Special Rules For Sales Contracts: Michael Fricke

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Gies College of Business at Illinois

Department of Accountancy

Special Rules for Sales

Module 2

Michael Fricke
Module 2 Lesson 1

Introduction to UCC
Article 2
Introduction to UCC
Article 2

What is the Uniform Commercial

UCC Article 2: Sales of Goods
Creates special rules for sales of
Introduction to UCC
Article 2

Goods v. Services – Predominant

factor test
Introduction to UCC
Article 2

Merchants – A special type of

people under Article 2
Module 2 Lesson 2

UCC Article 2
Contract Formation
Recall the Elements of a
Valid Contract:
Agreement (offer & acceptance)
Satisfies the Statute of Frauds
UCC Article 2: Offers

Open terms allowed

UCC Article 2:

Seller can accept by shipping

Accommodation shipment as
UCC Article 2:

No new consideration needed to

modify a contract
UCC Article 2: Capacity
& Legality

Same rules as common law

UCC Article 2: Statute of
Sale of goods > $500 must be in
Buyer has accepted goods

Specially manufactured goods

Admission in court
Parole Evidence Rule

For ambiguous contract terms

under Article 2:
• First, course of performance
• Second, course of dealing
• Third, industry usage
Module 2 Lesson 3

Title to Goods & Risk of

Loss: No Breach
Title to Goods & Risk of
Loss: No Breach

When do title and risk of loss

transfer when selling goods?
And why do we care?
This lesson: No breach of contract
Shipment Contracts

Shipment contracts = Call for use

of a common carrier
Title & risk of loss both transfer
when goods delivered to common
Destination Contract

Destination Contract = Seller to

deliver goods to buyer
Title & risk of loss both transfer
upon delivery
Title Passes

Goods delivered at seller’s location

Title passes when goods are identified or a document of title
is given
Risk of loss passes…
If seller is a merchant: when the buyer picks up the goods

If seller is not a merchant: upon tender of delivery

Module 2 Lesson 4

Title to Goods & Risk of

Loss: Breach
Title to Goods & Risk of
Loss: Breach

How does a breach of contract

affect transfer of title & risk of loss?
Transfer of title is not affected
Title to Goods & Risk of
Loss: Breach

Risk of loss upon buyer breach

Risk transfers to buyer at the time
of breach
Title to Goods & Risk of
Loss: Breach

Risk of loss upon seller breach

Usually happens when
nonconforming goods are sent
Risk of loss stays with seller until
acceptance or cure
Module 2 Lesson 5

Sale of Goods by
Sale of Goods by Non-Owners
Question: If someone unlawfully
sells goods that belong to you, can
you get them back?
Answer: Depends on how they got
the goods
General rule: You can always
recover damages from the
Goods Obtained via

Seller has voidable title to the

Can be reclaimed unless sold to a
good faith purchaser for value
Stolen Goods

Seller’s title is void

All subsequent transfers are void
Entrusted Goods

Seller can transfer good title, if:

Seller is a merchant

Sale takes place in ordinary course of

Module 2 Lesson 6

Warranties for Sales of

What is a Warranty?

Types of warranties

Warranties for Sales of

Express warranty: Affirmative

promise of fact
Not statements of opinion
Effect of breach of express
Implied Warranties

Implied warranty of good title

Implied warranty of fitness for a
particular purpose
Implied warranty of merchantability
Implied warranty of trade usage
Warranty Disclaimers

“As-is” disclaimer
Implied warranty of fitness for a
particular purpose disclaimer
Implied warranty of merchantability
Express warranties cannot be

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