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apping law enforcement report data can be an effective
way to analyze where crime occurs. The resulting visual
display can be combined with other geographic data
(such as the locations of schools, parks, and industrial
complexes) and used to analyze and investigate patterns of crime and
help inform responses.

The past decade, in particular, has seen advances in analytical

capabilities within the criminal justice community, making it possible
to add more geographic and social dimensions to statistical analyses
to forecast where crimes are likely to occur.

NIJ has been a long-time investor in research on mapping and

analysis. Over the years, the Institute has funded projects that
explore, evaluate, and seed analytical techniques and technology
to support law enforcement agencies that use place-based policing
practices and strategies to help answer the question, “How do we best reduce crime and improve public safety?”

This article follows the field’s evolution — from crime mapping to crime forecasting (and, in some cases, crime
prediction) — and discusses NIJ’s investments in research and future directions.

A Brief History

In 1829, Adriano Balbi and André Michel Guerry produced maps showing the relationships between educational
level and violent and property crime in France. This is often cited as the first instance of crime mapping.1
Following this work, Joseph Fletcher, in 1849, and Henry Mayhew, in 1861, produced maps that showed rates of
male incarceration and county crime, respectively.2

In the early 20th century, Clifford Shaw and Henry McKay mapped thousands of incidents of juvenile delinquency
and analyzed the relationships between delinquency and various social conditions.3
2 From Crime Mapping to Crime Forecasting: The Evolution of Place-Based Policing

Over the years, NIJ has funded discrete location where the other three dimensions
intersect and provided seven propositions describing
projects that explore, evaluate, how, where, and why people decide to commit
crimes.10 These propositions provide a framework
and seed analytical techniques to argue that crimes may spatially cluster because
either a criminal has already spent time and energy
and technology to support law staking out a neighborhood (a form of “capital”) or
the learned behavior may result in a peripatetic cycle.
enforcement agencies that use The propositions lead to the idea that place — not
people — is the key element in crime. As such, the
place-based policing practices Brantinghams believe that “it should be possible to

and strategies to help answer the predict the spatial distribution of crime and explain
some of the variation in volume of crime between
question, “How do we best reduce urban areas and between cities.”11

crime and improve public safety?” In 1979, Herman Goldstein proposed a problem-
oriented policing approach.12 This approach advocated
for law enforcement officers to follow a scanning,
In the 1950s, Jane Jacobs examined the built (urban) analysis, response, and assessment process (now
environment and the needs of city dwellers.4 In her known as the SARA approach) to identify, analyze, and
work, she introduced constructs that are still used solve problems.13 In the 1990s,14 Compstat emerged
in today’s place-based research, such as “eyes on as an alternative policing practice to reduce crime.15
the street” and “social capital.” Although Jacobs did Made famous by then-Chief Bill Bratton while at the
not attempt to forecast crime, her work led to later New York City Police Department, Compstat is a truly
research positing that crime has spatial patterns and data-driven approach to creating accountability for
thus should be able to be forecast.5 the police department. Although these practices and
strategies did not necessarily rely on criminological
In the 1970s, criminologists began to emphasize the theory, they used statistical analysis to solve problems
importance of place. Lawrence Cohen and Marcus associated with crime, indicating that they relied on
Felson’s routine activities theory (RAT) described how either spatial or temporal patterns.
routine activities affect crime.6 According to RAT, for
a crime to occur, three things must coincide at the As these place-based theories and policing
same place and time: a motivated offender, a suitable approaches continued to take shape, researchers
target, and a lack of capable guardianship. Due to the began to test them. For example, Lawrence Sherman,
consistency in our routines, Cohen and Felson argued, Patrick Gartin, and Michael Buerger — with
we should be able to forecast crime: “The spatial and support from NIJ — examined 323,979 calls to the
temporal structure of routine legal activities7 should Minneapolis Police Department between December
play an important role in determining the location, 15, 1985, and December 15, 1986, to test the spatial
type and quantity of illegal acts occurring in a given premise behind RAT.16 Using actual addresses and
community or society.”8 intersections, the research team found that 50% of all
calls originated from only 3% of all possible locations.
Similarly, Paul and Patricia Brantingham put forward Sherman also found a greater concentration of crime
the environmental criminology theory, positing that around microplaces than around individuals,17 which
crime is a complex event in which four things intersect led to the question, “Why aren’t we thinking more
at one time: a law, an offender, a target, and a place.9 about wheredunit, rather than just whodunit?”18 These
They defined this fourth dimension — place — as a results marked the beginning of hot spots policing.19

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NIJ Journal / Issue No. 281 November 2019 3

Predictive Policing: The Role of Crime Forecasting in

Law Enforcement Operations

Smart, effective, and proactive policing is clearly preferable to simply reacting to criminal acts. Although
there are many methods to help law enforcement respond to crime and conduct investigations more
effectively, predicting where and when a crime is likely to occur — and who is likely responsible for
previous crimes — has gained considerable currency. Law enforcement agencies across the United
States are employing a range of predictive policing approaches.

With support from NIJ, the RAND Corporation developed a reference guide for law enforcement agencies
interested in predictive policing. Predictive Policing: The Role of Crime Forecasting in Law Enforcement
Operations offers a focused examination of the predictive techniques currently in use, identifies the
techniques that show promise if adopted in conjunction with other policing methods, and shares findings
and recommendations to inform future research and clarify the policy implications of predictive policing.
To read the guide, go to, keyword: 243830.

From 1989 to 2007, researchers examined crime- NIJ funded the development of CrimeStat software
specific responses, the effects of foot patrols, to help practitioners and academics conduct spatial
and trajectories of crime. Researchers also tested analyses.22
problem-oriented policing in Madison, Wisconsin;
Baltimore, Maryland; and Newport News, Virginia, In the early 2000s, NIJ started to expand from
in the 1980s20 and began testing Compstat and evaluating place-based policing practices and
community-oriented policing in the 1990s and early strategies (e.g., hot spots policing) to exploring the
2000s. Today, we still have problem-oriented policing, statistical techniques used to forecast and predict
Compstat, community-oriented policing, and hot crime and how that affects the effectiveness and
spots policing, along with intelligence-led policing, efficiency of place-based policing practices and
community problem-oriented policing, and many other strategies. In 2008, Bratton — who by then was
variations and combinations. chief of the Los Angeles Police Department — began
working with the acting directors of NIJ and the
NIJ’s Critical Role Bureau of Justice Assistance on a new approach
called “predictive policing.”23 As a result, in 2009 NIJ
During the 1980s, NIJ funded evaluations of place- funded seven agencies to create predictive policing
based policing strategies, including the research by models in their jurisdictions. In 2011, NIJ invited these
Sherman and colleagues as well as similar research in agencies to propose implementation plans for the
Chicago. NIJ also began funding the development of models, which would then be evaluated. NIJ funded
technologies that were later incorporated into crime- models developed by the Chicago Police Department
mapping software.21 and the Shreveport (Louisiana) Police Department and
also funded the RAND Corporation to provide technical
In 1997, NIJ established the Crime Mapping assistance and evaluate the two models. (See sidebar,
Research Center, which surveyed law enforcement “Predictive Policing: The Role of Crime Forecasting in
departments to determine how they used analytic Law Enforcement Operations.”)
mapping. The center began developing training
programs to enhance departments’ capability to use RAND’s evaluation of the Shreveport predictive
spatial maps and data sets. From 1997 to 2014, policing model showed three key successes.24 First,

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4 From Crime Mapping to Crime Forecasting: The Evolution of Place-Based Policing

the model improved community relations, which a randomized controlled trial in Denver, Colorado, that
increased the community’s willingness to interact tested the effects of a hot spots policing approach in
with the police and led to better tips. Second, forecast areas.29 The research is ongoing.
the Shreveport Police Department found that the
predictions were actionable, even though they were In 2015, NIJ directed its attention to exploring
not truly predictive. Finally, the model improved the value of data to law enforcement. That year,
actionable intelligence — it led to better skills among NIJ funded research to create a flexible tool for
analysts, which led to better pattern recognition and departments to better understand the value of the
more relevant and timely data.25 data they collect. A major preliminary finding in
this ongoing research is that the perceived value
As these awards were coming to a close, NIJ began of data can vary widely within an office, even more
releasing solicitations for research to test geospatial than variations within and between entire police
policing strategies and explore their relationship to departments.
criminological theories. For instance, NIJ funded
an evaluation of risk terrain modeling in six cities.26 In 2016, NIJ released the Real-Time Crime
The evaluation found that conjunctive analysis (an Forecasting Challenge, which asked competitors
enhanced version of risk terrain modeling) could to forecast where crime was likely to cluster in the
forecast areas that were at greater risk of a range future within the jurisdiction of the Portland (Oregon)
of future crimes across five cities. The models also Police Bureau. Competitors submitted forecasts for
identified environmental factors that played a role in all calls for service, burglaries, street crimes, and
these areas, thus allowing law enforcement to develop motor vehicle thefts for the next week, two weeks, one
strategies to address them. month, two months, and three months. Initial analysis
of the results seems to indicate that even the naive
NIJ-funded evaluations of near-repeat (NR) residential model can compete when there is enough crime to
burglaries found that departments are likely to forecast. When crime is rare, however, even the more
overestimate the number of NR burglaries and thus sophisticated models were unable to effectively or
need to temper their expectations. The evaluations efficiently forecast crime. Additional analysis of the
also found that providing notifications to people results is forthcoming.30
within likely NR regions leads to little or no reduction
in NR burglaries; however, communities within the Future Directions
jurisdictions still favored being notified.27
So, what has changed in place-based policing over
NIJ also funded an operationally realistic evaluation the years? The short answer is everything — and
of the predictive policing model. This evaluation was nothing.
NIJ’s first place-based, randomized controlled trial to
explore the effect of varying police patrol strategies Technology has played a critical role in advancing
on the rates of violent crime and property crime. the field and has become so affordable that most,
Examining the strategies of marked patrols, unmarked if not all, law enforcement departments can now
patrols, and an awareness patrol (having knowledge afford electronic records and some version of
of high-crime areas but no dedicated patrol there), mapping software. Technology has also provided the
the researchers found that a marked unit may have computational power needed to run data analyses and
a modest effect on property crime, but they found no has enhanced the education of analysts. All of this
other effects for property crime or violent crime.28 has allowed departments and outside researchers to
conduct more research.
In 2013, NIJ supported research that compared the
effectiveness of different crime forecasting software. But we are still trying to answer the original question:
The most effective software was then used to conduct How do we best reduce crime? We have learned that

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NIJ Journal / Issue No. 281 November 2019 5

crime does cluster in hot spots. We have learned that 3. Clifford Shaw and Henry D. McKay, Juvenile Delinquency
there is stability in these hot spots over longer periods and Urban Areas: A Study of Rates of Delinquents in
Relation to Differential Characteristics of Local Communities
of time, but far less stability when looking at short in American Cities (Chicago: The University of Chicago
periods. We also know that the public is leery and Press, 1942); and Clifford R. Shaw, Frederick M. Zorbaugh,
that we know very little about how these strategies Henry D. McKay, and Leonard S. Cottrell, Delinquency Areas:
A Study of the Geographical Distribution of School Truants,
affect individuals, their neighborhoods, and the larger
Juvenile Delinquents, and Adult Offenders in Chicago
community. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1929).

4. Jane Jacobs, The Death and Life of Great American Cities

To help address the research gaps, NIJ recently
(New York: Random House, 1961).
changed direction in its funding of place-based —
and to an extent, person-based — policing research. 5. See Chamard’s (2006) abridged history of Dent’s (2000)
chapter, “Brief History of Crime Mapping,” for a more
In 2017, NIJ asked research applicants to look beyond thorough pre-1970 history.
administrative data (e.g., crime rates, calls for service,
6. Lawrence E. Cohen and Marcus Felson, “Social Change and
and arrests) and instead develop and use metrics that
Crime Rate Trends: A Routine Activities Approach,” American
consider the potential impacts of police practices and Sociological Review 44 no. 4 (1979): 588-608.
strategies on individuals, neighborhoods, communities
7. In macro-time, when and how we go to work, when and
writ large, and policing organizations (including where we eat, and when and where we go for entertainment
individual officers) to determine their success or tend to be routines.
8. Cohen and Felson, “Social Change and Crime Rate Trends,”
In 2018, grant applicants were asked to propose
9. Paul J. Brantingham and Patricia L. Brantingham,
research exploring and evaluating the effects of police
Environmental Criminology (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
practices and strategies on officer safety, investigation Publications, 1981).
outputs, and prosecution outcomes while still
10. Paul J. Brantingham and Patricia L. Brantingham,
measuring the effects on crime rates. Additionally, NIJ “Environmental Criminology,” in Classics of Criminology, ed.
wanted applicants to consider the effects of focused Joseph E. Jacoby, Theresa A. Severance, and Alan S. Bruce
deterrence, persistence of hot spots, and intervening (Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press, Inc., 2004), 61-70.
variables (e.g., neighborhood and police department 11. Ibid., 69.
characteristics). The goal is to provide a more holistic
12. Although Goldstein originally proposed this in 1979, his
understanding of the impacts of place-based policing 1990 book provides a stronger fundamental framework
practices and strategies. for problem-oriented policing (POP). Herman Goldstein,
“Improving Policing: A Problem-Oriented Approach,” Crime
and Delinquency 25 no. 2 (April 1, 1979): 236-258.

About the Author 13. Herman Goldstein, Problem-Oriented Policing (New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1990).
Joel Hunt is a computer scientist at NIJ. 14. Other practices and strategies began to emerge as well,
such as community-oriented policing (COP). However, COP
is predicated on community involvement in, at minimum,
identifying the problem. Unlike POP and Compstat,
Notes identification of the problem may be driven more by
community perceptions than by actual crime patterns.
1. Borden D. Dent, “Brief History of Crime Mapping,” in Atlas Community-Oriented Policing Services,
of Crime: Mapping the Criminal Landscape, ed. Linda gov/about.
S. Turnbull, Elaine Hallisey Hendrix, and Borden D. Dent
15. Jerry Ratcliffe, Intelligence-Led Policing (Portland, OR: Willan
(Phoenix, AZ: Oryz Press, 2000), 4-21.
Publishing, 2008).
2. Sharon Chamard, “The History of Crime Mapping and Its
16. Lawrence W. Sherman, Patrick R. Gartin, and Michael E.
Use by American Police Departments,” Alaska Justice Forum
Buerger, “Hot Spots of Predatory Crime: Routine Activities
23 no. 3 (Fall 2006): 1, 4-8.
and the Criminology of Place,” Criminology 27 no. 1 (1989):

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6 From Crime Mapping to Crime Forecasting: The Evolution of Place-Based Policing

17. Lawrence W. Sherman, “Hot Spots of Crime and Criminal 24. Priscillia Hunt, Jessica M. Saunders, and John S. Hollywood,
Careers of Places,” in Crime and Place, ed. John E. Eck Evaluation of the Shreveport Predictive Policing Experiment
and David Weisburd (Monsey, NY: Criminal Justice Press, (Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2014).
1995), 35-52. Weisburd similarly found that police in Seattle
would have to target four times as many people as places 25. During this award, only an evaluation of the Shreveport
to account for half of the crime incidents between 1989 experiment was produced.
and 2002. David Weisburd, “Place-Based Policing,” Ideas 26. However, it was fully evaluated in only five cities.
in American Policing 9 (January 2008), Police Foundation
Lecture Series. 27. Elizabeth R. Groff and Travis A. Taniguchi, Micro-Level
Policing for Preventing Near Repeat Residential Burglary
18. Sherman, “Hot Spots of Crime,” 36-37. (Washington, DC: Police Foundation, 2018); and Police
19. Spring and Block first used the term “hot spots” while Foundation, “Translating ‘Near Repeat’ Theory into a
identifying high-crime areas. James V. Spring and Carolyn Geospatial Policing Strategy.”
R. Block, “Finding Crime Hot Spots: Experiments in the 28. Jerry Ratcliffe website, “Philadelphia Predictive
Identification of High Crime Areas,” paper presented at Policing Experiment,”
the annual meeting of the Midwest Sociological Society, philadelphia-predictive-policing-ex.
Minneapolis, MN, October 1988.
29. This research was originally going to be conducted in
20. Center for Problem-Oriented Policing, “Mission and History Columbia, South Carolina.
of the Center for Problem-Oriented Policing,” 2017.
30. The results of the Challenge are available at,
21. More recent NIJ-funded geospatial tools — resulting keyword: forecasting challenge.
from NIJ grant number 2009-SQ-B9-K101 — have been
incorporated into ArcGIS software, perhaps the crime-
mapping software most widely used by law enforcement
agencies. See, keyword: 2009-SQ-B9-K101.
Image source: Pulvas, Shutterstock; and pavalena,
22. CrimeStat IV (version 4.02) is the most recent version of Shutterstock.
CrimeStat, a spatial statistics program for the analysis of
crime incident locations. (See
incident-locations.) CrimeStat was developed by Ned Levine
NCJ 252036
& Associates of Houston, Texas, under the direction of Ned
Levine, Ph.D., and funded by grants from NIJ (grants 1997-
IJ-CX-0040, 1999-IJ-CX-0044, 2002-IJ-CX-0007, and Cite this article as: Joel Hunt, “From Crime Mapping
2005-IJ-CX-K037). to Crime Forecasting: The Evolution of Place-Based
23. Walter L. Perry, Brian McInnis, Carter C. Price, Susan C. Policing,” NIJ Journal 281, November 2019, https://
Smith, and John S. Hollywood, Predictive Policing: The Role
of Crime Forecasting in Law Enforcement Operations (Santa forecasting-evolution-place-based-policing.
Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2013).

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