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‫اﻟﺼﺤﺔ واﻟﺴﻼﻣﺔ واﻟﺒﯿﺌﺔ‬

To: All Employees Date: March 2012


In oil, gas, petrochemical and process industries,
maintenance of equipment is mandatory to ensure  Work Permit (WP) for specific job, location and duration must
be obtained and validated.
reliability. Most inspection, repair, replacement, alteration
and minor maintenance work can be done while the plant is  Condition on WP must be read, understood by all and complied
in operation. with.

However, a series of scheduled, meticulously planned and  Isolation & Lock Out and Tag Out (LOTO) procedure must be
effectively implemented. Never work on energised systems.
adequately organised preventive maintenance activities
that takes effect after closing down the partial  Necessary gas tests (atmospheric testing) must be conducted
manufacturing process units of the plant or the whole plant and area must be safe before performing any job.
itself is known as a “Turnaround”. To achieve a Safe  Pay more attention to your individual task.
“Turnaround”, Clients’ Operations Department normally
 Recognise unsafe conditions and correct them prior to the
ensures that all valves are closed; all power is removed
from the motors; process systems are vented in a
predetermined sequence; all systems are purged and  Follow the required procedures for your job.
steamed etc. All of these will depend on the nature of  Place barricades and warning signs and respect them.
processes and plant conditions.
 Cover welding, grinding and cutting area with fire blanket.
Essentially, the successful execution of “Turnaround” work
 Provide fire protection equipment at the hot work area.
requires the ability to maintain productivity, quality and
safety objectives within a tight schedule in an intensive  Remove combustible materials from the hot work area.
working pattern.
 Cover all sewers / drains within 75 feet before the beginning of
Whenever we are involved in “Turnaround” activities, the hot work.
listed safety rules / precautions must be strictly adhered to.  Provide stand by man (fire watch) as needed.
 Wear the prescribed Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
 Inspect all the tools and equipment before starting the job.
 Use clear glass for night shift works.
 Provide adequate lighting for night shift and confined space
 Care and communication must be established whilst deblinding
/ hot bolting particularly when two or more employees are
involved. First, open the bolt opposite you to allow release of
any hydrocarbon residue.
 Don’t enter the barricaded area where there is x-ray radiation
source or any other restricted activities.
 Don’t walk across the plant process area or bypass the
barricades; use the pedestrian walkway.
 Don’t ever compromise on any safety requirement just because
of the work pressure and the urgency of task completion.
 Say ‘No’ to any known unsafe job.
 Ensure that your work area is not affected by the other
activities happening around and over your location.
 Maintain proper housekeeping at the end of each work shift.

“Plant Turnaround will be safely completed if safety and controls are properly implemented.”

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