOES 6 VAS 31 Aug 1 9 8 4 - 2 5 Mar 1 9 8 7
GOES 7 VAS 21 Jan 1 9 8 9 - ?

GOES-Indian Ocean (55° East)

GOES 1 VISSR 23 Oct 1 9 7 8 - 2 4 N o v 1979

! Extracted from Gibson (1984).

FIGURE 4.24. Sketch of the VAS instrument. [Courtesy of N O A A and Santa Barbara Research Center.]
TABLE 4.21. VISSR Atmospheric Sounder (VAS) Characteristics

Parameter Value

Optics Ritchey-Chretien telescope

40.64-cm-diameter primary mirror
Focal length 2 9 2 . 1 cm
Optically flat scan mirror
Visible 8 photomultiplier tubes coupled to focal plane
by optical fibers
Infrared 6 detectors cooled to 95 Κ:
2 small HgCdTe (80 x 80 μπι)
2 large HgCdTe (160 x 160 μπι)
2 large InSb (160 x 160 μπι)
Field of view
Visible 2 4 ( N - S ) x 25 ( E - W ) /xrad
Small IR 192 x 192 jurad
Large IR 3 8 4 x 3 8 4 μταά
Ground field of view at equator (nadir) a

Visible 0.86 km ( N - S ) χ 0.89 km ( E - W )

Small IR 6.9 x 6.9 km
Large IR 13.7 x 13.7 km
Satellite spin rate 100 ± 5 rpm (10.47 rad s" ± 5%) 1

Data sampling rate

Visible 5 0 0 kHz (provides E - W
IR 125 kHz sampling)
Scan mirror step 192 μ-rad (provides N - S sampling)
Distance between scan spots (at nadir)
Visible 0.75 km ( E - W ) x 0.86 km ( N - S )
IR 3.00 km ( E - W ) χ 6.87 km ( N - S )
Visible 8 (identical, used simultaneously for
high-resolution imaging)
IR 12 (selected by filters inserted in
IR optical path)
In-orbit calibration
Radiometric IR: temperature-monitored blackbody
cyclically reflected into optical axis
Visible: optical aperture providing
sun signal of 5 0 % Earth albedo
Electronic IR and visible: linear-ramp voltage
into amplifier chain
Digitization 6 bits, visible; 10 bits, IR
Date rate
Unstretched 28 Mbits s~ n

Stretched 2.1 Mbits s" 1

Length 1.5 m
Radial dimension 0.65 m
Scanner 64.3 kg
Electronics module 10.5 kg
Average power consumption 40 W

From a height of 3 5 , 7 9 0 km above the equator.
Megabits per second.
]28 Chapter 4 Meteorological Satellite Instrumentation

GOES-West images start at 15 and 45 min past the hour. During special rapid-
scan periods, sectors of limited north-south extent (but full east-west extent)
are scanned in less time. Scanning periods of 15, 7.5, 5, and 3 min have been used.
After being reflected by the VAS scan mirror, radiation enters a 40.64-cm
diameter, /"/7.2, Ritchey-Chretien telescope. At the principal focal plane, the
radiation is intercepted by an array of eight optical fibers connected to eight
photomultiplier tubes sensitive to radiation in the wavelength range 0.54-0.70
μηι. This array of optical fibers is arranged in a north-south line, and each fiber
has a field of view of 25 μτζά (E-W) by 24 ^rad (N-S). Thus with each rotation
of the satellite, eight lines of visible data are swept out. The 25 x 24-^rad field
of view results in a ground resolution of about 0.9 km at the subsatellite point.
The visible channels are sampled at the rate of 500 kHz, which, at a satellite

rotation rate of 10.47 rad s , means that visible scan spots are separated by 21

/xrad or 0.75 km east-west. Visible scan lines are separated by 24 μτζά or 0.86
km north-south. Thus visible scan lines are contiguous, but adjacent scan spots
overlap slightly.
The VAS visible data are digitized using 6 bits, but the output count is not
proportional to radiance; rather, it is approximately proportional to the square
root of the radiance. This choice was made because the noise from the photomulti-
plier tubes is proportional to the square root of the radiance. By making the
output proportional to the square root of radiance, the noise level, expressed in
counts, is nearly independent of the count value. The visible channels are calibrated
before launch, and calibration curves are available from NESDIS.
On each rotation of the satellite, 15,288 samples are taken for each of the
eight visible channels. Since a complete full-disk image is made in 1821 rotations,
it contains 14,568 lines (8 x 1821). A single full-disk visible image, therefore,
consists of 15,288 x 14,568 x 6 = 1,336,293,504 bits (159.3 megabytes), not
counting the documentation and navigation information which is normally part
of the image file. Archiving all of these data is a challenge.
Since there are eight visible channels, each digitized to 6 bits, and each sampled
at the rate of 500 kHz, the visible data are taken at the rate of 24 Mbits s - 1

(megabits per second). The addition of the infrared data boosts the total data
rate to 28 Mbits s" . This rate only occurs, however, while the instrument is

viewing the Earth. Ninety-five percent of the time the instrument views space and
collects no data. To decrease the data rate so that users may receive it more easily,
the following arrangement is employed. The high-data-rate, raw VAS data are
transmitted in real time to the Command and Data Acquisition (CDA) station
located at Wallops Island, Virginia. The data are transmitted back to the satellite
at a data rate of approximately 2.1 Mbits s ; which means that the data, which

were collected only while the instrument viewed Earth, take one full rotation of
the satellite to transmit. These data, called stretched data, are retransmitted by
the GOES satellite to anyone with the proper receiving equipment.

Actually, the satellite spin rate is allowed to vary by ± 5 % , but the sampling rate is adjusted
1 6

accordingly to keep the ground resolution constant.

4.2 Operational Geostationary Satellites 129

Real-time ground processing, in addition to stretching the data, allows some

useful modifications of the data stream:
• Offsets are added to the visible data to correct for differences in the eight
photomultiplier tubes. (This reduces the "striping" that can sometimes be
• Raw output voltages from the infrared sensors are converted into cali-
brated, 10-bit counts that are proportional to radiance.
• The data are reordered so that adjacent fields of view are adjacent in the
data stream (see below).
• Satellite orbit and attitude information is embedded in the data stream.
• A grid is included in the data stream for those who print images.
The exact format of the retransmitted VAS data stream is detailed in the Opera-
tional VAS Mode AAA Format (NESDIS, 1987).
In many satellite instruments a beamsplitter is used to separate the visible from
the infrared radiation. A beamsplitter allows the visible and infrared detectors to
view the same point on Earth at the same time, but it necessarily causes some
loss of signal. In the VAS, no beamsplitter is used. The infrared field of view is
displaced slightly from the visible field of view. This displacement is corrected in
real time by reordering the data during ground processing.
The infrared beam is routed by means of relay optics to a 12-position filter
wheel. The filters are described in Table 4.22. The wheel can be rotated to any
position during the time that the instrument views space. After being filtered, the
infrared beam simultaneously illuminates six detectors. There are four HgCdTe

TABLE 4.22. Typical VAS Infrared Spectral Band Data*

Weighting NEAL
Wave- Half-power function
%nction (mW m~ sr~ cm)
2 l

length bandwidth peak

peak Spin
Band (μτη)
(μτη) (cm~ )
(hPa) Description Detector Imaging Sounding b

1 14.71 10 40 C0 2 HgCdTe 4.125 0.583 2

2 14.47 16 70 C0 2 HgCdTe 2.525 0.253 4
3 14.23 16 150 C0 2 HgCdTe 1.763 0.133 7
4 13.99 20 450 C0 2 HgCdTe 1.488 0.112 7
5 13.31 20 950 C0 2 HgCdTe 1.131 0.113 4
6 4.516 45 850 C0 2 InSb 0.028 0.002 7
7 12.67 20 Surface H 0 2 HgCdTe 1.069 0.123 3
8 11.24 140 Surface Window HgCdTe 0.119 0.024 1
9 7.248 40 600 H 0 2 HgCdTe 1.225 0.082 9
10 6.728 150 400 H 0 2 HgCdTe 0.306 0.043 2
11 4.436 40 500 C0 2 InSb 0.026 0.002 7
12 3.940 140 Surface Window InSb 0.007 0.001 1

' F r o m Hayden (1988).

Obtained from the imaging NEAL by dividing by the square root of the product of the spin
budget and the number of scan spots averaged (typically 25).
130 Chapter 4 Meteorological Satellite Instrumentation

detectors, used to monitor wavelengths longer than 6 /xm, and two InSb detectors,
used for the shorter-infrared wavelengths. Two of the HgCdTe detectors are 80
μτη square. They have fields of view of 192 ^rad and, therefore, Earth resolutions
of 6.9 km. These detectors are called small detectors. The two remaining HgCdTe
detectors and both of the InSb detectors are 160 μηι square, have 384-^rad fields
of view and Earth resolutions of 13.7 km. These detectors are called large detectors.
The infrared detectors are offset from the visible detectors and from each other
both in the north-south and the east-west directions to facilitate imaging. The
data are properly registered at Wallops Island during the stretching processes. To
decrease noise, the infrared detectors are cooled to 94 Κ by a radiant cooler,
which radiatively exhausts heat energy to cold space.
During each rotation of the satellite, two infrared detectors are active and are
sampled at the rate of 125 kHz. Since a scan spot near nadir moves only 3 km
between samples, the infrared channels are oversampled, that is consecutive scan
spots overlap. The small detectors are oversampled by about 57%, and the large
detectors are oversampled by about 78%. One occasionally hears that the resolu-
tion of the small detectors is 3 x 7 km ( 4 x 8 km on the older VISSR instrument).
It should be remembered that two separate aspects of resolution have been com-
bined to make this statement. The instantaneous field of view (half-power points)
for the VAS small detectors is 7 x 7 km, but the oversampling causes near-nadir
scan spots to be only 3 km apart.
The infrared data are calibrated every scan line by viewing space and an internal
blackbody. The data are digitized using 10 bits in a manner such that the counts
(0-1023) are linearly proportional to radiance. In the older VISSR instruments,
only the 11 μηι channel was used, and the data were digitized to 8 bits in a
scheme tied to equivalent blackbody temperature rather than to radiance. In this
scheme, count 000 corresponded to an equivalent blackbody temperature of
330 K, and the temperature decreased 0.5 Κ with each count until count 176
(242 K). Thereafter, the temperature decreased 1 Κ with each count until the
maximum count of 255 (163 K) was reached. This digitization scheme has the
disadvantages that (1) it is not very sensitive at colder temperatures (1-K steps),
and (2) certain count values do not occur due to rounding problems in the
conversion of sensor voltage (proportional to radiance) to equivalent black-
body temperature.
The VAS has three operating modes: VISSR, Multispectral Imaging (MSI) and
Dwell Sounding (DS). VISSR mode is a backup mode. In VISSR mode, the on-
board computer, called the VAS Processor, is turned off, and the instrument
operates much like the VISSRs on the first generation of GOES satellites. Normally
the filter wheel is set to channel 8 (11 μ,ιη, although it can be set to any position),
the two small detectors are active, and full-resolution visible and 3 x 7-km IR
data are collected. 17

MSI is the normal VAS imaging mode. Here, full-resolution visible data are
collected along with two, three, or four channels of infrared data. Two images

If a filter position other than 8 is chosen, as occasionally happens to make a 6.7-μτη

1 7
3 x 14-km data are collected.
4.2 Operational Geostationary Satellites ]31

may be collected at 3 x 7-km resolution, one image may be collected at 3 x


7-km resolution and two images at 3 x 14-km resolution, or four images may
be collected at 3 x 14-km resolution. In this mode, the filter wheel is under control
of the VAS Processor, and the scan mirror steps 192 μταά on each revolution of
the satellite.
Dwell sounding mode is used to make soundings; no visible data are collected.
In this mode, the filter wheel and the scan mirror are under control of the VAS
Processor. All 12 positions of the filter wheel are sampled sequentially. Normally,
the small detectors are used for channels 3 - 5 , 7, and 8, and the large detectors
are used for the remaining channels. The scan mirror does not step with each

rotation of the satellite. In order to reduce noise, the instrument dwells on the
same scan line for several programmable rotations. The number of rotations of
the satellite at each mirror position for each filter wheel position is called the spin
budget. A typical spin budget is listed in Table 4.22. The data for each channel
are averaged over the number of spins. If there are Ν spins for a particular channel,
the noise in the averaged radiance is reduced by a factor of N " . The noise is 1 / 2

further reduced by averaging the radiance over an area. If Μ pixels are averaged,
the noise in the area-averaged radiance is reduced by a factor of M ~ . Because 1/2

of the multiple spins on each scan line, only a limited latitude band can be dwell
sounded during the 30-min GOES duty cycle. The normal operational schedule
calls for a combination of MSI and DS modes to satisfy a large variety of data
users (see Gibson, 1984).
Since 1978, digital GOES data have been archived by specially adapted video
tape recorders at the Space Science and Engineering Center of the University of
Wisconsin under contract to NESDIS. In addition, a number of hard copy prints
and negatives are archived by NESDIS. GOES data from these archives may be
requested from the Satellite Data Services Division of NESDIS (see Section 4.4). GOES l-M Instruments

The five satellites that constitute the GOES I - M series (GOES I, J, K, L, and
M; to be GOES 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 after launch) are being built by the prime
contractor, Space Systems/Loral. Table 4.19 outlines characteristic of the GOES
I - M satellites. GOES 8 was launched on 13 April 1994. Menzel and Purdom
(1994) describe the GOES I - M satellites and instruments.
The most significant change from previous GOES satellites is that GOES I - M
(Fig. 4.23) is a three-axis stabilized satellite designed after Insat. Three-axis stabili-
zation means that the instruments always point toward Earth, whereas the previ-
ous GOES spin causing their instruments to sense the Earth only about 5% of
the time. The improved duty cycle of the GOES I - M instruments allow better
radiometric accuracy and higher spatial resolution than is possible on GOES
4 - 7 . Other improvements include better pointing accuracy (within 4 km at the
subsatellite point) and the routine capability to track stars for navigational pur-

1 8
Prior to GOES 7, this two-image option was not available.
1 9
The small detectors could also be used for channels 9 and 10.
132 Chapter 4 Meteorological Satellite Instrumentation

FIGURE 4.25. Sketch of the GOES I - M Imager. [Courtesy of NASA.]

The VAS instrument combines imaging and sounding in one instrument, which
means that imaging must be abandoned while soundings are being made. The
Imager and Sounder on GOES I - M are separate instruments capable of indepen-
dent, simultaneous operation. This increases the rate at which soundings are
The GOES I - M Imager (Tables 4.23 and 4.24, Fig. 4.25) is built by ITT
Aerospace/Communication Division and is similar to the AVHRR. Like AVHRR,
the Imager has 5 channels (0.65, 3.9, 6.75, 10.7, and 12.0 μπι; see Table 4.24),
however, a water vapor channel (6.75 μπι) has been substituted for the 0.9-μπι
AVHRR channel. All five channels are scanned during every Imager frame.
The Imager scans west-to-east on one scan line followed by an east-to-west
scan on the next line. Visible data are swept out eight lines at a time with eight
silicon photodiode detectors. The 3.9-, 10.7-, and 12.0-μιη channels are swept
out two scan lines at a time, and the 6.75-μιη channel is swept out one line at a
time. At the end of each scan line, the mirror steps down (south) 224 μτζά (8
km) to begin a new scan.
The ground resolution of some of the channels is improved over that possible
with VAS. The 3.9-μιη channel has approximately four times the resolution, and
the 10.7- and 12.0-μηι channels have about twice the resolution, whereas the
0.65- and 6.75-μιη channels have about the same resolution.
The radiometric accuracy of some channels also increase (see Tables 4.22 and
4.24). Also, the digitization for the visible channel increases from 6 bits to 10
bits and the output is linear in radiance instead of proportional to the square
root of radiance. This should improve the low-light detection capabilities of the
visible channel.
In addition, the scan patterns for the GOES I—Μ Imager are much more flexible
than those currently available. For example, it is possible to suspend a full-disk
scan to perform a rapid scan of a small area and then to resume the full-disk
scan. Currently, rapid scanning must be halted during full disk scanning.
4.2 Operational Geostationary Satellites 133

TABLE 4.23. GOES I - M Imager Characteristics"

Parameter Value

Optics Cassegrainian telescope

31.1-cm-diameter primary mirror
Focal length 3 8 1 . 2 cm
Earth location accuracy ± 3 0 //,rad (rms)
Channel coregistration ± 2 8 /xrad
Scanning rate
Full disk 25 min
3 0 0 0 x 3 0 0 0 - k m area 3.1 min
5 0 0 x 5 0 0 - k m area 20 s
Channels Five (0.65, 3.9, 6.75, 10.7, 12.0 μτη)
Digitization 10 bits
Date rate 2 . 6 2 0 8 Mbits s"

In-orbit calibration
IR (channels 2 - 5 ) Space and internal 290-K blackbody
Visible (channel 1) None
Sensor module 115 x 80 x 75 cm
Electronics module 6 7 x 43 x 19 cm
Power supply 2 9 x 2 0 x 16 cm
Mass (3-module total) 120 kg
Power consumption 119 W, daily average

After Koenig (1989).

TABLE 4.24. GOES I - M Imager Channels*

Channel 1 2 3 4 5

Wavelength 0.55-0.75 3.8-4.0 6.5-7.0 10.2-11.2 11.5-12.5

Detector type Silicon pho- InSb HgCdTe HgCdTe HgCdTe
Noise or ± 8 counts 0.15 Κ at 3 0 0 Κ 0.3 Κ at 2 3 0 Κ 0.2 Κ at 3 0 0 Κ 0.2 Κ at 3 0 0 Κ
ΝΕΔΤ 3.5 Κ at 2 3 0 Κ 0.4 Κ at 2 3 0 Κ 0.4 Κ at 2 3 0 Κ
NEAL 0.0058 0.044 0.31 0.35
(mW π Γ 2

sr cm)

IFOV (/uxad) 28 112 224 112 112

Ground 1.0 4.0 8.0 4.0 4.0
Sampled 0.57 x 1.0 2.3 x 4.0 2.3 x 8.0 2.3 x 4.0 2.3 x 4.0
at subpoint
(E-W x N - S ,

From Koenig (1989) and Menzel and Purdom (1994).
134 Chapter 4 Meteorological Satellite Instrumentation

Even though three-axis stabilization makes it unnecessary to stretch the data

as is done with the VAS instrument, the raw data are still transmitted to Wallops
Island, where they are corrected, registered, tagged with ground coordinates, and
merged with sounder data before being transmitted back to the satellite. The
satellite then retransmits the processed data to users.
The GOES I - M Sounder (Tables 4.25 and 4.26, Fig. 4.26) is also built by ITT
Aerospace/Communication Division. It looks much like the Imager because both
instruments have nearly identical telescopes. The Sounder has 19 channels includ-
ing a visible channel for cloud detection.
Like the HIRS/2 instrument, a rotating filter wheel provides channel selection.
Four scan spots, on four successive scan lines, are simultaneously sampled during
each rotation of the filter wheel (100 ms). The scan mirror steps 280 μταά (10
km at nadir) in the east-west direction with each rotation of the filter wheel. At
the end of a scan line, the scan mirror drops 1120 μτζά (40 km at nadir) in the

TABLE 4.25. GOES I - M Sounder Characteristics*

Parameter Value

Optics Cassegrainian telescope

31.1-cm-diameter primary mirror
Focal length 3 8 1 . 2 cm
IFOV (/xrad) 2 4 2 (all channels)
Ground resolution (spot diameter at nadir) 8.7 km
Distance between scan spots 10 km
(at nadir, both E - W and N - S )
Sampling rate 4 scan spots simultaneously sampled
in 100 ms
Earth location accuracy ± 4 2 /xrad (3 &)
Pixel-to-pixel registration ± 2 9 . 7 2 /xrad (3 &)
Channel coregistration Within 16 /xrad of channel 8
Scanning rate
Full disk 4 5 4 min
3 0 0 0 x 3 0 0 0 - k m area 4 2 min
1000 x 1000-km area 5.3 min
Channels 19
Digitization 13 bits
Date rate 4 0 kbits s
In-orbit calibration
IR (channels 1 - 1 8 ) Space and internal 290-K blackbody
Visible (channel 19) None
Sensor module 137 x 80 x 75 cm
Electronics module 67 x 43 x 19 cm
Power supply 2 9 x 2 0 x 16 cm
Mass (3-module total) 126 kg
Power consumption 106 W, daily average

After Koenig (1989).
4.2 Operational Geostationary Satellites ]35

TABLE 4.26. GOES I - M Sounder Channels*

? relaunch NE AL Bandwidth
Channel Detector {μτη) (cm- )1 (mW m~ sr~ cm)
2 x (cm~ )

1 HgCdTe 14.71 680 1.44-2.42 13

2 HgCdTe 14.37 696 1.23-1.6 13
3 HgCdTe 14.06 711 0.88-1.13 13
4 HgCdTe 13.64 733 0.75-0.92 16
5 HgCdTe 13.37 748 0.74-0.77 16
6 HgCdTe 12.66 790 0.27-0.39 30
7 HgCdTe 12.02 832 0.16-0.23 50
8 HgCdTe 11.03 907 0.10-0.15 50
9 HgCdTe 9.71 1030 0.13-0.24 25
10 HgCdTe 7.43 1345 0.09-0.18 55
11 HgCdTe 7.02 1425 0.06-0.12 80
12 HgCdTe 6.51 1535 0.08-0.13 60
13 InSb 4.57 2188 0.005-0.008 23
14 InSb 4.52 2210 0.004-0.006 23
15 InSb 4.45 2245 0.004-0.007 23
16 InSb 4.13 2420 0.002-0.003 40
17 InSb 3.98 2513 0.002-0.004 40
18 InSb 3.74 2671 0.001-0.004 100
19 Silicon 0.696 14367

* From Koenig (1989) and Menzel and Purdom (1994).

FIGURE 4.26. Sketch of the GOES I - M Sounder. [Courtesy of NASA.]

136 Chapter 4 Meteorological Satellite Instrumentation

north-south direction to begin the next scan. The scans are alternately east-to-
west and west-to-east.
The Sounder has roughly the same radiometric accuracy as the VAS instrument,
but the Sounder does not have to dwell on a point as VAS does to reduce noise.
This improves flexibility in scanning. Also, the digitization increases from 10 bits
to 13 bits per channel.
A significant improvement in the GOES I - M Sounder is that it has more
channels (19 versus 12) to retrieve atmospheric parameters. In particular, it has
more surface-sensing channels than VAS (6 versus 3) and more channels in the
less-water-vapor-sensitive shortwave IR (<6 μπι) channels (6 versus 3). These
improvements should allow the GOES I - M Sounder to better separate surface,
moisture, and temperature effects (see Hayden, 1989).
The extensive changes in the way the GOES I - M instruments work requires
a new data format called GVAR (GOES Variable; see Komajda and McKenzie,
1987). This change requires the modification of the ground equipment for all
users who receive the retransmitted data.
An interesting point is that the motion of the mirrors causes perturbations in
the satellite attitude. The independent motion of the Sounder mirror would cause
the Imager scan lines to be crooked (and vice versa). To prevent this, the GOES
I - M satellite has a Mirror Motion Compensation system that automatically antici-
pates attitude changes of the satellite (caused by the Sounder scan mirror, for
example) and makes mirror adjustments (in the Imager, for example) to compen-
sate for them (see Savides and Reseck, 1989).


Although the operational satellites demonstrate many of the principles of mete-

orological satellite instrumentation, a number of interesting and important instru-
ments are not on board. In this section we briefly describe several of these instru-
An extremely important series of meteorological satellites is the Nimbus series,
which carried experimental instruments (Table 4.27). Many of these instruments
were the precursors of the instruments on the NOAA satellites: SIRS, ITPR, and
HIRS led to HIRS/2; SCR and PMR led to SSU; NEMS and SCAMS led to MSU;
BUV and SBUV/TOMS led to SBUV/2; and ERB led to ERBE. Other Nimbus
instruments have not yet seen operational use, but they may lead to the operational
instruments of the future. In the remainder of this section, we discuss instruments
that we consider to be particularly noteworthy.

4.3.1 Interferometers
The Infrared Interferometer Spectrometer (IRIS) flew on Nimbus 3 and 4.
Rather than measure several discrete wavelengths by means of filters, IRIS mea-
sured a broad spectrum from 500 to 2000 cm" (5-20 μηι) in 5 - c m steps.
1 -1
4.3 Other Satellite Instruments 137

TABLE 4.27. Nimbus Satellite Instruments and Systems*

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

* Abbreviations:
APT Automatic Picture Transmission System
AVCS Advanced Vidicon Camera System
BUV Backscatter Ultraviolet Spectrometer
CZCS Coastal Zone Color Scanner
DRIR Direct Readout Infrared Radiometer
ERB Earth Radiation Budget Experiment
ESMR Electrically Scanning Microwave Radiometer
FWS Filter Wedge Spectrometer
HIRS High Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder
HRIR High Resolution Infrared Radiometer
IDCS Image Dissector Camera System
IRIS Infrared Interferometer Spectrometer
IRLS Interrogation, Recording, and Location System
ITPR Infrared Temperature Profile Radiometer
LIMS Limb Infrared Monitor of the Stratosphere
LRIR Limb Radiance Inversion Radiometer
MRIR Medium Resolution Radiometer
MUSE Monitor of Ultraviolet Solar Energy
NEMS Nimbus Ε Microwave Spectrometer
PMR Pressure Modulator Radiometer
RTTS Real Time Transmission Systems
SAM II Stratospheric Aerosol Measurement II
SAMS Stratospheric and Mesospheric Sounder
SBUV Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet
SCAMS Scanning Microwave Spectrometer
SCMR Surface Composition Mapping Radiometer
SCR Selective Chopper Radiometer
SIRS Satellite Infrared Spectrometer
SMMR Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer
T&DRE Tracking and Data Relay Experiment
THIR Temperature Humidity Infrared Radiometer
TOMS Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer
TWERLE Tropical Wind Energy Conversion and Reference Level Experiment
]38 Chapter 4 Meteorological Satellite Instrumentation

The instrument consisted of a Michelson interferometer, the output of which is

proportional to the Fourier transform of the spectrum. Figure 4.27 shows a
spectrogram retrieved by taking the inverse Fourier transform. Although the 150-
km resolution of the instrument is rather coarse, its data are useful for a variety
of purposes, among them: (1) temperature and water vapor profiles can be re-
trieved from them, (2) ozone and other trace-gas concentrations can be retrieved,
and (3) the spectral nature of the outgoing longwave radiation can be studied.
Because of its great flexibility, IRIS flew on several planetary probes. A similar
instrument, but with much higher spectral resolution (0.3 cm" ), called the High-

spectral-resolution Interferometer Sounder (HIS), is being tested on aircraft and

may be flown in space (Smith et αϊ, 1987).

4.3.2 Limb Scanners

The Limb Radiance Inversion Radiometer (LRIR), the Limb Infrared Monitor
of the Stratosphere (LIMS), and the Stratospheric and Mesospheric Sounder
(SAMS) are infrared sounders, but they scan the atmosphere at the edge of the
Earth (the limb) instead of looking down (Fig. 4.28). These instruments have
good vertical resolution and can make accurate measurements of the temperature
and trace-gas concentration in the mesosphere, stratosphere, and (in the absence
of clouds) the upper troposphere (see Chapter 6).
The Stratospheric Aerosol Measurement I Experiment (SAM I, flown on Apollo-
Soyuz), SAM II (flown on Nimbus 7), the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experi-
ment (SAGE I, which flew on a dedicated satellite), and SAGE II (which flies on
the Earth Radiation Budget Satellite) are called solar occultation experiments.
They sample the atmosphere by measuring the extinction of sunlight during


FIGURE 4.27. Infrared spectrogram of the Earth's atmosphere at 15.1°N and 144.7°W on 2 7 April 1970
taken by the IRIS instrument. [After Liou (1980). Reprinted by permission of Academic Press.]
4.3 Other Satellite Instruments 139

FIGURE 4.28. Limb scanning geometry. [After NASA (1975).]

satellite sunrise and sunset. They can measure the concentrations of aerosols
(Chapter 8) as well as gases that have absorption spectra in the solar spectrum,
such as ozone, water vapor, and nitrogen dioxide.

4.3.3 Microwave Imagers

A series of microwave imagers flew on the Nimbus satellites, and a new imager
(the SSM/I) is currently flying on a Defense Meteorological Satellite Program
(DMSP) satellite. The Electrically Scanning Microwave Radiometer (ESMR) flew
on both Nimbus 5 and 6. ESMR—5 measured horizontally polarized radiation 20

at 19.35 GHz (1.55 cm). ESMR-6 measured both vertically and horizontally 21

polarized radiation at 37.0 GHz (0.81 cm). These instruments are unique in the
fact that they had phased array antennas, which means that the beam was scanned
electronically; no moving parts were required. ESMR-5 scanned through the
satellite subpoint and had a spatial resolution of 25 km at nadir. ESMR-6 scanned
in a cone ahead of the satellite in such a way as to keep the zenith angle of the
satellite, as measured at the scan spot, nearly constant. ESMR—6 had a spatial
resolution of about 20 x 40 km independent of scan position. The ESMRs were
meteorologically significant because they can be used to estimate precipitation
rate (see Chapter 9). They are also sensitive to sea ice.
The Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR) flew on both
Nimbus 7 and Seasat. It measured both horizontally and vertically polarized
radiation at five wavelengths, 4.54, 2.8, 1.66, 1.36 and 0.81 cm, with resolutions

Electric field vector parallel to the surface at the scan spot and perpendicular to the beam.
Electric field vector perpendicular to both the above horizontal vector and to the beam.
140 Chapter 4 Meteorological Satellite Instrumentation

ranging from 20 km (at 0.81 cm) to 100 km (at 4.54 cm). This was accomplished
using a rotating scan mirror and six Dicke radiometers much like that of the MSU.
SMMR was designed to measure several meteorologically important parameters,
among them: precipitation rate, column-integrated atmospheric water vapor and
liquid water, sea surface temperature and wind speed, soil moisture, and sea ice
Finally, the Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I) is currently flying on
some of the DMSP satellites. Similar in construction to the SMMR, the SSM/I
measures both horizontally and vertically polarized radiation at 19.35, 37.0,
and 85.5 GHz, and vertically polarized radiation only at 22.235 GHz. Measure-
ments at 85 GHz are new, and they should provide improved detection of rain
and clouds.

4.3.4 Active Instruments

Most satellite-borne meteorological instruments are passive-, that is, they mea-
sure radiation provided to them by the Earth. Active instruments, like radar,
transmit their own signal and measure the properties of the returned radiation.
Because nature does not necessarily provide optimal amounts of radiation, active
instruments can be designed to be more sensitive than passive instruments to
certain parameters. Active instruments, however, require much more electrical
power to operate than passive instruments. Seasat had three active instruments,
one of which was useful for meteorology. The Seasat-A Satellite Scatterometer
(SASS) was a 2.05-cm radar that measured the backscatter coefficient from the
sea surface. The backscatter coefficient is related to surface wind speed and
direction. By observing the same patch of ocean as the satellite approached and
as it left an area, these two parameters could be estimated (Jones et ai, 1979;
see Chapter 7). Unfortunately, Seasat failed due to a short circuit after only 104
days in orbit, but not before demonstrating the feasibility and importance of
active instrumentation.

4.3.5 DMSP Instruments

Finally, instruments flown on DMSP satellites (in addition to the SSM/I dis-
cussed above) are of interest. The primary DMSP instrument is the Operational
Linescan System (OLS), which is a two-channel (visible and ll-μπι infrared)
imager (Dickinson et ai, 1974). It differs from the AVHRR in three interesting
ways. First, it has extremely high spatial resolution of about 600 m. Second, it
also has a variable scan, which causes the distance between pixels on the same
scan line to be the same near nadir and at the ends of the scan line. This makes
images easy to display and grid. Third, the visible sensor on the OLS has a much
broader bandwidth than the AVHRR visible channel. It covers approximately
the same spectral region as AVHRR channels 1 and 2 combined. This greater
bandwidth means that more radiation from a given scene is sensed, which means
that the instrument has greater sensitivity. Some OLS visible data have been
4.4 Satellite Data Archives 141

collected at night using reflected moonlight, and city lights are detectable on
OLS images.
The data from the OLS are archived mostly in the form of positive transparen-
cies, which can be useful for studies requiring higher resolution than that available
from the NOAA satellites or for studies in which digital data on magnetic tape
are not appropriate.
DMSP satellites have also carried infrared (SSH/T) and microwave (SSM/T)


Extensive archives of meteorological satellite data exist. In the United States,

two sources are primary. The Satellite Data Services Division of NESDIS [Room
100 Princeton Executive Center, Washington, DC 20233, telephone (301) 763-
8400] archives data from the operational satellites. The National Space Science
Data Center [NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771, tele-
phone (301) 286-6695] archives primarily data from NASA research satellites
such as the Nimbus satellites.
Meteosat data are archived by EUMETSAT. Information on Meteosat data
may be obtained by writing to Meteosat Data Services, Meteosat Exploitation
Project, European Space Operations Center, Robert-Bosch Strasse 5, D-6100
Darmstadt, Germany.
GMS data are archived by the National Space Development Agency of Japan,
World Trade Center Building 2-4-1, Hamamatsu-cho, Minato-ku Tokyo 105,
Insat data are archived by the Meteorological Data Utilisation Centre, Satellite
Meteorology Division, India Meteorological Department, Lodi Road, New Delhi
110003, India.
Readers should note that access to satellite data and information over the
Internet is increasing exponentially. NASA is developing a system of Distributed
Active Archive Centers (DAACs) for today's data and for the data to be collected
by the Earth Observing System (see Chapter 11). Table 4.28 contains information
on how to access the DAACs as of December 1994. Readers who have Gopher
software are advised to investigate some of the following Gopher sites:
World Wide Web "Home Pages" are also available for all of the DAACs and for
many other interesting sites. We have not listed the Internet addresses for these
Home Pages because they are quite likely to change and because up-to-date
addresses can be found from the sources listed above. Finally, readers can telnet
142 Chapter 4 Meteorological Satellite Instrumentation

TABLE 4.28. Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs)

User services

Location Telephone E-mail Telnet to

Alaska SAR Facility (907) 4 7 4 - 6 1 6 6 [email protected] 12345

EROS Data Center (605) 5 9 4 - 6 1 1 6 [email protected] 1 2 3 4 5
Goddard Space Flight (301) 2 8 6 - 3 2 0 9 [email protected] 12345
Jet Propulsion (818) 3 5 4 - 9 8 9 0 [email protected] 12345
Langley Research (804) 8 6 4 - 8 6 5 6 [email protected] 12345
Marshall Space (205) 9 2 2 - 5 9 3 2 [email protected] 12345
Flight Center
N O A A Satellite (301) 7 6 3 - 8 4 0 2 [email protected] 12345
Active Archive
National Snow and Ice (303) 4 9 2 - 6 1 9 9 [email protected] 12345
Data Center
Oak Ridge National (615) 2 4 1 - 3 9 5 2 [email protected] 12345

directly to the National Space Science Data Center at and

to Spacelink at


Ball Aerospace Systems Division (1986). SBUV/2 Final Engineering Report for Flight #1 (S/N002).
Document N o . B 6 8 0 2 - 9 1 , Boulder, C O .
Barkstrom, Β. R. (1986). ERBE data and its validation. Preprints: Second Conference on Satellite
Meteorology/Remote Sensing and Applications. American Meteorological Society, Boston, pp.
Barnes, J. C , and M. D. Smallwood (1982). TIROS-N Direct Readout Services Users Guide. N O A A /
NESS, Washington, D C .
Chen, H. S. (1985). Space Remote Sensing Systems: An Introduction. Academic Press, Orlando.
Clark, J. D. (ed.) (1983). The GOES User's Guide. N O A A / N E S D I S , Washington, D C .
Dickinson, L. G., S. E. Boselly III, and W. S. Burgmann (1974). Defense Meteorological Satellite
Program (DMSP) User's Guide. Air Weather Service Tech. Rep. AWS-TR-74-250, Scott Air Force
Base, Illinois.
Gibson, J. (ed.) (1984). GOES Data Users' Guide. N O A A / N E S D I S , Washington, D C .
Halliday, D., and Resnick, R. (1962). Physics. John Wiley, N e w York.
Hayden, C. M. (1988). GOES-VAS simultaneous temperature-moisture retrieval algorithm. / . Appl.
Meteor., 2 7 , 7 0 5 - 7 3 3 .
Hayden, C. M. (1989). GOES I - M sounding products. Program: GOES I-M Operational Satellite
Conference. April 3 - 6 , Arlington, VA, pp. 1 2 6 - 1 3 0 .
Jones, W. L., P. G. Black, D . M. Boggs, E. M. Bracalente, R. A. Brown, G. Dome, J. A. Ernst, I. M.
Halberstam, J. E. Overland, S. Peteherych, W. J. Pierson, F. J. Wentz, P. M. Woiceshyn, and
M. G. Wurtele (1979). Seasat scatterometer: Results of the Gulf of Alaska workshop. Science,
204, 1 4 1 3 - 1 4 1 5 .
4.4 Satellite Data Archives 143

Kidwell, Κ. B. (1986). NOAA Polar Orbiter Data User's Guide. N O A A / N E S D I S Satellite Data
Services Division, Washington, D C .
Koenig, E.W. (1989). Characteristics of the GOES I - M imager and sounder. Program: GOES I-M
Operational Satellite Conference. N O A A , Washington, D C , pp. 1 6 8 - 1 7 5 .
Komajda, R.J., and K. McKenzie (1987). An Introduction to the GOES I-M Imager and Sounder
Instruments and the GVAR Retransmission Format. N O A A Tech. Rep. NESDIS 3 3 , Washing-
ton, D C .
Kopia, L. P. (1986). Earth radiation budget experiment scanner instrument. Rev. Geophys., 24,
Lauritson, L. G., Nelson, G. J., and F. W. Porto (1979). Data Extraction and Calibration ofTIROS-N/
NOAA Radiometers. N O A A Tech. M e m o . NESS 107, Washington, D C .
Liou, K.-N. (1980). An Introduction to Atmospheric Radiation. Academic Press, N e w York.
Luther, M. R., J. E. Cooper, and G. R. Taylor (1986). The Earth radiation budget experiment
nonscanner instrument. Rev. Geophys., 2 4 , 3 9 1 - 3 9 9 .
Menzel, W. P., and J. F. W. Purdom (1994). Introducing G O E S - I : The first of a new generation of
Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites. Bull. Am. Meteor. Soc, 75, 7 5 7 - 7 8 1 .
Morgan, J. (1981). Introduction to the Meteosat System. European Space Agency, SP-1041, Paris
Cedex, France.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Observations from the Nimbus I Meteorological
Satellite. N A S A SP-89, Washington, D C .
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (1966). Nimbus II Users' Guide. Goddard Space
Flight Center, Greenbelt, M D .
National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The Nimbus III User's Guide. Goddard Space Flight
Center, Greenbelt, M D .
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (1970). The Nimbus IV User's Guide. Goddard Space
Flight Center, Greenbelt, M D .
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (1972). The Nimbus 5 User's Guide. Goddard Space
Flight Center, Greenbelt, M D .
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (1975). The Nimbus 6 User's Guide. Goddard Space
Flight Center, Greenbelt, M D .
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (1978). The Nimbus 7 Users' Guide. Goddard Space
Flight Center, Greenbelt, M D .
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (1981). Handbook of Sensor Technical Characteris-
tics. Washington, D.C.
National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (1987). Operational VAS Mode
AAA Format, Version 2.6, N O A A / N E S D I S , Washington, D C .
Rao, P. K., S. J. Holmes, R. K. Anderson, J. S. Winston, and P. E. Lehr (eds.) (1990). Weather
Satellites: Systems, Data, and Environmental Applications. American Meteorological Society,
Savides, J., and K. G. Reseck (1989). GOES I - M system characteristics. Program: GOES I-M
Operational Satellite Conference. N O A A , Washington, D C , pp. 2 8 5 - 3 1 4 .
Schwalb, A. (1978). The TIROS-NINOAA A-G Satellite Series. N O A A Tech. M e m o . NESS 9 5 ,
Washington, D C .
Schwalb, A. (1982). Modified Version of the TIROS-NINOAA A-G Satellite Series (NOAA E-J)—
Advanced TIROS-N (ATN). N O A A Tech. M e m o . NESS 116, Washington, D C .
Smith, G. L., R. N . Green, B. A. Wielicki, J. T. Suttles, and L. M. Avis (1986). ERBE data inversion.
Preprints: Second Conference on Satellite Meteorology IRemote Sensing and Applications. Ameri-
can Meteorological Society, Boston, pp. J 9 - J 1 3 .
Smith, W. L., Η. M. Woolf, Η. B. Howell, H.-L. Huang, and Η. E. Revercomb (1987). The simul-
taneous retrieval of atmospheric temperature and water vapor profiles—application to measure-
ments with the High spectral resolution Interferometer Sounder (HIS). In A. Deepak, H. Fleming,
and J. Theon (eds.), Advances in Remote Sensing Retrieval Methods, A. Deepak Publishing,
pp. 1 8 9 - 2 0 2 .
144 Chapter 4 Meteorological Satellite Instrumentation

Vaughan, W. W. (ed.) (1982). Meteorological Satellites—Past, Present, and Future. N A S A Conference

Publication 2 2 2 7 , Washington, D C , 60 pp.
Werbowetzki, A. (ed.) (1981). Atmospheric Sounding Users Guide. N O A A Tech. Rep. NESS 8 3 .
Washington, D C .
Willson, R. C. (1979). Active cavity radiometer type IV. Appl. Optics, 18, 1 7 9 - 1 8 8 .
World Meteorological Organization (1989). Information on Meteorologiealand Other Environmental
Satellites. W M O N o . 4 1 1 , Geneva, Switzerland.
with Donald L Reinke

is an introduction to image interpretation but is by no

Γ means a comprehensive treatment of the subject. It would take several

volumes, each the size of this book, to show examples of all of the features that
can be identified and analyzed, and more are being discovered as we write. Over
three decades of weather satellites have produced millions of images—any one
of which would provide enough material for a complete seminar. In one chapter
we cannot hope to do justice to this broad a subject. Instead, we offer two things:
an overview of the concepts that every student of satellite meteorology should
know about image interpretation, and a bibliography of works that contain
detailed instruction on the subject.
The purpose of meteorological satellite image interpretation is to relate signifi-
cant features in the image to physical processes that are occurring, or have occur-
red, in the atmosphere. For example, we want to identify clouds. The shape or
texture of the cloud or the proximity to geographic features on the Earth's surface
can tell us much about the dynamics occurring in the atmosphere. The simple
existence of a cloud on a satellite image can lead us to a number of conclusions,
or questions, such as, what was the mechanism for formation of the cloud? The
mechanism could be mechanical lifting, it could be convection due to heating, or

]4£ Chapter 5 Image Interpretation

the cloud could be the residual of a cloud mass that has been advected far from
its point of origin. Image interpretation can give us some clues to help identify
the mechanism. That knowledge can in turn help us determine the present and
future hydrodynamic state of the atmosphere. The objectives of image interpreta-
tion are to (1) detect and identify features such as clouds or other obscuring or
radiating phenomena on the image and (2) determine the physical mechanisms
that produce or sustain those features.
Much of the research in image interpretation being done today involves the
development of techniques to automate the analysis of digital imagery. Over the
past few decades, the primary analysis tool has been the interpretive skill of the
analyst who manually views the satellite image and makes a subjective assessment
of the features it contains. The operational meteorological satellites that are
currently flying produce more than 1 0 bytes of image data in a year. With the

average imaging system able to display 10 bytes at a time, this amounts to more

than 10 images—far too many to analyze manually. Some progress has been

made in the automation of the process of image interpretation, and high-speed

digital computers can be used to do a reasonable first-guess analysis of clouds
and other features. Total automation of the process, however, still eludes us, and
a good understanding of the manual interpretation process is essential to the
application of satellite imagery to weather analysis and forecasting.


The term satellite imagery can be used to describe two similar, yet unique
displays: photo and digital. It is important to differentiate between the two, as
some analysis techniques work only on digital images. We refer to a hard-copy
image (such as a photograph or laser print copy) as a photo image. Satellite
imagery that is typically stored on magnetic or optical media is referred to as
digital imagery, due to the nature of the collection and archive process. Photo
images are easy for an analyst to handle, but digital images can be processed in
many more ways.
Most meteorological satellite imaging devices scan the Earth scene in a manner
analogous to television raster scans. Radiance measurements are taken along

each scan line at time steps which produce a series of elements along that scan
(refer to Fig. 2.16). These elements are assigned a unique location within the
image by referring to a line (or scan) number and an element (or sample) number.
The radiance measured by the satellite sensor at each element location is stored
as a single digital value. When displayed on an imaging device such as a color
or black-and-white (B/W) monitor, each point on the grid is referred to as a
picture element or pixel. Digital values are used to assign a color or gray shade

Some devices, such as the DMSP SSM/I scanner (Section 5.2), take samples in a helical scan pattern.
5.2 Spectral Properties 147

to pixels on the final satellite image. The resultant image is displayed either on
a monitor or as a photographic (hard-copy) image.
The resolution of a satellite instrument can be defined as the size of the smallest
element in the Earth scene that can be resolved by the instrument. It is a function
of the field of view of the sensor optics and the distance to the Earth surface.
One can also think of it as the length of the side of a box on the surface of the
Earth from which radiation is gathered during each time step of the scanning
process (see Chapter 4.). These boxes are sometimes called "footprints." For a
variety of reasons, the size of this footprint varies from one channel to the next.
For example, the visible channel on a satellite may have a resolution of 1 km,
whereas the infrared channel has a resolution of 8 km. The resolution of a satellite
instrument is normally specified separately for each channel.
The resolution of a satellite instrument is usually for the satellite subpoint (the
point on the Earth directly beneath the satellite). As the satellite scans farther
away from the subpoint, the area on the surface of the Earth that is viewed becomes
progressively larger because of the curvature of the Earth and the obliquity of
view. Geostationary meteorological satellites, because of their altitude, can view
the Earth scene out to great distances from the subpoint; thus the resolution varies
greatly with distance from the subpoint. Section 5.4 discusses this degradation as
a source of error when doing image analysis.
It is important to note that the resolution of the satellite instrument may be
quite different from the resolution of an image produced from the data. For
example, the resolution of a satellite instrument may be 1 km, but an image
constructed from the data might be displayed at a resolution of 10 km by averaging
100 (10 x 10) of the original pixel values or by selecting (sampling) every tenth
pixel and every tenth line.


By using a filter, placed in front of the satellite sensor, radiation can be measured
at specific wavelengths. The filter allows radiation within a narrow segment of
the electromagnetic spectrum, called a spectral interval, to reach the sensor. These
spectral intervals are commonly referred to as channels or bands (see Chapter 4).
Most meteorological satellites make measurements in the visible and infrared
portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Some also have additional channels
which vary from the ultraviolet (100—400-nm band) to the microwave region
(0.15-6.0 cm—often listed as a frequency range from 200 to 5 GHz). Chapter
4 contains tables with the spectral bands of a wide range of meteorological
satellites. In the remainder of this chapter, we discuss the properties of the more
common of these spectral intervals and their application to image interpretation.

5.2.1 Visible Imagery

The first imaging sensors aboard meteorological satellites measured radiation

in the visible band (0.4-0.7 μπι). Figure 5.1 shows a visible image from the GOES
148 Chapter 5 Image Interpretation

FIGURE 5.1. GOES 7 full-disk visible image.

7 satellite. Visible imagery generally offers the highest spatial resolution and
provides us with a view of the Earth that closely matches our senses. Land, clouds,
and ocean are easily discernible. One obvious limitation to visible data is that
they are available only from the sunlit portion of the Earth. One exception to
the daytime-only limitation is a sensitive instrument (the OLS) on board the
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) satellites, which can sense
features that are illuminated at night by moonlight.

5.2.2 Infrared Imagery

The infrared channels are most often between 1 and 30 μπι. The most common
infrared band for meteorological satellites is in the 10-12.5-μτη window, in which
the atmosphere is relatively transparent to radiation upwelling from the Earth's
surface. When the word infrared is used alone to describe an image, it is nearly
always in the 10-12.5-/xm window rather than in another portion of the electro-
magnetic spectrum.
Figure 5.2 shows the infrared image that corresponds to Fig. 5.1. Again, clouds,
land, and water are easily discerned. Because infrared radiation can be related to
5.2 Spectral Properties ]49

FIGURE 5.2. GOES 7 infrared image (11 μχη ) .

the temperature of the emitting body, and because the troposphere generally cools
with height, this helps us interpret the atmospheric processes occurring within
the scene. An important characteristic of the infrared channels is their ability to
provide images at night. This provides continuous coverage of cloud evolution
over a full 24-hour period.
Normally in image processing, images are displayed such that the greater the
radiance, the brighter the pixel. In satellite meteorology, however, infrared images
are normally inverted; that is, the larger the radiance from an element, the darker
the pixel. This way, clouds, which are usually colder than the surface, appear
white, and the warmer ground or ocean surface appears darker than clouds, as
in visible images.

5.2.3 Water Vapor Imagery

The water-vapor channels are so named because the satellite measures radiation
in water-vapor absorption bands. Several wavelengths can be used, but the most
common is centered around 6.7 μηι. At this wavelength, most of the radiation
sensed by the satellite comes from the atmospheric layer between 300 and 600
]50 Chapter 5 Image Interpretation

hPa (Morel et al., 1978); thus it measures middle levels of the troposphere.
Figure 5.3 shows the water-vapor image taken at the same time as Figs. 5.1
and 5.2. Note that the highest clouds can be seen, but surface features cannot be
detected because this is not a window channel. Instead, dramatic swirls and eddies
of water vapor are seen where high clouds are not present. Water-vapor imagery
is commonly looped (see Section 5.3) to display motions in cloud-free regions of
the atmosphere.
One way to qualitatively interpret water-vapor imagery is to say that it approxi-
mates the relative humidity of the midtroposphere. Consider a bright area and a
dark area in a water-vapor image. In the bright area, the satellite measures less
radiance than in the dark area. Less radiance means either that the atmosphere
is colder at the same level as in the dark area or that there is more water vapor
present in the bright area so that the satellite senses a higher, and therefore colder,
level. In either case, the relative humidity is likely to be higher in bright areas
than in dark areas. Bright and dark areas may also indicate rising and sinking
motions, respectively.

FIGURE 5.3. GOES 7 water-vapor image (6.7 μπι ) .

5.2 Spectral Properties ]5]

5.2.4 Microwave Imagery

Microwave radiation is sensitive to an array of surface and atmospheric parame-

ters, including precipitation, cloud water, water vapor, water droplet phase, soil
moisture, surface temperature, atmospheric temperature, and ocean surface wind
speed. In addition, many regions of the microwave spectrum are available for
remote sensing. Still further, all microwave instruments measure polarized radia-
tion, and polarization is a factor in the microwave radiation emitted by some of
the above atmospheric and surface phenomena. Very roughly, we can say that
19 GHz is a window region and provides a measurement of surface radiance in
clear sky areas. The 22-GHz channel is sensitive to water vapor. The 37-GHz
channels are attenuated by clouds and rain, and the 85-GHz channels can be
used to identify ice clouds and snow. For example, the very cold temperatures
seen at 85 GHz in Plate 2 in Indiana, Ohio, and across the South, are probably
thunderstorms. These channels are often used in combination to produce products,
such as precipitation images (e.g., Spencer, 1986; Spencer et ai, 1983, 1988). A
great deal of current research is devoted to understanding and fully utilizing the
information contained in microwave images.

5.2.5 Multispectral Analysis

Some atmospheric phenomena are more easily identified by using imagery from
more than one channel. Figure 5.4 illustrates a simple two-channel scheme for
identifying clouds, and Figs. 5.5 and 5.6 are visible and infrared image pairs to
which the scheme can be applied. Low-level stratus is often difficult to identify
on an infrared image because the cloud may have a radiative temperature that is
near that of the surface (see the area north of the hurricane in Fig. 5.5, for
example). On a visible image, however, stratus clouds appear bright in contrast
to the darker background of land or water. As another example, the detection
of thin cirrus clouds can be difficult on a visible image because they are almost
transparent to visible light. These same clouds, however, are cold and mostly
opaque to infrared radiation from the warmer surface below and thus present a
strong cold signal on the infrared image (see the northwest corner of Fig. 5.6).

Q Thin Deep
Ο Cirrus Convection

No Low
< Clouds Clouds

FIGURE 5.4. Schematic diagram of a bispectral cloud classification scheme.
]52 Chapter 5 Image Interpretation

FIGURE 5.5. DMSP visible image (top) sampled concurrently with infrared image (bottom), showing
low clouds and cirrus.
FIGURE 5.6. DMSP visible image (top) and concurrent infrared image (bottom) of the eastern North
Pacific Ocean and the western United States, showing low-level stratus and ship tracks.
154 Chapter 5 Image Interpretation

Deep convection or thick cirrus is both cold and optically thick and therefore is
bright in either a visible or an infrared image. A further example of multispectral
analysis using 3.7-/xm imagery is discussed in Section, and the use of
multispectral techniques with microwave imagery was mentioned above.


Image enhancement involves highlighting certain values or regions within an

image to emphasize and identify meteorological parameters or features and to
separate these from land or water. There are three primary methods of enhance-
ment: color enhancement, physical enhancement, and statistical enhancement.
Physical enhancement involves the three-dimensional (3D) display of an image,
including looping of successive 2D images (the third dimension is time). Statistical
enhancement of imagery typically involves the spatial or temporal analysis of
adjacent pixels to determine parameters such as the gradient or variance.

5.3.1 Color Enhancement

Color enhancement, as the name implies, involves the assignment of colors (or
gray shades) to each pixel of an image based on the value of the pixel. The
standard technique for color enhancement of imagery is to apply a lookup table
to assign a specific color or hue to each possible numerical value that an image
pixel can take on. A second technique involves the generation of (red-green-blue)
RGB images using multispectral data. Lookup Tables
Since an image is composed of pixels with discrete digital values, we can assign
a color or monochromatic gray shade to each value to produce an enhanced
image. Today's 8-bit image display systems allow digital values that range from
0 to 255 at each pixel location, so we can employ up to 256 colors or shadings
to highlight certain features of the image.
Infrared imagery is well suited to the use of a color enhancement table as
shown in Plate 3. Each infrared pixel value corresponds directly to an equivalent
blackbody temperature. A lookup table, sometimes referred to as an enhancement
table, is used to assign a specific color to each possible pixel value or, more
commonly, to a range of values. Thus each color represents a temperature or
range of temperatures. A temperature scale should be affixed to such images to
document the enhancement.
Color enhancement isoiseful for locating large convective cells that reach from
just above ground level to 20 km above the surface, passing through a large range
of temperatures. When viewed from the top, the cloud mass around the cell has
a range of temperature values from a temperature near that of the surface to one
5.3 Image Enhancement Techniques 155

that may be 80 Κ cooler at the cloud top. Color enhancement is also useful for
distinguishing clouds from ground or water surfaces.
Note that enhancement need not be "color." Figure 9.12 shows a gray-scale
enhancement called the MB curve which has been used for many years to locate
convective areas on infrared satellite images.
Color-enhanced images are sometimes referred to as false color or pseudocolor
images because color has been introduce into a monochromatic image. Multispectral Color Enhancement

The production of a multispectral image takes advantage of the red-green-blue
(RGB) color display technology available on a color monitor. Each channel to
be viewed is assigned to one (or more) of the color guns to highlight multispectral
features. To take a two-channel example, if an infrared image is assigned to the
red gun, and a visible image is assigned to the blue and green guns, then the
features described in Fig. 5.4 become colors on the image. Deep clouds are white,
warm cloud-free areas are black, low clouds are cyan (green + blue), and thin
cirrus is red. A third channel, such as a water-vapor image, can be added, but
the resulting image becomes quite complex.
Multispectral color enhancement technique is not commonly used, but because
the human eye is so color-sensitive, it is a powerful way to combine multispectal
data to yield information that no single channel can yield. Multispectral images
are sometimes referred to as true color images, though this is strictly correct only
when red, green, and blue images are combined as a color video camera does.

5.3.2 Physical Enhancement

Two common types of physical enhancement are looping and three-dimensional
(3D) image displays. Both require some degree of specialized hardware or software
to be of value when doing image interpretation. The most frequently used physical
enhancement technique is the time-sequencing or looping of imagery. An increas-
ingly popular technique is based on viewing an image which has been rendered
three-dimensionally. Looping
Looping of satellite imagery has become an indispensable technique for not
only identifying features on a satellite image but also graphically displaying the
life cycle of synoptic and mesoscale meteorological features. An image loop is
created by rapidly displaying in succession a series of images to either create a
sense of movement (a time series of images) or to compare different channels
from the same time. Looping of imagery is useful for quantifying the movement
of features such as hurricanes, frontal systems, or large thunderstorm complexes.
The loop allows an analyst to quickly identify those features that are moving by
156 Chapter 5 Image Interpretation

comparing one image to the next and gives a good overview of both large and
small-scale motions. Short-term forecasts, called nowcasts, are made by extrapo-
lating ahead in time the feature seen in loops. We cannot show readers a loop in
this book, but loops are commonly shown on television weather broadcasts.
Looping is an efficient technique for identifying the misalignment of imagery
because even slight movements of land features are easily seen in loops. Looping
can also be used to identify features that have a unique spectral signature. For
example, a loop of visible and infrared images from the same time can be used
to identify cirrus or low stratus clouds. Three-dimensional Display

Although not a common technique, 3D displays of imagery (also called stereo
displays) can provide information that is not obvious on the standard 2D displays.
There are three types of 3D techniques. The most common is to display an
image using a graphical display package that provides shading, light source and
perspective views (Vonder Haar et αϊ, 1989). An example is shown in Plate 6,
which is discussed in Chapter 7. A similar technique involves viewing offset stereo
images (one colored red, the other cyan) with special glasses (one lens red, the
other cyan) that separate the views and produce a 3D effect. A third technique
employs two separate screens and a stereo viewer by which one eye sees one
screen and the other eye sees the second screen.
In addition, there are two types of stereo observations. True stereo requires
two near-simultaneous images of a scene taken from different platforms or at
different locations by a single platform. The two separate images are displayed
by any of the above 3D techniques. False stereo involves using two spectral images
of the same scene. Usually, infrared imagery is used to approximate the height
of a pixel, whereas visible imagery is used for the brightness of a pixel. Then
each pixel is displayed by one of the above 3D techniques.
Three-dimensional techniques are seldom used because they require special
equipment, and true stereo requires near-simultaneous imagery from separate
platforms, which is not available with the current generation of meteorological
satellites. Future systems, however, will provide frequent revisit times from adja-
cent satellites and make 3D viewing a more practical analysis tool. The image
interpretation techniques discussed in this chapter are confined to 2D images;
however, many of the techniques can also be applied to 3D displays.

5.3.3 Statistical Enhancement

Statistical enhancement is an effective technique for automating the identifica-

tion of features on an image. The most common form of statistical enhancement
is the simple comparison of a pixel with its neighbors. This comparison can be
in the form of a difference between a pixel and its neighbors, or a gradient or a
5.4 Geolocation and Calibration ]57

Laplacian. Each of these measures is used to identify either the homogeneity of

a group of pixels or a boundary or edge passing through a pixel.
One application of this type of measure is to determine whether the pixel is
on a land/water or cloud/land boundary (sharp gradient or large difference) or
if the pixel is inside a larger homogeneous cloud or land mass (no gradient or
small difference). By grouping pixels of like structures, it is possible to locate
clouds, land, and water to a reasonable degree of accuracy (Kelly et al, 1989).
This technique is sometimes referred to as edge enhancement.


An important aspect of image interpretation is the accurate geographic location

of image pixels. Most applications of image interpretation to analysis and forecast-
ing require that features be placed at the proper location within the geographic
coordinate system of choice. This is necessary to allow its information content
to be transferred to the observation database, which also serves as the primary
input to forecast models. In some cases accurate navigation is not necessary, but
it is imperative when doing time-sequencing of images.

5.4.1 Navigation

The process of geolocating pixels is also called navigation and requires current
satellite orbit and attitude parameters plus algorithms that utilize these parameters
to calculate the latitude and longitude of each pixel or (the inverse problem)
which pixel is closest to a particular latitude-longitude point. This process is
described in detail in Chapter 2.

5.4.2 Gridding

Once navigation has been accomplished, and each pixel is assigned a latitude
and longitude, the next step is to apply a grid to aid in the visualization of where
image features are located geographically. The most common is the geopolitical
boundary grid. Another common grid is a latitude—longitude grid, which consists
of parallels and meridians placed at the proper location on the image. After
navigation has been performed, the image may also be remapped into another
coordinate system.

5.4.3 Remapping

Images are often transformed into common map projections (remapped) so

that image features can be compared to other map or gridded data such as surface
or upper air synoptic reports. The original scene viewed by the satellite is called
the satellite projection. In order to compare the satellite data with standard
158 Chapter 5 Image Interpretation

synoptic weather charts, the images are remapped into a common projection such
as polar stereographic or Mercator. Figure 5.7 shows data from four geostationary
satellites remapped into a Mollweide projection. The remapping process is done
one pixel at a time and can be computer-intensive for large images. (A 1024 x
1024 pixel image contains over 1 million pixels.)

5.4.4 Alignment

The proper navigation or remapping of an image does not guarantee that two
images taken at different times will be aligned geographically. This is due to
perturbations in the satellite's orbit and attitude parameters. The resulting mis-
alignment is most noticeable when looping images or compositing (overlaying)
successive images in time.
Several methods have been used to correct for misalignment with varying
degrees of success. One technique relies on the manual navigation of an image
by location of known geographic landmarks. Several landmarks are first identified
on an image. Because the latitude, longitude, and elevation of the landmarks are
known, the orbit and attitude parameters used to navigate the image can be
adjusted to force the identified pixels to have the correct latitude and longitude.
The new parameters are then used to renavigate the entire image.
Another technique involves warping the image to stretch or shrink it until it
fits a predefined grid. This technique also requires specific landmarks. By using
a predefined grid such as a geopolitical boundary map, the image is warped to
fit the graphic display. Warping degrades the integrity of data values due to
sampling or averaging. Both of these techniques are less accurate over the oceanic
regions where there are few recognizable geographic features. The top portion of

FIGURE 5.7. Mollweide projection of data from four geostationary satellites: GMS 4, GOES 7, Meteosat
3 , and Meteosat 5.
5.4 Geolocation and Calibration

Fig. 5.8 shows a poorly aligned GOES 7 image. Note the large error in the
geolocation of the image with respect to the graphic. The bottom portion of Fig.
5.8 shows the result after applying a third-order polynomial warping algorithm
to the image. The image now fits the graphic that was generated by the original
navigation parameters, so the navigation can be applied to the warped image to
remap it into any other projection.
Looping of two images during the alignment process, sometimes referred to
as flickering or toggling, can readily identify geographic features that are not
aligned. When properly aligned they appear as one stationary image when toggled,
but transient cloud, smoke, or airborne sand appear to move. This alignment
process is critical for any quantitative movement analysis because the loop should
show the movement of cloud features over a fixed geographic background. If the
image is not properly aligned, the movement of clouds is biased by the amount
of shift in the position of the geographic background.

5.4.5 Merging

One common reason for remapping is the production of a merged image

product. A cloud system may extend beyond the maximum viewing range of a
specific satellite, but is within range of another. Images from the two can be
merged to form a single view of the cloud field. Figure 5.7 shows an example of
an image that was created by merging four geostationary satellite images. Here
the individual images from the GMS 4, GOES 7, Meteosat 3, and Meteosat 5
satellites are remapped onto a Mollweide projection. The image was created by
remapping each satellite onto the output Mollweide grid and selecting the pixel
from the closest satellite where two of the original images overlap.

5.4.6 Normalization
When merging images from different satellites, it is important to note that
differences in the calibration of each individual satellite sensor can cause problems
if not taken into account. For example, on a GOES image, a digital count of 200
may represent a temperature of — 35°C, whereas the same count on a GMS image
may represent a temperature of -25°C. Further, the calibration of the two satellites
may differ. To account for these differences, one of the satellites must be normal-
ized to the other, so that a digital count value represents the same temperature
for both.
The process of normalization requires the extraction of digital values from co-
located pixels on overlapping portions of adjacent images. This is normally done
on a range of values, such as cool ocean or land points and very cold cloud
masses. After a sufficient number of collocated points have been measured, the
pairs of brightness temperatures derived from the digital values are fed into a
regression scheme to produce a set of normalization coefficients. These coefficients
are then applied to one of the images to bring it in line with the other. Because
Ί£0 Chapter 5 Image Interpretation

FIGURE 5.8. A poorly gridded GOES 7 image (top) and the same image after remapping to account
for navigation error (bottom).
5.4 Geolocation and Calibration

they under-fly all geostationary satellites, NOAA polar orbiting satellites have
been used to normalize all of the geostationary satellites that are used in the
International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) global cloud product
(see Chapter 8). Image normalization should be done before doing any quantitative
analysis of merged imagery.

5.4.7 Errors

There are a number of factors that limit our ability to perform the analysis of
satellite imagery. These factors include viewing angle biases, satellite sensor/lens/
filter/mirror imperfections, ground station equipment and processing, sensor lag,
signal contamination/attenuation, navigation/location errors, and the difficulty
in distinguishing land/water/cloud. The severity of a source of error varies with
each satellite system, and in some cases, a specific error may not have an adverse
affect on the image analysis (e.g., a location error with a magnitude of 2 km has
little effect on analysis of data that is sampled at 25-km resolution). Algorithms
have been developed to account for several of these errors; however, the analyst
should be aware of their presence when making quantitative assessments from
satellite imagery. Attenuation
Attenuation is a decrease in the amount of radiation reaching the satellite due
to absorption or scattering by the intervening medium. The result is that clouds
appear cooler and subsequently higher in the atmosphere. This error is most
pronounced in the infrared bands where the primary absorbers are water vapor,
carbon dioxide, and ozone. Errors in temperature can be on the order of 10 Κ
too cold, which is approximately a 1.5-km error in height. Attenuation increases
with distance from the satellite subpoint and is the cause of the cooler temperatures
at the extreme edges of a full-disk geostationary satellite image (referred to as
limb darkening). Background Contrast

When clouds or other phenomena have a radiative temperature that is close
to that of the underlying surface, the analyst may not be able to distinguish
them from the background. This source of error is widespread in radiometric
measurements from space. The primary technique for accounting for this error
is to sample the same scene in multiple spectral intervals (see Section 5.1). Contamination
Contamination is caused by radiation reaching the sensor from beneath a cloud.
This problem is most significant with thin clouds, such as cirrus. The additional
radiation makes the cloud appear warmer and, therefore, lower in the atmosphere.
This error is difficult to account for and, similar to background contrast errors,
can most often be detected by sensing in multiple channels.
162 Chapter 5 Image Interpretation Displacement
Displacement occurs as a result of the viewing-angle geometry and the projec-
tion of the image data onto a 2D plane for display as an image or photograph.
Figure 5.9 shows how the top of a cloud is displaced to a point away from the
satellite subpoint. This error, discussed by Warren (1977) and Weiss (1978), can
be corrected if the height of the cloud, the satellite position, and the coordinates
of the cloud are known. As one would expect, displacement errors become more
significant further from the satellite subpoint. Data from high latitudes collected
by the GOES satellites are often difficult to use because of this error. Foreshortening
Foreshortening is due to the effect of the Earth's curvature on the resolution
of an image. As an instrument scans from the subsatellite point toward the limb
of the Earth, pixels cover larger geographic areas and, with most instruments,
are spaced further apart. Figure 5.17 demonstrates this error for a NOAA polar-
orbiting satellite. For a geostationary satellite, foreshortening reduces the useful-
ness of the data beyond about 60° latitude from the subsatellite point. However,
some remapping techniques have been developed to ameliorate this problem. The
Operational Linescan System (OLS) on board the DMSP satellites has a special
(nonlinear) scan mechanism that causes all pixels to be the same distance apart
in the cross-track direction (compare Figs. 5.11 and 5.17). It does not change the
increase in size of the pixels toward the limb, however. Sensor Lag

Sensor lag produces an error in the radiative temperature assigned to each
pixel. As the sensor is moved along a scan line, the sensor "remembers" the
radiance it senses for a few microseconds. If L is the scene radiance, and if
L is the radiance measured by the instrument, then (Hubert, 1974; Adler and

Markus, 1982):
= l(L-L ) (5.1)

Cloud Position

Satellite —~
Line - of - Sight

FIGURE 5.9. Displacement due to cloud height. [After Weiss (1978).]

5.4 Geolocation and Calibration 153

where τ is called the time constant, and is about equal to 6 //,s for the VISSR or
VAS instruments according to Adler and Markus (1982). Since the VAS samples
an IR line every 8 /xs, a rough approximation is that the output of the sensor is
75% of the radiance from the current pixel, 20% of the previous pixel, and 5%
of the pixel before that one.
In addition, the IR sensors on the GOES satellites are over sampled; that is,
the east—west distance between pixels is less than the IFOV. Therefore, the
instrument senses a cloud, for example, before the center of the pixel actually
reaches the cloud and after the center of the pixel has left the cloud. These two
effects together result in a slight smoothing of the IR image, which slightly lessens
peaks and increases valleys in the IR data along a scan line. These effects are
important only when examining features which are of the same scale as the IFOV
of the instrument.

5.4J J Signal Interference

The satellite signal must be transmitted to the ground, and in some cases, such
as the GOES satellite, it must be processed, sent back to the satellite, and then
retransmitted to Earth stations. During this process there is a potential for interfer-
ence of the transmitted signal. This interference normally shows up as missing
lines of data (dropouts) or garbled data (see Fig. 5.10). Missing lines are easily
detected and can be corrected for by a number of averaging schemes that as-
sign values to each pixel in the missing line based on the value of neighboring
pixels. Viewing Angle

Viewing-angle errors manifest themselves in several ways. As a satellite samples
at increasingly large zenith angles, it looks at the sides of clouds as well as the
tops. This is a difficult error to correct. It causes the apparent fraction of the sky
covered with clouds to increase, in a similar fashion to the situation for a ground-
based observer. Another difficulty caused by view angle is that a larger geographic
area is sampled at larger zenith angles, and the corresponding resolution is poorer.
A satellite with a ground resolution of 1 km at satellite nadir may have a resolution
of 6 km or more at the edge of a scan (see Table 4.3).
Viewing angle must be considered when merging imagery from different satellite
platforms. Figure 5.10 shows a sector of an image that was created by merging
visible images from Meteosat 3 and DMSP-5D F l l . The "seam" between the
two images in Fig. 5.10 runs from the lower left to upper center of the image,
with the DMSP image to the left of the seam. At the seam, the distance from the
subpoint of the Meteosat 3 image is about 7000 km, whereas the distance from
the DMSP subpoint to the seam is less than 900 km. At this viewing angle, the
resolution of the Meteosat is degraded so that the cloud elements appear "fuzzier"
than those from the DMSP image.
Chapter 5 Image Interpretation

FIGURE 5.10. Infrared image produced by splicing images from DMSP and Meteosat 3. (Note: Missing
scan lines on DMSP image are included to aid in locating the polar orbiter data.)


With an introduction to the characteristics of meteorological satellite imagery

and some of the sources for error, we can now look at examples of the phenomena
that can be identified from the imagery. Several references are available that give
detailed analysis techniques for identifying specific phenomena on a satellite image.
These include Applications of Meteorological Satellite Data in Analysis and Fore-
casting (Anderson et al., 1974), Satellite Meteorology (Brandli, 1976), Navy Tacti-
cal Applications Guide. Volume I: Techniques and Applications of Image Analysis
(Fett and Mitchell, 1977), Satellite Interpretation (Weber and Wilderotter, 1981),
Nowcasting (Browning, 1982), Introduction to Weather Satellite Imagery (Carl-
son, 1982), Satellite Image Interpretation for Forecasters (Parke, 1986), Weather
Satellites (Rao et al., 1990), and Images in Weather Forecasting: A Practical
Guide for Interpreting Satellite and Radar Imagery (Bader et al, 1995). In the
following sections we list the features that are most commonly identified on
meteorological satellite imagery. We refer the reader to the above references for
a more detailed description of specific analysis techniques.

5.5.1 Clouds

Clouds are the single most informative feature on the satellite image, and in
some cases the most difficult to analyze. The presence of clouds is often the only
clue we have to a significant meteorological process occurring in the atmosphere.
5.5 Atmospheric and Surface Phenomena 165

Both the character and the extent of the clouds are important, as well as the
specific location of the cloud mass. In some cases the absence of clouds is more
significant than the occurrence of clouds. We look at some of the characteristics
of clouds and examine how we can detect them. We also examine some of the
properties of clouds that occasionally make them difficult to detect.
Clouds indicate the presence of moisture and some type of cooling mechanism.
The most common cause of cooling is upward vertical motion (convection) that
causes adiabatic expansion. Less common, but important for cloud formation,
are radiative cooling, and the advection of warm, moist air over a cool surface
or cold air over a warm, moist surface. The presence of clouds indicates that one
of these mechanisms is, or has recently been, occurring. The type of cloud and
its height present further clues about the process that is responsible for it.
We examine the characteristics of clouds in standard height categories. The
commonly accepted layers are low, middle, and high clouds, with some clouds,
such as cumulonimbus, spanning all three layers. In midlatitudes low clouds are
typically found below 3 km, middle clouds between 3 and 7 km, and high clouds
between 7 and 12 km, with cumulonimbus occasionally extending beyond 20
km. The placement of clouds in the three layers is normally done using infrared
imagery to assign heights based on cloud top temperature, but some cloud types
are best observed in visible imagery. We also identify some clouds that require
the use of both the visible and infrared imagery for proper identification, and we
look at the use of other channels, such as the water vapor absorption bands. Low-level Clouds

The three main low cloud types—cumulus, stratus, and stratocumulus—each
exhibit characteristics that allow us to identify them on a satellite image. Cumulus
clouds most often appear as individual cells or clusters of cells that are on the
order of 1 km in diameter, whereas stratus covers a large area, sometimes hundreds
of kilometers in extent, and is normally smooth in texture. Stratocumulus is
normally found in bands, called streets, or in large clusters. The tops of cumulus
and stratocumulus also have a more "lumpy" texture than stratiform clouds.
Some low clouds are difficult to identify without the use of a visible image or
knowledge of the underlying surface. Because low clouds are found within several
kilometers of the surface of the Earth, they have a radiative temperature that is
close to that of the underlying surface, making the detection of low clouds difficult
on an infrared image (see Figs. 5.5 and 5.6). Because the infrared image is a
display of radiative temperatures, the cloud and ground may appear nearly the
same temperature on the infrared image (in some cases where a strong temperature
inversion exists, the clouds may even appear warmer than the underlying surface).
In the visible, however, the clouds most often appear bright because of the high
albedo of the cloud tops compared to that of the land or water surface.

5.5.12 Middle-level Clouds

Characteristics of middle-level clouds are similar to those of low clouds, except
that they are not as difficult to distinguish from the underlying surface on an
166 Chapter 5 Image Interpretation

infrared image because they are much colder than the surface (Fig. 5.6). Exceptions
are extremely cold wintertime outbreaks over high and midlatitudes, and moun-
tainous terrain where the surface reaches middle cloud altitudes. Middle clouds
can also be either stratiform (altostratus) or cumuliform (altocumulus) and are
used to infer processes that extend into the midtroposphere. High-level Clouds

High clouds are composed exclusively of ice crystals, and some exhibit quite
unique characteristics. The majority of the high clouds are stratiform in texture
(cirrostatus) and of large extent. Some cirrus can be so thin that they do not
appear on the visible image. In this case, however, the infrared signature is often
distinct because the ice-crystal clouds are very cold and contrast with the warmer
background (see Figs. 5.5 and 5.6).

5.5.2 Storms
Storms are some of the most dramatic things captured in satellite data. In this
section we present images of several types of storms, but not by any means all
types of storms. Tropical Cyclones

With its unmistakable spiral shape and central eye, the tropical cyclone, includ-
ing hurricanes and typhoons, is the most memorable feature on any satellite image
(see Fig. 5.5). Indeed, if weather satellites detected nothing else besides these
monster storms, they would be well worth the money invested in them. A number
of techniques have been developed to estimate the movement and intensity of
tropical cyclones from satellite images. One of the most widely accepted is the
Dvorak technique (Dvorak, 1984), which assigns an intensity based on the size
and shape of the dense cloud shield adjacent to the center of the storm (see
Chapter 7). Loops of tropical cyclones are quite interesting. In high-resolution
visible imagery, one can see low clouds spiraling inward and high clouds spiraling
outward. As mentioned in Chapter 1, no tropical cyclone anywhere on Earth has
gone undetected since weather satellites became operational in the mid-1960s. Extratropical Cyclones

Perhaps the second most memorable thing in satellite imagery is the extratropi-
cal cyclone. The midlatitude cyclone model first described by Bjerknes in 1918
has been dramatically supported by weather satellites, from the cloud bands at
warm and cold fronts to the swirl of clouds at the center of a mature cyclone.
Figure 5.11 shows the clouds associated with a large midlatitude cyclone over
the central United States. A mature cyclone over southeast Canada with a cold
front trailing down the U.S. east coast can be clearly seen in Figs. 5.1 through
5.3. Evidence of a warm front can barely be seen at the limb of these images, but
the cold high-pressure system over the central United States behind the cold front
5.5 Atmospheric and Surface Phenomena 167 Midlatitude cyclone and other cloud features (see text).

is quite evident because of the clear weather it has produced. Weldon (1983)
reports on the results of a large effort to identify the relationship between cloud
patterns and frontogenesis, cyclogenesis, and wind fields in general. Severe Thunderstorms

Severe thunderstorms and potential tornadic thunderstorms can be identified
on satellite imagery by several interesting signatures. Severe thunderstorms quickly
extend to the top of the troposphere or beyond and are identifiable on infrared
images by very cold cloud tops and by rapid areal expansion of the anvil region
(Plate 3). By comparing the temperature of the cloud top to the tropopause
temperature we can determine whether the top has reached or penetrated the
tropopause. These signatures are examined further in Chapter 9.
Lines of thunderstorms, called squall lines, often form at or in advance of a
rapidly moving cold front, and can easily be detected on satellite imagery. Figure
5.11 shows the bright band of cloudiness associated with thunderstorms along
the leading edge of the cold front over the Gulf of Mexico and northward.
Satellite loops clearly show the movement of squall lines and most often show
the movement of individual cells within the line. Plate 3, which shows the frames
of a loop, captures a squall line forming in southern Illinois and central Indiana.
158 Chapter 5 Image Interpretation Lightning
Although not a storm, lightning is an indicator of thunderstorms. A special
low-light nighttime visible sensor on board the DMSP satellite can detect lightning,
even though its designers never envisioned that it would do so. The visible sensor
on the OLS instrument was designed to be sensitive enough to detect clouds
illuminated by moonlight. Because of its sensitivity, the sensor is momentarily
saturated when a bright lightning flash occurs as it scans across a thunderstorm.
This produces a bright streak along a scan line which lasts until the sensor falls
below saturation a few pixels later. Figure 5.12 shows a dramatic example of
lightning in an intense squall line over the Gulf of Mexico. In this example, city
lights show up over the land, but the bright streaks over the water are clearly
caused by lightning from the intense line of thunderstorms that appears as bright
(cold) clouds on the corresponding infrared image. Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)

The ITCZ is an easily recognizable, intermittent band of cloudiness that circles
the Earth in the vicinity of the equator. The cloudiness is associated with numerous
rain showers and thunderstorms formed by the convergence of the northeast and
southeast Trade Winds. In Figs. 5.1 through 5.3 the ITCZ extends in an arch
pattern from the central Pacific Ocean to South America. The ITCZ migrates
north and south of the equator following the sun with the changing seasons.

5.5.3 Wind Flow

Wind flow can often be inferred by the orientation or character of cloud

elements. In this section we discuss several qualitative methods that are in common
use. In Chapter 7 we discuss cloud and vapor tracking by which quantitative
wind vectors are derived. Low-level Winds

Low-level cumulus clouds often line up in "cloud streets," which are parallel
to the low-level wind direction. This pattern is noted in the warm sector of the
cyclone in Fig. 5.11, and it can be seen in Fig. 5.15 as well. This pattern is more
evident when images are looped. Midlevel Winds
There are relatively few clouds at midlevels to indicate wind flow. Water-vapor
imagery, however, shows the midlevels well. The patterns seen in water vapor
imagery are nearly like streamlines and can be used to draw midlevel streamline
analyses (see Fig. 5.3). Loops of water-vapor imagery are particularly informative. Jet Stream and Jet Streaks
Several distinct cloud patterns are associated with the jet stream. The most
common is a sharp edge in a long cirrus cloud shield (see Fig. 5.11). This edge
is caused by the counterclockwise rotation in the direction of the jet stream, which
FIGURE 5.12. DMSP infrared image (top) of an intense squall line over the Gulf of Mexico, The
companion DMSP low-light visible image (bottom) showing "lightning streaks" in the convective
line. [Courtesy of N O A A / N a t i o n a l Geophysical Data Center.]
170 Chapter 5 Image Interpretation

causes upward motion and condensation to the equatorward side of the jet and
subsiding air to the poleward side. The axis of the jet stream is at the cloud edge.
Jet streaks are small wind maxima that move through the large-scale circulation
patterns. Because they are associated with localized upward vertical motion, they
produce clouds that can be used to identify their location. Jet streaks often appear
as a thickening of the jet stream cirrus in the vicinity of the maximum winds.
Transverse banding is also associated with the jet stream and is an indication
of strong winds. Transverse bands form perpendicular to the axis of the jet
stream and have been shown to indicate winds in excess of 40 m s (80 kt) _ 1

(Brandli, 1976).

5.53.4 Cyclonic and Anticyclonic Circulations

The detection of cyclonic or anticyclonic flow patterns is an integral part of
the global circulation analyses. Most input for the analyses comes from the global
rawinsonde sounding network. There are, however, large gaps in the network,
especially over oceans. Satellites can be used to identify the location of troughs
and ridges and circulation centers. Note the cyclonic circulation system in Figs.
5.1-5.3 off the west coast of South America. In most instances, watching cloud
motion in a loop of successive images is the best way to determine the location
of circulation centers. The reader is referred to the references listed at the beginning
of Section 5.5 for the many techniques to determine cyclonic and anticyclonic
circulations from satellite images. Turbulence
Turbulence cannot be detected directly from satellite imagery; however, certain
cloud patterns are unmistakably related to turbulence. The most common geo-
graphic location for turbulence-induced clouds is in mountainous terrain. The
impingement of strong wind flow into a high mountain barrier frequently results
in mountain wave turbulence and, if moisture conditions are right, in the formation
of mountain wave clouds (Fig. 5.13). Wave clouds are associated with moderate
to severe turbulence. Figure 5.14 shows a typical example of mountain wave
turbulence over the Appalachians. Wave clouds normally form in bands that are
parallel to the mountain barrier that induced them. The spacing between bands

FIGURE 5.13. Mountain wave cloud formation.
5.5 Atmospheric and Surface Phenomena 171

FIGURE 5.14. Visible DMSP image showing "mountain waves" that have formed downwind from the
Appalachian Mountains. Also note the characteristic dendritic signature of the fog/stratus that has
formed in the valleys, and the cloud shadows to the north and west of the cloud edges.

is linearly related to the normal component of the wind at the barrier, though
different authors give different relationships (Brandli, 1976, p. 106; Weber and
Wilderotter, 1981, p. 15).
Another form of wave cloud is the billow cloud (Ludlam, 1967; Brandli, 1976),
which is similar in appearance to the wave cloud but is a high cloud and it is not
associated with the topographic barrier. In fact, wave clouds can form when
moist air is forced to flow over a cooler (more dense) air mass. The result is a
sinusoidal wave pattern propagating downstream and forming clouds in the upper
portion of the wave. Billow clouds, because they are high clouds, show up best
on an infrared image. Sea Breeze

Another cloud signature that is associated with a wind flow pattern is the
sea breeze (or land breeze) cloud boundary. During daylight hours, sinking air
172 Chapter 5 Image Interpretation

suppresses clouds over the cooler water, while rising air forms clouds over the
warmer land. Coastlines are therefore regularly outlined in clouds. Figure 5.15
shows an area along the east coast of Florida where sea breeze clouds have been
pushed inland by prevailing northeasterly winds. A more localized "lake breeze"
is also evident over and downwind of Lake Okeechobee and smaller lakes.

5.5.4 Miscellaneous Phenomena

A wide variety of meteorologically important phenomena in addition to those
discussed above can be seen in weather satellite images. We present a few of them
in this section.

FIGURE 5.15. Visible DMSP image showing the effect of the "sea breeze" along the east coast of Florida
and "lake effect" over Lake Okeechobee.
5.5 Atmospheric and Surface Phenomena 173

5.5.11 Dust and Sand

Dust, when carried aloft by strong winds, can be detected on satellite imagery.
Dust is most easily seen on the visible image when it is advected over a surface
of relatively low reflectivity, such as an ocean (Fig 5.16). Dust, or blowing sand,
is not as easily distinguishable over brighter regions, such as deserts, because it
exhibits a reflectivity that is similar to the surface.
Dust that reaches high altitudes, such as volcanic ash, can be seen in infrared
images. It appears warmer near the source of the volcano and, if the dust cloud
remains dense enough, farther downstream it blocks the radiation from below
the dust cloud and produces a cooler signature similar to a cloud. The presence
of dust or sand in the air is an indicator of strong surface winds that are required
to carry the dust into the atmosphere. Sun Glint

Sun glint is a bright spot on the visible image caused by the sunlight reflecting
from a smooth surface (Fig. 5.16). The signature is most often seen over the
ocean, and the intensity of the spot indicates the character of the surface. If surface
winds are calm, the ocean is smooth, the reflection is strong, and the spot is well
defined. With stronger winds, the sea surface is rough, the reflection is more
diffuse, and the spot is less well defined. Note the clouds that are present in the
area of the sun glint by comparing the infrared and visible images in Fig 5.16.
The bright sun obscures much of the cloud that is evident on the infrared image. Smoke and Fire

Smoke is similar to dust or sand in its appearance on an image, except that it
is normally localized and comes from a point source (Fig. 5.17). The most notable
feature of smoke is that it appears warm on the infrared image and often has a
distinct signature at night when the ground provides a cool background. Most
small fires, such as a house or brush fire, are not seen because of the resolution
of today's meteorological satellites. However, larger events such as a forest fire
are often easily detected. Interestingly, the 3.7 μηι band is much more sensitive
to fires or hot objects than is the l l - μ π ι band. Images at 3.7 μπι have been used
to locate steel mills and oil refineries (Kidder and Wu, 1987) and to count forest
fires in the Amazon basin. Snow and Ice

Snow and ice can make cloud discrimination difficult. In the visible image,
snow and ice can have a reflectivity that is close to that of a cloud, whereas in
the infrared the surface is close to that of a low cloud. The primary difference
between cloud and snow seems almost too obvious; snow does not move. This
simple fact is the basis for distinguishing snow from cloud by using successive
images to detect clouds by their movement across a snow field. Even this technique
is sometimes difficult because clouds do not always move, and the development
or dissipation of clouds can sometimes negate the actual movement of a cloud.
FIGURE 5.16. Visible Meteosat 4 image (top) showing the distinctive signature of airborne dust off the
coast of Africa. Also note the brighter sunglint region just southwest of the African coast. N o t e that
the dust and glint are not discernible on the corresponding infrared image (bottom).
5.5 Atmospheric and Surface Phenomena 175

FIGURE 5.17. GOES image showing smoke from the Yellowstone fires of 1988.

Snow and ice can sometimes be identified by the fact that they conform to
geographic features. Valleys, rivers, and lakes are often free of snow, whereas
surrounding land surfaces are covered, making it easier to distinguish between
clouds and snow. This is evident on Fig. 5.11 in the upper Ohio Valley. Also
note the ice that covers a portion of Lake Michigan.
A technique using daytime 3.7-μπι data has also shown success in discriminat-
ing low cloud from snow cover (Kidder and Wu, 1984). Figure 5.18 shows three
images of the same scene made by the AVHRR. In the visible and 11 -μηι infrared
images, the clouds in Nebraska and Kansas are nearly indistinguishable from the
snow to the east. In the 3.7-/xm image, however, there is dramatic contrast between
the clouds and the snow due to reflection of sunlight by the clouds but not by
the snow. Sea-Surface Temperatures
Sea-surface temperatures, and more importantly temperature gradients, can be
analyzed from infrared imagery. The measurement of surface temperatures, of
FIGURE 5.18. Three N O A A A V H R R channels for discrimination of cloud from snow: (top) channel
1—visible, (middle) channel 3 - 3 . 7 /xm, and (bottom) channel 4 — 1 1 μτη. [Adapted from Kidder and
Wu (1984).]
5.5 Atmospheric and Surface Phenomena yfl

course, requires a cloud-free area. Figure 5.19 is an example of sea-surface temper-

ature gradients in an infrared image. In Chapter 6 we detail schemes for quantita-
tively retrieving sea-surface temperature, but images such as Fig. 5.19 are useful
in themselves, for example, to locate fish.

5.54.6 Land and Water Features

The proper interpretation of satellite imagery requires a knowledge of the
surface characteristics in the scene being analyzed. There are unique signatures
that can be used to identify water, land, snow, ice, and various types of soil and
vegetation. Characteristics of these surfaces affect the contribution of that surface
to the radiation reaching the satellite. In addition, information about the elevation,
latitude, and climate can be used to explain certain features on the image.
The boundary between land and water is important both for identification of
clouds and for the proper navigation and gridding of images. Cloud types found
over water are often different from those over an adjacent land mass. Land areas
can exhibit sharp changes in elevation that are not possible over water. Also, the
thermal characteristics of land and water produce varying background radiance
properties over the diurnal cycle. The characteristics of land and water are different
in each spectral channel and can also vary with the composition of the land and
water surfaces.
The manual navigation and gridding of an image requires a recognizable geo-
graphic location. The most often used points are land/water boundaries such as
coastlines, lakes, or rivers. These features can be striking on both visible and
infrared imagery. The quality of gridding is quite evident when the geopolitical
boundaries are placed over a coastline.
Water surfaces normally appear darker than land in the visible image. A sea
surface with a high sun angle has an albedo of about 0.05-0.10, whereas land
(soil) can have an albedo of 0.10 to as high as 0.35 over sand. Forests typically
have albedos of 0.03 to 0.10. This contrast is not as great over a rough
ocean surface where less of the solar radiation is reflected back toward the
A useful tool for the analysis of visible imagery is a radiance background image.
Fig 5.20 is a visible radiance background image that was constructed by processing
a month of visible images, each at 1800 UTC, and by selecting the darkest pixel
at a given location for the month. This scene represents the image that would be
viewed if there were no clouds present. This type of image can be used to determine
the presence of clouds, because clouds will increase the brightness.
In the infrared, the difference in the land/water signature is a function of their
temperatures. A cold water surface next to a warm land surface gives sharp
contrast, whereas a cold water surface next to a cold land surface may be indistin-
guishable. In addition, water temperatures change more slowly than land, so the
contrast may be good at one time of day and poor at a later time. For example,
the contrast between Lake Michigan and the shoreline may be poor in the morning
in the fall when they are both at nearly the same temperature, but sharp in the
afternoon when the land warms.
FIGURE 5.19. GOES visible image (top) of the U.S. east coast (note cloud-free area over the ocean east
of the coast) compared with the concurrent infrared image (bottom), which shows a sharp ocean
temperature gradient in the vicinity of the gulf stream.
5.5 Atmospheric and Surface Phenomena 179

FIGURE 5.20. Visible "background" image that represents the cloud-free radiance for a portion of the
northwestern United States at 1 8 0 0 UTC during the month of July. Sand, Soil, Vegetation

Sandy surfaces have a higher reflectivity than soil or vegetation in the visible
channel. Some sandy regions, such as the White Sands in New Mexico, have a
reflectivity that is close to snow and cloud. In the infrared, the sandy surface
appears cooler at night and warmer during the day than a corresponding soil or
vegetation surface.
Agricultural land exhibits variable reflectivity and emittance during different
seasons of the year. When the fields are freshly plowed they normally appear
darker than a few days later when the ground is dry. The field is normally even
darker after crops have grown to cover the bare ground.
A useful tool is the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). It is
constructed using visible and near infrared data from a land remote sensing
satellite such as Landsat or from the AVHRR on the NOAA satellites. Basically,
180 Chapter 5 Image Interpretation

chlorophyll, the green substance that is responsible for photosynthesis, reflects

near infrared radiation more than it reflects visible radiation. This signature is
unique to green plants. If L is the radiance in AVHRR channel 1 (visible) and

L is the radiance in channel 2, then NDVI is (L - L j ) / ^ + L ). Normalizing

2 2 x

by L + L removes the effect of varying sun angle and viewing angle. NDVI is
x 2

high when green plants cover a pixel and low when no green plants are present.


In this chapter we have been able to present only a few, mostly black-and-
white, images made with data from weather satellites. A new and inexpensive
source of satellite imagery has become available in the last few years: images
offered on the Internet via file-transfer protcol (ftp) servers such as Gopher or by
hypertext-transfer protocol (http) servers such as Mosaic. We strongly encourage
readers who have access to the Internet to explore some of the wide variety of
still and animated satellite imagery which is available.


Adler, R. F., and M. J. Markus (1982). Determination of thunderstorm heights and intensities from
GOES infrared data. Preprints: Ninth Conf. on Weather Forecasting and Analysis. American
Meteorological Society, Boston, pp. 2 5 0 - 2 5 7 .
Anderson, R. Κ., V. J. Oliver, E. W. Ferguson, F. E. Bittner, A. H. Smith, J. F. W. Purdom, G. R.
Farr, and J. P. Ashman (1974). Applications of Meteorological Satellite Data in Analysis and
Forecasting, ESS A Tech. Report NESC 5 1 , U.S. Dept. Commerce, Washington, D C .
Bader, M. J., G. S. Forbes, J. R. Grant, R. Β. E. Lilley, and A. J. Waters (eds.) (1995). Images in
Weather Forecasting: A Practical Guide for Interpreting Satellite and Radar Imagery. Cambridge
University Press, N e w York.
Brandli, H. W. (1976). Satellite Meteorology, AWS-TR-76-264, Hq. Air Weather Service, Scott AFB,
IL, 188 pp.
Browning, K. A. (ed.) (1982). Nowcasting, Academic Press, San Diego.
Carlson, D. L. (1982). Introduction to Weather Satellite Imagery. N O A A Tech. M e m o . N W S
SR-103, N O A A , U.S. Dept. Commerce, 4 7 pp.
Dvorak, V. F. (1984). Tropical Cyclone Intensity Analysis Using Satellite Data, N O A A Tech. Rep.
NESDIS 1 1 , N O A A , U.S. Dept. Commerce.
Fett, R. W., and W. F. Mitchell (1977). Navy Tactical Applications Guide. Volume I Techniques and
Applications of Image Analysis. Naval Environmental Prediction Research Facility, Monterey, CA.
Fett, R. W., P. E. La Violette, Μ. Nestor, J. W. Nickerson, and K. Rabe (1979). Navy Tactical
Applications Guide. Volume II Environmental Phenomena and Effects. Naval Environmental
Prediction Research Facility, Monterey, CA.
Hubert, L. F. (1974). A Computation of the Time Constant of SMS IR Sensing System. NESS Internal
M e m o . , N O A A / N E S S , Washington, D C .
Kelly, F. P., T. H. Vonder Haar, and P. W. Mielke, Jr. (1989). Imagery randomized block analysis
(IRBA) applied to the verification of cloud edge detectors, / . Atmos. Oceanic Tech., 6, 6 7 1 - 6 7 9 .
Kidder, S. Q., and H.-T. W u (1984). Dramatic contrast between low clouds and snow cover in daytime
3.7 μπι imagery. Mow. Wea. Rev., 1 1 2 , 2 3 4 5 - 2 3 4 6 .
Kidder, S. Q., and H.-T. Wu (1987). A multi-spectral study of the St. Louis area under snow-covered
conditions using N O A A — 7 A V H R R data. Remote Sens. Environ., 2 2 , 1 5 8 - 1 7 2 .
5.6 A Final Note 181

Ludlam, R. H. (1967). Characteristics of billow clouds and their relation to clear air turbulence.
Quart. J. Royal Met. Soc, 9 3 , 4 1 9 - 4 3 5 .
Morel, P., M. Desbois and G. Szewach (1978). A new insight into the troposphere with the water
vapor channel of Meteosat. Bull. Am. Meteor. Soc, 5 9 , 7 1 1 - 7 1 4 .
Parke, P. S. (ed.) (1986). Satellite Imagery Interpretation for Forecasters. Weather Service Forecasting
Handbook N o . 6, N O A A , Washington, D C .
Parmenter-Holt, F. C. (1982). Reliability of enhanced infrared (EIR) geostationary satellite data at
high latitudes, Mon. Wea. Rev., 110, 1 5 1 9 - 1 5 2 3 .
Rao, Κ. P , S. J. Holmes, R. Κ Anderson, J. S. Winston, and P. E. Lehor (eds.) (1990). Weather
Satellites: Systems, Data, And Environmental Applications. American Meteorological Society,
Boston, 5 0 3 pp.
Spencer, R. W. (1986). A satellite passive 3 7 - G H z scattering-based method for measuring oceanic
rain rates. / . Climate Appl. Meteor., 2 5 , 7 5 4 - 7 6 6 .
Spencer, R. W , Η. M. Goodman, and R. E. H o o d (1988). Precipitation retrieval over land and ocean
with the SSM/I, Part 1: identification and characteristics of the scattering signal. / . Atmos. and
Oceanic Tech., 6, 2 5 4 - 2 7 3 .
Spencer, R. W , W. S. Olson, W. Rongzhang, D. W. Martin, J. A. Weinman, and D. A. Santek (1983)
Heavy thunderstorms observed over land by the N I M B U S — 7 Scanning Multichannel Microwave
Radiometer. / . Climate Appl. Meteor., 22, 1 0 4 1 - 1 0 4 6 .
Vonder Haar, Τ. Η, D. L. Reinke, and S. Naqvi (1989). G E O R G E — 3 D : A minicomputer-based
system for 4-dimensional analysis and display of combined satellite, radar, terrain and map data.
Proceedings: Fifth Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems, American Mete-
orological Society, Boston, pp. 2 2 - 2 5 .
Warren, R. (1977) Displacement Error of Satellite Cloud Tops, N W S Technical Attach. N o . 7 7 - G 4 ,
SSD-CRH, 3 pp.
Weber, Ε. M., and S. Wilderotter (1981). Satellite Interpretation. Air Weather Service, 3rd Wea.
Wing, Technical N o t e - 8 1 / 0 0 1 , Offutt AFB, N E , 95 pp.
Weiss, C. E. (1978). Cloud-Location Corrections Near the Horizon of an SMS Image. Satellite
Applications Information N o t e 7 8 / 8 , N O A A / N E S D I S , U.S. Dept. Commerce, Washington, D C ,
8 pp.
Weldon, R. (1983). Synoptic Scale Cloud Systems. NESDIS Training Notes, Satellite Applications
Laboratory, N O A A , U.S. Dept. Commerce, Washington, D C , 35 pp.
Weldon, R , and S. Holmes (1984). Characteristics of Water Vapor Imagery. NESDIS Training Notes,
Satellite Applications Laboratory, N O A A , U.S. Dept. Commerce, Washington, D C , 2 pp.
and Trace

O NE OF THE most important applications of satellite measurements is

atmospheric sounding, that is, retrieving vertical profiles of tempera-
ture and trace-gas concentrations, especially those of water vapor and ozone. In
this chapter we discuss the theory, practice, and accuracy of such retrievals, and
methods of assimilating these data into numerical models. In these retrievals,
radiance from the surface is considered to be noise for which corrections must
be made. We also discuss the opposite problem, that is, sensing surface parameters,
such as land and sea surface temperature, in which the atmospheric contribution
to the radiance is noise that must be eliminated.


There are two basic types of passive atmospheric sounding: vertical sounding,
in which the sounding instrument senses radiation coming from the atmosphere
and the Earth's surface; and limb sounding, in which only the limb of the atmo-
sphere is sensed. Both sounding methods utilize Schwarzchild's equation. Active
atmospheric sounding includes the use of lidar and radar. In this chapter we focus

"Jg^ Chapter 6 Temperature and Trace Gases

on passive techniques, which are in use today. A discussion of active techniques

is postponed to Chapter 11.

6.1.1 Vertical Sounding

Vertical sounding theory starts from the integrated form of Schwarzchild's

equation (Eq. 3.38):

^βχρ(-£) /\χρ(-<^Κ,τΑ + ,6.1,

μ/ o ν \ μ- ι J
which applies to an atmosphere free of scattering. Although optical depth δ is a
physically meaningful quantity, it is not necessarily optimal for retrieving sound-
ings. Instead, we substitute h, a generalized height coordinate that can be replaced
with height z, pressure p, ln( p), optical depth, transmittance, or any other function
which is monotonic in height; b and h represent the Earth's surface and the top

of the atmosphere, respectively. Recalling that τ (δ ,δ ), the vertical transmittance λ 1 2

between levels 8 and δ , is given by (Eq. 3.39)

t 2

τ (δ ,δ )- χρ(-|δ -δ |),
λ 1 2 ε (6.2)
2 1

we have, after some manipulation,

LotJ'" + f
Lk = B {T)W (h,p)dh,
x x (6.3a)

W X ( M = ^ ( Ä (6.3b)

where L is the radiance emerging from the Earth's surface, τ is the vertical
G 0

transmittance from the surface to the satellite, and r is the slant-path transmit- k

tance from level h to the satellite. W {h^) is called a weighting function because

it weights Β (Τ) in the atmospheric term. Of course, if the scene is overcast, an


infrared sounder will see only down to the cloud top, in which case L and τ Q 0

should be replaced with the cloud top values L and r , respectively, and the c c

atmospheric term should be integrated from h to h . c T

If the atmosphere is observed at a number of carefully chosen wavelengths,

whose weighting functions sample the atmosphere, it is possible to retrieve B (T) k

(and thus Τ itself) as a function of h. This idea was first put forward by Kaplan
(1959). Figure 6.1 shows r and W for six channels in the 15-μπι band of C 0
k k 2

used on the Vertical Temperature Profile Radiometer (VTPR) on the NOAA 2

through NOAA 5 satellites.
In the microwave portion of the spectrum, the weighting function must be
modified slightly for soundings made over water. For infrared observations, and
for microwave observations over dry ground, the emittance of the surface is
approximately one, and there is very little reflection. The surface term is usually
approximated as Β {Τ )τ{ , where T is the skin temperature, that is, the tempera-
λ 0

6.1 Sounding Theory ]g5

0. .1 .2 .3 4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0 0. .01 .02 .03 .04 .05


TRANSMITTANCE (-dr/d(p 2 / 7

FIGURE 6.1. Transmittances to the satellite and weighting functions from the Vertical Temperature
Profile Radiometer on the N O A A 2 through N O A A 5 satellites. In this figure the vertical coordinate
is h = -p .
N o t e that the weighting functions peak near the level where transmittance is approximately
one. [Courtesy of Donald W. Hillger, N O A A / N E S D I S . ]

ture of the ground itself. Water, however, reflects as much as 60% of the micro-

wave radiation incident on it. In this case, the surface radiance, L , is composed Q

of two terms, the radiation emitted by the surface and the reflected sky radiance:

L = e B (T ) + ( l - e J L
0 0 x 0 s k y , (6.4)

where the water surface has been approximated as a specular reflector with
reflectance 1 - ε . The sky brightness may be determined by applying Schwarz-

child's equation:

rhj d \ (τ \1/μ

dh, (6.5)

where ( τ / τ ) is the slant-path transmittance from level h to the Earth's surface.

0 λ

T is the space temperature (approximately 2.7 K) caused by radiation left over


from the Big Bang. Combining Eqs. 6.3 and 6.5 shows that the radiance measured
from a satellite is

L = ε Β ( Τ ) τ ^ + (1 - e )B (T )r^
K 0 λ 0 0 K sp3ce + fj B (T)W (h^)dh,
K x (6.6)

This is not the "surface" temperature as measured by a thermometer in a standard meteorologi-
cal shelter.
Over water, microwave radiation is polarized, and ε is a strong function of polarization (see 0

Fig. 7.9). The following equations apply, but the appropriate value of ε , depending on the polarization 0

of the radiometer, must be used.

"|g£ Chapter 6 Temperature and Trace Gases


VMM = l + (l-e )l?j 0 J ^ - . (6.7)

This is a general weighting function that approaches Eq. 6.3b as ε approaches 0

one. The differences between these equations and Eqs. 6.3 arises from the fact
that reflection affords the satellite the opportunity to see the atmosphere twice,
once before reflection, and once after reflection. Figure 6.2 shows W for the x

three temperature sounding channels of the Nimbus 6 Scanning Microwave Spec-

trometer (SCAMS).
We note that the radiances measured by satellite radiometers can be useful in
themselves; they do not need to be inverted to supply information about the
atmosphere. Spencer and Christy (1990), for example, have used brightness tem-
peratures from the Microwave Sounding Unit (MSU) to assemble a global climatol-
ogy of mean atmospheric temperature beginning in 1979. They used channel 2
of the MSU, which is insensitive to the surface and has a weighting function that
peaks in the middle troposphere. The channel 2 brightness temperature, without
further processing, is a mean temperature of the troposphere and lower strato-
sphere as expressed in Eq. 6.6. Since microwave radiation is nearly unaffected
by clouds, and since the MSU is calibrated on every scan, the MSU climatology

FIGURE 6.2. Weighting functions for two scan angles for the Nimbus 6 Scanning Microwave Spectrome-
ter. [After Staelin et al (1975).]
6.1 Sounding Theory 187

is potentially a very sensitive indicator of the warming or cooling of the global

atmosphere and of changing patterns of atmospheric temperature.
Since all of the radiation sensed by the satellite comes from space, the Earth's
surface, or the atmosphere, the weights for these three sources must sum to one.
This results in a useful integral constraint on W (h^): k


As μ increases, the peak of the weighting function moves higher in the atmo-
sphere. For wavelengths in which the weighting function peaks in the troposphere
(which cools with height), radiance decreases as the instrument scans away from
nadir. This is called limb darkening. The complementary effect, limb brightening,
occurs when the weighting function peaks in a region of the atmosphere in which
temperature increases with height. In the typical retrieval process, an empirical
correction for limb darkening is applied to raw sounding data before retrieval;
all of the scan spots are then treated as if they were at nadir (see Section
The original idea for sounding the atmosphere from satellites (King, 1958) em-
ployed limb darkening. King suggested that observations at a single wavelength,
but at several zenith angles, could be used to retrieve atmospheric temperature pro-
files. 3

Transmittance is a function of temperature and the mixing ratio of the absorb-

ing gas. For well-mixed gases such as 0 and C 0 , we assume that the mixing
2 2

ratio is known and independent of height. Wavelengths that are sensitive to these
gases are used to retrieve atmospheric temperature. For wavelengths sensitive to
variable trace gases, such as 0 and water vapor, we assume that the temperature

profile is known and use the radiances to retrieve mixing ratios (or concentrations).
Unfortunately, no wavelengths are completely free of absorption by the variable
trace gases; this contributes to errors in retrieving temperatures. Also, errors in
our knowledge of temperatures result in errors in trace-gas retrievals (see below).
The above equations are strictly applicable only at a single wavelength, but
satellite instruments sense a band of wavelengths. The equations must be integrated
over wavelength using the spectral response function of each channel as a weight.
As discussed in Section 3.4, however, spectral integration is very time-consuming.
In the microwave portion of the spectrum, where there are relatively few absorp-
tion lines, an equivalent wavelength is often employed. The equivalent wavelength
is chosen near the center frequency of a satellite channel such that the spectrally
integrated radiance sensed by the satellite is approximately the same as the radiance
at the equivalent wavelength. When a transmittance must be calculated, a line-
by-line calculation is done, but only at one wavelength, the equivalent wavelength.
In the infrared region, line-by-line calculations at even a single equivalent
wavelength are too time-consuming. A recursive method is frequently employed

Fleming (1980, 1 9 8 2 , 1985) suggested combining wavelength and zenith angle scanning. Sound-
ings would be retrieved by the method used to invert CAT (computer-assisted tomography; X-ray)
188 Chapter 6 Temperature and Trace Gases

(Smith, 1969; McMillin and Fleming, 1976; Fleming and McMillin, 1977; McMil-
lin et ai, 1979). The atmosphere is divided into predetermined layers, and the
transmittance of each layer, averaged over the response function of the radiometer
channel, is calculated line-by-line. In each layer, polynomial functions of tempera-
ture, humidity, and (sometimes) zenith angle are then fitted to the results. Given
estimates of temperature and humidity (and zenith angle), the polynomial coeffi-
cients can be used to quickly calculate transmittance of any layer. The transmit-
tance from a particular level to the satellite is then simply the product of the
transmittances of the layers above. This method is fast, easy, and accurate (consid-
ering the experimental uncertainties in measurements of line parameters), but it
does not let the user change the layers used in the calculations.

6.1.2 Limb Sounding

An important technique in satellite meteorology is limb sounding in which the

sounder scans the Earth's limb (see Fig. 4.26). The above equations need to be
modified slightly for limb sounding because radiation from the Earth's surface is
not sensed. Consider a ray traveling in the positive χ direction toward the satellite.
The height above the surface of the ray at its closest approach to Earth is called
the tangent height, z . The radiance measured by the satellite is given by

άτ {χ,ζ )
λ Ύ
L (z )='_ (6.9)
k T
This can be converted to a vertical integral:

L (z )=
k T Γ B (T)W (z,z )dz,
x k T

dT (x,z )\ (dr {x,z ) dx
k k
W (z,z )

dx dx Tz
k T

and the + and - subscripts indicate values along the positive and negative χ
axes, respectively.
Limb sounding has several advantages over vertical sounding (Gille and
House, 1971):
• The weighting functions peak very sharply at the tangent height because
the instrument senses nothing below the tangent height and atmospheric
density decreases exponentially above the tangent height (Fig. 6.3).
• The background (space) is cold and uniform in contrast to vertical sound-
ing in which the background (the surface) is hot and variable.
• There is up to 60 times more emitting material along a horizontal path
than along a vertical path. This means that temperatures can be measured
to higher altitudes than with vertical sounders, and low-concentration
gases can be better detected.
6.2 Retrieval Methods 189

Π t~i ι ι ι 1 ι ι ι ι I ι ι ι ι 1 ι ι ι ι I ι ι ι ι I ι ι ι ι I ι ι ι

0 0.1 0.2 0 3

FIGURE 6.3. Weighting functions for the Nimbus 6 L R I R wide 15-μπι channel used for temperature
sounding. [After Gille et al (1980).]

The disadvantages are

• Clouds and the finite FOV of the instrument (~2 km) limit limb sounding
to the upper troposphere and above.
• The geometry limits the horizontal resolution of the soundings, although
this is thought not to be a significant limitation in the stratosphere.


The physical problem we would like to solve is this: What temperature and
trace gas concentration profiles could have produced a set of observed radiances?
This is called the inverse problem or retrieval problem. The opposite problem,
called the forward problem, is to calculate outgoing radiances given temperature
and trace-gas profiles.
Clouds cover approximately 50% of the Earth; thus about 50% of soundings
are contaminated with clouds. We defer until Chapter 8 a discussion of methods
to detect and correct for clouds in infrared sounding data. In the remainder of
this chapter we assume that the radiances are "clear-column radiances" which
have been corrected for clouds.
Given clear-column radiances, the forward problem is easy to solve, but the
retrieval problem is difficult because the solution is not unique. Even if a noise-
free radiometer that measured radiances at all wavelengths could be constructed,
a unique solution to the radiative transfer equation would not be guaranteed
(Chahine, 1970). When a finite number of wavelengths are observed and the
measurements are contaminated with noise, an infinite number of solutions are
possible. The retrieval problem becomes one of finding temperature profiles that
190 Chapter 6 Temperature and Trace Gases

satisfy the radiative transfer equation and approximate the true profiles as closely
as possible. Approaches to the retrieval problem can be classified into three general
areas: physical retrievals, statistical retrievals, and hybrid retrievals.

6.2.1 Physical Retrievals

In physical retrieval schemes the ease of the forward problem is exploited in

an iterative process as follows:
1. A first-guess temperature profile is chosen.
2. The weighting functions are calculated.
3. The forward problem is solved to yield estimates of the radiance in each
channel of the radiometer.
4. If the computed radiances match the observed radiances within the noise
level of the radiometer, the current profile is accepted as the solution.
5. If convergence has not been achieved, the current profile is adjusted (see
6. Steps 3 through 5 (or 2 through 5) are repeated until a solution is found.
The two most widely used methods of adjusting the temperature profile are
those of Chahine (1970) and Smith (1970). Chahine retrieves temperatures for
as many levels as there are channels in the radiometer. Suppose the radiometer
has / channels; then the scheme retrieves the temperature at the / levels located
at the peak of the weighting functions. In this scheme there is a one-to-one
correspondence between channel; of the radiometer and level /, where the weight-
ing function of channel; peaks. Let Tj be the nth estimate of the temperature

at the jth level and B (Tj ) be the resultant Planck radiance at level ; at the

wavelength of channel;. Let Lj be the nth estimate of the radiance in channel


/, calculated using the Tj , and let L be the observed radiance in channel /.


Chahine iterates the temperature by iterating the Planck radiance:


The iterated temperature at level ; is found using the inverse Planck function.
This scheme works because if, for example, the calculated radiance in channel;
is greater than the observed radiance, it is reasonable to adjust downward the
Planck radiance (and thus the temperature) at the level where the weighting
function for channel / peaks. Since the peak of the weighting function is the
strongest contributor to the radiance, using the ratio of the observed to the
calculated radiance to adjust the Planck radiance is also reasonable.
Smith's (1970) scheme for adjusting temperature profiles is similar to that of
Chahine, but he relaxes the requirement that the temperature be retrieved at only

This statement is an oversimplification. The reader is referred to Fritz et al. (1972), Deepak

(1977, 1980), Houghton et al. (1984), Deepak et al. (1986), and the current literature for information
on the many retrieval techniques.
6.2 Retrieval Methods ]^"|

/ levels. Suppose the temperature is to be retrieved at Κ levels. Let

be the
nth estimate of the temperature at level and B-(T^) the resulting Planck radiance
at the wavelength of channel;'. As above, let Lj and L be, respectively, the nth w)

estimate of, and the observed value of, the radiance in channel;. At each level,
Smith obtains / estimates of an iterated Planck radiance:
B (Tjr )
= Bm i + [L -L^i (6.13)
where the / estimates of T ^ , obtained by the inverse Planck function, are
+ 1 )

denoted by Tj£ . Not all of

these / estimates are equally good because each
channel sees some levels better than others. Smith solves for T^ as a weighted +1)

average of the Tfy using the+1)

weighting functions as weights:


j ^ D = /^L_ _ ( 6 > 1 4 )

Σ ν».

Since Smith's levels are not restricted to be at the peaks of the weighting functions,
he cannot iterate the temperature at a level by using a single channel. At each
level, therefore, he obtains a suggested temperature change from each channel
and lets the weighting function discriminate among them.
Smith's scheme is more flexible than that of Chahine in that it allows the user
to choose the levels at which he will retrieve temperatures (consistent, of course,
with the predetermined levels at which the transmittances are calculated). How-
ever, from / channels of information, one can calculate independent temperatures
at / levels at most. If Κ is greater than / (as is usually the case) the extra levels
are not independent.
To retrieve moisture profiles, it is assumed that the temperature profile, and

thus Β (Τ), is known. Smith (1970) starts with a first-guess mixing ratio profile

q( p) and proceeds in a manner which is formally the same as that for temperature
retrievals. The iteration formula is
L - Ü~ n)

1 + - γ{η)
W - »> (6-15)

where is a sensitivity factor which estimates the mixing ratio change necessary
to correct for a given radiance imbalance. In equation form,

U {p)=
f <?(/>A (6.16b)

T w o m e y et al. (1977) introduced a modification of Chahine's (1970) scheme that also relaxes
this requirement (see Section 8.2.1).
An important scheme to retrieve integrated water vapor is discussed in Section 6.6.2.
]92 Chapter 6 Temperature and Trace Gases

where U {p) is the nth estimate of the integrated water vapor above pressure

level p. For each level, Smith obtains / estimates of the iterated mixing ratio. As
above, q^ is found as a weighted average of the
using the weighting
functions as weights.

The logic of this scheme can be demonstrated as follows. Note first that since
dTj/dU is always less than zero, the sign of Γ| is opposite that of dT/dp. Consider

a channel whose weighting function peaks in the troposphere. Suppose that the
calculated radiance in this channel is too high compared with the observed radi-
ance. Since Tj is a negative number (because dT/dp > 0), q^ will be multiplied
n) ]

by a number greater than one, and q^ will be greater than q^K Increasing the

moisture will move up in the atmosphere the point where the optical depth equals
one, and thus the peak of the weighting function for this channel will move up.
Since tropospheric temperature decreases with height, Lj will be less than

Lj and closer to the observed radiance.


Obviously the first-guess profile is important. The closer the first-guess profile
is to the actual profile, the better the solution is likely to be. In the past, the
first guess has been climatological. A better choice is a nearby radiosonde, but
radiosonde releases do not often coincide with satellite overpasses, and few radio-
sondes are released over the ocean. Forecast soundings generated by numerical
models are also being used. Recently, a great deal of work has been done on
using the radiances themselves to classify the sounding into a set that has an
appropriate first-guess profile and (for the methods listed below) a retrieval matrix
(Uddstrom and Wark, 1985; Thompson et al, 1985; McMillin, 1986).
Also obvious is that whatever auxiliary information can be brought to bear
on the subject will be helpful. The skin temperature, for example, is an important
factor, particularly in moisture retrievals. Sounders usually have window channels
which are used in part to measure the skin temperature. Some analysis schemes
attempt to incorporate surface observations of air temperature and dewpoint to
improve retrievals in the lowest atmospheric layer, in which some of the largest
retrieval errors occur. More experimental are attempts to utilize radiosonde-
estimated tropopause heights in retrievals (McMillin, 1985, 1986).
None of the retrieval schemes that we discuss is clearly superior to the others.
Users who wish to implement a retrieval scheme must weigh the advantages and
disadvantages of each. Based on our experience, the principal advantages of the
physical retrieval method are
• Physical processes are clearly evident at each stage of the retrieval. 8

• No large database of coincident radiosonde data is necessary.

The disadvantages are
• The method is computationally intensive.
• It requires accurate knowledge of the transmittances.
Actually, Smith uses a modified weighting function for moisture retrievals.

This has the important implication that changes for such things as elevated terrain or for a failed

radiometer channel can be easily implemented.

6.2 Retrieval Methods 193

• Except for information contained in the first guess, it does not utilize
known statistical properties of the atmosphere.

6.2.2 Statistical Retrievals

In statistical retrievals, the radiative transfer equation is not directly used.
These methods assume that the radiometer has been designed so that its channels
(weighting functions) will vertically sample the atmosphere. A set of radiosonde
soundings that are nearly coincident in time and space with satellite soundings
is compiled. This set, called the training data set, is used to calculate a statistical
relationship between observed radiances and atmospheric temperatures. These
relationships are then applied to other observed radiances to retrieve temperatures.
The process can be described as follows.
Suppose there are Ν sounding pairs in the training data set. Let 1 be the / x
1 column vector containing the / radiances observed by the radiometer in one of
these soundings. Let t be the Κ x 1 column vector, paired with 1, which contains
the temperatures (and perhaps dewpoints) at Κ levels in the atmosphere. Finally,
let the symbol (x) represent the element-by-element average of the vector x.
Statistical retrieval methods require finding the Κ x / matrix C and the vectors
(1) and (t) such that

t - <> = c(i -
t α». (6.17)
Note that once C, (t), and (1) are known, retrieval of temperatures from observed
radiances is a very simple task which involves only vector subtraction, matrix
multiplication, and vector addition. This simplicity makes a statistical method
attractive for operational retrieval schemes in which numerous soundings must
be processed.
There are several ways to find C, (t), and (1). The simplest is the regression
solution. Let (t) and (1) be the average of all the vectors t and 1, respectively, in
the training data set. Let T' be the Κ x Ν matrix whose columns are the vectors
t - (t), and let L' be the / x Ν matrix whose columns are the vectors 1 - (1).
The matrix C which, in a least-squares sense, minimizes errors in Eq. 6.17 is
C = T'L' (L'L' )

where the superscript Τ indicates that the transpose of the matrix is to be used,
and the superscript - 1 indicates the matrix inverse. This scheme has been used
extensively to retrieve satellite soundings.
One problem with the regression solution is that no "filtering" of noise from
the input temperatures or radiances is done. As a result, the C matrix can be
unstable; that is, small radiance errors can produce unacceptably large errors in
the retrieved temperatures. Smith and Woolf (1976) developed a technique to
filter noise using statistical eigenvectors. Their scheme was used operationally for
many years. More recently, Thompson (1992) employed singular value decompo-
sition to improve statistical retrievals.
194 Chapter 6 Temperature and Trace Gases

Just as a good first-guess profile and an accurate knowledge of the transmit-

tances are crucial to the success of the physical retrieval method, so acquiring a
representative training data set is crucial to the success of the statistical method.
This is more difficult than it might appear. Some of the requirements for these
data sets are the following:
• The data sets must be large to ensure that the retrieval matrix will be
• Data sets must be collected for each satellite because of small differences
in the radiometers on each.
• The data sets must be updated frequently because, to site an extreme ex-
ample, a data set collected in the winter cannot be expected to yield accu-
rate retrievals in the summer.
• The data set should be divided into latitude zones, and by surface type
(land or ocean).
The last three requirements all tend to decrease the size of the data set, and
the last one is particularly troublesome. Of course, few radiosondes are launched
over the ocean. Also, because standard radiosondes are launched only near 0000
and 1200 Universal Time, a satellite and a radiosonde will simultaneously observe
an area only occasionally. Worse, sunsynchronous satellites view the same area
at nearly the same time every day; thus satellite—radiosonde coincidences tend to
occur only in narrow longitude zones. To increase the size of the training data
set, the spatial and temporal restrictions on which soundings can be accepted as
coincident are broadened. Typically, radiosonde soundings within a few hours
and a few hundred kilometers of a satellite sounding are considered coincident.
This broadened definition introduces the possibility that real atmospheric differ-
ences will contaminate the training data set.
Another problem with the statistical retrieval method is that physical processes
are embedded in the statistics and are not easily changed. An example of this
concerns retrievals over elevated terrain. Relatively few radiosondes are launched
over elevated terrain; it is not possible to construct a training data set for elevated
locations. The lowest level at which temperature is retrieved in most retrieval
schemes is 1000 hPa. If the surface pressure is lower than 1000 hPa, the standard
C matrix and mean vectors are applied, then a simple correction is attempted.
This approach is likely, however, to introduce biases at the lowest levels.
A clear advantage of the statistical method is that a statistical picture of the
structure of the atmosphere is an integral part of the method; that is, the retrieved
temperatures cannot be too far from those which have actually been observed in
the past. This imposes an even greater requirement that the training data set be
appropriately chosen, however; otherwise the wrong structure will be built into
the retrievals.
To summarize, the principal advantages of the statistical method are
• The actual retrievals are computationally easy.
• It requires no knowledge of the transmittances or use of the radiative
transfer equation.
6.2 Retrieval Methods

• It extensively utilizes statistical properties of the atmosphere.

The disadvantages of the statistical retrieval method are
• A large training data set of coincident radiosonde and satellite data is nec-
• Physical processes are embedded in the statistics.

6.2.3 Hybrid Retrievals

Hybrid retrieval methods are in between physical and statistical retrieval meth-
ods. They appear much like purely statistical methods, but they do not require
the large training data set. They use weighting functions like physical retrievals,
but they do not directly involve integration of the radiative transfer equation.
Hybrid methods, better known as inverse matrix methods, are reviewed by Fritz
etal (1972).
To start, the radiative transfer equation is linearized about a standard tempera-
ture profile T (h):

L =L
k Ks + ε ^Τ τ
0 $0 0 + W {h) j±
K T' (h)dh,
s (6.19)

where L is the radiance if T (h) were the actual profile, and T' (h) is the deviation
Xs s s

from T at level h. A quadrature (numerical integration) scheme is chosen, which


converts Eq. 6.19 into a matrix equation:

Γ = A t ' + e, (6.20)
where Γ is the column vector of radiance deviations from the standard profile, t '
is the vector of temperature deviations from T (h), and e is a column vector that

contains the errors of measurement of the radiances. The matrix A contains the
weighting functions, the quadrature weights, and the Planck sensitivity factors
BBJdT. A is calculated with a knowledge of the transmittances as in the case of
physical retrievals.
Suppose, temporarily, that we have a set of coincident radiosonde and satellite
observations. Let the uppercase letters indicate matrices which have Ν columns
for the Ν sounding pairs in the data set:
L' = A T ' + E . (6.21)
We seek a matrix C such that
TT = C L ' . (6.22)
Substituting Eq. 6.21 in Eq. 6.18, we have
C = T'(AT + E) [(AT' + E)(AT
+ E) ] T _ 1
. (6.23)
Expanding and using the matrix relationship (AB) T
= B A ,

C = T'(T' A T T
+ E )[AT'T' A
+ AT'E T
+ ET' A T T
+ EE ]" . 7 1
196 Chapter 6 Temperature and Trace Gases

Now, we assume that the measurement errors are uncorrelated with temperature
deviations. Thus Τ Έ and E T ' are negligible in comparison with the other terms.

We have, therefore,

C = S A [AS A + S ] - \
E (6.25)

where S is the temperature covariance matrix ( T ' T ' / N ) and S is the radiance

error covariance matrix (EE /N). This equation, called the minimum variance

method, has been discussed by many people, including Strand and Westwater
(1968) and Rodgers (1970, 1976). The interesting property of Eq. 6.25 is that
all of the components can be determined separately: A can be calculated from
the transmittances, S can be determined from a sample of radiosonde soundings,

and S can be measured in the laboratory as part of instrument calibration. Thus


we can drop the assumption that a data set of coincident radiosonde—satellite

soundings has been collected.
A variant of the minimum variance method (due to, e.g., Foster, 1961; Twomey,
1963; Smith et al., 1972) is the minimum information method, in which simplify-
ing assumptions about the covariance matrices are made. If it is assumed that
temperature at one level is uncorrelated with temperature at any other level, the
temperature covariance matrix will be diagonal. If it is further assumed that the
temperature variance is independent of level, then

S = σ\\,
T (6.26)

where I is the identity matrix, and σ\ is the variance of temperature. Similarly,

if radiance error in one channel is uncorrelated with radiance error in any other
channel, and if the variance of radiance error is independent of channel, then

S = σΐΐ.
E (6.27)

Equation 6.25 reduces, then, to

C - A [AA + γΙ]" ,
T T 1

where γ = σ\Ισ\. In practice, γ is often used as a tuning parameter, that is, a

number that is changed until the best retrievals are obtained. Since the covariance
matrices are gone, one is free to use any first-guess (t), rather than the mean of
a sample of radiosonde soundings. Also, the method can be used in an iterative
fashion to improve the solution. The minimum information method, however,
does not utilize the statistical information on atmospheric structure contained
in S .T

The main advantage of the hybrid methods is that they are easier to put into
operation than the statistical or physical methods. They share with the physical
retrieval method the disadvantage of depending on a knowledge of the transmit-
tances. Most of them share with the statistical retrieval method the advantage of
including statistical knowledge of atmospheric structure.
6.3 Operational Retrievals 197


The retrieval method is only a small part of the process by which radiances
from operational satellites are converted into temperature and moisture soundings.
In this section, we discuss the processes that are used operationally to produce
soundings from NOAA and GOES satellites.

6.3.1 The TIROS Ν Operational Vertical Sounder

On the NOAA satellites there are three sounders: the HIRS/2, the MSU, and
the SSU (see Chapter 4). Together they are called the TIROS Ν Operational
Vertical Sounder (TOVS). Figure 6.4 shows the TOVS weighting functions.
The process by which TOVS soundings are retrieved is described by Smith et
al. (1979a). The reader should be aware, however, that operational sounding
retrieval is not a static process. As new techniques are developed, and as problems
arise, the system is modified. These modifications can be determined by referring
to a periodically updated NESDIS document, the NOAA Polar Orbiter Data
User's Guide, (e.g., Kidwell, 1986).
The TOVS system consists of four modules: the Preprocessor, the Atmospheric
Radiance Module, the Stratospheric Mapper, and the Retrieval Module. The TOVS Preprocessor

The Preprocessor processes data received directly from the Satellite Operations
Control Center. The digital counts are converted to radiances, and each scan spot
is Earth-located. The SSU data are further processed by the Stratospheric Mapper.
A variety of corrections are applied to the HIRS/2 and the MSU data:

• The MSU data are corrected for antenna side-lobes.

• A limb correction is applied to both the MSU and HIRS/2 data so that
the other modules can treat the data as if they were all obtained at nadir.
The limb correction consists of regression equations, formed from synthe-
sized radiance data, which result in a correction to be added to the radi-
ance (Smith et al., 1974). If L is the radiance in channel; at scan angle

m, then the correction is given by


• An attempt is made to correct the window channels for water vapor ab-
• For daytime data, an albedo, estimated using the 3.7-μηι channel, is used
to correct the 4.3-^m channels for reflected sunlight.
• Since the MSU has coarser spatial resolution than does the HIRS/2, the
MSU data are interpolated to the locations of the HIRS/2 scan spots.
FIGURE 6.4. Weighting functions for the TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS). [After Smith
et al. (1979a).]
6.3 Operational Retrievals 199

Finally, the Preprocessor obtains solar zenith angles, terrain elevations, and initial
guess values of skin temperature and surface albedo. All these data are staged to
disk to await further processing. The TOVS Atmospheric Radiance Module

The Atmospheric Radiance Module's job is to deliver spatially averaged, clear-
column radiances to the Retrieval Module. Perhaps surprisingly, the Atmospheric
Radiance Module consumes most of the computer time in the TOVS system.
First, the data are divided into boxes of nine HIRS/2 scan spots cross-track
and seven scan spots along-track. One sounding is retrieved to represent this
group of 63 scan spots. The nominal resolution of the operationally retrieved
TOVS soundings is approximately 250 km.
Next, the 63 scan spots are tested to determine whether they are contaminated
by clouds. Several tests are employed:
• In daylight, the albedo measured by HIRS/2 channel 20 is compared with
the albedo expected for a cloud-free scene. Clouds, of course, would in-
crease the visible albedo.
• At night, channel 19 (3.7 μηι) is less sensitive to clouds than channel 8
(11 μηι). During the day, clouds reflect sunlight at 3.7 μηι; therefore,
channel 19 is much more sensitive to clouds than channel 8. A large differ-
ence in the brightness temperatures of these two channels is an indication
of clouds.
• The l l - μ ι η brightness temperature is compared with the expected surface
temperature. Too low a brightness temperature indicates cloud contami-
• Finally, the HIRS/2 brightness temperatures are used in regression equa-
tions to estimate the MSU brightness temperatures. If clouds contaminate
the scan spot, the estimated MSU brightness temperatures will be less than
the observed ones.
Finally, the Atmospheric Radiance Module produces clear-column radiances.
If four or more of the 63 scan spots are determined to be clear, the clear-column
radiances are calculated as a weighted average of the observed radiances from
the clear spots. The weighting factor is related to how well the MSU channel 2
brightness temperature is predicted by the HIRS/2 data. Soundings produced
from these clear-column radiances are called "clear" or "first path" soundings.
If fewer than four clear scan spots are found, the adjacent-pair or N* technique
of Smith and Woolf (1976) is attempted. This technique, which will be discussed
in Chapter 8, assumes that scan spots are partly cloudy and attempts determine
clear-column radiances by exploiting differences in cloud amount in adjacent scan
spots. If four or more good adjacent pairs can be found, clear-column radiances
are estimated. Soundings produced from these radiances are called "partly cloudy"
or "second path" soundings.
If the scene is essentially completely overcast (fewer than four good adjacent
pairs), the HIRS/2 channels which sense the troposphere are discarded, and the
200 Chapter 6 Temperature and Trace Gases

sounding is retrieved using only MSU, SSU, and stratospheric HIRS/2 channels.
These soundings are called "cloudy" or "third path" soundings.
In 1986, a higher resolution scheme was implemented (Reale et al., 1986). The
9 x 7 box of HIRS/2 scan spots was divided into six miniboxes, each 3 x 3 scan
spots. A clear-column radiance vector is produced for each minibox. In order not
to produce six times as many final soundings, each minibox is checked to determine
quality and usefulness of the data. The quality flag may be (1) good, (2) redundant,
(3) questionable, or (4) bad. "Redundant" means that the minibox has essentially
the same radiance vector as its neighbors. In later processing, redundant, question-
able, and bad miniboxes can be discarded to produce the appropriate number
of soundings. The TOVS Stratospheric Mapper

Because the SSU does not scan as far out as the HIRS/2 and the MSU, HIRS/2
scan spots at the edges of the scan have no corresponding SSU data. This problem
is solved by the Stratospheric Mapper, which maintains a global map of SSU
radiances on a latitude—longitude grid. The map is updated as new observations
arrive. The SSU data are corrected for limb effects before mapping. The TOVS Retrieval Module

The Retrieval Module performs the retrievals using clear-column radiances
produced by the Atmospheric Radiance Module and the Stratospheric Mapper.
Until September 1988, temperatures and water vapor below 100 hPa were re-
trieved using statistical eigenvectors (Smith and Woolf, 1976). Above 100 hPa,
temperatures and total ozone were retrieved by regression. As of this writing,
temperatures and water vapor are retrieved using the Minimum Variance Simulta-
neous (MVS) method [Eqs. 6.22 and 6.25; see also Fleming et al. (1986) and Dey
et al. (1989)]. The method is "simultaneous" in the sense that temperature and
water vapor are retrieved using one matrix. Archived TOVS Data

TOVS sounding data are archived by NESDIS. Users who are interested in
ordering historical data, however, should be aware that the archive tapes come
in the form of layer-mean virtual temperatures for 15 layers between the surface
and 0.4 hPa. Water vapor is archived in the form of layer precipitable water in the
three lowest layers (surface-850, 850-700, and 700-500 hPa). The tropopause
temperature and pressure, total ozone, cloud-top pressure, cloud amount, and an
average value of N* are saved (Kidwell, 1986).

6.3.2 The VISSR Atmospheric Sounder

VAS soundings have been retrieved operationally at NESDIS's VAS Data Utili-
zation Center (VDUC) since the summer of 1987. The retrieval process, described
by Hayden (1988), is similar to that used for TOVS soundings.
6.3 Operational Retrievals 201

First, the raw VAS data are converted to brightness (equivalent blackbody)
temperatures and Earth located. As with the TOVS retrieval system, scan spots
are blocked before processing. The VAS system is designed to be flexible, so the
number of spots in a block is variable. Typically, however, a block of 11 x 11 scans
spots is used, which results in a field of retrieved soundings with approximately 75-
km resolution.
Next, the data are filtered for clouds. Since visible data are not collected during
dwell sounding, the cloud filter relies on three window infrared channels: 3.9,
11.2, and 12.7 μηι (channels 12, 7, and 8):
• If the 3.9-μιη brightness temperature is significantly different (3-5 K)
from the 11.2-μιη brightness temperature, the scan spot is assumed to be
• If the 11.2-μπι brightness temperature (corrected for moisture effects by
the "split-window" technique, see below) is significantly colder than the
surface air temperature (obtained from analyzed surface observations), the
scan spot is classified as cloudy.
If a majority of the scan spots appear to be clear, the clear radiances are averaged,
and a sounding is retrieved down to the surface. (During the retrieval process
itself, the sounding can be classified as cloudy if the algorithm cools the first-
guess surface temperature by more than 6 K.) If most of the scan spots are cloudy,
the cloudy spots are averaged, and cloud-top pressure is estimated by comparing
the 11.2-μιτι brightness temperature (corrected for moisture effects) with the first-
guess temperature profile. A sounding is retrieved down to the cloud top, and
values below cloud top are estimated by interpolating between the cloud-top value
and the surface analysis. These cloudy soundings, however, are of questionable ac-
The retrieval algorithm is a hybrid scheme described by Smith et al. (1986).
First-guess temperature and moisture profiles are selected, usually from a model
forecast such as the Nested Grid Model (NGM) or the Global Spectral Model.
Surface temperature and humidity are obtained from analyzed fields of the corre-
sponding hourly observations. The first-guess estimate of the skin temperature is
obtained by regression from the 11.2, 12.7, and (for noncloudy scan spots) 3.9-
μιη brightness temperatures. Temperatures above the 100-hPa level are obtained
from the latest analyses or from climatology. Using the first-guess profiles, the
weighting functions and the brightness temperatures in the VAS channels are
calculated. The temperature and moisture profiles are calculated by making a
single correction to the first-guess profiles, which is why the scheme is known as
the "simultaneous" or "one-step" method.

6.3.3 Quality of the Retrieved Soundings

How accurate are soundings retrieved from satellite-measured radiances? Al-
though a great deal of effort has been expended on this question, the answer is
still not simple. The basic difficulty is that to assess accuracy, one needs a standard
202 Chapter 6 Temperature and Trace Gases

with which to compare. Radiosonde soundings are the most obvious candidates,
but two problems occur:
• Radiosonde soundings are not error-free; an rms (root mean square) error
of 1 Κ is often quoted.
• Satellite soundings are fundamentally different from radiosonde
This latter point is illustrated by example. Figure 6.5 shows two VAS soundings
compared with radiosonde soundings. Clearly, the radiosonde soundings exhibit
more vertical structure than the satellite soundings. The satellite sounding has
trouble where the lapse rate changes abruptly with height, such as at surface
inversions or near the tropopause. This is particularly true of the moisture sound-
ing. An examination of the weighting functions (Fig. 6.6) reveals the cause of this
difficulty. Current satellite sounders integrate deep layers of the atmosphere.
Vertical smoothing of the sounding is unavoidable. Interferometric sounders cur-
rently under development (see Section 4.3.1) offer improved vertical resolution


Λ 2 0 0


Ε 4 0 0
g> 5 0 0
ω 6 0 0
ο. 7 0 0

-70 - 5 0 - 3 0 -10 0 10 30


FIGURE 6.5. T w o VAS soundings compared with radiosonde soundings. [After Smith et al. (1981).]
6.3 Operational Retrievals


FIGURE 6.6. VAS weighting functions. [After Smith et al. (1983).]

(Smith et al, 1979b). Additional improvement in vertical resolution likely will

have to wait until active sensors, such as lidar, are feasible in space.
In this section, we discuss the quality of operational retrievals (eigenvector
method) from TOVS, which have been extensively studied. The conclusions about
TOVS retrievals presented below are representative of VAS retrievals as well.
Gruber and Watkins (1982) have paired a large number of operationally re-
trieved TIROS Ν and NOAA 6 soundings with time-interpolated radiosonde
soundings. The rms difference between satellite and radiosonde layer-mean virtual
temperatures for TIROS Ν soundings are presented in Fig. 6.7 along with seasonal
climatologies of temperature standard deviation, which shows the natural variabil-
ity of temperature. Since the rms difference is smaller than the natural variability,
the satellite soundings explain a substantial fraction of the variance of temperature.
It should be remembered that rms differences between satellite and radiosonde
soundings overestimate the rms error in the satellite soundings because they
contain the radiosonde error as well. Also, the rms difference is the square root
of the sum of the squares of the bias (i.e., the mean difference) and the standard
deviation. If biases (see below) are removed, rms errors decrease still further.
In general, rms differences between satellite and radiosonde soundings are
greatest near the surface and near the tropopause, where lapse rates can vary
sharply with height. Cloudy soundings have substantially greater rms differences
than do clear soundings. Although rms differences do not vary much with latitude,
the natural variability of atmospheric temperature is lower in the tropics than in
midlatitudes. Thus satellite soundings explain a smaller fraction of temperature
variance in the tropics than they do elsewhere.
Biases (satellite minus radiosonde) in layer-mean virtual temperatures are
shown in Fig. 6.8. The biases tend to be small for clear soundings. For cloudy
soundings, which rely on the microwave radiances for tropospheric temperatures,
the biases are larger in magnitude and tend to be negative (satellite temperatures
too cool) in the middle troposphere. The reader should note that apparent seasonal
differences in the biases shown in Fig. 6.8 are due partly to real seasonal and
latitudinal differences, partly to physical differences between satellite soundings
and radiosonde soundings, and partly to changes in the retrieval system. Phillips
et al. (1979) were the first to report the cool bias in cloudy soundings, and a
200 200

250 250

300 300

SUMMER 19 7 9 -

FALL 19 7 9 -

WINTER 19 8 0 -

SPRING 19 8 0 ·

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0



0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0









FIGURE 6.7. The rms differences in layer-mean virtual temperature between satellite and radiosonde
soundings. [From data in Gruber and Watkins (1982).] Layer-mean values are plotted at the midpoint
of the layer. The upper left corner of each plot indicates the latitude band, and the upper right corner
indicates the retrieval type (clear or cloudy). Shown for comparison are climatological values of
temperature standard deviation; seasonal values are shown in the midlatitudes, and annual values
are shown in the tropics.
6.3 Operational Retrievals

SUMMER 1 979 -

FALL 1 979 -

WINTER 1 980 -

SPRING 1 980 -

-2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0


1 50

-2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0


FIGURE 6.8. Biases (satellite minus radiosonde) in layer-mean virtual temperatures. [From data in
Gruber and Watkins (1982).]

correction in the operational TOVS retrieval system was implemented in the

summer of 1980.
In addition to varying with season and latitude, biases may also vary in other
ways. Kidder and Achtemeier (1986) found that TIROS Ν biases were different
day and night. Koehler et al. (1983) found that TIROS Ν and NOAA 6 errors
were correlated with synoptic weather patterns. In particular, they found that the
temperatures retrieved in troughs were too warm and in ridges too cool. This
supports the finding of Schlatter (1981) that gradients of TIROS Ν temperatures
tend to be too weak.
These problems with satellite soundings are pointed out not to dissuade the
reader from using satellite soundings, but to illustrate the point that satellite
soundings are not direct substitutes for radiosonde soundings. Satellite soundings
contain a wealth of information on spatial and temporal scales unattainable with
206 Chapter 6 Temperature and Trace Gases

radiosondes. However, those who attempt to use satellite soundings without

taking into account their differences from radiosonde soundings likely will be dis-

6.3.4 Use of Soundings in Models

Satellite soundings are seldom used by themselves; they are used in addition
to radiosonde soundings, surface observations, and perhaps other data. How does
one blend data from these various sources to yield an accurate picture of the
atmosphere? This is known as the data assimilation problem. The previous section
and the work discussed below suggest the following guidelines. First, it is clear
that biases in satellite soundings (and in conventional data) should be removed
as part of the assimilation process. Second, the quality or error characteristics of
the data should be taken into account during analysis. This can be accomplished
by weighting each datum inversely in proportion to its error variance. A third
guideline arises from a consideration of atmospheric dynamics. The mass and
flow fields of the atmosphere are usually closely in balance. If the mass field is
modified by the insertion of a satellite sounding, the flow field probably should
be modified to maintain balance. Hay den (1973) suggested that this can be approx-
imated by modifying the wind field by the difference of the geostrophic wind
before and after insertion of a temperature from a satellite sounding. Finally,
most satellite soundings are not made at synoptic times (0000 and 1200 UTC)
when radiosondes are launched and when most analyses are done. Corrections
for the asynoptic nature of satellite soundings probably should be attempted.
Much of the work in data assimilation has been done in connection with
model impact studies. One hopes, of course, that satellite soundings will improve
numerical weather forecasts. Another reason for these studies, however, is that
comparing numerical forecasts made with (SAT) and without (NOSAT) satellite
data to observations is one way to determine whether inclusion of satellite data
has improved the initial analysis. Presumably a better initial analysis will result
in a better forecast. Ohring (1979) reviewed early satellite data assimilation experi-
ments. He concluded that satellite soundings had a small positive impact in
the data-rich Northern Hemisphere and large positive impact in the data-sparse
Southern Hemisphere.
Beginning in the late 1970s there were several model impact studies. Ghil et
al. (1979) used a global, primitive-equation, general circulation model (Somerville
et al., 1974) at NASA's Goddard Laboratory for Atmospheric Sciences (GLAS).
The GLAS model had a 4° latitude x 5° longitude horizontal grid and nine sigma
levels in the vertical. The purpose of their experiments was to test data assimilation
schemes. They used time-continuous assimilation. In most numerical models, all
data within a window (several hours either side of the time when the model is
to be initialized) are analyzed together as if all observations were made at the
same time. In time-continuous assimilation, the model is initialized at a time, say
12 h, before the desired initial analysis. The model is run for the intervening
period, and new observations are assimilated at the times when they are made.
6.3 Operational Retrievals

This process, also called dynamic initialization, alleviates the problem of satellite
observations not being made at synoptic times. Ghil etal. assimilated observations
at each model time step (10 min).
At each time step, one is faced with the problem of how to use observations
to change the current model fields. Ghil et al. tested three methods. In the direct
insertion method, they essentially replaced the model temperature with the average
of the temperature observations within one model grid length. In the successive
correction method, they did a Cressman-type (1959) analysis of the difference
between the observations and temperatures interpolated from model grid points.
The weights used depended only on the distance between the observation and a
grid point. Three passes with decreasing radii of influence were used. The statistical
assimilation method was like the successive correction method, except that the
weights were based on the error characteristics of the observations. This is similar
to the optimum interpolation method of data analysis (Gandin, 1963; Schlatter,
1975). Regardless of the data insertion method used, the winds were geostrophi-
cally modified (Hayden, 1973).
Ghil et al. used NOAA 4 and Nimbus 6 soundings during the period January
through March 1976 from the Data System Test 6 [DST—6; Desmarais et al.
(1978)]. Forecasts of 48 and 72 h were compared with analyses using S^ skill
scores (Teweles and Wobus, 1954) and rms differences. Surface pressure and 500-
hPa height fields over North America and Europe were used for verification.
Comparing SAT and NOSAT forecasts, Ghil et al. found small but statistically
significant positive impact of satellite soundings. This result was highly dependent
on the data insertion method, however. The direct insertion method resulted in
negligible impact, the successive corrections method resulted in appreciable results,
and the statistical assimilation method gave very good results. They concluded
that when the better data insertion methods were employed, satellite soundings
extended the usefulness of forecasts 8-16 h; thus a 60-h SAT forecast was about
as accurate on the average as a 48-h NOSAT forecast. They also found that
impact increased with quantity of satellite data; when both NOAA 4 and Nimbus
6 soundings were used, the forecasts were better than when data from only one
satellite were used.
Tracton et al. (1980) did an experiment that was similar to that of Ghil et al.
(1979); however, their purpose was quite different. Rather than testing different
ways to assimilate satellite data, Tracton et al. wanted to test the impact that
satellite soundings would have on an existing, operational, numerical weather
prediction model. They used the six-layer primitive equation (PE) model (Shuman
and Hovermale, 1968), which was then operational at the U.S. National Meteoro-
logical Center (NMC). The model was hemispheric and had a resolution of 381
km at 60°N. Their data assimilation scheme was that of the operational system:
data within 3 h of analysis time were analyzed together; satellite data, in the form
of temperatures at mandatory pressure levels, were treated exactly like radiosonde
data. Tracton et al. used data from DST-6 (as did Ghil et al.) and from DST-5.
They verified forecasts over North America and Europe using skill scores and
rms differences as did Ghil et al. They found that the differences between SAT
208 Chapter 6 Temperature and Trace Gases

and NOSAT forecasts were "generally small and of inconsistent sign, i.e., beneficial
in some cases and harmful in others." On the average, in the DST-6 experiments
inclusion of satellite soundings resulted in slightly improved forecasts, but in the
DST-5 experiments slightly poorer forecasts resulted.
A possible conclusion from comparing the experiments of Ghil et al. (1979)
and Tracton et al. (1980) is that if Tracton et al. had assimilated satellite soundings
in a different manner, perhaps using some of the techniques of Ghil et al., they
would have had more positive results. Unfortunately the two experiments are not
sufficient to draw this conclusion. The difficulty is that the impact which satellite
soundings have on numerical forecasts is dependent on the model. Tracton et al.
(1981) found a negative correlation between model skill and satellite data impact.
Poorer models seemed to make better use of satellite soundings. On the other
hand, Atlas et al. (1982) increased the resolution of the GLAS model, which
improved its NOSAT performance, and found increased positive impact of satellite
soundings. It seems that the only way to assess the impact of satellite soundings
on numerical forecasts made with a specific model is to do a test using that model.
This is all the more important considering the fact that both today's models and
today's satellite soundings are more sophisticated than those used in the Data
System Tests. It is interesting that the current retrieval scheme for the TOVS
soundings (the MVS method) was implemented only after two data impact studies
at NMC (Dey et al., 1989).
Thomaseil et al. (1986) tested the impact of TIROS Ν and NOAA 6 soundings
on the forecast model used by the Israel Meteorological Service. Two of their
results are interesting. First, satellite soundings were most beneficial when they
were used in a two-step analysis procedure as follows. Satellite soundings and
surface observations, but no radiosonde data, were analyzed to construct the first-
guess fields. Radiosonde soundings were then used to update the first-guess fields
to produce the initial analysis for the model. This procedure neatly separates
satellite and radiosonde data, and lets each have maximal impact where they will
do the most good: satellite data over the oceans, where there are too few radio-
sondes to produce a good analysis, and radiosonde data over the land, where
additional observations from satellites are not needed. Second, Thomaseil et al.

attempted to verify the forecasts of the Israeli model over the ocean as well as
over land. They found that satellite soundings improved forecasts of sea level
pressure over the ocean to the point that they were almost as good as forecasts
over land. (Forecasts over land showed little impact of satellite soundings.) Readers
are warned, however, that both the model and the analysis system investigated
by Thomasell et al. are less sophisticated than those used elsewhere; their results
cannot be directly extrapolated.
The consensus opinion (and in the absence of conclusive tests it can only be
opinion) of the impact of satellite soundings on numerical forecasts is the fol-

A sophisticated analysis system, such as optimum interpolation, should have the same result.
6.3 Operational Retrievals 209

• Satellite soundings in the data-sparse Southern Hemisphere have large posi-

tive impact.
• Because the weather is a global phenomenon, Southern Hemisphere sound-
ings will positively impact long-range (5-10-day) Northern Hemisphere
• In the Northern Hemisphere, satellite soundings have, on the average, a
small positive impact on short- to medium-range forecasts.
• The average positive impact of satellite soundings in the Northern Hemi-
sphere is made up of both positive and negative impacts in individual
cases. In most cases, the impact, whether positive or negative, is small.
There is evidence (Atlas et al., 1982; Atlas, 1982) that satellite soundings,
when properly assimilated, can have large positive impact on numerical
forecasts. Whether satellite soundings can have large negative impact on
forecasts is controversial.

Satellite soundings are used in today's numerical weather prediction models.

As of this writing, operationally retrieved TOVS soundings (up to 20,000 per
day) are transmitted over the Global Telecommunications System (GTS) and,
thus, are available to forecasters world wide. At NMC, TOVS soundings, in the
form of thicknesses, are converted to heights by building on the height of a
reference level. Over the data-sparse oceans, the 1000-hPa height is used as a
reference level, and all levels of satellite data are assimilated. Over land, the 100-
hPa level is used as a reference level, and satellite data above 100 hPa are assimi-
lated. However, different models use different amounts of satellite data. As this
book is in preparation, short-range forecasts are made by the Limited Fine Mesh
(LFM) model and the Regional Analysis and Forecast System (RAFS), which have
data cutoffs of 1 h 15 min and 2 h, respectively, after the time when the models
are to be initialized (0000 and 1200 UTC). Because relatively few satellite sound-
ings have been processed by these times, the LFM and the RAFS directly use few
satellite soundings. The Medium Range Forecast (MRF) model, which makes
forecasts out to 10 days, is initialized at 0000 UTC using observations between
2100 and 0300 UTC. However, the process is not begun until 0600 UTC; thus
late-arriving observations, including satellite soundings, are used. Finally, the
Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS) is run in delayed mode to produce the
NMC "Final" analyses and to provide first-guess fields to initialize the forecast
models. GDAS produces analyses four times per day (at 0000, 0600, 1200, and
1800 UTC) using data within ± 3 h of the initial time. To accommodate late-
arriving data (including satellite soundings), the data cutoffs are 3.5 to 8.5 h after
the initial analyses. A 6-h forecast is made with each of these analyses using the
MRF model. The forecasts ending at 0000 and 1200 are used as first guesses for
the other models. The forecasts ending at 0600 and 1800 are used as first guesses
for the next GDAS run. Thus satellite soundings do affect short-range NMC
forecasts, but primarily through their first-guess fields.
O'Lenic (1986) tested the impact of VAS soundings on forecasts made with
NMC's Limited Fine Mesh model. In six comparisons of VAS and NOVAS
Chapter 6 Temperature and Trace Gases

forecasts, VAS soundings over the northeast Pacific Ocean improved the forecast
of 500-hPa heights over the United States in four cases and very slightly degraded
the forecast in two cases. O'Lenic (1986) reported that the VAS soundings com-
pared favorably with NOAA 7 TOVS soundings. However, VAS soundings are
not routinely used by NMC in its forecast models.


Limb soundings utilize broadband observations in one or two channels but at

many tangent heights rather than narrowband observations in many spectral
intervals. Because of the sharpness of the weighting functions, temperature retriev-
als would seem to be straightforward. Any of the retrieval methods discussed in
Section 6.2 should work nicely. The problem, as pointed out by Gille and House
(1971), is that a reference level, where both the height and pressure are known,
is needed. Suppose that the pressure at reference height z is ρ . Then, using a
Q ο

single wideband channel, a unique temperature profile can be retrieved. A different

assumption about the pressure at z yields a different temperature profile. Gille

and House solved this problem by utilizing a second, narrower (more opaque)
channel. For each channel, a temperature profile is retrieved by assuming a pressure
at reference level z . If the assumed pressure is incorrect, the two temperature

profiles will not agree. Iterating ρ between inversions yields accurate temperature

profiles. However, many inversions are necessary to obtain a single temperature

profile, which means that the calculations are lengthy. Fortunately, rapid, accurate
retrieval schemes have been developed (Gordley and Russell, 1981; Rodgers,
1976; Rodgers et al, 1984).
Three infrared limb sounders have flown on the Nimbus satellites. The Limb
Radiance Inversion Radiometer (LRIR) flew on Nimbus 6, and both the Limb
Infrared Monitor of the Stratosphere (LIMS) and the Stratospheric and Meso-
spheric Sounder (SAMS) flew on Nimbus 7. LRIR had 4 channels: a wide C 0 2

channel (WC0 ), 14.4-16.9 μπι; a narrow C 0 channel ( N C 0 ) , 14.9-15.5

2 2 2

μπι; an 0 channel, 8.6—10.2 μηι; and an H 0 channel, 23.0—27.0 μηι. All

3 2

channels had 2.0-km vertical resolution and 20-km horizontal resolution at the
tangent point except the H 0 channel, which had 2.5 x 25-km resolution. LIMS

had six channels: W C 0 , 13.2-17.3 μηι; N C 0 , 14.9-15.7 μπι; 0 , 8.8-10.8

2 2 3

μηι; H 0 , 6.4-7.3 μηι; N 0 , 6.1-6.4 μηι; and H N 0 , 10.9-11.8 μηι. All

2 2 3

channels had 1.8 x 18-km resolution except the H 0 and N 0 channels, which 2 2

had 3.6 x 28-km resolution. The SAMS was like the SSU in that it utilized filters
consisting of gas-filled cells; unlike SSU, however, SAMS was a limb scanner.
SAMS had six cells containing C 0 , CO, H 0 , NO, N 0 , and C H . Concentra-
2 2 2 4

N o t e that this problem is not unique to limb sounding. Vertical soundings are often retrieved
1 0

down to 1000 hPa because the actual surface pressure is not known. However, vertical sounding
retrieval schemes may use estimates of surface pressure from numerical models, whereas this informa-
tion is not available to limb sounding retrieval schemes.
6.5 Ozone and Other Gases 211


-90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90

FIGURE 6.9. Zonal mean cross sections of temperature and water vapor concentration derived from
LIMS data for 6 January 1979. [After Gille and Russell (1984).]

tions of these gases and temperatures were retrieved from SAMS data. Signifi-
cantly, SAMS could make measurements above 0.1 hPa in areas which are not
in local thermodynamic equilibrium.
Although few measurements in the stratosphere are available for comparison,
a substantial effort was made to verify Nimbus 6 measurements. Gille et al.
(1984a) reported on comparisons between LIMS temperature retrievals and radio-
sonde and rocketsonde measurements. Temperatures were retrieved from 100 to
0.1 hPa. Typical rms differences of 3 Κ between LIMS retrievals and in situ
observations were found, except for the equatorial tropopause region, where they
were higher. Below 1 hPa LIMS biases were generally less than 2 K. Above 1 hPa,
LIMS temperatures were systematically cooler than rocketsonde measurements.
Russell et al. (1984a) reported that LIMS water vapor mixing ratio retrievals
were accurate to within 2 0 - 3 0 % from 50 hPa to the stratopause (1 hPa) and to
within 40% in the lower stratosphere. Figure 6.9 shows zonal mean temperature
and water vapor mixing ratios derived from LIMS data. Barnett and Corney (1984)
compared retrieved temperatures from SAMS with radiosonde and rocketsondes.
They found temperature biases of up to 2 Κ in the lower stratosphere and 1 Κ
in the upper stratosphere. The rms errors were approximately 1-2 K.


Ozone has absorption lines in all major portions of the electromagnetic spec-
trum and thus can be measured with a variety of techniques. Krueger et al. (1980)
reviewed 21 satellite experiments (prior to SBUV/2) to measure ozone. We will
discuss a representative sample of the more recent experiments.
Chapter 6 Temperature and Trace Gases

Mentioned above is the 9.7-μπι channel on the operational HIRS/2 sounder.

Planet et al. (1984) regressed clear-column radiances, produced during operational
TOVS processing, against surface-based observations of total ozone (column-
integrated ozone) made with a Dobson spectrophotometer. They found that three
HIRS/2 channels yielded an acceptable regression retrieval scheme. Channel 3
(14.49 μπι) is sensitive to stratospheric temperature, channel 8 (11.11 μπι) is
sensitive to surface temperature, and channel 9 (9.71 μηι) is sensitive to ozone,
stratospheric temperature, and (slightly) surface temperature. The regression re-
trieval scheme essentially uses channels 3 and 8 to correct channel 9 for tempera-
ture dependence. Planet et al. showed the retrieval scheme to be accurate within
3 - 8 % . Susskind et al. (1984) and Reuter and Susskind (1986) have developed a
physical retrieval scheme for total ozone using HIRS/2 and MSU data which also
gives good results.
Limb sounders also use the 9.6-μπι band to retrieve ozone. Using the emissivity
growth approximation of Gordley and Russell (1981), Remsberg et al. (1984)
retrieved ozone profiles from LIMS data and compared them with balloon-based
measurements (ozonesondes) and rocket-based measurements. Ozone was re-
trieved from —300 hPa to —0.1 hPa. Calculated accuracies, based on experiment
uncertainties, ranged from 15%, in the region 1-3 hPa, to about 40% at 100
hPa and 0.1 hPa. Comparison with ozonesondes yielded mean differences within
10% in the region 7-50 hPa. The rms differences were —15%. Comparison with
rocket ozone measurements in the region 0.3—50 hPa yielded mean differences
less than 16% and rms differences in the range 1 2 - 2 5 % . Figure 6.10 shows a zonal
mean cross section of ozone concentration derived from LIMS measurements.
Probably the best-known method to retrieve ozone from satellite data utilizes
backscattered ultraviolet radiation. Solar ultraviolet radiation, reflected from the


-90 - 60 -30 0 30 60 90
L A T I T U D E (deg)

FIGURE 6.10. Zonal mean cross section of ozone concentration derived from L I M S data for 6 January
1979. [After Gille and Russell (1984).]
6.5 Ozone and Other Gases 213

surface and backscattered by the atmosphere or clouds, provides a radiation

source that interacts with ozone in the Hartley-Huggins bands. Observations at
several wavelengths can be inverted to produce ozone profiles or total ozone.
This was first proposed by Singer and Wentworth (1957). The process for retriev-
ing total ozone (Klenk et al., 1982) illustrates a classical remote sensing technique
involving observations at two closely spaced wavelengths. Most of the ozone lies
above the tropopause, whereas most of the backscattered ultraviolet solar radia-
tion comes from below the tropopause (Fig. 6.11). Little absorption occurs in the
troposphere, and little scattering occurs in the ozone layer. Radiation reaching
the satellite must traverse the ozone layer twice, suffering attenuation each time.
Schematically, this radiance can be written
-^λ -Esun(^) ozoneP(0sun?0sat5psfc>Pair)>
where £ (X) is the solar irradiance at the top of the atmosphere, χ = sec0 +
sun sun

sec0 , and ρ is a combined surface-troposphere reflectance that depends on


scattering from the air (p ), reflection from the surface ( p f ) , and the zenith
air s c

angles. The problem is to solve for T , which-ignoring temperature and pres-

o z o n e

sure variation of the absorption coefficients-is related to total ozone:

exp[-/3 (X)l/a ozone ], (6.31)
where ß (X) is the ozone mass absorption coefficient, and U
a is the mass of ozone

ozone per unit area, that is, the total ozone. BUV, SBUV, SBUV/2, and TOMS
all make measurements of £ (X). Using two closely spaced observations in the

Hartley-Huggins bands, one with a higher ozone absorption coefficient than the
other, the quantities are formed:

Nj = - 1 0 0 log 10 (6.32)

Because reflectance changes much less rapidly with wavelength than gaseous
absorption, in many cases ρ can be considered nearly constant between λ and χ

Solar Radiation



>//////////?///////////////// 1
Surface Schematic diagram illustrating the retrieval of ozone.
Chapter 6 Temperature and Trace Gases

λ . If ρ did not change, then N - N would be directly proportional to l /

2 x 2 ozone

Measurements of N and N plus knowledge of the absorption coefficients and

1 2

zenith angles would yield total ozone. However, because of the λ dependence - 4

of Rayleigh scattering, ρ does change between wavelengths λ and λ . Rayleigh λ 2

scattering calculations can account for the influence of the atmosphere on p, but
not for the surface reflectance. Therefore a third observation at λ outside the 3

ozone band is necessary. This observation establishes the surface reflectance p , sfc

which is assumed to be the same at λ and λ . Scattering calculations then yield

χ 2

ρ at and λ , which are used to calculate U e -

2 o z o n

In practice, of course, the retrieval procedure is somewhat more complicated.

The BUV that flew on Nimbus 4 operated for 7 years from 1970 to 1977. Klenk
et al. (1982) used 5 of the 12 BUV wavelengths to retrieve total ozone. Two pairs
of wavelengths in the ozone band were used: the A pair consisted of 312.60 and
317.63 nm, and the Β pair consisted of 313.29 and 339.93 nm. These measure-
ments were made with the monochromator. The photometer (similar to the Cloud
Cover Radiometer on SBUV/2) made measurements outside the ozone band at
380 nm. Actual retrievals were made by comparing measured radiances with large
lookup tables of calculated radiances. The lookup tables were calculated using
the method of Dave (1964) and took into account multiple scattering, polarization,
the spherical shape of the atmosphere, and the ozone profile shape. Figure 6.12

90 0 90 180
W longitude Ε
FIGURE 6.12. Global distribution of total ozone for December 1970 derived from Nimbus 4 BUV
measurements. The units are D o b s o n units, that is the depth (in 1 0 " cm) of pure ozone at standard

temperature and pressure (0°C, 1013.25 hPa). T o obtain the mass of ozone per unit area (in grams
per square meter), multiply by 0 . 0 2 1 4 . [After Krueger et al. (1980).]
PLATE 1 ATS 3 full-disk image. [Courtesy of NASA.]

PLATE 2 SSM/I images.

PLATE 3 Color enhancement of an IR image.
PLATE 4 Precipitable water derived from VAS data using the split w i n d o w technique. The images are
at 3 h intervals (A-E) starting at 1 2 0 0 U T C 13 July 1 9 8 1 . A histogram of the precipitable water
distribution is s h o w n at the bottom of each image. N o t e that precipitable water exhibits extremely
high spatial variability, which can only be captured by a satellite-borne instrument. [After Chesters
etal (1983).]
PLATE 5 NESDIS operationally derived winds from the GOES-West satellite on 2 9 February 1988 at
1545 U T C . The red barbs represent l o w level winds (surface to 7 0 0 hPa), the yellow barbs are
mid-level winds ( 6 9 9 - 4 0 0 hPa), and the blue barbs are upper-level winds (above 4 0 0 hPa).

PLATE 6 A perspective view of a thunderstorm cloud top with height contours derived from
stereoscopic analysis. [Courtesy of A. F. Hasler, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center.]
6.5 Ozone and Other Gases 215

shows the global distribution of total ozone for December 1970 derived from the
Nimbus 4 BUV.
Total ozone can be retrieved in the presence of clouds because most of the
ozone lies above the cloud tops. However, a change in the retrieval scheme must
be made. When the reflectance measured by the photometer was greater than 0.6,
it was assumed that clouds were present and that the cloud top was approximately
400 hPa. Separate lookup tables were calculated for cloudy retrievals.
Klenk et al. compared their retrievals with surface-based observations and
found a bias of 3.5%, which they attribute primarily to differences in ozone
absorption coefficients used in the two techniques. The standard deviation of the
difference from ground-based measurements was 1.5-3.0%, which results in an
rms difference of 3.8-4.6%.
The Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) on Nimbus 7 is much like
BUV or SBUV, except that (1) it scans instead of making measurements only at
nadir, and (2) it makes measurements only of total ozone, not ozone profiles.
Daily global maps of total ozone at 50-150-km resolution are produced. Bhartia 11

et al. (1984a) report that TOMS measures less total ozone than do ground-based
instruments. The bias is - 6 % ± 2%. This is thought to be due in large part to
a difference in the absorption coefficients used. The standard deviation between
TOMS measurements and Dobson (ground-based) measurements averaged 2.6%.
This results in an rms difference of about 6.7%. Accuracies of total ozone retrieved
from Nimbus 7 SBUV measurements are similar, and these values are probably
representative of total ozone retrieved from the SBUV/2 on the NOAA satellites.
Total ozone retrievals utilize measurements in the longer-wavelength, more
transparent portion of the Hartley-Huggins band. Estimates of ozone profiles
utilize measurements at shorter, more opaque wavelengths where the surface
contribution is negligible. The basic equation can be derived as follows (London
et al., 1977). Consider a plane-parallel atmosphere as shown in Fig. 6.11. All
UV instruments which retrieve ozone profiles only view nadir; therefore, 0 = sat

0 (^ = 1 ) . Since the atmosphere emits no UV radiation, and since the sun is


the only source of UV radiation, the no-emission equations of Section 3.3.2 apply,
specifically Eq. 3.45. Assume now that all radiation reaching the satellite is sunlight
which has been scattered once and only once from a Rayleigh scatterer. The
second term on the right-hand side of Eq. 3.45 may be neglected, and the radiative
transfer equation becomes

(1 +>sun) e X
P (6.33)

where Eq. 3.60 has been used for the Rayleigh scattering phase function, and the
scattering angle ψ has been set equal to 0 because 0 = 0. Assuming that the
5 sun sat

transmittance from the surface is zero, this equation can be integrated to yield

ώ exp Γ - (δ - δ ) ( 1 + — ) 1 άδ .
λ 0 λ κ (6.34)
Ό L V ^sun/
1 1
T O M S also flew on the M e t e o r - 3 5 satellite.
2]£ Chapter 6 Temperature and Trace Gases

Recalling that τ = exp(6 - δ ), and choosing p as the vertical coordinate, this

λ 0 λ

equation becomes

\ °ώ (ρ)Ψ (ρ,μ)άρ,
κ κ (6.35a)

This is very like Eqs. 6.3, with a slightly different form for W , and with ώ (ρ)
x λ

in place of B (T). With measurements of L and E{ at several wavelengths plus

k k

knowledge of the solar zenith angle and ozone absorption coefficients, it should
be possible to retrieve ώ as a function of p. Now ώ is the ratio of the scattering
λ λ

coefficient to the extinction coefficient. Scattering is assumed to be entirely due

to Rayleigh scattering by air molecules. The scattering coefficient is given by Eq.
3.58 and has the form /"(λ)ρ, where ρ is atmospheric density. Absorption is
assumed to be entirely due to ozone molecules and has the form ß (T,p)qp, where

q is the ozone mixing ratio, and again, ρ is atmospheric density. Therefore, ώ λ

is independent of ρ and is a function of q which is the desired quantity. Mateer


(1977) discusses several ways to retrieve ozone concentration from UV measure-

Using the technique of Schneider et al. (1981), Bhartia et al. (1984b) retrieved
ozone profiles from Nimbus 7 SBUV measurements and compared them with
rocket and balloon measurements. They found biases generally less than 10%
and rms differences in the 1 0 - 2 0 % range.
A third way to measure ozone takes advantage of ozone's absorption of visible
light in the Chappuis bands. A solar or stellar occultation experiment is extremely
simple. The extinction of radiation is measured as a function of tangent height
as the sun or another star rises or sets. The optical depth δ of the atmosphere's
limb is simply the product of the number of molecules in the path and the
absorption cross section; the extinction is, of course, exp (-δ). The Stratospheric
Aerosol and Gas Experiment (SAGE) flew on the Applications Explorer Mission
2 (AEM 2) from February 1979 to November 1981. It measured atmospheric
extinction in the Chappuis band at 0.6 μπι (and three other wavelengths). Approxi-
mately 30 observations were made per day, 13,000 over the lifetime of the instru-
ment. Vertical profiles of ozone concentration can be retrieved from the extinction
as a function of tangent height [see Section 8.4 and McCormick et al. (1979)].
McCormick et al. (1984) compared SAGE ozone profiles with balloon and
rocket observations. In the altitude range 18-28 km, the bias between SAGE and
balloon data (17 comparisons) averaged 9.3% with a standard deviation of 2.8%
(rms difference 9.7%). Differences between SAGE and rocket measurements were
in the range 11-13.5%.
SAGE II, launched in October 1984 on the Earth Radiation Budget Satellite
(ERBS), also had a 0.6-μπι channel to measure ozone [and six other channels;
Chu (1986)]. Ozone profiles retrieved by Chu etal. (1989) were compared against
ozonesondes and found to be within 1% on average and within 7% at all altitudes
6.5 Ozone and Other Gases 217

between 20 and 53 km (Cunnold et al., 1989). The SAGE II profiles were found
to be more precise than the SAGE profiles, but the SAGE profiles have been
revised and Cunnold et al. state that the SAGE and SAGE II data can be combined
to form a long-term (since 1979) stratospheric ozone data set.
All of the methods for measuring ozone have their advantages and disadvan-
tages. The solar occultation method is simple, both in equipment and in retrieval
technique. However, the fact that measurements can be made only at satellite
sunrise and sunset limits the number and the spatial distribution of the measure-
ments. Backscatter ultraviolet methods are accurate and measurements have been
made over long time periods. However, they cannot be made in darkness, such
as over the winter pole. Infrared methods, made with either a downward-looking
or a limb sounder are perhaps a little less accurate than UV methods, but they
do not depend on reflected sunlight. Retrieval of total ozone from operational
sounders is easy, twice-daily global maps of total ozone can be obtained, and
measurements have been collected since 1978 (on the NOAA satellites). Limb
infrared measurements of ozone profiles have resolution similar to BUV-estimated
profiles, but can be retrieved in daylight as well as darkness. They have been
made intermittently since 1975.
Several satellite experiments have measured stratospheric gases other than
ozone. These measurements are extremely important for the understanding of the
chemistry and dynamics of the stratosphere. All are made with infrared limb
sounders or solar occultation measurements. These experiments are summarized
in Table 6.1. As an example, Fig. 6.13 shows the zonal mean cross section of
HNO? concentration derived from LIMS data.

TABLE 6.1. Satellite Measurements of Stratospheric Gases Prior to UARS

Gas Satellite Instrument Technique Accuracy Reference

N0 2 Nimbus 7 LIMS IR Limb Snd ±20% Russell et al.

AEM-2 SAGE I Solar Occ. ±25% Chu and McCormick
ERBS SAGE II Solar Occ. Chu (1986)
HN0 3 Nimbus 7 LIMS IR Limb Snd ±20% Gille et al. (1984b)
N 0
2 Nimbus 7 SAMS Limb PMR 6- - 1 7 % (at 7 hPa) Jones and Pyle
12- - 2 0 % (at 2 0 hPa) (1984)
5 0 - - 1 0 0 % (at 0.6 hPa)
CH 4 Nimbus 7 SAMS Limb PMR 3 - - 1 0 % (at 7 hPa) Jones and Pyle
5- - 1 5 % (at 2 0 hPa) (1984)
2 0 - - 4 0 % (at 0.2 hPa)
NO Nimbus 7 SAMS Limb PMR*
CO Nimbus 7 SAMS Limb PMR
co 2
Nimbus 7 SAMS Limb VMK b

Pressure-modulated radiometry, like SSU (see Section 4.1.4).
CO concentration measured above 100 km.
2]8 Chapter 6 Temperature and Trace Gases

H N 0 Z O N A L M E A N C R O S S S E C T I O N (ppbv)


FIGURE 6.13. Zonal mean cross section of HN0 3 concentration derived from LIMS data for 6 January
1979. [After Gille and Russell (1984).]

NASA's Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS), launched 15 September

1991, is the most important satellite to study the middle atmosphere since the
Nimbus program. Its orbit is similar to that of the Earth Radiation Budget Satellite,
circular at an altitude of about 600 km with a 57° inclination angle. UARS
measures numerous gases (Table 6.2) that are important for stratospheric and
mesospheric chemistry, and especially for ozone chemistry. Of particular impor-
tance are microwave measurements of chlorine monoxide (CIO), which is thought
to be the link between chlorofluorocarbons and ozone destruction.

TABLE 6.2. Stratospheric and Mesospheric Gases Measured by UARS*

Instrument Gases measured Technique

Cryogenic Limb Array Etalon 0 , NO, N 0 , N 0 ,

3 2 2 HNO3, IR spectrometer
Spectrometer (CLAES) N 0 , H 0 , C H , CF C1 ,
2 5 2 4 2 2 3 . 5 - 1 2 . 7 μπι
CFCI3, HCl, C 1 0 N 0
0 , NO, N 0 , N 0 , HNO3,

Improved Stratospheric and 3 2 2 PMR

Mesospheric Sounder (ISAMS) N 0 , H 0 , C H , CO
2 5 2 4 4 . 6 - 1 6 . 6 μπι
Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) 0 , H 0 , CIO 3 2 Microwave limb radiometer
63, 1 8 3 , and 205 mm
Halogen Occultation Experiment 0 ,NO, N0 ,H 0,
3 2 2 Solar occultation
(HALOE) C H , HCl, HF 4 2 . 4 3 - 1 0 . 2 5 μχη
From a NASA pamphlet, UARS: A Program to Study Global Ozone Change, NASA Headquarters,
Washington, D C , 28 pp.
6.6 The Split-Window Technique 219


Most of the preceding discussion concerns the estimation of atmospheric quan-

tities. The retrieval schemes attempt to correct for any signal from the surface.
However, some meteorologically important quantities, such as sea and land sur-
face temperatures, are properties of the surface. To retrieve them, atmospheric
modification of the upwelling radiation must be corrected. An extremely important
technique used in many of these retrieval schemes is the so-called split-window
The split-window technique has its roots in papers by Saunders (1967) and
Anding and Kauth (1970). Its best statement, however, is in McMillin and Crosby
(1984). Surface observations are made in atmospheric windows. However, these
windows are dirty; that is, the radiance leaving the surface is modified by the
atmosphere. For infrared windows, the radiative transfer equation can be written
L , = Β (Τ )τ (λ) + β (Τ )[1 - τ„(λ)],
λ 5 0 λ Α (6.36)
where τ (λ) is the transmittance from the surface to the satellite at wavelength λ,

T is the surface brightness (equivalent blackbody) temperature, and T is a mean

s A

brightness temperature of the atmosphere given by

1 _
^ο( ) r λ J

Some windows, particularly the 10.5-12.5-/xm window, are wide enough to

permit observations in two channels. The split-window technique uses observa-
tions at two wavelengths to eliminate the influence of T and solve for T . A s

Suppose that radiances at two wavelengths λ and λ are measured. Then λ 2

Li = Bi(Tbi) = B (T )t
1 S 1 + B^TaXI - τ,), (6.38a)
L = B (T ) = B ( T > + B (T )(1 - τ ),
2 2 B2 2 2 2 A 2 (6.38b)
where the subscripts 1 and 2 indicate wavelength, T is a brightness temperature B

(equivalent blackbody temperature), and τ is understood to mean r . If the two 0

wavelengths are close together, we can expect three things.

• The weighting functions in the two channels will be similar, and therefore
T will be the same in both equations. Prabhakara et al. (1974) showed

that in the 10.5-12.5-μπι window, T varies by less than 1 K. A

• The surface emittance and thus T will also be the same in each equation.

• Differences in transmittance will be the result of differences in the absorp-

tion coefficient of the same absorbing gas. In the 10.5-12.2-μπι window,
water vapor is the chief absorber.
If U is the column-integrated water vapor (the precipitable water), then

T ~txp(-ßß).
K (6.39)
220 Chapter 6 Temperature and Trace Gases

Given measurements of L and L , Eqs. 6.38 appear to constitute two equations

x 2

in three unknowns: T , T , and U. It will turn out, however, that because the
A s

optical depth is small, eliminating T also eliminates U. The split-window tech- A

nique can be used directly to obtain T , but not 17, from satellite measurements s

at two wavelengths. 17 can be retrieved, however, if an independent estimate of

T is available.

To solve Eqs. 6.38 for T , the wavelength dependence must be eliminated.


Since the weighting functions peak at the surface, T , T , and T will be close s B1 B2

to T . Expanding the Planck functions about T :


Β (Τ)~Β (Τ )+^(Τ-Τ ),
λ λ Α Α (6.40)

where the partial derivative is evaluated at Τ = T . Writing this equation for A

each wavelength and eliminating Τ - T between the two equations yields an A

equation that relates radiance changes at one wavelength to radiance changes at

the other:

B (T) « B (T ) + [-^fj
2 (Bi(T) - B (T )).
2 A a A (6.41)
Using Eq. 6.41 to approximate B (T ) and B (T ) yields Eq. 6.38b as 2 B2 2 S

B (T )
x m = Β {Τ,)τλ 2 + B!(T )(1 - r ) . A 2 (6.42)
Finally, eliminating Β {Τ )λ κ between Eqs. 6.38a and 6.42 yields the split-win-
dow equation

Β,(Τ,) = B {T ) + τ,ΕΒ^Τβ!) -
x m ß!(T )], B2 (6.43)

τ λ - r 2

By approximating the Planck function as locally linear, a slightly less accurate

but more popular form of the split-window equation can be derived:

Ts = T B1 + η(Τ Β1 - T ). B2 (6.45)
Two important points must be made about the split-window equation. First,
the split-window technique is a correction technique. The difference between
observations at two wavelengths is used to correct one of the observations for
atmospheric effects to yield an improved estimate of surface radiance or tempera-
ture. Second, the factor η does not depend on the amount of absorber 17. Since
the transmittance is relatively large in atmospheric windows, Eq. 6.39 can be
approximated as

T °*l-ßß,
k (6.46)
6.6 The Split-Window Technique 221

and, therefore

The most accurate way of calculating η is not via Eq. 6.47 but by simulating
satellite-measured radiances using a variety of model atmospheres with differing
absorber amounts. If AVHRR channels 4 (11 μπή and 5 (12 μπι) are used for
the first and second wavelengths, respectively, then η ~ 3. (Note that η is positive
because channel 5 is more sensitive to water vapor than is channel 4.)
Channels in separate windows, (e.g., the 3.7- and the 10.5-12.5-μιη windows),
which are both clouded by the same gas, can be used to estimate surface tempera-
ture, but one should not expect the equation to take the exact form of the split-
window equation. In general, the surface temperature will be a linear combination
of the measured brightness temperatures plus a constant term. When channels in
different windows are used, the technique is referred to as a multiple-window tech-
In practice the split-window technique is rarely used directly. Rather, it provides
theoretical justification for regressing the surface temperature of interest against
measured or simulated brightness temperatures.

6.6.1 Sea and Land Surface Temperatures

Since 1970, NESDIS has operationally produced and archived global sea surface
temperatures (SSTs), which are important for a variety of meteorological and
oceanographic purposes (McClain et ah, 1985). Until the launch of NOAA 7,
SST was based on the 11 -μτη brightness temperature. A variety of correction
schemes were used depending on what instruments were in orbit. Prior to the
launch of NOAA 2, only crude corrections based on climatological values of
precipitable water were possible. NOAA 2, launched in 1972, had the Vertical
Temperature Profile Radiometer (VTPR), an operational sounder. Beginning in
1973, ll-μπι Scanning Radiometer (SR) measurements were corrected using re-
trieved VTPR temperature and moisture profiles. Because of problems with the
retrieved soundings, after 1976 NESDIS retrieved SSTs with regression equations
using ll-μπι SR measurements and VTPR radiances. With the launch of TIROS
N, AVHRR and HIRS/2 measurements were substituted for SR and VTPR mea-
surements. All of these SST retrieval algorithms are known as global opera-
tional SST computation (GOSTCOMP). McClain (1979) has detailed these
With the launch of NOAA 7 in 1981, 11-, 12-, and 3.7-/xm channels became
simultaneously available. New, more accurate SST retrieval algorithms using the
split- and multiple-window techniques were derived. The equations were based
on regression between calculated radiances and SSTs, but they were corrected
based on comparisons between NOAA 7 data and SSTs measured by drifting
buoys (Strong and McClain, 1984).
222 Chapter 6 Temperature and Trace Gases

The current operational retrieval scheme is detailed by McClain et al. (1985).


The following discussion summarizes the major aspects of the scheme. AVHRR
data are first blocked into arrays as small as 8 km on a side, near coastlines, to
25 km on a side, in the open ocean. Daytime and nighttime retrievals have separate
algorithms. An important part of the algorithm is the detection and elimination
of clouds. In the daytime this is accomplished by taking advantage of the fact
that at 0.9 μπι the sea surface is nearly black and very uniform. Blocks in which
0.9-μπι reflectance varies by more than 0.32% or in which a pixel exceeds an
empirically determined bidirectional reflectance are rejected as cloudy. At night
reflected solar radiation is not available; less accurate techniques based on thermal
infrared observations must be used. One of these tests relies on the uniformity
of the sea surface. The l l - μ π ι brightness temperature of the pixels in a block
must agree to within 0.2 K. A second test relies on the fact that over the clear
ocean, the 11-, 12,- and 3.7-μηι brightness temperatures are correlated with each
other. Regression equations, derived from cloud-free data sets, are used to predict
the 3.7-μπι brightness temperature from the ll-μπι brightness temperature and to
predict the 1 l-μπι brightness temperature from the 12-μπι brightness temperature.
The predicted and observed temperatures must closely agree. Unfortunately, low
uniform stratus clouds can pass both of these tests. A final test, which eliminates
most stratus clouds requires that the 3.7- and 11-μπι brightness temperatures
differ by less than 0.7 K.
After cloud scenes have been eliminated, the sea surface temperatures are
retrieved. In the daytime, the 3.7-μπι brightness temperatures are contaminated
by reflected sunlight. Therefore only the 11- and 12-μπι brightness temperatures
are used in a regression equation:
SST = 1.0346T + 2.5779(T - T ) - 283.21.
n n 12 (6.48)
In this equation the SST is in degrees Celsius, and the brightness temperatures
are in kelvins. At night, all three channels may be used; three independent SSTs
are calculated:
SSTj = 1.0088T . + 0.4930(T
3 7 37 - Tu) - 273.34, (6.49a)
SST = 1.0350T + 2.5789(T
2 n n - Ti ) - 283.18,
SST = 1.0170T„ + 0.9694(T .
3 3 7 - T12) - 276.58. (6.49c)
All three SSTs must agree to within 1 K. SST , called the triple-window solution,

is usually chosen as the SST. However, the 3.7-μπι AVHRR channel has had
problems with electrical noise. When the noise is too great at 3.7 μπι, SST is 2

used instead, and the consistency test is not applied. Two final tests are applied
to the retrieved SSTs, either day or night. First, the SST must be between —2.0
and + 35.0°C, and second, the SST must be within 7.0 Κ of the monthly climatolog-
ical value for its location. SSTs retrieved with this scheme are called multichannel
sea surface temperatures (MCSSTs). They are archived by NESDIS on a variety
of space and time scales (McClain et al., 1985). An example is shown in Fig. 6.14.
As with any operational retrieval system, the algorithm is occasionally updated. Users of the
1 2

data should ascertain the exact algorithm used.


60E 70E 8QE 90E 100E 110E 120E 130E 140E 150E 160E 170E 180 170W160W150W140W130W120W110W100W90W 80W 70W 60W 50W 40W 30W 20W 10W 0 10E 20E 30E 40E 50E 60E


FIGURE6.14. Monthly mean sea surface temperature (°C) for March 1 9 8 2 from A V H R R data. [Courtesy of E. Paul McClain, N O A A / N E S D I S . ]
224 Chapter 6 Temperature and Trace Gases

One problem with the MCSST algorithm is that it is affected by stratospheric

aerosols produced by volcanic eruptions. Using atmospheric transmittance models,
Walton (1985) showed that MCSSTs could be in error by several kelvins in the
presence of realistic aerosol distributions. He developed a three-channel algorithm
that could be used to derive SSTs even in the presence of aerosols. Since it depends
on the 3.7-μηι channel, however, it can be used only at night and only when the
3.7-μπι channel is not too noisy.
Atmospheric sounding retrievals usually also retrieve skin temperature. Thus
soundings over ocean produce sea surface temperatures essentially as a byproduct.
SSTs have been retrieved by Susskind and Reuter (1985) using HIRS/2 and MSU
data and by Bates and Smith (1985) using VAS data. The above three techniques
only retrieve SSTs under cloud-free conditions. A fourth technique utilizes data
from the Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR) on board the
Nimbus 7 satellite (Milman and Wilheit, 1985). This technique, which is based
on regression between calculated microwave brightness temperatures and SSTs, is
largely unaffected by clouds. However, the Nimbus 7 SMMR was an experimental
instrument that was operated only every other day. Also, the instrument was
affected by heating and cooling in orbit. Corrections for these and other problems
were found to be necessary.
Assessing the accuracy of satellite-estimated sea surface temperatures is not an
easy task, in part because satellites sense only perhaps the top millimeter of water.
Comparative measurements from buoys sample at least the top few centimeters,
and ship-based measurements sample the top few meters. Significant gradients
can exist between the levels sensed by satellites and those sensed by in situ
sensors. There is also the problem of precisely matching the location of the satellite
observation with the in situ measurement, particularly in high-gradient coastal
areas. To discuss these problems and to compare SST retrieval systems with each
other and with carefully quality-checked in situ measurements, a series of three
workshops were held between January 1983 and February 1984 (Njoku, 1985;
Njoku et al., 1985). Table 6.3 contains comparisons between the four SST tech-
niques mentioned above and ship observations. The operational AVHRR tech-
nique performed better than the three experimental techniques.
Finally, land surface temperatures can also be estimated with satellite data.
Price (1984) has successfully estimated land surface temperatures using a split-

TABLE 6.3. Comparison of Satellite-Estimated SSTs with Ship Observations*



Bias (satellite-ship) (K) -0.36 0.30 0.90 -0.21

Standard deviation (K) 0.51 0.92 0.56 1.11
Root-mean-square difference (K) 0.62 0.98 1.06 1.13
After Njoku (1985).
6.6 The Split-Window Technique

window-type technique. Land surface temperatures are useful for a variety of

applications including frost detection and warning.

6.6.2 Precipitable Water

The split-window equations also allow precipitable water to be estimated.
Assuming that the Planck function is locally linear, Eqs. 6.38 become

T*i - ? A = (Ά ~ T )t
A u (6.50a)

7B2 - T = (T, - T ) r .
A A 2 (6.50b)

This time eliminating T , we get


i _ T
M - T A

— -;= —. (6.51)
2 1
B2 ~ A

Assuming again that τ is a function only of the integrated amount of a single

absorbing gas,

— = exp - i ß i - ß i ) - ] - (6-52)

Eliminating r / r from Eqs. 6.51 and 6.52,

2 1

Thus, if one has measurements of split-window brightness temperatures plus an

estimate of T , one can retrieve U. Chesters et al. (1983) have used VAS split-

window images plus estimates of T derived from radiosonde measurements to


estimate precipitable water over the United States (Plate 4). The success of this
technique rests on the fact that atmospheric temperature is much less variable
spatially than water vapor. Robinson et al. (1986) have used all 12 VAS channels
plus surface observations in regression equations to retrieve precipitable water.
Mostek et al. (1986) found these estimates useful in analyzing the clear, preconvec-
tive environment of thunderstorms.
The above infrared techniques for estimating precipitable water may be used
over either land or ocean, but they may not be used in the presence of clouds. A
similar technique employing two microwave frequencies (22.235 and 31 GHz)
can be used to retrieve precipitable water over the ocean (but not over land) in
the presence of clouds (Grody, 1976). This same technique also yields estimates
of column-integrated cloud liquid water content, again over the ocean. This
technique is discussed in Chapter 8.
Chapter 6 Temperature and Trace Gases


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Γ o SPECIFY THE current state of the atmosphere and to predict its future
state, one must know the flow field in addition to the mass field. In
this chapter we discuss the ways in which winds (the flow field) can be derived
from satellite measurements. The chapter begins with cloud- and vapor-tracking
techniques, proceeds to methods for deriving winds from the soundings discussed
in the last chapter, presents some special techniques for determining winds over
thetocean, and concludes with a new Doppler wind-estimation method introduced
on the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite.


The great advantage of geostationary satellites is that they can make frequent
images of the same area. Since the launch of ATS 1 in 1966, meteorologists have
watched the movement of clouds and attempted to use them to estimate winds.
The concept is very simple; the vector difference of the location of a cloud in two
successive images divided by the time interval between images is an estimate of
the horizontal wind at the level of the cloud. Winds estimated by this method
are called cloud-track or cloud-drift winds. Hubert (1979) reviews the techniques

234 Chapter 7 Winds

used in cloud tracking. The two basic methods for tracking clouds, manual track-
ing and automatic tracking, are discussed in the next two sections.

7.1.1 Manual Tracking

In manual tracking, an analyst individually locates the clouds to be tracked
on each of two or more consecutive images (Hubert and Whitney, 1971). This
is usually done by positioning a cursor at the cloud center on a video display
device. A computer takes the cloud positions and calculates the wind vectors
using navigation algorithms. Often three images are used. The wind vector at the
center time is the average of the vectors before and after the center time. If the
two vectors are not consistent, the analyst is asked to recheck the positions.
Manual tracking has two advantages over automatic tracking. First, people
are very good at choosing appropriate clouds to track. Low clouds can even be

FIGURE 7.1. (a) SMS 2 visible image at 2 0 5 8 UTC 25 April 1975. (b) Low-level winds derived by
manual cloud tracking using the image in (a) and a companion image at 2 1 0 5 UTC. [After Negri
and Vonder Haar (1980).]
7.1 Cloud and Vapor Tracking

tracked through thin cirrus overcast. Second, in theory more cloud vectors can
be obtained manually than with automatic methods because individual clouds (or
cloud systems) are tracked rather than areas of clouds. However, a disadvantage of
manual tracking is that it is extremely tedious, which effectively limits the number
of clouds that can be manually tracked.
Figure 7.1 shows a visible SMS 2 image and the wind vectors manually produced
from it and its companion image. Note one deficiency with cloud-track winds:
If there are no clouds, no winds can be estimated. A similar problem occurs with
hurricanes and other storms; low-level winds in the most intense part of the storm
often cannot be tracked because of obscuration by thick cirrus overcast.
It is interesting that the scanning frequency is an important factor in determining
the number of clouds that can be tracked. Rodgers et al. (1979) investigated the
effects of time and space resolution on cloud tracking in hurricanes. They found
that if 3 min or 7.5 min rapid-scan GOES data were used in place of the normal

33 Η 1 1 ι 1 1 1 1 ι f—ι—
99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90
FIGURE 7.1. {continued)
236 Chapter 7 Winds

30-min data, 10 times as many clouds could be tracked. To achieve this increase,
however, it was necessary to use full resolution (1 km) visible images. Coarser
resolution images prevented sufficiently accurate cloud location.

7.1.2 Automatic Tracking

Automatic tracking is done primarily using the cross-correlation method of 1

Leese et al. (1971) as improved by Smith and Phillips (1972) and Philips et al.
(1972). In this technique, tracking of individual cloud features, which is difficult
for a computer, is abandoned in favor of a computationally intensive method in
which the average motion of an area of clouds is calculated. Figure 7.2 illustrates
this process. In the first of two images, a target array of typically 1 6 x 1 6 pixels
is selected. The problem is to locate this area in the second image, assuming that
the clouds have moved, but changed little, during the time interval between images.
A search array of typically 32 x 32 pixels, centered on the location of the target
array, is chosen in the second image. The target array can be positioned either
vertically or horizontally to any of 17 lag positions ( - 8 < m,n < +8) in the
search array. A correlation coefficient is calculated for each lag position:

16 16

Σ Σ [ i+m+s,j+n+s
~ S{m n))](T
9 u - T)
r = (7 1)
Σ Σ [S Σ Σ(^ ~
* Γ 16 16 _ 16 16 _ M/2> {
s, s - S(m,n))] 2

U=i/=i i=i/=i J
1+m+ j+n+

where T is the pixel at the ith row and jth column in the target array (1 <

< 16), Sfrj is the pixel at the kth row and /th column in the search array (1 <
kj < 32), Τ is the average of pixels in the target array, and S{m,n) is the average
of the pixels in the 16 x 16 subarea of the search array at lag position (m,n):
^ 16 16

S(m,n) = — Σ Σ •S,-+m+8,;+i.+8 · (7.2)

ZJO i ιι
i= =

The lag position (m,n) where the correlation coefficient is maximum is assumed
to be the final position of the target array. Navigation algorithms are used to
translate the initial and final positions into a wind vector.
The cross-correlation method works well, but the following should be consid-
ered. Computations based on Eq. 7.1 are lengthy even for a fast computer. In
practice the correlation coefficient is calculated using fast Fourier transforms (see
Leese et al., 1971). Often the volume of computation is further reduced by using
a first-guess wind from a recent analysis to estimate where to begin searching in
the search array. Calculations of the correlation coefficient are performed in a
subarea of the search array centered on the first-guess position. If a suitable peak

Pattern matching techniques have been successfully implemented. See Wolf et al. (1977) and

Endlich and Wolf (1981).

A least-squares or least-absolute-value approach can also be used. See Smith (1975).
ι/ι ι ι / ι / ι /

• Ρ Off:
1 ο ,

ΐ Λ
Γ ι Λ ΐΝι ι/ι ι
/ Ι J I I I 1 \ <

FIGURE 7.2.Top: Visible GOES—West images for 17 July 1 9 8 7 at (left) 1916 UTC and (right) 1945
UTC. The boxes show the target array in the 1 9 1 6 UTC image and the search array in the 1945
UTC image. Middle: Blown-up images of the target and search arrays. The dashed box shows the
location of best fit of the target area, and the arrow represents the wind. Bottom: The correlation
matrix. The wind is determined by the location of the maximum correlation coefficient.
238 Chapter 7 Winds

can be found, the process is terminated. If not, calculations for the remainder of
the search array are performed.
Occasionally the algorithm fails to find a single, well-defined peak of the
correlation coefficient in the search array. Sometimes all the correlation coefficients
are small, and there is no important maximum. This usually means that the
cloud feature changed substantially between images. Sometimes the correlation
coefficients are all large and there is no important maximum. This usually means
that the cloud field was nearly uniform so that many locations produce high
correlation coefficients. Finally, there may be more than one maximum. This
occurs when the cloud field is repetitive, such as stratocumulus, so that more
than one location in the search array matches the target array. Occasionally two
levels of clouds moving with different velocities are contained in the arrays. In
this case the array of correlation coefficients often has a single peak at zero lag.
Several strategies are available for dealing with these cases. Infrared data can
be used to reject arrays in which more than one cloud layer is present. Alternately,
an analyst can locate places which are suitable for tracking and reject those which
will confuse the algorithm.
The great advantage of the automatic method is that wind vectors can be
calculated by computer; it eliminates requiring a person to perform repetitive,
error-prone tasks. However, it has two disadvantages: (1) fewer wind vectors
may be produced, since only one wind vector is calculated for each target array;
and (2) those vectors which are produced may be in error. Manual editing of the
final set of wind vectors, which is desirable for manually produced wind vectors,
is essential for automatically produced vectors.
Editing of wind vectors is a complex task having both internal (computer-
done) and external (manually done) components. The internal components may
consist of comparing each vector with its neighbors, with an existing analysis, or
with an analysis of the entire set of wind vectors. If a vector deviates excessively
from the analysis, it is rejected or flagged for manual inspection. Also, if the
correlation coefficient matrix fails to find an unambiguous peak, the vector is
rejected or flagged. The external component consists of inspection by an analyst,
who looks at the plotted vectors, especially any flagged vectors, to determine
whether they appear to be meteorologically meaningful. Depending on the applica-
tions intended for the vectors, a balance must be achieved between the internal
and external editing process. In general, it is better to have the internal editor
flag rather than reject vectors because many meteorologically interesting situations
produce "anomalous" winds. An analyst can decide better than a computer which
vectors are significant. On the other hand, the analyst should not have to examine
too many vectors, else the advantage of the automatic method is lost.

7.1.3 Quality

Very accurate navigation and image registration are required to produce accu-
rate cloud-track winds. Navigation errors which do not change between images
do not degrade the accuracy of the wind calculation, but they cause the location
7.1 Cloud and Vapor Tracking 239

of the wind vector to be misplaced horizontally. Usually this type of error is not
serious. Far more serious are navigation errors which change between images.
These result in errors, sometimes large, in the wind vector itself. Fortunately,
these errors are infrequent today. When they occur, the pair of pictures with
which the winds are produced is usually abandoned. However, one of the images
can be reregistered by shifting it until landmarks are lined up in both images.
The process of retrieving winds then proceeds as above. If reregistration is used,
however, cloud vectors which are far from a landmark will be less accurate than
those which are closer because the navigation algorithms are nonlinear.
Not all clouds move passively with the wind. Clouds with large vertical extent
such as cumulonimbus clouds must be avoided. So too must orographically gener-
ated clouds, clouds associated with gravity waves, and clouds such as thunder-
storm anvils which are evaporating or growing in a way not associated with the
ambient wind. One must also be careful about clouds at frontal boundaries.
Studies have been done to determine which types of clouds are suitable for
tracking. Fujita et al. (1975) concluded that cumulus clouds less than 0.5 km in
diameter are too small to represent the wind. The clouds that best represented
the subcloud layer wind are cumulus between 0.5 and 4 km in diameter. Larger
cumulus clouds were also found to be suitable tracers if their vertical extent is
not too large. Hasler et al. (1979) used in situ aircraft observations to determine
that low-level cumulus clouds and cirrus clouds move essentially with the wind
and thus are good candidates for tracking. Few clouds can be tracked at midlevels.
A related question is, What types of clouds can be tracked with satellite imagery?
Visible images from the GOES satellites have 1-km resolution. Thus clouds a few
kilometers in diameter can be tracked. If infrared imagery is used, as it must be
at night, the 3 x 7-km resolution limits the size of what can be tracked. As
discussed in Section, a cloud that fills only a single pixel is not likely to
be well positioned. Thus, clouds or cloud systems several tens of kilometers
across—larger than the ideal cloud—must be used for tracking in the infrared.
Finally, the height assignment of the calculated wind vectors is difficult. The
motion of small cumulus clouds best represents the wind at cloud base, and the
motion of cirrus best represents the mean wind in the cloud. How does one
estimate these levels?
Several methods for using the satellite data themselves to make a height estimate
are discussed in Chapter 8. These include observations of cloud shadows, compari-
son of the equivalent blackbody temperature of the cloud top with a sounding,
and stereoscopic estimates made using two different satellites to view the same
cloud. Unfortunately, shadows and stereoscopy can be used only occasionally,
shadows because only low sun angles are useful, and stereoscopy because the
cloud must be viewed by each satellite at nearly the same time (normally
GOES-East and GOES-West are scheduled 15 min apart). IR height estimates
may be unreliable because trackable clouds have either unknown emittance (cirrus)
or unknown cloud fraction (low cumulus). Other techniques include (1) assigning
the vector to the level that deviates least from the latest analysis and (2) assigning
the vector to the level that in the past has agreed best with rawinsonde observa-
Chapter 7 Winds

tions. Often the later is used. Two multichannel infrared techniques for estimating
cloud height are discussed in Sections 7.1.5 and 7.1.6.
Unfortunately, there is more uncertainty in the height of the cloud than we
would like. This translates into an error in the wind because placing the correct
wind at the wrong level is just as bad as having the wrong wind at the correct

7.1.4 Operational Winds

Winds from cloud motion are produced operationally by all of the geostationary
satellite operating agencies. NESDIS produces winds from GOES-East and
GOES-West data, the European Space Agency (ESA) produces winds from Meteo-
sat data, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) produces winds from
Insat data, and the Meteorological Satellite Center (MSC) of Japan produces
winds from GMS data. The algorithms used in these different centers differ slightly.
We will use the NESDIS algorithms as an example. Wind Algorithms

At NESDIS, winds are produced on the VAS Data Utilization Center (VDUC)
system four times daily nominally at 00, 06, 12 and 18 UTC. A sequence of three
half-hourly images ending 1-2 h before the desired time is assembled. Because
8-km-resolution infrared data are are available around the clock, they are most
frequently used. However, 8-km-resolution visible data may be used at the discre-
tion of the analyst. With the exception of high-level winds over South America,
NESDIS usually tracks clouds only over the ocean.
Low-level winds (also called picture-pair winds) are computed by automatic
tracking. A pair of images is chosen and automatically reregistered using cross
correlation on preselected landmarks. These images are usually 30 min apart, but
can be 60 min apart. Approximately every 315 km, a square area of 16 x 16
pixels (roughly 125 X 125 km) is selected from the first image. A 32 x 32-pixel
search window is extracted from the second image. The pixels in these arrays are
examined to determine whether middle or high clouds are present. If its equivalent
blackbody temperature is colder than the 700-hPa temperature, a pixel is not
used in the calculations. Further, if more than 70% of the pixels are too cold,
no wind is calculated. A first guess wind is obtained from the latest 850-hPa
analysis. A cross-correlation matrix is computed, and the location of the maximum
correlation coefficient is interpolated between 8-km steps in the cross-correlation
matrix. Navigation software applied to the beginning and ending locations of the
center of the target array yields a wind vector. The resultant wind vectors are
compared (1) with their neighbors, (2) with the first guess, and (3) with an analysis
of all the winds (Thomasell, 1979). Vectors that deviate too severely are eliminated
or flagged for manual inspection. All of these computations are performed on
NOAA's supercomputer. The low-level winds are all assigned to the 900-hPa
7.1 Cloud and Vapor Tracking

All winds other than the low-level winds are derived manually by NESDIS on
the VDUC system, and manual tracking is used at the discretion of the analyst

to supplement the picture-pair winds at low levels. If three usable images are
available, two wind vectors are calculated, one between the first and second
images, and one between the second and third images. The two vectors are
compared. If they differ too much, they are discarded. If they are acceptable, a
vector between the first and last images is used as the wind. All vectors are
subjectively assigned to a pressure level by the analyst based on (1) the equivalent
blackbody temperature of the cloud, (2) recent analyses, and (3) experience. The
vast majority of these vectors are high-level winds, but middle- and even low-
level winds are occasionally produced manually.
All winds, both automatic and manual, are inspected by an analyst to ensure
consistency. The analyst is free to delete any vector that seems unjustified. It takes
about 3 h to produce a set of wind vectors from the two GOES satellites. Plate
5 shows one set of winds from GOES—West. The average set contains about
500 vectors, including all levels from both GOES satellites. These vectors are
transmitted over GTS as are the vectors produced by ESA, ISRO, and MSC.
NESDIS has archived GOES cloud-track winds since 1974. ESA, MSC and ISRO
also archive the winds which they produce. Accuracy
For several years the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Committee
on Coordination for Geostationary Meteorological Satellites (CGMS) has orga-
nized the collection of wind data sets from satellites and rawinsondes for compari-
son. Satellite winds are compared with (1) winds from other satellites (in the
region where satellite coverage overlaps) and (2) rawinsonde winds. NESDIS
performs comparisons between winds from GOES, Meteosat, and GMS and
between GOES winds and rawinsonde winds. These comparisons are similar to
those discussed in Chapter 6 between temperature and moisture soundings made
by satellites and rawinsondes. Observations that are nearly collocated in time
and space are compared. Recent comparisons between winds from different satel-
lites have yielded rms vector differences of about 6 m s" for high-level winds

and about 4 m s" for low-level winds. Comparison between satellite winds and

rawinsonde winds is worse: rms vector differences of 10—15 m s for high-level _ 1

winds and 5 - 6 m s" for low-level winds.


There are several sources of differences between satellite winds and rawinsonde
winds, among them: improper height assignment, inexact collocation in either
time or space, errors of measurement and tracking, and unrepresentative rawin-
sonde winds. Height assignment appears to be a primary source of error. One
would expect errors in height assignment in a sheared environment to increase
rms vector differences. When satellite winds are compared with rawinsonde winds

ESA uses automatic tracking for all of its winds (Bowen et al., 1979). Histograms of the IR and
visible pixels are used to determine whether an area is trackable, and if so, to what level to assign
the vector.
242 Chapter 7 Winds

not at the assigned level (as above) but at the level where the satellite wind differs
least from the rawinsonde wind (the level of best fit), rms vector differences
decrease by 4 0 - 5 0 % . Also, satellite—satellite differences are smaller than satel-
lite—rawinsonde differences. Since both satellites track virtually the same clouds,
height assignment is not a factor in this comparison. If height assignment can be
improved, cloud-drift wind errors will likely decrease. Sections 7.1.5 and 7.1.6
describe techniques that offer improved height assignment. Use in Numerical Models

Cloud-drift winds are used in numerical models throughout the world. NMC
uses winds from GMS and Meteosat as well as the two GOES satellites. As of
the time of this writing, winds from INS AT are not yet in use at NMC. In contrast
to the satellite soundings, satellite winds are used in both short- and medium-
range forecasts at NMC. About half of the wind vectors that go into the GDAS
run are used in the LFM and RAFS runs. Impact studies, such as those conducted
for satellite soundings, have not, to our knowledge, been performed for cloud-
drift winds, although some studies have included cloud-drift winds with satellite
soundings and other satellite data in their SAT/NOSAT comparisons.

7.1.5 C 0 Slicing

Menzel et al. (1983) have used VAS images in the 15-μπι C 0 band to track

clouds. Figure 7.3 shows images in VAS channels 3, 4, and 5 (14.2, 14.0, and
13.3 μηι). Note that as one moves closer to the 15-μιη center of the C 0 band, 2

low clouds disappear. Clouds that appear only in channel 5 are low clouds. Clouds
that appear in channels 4 and 5 but not in channel 3 are middle clouds. Clouds
that appear in all channels have high cloud tops. This slicing of the atmosphere
using C 0 channels results in winds that are more likely to be assigned to the

correct height. In addition, using ratios of the radiances, a quantitative estimate

of the cloud top can be made (see Chapter 8). Cloud heights can be estimated
within 50 hPa rms by this method.

7.1.6 Vapor Tracking

Although 6.7-μηι water-vapor images have been available for many years on
the polar-orbiting Nimbus satellites, the advent in 1977 of the high-resolution (5
km) water vapor channel on Meteosat made possible the tracking of water vapor
features (Eigenwillig and Fischer, 1982). Vapor tracking can also be accomplished
using lower-resolution (14-km) VAS data (Stewart et al., 1985). The advantage
of vapor-track winds is that they may be estimated in areas that are free of clouds.
In addition, since the weighting function of the water vapor channels peaks near
the 450-hPa level (depending on moisture), the derived winds are representative
of the middle troposphere, a region in which there are few trackable clouds. Thus
vapor-track and cloud-track winds complement each other.
7.1 Cloud and Vapor Tracking 243

FIGURE 7.3. VAS images used in C 0 2 slicing. [After Menzel et al. (1983).]
244 Chapter 7 Winds

Vapor-track winds suffer from the same difficulties as cloud-track winds, in

particular the task of assigning a height to the derived wind vector. Stewart et
al. (1985) have found some success in assigning the wind to the level where the
6.7-/xm brightness temperature equals the environmental temperature, determined
from an analysis. A problem unique to vapor tracking is that water vapor images
are "fuzzy." It is sometimes difficult to identify trackable features. High-pass
filtering and edge enhancement have been used to alleviate this problem.
To date, the accuracy of vapor-track winds has been somewhat less than that
of cloud-track winds. Eigenwillig and Fischer (1982) found rms speed differences
of about 5 m s " and rms direction differences of about 20°. The accuracy of

vapor-track winds, which are still experimental, will likely improve.

High clouds are visible in water vapor images. Szejwach (1982) has shown that
the emittance of cirrus clouds is about the same at 6.7 and 11 /xm. Simultaneous
observation of thin cirrus at both wavelengths allows the temperature (and thus
the height) of the cloud to be estimated. The use of both water vapor and window
infrared data to track high clouds may improve the accuracy of upper-level wind
estimation by improving the height assignment.


In general, the flow field is not independent of the mass field. Given temperature
soundings and an estimate of the sea-level pressure, one can calculate the height
of any pressure surface. In the extratopics, winds are related to the height field.
Three relationships come immediately to mind. The geostrophic wind is related
to the gradient of the geopotential:

V = y k x V<t>,
g (7.3)

where Φ is the geopotential (gz), f is the Coriolis parameter [= 2(dil /dt)sm<d,


diljdt = angular velocity of rotation of Earth, Θ = latitude], and k is a unit

vector in the vertical direction. The gradient wind blows in the same direction as
the geostrophic wind, but with magnitude

^ / v »
V/2 ·
(7 4)

where R is the radius of curvature of the trajectory of an air parcel. The gradient

wind is a better approximation for curved flow than the geostrophic wind. Finally,
the quasi-geostrophic approximation (see Holton, 1992) may be used to estimate
the wind. The question is: How accurate are winds calculated from satellite
temperature soundings?
Hayden (1984) used surface pressure reports and station elevations to calculate
the 1000-hPa height field. He then used VAS soundings and the hypsometric
7.3 Ocean Surface Winds 245

equation to calculate the heights of pressure surfaces aloft. He estimated winds

from the heights using the three approximations mentioned above. For 2 days 4

in 1982, he compared these winds with rawinsonde observations (sample size =

174). The gradient wind estimate was the best of the three. At 300 hPa the
comparison between the satellite-estimated gradient wind and the rawinsonde-
measured wind was good. The bias was less than 1 m s , and the rms error was

under 10 m s" . The correlation coefficient was 0.87. At 850 hPa, the results

were not as good. Although the rms errors were lower than at 300 hPa, the
correlation coefficient was much lower, essentially zero on one of the days. These
results make physical sense because satellite soundings are least accurate near the
surface. On the other hand, the mean temperature of a deep layer of the tropo-
sphere is accurately retrieved from radiance data. Therefore, the winds aloft ought
to be accurately estimated by this technique, assuming that the gradient wind
equation is capable of approximating the actual wind. Hayden's results are sup-
ported by those of Lord et al. (1984), who compared winds derived from satellite
soundings with aircraft observations.
It is interesting to note that winds derived from VAS data complement cloud-
track winds because VAS winds can only be calculated in clear areas.


Unique properties of the ocean surface or of oceanic storms have allowed the
development of several techniques to measure surface winds over the ocean.

7.3.1 Active Microwave Winds

Since the invention of radar, there has been an interest in the radar return
from the sea surface (sea clutter). An extensive series of observations using aircraft-
mounted radars during the 1960s indicated that there is a relationship between
surface wind and radar return. NASA then began development of a specialized
radar known as a scatterometer, which very accurately measures the backscatter-
ing cross section per unit sea surface area. This is a unitless parameter called the
normalized radar cross section, σ°. Scatterometers were flown on aircraft and
on Skylab. The results were sufficiently good that a scatterometer was planned
for Seasat.
Seasat's mission was to demonstrate the feasibility of global ocean monitoring
from space. Its instrument complement consisted of a Visible and Infrared Radiom-
eter (VIRR); one passive microwave instrument, the Scanning Multichannel Mi-
crowave Radiometer (SMMR, identical to the one flown on Nimbus 7); and three
active microwave instruments (radars): an altimeter (ALT), a synthetic aperture
radar (SAR), and a scatterometer, the Seasat-A Satellite Scatterometer (SASS).

In the gradient wind relationship, R was approximated as the radius of curvature of the geo-

strophic streamline.
246 Chapter 7 Winds

Seasat was launched on 28 June 1978, but it suffered a power supply failure on
10 October 1978.
SASS had bar-shaped, dual-polarization, fan-beam antennas extending horizon-
tally at angles of 45°, 135°, 225°, and 315° from the satellite velocity vector. The
instrument was designed to measure σ° in three swaths, one left, one right, and
one centered on the satellite ground track (Fig. 7.4). The orientation of the
antennas caused the instrument to scan at a 45° angle to the ground track.
The antenna footprint was electronically divided by Doppler filters into cells
approximately 18 x 70 km. To estimate both wind direction and wind speed,
each spot of ocean had to be observed at least twice from different azimuth angles.
SASS accomplished this by observing a spot with the forward antennas, then
observing it at right angles 1-3 min later with the aft antennas.
The relationship between σ° and surface wind is complex and not completely
understood. We present only a simplified treatment; the reader is referred to
Stewart (1985) for a more thorough discussion. Wind induces waves of all wave-
lengths on the sea surface. Waves that are near the wavelength of the radar
backscatter radiation through Bragg scattering: reflected radiation from one wave
reinforces (or cancels) that from the successive wave depending on wave spacing
and viewing geometry. Since the SASS wavelength was about 2 cm, centimeter-
size capillary waves are responsible for the backscatter. Several parameters influ-
ence σ°: primarily wind speed, zenith angle, relative azimuth between the radar
beam and the wind, and radiation polarization; but also water temperature,
viscosity, the spectrum of larger waves, and surface tension. The largest backscatter
occurs in the upwind and downwind directions. Backscatter minima are in the
vicinity of the crosswind directions.
To account for the large wind shear that occurs in the boundary layer, the
wind speed U employed in these calculations is taken to be the 19.5 m neutral


CONSTANT 14.59927 GHz

FIGURE 7.4. SASS swath geometry. [After Jones et al. (1982).]
7.3 Ocean Surface Winds 247

stability wind, which is the wind speed that would occur at a height of 19.5 m
above the surface if the atmosphere had neutral (dry adiabatic) stability. U is
calculated from in situ observations by applying a boundary-layer model which
uses the height of the anemometer (among other things) as an input parameter.
The algorithm for retrieving wind speed and direction from SASS observations
of σ° is called the SASS I model function (Schroeder et al., 1982; Jones et al.
1982). The model assumes that
σ° = GU , H
where G and Η are functions of zenith angle (ζ), relative azimuth angle (χ),
and polarization (P, vertical or horizontal). Tabulated values of G and Η were
determined empirically by fitting prelaunch aircraft and postlaunch SASS observa-
tions of σ° to in situ observations of wind speed and direction. Suppose that SASS
has made two measurements of σ° at 90° angles. Then we have two equations:

a? = G(£ , ,P )U <W.>.
1 X l 1

<r°2 = G(£ , 2 X l + 90°, P 2 )U <W>o°,p ).

2 (7.6b)
These are two nonlinear equations in two unknowns: U and χ They can be 1#

solved by plotting U versus χ (Fig. 7.5). The two equations yield two curves.

Since σ° is maximum in the upwind and downwind directions and minimum in

the crosswind directions, the curves have two maxima and two minima. Since
the two observations are made 90° apart, the two curves are shifted 90° so that
the minima of one are superimposed on the maxima of the other. The points
where the curves intersect are possible solutions, called aliases. Unfortunately
most of the time there are four aliases, only one of which represents the wind.
Sometimes two or three aliases are found. When more than two SASS cells overlap,


FIGURE 7.5. A plot of possible wind speeds and directions given measurements of σ ° made by the
forward and aft antennas. The intersections of the t w o curves are the aliases, one of which represents
the true 19.5-m neutral stability wind. [After Jones et al. (1982).]
248 Chapter 7 Winds

a least-squares estimator is used to derive the aliases. In the narrow swath under
the satellite, the wind speed, but not the wind direction, can be retrieved.
The SASS retrievals must be dealiased using auxiliary meteorological informa-
tion such as ship wind reports or model first-guess fields. Figure 7.6 shows an
example of SASS aliases, a model first-guess wind analysis, and a dealiased analysis
produced by an objective dealiasing procedure (Baker et al., 1984). This dealiasing
procedure is complicated, and it has been suggested that future scatterometers
have two additional antennas to reduce the number of aliases.
The goal for SASS was to retrieve ocean surface winds with rms errors of 2
m s in speed and 20° in direction. Lame and Born (1982) reported wind speed
- 1

accuracy of 1.3 m s and direction accuracy of 16°. Woiceshyn et al. (1986),

- 1

however, report that a substantial number of the retrieved SASS winds may not
have met the accuracy goals. They found several areas where the SASS I model
function was deficient, such as in neglecting viscosity and surface tension, and
they suggest that an improved model is both necessary and possible.
In addition to establishing accuracy, it is important to determine the contribu-
tion which a satellite instrument may make to meteorological analyses and fore-
casts. In September 1978, an explosively developing cyclone (dubbed the QEII
storm) off the east coast of the United States damaged the ocean liner Queen
Elizabeth II (Gyakum, 1983). Duffy and Atlas (1986) found that SASS surface
winds had little impact on forecasts of the storm. However, when upper-level
winds were made to agree with the SASS surface winds, a large positive impact
was found on forecasts. In other words, surface winds alone were insufficient to
improve forecasts. Duffy et al. (1984) found a small, inconsistent impact of SASS
winds in forecasts made with the U.S. Navy's operational numerical forecast
model. They cite incorrectly dealiased winds as a possible reason for this low
impact. Baker et al. (1984) found a small positive impact of SASS winds, but this
positive impact disappeared when satellite temperature soundings were included.
This indicates that temperature soundings and surface winds may be partially
redundant in their ability to improve weather forecasts.

170W 168W 166W 164W 162W 160W 170W 168W 166W 164W 162W 160W 170W 168W 162W 160W
FIGURE 7.6. (a) Ambiguous SASS wind vectors (aliases) at approximately 2 2 0 0 UTC 7 September 1 9 7 8 .
(b) Model first guess 1000-hPa wind vectors and streamlines for 0 0 0 0 UTC 8 September 1 9 7 8 . (c)
Objectively dealiased SASS winds. [After Baker et al. (1984).]
7.3 Ocean Surface Winds 249

7.3.2 Passive Microwave Winds

Microwave radiation emitted from the sea surface is a function of wind speed for
two reasons. First, the same wind-generated waves that alter the radar backscatter
coefficient also change the surface emittance. Figure 7.7 shows the calculated
emittance at 19.4 GHz of a wind-roughened ocean surface as a function of
incidence (viewing) angle. The emittance change is strongly dependent on polariza-

FIGURE 7.7. Calculated emittance at 19.4 GHz of a wind-roughened ocean surface as a function of
incidence angle (measured from vertical): (a) horizontal polarization, (b) vertical polarization. [After
Stogryn (1967). © 1 9 6 7 IEEE.]
Chapter 7 Winds

tion and viewing angle. For nadir viewing, wind-induced roughness has little
effect on emittance. For nonnadir viewing, roughness increases emittance for
horizontally polarized radiation; roughness decreases emittance for vertically po-
larized radiation out to 55° and increases it thereafter. Note that the angle between
the viewing azimuth and the wind direction affects the emittance slightly. The
second reason that sea surface emittance is a function of wind speed is that at
wind speeds above about 7 m s foam begins to form on the sea surface. The
- 1

fraction of the surface covered by foam increases with wind speed. Since foam is
essentially black, emittance increases rapidly, and nearly linearly, with wind speed
above 7 m s . Wilheit (1979) has proposed a sea surface emittance model which

includes the effects of foam and roughness.

The change of sea surface emittance with wind speed is the basis for wind
speed retrieval algorithms using Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer
(SMMR) data. Wilheit and Chang (1980) developed such algorithms by regressing
simulated brightness temperatures (or simple functions of brightness temperature)
against wind speed. Wilheit et al. (1984) tested and improved these algorithms
using SMMR observations. Several problems were encountered with the real
data (including manmade radio frequency interference in the 6.6-GHz channel).
However, the best SMMR-estimated winds were within about 2.7 m s rms of - 1

winds measured by NOAA Environmental Data Buoys or ships. The SSM/I 5

instrument on the DMSP satellites can also estimate surface wind speed over the
ocean. Since surface emittance is only weakly dependent on wind direction, passive
microwave techniques yield only wind speed.

7.3.3 Tropical Cyclone Winds

The strongest and most dangerous winds over the ocean are the result of
tropical cyclones. One of the chief contributions of meteorological satellites is
simply the detection of these storms. Since the 1960s, no tropical cyclone anywhere
on Earth has gone undetected. However, while shipping interests are pleased to
know about the location of tropical cyclones, they also need to know the wind
speed so that they can keep their ships at a safe distance. Not all tropical cyclones
are equally dangerous in terms of wind speed and the ocean waves which result.
There is a great deal of interest, therefore, in using satellite data to estimate
hurricane winds. The Dvorak Technique

The most important technique for estimating winds in tropical cyclones was
developed by Dvorak (1973, 1975, 1984). Each tropical cyclone goes through a
life cycle which may be classified into one of several types by its appearance in
visible or infrared satellite images. Figure 7.8 shows examples of six storm types
identified by Dvorak. (Two types are not shown.) In addition to typing the storm,
its current strength can be determined from the satellite images. T-numbers

The 19.5-m neutral stability wind was used in these comparisons.

7.3 Ocean Surface Winds 251

(T1-T8) are used for this purpose. The T-numbers are determined by detailed
examination of the images following a decision tree (Fig. 7.9) and by guidelines
on the expected day-to-day change in the T-number of a storm. Once-daily
images are generally used in this technique, and it is desirable for the images to
be at the same time each day to avoid confusion caused by diurnal changes in
tropical storm cloudiness. The T-number is related to the minimum sea level
pressure (central pressure), although the relationship is different in the different
oceans. A current intensity (CI) number can be derived from the T-number. The
CI number is related to the storm's intensity (maximum sustained surface wind
speed). Comparison with aircraft-observed winds shows that the Dvorak tech-
nique has an rms error of approximately 6 m s" in tropical cyclone intensity.

In 1984 Dvorak introduced a variant of the above technique, called the en-
hanced IR technique, which uses specially enhanced infrared images instead of
visible images. This, of course, allows intensity estimates to be made at night. A
decision tree similar to that in Fig. 7.9 is used in the analysis.
The visible and enhanced IR Dvorak techniques are subjective and require
training to be used effectively, but they yield good wind estimates. They are in
use throughout the tropical regions of the world.
Partly to lessen the subjective nature of the Dvorak technique, Dvorak (1984)
introduced a digital IR technique for estimating tropical cyclone strength. The
digital IR technique uses two parameters: the equivalent blackbody temperature
of the eye of a storm (T ), and the average equivalent blackbody temperature

of the surrounding cloud shield (T ). The warmer T and the colder T

cloud eye ,

the more intense the storm. T-numbers can be estimated from these two parame-
ters using a table (see Dvorak, 1984). Microwave Sounding

Microwave sounders are nearly unaffected by clouds; thus they can probe the
interior of tropical cyclones. The surface pressure drop in the center of a tropical
cyclone is the result of warming in the storm's core. This warming is maximum
in the upper troposphere but below the tops of the clouds. It is therefore not
detectable with infrared sounders. Rosenkranz et al. (1978) first noticed that the
55.45-GHz channel of the Nimbus 6 Scanning Microwave Spectrometer (SCAMS)
showed a warm anomaly (difference between temperatures inside and outside the
storm) above a strong western Pacific typhoon. This warm anomaly is explained
by the fact that the 55.45 GHz weighting function peaks in the upper troposphere
in the region of the maximum tropical cyclone temperature anomaly. Kidder et
al. (1978) found that the 55.45-GHz brightness temperature anomaly is correlated
with tropical cyclone central pressure, and Kidder et al. (1980) succeeded in
relating the radial gradient of 55.45-GHz brightness temperature to surface pres-
sure gradient and then to surface wind speed at outer radii, specifically to the
radii of 15.4-m s (30-knot) and 25.7-m s" (50-knot) winds, which are important
_ 1 1

for ship routing.

Velden and Smith (1983) extended this technique in two ways. First, they used
data from the Microwave Sounding Unit (MSU) on board the NOAA satellites.
252 Chapter 7 Winds

T1 T2 T3

FIGURE 7.8. Examples of tropical cyclone patterns. The storm type (a-f) is noted at the left (types g
and h are not shown). The storm intensity as indicated by the T - n u m b e r is noted at the top. [After
Dvorak (1975).]
7.3 Ocean Surface Winds 253

T4 T5 T6

FIGURE 7.8. (continued)

254 Chapter 7 Winds


WIDTH: W I T H D I A M OF] (CONV® > 3 * )

r ^
51* <2'/>· I


2i4 ~iK srili >\<iK
I I I I ι

IMBEDDED BY: 2 . R A G G E O E Y E : < C F 4 . 5 , S U B T R A C T 1/2 NUMBER; FOR


CF7 CF6 CF5 CF4 CF3 4 . LARGE E Y E ( £ 3 * * DIAM.): L I M I T MAX T-NUMBER TO T 6




BF- I WHEN A B A N D ~ l / 2 ° TO 3 / 4 * WIDE C O M P L E T E L Y ENCIRCLES T H E C F O N C E ,


BF«2 W H E N A B A N D - 1 / 2 * TO 3 / 4 * WIDE ENCIRCLES T H E C F T W I C E ,


VALUES O F 1 / 2 , 1 1/2 .OR 2 1/2 MAY BE USED.

FIGURE 7.9. Decision tree used to determine T-numbers. [After Dvorak (1975).]

The MSU has better spatial resolution than did the SCAMS, and it measures
the brightness temperatures more accurately. Second, they retrieved atmospheric
temperature profiles inside the tropical cyclones. The retrieved temperature anom-
aly at 250 hPa is correlated with both the central pressure (minimum sea-level
pressure) and with intensity (maximum sustained sea-level wind speed). They
found rms errors of about 6 hPa in central pressure estimates and about 6 m s - 1

in intensity estimates. This technique has been used semioperationally at the U.S.
National Hurricane Center.
7.4 Doppler Wind Measurements 255

A difficulty with the technique is that none of the microwave sounders launched
to date have provided contiguous coverage of the Earth; gaps exist between
consecutive orbits. Furthermore, the outermost scan spots must be discarded
because the resolution becomes too poor. This widens the gaps between consecu-
tive orbits to the point that there is only about a 50% probability that a particular
storm will be viewed sufficiently well to apply these techniques. This difficulty is
one of the reasons that placing a microwave sounder on a geostationary satellite
would be extremely valuable.


The Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) has two instruments devoted
to measuring horizontal winds, which are important because the dynamics and
chemistry of the upper atmosphere are inextricably linked. The instruments are
the High Resolution Doppler Imager (HRDI) and the Wind Imaging Interferometer
(WINDII). Both view the limb of the atmosphere and measure the Doppler shift
in emission and absorption lines in the visible and near-infrared portion of the
spectrum. The chemical species detected are molecular oxygen, atomic oxygen,
and the OH molecule. The Doppler shift determines the relative velocity between
the satellite and the volume of air being sampled. Correcting for the motion of
the satellite and the rotation of the Earth yields one component of the horizontal
wind. By observing the same location both as the satellite approaches and as it
departs from an area, one can estimate the horizontal wind vector. The instruments
scan vertically to give a vertical profile of the wind with about 4-km vertical
resolution. It is expected that winds will be measured to accuracies of between
5 and 15 m s" , depending on altitude. Since UARS was launched as this book

was being written, the reader is referred to the literature for results of these wind

Atlas, R., E. Kalnay, W. E. Baker, J. Susskind, D. Reuter, and M. Halem (1985). Simulation studies
of the impact of future observing systems on weather prediction. Preprints: Seventh Conference
on Numerical Weather Prediction, American Meteorological Society, Boston, pp. 145—151.
Baker, W. E., R. Atlas, E. Kalnay, M. Halem, P. M. Woiceshyn, S. Peteherych, and D . Edelmann (1984).
Large-scale analysis and forecast experiments with wind data from the Seasat A scatterometer. / .
Geophys. Res., 8 9 , 4 9 2 7 - 4 9 3 6 .
Bengtsson, L., M. Kanamitsu, P. Kallberg, and S. Uppala (1982). FGGE 4-dimensional data assimilation
at ECMWF. Bull. Am. Meteor. Soc, 6 3 , 2 9 - 4 3 .
Bowen, R. Α., L. Fusco, J. Morgan, and K. O. Roska (1979). Operational Production of Cloud
Motion Vectors {Satellite Winds) from METEOSAT Image Data: Use of Data from Meteorological
Satellites. European Space Agency Report N o . 1 4 3 , 6 5 - 7 5 .
Curran, R. J., D. E. Fitzjarrald, J. W. Bilbro, V. J. Abreu, R. A. Anthes, W. E. Baker, D . A. Bowdle,
D. Burridge, G. D . Emmitt, S. E. D . Ferry, P. H. Flamant, R. Greenstone, R. M. Hardesty, K. R.
Hardy, R. M. Huffaker, M. P. McCormick, R. T. Menzies, R. M. Schotland, J. K. Sparkman, Jr.,
J. M. Vaughan, and C. Werner (1987). Laser Atmospheric Wind Sounder Instrument Panel Report.
256 Chapter 7 Winds

Earth Observing System, Vol. Ilg, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washing-
ton, D C .
Desbois, M., G. Seze, and G. Szejwach (1982). Automatic classification of clouds on METEOSAT
imagery: Application to high-level clouds. / . Appl. Meteor., 2 1 , 4 0 1 - 4 1 2 .
Duffy, D. G., R. Atlas, T. Rosmond, E. Barker, and R. Rosenberg (1984). The impact of Seasat
scatterometer winds on the Navy's operational model. / . Geophys. Res., 8 9 , 7 2 3 8 - 7 2 4 4 .
Duffy, D . G., and R. Atlas (1986). The impact of Seasat-A Scatterometer data on the numerical
prediction of the Queen Elizabeth II storm. / . Geophys. Res., 9 1 , 2 2 4 1 - 2 2 4 8 .
Dvorak, V. F. (1973). A technique for the analysis and forecasting of tropical cyclone intensities from
satellite pictures. N O A A Tech. M e m o . NESS 4 5 , U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D C .
Dvorak, V. F. (1975). Tropical cyclone intensity analysis and forecasting from satellite imagery. Mon.
Wea. Rev., 1 0 3 , 4 2 0 - 4 3 0
Dvorak, V. F. (1984). Tropical Cyclone Intensity Analysis Using Satellite Data. N O A A Tech. Rep.
NESDIS 1 1 , Washington, D C .
Eigenwillig, Ν . , and Η. Fischer (1982). Determination of midtropospheric wind vectors by tracking
pure water vapor structures in Meteosat water vapor image sequences. Bull. Am. Meteor. Soc,
63, 4 4 - 5 8 .
Endlich, R. M., and D . E. Wolf (1981). Automatic cloud tracking applied to GOES and Meteosat
observations. / . Appl. Meteor., 2 0 , 3 0 9 - 3 1 9 .
Fujita, Τ. Τ., E. W. Pearl, and W. E. Shenk (1975). Satellite-tracked cumulus velocities. / . Appl.
Meteor., 14, 4 0 7 - 4 1 3 .
Green, R., G. Hughes, C. Novak, and R. Schreitz (1975). The automatic extraction of wind estimates
from VISSR data. In C. L. Bristor (ed.), Central Processing and Analysis of Geostationary Satellite
Data. N O A A Tech. M e m o . NESS 64, Washington, D C .
Grody, N . C , C. M. Hayden, W. C. C. Shen, P. W. Rosenkranz and D . H. Staelin (1979). Typhoon
June winds estimated from scanning microwave spectrometer measurements at 55.45 GHz. / .
Geophys. Res., 84, 3 6 8 9 - 3 6 9 5 .
Gyakum, J. R. (1983). On the evolution of the QEII storm: Synoptic aspects. Mon. Wea. Rev.,
I l l , 1137-1155.
Halem, M., E. Kalnay, W. E. Baker, and R. Atlas (1982). An assessment of the FGGE satellite
observing system during S O P — 1 . Bull. Am. Meteor. Soc, 6 3 , 4 0 7 - 4 2 6 .
Hasler, A. F., W. C. Skillman, W. E. Shenk, and J. Steranka (1979). In situ aircraft verification of
the quality of satellite cloud winds over oceanic regions. / . Appl. Meteor., 18, 1 4 8 1 - 1 4 8 9 .
Hasler, A. F. (1981). Stereographic observations from geosynchronous satellites: An important new
tool for the atmospheric sciences. Bull. Am. Meteor. Soc, 6 2 , 1 9 4 - 2 1 2 .
Hayden, C. M. (1984). Estimating the Wind Field from VAS Temperature Soundings. Unpublished
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Holton, J. R. (1992). An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology, 3rd ed., Academic Press, San Diego.
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Hubert, L. F., and L. F. Whitney, Jr. (1974). Compatibility of Low-Cloud Vectors and Rawinsondes
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Hubert, L. F. (1979). Wind derivation from geostationary satellites. I n j . S. Winston (ed.). Quantitative
Meteorological Data from Satellites. World Meteorological Organization Tech. N o t e N o . 166
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Hubert, L. F., and A. Thomasell, Jr. (1979). Error Characteristics of Satellite-Derived Winds. N O A A
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Jones, W. L., L. C. Schroeder, D . H. Boggs, E. M. Bracalente, R. A. Brown, G. J. D o m e , W. J. Pierson,
and F. J. Wentz (1982). The S E A S A T - A satellite scatterometer: The geophysical evaluation of
remotely sensed wind vectors over the ocean. / . Geophys. Res., 87, 3 2 9 7 - 3 3 1 7 .
Kastner, Μ., Η. Fischer, and Η.-J. Bolle (1980). Wind determination from Nimbus 5 observations
in the 6.3 μτη water vapor band. / . Appl. Meteor., 19, 4 0 9 - 4 1 8 .
7.4 Doppler Wind Measurements

Kidder, S. Q., W. M. Gray, and Τ. H. Vonder Haar (1978). Estimating tropical cyclone central
pressure and outer winds from satellite microwave data. Mon. Wea. Rev., 106, 1 4 5 8 - 1 4 6 4 .
Kidder, S. Q., W. M. Gray, and Τ. H. Vonder Haar (1980). Tropical cyclone outer surface winds
derived from satellite microwave sounder data. Mon. Wea. Rev., 108, 1 4 4 - 1 5 2 .
Lame, D . B., and G. H. Born (1982). Seasat measurement system evaluation: Achievements and
limitations. / . Geophys. Res., 87, 3 1 7 5 - 3 1 7 8 .
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from geostationary satellite data using cross correlation. / . Appl. Meteor., 10, 1 1 8 - 1 3 2 .
Lord, R. J., W. P. Menzel, and L. E. Pecht (1984). ACARS wind measurements: An intercomparison
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Mack, R. Α., A. F. Hasler, and R. F. Adler (1983). Thunderstorm cloud top observations using
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Menzel, W. P., W. L. Smith, and T. R. Stewart (1983). Improved cloud motion-vector and altitude
assignment using VAS. / . Climate Appl. Meteor., 22, 3 7 7 - 3 8 4 .
Negri, A. J., and Τ. H. Vonder Haar (1980). Moisture convergence using satellite-derived wind fields:
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Rodgers, E. B., R. C. Gentry, W. Shenk, and V. Oliver (1979). The benefits of using short-interval
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Rodgers, E. B., R. Mack, and A. F. Hasler (1983). A satellite stereoscopic technique to estimate
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Rosenkranz, P. W., D. H. Staelin, and N . C. Grody (1978). Typhoon June (1975) viewed by a scanning
microwave spectrometer./. Geophys. Res., 8 3 , 1 8 5 7 - 1 8 6 8 .
Schroeder, L. C , D. G. Boggs, G. D o m e , I. M. Halberstam, W. L. Jones, W. J. Pierson, and F. J.
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derive S E A S A T - A satellite scatterometer winds. / . Geophys. Res., 87, 3 3 1 8 - 3 3 3 6 .
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Stewart, R. H. (1985). Methods of Satellite Oceanography. Univ. California Press, Berkeley.
Stewart, T. R., C. M. Hayden, and W. L. Smith (1985). A note on water-vapor wind tracking using
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Antennas Propag., AP-15, 2 7 8 - 2 8 6 . S u c h m a n , D., and D . W. Martin (1976). Wind sets from SMS
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Velden, C. S., and W. L. Smith (1983). Monitoring tropical cyclone evolution with N O A A satellite
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258 Chapter 7 Winds

Wilheit, Τ. T. and A. T. C. Chang (1980). An algorithm for retrieval of ocean surface and atmosphere
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Wilheit, Τ. T., J. A. Greaves, J. A. Gatlin, D. Han, M. Krupp, A. S. Milman, and E. S. Chang (1984).
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(SMMR) on the Nimbus 7 satellite. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, GE-22, 1 3 3 - 1 4 3 .
Woiceshyn, P. M., M. G. Wurtele, D. H. Boggs, L. F. McGoldrick, and S. Peteherych (1986). The
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Wolf, D. E., D. J. Hall, and R. M. Endlich (1977). Experiments in automatic cloud tracking using
SMS-GOES data. / . Appl. Meteor., 16, 1 2 1 9 - 1 2 3 0 .

C LOUDS COVER ROUGHLY half the Earth, and aerosols are always pres-
ent. They constitute major factors in determining the radiation budget
of Earth, and they play crucial, if as yet not completely understood, roles in
modulating the climate. They also contaminate radiometric observations necessary
for sounding the atmosphere and remotely sensing surface parameters. Space-
based instruments are the only means by which the global distribution of clouds
and aerosols can be adequately sampled.
In the first part of the chapter, we discuss methods for determining cloud
parameters from three sources: sounders, imagers, and microwave radiometers.
In the second part of the chapter, we detail methods for retrieving stratospheric
and tropospheric aerosols.


Many cloud properties are of interest to the meteorologist. The ones most
often retrieved are cloud-top temperature, cloud-top height (or pressure), and
cloud amount (the fractional area covered by cloud). Useful also are reflectance,

Chapter 8 Clouds and Aerosols

emittance, optical depth, phase (ice or water), liquid water content, and drop size
distribution. Attempts to retrieve cloud properties can be divided into schemes
that use sounding instruments, schemes that use visible and infrared imaging
instruments, and schemes that use microwave instruments.
Most efforts to detect clouds using sounder data have been directed toward
removing cloud contamination so that accurate, clear-column radiances can be
calculated. It is also desirable, however, to retrieve the properties of the clouds.
If we assume that clouds reflect little radiation at the wavelengths used by
sounders, then the radiation sensed by a radiometer can be written as the sum

of three terms:
L(k) = (1 - N)L (k) dr + NsL (k) dd + N(l - s)L (k), dl (8.1)
where L(\) is the measured radiance of a scene, L (X) is the radiance from the clr

scene if clouds were not present (the clear-column radiance), L (\) is the radiance cld

that would come from the cloud if it were black, Ν is the cloud amount, ε is the
cloud emittance, and 1 - ε is the cloud transmittance. The three terms represent,
respectively, the radiation from the clear area, the radiation emitted by the cloud,
and the radiation transmitted through the cloud. Combining the first and third
terms results in
L(k) = (1 - N')L (k) ck + N'L (k),dd (8.2)
where N' = Νε is called the effective cloud amount. Equation 8.2 is the basis 1

of efforts to determine clear-column radiances for sounding retrievals and to

determine the cloud properties N' and /? , the pressure of the cloud top. We turn

our attention first to the problem of determining clear-column radiances, which

was deferred from Chapter 6.

8.1.1 Clear-Column Radiances

The basis for determining clear-column radiances was first described by Smith
(1968). It applies Eq. 8.2 to two "adjacent" scan spots:
L,(X) = (1 - N[)L (k) dl + N[L (k), dd (8.3a)
L (k)
2 = (1 - N' )L (k) 2 ck + N' L (k),
2 dd (8.3b)
(A tilde indicates an observed quantity.) The scan spots do not have to be strictly
adjacent, but they have to be close enough that the same values of L (X), L (X), dr cld

and ε (λ) describe each spot. This means that (1) the clouds have basically the
same height and microphysical composition in both spots, and (2) the land surface

Chahine (1982) treats the case of channels in the 4.3-μ,ηι band in which clouds reflect some

solar radiation.
The reader should be aware that the work of Harshvardhan and Weinman (1982), Weinman

and Harshvardhan (1982), and others calls into question whether this approximation, linear in N ' ,
is adequate in a field of broken clouds.
8.1 Clouds from Sounders 261

and overlying clear atmosphere are indistinguishable in both spots. The only
difference between the scan spots is assumed to be the cloud amount N.
Strictly speaking, Eqs. 8.3 describe only a single layer of clouds. If there is
only one layer of clouds, Ν is independent of wavelength. If there are two cloud
layers, Ν will seem to decrease as the height of the peak of the weighting function
increases because channels that peak higher in the atmosphere are less sensitive
to lower clouds (McMillin and Dean, 1982). Terms can be added to Eq. 8.2 to
account for additional cloud levels (Chahine, 1977), but multiple cloud layers
will not be treated here.
Assuming only one cloud layer, L (X) can be eliminated between Eqs. 8.3 to

yield the clear-column radiance:

, % LAX) - N * L ( X ) 2

!_ * Ν > (8-4)

where N* (pronounced Ν star) is

N* =— = =ΑΛ (8.5)
N'2 L (X) -
clr L (k)

If N[ Φ N' , an estimate of N * plus observations Li(X) and L (k) will yield L (X).
2 2 clr

There are several ways to estimate N*. Chahine (1974) treats N* as an addi-
tional unknown to be retrieved iteratively in the same scheme used to retrieve
temperatures. This technique is useful when the sounder makes measurements in
a single band, such as the 15-/xm band.
If an infrared sounder makes measurements in both the 15- and 4.3-μπι bands,
the difference in response to clouds in the two bands can be used to estimate
N* (Chahine, 1974; McMillin and Dean, 1982). First, a regression equation is
developed, based on synthesized (not observed) radiances, to estimate the clear
radiance in a relatively transparent 4.3-μηι channel (wavelength λ ) in terms of 4 3

the clear radiances in the 15-μπι channels: 3

£ lr(^4.3) = 00 +
C Σ <*iLc\r(Kh (8.6)

(A caret over a variable indicates that it has been estimated using other variables.)
Second, measured radiances in two adjacent scan spots are used to calculate the
sensitivity parameters

SlXJ-.^'-fo''. (8.7)
^l(^4.3) ^2(^4.3)

N o t e that McMillin and Dean (1982) use brightness temperatures rather than radiances in this
equation. Their scheme is more accurate than the one outlined here, but this scheme contains the
essential physics and is easier to explain. Also note that 4.3-μπι radiances must be corrected for
reflected solar radiation.
2^2 Chapter 8 Clouds and Aerosols

If a single layer of clouds affects the two scan spots, Eqs. 8.3 imply that the

parameters S{Xj) are independent of cloud amount:

' β(λ,·) (8.8)

ε(λ . ). 4 3 . ^ c l r ( ^ 4 . 3 ) ~~ ^ c l d ( ^ 4 . 3 )

Therefore, the sensitivity parameters can be used in combination with one of the
scan spots to relate the radiance in the 4.3-μπι channel to the radiance in each
15-μπι channel:
L(X,) = £(λ,·) + S(X,)[L(X . ) - £ (λ . )].
2 4 3 2 4 3 (8.9)
In particular, the clear radiances are related:
L (X )
dr t = L (\i)
2 + S(X )[L (k )
t dr 43 - L (X . )]. 2 4 3 (8.10)
Eliminating L (X,-) between Eqs. 8.6 and 8.10 yields an estimate of the clear

radiance in the 4.3-/xm channel:

£ ^ 4 3) = * ° + Σ
* ' ^ ^ (8.11)
Finally, N* is given by

^ c l r ( ^ 4 . 3 ) ~~ ^ 2 ( ^ 4 . 3 )

Since N* is independent of wavelength, it can be used in Eq. 8.4 to calculate

clear radiances in the other channels.
If a microwave sounder is flown with an infrared sounder, N* is easily obtained.
Since microwave radiation is nearly unaffected by non-raining clouds, microwave
observations are essentially clear radiances. Smith and Woolf (1976), McMillin
and Dean (1982), and Susskind et al. (1984) use microwave observations in their
cloud filters. McMillin and Dean develop a regression equation that relates MSU
channel 2 (weighting function peak —700 hPa) to radiances in the 15-μπι band:

L^usm) i+ Σ =b 0 b L (X ).
t dr t (8.13)

Only clear radiances are used to develop Eq. 8.13. When the 15-μπι channels are

contaminated by clouds, L(X ) will be less than the observed value,

£ i ( ^ m s u 2 ) and L i ( X

Using^ observed 15-μπι radiances in scan spots 1 and 2 to calculate

) , N* is given by

N* = ^(^MSU2) ~ ^l(^MSU2) ^

^(^Msm) ^(^-MSin)

The cloud microphysics must be the same in the two spots so that ε^λ,-) = ε (λ,·) = ε(λ,) and 2

ει(λ . ) = ε (λ .3) =
4 3 2 4 ε(λ . ).
4 3
8.1 Clouds from Sounders 263

The cloud filter used operationally to process TOVS soundings from NOAA
satellites is described by McMillin and Dean (1982). Since no one test or technique

is sufficient to detect and correct for clouds in all situations, several empirically
determined tests are employed. These are briefly mentioned here. Recall that
TOVS soundings are processed in blocks of 7 x 9 or 3 x 3 HIRS/2 scan spots.
The first task is to determine whether any of the scan spots are clear. Seven tests
are applied:
1. The frozen sea test uses MSU channel 1 to determine whether the ocean
is ice covered. A cold brightness temperature (<236 K) indicates water,
not ice. If the surface is water, and the HIRS/2 channel 8 (11 μηι) bright-
ness temperature is less than 270 Κ (the temperature at which sea water
freezes), the scan spot is assumed to be cloud covered.
2. In the adjacent spot test, the HIRS/2 channel 8 brightness temperature of
a scan spot is compared with its eight neighbors. If the center spot is
more than 1.5 Κ colder than any of the surrounding spots, the spot is as-
sumed to be cloudy.
3. The albedo test is designed to detect low clouds, which are difficult to de-
tect with infrared observations. The HIRS/2 channel 20 albedo is com-
pared with an expected value for that location. If the albedo exceeds the
expected albedo by more than a threshold value, the spot is cloudy. This
test can be applied only during daylight hours, obviously, and it is not
applied if the surface temperature is thought to be below freezing so that
ice and snow will not be mistaken for clouds.
4. The window channel tests compare brightness temperatures in HIRS/2
channels 8, 18 (4.0 μηι) and 19 (3.7 μηι). If they differ by too great an
amount, the spot is cloudy. Because of reflected solar radiation, the dif-

ference threshold must be greater (and the test is therefore less sensitive)
during the day than at night.
5. In the interchannel regression test, HIRS/2 channel 7 (13.4 μηι) and
MSU channels 2 and 3 are estimated by regression equations from the
other channels. If the estimated and observed brightness temperatures dif-
fer by too great an amount, the spot is assumed to be cloudy.
6. The surface temperature test is designed to detect clouds by estimating a
surface temperature from the measured radiances and comparing with
yesterday's retrieved surface temperature, a shelter temperature, or the
sea surface temperature. If the estimated surface temperature is signifi-
cantly colder than the expected surface temperature, the spot is cloudy.
7. The maximum value test classifies as cloudy any scan spot whose HIRS/2
channel 8 brightness temperature is more than 4 Κ colder than the maxi-
mum channel 8 brightness temperature for the block.

The much simpler cloud filter used for VAS soundings is discussed in Section 6.3.2.
Several empirically determined thresholds are used. The reader is referred to McMillin and Dean
(1982) for the details.
264 Chapter 8 Clouds and Aerosols

These tests do a good job of detecting clouds, but they are not perfect. Clouds
over snow can go undetected, as can low clouds at night. Also, areas with very
low cloud amount or thin cirrus are always a problem. The tests can err in the
opposite direction by classifying snow-covered areas and areas behind cold fronts
as cloudy. If four or more spots in a block pass all tests, their radiances are
averaged and returned as clear-column radiances.
If enough clear scan spots are not found, the N * technique is attempted.
Estimates using both the 4.3/15-μπι method ( N ) and the microwave method H

(NM) are made. A large number of tests are performed during the calculations
to ensure that an accurate N * is produced. Among the tests are the following: 7

• N * is not calculated if the HIRS/2 channel 8 radiances for two adjacent

spots differ by less than 7.5 W m " s r cm. This, plus other tests, ensures
2 - 1

that N * is not calculated if N ~ N . X 2

• An indication that multiple cloud layers are present (and therefore that
the N * technique is inappropriate) is that the clear radiances are too cold.
A test to eliminate these cases is made.
• Estimates of N * must yield reasonable values within empirically deter-
mined limits. Different tests are applied to N and to N ^ . If only one of H

N or H survives the above tests, it is taken as N * . If both survive, they

are averaged using the formula

N» _ 1 Γ Nh , NM

and clear-column radiances are calculated.

• Finally, the clear-column radiances are subject to window channel tests
and interchannel regression tests.
If the N * calculation succeeds for a sufficient number of scan spot pairs, the
calculated radiances are averaged (along with radiances from any spots identified
as clear) and are returned as clear-column radiances. If the N * technique fails (too
few pairs), retrievals are done using only microwave channels in the troposphere.
The N * technique consumes substantial computer time. It is important because
microwave-only (third path) retrievals are not as accurate as retrievals that use
both infrared and microwave channels. The testing done as part of the N * tech-
nique is crucial because in the cases when the single-cloud-layer model is inappro-
priate or when the technique produces unreasonable radiances, the accuracy of
the retrieved soundings is lower.

8.1.2 Cloud Amount and Cloud-Top Pressure

Methods for retrieving cloud amount and cloud-top pressure from sounder
data may be roughly divided into two related classes: radiance residual methods

Details may be found in McMillin and Dean (1982), page 1010.
8.1 Clouds from Sounders 265

and radiance ratio methods. Radiance residual methods are applied after a sound-
ing has been retrieved, and therefore, the clear-column radiances and profiles of
temperature and moisture are known. Several papers discuss the development of
these methods (e.g. Smith et al., 1970; Smith and Woolf, 1976; Chahine, 1975,
1982). We present a simplified version of the procedure developed by Chahine
1. Choose a set of possible cloud-top pressures, which range from a level
above the surface to the tropopause.
2. For each p in the set, calculate L for a channel that peaks near the sur-
c cld

face: 8

L (X) = B (T )r (p ,0)
cld xB (T)^^dp.
c x c (8.16) + x

dp j

Clouds are treated as black because the emittance is included in the effec-
tive cloud amount.
3. For each p , calculate N ' using the just-calculated L , the value of L
c cld clr

calculated during sounding retrieval, and the observed L

N' = T
~_ ; L lr
. (8.17)
^cld ^clr

Assuming one cloud level and channels close enough together so that
ε(λ,) is constant, N is independent of channel.

4. For the remainder of the channels (λ,·) that sense clouds, use Eq. 8.16 to
calculate L ^ X , ) , then use Eq. 8.2 to calculate £(λ,·). This step produces
a set of radiances {L(X,)} for each p . c

5. Compare the calculated radiances with the observed radiances. The value
of p that minimizes a measure of the radiance residuals, perhaps

UK) - L(k, 2"| 1/2

is accepted as the cloud-top pressure. The associated N ' is accepted as
the effective cloud amount.
The radiance residual method has been used by Susskind et al. (1984), among
others. Smith et al. (1970) and Chahine (1982) discuss multiple-cloud-layer re-
Radiance ratio methods have been studied by several groups including Smith
et al. (1974), McCleese and Wilson (1976), Smith and Piatt (1978), Chahine
(1982), and Menzel et al. (1983). They all apply Eq. 8.2 to two sounding channels:
L(\ ) t = (1 - N')L (X!) + N ' L ^ X i ) ,
clr (8.19a)
L(X ) = (1 - N')L (X ) + N'L (X ).
2 clr 2 cld 2 (8.19b)

For simplicity, p has been used as the vertical coordinate, though lnp is more often used.
2^ Chapter 8 Clouds and Aerosols

If the two channels are close enough together so that ε(λ ) = ε(λ ), then Ν' will λ 2

be the same in both equations. Eliminating Ν gives

L(X ) - 1 L c l r (\!) - L d d ( ^ l ) ~ ^ c l r ( ^ l ) _ s/\ \ ^\ (Q Ίί\\

L(X ) - L (X )
2 dr 2 ~ L (X ) - L (X ) -
cld 2 clr 2 (8-20)
As long as there are no temperature inversions present, /"(λ λ ,ρ ) is monotonic ΐ5 2 ε

in p and only weakly dependent on the atmospheric temperature profile (Fig. 8.1).

To retrieve p for a particular scan spot, one calculates the left-hand side of

Eq. 8.20 and finds the level at which the radiance ratio agrees with /"(λ λ ,ρ ). ΐ5 2 ς

Ν' is then calculated from Eq. 8.19. The procedure for doing these calculations
depends on what information is available. Three approaches have been utilized:
• If a sounding has just been retrieved from the radiances, L will be clr

known for both channels, and /"(λ λ ,ρ ) can be calculated from Eqs. ΐ3 2 ς

8.16 and 8.20 (Smith et al, 1974).

• /"(λ ,λ /7 ) can be calculated from a nearby rawinsonde sounding, a fore-
1 2) ς

cast sounding, or even from climatology, and the values of L can be ei- clr

looo 1 1
1 1 ι ι I
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

<λ . λ 2 2 ι p ) c

FIGURE 8.1. /"(λ ,λ ,ρ ) for tropical, mid-latitude and polar temperature profiles. H I R S / 1 channels 6
1 2 ε

( \ = 13.35 μπι) and 7 ( λ = 13.65 μπι) were used. The discontinuity in the polar plot is caused by
x 2

a temperature inversion. [After Wielicki and Coakley (1981).]

8.1 Clouds from Sounders 267

ther calculated from the sounding or obtained from a nearby (clear) scan
spot (Smith and Piatt, 1978; Menzel et al, 1983).
• If it can be assumed that p , L ^ X j ) , and L (X ) are constant in a local
c dr 2

area, but that N' changes, then a plot of L(Xj) versus L(X ) will be a 2

straight line with slope [L (X ) - L (X )]/[L (X ) - L (X )]. Compar-

cld 1 clr 1 dd 2 dr 2

ing this slope with climatologically derived / " ( X ^ X z j P C ) ? gives p (McCleese c

and Wilson, 1976).

The radiance ratio method is the basis of C 0 slicing, which Menzel et al.

(1983) used to assign heights to wind vectors (see Section 7.1.5).

Wielicki and Coakley (1981) performed an error analysis to determine how
accurately p and N' can be retrieved from sounder data. Simulated radiances

for the HIRS/1 instrument (which is similar to the HIRS/2 instrument that flies
on the NOAA satellites) were calculated for 10 cloud amounts (0.1-1.0), 12
cloud-top pressures (920-100 hPa), and 2 climatological mean profiles (tropical
and midlatitude). Cloud-top pressure and effective cloud amount were retrieved
using both the radiance ratio (Smith and Piatt, 1978) and the radiance residual
(Chahine, 1975) techniques. The retrieved parameters were compared with the
parameters used to calculate the radiances.
Wielicki and Coakley first investigated errors resulting from instrument noise.
In these calculations, temperature and humidity profiles (and thus L , L , and d r d d

/"(X ,X ,p )) were assumed to be exactly correct. Realistic instrument noise was

1 2 c

added to the synthesized instrument observations. Figure 8.2 shows the bias and
standard deviation in cloud amount and cloud-top pressure retrieved by the
radiance ratio method using synthesized HIRS/1 channels 6 and 7 (13.35 and
13.65-μπι) radiances. (Note these results depend strongly on the channels used.
Other channel combinations gave better results.) As expected, the method has
trouble with low cloud and with small cloud amounts because the clear-column
radiances are not very different from the observed radiances. The radiance residual
technique produces similar biases, but standard deviations are reduced aloft (by
50% at 200 hPa), due to the addition of channels that better sense high clouds.
Unfortunately, the additional channels slightly degrade retrieval accuracy at low
levels because the channels do not sense low cloud, yet the technique attempts
to minimize their radiance residuals. In other words, the additional channels add
noise, but no information, to low cloud retrievals.
Bias errors are uncomfortably large. Wielicki and Coakley found that nearly
all of the bias error can be explained by nonlinear constraints placed on the
retrievals. These constraints consist of requiring cloud amounts to be in the range
0.0-1.0 and cloud-top pressures to be between 920 hPa and the tropopause
pressure. When a value is out of range, it is reassigned to the closest point in the
range, except that when p is greater than 920 hPa, clear sky is assumed. In the

presence of instrument noise, the retrieved cloud-top pressure varies in approxi-

mately a Gaussian fashion about the true pressure. As the difference L - L d r

approaches the noise level of the instrument, either because the clouds are lower
or the cloud amount is smaller, the distribution of retrieved cloud-top pressures
268 Chapter 8 Clouds and Aerosols


0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0


100 —ι 1 1 1 1 1 r


_ 300
β 400
CO => 500
w UJ
θ- CL
α Q
=) Z>
ϋ 800


1000 1000
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

FIGURE 8.2. Biases (retrieved minus actual) and standard deviations resulting from instrument noise
in retrieved cloud amount and cloud-top pressure (hPa) using the radiance ratio method on synthesized
HIRS/1 channels 6 and 7 (13.35 and 13.64 μπι) radiances. The rms error is the square root of the
sum of the squares of the bias and standard deviation. [After Wielicki and Coakley (1981).]

broadens (i.e., the standard deviation of cloud-top pressure error increases). For
scenes with true cloud-top pressures less than 920 hPa, instrument noise causes
a fraction of the retrieved pressures to be greater than 920 hPa and thus causes
the scene to be misclassified as clear. Removal of this lower tail of the distribution
results in a bias toward cloud-top pressures that are too low. High clouds are
similarly biased toward cloud-top pressures that are too high. Instrument noise
also produces a distribution in retrieved cloud amounts. If the true cloud amount
is near zero, some of the retrievals will be less than zero and will be assigned to
8.2 Clouds from Imagers 269

zero cloud amount. When the cloud amount bias is calculated, this results in a
high bias for low cloud amounts. Similarly, too few scenes are classified as com-
pletely cloudy. Misclassification of scenes covered with low cloud as clear causes
cloud amounts in the lower troposphere to be biased too low. Wielicki and
Coakley tested modifications to the constraints, such as using a visible channel
to detect low cloud and estimating clear skies when L - L is less than twice

the instrument noise. These modifications resulted in substantially reduced biases

in their simulations.
Wielicki and Coakley also tested the effects of errors in temperature and
moisture retrievals on cloud amount and cloud-top pressure accuracy. The errors
for 2-K temperature error and 50% moisture error were roughly comparable to
those for instrument error.
In summary, cloud amounts and cloud-top pressures retrieved from sounder
data using either the radiance ratio or radiance residual techniques have reasonable
accuracy in the mid- and upper-troposphere for moderate to high cloud amounts.
Clouds in the lower troposphere or those which have small cloud amounts are
poorly retrieved.


Most of the work on cloud estimation has been done using window channels
on imaging instruments. These instruments have the advantage of much higher
spatial resolution than sounders. Perhaps the most often used technique for cloud
characterization is simple manual inspection of satellite photographs or video
images. These analyses are used daily for weather analysis and forecasting and
in the construction of nepbanalyses, which are maps showing chiefly cloud type
and amount at various atmospheric levels (Fye, 1978). Some of these techniques
were discussed in Chapter 5. In this chapter we concentrate on objective tech-

8.2.1 Threshold Techniques

The oldest (Arking, 1964; Koffler et al., 1973), simplest, and still most fre-
quently used technique for objectively extracting cloud information from digital
satellite images is the threshold technique. Here a visible brightness or infrared
temperature threshold is set such that if a pixel is brighter or colder than the
threshold, the pixel is assumed to be cloud covered. The fractional area covered
with cloud is simply the ratio of the number of cloudy pixels to the total number
of pixels. The cloud height can be determined by comparing the infrared tempera-
ture of the pixel with a sounding. The simplicity of this technique makes it
attractive. Thresholding is one of the means of filtering clouds from data to be
used in sea surface temperature (SST) retrievals (McClain et al. 1985). In practice,
however, two complications arise: (1) the problem of clouds smaller than the
satellite scan spot and (2) the problem of how to set the threshold.
270 Chapter 8 Clouds and Aerosols

Shenk and Salomonson (1972) investigated the effects of sensor spatial resolu-
tion on determination of cloud amount using the threshold technique. Consider
an ideal scene in which only a uniform background (radiance L ) and uniform clr

cloud (radiance L ) appear. Pixels that are partly filled with cloud will have

radiances between L and L . If the threshold is set at nearly L , then any

clr cld clr

cloud in a pixel will cause it to appear 100% cloudy, which will result in an
overestimate of cloud amount. Figure 8.3a shows cloud amount retrieved from
simulated satellite data as a function of the ratio (R) of the mean cloud area to
the area of a satellite scan spot. The line labels are the true cloud amount. For
R = 100 (cloud diameter approximately 10 times the diameter of a scan spot)
and beyond, there is good agreement between the retrieved and true cloud
amounts. For clouds approximately the same size as the scan spot, however, a
scene with 40% true cloud amount appears to be completely overcast. Alternately,
if the threshold is at nearly L , only completely cloudy pixels will be classified

as cloudy, partly cloudy pixels will be classified as clear, and cloud amount will
be underestimated.


- 90
£ 80
Ο 70
2 60

Ο 50
Ο 40
ο 30%
w 30
1 0 10% TRUE C10U0 COVCH

ι ι t ι ι ι ι ι! ι 1 1 1 lTTJ Γ""ί~Γ Γ ΓιιΐΓ ~ Γ "Γ "I Ύ Π Tf

10° 10' 10 2
10 J


FIGURE 8.3. Retrieved cloud amount versus the ratio of mean cloud area to pixel area. The line labels
indicate true cloud amount, (a) The threshold is nearly L . (b) T w o thresholds, with pixels falling

between the thresholds being counted as 5 0 % cloud covered. [After Shenk and Salomonson (1972).]
8.2 Clouds from Imagers 271

A less biased estimate of cloud amount can be obtained by setting two thresh-
olds, one at nearly L and the other at nearly L . Pixels that are between the
clr cld

two thresholds are counted as 50% cloud covered. Figure 8.3b shows the effects
of this scheme. The large positive bias in cloud amount has disappeared, and for
R greater than about 10 (cloud diameter more than VlÖ times the scan spot
diameter), reasonable cloud amounts are retrieved. Obviously, high-spatial-resolu-
tion radiometers are desirable for cloud detection.
A related problem, which has not as yet received adequate treatment in satellite
meteorology, concerns the estimation of cloud amount in a field of broken clouds.
Because broken clouds radiatively interact with each other, and because for nonna-
dir viewing the satellite sees the sides as well as the tops of the clouds, effective
cloud amount in fields of broken clouds is not necessarily proportional to the
fractional area covered with cloud (Harshvardhan and Weinman, 1982; Weinman
and Harshvardhan, 1982).
Setting the threshold is the chief difficulty in threshold techniques. The problem
is that the threshold is a function of many variables: surface type (land, ocean,
ice), surface conditions (snowcover, vegetation, soil moisture), recent weather
(which changes surface temperature and reflectance), atmospheric conditions
(haze, temperature inversions), season, time of day, and even satel-
lite-Earth-sun geometry (bidirectional reflectance, sun glint). In the past, thresh-
olds have been set manually; that is, an analyst views each image to be processed
and picks an area that appears clear. Pixels that are a few percent brighter or a
few degrees colder than the background are classified as cloud-covered. Manual
setting of the threshold is, however, incompatible with automated processing.
Today, thresholds are more likely to be set by examining the temporal or
spatial variance of observed radiances. Spatial variance methods will be discussed
below. Here we discuss the temporal variance approach.
Determination of clear-sky radiances is critical to the success of the threshold
technique because clouds are assumed to perturb the clear-sky radiances. Suppose
that images for the last several (—15) days are analyzed to select the minimum
visible albedo and maximum infrared radiance during the period. Except in 9

relatively unusual circumstances, such as regions which are cloud-covered for the
entire period, regions in which snow has fallen, or regions that experience large
day-to-day variations in surface temperature, these extremes come close to clear-
sky values. Spatial smoothing of the results will reduce noise caused by choosing
extreme values, but care must be taken in high gradient areas such as near
coastlines. Minnis and Harrison (1984) have used a sophisticated version of
this approach.
It must be noted that in some situations, it is difficult to detect clouds with
visible and 11 -μπι data using thresholding (or other) techniques. Low clouds over
ice or snow, for example, present no contrast in either visible imagery, because

Bidirectional reflectance and limb darkening corrections should be made to the data before
this analysis.
Chapter 8 Clouds and Aerosols

both ice and snow have similar albedos, or in infrared imagery, because both
have similar temperatures (see Chapter 5). Cirrus is generally easier to detect with
infrared than with visible data, yet cirrus can be thin enough to be warmer than
an infrared threshold. Small broken clouds can be widely scattered enough to
escape detection. Finally, multiple levels of cloud present problems for all cloud
retrieval techniques because of obscuration of the lower clouds by the upper
clouds and because some pixels will contain both levels and perhaps the surface
as well.
Except in combination with radiative transfer techniques (see below), threshold
techniques generally are limited to determining cloud amount (by calculating the
fraction of pixels that are cloudy) and to estimating the cloud-top height by
comparing the infrared equivalent blackbody temperature with a sounding.

8.2.2 Histogram Techniques

Histogram techniques serve as alternates to threshold techniques. The basic

idea is that a histogram of the pixels in an area will show clusters of pixels that
represent cloud or surface types. The histograms have as many dimensions as the
number of channels of data. Figure 8.4, for example, shows a two dimensional

histogram of visible and 11-μπι infrared radiances. Tall convective clouds are
cold and bright; they form a cluster in the upper right of the histogram. The sea
surface is warm and dark; it forms a cluster in the lower left corner. Other cloud
and surface types are noted in the figure. Since some pixels sample two or more
cloud or surface types (partly cloudy pixels, for example), the histogram does not
consist of isolated islands, but rather in connected islands. Unfortunately, some
histograms are much more difficult to interpret than this one in part because some
cloud or surface types are too variable to form a local maximum in the histogram.
Setting a threshold for the detection of clouds is equivalent to drawing a vertical
or horizontal line in Fig. 8.4. As expected due to small temperature differences,
it would be difficult to set an infrared threshold (draw a horizontal line) that
distinguishes low cumulus clouds from land or sea. It is interesting to note that
it would also be difficult to set a visible threshold (draw a vertical line) that
successfully distinguishes cloud from land. This is in part because the Meteosat
image from which the histogram was formed included the bright Saharan sands,
but it illustrates the care that must be taken in setting thresholds.
Histogram techniques attempt to locate clusters of pixels as opposed to drawing
vertical or horizontal lines. There are several methods for identifying clusters.
The dynamic cluster method (Desbois etal. 1982; cf. Simmer etal., 1982; Phulpin
et al., 1983) randomly chooses a maximum number of points in the histogram
(roughly 15) to serve as cluster centers. (The coordinates of each point are ( C l5

C , ...)? where Q represents the count (related to radiance) measured in channel


/.) Each point in the histogram is assigned to the closest cluster. Since randomly
selected clusters are likely to be misplaced, the next step results in a correction.

Or more, if texture parameters are included. (See Section 8.2.3.)

8.2 Clouds from Imagers 273


W A R M ^

FIGURE 8.4. Two-dimensional histogram (visible and infrared) of Meteosat pixel counts. [After Desbois
et al. (1982).]

The center of gravity (using the number of observed pixels at each point as a
weight) and standard deviations (about each axis) are calculated for each cluster.
The center of gravity serves as the new cluster center. Points are again assigned
to the clusters, this time using the standard deviations as distance measures. Any
cluster that receives too few points is eliminated and its points are distributed
among the remaining clusters. The correction step is repeated until the cluster
centers and their standard deviations do not change.
After cluster centers are identified in the histogram, they must be classified.
The clusters can be identified manually, or by setting thresholds, or by comparing
with previous classifications. Once surface clusters have been identified, cloud
amount can be determined by dividing the number of pixels that belong to cloudy
clusters (nonsurface clusters) by the total number of pixels. Cloud temperature
and brightness can be estimated from the average temperature and brightness of
each cloudy cluster. Note that cloud amount defined in this manner applies to
an area, not to an individual pixel, which is considered to be completely clear (if
it belongs to a clear cluster) or completely cloudy (if it belongs to a cloudy cluster).
274 Chapter 8 Clouds and Aerosols

8.2.3 Pattern Recognition Techniques

For some applications, it is important to know the type of cloud (or surface).
Pattern recognition techniques attempt to classify arrays of pixels in a manner
analogous to the way a person might perform such a classification.
Consider the following simple hypothetical example. Suppose that an analyst,
armed with a visible satellite image of an oceanic area, were charged with the
task of determining whether an observer on a ship would report clear, partly
cloudy, or cloudy skies. The analyst would examine a small area of the image
centered on the location of the ship. To be consistent, the size of the area should
be approximately the same as that which would be seen by the surface observer.
If the area in the image were uniform and bright, the analyst would classify it as
cloudy. If it were uniform and dark, the analyst would classify it as clear. If a
portion of it were bright and a portion dark, the analyst would classify it as
partly cloudy.
A simple pattern recognition algorithm might simulate this process as follows.
Suppose that the mean and standard deviation of the pixels in the area were
calculated. Uniform scenes, either clear or cloudy, would have a low standard
deviation. Partly cloudy scenes must have a high standard deviation. Cloudy
scenes would have high mean brightness, whereas clear (ocean) scenes would
have low mean brightness. Partly cloudy scenes would have intermediate values
of mean brightness. The algorithm could first check the standard deviation. If it
were sufficiently high, the scene would be classified as partly cloudy. For low-
standard-deviation scenes, the mean brightness would discriminate between clear
and cloudy cases. Note that in pattern recognition, measures of the spatial variabil-
ity of pixels in a scene (such as standard deviation) are referred to as texture
parameters. Spectral parameter is the term sometimes used to describe nontexture
parameters such as mean or extreme radiances or differences of these quantities
between channels.
A training data set is necessary to determine the discrimination values used in
pattern recognition techniques. In the above simple example, an analyst would
classify a set of scenes as clear, cloudy, or partly cloud; then the mean brightnesses
and standard deviations for each classification would be examined in order to
select threshold values.
Harris and Barrett (1978) used mean brightness and two texture parameters
(including standard deviation) to classify 5 x 5-pixel scenes in DMSP visible
images as (1) clear, (2) stratiform cloud, (3) cumuliform cloud, or (4) mixed cloud.
Ebert (1987) attempted the difficult task of classifying cloud and surface types
over the Arctic using four-channel AVHRR data (0.6, 0.9, 3.7, and 11 μτη). She
used eight parameters (five spectral and three texture) to classify 32 x 32-pixel
scenes into 18 cloud, surface, and mixed cloud-surface categories. The maximum
likelihood algorithm (Duda and Hart, 1973) was similar to that used in histogram
techniques in that scenes were assumed to form clusters in the eight-dimensional
parameter space. Means and variances for each cluster were calculated. Standard
deviation was used to measure the "distance" of a scene to each cluster. The
8.2 Clouds from Imagers 275

scene was assigned to the "closest" cluster. A panel of three analysts provided
the training and verification data sets. The classification scheme agreed with the
analysts more than 80% of the time.

8.2.4 Multispectral Techniques

In this category we group cloud retrieval techniques that rely on radiance

measurements at two or more wavelengths and use simple models to make retriev-
als. Radiative transfer techniques are similar, but they use the results of more
complex radiative transfer calculations to make retrievals.
The best-known multispectral technique is the bispectral technique of Reynolds
and Vonder Haar (1977), in which visible and l l - μ ι η infrared radiance observa-
tions are used to retrieve cloud amount and cloud-top temperature. Each scan
spot is assumed to be partly covered with a single cloud layer. The radiance
observed in the visible channel is modeled as solar radiation reflected from the
cloud tops and from the surface:
L VIS = N E 7dd san + (1 - N ) y £ clr sun , (8.21)
where Ν is the cloud amount; y and y are the bidirectional reflectances of
d d d r

the clouds and the surface, respectively, and are assumed known; and £ is s u n

the solar irradiance (integrated over the radiometer spectral response), which is
assumed to be known and to be the same at the surface and at cloud top. The
radiance observed in the infrared channel is similarly modeled as being emitted by
the surface (through the holes in the cloud), emitted by the cloud, and transmitted
through the cloud after being emitted by the surface:
L I R = (1 - N)L dr + NeL M + N(l - e)L , clr (8.22)
where ε is the cloud emittance (assumed known), L is the radiance the cloud cld

would have if it were black, and L is the radiance of the clear area (also assumed
d r

known). These equations are solved for the two unknowns:

N = L y i s - y d E ( 8 > 2 3 a )

Weld ~ 7clr)^sun

_ L IR - (1 - N e ) L dr
dd " ^ - · ( 8
- 2 3 b

After L has been retrieved, the cloud-top temperature is calculated using the
d d

Planck function. (Of course, if ε < 1, the temperature will represent the tempera-
ture of the interior of the cloud rather than the cloud-top temperature.) The cloud-
top height may be retrieved by finding the height in an appropriate sounding
where the temperature equals the cloud-top temperature.
In practice, retrievals based on single pixels were shown to be rather noisy.
An error analysis showed that averaging cloud height and cloud amount over
approximately 50 pixels would produce useful results.
276 Chapter 8 Clouds and Aerosols

Reynolds and Vonder Haar tested the bispectral technique using Scanning
Radiometer data from the NOAA 2 satellite. Three rawinsonde stations were
chosen for analysis: Denver, Oklahoma City, and White Sands Missile Range.
Cloud amount and cloud height were calculated and averaged for each pixel
within 75 km of the station. This area approximated the area viewed by a ground-
based observer. Between 13 and 15 satellite passes were analyzed for each station.
The retrieved parameters were compared with surface observations. The cloud
amount rms error was 0.2, and the bias was - 0 . 0 5 . Cirrus caused problems in
cloud height retrieval, in part because cloud emittance was assumed to be 0.9 for
all clouds. For all cases, rms cloud height error was 4.7 km with a bias of - 4 . 2
km. When cirrus cases were eliminated, the rms cloud height error was 0.5 km
with a bias of +0.27 km.
A problem with the bispectral technique is that bidirectional reflectance is a
difficult quantity to specify a priori. It is a function of the size, shape, and spacing
of the clouds in addition to the optical depth (McKee and Cox, 1974; Reynolds
et aU 1978; Weinman and Harshvardhan, 1982).
Piatt (1983) explored extensions to the bispectral technique including reflection
between the cloud layer and surface, parameterization of the infrared cloud emit-
tance in terms of the cloud visible optical depth, and multiple cloud layers.
Another multispectral technique allows the retrieval of the temperature of
thin cirrus. Szejwach (1982) showed both theoretically and experimentally
(with an aircraft-mounted radiometer) that cirrus clouds have nearly equal
emittances near 6.4 and 11.5 μπι in spite of the large wavelength separation.
Since collocated scan spots in the two channels will contain the same cloud
amount N, they will have the same effective cloud amount N'. The radiances
in the two channels must, therefore, be linearly related (see Eqs. 8.19 and
8.20); when observed pairs of radiances are plotted (Fig. 8.5), they fall on a
straight line. The point on the line where N' = 1 is the point where the
cloud acts as a blackbody. This point can be found with the aid of the Planck
function by plotting the curve L = B [B2 (L )]
x 1
The temperature (T ) where
2 N

the line (L) intersects the curve (Γ) is the temperature of the cloud. This
technique is being used with Meteosat data.

8.2.5 Spatial Coherence

A very precise method for determining cloud amount and cloud-top tempera-
ture is the spatial coherence method of Coakley and Bretherton (1982). The
technique starts with several assumptions that preclude it from being applicable
in all situations but that result in precise estimates in those cases to which it does
apply. In part the precision results from the fact that the technique is capable of
detecting cases to which it is not applicable. Clouds are assumed to exist in layers
with uniform cloud top and emittance (the original technique only dealt with a
single layer of cloud) and to exist over a uniform background. Portions of the
image must be completely clear and portions completely cloudy. The technique
is well suited to analyzing marine stratocumulus, but is applicable in other situa-
8.2 Clouds from Imagers 277


200 220 240 260 280
— ι — » 1 7 ' ι ι 1 ι

FIGURE 8.5. Meteosat water vapor radiance versus w i n d o w channel radiance over a thin cirrus cloud.
The observed radiances fall on the straight line L. The intersection of this line with the Planck curve
ε gives the cloud-top temperature. [After Szejwach (1982).]

tions as well. It is not applicable, for example, near fronts or when cirrus overlies
the scene.
The spatial coherence technique rests on the idea that portions of the image
that are either completely clear or completely cloudy will exhibit little spatial
variability, whereas partly cloudy areas will exhibit large spatial variability. Infra-
red data are analyzed over a moderately large sector (on the order of (250 km) ). 2

The image is subdivided into blocks of at least 2 x 2 pixels. For each block, the
mean and standard deviation of the radiance are calculated. When plotted (Fig.
8.6), the data form an arch pattern. The feet of the arch (where the spatial
variation of radiance in each block is low) are the blocks that are completely
clear or completely cloudy. The average of the radiances in a foot represents the
radiance of the surface or the cloud top. The width of the foot, as measured by
the standard deviation of the radiances in the foot, is a measure of the uncertainty
in the background or cloud radiance. No other technique yields these important
uncertainty estimates.
Once the clear and cloudy radiances are known, the cloud amount can be
calculated for each pixel using Eq. 8.2. Usually, however, the mean cloud amount
for the entire sector is calculated:

N=r \ L L
d l
, (8-24)
^ld ^-clr

where L is the mean radiance in the sector. The uncertainty in cloud amount can
also be calculated. It is composed of instrument noise and uncertainty in L and clr
27g Chapter 8 Clouds and Aerosols

—i 1 1 1 1 1-
-τ ' r

Q 3

2 2


280 285 290 295


FIGURE 8.6. Spatial coherence diagram of a one-layer cloud system. The ordinate is the standard
deviation, and the abscissa is the mean radiance of the blocks of pixels in an A V H R R ll-μ,ιη image.
[After Coakley and Bretherton (1982).]

L . When averaged over the sector, the instrument noise is negligibly small.

Therefore the uncertainty of the mean cloud amount is 11

ΔΝ : frNAL^l^Rl-NlAL^y" ( 8 2 5 )

ll>cld ^clrJ L ^cld ^clr J J

The spatial coherence technique only works about half the time because roughly
half of the sectors in an image have cloud systems that are too complex for the
method to be applied. When it fails, however, the characteristic arch pattern is
missing; thus sectors to which the method cannot be applied are readily identifi-
able, which improves accuracy. Figure 8.7 shows an example of a two-layer
cloud system.
Coakley (1983) explored the possibility of using more than one data channel
(3.7 and 11 μηι, for example) to retrieve the properties of more than one level

1 1
This is based on the assmption that the error of a function y of several independent variables

x is given by Ay
, where Ax, represents the error in the independent variables.
8.2 Clouds from Imagers 279

20 ι . 1 . 1 1

~ 240 260 280 300


FIGURE 8.7. Spatial coherence diagram for a two-layer cloud system. [After Coakley and Bretherton

of cloud. Coakley and Baldwin (1984) discussed an automated method based on

the spatial coherence technique for objectively analyzing clouds over the ocean.
It is interesting to note that the spatial coherence technique does not work
with visible data. Figure 8.8 shows a spatial coherence diagram for AVHRR
channel 1. Although the background brightness is easily identified, clouds are too
variable in reflectance to produce a foot. This is thought to be due to small-scale
(< 1-4 km) variability in the column liquid water content (Coakley, 1983;
Coakley and Baldwin, 1984; Randall et al, 1984; Coakley and Davies, 1986).

8.2.6 Radiative Transfer Techniques

All cloud retrieval techniques can be broken into two steps: (1) cloud detection,
and (2) parameter retrieval. Radiative transfer techniques come into play in the
second step; after a cloud is determined to exist, radiative transfer calculations
are used to determine its properties. The advantage of using radiative transfer
calculations is that they allow the retrieval of parameters, such as cloud optical
depth and microphysical properties, that are not retrievable with other methods.
Arking and Childs (1985) have used this technique with AVHRR data to
retrieve visible optical depth, cloud-top temperature, cloud amount, and an indica-
tion of the cloud phase and drop size. They note that given the cloud amount,
280 Chapter 8 Clouds and Aerosols


< 10
Ο 5


FIGURE 8.8. Visible spatial coherence diagram. [After Coakley and Bretherton ( 1 9 8 2 ) /

visible radiances are affected primarily by the cloud optical depth, 1 l-μιτι radiances
are affected primarily by the cloud-top temperature, and 3.7-μηι radiances (during
daylight) are affected primarily by the cloud microphysical parameters (chiefly
drop size and drop phase). They chose six sets (models) of microphysical conditions
to approximate the range of clouds expected. All of the cloud drops were assumed
to be spherical. Three models had ice spheres, and three had liquid water spheres.
The ice models had modal drop radii of 4, 8, and 32 μηι; the water models had
modal drop radii of 4, 8 and 16 μηι. Radiative transfer calculations determined
the reflectance, transmittance, and absorptance of plane-parallel cloud layers as
tabulated functions of optical depth, zenith angle, and azimuth angle at the
three wavelengths. Armed with these numbers, the retrieval schemes proceeds
as follows.
• A histogram of visible reflectance and 11-μηι brightness temperature is
constructed within a 2.5° x 2.5° analysis area, and clusters of points are
identified. One cluster must represent the surface. Mean reflectance, 11-
μπι brightness temperature, and 3.7-μιη radiance are calculated for the
surface cluster and serve as the surface (clear) values.
• In the cloudy cluster, the cloud amount is assumed to be one, and the 3.7-
j L i m radiance is calculated from the surface parameters and the tabulated
functions. Comparing the observed and calculated 3.7-μπι radiances, one
of the six microphysical models can be selected as most representative of
8.2 Clouds from Imagers 281

the clouds in the sector. This step is somewhat subjective, but it narrows

the range of possible optical depths and cloud-top temperatures.

• Using the clear radiances and the tabulated functions for the microphysi-
cal model just selected, the measured visible reflectance and l l - μ π ι bright-
ness temperature of each pixel are transformed into a visible optical
depth, a cloud-top temperature, and a cloud amount.
Rossow et al. (1989) have developed a different radiative transfer technique.
They use radiative transfer models that include the atmosphere and surface as
well as clouds to retrieve surface and cloud parameters. Only visible and l l - μ π ι
radiances are used. Daily observations from the Scanning Radiometer on board
the NOAA 5 satellite were employed. In highly simplified form, their method
may be described as follows. First, for each area under consideration, the surface
reflectance and skin temperature are found. This is accomplished by examining
the time history of pixels in the area. The four largest brightness temperatures
and the four minimum reflectances for a month are found. Since using extreme
values tends to bias the results, however, the four extreme values are not used
directly. Rather, the average of the reflectances paired with the four largest bright-
ness temperatures and the average of the brightness temperatures paired with the
four minimum reflectances are used. This transformation reduces problems caused
by using extrema. Cloud-free radiative transfer models (see below) are used to
convert the mean clear-sky brightness temperature and reflectance into a skin
temperature and a surface reflectance. The reflectance is assumed to be constant
for the month, but the skin temperature over land is adjusted daily by the difference
between the NMC-analyzed shelter temperature and the monthly mean shelter
Next, cloud properties are retrieved by comparing all pixels with radiative
transfer models. The basic idea is that any change from clear-sky radiances is due
to clouds. Each pixel is assumed to be 100% clear or 100% cloudy. The infrared
model is applied first. Daily NMC temperature and moisture profiles plus the
skin temperature retrieved above are used to calculate the radiance seen by the
satellite. Clouds, which are assumed to be black, are inserted at mandatory pres-
sure levels. The two levels with calculated radiances which bracket the observed
IR radiance are found. The cloud-top temperatures and heights that were used to
calculate the matching radiances are interpolated to calculate the retrieved values.
The visible model is more complicated. It consists of five parts: (1) an ozone
layer (which absorbs at 0.6 μηι), (2) a cloud-free, Rayleigh scattering layer, (3)
a cloud layer, (4) a second cloud-free layer, and (5) the surface. The cloud is a
homogeneous, plane-parallel layer with an effective mean drop radius of 10 μηι.
Conservative Mie scattering is calculated. The visible model is used once to
calculate a large table of radiance as a function of (1) optical depth (0-100), (2)

The procedure has since been changed to fit a microphysical model to each cluster in the sector
1 2

(A. Arking, personal communication, 1988). This has the effect of allowing more than one type of
cloud (for example cirrus and stratocumulus) to exist in the sector.
282 Chapter 8 Clouds and Aerosols

viewing and illumination angles, (3) cloud-top height, and (4) surface reflectance.
To retrieve the optical depth for a particular pixel, the viewing and illumination
angles are obtained from navigation files, the cloud-top height is obtained from
the IR model, and the surface reflectance is obtained from the monthly mean.
The remaining variable, optical depth, is determined by interpolating between
the calculated radiances that best match the observed visible radiance.
Finally, to account for noise (of all kinds), any pixel whose retrieved optical
depth is less than 1.2 or whose retrieved cloud-top height is less than 1.4 km is
classified as clear. Requiring pixels to pass both tests results in some clouds (e.g.,
some low stratus and some cirrus) escaping detection. On the other hand, few
pixels that are classified as cloudy are actually clear.

816.1 The ISCCP Cloud Algorithm

The International Satellite Cloud Climatology Program (ISCCP) is the first
project of the World Meteorological Organization's World Climate Research
Programme (Schiffer and Rossow, 1983). Its goal is to collect global visible and
11 -μπι satellite data from polar and geostationary satellites and to process them
into a cloud climatology. Data collection began in July 1983, and is planned to
continue through 1995 (Rossow and Schiffer, 1991).
To keep the amount of data within manageable limits, the original satellite
data have been sampled at 30-km and 3-h intervals. The scan spots continue to
have the original size of the IR pixels (about 7 km for GOES IR data), and the
visible data are averaged to match. 13

The algorithm for retrieval of these parameters was developed in a series of

workshops (Rossow et al., 1985). The process began with an extensive analysis
of existing techniques that use visible and IR information: simple visible and
infrared thresholds, the threshold technique of Minnis and Harrison (1984), the
radiative transfer technique of Rossow et al. (1989), and the histogram techniques
of Desbois et al. (1982) and Simmer et al. (1982). Since little is available in the
way of "cloud truth," the analysis consisted primarily of comparing retrieved
cloud amounts with cloud amounts derived from 1-km-resolution visible data.
The methods were also compared with each other and with the mean cloud
amount for all methods. The main conclusion was that most of the time all
methods worked well. When cloud amount for each method was compared with
the average cloud amount for the six methods, the correlation coefficient ranged

It is important to note that this sampling is not equivalent to "throwing away" data. The goal
1 3

of ISCCP is to obtain information on clouds in grid boxes approximately 2 8 0 km on a side. In each

box, therefore, there are about 8 7 pixels. If the data were sampled at 15-km intervals, the number
of pixels would increase by a factor of four (300%), which means that the amount of processing
would increase by the same 3 0 0 % . Our knowledge about clouds in the grid cell would certainly
increase, but probably not by more than a few percent—not enough to justify a 3 0 0 % increase
in processing.
^ 8.2 Clouds from Imagers 283

from 0.83 to 0.93, and the bias ranged from - 5 . 3 % to +2.7%. All of the methods,
however, had difficulties in "low contrast" situations in which cloud radiance
differed little from clear-sky radiance. Among the other conclusions were (1) that
since all techniques benefited from better assessment of the clear-sky radiance,
the ISCCP algorithm should make clear-sky radiance determination a top priority
and (2) that a threshold technique should be adopted for cloud detection because
it is the best understood, it is the easiest to interpret, and it seems to be more
sensitive to difficult-to-detect clouds than other methods.
The ISCCP algorithm, developed as a result of the intercomparison tests, pro-
ceeds in four steps. In the first step a clear-sky radiance map is constructed. This
step is the most time consuming part of the algorithm. It rests on the observation
that temporal and spatial variations of clear-sky radiances are small compared
to the variations caused by clouds. The IR radiance map is constructed as follows.
First, pixels that are easily identified as cloudy are eliminated. Subregions of
~(500 km) over ocean and ~(250 km) over land are examined. Any pixel that
2 2

is much colder (—10 K) than the warmest pixel in the subregion is labeled cloudy.
These pixels need not be considered further. Next, pixels are compared with the
pixel in the same location on the day before and the day after. If the pixels differ
by less than a small temperature (~1 K, variable with surface type), the pixel is
labeled clear. For pixels that survive this test, the 5-day mean, 5-day maximum,
15-day mean, 15-day maximum, 30-day mean, and 30-day maximum brightness
temperatures are calculated. Finally, these numbers, ranked in order of preference,
are used in the clear-sky radiance map. Several tests, which depend on surface
type, are performed to ensure that the numbers are reasonable. Over land, the
5-day mean is selected unless the tests show it to be cloud contaminated. Testing
continues until, if all else fails, the 30-day maximum brightness temperature is
used. Over ocean, the same process is used, but it starts with the 15-day mean.
A visible clear-sky reflectance map is constructed by a similar, but indepen-
dent, process.
The second step consists in applying thresholds to detect clouds. The thresholds
consist not of absolute values, as in previously mentioned techniques, but of
increments above the clear-sky values. The two thresholds are ΔΤ, an IR brightness
temperature difference, and AR, a visible reflectance difference. These increments
are designed to take into account both instrument noise and uncertainty in the
clear-sky values. Each pixel is assumed to be totally clear or totally cloudy. Any
pixel whose IR brightness temperature is more than 2ΔΤ colder than the clear-
sky brightness temperature or whose visible reflectance is more than 2AR greater
than the clear-sky reflectance is labeled cloudy. Any pixel whose IR brightness
temperature is more than ATbut less than 2ΔΤ colder than the clear-sky brightness
temperature or whose visible reflectance is more than AR but less than 2AR
greater than the clear-sky reflectance is labeled marginally cloudy. Warmer and
darker pixels are labeled clear. Information about both of these two tests is
retained so that users can examine only infrared-detected clouds, or only visible-
detected clouds, or any combination. Over land, ΔΤ and AR are 6 Κ and 0.06,
respectively; over ocean they are 3 Κ and 0.03, respectively. Cloud amounts
284 Chapter 8 Clouds and Aerosols

are determined in the forth step by counting the cloudy pixels in the 2.5° x
2.5° regions. 14

In the third step, cloud radiative properties for each cloudy or marginally
cloudy pixel are determined using the technique of Rossow (1989). By comparing
the observed visible reflectance and infrared brightness temperature with radiative
transfer calculations, the cloud-top temperature and the cloud optical depth (dur-
ing daylight) are determined. Using TOVS temperature profiles, the cloud-top
pressure is determined from the cloud-top temperature. The philosophy here is
that although all pixels are assumed to be either 100% cloud-covered or 0%
cloud-covered, variations in cloud IR temperature and visible reflectance are
explained in a radiatively consistent way as variations in cloud-top temperature
and cloud optical depth.
In the fourth step, the data are histogrammed as functions of optical depth
and cloud-top pressure for each 2.5° x 2.5° region (280-km grid cell). Data are
also histogrammed in terms of a cloud type, which is determined by the cloud-
top pressure and cloud optical thickness (Fig. 8.9). In all, 132 parameters are
recorded for each cell, including parameters that reveal how the classifications
were made. Table 8.1 lists the retrieved parameters. Monthly summaries of the
data are also constructed (Table 8.2). Data tapes of the retrieved ISCCP parameters
are available from the Satellite Data Services Division of NESDIS. Figure 8.10
shows the mean cloud amount retrieved by the ISCCP algorithm for July 1983
and January 1984. Figure 8.11 shows the mean zonal cloud amounts for the
same months.

816.2 The Nimbus 7 THIR/TOMS Cloud Climatology

Data from the Temperature Humidity Infrared Radiometer (THIR) and the
Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) on the Nimbus 7 satellite have been
used to produce a 6-year cloud climatology (Stowe et al., 1988) in large part
for interpreting data from the Earth Radiation Budget experiment (see Section This climatology relies more heavily on thresholds and bispectral tech-
niques than it does on radiative transfer methods, but it is discussed in this section
so that it may be compared with the ISCCP algorithm.
The infrared THIR data and the ultraviolet TOMS data were processed sepa-
rately, using threshold algorithms, then merged (for daylight scenes). The infrared
algorithm starts with an estimate of the surface temperature from the U.S. Air
Force 3D Nephanalysis (Fye, 1978). An empirical correction for water vapor was
made to yield an estimate of what the 11.5-μιτι clear-sky radiance should be. The
uncertainty in this clear-sky radiance was also estimated. If the THIR 11.5-μιη
radiance was smaller than the clear-sky radiance minus the uncertainty, the scene
was classified as cloudy. If the scene was warmer than the clear sky radiance plus
the uncertainty, the scene was also classified as cloudy based on the observation

Actually, the boxes are equal area boxes. They extend 2.5° in the latitudinal direction, but
1 4

approximately 2.5°sec© (Θ is latitude) in the longitudinal direction so that the boxes have approxi-
mately the same area as a 2.5° x 2.5° box at the equator. (See Rossow and Garder, 1984.)
8.2 Clouds from Imagers 285

I 1



~ 310 OR
to 440




800 —-
- ^LOW


Ι 000 l 1 1
1.3 3.6 9.4 23 125
FIGURE 8.9. ISSCP radiometric classification of cloudy pixels by the measured values of optical thickness
and cloud-top pressure. At night only cloud-top pressure is determined, so that only the low, middle,
and high cloud types are counted. [After Rossow and Schiffer (1991).]

that clouds over locations with significant surface temperature inversions can be
detected as dark regions in infrared images. For cold clouds, an attempt was made
to classify the cloud height (low, middle, high) based on a climatological lapse rate.
The ultraviolet algorithm is interesting because both ocean and land have low
ultraviolet reflectivity, whereas land can have visible reflectivities exceeding 40%.
First, a surface reflectivity was estimated from the TOMS-measured reflectivity
using a multiple Raleigh scattering model (Dave, 1964). Two wavelengths were
used, 0.36 and 0.38 μπι, neither of which is absorbed by ozone. The two reflectivi-
ties were averaged to produce a "0.37-μπι" reflectivity. The cloud fraction for a
single TOMS scan spot was modeled as linear with respect to the 0.37-μπι reflecti-
vity: 8% reflectivity corresponds to no clouds; 50% reflectivity corresponds to
100% cloud cover.
The two algorithms differ in their treatment of a single scan spot: in the infrared
algorithm each scan spot is either cloudy or cloud free; in the ultraviolet algorithm
286 Chapter 8 Clouds and Aerosols

TABLE 8.1. C I Data Products of the International Satellite Cloud

Climatology Project*

Cloud amount and distribution information

Total number of image pixels
Total number of cloudy pixels
Total number of IR-cloudy pixels
Total number of marginal cloudy pixels
Total number of IR-only cloudy pixels
Number of cloudy pixels in 7 cloud-top-pressure classes
Number of cloudy pixels in 3 5 cloud-top-pressure/optical-depth classes
Average total cloud properties
Cloud-top pressure without visible channel information
Cloud-top pressure with visible channel information
Cloud-top pressure of marginal clouds
Spatial variation of cloud-top pressure
Cloud-top temperature without visible channel information
Cloud-top temperature with visible channel information
Cloud-top temperature of marginal clouds
Spatial variation of cloud-top temperature
Cloud optical thickness
Cloud optical thickness of marginal clouds
Spatial variation of cloud optical thickness
Average surface properties
Surface pressure
Surface temperature
Surface visible reflectance
Snow/ice cover fraction
Topography and land/water flag
Average radiances
Spatial variation of IR
Spatial variation of VIS
Viewing geometry and day/night flag
Satellite identification
Average atmospheric properties
Atmospheric temperatures for nine levels
Surface temperature
Tropopause temperature
Tropopause pressure
Precipitable water amount for five levels
Column ozone abundance
Source of atmospheric data

Global information provided every 3 h for each 280-km grid cell. [After
Rossow and Schiffer (1991).]
8.2 Clouds from Imagers 287

TABLE 8.2. C2 Data Products of the International Satellite

Cloud Climatology Project*

Cloud amount information

Monthly average cloud amount
Monthly frequency of cloud occurrence
Monthly average IR-cloud amount
Monthly average marginal cloud amount
Average total cloud properties
Cloud-top pressure (PC)
Average spatial and temporal variations of PC
Cloud-top temperature (TC)
Average spatial and temporal variations of TC
Cloud optical thickness (TAU)
Average spatial and temporal variations of TAU
Cloud water path (PATH)
Average spatial and temporal variations of PATH
Cloud albedo (ALB)
Average spatial and temporal variations of ALB
Average properties (amount, PC, T C , T A U ) for cloud types
Low cloud (IR-only)
Middle cloud (IR-only)
High cloud (IR-only)
Cumulus cloud
Stratus cloud
Altocumulus, altostratus cloud
Nimbostratus cloud
Cirrus cloud
Cirrocumulus, cirrostatus cloud
Deep convective cloud
Average surface properties
Surface temperature (TS)
Average temporal variations of TS
Surface visible reflectance (RS)
Snow/ice cover fraction
Average atmospheric properties
Surface pressure (PS)
Surface temperature (TS)
Temperature at 5 0 0 hPa (T5)
Tropopause temperature (PT)
Tropopause pressure (PP)
Stratospheric temperature (ST)
Column water amount (PW)
Column ozone amount ( 0 3 )

Global, monthly average information provided at eight
equally spaced times of day. [After Rossow and Schiffer (1991).]

each spot is partly cloudy. The difference lies in the resolution of the instruments
and in the resolution of the desired product. The goal was to estimate cloudiness
for target areas about 165 km square. The THIR has 20-km resolution at nadir;
thus there are many THIR scan spots per target area. Treating each THIR spot
288 Chapter 8 Clouds and Aerosols

JULY 1983

FIGURE 8.10. Mean cloud amounts retrieved by the ISCCP algorithm for July 1983 and January 1 9 8 4 .
[Courtesy of G. Garrett Campbell, Cooperative Institute for Research In the Atmosphere, Colorado
State University.]

as cloudy or clear results in an estimate of the cloud fraction over the target area.
TOMS, on the other hand, has 50-km resolution at nadir and 150 x 200-km
resolution at the extreme scan positions. Since there were so few TOMS scan
spots per target area, it was desirable to obtain cloud fraction estimates from
each one. Fortunately, the uniformly dark background of the snow- and ice-free
surface, coupled with the nearly linear dependence of reflectivity on cloud fraction,
made single-spot cloud fractions retrievable. The Air Force 3D Nephanalysis
snow/ice cover fields were used to determine whether the ultraviolet algorithm
should be applied.
For nighttime observations, the THIR cloud data alone were used. During
8.2 Clouds from Imagers 289

FIGURE 8.11. Zonal mean cloud amounts retrieved by the ISCCP algorithm for July 1983 and January
1984. N o t e that the global mean cloud amount is greater than 6 0 % , indicating that the 5 0 % figure
usually cited may be too low. [Courtesy of G. Garrett Campbell, Cooperative Institute for Research
In the Atmosphere, Colorado State University.]

daylight hours, THIR cloud data and TOMS cloud data were merged in a weighted
averaging scheme. The TOMS cloud amounts were given greater weight if the
THIR estimated no cloud or low cloud because low clouds are difficult to detect
at 11.5, μπι due to the small difference between the clouds and the surface. Low
clouds, however, are good reflectors of visible and ultraviolet light. For cases in
which middle and high cloud dominated, the THIR cloud amounts were given
more weight than the TOMS cloud amounts.
Finally, the TOMS reflectivities were used to identify cirrus and deep convective
clouds. The Nimbus 7 THIR/TOMS cloud climatology is available from the
National Space Science Data Center.

8.27 Geometric Techniques

A quite different approach to cloud height retrieval involves making geometric
measurements with satellite images. A technique that is restricted to low sun
angles uses observations of cloud shadows on the Earth's surface (Fujita, 1963;
Smith and Reynolds, 1976). Knowing the positions of the sun and the satellite,
one can use the distance from a cloud to its shadow to calculate the height of
the edge of the cloud.
A more useful technique is stereoscopy or simply stereo, which involves simulta-
neously observing a cloud with two satellites (Minzner et al., 1976; Hasler, 1981;
Hasler et al., 1983). Just as two eyes allow depth perception, views by two
satellites allow determination of the height of clouds. Suppose, for example, that
GOES-East and GOES-West view the same cloud. If the GOES-West image is
mapped into the perspective of the GOES—East satellite, any feature that is not
at sea level will appear displaced, with respect to the GOES-East image, in
the mapped GOES-West image (Fig. 8.12). The magnitude of the displacement
between the location of the cloud in the two images can be related through
29Q Chapter 8 Clouds and Aerosols

FIGURE 8.12. Simplified two-dimensional diagram illustrating h o w cloud height is observed by two
geostationary satellites. When a G O E S - E a s t image is superimposed on a mapped G O E S - W e s t image,
the separation (parallax) between the location of the same cloud in the two images is proportional
to the cloud height. [After Hasler (1981).]

spherical trigonometry to the height of the cloud. Plate 6 shows a perspective

view of a thunderstorm cloud top with height contours derived from stereoscopic
analysis. Hasler (1981) estimates that with GOES data, stereo heights are accurate
to within ±0.5 km. Stereo images can also be formed from one geostationary
image and one low Earth orbiter image.
The great advantage of stereo over other methods of cloud height determination
is that stereo depends only on geometry; it does not depend on accurate knowledge
of the temperature profile of the atmosphere in which the cloud exists nor on the
assumption that the cloud top has the temperature of the air in which it is rising.
The disadvantage of stereo is that it requires two satellites to view the same cloud
feature at nearly the same time (within —10 s) so that cloud motion is not confused
with cloud height. Although there are large areas of overlapping coverage by two
geostationary satellites, no two geostationary satellites are routinely synchronized
to make stereo measurements. (GOES—East and GOES—West images are normally
scheduled 15 min apart, for example.) With the launch of the next generation of
geostationary satellites, such synchronization may become routine.
8.3 Clouds from Microwave Radiometry 291


In the microwave portion of the spectrum, the liquid water content of clouds can
be measured. This quantity is not measurable in other portions of the spectrum.
Recall from Chapter 3 that both water vapor and cloud droplets weakly absorb
microwave radiation and that scattering of microwave radiation is negligible for
non-precipitating drops. For centimeter wavelengths, water vapor absorption peaks
at 22.235 GHz, the center of a weak water vapor rotation line (see Fig. 3.13). Figure
8.13 shows that the absorption by water droplets increases with frequency. The
absorption coefficient for each is proportional to the amount of water (liquid or
vapor) per unit volume. Over the ocean, which provides a uniform, cold background
due to the low emittance of water, atmospheric water vapor and liquid water in-
crease the brightness temperature measured by a satellite-borne radiometer. By ex-
ploiting two frequencies, one near 22.235 GHz and one in the atmospheric window
near 31 GHz, column-integrated water vapor and liquid water content (both in units
of mass per unit area) can be retrieved as follows.
Applying the Rayleigh-Jeans law (Eq. 3.11) to the integrated form of Schwarz-
child's equation (Eq. 6.6), the brightness temperature measured by a microwave

10° ρ

|0" '
1 1 I I I I I I I ' ' 1
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
FIGURE 8.13. Mass absorption coefficient of cloud drops in the microwave region. [After Westwater
292 Chapter 8 Clouds and Aerosols

radiometer is

Τ (λ,μ) = ε » Τ τ ^ + [1 - e > ) ] T
Β 0 s p a c e T ^ + f ΤΨ (τ,μ)
2 1
λ dr, (8.26)

where ε is the surface emittance (strongly dependent on polarization and μ; weakly


dependent on T ), T is the surface temperature, and r is the vertical transmittance


from the surface to the satellite.

Since the transmittance r is close to one, an adequate approximation is Τ ~ T .
0 Q

Ignoring the small second term, removing T from the integral, and integrating the G

third term with the aid of Eq. 6.8 yields (cf. Grody, 1976)

Τ -Τ {1-[1-ε»]τ Η
Β 0

Information on surface properties is contained in T and ε ; atmospheric informa- Q 0

tion is contained in r . If U and U are the column-integrated liquid water content

0 L v

and water vapor content ( l / is also called the precipitable water) and ß and ß
v L w

are the mass absorption coefficients for cloud droplets and water vapor, respec-
tively, then

τ2 /μ
0 - exp ^ ( Α Α + £νϋν + δ ; θ2
τ -τ
0 Β
[1 - ε (μ)]Τ
0 0

where δ θ 2 is the small oxygen optical depth. Taking the logarithm,

Most work (e.g., Grody etai, 1980; Wilheit and Chang, 1980) has approximated
T as a constant (280 K) and assumed that ε is a constant. If this equation is applied
0 0

at 22 and 31 GHz, then U and U can be retrieved as linear combinations of μ

L v

ln[280 - T ]: B

U = α μ ln[280 - T (22)] + α μ ln[280 - T (31)] + a ,

L 22 B 31 B 0 (8.30a)
U = b^
v 2 ln[280 - T (22)] + b ^
B 3 ln[280 - T (31)] + b . (8.30b)
B 0

The coefficients can be found by using a more accurate radiative model or (for
I7 , at least) by comparing with observations. It must be noted that independent

measurements of liquid water with which to compare satellite estimates are essen-
tially nonexistent; thus the accuracy of the satellite estimates is not known.
The Soviet satellite Kosmos 243 carried the first microwave radiometer capable
of making such measurements (Gurvich and Demin, 1970). U.S. satellites Nimbus
5,6,7, Seasat, and two DMSP satellites have carried instruments from which liquid
water and precipitable water could be retrieved. The Indian satellites Bhaskara 1
and 2 also carried microwave-sensing instruments.
8.4 Stratospheric Aerosols 293


Aerosol measurements from satellites rely chiefly on the scattering of sunlight,

although a few infrared techniques have been explored. Because somewhat differ-
ent techniques are involved, we will discuss stratospheric aerosols and tropospheric
aerosols separately.
Limb scanning techniques (McCormick and Lovill, 1983), with their large
optical path, are well suited to the measurement of stratospheric aerosols, which
may have number densities of only 1-10 c m . Tropospheric aerosols are perhaps

1000 times more abundant. The most frequently used technique is solar occulta-
tion, in which the transmittance of solar radiation is measured during spacecraft
sunrise or sunset. A great advantage of solar occultation is that it is nearly self-
calibrating; unattenuated solar radiation is measured before each sunset or after
each sunrise. Only the ratio of the attenuated to the unattenuated radiation (the
transmittance) is used in the retrieval process. Variations in solar output and in
instrument gain are eliminated.
McCormick et al. (1979) and McCormick (1983) review solar occultation
experiments. The first such experiment was performed aboard Apollo—Soyuz in
1975. The Stratospheric Aerosol Measurement (SAM) experiment consisted of a
hand-held, one-channel sun photometer with which astronauts made measure-
ments during two sunrises and two sunsets. The measurements were centered at
0.83 μπι. The results were sufficiently promising to prompt the development of
two complementary instruments to fly on unmanned satellites.
The Stratospheric Aerosol Measurement II (SAM II) experiment was launched
aboard the Nimbus 7 satellite in October 1978. It also was a one-channel sun
photometer, but its spectral range was centered at 1 μπι, where absorption due
to atmospheric gases is negligible. Only Rayleigh scattering and scattering by
aerosols are important. Since Nimbus 7 had equator crossing times near local
noon and midnight, all of the sunrises and sunsets observed by SAM II were in
polar regions, 64°-80° north latitude and 64°-80° south latitude.
The Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment I (SAGE I) was launched aboard
a dedicated Applications Explorer Mission satellite (AEM 2) in February 1979.
Its orbit had an inclination of 55°, which caused its orbital plane to precess with
respect to the sun. It made sunrise and sunset measurements between 79°N and
79°S (depending on season), and it sampled all longitudes in about a month. Thus
the SAGE I coverage complemented that of SAM II. About 15 sunrises and 15
sunsets were observed per day for the first 4 months of operation until a problem
with the power supply limited observations to sunsets only. Observations were
made until November 1981. SAGE I made measurements in four bands centered
at 0.385, 0.45, 0.60, and 1.0 μηι. All of these bands are sensitive to Rayleigh
and aerosol scattering. In addition, the 0.6-μιη band is sensitive to ozone ( 0 ) , 3

and the 0.385- and 0.45-μπι bands are sensitive to nitrogen dioxide ( N 0 ) . SAGE

I had about a 0.5-km field of view at the Earth's limb.

SAGE II was launched in October 1984 on the Earth Radiation Budget Satellite
(ERBS). Like AEM 2, ERBS is in a nonsunsynchronous orbit. SAGE II is similar
294 Chapter 8 Clouds and Aerosols

to SAGE I except that it has seven channels centered at 1.02, 0.936, 0.600, 0.525,
0.452,0.448, and 0.385 μπι. The 0.936-μπι channel provides the ability to retrieve
stratospheric water vapor.
The basic measurement in solar occultation is transmittance (τ ) through the λ

limb of the atmosphere. Transmittance is measured as a function of tangent height

(h) defined for any ray as the minimum height above the surface (Fig. 4.26). A
small correction to the tangent height for the bending of the light ray by refraction
is sometimes made. Transmittance is related to the integral along the ray's path
of the extinction coefficient:
-\n[r (h)]=8 (h)=
k x a (k)dx,
e (8.31)

where 8 {h) is the optical depth along the ray path. If we assume that σ varies
x ε

spatially only with z, the height above the Earth's surface, then σ (λ, ζ) can be ε

retrieved as a solution of Abel's equation (Avaste and Keevallik, 1983; Arfken,

1970, p. 734):

σ (λ, ζ) = 1 f ^
ε [(h + r ) - (ζ + r ) ] "
2 1/2
dh, (8.32)

where r is the radius of the Earth. Since the function [(h + r ) - (z + r ) ] ~

e e
2 m

is strongly peaked at h = z, solar occultation has the same advantage as limb

sounding; most of the information comes from near the tangent height.
The extinction coefficient is composed of several terms:
β =
°Rayleigh + ^aerosol +
0 3 + σ
Ν0 > 2 (8.33)
where σ is the extinction due to Rayleigh scattering by air molecules, σ
Κ3γ1είδΗ αεΓΟδθ1

is the extinction due to scattering by aerosols, and σ and σ are the absorption θ 3 Ν Ο ζ

due to ozone and nitrogen dioxide, respectively. Extinction profiles for each of
the components could be retrieved from σ profiles calculated using Eq. 8.32. ε

However, Eq. 8.32 is usually abandoned in favor of the iterative approach of

Chu and McCormick (1979) in which the component extinction profiles are
retrieved directly.
Chu and McCormick, who developed their method to invert SAGE I data,
approximate Eq. 8.31 as
δ (^·)-Σ^(λ^ )Δχ ,
λ ; ί; (8.34)

where Δχ is the length traversed by the ray whose tangent height is h in the
ί; t

layer represented by z . They begin by assuming initial profiles of σ

; , σ , Καγ1είδΗ ΜΓ08θ1

σ , and σ
θ 3 · Each constituent is retrieved using measurements in the channel
Ν θ 2

that is most sensitive to that constituent: σ ι at 1.0 μπι, σ at αεΓ050 0

0.60 μπι, c r Q at 0.45 μπι, and cr i h at 0.385 μπι. The procedure begins at
N 2 Ray eig

1.0 μπι. The optical depth due solely to aerosols (the dominant constituent at
this wavelength) is approximated by subtracting the other constituents:

δ&ΙοΛ) = W ~ Σ KVigh(*,) + + <r|& (* .))

2 ; Δ* ·, ί ; (8.35)
8.4 Stratospheric Aerosols 295

where the superscript (k) notes the kth iteration. Note that the 8 (hj), being directly x

related to transmittance, are treated as measured quantities. If the procedure has

converged, then it should be true that for every tangent height

^, 6
| r o s o
' ( / 7
; )
=1. (8.36)
2j & aerosol

If not, then each o- (z ) is iterated using the Twomey et al. (1977) modification
aerosol ;

of Chahine's (1970) relaxation method: 15

^~ aerosol(%j) ^" a e r o s o l ) ΓΊ l + t f f - ! ) ^ , 1

where the product is taken over all tangent heights, and for a given;, Δχ is the /;

maximum of Δχ for all values of /. The process is repeated in turn at 0.6, 0.45,

and 0.385 μ π ι to retrieve σ ,σ ,

and a θ3, respectively. A convergence
ΝΟι R a y l e i g h

criterion based on the uncertainty in the measured transmittance is applied to

determine whether another iteration is necessary. This scheme was modified
slightly for SAGE II data (Chu et al., 1989) to retrieve water vapor and to
retrieve aerosol extinction at four wavelengths, which will aid in determining the
size distribution.
An extensive series of experiments were conducted to compare SAGE I and
SAM II aerosol extinction profiles with each other and with other instruments
(e.g., Russell etal, 1981,1984; Yue etal, 1984). Figure 8.14 shows a comparison
between aerosol extinction profiles measured by SAGE I and SAM II over Alaska.
Since the instruments scan up and down across the disk of the sun, and since the
instruments have angular fields of view (0.15 mrad) that are considerably less than
the angle subtended by the sun (9.3 mrad), several transmittance measurements are
made at each tangent height. The standard deviation of the transmittance can be
converted into an estimate of the error in the extinction profile at each altitude
(Chu and McCormick, 1979). Roughly, aerosol extinction can be retrieved to
within about 10% between the tropopause and about 25 km, which includes
nearly all of the stratospheric aerosols. When compared with dustsondes, lidar,
and aircraft-mounted samplers, satellite measurements of aerosol extinction are
within experimental uncertainties (Russell et al., 1984).

1 5
The T w o m e y et al. modification uses information at all levels, not just at the peak of the
weighting function. N o t e that δχ^ΙAx^ = 1 at the peak of the weighting function ( Δ χ ) but is non- ζ/

zero at other tangent heights. Since Δχ^ is sharply peaked at the tangent height, Chu and McCormick
perform the calculation only within 4 km of the tangent height.
1 6
The extinction coefficients are wavelength-dependent. To use the aerosol extinction coefficient,
for example, at wavelengths other than 1.0 /xm where it is calculated, the wavelength dependence
must be known. At the other wavelengths, however, the aerosol extinction contributes only a minor
amount to the total extinction; thus the wavelength dependence does not have to be precisely known.
Chu and McCormick use a log-normal size distribution of 7 5 % sulfuric acid droplets at a number
density of 10 c m to approximate the aerosol distribution and derive the wavelength dependence.
- 3
296 Chapter 8 Clouds and Aerosols

10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10"6 10"5 10"4 10'3 IQ-6 IQ-5 10"4 10"3
E X T I N C T I O N C O E F F I C I E N T , km-1
FIGURE 8.14. Extinction coefficient profiles derived from SAGE I and SAM II measurements over Alaska
in 1979. The dashed line is extinction due to atmospheric gases ( σ ) ; the solid lines are extinction

due to aerosols (cr ). The arrow indicates the height of the tropopause. [After Russell et al. (1984).]

SAGE II aerosol data have also been compared to SAM II data (Yue et al,
1989) and to other correlative data sets, in both Europe and the United States,

with results similar to those for SAGE I, but at four wavelengths. Figure 8.15
shows typical extinction profiles for the four SAGE II wavelengths. Attempts have
been made to use the four SAGE II wavelengths to retrieve information about
the composition and size distribution of stratospheric aerosols (Livingston and
Russell, 1989; Wang et al, 1989).
Satellite observations have been used to study the injection and dispersal of
volcanic aerosols (Kent and McCormick, 1984) and stratospheric clouds that
form in the winter near the poles (McCormick et al, 1982). In addition, although
tropospheric clouds often block measurements below the tropopause, a surprising
number of retrievals can be made in the middle to upper troposphere (Kent et
al, 1988).
The former Soviet Union experimented with another method, called the Earth's
aureole method, for measuring extinction coefficients in the stratosphere. Avaste
and Keevallik (1983) reported that a four-channel (1.35, 1.9, 2.2, and 2.7 μηι)
radiometer was flown on the Salyut 4 and Salyut 6 space stations in 1975 and
1978, respectively. The radiometer measured scattered radiance as a function of
tangent height in the Earth's limb. Assuming only single scattering, it can be
shown that the measured radiance is given by
L (h)
K = C[l - T (h)], k (8.38)
where T (h) is given by Eq. 8.31. C is a constant:

C = ±ώ Ε (λ)[ρ(ψ
0 5υη 51ιη ) + 2Vs«„]- (8-39)

1 7
See the special SAGE II section of the Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 9 4 (1989), N o . D 6 .
8.4 Stratospheric Aerosols 297

50 £Γττττττττ| ι ι iniirj ι ι miii| ι ι iiiiiij—ι ι uiiiTj—ι ι nirnj

SAGE II ( 1 1 / 3 0 / 8 4 )
G M T 23:36 (SUNSET)

•0.525 /*m
- 0 . 4 5 3 μΓΤΊ


§ 2 5

< 20

1.02 /xm



Ol—I I I Nllll—I I 111 U l i — l I l l l l l l l ' ' mini ι » imul ι ' Μΐιΐΐΐ

10" 6
10" 5
1 0 4
10" 3
Ι Ο 2
1 0 1
FIGURE 8.15. Typical vertical profiles of aerosol extinction at the four SAGE I I wavelengths on N o v e m -
ber 3 0 , 1 9 8 4 . [After Wang et al., 1989).]

The first term of C is the radiance due to single scattering of directly illuminated
aerosols: ω is the single scatter albedo, £ (X) is the solar irradiance, and p(i// )
0 sun sun

is the scattering phase function for the angle between the sun, tangent point, and
satellite. The second term of C is the radiance due to single scattering from aerosols
illuminated by radiation reflected from the surface or clouds: A is the albedo
below the tangent point, and μ is the cosine of the solar zenith angle at the

tangent point. The 2 comes from approximating the surface as a Lambertian

reflector and integrating over all scattering angles below the tangent point. From
Eq. 8.38 we have

d l n T
^ 1 1 U L
dh \L -C) dh'
The extinction profile can be obtained by substituting this expression into Eq. 8.32.
The primary advantage of the Earth's aureole method over solar occultation
is that measurements are not limited to sunrise and sunset events; they can be
made nearly continuously during the sunlit portion of each orbit. They have
essentially the same horizontal resolution as limb soundings. The disadvantage
298 Chapter 8 Clouds and Aerosols

is that one must have knowledge of the single scatter albedo and the surface
or cloud albedo near the tangent point. A secondary advantage is that aureole
measurements can apparently be made at greater altitudes than can occultation
measurements. Avaste and Keevallik report making measurements of noctilucent
clouds at 80-85 km.


Studies of tropospheric aerosols also rely on observations of scattered radiation.

Instead of the dark, uniform background of space, however, these techniques
must deal with the Earth's surface as background. Often, observations are made
over the ocean.
The satellite-observed radiance in visible and near-infrared wavelengths can
be written (e.g., Durkee et al., 1986)
L = Lr 0 0 + L Rayleigh + L aerosol , (8.41)
where L is the radiance leaving the surface, τ is the transmittance from the
G 0

surface to the satellite, L is the radiance due to Rayleigh scattering by air


molecules, and L is the radiance scattered by the aerosols.


Over the ocean, L includes sun glint and reflectance by suspended particles

as well as Fresnel reflection. Sun glint is caused by reflection of solar radiation

from facets of a rough ocean surface (Cox and Münk, 1954). It occurs near the
point where the sun's specular reflection is expected. The area of sun glint increases
with roughness and is related to wind speed. Because the sun is so bright, reflect-
ance from aerosols is quickly lost in the large sun glint signal. Similarly, areas with
suspended particles (including plankton) must be avoided. With these exceptions,
however, the ocean makes a good background. Its reflection in the red portion
of the spectrum is less than 0.5%, and at wavelengths longer than 0.7 μπι the
ocean's reflectance is near zero (Ramsey, 1968). In areas free of sun glint and
suspended particles, L can be approximated as zero at red and near-infrared wave-

^ R a y l e i g h * always present and must be subtracted from L to obtain the radiance

due to aerosol scattering. Kaufman (1979) has developed a simple model, based
on the two-stream approximation of Coakley and Chylek (1975), to calculate
the radiance due to Rayleigh scattering.
Assume that the satellite-observed radiance is free of radiation reflected from
the ocean and that it has been corrected for Rayleigh scattering. Assume further
that only single scattering need be considered. Then, by Eq. 3.45, the radiative
transfer equation may be written:

= -L a e r o S oi + ^£su„P(<ku„) exp ( - 6 a e r
°^~ 6 x
), (8.42)

where δ is the vertical optical depth, 6

λ is the vertical aerosol optical depth

of the entire atmosphere, and μ is the cosine of the satellite viewing angle. The
8.5 Tropospheric Aerosols

solution of this first order, linear, ordinary differential equation is


Since 6 is often much less than one, the satellite-observed radiance can be

further approximated as

l i
aerosol =
7Z sunP(^sun)
£ (8.44)

Aerosol optical depth can be retrieved from observations of L , if the other


elements of Eq. 8.44 are known. Three of the necessary parameters are easily
obtained. £ is a function of time of year, the solar spectrum, and the spectral
s u n

response function of the satellite radiometer. The solar zenith angle is a function
of time and the location of the scan spot. The satellite viewing angle is a function
of the locations of the satellite and the scan spot. The remaining two parameters,
ώ and p(i// ), depend on the index of refraction and size distribution of the
0 sun

aerosols. Thus in contrast with solar occultation, some knowledge of the properties
of the aerosols must be known before optical depth can be retrieved.
Two basic types of aerosols have been studied using satellite data: marine
aerosols (haze) and Saharan dust. Griggs (1975) compared surface-based measure-
ments of marine aerosol optical depth (using a Volz sun photometer) with Landsat
observations at 0.55, 0.65, and 0.75 μπι and found that optical depth could be
retrieved within ± 1 0 % . Griggs (1979) found similar results with GOES 1 and
NOAA 5 Scanning Radiometer data. Fett and Isaacs (1979) and Isaacs (1980)
studied the effects of marine aerosols on DMSP visible imagery. Hindman et al.
(1984) and Durkee et al. (1986) have used AVHRR data and Nimbus 7 Coastal
Zone Color Scanner data to study marine aerosols off the California coast. These
last three studies used the marine aerosol models of Shettle and Fenn (1979).
Durkee et al. (1991) have used AVHRR channels 1 and 2 to retrieve aerosol
optical depth. The combination of two channels lessens the uncertainty caused
by assuming a single scatter albedo and a scattering phase function.
Satellite data were first used to study Saharan dust by Fraser (1976). He used
a radiative transfer model to convert Landsat radiances to vertically integrated
aerosol mass. Carlson and Wendling (1977) and Carlson (1979) were able to
map dust optical depth over the Atlantic using NOAA 3 VHRR data. Norton et
al. (1980) studied Saharan dust using GOES data. They were able to estimate the
dust optical depth to ±0.1 accuracy for optical depths up to 0.4. Recently Deuze
et al. (1988) studied Saharan aerosols over the Mediterranean Sea using Meteosat
and AVHRR data.
In January 1989, NESDIS began producing weekly maps of aerosol optical
depth based on AVHRR channel 1 data (Rao et al., 1988). The maps have a 100-
km grid and include all the world's oceans. The retrieval scheme relies on a lookup
table calculated with a radiative transfer model. The model includes Rayleigh
scattering and ozone absorption as well as aerosol scattering. The table is calcu-
Chapter 8 Clouds and Aerosols

lated as a function of solar zenith angle, satellite zenith angle, and the relative
azimuth angle. Given these three parameters, aerosol optical depth can be interpo-
lated on the basis of the observed radiance. To avoid sun glint, retrievals are
made only in the antisolar half of each scan line. Clouds are filtered in two ways.
First, techniques used in sea surface temperature retrievals are applied (McClain
et al., 1985). Second, the difference between the triple-window SST (Eq. 6.73c)
and the split-window SST (Eq. 6.73b) is calculated. Rao et al. have observed that
due to the reflectance of clouds at 3.7 μτη these SST estimates differ by at least
5 Κ in cloudy areas. Thus they use a 5-K threshold to detect and eliminate cloudy
scenes. Figure 8.16 shows an example of aerosol optical depth for the Atlantic
Ocean. Based on comparison with surface measurements (Griggs and Stowe,
1984), it is estimated that the one-channel scheme is capable of retrieving aerosol
optical depth within ±0.03 to ±0.05. If the global background optical depth is
roughly 0.1, the method's accuracy is in the 3 0 - 5 0 % range. In high-signal dust
outbreaks such as that shown in Fig. 8.16, however, the relative accuracy is
much better.
Aerosol measurements over land are also possible if one knows the surface
reflectance. Fräser et al. (1984) have used GOES visible data to estimate summer-
time aerosol optical depth over the eastern United States. They then related the
optical depth to the column-integrated mass density of sulfate particles.
Measurements outside the visible to near infrared portion of the spectrum also
appear to be useful. Ackerman (1989) reports that the difference between the
brightness temperatures at 3.7 and 11 μπι is sensitive to aerosol optical depth.

FIGURE 8.16. Aerosol optical depths (xlOO) for the period 1 8 - 2 5 June 1987. [Courtesy of Larry
Stowe, N O A A . ]
8.5 Tropospheric Aerosols 301

He used this information to plot aerosol optical depth over the Arabian Peninsula.
Also, Lee et al. (1986) report that the difference between brightness temperatures
at 11 and 12 μηι is sensitive to aerosol optical depth.

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gm τ FIRST, ONE might think that if the clouds have been located in a
f % satellite image (as in Chapter 8) precipitation estimation should be a
simple task. Unfortunately, early researchers found that only a small fraction of
clouds produce rain at any one time (Nagle and Serebreny, 1962). Much of the
research into techniques for estimating precipitation with satellite data involves
separating raining from nonraining clouds. An excellent book covering this subject
is The Use of Satellite Data in Rainfall Monitoring by E. C. Barrett and D. W.
Martin (1981).
Precipitation-estimation techniques may be divided into three categories: those
that use visible or infrared data, those that use passive microwave data, and future
techniques that will use radar. The first three sections of this chapter discuss these
techniques. The final section discusses the related topic of severe weather detection
and monitoring.


Visible and infrared techniques are grouped together because they share a
common characteristic: The radiation does not penetrate through the cloud. Visi-

308 Chapter 9 Precipitation

ble and infrared techniques estimate precipitation falling from the bottom of the
cloud based on radiation coming from the top and/or the side of the cloud,
depending on viewing geometry. All visible and infrared precipitation-estimation
schemes are necessarily indirect; a cloud's brightness or equivalent blackbody
temperature may be related to the rain falling from it, but the raindrops themselves
are not directly sensed.
Because of the indirect nature of the relationship between satellite-measured
visible or infrared radiance and precipitation, the techniques discussed below are
not universally applicable. Techniques developed for the tropics may not perform
well in the extratropics. Similarly, techniques developed to estimate monthly
rainfall may not be useful when estimating hourly rainfall. When selecting a visible
or infrared technique, one should carefully compare one's application with the
application for which the technique was developed. In fact, Barrett (1988) argues
that a hierarchy of techniques is necessary to estimate rainfall from satellite data
under the wide range of meteorological conditions and user needs which are
encountered in practice.
A further note is in order here, although it applies just as well to microwave
and radar techniques as it does to visible and infrared techniques. There are two
ways of verifying precipitation estimates from satellite data; one may compare
either with radar or with rain-gauge estimates. Radar probably provides the more
reasonable comparison because it samples volumes of the atmosphere which
are comparable with the size of satellite pixels. However, radar meteorologists
generally do not claim better than a factor-of-2 accuracy for their precipitation
estimates. Rain gauges make very accurate measurements, but a standard rain
gauge samples an area only about 1 0 m . Satellite estimates, on the other hand,
- 1 2

sample an area roughly 1 0 - 1 0 m . Since rainfall is highly variable spatially,

6 8 2

comparison of satellite estimates and rain-gauge estimates would be poor even if

the satellite estimates were perfect. We will attempt to give accuracy figures for
the techniques discussed in this chapter, but the reader should be aware that
verification of satellite precipitation estimates is difficult at best. Another point
to remember is that averaging reduces noise. Thus satellite precipitation estimates
averaged over large areas or long time periods will compare better with "truth"
than will estimates for smaller areas or shorter times. With these caveats, we are
ready to begin.
Barrett and Martin (1981) divide visible and infrared techniques into four
categories: cloud indexing, life history, bispectral, and cloud model techniques.
We will follow their classification system.

9.1.1 Cloud Indexing

The oldest (and still useful) precipitation-estimation technique is known as

cloud indexing. It rests on the observation that it is fairly easy to identify cloud
types in satellite images. In its most fundamental form, cloud indexing assigns a
rain rate to each cloud type. The rain at a particular location (or in a particular
9.1 Visible and Infrared Techniques 309

area) can then be written

R = 2rifi, (9.1)
where r- is the rain rate assigned to cloud type /, and /· is the fraction of time that

the point is covered with (or fraction of the area covered by) cloud type /. Barrett
Cloud indexing was pioneered by Barrett (1970), who wanted to estimate
precipitation over Australia and the "Maritime Continent." He used once-daily
nephanalyses produced by NOAA's predecessor, the Environmental Science Ser-
vice Administration (ESSA), to estimate monthly precipitation with a slightly
more complex scheme than that represented by Eq. 9.1 (Fig. 9.1). Barrett's

cloud types were cumulonimbus, stratiform, cumuliform, stratocumuliform, and

cirriform. He found that a cubic polynomial function of the satellite-estimated
rain depth could account for 90% of the variance in rain-gauge-observed precipita-
tion (Fig. 9.2).
Barrett's cloud indexing technique has been profitably applied to a large number
of locations, most of which have either few or no rain gauges (see Barrett and
Martin, 1981). In a modification of the technique, satellite images are used to
interpolate precipitation in an area sparsely covered by rain gauges (Barrett, 1980).
Barrett (1973) attempted to forecast daily precipitation in another modification
of the cloud indexing technique. He used the 800-hPa wind to construct a quadrant
from which the air passing over a station in the next day could be expected to
come (Fig. 9.3). He then estimated the 24-h precipitation in the quadrant by
cloud indexing and forecast that amount of precipitation at the station. Compari-
sons with rain-gauge data showed that the forecasting scheme was able to correctly
classify rain into one of seven categories (including no rain) about 75% of the time.
In collaboration with NESDIS, this technique has been implemented as an
interactive scheme on a digital image processing system (Moses and Barrett, 1986).
Called BIAS (Bristol/NOAA InterActive Scheme), the scheme allows an analyst to
combine climatology and surface synoptic station data with satellite rain estimates. Follansbee
Whereas Barrett (1970) wanted high-spatial-resolution precipitation estimates
averaged over a month, Follansbee (1973) wanted daily precipitation estimates
averaged over a state-sized area. Using once-daily, afternoon, visible satellite
images, he visually estimated the fraction of a state covered by cumulonimbus

Barrett's cloud indexing equation also included a mean monthly cloudiness and the probability
of rainfall from each cloud type as well as the rain rate. Since these factors are multiplicative, however,
Eq. 9.1 still applies, but r must be interpreted as an effective rain rate.
Chapter 9 Precipitation

90° 100° 110° 120° 130° 140° 150° 160° 170° 180 (

0 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 >.40

FIGURE 9.1. Precipitation (inches) for the month of July 1966 estimated by the cloud indexing method
of Barrett (1970).

FIGURE 9.2. Rain-gauge-estimated precipitation versus precipitation estimated by cloud indexing for
the area in Fig. 9.1 during the months of March-June 1966. [After Barrett (1970).]
9.1 Visible and Infrared Techniques J]]

FIGURE 9.3. Quadrant constructed for estimation of daily rainfall at Valentia Island, Ireland. The 8 0 0
hPa wind is used to construct the quadrant. [After Barrett (1973).]

(r = 1 inch/day), nimbostratus (r = 0.25 inch/day), or cumulus congestus (r =

0.02 inch/day) and applied Eq. 9.1.
Figure 9.4 shows Follansbee's results for Arkansas precipitation in July and
August, 1971. These results are typical of precipitation estimation schemes. Peaks
in the rain-gauge estimates are almost always associated with peaks in the satellite
estimates because rain falls from clouds, which satellites detect well. However,
while the satellite estimates sometimes closely followed the rain-gauge estimates
(August), they sometimes did not (July). This is because a simple indexing scheme
cannot take into account precipitation efficiencies and other factors that affect
the rain rate from a particular cloud type on a particular day. Also, once-daily
observations can miss precipitation, particularly convective precipitation.
For verification purposes, Follansbee divided precipitation into classes (in
inches): 0, 0.01-0.10, 0.11-0.20, 0.21-0.30, 0.31-0.50, 0.51-1.00,1.01-2.00,
and 2.01—5.00. He found that 79% of the time, the satellite estimate was within
one category of the rain-gauge-estimated average daily precipitation in a state.
The above schemes are designed for convective precipitation (as are most
satellite precipitation-estimation schemes). Follansbee and Oliver (1975) wanted
to estimate cool-season precipitation in Asia chiefly for agricultural purposes.
Cool-season precipitation in the extratropics is dominated by traveling, synoptic-
scale systems which have a variable rain rate. Follansbee and Oliver developed an
interpolation scheme for use with twice-daily satellite images. Figure 9.5 illustrates
their technique. On each of a pair of satellite images separated by approximately
12 h, an analyst outlines the area thought to be precipitating, and then interpolates
the movement of the system in order to estimate at each point the number of
Chapter 9 Precipitation

AUGUST o Estimated · Observed

FIGURE 9.4. Arkansas precipitation for the months of July and August 1971 estimated by Follans-
bee (1973).

hours during which precipitation fell. At any point, the 12-h precipitation is based
on the duration (D, in hours) of precipitation, on the normal monthly precipitation
(P , which helps correct for the variable precipitation rate in synoptic-scale sys-

tems), and on an empirical constant (0.0075). The equation they used is

Ρ χι — 0.0075 D P . N (9.2)
For a 4-week period, the technique's bias was nearly zero, and its mean absolute
difference was 5 5 % of the mean when compared to Soviet rain gauges. For daily
9.1 Visible and Infrared Techniques J] 3

FIGURE 9.5. Schematic diagram illustrating the interpolation technique of Follansbee (1976). The heavy
lines outline the raining area of an extratropical cyclone with a trailing front. The solid heavy line
is the position at midnight, the dashed heavy line outlines the position at noon. The thin lines (and
the numbers) indicate the number of hours that a point was under a raining area.

precipitation, the mean absolute difference was approximately 100% of the mean.
Although the 100% figure seems large, it is for a one-day period at a single
station; in the above schemes, precipitation was averaged over a large area or
over a long time. When averaged over a given area, the mean absolute difference
3] 4 Chapter 9 Precipitation

would fall. It must also be kept in mind that depending on one's application,
even a 100% mean absolute difference may be adequate. Kilonsky and Ramage

Kilonsky and Ramage (1976) developed a technique that is still frequently
employed to estimate precipitation over the tropical ocean. They used once-daily
visible satellite mosaics computer-mapped into a Mercator projection by NESDIS.
In these mosaics, they located "highly reflective clouds" (HRCs). Since tropical
oceanic rainfall is dominated by deep clouds, the frequency with which a location
is covered by HRCs is related to precipitation. They found that when the monthly
precipitation on small coral islands in the Pacific was correlated with the number
of days that the island was covered by HRCs, the correlation coefficient was .75
significant at the 1% level. Garcia (1981) found that in the tropical Atlantic (in
the GATE area) the simple Kilonsky-Ramage technique performed better than
expected (Fig. 9.6) in comparison to the more complex Griffith-Woodley tech-

50 W e
40° 30* 20* HTW

50 W
40· 30* 20* 10* W
FIGURE 9.6. Cumulative rainfall estimates (mm) for 80 days during GATE: (a) Kilonsky-Ramage
technique, (b) Griffith-Woodley technique. [After Garcia (1981).]
9.1 Visible and Infrared Techniques

nique (Section Of interest is the regression equation used by Garcia


R — 62.6 + 37.4 N , D (9.3)

where R is the monthly rainfall in millimeters, and N is the number of days


during the month that the location was covered by HRCs. Arkin

The final technique to be discussed in this section was developed by Arkin

(1979) to estimate tropical precipitation for climatological purposes. It is similar 2

to the Kilonsky-Ramage technique, but it uses infrared GOES data. Arkin found
that for the GATE area, radar-estimated precipitation was highly correlated (corre-
lation coefficient .86) with the fraction of the area covered by pixels colder than
235 K. Other thresholds were tried but yielded lower correlations. Of course, the
correlation coefficient depends on the area and time over which the precipitation
is estimated. Richards and Arkin (1981) tested averaging areas between 0.5° x
0.5° and 2.5° x 2.5° latitude and averaging times from 1 to 24 h. They found
that the correlations increase with averaging area and with averaging time.
Arkin and Meisner (1987) call their precipitation estimate the GOES Precipita-
tion Index (GPI). They use a 235 Κ threshold and a constant rain rate of 3 mm 3

h" , which are appropriate values for estimating tropical precipitation in areas

approximately 2.5° x 2.5° of latitude. The precise equation is

GPI - 3 fbt, (9.4)
where GPI is an estimate of the mean rain depth (millimeters) in the area, fis the
fraction of area colder than the threshold, and At is the time (hours) for which
/"applies (e.g., if the images are collected each 3 h, then Δί = 3).
NMC's Climate Analysis Center (CAC) has an important archive of reduced-
volume GOES data, called the GOES Histogram Data Set, primarily for the study
of climate. Every 3 h, images from each GOES satellite are blocked into 2.5° x
2.5° latitude-longitude boxes between 50° north and 50° south and between 175°
east and 25° west. The infrared counts in each box are histogrammed (binned)
in 16 classes (Table 9.1). Each box is thus described by 16 numbers in comparison
with roughly 2000 infrared pixels. The data are further compressed by summing
each time period for one half month (i.e., eight time periods per day are kept,
but each one is summed for a half-month period). The final data set is reduced
in volume by a factor of approximately 2000 over the full resolution data. With
this archive, the GPI (and other parameters) can easily be calculated for any time

Actually this is a threshold technique rather than a true cloud indexing technique, but it fits best
in this section.
This represents the slope of the regression between areally averaged rain rate and fractional area
with equivalent blackbody temperatures less than the threshold. The small intercept in this regression
is ignored.
3]£ Chapter 9 Precipitation

TABLE 9.1. The GOES Histogram Data Set

Bin Temperature (K) Count

1 >270 <119
2 266-270 119-128
3 261-265 129-138
4 256-260 139-148
5 251-255 149-158
6 246-250 159-168
7 241-245 169-177
8 236-240 178-182
9 231-235 183-187
10 226-230 188-192
11 221-225 193-197
12 216-220 198-202
13 211-215 203-207
14 201-210 208-217
15 191-200 218-227
16 <191 >227

period after the archive's start in December 1981. Using the full-resolution GOES

images, such calculations would be prohibitively expensive.

Recently, the World Climate Research Programme has begun a Global Precipi-
tation Climatology Project, which aims at estimating precipitation in 2.5° x 2.5°
boxes over the entire globe for periods ranging from five days to one month. The
data from all five geosynchronous satellites are being binned as in the GOES
Histogram Data Set, but they are being averaged in 5-day instead of 15-day
periods. In addition, data from the NOAA polar orbiting satellites are being
histogrammed for the first time. Microwave data from the DMSP SSM/I will also
be used. This challenging project will contribute to both precipitation estimation
algorithms and to methods that merge precipitation estimates from different
sources (World Climate Research Programme, 1986).

9.1.2 Bispectral Techniques

Clouds that are bright in visible images are more likely to precipitate than
dark clouds because brightness is related to optical depth and thus to cloud
thickness. Clouds that are cold in infrared images are more likely to precipitate
than warm clouds because cold clouds have higher tops than warm clouds. There
are exceptions to these rules, however. Stratus clouds are bright, but do not rain
as much, nor as often, as cumulonimbus clouds. Cirrus clouds are cold, but do
not produce as much precipitation as some warmer clouds. Bispectral methods

Phenomena with periods between 1 and 15 days cannot be studied because of the half-month aver-

9.1 Visible and Infrared Techniques 317

attempt to combine these rules by saying that clouds which have the best chance
of raining are both cold and bright (Lethbridge, 1967). Lesser amounts (lower
probabilities) of precipitation can be expected from cold-but-dark clouds (cirrus)
and bright-but-warm clouds (stratus).

9. 12.1 Dittberner and Vonder Haar

Among the first to use a bispectral technique to estimate precipitation were
Dittberner and Vonder Haar (1973), who studied the Indian Summer Monsoon.
They developed a relationship of the form
P = cE + c A + P
t 2 09 (9.5)
where Ρ is percent of normal seasonal precipitation, Ε is the seasonal mean
infrared radiant exitance, A is the seasonal mean visible albedo, and the remaining
parameters are regression coefficients. The technique successfully separated weak
from intense monsoons, whereas visible or infrared data alone could not. Lovejoy and Austin

Lovejoy and Austin (1979a) compared SMS/GOES visible and infrared data
with radar data in GATE and around Montreal. They used brightness and tempera-
ture observations together to determine whether it was raining. They constructed
two 2D (two-dimensional) histograms: a raining histogram and a nonraining
histogram. Each satellite pixel was assigned to one of these histograms based on
radar observations. The histogram axes were visible count (x axis) and infrared
count (y axis). To normalize the visible images for varying solar zenith angle,
the visible count was scaled between the minimum (0) and the maximum (1) for
that image. Twenty-five bins were used for each axis. Figure 9.7 shows these two
histograms for GATE day 248 at 1300 UTC. Notice that the raining pixels are
clustered near the cold, bright portion of the histogram.
The next step was to calculate precipitation probabilities for each bin as the
ratio of the number of raining pixels to total pixels in each bin (Fig. 9.8). These
numbers are useful in themselves, for example, to map precipitation probabilities
beyond the range of the radar (Bellon et aL, 1980).
In the final step, Lovejoy and Austin (1979a) determined a probability threshold
to delineate raining pixels from nonraining pixels by minimizing a loss function
(the fraction of incorrectly classified pixels). The contour in Fig. 9.8 separates
raining from nonraining pixels.
Accuracy of the Lovejoy and Austin scheme is somewhat difficult to assess.
One measure of success is the fraction of pixels that are correctly classified. In
the GATE area, Lovejoy and Austin correctly classified between 82% and 9 8 % .
Around Montreal, the percentage ranged from 80% to 94%. This statistic can
be somewhat misleading, however. Except in unusual cases, rain will not cover
the entire area. For the cases examined in GATE, the maximum fraction of area
covered by rain was 4 5 . 1 % ; at Montreal it was 24.9%. These could be considered
the maximum possible error because a scheme in which all pixels are classified
as nonraining would have this error. The 98% success rate in GATE occurred at
• • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

37 2) 10 1 2 0 3 0 0 0 0

40 32 13 1« 12 10 3 1
• • s
30 77 23 IS 24 • 7 17 4 3 S

IS 34 20 1» 12 10 11 13 7 10 4

« 42 14 1« 1« 14 7 « 0 4

1 33 14 10 IS 14 11 11 7 1 0

2t 22 12 10 • • t S 9 7

1 27 20 17 7 < • 9 % S 2

2 12 24 20 « 7 • • C « 2

11 30 20 C 4 9 S C 7 4
0 13 It 27 10 IS t 13 < 7 3

0 3 2S S3 34 10 10 I 10 7 S
1 0 17 47 40 1« 13 17 13 14 ·
0 2 2 10 44 2» IS 1« 9 IS 13

0 0 4 10 27 34 20 30 13 34 2«

0 0 2 3 11 9 24 30 35 33

0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 4 2< 31

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FIGURE 9.7. Two-dimensional histograms of GOES data for (a) nonraining and (b) raining pixels as determined by radar. The data are for GATE area on 5
September 1974 at 1300 UTC. (Infrared counts increase downward, infrared radiance increases upward.) [After Lovejoy and Austin (1979a).]
9.1 Visible and Infrared Techniques 319


FIGURE 9.8.P] ecipitation probabilities derived from Fig. 9.7. The contour separates raining from
nonraining pi xels based on an optimum probability. [After Lovejoy and Austin (1979a).]

a time when only 2.5% of the area was covered with rain; thus the minimum
success rate was 97.5%. Another way to measure success is to ask the question,
of pixels that are classified as raining, what fraction are not raining? This measure
is called the false-alarm ratio (FAR). The FAR averaged 3 5 % for GATE and
about 4 5 % for Montreal. Lovejoy and Austin (1979a) offer other measures of
success that are probably better than the two mentioned here but are also less
intuitive; the reader is referred to their paper.
Lovejoy and Austin studied only one stratiform rain case. Their technique
worked less well in the stratiform case than in the convective cases. The major
difficulty was that the histogram for the raining pixels was very similar to that
for the nonraining pixels, with the raining pixels only slightly colder and brighter
that the nonraining pixels and with considerable overlap in the distributions. In
other words, visible and infrared data contain little information that can be used
to distinguish raining from nonraining stratiform clouds.
Lovejoy and Austin compared their bispectral technique to monospectral
threshold techniques. The bispectral technique always performed better than either
visible or infrared thresholds.
320 Chapter 9 Precipitation

Bellon et al. (1980) proposed a short-term forecasting technique based on the

Lovejoy—Austin scheme. First, precipitation probabilities were mapped using
bispectral satellite data. Second, a cross-correlation procedure (see Section 7.1.2)
determined the motion of precipitating regions. Third, the precipitation was advec-
ted ahead in time to yield a short-term forecast. This method (known as RAINSAT)
is used operationally in Canada by the Atmospheric Environment Service. The
scheme was modified slightly to produce three classes of precipitation (light,
moderate, heavy), rather than precipitation probabilities, and to use only infrared
data at night. Three to six hour forecasts are made (King, 1984).
Bellon and Austin (1986) found that satellite-derived rainfall accumulations
during daylight hours over the less populated areas of Canada can be more
accurate than those derived from existing rain gauge networks.
9.12.3 Tsonis and Isaac
Tsonis and Isaac (1985) have modified the Love joy-Aus tin method by using
a clustering technique similar to those used for cloud detection (see Section 8.2.2).
They delineate raining areas by classifying pixels in clusters (Fig. 9.9). The raining
cluster is determined from radar data. For warm season rain in Canada, Tsonis
and Isaac achieved a probability of detection (POD, the ratio of pixels classified

Raining Clouds
Non-raining Clouds
Ο • Clear Skies (land or water)
Q_ tr
UJ 2
-71 °C 216

47°C 192 CLUSTER 3 Ν

-27°C 168 /
( Δ
-15°C 144
CLUSTER 1 ^ - " ο """δ^χ ^
-3°C 120
ο °ο ° Λ ° ° 7 C L U S T E R
+9°C 96 / ο ο %ο / ^
' ο ο , ^
y '
+21°C 72 Ο Ο Ο ΟΟ

+33°C 48

+45°C 24

+57° 0 1 1 » 1 1 1 1 ι ΐ—
6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
FIGURE 9.9. Pixel clusters in visible-infrared space. [After Tsonis and Isaac (1985).]
9.1 Visible and Infrared Techniques 321

as raining to total number of radar-classified raining pixels) of 66% and a FAR

of 37%. Eighty percent of the pixels were correctly classified.
Tsonis and Isaac also found that their technique performs better for convective
than for nonconvective cases. In nonconvective cases, the POD was higher, but
the FAR was also higher.
Note that Tsonis and Isaac normalize the GOES visible counts in what has
become a standard correction. Since the visible count is proportional to the square
root of the radiance, they divide the count by [cos(£)] where ζ is the solar

zenith angle. This approximates the count value which would be measured if the
sun were directly overhead.

9.1.3 Life-History Techniques

The rain rate of a cloud, particularly a convective cloud, is a function of the
stage in its life cycle. Life-history techniques take into account a cloud's life cycle.
Geostationary satellite data are required for these techniques, and more than one
image is necessary for the algorithms.
As with most satellite techniques, life-history techniques go back to the earliest
days when the necessary data became available. Sikdar (1972), using ATS 3 data,
found a relationship between the time rate of change of the area of a cirrus anvil
and the rain rate of the thunderstorm. Since anvil growth rate is better related
to storm severity, it will be discussed in Section 9.4. Stout, Martin, and Sikdar

A technique that illustrates the life history method is that of Stout, Martin,
and Sikdar (1979). They examined the relationship between radar-estimated rain
rate and satellite-measured area of cloud for an isolated thunderstorm (Fig. 9.10).
The essential point is that precipitation peaks while the cloud area is rapidly
growing; precipitation is much reduced at the time of maximum cloud area. Stout
et al. approximated this characteristic by adding a term to the rain-rate equation:
R = aA + a ^
0 (9.6)

where A is the cloud area, dAldt is the time rate of change of the cloud area,
and a and a are empirically determined coefficients. Because a is positive, this
0 1 x

equation ensures that the rain rate will be larger in the growing stage than in the
decaying stage of the cloud.
Using half-hourly GOES data in the GATE area, Stout et al. adopted a threshold
count of 172 to define clouds in the visible channel, and 160 (250 K) in the
infrared The satellite areas were regressed against radar-estimated rain rates.
Table 9.2 gives the regression coefficients a and a which best fit radar and
0 x

satellite data. Note that the resulting rain rate is in units of m s" , which is called
3 1

the volumetric rain rate. It is the volume of water falling from the cloud per
unit time.
399 Chapter 9 Precipitation

τ ι ι η 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Γ





—I I I L.
1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600

FIGURE 9.10. The evolution of a typical thunderstorm. Cloud area as observed in visible and infrared
GOES images and radar-estimated volumetric rain rate are plotted against time. [After Stout et
al. (1979).]

Comparing rainfall from a single thunderstorm for a 30-min period, the stan-
dard error of estimate was 76% of the mean rain rate for the infrared estimate
and 62% for the visible estimate. These are very good estimates in comparison
with some of those above. The improvement comes about because (1) Stout et
al. were dealing with a single cloud type in a single area, and (2) their rain-rate
equation better approximates the relationship between satellite-observed cloud
area and precipitation. Comparing hourly rainfall over the GATE area (10 km ) 5 2

estimated by radar and by the Stout et al. technique produced a .84 correlation
coefficient and a 0.25-mm standard error of estimate.

9.13.2 Griffith and Woodley

A widely applied precipitation-estimation technique is known as the Grif-
fith-Woodley technique (Griffith et al, 1976; Woodley et al, 1980). Originally
developed to estimate extra-area effects of cloud seeding in Florida, it has been

TABLE 9.2. Stout et al. Regression Coefficients

Band a0 (m s- )
ax (m)

Infrared 5.4 x 1 0 " 7

2.8 x 1 0 - 3

Visible 5.2 x 10" 7

2.6 x 1 0 " 3
9.1 Visible and Infrared Techniques 323

applied to a wide range of tropical and midlatitude convective precipitation. The

Griffith—Woodley scheme has evolved over time; different papers use slightly
different parameterizations. A concise summary of the scheme is given in Negri
et al. (1984).
Griffith and Woodley began by comparing satellite images (first visible, now
infrared) with rain-gauge-calibrated Miami radar data. The scheme rests on an
empirical attempt to estimate from the satellite images what the associated radar
echo for each cloud would be. The scheme is entirely automated; one supplies a
series of digital images to the computer code.
To estimate the precipitation from a single cloud, the cloud—defined as any-
thing colder than 253 Κ—is first followed for its entire lifetime to determine its
maximum areal extent (A ). Clouds that merge or split are terminated, and the

resulting clouds are treated as new clouds. Figure 9.11a (Griffith et al., 1978)
shows the empirical curves used to determine the radar echo area from the satellite-
estimated area of the cloud (A ). The echo area (A ) is estimated as a fraction of
c e

the maximum cloud area depending on the ratio AJA and the sign of the time

rate of change of A . A itself determines which curve to use in Fig. 9.11a. The
c m

rain rate is estimated using Fig. 9.11b (Woodley et al., 1980; Griffith et al., 1980)
and a knowledge of the ratio of the echo area to the maximum echo area. The
rain volume falling from the cloud is then the product of (1) the rain rate, (2)
the echo area, (3) the time interval between successive satellite images, and (4)
an empirical factor (Griffith et al., 1978) that starts at 1.00 and increases to a
maximum of 3.24 essentially as the mean temperature of the cloud top decreases.
Finally the total rain volume is apportioned within the cloud; one half of the rain
falls uniformly below the coldest 10% of the cloud top, the remaining half falls
below the next warmest 40% of the cloud top. No rain falls in the warmest half
of the cloud.
The Griffith-Woodley technique has been applied to many areas of the globe:
Florida, the U.S. High Plains, Venezuela, and the tropical Atlantic. In each case
the scheme was modified slightly, either in the way precipitation is apportioned
below the cloud or in the adjustment factor. In GATE, for example, the rain was
uniformly distributed below the cloud (Woodley et al., 1980). In the U.S. High
Plains, the precipitation was adjusted by a factor derived from the ratio of High
Plains to Florida rain-gauge data or derived from the ratio of cloud model precipi-
tation in the High Plains and in Florida (Griffith et al., 1981). The basic (Florida)
relationships between cloud area and precipitation embodied in Fig. 9.11, how-
ever, have remained unchanged.
The accuracy of the Griffith-Woodley technique is perhaps best portrayed by
Griffith (1987a,b). She used GOES data to calculate precipitation over a 3.6 x
10 -km area in the central United States during August 1979. Statistics were
6 2

accumulated for hourly and daily time periods and for the entire area as well as
for specific rain-gauge locations (points). A portion of her results are shown in
Table 9.3. Like other techniques, the Griffith-Woodley technique performs best
for longer time periods and larger areas. The technique could not be considered
useful for estimating how much rain falls in a single rain gauge, except, perhaps,
0.2 0.4 Ο.β 0.8 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2

0.2 0.4 Ο.β 0.8 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2

1 1 1
A m > 1 0 , 0 0 0 Km2


Η 0.50 ui
Η 0.25

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2

I 0.00


0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.25

e / A
e (max)
9.1 Visible and Infrared Techniques 325

TABLE 9.3. Error Statistics for the Griffith-Woodley Technique

Area Point

Statistic Daily Hourly Daily Hourly

Rms error (mm) 1 0.1 14 5

Correlation coefficient 0.72 0.60 0.22 -0.05
Rms error - j - mean 0.43 0.78 1.24 1.35

for periods much longer than a day. Daily rainfall over a large area, however, is
well represented by Griffith-Woodley, and hourly precipitation is acceptable
(depending, of course, on one's requirements).
Recently, Negri et al. (1984) and Griffith (1987a,b) have critically examined
the Griffith-Woodley technique. The weakest part of the technique seems to
be the process of tracking clouds throughout their lifetimes before assigning
precipitation. While convective clouds do go through a life cycle, it is often not
observable with visible or infrared satellite data because the cirrus anvils of
neighboring clouds interact. In an area such as southern Florida, although there
can be dozens of active thunderstorms on a summer afternoon, late in the day
there may be only one cloud, as defined by the 253-K isotherm. This explains in
part why most visible and infrared precipitation schemes tend to underestimate
convective precipitation early in the day and to overestimate it later. Negri et al.
(1984) and Griffith (1987a,b) showed independently that a simplified precipitation
scheme, which does not track clouds (each one is treated as if it existed in only
one image), performs no worse than the full Griffith-Woodley scheme, and it
takes only 10% of the computer time. About Convective Clouds

Research into precipitation estimation techniques has revealed some basic prop-
erties of convective clouds. The most important of these are
• There is a high correlation between a cloud's area (as measured in visible
or infrared wavelengths) and the total volume of rain per unit time falling
from it (Lovejoy and Austin, 1979b).
• There is little correlation between the visible brightness or infrared temper-
ature of a point and the rain rate beneath that point (Lovejoy and Austin,
1979b; Weiss and Smith, 1987).

FIGURE 9.11. (a) Echo area/cloud area relationships for infrared data in the Griffith-Woodley technique,
normalized by maximum cloud area. Curves are the actual Griffith-Woodley approximations to
empirical data. [Adapted from Griffith et al. (1978) by Negri et al. (1984).] (b) The Griffith-Woodley
relationship between rain rate and echo area. The singular point at 2 0 . 7 mm h" is for clouds at their

maximum echo area. [Adapted from Griffith et al. (1980) by Negri et al. (1984).]
Chapter 9 Precipitation

The first property has been confirmed with radar data. Doneaud et al. (1984)
and Lopez et al. (1983) have shown that the volume of rain that falls from a
convective cloud through its lifetime is very nearly proportional to the area-time
integral (ATI):


where A{t) is the raining area of a cloud (defined by a reflectivity threshold; say,
20 dBZ) at time t, and t is the cloud lifetime. This means that the total rain

which falls from a convective cloud is insensitive to the details of precipitation

structure; only the raining area is important. It also means that if satellite data
can define the raining area of a convective cloud, the volumetric rainfall can be
estimated (Doneaud et al., 1987). This is the reason for the success of most life
history techniques.
The second property is a result of the fact that there is no universal relationship
between rain and what is observable on the outside surface of the cloud, which
is what visible and IR instruments sense.

9.1.4 Cloud Model Techniques

To improve precipitation estimation techniques based on visible and infrared

satellite data, we believe that it is necessary to build the physics of the cloud into
the retrieval process. One way to do this is through the use of cloud models. Several
investigators have attempted to use cloud models to relate satellite observations to

9.14.1 Gruber
The earliest such attempt was by Gruber (1973a), who noted that Kuo's (1965)
parameterization of convection could be used to relate fractional cloud cover to
rain rate. In extremely simplified form, the scheme is as follows. Consider a grid
box into which moisture is flowing at the rate I. If Q is the amount of moisture
necessary to completely saturate the box, then the rate at which the box is filling
with cloud could be estimated as HQ. However, convective clouds do not live
forever. Suppose that all of the clouds which form are convective and have identical
lifetimes t . Then the rate at which clouds are dying is approximately c/t , where

c is the fractional cloud cover. If one makes the further assumption that the rate
of influx of moisture / is exactly the same as the rain rate R, then one arrives at
the equilibrium relationship R = Qc/t . Gruber developed his scheme using Florida

Area Cumulus Experiment (FACE) data from June and July 1970. He calculated
Q from a nearby sounding, c from infrared satellite data, and R from radar data.
The resulting t correlated well with observed cloud lifetimes and averaged 30

min. He then tested this scheme on a squall line that moved through Illinois and
Indiana on 3 July 1970 (Gruber, 1973b). Assuming t = 30 min, the mean R

was estimated to be 3.8 mm h , whereas gauge measurements averaged 2.5

_ 1

mm h . ]
9.1 Visible and Infrared Techniques
327 Wylie
Another use of cloud models is in adjusting calibration coefficients. Most of the
above techniques were developed in a particular location. The changes necessary to
apply them elsewhere are not obvious. Wylie (1979) attempted to use the one-
dimensional cloud model of Simpson and Wiggert (1969) to adjust the precipita-
tion estimates. He used the method of Stout et al. (1979) to estimate precipitation
in GATE and around Montreal. Wylie adjusted the satellite rain estimates for the
six cases around Montreal by the ratio of precipitation estimates made using the
cloud model. Substantially improved results were obtained in five of the six cases.
Griffith et al. (1981) used the Wylie technique to apply the Florida-calibrated
Griffith-Woodley technique to the U.S. High Plains. Convective—Stratiform Technique

Adler and Mack (1984) studied the ability of a ID (one-dimensional) cloud
model to explain differences in cloud top temperature-rain rate relationships in
Florida and Oklahoma. In general they found that the ID model was able to
explain differences in the curves.
Adler and Negri (1988) applied the results of Adler and Mack (1984) in a
tropical precipitation estimation scheme that they call the convective-stratiform
technique (CST). In simplified form the technique can be described as follows.
First, a ID cloud model is run using a representative sounding as input. The
outputs are (1) a relationship between cloud top temperature and rain rate and
(2) a relationship between cloud top temperature and raining area. 5

Second, infrared satellite data are analyzed. Local minima in the IR tempera-
tures are found and screened to eliminate thin, nonprecipitating cirrus. The remain-
ing minima are assumed to be convective elements protruding from the top of
cirrus anvils. Around each convective element the modal temperature in an area
approximately 80 km on a side is calculated. This temperature is assumed to
represent the anvil temperature. The average of all anvil temperatures is used as
a threshold for stratiform precipitation.
Third, precipitation is assigned to the convective elements. The rain rate and
raining area are determined from the cloud-top temperature using the output of
the ID cloud model. To map the rain, the calculated rain rate is assigned to
pixels in a spiral fashion, starting at the center of the temperature minimum, and
continuing until the raining area is reached.
Finally, to every point that is colder than the stratiform threshold and that
did not receive any convective precipitation, a 2-mm-h stratiform rain rate -1

is assigned.
The CST is still experimental, however when tested with Florida data, it outper-
formed all other visible/infrared techniques. In particular, because it assigns con-
vective precipitation only to temperature minima, the CST showed much less

This step is more difficult than it sounds because I D cloud models require significant experience
to be applied meaningfully.
328 Chapter 9 Precipitation

tendency to overestimate precipitation late in the day when cirrus debris is wide-
spread but convection has decreased. It remains to be seen whether convective
elements embedded in the anvil, and thus undetectable in infrared data, contribute
substantially to convective precipitation. Perhaps this question could be answered
with microwave imagery. Scofield and Oliver
The final visible-infrared scheme to be discussed is that developed by Scofield
and Oliver (1977) for the purpose of operationally estimating convective precipita-
tion, particularly heavy precipitation. The operational scheme is explained by
Scofield (1987); however, the scheme is continually being improved. The Sco-
field-Oliver technique is in use around the clock at the Synoptic Analysis Branch
of NESDIS, which issues statements on the location and intensity of heavy precipi-
tation. The technique can be and is used in many other locations that have access
to geostationary images.
Barrett and Martin (1981) classified Scofield-Oliver as a life-history technique.
Although it does follow the life history of clouds, we believe that its success is
due to the fact that it is firmly based on a conceptual cloud model; thus we discuss
it in the cloud model section.
The Scofield-Oliver technique is quite different from other visible—infrared
techniques in that it is not automated (though parts of it could be). It relies
on the judgment of a satellite meteorologist to locate precipitation-associated
signatures in satellite images and to assign an appropriate rain rate to points
affected by these features. The technique is thus subjective, but it can take into
account phenomena that automated techniques cannot.
The Scofield-Oliver technique is designed to use (primarily) enhanced, half-
hourly GOES infrared images (enhanced using the MB curve; see Chapter 5),
which are widely available in forecast offices (Fig. 9.12). A decision tree is used
to assign a rain rate to a particular point at the time of the satellite image. A
simplified version of this decision tree is presented in Fig. 9.13 and discussed here.
The first step is for the analyst to determine whether the cloud is convective;
the technique only applies to convective clouds.
If the analyst is using a video display device rather than hard-copy photographs,
the second step should be to determine the likely temperature of the top of the
cirrus anvil. This can be estimated from a sounding by calculating the equilibrium
level (the temperature at which the moist adiabat through the lifting condensation
level crosses the environmental temperature sounding). If the equilibrium level is
significantly warmer than -62°C, the MB enhancement curve should be adjusted
to make the boundary between black and repeat gray fall on the equilibrium-
level temperature.
The main loop starts with the analyst outlining the area of active convection.
Clues to the location of this area include (Scofield, 1987):

• The active area is near the portion of the anvil with the tightest gradient
of IR temperature or near the center of an anvil which has a uniform IR
temperature gradient.
9.1 Visible and Infrared Techniques 329

• Overshooting tops are in the active area.

• The anvil is brighter and/or more textured over the active area.
• Comparing the last two pictures, the active area is under the half of the
anvil bounded by the edge that moves least.
• The active area is near the upper level (between 500 and 200 hPa) upwind
end of anvil.
• The active area is near low-level inflow.
• Any area under radar echo is an active area.

This step is the most subjective, but it can be performed reliably by a

trained analyst.
In the next step a preliminary rainfall rate is assigned; this is the most compli-
cated step. In some situations, such as convection initiated by boundary intersec-
tions or that embedded in a moist environment, the rain "bursts," that is, its
onset is rapid and its rain rate is intense. If rain appears to be bursting, the analyst
assigns a rain rate of 2 5 - 5 0 mm per half hour in the first (and possibly the
second) image of a cloud's lifetime. Otherwise, the analyst assigns a rain rate
between trace and 50 mm per half hour depending on the following parameters:
the enhancement level of the cloud top, the rate of change of size (usually length)
of the anvil, the sign of the time rate of change of the temperature of the coldest
tops, the strength of the divergence aloft, and the strength of the low-level inflow.
In this step the rain rates come from a lookup table. More rain is assigned to
colder clouds, to clouds that are growing in size or becoming colder, and to clouds
that have strong divergence aloft or low level inflow. Relatively less rain is assigned

to decaying clouds, to those that are warming, and to those decreasing in area.
The initial rain estimate is augmented by 8 mm per half hour in the area of
any overshooting tops (most easily located in visible imagery), by 13 mm per half
hour in the region of cloud mergers, and by 5-13 mm per half hour if the
environment is likely to be saturated (upwind edge of storm stationary for an
hour or more). The base rain rate is the rate after this step.
Two multiplicative correction factors are applied to the base rain rate. The
first is called the speed-of-storm factor. Rapidly moving thunderstorms produce
less rain at a point than more slowly moving storms because they stay over a
point for less time. The speed-of-storm factor is between 1.00 (for stationary
storms) and 0.25 for rapidly moving storms. The second multiplicative correction
is the moisture-correction factor. It is numerically equal to the precipitable water
(in inches) times the mean surface-500 hPa relative humidity (0-1). This factor
takes into account the fact that storms in moister environments have higher rain
rates. The final half-hourly rain rate is the base rain rate times the speed-of-storm
factor times the moisture-correction factor.
If the cloud remains active, the analyst goes to the next half hour period and
repeats the main loop.
The gross features of heavy convective precipitation are almost always well
described by the Scofield—Oliver technique, which makes it quite useful for flash
flood forecasting (Fig. 9.14). Because of extreme spatial variations of convective
precipitation (Huff, 1967; Vogel, 1981), comparison with rain-gauge observations
330 Chapter 9 Precipitation



BLACK —τ -1 τ \ I I I ι ι ι ι ιτ ι ι ι ιι
50 40 30 20 10 0 10 -20 - 3 0 - 5 0 -70 - 9 0 -110
T E M P °C

FIGURE 9.12. (a) Enhanced infrared imagery (MB curve), 0 7 3 0 UTC 13 August 1 9 8 2 . (b) Digital
enhancement curve (MB), (c) Radar summary chart, 0 7 3 5 UTC 13 August 1 9 8 2 . [After Scofield

will always be noisy. However, for storm total precipitation, Scofield (1987) found
that the Scofield-Oliver technique agrees with rain gauges within about 30%.
A precipitation-estimation technique similar to that of Scofield and Oliver has
9.2 Passive Microwave Techniques 331

FIGURE 9.12. {continued)

been developed for use with tropical cyclones (Spayd and Scofield, 1984). A
related technique has been developed for extratropical cyclones (Scofield and
Spayd, 1984). Both of these are in operational use by NESDIS.
Martin and Howland (1986) have developed a precipitation-estimation scheme
called "grid history," which can be viewed as a highly streamlined, semiautomated
Scofield-Oliver-type technique. A grid is placed over the area of interest. At each
grid point, IR data are examined. If the brightness temperature is warmer than
a threshold, the automatic decision is no rain. If the brightness temperature is
colder than a second threshold, heavy rain is automatically assigned. At intermedi-
ate temperatures, an analyst, who views the image (and the accompanying visible
image) is asked to assign a rain category (light, moderate, or heavy). By using
empirically determined rainfall rate coefficients and summing the rainfall through
a day, the daily rainfall can be determined within about a factor of 2.


At visible and infrared wavelengths, clouds are opaque; precipitation must

be estimated from measurements made at the tops of clouds. At microwave
wavelengths, cloud droplets only weakly interact with the radiation. The advan-
tage of the microwave portion of the spectrum is that microwave radiation pene-
trates clouds. Precipitation-size drops interact strongly with microwave radiation,
which allows their detection by microwave radiometers. The disadvantage of
332 Chapter 9 Precipitation



(25-50mm) (6-50 mm) (4-25 m m ) (T-50mm)


FIGURE 9.13. Simplified decision tree for the Scofield-Oliver technique. (Consult the Synoptic Analysis
Branch of NESDIS for the currently operational technique.)

INCREASE ^ C / c e ^ V
RAINRATE Y E S _ ^ X % ^ ,
N " G \
BY 8 mm IN ™ N 6
AREAS O F \ . T 0
COLO T O P S ^νΛχ^

^ NO


AREA O F \ · /

1 ^ NO

T O P S BY X . ?
5-13 mm ^^κ^τ





f LOOP \


\ 9 \ H A L F HOUR /
X. ' / \ PERIOD) J

224 Chapter 9 Precipitation

FIGURE 9.14. (a) Twenty-four-hour rain-gauge-observed rainfall ending at 1200 UTC 28 December
1 9 8 3 . (b) Scofield-Oliver estimated rainfall between 1900 UTC 2 7 December and 1000 UTC 28
December 1 9 8 3 . [After Scofield (1987).]

microwave precipitation-estimation techniques is that the radiometers have had

poor spatial and temporal resolution, a point to which we will return.
The physical basis of microwave precipitation schemes is somewhat more
complicated than for visible/infrared techniques. Spencer et al. (1989) have calcu-
lated the scattering and absorption properties of rain for the three main wave-

lengths that have been used to measure precipitation (Fig. 9.15). The following
important properties can be seen:
• Ice essentially does not absorb microwave radiation; it only scatters.
• Liquid drops both absorb and scatter, but absorption dominates.
Assuming a Marshall-Palmer raindrop-size distribution. The reader should be aware that the

rain-rate scale on the figure is dependent on this assumption.

9.2 Passive Microwave Techniques

10 20 30 40 50 60
-τ 1 1 Γ-?—ι 1


RAIN RATE (mm/h)

FIGURE 9.15. Mie volume scattering coefficients (top), volume absorption coefficients (middle), and
single scattering albedos (bottom) for a Marshall—Palmer precipitation size distribution of water and
ice spheres at three frequencies (GHz). (Note that Spencer et al. use k to symbolize volume scattering
coefficient, whereas we use cr.) [After Spencer et al. (1989).]
336 Chapter 9 Precipitation

• Scattering and absorption both increase with frequency and with rain rate.
However, scattering by ice increases much more rapidly with frequency
than scattering by liquid.
Two general conclusions can be drawn. First, the microwave spectrum can be
divided roughly into three parts. Below about 22 GHz, absorption is the primary
mechanism affecting the transfer of microwave radiation. Scattering does occur,
but it is of secondary importance. Above about 60 GHz, scattering dominates
absorption. Between 22 and 60 GHz, both scattering and absorption are import-
ant. Second, at different frequencies, microwave radiometers observe different
parts of the rain structure. Below 22 GHz, any ice above the rain is nearly
transparent; microwave radiometers respond directly to the rain layer. Above 60
GHz, however, ice scattering is the dominant process; microwave radiometers
sense only the ice and cannot see the rain below. Thus precipitation estimates
made at higher frequencies are necessarily more indirect than those made at
lower frequencies.
It must also be noted that cloud droplets, water vapor, and oxygen all absorb
(but do not scatter) microwave radiation and thus have the potential to confuse
precipitation estimates based on absorption.
If a model of precipitation and its atmospheric environment are assumed,
the radiative transfer equation may be used to calculate microwave brightness
temperature as a function of rainfall rate. While such calculations depend strongly
on the assumptions made about the atmosphere (e.g., on the amount of cloud
water and on the structure of the rain layer), they show the general behavior of
microwave brightness temperatures in the presence of rain. One set of calculations,
for a nadir-vie wing instrument, is shown in Fig. 9.16.
The behavior of the brightness temperature—rain-rate curves can be under-
stood qualitatively by examining the radiative transfer equation. Using the Rayle-
igh-Jeans approximation and assuming for simplicity that we are looking straight
down (cf. Eq. 3.25),

^ = σ (Τ - Τ ) + σ,((Τ' ) - Τ ),
2 B Β Β (9.8)

where (T' ) is the directionally weighted mean brightness temperature (cf. Eq. 3.23)

{Τ ) = ±^Τ ρ(ψ )άη'.

Β Β $ (9.9)

If we ignore scattering for the moment, the equation becomes

^ = σ,(Τ-Τ ). Β (9.10)

Let's assume that Τ is nearly constant in the rain layer (T = T ) and note that A

the volume absorption coefficient is nearly zero except in the rain layer. Integrating
this simplified equation gives
T B ~ T b s t + T a ( 1 - t ) , (9.11)
9.2 Passive Microwave Techniques 337


ι\\ '
\Α / ^
ι \ \ 1

2*0 ^ ^ ^ - ^ 1 8 GHz

220 J1
\l / \
\ >


TB (Κ)
180 || \ ^ S ^ G H z




> v 8 5 . 6 GHz

80 I I 1 1 1 1**·

10 20 30 40 50 60
RAIN RATE (mm/h)
FIGURE 9.16. Brightness temperature versus rain rate for three frequencies. [After Spencer et al. (1989).

where τ is the transmittance of the rain layer, and T is the brightness temperature BS

of the surface, that is the sum of surface emission and reflected sky brightness tem-
T BS - s T + (1 - )[T (1 - τ) + T
s E A space r]. (9.12)
T - ετΤ + (1 - e ) r T
B 5
space + [1 - ετ - (1 - ε ) τ ] Τ . 2
Α (9.13)
Ignoring the T space term, Eq. 9.13 can be written

1 + ε ( £ - 1 ] τ - (1 - ε ) τ 2

The transmittance of the rain layer is given approximately by

T = exp(-o- D), a (9.15)
238 Chapter 9 Precipitation

where D is the depth of the rain layer. These equations best represent the low
frequencies (<22 GHz) where ice above the rain layer is nearly transparent.
Examination of Eq. 9.14 shows that for τ = 1 (no rain), T ~ ε Τ . As τ B δ

decreases (rain increases), T converges to T . This is as expected because as τ


approaches zero, the rain layer will obscure the surface while becoming increas-
ingly visible itself. For water surfaces, T increases dramatically with rain rate

because ε is small (Fig. 9.17), thus the water background is cold (εΤ « 150 δ

Κ). Raining areas are easily detected because they contrast well with the cold
background. Over dry land, where ε ~ 0.9, the change in T with increasing
0 B

rain rate is small (or absent) and not useful for rainfall estimation.




h- 0.50



0 . 4 00 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40










0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
ANGLE O F INCIDENCE ( d e g r e e s )
FIGURE 9.17. (a) Nadir emittance of a smooth ocean surface as a function of sea surface temperature,
(b) Emittance of a smooth ocean surface as a function of zenith angle. [After Kidder (1979).]
9.2 Passive Microwave Techniques 339

Two difficulties in retrieving rain rate from brightness temperature measure-

ments with this technique should be noted. First, rain rate is related to σ , but 3

satellite-measured brightness temperature is related to the product a D . To retrieve


rain rate, the depth of the rain layer must be known. Second, cloud droplets and
water vapor contribute an unknown amount to σ . 3

Increasing the rain rate or the microwave frequency causes scattering to become
more important. The second term in Eq. 9.8 reveals the effect that scattering has
on brightness temperatures (see Section 3.3). Because the scattering phase function
has the property that

(T' ) is simply a weighted average of the brightness temperature from all directions.

The scattering phase function divided by 4 π is the weight. If (T' ) is greater than

T at a point, the upwelling radiation stream is augmented; if it is less, the


upwelling radiation is diminished. Since space has an extremely low brightness

temperature ( T space~ 2.7 K), scattering tends to lower the observed brightness
temperature by "averaging in" T and thus decreasing (T' ). This explains why
space B

over both land and ocean brightness temperature decreases with increasing rain
rate (above a threshold rain rate where scattering becomes significant). Ice hydro-
meteors are particularly good at lowering brightness temperature because they
scatter but have little compensating emission. At the higher frequencies, which
are more ice-sensitive, brightness temperature decreases more rapidly with increas-
ing rain rate than at the lower frequencies.
Attempts to use microwave radiometry to estimate precipitation can be divided
into two categories: absorption schemes and scattering schemes. Schemes that
are absorption-based have the longest history and will be discussed first.

9.2.1 Absorption Schemes

The launch of the Electrically Scanning Microwave Radiometer on the Nimbus
5 satellite (ESMR-5) in December 1972 provided the first opportunity to estimate
precipitation with microwave techniques. Wilheit et al. (1977) attempted to use
these data to estimate precipitation over the ocean. Employing a radiative transfer
model, they calculated the 19.35-GHz brightness temperature as a function of
rain rate (Fig. 9.18a). Since theirs is an absorption technique, the thickness of the
rain layer must be considered: a thicker rain layer will have a higher optical depth
and a higher brightness temperature (over the ocean). Wilheit et al. assumed that
the rain layer extended from the freezing level to the surface. Thus the height of
the freezing level, which is indicated in the figure, is the thickness of the rain layer.
Wilheit et al. attempted to verify their calculations by comparing ESMR—5
observations over the ocean with Miami radar estimates of precipitation. Because
the radar had considerably better spatial resolution than did ESMR-5, they
averaged the radar estimates inside each ESMR—5 scan spot. Their results are
shown in Fig. 9.18b. In general, the ESMR-5 estimates are within a factor of
two of the radar estimates.
Chapter 9 Precipitation

* 250 U




R A I N F A L L R A T E (mm/hr)
I I I I I I I I I ' ' I "' T* I lift

* 250



150 h -

0.1 1 10 100 1000
R A I N F A L L R A T E (mm/hr)
FIGURE 9.18. (a) Calculated 19.35-GHz brightness temperature as a function of rain rate for freezing
levels of 1 - 5 km. (b) Brightness temperature as a function of rain rate: Nimbus 5 ESMR vs. W S R - 5 7
radar (dots) and inferred from ground-based measurements of brightness temperature and direct
measurements of rain rate (crosses). The solid line is the calculated brightness temperature for a 4-
km freezing level. The dashed lines represent departure of 1 mm h" or a factor of 2 in rain rate

(whichever is greater) from the calculated curve. [After Wilheit et al. (1977).]
9.2 Passive Microwave Techniques 341

FIGURE 9.19. Precipitation frequencies (percentage of days with rain) over the tropical oceans for the
period December 1 9 7 2 to February 1973 determined from Nimbus 5 ESMR measurements. [After
Kidder and Vonder Haar (1977).]

The Wilheit et al. technique, and those related to it, rely on the increase of
brightness temperature with rain rate over the ocean. They cannot determine
rain rates greater than a saturation rain rate, which decreases with increasing
microwave frequency. For this reason, lower frequencies are preferred for oceanic
precipitation estimation.
Several groups attempted to use microwave observations to map precipitation.
Kidder and Vonder Haar (1977), for example, used brightness temperature thresh-
olds to discriminate raining from nonraining pixels. They calculated precipitation
frequencies over the tropical oceans (Fig. 9.19). Rao et al. (1976) processed
all of the ESMR-5 data to produce an atlas of instantaneous rain rates over
the oceans.
The Nimbus 6 satellite carried a second ESMR (ESMR-6) that had several
important changes. First, it scanned in a cone in front of the spacecraft rather
than in a plane through nadir. The advantage of this configuration is that the
ground resolution and the viewing angle are the same for all scan spots, which
lessens problems with angle-dependent parameters such as surface emittance.
Second, it made measurements in two polarizations: horizontal and vertical 7

(ESMR-5 made only horizontal polarization measurements). Third, it measured

37-GHz radiation. These modifications were made in part to better estimate
precipitation over land. The higher frequency is more sensitive to precipitation
over land, and the polarization measurements were designed to help eliminate
lakes and wet soil (Weinman and Guetter, 1997).
Rodgers et al. (1979) compared radar measurements with ESMR-6 measure-
ments over the southeastern United States. They found that using polarization
measurements they could discriminate precipitation from dry ground and from
wet ground. The basis for the discrimination is that dry ground is warmer than
precipitation, and wet ground is more polarized (vertical > horizontal) than
precipitation (Fig. 9.20). Unfortunately, Rodgers et al. found that the technique
does not work for surface temperatures less than 15°C. Even more unfortunate,
the technique retrieves no information on rain rate.
Horizontal polarization means that the electric vector oscillates perpendicular to the line joining
the satellite to the scan spot and parallel to the Earth's surface at the scan spot. Vertical polarization
means the electric vector is perpendicular both to the line joining the satellite to the scan spot and
to the horizontal polarization vector.
Chapter 9 Precipitation

239 248 257 267 276 286
ΤΗ (k)
FIGURE 9.20. Vertically polarized versus horizontally polarized E S M R - 6 brightness temperatures over
the southeastern United States. [After Rodgers et al. (1979).]

The Nimbus 7 satellite carried the Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiome-

ter (SMMR) mentioned in previous chapters. This five-wavelength, dual-polariza-
tion instrument has been used to estimate precipitation by Spencer et al. (1983c)
and Spencer (1984). They used a stepwise multiple regression approach to relate
the 10 SMMR brightness temperatures to rain rate as determined from manually
digitized microfilm of NWS radar PPI displays. Precipitation rate is being opera-
tionally retrieved from SSM/I data by the U.S. Air Force using a similar scheme.
There are two problems with the absorption approach to estimation of rain
rate using passive microwave radiometry. First, as pointed out by Lovejoy and
Austin (1980), cloud water and rain water are difficult to separate, especially
using a single wavelength. Perhaps the multiple wavelength approach of Spencer
et al. offers hope because the SMMR channels contain some independent informa-
tion on liquid water.
The second problem is more serious and is, in fact, a combination of two
problems: a beam-filling problem and a nonlinearity problem. Because of the
inverse relationship between wavelength and antenna size required to achieve a
desired ground resolution, microwave radiometers have had large footprints, 500
km at least. These areas are too large to be filled with a uniform rain rate. The

radiometer, of course, averages the brightness temperature over the footprint, but
because the brightness temperature is highly nonlinear in rain rate (Fig. 9.18b),
the average brightness temperature does not produce a good estimate of the mean
9.2 Passive Microwave Techniques 343

rain rate in the footprint. In fact, the rain rate estimated by using the radiometer-
measured brightness temperature will always underestimate the footprint-mean
rain rate. This underestimation can be quite serious (Lovejoy and Austin, 1980).
Again, a multiple wavelength approach may offer some relief because of different
sensitivities to rain at different wavelengths, but to make substantial improve-
ments, larger antennas are required.

9.2.2 Scattering

Precipitation is the only atmospheric constituent that scatters microwave radia-

tion; the others merely absorb. Thus if scattering can be detected and quantified, an
unambiguous precipitation signal will have been found. Over water backgrounds,
polarization measurements appear to provide a means to measure scattering.
Consider a conically scanning instrument (ESMR-6, SMMR, SSM/I) that views
each scan spot with an angle of incidence near 50°. The emission from a water
surface will be highly polarized (Fig. 9.17), and Eq. 9.14 applies independently
to each polarization:



where the superscripts Η and V refer to horizontal and vertical polarization,

respectively. Neither τ nor T has a superscript because the atmosphere absorbs

but does not scatter; it has the same effect on all polarizations. The solid line in
Fig. 9.21 shows the result of plotting T versus T for all values of τ (0 < τ <

1). Although Eqs. 9.15 are nonlinear, T versus T is very nearly a straight line.

Spencer (1986) noted that if nonscattering material is added to the atmosphere

above a nonraining, oceanic scan spot, the observed brightness temperatures
will move along the no-scattering line. If scattering particles (precipitation) are
introduced, the point moves off the no-scattering line. Since scattering lowers
brightness temperature, observations in which precipitation occurs will fall be-
tween the no-scattering line and the no-polarization line of Fig. 9.21.
Spencer (1986) then asserted that the precipitation rate is linearly related to
the distance from the no-scattering line. This assertion needs to be verified by
theoretical and observational work, but if true, it will help solve a problem caused
by the large footprint of microwave instruments: the linearity of the relationship
means that the satellite measurements are linearly related to the footprint-averaged
rain rate.
Spencer et al. (1989) introduced a quantity called polarization-corrected bright-
ness temperature (PCT), which is a measure of the distance from the no-scattering
line. To obtain the PCT for a particular observation ( T , T ) , one draws a line B B

through this point parallel to the no-scattering line. The parallel direction is

dT$ Τ -ε Τ
The slope of this line is = T _ ^ T·.
244 Chapter 9 Precipitation


FIGURE9.21. Polarization diagram illustrating the scattering technique of Spencer (1986). [After Spencer
et al (1989).]

chosen because changing the amount of absorbing material in the path, such as
cloud droplets and water vapor, will cause the observed point to move parallel
to the no-scattering line. The PCT is the temperature at the point that the line
intersects the no-polarization line (see Fig. 9.21). Spencer et al (1989) have begun
studies of 85.5 GHz data from the SSM/I instrument on DMSP. They calculated
PCT = 1.818 T\ - 0.818 Tg, and found that the 255-K isotherm corresponds
well with the outline of precipitating regions as determined by radar. Work
continues on ways to relate PCT to rain rate.
Scattering-based methods to estimate precipitation are too new for a realistic
assessment of accuracy, but to us they appear promising.

9.2.3 Cloud Model Techniques

As in the case of visible and infrared techniques, microwave techniques can
benefit from the use of a cloud model, Mugnai and Smith (1984) were the first
to couple a two-dimensional, time-dependent cloud model with a microwave
radiative transfer model to produce estimates of microwave brightness tempera-
ture at satellite altitude from convective clouds. These studies continue (Mugnai
and Smith, 1988; Smith and Mugnai, 1988, 1989; Mugnai et al, 1990; Adler et
al, 1991) and have revealed or reinforced the importance of cloud water, ice
crystals, and the vertical micophysical structure of the cloud on the upwelling
microwave radiation. By considering the vertical structure of the cloud, improved
rainfall estimation schemes may be found, and it may be possible to use multifre-
quency passive microwave observations to estimate the vertical profiles of micro-
physical quantities such as rain drops, cloud drops, ice particles, and graupel
(Smith et al, 1992).
9.3 Radar 345

9.2.4 Soil Moisture and API

Soil moisture is another parameter that may be estimated using passive micro-
wave observations. As mentioned above, dry soil has a high emittance; water
surfaces have low emittances. If one adds water to the soil, the emittance falls
and becomes polarized. Grody (1983) has used channels 1 and 2 (50.30 and
53.74 GHz) of the Microwave Sounding Unit to retrieve surface emittance. In
essence, channel 2, which peaks in the lower troposphere, is used to correct the
surface-sensing channel 1 for atmospheric effects. Emittance is retrieved as a linear
combination of the two brightness temperatures. A more complicated scheme has
been investigated by Jones (1989), who combined SSM/I data, GOES data, and
soundings to retrieve soil emittance.
With a knowledge of "normal" emittance at a particular location (which
depends on soil type and vegetation), microwave observations can be used to
detect changes in emittance and therefore of soil moisture. Since soil moisture is
changed by precipitation, these emittance changes may serve as an antecedent
precipitation index (API), which is related to the precipitation that has fallen since
the last pass of the satellite. If this technique works, it will help solve one of the
major problems of microwave sensors to date: they only fly on polar-orbiting
satellites; thus observations of instantaneous rain rate are available a maximum
of four times per day, assuming two polar-orbiting satellites.

9.2.5 Temporal Resolution

We cannot leave the subject of passive microwave sensing of precipitation
without noting that precipitation is extremely variable in time and space. Only
a geostationary microwave instrument is capable of the temporal resolution neces-
sary to study precipitating systems. Because large antennas (on the order of several
meters) are necessary to provide useful ground resolution, placing a microwave
instrument in geostationary orbit presents technological challenges. We believe,
however, that a passive microwave imager/sounder in geostationary orbit will be
extremely valuable in the forecasting and research of weather systems. We urge
that the technological problems be pursued with all speed.


The dream of placing a precipitation-sensing radar in Earth orbit predates the

launch of the first satellite (Wexler, 1954). That no such radars have been launched
indicates the complexity of the task. In this section we review the physics of
radar detection of precipitation, we outline some of the problems associated with
satellite-borne radars, and we mention an instrument that will likely be the first
precipitation-sensing radar in space. This discussion is necessarily brief. The reader
is referred to Chapter 14 of Barrett and Martin (1981) and to Bandeen and Katz
(1975) for more detail.
346 Chapter 9 Precipitation

9.3.1 Radar Fundamentals

Radar works by transmitting a pulse of microwave radiation and making

measurements of the radiation returned from precipitation (or other objects). The
power, frequency, and phase of the returned signal can be measured.
The power returned to the radar can be calculated from the radiative transfer
equation. Suppose that the radar transmits a pulse of radiation of duration Δί
and power P . (For National Weather Service WSR-57 radars, At = 4 JUS and

P = 450 kW.) The pulse travels outward as a spherical shell of thickness ckt

(1200 m for WSR-57s), where c is the speed of light (Fig. 9.22a). The power is
not radiated in all directions, however, but in a very narrow cone (Fig. 9.22b).
For a circular paraboloid antenna, the beam width (i.e., the full width at half
maximum of the main lobe) is given by


where θ is the beam width in radians, λ is the wavelength of the transmitted signal,
and d is the antenna diameter (10 cm and 3.36 m, respectively, for WSR-57s). For
a perfect circular paraboloid antenna, a « 1.02, and for a practical antenna,
a « 1.26 (Battan, 1973, p. 165). The beam width of a WSR-57 is thus about 2°.
For the sake of argument, suppose that all of the radar's power is transmitted
uniformly into solid angle fl = 2π[1 - cos(0/2)]. The transmitted radiance is then


where Λ is the area of the antenna. Most weather radars are operated in so-called
nonattenuating wavelengths where absorption by atmospheric gases is negligible
and where absorption and scattering out of the transmitted beam by clouds and
precipitation are small. Thus the transmitted radiance is very nearly the radiance
received by the sampled volume (shaded in Fig. 9.22a).
The sampled volume is that portion of the spherical shell from which radiation
is being received at a particular time. If the pulse is transmitted from time t =
- | Δ ί to time t = + £Δί, then, due to the finite pulse length, at time t radiation
will be returned to the antenna from ranges between r = \c{t — \Lt) and

FIGURE 9.22. (a) Schematic diagram of the volume sampled by the radar beam, (b) Schematic
section of a radar beam from a parabolic antenna. [After Battan, L. J., Radar Observation (
Atmosphere. Univ. Chicago Press, © 1973 by the University of Chicago.]
9.3 Radar 347

r = \c{t + \At). That is, at time t the sampled volume is centered at range
r = \ct, and has depth Ar = \cAt. Because of the necessity of the two-way trip
radiation must make from the antenna to the location of interest and back to the
antenna, the sampled volume moves at half the speed and (to conserve energy)
has half the depth of the transmitted pulse. The sampled volume for a WSR-57
has a depth of about 600 m and, at a range of 100 km, has a diameter of about
3.8 km.
Assuming that the sampled volume is completely filled with particles with
volume scattering coefficient σ and scattering phase function ρ(ψ ), the radiance
δ 5

backscattered toward the antenna is given by 9

L = Ar^j
r L'p^dü' - Ar^L p(180°)i\, t (9.20)

where Ω = Air is the solid angle of the antenna subtended at the sampled

volume. Finally, the returned power is simply


P = L An = !^f<rsp(l80°),
r c t (9.21)
which is one form of the radar equation. [See Battan (1973) for other forms and
for corrections for nonuniform radiance in the beam.] Note that the returned
power from a single drop would be proportional to r" , but that the returned 4

power from a volume is proportional to r~ . This is explained by the fact that2

the volume sampled—and thus the number of drops scattering radiation back to
the radar—increases as r . 2

The product σ p(180°) is the backscattering cross section per unit volume. It

is numerically equal to
Χ = ρ(180°) = Σ ^ β / > ( 1 8 0 ° ) ,
Β σ8 5 (9.22)
vol ^

where Q is the scattering efficiency, D is the drop diameter, and the sum is taken

over all drops in a unit volume. For drops in the Rayleigh size range p(180°) =
1.5, and (from Eq. 3.52),

Qs = F(5P)VL, 2
where Κ = (m - 1)1 [m + 2) is a weak function of temperature and wavelength,
2 1

but a strong function of phase (ice or water) Thus, for Rayleigh drops, we obtain

X =nW Eö
2 6


Radar transmits highly polarized radiation. Since we are only considering scattering in the
backward direction, however, this nonpolarized radiative transfer equation applies.
Chapter 9 Precipitation

where C is a constant that depends on properties of a particular radar (antenna

area, wavelength, transmitted power, pulse duration), and

is called the radar reflectivity factor. Ζ is usually measured in units of millimeters

to the sixth power per cubic meter (mm m~ ). 6 3

The power returned to a radar is measured in decibels:


The reference power P is often taken to be that power which would be returned

if each cubic meter of atmosphere contained one drop with a diameter of 1 mm

(Z = 1 mm m" ). When referenced in this way, the returned power is indicated
6 3

by the symbol dBZ.

If the droplets are not in the Rayleigh region, the Mie scattering equations can
be used to calculate the power returned to the radar. In this case, an effective
radar reflectivity factor Z is calculated.e

If one has an estimate of the drop size distribution and knowledge of the
velocity at which drops of a particular diameter fall, one can use the radar
reflectivity factor to calculate the precipitation rate. These relationships often take
the form
Ζ = aR , h
which is known as a Z-R relationship. The rainfall rate R is measured in units
of millimeters per hour (mm h" ). Z-R relationships are somewhat variable;

Battan (1973) states that fairly typical relationships are as follows: for stratiform
rain, Ζ = 200R - ; for orographic rain, Ζ = 3 1 R ; for thunderstorm rain,
1 6 1,71

Ζ = 486R * . Snowflakes reflect microwave radiation much less well than do

1 37

rain drops because |iC| is much less for ice than for water. Snowflakes are also

not spherical, and both the fall speed and the "flake" size distribution is poorly
known. Empirical observations, however, indicate that an appropriate Z-R rela-
tionship for snow may be Ζ = 2000R (Battan, 1973). 2

Radiation from a radar antenna is polarized. Most weather radars transmit

(and receive) linearly polarized radiation. On radars equipped to do so, it is
possible to measure reflectivities with different polarizations. Polarizations studied
include horizontal linear, vertical linear, and circular. In addition, one can transmit
with one polarization and receive with a different polarization. Measurements of
reflectivity at different polarizations can give information on drop shape, which
is related to rainfall rate.
Although nonattenuating wavelengths are chosen for most ground-based
weather radars, measurements of attenuation can provide information on rain
rate. At attenuating wavelengths (those less than 10 cm), the returned power is
reduced by a factor
9.3 Radar 349

If measurements at a single wavelength are used, the extinction coefficient (σ = ε

σ + σ ) can be derived from Ζ with the aid of an assumed drop size distribution.
8 Λ

If measurements are made at two wavelengths, both the radar reflectivity factor
and the extinction coefficient can be retrieved. Rain rate can be estimated from
a as well as from Z; R is nearly proportional to σ .
e ε

Horizontal motions of drops in the sampled volume cause frequency shifts in

the returned signal due to the Doppler effect. There are two types of frequency
shifts. Random motion of the drops causes a spread, but no shift, in the spectrum
of returned radiation. Systematic frequency shifts are caused by nonrandom trans-
lations of the drops. If the frequency of the returned radiation is measured with
a "Doppler radar," the speed of translation of the drops in the radial direction
(toward or away from the radar) can be calculated:

ν = ^ = |λΔν, (9.29)

where Δν is the frequency shift. If the wind speed is 50 m s" , the frequency shift

on a 10-cm (3-GHz) radar is only 1000 Hz. Yet even these small shifts can be
accurately measured to yield radial drop speed and, thus, an estimate of the radial
wind speed. NEXRAD (next-generation radar), which is replacing the WSR-57
radars, is a Doppler radar.
Finally, the phase of the returned radiation can be measured. By comparing
the phases of horizontally and vertically polarized measurements, information on
drop shape can be obtained. In particular, since large drops associated with higher
rainfall rates tend to flatten as they fall, the difference in phases between the two
polarizations can be used to estimate rain rate. 10

9.3.2 Practical Problems

Designing a precipitation-sensing radar to be used on a satellite platform is

not a simple undertaking. Dennis (1963) and Bandeen and Katz (1975) discuss
the problems. Some of the major ones are the following:
• Radar is an active system, which means that the power consumption is
large. A WSR-57 has a transmitted power of 450 kW, a pulse duration
of 4 /xs, and a pulse repetition frequency of 164 Hz. This means that for
the transmitter alone, an average power of 295 W is transmitted. Typical
satellite instruments consume an order of magnitude less power.
• Satellite-borne instruments in low Earth orbit move rapidly, roughly 7 km
s" . Accurate radar measurements usually require that several observa-

tions (—10) of the each volume be averaged to increase the signal-to-noise

(S/N) ratio. This is difficult from a rapidly moving satellite, but it can be
dealt with by increasing the pulse repetition frequency. Such an increase,
however, compounds the next problem.

R. J. Doviak and D . S. Zrnic, National Severe Storms Laboratory, Norman, Oklahoma, personal
1 0

communication, 1 9 8 9 .
350 Chapter 9 Precipitation

• The rapid motion of satellites means that the radar antenna may not be
looking in the right direction when the signal returns from the target pre-
• Narrow beam widths are required for two reasons. First, the long distance
from the target requires narrow beam widths to achieve acceptable
ground resolution. Second, unlike ground-based radar in which the beam
rises gently in the atmosphere, every beam from a satellite-borne radar in-
tercepts the surface. Narrow beam widths are required to reduce surface
clutter for range bins near the surface (Fig. 9.23). A narrow beam can be
accomplished only by means of a large antenna or operating at higher (at-
tenuating) frequencies or both.
• A low-orbiting satellite will see most points on Earth a maximum of twice
per day. Since precipitation changes on a time scale considerably shorter
than 12 h, satellite radar observations are limited either to instantaneous
or to climatological time scales.

9.3.3 A Planned Satellite-Borne Radar

The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM), planned to fly in the late-
1990s, will carry the first space-borne, precipitation-sensing radar. It has been
designed to solve some of the above problems. TRMM is described in Chapter 11.


An important application of satellite data is in the detection and forecasting

of severe weather. Severe weather takes many forms, but in this section we discuss

FIGURE 9.23. Comparison of wide and narrow beam widths. Notice that the wide beam has fewer
"good" range bins and more partially filled and surface-contaminated range bins than does the
narrow beam.
9.4 Severe Thunderstorms 351

only severe weather produced by thunderstorms because the techniques involved

are closely related to precipitation estimation. Maddox and Vonder Haar (1988)
provide a summary of this work.
Much of the work done in severe thunderstorm detection and forecasting falls
in the realm of image interpretation; satellite images or loops of these images are
examined qualitatively for indications of severe weather. This approach to severe
weather is discussed in Chapter 5. In this section, we concentrate on objective
techniques that use digital data.

9.4.1 Severe Storm Observations

How can satellite data be used to distinguish ordinary thunderstorms from

severe thunderstorms? This question is very important from a public safety point
of view. Severe thunderstorms are known to have stronger updrafts, to be taller,

and to process more water vapor than less intense storms. Most of the work on
severe thunderstorm detection is based on these properties.
The large vertical mass flux in a severe thunderstorm causes large divergence
in the outflow (anvil) region, which is related to the areal growth rate of the anvil:
1 dA
Ä I = v
' -
(· > 9 30

where V · V is the divergence of the wind velocity. The areal growth rate is
approximated by counting the number of pixels, N, colder than a temperature

Α dt Ν dt v 1

In a modification of the work of Sikdar et al. (1970) and Sikdar (1972), Adler
and Fenn (1979a) chose not to examine the entire anvil area, which often contains
many thunderstorms in various stages of development or decay. Rather, they used
very cold GOES brightness temperature thresholds (<226 K) that apply to storm
tops which penetrate the cirrus anvil. In fact, they chose the temperature for
which 6 < Ν < 30. This area is large enough to overcome some of the sensor
resolution and response problems, but small enough to represent a single storm.
Figure 9.24 shows a thunderstorm growth rate diagram for a storm that occurred
in Nebraska and Iowa on 6 May 1975. The ordinate is the logarithm of the
number of pixels colder than each temperature threshold; the slope of each line
is (l/N)dN/dt. Severe weather reports tend to occur during or just after periods
of rapid growth. Adler and Fenn found that on this day a (l/N)dN/dt threshold
of 3.5 x 10" s , separated severe from nonsevere thunderstorms with a probabil-
3 - 1

ity of detection (POD) of 0.67 and a false-alarm ratio (FAR) of 0.41.

1 1
An equally important question from this viewpoint is, H o w can satellite data be used to detect
flash flooding? This question is answered by the precipitation-estimation techniques discussed above,
some of which were designed in large part to detect flash floods.
352 Chapter 9 Precipitation

2020 2040 2100 2120 2140 2200 2220

FIGURE 9.24. Growth rate diagram for a thunderstorm that occurred on 6 May 1975. Severe weather
reports are indicated at the top: W = high winds, Η = hail, Τ = tornado. [After Adler and Fenn

Colder storms are taller and thus more likely to be severe. Adler and Fenn
(1979a) also examined the minimum brightness temperature achieved by a storm
(T ). They found that on their case study day a T
min threshold of 212.8 Κ

separated severe from nonsevere storms with a POD of 0.93 and a FAR of 0.50.
Combining T and (l/N)dN/dt in a linear discriminant analysis, they found

that severe storms could be separated from nonsevere storms with a POD of 0.73
and a FAR of 0.31. In related work, Adler and Fenn (1981) examined 11 tornadic
storms and found that all were associated with rapid decreases in T (Fig. 9.25). min

In eight cases, the rapid T decrease preceded tornado touchdown (by 3 0 - 4 5


min). In the other three cases (Fig. 9.25f—h), the tornado occurred during the
decrease. In three observations (Fig. 9.25i—k), Doppler radar showed that the
rapid T decrease was associated with the formation of a mesocyclone.

Lead time, or the time between classification of the storm as severe and the
first report of the occurrence of severe weather, is important for severe weather
warnings. Adler and Fenn (1979a) found that the median lead time was 24 min
using the T threshold, 27.5 min using the (l/N)dN/dt threshold, and 7 min

using the combined threshold. Thus these indices appear to be useful for severe
weather detection and warnings if rapid-scan (~5 min interval) satellite data
are available.
(a) MAY 6. 1975 *«~,(b) MAY 6. 1975 (C) MAY 6. 1975
CLOUO 5 yf , CLOUD 3b CLOUD 22
F4 F3

ff 214

^ 216
5 218 I 1 I I I I I I I 1 1 ( 1 1 1 1 1
I 1 • * 1 l i t 1 1
-40 -20 -60 -40 -20 σ -40 -20 0 -40 -20 0

MAY 6. 1975 (e) APRIL 24. 1975 MARCH 20. 1976 MARCH 20. 1976
* 208
CD F1 F4 206 F2 F4
5 208
D 20β
5 210

I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 1 I I • 1 • 1 •
-40-20 0 -/20 0 *20 -40 -20 0 -40-20 0
MAY 20. 1977 MAY 20. 1977 MAY 20. 1977
CLOUD 44 CLOUD 49 (J) CLOUD 56 (k)
F3 F2 F2

J 1 I 1 I 1 I I L
-40-20 0
-60 -40 -20 0 »20 -60 -40 -20 0 »20
FIGURE 9.25. Minimum SMS/GOES-measured blackbody temperature as a function of time for 11 tornadic storms. The times of the first
report of each tornado are indicated by dashed vertical lines. The times of the formation of mesocyclones in the three cases where
Doppler radar observations were available (i, j , k) are indicated by d a s h - d o t vertical lines. [After Adler and Fenn (1981).]
354 Chapter 9 Precipitation

A variation on the T method was introduced by Reynolds (1980). He sug-


gested that the minimum brightness temperature be compared with the tropopause
temperature as a way to normalize storms occurring in different environments.
Adler et al. (1985) found that indeed T - T m i n is a good indicator of severe
t r o p

thunderstorms. However, they also found that the modal brightness temperature
of the cirrus anvil, which is obtained from the satellite data rather from rawinsonde
data, is a slightly better indicator of severity. Using 5 Κ as a threshold ( T at

least 5 Κ colder than T ) Adler et al. found a POD of 0.79 and a FAR of 0.37.

The ascent rate of the top of a thunderstorm is an indicator of the updraft

strength. Again using rapid-scan GOES IR data, Adler and Fenn (1979b)
calculated the time rate of change of equivalent blackbody temperature (dT / BB

dt). They estimated the vertical velocity of the cloud top using an environmental
lapse rate:

w = (9.32)

In a small sample of storms Adler and Fenn found that when w exceeded 4 m
s" , the storm was likely to be severe (POD = 0.67, FAR = 0.14).

Adler et al. (1985) combined (l/N)dN/dt and dT /dt into a Thunderstorm


Index (TI). Using a threshold TI to estimate severity, they found that severe storms
could be discriminated from nonsevere storms with a POD of 0.84 and a FAR
of 0.39. The median lead time was 14 min for hail or tornadoes, and 25 min for
tornadoes only. Severe thunderstorms can display a cold V pattern (Negri, 1982;
McCann, 1983; Heymsfield and Blackmer, 1988). Adler et al. found that when
the V pattern occurs, severe weather is likely to be imminent, but many severe
storms do not display the pattern.
The GOES IR sensor is not ideally suited for severe thunderstorm detection.
The brightness temperature of cloud elements smaller than the approximately 7-
km-diameter scan spots cannot be adequately measured; for cold tops, too warm
a temperature will be measured. A second problem is the response time of the
GOES IR sensor (see Section, which causes small cloud elements to be
shifted down scan and to appear warmer than they are. Warm biases cause the
heights of the clouds to be underestimated. A solution to this problem is to make
stereoscopic height measurements using the 1-km-resolution GOES visible data.
Mack et al. (1983) used 3-min-interval stereoscopic cloud height measurements
to study thunderstorms. As expected, the stereoscopic heights were higher than
the IR heights by 1.4-6.8 km, with the larger value occurring early in the cloud's
life, and the smaller value occurring later. Interestingly, stereo ascent rates com-
pared well with IR ascent rates. Mack et al. estimate that the stereoscopic ascent
rates were accurate within about 1.3 m s" . Stereoscopic measurements would

be extremely valuable in severe thunderstorm monitoring. However, since stereo

requires the synchronization of two satellites, it is rarely available.
9.4 Severe Thunderstorms 355

9.4.2 Severe Storm Forecasts

In addition to monitoring severe storms once they form, it is important to

monitor the prestorm environment for signs that severe weather might develop.
Again, much of this work falls in the realm of image interpretation.
Peslen (1980) used rapid-scan SMS/GOES data on 6 May 1975 to track low-
level clouds in a prestorm situation. She found that the severe storms appeared
in an area of convergence ahead of a dry line. The maximum convergence was
between 10" and 10~ s . Negri and Vonder Haar (1980) also traced low-level
5 4 _1

clouds to yield winds, but they added surface mixing ratio observations. They
calculated the low-level moisture convergence in the prestorm environment and
found that centers of moisture convergence generally indicated the areas where
severe storms later formed. The maximum moisture convergence was 2.2 x 10" 3

g k g s" .
- 1 1

The high resolution of sounding instruments is rarely exploited. Hillger and

Vonder Haar (1981) have retrieved temperature, moisture, and stability parame-
ters from Nimbus 6 HIRS/1 data at full resolution (—30 km). They found that
convection tended to form in areas detectable with the satellite data but not with
coarse-resolution conventional data. Similarly, Chesters et al. (1983) found that
VAS "split window" channels could retrieve mesoscale, low-level water vapor
fields, which are useful for convection forecasting.
Many examples could be given of mesoscale products derived from satellite
data. We believe, however, that the full usefulness of satellite data in severe storm
forecasting will become apparent only when satellite observations are used to
initialize mesoscale numerical weather prediction models.

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A BSORPTION OF SOLAR radiation and emission of terrestrial radiation

drive the general circulation of the atmosphere and are largely responsi-
ble for the Earth's weather and climate. In this chapter we discuss satellite measure-
ments of the constituent radiative quantities which comprise the radiation budget
of Earth. The very first successful meteorological measurements from space were
of the Earth's radiation budget. They were made by a Suomi radiometer from
the Explorer 7 satellite launched 13 October 1959 (see Chapter 1). The long
history of radiation budget measurements is reviewed by House et aL (1986). In
this chapter we concentrate on recent satellite experiments. We begin by discussing
measurements of the solar constant, then we proceed to the radiation budget at
the top of the atmosphere and at the Earth's surface.


The solar energy reaching the Earth is traditionally quantified as the solar
constant (see Section 3.7). To be precise, the solar constant is the annual average
solar irradiance received outside the Earth's atmosphere (at the top of the atmo-

364 Chapter 10 Earth Radiation Budget

sphere) on a surface normal to the incident radiation and at the Earth's mean
distance from the sun. The actual solar irradiance varies by ±3.4% from the
solar constant during the year due to the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit about
the sun, but it varies as a result of other causes also. Ground-based measurements
of the solar constant date back to 1913. The problem with ground-based measure-
ments is that they must be corrected for the effects of the atmosphere. Space-
based measurements require no such correction; they date from 1975.
Both the Nimbus 6 and 7 satellites carried an Earth Radiation Budget (ERB)
experiment (Smith et al., 1975; Jacobowitz et al., 1978). Part of the instrument
was designed to monitor the sun's output. Once each orbit, a 10-channel radiome-
ter viewed the sun for approximately 3 min. The 10 channels were designed to
measure the solar irradiance in several spectral intervals. On the Nimbus 7 ERB,
channel 10 was replaced with channel 10C, an electrically self-calibrating cavity
radiometer, which measures the total solar irradiance in the spectral range from
less than 0.2 μνα to greater than 50 /xm (Hickey et al., 1988a). The Nimbus
7 10C data began on 16 November 1978 and are still being collected as of
this writing.
The Solar Maximum Mission satellite carried an active cavity radiometer
[ACRIM; Willson (1979, 1984), Willson and Hudson (1988)]. Launched 16
February 1980, SMM made solar irradiance measurements until December 1989.
The Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (see Chapter 4) has flown on the
Earth Radiation Budget Satellite (launched 5 October 1984) as well as the NOAA
9 and 10 satellites (launched 12 December 1984 and 17 September 1986, respec-
Figure 10.1 shows the annually averaged Nimbus 7 ERB and Solar Max ACRIM
solar constant measurements. Shown for comparison is the annually averaged
sunspot number calculated at the Zurich Observatory. The solar constant seems
to follow the sunspot cycle. The mean Nimbus 7 solar constant, measured over
an 11-year solar cycle, is 1372.0 W m~ with a standard deviation of 0.6 W m~ .
2 2

The mean Solar Max solar constant over a period shorter than a solar cycle is
1367.5 W m " with a standard deviation of 0.4 W m . The ERBE measurements
2 - 2

are approximately 1365 W m~ . 2

The difference between the measures of the solar constant is attributable to

the great difficulty in calibrating in the laboratory an instrument to measure the
solar constant in space. The radiometric standard used for calibration is thought
to be accurate to within about ± 0 . 5 % or about ± 7 W m~ . It must be noted,

however, that the measurements by the instruments are highly correlated. Thus
changes in the annually averaged solar constant can be determined quite accu-
rately, perhaps within a tenth of a watt per square meter, even though the absolute
magnitude can be determined only within a few watts per square meter.
The reader should note, however, that the above numbers must be characterized
as preliminary for several reasons.

• Work continues on possible errors in the irradiance observations.

• While the year-to-year change in the annually averaged solar constant is
small, on the order of 0.2 W m" , the annual range of daily observations
10.2 Top of the Atmosphere Radiation Budget 365

1 374


1 50 D

1 00 00

1 366
7 8 7 9 8 0 81 8 2 8 3 8 4 8 5 8 6 8 7 8 8 8 9 9 0 91

FIGURE 10.1. Annual average solar constant (W m ) as measured by channel 10C of the Nimbus 7
- 2

ERB and by the Solar M a x i m u m Mission ACRIM. The dashed line is the annual average Zurich
sunspot number. The ERB and ACRIM data are from Table 4 of Hoyt et al. (1992). The sunspot
data are courtesy of the N O A A / N E S D I S / N a t i o n a l Geophysical Data Center, Boulder, Colorado.

is large, about 3 W m" . Plots of daily irradiance values appear quite


noisy, although some of the fluctuation is correlated with solar storms.

• Observations over several solar sunspot cycles will be required to charac-
terize the sun's behavior.
Continued observations of the sun are important both to resolve the differences
between the various instruments and to determine the cause and effects of the
variable solar output. Solar constant measurements continue to be made on Nim-
bus 7, the Earth Radiation Budget Satellite (ERBS), and NOAA 9 and 10. As of this
writing, solar constant measurements are being made on the Upper Atmosphere
Research Satellite (UARS), and they will probably be made on the Earth Observing
System, scheduled to be launched in the late 1990s (see Chapter 11).


The goal of radiation budget studies is to measure the incoming and outgoing
radiation as a function of time and space. Incoming radiation is irradiance and
366 Chapter 10 Earth Radiation Budget

is given the symbol Ε(£,Θ,Ψ,/?), where t is time, Θ is latitude, Ψ is longitude, and

h is height above the Earth's surface. Outgoing radiation is radiant exitance and
is given the symbol Μ(£,Θ,Ψ,/?). Usually we are not interested in the wavelength
dependence of these quantities except for the division between shortwave and
longwave components. Shortwave radiation, usually defined as radiation with
wavelengths less than 5 μηι, is primarily reflected solar radiation. Longwave
radiation (> 5 μηι) is primarily emitted terrestrial radiation.
Satellite methods to measure radiation budget quantities depend on the altitude
in which one is interested. The two most common altitudes are the top of the
atmosphere (TOA, often defined for radiation budget purposes as 30 km) and
the surface. These two altitudes will be discussed separately.
At the top of the atmosphere, the quantities we want to measure are the
shortwave radiant exitance ( M ) , and the longwave radiant exitance ( M ) ,
sw LW

which is also called the outgoing longwave radiation (OLR). With these quantities
we can calculate the albedo
Α ( ί > Θ ) ψ ) = Μ ^ Ψ ) ? ( 1 ( U )


the absorbed solar radiation

£ (i,0,Y) = ( l - A ) £
abs s u n M s u n , (10.2)
and the net radiation
Ε ( ί , θ , Ψ ) = (1 - A ) E
ηΛ s u n M s u n - M L W = £ s u n M s u n - M s w - M L W . (10.3)
In these equations, μ = μ (£,Θ,Ψ) is the cosine of the solar zenith angle,
81ιη διιη

and £ = E (f) is the solar constant S adjusted for distance from the sun,
s u n sun sun

-" -(ÄJ' =S
( ι ο
· >

where d {t) is the Earth-sun distance at time t, and d is the mean Earth-sun
sun sun

distance (1 astronomical unit, AU).

Instruments used for radiation budget studies can be divided into two spectral
categories. Broadband sensors attempt to measure spectrally integrated radiation
budget quantities. Narrowband sensors measure only narrow portions of the
spectrum; extrapolation to other portions of the spectrum is necessary for radia-
tion budget calculations. The AVHRR on the NOAA satellites is a narrowband
sensor (Fig. 4.5); the ERBE sensors are broadband (Fig. 4.19).
Radiation budget instruments may also be divided into two fleld-of-view (FOV)
categories: wide-field-of-view (WFOV) sensors and narrow-field-of-view (NFOV)
sensors. WFOV sensors measure radiation from horizon to horizon. They are
often called flat-plate sensors because they typically consist of a flat element that
measures the irradiance received at the satellite. They are said to have a cosine
response function because in the equation that relates irradiance to radiance (Eq.
3.3), the incoming radiance is weighted by the cosine of the sensor zenith angle.
10.2 Top of the Atmosphere Radiation Budget 367

Since angular resolution for a sensor is stated in terms of the half-power angles,
flat-plate sensors have a 120° angular resolution. The ERBE and Nimbus 7 ERB
both have flat-plate sensors. An instrument which employs flat-plate sensors is
also called a nonscanner because nadir-pointing, flat-plate sensors detect radiation
from horizon to horizon without scanning.
NFOV sensors measure radiation in a narrow cone. AVHRR is a NFOV
instrument (Fig. 4.6), and the scanning instruments on the Nimbus 6 and 7 ERB
and on the ERBE are also NFOV sensors, but they are not as narrow as the
AVHRR sensor. An instrument that employs a NFOV sensor is often called a
scanner because to monitor the Earth disk, the sensor must scan.
Flat-plate sensors have few moving parts; thus they can operate for a decade
or longer, which makes them useful for climate studies. NFOV scanners typically
wear out in a few years. On the other hand, scanners make high-spatial-resolution
measurements, which are useful for regional radiation budget studies. WFOV
sensors make measurements which have been integrated over large areas, typically
a circle of radius 2500-3500 km at the surface. WFOV measurements are useful
for global or large-scale studies.
A polar-orbiting satellite is a very good platform for measuring the radiation
budget. A satellite-mounted instrument makes two observations daily, separated
by about 12 h, of every point on Earth. These are sufficient to calculate the
monthly average radiation budget, which is usually the time scale of interest.
There are some problems, however:
• The measurements are made at the satellite height, not at the top of the at-
mosphere (the inverse problem).
• The twice-daily observations may not adequately sample the diurnal varia-
tion, particularly of shortwave radiation. A diurnal model may be neces-
sary (the diurnal problem).
• Radiation budget quantities which have been integrated over wavelength,
shortwave or longwave, are necessary. Satellite sensors, however, do not
measure exactly these quantities (the spectral correction problem or unfil-
tering problem).
• To measure the radiant exitance from a point, one must observe the point
from all possible directions. Satellites, however, observe a single point
from a single direction (the angular dependence problem).
In summary, to retrieve accurate radiation budget quantities, we must know the
radiance in all directions, at all times, in all wavelengths, and at all heights.
Satellites can observe a larger fraction of the necessary data than other methods,
but not all. We must use modeling to fill the gaps in the measurements. The three
radiation budget data sets described below differ in their handling of these

10.2.1 The NOAA Data Set

Since 1974, with one gap, NOAA/NESDIS has derived radiation budget quanti-
ties from its polar-orbiting satellites. The data set has been constructed using data
3^8 Chapter 10 Earth Radiation Budget

from several satellites and two different instruments: (1) the Very High Resolution
Radiometer (VHRR), which flew on NOAA satellites prior to NOAA 6; and (2)
the AVHRR, since the launch of TIROS N. Retrieval of VHRR-based radiation
budget products between June 1974, and March 1978, is described by Gruber
(1978). Retrieval of AVHRR-based radiation budget products since January 1979,
is similar and is described by Gruber et al. (1983). Here we summarize the retrieval
scheme of Gruber et al. (1983).
Afternoon satellites (see Table 4.2) are used so as to have the highest solar
elevation angle and to avoid, to the extent possible, missing data at high latitudes
in the winter hemisphere. The five-channel, 1-km-resolution AVHRR data are
too voluminous to all be processed, especially since the final radiation budget
products have roughly 200-km resolution. Two of the five channels are processed:
channel 1 (0.58-0.68 μπι) represents solar wavelengths, and channel 5 (11.5-12.5
μπι) represents infrared wavelengths. Channel 5 was chosen because it is more
sensitive to water vapor than channel 4; thus it is thought to better represent the
outgoing longwave radiation. However, some satellites do not have channel 5;
channel 4 (10.5-11.5 /xm) is used for these satellites.
Next, to reduce data processing, global area coverage (GAC) data are used
instead of the full-resolution local area coverage (LAC) data. The scheme to
produce GAC data from the 1-km-resolution data is as follows. Along a scan
line, four contiguous scan spots are averaged, and a fifth one is skipped. Two
scan spots at each end of the 2048-element scan line are ignored. This results in
a 409-element scan line. The next two scan lines are skipped entirely, and the
fourth scan line is averaged as above. This results in a data set which at nadir
has about 4-km resolution in the cross-track direction and 3.3-km resolution in the
along-track direction. To further reduce processing, the GAC data are processed in
1 1 x 1 1 blocks. These blocks are called GAC targets. At nadir, they are about
36 km along-track by 44 km cross-track. If 60 or more of the 121 GAC scan
spots are present, the counts for all scan spots in a GAC target are averaged, and
the average counts in the two channels represent one radiation budget observation.
If fewer than 60 scan spots are present (due to data loss), the entire block is
treated as missing.
With the average count for a GAC target calculated, the visible count is con-
verted into an unnormalized albedo using a linear equation determined in the
prelaunch calibration. The infrared count is converted into a radiance using on-
board blackbody and space observations (Lauritson et al., 1979; see also Chapter
4). At this point, the data consist of calibrated, spatially averaged radiometric
quantities at the altitude of the satellite.
The next step converts the data into radiation budget estimates. The visible
albedo is normalized by dividing by the cosine of the solar zenith angle at the
center of the GAC target. The assumptions in this calculation are that (1) all
reflected radiation is isotropic (and thus that one viewing angle is sufficient to
estimate the total reflected radiation in all directions), (2) the albedo in the entire
solar spectrum is the same as the albedo measured in the narrow spectral band
of the AVHRR channel 1, and (3) the measured albedo is the daily average albedo.
10.2 Top of the Atmosphere Radiation Budget 3^9

These assumptions cause errors in the retrieved albedo, but they produce useful
albedo estimates, and the data processing is much simpler than in more accurate
schemes discussed below. Ascending and descending portions of the orbit are
processed separately. Albedo is only calculated for the daylight half orbit. In
addition, the available solar radiation (/x E , averaged over the entire day) is
sun sun

calculated as
C /-sunset / 1 \2
™ =
-Γ\ \ΤΊ^ J^u (t)dt, n (10.5)
*Ό •'sunrise V^sunW/

where t is the time in seconds, t is the day length (86,400 s), and the solar

constant S is assumed to be 1353 W m" . The daily averaged absorbed solar


radiation is then calculated as

£ a b s = (l-A)£ s u n . (10.6)
The infrared radiance is first corrected for viewing angle. An empirical limb
darkening correction (Abel and Gruber, 1979) converts the radiance viewed at
zenith angle ζ to zenith angle zero:
L(0) = L(£) + [c + c L(£)](sec£ - 1) + [c + c L(£)](sec£ - D ,
x 2 3 4
where the constants c through c are given in Gruber et al. (1983). Next a spectral
x 4

correction is applied to convert narrowband observations to broadband radiant

exitance. Abel and Gruber (1979) showed, based on radiative transfer modeling,
that flux temperature [T = (M /a) ]
F is statistically related to a simple function

of the equivalent blackbody temperature in the ΙΟ-12-μπι window. Accordingly,

the radiance L(0) is converted to equivalent blackbody temperature (T ) using BB

the Planck function. Then the flux temperature is calculated as

T =T (a
¥ RR + bT ), BR (10.8)
where, again, the coefficients a and b are given by Gruber et al. (1983). Finally,
the outgoing longwave radiation is calculated:

M L W = σ TJ = OLR. (10.9)

OLR values are calculated and stored separately for ascending and descending
half orbits; thus two OLR observations of any point are made each day. In short,
both angular and spectral corrections are made to the OLR, and two observations
per day are available to estimate the daily average radiant exitance.
The final step in the procedure is to map the data. They are mapped onto two
125 x 125 polar stereographic maps (arrays), one Northern Hemisphere and one
Southern Hemisphere, which have about 100-km resolution at the equator and
200-km resolution at the poles. Each GAC target is assigned to the box in which
its center falls, and all values in the box are averaged for each day. From the
polar stereographic arrays, a 2.5° x 2.5° latitude—longitude map is constructed
using bilinear interpolation. The four parameters mapped and archived are OLR
daytime, OLR nighttime, absorbed solar radiation, and available solar radiation
Chapter 10 Earth Radiation Budget

( E , which is not archived in 2.5° x 2.5° format). The data are available from

the Satellite Data Services Division of NESDIS. The OLR data have appeared in

atlases (Janowiak et al., 1985; Gruber et al., 1986).

The accuracy of radiation budget estimates from satellite instruments is difficult
to assess because of the lack of independent observations. The primary means
for verification has been comparison with other satellite measurements. Gruber
and Jacobowitz (1985) compared NOAA OLR estimates from the TIROS Ν
satellite with OLR estimates made from Nimbus 7 ERB measurements. They
found that the monthly, globally averaged OLR estimates agreed to within about
1-2 W m~ rms. Comparison of the monthly zonal averages showed rms differ-

ences of up to 9 W m . Unfortunately, the algorithms for both the NOAA and

- 2

the Nimbus 7 ERB radiation budget parameters have changed since 1985; thus
these accuracy figures may no longer be applicable.
The shortwave parameters (albedo, absorbed solar radiation, and thus net
radiation) are considered to be less accurate than the OLR. The main reason for
this conclusion is that the OLR estimates include angular and spectral corrections
while the shortwave parameters do not. We know of no published accuracy
estimates for the shortwave parameters.
The primary advantage to the NOAA radiation budget data set is that it is a
long-term data set which will continue for many years. The OLR data have been
used for many purposes and are a very valuable tool for climate studies.

10.2.2 Nimbus 7 Data Set

The Earth Radiation Budget (ERB) instrument, flown on the Nimbus 6 and 7
satellites, was the first radiation budget instrument to combine nonscanning,
WFOV instruments with scanning, NFOV instruments on the same satellite. This
combination has become standard due to the complimentary properties the two

designs. The ERB is not the most accurate radiation budget instrument to have
flown (that honor belongs to the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment to be dis-
cussed in the next section), but it produced a long-term data set including the best
angular dependence models assembled to date. Its history is interesting because it
demonstrates the difficulty and challenge of making laboratory-quality measure-
ments from space. Kyle et al. (1993) review the 20-year history of the ERB in-
The Earth Radiation Budget (ERB) instrument was designed to be flown on
the Nimbus 6 satellite. It was launched 12 June 1975. A second ERB was flown
on the Nimbus 7 satellite, launched 24 October 1978. (See the Nimbus 6 and
Nimbus 7 User's Guides.) Each ERB is a 22-channel instrument. Channels 1-10
directly observe the sun to measure the solar flux density in several bands (see
Section 10.1). Channels 11-14 are nonscanning, WFOV (flat-plate) channels.
Channels 11 and 12 measure total flux density (0.2 to >50 μ,ιη). Channel 12 is

Kidwell (1991) describes the positioning of the maps and the format of the data tapes.
The EOS may not have W F O V sensors.
10.2 Top of the Atmosphere Radiation Budget 371

the operational total channel; channel 11 is normally shuttered to slow degrada-

tion due to exposure to sunlight. It is unshuttered occasionally to compare with
channel 12. Channel 13 is the shortwave channel. It is essentially the same as
channels 11 and 12, but it is covered with two Suprasil W domes to measure
radiation in the range 0.2-3.8 μπι. Channel 14 is a near-IR channel; it has a
filter (0.695-2.8 μ,πι) between two Suprasil W domes. Channels 15-22 scan and
have a narrow field of view (0.25° x 5.12°). Channels 15-18 are shortwave
channels (Suprasil W filter, 0.2-4.8 μπι), and channels 19-22 are longwave
channels (coated diamond interference filters, 4.5-50 μπι). Channels 19-22 are
calibrated in space by observing an on-board blackbody and space. None of the
other channels are directly calibrated, although the satellite is occasionally tipped
so that the WFOV channels directly view the sun. The NFOV scanner operated
for 20 months; the WFOV and solar channels continue to operate.
Neither the Nimbus 6 nor the Nimbus 7 ERB performed in space the way they
did in prelaunch calibrations. A variety of problems were encountered (Maschhoff
et al, 1984). Degradation of sensors due to exposure to sunlight is always a
problem in space. The channel 13 and 14 Suprasil W domes degraded asymmetri-
cally because of differential exposure to sunlight and collisions with exospheric
gases (Ardanuy and Rea, 1984). There were also changes in offset during the
normal 3-days-on, 1-day-off schedule of the instrument. Heating of the filter
domes caused errors in the WFOV channels. Internal reflections from the baffles
in channel 12 caused a negative bias due to radiation escaping to cold space.
Heating of the Earth-facing side of the instrument at sunrise caused changes in
the calibration. As a result of these and other problems, the Nimbus 6 ERB data
were never fully processed. Only an OLR data set was produced (Bess and Smith,
1987a; Bess et al, 1989).
A very large effort was made to understand and eliminate problems in the
Nimbus 7 ERB data. Ground measurements on nearly identical instruments
(Maschhoff et al, 1984) and studies of in-flight data (Kyle et al, 1984) led to
new calibrations and corrections. In fact, all of the Nimbus 7 ERB data were
reprocessed to reflect these corrections (Kyle et al, 1993). Readers are encouraged
to read these papers because they illuminate the techniques and complexities of
processing radiation budget data.
The algorithms for retrieval of parameters from the Nimbus 7 ERB are given in
Jacobowitz et al. (1984a). Here we outline the principles that govern the retrieval. Angular Dependence Models
Perhaps the most important products produced from the Nimbus 7 ERB data
are the angular dependence models [ADMs; Suttles et al. (1988, 1989)]. Angular
dependence model is a generic term used to refer to models of both reflection of
shortwave radiation and longwave limb darkening. The purposes of the ADM
are to estimate the radiant exitance from a location based on a radiance observa-
tion from a single direction and to estimate the diurnal variation of the radiant
exitance. These models are used to retrieve radiation budget parameters from the
ERBE Scanner, and they were used to reprocess the Nimbus 7 ERB data (Kyle
372 Chapter 10 Earth Radiation Budget

et al., 1993). The technique was originally developed by Raschke et al. (1973)
to process Nimbus 3 data, and for shortwave radiation it may be derived from
basic principles as follows.
Recall from Eq. 3.63 that the radiance reflected from a surface or scene is
given by

-2TT [π/2
ο j

where subscript / refers to incident radiance, subscript r refers to reflected radiance,

and y is the bidirectional reflectance. For solar radiation at the top of the atmo-

sphere, Lj all comes from essentially one direction ( 0 , φ ) , so that §ιιη διιη

Msun ^ s u n ^ s u n T r sun/ (10.11)

^ s u n ^ s u n T r ^ r A ; 0 unAun)> S

where L is the solar radiance, i l is the solar solid angle, and £

s u n = L s u n s u n s u n ü s u n

is the distance-corrected solar constant. The reflected radiant exitance is 3

L (0 ^cos0 sin0 dM</>r

r r r r
0 J


γ (0 ,φ ; 0 , , 0
Γ Γ Γ u n l i m ) c o s 0 s m M M 0 r - (10.13)

Since the solar radiation incident on the scene is p E , sun sun the albedo (A = M /E ) r {

must be

-2TT rn/2
γ (0 ,φ ; 0
Γ Γ Γ s u n ^ s u n )cos0 sin0 J0 ^ . r r r r (10.14)
0 J

Dividing the radiant exitance (Eq. 10.13) by the observed radiance (Eq. 10.11)
and substituting Eq. 10.14 gives
Λ/Γ — _ ΉL _ 7rL
r r

where ξ is the anisotropic reflectance factor (Eq. 3.67). Thus, with a knowledge

of £ , one can in theory convert a radiance measurement into an estimate of the


radiant exitance from a scene.

To calculate the required anisotropic reflectance factor, Suttles et al. (1988)
divided the Earth into five surface types: ocean, land, snow, desert, and mixed

In theory, M depends on φ as well as

r 51ιη 0.
sun One would expect a different radiant exitance if
the sun were shining parallel to long ocean waves rather than perpendicular to them, for example.
However, azimuth angle is important for relatively few surfaces, and for those few, the orientation
of the surface is probably not known with any certainty. Therefore, the azimuthal dependence of M r

and of albedo is simply dropped.

10.2 Top of the Atmosphere Radiation Budget

land-ocean (coastal areas). They also chose four cloud categories: clear ( 0 - 5 %
cloud cover), partly cloudy (5-50%), mostly cloudy (50-95%), and overcast
(95-100%). There would be 20 scene types if all types of clouds were allowed over
all surfaces. However, Suttles et al. allowed only one overcast scene (regardless
of surface type), they eliminated the difficult-to-discriminate partly-cloudy-over-
snow and mostly-cloudy-over-snow categories, and they combined land and desert
for partly and mostly cloudy situations. Thus they arrived at 12 scene types: clear
over land, ocean, snow, desert, and land-ocean mix; partly cloudy over ocean,
land or desert, and land-ocean mix; mostly cloudy over ocean, land or desert,
and land-ocean mix; and overcast. Nimbus 7 ERB NFOV observations between
1 April 1979 and 22 June 1980 were binned in one of these scene types using the
Nimbus 7 THIR/TOMS cloud algorithm (see Chapter 8) to determine cloudiness.
The Nimbus 7 ERB NFOV channels could scan in many directions, including
parallel to the satellite subtrack (see Jacobowitz etal., 1978). This made it possible
for the ERB to view a given location from several viewing angles as it approached,
passed over, and receded from the location. For each of the scene types, the
NFOV data were further binned into 10 solar zenith angle bins, into seven viewing
zenith angle bins, and into eight relative azimuth angle bins (for a total of 5880 4

bins, when all azimuth angles were pooled for the vertical viewing angle). The
azimuth angles, </> , were relative to the sun's azimuth and were assumed to be

symmetric on each side of the sun.

To calculate ^(^AUII^R)? ^ radiances were normalized to the mean

Earth-sun distance and to overhead sun [i.e., the radiances were multiplied by
(d /d )
sun sun sec 0 ] . The average radiance, L, was then calculated in each bin. For

each surface type and for each solar zenith angle, the radiant exitance was calcu-
lated by integrating over viewing zenith angle and relative azimuth angle using
Eq. 10.12. The anisotropic factor is then given by

^ ( ^ ^ s u n ^ R ) - ^ f ; U n
f R )
- (10.16)

The albedo for each scene type and each solar zenith angle was calculated by

Α ( 0 =^ # ^ · (10.17)

(The solar constant was used because the radiances were normalized to overhead
sun and to the mean Earth-sun distance.)
Since Nimbus 7 is a sunsynchronous satellite with approximately a noon equa-
tor crossing time, not all solar zenith angles were observed for every surface type.
Deserts, for example, occur mainly in the subtropics, but Nimbus 7 can observe
high solar zenith angles only in the high latitudes. Empty angular bins were
filled using several techniques. The most important is the Helmholtz Reciprocity

Defined as the difference between the sun's azimuth and the viewing azimuth such that reflection
away from the sun has a zero relative azimuth, and reflection toward the sun has a 180° relative azimuth.
Chapter 10 Earth Radiation Budget

Principle, which states that the bidirectional reflectance is invariant when the
incoming and outgoing angles are interchanged:

7r(0lA; #2,<M = 7r(02></>2; ^Ι,Φΐ)· (10.18)

When an entire solar zenith angle bin was empty, the bidirectional reflectances
for the other bins were calculated, and Eq. 10.18 was used to calculate the
bidirectional reflectances of the missing bin. Then Eq. 10.14 was used to recover
the albedo of the missing bin, and finally, the anisotropic reflectance function
was calculated from Eq. 10.16. Judicious use of interpolation, extrapolation, and
smoothing was also necessary to construct the ADMs. Finally, to conserve energy,

it must be true that


All anisotropic reflectance factors were adjusted to satisfy Eq. 10.19.

Since GOES data samples the diurnal variation of albedo better than Nimbus
7, GOES-measured albedos were combined with the Nimbus 7 albedos to yield
a hybrid estimate of albedo as a function of solar zenith angle (directional model)
for each surface type (see Section 10.2.4).
The anisotropic reflectance factors and the albedos are tabulated in Suttles et
al. (1988), and the data for a few scenes are plotted in Fig. 3.22. The anisotropic
factors range from 0.41 to 12.76 (both over clear ocean). This range is an indica-
tion of the error in assuming that reflectance is isotropic, which is the same
as assuming that the anisotropic reflectance factor is always one (see Green et
al, 1990a).
Suttles et al. (1989) calculated a longwave angular dependence model from
Nimbus 7 ERB data and THIR/TOMS cloud data. The process for longwave
calculations was similar to that for the shortwave. The goal is to produce an
anisotropic factor that relates the observed longwave radiance to an estimate of
the longwave radiant exitance. The same 12 scene types used in the shortwave
calculations were used in the longwave calculations. The longwave data were
also binned into seven viewing zenith angle bins. However, the longwave observa-
tions were assumed to be independent of solar zenith angle and relative azimuth
angle. Instead, ten latitude bins and four season bins were used (for a total of 3360
bins). Day and night values were calculated separately, but they were averaged for
the final ADM.
The longwave anisotropic factor is tabulated in Suttles et al. (1989). The
longwave ADM is much less variable than the shortwave ADM. The longwave
anisotropic factor for all surfaces is similar; it starts at around 1.05 for overhead
viewing, and decreases to approximately 0.90 for oblique viewing. The longwave
anisotropic factor ranges from 0.84 to 1.07.

N o t e that although reciprocity was used to fill empty bins, the final models do not satisfy
reciprocity in general. (See Green et al. (1990a).)
10.2 Top of the Atmosphere Radiation Budget 375

Finally, Suttles et al. (1988,1989) calculated parameters required to determine

cloudiness: standard deviation of shortwave and longwave radiance and the corre-
lation between shortwave and longwave radiance in each bin.

Ί022.2 Scanner Products

The original ERB algorithms (Jacobowitz et al., 1984a) resulted in NFOV
albedos that were about 10% too high and OLR values that were about 3 W
m " too low compared with the WFOV data (Arking and Vemury, 1984; Kyle

et al., 1985). Also, improved calibrations had been found, and improved algo-
rithms had been developed for the ERBE instrument. Therefore, the Nimbus 7
ERB data were reprocessed with the ERBE algorithms (Kyle et al., 1993).
The NFOV data (May 1979-May 1980) were processed in two ways to yield
albedo, OLR, and net radiation. The first method is the traditional method devel-
oped by Raschke et al. (1973) and refined into the ERBE algorithm. The corrected
NFOV radiances were binned daily into 18,630 boxes each approximately (166
km) and covering the globe. Each of these boxes is called a subtarget area. Each

of the radiances was transformed into a radiant exitance (M = ττΤΙξ^ using the r

ADMs discussed above.

The heart of this algorithm is the method of selecting the scene type (one of
the 12 discussed above) and thus which anisotropic factor to use. The surface
type is selected from a geographic database. Then the cloud cover is determined
using a maximum-likelihood cloud estimation (MLCE) method (Wielicki and
Green, 1989). MLCE is a bispectral technique that computes the probability that
the observed radiance pair (shortwave and longwave) belongs to one of the four
cloud cover categories. This probability is computed using the radiance means,
standard deviations, and shortwave-longwave correlations discussed above as- 6

suming that the radiances for each cloud-cover category are described by a bivari-
ate normal frequency distribution. The cloud cover category with the highest
probability is selected. Diekmann and Smith (1989) found that the cloud-cover
category is correctly identified about two thirds of the time, and incorrectly
identified by one cloud category about one third of the time.
During processing, it was discovered that at large satellite viewing zenith angles
the retrieved albedos were too high and the longwave radiant exitances were too
low. To alleviate this problem, observations from satellite viewing zenith angles
greater than 75° (70° for ERBE) were rejected.
At this point in the processing, the instantaneous values of OLR and albedo
have been calculated. The next step produces daily averaged values. The daily
averaged OLR (M ) is simply the mean of the noon (ascending) and the midnight

(descending) observations. The mean albedo is more complicated and is discussed

by Brooks et al. (1986). The technique uses the albedo versus solar zenith angle
data calculated by Suttles et al. (1988). Suppose that at time t the satellite ohs

The ERBE team decided that the s h o r t w a v e - l o n g w a v e correlations were not important and they
do not use them for ERBE processing.
Chapter 10 Earth Radiation Budget

observes a target area and that the albedo calculated using the anisotropic reflect-
ance factor is A*[0 (f )] Let A'[6 {t)] be the albedo of the scene as a function
sun obs sun

of 0 as calculated by Suttles et al. (1988). Then an estimate of albedo at another


time during the day is

A[d (t)} = A*[0 (* )]

san sun obs (/Jj^)]) · ( -°)
10 2

In other words, the albedo estimates of Suttles et al., coupled with a knowledge
of the sun's elevation angle, supply the time variation of albedo, and the observed
albedo supplies the magnitude. The daily mean reflected shortwave radiation can
then be estimated as
_ 1 /-sunset
M s w =r /* E A[0 (i)]
sun sun sun (10.21)

The average incident solar radiation is, of course,

1 /-sunset
£sun = - fivnE^dt. (10.22)
*T) sunrise

The average daily albedo, then, is

Ä = Sss, (10.23)
and the daily net radiation is
£ n e t =(l-Ä)E s u n -M L W . (10.24)
Note that the solar constant was assumed to be 1371.5 W m~ in all of the 2

Nimbus 7 ERB processing.

A, M , and £ in the subtarget areas are archived at the National Space
L W n e t

Science Data Center for the days that the instrument was turned on between May
1979 and May 1980.
The second way in which the NFOV data were processed was with the sorting
into angular bins (SAB) algorithm (Kyle et al., 1993). Developed by Arking and
Vemury (1986) as a means of checking the predecessor to the MLCE method,
the SAB method does not use angular dependence models. Instead, observations
of an area are accumulated until the area has been observed from sufficiently
many angles that the radiant exitance may be evaluated by directly integrating
Eq. 10.12. Clearly the SAB method cannot produce high temporal resolution.
The NSSDC archive contains zonal mean quantities calculated daily, but the
regional quantities are only available as monthly averages. Also, the retrievals
were not in the (166 km) subtarget areas but in (500-km) areas called target
2 2

areas. (Each target area is composed of nine subtarget areas; the globe is covered
by 2070 target areas.) The SAB method is still primarily useful for checking the
MLCE algorithm, and the two methods compare well, according to Kyle et
al. (1993).
10.2 Top of the Atmosphere Radiation Budget 377

10.12.3 WFOV Products

The Nimbus 7 ERB makes WFOV measurements of shortwave, near-IR, and
total radiation. However, the irradiance measured by the satellite (£) is not the
radiant exitance of the Earth (M). King and Curran (1980) discuss the relationship
between £ and M. The WFOV data have been processed by two different algo-
rithms. The first is simple; it basically corrects for the height of the satellite. The
second algorithm attempts to desmooth the data so that regional variations can
be studied.
In the first algorithm, the shortwave and near-IR data are converted to albedos
as follows. If the positions of the satellite and the sun are known, a calculation
can be made to determine the maximum irradiance which the satellite is likely
to measure. This is done by assuming that the Earth is a perfectly reflecting

(A = 1) Lambertian surface (ξ = 1), for which the bidirectional reflectance is a

constant π " . The radiance reflected from a point with latitude Θ and longitude
1 8

Ψ is
_ 1
L (Θ,Ψ; Θ ,Ψ ) — y M<sun^sun — ~ ~ / ^ s u n ^ s u n >
r 8ιιη (10.25)81ιη r

where μ = μ (Θ,Ψ; Θ ,Ψ ) is the cosine of the solar zenith angle at the

8υη 81ιη 51ιη 81ιη

point (Θ,Ψ). The solar constant is assumed to be 1371.5 W m~ . The maximum 2

shortwave irradiance that a satellite above this Lambertian Earth would measure
is then

-ITT r-πΙΙ
L ; (Θ,Ψ;Θ ,Ψ 8ιιη 51ιη ) cos0 sin0 άθάφ (10.26)
0 J


E * (r ,0 ,Y )=-E
s w s s s s u n μ 5ϋη cosö sin0 άθ αφ, (10.27)
TT Jo Jo
where ( Γ , Θ , Ψ ) is the position of the satellite, and (0,φ) are directions from the
8 8 8

flat-plate sensor. In this calculation, the point (Θ,Ψ) is the location where the ray
from the satellite intersects the top of the atmosphere; i.e., both Θ and Ψ are
functions of r , Θ , Ψ , 0, and φ. (Note that cos0 is the response of the flat-plate
8 8 8

sensor.) If £ ^ ( Γ , Θ , Ψ ) is the measured shortwave irradiance, then the albedo is

5 > 8 8 8

A(r , s Θ , Ψ) =
8 8
sw(r ,®s>^s).
s ( 1 0 > 2 8 )

E£ (r ,e ,¥ )
w s s s

This estimate assumes that the albedo is constant throughout the field of view of
the flat-plate sensor and that the reflection is isotropic. The albedo for the near-

We will call this the maximum irradiance even though greater irradiances could be measured if
reflectance is not isotropic.
Radiance is usually specified as a function of zenith and azimuth angles. Here, to emphasize the
Earth-sun-satellite geometry, w e specify radiance as a function of the latitude and longitude of the
viewed location and of the sun.
Chapter 10 Earth Radiation Budget

IR channel is similarly calculated, but the wavelength response of the filter is

taken into account in calculating £ . The data are binned into target areas. The
s u n

mean albedo for the target area is the sum of the measured irradiances divided
by the sum of the maximum irradiances.
In the first algorithm, the longwave irradiance is calculated by subtracting the
shortwave irradiance from the total irradiance ( £ = £ ο τ "~ ^sw)- Then the L W Τ

irradiance is converted into a radiant exitance at the top of the atmosphere. The
historical way to do this (Smith et al., 1977; Jacobowitz et al., 1979) is to assume
that the radiation from Earth is isotropic, which means that the radiation can be
thought of as emanating from a point source at the center of the Earth and
decreasing in intensity as the square of the distance from the center of the Earth.
If the measured longwave irradiance is £ , then the TO A radiant exitance must be


where r is the radius of the Earth, h is the height of the satellite, and h
e s is TOA

the height of the assumed top of the atmosphere (15 km for Nimbus 7 ERB
retrievals). This is called a shape factor retrieval (Green, 1981) or inverse square
law retrieval. The shape factor is

and is constant for a circular orbit. M is assigned to the target area which

contains the subsatellite point, and all observations within a target area are av-
The net radiation is calculated for each target area as
£ n e t = (1 - kA)E an - M, (10.30)
where M is the average of the noon and midnight OLR observations, £ (Eq.
L W s u n

10.22) is the mean daily solar insolation on the target area, and k is a factor to
transform A into a mean daily value. The factor k is based on a hybrid directional
reflectance model (90% cloud/ocean, 10% land) derived from Raschke et al.
(1973); the model is applied globally.
Nine years (November, 1978-October, 1987) of albedo, OLR, and net radia-
tion computed from Nimbus 7 WFOV observations are archived at the National
Space Science Data Center for daily and monthly time periods. Figure 10.2 shows
the zonally averaged albedo, OLR, and net radiation for the period November
1978 to October 1986. The Earth's radiation budget is quite consistent from year
to year, but important interannual variations occur, for example, the 1982-1983
El Nino event.
The WFOV instrument is still operational, and radiation budget products will
be produced past October, 1987, as funds become available.
From an altitude of 955 km, a Nimbus 7 WFOV sensor simultaneously views
over 130 (500 km) target areas. Each observation, however, is assigned to the
10.2 Top of the Atmosphere Radiation Budget 379

- 9 0 LI I I I I I I I
1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986

1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986

1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986

FIGURE 10.2. Eight-year time series of zonally averaged Nimbus 7 W F O V (a) albedo (percent), (b)
longwave radiant exitance (W m~ ), and (c) net radiation (W m ) . [Courtesy of G. Garrett Campbell,
2 - 2

Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere, Colorado State University.]

single target area which is directly below the satellite. The resulting radiation
budget fields therefore appear to be very smooth in comparison with NFOV fields.
A large effort has gone into desmoothing or deconvoluting the Nimbus 7 ERB
data. This is the second algorithm with which the WFOV data have been processed.
The longwave data can be desmoothed in a straightforward manner. Green
(1981) explains two ways to desmooth the longwave data. One way involves
a spherical harmonic expansion of the longwave fields. The satellite-measured
Chapter 10 Earth Radiation Budget

irradiance is given by

£ L W ( © S , ^ S ) = - Γ Γ *Μ^(®,Ψ)ξ(®,%ζ)€θ8θ3ίηθάθάφ,
TT Jo Jo

where L ( 0 , Ψ, 0, φ) = ττ~ M ( 0 , Ψ) f (Θ, Ψ, ζ) and ζ is the zenith angle to


the satellite from Θ, Ψ. Suppose that both E ( 0 , Ψ ) and M ( 0 , Ψ) are L W S 8 L W

expanded in spherical harmonics (Y™):

W®, S = Σ Σ <C W,, *)

S (10.32a)
n=0 m=-n

M (e,Y) LW = SΣ
n=0 m= —η
b?Y%&,V). (10.32b)

The a™ are calculated from observations obtained over a sufficiently long period
of time that all the "boxes" (perhaps target areas) are filled. This takes a minimum
of several days. The fcJJ are the spherical harmonic expansion coefficients of the

sought solution for M . Smith and Green (1981) showed that if the anisotropic

factor ξ is a function of viewing zenith angle ζ only (not latitude or longitude)

then spherical harmonics are eigenfunctions of the measurement equation 10.31:
Ι Λ27Γ Γ7Γ/2
- Υ»(θ, Ψ) ξ{ζ) cos0 sin0 άθ άφ = λ Υ?(θ, Ψ), η (10.33)

where the λ are easily calculated eigenvalues of Eq. 10.33. Therefore, the a™ are

very simply related to the fcJJ : 1

Κ = Κ αϊ. 1
This technique is called deconvolution? Since λ = [(r + h )/(r + /? )] , 0 e TOA e s

deconvolution starts at the same point as the shape factor retrieval. The λ decrease η

with increasing «, so deconvolution amplifies higher spatial harmonics.

A second way to desmooth the longwave data is called parameter estimation
by Green (1981) and is discussed in detail by Twomey (1977). Here the Earth is
divided into regions each with a constant radiant exitance M and known aniso- k

tropic reflectance factor ξ^(ζ). Suppose that there are Ν such regions. Each satellite
irradiance observation is given by

£i = Σ ß,kM , k (10.35)

Bik = ^ k ( i i k ) c o s 0 i l ,ik ik (10.36)


Care must be taken to choose the optimal number of spherical harmonics. T o o small a number
will not desmooth the data as much as they could be. T o o large a number will introduce artifacts
into the data.
10.2 Top of the Atmosphere Radiation Budget 381

and i l is the solid angle of area k subtended at the ith position of the satellite.

A large number of observations (>N) can be used to find the least squares best
solution for the M .

The shortwave data are more difficult to desmooth than the longwave data
because the shortwave radiant exitance depends strongly on the position of the
sun and because the shortwave anisotropic factor is more complicated than the
longwave anisotropic factor. In particular, the deconvolution technique does not
work because spherical harmonics are not eigenfunctions of the measurement
equation. Parameter estimation can work, but retrieval of M is not really s w

appropriate because it depends so strongly on the position of the sun. A more

appropriate parameter to retrieve is the albedo of an area, which depends only
on surface and atmospheric properties. Hucek et al. (1987) have combined the
above two techniques to retrieve albedo. They start with the measurement

£ s w ( ® , ^ ) = - Γ Γ *Μ^(Θ,Ψ)ξ(ζ)οο3θύηθάθάφ,
π Jo Jo
s s

and they expand M as μ η £ η Α They further expand the albedo as a truncated

s w δ ι 1 5 1 1

spherical harmonic series. For each shortwave WFOV observation, Eq. 10.37 is
a linear equation in the unknown spherical harmonic expansion coefficients.
Proceeding as in parameter estimation, a large number of £ measurements are s w

used to calculate the spherical harmonic coefficients. Hucek et al. use 289 coeffi-
cients (N = 16), which they estimate to be the number of independent pieces of
information that are retrievable from the WFOV data. The albedo of each target
area is then calculated using the coefficients.
Figure 10.3 compares the smooth and desmoothed WFOV zonal averages.
Desmoothing results in a field in which the highs are higher and the lows are
lower; thus they are more like scanner observations. The field mean does not
change in the desmoothing process. Desmoothing makes the WFOV data more
useful for regional radiation budget studies. If one only wants to study the global
mean radiation budget, desmoothing is not necessary.
One year (July 1983 to June 1984) of Nimbus 7 ERB WFOV data have been
desmoothed and are archived at the National Space Science Data Center (Kyle
et al., 1993). The shortwave observations were desmoothed by the method of
Hucek et al. (1987), and the longwave data were processed by the deconvolution
method. Ardanuy et al. (1987) detail the specific process for retrieval of the
longwave radiant exitance and the net radiation.
The best estimates of the accuracy of the Nimbus 7 ERB parameters are
determined by comparing ERB data with ERBE data. We therefore defer until
the end of the next section a discussion of ERB accuracy.

Again, care must be taken when choosing N . T o o large a number creates a system of equations
1 0

which is difficult to solve; t o o small a number results in less than optimal desmoothing. Also, there
can be stability problems in finding the solution (see Twomey, 1977).
332 Chapter 10 Earth Radiation Budget

160 I 1 1 1 I I I I I . I . I
-60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

FIGURE 10.3. Comparison of desmoothed Nimbus 7 W F O V data with standard (smooth) data: (a)
albedo (percent) and (b) longwave radiant exitance (W m~ ). [After Ardanuy et al. (1987).]

10.2.3 ERBE Data Set

The Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) is similar to the Nimbus 6

and 7 ERB. Each instrument consists of a scanning NFOV instrument, a non-
scanning WFOV instrument, and a solar monitor. (The ERBE instruments are
described in section 4.1.6). However, the ERBE was designed to improve upon
the ERB, and thus is different in many important ways. Among the improvements
are the following:
• Identical ERBE instruments have been launched on three satellites: ERBS,
10.2 Top of the Atmosphere Radiation Budget 383

NOAA 9, and NOAA 10. The ERBS is in a non-sunsynchronous orbit

(see section 2.4.3); in about 37 days the orbit precesses through all local
times. Thus the ERBS samples the diurnal variation of radiation budget
quantities. In addition, three satellites yield more frequent observations,
thus reducing uncertainty in the time- and space-averaged products.
• All sensors are calibrated in space. The sensors internally view either a
blackbody or a tungsten lamp. The blackbody is monitored with a thermis-
tor, and the tungsten lamps are monitored with photodiodes. Externally,
the sensors view space.
• The instruments have better pre-launch characterization. Mathematical
models of each sensor were constructed and verified before launch so that
problems which occur in space can be better understood and more easily
• The ERBE scanner has longwave, shortwave, and total sensors, whereas
the Nimbus 7 scanner had only shortwave and total sensors. The third sen-
sor provides a redundancy check and makes possible improved corrections
for non-flat spectral response. The three channels are used to estimate
broadband longwave and shortwave radiation in a linear conversion in
which the coefficients are dependent on scene type, viewing zenith angle,
solar zenith angle, and relative azimuth angle.
• The non-scanner has a medium field-of-view (MFOV) sensor which serves
as a calibration check between the WFOV and NFOV sensors.
The retrieval algorithms used for ERBE and ERB are also similar because many
of the algorithms developed for ERBE (Smith et al., 1986; Brooks et al., 1986)
were applied when the ERB data were reprocessed (Kyle et al., 1993). Again,
however, there are important improvements in the ERBE algorithms.
First, ERBE has better scene identification. The twelve scene types developed
from Nimbus 7 ERB data and used in the reprocessing of Nimbus 7 NFOV data
were refined slightly for ERBE processing, for example by separating the single
desert scene into vegetated and non-vegetated desert scenes. 11

Second, while the scanner was operational, NFOV scene types were used to
improve retrieval of WFOV albedo. The ERB algorithm assumed that reflected
shortwave radiation was isotropic (Eq. 10.27). When both the ERBE scanner and
the ERBE non-scanner are operating, the scanner sweeps out the area viewed by
the non-scanner. The scene types identified with the scanner can be used to include
an anisotropic factor into Eq. 10.27:


The albedo is then calculated by dividing the observed irradiance by Εξ^. In this
calculation, the albedo is still assumed constant over the field of view, but the

1 1
The vegetated desert was included in the land scene, and the non-vegetated desert became the
desert model (R. N . Green, personal communication, 1990).
384 Chapter 10 Earth Radiation Budget

assumption of isotropy is no longer necessary. When the scanner data is not

available, a climatological anisotropic factor is used.
Third, a numerical filter is used to desmooth non-scanner data. Developed by
House and Jafolla (1980) and refined by Green (1983), the numerical filter relies
on the fact that the WFOV instruments oversample the radiation field. That is,
in the time between samples (0.8 s, for ERBE), the satellite moves only a fraction
of a field of view. Thus an estimate of what a nadir-pointing, higher-resolution
instrument would see can be derived by a weighted average of observations along
the subsatellite track:

.= Σ (10.39)
j= -N
To conserve energy, the weights must sum to the reciprocal of the shape factor.
The advantage of this technique over deconvolution is that it does not smear
observations across local times because observations separated by several minutes
are used instead of observations over several days. The disadvantage is that the
numerical filter technique only enhances the resolution along the ground track
and does not improve the across-track resolution. Deconvolution enhances the
radiation field in both directions.
Fourth, better spatial and temporal averaging procedures are used (Brooks et
al., 1986). A table of observations during a month is kept for each location. The
table is formed of day and local time bins. The observations from multiple satellites
are included in the table, and averages are carefully performed to determine
monthly mean quantities. This averaging includes, for example, fitting a half sine
curve to the daytime longwave measurements over land, which Brooks and Minnis
(1984) showed is an improvement over simple averaging. The scanner data are
mapped onto a 2.5° x 2.5° latitude-longitude grid system, which is finer resolution
than the (500 km) grid used for the Nimbus 7 ERB data. The enhanced resolution

(numerically filtered) WFOV and MFOV data are mapped onto a 5° x 5° grid,
and the shape factor WFOV and MFOV data are mapped onto a 10° x 10° grid.
The reader is referred to Brooks etal. (1986) for further details on the complicated
task of producing accurate monthly mean radiation budget quantities from instan-
taneous satellite-measured irradiances.
An important aspect of the ERBE data processing is that clear scenes are
evaluated by themselves in addition to their use in the averages; ERBE produces
an estimate of average clear-sky radiation for each month. The difference between
clear-sky and mean radiation is caused mainly by clouds. This difference can be
used to investigate cloud forcing, the effect of clouds on the radiation budget of
Earth. Ramanathan et al. (1989) showed using ERBE data that in April, 1985,
averaged over the globe, clouds caused an extra 44.5 W m~ in shortwave energy

to be reflected to space. They also caused a reduction in longwave loss to space

of 31.3 W m~ . Clouds, therefore, appear to cool the climate on average. In April,

1985, clouds lowered the globally averaged net radiation by 13.2 W m~ . The 2

effects of clouds on radiation budget and climate remain an active research topic
10.2 Top of the Atmosphere Radiation Budget 385

which would be impossible to investigate without satellite radiation budget mea-

surements. This concept is now being used by many researchers as a critical test
of general circulation models.
Note that ERBE uses two parameters which are different from those used in
Nimbus 7 ERB processing. ERBE algorithms use a solar constant of 1365 W m " 2

compared to the ERB value of 1371.5 W m" . The ERBE algorithms locate the

top of the atmosphere at an altitude of 30 km versus 15 km in the ERB algorithms.

ERBE data from all three satellites and the many retrieved products are archived
at the National Space Science Data Center. The archive includes raw data (counts);
solar irradiances; instantaneous scanner and non-scanner measurements; regional,
zonal, and global averages of longwave, shortwave, and albedo on 2.5° and
larger scales; and monthly average products. Barkstrom et al. (1989) describe the
archived products. As an example of these many products, Fig. 10.4 shows the
mean and clear albedo and longwave radiant exitance for June 1985. These maps

Clear Albedo
FIGURE 10.4. Combined ERBS and N O A A 9 scanner data for June 1985: (a) mean albedo (percent),
(b) clear albedo (percent), (c) mean longwave radiant exitance (W m" ), (d) clear longwave radiant

exitance (W m~ ). [Courtesy of G. Garrett Campbell, Cooperative Institute for Research in the


Atmosphere, Colorado State University.]

386 Chapter 10 Earth Radiation Budget

Clear Long Wave

FIGURE 10.4. (continued)

were constructed from combined ERBS and NOAA 9 scanner data. The zonal
averages for the same time period are shown in Fig. 10.5.
There are basically three ways to estimate the accuracy of satellite-based radia-
tion budget measurements: (1) compare the measurements made by different
satellites, (2) compare measurements made by the same satellite, and (3) estimate
the accuracy by estimating the uncertainty in each aspect of the measurement
and/or retrieval and compounding the uncertainties. All three types of analysis
have been performed.
Kyle et al. (1989b) have compared Nimbus 7 ERB WFOV measurements with
ERBE measurements. They found that "the Nimbus 7 WFOV shortwave sensor
reads about 2.5% higher than the ERBS sensor, while the Nimbus 7 total channel
reads about 1% below the ERBS channel near midnight and 1% above it at
noon." The global average of albedo agreed with combined ERBS/NOAA 9
NFOV albedo within 0.03%, and the OLR agreed within 0.16%. They conclude
that the agreement between the ERB and ERBE data sets is good enough to allow
the sets to be combined for long-term studies of the radiation budget. They warn,
however, that the characteristics of each instrument must be kept in mind.
90 Ν ι 1 1 1 1 1 ~p 1 1 1

— — — 1
Clear Albedo
( Mean Albedo

90S I ι ι ι ι 1 ι ι ι 1
^ 0 100
90N| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
C l e a r Long W a v e
« M e a n Long W a v e

90S* • » · · 1 1 1 1 1

c 150 250 350

^^^^ZT -
90 Ν ι 1 . 1 1 ^ 1 1 1 1

" Net Clear

. Net Mean

EQ - ^ ^ ^ ^

^ ^ • ^ ^

90S' 1
1 » » 1 1 ' 1 ι
-200 0 200
FIGURE 10.5. E R B S / N O A A 9 Zonal averages for June 1 9 8 5 : (a) albedo (percent), (b) longwave radiant
exitance (W m" ), (c) net radiation (W m ) . [Courtesy of G. Garrett Campbell, Cooperative Institute
2 - 2

for Research in the Atmosphere, Colorado State University.]

388 Chapter 10 Earth Radiation Budget

Green et al. (1990b) have compared the ERBE sensors with themselves. The
scanner has longwave, shortwave, and total channels. The total channel was
assumed to be correct. At night, the longwave channel should give the same
reading as the total channel. They found that this was true within about 1% for
both ERBS and NOAA 9. During the day, the shortwave channel should be the
difference between the total channel and the longwave channel. They found that
for ERBS the agreement was within 0.5%, but the NOAA 9 shortwave channel
appears to be about 2% too high. Using the scanner measurements, the non-
scanner measurements can be simulated. Green et al. found that "Generally, the
MFOV measurements are within 2% to 3 % of the scanner measurements. The
WFOV TOT channel is very good, and the WFOV SW channel is about 3 % high
for ERBS and excellent for NOAA 9."
Barkstrom et al. (1989) list ten validation criteria and many researchers who
are pursuing them using various data for comparison. They note that "ERBE
data products are complex assemblages of data and models. Thus, their uncertaint-
ies are difficult to compute." They expect uncertainties in instantaneous scanner
radiances to be about 1% for longwave observations and 2 - 3 % for shortwave
observations. For instantaneous radiant exitances from 2.5° x 2.5° boxes they
expect ±5 W m~ for longwave observations and ±15 W m~ for shortwave
2 2

observations. For monthly averaged radiant exitances on a regional scale, they

expect uncertainties of ± 5 W m~ for both longwave and shortwave measure-

ments. Finally, they estimate that the uncertainty in ERBE measurements of the
annual, global average of the net radiation is about ± 5 W m~ . 2

Unfortunately, these uncertainty estimates do not give the complete picture of

the accuracy of radiation budget measurements, nor are they universally applica-
ble. The primary sources of uncertainty are two: inadequate sampling of the
diurnal variation, and inaccurate knowledge of the angular dependence of the
shortwave radiation. Instrument uncertainty is of secondary importance. Uncer-
tainty analysis of ERBE data is an ongoing task. More and better uncertainty
estimates will appear in the literature. Potential users of the data need to carefully
investigate the uncertainties in the particular products which they want to use.
One very important aspect of these uncertainties is that they prevent us from
measuring subtle trends in climate such as those expected from increased C 0 2

concentration. There are trends in the radiation budget data, but the uncertainties
prevent them from being statistically significant. We hope that this problem will
be resolved with next-generation radiation budget instruments.

10.2.4 Geostationary Products

Geostationary satellites have been used to retrieve radiation budget quantities

(Saunders and Hunt, 1983; Minnis and Harrison, 1984a,b,c). Since geostationary
satellites were not designed to make radiometric measurements, their data must
be carefully processed to be used for this purpose. Three corrections are necessary.
First, the data must be converted from counts, which are used to make images,
to radiances. This is especially crucial for the visible data because they are not
10.3 Surface Radiation Budget 389

calibrated in space. Second, the narrowband radiances must be converted to

broadband radiances. Finally, the radiances must be converted to radiant exitances
with the use of angular dependence models.
Saunders and Hunt used Meteosat data. To calibrate the visible channel, they
used scene-dependent calibration factors derived from aircraft underflights (Krie-
bel, 1981). The resulting narrowband radiances were converted to broadband
radiant exitances by assuming that the narrowband albedo is equal to the broad-
band albedo and by applying a Nimbus-7-derived anisotropic reflectance model
(Stowe et al., 1980). To convert the infrared data, they used calibration factors
derived from sea surface temperature measurements by Morgan (1980) and
Koepke (1980). Narrowband radiances were converted to broadband radiant
exitances by using regression-based limb darkening and spectral models (Gube,
1980, 1982).
Minnis and Harrison used GOES data. To calibrate the GOES measurements,
they collected Nimbus 7 ERB scanner measurements (during November 1978)
which were coincident not only in space and time (solar zenith angle) but were
also nearly coincident in viewing zenith and relative azimuth angles as well.
Quadratic regression equations were developed to relate squared visible counts
and infrared radiances to Nimbus 7 radiances. Separate equations were developed
for land and ocean backgrounds. The rms errors were about 14% for shortwave
radiances and 5 - 6 % for longwave radiances. The regression equations effectively
produced calibrated, broadband radiances from the GOES data. To calculate
radiant exitances, Minnis and Harrison constructed and used angular dependence
models. The longwave model was based on the work of Raschke et al. (1973);
the shortwave model was based on a combination of GOES and aircraft (Kriebel,
1978) data.
Geostationary satellites have one great advantage over low Earth orbiters: they
can observe the diurnal cycle. Figure 10.6 shows an example of diurnal variation
of radiation budget parameters calculated by Minnis and Harrison (1984c) for
an area over South America during November 1978.
The disadvantage of geostationary satellites is that they observe each point
from only one angle, thus the accuracy of radiation budget quantities is directly
related to the accuracy of the angular dependence models used in their derivation.
This is just the opposite of the case for low-orbiters, which observe from many
angles (thus averaging and reducing the effects of angular dependence models)
but only once or twice per day. The combination of low-orbiter data and geosta-
tionary data should improve the accuracy of radiation budget estimates.


For some meteorological applications, particularly agricultural applications,

the radiation budget at the Earth's surface is required. The observations of the
surface radiation budget are not as direct as observations of the radiation budget
at the top of the atmosphere; corrections for the atmosphere must be made. Since
Chapter 10 Earth Radiation Budget


FIGURE 10.6. Diurnal variation of albedo (top, percent) and outgoing longwave radiation (bottom,
W m~ ) for an area over South America centered at 25.9° South and 68.7° West during November

1978. [After Minnis and Harrison (1984c).]

the surface radiation budget is dominated by clouds, however, satellite data are
well suited for this purpose, and they can provide world-wide estimates.
The surface radiation budget may be divided into five quantities: downward
shortwave radiation (called insolation), upward shortwave (reflected) radiation,
downward longwave radiation, upward longwave radiation, and net radiation.

10.3.1 Downward Shortwave Radiation

Due to interest in the use of solar energy, downward shortwave radiation at

the surface has been studied for some years. Following Fritz et al. (1964) and
Hanson et al. (1967), the solar radiation incident at the top of the atmosphere
suffers one of three fates: it may be reflected to space, it may be absorbed by the
atmosphere, or it may be absorbed at the ground. The governing equation is

Msun^sun ^ M s u n ^ s u n ~^ ^ a t m (1 ^sfc^sfo (10.40)

where M £ is the TOA solar insolation as described above, A is the TOA
sun sun

albedo, £ a t m is the energy absorbed in the atmosphere, £ is the downward solar


irradiance at the surface, and A is the surface albedo. This equation implicitly

includes scattering and multiple reflections between the surface and clouds.
Fritz et al. correlated A, measured by TIROS 3, with atmospheric transmittance
( a t m — ^ s f c ^ M s u n ^ s u n ) ? measured by ground-based instruments. A correlation coef-

ficient of —0.9 was found, which confirms the hypothesis that when clouds (with
their high albedo) cover an area, the fraction of solar radiation reaching the
surface decreases. Fritz et al. went on to explore the fraction of incident radiation
which is absorbed in the atmosphere. Hanson et al. used more accurate TIROS
10.3 Surface Radiation Budget 391

4 data from a longer period to show that the solar energy absorbed in the
atmosphere over the U.S. during the period March through May 1962 ranged
from 9% to 26%, and that absorbed at the ground ranged from 34% to 5 8 % .
Non-satellite estimates of the surface albedo were necessary for these studies.
Vonder Haar and Ellis (1975) estimated surface albedo from satellite data and
surface pyranometer measurements. All of these studies used data from low Earth
orbiters, which means that only one observation was made per day during daylight.
Tarpley (1979) developed and Justus et al. (1986) improved a statistical tech-
nique to use GOES data to estimate £ over the U.S. Solving Eq. 10.40 for £
sfc sfc

we have

£ ^ _ Msun-^sun -^Msun-^sun -^atm [\0 41)

1 ~ ^sfc

Assuming isotropic reflection,

VsurAun = *U (10.42)
where L is the satellite-measured radiance. Eq. 10.41 then becomes

£ s f c = ^ u n £ s u n - ^ - £ a t m t (10.43)

The two most important terms in the Eq. 10.43 are the solar insolation ( / L i E ) sun sun

and the reflected radiance (ttL). It follows that a simple regression equation using
these quantities as predictors ought to estimate the surface insolation well. To
account for geographic variations in surface albedo and in atmospheric absorption,
Tarpley and Justus et al. used deviations from the expected minimum radiance
rather than radiance itself. Their final regression equation (Justus et al., 1986) is

£sfc = M s A u n ( a
U 1 + ^sun + ^sun) + ^(C " 2
C^J, (10.44)
where C and C min are the mean observed and minimum (respectively) GOES
visible brightness count (approximately proportional to L ) . The mean is calcu- _1/2

lated over a 30-50-km square, which means that the results have this resolution.
The most difficult part of this analysis is in keeping an up-to-date map of minimum
counts for each satellite viewing time. Justus et al. used a 1° latitude-longitude
grid for this purpose.
Using this method, Justus et al. were able to reproduce hourly surface pyrano-
meter measurements within about 16% rms of the mean hourly insolation and
daily surface pyranometer measurements within about 9.5% rms of the daily
insolation or about 1.4 MJ m T . Figure 10.7 shows the mean daily surface insol-

ation over the United States for July and December 1983.
Gautier et al. (1980) and Diak and Gautier (1983) developed a physical retrieval
scheme based on a simple radiative transfer model. Their model atmosphere
consists of an ozone layer; an atmospheric layer, which absorbs and scatters solar
radiation; a cloud layer; a subcloud atmospheric layer; and the surface. The
absorption and scattering properties of the atmosphere are taken from the litera-




FIGURE 10.7. Solar insolation (W m~ ) at the surface for (a) July and (b) December 1 9 8 3 . [Reprinted

by permission of the publisher from "Satellite Measured Insolation in the United States, Mexico, and
South America" by C. G. Justus, Μ. V. Paris, and J . D. Tarpley, Remote Sensing of Environment,
Vol. 2 0 , pp. 5 7 - 8 3 . Copyright 1 9 8 6 by Elsevier Science, Inc.]
10.3 Surface Radiation Budget

ture, and the surface dewpoint (from an analysis) provides an estimate of precipita-
ble water, which is the chief atmospheric absorber of sunlight. A satellite measure-
ment of reflected radiation yields an albedo. If the albedo is lower than a threshold,
clear sky is assumed, and the solar insolation at the surface is calculated with a
clear-sky model. If the albedo is higher than the threshold, an overcast sky is
assumed, and surface solar insolation is calculated from the cloudy model. The
technique is simple and computationally easy. Its advantage is that it can be used
at every satellite pixel, which provides an estimate of horizontal variability of
solar radiation.
In comparison with pyranometers, the method of Diak and Gautier had a
standard error of 5.3% of the mean daily insolation, which is roughly the accuracy
cited for a well-maintained pyranometer.
Dedieu et al. (1987) developed a method similar to that of Diak and Gautier
for use with Meteosat data.
Moser and Raschke (1984) also used Meteosat data, but they employed a
sophisticated radiative transfer model to convert radiances to surface insolation.
Basically, Moser and Raschke assume that clouds perturb the clear-sky insolation
Eff . They find the minimum and maximum observed radiance over an area during

a month's time for each observing time. The observed radiances L are then obs

normalized by


and the surface insolation is calculated according to

E c(£su„) = [ W ( ^ £ s u „ ) £ £ ( 0 ] ,
where /*(L', £ ) is a tabulated function determined from the radiative transfer

model. Moser and Raschke report daily rms errors in Europe of 1 0 - 1 4 % (1.8-2.2
MJ m~ ) and mean monthly rms errors of 3 - 7 % (0.5-1.3 MJ m " day—2).
2 2

10.3.2 Reflected Shortwave Radiation

The reflected solar radiation is the product of the surface albedo and the
downward solar radiation. Thus a knowledge of the surface albedo is the key
element in estimating reflected solar radiation.
The basic approach to estimating surface albedo has historically been through
the minimum albedo technique (e.g., Raschke and Preuss, 1975). The region of
interest is monitored over a period of time, say one month, and the minimum
albedo during that time is noted. Since few locations are likely to be cloud-covered
for an entire month, the minimum albedo is likely to represent the clear-sky
planetary albedo. Corrections for atmospheric absorption and scattering may then
be applied to retrieve the albedo of the surface itself (e.g., Preuss and Geleyn, 1980).
Surface albedo is also produced as a byproduct of solar insolation calculations
(Gautier et. al., 1980). Dedieu et al. (1987) have mapped surface albedos over
Europe using Meteosat data.
394 Chapter 10 Earth Radiation Budget

Pinker and Ewing (1986) note that the surface type is important when using
narrowband measurements to infer surface albedo. The albedo of snow, for
example is high for wavelengths less than 1 μπι, but drops rapidly for longer
wavelengths. The albedo of vegetated surfaces, on the other hand, is low in the
portion of the spectrum sampled by visible detectors (such as AVHRR channel
1), but rises in the near infrared. Simply assuming that the broadband surface
albedo is the same as the narrowband albedo can cause errors if surface type
is ignored.
Because Eq. 10.40 is linear in A and A , it is reasonable to assume that an

equation of the form

A sfc = a + bA (10.47)

can convert the satellite-measured planetary albedo A to an estimate of surface

albedo. Chen and Ohring (1984) and Koepke and Kriebel (1987) calculate broad-
band surface albedos from narrowband observations. Koepke (1989) calculates
narrowband surface albedos from narrowband AVHRR observations. The coeffi-
cients a and b must be functions of solar zenith angle. Koepke (1989) offers tables
of a and b for various values of aerosol, ozone, and water vapor concentration.
The accuracy of surface albedo estimates are difficult to determine and are
essentially unknown.

10.3.3 Downward Longwave Radiation

Downward longwave radiation at the surface depends primarily on the temper-

ature and moisture structure of the atmosphere and on the character of the clouds.
Satellite soundings, therefore, are suitable to estimate downward longwave radi-
Darnell et al. (1983, 1986) have used operationally retrieved TOVS soundings
to estimate downward longwave radiation at the surface. The NESDIS operational
retrievals (see chapter 6) were processed to yield temperature and moisture infor-
mation at 50 hPa vertical resolution, then a radiative transfer model was applied
to calculate the clear-sky downward radiation. Cloud amount and cloud top
height information in the TOVS retrievals were used to calculate the effects of
clouds. The clouds were assumed to be 50 hPa thick, thus the cloud base pressure
was assumed to be 50 hPa greater than the cloud top pressure. The radiative
transfer model was then run to calculate the downward longwave radiation under
a plane-parallel cloud. Finally, the clear-sky and overcast results were averaged
using the cloud amount as a weight.
Darnell et al. (1983) compared essentially instantaneous satellite estimates with
ground-based pyrgeometer data and found a 0.87 correlation coefficient and a
standard error of estimate of 20 W m" , which was 6.5% of the mean downward

longwave radiation. The largest problem occurred when one site was foggy. The
TOVS cloud amount was only 8%, which caused the satellite estimate to be too
low by about 80 W m~ . 2
10.3 Surface Radiation Budget y)$

Darnell et al. (1986) improved their data handling and corrected the pyrgeome-
ter data for shortwave heating of the dome. For monthly averaged data, they
found a correlation coefficient of 0.98 and a standard error of 10 W m~ , or 2

about 3 % of the mean monthly irradiance.

Frouin et al. (1988) also used TOVS soundings but they experimented with
different ways to estimate the effects of clouds. One method used GOES visible
data to estimate cloud amount and cloud optical depth and used GOES infrared
data to estimate cloud top height. The optical depth was converted into a cloud
depth and finally a cloud base. Other methods used GOES cloud fractions but
simpler treatment for cloud base estimation. Over the ocean off the California
coast, they found standard errors of 21 to 27 W m~ for half-hourly irradiance

estimates and 16 to 22 W m~ for daily estimates. The most sophisticated cloud


treatment produced the best results, which indicates the importance of clouds in
downward longwave irradiance estimation.

10.3.4 Upward Longwave Radiation

Little longwave radiation is reflected by the surface; nearly all upward longwave
radiation is emitted by the surface. The problem of estimating upward longwave
radiation, therefore, boils down to estimating the surface temperature. This prob-
lem was discussed in section 6.5.2, to which the reader is referred.

10.3.5 Net Radiation

It is possible to combine the above four components into an estimate of net
radiation at the surface. Since the errors in each of the components accumulate,
however, this is not the approach which has been taken. Rather, research has
focused on retrieving net radiation directly from satellite measurements.
Pinker and Corio (1984) began this work by extending the work of Tarpley
(1979). They used (1) Tarpley's pyranometer measurements of solar radiation,
(2) surface albedo estimates made primarily from aircraft observations (Kung et
al., 1964), and (3) surface cloud and temperature observations to construct the
daily surface net radiation over the U.S. Great Plains for a period of three summer
months. NOAA-retrieved radiation budget parameters from the NOAA 5 satellite
(see section 10.2.1) were compared with the ground-based data. Pinker and Corio
found a correlation coefficient of 0.69 between TOA net radiation and surface
net radiation. The correlation was slightly improved (to 0.76) if both net radiation
and daytime OLR were used as predictors.
The NOAA satellites view an area only twice per day, which limits the possible
accuracy. Pinker et al. (1985) used GOES data to make net radiation estimates.
Eleven visible and five infrared observations per day were used to capture the
diurnal variation. The satellite net radiation budget estimates were correlated
with surface net radiation measurements at five Canadian sites for a two-year
period. The daily mean surface net radiation estimated from the TOA net radiation
had a standard error of estimate of between 5 and 20% of the mean surface net
396 Chapter 10 Earth Radiation Budget

radiation, or between 6 and 21 W m~ , depending on month and location. The


ten-day average net radiation had a standard error of estimate of 5 - 9 % or 5 - 1 1

Wm" . 2

Pinker and Tarpley (1988) found that GOES brightness count alone has nearly
as high a correlation with surface net radiation as does TOA net radiation, which
supports the argument that clouds are the chief moderator of surface net radiation.


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400 Chapter 10 Earth Radiation Budget

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10.3 Surface Radiation Budget

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The Future

Γ HE COMING DECADES promise to be an exciting era in satellite meteorol-

ogy. Nearly all of the currently operational satellites will be replaced
with new, more capable satellites, research satellites will be launched, and instru-
ments will be designed which will make possible fundamental new measurements.
Writing about this era, however, is somewhat challenging because of the rapid
rate of change in technology, politics, and economics. We have chosen to divide
the chapter into three sections. The first discusses the nearly certain changes that
will occur in the NOAA polar orbiting satellites. The second section discusses
the broad, but still evolving, plans for Mission to Planet Earth, which constitutes
the bulk of the chapter. Finally, in the third section we discuss some potential
observations that we think are important, but that do not appear to be included
in the plans now taking shape.

11.1 NOAA K, L, Μ

NOAA and NASA have completed the specifications for the third generation
of TIROS Ν satellites (NASA, 1988a), which are called NOAA K, L, M. The
first of this series is scheduled for launch in 1996.

404 Chapter 11 The Future

TABLE 11.1. N O A A K, L, Μ Instruments



NOAA K, L, Μ will not be radically different than previous satellites, although

most of the instruments will be modified. Table 11.1 shows the instrument comple-
ment for these satellites. In the next three sections, we outline the significant
changes to the instruments.

11.1.1 AVHRR/3

The AVHRR/3, which will fly on NOAA K, L, Μ (NASA, 1988b), will have
a sixth channel. Known as channel 3A, the new channel will have a center
wavelength of 1.6 μπι. This channel will be used during daylight to gain informa-
tion on the phase of clouds (ice or water) and to discriminate between low cloud
and snow cover or ice. It is an improved version of the 1.6-μπι Special Sensor C,
which flew on the DMSP F4 satellite (Bunting and d'Entremont, 1982). The old
channel 3 (3.7 μπι) will be called channel 3B. The two channel 3s will operate
at different times: 3A during daylight, 3Β at night. The instrument will be pro-
grammed to automatically switch channels at the terminator.
Several other small changes will be made in AVHRR/3 to improve performance
or calibration. Otherwise, the AVHRR/3 will be virtually identical to the
AVHRR/2. AVHRR/3 is being build by ITT Aerospace/Optical Division.

11.1.2 HIRS/3

The HIRS/3 will also be very similar to its predecessor, the HIRS/2 (NASA,
1988c). The only major difference is that five of the channels will have different
wavelengths (Table 11.2). All of the changes are made to better sense tropospheric

TABLE 11.2. HIRS/3 Channels*

Central Wavelength
Old New Bandwidth Specified N E A L
Channel (μτη) [μηί) (cm- )
(mW m~ sr~ cm)
2 l

10 8.16 12.47 16 0.15

12 6.72 6.52 55 0.20
15 4.46 4.47 23 0.004
16 4.40 4.45 23 0.004
17 4.24 4.13 28 0.002

Differences from HIRS/2; compare with Table 4.5.
11.1 NOAA K L, Μ
} 4Q5

TABLE 11.3. Microwave Instrument Comparison


Satellites Current Current Current NOAA NOAA Current

Channels 7 4 7 15 5 5
Frequency Range 50.5-59.4 50.3-57.95 19.35-85.5 23.8-89.0 89.0-183.3 91.6-183.3
ΝΕΔΤ(Κ) 0.4-0.6 0.3 0.4-1.7 0.25-1.20 0.8 0.5
Beam width 14° 7.5° 0.3°-1.2° 3.3° 1.1° 3.3°-6.0°
Best Ground 204 110 12.5-50 48 16 48-84
Resolution (km)
Scan steps 7 11 64-128 30 90 28
Swath width (km) 2053 2347 1394 2179 2179 2053

temperature and water vapor. HIRS/3 is also being build by ITT Aerospace/
Optical Division.

11.1.3 AMSU
The major change on NOAA K, L, Μ is that the Microwave Sounding Unit
will be significantly improved and renamed the Advanced Microwave Sounding
Unit (AMSU). In fact it will become two instruments: AMSU-A (being built by

Aerojet) and AMSU-B (being supplied by the British Met. Office). Table 11.3
compares current and future microwave instruments.
AMSU-A will have twice the horizontal resolution of the MSU, and AMSU-B
will have six times the resolution. This resolution increase will substantially im-
prove the scale on which analysis of the data can be performed.
A second major improvement in AMSU is that it will have a total of 20 channels
in comparison with only four on the MSU. Table 11.4 lists the frequencies sensed
by these instruments. Further, the new channels will allow the retrieval of water
vapor profiles, integrated liquid water, precipitation, and such surface parameters
as soil moisture and wind speed (over the ocean), in addition to atmospheric tem-
AMSU-A will replace the infrared Stratospheric Sounding Unit (SSU) on the
current NOAA satellites. Channels 10-14 are stratospheric-sensing channels.
Finally, the retrieval process will also change significantly for the NOAA K,
L, Μ sounding system. On the current NOAA satellites, the HIRS/2 is the primary
sounding instrument. The MSU is an important part of the retrieval process, but
its chief use is in overcast situations when the infrared sounders cannot be used
for tropospheric measurements. On NOAA K, L, M, the primary sounding instru-
ment will be the AMSU. HIRS/3 will be used when cloud conditions permit to
improve vertical resolution.

Actually three instruments, because A M S U - A will have two instrument packages, A M S U - A 1


and A M S U - A 2 .
Chapter 11 The Future

TABLE 11.4. Microwave Frequencies' (GHz) and Polarizations*

2 7


1 50.5H 50.30R 23.8R 89.0R 19.35H 183.3 ± 3 R

2 53.2H 53.74R 31.4R 157.0R 19.35V 183.3 ± 1 R
3 54.35H 54.96R 50.3R 183.3 ± IR 22.235V 183.3 ± 7 R
4 54.9H 57.95R 52.8R 183.3 ± 3R 37.0H 91.7R
5 58.4V 53.6R 183.3 ± 7R 37.0V 150R
6 58.825V 54.4R 85.5H
7 59.4V 54.9R 85.5V
8 55.5R
9 57.2R
10 57.29 ± .217R
11 57.29 ± .322 ± .048R
12 57.29 ± .322 ± .022R
13 57.29 ± .322 ± .010R
14 57.29 ± .322 ± .0045R
15 89.0R

Notation: χ ± y ± z\ χ is the center frequency. If y appears, the center frequency is not sensed,
but t w o bands, one on either side of the center frequency, are sensed; y is the distance from the center
frequency to the center of the two passbands. If ζ appears, it is the width of the two passbands. This
pattern is easily implemented with radiofrequency receivers, and it effectively doubles the signal (two
passbands instead of one).
V = vertical, Η = horizontal, R = rotates with scan angle.


In response to the growing concern with global environmental change, and

particularly with human-induced change, NASA initiated in the 1980s a broad
interdisciplinary program of satellite and in situ observations and research called
Mission to Planet Earth (MTPE). Today, MTPE is an international program

with contributions from Japan, Europe, and Canada as well as from non-NASA
U.S. agencies. The space component of MTPE will include satellites in sunsynchro-
nous orbit, geostationary orbit, and other orbits as required to make the observa-
tions necessary to understand the Earth system. The centerpiece of the MTPE is
the Earth Observing System (EOS)—"a series of polar-orbiting and low inclination
satellites for long-term global observations of the land surface, biosphere, solid
Earth, atmosphere, and oceans" (Asrar and Dokken, 1993). MTPE is currently
envisioned as having three phases: a pre-EOS era, the EOS era, and a post-EOS
or EOS-follow-on era.

Most of the information in Section 11.2 came from the 1993 edition of the EOS Reference
Handbook (Asrar and Dokken, 1993), which is the most comprehensive and up-to-data source on
future plans for Earth observation that we have found. NASA publishes a new edition of the EOS
Reference Handbook approximately annually. We strongly suggest that readers obtain a copy of the
latest edition. (See the bibliography for the address.)
11.2 Mission to Planet Earth 407

Π.2.1 The Pre-EOS Era

The pre-EOS era satellites are operational and experimental satellites that were
planned before the advent of EOS and are scheduled for launch before the first
EOS satellite in 1998. Table 11.5 lists currently planned instruments and satellites
that are part of the pre-EOS MTPE program. In keeping with the MTPE philoso-
phy, most of the satellites are interdisciplinary—they make measurements of
several components of the Earth system. We briefly discuss two yet-to-be-launched
satellites that will make extensive atmospheric measurements.

77.27.7 TRMM
The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) is a joint NASA/NASDA
mission designed to measure tropical rainfall and its diurnal variability on a
monthly time scale and in areas ("boxes") of 10 km . TRMM will be launched
5 2

on a Japanese H-2 rocket and will fly in a 350-km orbit with a 35° inclination
angle, which causes it to sample all local times each 23 days. Five instruments,
which measure various related aspects of precipitation, are planned for TRMM:

• Precipitation Radar (PR)—An electronically scanning radar operating at

13.8 GHz; 4.3-km instantaneous field of view at nadir; 220-km swath.

(Provided by NASDA.)
• TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI)—A five-channel passive microwave im-
ager making measurements from 10 to 91 GHz. (Provided by NASA.)
• Visible Infrared Scanner (VIRS)—A five-channel imaging radiometer
(0.63, 1.6, 3.75, 10.7, and 12.0 μηι) with nominal 2-km resolution at na-
dir and a 1500-km swath width; similar in design to AVHRR/3. (Pro-
vided by NASA.)
• Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS)—See Section (Provided by
• Clouds and Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES)—See Section (Provided by NASA.)

The basic idea of TRMM is to mount all of the instruments that can be
used to measure precipitation from satellite platforms on one satellite, where the
measurements can be compared and combined. For example, the 220-km swath
width of the PR samples only a small fraction of the area sensed by the other
instruments, but it will help calibrate the visible, infrared, and microwave sensors
to yield improved precipitation estimates. Similarly, the LIS, which will sense
lightning flashes, will help determine the location of the more active thunder-
storm cells.

77.27.2 ADEOS
The Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) is a joint Japanese/U.S./
French mission to observe the atmosphere, land, and oceans. An 800-km, 98.6°-
inclination sunsynchronous orbit with a 10:30 am equator crossing time is
TABLE 11.5. Mission to Planet Earth Pre-EOS Era Satellites*

Satellite (Estimated Launch Year) Mission Objectives

N A S A Satellites
ERBS (operating) Radiation budget, aerosol, and ozone data from 57°
Earth Radiation Budget Satellite inclination orbit
T O M S / M e t e o r (operating) Ozone mapping and monitoring (joint with Russia)
Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer
UARS (operating) Stratospheric and mesospheric chemistry and related
Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite processes
N A S A Spacelab Series (1992 on) A series of Shuttle-based experiments to measure at-
mospheric and solar dynamics (ATLAS), atmo-
spheric aerosols (LITE), and surface radar backscat-
ter polarization, and phase information [SIR—C
and X — S A R (joint with Germany)]
T O P E X / P o s e i d o n (operating) Ocean circulation (joint with France)
Ocean Topography Experiment
LAGEOS 2 (operating) Satellite laser-ranging target for monitoring crustal
Laser Geodynamics Satellite motions and Earth rotation variations (joint with
SeaWiFS Purchase of ocean color data to monitor ocean pro-
Sea-Viewing Wide Field Study ductivity
T O M S / E a r t h Probe Ozone mapping and monitoring
Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer
N S C A T / A D E O S (1996) Ocean surface wind vectors (joint with Japan)
NASA Scatterometer/Advanced Earth
Observing Satellite
T O M S / A D E O S (1996) Ozone mapping and monitoring (joint with Japan)
Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer/
Advanced Earth Observing Satellite
T R M M (1998) Precipitation, clouds, and radiation processes in lower
Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission latitudes (joint with Japan)
Landsat 7 (1997) High-spatial-resolution visible and infrared radiance/
Land Remote-Sensing Satellite reflectance to monitor land surface (joint with
N o n - N A S A Satellites
N O A A 9 trough J (U.S.—opera- Visible and infrared radiance/reflectance, infrared at-
tional) mospheric sounding, and ozone measurements
Landsat 4 / 5 / 6 (U.S.—operational) High spatial resolution visible and infrared radiance/
Land Remote-Sensing Satellite reflectance
DMSP (U.S.—operational) Visible, infrared, and passive microwave atmospheric
Defense Meteorological Satellite and surface measurements
ERS 1 (ESA—pre-operational) C-band SAR, microwave altimeter, scatterometer, and
European Remote-Sensing Satellite sea surface temperature
JERS 1 (ESA—preoperational) L-band SAR backscatter and high spatial resolution
Japan's Remote-Sensing Satellite visible and infrared radiance—reflectance
ERS 2 (ESA—1994) Same as ERS 1, plus ozone mapping and monitoring
European Remote-Sensing Satellite
Radarsat (Canada—1995) C-band SAR measurements of Earth's surface (joint
Radar Satellite U.S./Canadian mission)
N O A A Κ through Ν (U.S.—1995 Visible, infrared, and microwave radiance—re-
flectance infrared atmospheric sounding, and ozone
ADEOS (Japan—1996) Visible and near-infrared radiance—reflectance, scat-
Advanced Earth Observing Satellite terometery, and tropospheric and stratospheric
chemistry (joint USA and France)

See Asrar and Dokken (1993).
11.2 Mission to Planet Earth 409

planned. The instrument complement includes the following:

• Advanced Visible and Near-Infrared Radiometer (AVNIR)—Five visible/
near-infrared bands (0.420-0.8990 μπι); 16- or 8-m resolution; 80-km
swath; ±40° cross-track pointing; stereo capability. (Developed by
• Improved Limb Atmospheric Spectrometer (ILAS)—Infrared occultation
device; one visible band at 0.753-0.781 μηι, and two infrared bands at
6.21-11.77 and 5.99-6.78 μηι (16-cm" resolution); 2 x 10 km IFOV;

observations from 10 to 60 km, approximately 4-km vertical resolution ex-

pected; retrieval of stratospheric ozone and related species at high lati-
tudes. (Provided by Japan's Environmental Agency.)
• Interferometric Monitor for Greenhouse Gases (IMG)—Nadir-looking
Fourier-transform infrared spectrometer; range 3.3-14.0 μηι, with a spec-
tral resolution of 0.1 cm" ; —10 km footprint; vertical resolution —2-6
1 2

km depending on species; observation of carbon dioxide, methane, and

other greenhouse gases. (Provided by MITI.)
• NASA Scatterometer (NSCAT)—14 GHz (Ku band) operation; resolution
of 25 km; two 600-km swaths; used for retrieval of wind speed and direc-
tion over the oceans. (Provided by NASA.)
• Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS)—Six visible bands cen-
tered on 0.412, 0.443, 0.490, 0.520, 0.565, and 0.679 μπι, 20-nm band-
width, S/N = 450-500; two near-infrared bands centered on 0.765 and
0.865 μπι, 40-nm bandwidth, S/N = 450-500; four thermal infrared
bands centered on 3.7, 8.5, 11.0, and 12.0 μηι, 330-1000-nm bandwidth,
ΝΕΔΤ 0.15 to 0.20 Κ at 300 K; 700-m resolution; 1400-km swath; ±20°
along-track tilting; measurement of ocean color and sea surface tempera-
ture. (Developed by NASDA.)
• Polarization and Directionality of Earth's Reflectances (POLDER)—Views
±55° (cross- and along-track); 5-km nadir footprint; eight bands in the

visible and near-infrared, 0.443-0.910 μπι with 10-20-nm bandwidth; all

polarization measurements in three of the eight bands. (Provided by
• Retroreflector in Space (RIS)—0.5-m-diameter corner-cube retroreflector
to derive column density of ozone and trace species from laser absorption
measurements. A ground station in the Kanto area will transmit and re-
ceive laser pulses in the wavelength region from 0.4 to 14 μπι. (Provided
by Japan's Environmental Agency.)
• Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS)—Six wavelength bands in
the region from 0.309 to 0.360 μπι, with 1-nm bandwidth; IFOV 50 km
at nadir; cross-track scan 105° (35 3° steps); retrieves daily global ozone.
(Provided by NASA.)

A follow-on satellite, ADEOS II, is in the planning stages.

410 Chapter 11 The Future

11.2.2 The EOS Era

The Earth Observing System is designed to make observations of the processes

which govern the Earth system. These include (Asrar and Dokken, 1993):
• Hydrologie processes, which govern the interactions of land and ocean sur-
faces with the atmosphere through the transport of heat, mass, and mo-
• Biogeochemical processes, which contribute to the formation, dissipation,
and transport of trace gases and aerosols, and their global distributions
• Climatological processes, which control the formation and dissipation of
clouds and their interactions with solar radiation
• Ecological processes, which are affected by and/or will affect global
change, and their response to such changes through adaptation
• Geophysical processes, which have shaped or continue to modify the sur-
face of the Earth through tectonics, volcanism, and the melting of glaciers
and sea ice.
To study these processes, EOS will provide systematic, continuous observations
from low Earth orbit for a minimum of 15 years. Mission objectives in support
of this goal are (Asrar and Dokken, 1993):
• Create an integrated scientific observing system that will enable multidisci-
plinary study of the Earth's critical, life-enabling, interrelated processes in-
volving the atmosphere, oceans, land surfaces, polar regions, and solid
Earth, and the dynamic and energetic interactions among them
• Develop a comprehensive data and information system (EOSDIS), includ-
ing a data retrieval and processing system, to serve the needs of scientists
performing an integrated multidisciplinary study of planet Earth
• Support the overall U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) by
acquiring and assembling a global database of remote-sensing measure-
ments from space; priorities for acquiring these data will conform to the
seven issues identified by USGCRP and the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC) as key to understanding global climate change, in-
• The role of clouds, radiation, water vapor, and precipitation
• The productivity of the oceans, their circulation, and air-sea exchange
• The sources and sinks of greenhouse gases, and their atmospheric trans-
• Changes in land use, land cover, primary productivity, and the water
• The role of polar ice sheets and sea level
• The coupling of ozone chemistry with climate and the biosphere
• The role of volcanoes in climate change
To achieve these objectives, an extensive system of satellites and instruments
is being planned. We are able to only very briefly describe this vast and evolving
11.2 Mission to Planet Earth 411

system. (Readers are again referred to the EOS Reference Handbooks.) Table
11.6 lists the currently planned EOS-era satellites.
In the remainder of Section 11.2.2, we cannot resist listing the instruments 3

that are currently planned for the EOS-era satellites and noting what, in our
view, are the important aspects for satellite meteorology and related fields. The
descriptions are sketchy and will probably change, but we think it provides readers

TABLE 11.6. EOS Era Satellites*

Satellite {Launch Status) Mission Objectives

E O S - A M Series (1998) Clouds, aerosols and radiation balance, character-

EOS-Morning Crossing ization of the terrestrial ecosystem; land use,
soils, terrestrial energy and moisture, tropo-
spheric chemical composition; contribution of
volcanoes to climate, and ocean primary produc-
tivity (includes Canadian and Japanese instru-
E O S - C O L O R (1998) Ocean primary productivity
EOS Ocean Color Mission
P O E M - E N V I S A T (ESA—1998) Environmental studies in atmospheric chemistry
Polar-Orbit Earth Observation Mission En- and marine biology, and continuation of ERS
vironmental Satellite mission objectives
ADEOS IIa and lib (Japan—1999) Visible, near-infrared, and microwave radiance-re-
Advanced Earth Observing Satellite Ha and flectance, scatterometry, infrared and laser atmo-
lib spheric sounding, tropospheric and stratospheric
chemistry, and altimetry (may include French
and U.S. instruments)
E O S - P M Series (2000) Cloud formation, precipitation, and radiative prop-
EOS-Afternoon Crossing erties; air-sea fluxes of energy and moisture;
and sea-ice extent (includes European instru-
E O S - A E R O (2000) Distribution of aerosols and greenhouse gases in
EOS Aerosol Mission the lower stratosphere (spacecraft to be pro-
vided through international cooperation)
P O E M - M E T O P Series (ESA—2000) Operation meteorology and climate monitoring,
Polar-Orbit Earth Observation Mission Me- with the future objective of operational climatol-
teorological Operational Satellite ogy (joint with EUMETSAT and N O A A )
T R M M 2 (Japan/U.S.—proposed for 2000) Precipitation and related variables and Earth radia-
Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission tion budget in tropics and higher latitudes
E O S - A L T Series (2002) Ocean circulation and ice sheet mass balance (may
EOS Altimetry Mission include French instruments)
E O S - C H E M (2002) Atmospheric chemical composition; chemistry-cli-
EOS Chemistry Mission mate interactions; air—sea exchange of chemi-
cals and energy (to include an as yet to be deter-
mined Japanese instrument)

' See Asrar and Dokken (1993).

Abbreviations may be found in Appendix B.
4] 2 Chapter 11 The Future

with information that they need about the future of satellite meteorology. Much
more information can be found in Asrar and Dokken (1993).
The Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor, selected for flight on the
EOS-CHEM Series satellites, will extend the NASA/ACRIM solar luminosity
data base to three decades, which is essential for understanding the variability of
the sun's output and its affect on the Earth's atmosphere. [See Willson and
Hudson (1991).] AIRS,AMSU, andMHS

The Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) is a high-resolution grating spec-
trometer sounder which will measure radiance in 2300 spectral channels between
0.4 and 15.4 μηι. Such high spectral resolution will improve atmospheric sound-
ings. Together with NOAA's Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU) and
EUMETSAT's Microwave Humidity Sensor (MHS), AIRS constitutes an all-
weather sounding system which may fly on future operational satellites. The
AIRS/AMSU/MHS system has been selected to fly on the EOS-PM Series satel-
lites. [See AIRS Science Team (1990).] ASTER
The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer
(ASTER) will have 14 channels between 0.5 and 12 μηι and spatial resolutions
between 15 and 90 m. The high-spatial-resolution images of clouds and the
Earth's surface will allow atmospheric scientists to better understand the physical
processes that affect climate change. In addition, ASTER will have an aft pointing
channel, which will allow stereo images of clouds to be made as the satellite flies
over. This should considerably increase our knowledge of cloud properties. ASTER
will complement the more frequent return period but lower-spatial-resolution
MODIS. ASTER is planned to fly on the EOS-AMI satellite. [See Fujisada and
Ono (1991).] CERES
The Clouds and Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) instrument is a follow-
on of the ERBE Scanner. It will have a cross-track scanner and a biaxial scanner,
each with three channels: shortwave, longwave, and total. CERES will fly on the
EOS-AM and EOS-PM satellite series as well as TRMM 1. [See Barkstrom (1990).] DORIS, SSALT, and TMR
The Solid-State Altimeter (SSALT) is a radar altimeter that measures ocean
wave height, wind speed, and information on the ocean surface current velocity.
It also maps the topography of the sea surface and polar ice sheets. DORIS
(Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite) precisely
locates the satellite in orbit to correct the SSALT measurements. TMR (TOPEX
Microwave Radiometer) provides atmospheric water vapor measurements for
11.2 Mission to Planet Earth 413

SSALT corrections. The DORIS/SSALT/TMR trio is slated to fly on the EOS-ALT

Series satellites.

112.2.6 EOS-COLOR
The EOS Ocean Color Instrument (EOS-COLOR) is a follow-on to the Nimbus
7 Coastal Zone Color Scanner and SeaWiFS, and it is designed primarily to
measure marine phytoplankton. However, it will yield information on the global
carbon cycle, and it may also be useful for marine aerosol studies. EOS-COLOR
is the only instrument slated for the EOS-COLOR satellite. EOSP
The Earth Observing Scanning Polarimeter (EOSP) is derived from planetary
instruments on the Pioneer and Galileo satellites. It measures radiance and linear
polarization of reflected sunlight in 12 spectral bands from 0.41 to 2.25 μηι.
EOSP data will provide information on the global aerosol and cloud distribution
and on such properties as optical depth, phase, particle size, and cloud-top pres-
sure. EOSP is scheduled for flight on the EOS-AM2 and - A M 3 satellites. GLAS
The Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) will measure cloud heights,
planetary boundary-layer heights, and vertical aerosol structure, as well as ice
sheet, land, and water topography. GLAS is planned for flight on the EOS-ALT
satellite. [See Cohen et al. (1987) and Curran et al. (1987a).] HIRDLS
The High-Resolution Dynamics Limb Sounder (HIRDLS) is the latest in a long
line of limb sounders (LRIR, LIMS, SAMS, ISAMS, CLAES). It measures gas and
aerosol concentrations in the upper troposphere, stratosphere, and mesosphere
using the spectral range 6-18 μπι. HIRDLS has been selected for the EOS-CHEM
Series satellites. LIS
The Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) is a staring imager (no moving parts)
designed to detect, locate, and quantize the radiant energy of lightning flashes. It
utilizes a two-dimensional (128 x 128) CCD array to image a 600 x 600-km
area with 5-km resolution. The array is read out each 2 ms and processed to
yield the location of lightning flashes since the last readout. To be flown on
TRMM 1, LIS will complement the other precipitation-sensing instruments by
yielding an indication of storm intensity—the lightning flash rate. LIS will detect
both cloud-to-cloud and cloud-to-ground lightning, whereas ground-based light-
ning sensors detect only cloud-to-ground strokes. LIS will detect lightning both
day and night over both land and ocean. On TRMM, of course, each location
will be sensed only twice per day for a few minutes as the satellite passes over.
Someday, a successor instrument may be flown on a geostationary satellite (see
414 Chapter 11 The Future

Section 11.3.3), where a hemisphere could be monitored constantly, and all of

the lightning strokes could be observed. [See Christian et al. (1989, 1992).]

112.111 MIMR
The Multifrequency Imaging Microwave Radiometer (MIMR) is derived from
the SSM/I on the DMSP satellites and from the SMMR on the Nimbus 7 and
Seasat satellites. It will sense horizontally and vertically polarized radiation at six
frequencies between 6.8 and 90 GHz in a 50° conical scan with ground resolution
of from 5 to 60 km, depending on frequency. MIMR will extend previous measure-
ments of a wide variety of geophysical parameters by including more frequencies
and by having a somewhat greater swath width. MIMR is scheduled for flight
on the EOS-PM Series.

11.2112 MISR
The Multi-Angle Imaging SpectoRadiometer (MISR) will be the only EOS
instrument that will routinely provide multiangle observations. Using nine separate
charge-coupled device (CCD) pushbroom cameras, MISR will make images at
nine fixed angles in the along-track direction: one at nadir, and four both fore
and aft out to ±70.5°. Four spectral bands centered at 0.443, 0.555, 0.670, and
0.865 μπι will be simultaneously imaged. Ground resolution will be selectable
between 240 m and 1.92 km. Due to the fact that each point will be imaged nine
times as the satellite passes over, stereo observations are automatic. MISR will
be used for cloud, aerosol, and radiation budget studies as well as for land,
biosphere, and ocean studies. MISR is scheduled for flight on the EOS-AM
Series satellites. MLS
The Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) is derived from the UARS MLS. It will
measure temperature, moisture, and a variety of gases in the stratosphere, includ-
ing the chlorine compounds involved in ozone chemistry. MLS will fly on the
The Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) (Esias et al., 1986;
Salomonson and Toll, 1991; King et al., 1992) is derived from the AVHRR, from
the Nimbus 7 Coastal Zone Color Scanner, and from Landsat. It is designed to
make 0.25-1-km resolution observations in 36 visible and infrared bands. The
orbit and scan geometries are to be such that each point on Earth is sensed every
day or two. A wide variety of oceanic, atmospheric, and land surface processes
will be observable with MODIS. Atmospheric applications include cloud and
aerosol observations. Of note are a set of channels in the Oxygen Α-band near
0.76 μηι that will determine cloud-top pressure (by measuring the amount of
oxygen above the cloud), and a pair of polarized 0.5-μ,ηι channels that should
be interesting in both cloud and aerosol studies. Because of its versatility and
synergism with other EOS sensors, MODIS is slated to fly on both the EOS-AM
and - P M satellites.
11.2 Mission to Planet Earth 415

η2115 Μοριπ
Measurements of Pollution in the Troposphere (MOPITT) is a four-channel
gas-correlation spectrometer, similar to the PMR, SSU, SAMS, and ISAM, which
will measure profiles of CO concentration and column-integrated C H amounts. 4

Provided by the Canadian space Agency, MOPITT is designed to fly on the

EOS-AM satellites.

11.1116 NSCAUII
The NASA Scatterometer II (NSCAT II) is derived from the Seasat SASS and
the NSCAT to fly on ADEOS. It will utilize six fan-beam antennas to measure
ocean surface wind speed and direction under all weather conditions. Having six
antennas, as opposed to SASS's four antennas, should improve accuracy and
reduce uncertainty in wind direction. NSCAT II is scheduled for the ADEOS
II satellite. SAGE III

The Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III (SAGE III) is the third in
the series of SAGE instruments. It will add lunar occultation and channels to
improve observations of aerosols, 0 , H O , and N 0 and to add retrievals of
3 z 2

N 0 and OCIO. SAGE III has been selected for flight on the EOS-AERO and

EOS-CHEM Series satellites. SOLSTICE II
The Solar Stellar Irradiance Comparison Experiment II (SOLSTICE II) is de-
rived from the SOLSTICE instrument on UARS. It will measure the solar irradiance
at four ultraviolet wavelengths. SOLSTICE II is scheduled for the EOS-CHEM
Series satellites. TES
The Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) is a high-resolution infrared
imaging Fourier-transform spectrometer with spectral coverage of 2.3-15.4 μηι
at a spectral resolution of 0.025 c m . It will be capable of imaging virtually all

chemical species that are active in the infrared. TES is slated for the EOS-AM2
and - A M 3 satellites. The POEM Instruments

Finally, we mention by name only the instruments that are under development
for use on the ESA Polar-Orbit Earth Observation Missions (POEM) in the
next century:

• AATSR—Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer

• ASAR—Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar
• GOMOS—Global Ozone Monitoring by Occultation of Stars
• IASI—Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer
• IRTS—Infrared Temperature Sounder
• MERIS—Medium-Resolution Imaging Spectrometer
416 Chapter 11 The Future

• MIPAS—Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding

• MTS—Microwave Temperature Sounder
• PRAREE—Precise Range and Range Rate Equipment-Extended
• RA-2-Radar Altimeter 2
• SCARAB—Scanner for the Radiation Budget
• SCIAMACHY—Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmo-
spheric Cartography
• VIRSR—Visible Infrared Scanning Radiometer

11.2.3 The EOS Follow-on Era

Possible satellites in the future of MTPE include the Geostationary Earth Obser-
vatory (GEO) to measure processes that are too fast to be studied by the polar-
orbiting EOS satellites or that require accurate observations of the diurnal cycle.
Also envisioned are additional Earth Probes to make measurements which EOS
satellites cannot. Plans for the EOS follow-on era will be formulated over the
next decade or so.


Although Mission to Planet Earth is quite comprehensive, several ideas for

useful instruments do not appear to be included in MTPE plans. We briefly
mention these measuring techniques in the hope that they will eventually find a
place in space.

11.3.1 Differential Absorption Lidar

There have been few active meteorological sensors in space. A Lidar Atmo-
spheric Sounder and Altimeter (LASA) was proposed as part of the Earth Observ-
ing System (Curran et al., 1987a). LASA was to be capable of measuring vertical
profiles of ozone, water vapor, aerosol concentration, temperature, and pressure.
Unfortunately, LASA is not currently scheduled for the Earth Observing System.
A lidar (light detection and ranging) is like radar but uses light instead of radio
waves. A pulse of laser-generated radiation is transmitted, and the amplitude of
the returned (reflected) signal is measured. The reflection can be from the surface
or from atmospheric aerosols or clouds. Since aerosols are ubiquitous, a continu-
ous return is measured. A single laser wavelength is useful for measuring distances.
If the satellite orbit and attitude are accurately known, the height of the ocean
or of the tops of clouds can be measured. Aerosol optical depth profiles can also
be measured by a single-wavelength lidar.
Most atmospheric measurements require two laser wavelengths. To measure
the concentration of a gas (ozone and water vapor, for example) the two wave-
lengths are chosen such that one is affected by a gaseous absorption line and the
other is not. The difference between the returned signals (assuming that other
11.3 Other Possibilities 4]7

things, such as scattering, are equal or can be accounted for) is proportional to

the gas transmittance. This technique, called differential absorption lidar (DIAL),
is extremely powerful. Not only can the total column depth of a gas be measured,
but its vertical profile as well because the return from aerosols will give essentially
continuous sampling through the depth of the atmosphere.
Further, if a well-mixed gas (like 0 ) is chosen, and if measurements are made

in a temperature-insensitive portion of the spectrum, the pressure at each range

gate plus the surface pressure can be measured. Pressure measurements will be
extremely useful; current meteorological satellites offer no means to measure
atmospheric pressure. If measurements are made in a portion of the spectrum

which is sensitive to temperature, the temperature profile can be measured. It was

planned to use the oxygen Α-band, near 0.76 μιη, for both pressure and tempera-
ture measurements from LASA.

11.3.2 Doppler Lidar

With the exception of winds calculated from temperature soundings, none of

the techniques discussed in this chapter measure tropospheric wind profiles (wind
as a function of height). Since large areas of the globe are not sampled by rawin-
sondes, the global tropospheric wind field remains largely unmeasured. Simulation
studies indicate that global observations of wind profiles would substantially
improve numerical weather predictions (Atlas et al, 1985).
The Laser Atmospheric Wind Sounder (LAWS) (Curran etal., 1987b), proposed
as part of the Earth Observing System, would alleviate this problem. Laser pulses
from a C 0 Doppler lidar with wavelength near 10.6 μιη would be transmitted.

The radiation backscattered from naturally occurring aerosols would be analyzed

to determine the frequency shift between the transmitted and received pulses.
This Doppler shift is proportional to the relative (radial) velocity of the aerosols
and the spacecraft. If two observations of each parcel of air are made from
different angles (by scanning in a cone), and if it is assumed that atmospheric
motions are horizontal, the motions of the spacecraft and Earth can be eliminated
to yield the horizontal wind vector. Root-mean-square wind accuracies on the
order of 2 m s" are thought to be possible on the basis tests using ground-based

and aircraft-mounted instruments. Range gates would allow the atmosphere to

be divided vertically into approximately 1-km layers. Matching samples in the
layers would result in approximately 100-km horizontal resolution.

11.3.3 Lightning Mapper

Currently under development for a future geostationary satellite is a Lightning
Mapper (Christian et al., 1989). The Mapper would measure the location (within
about 10 km) and brightness of lightning flashes both day and night. To do this,
a large CCD array of about 800 x 640 pixels would be employed. The detector

Except in a relative sense around tropical storms (see section
418 Chapter 11 The Future

would "stare" at the Earth and the entire array would be read out approximately
every 2 ms.
Two major problems confront the Lightning Mapper: filtering out the bright
background during daylight hours and the high data rate (500 frames per second).
Background filtration would rely on (1) the slow time rate of change of the
background versus the approximately 0.5-ms duration of a lightning stroke, (2)
the nonblackbody spectrum of lightning radiation, and (3) differences in spatial
scale of sunlit clouds and lightning flashes. The data-rate problem would have to
be solved with some sort of on-board background subtraction routine, which
might work as follows. If a lightning stroke has occurred in a 10-km pixel, that
pixel should be significantly brighter than the same pixel in the last frame. If the
two frames are subtracted, the only data which need to be transmitted to Earth
are for those small number of pixels that are significantly different than in the
last frame.
There currently exists a network of ground-based lightning detectors in the
United States. The Lightning Mapper would significantly enhance this network
in two ways. Of course, it would extend the range to a large fraction of the
hemisphere visible from geostationary orbit. It also would be able to detect both
cloud-to-cloud and cloud-to-ground lightning. Ground-based detectors only sense
cloud-to-ground strokes. A wide range of storm physics, atmospheric electricity,
and atmospheric chemistry applications would benefit from the Lightning Map-
per data.

11.3.4 Geostationary Microwave Imager-Sounder

Though it has been discussed for years, a microwave imager—sounder for use
in geostationary orbit is not in current plans. Because of its ability to measure
atmospheric temperature, precipitation, and a wide variety of other important
atmospheric and surface properties through clouds, we believe that a geostationary
microwave instrument is extremely important. The large antenna needed for
this instrument presents technical challenges, but we believe that the return on
investment would be substantial.

11.3.5 Molniya Orbit

Lastly, we feel compelled to reiterate our suggestion (Kidder and Vonder Haar,
1990) that meteorological instruments on satellites in Molniya orbit (see Chapter
2) could significantly improve observations of the high latitudes, including Alaska,
northern Europe, and the North and South Poles..


It has been more than thirty years since the launch of the first meteorological
satellites. In that time satellite meteorology has grown rapidly. If even a fraction
11.4 Α Final Comment

of the planned satellite instruments are launched in the coming decades, we expect
that growth not only to continue but to accelerate. To those of you who have
just finished reading this book, we hope that it will be of use in whatever role
you play in this exciting and expanding field.

AIRS Science Team (1990). The Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) Science and Measurements
Requirements. Jet Propulsion Laboratory document N o . D6665, Pasadena, CA.
Asrar, G., and D . J. Dokken (eds.) (1993). EOS Reference Handbook. NASA, Washington, D C .
[Available from the Earth Science Support Office, Document Resource Facility, 3 0 0 D Street, SW,
Suite 8 4 0 , Washington, D C 2 0 0 2 4 , telephone: (202) 4 7 9 - 0 3 6 0 . ]
Atlas, R., E. Kalnay, W. E. Baker, J. Susskind, D . Reuter, and M. Halem (1985). Simulation studies
of the impact of future observing systems on weather prediction. Preprints: Seventh Conference
on Numerical Weather Prediction, American Meteorological Society, Boston, pp. 1 4 5 - 1 5 1 .
Barkstrom, Β. R. (1990). Long-term monitoring of the Earth's radiation budget. Proceedings of the
Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, vol. 1299.
Bunting, J. T., and R. P. d'Entremont (1982). Improved Cloud Detection Utilizing Defense Meteorolog-
ical Satellite Program Near Infrared Measurements. Air Force Geophysics Lab. Tech. Rep. AFGL-
T R - 8 2 - 0 0 2 7 , Hanscom AFB, MA.
Butler, D. M., R. E. Hartle, M. Abbott, R. Cess, R. Chase, P. Christensen, J. Dutton, L.-L. Fu, C.
Gautier, J. Gille, R. Gurney, P. Hays, J. Hovermale, S. Martin, J. Melack, D. Miller, V. Mohnen,
B. Moore III, J. Norman, S. Schneider, J. Sherman III, V. Suomi, B. Tapley, R. Watts, E. W o o d ,
and P. Zinke (1986). From Pattern to Process: The Strategy of the Earth Observing System. Eos
Science Steering Committee Report, Vol. II, NASA, Washington, D C .
Christian, H. J., R. J. Blakeslee, and S. J. Goodman (1989). The detection of lightning from geostation-
ary orbit. / . Geophys. Res., 9 4 , 1 3 3 2 9 - 1 3 3 3 7 .
Christian, H. J., R. J. Blakeslee, and L. J. Goodman (1992). Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) for
the Earth Observing System. N A S A Tech. M e m o . 4 3 5 0 , NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center,
Huntsville, AL 3 5 8 1 2 .
Cohen, S. J. Degnan, J. Bufton, J. Garvin, and J. Abshire (1987). The Geoscience Laser Altimetry/
Ranging System. IEEE Trans. Geoscience Remote Sensing, GE-25, 5 8 1 - 5 9 2 .
Curran, R. J., R. R. Nelms, F. Allario, R. A. Bindschadler, Ε. V. Browell, J. L. Bufton, R. L. Byer,
S. Cohen, J. J. Degnan, W. B. Grant, R. Greenstone, W. S. Heaps, Β. M . Herman, A. Jalink, D .
K. Killinger, L. Korb, J. B. Laudenslager, Μ. P. McCormick, S. H. Melfi, R. T. Menzies, V. Mohnen,
J. Spinhirne, and H. J. Zwally (1987a). LASA—Lidar Atmospheric Sounder and Altimeter. Earth
Observing System Instrument Panel Report, Vol. lid, NASA, Washington, D C .
Curran, R. J., D. E. Fitzjarrald, J. W. Bilbro, V. J. Abreu, R. A. Anthes, W. E. Baker, D. A. Bowdle,
D. Burridge, G. D. Emmitt, S. E. D . Ferry, P. H. Flamant, R. Greenstone, R. M. Hardesty, K. R.
Hardy, R. M. Huffaker, M. P. McCormick, R. T. Menzies, R. M. Schotland, J. K. Sparkman, Jr., J.
M. Vaughan, and C. Werner (1987b). LAWS—Laser Atmospheric Wind Sounder. Earth Observing
System Instrument Panel Report, Vol. Ilg, NASA, Washington, D C .
Esias, W., W. Barnes, M. Abbott, S. Cox, R. Evans, R. Fraser, A. Goetz, C. Justice, E. P. McClain,
M. Maxwell, R. Murphy, J. Prospero, B. Rock, S. Running, R. Smith, J. Solomon, and J. Susskind
(1986). MODIS—Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectrometer. Earth Observing System Instru-
ment Panel Report, Vol. IIb, NASA, Washington, D C .
Fujisada, Η. and Μ. O n o (1991). Overview of ASTER design concept. Proceedings of the Society of
Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, vol. 1490.
Kidder, S. Q., and Τ. H. Vonder Haar (1990). On the use of satellites in Molniya orbits for meteorologi-
cal observation of middle and high latitudes. / . Atmos. Ocean. Tech., 7, 5 1 7 - 5 2 2 .
King, M. D . , Y. J. Kaufman, W. P. Menzel, and D. Tanre (1992). Remotes sensing of cloud, aerosol,
and water vapor properties from M O D I S . IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 3 0 , 2 - 2 7 .
420 Chapter 11 The Future

NASA (1988a). Performance Specification for the NOAA-K through -M Satellites. GSFC-S-480-25,
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, M D .
NASA (1988b). Performance Specification for the NOAA-K, L&M Advanced Very High Resolution
Radiometerl3 (AVHRR/3) Flight Models A301, A302, and A303. GSFC-S-480-28.3, Revision B,
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, M D .
N A S A (1988c). Performance Specification for the NOAA-K, L&M High Resolution Infrared
Radiation Sounder 13 (HIRS/3) Flight Models H301, H302, andH303. GSFC-S-480-28.2, Revision
B, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, M D .
Salomonson, V. V., and D. L. Toll (1991). The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer-Nadir
( M O D I S - N ) facility instrument. Adv. Space Res., 1 1 , 2 3 1 - 2 3 6 .
Willson, R. C , and H. S. Hudson (1991). The sun's luminosity over a complete solar cycle. Nature,
351, 4 2 - 4 5 .

List of

N THIS APPENDIX, we have attempted to list all satellites that have

/ made measurements of the Earth's atmosphere. Although the book
concentrates on the troposphere and stratosphere, we have listed satellites that
made measurements of any part of the atmosphere from the ionosphere down.
The information comes primarily from two excellent sources: The TRW Space
Logs, whose format we have adopted, and the National Space Science Data

Center's Compendium of Meteorological Space Programs, Satellites, and Experi-

ments, which helped determine which of the thousands of satellites launched

since 1957 made atmospheric measurements. The list contains only successfully
launched satellites. Manned flights are listed only if they included a specific atmo-
spheric experiment.
The reader should be aware that the list probably includes some satellites that
did not make atmospheric measurements, and it certainly omits some that did.

Thompson, T. D . (ed.) ( 1 9 8 8 - 1 9 9 3 ) . TRW Space Log, Vols. 2 3 - 2 9 . T R W Space & Technology
Group, One Space Park, Mail Station R 4 / 2 1 3 5 , Redondo Beach, CA 9 0 2 7 8 .
Dubach, L. L., and C. N g (1988). Compendium
of Meteorological Space Programs, Satellites,
and Experiments. National Space Science Data Center, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, M D .

422 Appendix A

In addition, there are undoubtedly errors. In spite of these problems, we hope

that the list will be of use to readers.
A few words of explanation of some of the data are in order:
• The Name given a satellite is a commonly used, postlaunch name taken
from one of the two sources with some modifications for consistency. One
such modification is in the use of the hyphen. We use the hyphen to indi-
cate the satellite series. The number of a satellite within a series does not
receive a hyphen. Thus NOAA 6, the sixth NOAA satellite, is not hyphen-
ated. The fourth satellite in the second generation of Meteor satellites is
written as Meteor-2 4.
• The International ID is the one assigned by the Committee on Space Re-
search (COSPAR) of the International Council of Scientific Unions. It con-
sists of the year of launch, a number assigned serially to successful laun- 3

ches for that year, and a letter that identifies the various spacecraft which
resulted from that launch. For example, 1984 108B refers to the second
spacecraft (B) resulting from the 108th successful launch in 1984. Before
1963 a different numbering system was used. We have attempted to re-
number these early launches using the TRW Space Log as a guide.
• The Date of launch is for Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
• For the launch Site, we have used a consistent name, even though names
have changed through the years. For example, we have used "Cape Ca-
nav." to refer to the launch sites at Cape Canaveral, Florida; they are vari-
ously called the Kennedy Space Center, the Eastern Test Range, and the
Eastern Space and Missile Center.
• The Payload Mass is in many cases approximate.
• The Orbital Data are taken from the TRW Space Logs. The Period has
been adjusted slightly using Eq. 2.16 so that it agrees with the Perigee,
Apogee, and Inclination. Note that for satellites still in orbit these are the
data that were current when the Space Logs were compiled. They are not
necessarily representative of the orbital data during the useful lifetime of
the satellite. For example, the inclination angle of geostationary satellites
is maintained near zero. When they are no longer operational, their incli-
nation angles drift. The Compendium contains "initial" orbital data,
which is often more representative of the data when the satellite was oper-
ational. For the sake of consistency, however, we have used the Space Log
• In the Comments section, we have tried to list the instrumentation which
the satellite carried or the type of measurements which it made. In some
cases this information is missing, and in others it may be incorrect.

"Successful" here means that something reached orbit. Whether any useful data were collected

is another question.
Name Infi ID Country LAUNCH DATA Payload ORBITAL DATA Comments
or Date Site Vehicle Mass Per- Peri- Apo- Incli-
Agency (kg) iod gee gee) nation
(min) (km) (km) (de9)

Vanguard 2 1959 002A NASA Feb 17 Cape Canav. Vanguard 9.8 123.6 559 3142 32.9 Optical Scanner; wobble degraded data
Explorer 6 1959 006A NASA Aug 7 C a p e Canav. Thor Able 64 764.4 245 42400 47.0 F i r s t E a r t h p h o t o ; first r a d i a t i o n b u d g e t
Explorer 7 1959 012A NASA Oct 13 Cape Canav. Juno 2 41.5 101.3 556 1088 50.2 Earth radiation budget d a t a
TIROS 1 1960 002A NASA Apr1 C a p e Canav. Thor Able 120 98.7 677 722 48.4 First d e d i c a t e d m e t e o r o l o g i c a l satellite;
1 T V - W A , 1 T V - N A ; returned 2 2 9 5 5
p h o t o s u p to 1 7 J u n 1 9 6 0
Midas 2 1960 006A USAF May 24 C a p e Canav. Atlas A g e n a A 2 3 0 0 94.3 484 511 33.0 Non-Scanning Radiometer,
atmospheric density
Explorer 8 1960 014A NASA Nov 3 Cape Canav. Juno 2 41 106.2 407 1699 49.9 Ionospheric research
TIROS 2 1960 016A NASA Nov 23 C a p e Canav. Delta 130 97.1 585 667 48.5 1 T V - W A , 1 TV-NA, Scanning
Radiometer, Widefield Radiometer
Explorer 9 1961 004A NASA Feb 16 W a l l o p s Is. Scout 6.6 118.2 634 2583 38.6 3 . 7 m balloon to study a t m o s p h e r i c
TIROS 3 1961 017A NASA Jul 12 C a p e Canav. Delta 129 100.0 730 801 47.9 2 T V - W A , Scanning Radiometer,
Widefield Radiometer, Suomi
Midas 3 1961 018A USAF Jul 12 Vandenberg Atlas A g e n a Β 1 6 0 0 161.5 3345 3538 91.1 Scanning Radiometer
Midas 4 1961 028A USAF Oct 21 Vandenberg Atlas A g e n a Β 1 8 0 0 166.0 3485 3760 91.2 Scanning Radiometer
Discoverer 3 5 1961 030A USAF Nov 15 Vandenberg Thor Agena Β 2100 89.8 238 278 81.6 Scanning Radiometer
TIROS 4 1962 002A NASA Feb 8 C a p e Canav. Delta 129 100.3 712 840 48.3 1 T V - W A , 1 TV-ΜΑ, Scanning
Radiometer, Widefield Radiometer,
Suomi Radiometer
Midas 5 1 9 6 2 0 1 OA USAF Apr 9 Vandenberg Atlas A g e n a Β 1 8 6 0 153.0 2782 3406 86.7 Scanning Radiometer
Kosmos 4 1962 014A USSR Apr 2 9 Tyuratam A-1 4600 90.6 285 317 65.0 Possible met. applications
Ariel 1 1962 015A NASA/UK Apr 2 6 C a p e Canav. Delta 60 100.9 389 1214 53.9 Joint U S - U K ionospheric satellite
TIROS 5 1962 025A NASA Jun 19 C a p e Canav. Delta 129 99.8 578 922 58.1 1 TV-WA, 1 TV-MA
Kosmos 7 1962 033A USSR Jul 2 8 Tyuratam A-1 4600 90.1 197 356 65 Possible met. applications
TIROS 6 1962 047A NASA Sep 18 C a p e Canav. Delta 127 98.7 686 713 58.3 1 TV-WA, 1 TV-MA
Kosmos 9 1962 048A USSR Sep 27 Tyuratam A-1 4600 90.9 292 346 65 Possible met. applications
Explorer 17 1963 009A NASA Apr 2 C a p e Canav. Delta 185 96.4 255 917 57.6 A t m o s p h e r i c r e s e a r c h d a t a until 1 0 J u l
Kosmos 14 1 9 6 3 0 1 OA USSR Apr 13 K a p u s t i n Y a r B-1 400 92.0 252 499 49.0 Possible metsat
Kosmos 15 1963 011A USSR Apr 22 Tyuratam A-1 4730 89.7 160 358 65.0 Possible metsat
Midas 6 1963 014A USAF May 9 Vandenberg Atlas A g e n a Β 2 0 0 0 166.5 3606 3677 87.3 Scanning Radiometer
TIROS 7 1963 024A NASA Jun 19 C a p e Canav. Delta 135 95.8 548 572 58.2 2 T V - W A , Scanning Radiometer, Suomi
Kosmos 23 1963 050A USSR Dec 13 K a p u s t i n Y a r B-1 347 93.0 240 613 49 Possible metsat
Explorer 19 1963 053A NASA Dec 19 Vandenberg Scout 7 115.9 590 2395 78.8 3 . 7 m balloon identical to Explorer 9
Name Infi ID Country LAUNCH DATA Payload ORBITAL DATA Comments
or Date Site Vehicle Mass Per- Peri- Apo- Incli-
Agency (kg) iod gee gee) nation
(min) (km) (km) de
( 9)
TIROS 8 1963 054A NASA Dec 21 Cape Canav. Delta 119 98.8 682 725 58.5 First A P T , 1 T V - W A
Ariel 2 1964 015A NASA/UK Mar 27 W a l l o p s Is. Scout 168 101.4 810 843 51.6 R e t u r n e d d a t a f r o m British e x p e r i m e n t s
until N o v 1 9 6 4
Explorer 2 0 1964 051A NASA Aug 25 Vandenberg Scout 44 103.8 859 1006 79.9 R e t u r n e d i o n o s p h e r i c d a t a until J u l y
Nimbus 1 1964 052A NASA Aug 28 Vandenberg Thor Agena Β 376 98.5 429 937 98.6 First s u n s y n c h r o n o u s m e t s a t ; A V C S ,
Kosmos 44 1964 053A USSR Aug 28 Tyuratam A-1 3800 99.0 604 813 65.1 Probable metsat
Kosmos 45 1964 055A USSR Sep 13 Tyuratam A-1 4730 89.7 207 313 64.9 W e a t h e r r e s e a r c h film c a p s u l e
Explorer 2 2 1964 064A NASA Oct 10 Vandenberg Scout 52 104.6 875 1062 79.7 Ionospheric a n d geodetic d a t a satellite
Kosmos 49 1964 069A USSR Oct 2 4 Kapustin Yar B-1 355 91.7 264 466 49 M e a s u r e d Earth's IR a n d U V radiation
Explorer 2 4 1964 076A NASA Nov 21 Vandenberg Scout 8.6 116.4 525 2498 81.4 3 . 7 m balloon for a t m o s p h e r i c density
s t u d i e s ; p a r t o f first N A S A dual-payload
San Marco 1 1964 084A Italy Dec 15 W a l l o p s Is. Scout 254 94.9 198 846 37.8 M e a s u r e d atmospheric density
TIROS 9 1965 004A NASA Jan 22 Cape Canav. Delta 138 119.1 702 2568 96.4 Cartwheel configuration; 2 T V - W A ,
global coverage
Kosmos 58 1965 014A USSR Feb 26 Tyuratam A-1 4730 94.6 470 523 65.0 Probable metsat
Gemini 3 1965 024A NASA Mar 23 C a p e Canav. Titan 2 3220 88.2 160 240 32.5 Synoptic W e a t h e r Photography
Kosmos 65 1965 029A USSR Apr 17 Tyuratam A-1 4730 89.8 207 319 65 W e a t h e r r e s e a r c h film c a p s u l e
Explorer 2 7 1965 032A NASA Apr 2 9 W a l l o p s Is. Scout 59.7 107.6 933 1315 41.2 Geodetic a n d ionospheric research
satellite; battery failed 1 9 6 8
Gemini 4 1965 043A NASA Jun 3 C a p e Canav. Titan 2 3569 88.7 162 281 32.0 Synoptic W e a t h e r Photography
T I R O S 10 1965 051A NASA Jul 2 Cape Canav. Delta 127 100.4 728 817 98.4 Sunsynchronous; 2 T V - W A
Gemini 5 1965 068A NASA Aug 21 C a p e Canav. Titan 2 3600 89.3 197 303 32.6 Synoptic W e a t h e r Photography, Cloud
Top Specrometer (Oxygen A Band),
Space Object Radiometry
Kosmos 92 1965 083A USSR Oct 16 Tyuratam A-1 4730 89.9 202 334 65 W e a t h e r r e a s e a r c h film c a p s u l e
Alouette 2 1965 098A Canada Nov 29 Vandenberg Thor Agena Β 145 119.9 503 2837 79.8 Ionospheric research
Explorer 31 1965 098B NASA Nov 29 Vandenberg Thor Agena Β 99 120.6 502 2906 79.8 Ionospheric data complementing
Alouette 2; l a u n c h e d with Alouette 2
Gemini 7 1965 100A NASA Dec 4 C a p e Canav. Titan 2 3658 90.1 292 298 28.9 Synoptic W e a t h e r Photography, S p a c e
Object Radiometry
Gemini 6A 1965 104A NASA Dec 15 Cape Canav. Titan 2 3546 89.5 258 271 28.9 Flight d e l a y e d ; S y n o p t i c W e a t h e r
Name Infi ID Country LAUNCH DATA Payload ORBITAL DATA Comments
or Date Site Vehicle Mass Per- Peri- Apo- Incli-
Agency (kg) iod gee gee) nation
(min) (km) (km) (deg)

Kosmos 100 1965 106A USSR Dec 17 Tyuratam A-1 3800 96.5 533 641 65 Probable metsat
ESSA1 1966 008A ESSA Feb 3 Cape Canav. Delta 138 100.0 689 818 97.9 2 wide-angle vidicon c a m e r a s ; switched
off 8 M a y 1 9 6 7
ESSA2 1966 016A ESSA Feb 28 Cape Canav. Thor Agena D 132 113.5 1352 1412 101.2 2 A P T ; global operational A P T
Gemini 8 1966 020A NASA Mar 16 C a p e Canav. Titan 2 3789 88.5 159 265 28.9 Synoptic W e a t h e r Photography, Cloud
T o p Spectrometer (no data)
Molniya-1 3 1966 035A USSR Apr 25 Tyuratam A-2-e 1750 710.6 506 39492 65 Comsat, also transmitted cloud cover
Kosmos 118 1966 038A USSR M a y 11 Tyuratam A-1 4730 93.0 415 428 65 Probable metsat
Nimbus 2 1966 040A NASA May 15 Vandenberg TAT-Agena Β 414 108.1 1092 1175 100.4 AVCS, HRIR, MRIR, APT/DRIR
Explorer 3 2 1966 044A NASA May 25 Cape Canav. Delta 225 99.3 250 1194 64.5 Six a e r o n o m y experiments; returned
d a t a until D e c 1 9 6 6
Gemini 9 1966 047A NASA Jun 3 Cape Canav. Titan 2 3750 89.7 270 272 28.9 Synoptic W e a t h e r Photography
Kosmos 121 1966 054A USSR Jun 17 Plesetsk A-1 4730 89.9 200 333 72.9 Possible metsat
Kosmos 122 1966 057A USSR Jun 25 Tyuratam A-1 4730 94.3 469 495 65 Dual Vidicon C a m e r a s , Scanning H R I R ,
A c t i n o m e t r i c Inst.
Gemini 10 1966 066A NASA Jul 1 8 C a p e Canav. Titan 2 3757 88.5 160 268 28.9 Synoptic W e a t h e r Photography
G e m i n i 11 1966 081A NASA Sep 12 C a p e Canav. Titan 2 3793 88.6 161 280 28.8 Synoptic W e a t h e r Photography
D M S P - 4 A F1 1966 082A USAF S e p 16 Vandenberg Thor Burner 2 125 100.5 680 872 98.8 Video Camera System, C System
ESSA3 1966 087A ESSA Oct 2 Vandenberg Thor Agena D 145 114.6 1384 1484 100.9 2 A V C S , F P R ; r e p l a c e d E S S A 1 in T O S
system; silenced 9 Oct 1968
Molniya-1 4 1966 092A USSR Oct 2 0 Tyuratam A-2-e 1750 714.5 505 39685 64.9 Comsat, also transmitted cloud cover
Gemini 12 1966 104A NASA N o v 11 C a p e Canav. Titan 2 3655 89.8 243 310 28.8 Synoptic W e a t h e r Photography
ATS 1 1966110A NASA Dec 7 Cape Canav. Atlas-Agena D 352 1434.9 35734 35797 10.5 First g e o s y n c h r o n o u s m e t . d a t a ; S p i n
Scan Cloudcover Camera
ESSA4 1967 006A ESSA Jan 26 Vandenberg Thor Agena D 290 113.5 1324 1437 102.0 2 A P T ; r e p l a c e d E S S A 2; c a m e r a failure
caused deactivation 6 D e c 1 9 6 7
DMSP-4A F2 1 9 6 7 0 1 OA USAF Feb 8 Vandenberg Thor Burner 2 250 101.3 778 854 98.9 Video Camera System, C System
Kosmos 144 1967 018A USSR Feb 28 Plesetsk A-1 4730 97.0 574 644 81.2 M e t s a t similar to K o s m o s 1 2 2
Kosmos 149 1967 024A USSR Mar 21 Kapustin Y a r B-1 375 89.7 245 285 48.4 3 ch. wide-angle radiometers, narrow-
a n g l e IR radiometer, 3 ch.
telephotometer, T V camera system
ESSA5 1967 036A ESSA Apr 2 0 Vandenberg Thor Agena D 145 113.6 1352 1419 102.0 2 A V C S , FPR; replaced E S S A 3
San Marco 2 1967 038A Italy Apr 2 6 Indian O c e a n Scout 129 90.5 135 498 2.9 E q u a t o r i a l l a u n c h ; r e t u r n e d air density
Kosmos 156 1967 039A USSR Apr 27 Plesetsk A-1 4730 94.2 467 483 81.2 Dual Vidicon C a m e r a s , Scanning H R I R ,
A c t i n o m e t r i c Inst.
Ariel 3 1967 042A UK May 5 Vandenberg Scout 90 95.8 497 608 80.2 First all-British r e s e a r c h satellite

Name Infi ID Country LAUNCH DATA Payload ORBITAL DATA Comments
or Date Site Vehicle Mass Per- Peri- Apo- Incli-
Agency (kg) iod gee gee) nation
(min) (km) (km) (de9)

Molniya-1 5 1967 052A USSR May 24 Tyuratam A-2-e 1750 715.6 460 39785 64.8 Comsat, also transmitted cloud cover
Aurora 1 1967 065B USA/USN Jun 29 Vandenberg Thor Burner 2 21 172.2 3793 3946 89.8 I n v e s t i g a t e d f o r m a t i o n of A u r o r a
DODGE 1967 066F DOD/NASA Jul 1 C a p e C a n a v . Titan 3 C 102 1319.0 33270 33659 6.2 D O D Gravity Experiment; Dual Vidicon
C a m e r a s ; first c o l o r p i c s f r o m n e a r - g e o
DMSP-4A F3 1967 080A USAF Aug 23 Vandenberg Thor Burner 2 195 102.0 822 878 98.8 Video C a m e r a System, C System
Molniya-1 6 1967 095A USSR Oct 3 Tyuratam A-2-e 1750 718.2 502 39868 65 Comsat, also transmitted cloud cover
DMSP-4A F4 1967 096A USAF O c t 11 Vandenberg Thor Burner 2 195 99.6 650 822 99.2 Video C a m e r a System, C System
Molniya-1 7 1967 101A USSR Oct 22 Tyuratam A-2-e 1750 715.1 508 39710 64.7 Comsat, also transmitted cloud cover
Kosmos 184 1967 102A USSR Oct 25 Plesetsk A-1 4730 93.7 441 459 81.2 Metsat
Kosmos 185 1967 104A USSR Oct 2 7 Tyuratam F-1-m 4000 98.7 518 873 64.1 Probable metsat
ATS 3 1967 111A NASA Nov 5 C a p e Canav. Atlas A g e n a D 3 6 5 1436.0 35730 35844 9.2 Multicolor S p i n S c a n Cloudcover
ESSA6 1967 114A ESSA Nov 10 Vandenberg Thor Agena D 132 114.9 1407 1483 102.1 2 APT; deactivated 4 Nov 1969
WRESAT 1 1967 118A Australia Nov 29 Woomera SPARTA 45 99.4 193 1259 83.2 R e t u r n e d solar radiation a n d upper
atmospheric data
OV3 6 1967 120A USAF Dec 5 Vandenberg Scout 95 93.2 412 439 90.6 Conducted ionospheric studies;
transmission e n d e d 5th day
Kosmos 206 1968 019A USSR Mar 14 Plesetsk A-1 4730 93.6 449 437 81.2 Returned w e a t h e r a n d infrared photos,
thermal data
Apollo 6 1968 025A NASA Apr 4 C a p e Canav. Saturn 5 36806 90.2 205 392 32.5 E a r t h orbit; E a r t h p h o t o g r a p h y
Molniya-1 8 1968 035A USSR Apr 21 Tyuratam A-2-e 1750 713.3 391 39738 65 Comsat, also transmitted cloud cover
D M S P - 4 B F1 1968 042A USAF May 23 Vandenberg Thor Burner 2 195 102.0 809 888 98.8 Video C a m e r a System, C System
Kosmos 226 1968 049A USSR Jun 12 Plesetsk A-1 4730 97.0 579 639 81.2 Returned cloud cover photos, weather
Molniya-1 9 1968 057A USSR Jul 5 Tyuratam A-2-e 1750 714.8 401 39803 65 Comsat, also transmitted cloud cover
O V 1 15 1968 059A USAF Jul 11 Vandenberg Atlas F 470 105.0 154 1818 89.8 Air density/solar radiation correlation
OV1 16 1968 059B USAF Jul 11 Vandenberg Atlas F 600 91.8 163 554 89.7 Ionospheric drag experiment; launched
w i t h O V I 15
Kosmos 232 1968 060A USSR Jul 16 Plesetsk A-1 4730 88.9 189 248 65 Possible metsat
Explorer 3 9 1968 066A NASA Aug 8 Vandenberg Scout 9.3 105.0 633 1341 80.6 Air D e n s i t y Explorer; density & t e m p ,
variations at intermediate latitudes
Name lnt'l I D Country LAUNCH DATA Payload ORBITAL DATA Comments
or Date Site Vehicle Mass Per- Peri- Apo- Incli-
Agency (kg) iod gee gee) nation
(min) (km) (km)

ESSA7 1968 069A ESSA Aug 16 Vandenberg Long-Tank Delta145 115.0 1429 1471 101.8 2 A V C S , F P R , S-band; replaced E S S A
5; d e a c t i v a t e d 1 9 Jul 1 9 6 9
Kosmos 243 1968 080A USSR Sep 23 Tyuratam A-2 5900 89.6 213 293 71.3 C a r r i e d first m i c r o w a v e r a d i o m e t e r ,
m e a s u r e d w a t e r v a p o r & liquid w a t e r
OV2 5 1968 081A USAF Sep 26 C a p e C a n a v . Titan 3 C 204 Comprehensive environmental
r e s e a r c h satellite, carried 11
Aurorae 1968 084A ESRO Oct 3 Vandenberg Scout 81 103.1 258 1538 93.7 E S R O 1; Investigated auroral
p h e n o m e n a & polar ionosphere
Molniya-1 10 1968 085A USSR Oct 5 Tyuratam A-2-e 1750 712.1 436 39633 65 Comsat, also transmitted cloud cover
Apollo 7 1968 089A NASA O c t 11 Cape Canav. Saturn 1Β 14674 89.5 231 297 31.64 E a r t h orbit; E a r t h p h o t o g r a p h y
D M S P - 4 B F2 1968 092A USAF Oct 23 Vandenberg Thor Burner 2 195 101.3 792 838 98.5 Video Camera System, C System
Kosmos 258 1968 111A USSR Dec 10 Tyuratam A-1 4730 89.4 202 282 65 Possible metsat
ESSA8 1968 114A ESSA Dec 15 Vandenberg Long-Tank Delta132 114.7 1411 1461 101.2 2 APT
Kosmos 261 1968 117A USSR Dec 20 Plesetsk B-1 347 93.1 207 642 71 S o v i e t b l o c k j o i n t e x p e r i m e n t s in a i r
density, polar auroras
Apollo 8 1968 118A NASA Dec 21 C a p e Canav. Saturn 5 28833 - - - - L u n a r orbit; E a r t h p h o t o g r a p h y
ISIS 1 1969 009A Canada Jan 30 Vandenberg TAI Delta 241 128.1 575 3494 88.4 Continued ionospheric studies begun
with Alouette 1
ESSA9 1969 016A ESSA Feb 26 C a p e Canav. TAI Delta 145 115.3 1423 1502 102 Final E S S A launch; 2 A V C S , F P R , S -
band; replaced E S S A 7
Apollo 9 1969 018A NASA Mar 3 C a p e Canav. Saturn 5 36511 88.6 203 229 32.6 E a r t h orbit; E a r t h p h o t o g r a p h y
OV1 18 1969 025B USAF Mar 18 Vandenberg Atlas F 125 95.2 466 583 98.8 Studied i o n o s p h e r e m e a s u r i n g radio
interference, electric fields, radiation
Meteor-1 1 1969 029A USSR Mar 26 Plesetsk A-1 3800 97.2 600 639 81.2 O p e r a t i o n a l m e t s a t ; cloud, s n o w , ice
cover data during daylight & dark
Nimbus 3 1969 037A NASA Apr 14 Vandenberg Thor Agena D 575 107.4 1070 1130 99.6 IRIS, M R I R , HRIR, IDCS, M U S E , SIRS,
Apollo 10 1969 043A NASA May 18 Cape Canav. Saturn 5 42530 - - - - L u n a r orbit; E a r t h p h o t o g r a p h y
Apollo 11 1969 059A NASA Jul 16 Cape Canav. Saturn 5 43811 - - - - L u n a r orbit; E a r t h p h o t o g r a p h y
DMSP-4B F3 1969 062A USAF Jul 2 3 Vandenberg Thor Burner 2 195 101.2 775 844 98.5 Video Camera System, C System
Boreas 1969 083A ESRO Oct 1 Vandenberg Scout 80 91.5 291 389 86.0 E S R O 1B; Ionospheric and auroral
e x p e r i m e n t s ; early d e c a y d u e to
booster malfunction
Meteor-1 2 1969 084A USSR Oct 6 Plesetsk A-1 3800 96.7 573 613 81.2 M o n i t o r e d c l o u d a n d ice cover, IR, a n d
thermal energy reflected and radiated
from Earth's a t m o s p h e r e

Name Int'l I D Country LAUNCH DATA Payload ORBITAL DATA Comments
or Date Site Vehicle Mass Per- Peri- Apo- Incli-
Agency (kg) iod gee gee) nation
(min) (km) (km) ( 9)
Interkosmos 1 1969 088A USSR Oct 14 Kapustin Yar B-1 320 93.3 254 626 48.4 Experiments from 3 East European
countries to study sun's U V & X - r a y
effects on upper a t m o s p h e r e
Apollo 12 1969 099A NASA Nov 14 Cape Canav. Saturn 5 43848 - - - - L u n a r orbit; E a r t h p h o t o g r a p h y
Interkosmos 2 1969 110A USSR Dec 25 Kapustin Yar B-1 320 98.4 200 1178 48.4 Carried East European-made
ionospheric observation a n d survey
Kosmos 320 1970 005A USSR Jan 16 Kapustin Yar B-1 375 90.1 247 326 48.5 Possible metsat
ITOS 1970 008A NASA Jan 23 Vandenberg TAT-Delta Μ 309 115.1 1432 1477 101.8 T I R O S M ; first of 2 n d g e n e r a t i o n U S
metsats; 2 A P T , 2 A V C S , 2 S R , F P R , 3-
axis stabilization
D M S P - 5 A F1 1970 012A USAF F e b 11 Vandenberg Thor Burner 2 195 101.1 759 850 98.8 Scanning Radiometer
Meteor-1 3 1970 019A USSR Mar 17 Plesetsk A-1 3800 93.5 419 457 81.1 -
Nimbus 4 1970 025A NASA Apr 8 Vandenberg Thorad-Agena D620 107.2 1087 1097 99.5 IDCS, IRIS, BUV, S C R , F W S , THIR,
Apollo 13 1970 029A NASA Apr 11 Cape Canav. Saturn 5 43924 - - - - L u n a r orbit; E a r t h p h o t o g r a p h y
Meteor-1 4 1970 037A USSR Apr 2 8 Plesetsk A-1 3800 98.2 625 710 81.2 -
Meteor-1 5 1970 047A USSR Jun 23 Plesetsk A-1 3300 102.0 821 879 81.2 -
Interkosmos 3 1970 057A USSR Aug 7 Kapustin Yar B-1 340 99.7 200 1295 48.4 Studied ionospheric protons, electons,
a n d alpha particles
DMSP-5A F2 1970 070A USAF Sep 3 Vandenberg Thor Burner 2 101.4 764 874 99.1 Scanning Radiometer
Interkosmos 4 1970 084A USSR Oct 14 K a p u s t i n Y a r B-1 320 93.5 255 649 43.3 Studied solar U V a n d X-ray effects
Meteor-1 6 1970 085A USSR Oct 15 Plesetsk A-1 3800 96.2 565 574 81.2 -
Kosmos 384 1970 105A USSR Dec 10 Plesetsk A-2 5900 89.5 203 292 72.8 Microwave Radiometers, Narrow-Angle
IR R a d i o m e t e r
NOAA 1 1970 106A NOAA D e c 11 Vandenberg Long-Tank Delta306 114.9 1422 1471 101.8 S e c o n d in t h e I T O S s e r i e s ; 2 A P T , 2
PEOLE 1 1970 109A France Dec 12 Kourou Diamant Β 70 97.0 517 747 15.0 Preliminary E O L E ; gathered data from a
met. balloon system
Kosmos 389 1970 113A USSR Dec 18 Plesetsk A-1 3800 97.6 598 679 81.2 Possible metsat
Meteor-1 7 1971 003A USSR Jan 20 Plesetsk A-1 3800 96.7 586 603 81.2 -
Apollo 14 1971 008A NASA Jan 31 C a p e Canav. Saturn 5 44456 - - - - L u n a r orbit; E a r t h p h o t o g r a p h y
DMSP-5A F3 1971 012A USAF Feb 17 Vandenberg Thor Burner 2 195 100.7 755 817 98.3 Scanning Radiometer
ISIS 2 1971 024A Canada Apr 1 Vandenberg Thor Delta 264 113.7 1354 1423 88.2 3 r d in a s e r i e s o f i n t e r n a t i o n a l
ionospheric studies satellite
Meteor-1 8 1971 031A USSR Apr 17 Plesetsk A-1 3800 95.3 512 540 81.2 -
Salyut 1 1971 032A USSR Apr 19 Tyuratam D-1 18500 88.5 200 210 51.5 S p a c e s t a t i o n ; m e t . o b s . b y c r e w of
S o y u z 11
San Marco 3 1971 036A Italy Apr 2 4 San Marco Scout 164 93.6 222 718 3.2 3 r d Italian a t m o s p h e r i c satellite
Name Infi ID Country LAUNCH DATA Payload ORBITAL DATA Comments
or Date Site Vehicle Mass Per- Peri- Apo- Incli-
Agency (kg) iod gee gee) nation
(min) (km) (km) de
( 9)
Meteor-1 9 1971 059A USSR Jul 16 Plesetsk A-1 3800 95.7 538 554 81.2
Apollo 15 1971 063A NASA Jul 2 6 C a p e Canav. Saturn 5 46723 - - - - L u n a r orbit; E a r t h p h o t o g r a p h y
EOLE 1 1971 071A France Aug 16 W a l l o p s Is. Scout 84 100.1 664 870 50.1 G a t h e r e d data from a met. balloon
D M S P - 5 B F1 1971 087A USAF Oct 14 Vandenberg Thor Burner 2 195 101.5 782 865 99.1 Scanning Radiometer
Interkosmos 5 1971 104A USSR Dec 2 Kapustin Yar B-1 340 98.5 198 1181 48.5 U S S R a n d C z e c h i n s t r u m e n t s to s t u d y
e f f e c t s of s o l a r a c t i v i t y o n n e a r - E a r t h
Ariel 4 1971 109A UK D e c 11 Vandenberg Scout 99.5 95.5 477 593 82.99 U K - 4 ; 4 British a n d 1 U S e x p e r i m e n t s to
survey t h e i o n o s p h e r e a n d radio
Oreol 1 1971 119A France/USSR Dec 27 Plesetsk C-1 630 111.4 391 2184 74.0 Studied upper atmosphere
in h i g h l a t i t u d e s a n d t h e p o l a r l i g h t s ; 1 s t
satellite l a u n c h e d by U S S R with F r e n c h
Meteor-1 10 1971 120A USSR Dec 29 Plesetsk A-1 3300 102.6 835 922 81.3 -
DMSP-5B F2 1972 018A USAF Mar 24 Vandenberg Thor Burner 2 195 101.6 787 868 99.1 Scanning Radiometer, V T P R (SSE)
M e t e o r - 1 11 1972 022A USSR Mar 30 Plesetsk A-1 3300 102.5 858 883 81.2 -
Interkosmos 6 1972 027A USSR Apr 7 Tyuratam A-2 6000 89.0 203 256 51.8 -
Apollo 16 1972 031A NASA Apr 16 C a p e Canav. Saturn 5 46733 - - - L u n a r orbit; E a r t h p h o t o g r a p h y
Interkosmos 7 1972 047A USSR Jun 30 K a p u s t i n Y a r B-1 375 92.6 260 555 48.4 -
Meteor-1 12 1972 049A USSR Jun 30 Plesetsk A-1 3300 102.9 880 898 81.2 -
Landsat 1 1972 058A NASA Jul 2 3 Vandenberg Delta 816.4 103.2 899 911 98.8 Also called E R T S 1; Multispectral
Scanner ( M S S ) , Return B e a m Vidicon
Denpa 1972 064A Japan Aug 19 Kagoshima Mu4S 75 154.3 232 6093 31.0 Investigated ionospheric p h e n o m e n a
NOAA 2 1972 082A NOAA Oct 15 Vandenberg Delta 344 115.0 1447 1453 101.6 First o p e r a t i o n a l s o u n d e r ; 2 V H R R , 2
Meteor-1 13 1972 085A USSR Oct 26 Plesetsk A-1 3300 102.5 858 883 81.2 -
DMSP-5B F3 1972 089A USAF Nov 9 Vandenberg Thor Burner 2 195 101.5 797 855 98.8 Scanning Radiometer, V T P R (SSE)
E S R O IV 1972 092A ESRO Nov 22 Vandenberg Scout 114 99.2 245 1187 91.1 Investigated polar ionosphere
Interkosmos 8 1972 094A USSR Nov 30 Plesetsk B-1 340 93.6 214 679 71 -
Apollo 17 1972 096A NASA Dec 7 Cape Canav. Saturn 5 46743 - - - - L u n a r orbit; E a r t h p h o t o g r a p h y
Nimbus 5 1972 097A NASA D e c 11 Vandenberg Delta 772 107.2 1087 1100 99.7 First s c a n n i n g m i c r o w a v e r a d i o m e t e r ;
THIR, S C M R , E S M R , ITPR, S C R , N E M S
Aeros 1 1972 100A W. Germany Dec 16 Vandenberg Scout 127 95.7 223 867 96.9 U p p e r air r e s e a r c h satellite
Meteor-1 14 1973 015A USSR Mar 20 Plesetsk A-1 2000 102.6 866 883 81.2 -
Interkosmos 9 1973 022A USSR Apr 19 K a p u s t i n Y a r B-1 400 102.1 199 1526 48.4 "Copurnicus-500" solar radiation

Name Infi ID Country LAUNCH DATA Payload ORBITAL DATA Comments
or Date Site Vehicle Mass Per- Peri- Apo- Incli-
Agency (kg) iod gee gee) nation
(min) (km) ( k m ) ( d e 9)

Skylab 1973 027A NASA M a y 14 Cape Canav. Saturn 5 74783 93.1 422 442 50.0 Infrared Spectrometer, M i c r o w a v e
Band Microwave Radiometer,
Multispectral S c a n n e r
Meteor-1 15 1973 034A USSR May 29 Plesetsk A-1 2000 102.4 842 891 81.2 -
DMSP-5B F4 1973 054A USAF Aug 17 Vandenberg Thor Burner 2 195 101.3 795 836 98.5 Scanning Radiometer
Interkosmos 10 1973 0 8 2 A USSR Oct 30 Plesetsk C-1 550 102.2 260 1454 74.0 S c i e n t i f i c r e s e a r c h in c o o p e r a t i o n w i t h
Czechoslovakia and East G e r m a n y
NOAA 3 1973 086A NOAA Nov 6 Vandenberg Delta 345 116.2 1499 1508 101.7 2 VHRR, 2 VTPR, 2 SR, S P M
Oreol 2 1973 107A France/USSR Dec 26 Plesetsk C-1 550 106.1 393 1691 74.0 -
Meteor-1 16 1974 011A USSR Mar 5 Plesetsk A-1 2200 102.2 825 885 81.2 -
DMSP-5B F5 1974 015A USAF Mar 16 Vandenberg Thor Burner 2 A 195 101.3 767 859 99.0 Scanning Radiometer, V T P R (SSE)
Meteor-1 17 1974 025A USSR Apr 2 4 Plesetsk A-1 2200 102.5 855 887 81.2 -
SMS 1 1974 033A NASA M a y 17 Cape Canav. Thorad Delta 627 1340.2 32345 35439 1.9 First d e d i c a t e d g e o s y n c h r o n o u s
metsat; V I S S R , S E M , D C P
I n t e r k o s m o s 11 1 9 7 4 0 3 4 A USSR May 17 Kapustin Yar C-1 400 95.3 483 591 50.6 -
ATS 6 1974 039A NASA May 30 Cape Canav. Titan 3 C 930 1411.9 35191 35438 8.0 Geosynchronous Very High Resolution
Salut 3 1974 046A USSR Jun 24 Tyuratam D-1 18500 89.3 232 257 51.1 S p a c e station; met. obs. by S o y u z
Meteor-1 18 1974 052A USSR Jul 9 Plesetsk A-1 2200 103.1 887 911 81.2 -
Aeros 2 1974 055A W . G e r m a n y Jul 16 Vandenberg Scout 127 95.7 224 869 97.4 U p p e r air r e s e a r c h satellite
D M S P - 5 C F1 1974 063A USAF Aug 9 Vandenberg Thor Burner 2 A 195 101.6 792 862 98.7 Scanning Radiometer, V T P R (SSE)
Meteor-1 19 1974 083A USSR Oct 2 8 Plesetsk A-1 2200 102.4 834 899 81.2 -
Interkosmos 12 1974 0 8 6 A USSR Oct 31 Plesetsk C-1 400 94.2 243 707 74.0 Atmosphere-ionosphere research
NOAA 4 1974 089A NOAA Nov 15 Vandenberg Thorad Delta 340 115.0 1443 1457 101.4 2 VHRR, 2 VTPR, 2 SR, S P M
Meteor-1 2 0 1974 099A USSR Dec 17 Plesetsk A-1 2200 102.3 841 882 81.2 -
Salyut 4 1974 104A USSR Dec 26 Tyuratam D-1 18500 91.3 337 350 51.6 S p a c e station; met. obs. by S o y u z
Landsat 2 1975 004A NASA Jan 22 Vandenberg Delta 953 103.3 901 914 98.9 Multispectral S c a n n e r ( M S S ) , Return
B e a m Vidicon ( R B V )
SMS 2 1975 011A NASA Feb 6 Cape Canav. Delta 627 1436.5 35752 35844 1.8 VISSR, SEM, DCP
Interkosmos 13 1975 0 2 2 A USSR Mar 27 Plesetsk C-1 400 104.5 285 1643 82.9 U p p e r a t m o s p h e r e r e s e a r c h satellite
Meteor-1 21 1975 023A USSR Apr1 Plesetsk A-1 2200 102.5 858 887 81.2 -
Ariabata 1975 033A India Apr 19 Kapustin Yar C-1 360 95.0 512 537 50.7 A t m o s p h e r i c research satellite
DMSP-5C F2 1975 043A USAF May 24 Vandenberg Thor Burner 2 194 101.8 797 881 98.7 Scanning Radiometer, V T P R (SSE)
Nimbus 6 1975 052A NASA Jun 12 Vandenberg Delta 829 107.5 1099 1112 99.6 LRIR, PMR, T W E R L E , ERB, THIR,
Name Infi ID Country LAUNCH DATA Payload ORBITAL DATA Comments
or Date Site Vehicle Mass Per- Peri- Apo- Incli-
Agency (kg) iod gee gee) nation
(min) (km) (km) (de9)

Meteor-2 1 1975 064A USSR Jul 11 Plesetsk A-1 2800 102.4 847 885 81.3 E x p e r i m e n t a l w e a t h e r satellite
Soyuz 19 1975 065A USSR Jul 15 Tyuratam A-2 6182 88.5 186 220 51.8 S o v i e t p a r t of A p o l l o - S o y u z
Apollo 18 1975 066A NASA Jul 15 Cape Canav. Saturn 1Β 14768 88.4 170 228 51.8 U S p a r t of A p o l l o - S o y u z
Meteor-1 22 1975 087A USSR Sep 18 Plesetsk A-1 2200 102.3 801 920 81.3 -
Explorer 5 4 1975 096A NASA Oct 6 Vandenberg Delta 676 118.7 141 3093 90.0 A t m o s p h e r i c satellite
GOES 1 1975 100A NASA Oct 16 C a p e Canav. Delta 627 1436.7 35797 35804 6.7 First o p e r a t i o n a l g e o s y n c h r o n o u s
metsat; V I S S R , S E M , D C P
Explorer 5 5 1975 107A NASA Nov 20 C a p e Canav. Delta 721 93.2 447 449 19.6 A t m o s p h e r i c satellite
Interkosmos 14 1975 115A USSR D e c 11 Plesetsk C-1 700 96.6 300 883 74.0 -
Meteor-1 23 1975 124A USSR Dec 25 Plesetsk A-1 2200 102.3 842 885 81.3 -
UME 1976 019A Japan Feb 29 T a n e g a s h i m a N-1 139 105.2 988 1009 69.7 Ionospheric S o u n d i n g Satellite ( I S S 1)
Meteor-1 2 4 1976 032A USSR Apr 7 Plesetsk A-1 2200 102.2 831 888 81.3 -
Meteor-1 25 1976 043A USSR M a y 15 Plesetsk A-1 2200 102.2 832 884 81.3 -
Interkosmos 15 1976 0 5 6 A USSR Jun 19 Plesetsk C-1 550 94.7 483 515 74.0 -
Salyut 5 1976 057A USSR Jun 22 Tyuratam D-1 19000 89.2 230 245 51.5 S p a c e station; met. obs. by S o y u z
Interkosmos 16 1976 0 7 6 A USSR Jul 2 7 Kapustin Y a r C-1 550 94.3 463 518 50.5 Solar X-rays
NOAA 5 1976 077A NOAA Jul 2 9 Vandenberg Delta 340 116.3 1503 1519 101.9 2 V H R R , 2 V T P R , 2 S R , S P M ; I T O S H,
l a s t of t h e I T O S s e r i e s
D M S P - 5 D F1 1976 091A USAF S e p 11 Vandenberg Thor Burner 2 450 101.4 806 832 98.6 Block 5 D - 1 ; O L S , S S H
Meteor-1 26 1976 102A USSR Oct 15 Plesetsk A-1 2200 102.4 848 885 81.3 -
Meteor-2 2 1977 002A USSR Jan 6 Plesetsk A-1 2750 102.9 881 898 81.3 -
Meteor-1 27 1977 024A USSR Apr 5 Plesetsk A-1 2200 102.4 846 892 81.3 -
DMSP-5D F2 1977 044A USAF Jun 5 Vandenberg Thor Burner 2 450 101.4 789 853 99.0 Block 5 D - 1 ; O L S , S S H
GOES 2 1977 048A NOAA Jun 16 Cape Canav. Delta 627 1436.1 35757 35821 5.8 VISSR, SEM, DCP
Meteor-1 28 1977 057A USSR Jun 29 Tyuratam A-1 2200 96.0 543 583 97.4 First s u n s y n c h r o n o u s Meteor
GMS 1 1977 065A Japan Jul 14 C a p e Canav. Delta 670 1435.9 35771 35801 4.8 Also called Himawari; V I S S R
Interkosmos 17 1977 0 9 6 A USSR Sep 24 Plesetsk C-1 550 94.5 467 511 82.9 -
Salyut 6 1977 097A USSR Sep 29 Tyuratam D-1 9000 92.2 380 391 51.6 S p a c e station; met. obs. by S o y u z
Meteosat 1 1977 108A ESA Nov 23 C a p e Canav. Delta 697 1436.1 34755 36823 6.1 Imaging Radiometer (0.5-0.9, 5.7-7.1,
and 10.5-12.5 micrometers)
Meteor-2 3 1977 117A USSR Dec 14 Plesetsk A-1 2700 102.4 846 886 81.2 -
Kyokko 1978 014A Japan Feb 4 Kagoshima Mu3H 103 134.2 636 3967 65.4 Scientific satellite investigating a u r o r a e
UME 2 1978 018A Japan Feb 16 Tanegashima N-1 140 107.2 974 1217 69.4 Ionospheric S o u n d i n g Satellite ( I S S )
Landsat 3 1978 026A NASA Mar 5 Vandenberg Delta 960 103.3 897 919 98.8 Multispectral S c a n n e r ( M S S ) , Return
B e a m Vidicon ( R B V )

Name Infi ID Country LAUNCH DATA Payload ORBITAL DATA Comments
or Date Site Vehicle Mass Per- Peri- Apo- Incli-
Agency (kg) iod gee gee) nation
(min) (km) ( k m ) (dec))

HCMM 1978 041A NASA Apr 2 6 Vandenberg Scout-F 134 97.3 618 627 97.6 Heat Capacity Mapping Mission ( A E M
DMSP-5D F3 1978 042A USAF May 1 Vandenberg Thor Burner 2 513 101.2 804 817 98.6 Block 5 D - 1 ; O L S , S S H
GOES 3 1978 062A NOAA Jun 16 C a p e Canav. Delta 627 1436.0 35781 35795 3.7 VISSR, SEM, DCP
Seasat 1978 064A NASA Jun 27 Vandenberg Atlas/Agena D2300 100.5 778 783 108.0 E x p e r i m e n t a l o c e a n s u r v e y satellite;
failed after 9 0 days
TIROS Ν 1978 096A NASA Oct 13 Vandenberg Atlas F 1421 101.9 835 853 99.0 F i r s t of 3 r d g e n e r a t i o n m e t s a t s ;
Nimbus 7 1978 098A NASA Oct 24 Vandenberg Delta 907 104.1 927 969 99.4 L a s t of N i m b u s s e r i e s ; S M M R ,
S B U V / T O M S , C Z C S , E R B , S A M II,
I n t e r k o s m o s 1fJ 1 9 7 8 0 9 9 A USSR Oct 2 4 Plesetsk C-1 1050 92.2 320 428 82.9 -
Meteor-1 2 9 1979 005A USSR Jan 25 Tyuratam A-1 3800 97.1 581 645 97.6 S u n s y n c h r o n o u s orbit
SAGE 1979 013A NASA Feb 18 W a l l o p s Is. Scout-F 147 94.4 460 521 55.0 Stratospheric aerosol and gas
e x p e r i m e n t ( A E M 2); solar occultation
Solwind P78-1 1979 017A US Feb 24 Vandenberg Atlas 1331 95.4 513 547 97.8 Ionosphere and magnetosphere
research; destroyed by U S A F A S A T 13
Sep 1985
Interkosmos 19 1 9 7 9 0 2 0 A USSR Feb 27 Plesetsk C-1 1015 98.4 483 874 74.0 -
Meteor-2 4 1979 021A USSR Marl Plesetsk A-1 3800 102.2 845 872 81.2 -
DMSP-5D F4 1979 050A USAF Jun 6 Vandenberg Thor Burner 2 513 101.3 806 828 98.7 Block 5 D - 1 ; O L S , S S H , S S M / T , S S C
(1.6 micrometers)
Bhaskara 1 1979 051A India Jun 7 Kapustin Yar C-1 441 92.7 407 412 50.7 D u a l T V C a m e r a , Satellite M i c r o w a v e
NOAA 6 1979 057A NOAA Jun 27 Vandenberg Atlas F 1421 101.1 797 813 98.5 AVHRR/1, HIRS/2, SSU, M S U , S E M ,
Meteor-2 5 1979 095A USSR Oct 31 Plesetsk A-1 3800 102.6 866 882 81.2 -
Interkosmos 2 0 1979 0 9 6 A USSR Nov1 Plesetsk C-1 1100 91.7 343 363 74.0 -
SMM 1980 014A NASA Feb 14 C a p e Canav. Delta 2500 94.1 488 493 28.5 Solar M a x i m u m Mission; carries Active
C a v i t y R a d i o m e t e r s to m e a s u r e solar
Meteor-1 30 1980 051A USSR Jun 18 Tyuratam A-1 3475 96.2 540 600 97.7 C o m b i n e d meteorological and Earth
resources satellite
Meteor-2 6 1980 073A USSR Sep 9 Plesetsk A-1 3300 102.4 840 889 81.2 -
GOES 4 1980 074A NOAA Sep 9 C a p e Canav. Delta 835 1435.9 35771 35802 3.1 First V A S ; V A S , S E M , D C P
Interkosmos 21 1981 0 1 1 A USSR Feb 6 Plesetsk C-1 550 92.9 397 427 74.0 O c e a n o g r a p h i c a n d terrestrial
Name Infi ID Country LAUNCH DATA Payload ORBITAL DATA Comments
or Date Site Vehicle Mass Per- Peri- Apo- Incli-
Agency (kg) iod gee gee) nation
(min) (km) (km) (deg)

Meteor-2 7 1981 043A USSR May 14 Plesetsk A-1 2750 102.4 849 887 81.3
GOES 5 1981 049A NOAA May 22 Cape Canav. Delta 835 1435.8 35781 35788 0.1 VAS, SEM, DCP
Meteosat 2 1981 057A ESA Jun 19 Kourou Ariane 4 697 1436.2 35790 35793 0.3 Imaging Radiometer (0.5-0.9, 5.7-7.1,
and 10.5-12.5 micrometers)
NOAA 7 1981 059A NOAA Jun 23 Vandenberg Atlas F 1421 102.0 838 858 99.1 AVHRR/2, HIRS/2, SSU, MSU, SEM,
Meteor-1 31 1981 065A USSR Jul 1 0 Plesetsk A-1 2200 97.5 607 659 97.7 Last Meteor-1
DE 1 1981 070A NASA Aug 3 Vandenberg Delta 403 410.6 464 23370 89.5 Dynamics Explorer 1
DE 2 1981 070B NASA Aug 3 Vandenberg Delta - 97.8 298 996 90.0 Dynamics Explorer 2
Interkosmos 2 2 1981 0 7 5 A USSR Aug 7 Plesetsk A-1 1500 101.9 795 890 81.2 Ionospheric and magnetospheric
GMS 2 1981 076A Japan Aug 10 Tanegashima N-2 670 1436.0 35766 35811 2.9 VISSR
Oreol 3 1981 094A France/ Sep 21 Plesetsk A-2 1000 108.5 400 1903 82.5 Soviet/French Magnetosphere and
USSR Ionosphere Explorer
SME 1981 100A NASA Oct 6 Vandenberg Thor Delta 437 94.8 504 506 97.7 Solar M e s o s p h e r e Explorer
STS2 1981 111A NASA Nov 12 Cape Canav. STS 8516 89.5 259 259 38 N i g h t / D a y O p t i c a l S u r v e y of L i g h t n i n g ,
M e a s u r e m e n t of A i r P o l l u t i o n f r o m S a t . ,
Shuttle Imaging R a d a r A
Bhaskara 2 1981 115A India Nov 20 Kapustin Yar C-1 444 94.7 498 518 50.6 Dual T V C a m e r a , Satellite M i c r o w a v e
Meteor-2 8 1982 025A USSR Mar 25 Plesetsk F-2 2750 104.2 941 962 82.5 F i r s t M e t e o r - 2 in t h i s o r b i t a l r e g i m e
Salyut 7 1982 033A USSR Apr 19 Tyuratam D-1-h 18900 94.0 473 474 51.6 S p a c e station; met. obs. by S o y u z
STS4 1982 065A NASA Jun 27 Cape Canav. STS 11107 90.6 318 318 28.5 N i g h t / D a y O p t i c a l S u r v e y of L i g h t n i n g
Landsat 4 1982 072A NASA Jul 1 6 Vandenberg Thor Delta 1942 98.9 699 701 98.2 Multispectral S c a n n e r ( M S S ) , Thematic
Mapper (TM)
Meteor-2 9 1982 116A USSR Dec 14 Plesetsk A-1 2750 102.0 810 890 81.2 P o s s i b l e r e p l a c e m e n t for M e t e o r - 2 6
D M S P - 5 D F6 1982 118A USAF Dec 21 Vandenberg Atlas Ε - 101.3 811 823 98.7 Block 5 D - 2 ; O L S , S S H - 2 , S S M / T
NOAA 8 1983 022A NOAA Mar 28 Vandenberg Atlas F 1712 101.3 803 825 98.7 AVHRR/1, HIRS/2, SSU, MSU, SEM,
STS6 1983 026A NASA Apr 4 Cape Canav. STS 21277 89.9 284 284 28.0 N i q h t / D a y O p t i c a l S u r v e y of L i g h t n i n q
GOES 6 1983 041A NOAA Apr 2 8 C a p e Canav. Delta 3 9 1 4 835 1437.8 35782 35864 0.1 VAS, SEM, DCP
STS7 1983 059A NASA Jun 18 Cape Canav. STS 16817 90.5 314 314 28.0 Modular Optoelectric Multispectral
Insat 1B 1983 089B India Aug 31 STS8 PAM-D 1152 1436.0 35636 35939 0.2 L a u n c h e d f r o m S p a c e S h u t t l e ; first 3 -
axis stabilized geosynchronous metsat
Meteor-2 10 1983 109A USSR Oct 2 8 Plesetsk A-1 2750 101.4 752 889 81.1 P h a s e d with M e t e o r - 2 7 a n d M e t e o r - 2 9
DMSP-5D F7 1983 113A USAF Nov 18 Vandenberg Atlas F - 101.5 815 832 98.7 Block 5 D - 2 ; O L S
STS9 1983 116A NASA Nov 28 Cape Canav. STS 15068 89.5 250 250 57.0 Spacelab 1; several met. experiments

Name Int'l I D Country LAUNCH DATA Payload ORBITAL DATA Comments
or Date Site Vehicle Mass Per- Peri- Apo- Incli-
Agency (kg) iod gee gee) nation
(min) (km) (km) (de9)
STS10 1984 011A NASA Feb 3 Cape Canav. STS 15342 90.8 326 326 28.4 S T S 41-B; Modular Optoelectric
Multispectral S c a n n e r
Ohzora 1984 015A Japan Feb 14 Tanegashima Mu-3S 180 92.9 317 503 74.6 E X O S - C ; Middle Atmosphere
P r o g r a m m e r ; optically s e n s i n g
atmosphere and ionosphere
Landsat 5 1984 021A NASA Marl Vandenberg Delta 1938 98.9 699 700 98.2 Multispectral S c a n n e r ( M S S ) , T h e m a t i c
Mapper (TM)
Uosat 2 1984 021Β UK Marl Vandenberg Delta 52 98.5 674 693 98.2 Magnetospheric studies, Earth
imaging, space dust detection, a m a t e u r
radio digital c o m m u n i c a t i o n s
M e t e o r - 2 11 1984 072A USSR Jul 5 Plesetsk F-2 2750 104.1 939 958 82.5 -
GMS3 1984 080A Japan Aug 2 Tanegashima N-2 303 1435.9 35783 35787 0.8 VISSR
STS12 1984 093A NASA Aug 30 Cape Canav. STS 21524 90.9 331 331 28.4 S T S 41-D; C L O U D S
STS13 1984 108A NASA Oct 5 Cape Canav. STS 10629 91.6 352 352 57.0 S T S 4 1 - G ; M e a s u r e m e n t of Air Pollution
from Sat., Large Format C a m e r a ,
Shuttle Imaging Radar Β
ERBS 1984 108B NASA Oct 5 STS13 Arm 226 96.7 601 605 57.0 C a r r i e s E R B E a n d S A G E II
NOAA 9 1984 123A NOAA Dec 12 Vandenberg Atlas 1712 102.1 841 862 99.0 AVHRR/2, HIRS/2, SSU, M S U , DCS,
Meteor-2 12 1985 013A USSR Feb 6 Plesetsk F-2 2200 104.1 934 960 82.5 -
Meteor-3 1 1985 100A USSR Oct 24 Plesetsk F-2 - 109.5 1185 1210 82.5 First of 3 r d g e n e r a t i o n m e t s a t s
Meteor-2 13 1985 119A USSR Dec 26 Plesetsk F-2 2200 104.1 936 958 82.5 -
SPOT 1 1986 019A France Feb 22 Kourou Ariane 1 1830 101.5 824 828 98.7 Earth resources
Viking 1986 019B Sweden Feb 22 Kourou Ariane 1 538 258.9 790 13359 98.8 S t u d y i n g magnetic, electric, ultraviolet
p r o p e r t i e s of a u r o r a l r e g i o n s
Meteor-2 14 1986 039A USSR May 27 Plesetsk F-2 2000 104.2 941 960 82.5 -
N O A A 10 1986 073A NOAA Sep 17 Vandenberg Atlas Ε 1712 101.3 808 826 98.7 AVHRR/1, HIRS/2, M S U , S E M , DCS,
Meteor-2 15 1987 001A USSR Jan 5 Plesetsk F-2 2000 104.1 939 957 82.5 -
MOS1 1987 018A Japan Feb 19 Tanegashima N-2 745 103.3 909 909 99.1 M a r i n e Observation Satellite; M E S S R ,
GOES 7 1987 022A NOAA Feb 26 C a p e Canav. Delta 3 9 1 4 835 1436.1 35783 35796 0.1 VAS, SEM, DCP
DMSP-5D F8 1987 053A USAF Jun 20 Vandenberg Atlas Ε 750 102.0 836 856 98.8 Block 5 D - 2 ; O L S , S S H - 2 , S S M / T ,
Meteor-2 16 1987 068A USSR Aug 18 Plesetsk F-2 2000 104.1 940 957 82.6 -
Meteor-2 17 1988 005A USSR Jan 20 Plesetsk F-2 2000 104.1 933 959 82.6 -
DMSP-5D F9 1988 006A USAF Feb 3 Vandenberg Atlas 750 101.4 815 826 98.7 Block 5 D - 2 ; O L S
San Marco 4 1988 026A Italy Mar 25 San Marco Scout 236 93.0 263 615 3.0 U p p e r a t m o s p h e r e studies, joint
Italian/FRG/U.S. mission
Name Infi ID Country LAUNCH DATA Payload ORBITAL DATA Comments
or Date Site Vehicle Mass Per- Peri- Apo- Incli-
Agency (kg) iod gee gee) nation
(min) (km) (km)

Kosmos 1940 1988 034A USSR Apr 2 6 Tyuratum D-1-e 2000 1430.4 35572 35784 0.2 Oceanographic, atmospheric studies;
located at 1 2 ° W
Meteosat 3 1988 051A ESA Jun 15 Kourou Ariane 4 696 1436.1 35786 35794 0.9 First A r i a n e 4 l a u n c h ; s t a t i o n e d a b o v e
Insat 1 C 1988 063A India Jul 21 Kourou Ariane 3 1190 1436.0 35763 35812 0.2 B a c k u p for Insat 1B; stationed a b o v e
Meteor-3 2 1988 064A USSR Jul 2 6 Plesetsk F-2 2000 109.5 1186 1208 82.5 -
Fengyun-1 1 1988 080A PRC Sep 6 Taiyuan CZ-4 750 102.8 877 899 99.2 E x p e r i m e n t a l m e t s a t ; first C Z - 4 l a u n c h ;
n e w l a u n c h site
N O A A 11 1988 089A NOAA Sep 24 Vandenberg Atlas Ε 1712 102.1 845 863 98.9 AVHRR/2, HIRS/2, MSU, SSU, SBUV/2,
Exos-D 1989 016A Japan Feb 21 Kagoshima M-3S-2 295 205.2 262 10021 75.1 S t u d y i n g a u r o r a bortalis, a u r o r a
Meteor-2 18 1989 018A USSR Feb 28 Plesetsk F-2 1500 104.2 941 960 82.5 -
Meteosat 4 1989 020B ESA Mar 6 Kourou Ariane 4 4 L P 681 1436.0 35779 35798 0.7 Meteosat Operational Program 1 ( M O P
Resurs-F 1 1989 038A USSR May 25 Plesetsk A-2 6300 89.9 254 273 82.3 Remote sensing. Deployed two
Pion 1 1989 038C USSR Jun 9 Resurs-F 1 A-2 78 89.9 257 270 82.3 Passive a t m o s p h e r i c research satellite
Pion2 1989 038D USSR Jun 9 Resurs-F 1 A-2 78 89.9 257 268 82.3 Passive atmospheric research satellite
Resurs-F 2 1989 049A USSR Jun 27 Plesetsk A-2 6300 90.0 260 274 82.5 Remote sensing
Resurs-F 3 1989 055A USSR Jul 1 2 Plesetsk A-2 6300 90.0 260 275 82.5 Remote sensing. Deployed two
Pion 3 1989 055C USSR Aug 7 Resurs-F 3 A-2 78 89.9 254 272 82.5 P a s s i v e atmospheric research satellite
Pion 4 1989 055D USSR Aug 7 Resurs-F 3 A-2 78 89.9 255 272 82.5 P a s s i v e atmospheric research satellite
GMS 4 1989 070A Japan Sep 5 Tanegashima H-1 725 1435.9 35780 35792 1.4 -
Interkosmos 2 4 1989 0 8 0 A USSR Sep 28 Plesetsk F-2 1000 116.1 505 2492 82.6 Particles a n d fields exp. US
Meteor-3 3 1989 086A USSR Oct 2 4 Plesetsk F-2 2150 109.6 1190 1213 82.5 -
SPOT 2 1990 005A France Jan 22 Kourou Ariane 4 1870 101.5 821 823 98.7 2 n d in s e r i e s of F r e n c h r e m o t e s e n s i n g
MOS1B 1990 013A Japan Feb 7 Tanegashima H-1 740 103.3 908 909 99.2 M a r i n e observation satellite. C a l l e d
M o m o 1 Β after launch
LACE 1990 015A US Feb 14 C a p e Canav. Delta 2 1430 95.0 514 539 43.1 Low-power Atmospehric Compensation
E x p e r i m e n t for Strategic D e f e n s e
Initiative Office ( S D I O )
Okean 2 1990 018A USSR Feb 28 Plesetsk F-2 1900 97.7 632 658 82.5 Oceanographic remote sensing
Resurs F6 1990 047A USSR May 29 Plesetsk A-2 6300 89.9 255 268 82.3 Remote sensing

Name Infi I D Country LAUNCH DATA Payload ORBITAL DATA Comments
or Date Site Vehicle Mass Per- Peri- Apo- Incli-
Agency (kg) iod gee gee) nation
(min) (km) (km) (de9)
Insat 1 D 1990 051A India Jun 12 C a p e Canav. Delta 1190 1436.0 35781 35795 0.1 Domestic comsat/metsat. Last of
lnsat-1 series.
Meteor-2 1 9 1990 057A USSR Jun 27 Plesetsk F-2 1750 104.1 937 961 82.5 -
Resurs F7 1990 060A USSR Jul 1 7 Plesetsk A-2 6300 89.3 193 276 82.3 Remote sensing
Resurs F 8 1990 073A USSR Aug 16 Plesetsk A-2 6300 88.7 176 229 82.3 Remote sensing
Fengyun-1 2 1990 081A PRC Sep 3 Taiyuan CZ-4 881 102.9 881 896 99.0 -
P R C 31 1990 081Β PRC Sep 3 Taiyuan CZ-4 4 100.8 775 804 99.0 Atmospheric balloon
PRC 32 1990 081C PRC Sep 3 Taiyuan CZ-4 4 102.2 833 886 99.0 Atmospheric balloon
Meteor-2 20 1990 086A USSR Sep 28 Plesetsk F-2 1750 104.1 940 958 82.5 -
DMSP-5D F10 1990 105A USAF Dec 1 Vandenberg Atlas Ε 750 100.7 729 845 98.9 Operational even though broken nozzle
p r e v e n t e d it f r o m r e a c h i n g d e s i r e d o r b i t
Meteosat 5 1991 015B ESA Mar 2 Kourou Ariane 4 4 L P 681 1436.1 35787 35792 0.7 Meteosat Operational Program 2 ( M O P
Almaz 1 1991 024A USSR Mar 31 Tyuratam SL-13 18550 90.6 293 305 72.7 R e m o t e Earth sensing; radar imaging
Meteor-3 4 1991 030A USSR Apr 2 4 Plesetsk SL-14 2215 109.5 1184 1210 82.5 -
N O A A 12 1991 032A NOAA May 14 Vandenberg Atlas Ε 1421 101.3 807 825 98.7 N O A A D , o n e of t h e o r i g i n a l T I R O S Ν
type. A V H R R / 1 , H I R S / 2 , M S U , D C S
Resurs-F 10 1991 035A USSR M a y 21 Plesetsk SL-4 6300 89.2 227 231 82.3 Earth resources; reentered 6/20/91
Okean 3 1991 039A USSR Jun 4 Plesetsk SL-14 1900 97.7 627 659 82.5 Oceanography
Resurs-F 11 1991 044A USSR Jun 28 Plesetsk SL-4 6300 89.8 253 268 82.3 Reentered 7/21/91
ERS1 1991 050A ESA Jul 17 Kourou Ariane 4 2384 100.5 774 775 98.5 E S A R e m o t e S e n s i n g satellite;
m i c r o w a v e , I R i m a g i n g of o c e a n s , i c e ,
and land m a s s e s
Meteor-3 5 1991 056A USSR Aug 15 Plesetsk SL-14 2215 109.4 1185 1203 82.6 Carries US-built Total O z o n e Mapping
Spectrometer (TOMS)
IRS 1B 1991 061A India Aug 29 Tyuratam SL-3 980 103.2 890 918 99.2 Indian R e m o t e S e n s i n g satellite;
l a u n c h e d commercially by USSR
UARS 1991 063B NASA S e p 15 STS-48 RMS 6795 96.2 573 579 57.0 U p p e r A t m o s p h e r e R e s e a r c h Satellite
D M S P - 5 D F11 1991 082A USAF Nov 28 Vandenberg Atlas Ε 830 101.9 835 855 98.9 -
JERS 1 1992 007A Japan F e b 11 Tanegashima H1 1340 96.1 566 570 97.7 J a p a n e s e Earth R e s o u r c e s Satellite
STS 45 1992 015A NASA Mar 24 Cape Canav. STS 105843 90.5 292 304 57.0 Carried A T L A S science payload.
Resurs-F 14 1992 024A CIS Apr 2 9 Plesetsk SL-4 6300 89.5 233 256 82.0 Remote sensing. Reentered 5/29/92
SROSS C 1992 028A India May 20 Sriharikota ASLV 106 91.3 256 436 46.0 S t r e c h e d Rohini Satellite Series.
Carried g a m m a ray detector,
ionospheric monitor. R e e n t e r e d 7 / 1 4 / 9 2
Insat 2 A 1992 041A India Jul 9 Kourou Ariane 44L 1906 1437.2 35741 35883 0.1 Indian communications, remote
sensing. Positioned above 74°E.
Topex/ 1992 052A US/France Aug 10 Kourou Ariane 4 2 Ρ 2402 112.4 1330 1342 66.0 O c e a n sensing,mapping mission
Poseidon sponsored by N A S A / C N E S .
Name Int'l I D Country LAUNCH DATA Payload ORBITAL DATA Comments
or Date Site Vehicle Mass Per- Peri- Apo- Incli-
Agency (kg) iod gee gee) nation
(min) (km) ( k m ) (decj)

Kitsat A 1992 052B Korea Aug 10 Kourou Ariane 4 2 P 50 112.0 1304 1325 66.0 First K o r e a n p a y l o a d . S t o r e / f o r w a r d
comm., Earth imaging.
Resurs-F 16 1992 056A CIS Aug 19 Plesetsk SL-4 6300 89.2 222 233 82.5 Remote sensing. Carried U.S. D o D
e x p e r i m e n t to m e a s u r e beryllium a t o m s
in l o w E a r t h o r b i t . R e e n t e r e d 9 / 4 / 9 2
Pion 5 1992 056C CIS Aug 19 Plesetsk SL-4 50 89.3 224 248 82.5 P a s s i v e subsatellite to d e t e r m i n e h o w
upper a t m o s p h e r e affects spacecraft
reentry projections. R e e n t e r e d 9 / 2 5 / 9 2 .
Pion 6 1992 056D CIS Aug 19 Plesetsk SL-4 50 89.3 225 247 82.5 S e e P i o n 5. R e e n t e r e d 9 / 2 4 / 9 2 .
Kosmos 2209 1992 059A CIS Sep 10 Tyuratam SL-12 2200 1435.9 35765 35808 1.1 R e m o t e sensing. Positioned above
Freja 1992 064A Sweden Oct 6 Shuang CZ-2C 259 109.0 596 1759 63.0 Swedish ionospheric, magnetospheric
Cheng Tzu studies.
PRC 36 1992 064B PRC Oct 6 Shuang CZ-2C 2100 89.8 211 318 63.0 Fanhul Shi Weixing remote sensing,
Cheng Tzu microgravity experiments. Capsule
reentered 10/13/92; instrument module,
Kosmos 2224 1992 087A CIS Dec 17 Tyuratam SL-12 2200 1436.0 35696 35878 2.1 Remote sensing. Located above 12°E.
Insat 2 B 1993 048B India Jul 2 2 Kourou Ariane 4 4 L 1931 1436.0 35774 35802 0.1 Telecommunications, weather
forecasting, search and rescue.
Located above 93.5°E.
N O A A 13 1993 050A NOAA Aug 9 Vandenberg Atlas Ε 1712 102.1 845 861 98.9 AVHRR/2, HIRS/2, MSU, SSU, SBUV/2,
S E M , D C S , S & R . Suffered fatal p o w e r
failure 8 / 2 1 / 9 3 .
Meteor-2 21 1993 055A CIS Aug 31 Plesetsk SL-14 2000 104.2 933 967 82.5 -
SPOT 3 1993 061A France Sep 26 Kourou Ariane 4 0 1907 101.5 821 823 98.7 Remote sensing
Kosmos 2265 1993 067A CIS Oct 26 Plesetsk SL-8 500 103.6 290 1558 82.9 Atmospheric density monitor
Meteosat 6 1993 073B ESA Nov 20 Kourou Ariane 4 4 L P 704 1432.5 35674 35757 1.2 Located a b o v e 0°
Meteor-3 6 1994 003A CIS Jan 25 Plesetsk SL-14 2215 109.4 1182 1207 82.6 -
GOES 8 1994 022A NOAA Apr 13 Cape Canav. Atlas 2100 1436.1 35769 35812 0.3 First of G O E S I - M s e r i e s .
DMSP-5D F12 1994 057A USAF Aug 29 Vandenberg Atlas Ε 830 102.0 839 856 98.9 -
N O A A 14 1994 089A NOAA Dec 30 Vandenberg Atlas Ε 1712 102.1 845 858 98.9 -



ID One-dimensional
2D Two-dimensional
3D Three-dimensional
AATSR Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer
ACRIM Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor
ADEOS Advanced Earth Observing Satellite
ADM Angular dependence model
AEM Applications Explorer Mission
AIRS Atmospheric Infrared Sounder
ALT Altimeter
AMSR Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer
AMSU Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit
API Antecedent precipitation index
APT Automatic picture transmission
ASAR Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar
ASTER Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radi-
ATI Area time integral

44Q Appendix Β

ATLID Atmospheric Lidar

ATS Applications Technology Satellite
AVCS Advanced Vidicon Camera System
AVHRR Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer
AVNIR Advanced Visible and Near-Infrared Radiometer
BIAS Bristol/NOAA InterActive Scheme
BUV Backscatter Ultraviolet Spectrometer
CAC Climate Analysis Center
CCD Charge-coupled device
CCR Cloud Cover Radiometer
CDA Command and data acquisition
CERES Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System
CGMS Committee on Coordination for Geostationary Meteorlogical
CI Current intensity
CIRA Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere
CLAES Cryogenic Limb Array Etalon Spectrometer
CNES Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales
CRT Cathode ray tube
CST Convective—stratiform technique
CZCS Coastal Zone Color Scanner
DAAC Distributed Active Archive Center
DCP Data Collection Platform
DCS Data Collection System
DIAL Differential absorption lidar
DMSP Defense Meteorological Satellite Program
DORIS Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Sat-
DRIR Direct Readout Infrared Radiometer
DS Dwell sounding
ECT Equator crossing time
EOS Earth Observing System
EOS-AERO EOS Aerosol Mission
EOS-ALT EOS Altimetry Mission
EOS-AM EOS Morning Crossing (Ascending) Mission
EOS-CHEM EOS Chemistry Mission
EOS-COLOR EOS Ocean Color Instrument
EOS-PM EOS Afternoon Crossing (Descending) Mission
EOSAT Earth Observation Satellite Company
EOSDIS EOS Data and Information System
EOSP Earth Observing Scanning Polarimeter
EPA Environmental Protecton Agency
ERB Earth Radiation Budget
ERBE Earth Radiation Budget Experiment
ERBE-NS ERBE Nonscanner
Abbreviations 441


ERBS Earth Radiation Budget Satellite
ERTS Earth Resources Technology Satellite
ESA European Space Agency
ESMR Electrically Scanning Microwave Radiometer
ESSA Environmental Science Service Administration
EUMETSAT European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorologi-
cal Satellites
FACE Florida Area Cumulus Experiment
FAR False-alarm ratio
FOV Field of view
FWS Filter Wedge Spectrometer
GAC Global area coverage
GARP Global Atmospheric Research Program
GATE GARP Atlantic Tropic Experiment
GDAS Global Data Assimilation System
GEO Geostationary Earth Observatory
GEO Geostationary orbits
GHIS GOES High-Resolution Interferometer Sounder
GLAS Geoscience Laser Altimeter System
GLAS Goddard Laboratory for Atmospheric Sciences
GLRS Geoscience Laser Ranging System
GMS Geostationary Meteorological Satellite
GOES Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite
GOMOS Global Ozone Monitoring by Occultation of Stars
GOSTCOMP Global Operational Sea Surface Temperature Computation
GPI GOES Precipitation Index
GSM Global Spectral Model
GTS Global Telecommuncations System
GVAR GOES Variable
HgCdTe Mercury cadmium telluride
HIRDLS High-Resolution Dynamics Limb Sounder
HIRIS High-Resolution Imaging Spectrometer
HIRS High-Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder
HIS High-Spectral-Resolution Interferometer Sounder
HMMR High-Resolution Multifrequency Microwave Radiometer
HRC Highly reflective cloud
HRIR High-Resolution Infrared Radiometer
HRIS High-Resolution Imaging Spectrometer
HRPT High-resolution picture transmission
IASI Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer
IDCS Image Dissector Camera System
IFOV Instantaneous field of view
ILAS Improved Limb Atmsopheric Spectrometer
IMG Interferometric Monitor for Greenhouse Gases
442 Appendix Β

InSb Indium antimonide

IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IR Infrared
IRIS Infrared Interferometer Spectrometer
IRLS Interrogation, Recording and Location System
IRTS Infrared Temperature Sounder
ISAMS Improved Stratospheric and Mesospheric Sounder
ISCCP International Satellite Cloud Climatology Program
ISRO Indian Space Research Organization
ITCZ Intertropical convergence zone
ITIR Intermediate Thermal Infrared Radiometer
ITOS Improved TIROS Operational System
ITPR Infrared Temperature Profile Radiometer
JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory
LAC Local area coverage
LASA Lidar Atmospheric Sounder and Altimeter
LAWS Laser Atmospheric Wind Sounder
LEO Low Earth Orbits
LFM Limited Fine Mesh
LIMS Limb Infrared Monitor of the Stratosphere
LIS Lightning Imaging Sensor
LRIR Limb Radiance Inversion Radiometer
LW Longwave
MCSST Mutlichannel Sea Surface Temperatures
MERIS Medium-Resolution Imaging Spectrometer
METSAT Meteorlogical satellite
MFOV Medium field of view
MHS Microwave Humidity Sensor
MIMR Multifrequency Imaging Microwave Radiometer
MIPAS Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding
MISR Multi-Angle Imaging SpectoRadiometer
MITI Ministry of International Trade and Industry (of Japan)
MLCE Maximum-likelihood cloud estimation
MLS Microwave Limb Sounder
MODIS Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectrometer
MOPITT Measurements of Pollution in the Troposphere
MRF Medium-Range Forecast
MRIR Medium-Resolution Infrared Radiometer
MSC Meteorlogical Satellite Center
MSI Multispectral imaging
MSSCC Multicolor Spin Scan Cloud Camera
MSU Microwave Sounding Unit
MTPE Mission to Planet Earth
MTS Microwave Temperature Sounder

MUSE Monitor of Ultraviolet Solar Energy

MVS Minimum variance simultaneous
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASDA National Space Development Agency (of Japan)
NCDC National Climatic Data Center
NC02 Narrow C 0 channel

NEAL Noise-equivalent radiance difference

NEAT Noise-equivalent temperature difference
NEMS Nimbus Ε Microwave Spectrometer
NESDIS National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service
NEXRAD Next-Generation Radar
NFOV Narrow field Of view
NGM Nested Grid Model
NMC U.S. National Meteorlogical Center
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NOSAT No satellite
NSCAT NASA Scatterometer
NSSDC National Space Science Data Center
OCTS Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner
OLR Outgoing longwave radiation
OLS Operational Linescan System
PCT Polarization-corrected brightness temperature
PE Primitive equation
PMR Pressure Modulator Radiometer
PMT Photo multiplier tube
POD Probability of detection
POEM Polar-Orbit Earth Observation Missions
POES Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite
POLDER Polarization and Directionality of Earth's Reflectances
PPI Plan position indicator
PR Precipitation Radar
PRAREE Precise Range and Range Rate Equipment—Extended
PRF Pulse repetition frequency
RA-2 Radar Altimeter 2
RAFS Regional Analysis and Forecast System
RF Radio frequency
RIS Retroreflector in Space
RMS Root mean square
RPM Revolutions per minute
RTTS Real-Time Transmission Systems
S&R Search and Rescue
SAB Sorting into angular bins
SAGE Stratosphere Aerosol and Gas Experiment
SAM Stratospheric Aerosol Measurement
444 Appendix Β

SAMS Stratospheric and Mesospheric Sounder

SAR Synthetic aperture radar
SAS Solar Aspect Sensor
SASS Seasat-A Satellite Scatterometer
SAT Satellite
SBUV Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet radiometer
SCAMS Scanning Microwave Spectrometer
SCARAB Scanner for the Radiation Budget
SCIAMACHY Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric
SCMR Surface Composition Mapping Radiometer
SCR Selective Chopper Radiometer
SeaWiFS Sea-Viewing Wide Field Sensor
SEM Space Environment Monitor
SIR Shuttle Imaging Radar
SIRS Satellite Infrared Spectrometer
SMM Solar Maximum Mission
SMMR Scanning Mutlichannel Microwave Radiometer
SMS Synchronous Meteorological Satellite
SOCC Satellite Operations Control Center
SOLSTICE Solar Stellar Irradiance Comparison Experiment
SPOT Systeme Probatoire d'Observation de la Terre
SR Scanning Radiometer
SSALT Solid-State Altimeter
SSM/I Special Sensor Microwave Imager
SSM/T Special Sensor Microwave Temperature
SST Sea surface temperature
SSU Stratospheric Sounding Unit
STS Space Transportation System
SW Shortwave
T&DRE Tracking and Data Relay Experiment
TES Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer
THIR Temperature Humidity Infrared Radiometer
TIP TIROS Information Processor
TIROS Television and Infrared Observational Satellite
TMI TRMM Microwave Imager
TMR TOPEX Microwave Radiometer
TOMS Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer
TOPEX Ocean Topography Experiment
TOVS TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder
TRMM Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission
TTC Telemetry, tracking, and command
TWERLE Tropical Wind Energy Conversion and Reference Level Exper-
UARS Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite
Abbreviations 445

UHF Ultrahigh frequency

USGCRP U.S. Global Change Research Program
UTC Coordinated Universal Time
VAS VISSR Atmospheric Sounder
VDUC VAS Data Utilization Center
VHRR Very High Resolution Radiometer
VIRR Visible and Infrared Radiometer
VIRS Visible Infrared Scanner
VIRSR Visible Infrared Scanning Radiometer
VIS Visible
VISSR Visible and Infrared Spin Scan Radiometer
VTPR Vertical Temperature Profile Radiometer
wco 2
Wide C 0 channel

Weather Facsimile
WFOV Wide field of view
WMO World Meteorlogical Organization
WSR Weather Service Radar


A Albedo, area
α Semimajor axis
B (T)k Planck function
C Matrix used to retrieve temperatures from radiances
c Speed of light
cx First radiation constant
c2 Second radiation constant
d sun Earth—sun distance
£ Irradiance
e Eccentric anomaly
ECT Equator crossing time
f Coriolis parameter
G Newtonian (or universal) gravitation constant
Η Radiant exposure
h Planck's constant, generalized height coordinate
hs Satellite height (above surface)
^TOA Height of top of atmosphere
i Inclination

448 Appendix C

h Coefficient of the quadrupole gravitational potential of Earth

k Boltzmann's constant
L Radiance
Lv Monochromatic radiance (spectral radiance)
LT Local time
Μ Radiant exitance, mean anomaly
m Complex index of refraction, mass
m t Mass of the Earth
Ν Cloud amount, number of pixels
N' Effective cloud amount
N(r) Drop-size distribution function
N* Ratio of cloud amounts
Avogadro's number
η Index of refraction, mean motion constant
η Anomalistic mean motion constant
η' Imaginary (absorptive) part of the complex index of refraction
Ρ Pressure, power
Ρ Pressure
Ρ (Ψ.) Scattering phase function
Q Radiant energy
Qa Absorption efficiency
Q s
Scattering efficiency
<7 Mixing ratio
R Rain depth, rain rate
R* Universal gas constant
r Radius, rain rate
7 Radius vector
»"e Radius of Earth
r Equatorial radius of Earth
' ee

sS E
Line strength
Radiance covariance matrix
ς Solar constant
Temperature covariance matrix
s Distance
Τ Period, temperature
f Anomalistic period
f Synodic or nodal period
Brightness temperature
Equivalent blackbody temperature
Flux temperature
ί Time
ίο Epoch time
υ Gravitational potential, column-integrated mass
Geostrophic wind vector
Weighting function
Molecular weight
Principal Symbols 449

Backscattering cross section per unit volume

y m Spherical harmonic function
ζ Radar reflectivity factor
Tangent height
a Absorptance, scan angle
a Absorption number
«Ρ Pitch angle
«R Roll angle
«Υ Yaw angle
ß Mass absorption coefficient
Γ Argument of perigee, sensitivity factor
Bidirectional reflectance
ALON Nodal longitude increment
δ Declination angle, vertical optical depth
δ 0
Vertical optical depth of entire atmosphere
8,. Slant path optical depth
ε Eccentricity, emittance
Zenith angle
Θ Latitude
θ True anomaly, zenith angle
κ Wavenumber
Line central wavenumber
Δκ Line halfwidth
λ Wavelength
Wavelength of maximum emission
Κ Eigenvalue
μ Cosine of zenith angle (cos0)
ν Frequency
ξ, Anisotropic reflectance factor
Ρ Density, reflectance
σ Stefan-Boltzmann constant
Absorption coefficient
σ ε
Extinction coefficient
σ 5
Scattering coefficient
σ° Normalized radar cross section (of ocean surface)
τ Transmittance
Vertical transmittance of entire atmosphere
Φ Geopotential, radiant flux
Φ Azimuth angle
Χ Size parameter
Ψ Longitude
ψ 5
Scattering angle
Ω Solid angle, right ascension of ascending node
nω e
Right ascension of Greenwich
Argument of perigee
ω Single-scatter albedo

International Units

Μ OST OF THE units in this book are Systeme International (SI) Units,
which is the internationally accepted form of the metric system. SI
Units are comprised of base units, supplementary units, and units derived from
the basic units.

Quantity Name of unit Symbol Definition

Base Units

Length meter m
Mass kilogram kg
Time second s
Temperature kelvin Κ
Amount of substance mole mol
Electrical current ampere A
Luminous intensity candela cd


Appendix D

Quantity Name of unit Symbol Definition

Supplementary Units

Plane angle radian rad

Solid angle steradian sr

N a m e d Derived Units

Force newton Ν kg m s~ 2

Pressure pascal Pa Ν m" = kg m" s

2 1 - 2

Energy joule J Ν m = kg m s" 2 2

Power watt W J s" = kg m s"

1 2 3

Electrical potential difference volt V W A" = kg m s" A"

1 2 3 1

Electrical charge coulomb c A s

Electrical resistance ohm Ω V A" = kg m s" A "
1 2 3 2

Electrical capacitance farad F C V" = kg" rrT s A

1 1 2 4 2

Frequency hertz Hz s"


Celsius temperature degree Celsius °C Κ - 273.15

Magnetic flux weber Wb V s = kg m s" A 2 2 - 1

Inductance henry Η Wb A" = kg m s" A "

1 2 2 2

Magnetic flux density tesla Τ Wb i r r = k g s " A"

2 2 1

Luminous flux lumen Im cd sr

Illuminance lux lx Im m = cd sr m
2 - 2

Other Derived Units

(Useful in Satellite Meteorology)

Area m 2

Volume m 3

Density kg m" 3

Velocity (speed) m s" 1

Angular velocity rad s" 1

Wavelength m
Wavenumber rrT 1

Radiance W irT sr" 2 1

Spectral radiance W m r sr" irT 2 1 1

Κ W π Γ s r Hz" 2 1 1

Li χ W irT sr" m 2 1

Irradiance Win" 2

Spectral irradiance Ελ
W rrT irT 2 1

W m Hz" 2 1

Wmf m 2

Radiant exitance WirT 2

Spectral radiant exitance Μ λ

W m - irT 2 1

Μ„ W irT H z " 2 1

Μ κ
WirT m 2

Radiant energy J
Radiant exposure Jm" 2

Radiant flux W
Radiant flux density Wm" 2

Absorption coefficient m" 1

Scattering coefficient irT 1

Extinction coefficient rrT 1

Systeme International Units 453

Quantity Name of unit Symbol Definition

Scattering angle rad

Scattering phase function sr" 1

Bidirectional reflectance sr - 1

Mean anomaly rad

Eccentric anomaly rad
True anomaly rad
Argument of perigee rad
Right ascension rad

The basic, supplemental, and named derived units may be prefixed to indicate
order of magnitude as follows

Factor by which
Unit is multiplied Prefix Symbol

10 1 8
exa Ε
10 1 5
peta Ρ
10 1 2
tera Τ
10 9

giga G
10 6
mega Μ
10 3
kilo k
10 2
hecto h
10 1
deka da
ΚΓ 1
deci d
1(T 2
centi c
10~ 3
milli m
1(T 6
micro μ
10- 9
nano η
KT 1 2
pico Ρ
KT 1 5
femto f
1 0
atto a

Several non-SI units are in use in satellite meteorology. Below are conversion
factors for some of them.

To convert from To Multiply by

angstrom meter 1 x 1(T 1 0

atmosphere pascal 1.01325 x 1 0 5
bar pascal 1 x 10 5
British thermal unit joule 1.055 x 1 0 3

calorie (thermochemical) joule 4.184 exact

day second 8.64 x 1 0 4

454 Appendix D

To convert from To Multiply by

degree (angle) radian 1.745329 x 1 0 " 2

dyne newton 1 x 10" 5

erg joule 1 x ΙΟ" 7
foot meter 3.048 x 1 0 " 1
hectare meter 2
1 x 10 4
hour (mean solar time) second 3.6 x 1 0 3
inch meter 2.54 x Ι Ο - 2
inch of mercury pascal 3.386388 x 10 3

knot meter/second 5.144444 x 10" 1

langley joule/meter2
4.184 x 1 0 4
liter meter 3
1 x 10~ 3
micron meter 1 x 10" 6
mile (nautical) meter 1.852 x 1 0 3
mile (statute) meter 1.609344 x 1 0 3
millibar pascal 1 x 10 2
millimeter of mercury pascal 1.333224 x 1 0 2

minute (angle) radian 2.908882 x 10~ 4

minute (mean solar time) second 6 x 10 1

pound force (avoirdupois) newton 4.4482216152605 exact
pound mass (avoirdupois) kilogram 4.5359237 χ 10" 1
second (angle) radian 4.848136811 x 10" 6

second (sidereal time) second 9.9726957 χ 10" 1

ton (short, 2 0 0 0 pound) kilogram 9.0718474 10 2

tonne (metric ton) kilogram 1 x 10 3


Mechtly, E. A. (1969). The International System of Units: Physical Constants and Conversion Factors,
Revised. N A S A SP-7012, Washington, D C .
Standard Practice for the Use of the International System of Units (the Modernized Metric System)
(1993). American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM E380-93, Philadelphia, PA, 35 pp.
Wallace, J. M., and P. V. Hobbs (1977). Atmospheric Science: An Introductory Survey. Academic
Press, N e w York.
Wertz, J. R., and W. J. Larson (ed.) (1991). Space Mission Analysis and Design. Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Dordrecht.


Uncertainty a

Constant Symbol Value/ Units (ppm)

Universal Constants
Speed of light in vacuum* 7
c 2 . 9 9 7 9 2 4 5 8 x 1 0 m s" 8 1
Newtonian gravitation constant* 7
G 6 . 6 7 2 5 9 x ΙΟ" Ν m kg"
11 2 2
Planck's constant*7
h 6.6260755 x ΙΟ" J s 34
Boltzmann's constant* 7
k 1.380658 x 1 0 " J K" 23 1
First radiation constant* ' 7 0
C\ 1.1910439 x 1 0 " W m sr" 16 2 1
Second radiation constant* 7
Cl 1.438769 x 1 0 ~ m Κ 2
Stefan-Boltzmann constant* 7
σ 5 . 6 7 0 5 1 x 1 0 ~ W n T K~
8 2 4
Wein's displacement law constant* 7
2.897756 χ 10" m Κ 3
Avogadro's number* 7
6 . 0 2 2 1 3 6 7 x 1 0 mol" 2 3 1
Molar gas constant* 7
R* 8 . 3 1 4 5 1 0 J mol" K" 1 1

Terrestrial Parameters
Standard atmosphere* 7
atm 1.01325 x 1 0 Pa 5
Mean molecular weight of dry air^ 2 . 8 9 6 6 x 1 0 " kg m o l "
2 1

Gas constant for dry air ( R * / W ) M R 2 . 8 7 0 4 x 1 0 J kg" K"

2 1 1


Appendix Ε

Constant Symbol Value/Units (ppm)

Standard acceleration of gravity^ go 9 . 8 0 6 6 5 m s~ 2

Orbital constant* Gm c 3.986005 x 1 0 1 4
m 3
s" 2
Mass of Earth f m e 5.97370 x 1 0 2 4
kg 128
Equatorial radius of Earth* 6.378137 x 10 6
m 0.31
Polar radius of Earth* r
e P
6356752 χ 10 6
m 0.31
Mean radius of Earth* r e
6.371 0 0 9 x 1 0 6
m 0.31
Quadrupole gravitational coefficient Jl 1.08263 x 1 0 ~ 3
of Earth*
Tropical year** 3.15569259747 χ 10 s 7

Angular velocity of Earth* diljdt 7 . 2 9 2 1 1 5 x 1 0 " rad s" 5 1


Solar Parameters
Solar constant 5
^sun 1.368 x 1 0 W m - 3 2
Radius of sun (visible disk)^ r 6.9595 x 1 0 m 8
' sun
Mean Earth-sun distance^ ^sun 1.4956 x 1 0 m 1 1

One standard deviation uncertainty in parts per million.
From Cohen, E. R., and Β. N . Taylor (1986). The 1 9 8 6 Adjustment of the Fundamental Physical
Constants. CODATA Bulletin No. 63, Pergamon Press, Elmsford, N Y , and Oxford, U.K.
We have divided the value given by Cohen and Taylor (1986) by π so that the Planck function
yields radiance rather than radiant exitance.
Weast, R. C. (ed.) (1980). CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 61st ed. CRC Press, Inc.,
Boca Raton, FL.
* Defense Mapping Agency (1987). Supplement to Department of Defense World Geodetic System
1984 Technical Report: Part I—Methods, Techniques, and Data Used in WGS 84 Development.
D M A Tech. Rep. 8350.2-A, Building 5 6 , U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington, D C .
f Derived from the product Gm . t

See Section 10.1 of text. The uncertainty is estimated as half of the range in the mean satellite-
based measurements.

Abel's equation, 2 9 4 Angular velocity, 17, 19

Absorbed solar radiation, 3 6 9 of Earth, 17
Absorptance, 5 6 Anisotropic correction, 76
Absorption coefficient, mass, 5 8 , 7 0 , 2 9 1 Anisotropic reflectance factor, 8 1 , 3 7 2
Absorption coefficient, volume, 58 Anomalous winds, 2 3 8
Absorption number, 61 Anomaly, eccentric, 19, 3 0
ACRIM, 3 6 4 , 4 1 2 Anomaly, mean, 19, 2 2 , 2 5 , 3 0
Active cavity radiometer, 113 rate of change of, 25
Active instruments, 140 Anomaly, true, 19, 3 0 , 3 3
Active microwave winds, 2 4 5 - 2 4 8 Anticyclonic circulations, 170
ADEOS, 4 0 7 Anvil, 351
Adjacent spot test, 2 6 3 API, 3 4 5
Adjacent-pair technique, 199 Apofocus, 18
Aerosols Apogee, 18
Stratospheric, 4 4 4 , 2 9 3 - 2 9 8 Apogee kick motor, 45
Tropospheric, 2 9 8 - 3 0 1 Apollo-Soyuz, 293
Afternoon satellites, 2 7 , 368 APT, 4, 5, 9 7
AIRS, 4 1 2 Archives, 1 4 1 , 142
Albedo, 80, 8 1 , 177, 197, 3 6 8 , 3 7 5 , 3 7 7 Argument of latitude, 33
Albedo test, 2 6 3 Argument of perigee, 2 0 , 2 5 , 3 1 , 33
Aliases, 2 4 7 rate of change of, 25
Alignment, 1 5 8 - 1 5 9 of Molniya orbit, 2 9
Along-track direction, 96 Ariane, 4 4
ALT, 2 4 5 Aries, First Point of, 2 0
AMSU, 105, 4 0 5 Ascending node, 2 0
Angular dependence models, 3 7 1 - 3 7 5 , 3 8 9 ASTER, 4 1 2
Angular dependence problem, 3 6 7 Asymmetric stretching, 69

458 Index

ATI, 3 2 6 Cathode ray tube, 3

Atlas, 4 4 Central wavenumber, 70
ATS, 122 CERES, 4 1 2
ATS 1, 7, 122, 2 3 3 CGMS, 2 4 1
ATS 3 , 7, 122 Chahine's retrieval scheme, 190
Attenuation errors, 161 Challenger, 10
Attitude, 36 Channels, 147
Aureole method, 2 9 6 Chappuis bands, 6 6
Automatic tracking, 2 3 6 - 2 3 8 Chlorophyll, 180
AVCS, 7 Chromosphere, 83
AVHRR, 9 0 - 9 7 , 1 7 9 - 1 8 0 , 2 7 4 , 2 9 9 , 3 6 7 , Cirrostratus, 166
368, 404 Cirrus, 1 5 1 , 166, 168
angular response, 96 temperature, 2 7 5
calibration, 94 Clear-column radiances, 189, 2 6 0 - 2 6 4
Channel 3A, 93 Clear-sky radiances, 2 7 1
sampling, 95 Clear-sky radiation, 3 8 4
spectral response, 94 Cloud amount, 2 5 9 , 2 6 4 - 2 6 9
Avogadro's number, 7 7 Cloud and vapor tracking, 2 3 3 - 2 4 4
Azimuth angle, 3 4 Cloud classification scheme, bispectral, 151
Cloud Cover Radiometer, 108
Cloud emittance, 2 6 0
Background contrast, 161 Cloud estimation, maximum-likelihood, 3 7 5
Backscattering cross section, 3 4 7 Cloud filtering, 2 0 1 , 2 6 3 , 3 0 0
Ballistic ascent, 45 Cloud forcing, 3 8 4
Band model, 72 Cloud indexing, 3 0 8 - 3 1 6
Bands Arkin, 3 1 5 - 3 1 6
infrared, 148 Barrett, 3 0 9
visible, 147 Follansbee, 3 0 9 - 3 1 4
water vapor, 149 Kilonsky-Ramage, 3 1 4 - 3 1 5
Beamsplitter, 129 Cloud liquid water content, 2 6 0
Beer's law, 5 7 , 58 Cloud model techniques, 3 2 6 - 3 3 1
Bending, 69 convective-stratiform technique, 3 2 7 - 3 2 8
Bhaskara satellites, 9, 2 9 2 Gruber, 3 2 6
Bidirectional reflectance, 79, 2 7 1 Scofield-Oliver, 3 2 8 - 3 3 1
Big Bang, 185 Wylie, 3 2 7
Billow clouds, 171 Cloud optical depth, 2 6 0
Bispectral technique for clouds, 2 7 5 Cloud phase, 2 6 0
Bispectral techniques for precipitation, Cloud reflectance, 2 5 9
316-321 Cloud shadows, 2 8 9
Dittberner and Vonder Haar, 3 1 7 Cloud streets, 165, 168
Lovejoy and Austin, 317—320 Cloud-drift winds, 2 3 3
Tsonis and Isaac, 320—321 Cloud-top pressure, 2 6 4 - 2 6 9
Blackbody, 5 2 Cloud-track winds, 2 3 3
Bolometer, thermistor, 117 Clouds, 7 8 - 7 9 , 1 6 4 - 1 6 6
Bragg scattering, 2 4 6 Clouds from imagers, 2 6 9 - 2 9 0
Brightness temperature, 55 geometric techniques, 2 8 9 - 2 9 0
Broadband sensors, 3 6 6 histogram techniques, 2 7 2 - 2 7 3
BUV, 7, 136, 2 1 3 multispectral techniques, 2 7 5 - 2 7 6
pattern recognition techniques, 2 7 4 - 2 7 5
radiative transfer techniques, 2 7 9 - 2 8 9
Calibration, 1 5 7 - 1 6 5 spatial coherence, 2 7 6 - 2 7 9
Capillary waves, 2 4 6 threshold techniques, 2 6 9 - 2 7 2
Cartwheel, 4 Clouds from microwave radiometry, 2 9 1 - 2 9 2
CAT scans, 187 Clouds from sounders, 2 5 9 - 2 6 9
Index 459

Clustering, 2 7 2 Dwell sounding, 130

C 0 slicing, 2 4 2 , 2 6 7
2 Dynamic initialization, 2 0 7
Combination band, 71
Conservative scattering, 63 Earth Observing System, 4 1 0 - 4 1 6
Contamination, 161 Ebert-Fastie monochrometer, 108
Convective-stratiform technique, 3 2 7 - 3 2 8 Eccentric anomaly, see Anomaly, eccentric
Coordinate systems Eccentricity, 18, 3 0
inertial, 2 0 of Molniya orbit, 2 9
right ascension-declination, 2 0 Echo area, 3 2 3
satellite, 38 Edge enhancement, 1 5 7
Corona, 83 Effective cloud amount, 2 6 0
Correlation coefficient, 2 3 6 Electric dipole moment, 68
Cosine response function, 3 6 6 Electromagnetic spectrum, 4 7
Cross section, absorption, 65 Electronic transitions, 66
Cross-correlation method, 2 3 6 Elevation angle, 3 4
Cross-track direction, 96 Ellipse geometry, 1 8 - 1 9
Cumulus, 165 Elliptic ascent, 4 5
Current intensity index, 2 5 1 Emittance, 5 6
Cyclone, mature, 166 of sea surface, 2 4 9
Cyclonic circulations, 170 Enhanced IR technique, 2 5 1
Enhancement tables, 154
D A A C , 141 EOSP, 4 1 3
Data assimilation problem, 2 0 6 Ephemeris, 3 4
Data volume, 128 Epoch time, 2 2
DCP, 8 Equator crossing time, 2 7
DCS, 9 0 Equivalent blackbody temperature, 5 5 , 2 0 1 ,
De-spun portion, 123 354
Declination, 2 0 , 2 4 , 3 0 Equivalent wavelength, 187
Deconvolution, 3 8 0 ERB, 136, 2 8 4 , 3 6 7 , 3 7 0 , 3 7 3
Delta, 4 4 ERBE, 10, 1 1 2 - 1 1 8 , 3 6 7 , 3 7 5
Desmoothing, 3 8 0 nonscanner, 1 1 2 - 1 1 5
DIAL, 4 1 6 scanner, 1 1 5 - 1 1 8
Dicke switch, 104 ERBS, 10, 2 9 , 4 3 , 3 6 5
Diffuse radiation, 6 4 ERTS, 8
Direct readout ground station, 10 ESA, 9, 2 2 , 2 4 0
Direct-beam radiation, 64, 80 ESMR, 139
Displacement, 162 ESMR-5, 339
Distance from subsatellite point, 4 1 ESMR-6, 341
Diurnal problem, 3 6 7 ESSA, 6
Diurnal variation, 4 3 EUMETSAT, 141
Divergence, 3 5 1 Evans Signal Laboratory, 2
DMSP, 7, 8, 1 4 0 - 1 4 1 , 168, 2 9 9 Experimental satellites, 8 7
Doppler effect, 3 4 9 Explorer 1, 2
Doppler lidar, 4 1 7 Explorer 6, 2
Doppler wind measurements, 2 5 5 Explorer 7, 3 6 3
DORIS, 4 1 2 Extinction coefficient, volume, 6 0
Drag, atmospheric, 2 9 Extratropical cyclones, 166—167
Drift, 4 3
Drop size distribution, 2 6 0 False color, 155
Droplets, sulfuric acid, 2 9 5 False stereo, 156
Dropouts, 163 Fan-beam antenna, 2 4 6
Dust, 173 FAR, 3 1 9 , 3 5 2 , 3 5 4
Dvorak technique, 166, 2 5 0 - 2 5 4 FASCOD, 71
460 I n d e x

Field of view, 96 Ground track, 2 7

Filter wheel, 7, 99 of N O A A 1 1 , 28
Filtering, 193 of GOES 6, 2 9
Fire, 173 GTS, 2 0 9
First GARP Global Experiment, 9 Gulf stream, 178
First path retrievals, 2 6 4
First path soundings, 199
First-guess profile, 192 Halfwidth, 70
Flat-plate sensor, 114 Hard-copy image, 146
Flickering, 159 Hartley bands, 66
Florida, 172 Hartley-Huggins bands, 108, 2 1 3
Flux temperature, 3 6 9 Haze, 2 9 9
Flywheel, 5 Height coordinate, 184
Foam, 2 5 0 Helmholtz reciprocity principle, 7 9 , 3 7 3
Forbidden transitions, 6 7 HgCdTe, 9 3 , 9 9 , 129
Force, centripetal, 16 HIRDLS, 4 1 3
Foreshortening, 162 HIRS/1, 97, 136
Forward problem, 189 HIRS/2, 9 7 - 1 0 0
Frequency, 4 7 calibration, 100
Frozen sea test, 2 6 3 channels, 99
Full-disk image, 124 HIRS/3, 4 0 4
HIS, 138
Histogram techniques, 2 7 2 - 2 7 3
GAC, 97, 368 Horizon sensors, 5
GARP, 9 HRDI, 2 5 5
Gas correlation spectroscopy, 106 HRIR, 6
GATE, 3 1 7 , 3 2 1 HRPT, 9 7
GDAS, 2 0 9 Hurricanes, 1 5 2 , 166
GEO, 2 7 Gladys, 6
Geocentric latitude, 3 2 Hybrid retrievals, 1 9 5 - 1 9 6
Geolocation, 1 5 7 - 1 6 5
Geometric optics, 7 5 - 7 6
Geometry Ice, 1 7 3 - 1 7 5
geostationary, 38 Image enhancement, color, 1 5 4 - 1 5 5
low Earth orbit, 3 8 - 4 1 Imagery, 1 4 6 - 1 4 7
Geostationary microwave imager-sounder, 4 1 8 infrared, 1 4 8 - 1 4 9
Geostrophic wind, 2 4 4 microwave, 151
correction, 2 0 6 multispectral analysis, 1 5 1 - 1 5 4
Geosynchronous, 17 physical enhancement, 1 5 5 - 1 5 6
GLAS, 4 1 3 statistical enhancement, 1 5 6 - 1 5 7
Global warming, 187 visible, 1 4 7 - 1 4 8
GMS, 9, 120 water vapor, 1 4 9 - 1 5 0
GOES, 8 - 1 0 , 2 8 , 1 2 2 - 1 3 6 , 2 9 9 , 3 2 1 , 3 8 9 Inclination angle, 2 0 , 2 5 , 3 2
GOES 4 - 7 instruments, 1 2 3 - 1 3 1 of Meteor satellites, 2 9
GOES I - M instruments, 1 3 1 - 1 3 6 of Molniya satellites, 2 9
GOES Precipitation Index, 3 1 5 of sunsynchronous orbit, 2 6
GOSTCOMP, 2 2 1 Index of refraction, 4 8 , 72
Gradient wind, 2 4 4 complex, 7 3 , 76
Gravitation, 16 India, 9
Gravitational potential of Earth, 2 4 Indian summer monsoon, 3 1 7
Greenwich, 3 2 Infrared spectrum, 6 7
Grid history, 3 3 1 Insat, 9, 120, 141
Gridding, 157, 177 InSb, 9 3 , 129
Griffith-Woodley, 3 2 2 - 3 2 5 Instantaneous field of view, 96
Index 461

Integral constraint, 1 8 7 Lightning, 1 6 8 - 1 6 9 , 4 1 3

Interchannel regression test, 2 6 3 Lightning Mapper, 4 1 7
Interferometers, 1 3 6 - 1 3 8 Limb
Internet, 1 4 1 , 180 correction, 1 9 7
Intertropical convergence zone, 168 darkening/brightening, 187, 3 6 9
Inverse matrix methods, 195 scanners, 4 0 , 1 3 8 - 1 3 9
Inverse problem, 189, 3 6 7 sounding, 1 8 8 - 1 8 9 , 2 1 0 - 2 1 1
Inverse square law retrieval, 378 LIMS, 2 1 0
Inverted images, 149 Line broadening, 69
Ionization-dissociation interactions, 65 Line strength, 7 0
IRIS, 7, 136 Line-by-line calculation, 7 0 , 1 8 7
Irradiance, 5 0 Liquid water content, 7 8 , 2 7 9
ISCCP, 2 8 2 - 2 8 4 LIS, 4 1 3
Isotopes, 7 0 Local thermodynamic equilibrium, 5 6
Isotropic reflection, 80, 368 Local time, 2 7
Isotropic scattering, 5 9 Longitude, relationship to right ascension,
ISRO, 2 4 0 Longwave
ITCZ, 168 anisotropic factor, 3 7 4
ITOS, 7 channels, 9 9
ITPR, 136 radiation, 8 4
Lookup tables, 1 5 4
Looping, 1 5 5 - 1 5 6
Japan, 9 Lorentz lineshape, 69
Japanese N - 2 , 4 4 LOWTRAN, 72
Jet stream, 1 6 8 - 1 7 0 LRIR, 2 1 0
Jupiter, 7 Lunanauts, 1

Kansas, 175 Maneuvers, satellite, 28

Kepler's equation, 19 Manual tracking, 2 3 4 - 2 3 6
Kepler's laws, 1 7 - 1 8 Marine aerosols, 2 9 9
Keplerian orbit, 2 2 Mass, satellite, 16
Kirchhoff's law, 5 6 , 58 Matrix, rotation, 3 2
Kodak white, 110 M a x i m u m infrared radiance, 2 7 1
Kosmos 2 4 3 , 7, 2 9 2 M a x i m u m value test, 2 6 3
Maxwell's equations, 7 2
M B curve, 155, 3 2 8
LAC, 9 7 , 368 MCSST, 2 2 2
Lag position, 2 3 6 Mean anomaly, see Anomaly, mean
Lake breeze, 172 Mean free path, 78
Lake Michigan, 1 7 5 , 1 7 7 Mean motion constant, 19
Lake Okeechobee, 172 anomalistic, 25
Lambertian reflector, 80, 3 7 7 Merging, 159
deviation from, 81 Mesoscale models, 3 5 5
Landmark, 2 2 Meteor satellites, 7, 8, 10, 87, 1 1 9 - 1 2 0
Landsat, 8, 4 3 Meteosat, 9, 1 2 0 , 1 4 1 , 3 8 9
LASA, 4 1 6 MHS, 412
Launch profiles, 4 5 Microphysical model, 2 8 0
Launch vehicles, 4 4 Microwave
LEO, 2 7 spectrum, 68
LFM, 2 0 9 imagers, 1 3 9 - 1 4 0
Life-history techniques, 3 2 1 - 3 2 6 weighting function, 186
about convective clouds, 3 2 5 - 3 2 6 Mie scattering, 7 3 - 7 5
Griffith-Woodley, 3 2 2 - 3 2 5 MIMR, 414
4^2 Index

Minimum information method, 196 Nitrogen dioxide, 2 9 4

Minimum variance method, 196 N M C final analysis, 2 0 9
Minimum variance simultaneous method, 2 0 0 No-emission equations, 6 3 - 6 4
Minimum visible radiance, 2 7 1 No-scattering equations, 61—63
Mirror motion compensation, 136 N O A A , 2, 10, 2 2
MISR, 4 1 4 N O A A 1, 7
Mission to Planet Earth, 4 0 6 - 4 1 6 N O A A 2 - 5 , 184
MLCE, 3 7 5 N O A A 3, 299
MLS, 4 1 4 N O A A 5, 7, 2 9 9
MODIS, 4 1 4 N O A A 9, 3 6 4
Moisture convergence, 3 5 5 N O A A 10, 3 6 4
Moisture retrieval scheme, 191 N O A A K, L, M , 105, 4 0 3
Mollweide projection, 158 Nobel Prize, 53
Molniya orbit, 2 9 , 4 1 8 Nodal longitude increment, 3 4
Molniya satellites, 29 Nonblackbodies, 5 6 - 5 7
Monochromatic, 51 Nonscanner, 3 6 7
Monochromatic radiance, 5 2 N o o n satellites, 2 7
Moonlight, 148 Normalization, 1 5 9 - 1 6 1
MOPITT, 4 1 5 Normalized radar cross section, 2 4 5
Morning satellites, 2 7 Nowcasts, 156
Mountain wave clouds, 170 N S C ATT, 4 1 5
MRIR, 3 NSSDC, 141
MSC, 2 4 0 Numerical weather prediction, 2 0 9
MSU, 1 0 1 - 1 0 5 , 186
climatology, 185
Multiple-window technique, 2 2 1 Oblate spheroid, 2 4
Multispectral enhancement, 155 Occultation, solar, 138
Multispectral imaging, 130 Ocean surface winds, 2 4 5 - 2 5 5
Multispectral Scanner, 43 Ohio Valley, 175
Oil refineries, 173
OLR, 3 6 6
N * , 199, 2 6 1 OLS, 8, 140, 168
Narrow-field-of-view sensors, 3 6 6 One-step method, 2 0 1
Narrowband sensors, 3 6 6 Operational retrievals
NASA, 2, 2 2 temperature and humidity, 1 9 7 - 2 1 0
National Space Science Data Center, 141 winds, 2 4 0 - 2 4 2
National Weather Service, 2, 10 Operational satellites
Navigation, 3 6 - 4 1 , 157, 177 geostationary, 1 2 0 - 1 3 6
N D V I , 179 polar-orbiting, 8 7 - 1 2 0
Nebraska, 175 Optical depth, 6 0
N E M S , 136 Orbit perturbations, 2 2
Nephanalysis, 2 6 9 , 2 8 4 , 3 0 9 Orbital elements, 2 2
Neptune, 7 Orbits
NESDIS, 1 4 1 , 2 4 0 geostationary, 7, 2 8 - 2 9
Neutral stability wind, 2 4 6 geosynchronous, 28
Newton's laws, 16, 2 0 Keplerian, 2 2
NGM, 201 low Earth, 2 7
Nimbus 1, 3 , 5 meteorological satellite, 2 6
Nimbus 3 , 7 Molniya, 2 9 , 4 1 8
Nimbus 4, 7 near-polar, 6, 2 7
Nimbus 5, 2 9 2 N O A A satellite, 17
Nimbus 6, 1 0 1 , 2 9 2 , 3 7 0 other, 2 9 - 3 0
Nimbus 7, 6, 2 9 2 , 2 9 3 , 3 6 4 , 3 7 0 , 3 7 3 polar, 2 7
Nitrogen, 68 sunsynchronous, 2 6 - 2 8
index 4$3

Orientation, orbital, 2 0 - 2 1 Precipitable water, 2 2 5

Oversample, 130 Prestorm environment, 3 5 5
Overtone band, 71 Prograde orbits, 2 0
Oxygen absorption, 6 6 - 6 8 Pseudocolor, 155
Ozone, 7, 66, 7 1 , 108, 2 9 4
Ozone and other gases, 2 1 1 - 2 1 8
Q branch, 7 0 , 106
Quadrupole gravitational potential, 2 4 - 2 5
Quality flags, 2 0 0
Ρ branch, 7 0
Quality of retrieved soundings, 2 0 1 - 2 0 6
Parameter estimation, 3 8 0
Quantum number, 7 0
Parent, Robert, 7
Quasi-geostrophic approximation, 2 4 4
Parking orbit, 4 5
Queen Elizabeth II, 2 4 8
Passive instruments, 140
Passive microwave techniques for precipitation,
331-345 R branch, 7 0
absorption schemes, 3 3 9 - 3 4 3 Radar, 140, 3 4 5 - 3 5 0
API, 3 4 5 Radiance, 5 0
cloud-model techniques, 3 4 4 Radiance background, 177
scattering schemes, 3 4 3 - 3 4 4 Radiance ratio method, 2 6 5
soil moisture, 3 4 5 Radiance residual method, 2 6 5
Passive microwave winds, 2 4 9 - 2 5 0 Radiant energy, 4 9
Pattern recognition, 2 7 4 - 2 7 5 Radiant exitance, 5 0
PCT, 3 4 3 Radiant flux, 5 0
Perifocus, 18 Radiant flux density, 5 0
Perigeal passage, time of, 19 Radiation budget, surface, see Surface radiation
Perigee, 18, 31 budget
argument of, 2 0 Radiation budget, top of atmosphere, 3 6 5 - 3 8 9
Period ERBE data set, 3 8 2 - 3 8 8
anomalistic, 25 Geostationary products, 3 8 8 - 3 8 9
nodal, 25 Nimbus 7 data set, 3 7 0 - 3 8 1
orbital, 16 N O A A data set, 3 6 7 - 3 7 0
synodic, 2 5 Radiation constants, 53
Phase function, scattering, 5 9 , 75 Radiative interactions, 6 5 - 6 8
Phased array antenna, 139 Radiative transfer equation, 5 7 , 5 9 , 61
Photo image, 146 depletion terms, 58
Photocell, 2 explanation of, 5 9
Photomultiplier tube, 128 no-scattering equations, 6 1 - 6 3
Photosphere, 81 no-emission equations, 63—64
Physical retrievals, 1 9 0 - 1 9 3 source terms, 58
Picture-pair winds, 2 4 0 Radiometer, scanning, 2
Pitch, 3 9 Radiometer, Suomi, 2
Pixel, 37, 9 0 , 146, 2 3 6 Radius, equatorial, of Earth, 2 4
Planck's constant, 53 RAFS, 2 0 9
Planck function, 53—55 RAINSAT, 3 2 0
Plankton, 2 9 8 Rapid scan, 2 3 5 , 3 5 2
PMR, 105, 136 Rayleigh absorption efficiency, 7 7
POD, 3 2 0 , 3 5 2 , 3 4 Rayleigh criterion, 101
POEM, 4 1 5 Rayleigh scattering, 7 6 - 7 8 , 2 9 3 - 2 9 4 , 298
Polar stratospheric clouds, 2 9 6 coefficient for air, 7 7
Polarized radiation, 5 9 , 75 phase function, 7 7
Polynomial expansions, 7 2 , 188 Rayleigh-Jeans approximation, 5 5 , 2 9 1
Positioning of satellites, 3 0 Reflectance, 5 6
Power-all-the-way ascent, 4 5 Reflectivity factor, 348
Practical problems, 7 1 - 7 2 Refracted radiation, 76
464 Index

Refraction, index of, 48 Schwarzchild's equation, 6 1 - 6 3 , 1 8 4 , 2 9 1

Relative Earth rotation rate, 3 3 Scofield-Oliver, 3 2 8 - 3 3 1
Relative humidity, 150 Scope of book, 11
Remapping, 1 5 7 - 1 5 8 SCR, 136
Resolution, 9 6 , 1 4 7 Sea breeze, 1 7 1 - 1 7 2
Response function, spectral, 7 2 Sea surface temperatures, 1 7 5 - 1 7 7 , 2 2 1 - 2 2 5
Retrieval methods, 1 8 9 - 1 9 6 Search and Rescue, 90
Retrieval problem, 189 Search array, 2 3 6
Retrograde orbits, 2 0 Seasat, 140, 2 4 5 , 2 9 2
RGB images, 154 Second path retrievals, 2 6 4
Right ascension, 2 0 , 3 0 , 3 2 Second path soundings, 199
of Greenwich, 3 2 , 33 Selection rules, 7 0
of sun, 26 SEM, 9 0
Right ascension of ascending node, 2 0 Semimajor axis, 18, 43
rate of change of, 2 5 Sensor lag, 1 6 2 - 1 6 3
Roll, 3 9 Severe thunderstorms, 167, 3 5 0 - 3 5 5
Rotation matrix, 3 2 Shape factor, 3 7 8
Rotation rate of Earth, 3 2 Ship tracks, 153
Rotational transitions, 65-66 Shortwave channels, 99
Shortwave irradiance, maximum, 3 7 7
Shortwave radiation, 8 4
SAGE I, 138, 2 1 6 , 2 9 3 , 2 9 5 , 4 1 5 Side lobes, 197
SAGE II, 10, 138, 2 1 6 , 2 9 3 , 2 9 6 Signal interference, 163
SAGE III, 4 1 5 Silicon detector, 9 2
Saharan dust, 2 9 9 Single-scatter albedo, 61
Salyut 4, 2 9 6 Single-scattering approximation, 6 4
Salyut 6, 2 9 6 Singular value decomposition, 193
SAM, 138, 2 9 3 SIRS, 7, 136
SAM II, 138, 2 9 3 , 2 9 5 Size parameter, 7 2
SAMS, 2 1 0 Skin temperature, 1 8 4
Sand, 173 Sky radiance, 185
SAR, 2 4 5 Smith and Woolf scheme, 193
SASS, 140, 2 4 5 Smith's retrieval scheme, 190
SASS 1 model function, 2 4 7 S M M R , 139, 3 4 2
SAT/NOSAT, 2 0 6 Smoke, 173
Satellite bus, 89 SMS, 8
Satellite imagery, 146 Snow, 1 7 3 - 1 7 5
Satellite projection, 157 Soil, 1 7 9 - 1 8 0
Saturn, 7 Soil moisture, 3 4 5
SBUV, 1 0 8 - 1 1 1 , 136, 2 1 3 Solar constant, 84, 3 6 3 - 3 6 5
SCAMS, 1 0 1 , 136, 186 Solar M a x , 3 6 4
Scan angle, 41 Solar occultation, 138
Scan pattern Solar radiation, 8 1 - 8 4
HIRS/2, 100 Solar spectral irradiance, 83
MSU, 104 Solid angle, 5 0
SSU, 107 SOLSTICE, 4 1 5
Scan spot, 3 7 , 90, 118 Sorting into angular bins, 3 7 6
Scan spots, adjacent, 2 6 0 Sounding theory, 1 8 3 - 1 8 9
Scanner, 3 6 7 Soviet, 7
Scattering, 72 Soviet F - 2 rocket, 4 4
Scattering angle, 5 9 Soviet Union, 2 , 2 9
Scattering coefficient, volume, 58 Space Shuttle, 10, 2 9 , 4 4
Scattering efficiency, 73 Space-time sampling, 41
Scatterometer, 2 4 5 Spacelink, 141
Index 465

Spatial coherence, 2 7 6 - 2 7 9 Surface wind speed, 2 5 1

Spectra, 65 Surface reflection, 7 9 - 8 1
Spectral correction problem, 3 6 7 Swath width, 41
Spectral parameters, 2 7 4 Symmetric stretching, 69
Spectral response function, 187
Spectroscopy, 64
Specular reflection, 80, 185, 298
Speed of light, 48 T-numbers, 250
Spherical geometry method, 3 3 - 3 4 Tangent height, 139, 188
Spherical harmonics, 3 8 0 Target areas, 3 7 6
Spin axis, 38 Target array, 2 3 6
Spin budget, 131 Targets, GAC, 368
Spin Scan Cloud Camera, 7 TBUS bulletins, 2 2
Spin scan radiometer, 124 Technology, computer and communications, 10
Split-window SST, 3 0 0 Telescope pointing, 3 6
Split-window technique, 219—225 Terrestrial radiation, 5 7
SPOT, 43 TES, 4 1 5
Spun portion, 123 Texture parameters, 2 7 4
Sputnik, 2 THIR, 2 8 4
Squall lines, 167 THIR/TOMS
SSALT, 4 1 2 cloud algorithm, 3 7 3
SSM/I, 139, 3 4 2 cloud climatology, 2 8 4 - 2 8 9
SSU, 1 0 5 - 1 0 8 Third path retrievals, 2 6 4
Statistical assimilation method, 2 0 7 Third path soundings, 199
Statistical eigenvectors, 193 Three-axis stabilization, 5, 7, 131
Statistical retrievals, 193—195 Three-dimensional display, 156
Steel mills, 173 Thunderstorms, 151
Stefan-Boltzmann constant, 55 Time constant, 163
Stefan-Boltzmann law, 55 Time zone, 2 7
Stereo, 2 8 9 , 3 5 4 Time-continuous assimilation, 2 0 6
displays, 156 TIROS, 3
Stokes parameters, 5 9 TIROS 1, 3
Storms, 1 6 6 - 1 6 8 TIROS 2 , 3
Stratocumulus, 165 TIROS 3 , 3
Stratospheric aerosols, 2 9 3 - 2 9 8 TIROS 4, 3
Stretched data, 128 TIROS 5, 3
Subsatellite point, 2 7 , 147 TIROS 7, 3
Subtarget area, 3 7 5 TIROS 8, 4, 5
Successive correction method, 2 0 7 TIROS 9, 4
Sun glint/sun glitter, 8 0 , 1 7 3 , 2 7 1 , 2 9 8 TIROS 10, 3
Sun photometer, 2 9 3 TIROS M , 7
Sun-relative azimuth angle, 3 7 3 TIROS N , 9, 3 7 0
Sunspots, 3 6 4 TIROS Ν series, 89
Sunsynchronous orbits, 5, 2 6 TMR, 412
Suomi radiometer, 56 Toggling, 159
Suomi, Verner, 2 T O M S , 136, 2 1 3 , 2 8 4
Supracil-W, 114 Total channel, 114
Surface radiation budget, 389—396 Total ozone, 2 1 3
downward longwave radiation, 3 9 4 - 3 9 5 TOVS, 1 9 7
downward shortwave radiation, 3 9 0 - 3 9 3 archived data, 2 0 0
net radiation, 3 9 5 - 3 9 6 Atmospheric Radiance Module, 1 9 9 - 2 0 0
reflected shortwave radiation, 3 9 3 - 3 9 4 Preprocessor, 1 9 7 - 1 9 9
upward longwave radiation, 3 9 5 Retrieval Module
Surface temperature test, 2 6 3 retrievals, 1 9 7 - 2 0 0
466 Index

TOVS (continued) asymmetric stretching, 69

Stratospheric Mapper, 2 0 0 bending, 69
weighting functions, 198 C 0 , 68

Tracking, 3 4 - 3 6 electric dipole moment, 68

Training data set, 193 H 0 , 68

Transfer orbit, 45 modes, 69

Transmittance, 56, 58 symmetric stretching, 69
slant-path, 185 Vidicon Camera, 3
vertical, 6 2 , 184 Viewing-angle errors, 163
Transverse banding, 170 VIRR, 2 4 5
Triple-window solution, 2 2 2 Visible spectrum, 66
Triple-window SST, 3 0 0 VISSR, 123
TRMM, 350, 407 Volcanic aerosols, 2 9 6
Tropical cyclones, 6, 166 Volumetric rain rate, 3 2 1
central pressure, 2 5 1 Voyager, 7
winds, 2 5 0 - 2 5 5 VTPR, 9 8 , 184
Tropical year, 2 6
Tropopause, 69
Tropospheric aerosols, 2 9 8 - 3 0 1
True anomaly, see Anomaly, true Warping, 158
True color, 155 Water vapor, 6 9 , 71
Turbulence, 1 7 0 - 1 7 1 imaging, 9
Typhoons, 166 Wave clouds, 170
Wavelength, 4 7
Wavenumber, 4 9
U.S. Air Force, 2, 7 Weather Bureau, 2
U.S. Army, 2 Weighting function, 184, 198
UARS, 2 1 8 , 2 5 5 for limb sounding, 188
Ultraviolet spectrum, 66 generalized, 186
Unfiltering problem, 3 6 7 TOVS, 198
Updraft strength, 3 5 4 VAS, 2 0 3
Uranus, 7 Wein's displacement law, 53
Use of soundings in models, 206—210 Well-mixed gases, 187
White Sands, 179
Wide-field-of-view sensors, 3 6 6
Vanguard 2, 2 Wind flow, 1 6 8 - 1 7 2
Vapor tracking, 2 4 2 - 2 4 4 Wind quality, 2 3 8 - 2 4 0
VAS, 123 WINDII, 2 5 5
retrievals, 2 0 0 - 2 0 1 Window, 67, 148
digitization, 128 W i n d o w channel test, 2 6 3
large detectors, 130 Winds from soundings, 2 4 4 - 2 4 5
small detectors, 129 Wisconsin, University of, 2
VDUC, 200, 240
Vector rotation method, 3 0 - 3 3
Vegetation, 1 7 9 - 1 8 0
Vernal equinox, 2 0 Yaw, 39
Verne, Jules, 1
Vertical sounding, 1 8 4 - 1 8 8
VHRR, 9 2 , 2 9 9 , 368
Vibrational transitions, 65-66, 68-71 Z - R relationship, 348
in combination with rotational transitions, Zenith angle, 35
70, 71 Zurich Observatory, 3 6 4

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