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Comprehension Questions

Part I. Check your understanding of the input by answering the following questions: PAGE124

1.What is the importance of intercultural communication?

Answer: It provides the ability to deal with people from other cultures, which is becoming more vital as
the world becomes smaller. Getting smaller does not imply that the globe is getting more identical;
rather, it means having more and more contact with people from diverse cultures.

2.Are you familiar with some English varieties? If so, what are some vocabulary words present in these
varieties but are not present in the variety that you speak? Aside from the lexicon, are there other
features that you are familiar with?

Answer: English is the most frequently spoken language on the planet, and it is also the official language
of a number of countries. While the English language is consistent, with substantial differences in
spelling between American and British English, it is usually the dialect or accent that allows one to
discern between the numerous forms of English available. Within this English varieties there are also
words they use that we don’t speak. Example of this is mackintosh in British English which in here is just
a plain old raincoat. There are several words we don’t speak in British English but there are also a few
words we speak in American English.

3.How do you become more aware of the language features of the post-colonial varieties?

Answer: In my part, I would say to start learning and practicing those varieties and if possible,
communicate with someone who use those varieties and then apply it in order to be more aware of the
language features.

4.How do you think can you begin to communicate with people from other cultures and avoid conflicts
and misunderstandings?

Answer: Communication is not all about speaking to communicate, we also must communicate from
within them in order to fully know or understand their culture and avoid using words or phrases that
may cause misunderstanding. Upon saying that, we must also use varieties that they can understand
and must think of the register we use to fit in a situation where it is not offending.

5.Have you talked to people of diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds? Have you experienced any
difficulty? If so, how did you manage the conversation? What strategies did you employ?

Answer: Yes, I have talked to people of diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. It is my classmate
when I was first year he speaks waray and it is very difficult to understand at first but later on we
became very close and is communicating very well. What I did is that I spoke tagalog in order for him to
understand and we figure out some words that are similar in Bisaya and waray. And now, the language
we are using is tagalog mixed with Bisaya.
6.How do formal and informal registers affect the way one speaks? How do they affect one’s way of

Answer: Each register really do affect the way one speaks because you can use this to assess how to
speak in a certain situation. Professional writing and letters to an employer or stranger should be written
in the formal register. While when writing to friends and acquaintances, the informal register is
conversational and suitable. It is well suited to technical writings.

7.What are other communicative situations in which one uses formal and informal registers? Why do
you think so?

Answer: In serious instances or when dealing with someone we don't know well like we are in an
interview or a meeting, we employ formal language because the people we are communicating are
professionals and they expect us to act like one. While when we're in a more comfortable atmosphere
with individuals we know like our close friends and family, we tend to utilize informal language because
we already trust them and they trust us so we can show how comfortable we are with them in using
informal language.

8.Do you know of other types of registers similar to legalese and textese? How do they differ from each

Answer: Academese is a type of registers similar to legalese. They are both formal registers. The only
difference is that academese is use in scholarly writing and speech while legalese is used in legal
documents. Textese and emailese, on the other hand, are identical. Both are informal, and they may
utilize acronyms or abbreviations to keep up with the pace.

Part II. Write your thoughts about the following questions: PAGE 134-135

1.Have you been immersed in a foreign land or culture? As a result of this experience, what changes
have it brought you?

Yes, I have. Interacting with people from various cultures can often help you see things from a different
perspective. You develop new ways of thinking and approaching and solving problems when you learn
about diverse cultures. And also not just interacting but adopting their culture as what you see in the

2.How can you become more intercultural without having to immerse first-hand in a foreign culture?

Answer: You can become intercultural without having to immerse first- hand by watching movies or
series involving their culture such as k-dramas.

3.Has there been a time when you have offended someone of a different linguistic and cultural
background? What was the situation? How was the conflict resolved?

Answer: Yes I have experienced this. It was when I was first year and a classmate of mine from northern
Cebu is so full of himself treating almost all of my classmates like his joke bag. So I decided to talk to him
why is he like that and he said he is used to living like that and then I said we have different attitudes
here so why not control that attitude and blend in, and after that the conflict was solved.
4.What factors can increase your effectiveness in communicating with people from other cultures?

Answer: Some factors are maintaining etiquette, avoiding slang, speak slowly but concise, and avoid
close questions. I believe these factors can improve the effectiveness in communicating with people
from other cultures.

5.Using the scale below, how would you rate yourself as an intercultural communicator? Why?
(Excellent=4 , Good=3, Fair=2, Poor=1)

Answer: I would rate myself Fair=2 because I can adopt and I have good communication skills when it
comes to different cultures but I also have the tendency to misunderstand another culture like adapting
their culture which I think on my part I cannot.

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