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house rules

D&D 5th edition

Version 1 - Updated August 2018

Rule and Rule description Reasoning
1. Starting HP All Players start with maximum HP Avoid to weak characters at
at level 1 level 1 and make life at level 1
less lethal
2. Character If Milestone XP system: Death should never be trivial
death If a character dies – player can start and always have a penalty – so
up new character one level lower. it is feared. However level loss
If XP point advancement: should also be fair looking at
If a character dies – player can start how close character was to
up new character one level lower reach next level
but add a number of XP equal to
the percentage of progress the
character had at the current level
at the time of death
3. Starting Starting characters at higher level For balancing the party. Plus it
Characters as provide the character with the is not fun to start at higher
starting wealth and magic items as level being the only one not
higher level listed on the “starting at higher having any gold or items
levels” sheet
4. Luck Feat Luck Feat cannot be selected Though heavily debated – most
tend to rate the luck feat as
overpowered – specially if only
having few encounters
between long rests.
5. Sorcerer - Sorcerer-Warlock multiclassing is Roleplay perspective: Either
Warlock “The not allowed you have a patron and pact
magic OR an Origin and meta
Sorlock” magic to roleplay – not both.
Game Balance: Overpowered.
Twin and quickening
cantrips/converting warlock
slots to Sorcerer points leads to
combos being able to deal
significant more damage than
other classes at same level
Rule and Rule description Reasoning
6. Barbarian – Barbarian – Moon Circle druid Gameplay mechanics:
Moon Circle multiclassing not allowed Overpowered: Combat wild shape
with druid spell slots combined
Druid with Barbarian dmg. resistances
makes character almost invincible
7. Barbarian - Barbarian – Fighter Roleplay perspective: Either you
Fighter multiclassing not allowed have selected to be a Barbarian
(which is a lifestyle) or stick to
being a regular Fighter – not both.
Gameplay mechanics:
Overpowered: Barbarian only
limitation is the limited attacks,
combined with Fighter (specially
Champion and Great Weapon
Fighting) leads to having it all:
Multiple attacks, high crit chance,
reroll damage, and damage
8. Healing Healing word spell is banned Roleplay perspective: Assisting a
Word spell from spell lists fallen comrade should always be a
challenge that needs focus
(spending actions and movement
to get to victim). Healing word
removes all of this with a snap of
your fingers as no touch is
Gameplay mechanics:
Overpowered – same reason as
roleplay perspective. In addition
having this on spell list of other
classes than the cleric erodes the
Clerics class’ role as the only
master healer
9. Inspiration Inspiration cannot be give to Roleplay perspective: The
other players only received by metagaming perspective of giving
ones own character and used by to another player – not character
ones own character is counterproductive to the
roleplaying aspect and pure
Rule and Rule description Reasoning
10. Critical and Attack roll of 20 ALWAYS hit and Roleplay Perspective: Critical and
Fumble deals critical damage. All dice Fumble rolls are just fun and after
are rolled twice and plusses 30 years – we still love it. So why
added hereafter. In addition you should we not also apply it for
get to roll on the Critical Table DnD 5th Edition.

Attack roll of 1 ALWAYS miss and Gameplay mechanics: Rolling a 20

all subsequent attacks and and a 1 only happens a few times
actions after this roll in the during a game session – just doing
same turn are lost (if multiple double damage seems like a very
attacks). Planned bonus actions small addition and a cantrip cast
or at will/free actions after the as a bonus action or a class feat
fumble roll are also lost. used as bonus action used regular
In addition you get to roll on the throughout a session, can do the
Fumble Table same level of “damage adder”
11. Healing Drinking a healing potion The character must spend a
potions requires 1 standard action as standard action versus
per base rules. However Potions alternatively one last attack
ALWAYS yields the max. HP (i.e a action. It is to random and
fixed amount). So a 2d4+2HP decisive if the player rolls roll or
standard healing potion always high. It should always pay off to
yields 10 HP drink a potion as a last way out.
12. Flanking Flanking is an optional rule in It is not so hard to arrange flanking
DM Guide. Instead of gaining situation and it almost to easy a
advantage if flanking - following way to get advantage.
house rule applies: Additionally this rule erodes the
+2 to attack if flanked by 2 differentiation factor and specialty
opponents for the creatures that have pack
+3 to attack if flanked by 3 or tactics ability.
more opponents

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