Chemical Engineering Principles-Che Mock Board Exam (3Rd Year)

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Directions: Put all your answers in the answer sheet provided

Topics included: Chemical Engineering Calculations; Principles of Transport Processes*

Topics excluded: Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics; Reaction Kinetics; Unit Operations; Chemical Process Industries;
Instrumentation and Process Control; Plant Design
Chemical Engineering Calculations 1
1. Density of toluene at 60°C in kg/m³ is A
A. 829 B. 840 C. 853 D. 860
2. Battery acid has a density of 1.285 g/ml and contains 38.0% by weight H₂SO₄. How many grams of pure H₂SO₄ are D
contained in a liter of battery acid?
A. 430 B. 442 C. 475 D. 488
3. The equivalent of 45° Tw in the Baume scale is? C
A. 28.32 B. 32.48 C. 26.63 D. 42.56
4. A typical mud is 70 wt % sand and 30 wt % water. What is its density? The sand is practically pure quartz (SiO2), for B
which density is 165 lb/ft³.
A. 110.4 kg/m³ B. 110.4 lb/ft³ C. 1769 lb/ft³ D. 1769 kg/L
5. One hundred mole per hour of a 40% m solution of ethylene dichloride in toluene is fed into the middle of a distillation C
column. There is no net accumulation in the column; 100 mole/hr of total material leaves in two streams, an overhead
or 'distillate' stream and a 'bottoms' stream. The distillate stream contains 95%m ethylene dichloride and the bottoms
stream contains 10% m ethylene dichloride. What is the rate of flow of the distillate stream?
A. 64.7 mole/hr B. 53.8 mole/hr C. 35.3 mole/hr D. 45.9 mole/hr
6. One metric ton per hour of palay is to be dried in a tunnel drier from 180% moisture to 10% moisture dry basis. How D
much water must be removed?
A. 3400 lb/hr B. 110,000 lb/hr C. 34,000 lb/hr D. 1214 lb/hr
{7-11} A triple effect evaporator is fed with 1000 lbs of a 5% salt solution to be concentrated to 40% solution. If the
amount of water evaporated from the first effect is 375 pounds and that from the second effect is 1.5 times that from
the third effect.
7. Calculate the water removed from the second effect. C
A. 125 lbs B. 200 lbs C. 300 lbs D. 450 lbs
8. Calculate the water removed from the third effect. B
A. 125 lbs B. 200 lbs C. 300 lbs D. 450 lbs
9. Calculate the mass of the product. A
A. 125 lbs B. 200 lbs C. 300 lbs D. 450 lbs
10 Calculate the composition of salt solution leaving the first effect. B
A. 5.25% B. 8.0% C. 15.38% D. 18.25%
11. Calculate the composition of salt solution leaving the second effect. C
A. 5.25% B. 8.0% C. 15.38% D. 18.25%
12. The waste acid from a nitration plant operation contains 23% w HNO₂, 57% H₂SO₄, and 20% H₂O. It is specified D
that the concentrated acid product should contain 27% HNO₂, 60% H₂SO₄, and 13% H₂O. If the H₂SO₄ available
contains 7% H₂O and the HNO₂ contains 10% H₂O, how many pounds of the waste acid is needed to produce 1000
lb of the product?
A. 193 lb B. 388.7 lb C. 814.3 lb D. 418.3 lb
13. An experimental oil is used to distill 6000 kg/hr of Athabasta tar sand which analyzes 30% 'heavy oil', 'light oil', and A
non volatile matter. If the distillate contains 12% heavy oil and this constitutes 25% recovery of the component, the
weight in kilograms of the distillate obtained is ?
A. 3750 B. 2250 C. 4350 D. 6000
14. The solubility of NaNO₃ at 40°C and the 10°C are 51.4% by weight and 44.5% by weight perspectively. How many D
grams of NaNO₃ may be crystallized from a 10kg solution initially saturated at 40°C if the temperature of the solution
is lowered to 10°C?
A. 6900 B. 4089 C. 3897 D. 1243
15. A volume of moist air of 1000 cu ft at a total pressure of 740 mmHg and a temperature of 30°C contains water vapor C
in such proportions that its partial pressure is 22mmHg. Without the total pressure being changed, the temperature is
reduced to 15°C and some of the water vapor removed by condensation. After cooling it is found that the partial
pressure of the water vapor is 12.7 mmHg. Calculate the volume of the gas after cooling.
A. 750 ft³ B. 820 ft³ C. 938 ft³ D. 1,022 ft³
16. From the data in problem 21, calculate the weight of water removed. A
A. 0.563 lb B. 1.58 lb C. 2.98 lb D. 3.75 lb
17. A mixing tank mixes two inlet streams containing salt. The salt concentration in stream 1 is 5% by weight, and in B
stream 2 it is 15% by weight. Stream 1 flows at 25 kg/s and stream 2 at 10 kg/s. There is only one exit stream. Find
the salt concentration in the exit stream?
A. 5% B. 8% C. 11% D. 13%
18. The chloride concentration in a brine waste flow of 6.3 L/s is 15000 mg/L. The river flow upstream from the point of B
discharge is 0.57 m³/s, and the chloride content is 10 mg/L. Calculate the concentration (in mg/L) in the stream below
the mixing zone.
A. 172 B. 174 C. 176 D. 178
Chemical Engineering Calculations 2
19. The data from a certain flue gas analysis are as follows: D
Original volume of sample - 100 mL
Volume after passing through KOH solution (removes CO2) - 87.9 mL
Volume after passing through alkaline pyrogallol solution (removes O2) - 80.7 mL
Volume after passing through cuprous chloride solution (removes CO) - 80.5 mL
On dry basis, what is the percentage of oxygen in the flue gas sample?
A. 12.1 B. 4.7 C. 0.2 D. 7.2
20. Calculate the volume (cubic feet at STP) of a required for the complete combustion of 500 cu ft of coal gas that has D
the following composition: 49.0 percent hydrogen, 34.8 percent methane, 4.2 percent ethylene (C2H4), 6.0 percent
carbon monoxide, 4.0 percent nitrogen, 1 percent carbon dioxide.
A. 2150 B. 2420 C. 2590 D. 2636
21. A certain stoichiometric problem was solved on the basis of 100 mole dry flue gas (DFG). The given condition at the C
stack outlet are as follows: 780 mmHg, 970 K and the partial pressure of H2O is 24 mmHg. The computed total moles
of H2O is?
A. 2.340 B. 4.232 C. 3.175 D. 6.225
22. A Pennsylvania bituminous coal is analyzed as follows: Exactly 2.500 g is weighed into a fused crucible. After drying A
for 1h at 110° C, the moisture-free residue weighs 2.145 g. The crucible next is covered with a vented lid a strongly
heated until no volatile matter remains. The residual coke button weighs 1.528 g. The crucible is then heated without
the cover until all specks of carbon have disappeared, and the final ash weighs 0.245 g. What is the percent of VCM
in the coal?
A. 55% B. 75% C. 10% D. 30%
23. A Pennsylvania bituminous coal is analyzed as follows: Exactly 2.500 g is weighed into a fused crucible. After drying A
for 1 h at 110°C, the moisture-free residue weighs 2.145 g. The crucible next is covered with a vented lid a strongly
heated until no volatile matter remains. The residual coke button weighs 1.528 g. The crucible is then heated without
the cover until all specks of carbon have disappeared, and the final ash weighs 0.245 g. What is the percent of FC in
the coal?
A. 51.3% A. 51. A. 51.3%
24. A fuel gas containing 80% m CH₄ and 20% m C₂H₆ is burned with dry air. Sixty percent of the carbon burned goes to D
CO₂; the rest going to CO. Fifty percent excess air is used; calculate the mole percent of CO in the Orsat analysis of
the flue gas.
A. 4.62% B. 30 C. 32 D. 40
25. A high speed diesel engine burns fuel to give an exhaust gas analyzing 7.14% CO₂, 4.28% CO, 8.24% O₂ and C
80.34% N2. Calculate the percent excess supplied.
A. 28 B. CH4 C. C2H2 D. C2H4
26. The exhaust gases from a furnace give the following Orsat analysis: 13.6% CO2, 2.4% CO, 2.3% O2, and 81.2% N2. B
If the fuel used is a hydrocarbon, identify the fuel?
A. C2H6 B. Dulong's formula C. Theoretical D. Oxygen Unaccounted for
Oxygen equation
27. The empirical relation which allows one to compute for the net hydrogen in a given solid fuel is the A
A. Calderwood B. partially-coked coal C. coked coal D. combination of coked and
equation uncoked coal
28. The type of combustible present in the coal when the ratio of the VCM over FC in the coal is equal to the ratio of VCM C
over FC in the refuse is ?
A. uncoked coal B. 46.15% C. 65.76% D. 55.40%
29. A sample of lignite was found to contain 34.55% moisture, 22.91% FC, 7.2% ash, 1.1% S and 0.57% N with a A
calorific value of 16.45 MJ/kg. Calculate % C in the VCM.
A. 49.09% B. modified C. ultimate D. elemental
30. The coal analysis which is based on the volatilization characteristics of the fuel is? A
A. proximate B. net calorific value C. heat combustion D. latent heat of condensation
31. The heating value measured when water formed from combustion is in the liquid state is ?
A. gross calorific B.
32. Orsat analysis of the stack gas from the combustion of the gaseous mixture of ethane and methane shows 10.57% C
CO2, 3.79% O2 and the rest N2. The air enters at 30° C and the barometer reads 760 mmHg. Determine mole
percent composition of the gaseous fuel.
A. 85.3% methane & B. 79.3% methane & C. 30.61% methane D. 14.7% methane & 85.3%
14.7% ethane 20.7% ethane & 69.39%
33. Orsat analysis of the stack gas from the combustion of the gaseous mixture of ethane and methane shows 10.57% C
CO2, 3.79% O2 and the rest N2. The air enters at 30° C and the barometer reads 760 mmHg. Determine if the partial
pressure of water in the stack gas is 127 mmHg, what is the relative humidity of the incoming air?
A. 88% B. 80% C. 70% D. 66%
Principles of Transport Processes
34. A wooden cube that is 15 centimeters on each side with a specific weight of 6300 N/m3 is floating in fresh water (y= C
9810 N/m3). What is the depth of the cube below the surface?
A. 8.75 cm B. 9.12 cm C. 9.64 cm D. 10.12 cm
35. Water flows to through a long 1.0 cm I.D hose at 10 liters per minute. The water velocity in m/s is nearest to B
A. 1 B. 2.12 C. 4.24 D. 21.2
36. A pipe has a diameter of 4 in at section XX and a diameter of 2 in at section YY. An ideal fluid flow, the velocity is B
given as 2 ft/s at a section XX. Determine the flow velocity at section YY.
A. 4 ft/s B. 8 ft/s C. 5 ft/s D. 2.5 ft/s
37. The height difference between two points in which the fluid is being transferred is the _____. C
A. Kinetic head B. Friction head C. Potential head D. Pressure head
38. It is a dimensionless group which is proportional to the ratio of inertial force and surface-tension force. C
A. Bond number B. Froude number C. Weber number D. Power number
39. A hypothetical gas or liquid which offers no resistance to shear and therefore has zero viscosity. A
A. Perfect fluid B. Non-Newtonian fluid C. Newtonian fluid D. Thixotropic fluid
40. It occurs when the fluid rate is great enough so that the pressure drop across the bed equals the weight of the bed A
A. Fluidization B. Cavitation C. Channeling D. Pressure drop
41. It is the imaginary envelop which encloses the system and separates it from its surroundings. A
A. Boundary B. Control surface C. Control volume D. interaction
42. What is the fanning friction factor for smooth pipes when Reynolds’s number is 1x10^7? B
A. 0.0015 B. 0.002 C. 0.0025 D. 0.003
43. Water at 86°F is to flow through a horizontal pipe at the rate of 175 gpm, μ= 0.85 cP. A 25-ft head is available. What A
should be the pipe diameter? Assume the roughness of the pipe, is 0.00015 ft and the length of pipe is 1000 ft.
A. 4.026 in B. 6.54 in C. 8.75 in D. 10.20 in
44. Given strength of pipe is 10000 psi and working pressure of 400 psi, find the schedule number. A
A. Schedule 40 B. Schedule 80 C. Schedule 10 D. Schedule 5
45. The wall thickness of a 1- inch schedule 40 steel pipe is A
A. 0.133 in B. 2.000 in C. 0.083 in D. 0.219 in
46. During a heavy rain, a 3m 4.6 m room is flooded to depth of 15 cm. To remove the water, a pump is used that does A
the job on two hours. The water flows through a horizontal pipe of radius 0.64 cm and length of 6.7 m. compute the
gage pressure that the pump produces.
A. 2.923 kPa B. 2.785 kPa C. 1.176 kPa D. 1.254 kPa
47. The pressure drop across a turbine is 30 psi. The flow rate is 60 gallons per minute. Calculate the power output of the B
A. 0.41 Hp B. 1.05 Hp C. 2.54 Hp D. 6.30 Hp
48. A pump produces a head of 30 feet. The volumetric flow rate is 10 gallons per minute. The fluid pumped is oil with C
specific gravity of 0,83. How much energy does the pump consume in one hour?
A. 8.7 kJ B. 17.2 kJ C. 168.9 kJ D. 203.6 kJ
49. A pump has a efficiency of 65 %. It is driven by a 0.75 horsepower motor. The pump produces a pressure rise of 120 A
Pa in water. What is the required flow rate?
A. 3.03 m3/s B. 4.04 m3/s C. 4.55 m3/s D. 4.66 m3/s
50. A pump adds 16706 m of pressure head to 45.43 kg/s of water. What is the hydraulic power in kW? B
A. 64.69 kW B. 74.69 kW C. 66.54 kW D. 76.54 kW

------------------------------------------------------------ NOTHING FOLLOWS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight,
But they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night."
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807 -1882) US poet.

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