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Transformer services

Your trusted partner of choice throughout

the transformer lifecycle
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Your trusted partner of choice

Providing services throughout the
complete transformer lifecycle

Due to the long lifetime of transformers, service and We are by your side supporting you by addressing
lifecycle management are highly critical to ensure your specific needs throughout the complete life of
reliable operation and the longevity of your assets. your transformer:

Supporting you in your daily business: For all types of transformer application:
• Over 100 years of experience in manufacturing • Power transformers
transformers, bushings and tap-changers • Distribution transformers
• Over 100 years of experience in servicing power • Traction transformers
transformers of any design and brand
• Largest transformer manufacturer In all segments:
• Largest global installed base of transformers • Offshore renewables
• Customer connect center available 24 hours a • Industry
day, 365 days a year • Data centers
• Utility and power generation
Reducing complexity of your operations:
• Our archives contain technical information for Throughout the complete transformer lifecycle
more than 30 legacy brands

Early life
• Installation and comissioning
• Training

End of life Operational life

• Disposal and • Maintenance
replacement • Spares
• Condition assessment
• Remote monitoring

• Repair
• Upgrage and retrofit
t r a n s f o r m e r s e r v i c e s yo u r t r u s t e d pa r t n e r o f c h o i c e t h r o u g h o u t t h e t r a n s f o r m e r l i f e cyc l e | 3

By your side
Addressing your specific needs

Probability of failure of installed transformers increase

with age.

Undertaking recommended inspection and testing

of the transformer quantifies condition and provides
warning of developing failure.

We can support you in planning and executing the

right action at the right time.
Industrial transformer
General transformer
Network transformer

Flexible range of services adaptable to your needs

Individual preventive,
or corrective services

Spare parts Packaged services

management • TX Life and TXpertTM offerings

Long term service agreements

• Transformer care offerings
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Early life services

Our teams have extensive experience in delivering We can also partner with you and train your own
and installing any type of transformer in all parts of the operators, engineers, and technicians, helping you to
world. We are by your side during the warranty period, maintain the skills and technical expertise needed for
giving you a worry-free experience. The combination of managing your asset base and help you to meet your
highly qualified technicians, local expertise and high reliability and performance goals.
quality equipment ensures safe, efficient and
sustainable service.

Get your new transformer delivered on time and in
line with your project requirements.

Be sure about safe off loading ensuring smooth

startup of installation.

Installation and comissioning

Get trouble-free startup with installation and
commissioning done by factory-trained experts
and qualified technicians.

Spare parts management

Have critical spare parts such as bushings,
tap-changer contacts, relays, gaskets and other
components on hand and significatnly reduce
downtime of your transformer.

Get on site knowledge transfer on correct operation
and maintenance ensuring your new asset operates
as expected.
t r a n s f o r m e r s e r v i c e s yo u r t r u s t e d pa r t n e r o f c h o i c e t h r o u g h o u t t h e t r a n s f o r m e r l i f e cyc l e | 5

Operational life services

TXpertTM services
Digital monitoring improves reliability of the
assets by constantly keeping a watchful eye on the
most critical transformer components. Whether
it is remote condition monitoring or diagnostics.

Get access to real-time condition information with our

TXpertTM Services based on data and intelligence of
the transformer TXpertTM Ecosystem and assure you
can plan and act before faults occur.

Preventive maintenance
Regular inspection and testing according to
the manufacture recommendation provides early
detection of any evolving failure and allows timely
outage planning to diagnose further and repair as

Recommended services TX Life packages services

Essential Essential+ Standard Advanced

No outage Outage
Oil analysis (Oil quality, DGA) X X X X

Operating parameters X X X
• Oil, winding and ambient temperature
• HV, MV, LV current and voltage
• Vacuum & nitrogen pressure (sealed transformers only)
• Thermal scan (optional)

Physical condition X X X
• Oil leakage, dirt, dust and corrosion
• Breathers; Liquid levels
• Bushing and tap-changer inspection
• Coolers and fans; Flow indicators and pressure meters

Protection and control X X

• Gas operated relays
• Sudden pressure relief valve
• Control cabinet and connections
Tap-changer maintenance X X

Functional electrical testing X X

Advanced electrical testing X

Additional maintenance services TXplore - submersible inspection robot

Transformer submersible internal inspection robot TX Life Bushing
Bushing diagnostics quantifying risk of failure TX Life Tap-changer
Tap-changer inspection and maintenance TX Life Fleet
Fleet condition assessment and maintenance plan
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Upgrade and end of life services

Once a fault is detected, repairing a transformer Providing feasibility studies, work at site and parts.
can substantially reduce investment costs and
provide faster turnaround than buying a new one. Finally our teams can support in the sustainable
disposal of your old unit and help you start-up a
In case your needs have evolved during the opera- matching replacement.
tional life, we can also upgrade transformers or
individual components to better fit your use.

Repair a transformer instead of replacing it - be it
directly at site or in-house, in one of our large
number of transformer workshops.

Rely on our leading technology site repair capability.

Bushing and tap-changer

Maintain or upgrade to the latest technology and
mitigate risk. Rely on our expertize in condition
assessment, replacement and retrofit installations.

Upgrade and retrofit

Improve efficiency and sustainability with upgrades
such as oil-type change, cooling system upgrade,
component change to prolong the life of your asset.

Disposal and replacement

Safely dispose and recycle your aged transformer
and install matching design replacement with our
packaged service solution: TX Life Replace.
t r a n s f o r m e r s e r v i c e s yo u r t r u s t e d pa r t n e r o f c h o i c e t h r o u g h o u t t h e t r a n s f o r m e r l i f e cyc l e | 7

Long term service agreements

Transformer care

Transformer Care are flexible modular long term • Benefit from faster deployment to site
service agreement packages delivering required reli- • Optimize spare part procurement
ability and availability over full transformer lifecycle. • Optimize maintenance of your unit/fleet
• Consult engineering knowledge on more than 30
Partner with us to cut service complexity, control cost, transformer brands
and maximize capital efficiency.

Rapid response
Fast and flexible service maximizing equipment

Service include: Pre-agreed terms and pricelist.

Lifecycle management
Knowledge and expertise to optimize spend and
extend equipment life.

Service include: scheduled yearly activities based

on condition assessments.

Performance improvement
Advanced digital tools to increase asset utilization
and productivity.

Service include: scheduled yearly activities based

on digital sensors and our advanced Asset Perfor-
mance Management software (APM Edge).

Extend operation of sick transformer with online
monitoring and expert support.

Service include: rental of monitoring equipment and

Global presence
24/7 availability of our experts

Norway Finland Russia

Canada Sweden
UK Poland
France Switzerland

USA Spain Italy Turkey

Saudi Arabia UAE India

Panama Thailand
Colombia Indonesia
Peru Brazil

South Africa

Hitachi ABB Power Grids Ltd

Customer Connect Center
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© Hitachi Power Grids. All rights reserved.

Specifications subject to change without notice.

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