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July 26, 2021

The Honorable Christopher A. Wray

Federal Bureau of Investigation
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20535

Dear Director Wray:

On June 10, 2021, you testified before the Committee during our annual oversight
hearing of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).1 During that hearing, you committed to
follow up with information and responses to a number of questions. Over a month has passed,
and the FBI has not yet complied with many of these outstanding requests. We write to ask that
you provide the requested information immediately.

Of notable concern, both Republicans and Democrats questioned you about the serious
and systematic problems with the FBI’s use of its warrantless electronic surveillance powers
under section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Members requested a briefing on
the matter, which you agreed to provide. The FBI has not yet provided this briefing, let alone
begin to schedule the briefing.

In addition, the FBI has not yet provided responses to questions for the record posed
following your testimony at the Committee’s 2020 oversight hearing. For instance, on February
12, 2020, Representative Mike Johnson posed a number of questions for the record pertaining to
the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation. It is our understanding that you have not answered
Representative Johnson’s questions. We therefore ask that you provide a copy of your response
to the questions for the record from the 2020 hearing.

The FBI must be forthcoming and transparent to Congress and the American people.
Both a table of our outstanding requests from your June 2021 testimony and a copy of the
February 2020 questions for the record are attached for your convenience. Please provide full
responses and information to the Committee as soon as possible but no later than 5:00 p.m. on
August 9, 2021.

Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Hearing before the H. Comm. on the Judiciary, 117th Cong.
The Honorable Christopher A. Wray
July 26, 2021
Page 2

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Jim Jordan
Ranking Member

cc: The Honorable Jerrold Nadler, Chairman

The Honorable Christopher A. Wray
July 26, 2021
Page 3

June 10, 2021 Full Committee Hearing

Member Member Ask Wray Response

Rep. Tom McClintock • Specific number of “Congressman, I’m not sure
terrorists, criminals, and that I have that number, but
gang members it may be that we can
apprehended at the provide the specifics
southern border separately.”2

• Number of agents and “Again, I’d be happy to see

money spent by FBI on if I can provide specific
border operations numbers and information to
be helpful to your request
• Requested briefing about separately. So I’m happy to
terrorist border-crossings follow up with your staff on

“Again, I’m happy to see

what information we can
provide to be helpful.”4

Rep. Matt Gaetz • Requested any scientific “I am happy to see what

analysis that the FBI has information we can provide.
done regarding Dr. Li- I will have my staff follow
Meng Yan’s COVID-19 up with yours and see what
origin claims information we can share
on the subject.”5

“Let me commit to you that

I will go back with my folks
and see what information
can be provided and what
form it would have to take
if we can provide any.”6
Rep. Victoria Spartz • Re-requested same section “Sure, we’d be happy to
702 briefing as Lofgren as provide a briefing, but
well as FBI’s internal certainly before the end of –

Id. at 22.
Id. at 23.
Id. at 24.
Id. at 53.
Id. at 54.
Id. at 71.
The Honorable Christopher A. Wray
July 26, 2021
Page 4

FISA audit initiatives by

end of fiscal year
Rep. Chip Roy • Briefing on Jan. 6 “I am happy to see what
prosecutions/investigations kind of briefing we could
provide to the committee.”8
• Requested additional
information about FBI’s “I’ll provide a brief answer,
role in assisting CBP to and then maybe we can
combat drug trafficking at supply some more
the southern border information after the fact.”9
Rep. Tom Tiffany • Requested information on “Certainly, I am happy to
FBI’s handling of Bernell follow up with our
Trammell murder case in Milwaukee office to see
Milwaukee, Wisconsin what the status of that
particular issue is.”10
Rep. Thomas Massie • Asked FBI to work with “Well, I will make sure that
DNI to look at JASTA our folks are doing
families everything they possibly
can consistent with our
• Requested investigation responsibilities.”11
whether there is racial
disparity in the NICS “I am happy to take a look
system background checks with the DNI and others to
see if there’s more
information that can be

“I am happy to look further

into the issue. I might have
my staff follow up with
yours to see -- make sure
that we have the same
information that you are
referring to. But certainly,
you've raised issues that
would -- that I’d want to
look into further.”13

Id. at 87.
Id. at 89.
Id. at 109.
Id. at 113.
Id. at 114.
Id. at 115.
The Honorable Christopher A. Wray
July 26, 2021
Page 5

Rep. Andy Biggs • Requested responses and “I can look and see if
information to questions there’s more information
one and two in his and we can provide you,
Ranking Member Jordan’s perhaps in a classified
May 4, 2021 letter about setting.”14
reported FISA abuses
“I’d have to check. I know
that we deal with the FISC
fairly regularly and provide
all sorts of reports to

“I am happy to see what

information we can provide
you. The court, though,
does not speak in terms of
improprieties, and I think
the court knows how to use
that term when that's what it
thinks it’s found.”16

Id. at 95.
Id. at 96.
The Honorable Christopher A. Wray
July 26, 2021
Page 6

U.S. Congressman Mike Johnson

U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary
Questions for the Record
February 12, 2020

Hearing – “Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation”

Director Wray, as you are aware Former Special Counsel Mueller brought on members of the
FBI onto the Special Counsel’s team when Crossfire Hurricane was transferred from the FBI to
the Special Counsel. In Mr. Mueller’s subsequent appearance before this Committee he refused
to answer any questions related to the Steele Dossier. With that in mind, I would like to ask you
a few questions regarding this phase of the investigation:

1. To your knowledge did Former Special Counsel Mueller ever question any of the Steele
Dossier origins after or during the transition of Crossfire Hurricane from the FBI to the
Special Counsel’s team?

2. Are you aware of any FBI personnel that were not part of the Mueller team being asked
by Former Director Mueller to carry out tasks during his tenure as Special Counsel?

3. In addition to addressing the relevant deficiencies found in the IG report, are you
internally examining FBI protocols surrounding the transfer of investigations to a Special
Counsel, particularly in instances where FBI staff are used by the Special Counsel?

4. Have you considered updating any sections of relevant Policy Implementation Guides or
the Domestic Investigations Operations Guide (DIOG) regarding FBI interactions, or the
transfer of investigations, to a Special Counsel?

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