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Violence and the Supernatural
The fictional worlds of Palladium Books® are violent, deadly and filled with supernatural monsters.
Other-dimensional beings, often referred to as “demons,” torment, stalk and prey on humans. Other alien
life forms, monsters, gods and demigods, as well as magic, insanity, and war are all elements in these
Some parents may find the violence, magic and supernatural elements of the games inappropriate for
young readers/players. We suggest parental discretion.
Please note that none of us at Palladium Books® condone or encourage the occult, the practice of
magic, the use of drugs, or violence.

The Rifter® Number 59

Your guide to the Palladium Megaverse®!
First Printing – July 2012

Copyright 2012 Palladium Books® Inc.

All rights reserved, world wide, under the Universal Copyright Convention. No part of this book may be reproduced in part or whole,
in any form or by any means, without permission from the publisher, except for brief quotes for use in reviews. All incidents, situations,
institutions, governments and people are fictional and any similarity, without satiric intent, of characters or persons living or dead, is
strictly coincidental.

Robotech® and Robotech® The Shadow Chronicles® are Registered Trademarks of Harmony Gold USA, Inc.

Palladium Books®, Rifts®, The Rifter®, Coalition Wars®, After the Bomb®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Mega-
verse® Nightbane®, Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, RECON®, and Splicers® are registered trademarks
owned and licensed by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc.
The slogan “A Megaverse of adventure – limited only by your imagination,” and titles and names such as Armageddon Unlimited,
Aliens Unlimited, Arzno, Atorian Empire, ARCHIE-3, Beyond Arcanum, Beyond the Supernatural, BTS-2, Brodkil, Biomancy, Bio-
mancer, Bio-Wizardry, ‘Burbs, ‘Borg, ‘Bot, Chaos Earth, Dead Reign, Dimensional Outbreak, Dinosaur Swamp, Dyval, Elf-Dwarf
War, Heroes Unlimited, I.S.P., Land of the Damned, Lazlo, Victor Lazlo, Lazlo Agency, Lazlo Society, Palladium of Desires, Chi-
Town, CS, Coalition States, Cosmo-Knight, Crazy, Cyber-Knight, D-Bee, Dark Day, Dead Boy, Doc Reid, Dog Boy, Dog Pack,
Dweomer, Emperor Prosek, Erin Tarn, Fadetown, Free Quebec, Gadgets Unlimited, Gargoyle Empire, Glitter Boy, Gramercy Island,
Hardware Unlimited, Heroes of the Megaverse, Heroes Unlimited, HU2, Juicer, Ley Line Walker, M.D.C., Mechanoid Space, Mega-
Damage, Mega-Hero, Megaversal, MercTown, Minion War, Morphus, Mutant Underground, Mysteries of Magic, Merc Ops, Naruni,
Naruni Enterprises, NEMA, Ninjas & Superspies, NGR, Northern Gun, The Nursery, P.P.E., Powers Unlimited, Psi-Stalker, Psyscape,
SAMAS, S.D.C., Shifter, Siege on Tolkeen, Skelebot, Skraypers, Splugorth, Splynncryth, Splynn, Techno-Wizard, Temporal Magic,
Temporal Wizard, Three Galaxies, Thundercloud Galaxy, Tome Grotesque, Triax, Vampire Kingdoms, Warpath: Urban Jungle, Void
Runners, Wilk’s, Wolfen, Wolfen Wars, Wormwood, Wulfen, Xiticix, and other names, titles, slogans, and the likenesses of characters
are trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc.

Palladium Online

Also visit us at

The Rifter® #59 RPG sourcebook series is published by Palladium Books Inc., 39074 Webb Court, Westland, MI 48185. Printed
in the USA.
Palladium Books® Presents:

Sourcebook and Guide to the Palladium Megaverse®

Coordinator & Editor in Chief: Wayne Smith

Editor: Alex Marciniszyn

Contributing Writers: Interior Artists:

Brandon Aten Joseph Lawn
Paul Herbert Michael Mumah
Joseph Larsen Benjamin Rodriguez
Anthony Lovato Charles Walton
Thomas Morrison
Michael Orr
Kevin Siembieda
Josh Sinsapaugh

Proofreader: Julius Rosenstein

Cover Illustration: Mark Tedin

Cover Logo Design: Steve Edwards

Credits Page Logo: Niklas Brandt

Typesetting & Layout: Wayne Smith

Art Direction: Kevin Siembieda

Based on the RPG rules, characters,

concepts and Megaverse® created by Kevin Siembieda.

Special Thanks to all our contributors, writers and artists – and a special welcome on board to the artists and
writers making their debut this issue. Our apologies to anybody who may have gotten accidentally left out or their
name misspelled.
– Kevin Siembieda, 2012
Contents – The Rifter® #59 – July, 2012
Page 6 – Art for Rifts® Northern Gun™ Page 29 – Arachnae War Chariot
Artwork by Charles Walton.
This is just one of the many new power armors, vehicles, gad-
gets and equipment presented in Rifts® Northern Gun™ Two.
The art is by Chuck Walton, whose artwork in Rifts® Northern Page 30 – The Kezel™, Continued
Gun™ One and Two is even more impressive than the work he – Optional source material for Rifts®,
turned in for Rifts® Lemuria. Phase World® and adaptable to other settings
This is the conclusion of Joseph Larsen’s two-part feature
Page 7 – From the Desk of Kevin Siembieda about the strange and mysterious Kezel, beings who seem to be
Publisher Kevin Siembieda raises the nerve-shattering ques- human or of human origin, but possess an array of superhuman
tion: Could this really, finally be the year for Palladium’s big and magical powers. Note: Many of the powers of the Kezel can
comeback? We don’t want to jinx ourselves, but we think the be adapted as super abilities (or magic spells) for any settings
answer is, yes! Read all about why we think that is and the many where super powers or magic exists.
good things that seem to be happening at Palladium Books. Page 30 – Index of All Kezel Abilities
Page 31 – Level 4 Abilities
Page 8 – Palladium News Page 33 – Level 5 Abilities
Page 35 – Level 6 Abilities
Kevin Siembieda is a grandfather! Our heartfelt congratula- Page 36 – Level 7 Abilities
tions to the parents, Monica and Steven, on the arrival of their Page 38 – Level 8 Abilities
first child, Chloe. Robotech® RPG license expanded to include Page 39 – Level 9 Abilities
game pieces of mecha and spaceships. New Rifts® pewter min- Page 40 – Level 10 Abilities
iatures are now available. Meet Palladium creators on YouTube
in two dozen, eight minute long interviews, Palladium Open
House Mini-Report, Gen Con and more. Get all the latest news
Page 41 – Creatures of the Xiticix™ Hivelands
straight from Kevin Siembieda. – Optional source material for Rifts®
(adaptable to other settings)
Page 10 – Coming Attractions Josh Sinsapaugh presents new information about the Xiticix, a
There are a great many new titles about to the hit the shelves. new, different type of Xiticix, and other creatures, weapons and
Some, like Rifts® Black Market, have been expanded and data found in the Hivelands.
present never before revealed information. Others, like Rifts® Page 41 – Proto-Xiticix
Vampires Sourcebook (May), Rifts® Northern Gun 1 (see Page 43 – Thruster Bees
page 12), Rifts® Northern Gun 2 (page 12), and Rifts® Mega- Page 44 – Vesparix (Wasp Insectoid)
verse® in Flames™ (see page 13), will present so many new Page 46 – Vesparix Weapons of Note
toys and source material that your brain might overload. Also on Page 47 – Giant Xiticix Nit
the schedule: Robotech®: Genesis Pits™ Sourcebook, Chaos Page 47 – Xiticix Eater
Earth™: First Responders, Beyond the Supernatural™: Be- Artwork by Ben Rodriguez.
yond Arcanum™ and Tome Grotesque™, among many others.
Plus we’ll continue to bring out-of-print titles back in print. Read Page 50 – Techno-Wizardry™
the descriptions for the new books, recent reprints (starts on page Throughout the Megaverse®
15) and a handful of recent special products like a pencil from the – Optional source material for Rifts®,
Chi-Town Library (see page 14) and Rifts® miniatures (see
page 17).
Phase World® and other world settings
Anthony Lovato presents an extensive look at Techno-Wizard-
Page 18 – The Pack Mentality ry across the Megaverse® and a wealth of new Techno-Wizard
weapons, armor and devices, as well as new Biomech™ animals
– Optional source material for Splicers® and adventure ideas. Some additional text and material by Kevin
Brandon K. Aten and Michael Orr take a new and in-depth Siembieda.
look at Splicer Gorehounds and Packmasters, including new Page 50 – Rifts Earth
types of Bio-Enhancements, dominant breeds of Gorehounds, Page 51 – Three Galaxies™
new Bio-Tech collars, barding (animal armor) and more. Page 53 – Wormwood™
Page 19 – Dominant Breed of Gorehounds Page 55 – Heroes Unlimited™
Page 21 – Skill Packages Page 57 – Techno-Wizard™ Devices
Page 22 – Behavior Modification Page 58 – TW Prosthetic Limbs
Page 23 – Bio-Tech Collars Page 59 – Techno-Wizard Weapons
Page 26 – Barding for Gorehounds Page 62 – TW Grenades
Page 27 – Elite Packmaster Armor Page 62 – TW Armor & Power Armor
Page 28 – New Bio-Weapons & Equipment Page 63 – TW Technical Stuff
Page 65 – Grimoire (Tech-Based Magic Spells) The Cover
Page 66 – Biomech Familiars
The cover is by artist Mark Tedin and is a bit of digital magic.
Page 69 – Adventure: Ground Zero
I have never met or spoken with Mark. The dynamic artwork that
Page 70 – Hook, Line and Sinkers™
graces our cover was done for the old, Rifts® Collectible Card
Artwork by Joseph Lawn.
Game produced by the ill-fated Precedence Game Company. In
fact, the cover is a digital melding of two card illustrations cre-
Page 72 – The Lion, The Ditch & The Warlock ated by Mark Tedin that we put together to make one heck of a
– Optional adventure and source material cover. We thought it was perfect for the Xiticix article, and I’ve
for the Palladium Fantasy RPG® always enjoyed this artist’s work in the CCG. We’ll have to track
him down to pay him for its use on the cover, but I hope he enjoys
Paul Herbert offers up a fun adventure set during the Olym- seeing his work (albeit 10 years later) reappear on The Rifter®
pic-style games held on the island kingdom of Lopan. #59.

Page 90 – Explosives Data Optional and Unofficial Rules & Source Material
– Optional source material for all world settings Please note that most of the material presented in The Rifter®
Thomas Morrison presents a look at the many types of ex- is “unofficial” or “optional” rules and source material.
plosives, how they work, and optional rules for the damage they They are alternative ideas, homespun adventures and material
inflict (in game terms). mostly created by fellow gamers and fans like you, the reader.
Artwork by Michael Mumah. Things one can elect to include in one’s own campaign or simply
enjoy reading about. They are not “official” to the main games or
The Theme for Issue 58 world settings.
As for optional tables and adventures, if they sound cool or
The focus of this issue of The Rifter® is gaming source ma-
fun, use them. If they sound funky, too high-powered or inap-
terial. Weapons, gadgets, Splicers® Gorehounds, Biomech ani-
propriate for your game, modify them or ignore them completely.
mals, Techno-Wizard weapons and devices, special abilities and
adventure – the stuff of good role-playing games and adventure. All the material in The Rifter® has been included for two
All good stuff to light up your imaginations. That’s why I love reasons: One, because we thought it was imaginative and fun,
role-playing games: its all about the characters, story and work- and two, we thought it would stimulate your imagination with
ing as a team to explore new realms and journey down new av- fun ideas and concepts that you can use (if you want to), or which
enues of adventure. There is nothing like it. might inspire you to create your own wonders.
We hope you enjoy these contributions from fans like you, and
Palladium freelancers who share your love for Palladium worlds – Palladium Online
and adventure. Unleash those imaginations and game on.
The Rifter® NEEDS You
The Rifter® #60
We are always looking for new writers and artists to contrib-
ute to The Rifter®. The Rifter® is a “fanzine” written by fans The Rifter® #60 comes out in October. As a result,
for fans. We want “fan” submissions.” We do not expect you we usually try to focus on monsters, horror and things
to be a professional writer to contribute. The Rifter® is a fo- that go bump in the night for all game settings. Note:
rum for gamers just like you to share your own creations, adven- That means YOU can still send those types of contri-
tures and ideas with other fans. You can submit source material, butions in up till August 30, 2012.
adventures, new magic, new psionics, new super abilities, new
monsters, villains, high-tech weapons, vehicles, power armor, ar- ! Source material for Rifts®.
ticles, G.M. advice, player tips, house rules, short works of fiction ! Source material for Nightbane®.
and more. So think about writing up something short (even some- ! Source material for Beyond the Supernatural™.
thing as small as 4-6 pages). Newcomers and regular contributors ! Source material for numerous settings.
are always welcomed. And many contributors to The Rifter® do ! News, coming attractions and much more.
go on to write full-blown books for Palladium, so if that’s your
goal, The Rifter® is a great place to start. ! And maybe YOUR submission. Send us some-
thing and see if you get published.
The Rifter® needs new material, especially when it comes to
adventures and source material, for all of our game lines, espe-
cially Rifts®, Chaos Earth™, Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Heroes
Unlimited™, Ninjas and Superspies™, Beyond the Supernatu-
Palladium Books®
ral™, Dead Reign™, Splicers® and Nightbane®. – one game system, a Megaverse®
Pay is lousy, fame is dubious, but you get to share your ideas
and adventures with fellow gamers and get four free copies to
of adventure – truly limited
show to your friends and family. only by your imagination™
From the Desk of Kevin Siembieda
I think we’re all afraid to say it. other artists are all unleashing creative powers none of us have
Saying it out loud might jinx it. And we don’t want to do that. seen from them before. You’ll know what I’m talking about when
So let me couch it in the form of a question: Could 2012 the next batch of books start hitting the shelves.
really be Palladium Books’ comeback year? Is this the year Pal- Artist John Zeleznik is knocking out one impressive cover
ladium Books makes major strides in getting strong and growing after another for us.
the company? Artist Mark Evans is back and working on the two Beyond
Maybe. the Supernatural™ covers – Tome Grotesque™ and Beyond
Arcanum™, plus a Heroes Unlimited™ cover – for Palladium.
We’re not there yet, but we seem to be getting there quickly He took time off to deal with some personal matters and to work
now. And there are all kinds of things happening that would sug- on a big tarot card project. Welcome back, Mark!
gest the answer could be, yes. And could it be? There have been rumblings from fan favorite
We are publishing more new releases. Epic, fun and dynamic artists Wayne Breaux Jr. and Mike Wilson about possibly doing
releases. Yes, we’re behind schedule as usual it seems, but books some work for Palladium Books next year.
that have come out, and the ones we are working on releasing Crowdsource funding via Palladium’s Megaverse® Insider
in the months to come, are outstanding. Or at least, we’d like to offers has been a huge success too, putting unique, often collect-
think so. ible products and services into the hands of gamers, and helping
And there are a lot more where those have come from. We Palladium to fund the release of select new titles, reprint out of
have ideas for dozens of great books for Rifts®, Robotech®, stock titles, pay down debt and increase our advertising. Wow,
Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Splicers®, Nightbane®, Beyond talk about a win, win scenario for everyone involved. Beautiful.
the Supernatural™, and all our game lines.
Writer Josh Sinsapaugh is back writing for Palladium after
a long hiatus. He has a nice Rifts® Xiticix™ article in this issue, And the Good News Keeps Coming
he just turned in a revamped Rifts® Deep South manuscript, and A few licensing deals may be happening for Palladium. Our
is about to start on a new book project. Welcome back, Josh! agents at Surge Licensing have been approached by two or three
Writer Carmen Bellaire is back writing for Palladium after companies inquiring about some exciting licensing possibilities
taking the last 2-3 years off to work on some personal projects. with Palladium intellectual properties (I.P.s). It is waaaaay to
He’s just turned in a wealth of weapons and gizmos for Rifts® soon to reveal who these talks are with or what they are consider-
Black Market and Rifts® Northern Gun™, and I just gave him ing, but if they pan out . . . I think gamers will be pleased.
the greenlight to write FOUR new Rifts® books! On top of that, Palladium has been contacted directly by an-
Writer Matthew Clements is coming back in the fall to work other two or three start-up companies with ideas for new products
on a couple of new Rifts® books. He has taken the last six months and markets. One of which is located in Spain! Again, it is to
off to pursue a couple of film projects. Yeah, Matt’s been writing soon to speculate about them, but they are all promising and we
screenplays all spring and summer. are moving forward to see if they can be made into reality.
Writer Carl Gleba is reinvigorated. He has just finished a I know I’ve been saying for a while there is an energy and
secret book project and is providing additional gear and ideas for excitement in the air at Palladium, but it’s real and it’s exciting.
the two Northern Gun books. He then plans to get to work on a Very, very exciting. Ideas on a vast number of things have been
few new book ideas. flying around for months. There are a half-dozen secret projects
Writer Greg Diaczyk is finishing up work on two Rifts® being developed (the possibility of doing pewter Robotech® me-
books and has gotten approval to start work on a Heroes Unlim- cha figures has been one of them) and it seems like new ideas and
ited™ sourcebook. opportunities are cropping up every week!
Writer Irvin Jackson is working on ideas for two new Ro- Gen Con® Indy is next month and we are pumped up for it.
botech® sourcebooks, plus his Robotech® Genesis Pits Source- We hope to see a lot Palladium gamers dropping by to say hello,
book is sitting here waiting to go into final production and be sent meet some of the artists and writers, pick up product, new and
to the printer. old, and get autographs.
Speaking of Robotech®, Palladium Books has extended its Online sales have been up and down, but overall good, and
current licensing agreement with Harmony Gold and has secured distributor sales have been slowly increasing.
the rights to produce pewter game pieces of Robotech® mecha Recent releases, Rifts® Lemuria and Endless Dead™ were
and ships. We’ll be looking for capable sculptors and plotting a both well received. What am I saying? People went wild over
release of 1/285 scale mecha by spring 2013! Rifts® Lemuria and loved the new Dead Reign™ Sourcebook:
And those are just some of the highlights. There are other writ- Endless Dead™.
ers, including myself, planning new books or working on them
even as you read this. What’s next?
Meanwhile, Palladium’s freelance artists are more dedicated Rifts® World Book: The Black Market – should be at the
and committed than ever. Each and every one of them is taking printer by the time you read this.
their craft to the next level. Chuck Walton, Amy L. Ashbaugh, Rifts® Vampires Sourcebook™ – should also be at the print-
Nick Bradshaw, Mike Mumah, Mark Dudley, Kent Burles, Allen er by the time you read this.
Manning, Brian Manning, Ben Rodriguez, Mike Leonard, and
Rifts® World Book 33: Northern Gun™ One ing 1/285 scale for mecha. This has been one of the secret proj-
Rifts® World Book 34: Northern Gun™ Two ects we’ve been working on for months.
Rifts®/Minion War™: Megaverse® in Flames™ How soon can you expect to see 1/285 scale pewter mecha
Robotech® Genesis Pits™ Sourcebook available? Probably not until next year sometime. We’ll keep you
(Robotech® UEEF Marines Sourcebook is probably a 2013 posted.
release) Sculptors wanted. We’ll be looking for sculptors interested
The Rifter® #60 in creating Robotech mecha and ships. Spread the word. Sculp-
And if we can swing it, we’d love to release a new sourcebook tors, do please contact Palladium Books if you are interested in
for Chaos Earth™, Palladium Fantasy®, Splicers® and/or Be- working on the Robotech® line of game pieces.
yond the Supernatural™ in the fall with many more to follow.

If none of this gets your heart pumping, I don’t know what More Robotech®
will. Keep the faith and game on!
– Kevin Siembieda, Publisher Sourcebooks are coming
- Robotech® Genesis Pits Sourcebook
- Robotech® UEEF Marines Sourcebook

Palladium News - And more . . .

Palladium Books plans to give the Robotech® Role-Play-
ing Game series a big push and a lot more love, attention and
By Kevin Siembieda, the guy who should know products over the next 18 months. The Robotech® Genesis Pits
Sourcebook is slated to go into final production very soon and
will probably see release before Rifts® Megaverse® in Flames.
This entire time, writer Irvin Jackson has been working on two
more Robotech® sourcebooks, and another freelancer is fooling
around with other ideas for other Robotech® sourcebooks that
we are not ready to announce. (We don’t know if they are going
to happen or not, yet.)

New Rifts® Pewter Miniatures

Palladium has re-released Rifts® miniatures that went out
of production years ago. Figures like the Glitter Boy, Coalition
Soldiers, Cyborgs, the Kydian Overlord, and others. Keeping in
step with current market trends, Palladium is selling individual
figures in the $6-$8 price range for human-size figures, and $12
or more for larger figures. The Glitter Boy, for example, sells
for $20. There are also ten NEW, different and variant Rifts®
figures. All made their debut at the Palladium Open House and
are available on the Palladium website. We’ll have them at Gen
Con® Indy, too.
Palladium family grows by one
The very morning I was writing this material for The Rifter®
#59, I received the exciting news that my daughter, Monica, gave Gen Con® Indy, August 14–19, 2012
birth to her first child. Chloe, a beautiful baby girl! Chloe Sage – Palladium Books – Booth #1125
arrived two weeks early at 2:02 A.M., July 5, 2012, at a weight
of five pounds, 10 ounces. The proud father, Steven, was gushing Gen Con Indy is coming up fast.
with delight when we spoke this morning. We are all very ex- We hope to see many of you there. Palladium will have a booth
cited! Monica, Steven and Chloe live in Arizona, so I cannot just packed with all of our books (new and old releases), special edi-
run over, but I am as happy as can be for them. This is the first tions, some out of print items, original artwork by a few artists,
baby born to either of my children. limited edition prints, miniatures, dice bags, T-shirts and more.
There was some concern as the baby was breach and the um- If you are attending, please come on over to chat, buy stuff, hear
bilical cord was wrapped around the neck. But all went well and the latest news, and get books signed by me and other Palladium
mother and child are doing great! Awesome. creators. We love to chit chat and sign books. It will be fun.
This year’s line-up of Palladium creators at the booth in-
Robotech® license expanded - Kevin Siembieda (Publisher, writer, game designer)
This has been a big week for Palladium Books. We signed - Wayne Smith (The Rifter®, editor and more)
an agreement with Harmony Gold USA, Inc. to expand Palla- - Chuck Walton (artist)
dium’s licensing rights, including the right to produce and sell - Matthew Clements (writer)
game pieces of Robotech® mecha and spaceships. We’re think- - Brandon Aten (writer)
- Mark Oberle (writer) weekend signing books, doing drawings, chatting and laughing
- and maybe a few other Palladium guys and gals. with fans, and having fun.
Everyone had a great time. I did not hear a single serious
complaint and everyone in attendance seemed to be having a
Palladium at Youmacon delightful time gaming and clowning around. Carmen Bellaire
Detroit – November 1-4, 2012 and James Brown ran games featuring miniatures and dioramas,
others made wonderful and elaborate character sheets, Scott Gib-
Our next convention will be in November for Youmacon, a bons ran a new, more developed version of his Rifts® board game
big anime and media convention in downtown Detroit (includes to the delight of many, and Julius ran seven different, fun-filled
gaming). I think they are estimating 20,000 people to attend this events for various Palladium RPG settings.
year, and Palladium Books will be among them. Plus we’ve been As for myself, I signed hundreds of books, chatted with
doing a few other small, local events. hundreds of people (in panel talks and such, if not one-on-one,
Youmacon is one of the fastest growing anime conventions though I did speak with a lot of people), hosted several panel
in America! In 2011 they had more than 12,000 attendees and talks, the auction and costume contest, and ran 72 gamers in six
suspect they may hit double that number in November. The event fun filled Palladium Fantasy games. My six games were a suc-
takes place in downtown Detroit at the Cobo Convention Center cessful experiment in which each of the six adventures was a
off the waterfront. Youmacon has enough clout to get discounted chapter in a continuing story. The players of each group played
Cobo Parking and other perks to make the convention experience the same characters, who continued where the last group left off.
less expensive. Each group shaped the story that was being told. I only had very,
very broad stroke notes and story ideas, and riffed off what the
Palladium on Facebook players were saying and doing to build the story. It was epic. Fun.
And it worked. Everyone had a wonderful time, including me. It
and elsewhere online was perfect.
We’ve been on Facebook for a little over a year now and peo- You can read about the Open House in much more detail on
ple are enjoying it. I try to pop on to answer questions and post the Palladium Books website ( and
comments and news several times a week. When I’m swamped, see photographs as well.
that may only be a couple of days, but when I have the time or
there’s a lot to talk about, I pop in 5-6 days a week. Many other Palladium “crowdfunding” success
Palladium creators like Mike Mumah, Bradon Aten, Carl Gleba, Our second crowdsource funding for Rifts® Northern Gun
Irvin Jackson and others are also active participants. Join the fun One was another big success. It has been helping us to not only
with Palladium Books on Facebook and check out Palladium’s release exciting new books, but also pay down debt, do more ad-
website at Of course, I’m also post- vertising, reprint titles and build the company. Very exciting.
ing Murmurs from the Megaverse® on the Palladium website as We’ve been doing these crowdfunding offers ourselves via
well as on Facebook, and we post a Weekly Update every Thurs- something we call the Megaverse® Insider. A type of “crowd-
day with the latest news and information about Palladium and source funding” that lets you buy products that help to finance
upcoming releases. the production and printing of the book. If you have never heard
of crowdsource funding, don’t feel out of the loop. Though it has
Meet Palladium Creators on YouTube been around for a few years, it has only begun to become a well-
known and common practice in the last year or so.
Carmen Bellaire and Wylliam Johnson did 24 video inter- The concept is simple. A business makes a public proposal
views of Palladium creators and personalities during the Palla- online to the very people who know and love their products, and
dium Open House. Each is about 8 minutes long and gives you gives them the opportunity to fund a new one. What makes this
insight to many of the people – writers, artists and others – who fun and exciting for the fans is they get special products and
create the games you enjoy. Very fun. Carmen and Wylliam have opportunities/services for their money. This way, rather than
also posted a number of video reviews of Palladium products. get one or a few investors contributing large sums, a company
As new books get sent to the printer, Carmen and Wyll are being raises much smaller amounts from hundreds of people. Those
given advance copies of the books so they can do a “First Look” people get a quick, tangible reward for their participation by
at upcoming books BEFORE they hit store shelves. way of special products or opportunities. If you get a couple
It’s all fun stuff and you can see them all at hundred to several hundred people making a crowdsource fund-
user/Maloquinn/videos ing purchase (we’ve had more than 350 each time), you can
meet or exceed your goal. Palladium exceeded its goal both
Palladium Open House – Mini-Report
So much happened that we could fill pages about the event,
but we’ll keep this down to the sweeping highlights. We had an
Kevin’s Online Toy & Collectibles Store
estimated 230 gamers from around the world. Of course, most My online store remains an excellent resource to get Palla-
were from the US, but we also had our share of Canadians, four dium collectibles, signed out of print books, rare Gold Editions,
gents from England, one from Germany and elsewhere. That proofreader copies of books, original artwork, limited edition
number does not include the 30 Palladium creators who spent the prints, and other Palladium collectibles that are either from the

Palladium archives or my personal collection. That includes toys
and action figures I used to collect, but decided to slowly sell
off. All items are generally in very good to mint condition – and
priced to sell. We’ll keep adding Palladium collectibles and toys
a few times a week, so keep checking.

We will deliver on New Releases Palladium’s 2012 Release Checklist

As usual, it seems, we are behind deadline on new releases Palladium Books 2012 Product Release Schedule
scheduled for the year, but that’s because they are truly epic.
Each one of these books is a labor of love designed to make you Recent Releases
whisper “wow” every few pages. Books packed with never-be-
- The Rifter® #57
fore-revealed details and information, new source material and
- The Rifter® #58
ideas to stimulate and challenge your imagination. For all of us
- Rifts® Bookmarks Set 2 – available only from Palladium
at Palladium Books, it is all about character, story and adventure.
And we are hard at work creating books that deliver on those ele-
- Rifts® World Book 32: Lemuria
ments big time. Books that will enable you to unleash an array of
- Dead Reign™ Sourcebook Three: Endless Dead™ – New –
new adventures to keep you gaming for months.
in stores.
I have been working on 4-5 titles simultaneously so we can,
- Several new T-shirts
indeed, release one epic gaming experience after another. Here’s
- Back in print – Mutant Underground™ for Heroes Unlim-
what’s coming starting in July. The next eight books should come
out in rapid succession.
- Back in print – Wolfen Empire™ for Palladium Fantasy RPG®
- The Rifter® #59 (in your hands)
- Back in print – Old Ones™ for Palladium Fantasy RPG®
- Rifts® Black Market Sourcebook
- Back in print – Rifts® World Book 21: Splynn Dimensional
- Rifts® Vampires Sourcebook
- Rifts® Northern Gun™ One
- Back in print – Rifts® World Book 22: Free Quebec™
- Rifts® Northern Gun™ Two
- Back in print – Rifts® World Book 31: Triax™ 2
- Robotech® Genesis Pits Sourcebook
- Back in print – Rifts® Mercenaries™
- Rifts® Megaverse® in Flames
- Back in print – Rifts® Black Vault™
- The Rifter® #60
- Back in print – Rifts® Sourcebook 2: The Mechanoids®
After these, we hope to release a little bit for many other - Back in print – Rifts® Sourcebook 3: Mindwerks™
game lines, sourcebooks for Palladium Fantasy RPG® and - Back in print – Rifts® Sourcebook: Cyber-Knights™
Splicers®, Robotech® and Rifts® Chaos Earth, the two long- - Back in print – Rifts® Dimension Book: Three Galaxies™
awaited sourcebooks, Tome Grotesque and Beyond Arcanum - Back in print – Rifts® Dimensional Book: Anvil Galaxy™
for Beyond the Supernatural™, plus more books for Heroes - Back in print – Rifts® Dice Bags (gold logo on black)
Unlimited™, Dead Reign™ and more. - Back in print – Rifts® miniatures (Glitter Boy, CS soldiers
See the News and Coming Attractions section of this issue for and others)
more information.
July 2012 Releases
- The Rifter® #59 – you are reading it now!
An exciting future - Rifts® Vampires Sourcebook™
The focus at Palladium remains the release of new titles ev- - Rifts® Sourcebook: The Black Market
ery single month. As noted in my From the Desk of, an army of
August 2012 Releases
freelance writers and artists are assembling to carry Palladium
into a new era of adventure and wonder for years to come. And if - Rifts® World Book: Northern Gun™ One
all goes well over the next several months, those adventures may - Robotech® Genesis Pits™ Sourcebook
soon start popping up in new mediums and media. We hope all of - Back in print – Rifts® World Book 23: Xiticix Invasion™
you will follow us on that journey. Game on. September
- Rifts® Northern Gun™ Two
- Rifts®/Minion War™: Megaverse® in Flames™ (tentative)
October 2012 Release
- The Rifter® #60
- Rifts® Chaos Earth Sourcebook (tentative)
- Dead Reign™ Sourcebook (tentative)
The following titles are in development
- Robotech® sourcebooks
- Rifts® sourcebooks
- Splicers® Sourcebooks ! New weapons and equipment of Bandito Arms/Black Mar-
- Chaos Earth™ Sourcebooks ket.
- Heroes Unlimited™ Sourcebooks ! A wide range of Big Bore weapons and other merc weap-
- Palladium Fantasy®: Mysteries of Magic™ Two & Three ons.
- Palladium Fantasy®: Land of the Damned™ Three ! Black Market criminal assignments, jobs and mercenary
- Nightbane® Sourcebook bounties.
- Beyond the Supernatural™ Sourcebooks ! Major Black Market smuggling corridors and routes
- And other good stuff. ! Smuggling methods, both magical and conventional.
! Traveling Shows: Freak Shows, Medicine Shows and Cir-
Available in many hobby and game stores around the
world. We encourage people to support their local stores. Going
! Traveling Shows as fronts for the Black Market.
to a store enables you to see the product before purchasing it, and
! Traveling Black Market Merchants, Market Towns and
many stores are happy to place special orders for you, provided
Market Outlets.
you pay in advance, enabling you to avoid the cost of shipping
! Written by Matthew Clements, Kevin Siembieda, Carmen
and possible damage in the mail.
Bellaire, Taylor White, Julius Rosenstein and Alex Mar-
Ordering from Palladium Books: You can also order direct-
ly from Palladium Books, but you will pay extra for shipping. For
! Expanded page count – 192 pages – $24.95 retail – Cat. No.
customers with access to a computer, we recommend ordering
886. July release.
online to get the most accurate shipping costs (or by telephone;
734-721-2903 order line only). For customers without such ac-
cess, use the following “mail order” process.
1. Send the cost of the books or items being ordered. 2. In the
USA: Add $5 for orders totaling $1-$50 to cover shipping and
handling. Add $9 for orders totaling $51-$100. Add $15 for or-
ders totaling $101-$200. Outside the USA: Double the shipping
amount for orders going to Canada, and triple it for overseas or-
ders. Any all additional costs incurred as a result of Customs fees
and taxes is the responsibility of the customer, NOT Palladium
Books. 3. Make checks or money orders payable to Palladium
Books. 4. Please make sure to send us your complete and correct
address. 5. Send your order to: Palladium Books, Dept. R, 39074
Webb Court, Westland, MI 48185. Note: These costs are for the
least expensive and slowest method of shipping only. Allow 2-4
weeks for delivery. Order online or call the office for superior but
more costly shipping methods.

Rifts® Black Market™

A Rifts® Sourcebook
By the time you read this, Rifts® Black Market™ should
be at the printer and about to hit store shelves any day. This epic
sourcebook contains a wealth of information about the inner
workings of the Black Market, the Five Factions, new Bandito
Arms/Black Market weapons and gear, how to make any O.C.C.
a Black Marketeer, special abilities of the Black Marketeer, crim-
Rifts® Vampires Sourcebook™
inal enterprises, Black Market loans, merc and crime jobs, and Unknown to most humans, deep within Mexico the vampires
much more. This book has it all. AND best of all, a lot of it can be have established entire kingdoms. There they live like tyrants and
easily adapted to just about any world setting, not just Rifts Earth. gods, dominating an underclass of cattle people used as slaves
! Rules to make any O.C.C. (and R.C.C.) a Black Marketeer. and food stock. Learn more about the vampires, their rivals, allies
! Special abilities and benefits of the Black Marketeer. and the humans who willingly serve their supernatural masters
! Specialized O.C.C.s of the Black Market. for a chance to join the undead. A must-have guide for those who
! Criminal enterprises, jobs, and inner workings of the Black wish to travel deeper into the Vampire Kingdoms or play as vam-
Market. pires and their human minions.
! The Five Black Market factions that wield the greatest ! More human kingdoms within Mexico like the Tampico
power in North America: Bandito Arms, The Chicago Net- Military Protectorate and Durango, the Silver City.
work, The Immaterial Hand, El Oculta, and Le Marche ! Firefighting robots, hover firetrucks and more anti-vam-
Noir. pire gear.
! Black Market internal operations and security. ! Magic based Vampire Hunters and human strongholds.
! Black Market services, products, practices and customers. ! Techno-Wizard anti-vampire weapons and magical de-
! Profiles for Doc Reid and Reid’s Rangers, the world’s most ! Key locations, people and sales outlets in and around
famous Vampire Hunters. Northern Gun.
! Fort Reid, an entire city devoted to hunting the undead. ! Northern Gun’s relationships with the Coalition States,
! The Bloodwatch, a secret vampire intelligence agency that Triax Industries, the Black Market and others.
tracks down and exterminates Vampire Hunters. ! The Kingdom of Ishpeming, a puppet-state propped up by
! The Yucatan Peninsula, a mysterious dimensional pocket NG.
overrun by strange demons known as Xibalbans. ! The Ishpeming military and more.
! The return of the Mayan god Camazotz, Lord of Bats and ! Written by Matthew Clements, Kevin Siembieda and oth-
Darkness. ers.
! The werebeasts of Mexico and Central America; those who ! Interior Artwork by Chuck Walton, the Manning broth-
assist the vampires and those who fight against them. ers, and others.
! Written by Kevin Siembieda, Matthew Clements and ! Wraparound cover by Chuck Walton.
Braden Campbell.
! 160 pages – $20.95 retail – Cat. No. 887 – Summer release.
! 128 pages – $16.95 – Cat. No. 884. Summer release.

Rifts® World Book 33: Rifts® World Book 34:

Northern Gun™ One Northern Gun™ Two
Northern Gun™ is the largest independent manufacturer of More information about the weapons, vehicles and practices
high-tech weapons, robots and vehicles in North America. Out- of Northern Gun, including the new rage of robot gladiatorial
side of the Coalition States, one could argue, no other kingdom combat.
is as powerful or influential, at least when it comes to technology ! Power armors; new and old.
and weapons. The manufacture and sale of Northern Gun weap- ! Hovercycles and vehicles; new and old.
ons and vehicles has given virtually every kingdom, town, colony
of settlers and adventurer group a chance to survive and prosper.
! Aircraft; new and old.
Located in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, NG has been the pre- ! Boats, ships and submarines; new and old.
mier outfitter of mercenaries, adventurers and upstart kingdoms ! Robot Gladiatorial Arena; new!
for generations. Now, for the first time ever, learn Northern Gun’s ! Robot Gladiator O.C.C. and some notable gladiators.
history, goals and plans for the future. Of course, that means new ! The NG Bounty Board, the largest collection of bounties
weapons, robots, power armor, vehicles and gear. and mercenary contracts anywhere on Rifts® Earth.
! An in-depth look at Northern Gun: its business operations ! Mercenaries, pirates and more.
& community.
! Written by Matthew Clements, Kevin Siembieda and oth-
! Bionic and cybernetic services. ers.
! Weapons and combat gear; new and old. ! Interior Artwork by Chuck Walton, Nick Bradshaw, and
! Robot drones; new and old. others.
! Giant combat robots; new and old. ! Wraparound cover by John Zeleznik.
! Freighters and hover trains. ! 160 pages – $20.95 retail – Cat. No. 888 – Summer or fall
! Northern Gun character classes and more. release.

Robotech® Genesis Pits™ Sourcebook The Rifter® #60
An in-depth look at the Invid Genesis Pits, their purpose, func- – Ships October 2012
tion and the creatures they create.
Looking for new ideas and material for your campaign? Then
! Secrets of the Invid.
you want The Rifter®. The greatest value of The Rifter® is that
! Different types of Genesis Pits.
every issue offers new and different ideas, and gets your imagina-
! Written by Irvin Jackson. Additional text by Kevin Siem-
tion running in directions you might not have considered. It’s an
idea factory that will help you generate new ideas of your own,
! An 8½ x 11 inch sourcebook (not manga size).
and it also presents valuable source material you can drop right
! 96 pages – $16.95 retail – Cat. No. 555. Summer release.
into your games.
! Available in the U.S. and Canada only.
! Rifts® and source material for 2-3 other game settings.
! News, coming attractions, and more.
! 96 pages – still only $11.95 retail – Cat. No. 160. October

Rifts® Chaos Earth™ Sourcebook:

First Responders
Data about the chaos and madness of the early days of the
Great Cataclysm, and the brave men and women who tried to
stem the tide of destruction and save lives, the First Responders.
! Apocalypse Plagues: Strange diseases, symbiotes and mu-
tations that transform, torment, harm and kill Earth’s
! First Responder O.C.C.s, skills and special equipment.
! Civilian O.C.C.s, skills and orientation.
! Notable rescue vehicles, robot drones, and technology.
! New weapons, vehicles, mecha and more.
! Character modification and enhancement rules.
! Creatures from the Rifts and adventure ideas galore.
Rifts® World Book 35: ! Written by Jason Richards & Kevin Siembieda.
! 96 to 128 pages – $16.95 retail – Cat. No. 665. Fall release.
Megaverse® in Flames™
The Minion War spills across Rifts Earth, where demons and
infernals hope to recruit allies and use the Rifts as gateways of
Recent Product Releases &
destruction. Their influence shakes things up across the planet,
especially at locations where demons and Deevils already have
Notable Books Back in Print
a strong presence. Demons, Deevils and supernatural beings run
rampant and wreak havoc across the world. Rifts® World Book 32: Lemuria™
! Demon plagues and mystic blights.
! Soulmancy and Blood Magic revealed. – Available now
! Magical and demonic weapons and war machines. Rifts® Lemuria is a smash hit. We have only heard rants and
! Demonic armies, strongholds and places of evil. raves about it from gamers. New magic, weapons, living power
! Hell Pits and Rune Forges. armor, monstrous war steeds, dragons, sea monsters, weapons
! Many Demon Lords, their minions and plans. and gear. The Lemurians are an amphibious people with float-
! Calgary, the Kingdom of Monsters; in detail. ing cities and magic-based technology that allows for land and
! Ciudad de Diablo, Harpies’ Island and other notable Hell underwater adventures alike.
holes on Earth. ! The Lemurians, their race, history and society.
! Lord Doom, Pain and other demonic leaders. ! New aquatic races – Lemurians, Junk Crabs, and others.
! Horune treachery, Dimension Stormers and other villains. ! 8 expansive, new O.C.C.s including the Serpent Hunter,
! Notable demonic generals, mercenaries, people and places. Spouter, Oceanic Guardsman, Biomancer Gene-Mage,
! Battleground: Earth – as demons and infernals amass their Birdman and others.
legions. ! 9 monstrous and wondrous Lemurian War Steeds.
! Global chaos and the places most dramatically affected by ! 10 suits of living Bio-Armor, plus the Wave Strider & Bio-
the Demon Plagues. Skins.
! Epic battles and adventure ideas galore. ! 10 Biomancy plants and creatures from Lemurian Gar-
! Written by Carl Gleba. Part of the Minion War “Cross- dens.
over” series. ! 19 types of Lemurian weapons, herbs and magic.
! 192 pages – $24.95 retail – Cat. No. 876. Fall release. ! Symbiotic Stone vehicles, Exotic animals and dragons.
! 50+ new Biomancy spells and a handful of new Ocean Mag- Rifts® Pencil
ic spells.
It’s silly, but fun. A standard No. 2 pencil that reads: DO NOT
! The Stone Guardians of Easter Island and other mysteries. REMOVE. PROPERTY OF THE CHI-TOWN LIBRARY. Ob-
! Symbiotic creatures and Biomancy constructs; some that viously a relic and collector’s item from before the famous li-
enable air-breathers to survive underwater indefinitely.
brary burned down. Erin Tarn has a whole desk drawer of these
! New dangers, new challenges, adventure ideas and more. pencils. What about you?
! Written by Diaczyk, Clements & Siembieda. ! Offered for the very first time. Fun and useful.
! 224 pages – $24.95 retail – Cat. No. 885. Available now. ! Cat. No. 2561. 50 cents per each pencil.

Palladium Fantasy RPG® Coffee Mug

This mug is gorgeous. It is the same style as previous coffee
mugs and captures the classic Palladium Fantasy cover image in
red on a black mug. Microwave and dishwasher safe.

! 15.5 ounce mug perfect for coffee, tea, hot chocolate or soda
on game night or any time. Fun and useful.
! Classic Palladium artwork depicting the knight and dragon
from the cover of the original edition of Palladium Fantasy
RPG® appears on one side of the mug and The Palladium
Fantasy RPG® logo appears on the other side. Nice.
! Cat. No. 2560 – $10.00.

Available now – Dead Reign™ Sourcebook 3:

Endless Dead™
Endless Dead says it all. The zombie hordes grow in number
and strangeness. Can humankind survive? Where is the military?
What’s next for the survivors of the zombie apocalypse?
! New types of zombies, including the Walking Mass Grave. Palladium Bookmarks, Set Two
! New O.C.C.s like the Wheelman, Zombie Hunter and oth-
ers. – Available now
! Information on vehicles and anti-zombie defenses. They look great. A set of four, 2 x 6 inch bookmarks, printed
! Random encounter tables galore. on both sides, each depicting a different Palladium game line:
! Tables for creating Survivor caravans, hideouts and more. Chaos Earth™, Phase World®, Nightbane® and Beyond the
! Timetable for setting campaigns during the Wave, the Supernatural™. They are attractive, useful and make a fun col-
beginning of the Zombie Apocalypse, or months into the
lectible. The first set has been so popular, we had to do a second.
reign of the dead.
! Designed by Kevin Siembieda and Wayne Smith.
! Stats for some of North America’s dangerous wildlife, a ! Art by Scott Johnson (Rifts® Chaos Earth™ Glitter Boy
threat to survivors and zombies alike.
cover), Kevin Long (Phase World® Sourcebook cover),
! Written by Siembieda, Clements and Rosenstein. Brom (Nightbane®), and John Zeleznik (Beyond the Su-
! 96 pages – $16.95 retail – Cat. No. 233. Available now. pernatural™).
Note: Dead Reign™ RPG provides everything you need to
! Each is 2 x 6 inches, full color, printed on both sides.
start playing the Zombie Apocalypse and the struggle for human
! Four different bookmarks in the set.
survival, except dice, players and imagination. A complete stand-
! Cat. No. 2555 – $5.00 retail – available now! Based on what
alone RPG with skills, weapons, game rules and guidelines for
similar bookmarks sell for, we figure the set of four should
using other Palladium settings. 224 pages – $22.95 retail – Cat.
have an $8.00 value, but Palladium’s price is only $5.00.
No. 230. Available now!
Wolfen Empire™
A sourcebook for Palladium Fantasy RPG®
Back in print! This juicy adventure-sourcebook is authored by
Erick Wujcik, Kevin Siembieda and Bill Coffin. It presents a com-
prehensive background and history of the Wolfen Empire, the
Wolfen tribes, their military and their plans for the future. It also
includes several adventures, strange animals, random encounter
tables and more. Wolfen Empire is a fan favorite, and one of Er-
ick Wujcik’s last published, role-playing works.
! 101 Adventures Table.
! 4 fully-fleshed out adventures plus a few notable places,
including the Bones of Belimar, the Village Wrijin and the
town of Badd Land (a Bandit’s Paradise).
! 13 notable animals of the North.
! The Great Northern Wilderness and Killer Winters.
! Wolfen history, religion and economics.
Palladium Bookmarks, Set One ! Wolfen military, ranks and types.
! Written by Erick Wujcik, Kevin Siembieda and Bill Coffin.
– Available now ! 160 pages – $20.95 retail – Cat. No. 471. Available now.
“I love the Palladium bookmarks and use three of the first set
all the time.” – Kevin Siembieda Mutant Underground™
A set of four, 2 x 6 inch bookmarks, each depicting a differ- A sourcebook for Heroes Unlimited™
ent Palladium game line: Rifts®, Palladium Fantasy®, Heroes
Advancements in genetic engineering have created an array of
Unlimited™ and Dead Reign™. They are attractive, useful and
mutants and superhumans. Some are heroes. Some are villains.
make a fun collectible.
Others are monsters. Many have gone underground and begun to
! Designed by Kevin Siembieda and Wayne Smith. build a secret mutant society and subculture. A sourcebook for
! Art by Scott Johnson (Rifts® Ultimate cover), E.M. Gist Heroes Unlimited™.
(Dead Reign™ RPG cover), Mark Evans (Palladium Fan- ! The Mutant Underground, its champions and its enemies.
tasy®), and Tyler Walpole (Heroes Unlimited™). ! Genetic Mutation Tables for creating mutants of all kinds.
! Each is 2 x 6 inches, full color, printed on both sides. ! The mutant slave trade.
! Four different bookmarks in the set. ! Mutant Recovery Teams and government agents.
! Cat. No. 2554 – $5.00 retail. Based on what similar book- ! 20+ superhumans and mutant characters.
marks sell for, we figure the set of four should have an $8.00 ! New combinations of super abilities plus genetic mishaps.
value, but Palladium’s price is only $5.00. Available now. ! Mutant animals with super abilities and more.
! Background and campaign information. Many adventure
Old Ones™ ! Written by Kevin Siembieda. Based on ideas by Mike Wil-
A big sourcebook for Palladium Fantasy RPG® son.
! 96 pages – $16.95 retail – Cat. No. 520. Available now.
This is a massive adventure book with maps and descriptions
of more than 50 locations in the Timiro Kingdom. As if that were
not enough to make this the ultimate adventure book, there is also
Rifts® Mercenaries
information about the Old Ones and a few O.C.C.s. This fan favorite sourcebook is packed with information about
! 50+ cities, towns, and forts described and mapped. Each mercenaries, creating mercenary companies, merc O.C.C.s and a
suitable as a place for adventure. vast array of weapons, vehicles, armor and equipment.
! 7 fully fleshed out adventures and scores of adventure ! 9 O.C.C.s including Master Assassin, Smuggler, Super-
Spy, Forger, Thief, Bounty Hunter and others.
! 7 Mercenary companies, including Larsen’s Brigade.
! Includes the fabled “Place of Magic,” an ancient Dwarven ! The weapons and vehicles of Golden Age Weaponsmiths.
Ruin reputed to date back to the Elf-Dwarf War. ! The weapons and explosives of Wellington Industries.
! Minotaur R.C.C., Illusionist P.C.C. and Monk/Scholar ! The weapons and vehicles of Iron Heart Armaments.
O.C.C. ! The weapons, force fields & vehicles of Naruni Enterprises.
! Background and rumors about the Old Ones and adven- ! The weapons and gear of Northern Gun.
ture galore. ! Angrar Robotics and Chipwell Armaments.
! Travel notes, world information about Timiro and more. ! A few Coalition vehicles.
! Written by Kevin Siembieda. ! A mercenary adventure and more. Many adventure ideas.
! Written by C.J. Carella.
! 224 pages – $24.95 retail – Cat. No. 453. Available now. ! 160 pages – $20.95 retail – Cat. No. 813. Available now.
Rifts® Sourcebook Three: Mindwerks™ Rifts® World Book 31: Triax™ 2
Available now – Back in print The Gargoyle War rages on. The NGR appears to be winning.
When you see the myriad new robots, power armor and vehicles,
Rifts® Mindwerks™ is a companion to Triax & The NGR™
you’ll know why.
and Triax™ 2. It details the techno-horrors of the Mindwerks
! Overview of the New German Republic, circa 109 P.A.
Corporation and its insane mastermind, the Angel of Death, as
! 27 new Triax weapons plus body armor and additional
well as providing more information on the NGR, the Gargoyle
and Brodkil Empires, robots and equipment, plus the Gene-Splic-
! 10 new Triax giant robots including the Talon and Devas-
ers, a dozen D-Bee races, an evil Millennium Tree, mind-altering
tator Mk II.
cybernetic implants and a few notable kingdoms.
! 10 cars and commercial vehicles, plus more than 50 special
! 14 O.C.C.s and R.C.C.s, including the Lycanmorph and features.
Null Psyborg.
! 9 new robot drones including robot pets, assistants and
! Mindwerks ‘bots, cyborgs, weapons & equipment. spy-bots.
! Mindwerks M.O.M. conversions, Crazies and insanity. ! 6 new types of power armor, 5 aircraft and other combat
! Gene-Splicers and their presence on Rifts® Earth. vehicles.
! Germany’s infamous Black Forest and its evil Millenium ! NGR mobile fortress, many adventure ideas and more.
! Written by Taylor White and Brandon Aten.
! Massive, new war machines for the Gargoyles and the ! 192 pages – $24.95 retail – Cat. No. 881. Available now.
! The Kingdom of Tarnow, its namesake magical crystal and
anti-Gargoyle weapons and equipment. Rifts® Black Vault™
! More information on Europe after the Coming of the There is a wealth of information packed into this 48 page ad-
Rifts®. venture sourcebook that makes it a perennial favorite.
! Written by Kevin Siembieda. ! Overview of the Black Vault – the Coalition’s warehouse of
! 112 pages – $16.95 retail – Cat. No. 812. Available now. captured magic items.
! The Black Vault and CS Anti-Magic Recovery Squad.
Rifts® World Book 21: ! 101 magic items, including magic potions, scrolls, Techno-
Wizard devices, magic weapons and more.
Splynn Dimensional Market™ ! An overview of the Coalition’s love/hate relationship with
Another fan favorite packed with information about the Sp- magic.
lynn Dimensional Market, its merchants, D-Bee slaves and lots ! Written by Kevin Siembieda.
and lots of magic items. ! 48 pages – $9.95 retail – Cat. No. 855. Available now.
! Splynn Dimensional Market described.
! 30+ Splynn merchants and key locations in Splynn. Rifts® Dimension Book™ 6:
! Splynn underground, the authorities and NPC characters.
! 14 alien R.C.C.s; Splugorth slave stock. Three Galaxies™
! 30 Bio-Wizard organisms: 19 Parasites and 11 Symbiotes. A guide to the Three Galaxies, this book takes a look at dozens
! 26 Bio-Wizard weapons, restraints & Bio-Borg creation of solar systems, notable planets, select alien races, people, civi-
rules. lizations and monsters, as well as space anomalies, spaceships
! Tattooed Archer O.C.C. and 20 Magic Tattoos. and more. This is another sourcebook that is ideal for campaigns
! Notable Kittani and other weapons and vehicles. involving the Minion War™, the Thundercloud Galaxy™,
! Written by Mark Sumimoto and Kevin Siembieda. Phase World® and adventures in the Three Galaxies.
! 192 pages – $24.95 retail – Cat. No. 836. Available now. ! An overview of the Three Galaxies.
! 16 O.C.C.s/R.C.C.s including the Obsidian Spell Thief and
Rifts® World Book 22: Free Quebec™ Space Warlock.
! A half dozen monsters plus the mysterious Necrol.
Whether you’re playing before, after or during the Coalition
! Galactic Organizations (Atorian Empire and more).
Wars, this World Book contains a wealth of information about
! More information on the Intruders, Kreeghor, Splugorth
Free Quebec, Glitter Boys and notable people and places.
and others.
! Overview of Free Quebec and its military. ! Draygon Industries and their weapons.
! 6 Quebec Military O.C.C.s including variant Glitter Boy ! Demon Stars, Demon Planets and magic starships.
! Notable spaceships and weapon systems.
! 6 types of Glitter Boys plus the Glitter Boy Sidekick. ! The monstrous Necrol and their living weapons and space-
! Pale Death SAMAS and other Quebec power armor. craft.
! Free Quebec’s Navy, Cyborgs and technology. ! Notable equipment of the Three Galaxies.
! Notable places including Old Bones and various combat ! A wealth of background material and adventure ideas.
! Written by Carl Gleba.
! Many adventure ideas and more. ! 160 pages – $20.95 retail – Cat. No. 851. Available now.
! Written by Kevin Siembieda and Francois DesRochers.
! 192 pages – $24.95 retail – Cat. No. 837. Available now.
Rifts® Dimension Book™ 5: ! Cost of shipping: $2.00 per each miniature for shipping and
handling in the United States. $3.00 per each miniature for
Anvil Galaxy™ shipping to Canada. Any all additional costs incurred as a re-
– Available now – Back in print sult of Customs fees and taxes is the responsibility of the Ca-
nadian customer, NOT Palladium Books. Customers in other
This popular, fan-favorite Phase World® sourcebook pres- countries should order online or call the Palladium office.
ents a dynamic overview of the Anvil Galaxy™ and its many
alien races, technologies, conflicts and secrets. A great resource ! MI8021 – Rifts® Shadow Beast – $12.00
for any Phase World® fan and valuable addition for campaigns ! MI8022 – Rifts® Mystic Knight – $6.00
involving the Minion War™. ! MI8023 – Rifts® Lord Magus – $6.00
! Legends of the Cosmic Forge™ and the Forge War™. ! MI8024 – Rifts® High Magus – $6.00
! Nearly 20 alien races and an overview of the Anvil Gal- ! MI8025 – Rifts® Coalition Psi-Stalker (new-style Dead
axy™. Boy armor) – $6.00
! Transgalactic Empire and Consortium of Civilized Worlds. ! MI8026 – Rifts® Coalition Dog Boy in DPM-D1 Armor –
! Overview of the Three Galaxies. $6.00
! Planet Creation Tables. ! MI8027 – Rifts® Coalition Dog Boy #2 (with energy rifle)
! Written by Bill Coffin. – $6.00
! 160 pages – $20.95 retail – Cat. No. 847. Available now. ! MI8028 – Rifts® Coalition Dog Boy #3 (with rifle and Vi-
bro-Knife) – $6.00
! MI8029 – Rifts® Coalition Dog Boy #4 (German Shepherd
with rifle and Vibro-Claws) – $6.00
! MI8030 – Rifts® Coalition Dog Boy #5 (Bulldog with en-
ergy rifle and Vibro-Claws) – $6.00

Classic Rifts® Miniatures – Back in stock

The following favorite Rifts® miniatures are back in stock.
Some, like the Glitter Boy, have sold on the collector’s market
for as much as $50-$120. They are being re-released for the first
time in a decade.
! Approximately 25 mm in size.
! Each figure is an unpainted, pewter miniature. Some assembly
and cleaning may be required.
! Sold as a single, individual figure in a plastic bag and comes
with a black, 30 mm or 40 mm plastic base.
! Prices vary according to size, but range from $6-20 retail.
! Sorry, not currently available in stores. Available only from
Palladium Books.

! MI8031 – Rifts® Glitter Boy Power Armor – $20.00; this is

a large, heavy figure.
! MI8032 – Rifts® Glitter Boy Pilot – $6.00
! MI8033 – Rifts® Kydian Overlord (Atlantis) – $20.00; this
is a large, heavy figure.
! MI8034 – Rifts® Dragonsaurus (Atlantis) – $10.00
! MI8035 – Rifts® Slaver and Slave (Atlantis); 2 figs, no
plastic bases – $10.00
! MI8036 – Rifts® Crazy – $6.00
New Rifts® Miniatures ! MI8037 – Rifts® Juicer #1 (with laser pistol) – $6.00
! MI8038 – Rifts® Juicer #2 (with Vibro-Sword) – $6.00
The following new Rifts® miniatures have never before been ! MI8039 – Rifts® Cyborg #1 (with Rail Gun) – $12.00
released by Palladium Books. ! MI8040 – Rifts® Cyborg #2 (with gun hands) – $12.00
! Approximately 28 mm in size. ! MI8041 – Rifts® Cyborg #3 – $6.00
! Each figure is an unpainted, pewter miniature. Some assembly ! MI8042 – Rifts® Coalition Officer (old-style armor) – $6.00
and cleaning may be required. ! MI8043 – Rifts® Coalition Grunt #1 (old-style armor) –
! Sold as a single, individual figure in a plastic bag and comes $6.00
with a black, 30 mm or 40 mm plastic base. ! MI8044 – Rifts® Coalition Grunt #2 (old-style armor) –
! Prices vary according to size, but range from $6-12 retail. $6.00
! Sorry, not currently available in stores. Available only from ! MI8045 – Rifts® Coalition Grunt #3 (old-style armor) –
Palladium Books. $6.00

The Pack Mentality
Optional Material for Splicers® Outriders. Roughnecks are especially fond of Packmasters since
their Gorehounds often unquestioningly perform duties and tasks
By Brandon K. Aten and Michael Orr with high levels of risk, occasionally keeping the soldiers out of
harm’s way. Gorehounds hold a special place in the hearts of a
“What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight; number of soldiers, and many will mourn the loss of a Gorehound
it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” like any other fallen soldier. The creatures are considered heroes
– Dwight D. Eisenhower and are often mascots or symbols of the squads or units their
Packmaster is assigned to.
In a world that is constantly ravaged by war; where cold, un- Without a doubt, what truly makes Packmasters a cut above
feeling robotic minions are pitted against humans and their ge- other Splicer troops is access to their genetically enhanced pack
netically enhanced weapons of destruction, change is the only of Gorehounds. Each Packmaster has complete freedom regard-
constant. Generals come and go, Great Houses rise and crumble, ing the enhancement of his or her assigned animals, and can
all while the soldier fights to protect his Great House, his broth- spend Bio-E points as they see fit, but there are many opinions as
ers in arms, and the very survival of the human race. Things that to how to best customize the pack. These attitudes are normally
were once cut and dry and clearly defined become shadows of shaped and dictated by the overall attitude of the specific Great
what they once were, and people are asked to do things that were House towards bio-technology.
once unthinkable. The Packmaster and Gorehounds are products There are purists who believe that the Gorehound is the pin-
of this ever-changing landscape, and are among those best able to nacle of canine evolution and feel that it is somehow arrogant or
meet head on with the challenges it brings. even blasphemous to second guess the Engineer and make chang-
Within the Great House military structure, Packmasters are es to what is seen as a perfect specimen. For these idealists, the
considered part of the military elite, on par with Dreadguards and Packmaster will start with one additional Gorehound at level one,
and will get another one at level seven. All Gorehounds in this of favor and into the Omega rank. Note: The Gorehounds that are
extremist’s pack will be standard Gorehounds with no additional gained at character creation are designated by the player to be the
modifications. Others in this camp will make only the slightest second Alpha, and the two Betas or one Beta and one Omega if
modifications. Most Bio-E allocated to them is spent only on en- desired. If there are more than four Gorehounds, the others will
hancing existing features such as adding a little extra M.D.C., be unranked, having to fight for true position in the pack. To put
adding skill packages or submitting the creature for additional this in perspective, high level Packmasters will have nine or more
behavioral modification. This allows them to stay true to the vi- Gorehounds.
sion and intent of the Engineers. These ranks are gained or lost by how well a particular Gore-
There are others who make only limited differentiating, physi- hound performs in combat and how closely it follows commands.
cal, identifying modifications while keeping the enhancements Remember that weapons of war can often be unpredictable. If a
fairly uniform across their whole pack. Packmasters who fall into Beta has been letting the whole team down by missing critical
this school of thought will often purchase inexpensive enhance- targets, failing Prowl rolls, being needlessly injured, or other gen-
ments for all of their existing Gorehounds, and will then purchase eral failures on a consistent basis, the Alpha may find it necessary
one or two enhancements for each creature that will be unique, to demote it. This is usually done through a mock combat where
such as a ranged weapon or additional sensory feature. This al- the Alpha exerts its dominance in front of the whole pack, forcing
lows for more uniformity and what some see as a sense of fair- the lower ranked Gorehound even lower. These fights can easily
ness or prudence. These Packmasters often view it as being too escalate into a power play where lower members end up fighting
risky to put too much Bio-E resources in a particular animal and for the newly available rank or may even be so bold as to chal-
want to divide it as evenly as possible among all Gorehounds in lenge the Alpha. A Gorehound will never challenge its Packmas-
the pack. For these Packmasters, when purchasing the same Bio- ter, since to do so is to turn its back on the whole pack.
Enhancement for every member of the pack at the same time, re-
Each ranked position, the Alpha, Betas, and the Omega, all
duce the cost by 1 Bio-E point (minimum cost of 1 Bio-E point).
have certain bonuses or penalties that apply only while that rank
Still, there are others who see the pack as a sort of Swiss Army
is held and only when engaging in combat (the Alpha’s pull punch
Knife, with each hound being tailored to a very specific task.
ignores this last requirement). These modifiers illustrate the level
These Packmasters are those who are usually working closely
of trust and familiarity shared between the ranked pack members,
with Engineers and Geneticists to field test new bio-weapons or
obtained through countless battles fighting at each other’s side.
experiment with new enhancements, and are often the recipients
Packmasters working with the Engineers and Geneticists have
of Bio-E gifts. Their packs usually have elaborate combinations
also been known to use genetic behavioral modification to further
of Bio-Enhancements, with their original Gorehounds being
enhance and manipulate these traits.
heavily modified.
Apply the following bonuses or penalties based on pack rank.
Alpha: +1 on initiative, +1 to strike and parry, +1 to roll with im-
The Pack Hierarchy pact, +2 to automatic dodge, and +4 to pull punch/bite (when tar-
geting lower ranked pack members, used as a disciplinary action).
Beta: +1 on initiative, +1 to strike, parry and dodge. Omega: -2
The idea that the Packmaster is the Alpha in his or her pack
on initiative and -1 to save versus Horror Factor. Note: When
is not a concept limited to lecture halls, but comes directly from
acting in defense of ranked members (including the Packmaster),
the innate psychology of the Gorehounds themselves. Some En-
unranked members are +1 to parry and +2 to roll, and +2 to dodge
gineers have used the breeding hierarchy from the primal genes
if using the dodge to jump in front of an incoming attack.
to establish the concept of dominant combat pairs who can fight
on a more instinctual level. This combat hierarchy is throned by
two Alpha “dogs,” with one being the Packmaster and the other
his second in command. The Alphas are obligated to maintain Unique Gorehound
order and efficiency in combat. The Packmaster is able to do this
easily with a small pack but as it grows, the second Alpha may be
required to take a more active role. This is especially necessary
when the Packmaster is not present.
Next in line are the two Betas, who only fully take charge in
Dominant Breeds for Gorehounds
the direst of situations but are often designated as leaders when When the Gorehound was initially created, the Engineers and
the pack splits into smaller groups. Lower pack members respect Librarians envisioned a fast and powerful attack dog that could
the Betas but know full well the rank can be easily taken. After be grown and raised quickly to support the Splicer soldiers. They
the Betas comes the middle pack, or unranked members. These were everything that could have been hoped for, but “one size
Gorehounds are usually the younger and less experienced pack fits all” is considered by some to be an ineffective mentally when
members. Out of respect and loyalty, unranked Gorehounds will dealing with N.E.X.U.S. This has led to the development of more
often come to the aid of their superiors, defending with their lives targeted genetic modification to manipulate the DNA, bringing
if necessary. forth characteristics of specific canine breeds. If a Packmaster
Last is the Omega, the outcast of the pack. Any new Gore- wants to add a dominant breed to a Gorehound, 10 additional
hound added to the pack starts at the rank of Omega, and must Bio-E points must be spent at the moment of creation. Modify the
prove itself to the rest of the pack before it is truly accepted. Once standard Gorehound on page 116 of the Splicers® Role-Play-
the Omega has proven itself in combat it may start to move up the ing Game with the following changes to illustrate the dominant
ranks, but this will often result in another Gorehound falling out breed.
Akita: Hearty, alert, and natural leaders. +10 M.D.C. to the
main body, +1 on initiative, +1D6 M.D. to bite attacks, +2 to
save versus poisons/toxins and disease, +2 to P.B., and +10% to
Detect Ambush and Prowl skills. Pitbull: Powerful, yet sweet and fun-loving. Decrease height
and length by 10%, +3D10 M.D.C. to the main body and +20
Boxer: Tough, energetic, and light on their feet. +1D8 M.D.C.
M.D.C. to the head, +2D6 to P.E., +1D6 to P.S., and +2D6 M.D.
to front legs, +3D8 M.D.C. to hind legs, add 10 feet (3 m) to leap-
to bite attacks, but -2 to M.E. and -4D4 to Spd.
ing distance, +10 mph (16 km) when digging or swimming, +1D6
to claw strikes, and +1 on initiative, but -10% to Detect Ambush Rottweiler: Robust and solidly built with a great work ethic.
and Detect Concealment skills. +1D8 M.D.C. to the main body, +1 to I.Q., +1D6 to P.S., +1D4
to P.E., +2D6 to Spd, +1 to strike with claw strikes, and +10% to
Bulldog: Built like a rock. Decrease length by 25%, add 100
the Land Navigation and Begging skills.
pounds (45 kg) to weight, add 100 pounds (45 kg) to cargo ca-
pacity and 200 pounds (90 kg) to pulled weight, reduce speed Wolf: A true predator and loner. +4D8 M.D.C. to the main
by 10%, +40 M.D.C. to the main body, +10 M.D.C. to all other body, +5 M.D.C. to all other locations, +1 to I.Q., +1D6 to P.S.,
locations, +1D6 to P.S. and P.E. attributes, +1D6 M.D. to Biting +1D4 to P.E. and M.A., +2 on initiative, +3 on Perception Rolls,
Attacks, and +1D6 M.D. to Leap Attacks, but -1 on Perception and +2D6 M.D. to bite attacks. However, the Gorehound has a
Rolls, and -10% to Swimming and Climbing skills. wild streak, making it hard to control when agitated or heavily
injured, and may ignore commands, preferring to target its direct
Doberman: Elegant, with great speed and endurance. +2D10
aggressor (10% chance, and increase by 10% every time M.D.C.
M.D.C. to the main body, +5 M.D.C. to all other locations, +1 to
is halved).
I.Q., +1D4 to P.S., +2D6 to P.E., +3D8 to Spd, +1 to strike with
leap attacks, and +10% to the Identify Fruits and Plants skill.
German Shepherd: Dependable and fearless. +1D4+1 to
I.Q., +2D6 to Spd, +1D6 to P.E. attribute, +2 to Perception Rolls,
+2 to save versus Horror Factor, +10% to the Swimming and
Herding skills, and must have a good or selfish alignment. Ad-
ditionally, the Gorehound is extremely loyal and will not hesitate
to follow the commands of friendly Splicers if its Packmaster is
Greyhound: Independent, alert, and incredibly fast. +1D6 to
P.E. attribute and +1D4x10+10 to Spd attribute, +2 to Perception
Rolls, +1D4 on initiative, and +2 to automatic dodge, but reduce
operational lifetime by 4 years.
Malamute: Quiet and dignified. Add one foot (0.3 m) to
height, add 500 pounds (225 kg) to pulled weight, +2D10 M.D.C.
to the main body, +1D4 to P.S. and P.E. attributes, +4D4 to Spd,
Xenobred: The alien DNA bred into the Gorehound becomes
+2 on initiative, +1D6 M.D. to bite attacks, and +1 to Perception
most prominent, making the Gorehound more frail. -20 M.D.C.
to the main body, -5 M.D.C. to all other locations, -2 on initiative
Ovcharka: Large, fierce, and bad-tempered (60% are Ab- against organic opponents, -2 to save versus poisons/toxins and
errant). Starts with the Resistance to Cold Bio-Enhancement, disease, and -2 to P.B., but can track robots and androids through
increase weight by 10%, +2D10 M.D.C. to all locations, +2 to electrical impulses at 75% with a one mile (1.6 km) range, +2
strike with biting attacks, +2D6 M.D. to biting attacks, +1D8 to to strike and parry against robotic targets, +2 to I.Q., and +2 to
P.S., and +1D4 to P.E., but -2 to I.Q. and -10% to Prowl skill. Horror Factor.

Skill Packages Prerequisite: The Gorehound must have some form of explosive
Bio-Enhancement such as Organic Rockets, Trenchfoot Mines or
Gorehounds, like all other War Mounts, are creatures of in- Screamer Grenades.
stinct that have been genetically programmed to understand and
work with the Splicer soldiers of their Great Houses. Each Gore- Instinctive Skill Upgrade: Each Gorehound is genetically
hound is designed with a specific group of skills which allows programmed with the instinctive skills listed on page 118 of the
it to understand commands in the language of the Great House, Splicers® RPG. This enhancement will grant a 7% bonus to each
operate in the field, and work as an effective scout. of those skills each time it is purchased. This has no effect on
Packmasters across the human resistance have been working skills in additional skill packages, only the base instinctive skills.
with Engineers and Geneticists for years to increase the knowl- Bio-E Cost: 10 points.
edge base and comprehension of their packs. Recently, they have Prerequisite: None.
been able to implant additional skills into the minds of the Gore- Language Upgrade: The Gorehound with this enhancement
hounds, allowing them to fill a variety of roles in the field, which is able to better understand the primary language of its Great
is extremely beneficial when skilled humans are unavailable. House, and is programmed to understand a wider variety of lan-
Gorehounds will always defer to their Packmaster if he has the guages. The languages that are typically genetically implanted
skill, and will assist where they can. are those of other allied Great Houses or of any nearby Retro-
Each Skill Package has a set Bio-E cost and when purchased Villages. When this upgrade is purchased, the Packmaster can
for a particular pack member, will simply be added to the general select 1D4+2 languages and have them inserted into the memory
skills genetically programmed in all Gorehounds. The skills are of the Gorehound so it can understand each of them at 70% (can-
performed in a very basic, animalistic manner and complex skills not speak or read). The Gorehound also receives a bonus of +5%
are unavailable. As programmed skills, there is never any level to understand the primary language of the Great House. A Gore-
advancement, but situational bonuses can come into play at the hound with this enhancement will always attempt to be near its
Game Master’s discretion. Packmaster and any conversations taking place.
Even though the Engineers are masters of genetics, there is Bio-E Cost: 10 points.
a limit to what the Gorehound mind can hold as designed, thus Prerequisite: None.
only two additional skill packages can be added to each creature.
Of course, the Bio-Reclamation enhancement (see The Rifter® Reconnaissance Scout: While many Packmasters and their
#50) can be used to erase a skill package and another one can Gorehounds are selected for reconnaissance duties, not all of
be purchased in its place. It should also be noted that these skill them are particularly suited for such duties. This enhancement
packages are uniquely available to Gorehounds and are not avail- sharpens some of the skills inherent to the Gorehound and ex-
able to other War Mounts. tends its knowledge base to include skills that allow it to remain
unseen while surveying or reconnoitering an area, or tracking or
Explosive Ordnance Sniffer: While not as skilled at dis- tailing a target. A Gorehound with this enhancement will rarely
arming explosives as its human counterpart, a Gorehound with be near the rest of the pack unless called for by the Packmaster.
this enhancement understands how to use its natural senses Instead, it will be patrolling the surrounding the area or cover-
and abilities to complement its limited knowledge of bio-tech ing the tracks of the pack. Add the following skills and bonuses:
and machine explosives. The Gorehound is adept at sniffing +10% to Detect Ambush, +10% to Detect Concealment, +20% to
out the traces of explosive chemicals and can even recognize Prowl, Camouflage at 55%, and Tracking at 55%.
telltale signs of a botched defusing attempt, occasionally re- Bio-E Cost: 15 points.
sulting in accidental triggering or detonation of an explosive Prerequisite: None.
device. In these cases, Packmasters have noticed that approxi-
mately 90% of these hounds will throw themselves over the Sharpshooter: This enhancement implants the knowledge
explosive to protect their allies and take the brunt of the dam- of weaknesses of machines and robots, bio-tech and organic op-
age. The Gorehound will take double damage from the explo- ponents, as well as greater familiarity with built-in ranged bio-
sion, but with their heavy M.D.C. hides and occasionally ad- weapons. A Gorehound with this enhancement is often found
ditional armor protection, these moments of self-sacrifice can far ahead of the pack, covering their advance and scanning for
be survivable. Others in the blast radius will take half damage any enemy activity. Add the following skills: +15% to Detect
and can still roll with the force of the blast to reduce damage Concealment, Sniper, Vital Points – Robots, and Vital Points –
even further. Organics.
Bio-E Cost: 15 points.
Popper Mines and machines that attack primarily with explo- Prerequisite: The Gorehound must have some form of long-range
sives are usually targeted first by these Gorehounds, unless di- weapon capable of single shots such as a Bio-Energy Expulsion
rected otherwise by their Packmaster. Add the following skills Vent, Bore Cannon or a Casting Gun.
and bonuses: +4 to roll with explosions (except when throwing
oneself on an explosive device as described above), Trap and Survivalist: When on the surface for extended periods of time,
Mine Detection 65%, Track Explosives by Scent 55% or adds supplies and resources can become sparse. Gorehounds instinc-
+15% if the hound already has the ability to track by scent, De- tively know how to identify fruits and plants, but sometimes that
molitions 65% (mainly for strategic placement of ordnance), and isn’t always enough when trying to feed additional troops or War
Demolitions Disposal 30%. Mounts. This enhancement helps the Gorehound track additional
Bio-E Cost: 15 points. sources of food. Add the following skills and bonuses: +7% to

Identify Plants and Fruits, +12% to Land Navigation, Track and melee, -2 initiative, -2 to strike parry and dodge, and is -10% on
Trap Animals at 60%/30%, and Hunting. all skills. If one of the hounds is killed, then these penalties will
Cost: 10 points. last for 1D4 weeks.
Prerequisite: None. Bio-E Cost: 30 points for the first two Gorehounds linked, and
15 points for each additional Gorehound. At least two must be
Tunneler: This enhancement instills knowledge of basic mili- linked together. Packmasters rarely link more than four or five
tary fortifications, excavating and the building or establishment Gorehounds together since the penalties and range restrictions
of basic subterranean rooms, mainly for the purpose of hiding can severely hinder performance, in addition to being prohibi-
troops or civilians, or for weakening an established enemy posi- tively costly.
tion. The Gorehound can excavate and construct a structurally Prerequisite: Sight Transmission (see new Bio-Enhancements).
safe and stable room and tunnel system large enough for ten
adult-sized humans in approximately one hour of continuous Protector: Gorehounds are inherently protective of all hu-
labor. Up to 1D4 additional rooms of similar size can be built mans. This modification heightens these instincts and quite liter-
off of the main room before the subterranean area becomes too ally makes the modified Gorehound a meat shield against incom-
unstable to support itself without additional structural support. ing attacks. When assigned by its Packmaster to protect a target,
These rooms can be reinforced by a Gardener or other Splicer the creature will do anything and everything within its power to
military engineer. follow through. The Gorehound will usually try to shoot down
A Gorehound with this enhancement will almost always try incoming missiles or jump in front of laser blasts directed at a
to dig or burrow during down time or if there is combat looming. target, tackle melee combatants, and if available, will erect a bio-
It will always consider being underground to be the safest place. force field to cover the person it is assigned to protect. These
Add the following skills and bonuses: +10 mph (16 km) to the Gorehounds are usually heavily armored or wear heavy barding.
digging speed in sand or dirt, +5 mph (8 km) to the digging speed A Gorehound with this enhancement will always stay near
in clay, rock or stone, Excavation at 70%, Military Fortification the one who it is charged with protecting, and if it doesn’t have
at 45%, and Trap and Mine Detection at 45%. a target, it will stay near its Packmaster, often circling with a
Bio-E Cost: 15 points. watchful eye. Add the following bonuses when assigned a target,
Prerequisite: None. even if that target is the Packmaster: +5 to Perception Rolls, +3
to initiative, +4 to parry, +4 to auto-dodge (used to leap in the

Behavior Modification line of fire). When protecting a target, the Gorehound can only
use two attacks per melee to attack enemies. All other actions are
In a process similar to genetic skill programming, the Engineers used staying diligent, interrupting enemy attacks or protecting the
are able to further modify the brain chemistry of the creatures to target.
highlight particular behavioral traits. This behavior modification Bio-E Cost: 20 points.
affects the overall personality of the Gorehound, sometimes in Prerequisite: None.
drastic and alarming ways, while still making it submissive to its
Packmaster. Like the skill packages, the behavior modifications Super-Predator: When the Engineers and Geneticists start-
have a Bio-E cost and may have a prerequisite. A Gorehound can ed manipulating specific traits of the dominant breeds in Gore-
only have one behavior modification in addition to any additional hounds, they soon realized that, with a little tweaking, the more
skill packages. aggressive characteristics of some breeds could be heightened.
While still allowing Packmasters to retain a tenuous grasp on the
Hive Mind: Some Gorehounds in a pack develop an affinity control of the Super-Predator, the genetic modification allows the
for each other and tend to work better together than with oth- brain to make the other organs function with utmost efficiency.
er members of a pack. The Hive Mind modification highlights It strengthens the already impressive musculature and adrenaline
this characteristic. Using Bio-Comm signals, the minds of two response, making the Gorehound faster, stronger and more resil-
or more Gorehounds are constantly linked, allowing them to see ient.
what each other is seeing, and hear what each other is hearing. A Gorehound with this enhancement is incredibly strong-
The Gorehounds work in perfect tandem, each knowing what the willed, mean-tempered, quick to brawl (loves combat), aggres-
other is thinking. sive, defiant and independent. It will normally shy away from the
Gorehounds with this enhancement will always stay near each pack unless displaying dominance, and will do everything it can
other. They sleep next to one another, walk in step with one an- to be in the second Alpha position, second only to the Packmaster
other, attack the same target in combat and generally behave in a in authority. It will never try to harm or hurt the Packmaster and
similar manner at all times. Add the following bonuses to linked will never disobey orders, though it may hesitate to comply and
Gorehounds: +1 attack per melee, +2 to initiative, +2 to strike, will often let its displeasure be known in the form of a growl,
parry and dodge, +3 to Perception Rolls. snarl or nip. Add the following bonuses: +2 to P.S., +1 attack per
When separated, the Gorehounds are noticeably uneasy and melee round, +1 to initiative, +3D6+20 M.D.C. to its Main Body,
distracted, and unable to focus on assigned tasks. When directed +2D6 M.D.C. to all other locations, +1D6 M.D. to claw strikes
by their Packmaster to work individually, neither Gorehound gets and bites, and +6 to save vs Horror Factor.
the bonuses above, and in fact they suffer -3 to initiative, -3 to Bio-E Cost: 30 points.
strike, parry and dodge, and are -10% on all skills. If the linked Penalty: Reduce the operational lifetime of the Super-Predator
Gorehounds are ever out of the 6 mile (9.6 km) Bio-Comm range by 4 years.
from the other(s), each one suffers an additional -2 attacks per Prerequisite: None.

New Bio-Enhancements and anyone within 10 feet (3 m) of it. This is often used when a
Gorehound is assigned to protect civilians or cover a hasty re-
treat. When used by Gorehounds, the device can be activated and
Other Sensory Enhancements deactivated at will, but when used by a normal trained dog, the
force field is automatically activated when the dog feels a genu-
Sight Transmission: An upgrade to the existing Bio-Comm ine threat, and can only be deactivated via Bio-Comm command
built into many suits of armor, War Mounts and the one implant- from the Packmaster.
ed in the head of every Packmaster, this enhancement allows for Weight: 3 pounds (1.4 kg).
the transmissions of visual images. The images are fed directly M.D.C.: The collar has 15 M.D.C. The force field has 50 M.D.C.
into the brain of the recipient and perceived in the normal field The force field does not regenerate. After taking damage, the
of vision, like a HUD. Only one feed can be perceived at a time force field will have that damage amount the next time it is acti-
without overwhelming the visual receptors in the brain. Sight vated. When all M.D.C. is depleted, the collar is useless and must
Transmissions can only be received by those who also have the be recharged by an Engineer or Geneticist at a Gene Pool.
Sight Transmission enhancement. The signals can also be relayed Duration: The collar can hold a charge good for one hour of use.
by Bio-Comm Roots (see The Rifter® #50, page 67) and the Each activation will use at least one minute of charge, even if the
transmitters and receivers of the Great Houses. force field was active only for a brief time. When expended, the
Bio-E Cost: 5 points. collar must be recharged by an Engineer or Geneticist at a Gene
Prerequisite: Bio-Comms. Note that all Gorehounds and Pack- Pool.
masters start with Bio-Comms (Splicers® RPG, pages 118 and Trade Value: 6,000 credits.
Memory Transmission: This enhancement further modifies
the Bio-Comm system and allows it to relay memories of the user
as though it is recorded information. This has become a staple of
many Archangels and Packmasters and other soldiers who are of-
ten tasked with tracking troop movement or assigned to threat as-
sessment. The transmissions are perceived like vivid flashbacks
as they are received, and then can be recalled as easily as if the
memory were the recipient’s own. The recalled transmissions are
never hazy or fuzzy, and the user is never under any delusion that
the memory is his own, unless the recipient is a Biotic, in which
case there is a 01-10% chance that any recalled memory might
be thought of as his own. Memory Transmissions can only be
received by those who also have the Memory Transmission en-
hancement. The signals can also be relayed by Bio-Comm Roots
and the transmitters and receivers of the Great Houses.
Bio-E Cost: 10 points.
Prerequisite: Sight Transmission.

New Bio-Tech Equipment

Halo Collar
This is a simple looking collar with 1D4+3 simple light cells
Collars and 1D4+6 Glow Cells scattered around it. When activated, the
A variety of simple bio-tech collars for the Gorehounds have collar can fill an area with dim light equal to a Glow Cell, or can
recently been developed to augment their already impressive completely fill a 40 foot (12.2 m) area around the Gorehound
abilities. The collars are primarily temporary, single use, or lim- with bright light equal to a high-intensity flashlight or searchlight.
ited use bio-tech devices that operate on a small, internal Bio- The collar only fills the area and cannot be used to illuminate a
Energy charge or on ambient Bio-Energy of the Gorehound wear- specific target. The collar can also create a quick, bright flash
ing the specific collar. Sometimes, Packmasters will carry a few or series of pulses that can blind those in the area without eye
collars in their pack or on their armor just in case they are needed protection, disorient those with polarized vision and even disrupt
in the field. These collars can be used on nomal, large breed dogs the optical sensors of the machines. Many Packmasters love this
as well, to provide a small benefit to those resistance fighters who collar since it can provide much needed light when underground
do not have access to Gorehounds. or underwater, and just the right distraction when trying to make
a quick retreat.
Weight: 4 pounds (1.8 kg).
Bio-Force Field Collar M.D.C.: The collar has 15 M.D.C.
The Bio-Force Field Collar looks to be a thick, knotted band Effect: When the flash/pulse is used, targets without eye protec-
of tree roots with semi-opaque blue nodules around it. When acti- tion are blinded for 1D4 minutes and are -10 to strike, parry and
vated, a small bubble-shaped force field surrounds the Gorehound dodge. Those with polarized vision who are caught off guard (pre-
sumably not the Packmaster, the hounds, or Splicer allies if the Payload: 8 insectoid explosive charges.
intent is known) will be seeing spots and be disoriented for 1D4 Trade Value: 6,000 credits.
melee rounds, and are -4 to strike, parry and dodge. Against ma-
chines, the pulses across all spectrums of light will disorient them
and confuse optical sensors and targeting programs. Machines in
the area will be affected for 1D4 melee rounds and will be -4 to
strike, parry and dodge, and -6 to strike with ranged weapons.
Duration: The collar can hold a charge good for four hours of use.
Each activation will use at least one minute of charge, even if the
force field was active only for a brief time. Each use of the flash/
pulse attack will use 30 minutes of charge. When expended, the
collar must be recharged by an Engineer or Geneticist at a Gene
Trade Value: 6,000 credits.

Scout Collar
Used primarily by those Packmasters who are part of long-
range reconnaissance or seek and destroy squads, the Scout Col-
lar greatly extends the communication capabilities of the normal
Gorehound. The collar, covered by a number of short, coppery
colored hairs, acts as a relay for Bio-Comm signals, so Gore-
Demolitions Collar hounds with this device are often forward scouts.
Each Scout Collar also has two Surveillance Pods on it (see
The Demolitions Collar appears to be made out of baseball or below). The Packmaster usually tells the Gorehound where to re-
softball-sized beads on a very thick, bio-enhanced leather cord. lease these pods or will pre-program them to go to a specific place
These beads are actually insectoid bio-tech explosives that are in to record or relay enemy activity. When the pods are recalled,
a dormant state. When a command is received from the Packmas- they will send a short Bio-Comm signal ping to the collar to lo-
ter via Bio-Comms, or from the Gorehound if it has the Demoli- cate its position and will scurry back, provided the Gorehound or
tions skill, one or more of the insectoid explosives will wake up the collar is within 6 miles (9.6 km).
and walk to where it is directed. Unlike Chigs that need to be Weight: 10 pounds (4.5 kg) including the collar and Surveillance
thrown hard enough to explode, these creatures have an internal Pods. Three pounds (1.4 kg) for just the collar.
timer that can be set by Bio-Comm communication to detonate M.D.C.: The collar has 15 M.D.C. Each of the two Surveillance
anywhere from five seconds after reaching its location or up to a Pods has 21 M.D.C.
30 minute delay. If told to stay somewhere for longer than five Range: Standard Bio-Comm range of 6 miles (9.6 km).
minutes, there is a 01-33% chance that the creature will wander Duration: The collar operates on ambient Bio-Energy from the
off and detonate elsewhere. Roll every five minutes beyond the Gorehound so its effects are effectively unlimited.
first. Trade Value: 4,500 credits.
Weight: 10 pounds (4.5 kg) including all 8 explosives.
M.D.C.: The collar has 15 M.D.C. Each explosive has 5 M.D.C. Attached Surveillance Pods
but must be targeted with a Called Shot, and even then at -5 to
strike. The devices do not detonate when destroyed this way since The Surveillance Pods each have four insect or spider-like
they are dormant on the collar. When active, they will detonate legs that allow them to scurry about, climb almost any surface,
as normal. and wrap themselves around or cling tightly to branches, stems,
Damage: 5D8 M.D. to an eight foot (2.4 m) radius. roots or rocky outcroppings. They appear to be very similar to the
Range: The insectoid explosives will only walk to a target visible ones used in the Great Houses to send communications back and
to them when receiving the command. This limits their range to forth, except in addition to the tympanic vocalizing membrane,
100 feet (30.5 m). They can be thrown and then ordered to find these also have a single advanced eye on the top for recording or
their target. Thrown range is 100 feet (30.5 m), or double for Bi- relaying images.
otics, Host Armor or those with Splicer prosthetics. The pods can relay the images and sounds they see and hear
Duration: The collar operates on ambient Bio-Energy from the via Bio-Comm signal to the Gorehound wearing the collar or
Gorehound to receive Bio-Comm signals, so it is effectively un- to the Packmaster if he is within range. If set to transmit to the
limited. Gorehound and the creature does not have the Sight/Memory
Transmission Bio-Enhancement, then the images are uploaded Duration: The collar operates on ambient Bio-Energy from the
to the collar until the memories can be recovered by a Geneticist Gorehound to keep its contents fresh, so its effects are effectively
or Engineer. Alternatively, the Packmaster can put the collar on unlimited. To raise and lower the barrel as a rescue device, the
another Gorehound with the enhancement and the data can be collar has a special battery. It has enough energy to use this six
transferred to the Packmaster. times before needing to be recharged by an Engineer or Geneti-
Weight: 3.5 pounds (1.6 kg) each. cist at a Gene Pool.
M.D.C.: The collar has 15 M.D.C. Each of the two Surveillance Trade Value: 8,000 credits.
Pods has 21 M.D.C.
Speed: The pods can scurry about at a maximum speed of 30 mph
(48 km).
Range: The Bio-Comm transmitter of the pods can only transmit
information 6 miles (9.6 km).
Duration: Each pod can store up to 24 hours of recorded informa-
tion. The collar can store up to 96 hours of recorded information.
The pods can act independently for 48 hours before needing to
reattach to the collar. Each needs 6+1D6 hours to recharge before
being sent out again.
Combat: The pods will never engage in combat and will actively
flee. Each has the equivalent of auto-dodge at +4.
Trade Value: 4,500 credits.

Rage Collar
The Rage Collar is a sturdy, reinforced leather collar with
large resin or bone spikes around it. Aside from just being menac-
ing, the large spikes contain resin injection needles that will poke
into the neck of the Gorehound wearing it and inject pure bio-
enhanced adrenaline (similar to the kind used by the Adrenaline
Surge Bio-Enhancement) right into the bloodstream. The device
automatically synchs to the brain waves of the Gorehound it is
put on, so the adrenaline can be set to be injected automatically
in life or death situations or done at will by the Gorehound when
the extra boost is needed.
Rescue Collar This collar should not be used on normal dogs since the en-
The Rescue Collar looks like a bio-tech version of the bar- hanced adrenaline surge is too much for their systems to handle,
rel collars carried by the St. Bernard rescue dogs of old. It has a killing the dog immediately at the end of the adrenaline surge.
strap that looks like it is made from thick, woven hemp rope, and Only in the most dire of situations will a Packmaster consider
a stout, 12 x 12 x 15 inch (30.5 x 30.5 x 38.1 cm) barrel or keg- doing so.
shaped container made out of M.D.C. resin or chitin. The barrel Weight: 3 pounds (1.4 kg).
contains a number of useful items for rescue and survival such as M.D.C.: The collar has 15 M.D.C. itself. Each of the resin or
food, fresh water, medical supplies, and basic equipment. bone spikes (usually 8-10) has 5 M.D.C.
Weight: 10 pounds (4.5 kg). Bonuses: +1 attack per melee round, +1 to initiative, +2 to strike,
M.D.C.: The collar has 15 M.D.C. itself. The barrel has 30 M.D.C. dodge, and roll with impact, +1D6 M.D. to any physical claw
Contents: The container holds four Slap Patches, two Face or bite attacks, +20 mph (32 km) to the Gorehound’s running
Wraps, five Meat Apples (from The Rifter® 50; protein-filled speed, +20 feet (6.1 m) to the leaping distance, and +20 M.D.C.
fruits that provide enough nutrition for one meal for an ordinary to the main body. Note: Damage comes off the adrenaline bonus
human), five juice boxes (from The Rifter® 50; gourd-like fruits M.D.C. before coming off the main body. Also, regular dogs af-
that contain enough lightly sweet, fruit flavored water for one fected by the enhanced adrenaline get all of the above bonuses
human for one day), and one resin knife (1D6 M.D.). The barrel except the extra M.D.C.
can also be slowly lowered 30 feet (9.14 m) from the collar and Penalties: During the adrenaline-fueled rage, the Gorehound will
retracted, with a sturdy fiber on either side. This is used for rescue not take orders from anyone other than its Packmaster as it lashes
efforts, with the Gorehound bracing with its supernatural strength out with complete, blind fury. After destroying a target, it will
and having someone hold onto or sit on the barrel while it is re- immediately attack the next nearest target, friendly or enemy.
tracted. As much as 300 pounds (135 kg) can be moved this way. After the surge subsides, the Gorehound feels tired and is -3 on

initiative, -3 to strike, parry and dodge and reduce speed by 20% of microscopic barbs and hooks, ensuring the plates stay firmly
for 5D6 minutes. in place. Each set of barding can also be modified when it is cre-
Duration: The surge lasts for 1D4 minutes, or until calmed by the ated at the request of the Packmaster so that it is customized for
Gorehound’s Packmaster. a specific Gorehound.
Payload: The collar contains enough enhanced adrenaline for five There are some limitations Packmasters must keep in mind
doses before it needs to be refilled by an Engineer or Geneticist when issuing barding to the pack. Those Gorehounds with Cha-
at a Gene Pool. meleon Skin cannot conceal their barding, but those with a Stealth
Note: This collar cannot be used by those Gorehounds that al- Field are fully able to render their armor invisible. Additionally,
ready have the Adrenaline Surge Bio-Enhancement. all sets of barding must feed using the same nutrient bath method
Trade Value: 9,000 credits. as most other bio-technology (Splicers® RPG, page 129).

Muzzle Leatherback Barding

The muzzle is a standard piece of equipment for those Pack- This armor appears to be made out of extremely thick, dense,
masters operating in the territory of other Great Houses. Occa- cured leather. Some sets have bony studs or spikes for additional
sionally, squads of Splicers from rival Houses encounter each protection. It comes in a variety of colors, including black, brown,
other on the surface. Since Gorehounds are genetically pro- dark green, tan, grey and white.
grammed and trained to recognize the enemies of their Great Weight: 15 pounds (6.8 kg).
House and protect their Packmasters, just the presence of rivals M.D.C.: Main Body: 1D6x10+50, Legs (4): 3D10+26, Head:
can be dangerous. Any sudden, perceived aggressive actions can 1D6x10+32.
cause an overprotective Gorehound to lash out and unintention- Armor Regeneration: 1D8 M.D.C. per minute, and destroyed sec-
ally cause severe damage. The muzzle is used in anticipation of tions will regenerate in 16 hours.
these situations to soothe and calm the Gorehounds and protect Mobility: Superior Mobility. No skill/movement penalties.
others from random attacks. Trade Value: 12,000 to 14,000 credits. Assigned only to those
It should be noted that even the most cautious Packmasters soldiers with Gorehounds, usually Packmasters or the occasional
keep one Gorehound fully alert at all times if the others are muz- Roughneck or Dreadguard, but can be purchased or bartered for.
zled, to prevent being caught flat-footed or ambushed. There are
also other Packmasters who refuse to muzzle their Gorehounds at
all, instead relying completely on their own training and ability to
handle the genetically-enhanced beasts.
Weight: 3 pounds (1.4 kg).
M.D.C.: The collar and muzzle has 50 M.D.C. itself.
Effect: When placed on a Gorehound, special Bio-Energy wave-
length emitters alter the creature’s brain waves, making the crea-
ture lethargic and groggy, almost eliminating any hostile reac-
tion response and making them -5 to strike, parry and dodge. The
mouth of the hound is also bound so biting is not possible.
Duration: The collar operates on ambient Bio-Energy from the
Gorehound so its effects are effectively unlimited.
Trade Value: 700 credits.

Dragon Scale Barding

Barding While not a full suit of the scaly, reptilian looking armor, the
Additional armor is available for Gorehounds upon request by plates that attach to the Gorehound appear to be covered with the
their respective Packmasters. The barding that is used looks very angular scales of an alligator or crocodile. Between the plates, the
similar to the standard types of Living Armor used by human sinewy connections are covered with a thin, scaly skin as well. It
resistance soldiers except that it is never modified with additional comes in a variety of colors, including black, brown, red, blue,
Bio-Enhancement features. If additional Bio-Enhancements were dark green, tan and grey.
needed, then the Gorehounds themselves would simply be modi- Weight: 40 pounds (18 kg).
fied. Unlike the human counterparts, the barding is not environ- M.D.C.: Main Body: 2D8x10+80, Legs (4): 1D6x10+35, Head:
mental and provides the Gorehound no resistance to poisons, tox- 1D8x10+40.
ins or disease. Armor Regeneration: 4D6 M.D.C. per minute and destroyed sec-
Since the Gorehounds have Supernatural Strength, the armor tions will regenerate in 12 hours.
can afford to be a little heavier and can offer more protection. Mobility: Good Mobility. -10% penalty applies to such skills as
The plates of barding are connected to each other using Mega- Prowl, Climbing, Swimming, Acrobatics and Gymnastics. The
Damage super fibers and bio-tech sinewy tissues for maximum bulky armor also reduces running and flying speed by 10%.
flexibility and mobility while also allowing the armor to be used Trade Value: 16,000 to 20,000 credits. Assigned only to those
on Gorehounds of different shapes and sizes. Each plate con- soldiers with Gorehounds, usually Packmasters or the occasional
nects to the Mega-Damage flesh of the Gorehound with a series Roughneck or Dreadguard, but can be purchased or bartered for.

Class: Enhanced Dragon Scale Body Armor.
Bonus M.D.C.: +4D10 to main body, +3D8 to arms, +1D6x10+15
M.D.C. for the large shoulders and chest protection (if a Called
Shot to the arms misses, damage is deducted from here rather
than the main body), +3D10 to legs, +10 to the head. The head is
protected by the thick, raised collar, which has 3D8+10 M.D.C.
and makes a Called Shot required when trying to hit the head, and
even then with a -4 penalty. A miss means damage is deducted
from the collar rather than the main body.
Weight: 35 pounds (15.7 kg).
Armor Regeneration: 4D6 M.D.C. per minute and destroyed
sections will regenerate in 12 hours.
Good Mobility: -10% to Prowl, Climbing, Swimming, Acrobat-
ics and Gymnastics. The bulky armor also reduces running and
Chitinous Barding flying speed by 10%.

This is the heaviest barding available to Gorehounds, and is Specific Features (same as the Bio-Enhancements of the same
usually only made available to one or two Gorehounds per pack. name unless otherwise stated):
Since it is so heavy, Packmasters will most often give this bard- Advanced Senses.
ing to those Gorehounds who are in the thick of combat and who Elongated Legs.
can take a beating. The heavy plates layer over the sinewy sec- Leaping Legs.
tions like ancient plate mail barding for warhorses and provides Grip Hairs on the hands and feet.
excellent armored protection at the expense of speed and maneu- Retractable Bone Blades on each forearm: Each blade has
verability. The armor’s appearance varies from large sections of 2D4x10+18 M.D.C., the blades do 4D6 M.D. and grant +2 to
shiny beetle shell to rough, barnacle-like plates. strike, +1 to parry, disarm and pull punch when the blades are
Weight: 65 pounds (29.3 kg). used.
M.D.C.: Main Body: 2D8x10+120, Legs (4): 1D8x10+50, Head: “Eye Vipers” with Advanced Eyes: The helmet has 5+1D4
1D8x10+50. Eye Vipers. Each of the serpentine appendages has an optical
Armor Regeneration: 6D6 M.D.C. per minute and destroyed sec- sensory cluster inside its mouth. The Eye Vipers provide addi-
tions will regenerate in 10 hours. tional awareness and act as advanced optics that twist, slither,
Mobility: Poor Mobility. -20% penalty applies to such skills as and bend independently of each other to look in any direction.
Prowl, Climbing, Swimming, Acrobatics and Gymnastics. The Each can move 360 degrees, up, down and around, and can look
bulky armor also reduces running and flying speed by 20%. around corners, into small pipes/tunnels, and through holes and
Trade Value: 22,000 to 28,000 credits. This barding is assigned openings without exposing the entire Packmaster to possible dan-
only to Packmasters whose Gorehounds are often in heavy melee ger. The Eye Vipers can also move tight against the neck & hel-
combat. met to avoid getting targeted or lopped off during combat. Each
advanced eye has vision similar to that of an eagle, enabling the
Packmaster to recognize a face or read a sign up to a mile away

Elite Packmaster Armor (1.6 km). Each is also equipped with passive nightvision with a
range of 2,000 feet (610 m) but requires an ambient light source
for assistance. Each also has polarized lens filters to reduce glare
Inspired by the artwork of Charles Walton II and allow visibility during blinding light scenarios. The Eye Vi-
pers move like cobras and are very fast and extremely difficult to
Most Packmasters wear a specially modified suit of heavy hide hit. Hitting them requires a Called Shot at -6 to strike, plus they
armor which not only provides them with protection in the field each have auto-dodge at +2. Additional vision enhancements can
and special combat abilities, but also distinctly identifies them be purchased for the normal Bio-E cost. The Eye Vipers grant a
as Packmasters by its unique appearance. A few years ago, the bonus of +2 to initiative, parry and dodge regardless of the num-
Packmasters and Geneticists of Great House Warsaw, working ber the armor has.
directly with an Engineer, developed an enhanced suit of armor
specific for the elite Packmasters of the House. The armor is re- Bio-E: 1D4x10+10 for Eyes/Vision or Other/Sensory Features,
served for highly decorated soldiers, those who frequently vol- 4D8+12 but limited to Bio-Defense, Flight, Offensive, or Ranged
unteer for hazardous missions, and those who have continuously (those that do not require a metabolism). Other Bio-E granted as
proven themselves in combat. a gift for good service or for another reason can be added to the
The armor is built around the Dragon Scale Armor, but has a armor, but the armor itself gets no additional Bio-E per level.
number of features that allow that Packmaster to better join his Once the armor is crafted, there are usually very limited upgrades
Gorehounds in the field of battle. Each Packmaster is also given a available to the armor.
small amount of Bio-E to modify the armor to his specific needs Trade Value: 24,000 to 28,000 credits. Availability is rare since
and tastes. When creating a suit of Elite Packmster armor, make it is usually issued as a reward for exemplary service. Packmas-
the following adjustments to the Dragon Scale Armor: ters view the armor as a badge of honor.

New Bio-Weapons Miscellaneous
The Earpod is one of the standard ways of communicating
within a Great House. It looks to be the shape and size of a small
bowl with six insectoid legs. It appears to be a simple device, but
it is deceptively complicated. To use the device, one simply picks
it up and speaks into the bowl-shaped side, where the vocalizing
tympanic membrane is. The user speaks the name of the recipi-
ent, says the message, places the device on the ground and it scur-
Scent Pistol ries away to find the person.
The device actually connects to the senses of the Seedling or
Based on the special pheromone concoction used in the chem- Librarian in a Great House and picks up small traces of the tar-
ical sprayer Bio-Enhancement, the Scent Pistol is used by Pack- get’s DNA from things such as dead skin cells or hair and con-
masters to mark targets at long range so that they can be tracked jectures the most likely place the recipient would be. Once found,
at a later time. The pistol fires an odd looking, sticky sponge the recipient will simply pick the device off of the ground, place
that seems to be wrapped in a thin net similar to cheesecloth. the bowl-shaped side to his ear and the membrane will repeat the
When the target is hit, the sponge sticks to the target and the net message so only the user can hear.
quickly constricts, releasing a spray of fluid. The fluid can only It is fairly common to see dozens to hundreds of Earpods scur-
be smelled by those who are familiar with the particular scent rying about within a Great House as messages are being sent back
marker of the device, which is normally the Packmaster, his pack and forth constantly. Outside of the Great House, normal Earpods
and his allies. For those Packmasters whose Gorehounds like to are next to worthless, except to simply store recorded informa-
play “fetch,” this is an effective tool. The chemical scent can be tion. Scout versions of the Earpod have been developed and are
smelled up to four miles (6.4 km) away and adds a +20% to track presently in field testing on the Scout Collar issued to some Pack-
for those familiar with the scent. masters and their Gorehounds.
Weight: 3 pounds (1.3 kg). Weight: 3.5 pounds (1.6 kg).
Mega-Damage: None. Only a delivery device for the tracking M.D.C.: 5 M.D.C. for the main body and 1 M.D.C. for each of
fluid. the six legs.
Range: 300 feet (91.4 m). Speed: The Earpods can scurry about at a maximum speed of 30
Rate of Fire: Single shots only. mph (48 km).
Payload: Automatically grows enough ammo for six shots per Duration: Each Earpod can store up to 24 hours of recorded in-
hour. formation.
Bonus: +1 to strike on an Aimed shot. Combat: The pods will never engage in combat and will actively
Trade Value: 6,000 credits. flee. Each has the equivalent of auto-dodge at +4.
Trade Value: 500 credits for a personalized Earpod that can store
Scent Grenade up to 50 personal contacts in it.
Using the same enhanced pheromone as the Scent Pistol, the
Scent Grenade is used for large clusters or groupings of enemies.
The device is thrown like a normal grenade, but instead of ex-
Scrambler All-Terrain
ploding, the device sprays fluid in a 20 foot (6.1 m) radius. The
same bonuses to track a target of the Scent Pistol are used to
Isopod Dogsled
track the victims of the Scent Grenade. Unlike normal grenades, The Scrambler is not a true dogsled, but actually a large,
the Scent Grenade is a multi-use device. It can be used up to four genetically modified isopod capable of movement on its own.
times and can even be recharged by a fluid vat at a Bao House The creature is fairly mobile, but can only move at a fraction of
(see The Rifter® #50, page 66), outpost or back at the Great the speed as when pulled by a team of Gorehounds. The sled is
House. primarily used to transport cargo, supplies, and the occasional
Weight: Half a pound (0.23 kg). wounded soldier.
Mega-Damage: None. Only a delivery device for the tracking The creature has seven pairs of legs that allow it to navigate al-
fluid. most any terrain while staying level and keeping the ride smooth
Range: Thrown. Usually 100 feet (30.5 m). for the driver. The main body of the sled consists of several over-
Rate of Fire: Single sprays only. lapping, layered armored plates. This thick armor can take heavy
Payload: Each Scent Grenade only holds enough fluid for four punishment from enemy forces and still hold up to protect the
sprays. cargo carried within. The armored plates slide forward to reveal
Trade Value: 1,000 credits each. More valuable since they are the cargo, which is held in place by several small, gripping hands
reusable. or tentacles. The storage compartment is large enough to trans-

port one prone soldier in armor or two sitting up. The head is Trade Value: 35,000 credits.
small and fused with the underside of the first armored plate. It Bio-Regeneration: 2D6 M.D.C. per hour for the main body, 4D6
has a few small tentacles on the underside near the mouth that it M.D.C. per hour for the armored shell, 1D6 M.D.C. per hour for
uses to grab bits of food as it traverses various terrain features, every other location. The creature can regenerate lost limbs, but
grazing as it moves. takes 3D4 days.
The pilot stands at the back and is connected via neurological Horror Factor: 12 for humans outside the resistance. 15 for those
connections. The Gorehound team pulling the sled is connected afraid of insects or bugs.
by the same cables, so commands and instructions can be relayed Senses and Features: Only entries 1: Neurological Link and Con-
to the sled and the team at the same time, allowing coordinat- trols and 3: Standard Sensory Systems listed under War Mounts
ed efforts. When not piloted, the Scrambler will slowly saunter on page 109 of the Splicers® RPG. The Scrambler is not a true
about, grazing, or burrow into the ground to rest. When it does War Mount and can only really be effective if used in conjunction
this, it will retract all of the neurological cables. with a team of Gorehounds.
Class: Organic Armored Dogsled. Feeding: The Scrambler is an Omnivore and will eat whatever it
Crew: One pilot. can find as it travels. It requires at least 20 pounds (9 kg) of food
M.D.C. by Location: (can be unprepared) a day. Packmasters have noted that a team of
*Armored Shell - 3D8x10+32 Gorehounds pulling one will often share food with the creature.
*Soft Underbelly – 5D8 Sleep Requirements: The Scrambler doesn’t require sleep but
**Main Body – 2D6x10+12 does need at least four hours of inactivity per day.
Head – 1D4x10+8 Equivalent Skills of Note: Identify Plants and Fruit 80%, Prowl
***Legs (14) – 3D8 each 60%.
* The armored shell must be destroyed before the fleshy main Biological Enhancements: Gets 2D10+20 Bio-E points at cre-
body or the head can be targeted. Instead, the vulnerable soft un- ation. Enhancements are limited to the categories of Biological
derbelly or the head can be attacked, if visible. This makes land Defenses and Ranged Bio-Weapons (usually Organic Rockets or
mines particularly effective against this creature. Trenchfoot Mines).
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body kills the organism
completely and leaves any cargo exposed to attack.
*** Destroying five of the legs reduces the creature’s speed Arachnae War Chariot
by 50% and inflicts a -20% Teamster skill penalty when making Packmasters have been using chariots as a standard means of
sharp turns or special maneuvers. Destroying all legs negates the transportation for years. Over this time, many slight design en-
all-terrain capabilities. It must be pulled like a normal sled but at hancements have been made to the standard chariot, and a num-
-30% to the Teamster skill and maximum speed is reduced to 10 ber of Engineers have made their own bio-tech versions for the
mph (16 km). troops of their Great Houses. The original design for the Arach-
Speed: nae War Chariot came from the Engineer of Great House War-
Running: 30 mph (48 km) maximum. Most often, the sled is saw, and it has been duplicated by a number of other Houses for
pulled by a team of two to six Gorehounds. When pulled, the their armed forces.
maximum speed is 50 mph (80 km) as the musculature in the legs The Arachnae looks like a large, two-wheeled chariot with a
is more used for stability than speed, in turn relying on the Gore- manned, Light Cell Cannon turret mounted on each side above
hounds for momentum. Speed is reduced by 30% in forests and the wheels, behind the pilot so as not to interfere with piloting.
rocky or otherwise difficult or obstacle-filled terrain. The most distinguishing features are the eight spider-like legs
Digging: 5 mph (8 km) through sand or dirt, but half that speed around the vehicle. There are four in the front that retract to be
through clay, rock or stone. Digging does not tire the Scrambler. close to the main body when not in use, and four in the back (two
Digging enough to adequately bury itself and hide takes 1D6 on each side) which almost resemble flagpoles or banner hold-
minutes. ers. The legs are used for climbing and to provide stability when
Swimming: 10 mph (16 km) or 30 mph (48 km) if pulled by a called for by the pilot, but usually stay in their housed positions.
team of Gorehounds. The Scrambler is surprisingly buoyant, Each of the wheels and the legs has a number of grip hairs
though slow on its own. and suction cups which allow the chariot to traverse the steepest
Underwater Depth: 200 feet (61 m) if pulled along underwater. terrain. It can climb sheer walls and cliffs, and even hang upside
Statistical Data: down, provided the team pulling it can do the same. The inside
Height: 4.5 feet (1.4 m). of the chariot has 1D4+6 pairs of grip hands that hold weapons,
Width: 4 feet (1.2 m) or 6 feet (1.8 m) when legs are fully ex- gear and equipment to prevent them from falling. The pilot and
tended. the gunners are also hooked in by a few pairs of tentacles when
Length: 9 feet (2.7 m). inverted. The neural link cables that connect the pilot and the
Weight: 500 pounds (225 kg). Gorehounds to the chariot can be retracted instantly with a mental
Cargo:. Maximum cargo depends on the number of Gorehounds order from the pilot.
pulling the sled. 2,000 pounds (900 kg) per Gorehound with a The chariot is frequently used to move up the side of a build-
maximum of 10,000 pounds (4,500 kg). ing or cliff face, to serve as an elevated firing position. It can stay
Physical Strength (P.S.): 24 vertical or the spider legs can be used to support it horizontally.
Production Cycle: Four month gestation period and eight months Many Packmasters who use this vehicle outfit their pack with
of growth for a fully developed unit. grip hairs for placement and upgrade the chariot itself with Cha-
Operational Lifetime: 24+1D6 years. meleon Skin to better conceal it when used in this manner.
Class: Organic Chariot and Mobile Firing Position. Combat Capabilities: The chariot can use its long, spidery legs to
Crew: One pilot and two gunners. kick or stomp, using straight die rolls. Each attack is one of the
M.D.C. by Location: pilot’s melee attacks.
Wheels (2) – 105+2D10 each Kick: 3D6 M.D.
Mounted Light Cell Cannons (2) – 68+1D10 each Stomp: 1D6 M.D. against targets that are prone or those small-
*Main Body – 2D6x10+34 er than four feet (1.2 m) tall.
**Legs (8) – 40+2D12 each
* Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body kills the organism Arachnae Bio-Weapon Systems:
completely. 1. Light Cell Cannon Turrets (2): There are two Light Cell
** Destroying four of the legs reduces the creature’s speed Cannons mounted on the chariot, one on each side. Each of
by 50% and inflicts a -20% Teamster skill penalty when making the turrets needs to be manned in order to be effective.
sharp turns or special maneuvers. Destroying all legs negates the Primary Purpose: Assault.
all-terrain capabilities. It must be pulled like a normal chariot but Secondary Purpose: Anti-Robot.
at -30% to the Teamster skill and maximum speed is reduced Mega-Damage: Three settings; light blast 2D8 M.D., heavy blast
to 30 mph (48 km). Without the legs, the chariot cannot climb 5D8 M.D., or super-heavy blast 8D8 M.D.
vertical surfaces or hang inverted. Maximum grade for climbing Rate of Fire: Each blast counts as one of the user’s melee attacks.
is 50%. Maximum Effective Range: 2,000 feet (610 m).
Speed: Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Running: 30 mph (48 km) maximum. Most often, the chariot is Bonus: +1 to strike on an Aimed shot.
pulled by a team of two to six Gorehounds. When pulled, the
maximum speed is 100 mph (160 km) as the musculature in the

The Kezel,
legs is more used for stability than speed, in turn relying on the
Gorehounds for momentum. Speed is reduced by 30% in forests
and rocky or otherwise difficult or obstacle-filled terrain.
Underwater Depth: 200 feet (61 m) if pulled along underwater.
Statistical Data:
Height: 6 feet (1.8 m).
Width: 6 feet (1.8 m). 18 feet (5.5 m) with the legs fully extended.
Length: 8 feet (2.4 m). 18 feet (5.5 m) with the legs fully ex- Optional Source Material for Rifts®,
Weight: 800 pounds (360 kg). Phase World®, and Other Settings
Cargo: Maximum cargo depends on the number of Gorehounds By Joseph Larsen
pulling the chariot. 2,000 pounds (900 kg) per Gorehound with a
maximum of 6,000 pounds (2,700 kg). For more information about the Kezel and their abilities,
Physical Strength (P.S.): 1D4+31 (Supernatural; P.S. is only ap- please see The Rifter® #58, page 55.
plicable to the spider legs).
Production Cycle: Nine month gestation plus 18 month growth Index of All Kezel Abilities
time for a fully developed unit. This is a quick list of the abilities available to the Kezel. Be-
Operational Lifetime: 26 years. stowal requirements are noted in the power description. Next to
Trade Value: 80,000 credits. the ability in the list is the P.P.E. cost in parentheses, such as (4).
Bio-Regeneration: 4D6 M.D.C. per hour for the main body, 1D6
M.D.C. per hour for every other location. The creature can regen- Level 1 Abilities
erate lost limbs, but takes 3D4 days.
Horror Factor: 12 for humans outside the resistance. 15 for those Different Shapes of Extendages (2)
afraid of insects or bugs. Ethereal Aura into Tangible State (2)
Senses and Features: Only entries 1: Neurological Link and Con- Full Body Ethereal Aura (1)
trols and 3: Standard Sensory Systems listed under War Mounts Heal Others with Touch (1 per 3 S.D.C.)
on page 109 of the Splicers® RPG. The Arachnae is not a true Increase Physical Strength (Varies)
War Mount and can only really be effective if used in conjunction Power Machines (Varies)
with a team of Gorehounds. Self-Regenerate (0)
Feeding: The Arachnae is Photosynthetic.
Sleep Requirements: The Arachnae doesn’t require sleep but Level 2 Abilities
does need at least four hours of inactivity per day. Amplify Sound (5)
Equivalent Skills of Note: Climb 80%. Communicate by Touch (6)
Biological Enhancements: Starts with grip hairs on the wheels Enhance Physical Speed and Physical Prowess (5)
and on each leg, plus Spinnerets and Webbing. Gets 3D10+30 Enhance Senses (5)
Bio-E points at creation. Enhancements are limited to the cat- Reduce Fatigue in Others (4)
egories of Biological Defenses, Anatomical and Physiological Sense Active Kezel and Environmental Energy (5)
Features, and Ranged Bio-Weapons. Sense Organic Being (4)
Number of Attacks per Melee: Same as the pilot’s. Stun/Knockout by Touch (4, 8)
Level 3 Abilities Create Strong Wind (30)
Gain Electronic Device Info (30)
Bloodhound (8)
Gain Geographic Map of Environment (35)
Change Aura to Armored State (Varies)
Golem of Environmental Energy (Varies)
Cover Others with Aura (Varies)
Levitate (25)
Ethereal Aura Around Solid Aura (7)
Lightning Blast (5)
Level 9 Abilities
Manipulate Light (7)
Remove Heat from Any Non-Organic Object (6) Create Weather Conditions (10 per Hour)
Transfer Nutrients to Others (7) Disguise Aura and Kezel Abilities (45)
Water Propulsion (7) Disrupt an Extendage or Body Shield (70)
EMP Shockwave (50)
Level 4 Abilities Sense Common Disasters (65)
Spy Using Environmental Energy (50)
Absorb P.P.E from Plants (none)
Detect Motion (10)
Level 10 Abilities
Drain Organic Energy (5)
Emit Fear in All Directions (10) Affect the Potency of a Ley Line (100)
Emit Heat in All Directions (10) Locate Extreme Anomalies (75)
Focused Heat Blast (14)
Pearl (Varies) Kezel Ability Descriptions
See the Invisible (9)
Sixth Sense (11) by Level, Continued
Use Organic Creatures’ Defenses (15)
Level 4 Abilities
Level 5 Abilities
Absorb P.P.E. from Plants
Adapt to an Environment (12)
Charm Animals (12) Instead of eating, a Kezel can absorb fair amounts of nutri-
Heal Others More Efficiently (1 per 6 S.D.C.) ents from large plants, even from poisonous plants. This could
Invisible to Sensory Equipment (14) kill the plant if enough is taken. Taking up to half of the plant’s
Melt Rock, Metal, and Glass (16) P.P.E. will not have any lasting destructive effects, but it will
Power and Operate Organic Machinery (18) slow it down from healing and growing. Taking more than half
Power Machines More Efficiently (Varies) will cause the plant to wither and possibly die.
Redirect Kinetic Energy (15) Range: Touch.
Sound Wave Blast (12) Duration: Permanent.
Saving Throw: None.
Level 6 Abilities P.P.E.: None.
Level: 4
Enchant Leather and Alchemy Items (10)
Maximum P.P.E. gained from plants (taking over half per-
Find Volcano (15)
manently harms the plant):
Gain Biologic Info (15)
Small plants (houseplants): 5 P.P.E.
Hide Within Environment (18)
Medium-sized plants (bushes and small trees): 10 P.P.E.
Hold Using Environmental Energy (21)
Large-sized plants (medium trees): 50 P.P.E.
Kinetic Blast (14)
Very large plants (large, ancient trees): 100 P.P.E.
See Aura Characteristics of Other Kezel (12)
Rate of Transfer: It takes 1 attack to transfer 2 P.P.E. from any
Supernatural Looming (10)
Enhanced by Specialties: Conduit.
Level 7 Abilities
Communicate Using Environmental Energy (20) Detect Motion
Create Aura of Intangibility (23)
This is the ability to detect motion while standing still or mov-
Create Aura of Invisibility (23)
ing at less than 1 yard/meter per melee. This is not effective if the
Energize Gems and ‘Pearled’ Objects (Varies)
character is moving faster than a slow, steady walk. But even at
Focus and Damper Radiation (24)
a steady walk, they have a 30% chance of successfully detecting
Resist Effects of Environmental Exposure (6)
Resist Some Weather Conditions/disasters (21)
Range: 500 feet (152 m) +100 feet (30.5 m) per level.
Sense Disguised Kezel Powers (25)
Duration: 5 minutes.
Sense Inactive Kezel Energy (20)
Saving Throw: None.
P.P.E.: 10
Level 8 Abilities
Level: 4
Call and Channel Lightning from Storm (30) Active aura is required for use of this power.
Create Lightning Wall (3) Enhanced by Specialties: Hunter/Warrior, Aura Master.
Drain Organic Energy Saving Throw: None except for moving out of range.
P.P.E.: 10
This less than scrupulous ability will drain a living being of
Level: 4
S.D.C. or Hit Points in order to restore the character’s P.P.E. A
Damage: 2D6 M.D.C. per melee exposed.
normal human will provide 1 P.P.E. per 5 S.D.C. or Hit Point.
Bestowal is required for this power.
If more than half of the victim’s S.D.C. is drained, then there is
Active aura is required for use of this power.
a 70% chance that they will become ill for 1D4 days. There is a
Enhanced by Specialties: Aura Master.
10% chance that their body was already fighting a sickness. In
such cases, the victim will be sick for 4D4 days. This will also
cause the color of the kezel’s aura to gain a tint of red each time Focused Heat Blast
it’s used. The more it’s used, the redder the tint of the aura which
is often a sign of an evil or anarchist alignment. Kezel can focus a blast of heat to one place. The damage is
If the Extendages are used to produce a horror factor, then roll immediate, unlike the emit heat in all directions. The blast can be
to save vs Horror Factor. If the victim’s save is unsuccessful then constant and will do accumulative damage if continually focused
the victim has a –4 to save vs draining resistance of P.P.E. in one place.
Use of this power prior to bestowal by a good aligned trainer Range: 20 feet (6.1 m) + 5 feet (1.5 m) per level of experience.
will delay the trainee’s chance of a bestowal for 2D6 days per Duration: Instant.
use. If the Kezel is bestowed already, their aura will change Saving Throw: None.
slightly to a red color. The more it is used, the deeper red the aura P.P.E.: 14
and Extendages will become. This will become evident to anyone Level: 4
who sees the aura or detects the kezel’s abilities. Damage: 4D6 M.D.C. per attack to the target.
Range: Touch. Active aura is required for use of this power.
P.P.E. Recovery: 5 P.P.E. per melee. Enhanced by Apecialties: Hunter/Warrior, Metallurgy/Crafter,
Saving throw: 15 or higher. A successful save would hinder the Mason.
drain amount to 2 P.P.E. per melee.
Level: 4 Pearl
Damage: Drain 5 S.D.C. to gain 1 P.P.E.
Enhanced by Specialties: Conduit. Similar to an oyster’s pearl, the Kezel aura can affect an ob-
ject over time the longer the item remains inside the aura. This
strengthens the item by applying an external bond to any non-
Emit Fear in All Directions organic material and turns it into a super-durable item.
The body aura also allows the emission of fear. He is not emit- The character initializes the pearl process by focusing on
ting that he is afraid; instead he’s using that same energy felt in the item to place the beginning molecular bond of pearl coat-
fear, amplifying it and spreading it to people in his immediate ing. From then on the aura slowly builds up the pearl layers thus
vicinity. If affected, the victim will become afraid and lose 1 at- strengthening the pearling effect when they use or hold the item
tack per melee, lose the initiative, and has a 35% (+5% per level) inside their aura. The longer the item is enclosed in the aura, the
chance of fleeing if injured. Only 1 attack per melee is lost while stronger the buildup just as an oyster in nature builds pearls. The
this ability is active. effect creates an ethereal shimmer to make it look like a pearl.
Range: 25 feet (7.6 m) + 5 feet (1.5 m) per level of experience. It also damages supernatural enemies with greater effectiveness.
Duration: Equal to ½ P.E. in melees, plus 1 melee at levels 2, 4, Broken items can be bonded back together. Even different
6, 8, 10, 12, and 14. pieces of objects or rubble can be used to form any shape he or
Saving Throw: 12 or above. Environmental body armor will she wants. They can even bind particles as small as sand to make
protect from this ability. the shape they wish. Over time, the bond will strengthen and seep
P.P.E.: 10 deeper into the molecular bond. Once the bond is thick enough
Level: 4 (after 12 months of pearlizing), these weapons can be energized
Bestowal is required for this power. like Vibro-Blades and other powerful energy weapons. See the
Active aura is required for use of this power. ‘Energize Gems and Pearled Objects’ ability.
Enhanced by Specialties: Hunter/Warrior. Objects with moving parts that are pearled will cease to func-
tion. Items that are pearled can be combined as pieces of a mov-
ing object later. If so, then consideration needs to be made for the
Emit Heat in All Directions increased bulkiness of the pearled object.
Range: Touch or inside aura.
Instead of focusing the heat to melt rocks and other materials,
Duration: Permanent.
this ability allows heat to be emitted in all directions. This heats
Saving Throw: None.
up the local area fairly quickly and will start doing damage to
P.P.E.: 20 to set the initial bond of an item that is 3 square inches
objects after 2 melees or simply make it uncomfortable. This can
(19.3 sq. cm) of material. The rest of the process just takes time
be handy during close combat with many enemies. Only 1 attack
exposed to the aura.
per melee is lost while this ability is active.
Level: 4
Range: 15 feet (4.6 m) + 5 feet (1.5 m) per level of experience.
Bestowal is required for this power.
Duration: Equal to ½ P.E. in melees, plus 1 melee at levels 2, 4,
Time to Perform Change: 12 months for full strength and abil-
6, 8, 10, 12, and 14.
ity to energize.
Standard Durability: 1 M.D.C. (100 S.D.C.) per square inch Level 5 Abilities
(6.5 sq. cm).
Bonuses to Objects: Adapt or Harmonize with an Environment
+2 to strike and parry.
This makes it easier to manipulate the environment’s energy.
+2D6 damage to weapons.
It is required for some abilities. The P.P.E is spent permanently
Does double damage against supernatural.
to adapt to one environment. In order to do so he must dwell there
Active aura is required for use of this power.
for at least 2D4+1 consecutive weeks with the intent of adapt-
Enhanced by Specialties: Metallurgy/Crafter, Mason, Aura
ing. Once completed, this power will allow the effects to apply
when in this type of environment in any part of the world. So he
could adapt to a desert environment on one continent and travel
See the Invisible to another continent’s desert and still have the same bonuses in
both places.
As the description states, the aura can be manipulated to see The boundaries of the environments are defined by the sur-
naturally, magically, and supernaturally invisible objects or be- rounding area. For example, a low-lying plain may be surrounded
ings. This is helpful when dealing with apparitions and ghosts on two sides by a forest and on the other two sides by a desert.
where the ethereal state of the aura can be used to touch or dam- While he is in the plain, his abilities are restricted to that area.
age these entities. Once he leaves the plain, the bonuses no longer apply.
Range: 200 feet (61 m). This ability also is the catalyst for other abilities that can be
Duration: Equal to ½ P.E. in melees, plus 1 melee at levels 2, 4, gained at various levels. One of the benefits is that while he is in
6, 8, 10, 12, and 14. this environment, the P.P.E. costs of all powers are decreased by
Saving throw: None. 2 (not to go below 1).
P.P.E.: 9 Types of environments include:
Level: 4 Snow/Ice/Arctic
Enhanced by Specialties: Hunter/Warrior, Aura Master. Forest
Sixth Sense Desert
This ability will warn of immediate danger to him or his Water – Fresh/Sea
friends in the immediate area. Surprise attacks and attacks from Swamp/Marsh/Bog
behind will allow the Kezel the chance to dodge. The ability au- Volcanic
tomatically activates, provided that the Kezel has enough P.P.E. Ocean shore
Range: 200 feet (61 m). Underground
Duration: Automatic. Any other environment not listed here.
P.P.E.: 11 Alien world environments apply.
Level: 4 Range: Self.
Bestowal is required for this power. Duration: Permanent.
Enhanced by Specialties: Hunter/Warrior. Saving Throw: None.
P.P.E.: 12 permanently per environment.
Level: 5
Use Organic Creatures’ Defenses Bestowal is required for this power.
Time to Adapt: 2D4+1 consecutive weeks of dwelling in the
The kezel’s power naturally allows for regeneration and sus-
taining of life and the aura enhances this ability further. One
Active aura is required for use of this power.
unique, yet bizarre, way that they have learned to capitalize on
Enhanced by Specialties: Environment.
this fact is by utilizing an organic creature’s detached defensive
and/or offensive body weapons. For instance, a fresh snake’s
venom pouch could be kept alive to produce venom while at-
Charm Animals
tached to the aura or a large scorpion’s tail if freshly taken could This allows them to communicate with animal types that he or
be bonded to the aura. This could be used with full effectiveness she has charmed. The Kezel will be accepted as one of its kind.
while the aura is attached to and sustaining it. In order to do this, the character must capture the animal alive
only using his aura, Extendages, and raw abilities. By doing this,
Range: Self.
he or she will then earn the “respect” of that animal. At this time,
Duration: Indefinite while attached to the aura. If item isn’t kept
this power can imitate the animal’s organic energy. As soon as he
alive then it will die in two days.
or she does this, they will be able to communicate with that kind
Saving Throw: None.
of animal.
P.P.E.: 15
This doesn’t mean that they can control the animals. Some-
Level: 4 times they will not obey. If the animal is a pack animal, then
Skill to Use: 25% +7% per level. the Kezel will gain the status of the animal that he catches. If
Active aura is required for use of this power. he catches the leader, then he or she will be accepted as a leader
Enhanced by Specialties: Leatherwork/Weave, Conduit. (which means that they might be challenged as a leader too) or
they might even be an outcast from a pack. Then all the animals tures, all he or she has to do is keep the rock at a steady tempera-
will treat him or her like that until he or she charms a different ture and let the metal drain out. This power cannot be used to
animal of that kind. burn or melt organic material. Instead, it would shock it, doing
Many types of animals can be charmed. They will be under- 2D6 S.D.C.
stood by all of them and the animals of that kind will look at them Modern Kezel have noticed that this power of melting does
as though they were one of them. If in the presence of multiple not work well on alloys used for modern armor like power armor
species that are charmed, the character will understand and be or mecha. The damage it would do would only be 2D6 M.D. per
able to communicate with both of them simultaneously. attack.
Range: Self. The training includes the Metallurgy skill at 40% +4% per
Saving Throw: The animal can roll below or equal to their M.E. level. This skill allows them to separate and refine metals, rock,
to save. and glass. The character will also learn the Blacksmith skill at
P.P.E.: 12 permanently per animal type. 30% +5% per level. This skill includes the forming, shaping, and
Level: 5 designing of weapons and equipment. A successful roll means
Bestowal is required for this power. that he has created a sturdy weapon or object. A failed roll means
Duration: Permanent, but only active only when the aura body that the object is brittle and not well crafted.
shield is active. Range: Touch.
Active aura is required for use of this power. Duration: A one cubic foot (0.028 cubic m) block of material
Enhanced by Specialties: Environment, Hunter/Warrior. will stay malleable for 1 minute if not continually heated.
Saving Throw: None.
Heal Others More Efficiently P.P.E.: 16 P.P.E. per melee (15 seconds) of use.
The bestowed Kezel have found a way to efficiently heal oth- Level: 5
ers. Meditation opens the channels for energy transfer at maxi- Damage: Melts stone, metal, or glass, doing 6D6 S.D.C./M.D.C.
mum efficiency. per melee. Damage to modern armor would do 2D6 M.D. or
Range: Touch. 2D6x10 S.D.C.
Saving Throw: 16 if the target does not wish to be healed. Rate of Use: Must be heated consistently for 2 minutes to melt a
P.P.E.: 1 P.P.E. restores 6 S.D.C. per melee. 1 cubic foot (0.028 cubic m) stone, metal, or glass block.
Level: 5 Required Abilities: Change body shield & Extendage to super-
Bestowal is required for this power. hardened state.
Enhanced by Specialties: Conduit. Active aura is required for use of this power.
Enhanced by Specialties: Mason, Metallurgy/Crafter.
Invisible to Sensory Equipment
This allows the Kezel to be a chameleon with the surrounding Power and Operate Organic Machinery
environment from any technical sensory equipment (i.e. infrared, This ability allows the character to bond with organic ma-
ultraviolet, and radar). He will look like the rest of the environ- chinery using their aura. They will gain information about the
ment according to the sensor. This can be used in conjunction machine so that he can power and use it. This applies to organic
with the invisible to the extra-spectrum ability that the Manipu- technology of any origin.
late Light abilities might give. By using these two powers com- Range: Self.
bined, he will only be able to be detected by psionic presence Duration: Equal to the P.E. attribute in minutes.
sense and magical see invisibility abilities. Saving Throw: None.
Movement is decreased to ¼ of the normal speed. P.P.E.: 18
Range: Self. Level: 5
Duration: ½ P.E. in melees plus 1 minute per level. Bestowal is required for this power.
Saving Throw: None. Active aura is required for use of this power.
P.P.E.: 14 Enhanced by Specialties: Aura Master, Conduit, Leatherwork/
Level: 5 Weave.
Active aura is required for use of this power.
Enhanced by Specialties: Aura Master, Hunter/Warrior. Power Machines More Efficiently
This is a more efficient form of the other power machines
Melt Rock, Metal, and Glass
ability. The energy cannot be stored for more than a melee. This
This power originates from when the original Kezel started no- should not be used more than two times per minute. Otherwise,
ticing their powers in the volcanic areas. The reason why they are there is a 40% chance that the machine could overheat and be-
called “Kezel” is that it means “handler” in their home language. come permanently damaged. Typical weapons and gadgets in-
They originally used their powers to handle hot lava, which was clude mini-missile launchers, lasers, beam cannons, other energy
everywhere in their environment. They formed everything from guns, booster packs, optical systems, sensory instruments, Vibro-
bricks and tools to swords and shields. The super-hardened state Blades, etc. The P.P.E. cost for energy weapons is based on the
of the aura needs to be active to be able to prevent the damage M.D.C./S.D.C. that they can inflict. For example, for a weapon
that the hot elements would otherwise cause. that does 3D6 M.D.C., the P.P.E. cost is 12 (3 x 4).
Using this, the Kezel can even extract and purify metals from Range: Touch.
the raw rock. Since different metals melt at different tempera- Duration: 1 melee.
Saving Throw: None. create the leather, a few ingredients are required. First, the living
P.P.E.: 3 per 1D4 M.D.C./S.D.C. of a weapon’s max damage. creature (preferred) or fresh carcass (no more than 2 days old) is
4 per 1D6 M.D.C./S.D.C. of a weapon’s max damage. required for the leather. Second, the creature’s main source of
1 for normal appliances (110 v). food is required to cure the leather. Third, the creature’s natural
2 for larger voltage machines (220 v). predator or a part of the predator is required for the several nee-
4 for portable equipment such as sensory instruments. dles and bindings. Optional is a means of thread which provides
50 per melee to power items such as power armor. for a finer seam. Otherwise, they will use strips of leather. The
Level: 5 leather item will heal any seam as does a normal living creature.
Bestowal is required for this power. Bio-alchemy items can be things such as salves that heal, cure
Enhanced by Specialties: Conduit. poisons and other such creations. They are made using the re-
spective parts of a fresh carcass. For example, a salve created
Redirect Kinetic Energy from a heart will heal while one created from a liver will draw
This is the ability to redirect kinetic energy of a moving object out poisons.
to another object. The aura must be active in order to do this. This See Rifter #42 for in depth detail of leather and alchemy items.
could be used to accelerate objects if the character receives an ap- Time to Create: 2D4 weeks for leather preparation with 2D6
propriate amount of kinetic energy coming from another source. hours per day.
It can only be stored for one attack and must be transferred to P.P.E.: 10 per hour.
another object immediately or else the aura will take the intended Properties of Enchanted Leather Items:
damage. It cannot be transferred to the ground. It must be trans- ! Items heal at the rate of 1D4+1 S.D.C./M.D.C. per 24 hours
ferred to some object, even if it is the object generating the kinetic while the items are worn or while P.P.E. is provided. Healing
energy. If this is the case then it must be transferred to a different spells and salves will be effective to speed up the healing.
place on the object. So for example, using this, a large, moving ! The wearer/wielder can use any abilities up to 3 times a day.
boulder could be diverted off course by absorbing its kinetic en- ! Each of the abilities’ effects last 3D4 minutes when activated.
ergy and transferring it back onto the side of the boulder. ! Requires 2D4 P.P.E. from the P.P.E. base of the magic user per
Range: Touch. item or 2D4 Hit Points of a non-magic user. This is not accu-
Duration: 2 melees. mulative each time the armor is removed and replaced before
Saving Throw: None. the wearer can recover.
P.P.E.: 15 ! When worn, the leather would be perceived (except by sight)
Level: 5 as the original creature by other supernatural creature senses
Damage: Redirect up to 2D6 S.D.C./M.D.C. respectively per within a 1 mile (1.6 km) radius.
level. ! The enchanted leather has the same inherent weaknesses of the
Active aura is required for use of this power. original creature.
Enhanced by Specialties: Aura Master. ! An optional 4D6 M.D.C. can be added with supernatural cloth
lining (see the Supernatural looming section below).
Sound Wave Blast ! Any object the same size or smaller than a helm can receive a
This ability allows sound to be focused and to be used as a single ability. A set of armor for legs and the main body can
weapon. The shockwave will damage items effectively; double each receive two abilities.
the range and damage in water. This can also be used as a diver- ! Full armor with natural physical features will have a horror
sion to make a high-pitched squeal as it is being used. This can factor that is equal to half of the original creature’s.
act as a distraction to the enemies, causing them to lose the initia- Level: 6
tive. Can this also absorb, redirect and enhance sound for spying, Bestowal is required for this power.
stealth and as a weapon? Enhanced by Specialties: Leatherworker/weaver.
Range: 50 feet + 5 feet per level of experience.
Duration: Instant. Find Volcano
Saving Throw: dodge.
Using the energy of the environment, the Kezel have learned
P.P.E.: 12 per blast.
to sense the levels and types of energy created by volcanic activ-
Level: 5
ity. It is almost like smelling a volcano’s energy. They can tell if a
Damage: 2D6 M.D. at first level + 1D6 per level.
volcano is active, how close it is to erupting, and where any vents
Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks.
of the volcano are. This power was used by the ancient Kezel to
Active aura is required for use of this power.
find volcanic lava to use for shaping objects.
Enhanced by Specialties: Aura Master.
The volcanic environmental energy is more powerful to them
and therefore reduces the cost of the environmental bestowed
Level 6 Abilities abilities in half while in the presence of lava. At a new level, add
1 mile (1.6 km).
Enchant Leather and Alchemy Items Range: 100 miles (160 km) per level of experience.
This is the ability to create living leather items as well as cre- Duration: 30 minutes.
ating alchemy items with creature body parts. The leather items Saving Throw: None.
will self-heal as well as provide the wearer with one or two abili- P.P.E.: 15
ties of the creature from which the leather was created. In order to Level: 6
Bestowal is required for this power. P.P.E.: 14 per blast.
Enhanced by Specialties: Environment, Mason. Level: 6
Damage: 2D6 M.D.C. and add 1D6 M.D.C. if projectiles are
Gain Biologic Info used. Add 1D6 M.D.C. per level.
This is the ability to gain information about another human’s Special: 45% chance of knocking down a humanoid-sized being.
body by sending and receiving the Kezel’s energy. They can 70% chance to detonate missiles; 75% chance if there are sizable
diagnose any major problems such as cancers, defects, broken projectiles in the blast area.
bones, and internal bleeding. They will also be able to tell if the Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks.
person that they are touching has extraordinary powers. If the Active aura is required for use of this power.
person is unwilling, then they have a chance to resist. If the vic- Enhanced by Specialties: Aura Master, Hunter/Warrior.
tim is unwilling and his roll to save is unsuccessful, it will cost
twice the amount of P.P.E. to gain the information. See Aura Characteristics of Other Kezel
Range: Touch. This is the ability to detect information about a kezel’s aura
Duration: Equal to P.E. in minutes plus 1 minute per level. only when the target’s aura is active. This information consists
Saving Throw: 13 or higher if resisting. of learning the character’s alignment, aura strength (S.D.C./
P.P.E.: 15 M.D.C.), and whether or not he is bestowed. It will not reveal
Level: 6 his abilities.
Enhanced by Specialties: Conduit. Range: 150 feet (45.7 m) per level of experience.
Duration: ½ P.E. in hours plus one hour per level.
Hide Within Environment Saving Throw: 15 or above.
This allows the character to become a chameleon in the envi- P.P.E.: 12
ronments that he or she has adapted to. This is only with the body Level: 6
shield active. If standing still, they only have a 10% chance of Bestowal is required for this power.
being found if anyone knows they are around. If they move more Enhanced by Specialties: Aura Master.
than 5 inches (12.7 cm) per melee, then there is a 60% chance of
being noticed. Supernatural Looming
Range: Self. Enchanted looming is the ability to take the cocoon, web, plant
Duration: ½ P.E. in minutes, plus 1 minute per level. fibers or beast hair and turn them into cloth and rope. The cloth is
Saving Throw: None. super durable and light and is useful for clothes, blankets, bags,
P.P.E.: 18 etc. These usually have 2D6 M.D.C. or 3D4+2 S.D.C. per square
Level: 6 yard (0.83 sq. meters) in the respective settings. The woven rope
Bestowal is required for this power. can hold up to one ton.
Requires: Manipulate light ability. The requestor of the item will be required to retrieve the items
Active aura is required for use of this power. necessary from the spider’s lair, animal’s or plants habitat or
Enhanced by Specialties: Aura Master. from a den full of used or live cocoons.
Once the looming material is acquired and brought back, the
Hold Using Environmental Energy character will generate as much fabric from it as possible. This
This is similar to the golem ability. The character can control usually averages to about 75% of the size of each cocoon for
the environmental energy to pin or hold another person or object silk, 60% of the beast’s length from fur and 60% of the plants’
in place. The hold has a P.S. of 45 and is supernatural. raw fiber mass. The cloth results are measured in square yards/
Range: 500 feet (152 m). meters. The Kezel usually asks for 10% of the yield as payment
Duration: 1D4 minutes. for their services.
Saving Throw: Dodge. Time to Create: 1D4 weeks for silk preparation with 4D6 hours
P.P.E.: 21 per day.
Level: 6 P.P.E.: 10 per hour.
Bestowal is required for this power. Level: 6
Enhanced by Specialties: Environment. Bestowal is required for this power.
Enhanced by Specialties: Leatherworker/weaver.
Kinetic Blast
This power allows the Kezel to create a kinetic force wave to Level 7 Abilities
knock things over as well as do damage. This special power has a
45% chance of knocking over humans with armor. It can also be Communicate Using Environmental Energy
used to detonate missiles, bombs and other explosive projectiles. This ability is an evolution of the “Communicate by touch”
This power can also be projected in all directions, but at half the power. Each environment has energy that sustains it and the
proficiency and range. He can also fling scraps like bullets for an Kezel can access this energy to extend some abilities to great dis-
extra 1D6 of damage. tances once he’s harmonized with or adapted to the type of envi-
Range: 50 feet (15.2 m) + 5 feet (1.5 m) per level of experience. ronment. This is the ability to communicate with another person
Duration: Instant. anywhere within the current environment. This cannot be used
Saving Throw: Dodge. across two unconnected environments. He can probe the environ-
ment to seek the person he’s looking for within the range. The The gems are usually housed in an Extendage shape or aura
probing will trigger other beings’ presence sense abilities while with an exit point. The character carries them on his person when
the use of the communication ability will not. the aura is not active. Once he activates the aura, he needs to use
Range: 5 miles (8 km) + 1 mile (1.6 km) per level. a melee action to push the gems to their proper place in the aura.
Duration: 5 minutes plus 1 per level. (Can communicate with 1 If not placed in the aura, the gems can be placed in a gun or rifle
person per level simultaneously.) modified to fit the gems.
P.P.E.: 20 Pearled items can be energized to do more damage with the
Level: 7 use of Kezel energy. The object is reconstructed to amplify their
Bestowal is required for this power. energy and will glow when the energy is surging through it. It’s
Requires: Adapt to environment ability. not uncommon to see a Kezel with a stone sword or weapon that
Active aura is required for use of this power. was shaped by him or another Kezel since this power is more ef-
Enhanced by Specialties: Environment. fective on natural occurring elements. Items created out of natu-
ral elements inflict 1D6 more damage.
Create an Aura of Intangibility Range: Touch.
They have found ways of altering an aura to turn the whole Duration: Permanent.
person intangible by meditation. This requires 1D4 melees of Saving Throw: None.
meditation to perform. This state can be damaged by another P.P.E.: Varies.
kezel’s ethereal form, or by other ethereal beings or objects. The Level: 7
damage will be delivered to the character’s S.D.C. Custom Weapons:
Range: Self. 1) Energy Beams (uses 1-3 carat energized gems): The en-
Duration: Equal to P.E. in minutes plus 1 minute per level. ergized gem amplifies the kezel’s natural energy into a beam or
Saving Throw: None. blast.
P.P.E.: 23 Range: 1,000 feet (304.8 m).
Level: 7 Damage: 3D6 S.D.C./M.D.C. per blast.
Bestowal is required for this power. P.P.E. to Energize: 4 permanently to energize a 2 carat gem.
S.D.C.: Not applicable. P.P.E. to Use: 4 per blast.
Active aura is required for use of this power. S.D.C. of Gem: 400 (4 M.D.C.).
Enhanced by Specialties: Aura Master. 2) Energy Projectiles (uses 3 carat or larger energized
gems): Unlike the energy beams, these are energy spheres.
Create Aura of Invisibility Range: 3,000 feet (914 m).
Damage: 5D6 S.D.C./M.D.C. per projectile.
The body shield/aura can be manipulated to turn the whole P.P.E. to Energize: 7 permanently to energize a 3 carat gem.
body invisible by meditation. It takes 1D4 melees of meditation P.P.E. to Use: 6 per blast.
to make the change. While invisible, the person can only be seen S.D.C. of Gem: 800 (8 M.D.C.).
by other magically invisible beings and by the see invisible spell. 3) Energize Pearled Melee Weapons per 10 cubic inches
Others with Sense Presence, Sense Kezel or Kezel detection, can (163.8 cubic cm):
also detect the person, but they cannot tell the exact location. Damage: Adds 3D6 S.D.C./M.D.C. to the initial weapon damage
Differing from the optical blend or blind spot, there isn’t a P.P.E. to Energize: 8 permanently for 10 cubic inches (163.8 cu-
movement restriction. Using this power prevents him from being bic cm).
seen using visual means. P.P.E. to Use: 3 per melee.
This power used in conjunction with the ‘Invisible to Techni- Bestowal is required for this power (to energize, not to use
cal Instruments’ ability can be used at the same time to become items).
completely invisible to mecha and other machinery. Active aura is required for use of this power.
Range: Self. Enhanced by Specialties: Mason, Metallurgy/Crafter, Conduit.
Duration: Equal to P.E. in minutes plus 1 minute per level.
Saving Throw: None. Focus and Damper Radiation
P.P.E.: 23
Level: 7 The aura protects the Kezel from radiation. It also allows him
Bestowal is required for this power. to absorb high levels and manipulate it. This ability can damper
S.D.C.: Varies depending on body shield S.D.C. radiation by temporarily absorbing it which, in turn, can be fo-
Active aura is required for use of this power. cused anywhere. A focused blast is very damaging.
Enhanced by Specialties: Aura Master, Hunter/Warrior. He can only sustain the radiation for the duration noted. If he
does not release it before then, the damage will be inflicted onto
Energize Gems and ‘Pearled’ Objects the character, making him extremely sick for 1D6+2 weeks. If
the aura is destroyed or deactivated, all the radiation that was
The character prepares the material to be energized by P.P.E. absorbed will be released again.
This gives the ability to have Kezel energy flowing through the The radiation cannot be amplified, only focused or dampened.
material. This creates an energy focusing effect, which is the This can be used to absorb radar to be invisible to detection.
basis for the custom weapons. Any person with enough P.P.E. Range: Self.
can power these. The Kezel can even power them when the body Duration: Equal to P.E. in minutes plus 1 minute per level.
shield is active. Saving Throw: None.
P.P.E.: 24 Level: 7
Level: 7 Bestowal is required for this power.
Damage: 4D6 M.D. +1D6 per level of experience. Enhanced by Specialties: Aura Master.
Active aura is required for use of this power.
Enhanced by Specialties: Aura Master. Sense Inactive Kezel Energy
This power allows the detection if a person produces the Kezel
Resist Effects of Environmental Exposure energy or not. This power is not constantly active and will only
These effects would include, but are not limited to, frostbite, tell the Kezel that someone around has these powers. It will not
heat stroke, and exposure. These things are resisted without the specify the person or his exact whereabouts. The Kezel being de-
use of the ethereal body shield. The effects must be from those tected won’t know that he has been detected.
that occur in an environment that the Kezel has already adapted This is used to track down untrained Kezel. Kezel guards often
to. Gain one new type per two levels. use this power to search people that pass by them. Add 2D6 feet
Range: Self. (0.6 m) per level.
Duration: Indefinite while character is alive. Range: 50 feet (15.24 m) + 10 feet (3 m) per level of experience.
Saving Throw: None. Duration: 1 minute per use.
P.P.E.: 6 permanently per environment. Saving Throw: None.
Level: 7 P.P.E.: 20 P.P.E. per attempt.
Bestowal is required for this power. Level: 7
Requires: Adapt to environment ability. Bestowal is required for this power.
Enhanced by Specialties: Environment. Enhanced by Specialties: Aura Master.

Resist Some Weather Conditions/Disasters Level 8 Abilities

This is the power that gives a Kezel the ability to resist severe
weather conditions or disasters in the environments he’s adapted Call and Channel Lightning from Storm
to. This includes but is not exclusive to, tornadoes, hurricanes, During a lightning storm, this ability offers a 50% (+5% per
sandstorms, avalanches, tidal waves and tsunamis, and volcanic level) chance of being able to call lightning from the sky. If he
eruptions. He will not be blown, moved or washed away because successfully calls the lightning, he then has to roll to successfully
of these disasters. The environmental energy will simply pass channel it to somewhere else. If unsuccessful, the body shield and
around him. Therefore, anything moved by the environmental Extendages takes the intended damage.
energy will also pass around him. Objects thrown by a tornado He can also channel lightning from other sources such as
will avoid him, avalanche snow will miss him, tsunami waves weapons or spells. When redirected, the blast will do the same
won’t move him, etc. This is effective against conditions created damage as the lightning’s initial damage. Roll to strike as normal
by magic as well. if the redirection succeeds.
The Kezel aura will need to be active and the Kezel must use Range: 1,000 feet (305 m) + 200 feet (61 m) per level.
P.P.E. to have this effective. Duration: Instant.
The Kezel can also select one type of disaster to resist every Saving Throw: Dodge.
two levels. P.P.E.: 30 per blast.
Range: Self. Level: 8
Duration: Equal to the P.E. in minutes plus 1 minute per level. Damage: 2D6x10 S.D.C. from natural lightning or it does the
Saving Throw: None. same damage as the lightning blast that he rerouted.
P.P.E.: 21 Rate of Fire: Twice per melee and counts as two attacks.
Level: 7 Skills: Call Lightning: Base skill 50% +5% per level.
Bestowal is required for this power. Channel Lightning: Base skill 35% +7% per level.
Requires: Requires adaptation to environment in which weather Active aura is required for use of this power.
condition exists. Enhanced by Specialties: Environment, Conduit.
Active aura is required for use of this power.
Enhanced by Specialties: Environment. Create Lightning Wall
Sense Disguised Kezel Powers This ability gathers all of the static electricity from an adapted
environment and forms it into a 3 foot (.91 m) thick wall using the
This power allows a Kezel to be able to detect whether or not environmental energy.
a Kezel is hiding any powers. This will not reveal what level the Range: 200 feet (61 m).
powers are or which ones. It will just tell the bestowed Kezel that Duration: ½ P.E. in minutes plus 1 minute per level.
something is hidden using this ability. He won’t even be able to Saving Throw: None.
get a general sense of the disposition of the target, i.e. good or P.P.E.: 3 per 5 square yards/4 square meters by 1 yard/0.9 meter
evil. thick of electric wall.
Range: 500 feet (152.4 m) + 100 feet (30.5 m) per level. Level: 8
Duration: 5 minutes plus 1 minute per level of experience. Bestowal is required for this power.
Saving Throw: None Damage: 3D6 M.D. to every part of anything that goes through
P.P.E.: 25 P.P.E. per attempt. it.
Active aura is required for use of this power. Golem of Environmental Energy
Enhanced by Specialties: Environment.
This is the ability to shape a golem out of the environment’s
energy. The creator commands the golem. It must touch the
Create Strong Wind
ground at all times and will obey simple commands and will
In an environment that the character has adapted to, this ability find the most direct way of completing the task. When the task is
allows him to create strong winds without using the weather. He completed, it will wait for another command. It has 3 attacks per
can utilize strong winds combined with the environment to make melee and cannot dodge or parry.
more dangerous conditions. These can be conditions such as turn Range: 500 feet (152.4 m) plus 50 feet (15.2 m) per level.
snowy weather into blizzards, desert sand into sandstorms, cre- Duration: ½ P.E. in minutes or until destroyed. (Can only sum-
ated small tornadoes in the plains, or cause large waves in the mon 1 golem per hour.)
oceans, seas and lakes. These winds can be used to kick up par- Saving Throw: None.
ticles to hinder visibility and radar, to prevent flight of jets or P.P.E.: Refer to the M.D.C. or S.D.C. of the golem.
mecha, or to create other weather problems. Level: 8
This power cannot create weather the same way the ‘create S.D.C.: 5 S.D.C. per 1 P.P.E. spent to create it with a max of 200
weather conditions’ ability does. S.D.C.
Range: 2,000 feet (610 m) +200 feet (61 m) per level. M.D.C.: Can be changed to M.D.C. like a kezel’s Extendages
Duration: ½ P.E. in minutes plus 1 minute per level. and costs 2 P.P.E per 10 M.D.C. (round up) or 2 per 50 S.D.C. in
Saving Throw: None. S.D.C. worlds.
P.P.E.: 30
Level: 8
Punch 5D6 S.D.C. or M.D.C. depending on what state it is in.
Bestowal is required for this power.
Power punch 10D6 S.D.C. or M.D.C. depending on what state
Damage: None
it is in (counts as two attacks).
Active aura is required for use of this power.
Strength: 30 (becomes supernatural when in M.D.C. state).
Enhanced by Specialties: Environment.
Requires: Adapting to an environment and can only be used
Gain Electronic Device Information within environments that he has adapted to.
Bestowal is required for this power.
Similar to the Gain Biologic Info ability, this ability allows a Enhanced by Specialties: Environment.
Kezel to receive any technical information about a device that he
is powering. He can learn the workings of the device because he Levitate
is sending his energy, not electricity through it. They also have
The character can use this ability to levitate using the environ-
a 75% chance of knowing why an unfamiliar machine might not
mental energy. He can float up 10 feet (3.05 m) +3 feet (1 m) per
be working.
level. This power cannot be used to move horizontally, although
Range: Touch.
it is sometimes used to gain altitude for gliding farther.
Duration: 5 minutes plus 1 minute per level of experience.
Range: Self.
Saving Throw: None.
Duration: 2 melees per use. The Kezel may stay levitated as long
P.P.E.: 30
as he or she has enough P.P.E.
Level: 8
Saving Throw: None.
Duration: 2D4 minutes + 1 per level.
P.P.E.: 25
Enhanced by Specialties: Conduit.
Level: 8
Gain Geographic Map of Environment Bestowal is required for this power.
Enhanced by Specialties: Environment.
Through meditation and the use of environmental energy, this Requires: Adapting to an environment and can only be used
ability allows the character to gain a general, basic surface map within environments that they have adapted to.
of the environment that he has adapted to. This requires hours
of meditation while in the environment. The mental map will
include locations of natural features, including mountains, hills,
Level 9 Abilities
rivers, lakes, deep ravines, natural cave openings, etc. No detail
can be gained of non-natural features such as buildings.
Create Weather Conditions
Range: 50 miles (80 km) + 5 miles (8 km) per level. Once the character adapts to a type of environment, he can use
Duration: The Kezel will be shown the map and will have to re- this ability to manipulate the environment’s energy to change the
member it like anything else memorized. He may spend 1 minute weather. It takes 3D4 hours of concentration for the weather to
of meditation to review it again. change in the area. Or it takes 1D4 hours if the weather conditions
Saving Throw: None. are close to the desired state. The power can then be used to call
P.P.E.: 35 thunderstorms, fog, heat waves, and so on. Thunderstorms can be
Level: 8 used by the Kezel to call lightning.
Bestowal is required for this power. Range: 50 miles (80 km).
Requires: Adapting to an environment and can only be used Duration of the Storm: 1D4 hours.
within environments that they have adapted to. Saving Throw: None.
Enhanced by Specialties: Environment. P.P.E.: 10 per hour to call the storm.
Level: 9 Duration: Instant.
Bestowal is required for this power Saving Throw: Dodge.
Active aura is required for use of this power. P.P.E.: 50
Requires: Adapting to an environment and can only be used Level: 9
within environments that they have adapted to. Bestowal is required for this power.
Enhanced by Specialties: Environment. Damage: None. Shuts down unshielded electrical equipment.
Enhanced by Specialties: Environment, Conduit.
Disguise Aura and Kezel Abilities
This ability counters the ability to detect inactive Kezel pow- Sense Common Disasters
ers. It will also hide alignment and disguise the existence of their A few examples may include being able to tell when an earth-
abilities from other Kezel, magic users and psionics trying to read quake, eruption, or tornado will happen. He can tell one minute
or detect their powers. per level before the disaster. The ability will activate automati-
Range: Self. cally and take the required P.P.E. when activated. If the character
Duration: Equal to P.E. in minutes plus 1 minute per level. doesn’t have enough P.P.E. to use it, then it will not activate.
Saving Throw: None. Range: 50 miles (80 km) per level.
P.P.E.: 45 Duration: Up to one minute before a disaster per level.
Level: 9 Saving Throw: None.
Active aura is required for use of this power. P.P.E.: 65
Enhanced by Specialties: Aura Master. Level: 9
Bestowal is required for this power.
Disrupt an Extendage or Body Shield Requires: Adapting to an environment and can only be used
This is a very rare, but powerful ability. This power gives the within environments that they have adapted to.
ability to shoot lightning that can disrupt another kezel’s Extend- Enhanced by Specialties: Environment.
age or aura/body shield. Disrupting the body shield will also dis-
rupt any Extendages. If the body shield is disrupted, the target Spy Using Environmental Energy
takes no damage. However, he will be left vulnerable. Or the The environmental energy is a catalyst of many of the Kezel’s
blast could be used to disrupt an Extendage only, which would abilities. That is once they have adapted to or harmonized with
leave only part of the body exposed without protection. This can the environment. The energy becomes an extension of their aura.
also be used to disrupt abilities that use environmental abilities, This ability allows them to see, hear and smell at great distances
including environmental energy golem and levitate using the en- using the energy. There needs to be an unobstructed path to the
vironmental energy. destination they are spying on. This will also trigger a being’s
If the strike doesn’t completely disrupt the Extendage, then ‘presence sense’ ability if they are spied on within their own sens-
it damages it greatly. If it is successfully disrupted, then it also ing range.
stuns the Kezel for 1D4 attacks. This is important because a Kezel Range: 50 miles (80 km) + 10 miles (16 km) per level.
could physically be hurt until he regenerates his body shield. It Duration: Minutes equal to M.E. attribute.
will also disrupt the kezel’s powers of intangibility and invis- Saving Throw: None.
ibility. It will disrupt M.D.C. and S.D.C. forms as well as the P.P.E.: 50
ethereal form or any combination. Level: 9
Un-bestowed Kezel are not able to disrupt a bestowed kezel’s Bestowal is required for this power.
aura. But a bestowed Kezel can easily disrupt an Un-bestowed Active aura is required for use of this power.
kezel’s aura. Enhanced by Specialties: Environment.
Range: 300 feet (91.44 m).
Duration: Instant.
Saving Throw: 9 or dodge.
Level 10 Abilities
P.P.E.: 70 per attempt. Affect the Potency of a Ley Line
Level: 9
Damage: 80% chance to disrupt, otherwise it does the equivalent This is the ability to use the environmental energy to refocus
of 2D4x10 S.D.C./M.D.C. to the Kezel aura and environmental the effects of a ley line for whoever the character chooses. They
manipulations ONLY. can decide who this applies to and how much (5% per level) to
Active aura is required for use of this power. reduce or increase the effects by. Thus an enemy or an area can be
Enhanced by Specialties: Aura Master, Hunter/Warrior. focused upon to reduce the benefit from a ley line while a friend
or area can be set to gain more benefits.
EMP Shockwave Range: 100 miles (160 km) + 30 miles (48 km) per level of ex-
This power also comes from the environmental energy. It al- Number of Targets: 1 per level of experience.
lows the character to gather environmental energy and generate Radius of Effect: 1 square mile (2.58 sq. km) per level of experi-
an electromagnetic pulse that will disrupt any electricity flow- ence.
ing through any machine. The only exception would be machines Duration: Minutes equal to M.E. attribute. Requires 1D6 min-
that were built with hardened circuitry. utes of meditation to cast.
Range: 200 feet (61 m) + 50 feet (15.2 m) per level. P.P.E.: 100
Level: 10 for wearing Xit pheromones too close to the nest. Oh, and this
Bestowal is required for this power. one idiot from Shaedo – or at least he said he was from Shaedo –
Requires: Adapting to an environment and can only be used wore a silly looking sword like the one you’re...
within environments that they have adapted to. “Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! No need to get violent! Listen, you’re
Enhanced by Specialties: Environment, Conduit, Aura Master. a handsome young man with a big heart, I can tell just by look-
ing at you. Old Neil is just trying to look out for you. I’m your
Locate Extreme Anomalies friend, boy-o. What would it hurt to listen to my advice anyways?
This is the ability to find extreme anomalies within an envi- You’re going up into Bugland! You need all the advice you can
ronment that has been adapted to. This proves to be useful when get! Besides, it won’t cost you nothin’ – well, except for a beer...
seeking powerful enemies or friends. The Kezel will know the “You can buy Old Neil a beer, right boy-o?”
basic vicinity of the anomaly. Thus they will know the direction,
depth and distance of the person or item they seek. This power
does not, however, provide the ability to survey the terrain or land
that this anomaly is in.
Range: 500 miles (800 km) + 100 miles (160 km) per level.
Duration: Minutes equal to M.E. attribute.
P.P.E.: 75
Level: 10
Bestowal is required for this power.
Requires: Adapting to an environment and can only be used
within environments that they have adapted to.
Enhanced by Specialties: Environment.

Creatures of the
Xiticix Hivelands
Optional Material for Rifts®
By Josh Sinsapaugh
The following was accidentally recorded by a Rogue Scholar
at a bar in Escanaba, or so the story goes. It is unknown who Old
Neil is or if any of the tales he weaves are true. However, the
creatures he describes do match other wild yarns that have been
coming out of the North these days:
“Look here, boy-o, the Xiticix ain’t the only thing you have to
worry about in the Hivelands. Make no mistake, they are THE
thing to worry about but you’re fooling yourself if you think they
are the only reason that you should be looking over your shoul-
der. I’m telling you, they’re not. No sir. For you see, boy-o, there
be some other critters from some other places if’n you catch my
meaning. Either they’re from the Xiticix homeland – wherever
the hell that is – or else they just happened to find a niche up there
in the Hivelands. “Think of ‘em as Xitcix cavemen. You ain’t knowin’ what a
“Oh, yeah. I see. I see. What!? Just saying: I’ve seen that look caveman is!? Shoot. Well, think of them like a savage Xit. A prim-
before. You don’t believe me. You don’t believe Old Neil. Looking itive Xit. What’s that? Yeah, a less evolved Xit. Anyone ever tell
at me like I don’t know my elbow from my ear! People have given you that you catch on fast? Yeah, that’s what the eggheads think,
me that look before when I’ve tried to warn them. This one punk, that they’re a species of Proto-Xiticix that were left behind when
a scrawny know-it-all just like you? Fell afoul of a Vesparix. This them Xits branched off. You have any sort of schooling? Well,
other kid, some hotshot adventurer with an ugly nose just like it’s like they got held back a grade or two, genetically speaking.
yours? Beaten to death by an angry Xiticix Eater! You should of Anyhow, that’s what they are: primitive Xits. They got no wings,
seen the self-righteous hotshot writer from New Lazlo, wore his but otherwise look like wimpy versions of the Xiticix we know
laser pistol like a girl just like you do. He didn’t believe Old Neil and love. Less pronounced fangs too. What’s that part of the bug
either and I hear tell that he was scorched alive by Thruster Bees called? A mandible?

“So, anywho, these caveman Xits can only build little mud Average Life Span: 25 years, with a few females living until 40.
mound towers and shallow tunnels. Problem with that is it ain’t All females can lay eggs, but only two per month during the
really adequate protection in the Hivelands. So these Xits do spring, summer, and fall. Eggs hatch in 4-6 months with the
something wild: they raid the Xiticix hive in order to get at the Proto-Xiticix almost fully formed. Juveniles reach adulthood
babies. If they don’t get killed trying, they carry off the young (full M.D.C.) after 2 years.
Worker and Digger Xits, which probably happens pretty dang P.P.E.: 1D4x10
often. When they do make it out they bring the babes back to their
Disposition: Jittery, paranoid and quick to anger. Constantly on
pathetic nests and they raise them! Don’t just raise ‘em, either;
alert and if not on guard duty or patrol, can be found scurrying
they basically treat them like slaves. Bully ‘em. Beat ‘em. What-
back and forth checking on the safety of other Proto-Xiticix in
ever they can do to put “the fear” into the little devils before they
the hive. Treat all other creatures and Proto-Xiticix from rival
reach adulthood. You can see where this is going: they make the
hives as dangerous outsiders to be destroyed or else watched
Diggers and Workers build them better nests, designed to make it
difficult for a Xiticix to fly through. I hear tell that some even steal
Warriors, but they can’t control them as well. They eventually Natural Abilities: Supernatural Strength and Endurance, can
snap and kill the Proto-Xits dead! carry 1.5 times the normal weight allowed by the P.S. attri-
“What!? No. It’s a real thing. I met one of ‘em Erin Tarn types bute, natural climb ability of 95% (can even climb on a ceiling
once... no, not her, just one of those smart whips like her. The if it can support its weight), instinctual (but poor) swimmers
chap said that it’s called social parasitism. He told me that there 40% and double-jointed and ambidextrous on all limbs. Bio-
are ants that do the same thing. It ain’t too outlandish a concept, Regenerate 1D6 M.D. every 24 hours.
boy-o. They’re real and you can find them on the fringes of the Antennae (Special): Motion Sensing Capabilities of Antennae:
Hivelands or even further out, making long treks to raid the Xit Track by sound alone 56%, detect movements and track by
nests for some little ones. They gather into small clans of forty or motion detection alone 40%, feel the vibrations of approach-
so – they like to stay pretty discreet – and don’t have any castes ing vehicles, robots, and/or animals from up to 4 miles (6.4
to speak of like the Xiticix. If’n you can believe travelers’ tales km) away, humans from 2,000 feet (610 m) and flying power
then the occasional Proto-Xit nest found far from the Hivelands armor or Xiticix from 4,000 feet (1,219 m) and hear ultrasonic
can number into the hundreds. Some even say that the nests in the sound (2,000 feet/610 m, double if absolutely silent) and com-
Hivelands are just satellite posts of these larger Proto-Xit hives. municate through ultrasonic sound.
Be wary of any caveman Xits though, no matter what anyone tells Olfactory Capabilities of Antennae: Identify common and
you. They’re paranoid killers just like their bigger cousins.” strong scents 80% +1% per level of experience, identify spe-
cific odors (such as the scent of their mate) 50% +2% per lev-
Proto-Xiticix – NPC Monster el. Track by smell alone 70% (+10% if the scent is relatively
new) and can sense/follow most scents from up to one mile
Also known as: “Caveman Xiticix (or “Caveman Xits”) and (1.6 km) away, double the distance if the scent is carried by
“Xiticix Savages.” the wind. Automatically recognize the scent of its hive-mates.
Alignment: Alien, considered to be Anarchist, Miscreant or Dia- Create Pheromones (Special): Like their more evolved cous-
bolic. ins, Proto-Xiticix can communicate via pheromones. The
Attributes: I.Q. 1D6+4 and is considered to be in the same class Proto-Xiticix have the equivalent of the following: Chemical
as a supernatural predator, functioning on instinct as much as Alarm, Colony Identification Scent, Death Scent Alarm and
intellect, M.E. 2D6+8, M.A. 1D6, Supernatural P.S. 2D6+18, Trail Scent. Proto-Xiticix cannot imitate Xiticix pheromones
P.P. 2D6+10, P.E. 2D6+8, P.B. 1D6, Spd 2D6+14 running or but can “read” them and release a neutral pheromone that will
climbing. mask their own scent and their trail scent while in or near an
M.D.C. by Location (Adult): Xiticix hive, equivalent to a Prowl skill of 70% +2% per level
Main Body – 5D6+10 + P.E. attribute, plus an additional 1D4 of experience.
M.D.C. per level of experience. Proto-Xiticix also use beatings and pheromone therapy to
Eyes, Large (2) – 12 each train kidnapped Xiticix Workers and Diggers (and the occa-
Eyes, Small (5) – 8 each sional Warrior) to become their slaves. The regimen has an
Antennae (2) – 12 each 80% success rate (35% on Warriors), a failed roll meaning
Arms (4) – 30 each that the adult Xiticix will rebel against its captors when their
Legs (2) – 44 each abuse goes too far.
M.D.C. Resin Augmentation: Can increase the M.D.C. of its Create Resin (Special): Same as Thruster Bees but at one
main body by up to 5% but rarely does so. fourth the M.D.C. and rate of a Xiticix Digger.
M.D.C. (Young; Main Body): 3D6+8 for Proto-Xiticix under Insect-like Vision(Special): Proto-Xiticix have multi-faceted
the age of two, with all other locations having half as much insect eyes that provide them with a 340 degree field of vision,
M.D.C. as an adult. polarized sight (can tell direction via position of the sun 80%),
Damage Capacity for S.D.C. Worlds: Young: Hit Points are see in the infrared and ultraviolet spectrum and Nightvision
equal to P.E. with 2D6+6 S.D.C. and an A.R. of 8. Adults: 1,000 feet (305 m).
P.E.x2 Hit Points plus 1D6 per level of experience, with
4D6+12 S.D.C. and an A.R. of 12. R.C.C. Skills: Wilderness Survival (+30%), Land Navigation
Horror Factor: 7 or 11 for a hunting party of 10 or more. (+20%), Basic Math, Detect Ambush (+15%), Detect Con-
Size: 5 feet, 6 inches (1.67 m) tall. cealment, Prowl (+15%), W.P. Paired Weapons, W.P. Blunt
Weight: 250 lbs (112.5 kg). and two ancient W.P.s of choice.
Vulnerabilities: None per se, although they are a truly primi- ole hot foot! And torso, arms, legs and head! Even a blooming Xit
tive species with little understanding of technology or other Super-Warrior can be incinerated by Thruster Bees. Fair warn-
species and thus frequently bite off more than they can chew. ing too: they will attack anyone with Xit pheromones as if they
Equivalent Experience Level: 2 to 5 (1D4+1) on average. were a Xit. Hell, if they think you’re a threat they are liable to
Attacks per Melee: 5 for males, 6 for females. light you up anyways, pheromones or no pheromones. Yeah, they
Damage: Bite inflicts 1D4 M.D. or by Supernatural P.S. and/or usually mob and fry critters up if they enter their hive, but they’ve
weapons. Will use stolen Xiticix and Vesparix weapons and been known to do it to Xits and humanoids alike outside of their
Vibro-Blades. It is rare for Proto-Xiticix to use any sort of hives as well. One of my buddies once ate it thanks to Thruster
firearm, though when they do, they prefer Xiticix TK Rifles. Bees. We were laying low on the outskirts of the Hivelands when
Bonuses (in addition to possible attribute bonuses): +4 on ini- all of a sudden those damn devils were everywhere and soon so
tiative, +1 to Perception Rolls, +1 to strike, +1 to parry, +3 to was Benny: turned to hamburgers by them damned bees! Never
dodge, +2 to pull punch, +4 to roll with impact/fall/punch, +3 sure how we made it out alive.
to save versus magic and disease and +2 to save versus Horror “That’s where they are, by the way: on the outskirts or else
Factor. in forgotten parts of the Hivelands that the Xits overlook for one
Magic: None. reason or another. Brilliant critters, the Thruster Bees definitely
Psionics: None. know how to exploit a niche. Talked to a Psi-Stalker once that
Habitat: The Xiticix Hivelands and sparingly throughout the swears his people have seen dozens of nests these last few years,
surrounding territories of the Old American and Canadian and every year there are more and more. Like I said before
Empires. Non-existent once one travels more than 300 miles though: lord knows what the hell they eat. Ain’t even the ‘Stalkers
(480 km) from the Hivelands. Feed off of the same alien fun- figured that out. They must be well fed though... I hear tell they’re
gus as the Xiticix and gather into “hives” of 1D4x10 members, spreading out from the Hivelands. One day, they just might be
with the occasional hive of 1D4x100+10. buzzing the suburbs here in Escanaba!”
Allies: Proto-Xiticix of their own hive and that’s it – very anti-
social. Thruster Bees – NPC Monster
Enemies: Proto-Xiticix from rival hives and all other life forms. Also known as: “Jet Bees,” “Hover Bees” and “Inferno Flies.”
Value: None. Alignment: Animal predator, considered to be Anarchist.
Attributes: I.Q. 1D4+2, medium animal intelligence, M.E. 2D6,
M.A. 1D6+2, P.S. 2D6+10, P.P. 3D6+10, P.E. 2D6+6, P.B.
1D6+1, Spd 1D6+1 crawling on land, 6D6+23 flying/hovering
but can fly at three times that speed for 2D6 minutes at a time.
M.D.C.: 1D6x10 +P.E. attribute number. (On S.D.C. worlds,
Thruster Bees have 3D6 Hit Points and 2D6+10 S.D.C. with
an A.R. of 8.)
Horror Factor: 7, 13 for a group of three or more, 17 for a swarm
of fifteen or more.
Size: 3.5 feet (1.07 m) long and about 1.5 feet (0.46 m) tall.
Weight: 500 lbs (225 km).
Average Life Span: 5 years. All Hover Bees are hermaphroditic
and can lay 2D6 eggs each month during the spring, summer,
and fall. Half of the eggs will hatch in just three months, the

Thruster Bees
newborn emerging fully grown; the other half end up as still-
P.P.E.: 4D6
“Look, they ain’t bees or even look anything like bees. They Natural Abilities: Hover and fly using bio-thrusters up to a
just act like bees. That’s why we call ‘em Thruster Bees. Weird maximum altitude of 3,000 feet (914 m), uses smaller ma-
alien creatures about the size of a big dog with natural thrust-
ers that let them fly about and hover. Look sort of like someone
took a slug, gave it armor and the means to fly. Lord knows what
they eat, but they build large nests of their own by converting
abandoned Xiticix towers whenever they can find them. Just as
territorial as the Xits too... paranoid. Ever know anyone that was
paranoid, boy-o? Well, not paranoid like this! No, Thruster Bees
and the Xits, and the other creatures like them don’t like lookie
loos on their lawn, if’n you catch my meaning. ‘Course, you may
be thinkin’: what is a big alien bee going to do to me? It’s going
to burn you alive, that’s what!
“See, what they do is lure a Xit scout into their hives – or
pretend no one is home so the Xit comes looking anyhow. Then,
when the Xit makes it inside they mob ‘im and blast the fool with
their thrusters. That’s right: they torch the sucker! Give ‘em the
neuvering bio-thrusters to dodge and correct direction. Sharp,
hawk-like vision capable of spotting a Xiticix from up to 2
miles (3.2 km) away, Nightvision 2,000 feet (610 m), does
not breathe and is impervious to pain. Bio-Regenerates 2D6
M.D. per hour.
Create Pheromones (Special): Thruster Bees, like the Xiticix,
communicate via pheromones. The alien creatures’ use of
pheromones allows them to act as a hive-mind, knowing when
and approximately where (within 4 miles/6.4 km) their fel-
low “bees” are under attack. The creatures also know how
to “read” Xiticix pheromones but cannot mimic them. They
can, however, interfere with Xiticix pheromones by spreading
pheromones of their own (reduce the effective range of the
Xiticix pheromone by half).
Create Resin (Special): Thruster Bees can create resin in order
to build hives of their own or modify existing Xiticix towers
into Thruster Beehives. This ability is identical to the ability
of the Xiticix Digger on page 49 of Rifts World Book 23:
Xiticix Invasion, but with half the amount of M.D.C. and at
half the speed. Thruster Bees can also perform a Resin Glob
Attack, but only once per minute and all penalties are halved.
Impervious to Fire and Heat (Special): Thruster Bees are
completely impervious to all forms of fire and heat, including
magic fire and plasma. Such attacks deal no damage, and heat,
no matter how hot, has no effect on these strange beings.
Attacks per Melee: 6
Damage: Bite (the preferred method of attack) inflicts 1D4 M.D.,
a body slam inflicts 4D6 M.D., and a power slam inflicts
1D4x10 M.D. but counts as three attacks.
Thruster Burn: The Thruster Bees’ preferred mode of attack
(often performed on Xiticix that have been lured into their
hives). The alien gets as close as possible to its target and en-
gages its main bio-thrusters. The thrusters inflict 6D6 M.D. per
attack/action, or can inflict 2D4x10 M.D. when all thrusters
are engaged at once (counts as two attacks). The bio-thrusters
inflict double damage against Xiticix, Vesparix, Drizzit, Sh-
amende Mo-Steeque and other insect-like beings.
Bonuses (in addition to possible attribute bonuses): +6 on ini-
tiative, +1 to Perception Rolls, +3 to strike, +1 to parry, +4 to
dodge flying, +2 to automatic dodge flying, cannot dodge on
the ground, +1 to save versus magic and disease, impervious
to pain and +2 to save versus Horror Factor. “Now I mentioned the Vesparix before, if’n you can recall.
Magic: None. They might be something really amazing because they might just
be another race of thinking bugmen from the Xiticix homeworld,
Psionics: None. like them caveman Xits I told you about. But not thinking like us.
Habitat: The Xiticix Hivelands and surrounding territories. Non- Thinking like those damn Xits. You know? Otherworldly intel-
existent once one travels more than 250 miles (400 km) from ligence. Don’t understand us and don’t want to. Who is to say
the Hivelands. Feeds off ambient magical energy and thus if they understand the Xits either? One thing is for sure though,
could thrive just about anywhere on Rifts Earth. Gather into them Vesparix are bad news. They’d have to be if they lived in the
hives of 6D6+6, 1D4x10+10 and 2D6x10+20. shadow of the Xiticix and didn’t get killed off.
“Anyhow, they’re insect men like the Xits. Eight feet (2.4 m)
Allies: Their own kind and that’s it. Territorial and antisocial.
tall with jet black skins, an’ look sort of like those cricket Hunt-
Enemies: Non-Thruster Bees and Thruster Bees from rival hives. ers... you know, a type of wasp? Four arms, two legs and wings
Value: None per se. An Eco-Wizard could possibly make an EW to fly with just like them Xits. They’re leaner than the Xits though,
Jetpack out of parts of a Thruster Bee, though not a single Eco- much more like cat burglars than Warriors. Fly twice as fast.
Wizard has come across one of these odd creatures yet. They also don’t build towers or socialize much with their own
kind – they’re loners that only come together to mate. And when
they do mate? They sneak into a Xit hive and lay their eggs in
the backs of Xiticix larvae... or so I have heard. The egg stops a clear head in even the most chaotic of situations. With that
the little Nit from becoming an adult somehow... shuts down hor- being said, the Vesparix can be just as merciless in combat as
mones, some techie once told me... but doesn’t stop it from getting any Xiticix with the exception of the Super-Warrior.
bigger. All of a sudden, when there is a giant Nit, the Xits just Natural Abilities: Supernatural Strength and Endurance, natural
expel it from the hive – apparently they ain’t even worth eating. climbing ability of 98% (can even climb on a ceiling if it can
Eventually, the little guy inside gets big, wakes up, and eats that support its weight), instinctual (but poor) swimmers 30% and
Grub from the inside out. Big guy goes mad and attacks anyone double-jointed and ambidextrous on all limbs. Bio-Regenerate
and everything. The new Vesparix comes out an adult, ready to 1D6 M.D. every 12 hours.
start that whole dance over again. Antennae (Special): Motion Sensing Capabilities of Antennae:
“Society!? No, they ain’t got no society. They’re like the Xits. Track by sound alone 70%, detect movements and track by
They’re just different. Sure, they got weapons like the Xits do, or motion detection alone 55%, feel the vibrations of approach-
else use stolen Xit weapons. But no, they ain’t got no society. They ing vehicles, robots, and/or animals from up to 4 miles (6.4
just live to keep their species going and kill Xits in the process. km) away, humans from 2,000 feet (610 m) and flying power
The adult Vesparix eat adult Xits – love the Warriors apparently armor or Xiticix from 4,000 feet (1,219 m), and hear ultra-
and love killing them twice as much as they love eating them. sonic sound (2,000 feet/610 m, double if absolutely silent) and
Careful though, boy-o, they’ll attack adventurers too if they got communicate through ultrasonic sound.
Xit pheromones on them. Using pheromones might hide you from Olfactory Capabilities of Antennae: Identify common and
the Xits, but rest assured, it might also buy you a Vesparix egg in strong scents 85% +1% per level of experience, identify spe-
your stomach! And no, ain’t nobody knows how many there are cific odors 66% +2% per level. Track by smell alone 75%
and some just think they’re another type of Xit. Let me tell you (+10% if the scent is relatively new) and can sense/follow
though, buckaroo: they ain’t.” most scents from up to one mile (1.6 km) away, double the
distance if the scent is carried by the wind. Automatically rec-
Vesparix – NPC Monster ognize the scent of another Vesparix.
Also known as: “Wasp Men/Women” and “Xiticix Wasps.” Create Pheromones (Special): Similar to the Xiticix and Proto-
Alignment: Considered to be Anarchist, Miscreant or Diabolic. Xiticix, all Vesparix have the equivalent of the following: Call
Attributes: I.Q. 2D6+8 and is considered to be in the same cat- to Arms, Chemical Alarm, Death Scent Alarm and Trail Scent.
egory as a supernatural predator, functioning on instinct as Cannot imitate Xiticix pheromones but can “read” them.
much as intellect, M.E. 1D6+18, M.A. 1D6, P.S. 2D6+20, Create Resin (Special): Same as Thruster Bees. Vesparix can
P.P. 2D6+16, P.E. 1D6+12, P.B. 2D6, Spd 4D6+20 running also create weapons like the Xiticix Digger and Queen using
or climbing, 2D6x10+100 flying. Most Vesparix are faster fly- this resin (see the brief descriptions at the end of this article).
ers than even the Xiticix Super-Warrior, with an average Spd Insect-like Vision(Special): Vesparix have multi-faceted in-
attribute of 160 (105 mph/168 km) when flying. sect eyes that provide them with a 340 degree field of vision,
M.D.C. by Location (Adult): polarized sight (can tell direction via position of the sun 95%),
Main Body: 1D4x10+30 +P.E. number, plus an additional see in the infrared and ultraviolet spectrum and Nightvision
1D4+1 M.D.C. per level of experience. 4,000 feet (1,219 m).
Eyes: Large (2) – 15 each Shadow Meld (Special): Vesparix can Shadow Meld (same as
Eyes: Small (2) – 8 each the spell) at will, disappearing even into the smallest shadow.
Antennae (2) – 15 each The Vesparix cannot attack while Shadow Melding without
Arms (4) – 35 each coming out of hiding, though they can use their automatic
Legs (2) – 45 each dodge (a normal dodge will take them out of a shadow).
Wings (2) – 48 each R.C.C. Skills: Wilderness Survival (+30%), Land Navigation
M.D.C. Resin Augmentation: Can increase M.D.C. of main (+30%), Aerial Navigation (+30%), Basic Math (+30%),
body by up to 20%, and often do so. Also fond of attaching Detect Ambush (+20%), Detect Concealment (+15%), Cam-
resin holsters directly to their bodies. ouflage (+10%), Intelligence (+15%), Prowl (+20%), W.P.
M.D.C. (Young; Main Body): 4D6+10 with all other append- Paired Weapons, W.P. Sword, W.P. Spear, W.P. Knife, W.P.
ages having half as much M.D.C. as an adult. Energy Weapons (including Xiticix/Vesparix TK Weapons),
Damage Capacity for S.D.C. Worlds: Young: Hit Points are and three ancient W.P.s of choice.
equal to P.E.x2 with 3D6+10 S.D.C. and an A.R. of 9. Adults: Vulnerabilities: Vesparix lose their ability to Shadow Meld for
P.E.x4 +P.E. number and 1D6 per level for Hit Points, with 1D6 minutes if they are within twenty feet (6.1 m) of a Xiticix
6D6+20 S.D.C. and an A.R. of 13. Queen or Super-Warrior when it releases a Call to Arms pher-
Horror Factor: 10 or 13 for a (rare) group of 10 or more. omone.
Size: 8 feet (2.4 m) tall. Equivalent Experience Level: 3 to 9 (2D4+1) on average, a few
Weight: 480 lbs (216 kg). live to be as high as level 11 or 12.
Average Life Span: 65 years with a select few living to be 80.
Attacks per Melee: 5, +2 attacks per melee round at levels 3, 6
However, most will die in combat years before they reach
and 12.
their maximum age.
P.P.E.: 1D6x10+10 Damage: Bite inflicts 1 M.D. or by Supernatural P.S. and/or
Disposition: Cold, calculating lone wolves with a penchant for weapons. The Vesparix also has its main stinger and four con-
letting their prey die an agonizing death. They are damn near cealed stingers in its wrists, each capable of releasing a potent
impossible to provoke, unlike the Xiticix, and manage to keep neurotoxin.
Stingers and Neurotoxin (Special): Stab with concealed wrist Psionics: Considered a Minor Psychic with the abilities of Sixth
stinger can be made to inflict 3D6 S.D.C. or 2D6 M.D., a stab Sense, Presence Sense and Object Read.
with the main stinger can be made to inflict 6D6 S.D.C. or 4D6 I.S.P.: M.E. attribute +1D4 per level of experience.
M.D., though the real danger comes from the neurotoxin that Habitat: Wherever Xiticix can be found. The rumors about the
is injected with each stab. If the stinger pierces the skin a save Vesparix coming from the Xiticix homeworld are true: they
versus poison of 14 or higher must be made, and those who really are another race of intelligent(?), insect-like humanoids
fail the save are wracked with pain and incur the following that have evolved alongside the Xiticix. With that being said,
penalties for the next 2D4 minutes: -2 attacks per melee, -5 there are well over ten thousand or more Xiticix per every one
to strike, parry and dodge, -4 on Perception Rolls and Aimed Vesparix. The creatures feed on Xiticix and the fungus/mold
shots with ranged weapons become impossible (-12 to strike). that coats the interior of Xiticix colonies.
Subsequent stings (with failed saving throws) extend the dura- Allies: Other Vesparix. The wasp-like creatures are very social,
tion by 1D4 minutes. Vesparix are immune to this neurotoxin. despite their tendency to hunt alone, in pairs or small groups
The neurotoxin affects Xiticix and Proto-Xiticix differently, of three. Treat all other Vesparix as brothers or sisters and
requiring a save versus poison of 16 or higher. A failed save potential allies.
means the alien insectoid is driven into a state of delirium, Enemies: All other life forms, though are generally indifferent
lashing out at everyone and everything possible as unbridled toward non-Xiticix.
rage and total confusion compete for control. The state of rage Value: None per se. Their weapons can fetch a fair price amongst
and confusion lasts for 2D6+6 minutes and incurs the follow- humans and D-Bees operating in the Hivelands as well as
ing penalties: halve the number of attacks per melee (round amongst collectors – see the individual weapon description
down), -8 to strike, parry and dodge, -6 to Perception Rolls for details.
and all attacks with ranged weapons are treated as wild. Sub-
sequent stings (with failed saving throws) extend the duration
by 2D4 minutes. Payload: 6 stings worth of neurotoxin, each
Vesparix Weapons of Note
per arm (24 total) and 18 stings for the main stinger. 2 stings Vesparix TK-Pistol
worth of neurotoxin is replenished every 6 hours.
Egg Laying Sting (Special; Females Only): This stab from The Vesparix TK-Pistol is a sleek, organic looking pistol that
the main stinger against a Xiticix Nit/Larva only inflicts 1D6 apparently operates using similar “technology” to the Xiticix’s
S.D.C. and does not release the normal neurotoxin. Instead, infamous TK-Rifles.
the sting plants a Vesparix egg and releases a special neu- Weight: 4 lbs (1.8 kg).
rotoxin that halts the creature’s development and causes its Range: 1,000 feet (305 m).
growth to accelerate – essentially becoming a giant Nit in a Mega-Damage: 2D6 M.D., double damage to other Vesparix,
few short days. The giant Nit is usually ejected from the Hive Xiticix and Proto-Xiticix.
(the neurotoxin riddled Nit is unsuitable for creating more fun- Rate of Fire: Each blast counts as one melee attack.
gus) before it reaches its maximum size. It is unknown why Payload: 20 blasts. It costs 10 P.P.E. or 20 I.S.P. to magically
the Xiticix simply don’t destroy the infected larva. recharge the weapon.
If the Egg Laying Sting is accidentally used on another Black Market Cost: 50,000-80,000 credits. Considered a Techno-
creature (such as a human using a Xiticix pheromone) and the Wizard weapon and is highly sought after.
egg is actually inserted, the victim must make an immediate
save versus magic of 12 or higher. A passed save means the Vesparix TK-Sniper Rifle
target takes another 3D6 S.D.C. as the egg is expelled from Another sleek and organic creation, the Vesparix TK-Sniper
the entry wound. A failed save is much worse, resulting in the Rifle stands in stark contrast to the more bulky Xiticix TK-Rifle.
victim being wracked with pain equal to the Agony spell until Weight: 10 lbs (4.5 kg).
the egg is removed. If the egg is not removed after 12 hours, Range: 6,000 feet (1,829 m).
the victim loses half of his Hit Points, rounded down, and sees Mega-Damage: 3D6 M.D., double damage to other Vesparix,
all combat bonuses reduced to zero. After 48 hours, the victim Xiticix and Proto-Xiticix.
will lapse into a coma-like state and loses another Hit Point Rate of Fire: Each blast counts as one melee attack.
per hour until he reaches 0 H.P. (save versus Coma/Death) or Payload: 30 blasts. It costs 15 P.P.E. or 30 I.S.P. to magically
the egg is removed. recharge the weapon.
Bonuses (in addition to possible attribute bonuses): +6 on ini- Black Market Cost: 120,000-190,000 credits. Considered a Tech-
tiative, +3 to Perception Rolls, +3 to strike, +2 to parry, +2 to no-Wizard weapon and is highly sought after and exceedingly
dodge, +1 to automatic dodge, +4 to dodge flying, +2 to auto- rare.
matic dodge when flying, +4 to pull punch, +6 to roll with im-
pact/fall/punch, +1 to save versus Magic and Disease and +4 to
Vesparix Rapier
save versus Horror Factor. Also see additional bonuses below: A thin rapier-like sword constructed out of resin and perfectly
+1 to strike at levels 4, 8 and 12. balanced.
+1 to automatic dodge (air and ground) at levels 5, 9 and Weight: 4 lbs (1.8 kg).
14. Mega-Damage: 1D4 M.D. + Supernatural P.S. punching damage.
+1 to save versus Horror Factor at levels 2, 4, 8, 12 and 15. Double damage to other Vesparix, Xiticix and Proto-Xiticix.
Magic: None, aside from their innate ability to create pseudo- Bonuses: +2 to strike, +1 to parry and +2 to disarm.
TW weapons and Shadow Meld. Black Market Cost: 12,000-17,000 credits, very rare.
Giant Xiticix Nit Natural Abilities: Large size and impervious to Horror Factor.
They live to eat, and attack anyone and anything they come
“Them Nits sure do get big when they got a Vesparix egg in- across.
side ‘em – get awful mean too! That venom, or neurotoxin, or Attacks per Melee: 3
whatever lets ‘em grow big and tough – some say it’s magical! Damage: Bite inflicts 4D6 M.D., head-butt inflicts 1D4x10 M.D.
Not that the Nits like or care for these changes...” and a body slam/body block inflicts 2D4x10 M.D. but counts
as two attacks.
Vesparix-Influenced Nit-Stage Larva Bonuses: None.
– NPC Monster and Oddity Habitat: Exclusively within the Xiticix Hivelands.
Allies: None.
Alignment: Normally considered Miscreant, an enlarged Nit is
Enemies: Anyone that gets in its way, including its former kin.
effectively Diabolic and seething with rage.
Value: None.
Attributes: I.Q. 1D4+2, M.E. 1D4, M.A. 1D4, P.S. 2D6+22,
P.P. 1D6+1, P.E. 3D6, P.B. 1D4+1, Spd 2D6+8
M.D.C.: 6D6+24 – large but squishy.
Horror Factor: 12
Xiticix Eater
Size: 10-15 feet (3 to 4.6 m) tall and 15-25 feet (4.6 to 7.6 m) “Xiticix Eaters are different than these other critters because
long. they ain’t no alien bug. They’re big, eight-legged, green, red and
Weight: 1 to 3 tons. black reptilian bastards with big, toothy mouths and even big-
Average Lifespan: The Vesparix inside of them hatches and ger claws. They can climb like no one’s business, running up the
begins eating the Nit from the inside out after three months, side of a Xit tower to wait for a Xit to fly by so they can catch
emerging as a fully formed Vesparix in 3-4 months. This gives and eat it like some lesser reptile chomping down on a drag-
these giant Nits a “lifespan” of 6-7 months. onfly. They don’t need to wait for a bug man to come flying up
P.P.E.: 1D6x100+200 as a result of the developing egg and neu- though, they can bring the poor devils right to them. According
rotoxin. to a Coalition defector I once met, the Xit Eaters can mimic the

bug’s pheromones! Supposedly, they can mimic all pheromones, Natural Abilities: Warm-blooded despite their lizard-like na-
but Xit pheromones are what’s important here. One of these oth- ture, Xiticix Eaters can operate at peak efficiency for up to 24
erworldly behemoths need only mimic a Xit smell and a Xit will hours without needing rest, after which they fatigue at twice
come to investigate. Guaranteed delivery in thirty minutes or less the normal rate. At home in the water and on dry land: natural
or else it’s free! Swimming skill of 82%, and can hold their breath underwater
“Heh, where was I? Oh yeah, Xit Eaters. I hear tell that one for 2D6+12 minutes at a time. Can leap 10 feet (3 m) high
was first sighted some thirty or forty years ago out beyond the and 20 feet (6.1 m) across, double with a running start. Adept
Hivelands. The suckers were scrawny back then, supposedly they climbers equal to a natural Climbing skill of 98% (can even
came out of some Rift in the Old Canadian Empire like that and run on a ceiling if it can support their weight) and possess
immediately decided that humans and our D-Bee chums were the keen day vision (equal to that of a human); Nightvision 3,000
opportune meal. That is, until they found the Xiticix. They took to feet (914 m).
eating the bugs like a Juicer takes to gambling. Apparently the Magic Resistant (Special): All Xiticix Eaters are resistant to
bugs were good for them, too, doubling their size and making magical spells and effects. This means that all effects, dura-
them into real killing machines. If you face a Xit Eater and live, tions and damages are halved (rounded down). Magical weap-
then that sucker is probably human fed. Now they’re the bane of ons, including Techno-Wizard devices (like the TK Rifles
the Xits. If the bugs catch on to the pheromone trick before they used by their preferred prey), Eco-Wizard weapons and cre-
become an appetizer then they rain fire and brimstone down on ations of Bio-Wizardry also inflict half damage. Rune Weap-
the lizards. Let me tell you: it is biblical. Them Xits don’t hate ons and Millennium Tree weapons deal full damage.
anything like they hate the Xit Eaters. Mimic Pheromones (Special): Xiticix Eaters have the extraor-
“Watch out for them on the edge of the Hivelands, boy-o. dinary ability to “read” and mimic pheromones, including all
Deep inside too! You’re more likely to run into one on the out- Xiticix Pheromones (as well as Thruster Bee, Vesparix and
skirts but the ones deep inside are persistent, tough monstrosi- Proto-Xiticix pheromones). This includes the ability to mimic
ties. Watch out for them, they make the lizards on the edge of each colony’s specific Colony Identification pheromone. This
Xiticix Territory look like a bunch of sad newts. I ain’t kidding. allows Xiticix Eaters to move unimpeded through the Hive-
I saw a dead Xiticix Eater once and the sucker was as big as a lands, though Warriors that they are attacking quickly catch
house. Mercs said that it took out two suits of power armor before on to the ruse (though many times, not quickly enough). A
they put it down. It attacked them and they weren’t even using a Xiticix Eater that has been found out by its Xiticix prey can
pheromone. Wasn’t attacking for food either – didn’t even try to attempt to evade its attackers by projecting a variety of phero-
eat anyone. That’s the thing about the Xit Eaters: they just don’t mones, a maneuver that is equal to a Prowl skill of 60% (+10%
give a damn.” for “elder” Xiticix Eaters, and the alien lizard must first be out
of direct sight to use this ability).
Xiticix Eater – NPC Monster Excellent Sense of Smell (Special): Xiticix Eaters have an ex-
Also known as: “Hiveland Lizards” and “Xiticix Snatchers.” traordinary sense of smell, one that is far superior to that of
Alignment: Animal predator, considered to be Anarchist or Mis- an average human: Identify common and strong scents 90%;
creant. identify specific odors (such as the scent of their mate) 75%.
Their advanced olfactory sense also makes them excellent
Attributes: I.Q. 1D6+2, medium to high animal intelligence,
trackers: track by scent 75% (+10% if the scent is relatively
M.E. 1D4+15, M.A. 1D4+6, P.S. 2D6+30, P.P. 2D6+10, P.E.
new, +20% if tracking via blood scent) and can sense/follow
1D6+18, P.B. 2D6, Spd 6D6+10 on land or climbing, 4D6
most scents from up to two miles (3.2 km) away, double the
swimming, and 2D6 digging.
distance if the scent is carried by the wind.
M.D.C.: P.E. attribute number x30. (On S.D.C. worlds: 4D4x10
Attacks per Melee: 5 for human-fed lizards, 10 if Xiticix-fed,
+P.E. for Hit Points, 6D6x10 S.D.C. and an A.R. of 13.) “Hu-
12 for “elders.”
man-fed” specimens have half as much M.D.C. while “elder”
Damage: Bite (the preferred method of attack) inflicts 6D6 M.D.,
Xiticix Eaters have an additional 1D4x100 M.D.C. (or 1D4x10
a power bite inflicts 1D6x10+10 M.D. but counts as two at-
Hit Points and 2D6x10 S.D.C.) for “elder” Xiticix Eaters.
tacks, stomp or backhand strike deals Supernatural P.S. dam-
Horror Factor: 13 normally, 10 for the wimpier “human-fed”
age, a claw inflicts Supernatural P.S. damage +10 M.D. (+5
Xiticix Eaters and 15 for “elder” Xiticix Eaters found deep in
for human-fed, +20 for elders) and double on a power claw
the Hivelands.
but counts as two attacks. A Xiticix Eater can also slash with
Size: Ten feet (3 m) tall at the shoulder and twenty feet (6.1 m) its long tail, inflicting 4D6 M.D., bash with its large head 3D6
long from snout to hindquarters with an equally long tail. “El- M.D., and tackle an opponent, inflicting 1D6x10 M.D. (counts
der” Xiticix Eaters are 50% larger as two attacks).
Weight: 3-5 tons of muscle, scales and claws. Bonuses (in addition to possible attribute bonuses): +2 on ini-
Average Life Span: 45 years, though a few have lived to be 75. tiative and on Perception Rolls, +4 to strike, +2 to parry, +2 to
Those that make it past 45 years are the dangerous “elder” dodge, +4 to save versus magic and +4 to save versus Horror
Xiticix Eaters. Mate annually into their thirties, but do not Factor. Human-fed specimens see these bonuses halved while
mate for life. Female Xiticix Eaters give birth to 3D6+5 live “elders” see these bonuses doubled.
young after a gestation period of 6 months. Young reach full Magic: None.
maturity in a single year, although 90% of each brood is killed Psionics: Sixth Sense and Empathy. They cannot acquire other
long before adulthood. psionic abilities and have no other psychic aptitude.
P.P.E.: 6D6+10 I.S.P.: 6D6 +M.E. attribute number.
Habitat: The Xiticix Hivelands and surrounding territories. Non- Attributes: The same attributes as a pre-infection Xiticix, Proto-
existent once one travels more than 100 miles (160 km) from Xiticix or Vesparix with the following modifiers: Reduce I.Q. to
the Hivelands. 3, reduce M.E. by half, M.A. becomes 1, +2D6 to P.S., reduce
Allies: Indifferent toward other Xiticix Eaters (will occasionally P.P. by one-third, +3D6 to P.E., reduce P.B. and Spd by half.
hunt in packs of 1D4+2), but generally only get along with Always round down. Physical attributes remain Supernatural.
their seasonal mating partner (or partners). M.D.C.: Whatever the monster had pre-infection plus an addi-
Enemies: Pretty much everyone and everything. Xiticix Eaters tional 3D6 M.D.C. (On S.D.C. worlds, the Zombie Xiticix/
are incredibly temperamental, cruel and treat most other spe- Proto-Xiticix/Vesparix has whatever it had before the infec-
cies as prey. tion, plus an additional 6D6 S.D.C.)
Value: None per se. There is currently no demand for any part of Horror Factor: 17
a Xiticix Eater, hide, meat (inedible) or otherwise.

Zombie Xiticix
“These ain’t no Halloweenie stories I’m telling you, boy-o.
These are the facts of life in the Hivelands. Now I’ve told you
about the Xit Eaters and the Thruster Bees, let me tell you about
Zombie Xits! What!? Hey! Wait! Get back here! Look, Old Neil
ain’t joshing, this is the real deal. You ever run into a vampire?
Well, they’re like that, you know: undead. You can riddle the
damn thing with holes and it will just keep coming. True night-
mares, let me tell you!
“Psi-Stalkers say that it is a damn fungus that does it to ‘em.
You see, if it’s damp like it gets during the summer rains in the
Hivelands and a Xit doesn’t take care of his wounds in the proper
way then a nasty fungus can develop. Anywhere else on the body
it is just a painful, itchy, smelly ailment akin to athlete’s foot or
maybe the gout. If it gets to the brain though all bets are off.
Turns perfectly good Xits into mindless killing machines: slob-
bering hulks that attempt to kill everything they find. Retreat?
Don’t know the word. Don’t know any words! Just pure instinct
that makes ‘em want to kill and propagate the fungus in their
heads. You see, if any of the blood of an infected Xit gets in the
head wound of an uninfected Xit then there is a chance that Xit
too is going to have fungus on the brain! All Xits are warlike, too,
if’n you recall and this here fungus can spread like wildfire in a
hive under the right conditions. I hear tell that they’ll quarantine
off a section of a hive and collapse the whole damn thing, killing
all the Xits inside if they have to.
“So how do you kill ‘em? Well, the usual means that you kill
the undead with: silver and the like. I hear magic works too,
which is lucky for the Xits ‘cause they got them TK Rifles and
such. Fire supposedly works the best I am told, but doesn’t work
as fast as you might want it to. Yeah, it’ll kill ‘em and it’ll kill ‘em
for good, but in the interim you’ll be facing down a flaming mon-
ster that don’t feel no pain. Don’t worry too much though: they
are pretty rare. Most of ‘em die in the Hives fighting other Xiticix.
They smell just like uninfected Xits, so the zombies can get in nice
and close before they start their rampage – I hear tell that only
the Queenies and Super-Warriors can tell the difference. How
can you tell the difference? Well, they’re slower and they move
kind of funny on account of being dead. That’s how you can tell
the difference, boy-o: they’re DEAD! Dead like you’ll be if’n you
don’t heed Old Neil’s advice!
“Now how’s about another beer for your elder, boy-o...?”

Zombie Xiticix – NPC Monster

Also known as: “Fungus Heads.”
Alignment: Considered to be Diabolic.
Size: Equal to the creature’s size pre-infection.
Weight: Equal to the creature’s weight pre-infection, plus an
additional 1D6x10 lbs (4.5 to 27 kg) due to tumors forming
within the body.
Average Life Span: 2D4 weeks from the day of infection. At the
end of the 2D4 week period the body is far too ravaged by the
fungus and the tumors it creates to even function.
P.P.E.: Whatever the creature had pre-infection plus an addi-
tional 3D6x10.
Natural Abilities: Whatever abilities the creature had pre-infec-
tion with the following exceptions: antennae become useless
(no bonuses or abilities), can only release the Colony Identi-
fication pheromone and cannot create resin, resin weapons or
create magic weapons.
Superior Bio-Regeneration (Special): The stories of Zombie
Xiticix being undead are false. In reality, the creatures have
amazing regenerative abilities thanks to the influence of the
magic fungus which activates and accelerates cancer cells in
the monster’s body. The end result is fast growing tumors “re-
pairing” any breaks in the body, but eventually destroying the
creature from the inside out. The entire process is extremely
painful and only further enrages the infected creature. Bio-

Regenerate 1D6x10 M.D.C. per melee round.
R.C.C. Skills: Maintains only Land Navigation, Aerial Naviga-
tion, Prowl and Swim – all with their percentages cut in half

Throughout the
(round down). All other skills and W.P.s are too complicated
for the infected creature to remember, though it can still use
weapons (including rifles) without the benefit of any bonuses.
Vulnerabilities: Damage dealt from fire (including plasma),
silver and magic weapons cannot be regenerated and is per-
manently lost. Rune and Millennium Tree weapons deal qua-
druple damage. S.D.C. fire deals its damage as M.D., magic
and M.D. fire deal double damage.
There are only two ways to kill a Xiticix Zombie for good:
Optional, Unofficial Material for
deplete all of its M.D.C. by using silver, magic or fire, or by Rifts® and Other Game Settings
obliterating the head completely by reducing it to 20 M.D.C.
below zero. By Anthony Lovato
Attacks per Melee: Reduce the pre-infection number of attacks
per melee by one.
Damage: Same as pre-infection, though damage may be higher Rifts Earth
for punches and kicks based on the creature’s greater Super- Techno-Wizardry on Rifts Earth has the most diversity of any
natural Strength. world in the Megaverse. For many different people, Techno-Wiz-
Bonuses (in addition to possible attribute bonuses): Maintains ardry is the key to survival on this world of high magic, advanced
the same bonuses (except for antennae bonuses) that the crea- technology and chaos. The birthplace of Techno-Wizardry is
ture had in life but is now impervious to mind control and Hor- North America, thus Techno-Wizardry has the greatest impact
ror Factor, and receives an additional +3 to save versus psion- on its people and governments. Here in North America one can
ics. Vesparix can still perform an automatic dodge but do so find anything from Techno-Wizard can-openers to steel-clad war
with no bonuses (aside from a possible P.P. attribute bonus). machines. Furthermore, Techno-Wizardry is the main industry of
Magic: None. Psionics: None. numerous magical kingdoms such as Lazlo, Tolkeen (before its
Habitat: The Xiticix Hivelands and surrounding territories. Rare fall), Dweomer, Stormspire, the Colorado Baronies, and Arzno.
anywhere they can be found. Elsewhere, in South America, the Anti-Monsters (TW Borg), Ul-
Allies: None. Not true undead, Zombie Xiticix will not follow tra-Crazies (TW Crazies), and Gizmoteers (psionic based Tech-
or even acknowledge the authority of evil dragons, dark gods, no-Wizards) fight those who would destroy their people. Across
Shifters or Necromancers. the Pacific on the island of Japan, Techno-Wizard Ninjas bypass
Enemies: All life, although the fungus can only turn Xiticix, the most sophisticated security systems of the New Republic and
Proto-Xiticix and Vesparix into “zombies.” best the Mystic Ninjas of the New Empire. Finally, in the land
Value: None per se, aside from as a component in Necromancy. down under, a race of alien Techno-Wizards known as the Mo-
koloi intends to conquer all of Australia and possibly the entire

Time-Line of Techno-Wizardry on Rifts Earth 92 P.A.: Lanis of House Nemesio establishes Arzno Weapons
Manufacturing, turning Arzno into a boomtown. A.W.M. gener-
20 Years Before the Start of the P.A. Calendar: A group
ated the economy Arzno needed to grow and give its citizens an
of mages and their families are fleeing from their village located
easier life.
somewhere in the Magic Zone after it was attacked by some su-
pernatural force. They settle near the site of Toronto, Canada. 93 P.A.: Professor Nostradamus Carvantes develops the first
These magic users are experimenting with combining magic with Techno-Wizard M.O.M. system in South America. By 100 P.A.
technology but at this point in time, it is very primitive, con- there are over 3,000 (TW) Ultra-Crazies.
sisting of using spells like Call Lightning directed at lightning 99 P.A.: A clan of Tech-Ninjas associated with H-Brand be-
rods which charge large batteries, or using Fuel Flame to power gins experimenting with combining the twin sciences of magic
steam-driven turbines. and technology in order to match the abilities of the Mystic Ninja.
1 P.A.: Techno-Wizardry as it is known today is developed. They are successful, developing Techno-Wizardry independently
The first Techno-Wizards begin training others who wish to learn of similar discoveries. These Techno-Wizard Ninjas successfully
the art of Techno-Wizardry and planning a monumental Techno- complete difficult missions easily and are more than a match for
Wizard device that will aid the City of Magic. the Mystic Ninja. However, at the present time, Techno-Wizardry
is new to the ninjas, and their knowledge is primitive compared to
3 P.A.: The Rift Generator is built, providing clean, cheap, the Techno-Wizardry of North America.
and practically limitless electricity to the people of the City of
Magic. In addition to the generator, the City of Magic has manu- 100 P.A.: Tolkeen begins building and developing new TW
facturing capabilities, modern conveniences, and open minded- devices and weapons in order to defend themselves from the Co-
ness that makes it a haven for practitioners of magic, D-Bees, alition States and to counter their military build-up. The leaders
scholars, and scientists, resulting in rapid growth. The population of Tolkeen (correctly) believe that the Coalition intends to de-
of the City of Magic will reach 100,000 by 49 P.A. and 250,000 stroy them and conquer all of North America.
by 62 P.A. 105-109 P.A.: Tolkeen deploys numerous Techno-Wizard
40 P.A.: A group of Techno-Wizards settle in the Barony of creations such as the Iron Juggernauts and Daemonix. These
Hope. Techno-Wizardry instantly becomes popular and becomes Techno-Wizard weapons rain down death and destruction upon
very common throughout the Baronies and the New West, par- the Coalition Army but to no avail. Despite having the most ad-
ticularly among those who want Mega-Damage weapons with the vanced Techno-Wizardry on the planet (not to mention many of
look and feel of a chemical firearm. the most powerful magic users, supernatural beings, dragons and
a vast arsenal of magic weapons), the Coalition Army proves too
52 P.A.: Stormspire is built by K’zaa and his followers. K’zaa vast and technologically advanced to stop. After the fall of Tol-
immediately sets out to make a name for himself as a Techno- keen, its Techno-Wizard secrets will be plundered and sold or
Wizard manufacturer and salesman. duplicated. The use of these powerful Techno-Wizard weapons
62 P.A.: Lazlo is given its name by Erin Tarn. Up to this point, in the Tolkeen-Coalition War has put the Techno-Wizard in the
it has only been called “the Haven by the River” or “the City of limelight and has made people all over North America take notice
Magic.” of their craft and creations.
66 P.A.: A race of reptilian beings called the Mokoloi arrive
on Earth. The Mokoloi practice a form of alien Techno-Wizardry
which they are using to survive in the harsh environment of Aus-
The Three Galaxies
tralia. Unfortunately, the Mokoloi also intend to conquer Austra- The Techno-Wizardry of the UWW is more advanced than the
lia and possibly the entire Earth. Techno-Wizardry of Rifts Earth. The UWW has had thousands of
years to develop the science, whereas on Earth Techno-Wizardry
78 P.A.: A Techno-Wizard and amateur Alchemist known as is a new science yet to see its full potential. The Techno-Wizards
Regius begins experimenting with dragon blood. By 89 P.A., the of the UWW have discovered numerous ways to get the most
first full Dragon Juicers are created. In 100 P.A., the Federation out of the science and have become experts at applying Techno-
of Magic purchases the exclusive rights to the Dragon Juicer pro- Wizardry to very large machines like starships. Furthermore, the
cess. The Federation of Magic begins creating Dragon Juicers devices of the Three Galaxies are more streamlined and techno-
beyond Kingsdale by 101 P.A. logical looking than those of Rifts Earth (e.g. no crystals jutting
79 P.A.: The first Faerie Bots appear on Earth. Their insatia- out at odd angles, everything encased in modern looking plastic
ble curiosity and shyness immediately gets them into trouble and coverings, etc.). Throughout UWW space, numerous indepen-
gives them a reputation for vandalism and mischief. In 104 P.A., dent Techno-Wizards work and live in space, making them the
the Faerie Bots’ Rift to their home dimension closes, stranding UWW’s equivalent to Spacers. These independents design and/or
them on Earth. build Techno-Wizard devices, or take work as Spacers manning
starships and transporting goods and people around the Three
89 P.A. and Onward: Techno-Wizardry undergoes a Renais-
sance of thought, discovery and invention. Techno-Wizardry be-
gins to advance greatly and in time, this may become known as
Some TW Manufacturers of the Three Galaxies
the “Techno-Wizardry Revolution.” During this time, Techno-
Wizard manufacturers such as Armstrong Armaments Co. and The Smithy: The largest manufacturer of Techno-Wizardry
Mage Fire Weaponry Inc. begin popping up. in the Three Galaxies, the Smithy produces much of the UWW’s
weapons, equipment, armor and vehicles. The Smithy is operated

by the Dwarven guild masters and employs millions of Dwarven 4. The Queasy Goblin: An inn and tavern where the towns-
Techno-Wizards, Alchemists and Rune Smiths, who hammer out people go to drink, relax and let off steam after a hard day’s work.
each magic item at a time. The rooms this establishment offers are clean, warm, and spa-
Star Crystal Industries: This Techno-Wizard manufacturer cious.
is the second largest in the Three Galaxies. Star Crystal Industries 5. Library and Town Hall: This tower serves as a library and
specializes in laser/light based Techno-Wizardry and TW FTL contains over 1,000 books. It also doubles as a town hall where
drives. The headquarters and factories of Star Crystal Industries the locals gather to discuss important matters. The mayor of Suss-
are located on the planet Illumi and owned by the Illumians, a uria, Morgan the Mage (8th level Wizard), resides on the top floor.
race of humanoid aliens with an affinity for light and the art of
Techno-Wizardry. Playing a Techno-Wizard
Naruni Enterprises: For the past 100 years, the Naruni have
tried to get into the Techno-Wizardry business. Fortunately, the
on the Palladium World
Naruni haven’t had any successes due to their treatment of em- For the most part, Techno-Wizards won’t be encountered in
ployees, greed and reputation as ruthless profiteers. Naruni Enter- the Palladium Fantasy setting, but if the Game Master allows it,
prises have had to train company employees/slaves in the ways a Techno-Wizard can be a player character. However, he will
of magic because no self respecting Techno-Wizard (or any other be out of his element on a technologically primitive world like
practitioner of magic) will work for the Naruni, but even this has Palladium, and if his equipment is lost or damaged, the Techno-
met with very little success. For one thing, the corporate culture Wizard may not be able to rebuild it with the local technology.
within Naruni Enterprises (which is soul crushing and bleak) is Adding to the problem is that many of his skills will be useless
not very fertile ground for magical talent; and for another, any on a primitive world.
employees/slaves who learn magic gain a sense of independence,
free will and hope, and use it to escape. All of the setbacks have
caused the Naruni to consider abandoning Techno-Wizardry pro-
duction altogether. Manaa is a primitive fantasy world that relies on crude Techno-
Wizardry as its sole technology and science. The society, culture
and architecture of Manaa are similar to late Medieval to Renais-
Sussuria sance era Earth. The weapons of choice on Manaa are crude TW
Sussuria is a village on the Palladium World, hidden in a se- firearms followed by TW melee weapons as well as TW cannons.
cluded valley located somewhere in the northern mountains of Various strange machines and vehicles are also used, many of
the Land of the Damned. This multiracial village consists of which look like they were designed by Leonardo da Vinci. Ma-
various dying races and lost adventurers who have found their naa is a planet that exists in a galaxy just several thousand light-
way to this village, which is so well hidden and secluded that years across, contained within a pocket dimension. The primary
most people don’t even know it is there, thus Sussuria is never at- dimensional medium is space, while the secondary dimensional
tacked from outside invaders. If Sussuria were ever attacked, the medium is the galaxy that Manaa is a part of. The dominant races
invaders would be in for a surprise because the Sussurians pos- on Manaa are humans, Elves, Dwarves, Ogres and Wolfen.
sess the knowledge of Techno-Wizardry. The Sussurians gained
this knowledge 60 years ago when a Techno-Wizard from Rifts
Earth became the victim of a dimensional anomaly and was flung
The Drolians
through reality into the Land of the Damned. Fortunately, he was The Drolians are a race of ancient Techno-Wizards and insane
Rifted near Sussuria and was welcomed by the peaceful Sussu- dimension-spanning conquerors that even frighten the Splugorth
rians. and Naruni. The Drolians’ mastery of Techno-Wizardry has al-
lowed them to create a form of TW bionics, such as those used by
Population Breakdown: 1,148 inhabitants; rarely any visitors.
Salkind the Metal Mage (see Rifts® Coalition Wars® 6: Final
Racial Breakdown: Ashada 15%, Barauder 2%, Jeridu 14%, Siege, page 107), that rivals Splugorth Bio-Wizardry. As with
Maledon 5%, Skage 5%, Vorloe 3%, Humans 12%, Elves Salkind, these TW creations are used to spy on worlds the Droli-
10%, Dwarves 8%, Goblins 8%, Ogres 8%, Orcs 8%, and oth- ans intend to conquer. Unfortunately, this means that Rifts Earth
ers 2%. is in their sights. The standard invasion plan is to seduce power-
Occupational Breakdown: Techno-Wizards 10%, regular Wiz- hungry madmen, or blackmail/manipulate unwilling and unwit-
ards 10%, Diabolists 5%, craftsmen 25%, general laborers 30%, ting individuals, who the Drolians then convert into TW ‘Borgs.
and others 20%. The Drolians eventually begin manipulating world affairs so that
all nations of that world are embroiled in a world war, then they
Notable Places send a suitably large army to conquer the warring and weakened
1. The Forge: This large building is where various Techno- combatants.
Wizard devices, metal products and other goods are manufac-
tured or repaired.
Other Agents of the Drolians
2. General Store: Any piece of equipment can be purchased at Corporal Stevens Alexson: Scrupulous, 6th level CS Special
this establishment. Forces. Corporal Alexson is an unwitting spy for the Drolians
3. Power and Water Plant: A large TW power and water gen- and has been implanted with advanced TW bionics that are un-
erator that supplies the village and the surrounding farms. detectable by mundane or psionic means. Alexson became the
Drolians’ spy sometime during the siege on Tolkeen, when he Worldgate
was abducted by them and subjected to gruesome magical ex-
periments. The Drolians then blanked his memories of them and Population Breakdown: 275,431 permanent residents (popu-
dumped him near a CS military outpost, where he was found by lation has grown slightly since Erin Tarn visited) and 120,000
Coalition scouts. transients.
Ger’tchom (a.k.a. Gears): Diabolic, 8th level Manslayer Dae- Racal Breakdown: 50% D-Bees, 25% supernatural beings/crea-
monix. After the fall of Tolkeen, Ger’tchom, or “Gears,” was tures of magic, 25% humans.
contacted by the Drolians. The Drolians offered Gears new TW
Overview: Worldgate is the only dimensional trading center on
bionic arms (his were destroyed during the siege) and the chance
Wormwood, thus numerous goods from other worlds arrive in the
to terrorize anybody he pleases in return for loyalty to them. He
city constantly, attracting many warriors looking for off-world
accepted, and ever since then, Gears has spread death and de-
equipment and civilians looking for a place to build a better life.
struction wherever he goes.
Worldgate is the last powerful free city left on Wormwood and
Sera Loplane: Unprincipled, 3rd level human Ley Line Walk-
will trade with anyone, however the king and ruling council real-
er. Sara Loplane is a Ley Line Walker residing in Lazlo. Abduct-
ize that the Unholy (and to a lesser degree, the Cathedral) will
ed by the Drolians and subjected to TW bionic conversion, she is
not stop until all of Wormwood is under his (or their) control. To
now forced to spy on the Council of Learning and the Congress
prevent any hostilities against the city, the rulers of Worldgate
of the Electorate or suffer unspeakable agony.
have begun planting spies among the Unholy’s minions and send-
ing rebels supplies, equipment and information, all in the hopes
The Dimension of Axion of thwarting the war effort.

The dimension of Axion is closely linked to the Elemental Notable Places

Plane of Air. It is ruled by the Elven Sky Kingdom, a brutal dic-
tatorship that rules with an iron fist. The only resistance to Elven 1. Dimensional Gate Station: Located in the center of the city
rule is the Human Alliance, whose goal is to overthrow the Elven underground, below the keep, is the gate station. Here in the tun-
Sky Kingdom and free humanity from Elven tyranny. Axion’s nels of Wormwood, thousands of travelers and merchants arrive
primary dimensional medium is the element of air, and the sec- and depart every hour of every day. With the construction of the
ond medium is floating land masses, ranging in size from small way-points, travel to and from the station is easier and safer.
islands to continent-sized behemoths. The Elves of Axion use ex- 2. The Keep: Directly above the dimensional gate station is the
otic flying steeds to travel between these land masses, and restrict keep, a massive, skyscraper-like tower where the king and ruling
the use of the animals only to Elves. Any human found riding on council live and work.
or in possession of an animal is executed on the spot. This has 3. Dimensional Market: North of the dimensional gate station
made it impossible for the Human Alliance to get their hands on is the dimensional market, where merchants sell their wares, cus-
enough animals to fight the Elves effectively, thus the humans tomers browse the shops, and craftsmen, mercenaries, entertainers
have had to develop a primitive form of Techno-Wizardry. The and criminals ply their trades. Available goods one can find range
development and use of Techno-Wizardry has given the Human from Rune Weapons to technological equipment from the Three
Alliance two advantages: one, the Elves have never encountered Galaxies; only slaves are not permitted to be sold in Worldgate.
this form of magic, and two, the dimension of Axion has a num- Notable establishments of the market include: Hodge-Podge
ber of special gemstones that are useful in the creation of TW Hardware, which sells an extremely diverse variety of weapons,
devices. armor, equipment and vehicles from throughout the Megaverse.
Stones and Stuff, a mom and pop gem dealer run by a Techno-
Gemstones of Axion Wizard, a Stone Master and their 5 children. Wormworks, a con-
Aerosite: This stone increases the speed and maximum alti- struction company that uses Wormwood magic crystals to con-
tude of TW devices that provide flight by 20%, and reduces their struct buildings from the living planet for those who pay. Finally
P.P.E. creation cost by 5%. Cost: 30,000 per carat. there is Off-World Electronics, whose only unique feature is its
Mageium: Extremely useful when creating P.P.E. batteries, store front which has an incredible array of neon lights, lasers,
Mageium, when properly enchanted, can store up to 40 P.P.E. per and holograms.
carat. Cost: 35,000 per carat.
4. Industrial District: Here all manner of products are pro-
duced, from Techno-Wizard devices to household items. Most of
Wormwood what is made here is sent off-world to be sold or traded. Lashare
Annthar spends most of her time here supervising the construc-
On the living planet of Wormwood, Techno-Wizardry has tion of Techno-Wizard devices.
been used for thousands of years and is an important part of the
Cathedral’s war effort. Thus, Techno-Wizards are among Worm- The King and Ruling Council
wood’s high society. The Techno-Wizards of Wormwood build
weapons and vehicles for the warriors and can provide amenities King Luke Shrombek: Unprincipled, 14th level human Shift-
such as hot and cold running water, electricity, and heating and er. King Luke is the benevolent ruler of Worldgate and a power-
cooling which helps make people’s lives easier. Furthermore, the ful practitioner of magic. The king is nearing the end of his rule
Cathedral often hires Techno-Wizards to develop new TW devic- and his life (he is over 113 years old), and must pick an heir soon.
es and weapons to be used against the Unholy and his dark army. (Note: King Luke does not have a link to a supernatural force.)

Ki El: Anarchist, 10th level Temporal Raider. Loyal friend
of King Luke, Ki El met him many years ago and they became
Scorched Lands
close friends and traveling companions. The king offered Ki El a The Scorched Lands are a dimension closely linked to Dyval,
position on the ruling council because of his vast knowledge of Hades and the Elemental Planes of Earth and Fire. In the Scorched
dimensional travel. Lands there exist incredibly rich deposits of gemstones and valu-
able metals, both relatively common and rare. The Scorched
Robert Pastworth: Anarchist, 6th level Temporal Wizard.
Lands also have some exotic gemstones and metals that are found
Pastworth is a native of Wormwood and a student to Ki El. Before
on few other worlds. The rich deposits and exotic minerals have
meeting Ki El, Pastworth was an orphan, his parents were killed
brought many Techno-Wizards to this dimension, ether to pur-
by the Unholy’s minions. Pastworth desires revenge against the
chase needed components or to prospect on their own.
Unholy and all who willingly serve him.
Lashara Annthar: Unprincipled, 11th level human female Notable Cities of the Scorched Lands
Techno-Wizard. Lashara is a smoking hot bombshell (P.B. 24,
Light Shard: This moderate city of 300,000 surrounds a very
age 23) and a brilliant Techno-Wizard (I.Q. 28). This beauty hails
tall, skyscraper-like dolmen. This city gets its name from the
from Rifts Earth and can often be found hanging out near the
glowing doorway of the 3,000 foot (914 m) tall structure. The
Rifts Earth portal. Lashara’s duties include overseeing the pro-
dolmen works like a stone pyramid, and allows the residents of
duction of Techno-Wizard devices or some special project.
Light Shard to open dimensional portals to other worlds.
Badweather: Aberrant, 8th level Sowki. Another old friend Green Town: This city is built around a Millennium Tree that
of King Luke who was also asked to join the ruling council. Bad- protects the inhabitants from demon and Deevil raiders. This city
weather respects the king and is completely loyal to him. is small, with about 100,000 residents, but it is safe and peaceful.
Hinderfruut: Unprincipled, 6th level Morphworm. Hinder- Lord Skull: This city of 500,000 and the surrounding mines
fruut is a rare Unprincipled Morphworm recruited by the king have been seized, and the population enslaved, by Naruni En-
due to his knowledge of the Unholy. terprises after they couldn’t pay the bills for weaponry they
purchased. The city needed the weapons so they could defend
themselves from an army of marauding demons led by a gigan-
Chaotic Space tic Demon Lord. The residents managed to defeat the demon
army and sealed the Demon Lord inside his own skull (hence the
In the dimension of Chaotic Space, there lives a race of ad- name). Unfortunately, the price was high and had to be paid to
vanced Techno-Wizards who have accidentally damaged their di- Naruni Enterprises.
mension beyond repair. They did this by attempting to construct
an ultimately powerful TW device that was supposed to provide
an infinite amount of resources by tapping into the energy of the Prospecting
dimensional fabric itself. Unfortunately, something went horribly Techno-Wizards (and others) searching for gemstones, pre-
wrong, and the device is quickly destroying their dimension and cious metals and other valuable minerals must have the Pros-
they cannot stop it. In order to slow the tide of destruction and pecting (or Mining) skill. Prospecting involves a combination of
give them time to figure out a way to stop the device, the Chaotic topographical and geological knowledge, the use of sensors and
Space Techno-Wizards have begun raiding the central Elemental gut feeling. Prospectors start by studying maps showing where
Plane, capturing Elementals to be sacrificed and plundering the other mining sites are and have been, as well as geological fea-
rich natural resources. Unfortunately, the wholesale slaughter of tures which may point to where a potential strike may be. They
Elementals is causing the central Elemental Plane, the four indi- will then go to the selected areas and take samples which will be
vidual Elemental Planes, and all other dimensions closely linked analyzed for the presence of the desired minerals or signs that the
to them to destabilize. Thus, to protect their Elemental brothers minerals are in the area. Prospecting is very time consuming due
and save the Elemental Planes, Warlocks from throughout the to the amount of study and field work required, which can take
Megaverse have begun a secret war known as the Eco-War. several weeks to complete before digging actually begins.

What is Found?
Hades/Dyval 01-20%: Found the desired mineral.
The demons and infernals in their war with each other have 21-40%: Found the desired mineral but pays out only half the
begun turning to technology and the combination of the twin sci- amount.
ences to give them an edge. However, demons and infernals are 41-60%: An old mine site that may or may not be played out.
not known for their technical ability, thus they have had to “re- 01-50%: Is played out. 51-00%: Still has half the amount.
cruit” (i.e. enslave or corrupt) mortals with the knowledge the 61-80%: Another mineral besides the desired one is found.
demons/infernals need. They have also established numerous 81-00%: Found the desired mineral but the site is also inhab-
secret manufacturing facilities throughout the Megaverse where ited by a monster.
Techno-Wizards labor day and night building weapons of war for
both sides. Conditions in these manufacturing facilities can be Mineral Table
described as Hell on earth, as each one operates as a sweat shop 01-19%: Copper.
where every waking moment is spent working or suffering, and 20-29%: Silver.
the only peace the laborers have is in sleep or death. 30-39%: Platinum.

40-49%: Gold.
50-59%: Gemstones worth 20-450 credits per carat.
60-69%: Gemstones worth 500-1,000 credits per carat. On a parallel Earth that is currently fighting a version of World
70-79%: Gemstones worth 1,500-3,500 credits per carat. War II, both the Axis and the Allies are using Techno-Wizardry
80-89%: Gemstones worth 4,000-6,000 credits per carat. as a potent weapon of war. The magical energies of this Earth are
90-97%: Gemstones worth 10,000-20,000 credits per carat. high enough to give the Techno-Wizard creations M.D. capabili-
98-00%: Super rare gemstone or metal such as gantrium or ties, but are nowhere near the levels of Rifts Earth. Because the
xanthine. TW weapons that are used are M.D.C. constructs, they often dec-
imate conventional S.D.C. troops and vehicles. To prevent this,
Amount Found the leaders of the warring nations often send Techno-Wizards
01-20%: 3D6x10,000 credits worth. to fight each other rather than easily destroyed S.D.C. armies,
21-40%: 5D6x10,000 credits worth. and are currently developing ways to add M.D. capabilities to
41-60%: 3D6x100,000 credits worth. conventional troopers. Recently the Axis has been calling upon
61-80%: 5D6x100,000 credits worth. various evil supernatural beings and developing a form of crude
81-00%: 3D6x1,000,000 credits worth. Bio-Wizardry in order to give themselves an edge against the Al-
lies’ superior TW manufacturing capabilities. (Note: G.M.s and
Extraction Time players will have to decide if they want to play in a world where
they fight the Nazis, or some other power that merely wants to
This is the amount as a percentage that can be extracted from conquer the world rather than pursue an insane and savage policy
the site per day. of genocide.)
01-50%: 10% per day.
51-70%: 20% per day. Nazi Techno-Wizard Projects
71-85%: 30% per day.
86-95%: 40% per day. Lebensborn (Fountain of Life): The Nazis have begun at-
96-00%: 50% per day. tempting to create an Aryan master race using two methods.
One is a eugenics breeding program in which men and women
Occurrences During Mining believed to have superior/purer genetics are encouraged (or kid-
naped and forced) to have many children. The children that are
Roll for a random occurrence every 1D6 days. produced by these men and women, as well as kidnaped children
01-08%: Demon Attack: 2 Greater Demons or 6 Lesser De- from throughout Nazi occupied territory, are taken and placed in
mons attack the mining site in an attempt to drive away the char- a group nursery where they are brainwashed into perfect Nazis.
acters because the site is too close to one of their operations. The second method uses a TW device that concentrates massive
amounts of P.P.E. into a human subject, transforming him into
09-16%: Raiders: A group of 2D6+2 raiders (the equivalent a superhuman warrior (add Hit Points and S.D.C. together and
to 3rd level Headhunters) attack the site. The raiders are look- make it M.D.C., add 2D6 to P.S. and make it Supernatural, in-
ing for lightweight equipment and supplies which they can carry crease size and weight by 75%). The second method has been
away and sell quickly. deemed a complete success but what the Nazi scientists don’t
17-24%: Supernatural Predator: 1D6 supernatural preda- know is that the soldiers treated with P.P.E. will begin to mutate
tors sneak into the site and attack the mining crew. into monstrosities within 3D6+3 months.
Wiedergeburt (Rebirth): In an attempt to replenish lost sol-
25-32%: Ley Line Storm: A Ley Line Storm flares up near
diers, the Nazis have begun using a TW device that will turn
the mining site. Reduce the amount that can be extracted by 30%.
any dead soldiers into undead zombies. So far, the operation has
33-40%: Mine Shaft Collapse: A mine shaft has collapsed proven extremely successful with both Nazi and Allied soldiers
and now the crew must dig out anyone who has gotten trapped. It “recruited” into the German army of death.
will take 1D4 days to dig out trapped crew. Ausstrecken (Reach Out): The Nazis’ last major project is
41-48%: Bad Weather: Bad weather reduces the extraction the attempt to contact any other dimensional beings that will aid
rate by 20% for 1D4 days. them in the war effort. Any being, from Alien (or Vampire) Intel-
ligences to mortal (and morally corrupt) practitioners of magic,
49-56%: Sabotage: Someone (rival miners, old enemies, ma- to scientists from technologically advanced societies are being
licious vandal) has sabotaged mining vehicles and heavy equip- approached by Nazi agents. As of yet, the Nazis haven’t made
ment. No mining can be done until repairs are made. It takes 1D6 contact with any otherworldly beings, but if they do it may prove
days to repair the damage. fatal for the entire planet.
57-64%: Claim Jumpers: Another group of miners attacks
the site in an attempt to take it over and possibly shanghai the
mining crew.
Heroes Unlimited™
Techno-Wizardry is all but unknown on the Earth of Heroes
65-72%: Work Site Accident: Some sort of accident hap- Unlimited; however, there are several heroes and villains who
pens. It takes one day to clear it up before mining can again re- use their knowledge of Techno-Wizardry to whatever ends they
sume. see fit. Most of them come from other dimensions or are taught
73-00%: Nothing Happens: Everything is running smoothly. by a Techno-Wizard from off-world, but from time to time, an

a few things. One day, while experimenting with Temporal TW
devices, something happened and he was flung into a Temporal
Rift and sent into the past of an alternate Earth. Recognizing the
opportunity this provided him, he set to work stealing various
treasures from throughout time and the Megaverse, using a com-
bination of life-extending potions and suspended animation to
maintain his youth.

Playing Techno-Wizards
in Heroes Unlimited™
Techno-Wizards will be the equivalent of the Hardware power
category if played as part of the Heroes Unlimited™ universe.

Techno-Wizard Origin
01-15%: Native: Born on Earth and somehow learned Tech-
no-Wizardry. The character may have figured it out himself or
may have been taught by an off-world Techno-Wizard.
16-80%: Rifts Earth: The Techno-Wizard ether willingly
came to this Earth or he may be a victim of circumstance.
81-00%: Other Dimension: The Techno-Wizard came from
another dimension other than Rifts Earth.

Reason for Coming to Heroes Unlimited Earth

01-20%: Accident: The character was Rifted to the Earth of
Heroes Unlimited by a malfunctioning TW device but decided to
stay, because:
01-20%: It’s better than home.
21-50%: He or she wanted to explore this world.
51-00%: He or she is unable to get home.
21-50%: Exploration: The character is a dimensional travel-
er that found this Earth with its super-powered heroes intriguing.
51-60%: Fugitive: The character is being hunted and has
come to this Earth to hide.
61-70%: Champion of Justice: Has come to or was sent to
this Earth to fight evil and tyranny.
71-80%: Glory Hound: The character came to this Earth in
search of fame, glory and wealth.
individual with the opportunity to learn magic and with techno- 81-00%: Refugee: The character, and others, are fleeing from
logical inclinations may be able to develop Techno-Wizardry. something that has forced them from their home. This thing could
be the Coalition, Splugorth, or any number of things.
Notable Techno-Wizard Heroes and Villains:
Dr. Freak: This enigmatic villain is a Techno-Wizard and Budget
Cyber-Mage (see Nightbane®: Through the Glass Darkly™) The Techno-Wizard hero will have a modest workshop/apart-
from another dimension. His goal is to conquer the Earth of He- ment along with tools, books, computers, electrical/mechanical
roes Unlimited and build an army of freakish cyborgs from the parts and belongings (totaling 2D4x10,000 dollars), but is un-
enslaved populace. He will then use this army to lay waste to likely to have very large parts and equipment. The following is
numerous other worlds. the budget for the devices, weapons, armor, and vehicles that the
Sky Queen: This heroine is one of the few natives of Heroes Techno-Wizard will use to fight crime. The Techno-Wizard isn’t
Unlimited Earth to develop Techno-Wizardry independently likely to work for a government or corporation, due to the fact
from other discoveries elsewhere. The daughter of a Wizard and that Techno-Wizardry is not known, let alone widely used, on
an Analytical Hardware Genius, she definitely has had the oppor- Heroes Unlimited Earth.
tunity and inclination to learn both, but it’s to her credit that she 01-10%: $200,000.
managed to combine the two. 11-20%: $350,000.
Time-Breaker: The Time-Breaker is a Techno-Wizard from 21-30%: $500,000.
Rifts Earth, circa 120 P.A.! This dubious Techno-Wizard spe- 31-55%: $750,000.
cializes in bypassing security systems, picking locks and crack- 56-80%: $1 million.
ing safes. He also has an interest in Temporal Magic and con- 81-90%: $1.5 million.
vinced a number of Temporal Raiders and Wizards to teach him 91-00%: $2 million.
Techno-Wizard Designs a Techno-Wizard 1D4 hours and 50 P.P.E., not to mention the
proper tools for working on electronics.
Market Cost: 3-5 million credits.
Techno-Wizard Devices TW Brain Booster
A 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide band with contact pads similar to those
TW Canteen of Endless Water of an EKG machine, with some circuits, copper wires, and crys-
A canteen with a silver-plated cap that has a silver coil and a tals attached to it. The band is sometimes built into/hidden inside
sapphire on the inside. When activated, the canteen fills up with a bandana, hat, or helmet.
cool, fresh water. Powers: +5% to all skills and allows the wearer to speak/under-
Size: 15-35 fluid ounces (0.44-1.04 liters). stand, read, and write all languages.
P.P.E. Activation Cost: 4 Duration: 2 minute per 15 P.P.E. pumped into the device.
Device Level: 2 Device Level: 5
P.P.E. Creation Cost: 205 P.P.E. Creation Cost: 235
Creation Requirements: 300 credits in silver, a canteen, an Creation Requirements: Contact pads similar to those of an
aquamarine worth 4,000 credits, a garnet worth 1,000 credits, and EKG machine, some circuits, copper wires, 1,840 in fire agate,
the spells Create Water (primary) and Wave of Frost. and 1,000 in jade, and the spells Eyes of Thoth (primary), Instill
Market Cost: 30,000 credits. Knowledge, Life Blast, Memory Bank, and Tongues.
Market Cost: 550,000 credits.
Energy Matrix Harmonizer
One problem of dimensional travelers, especially those who TW Dimensional Travel Device
rely on technology (including all Techno-Wizards), is that differ- The Dimensional Travel Device is a powerful and extremely
ent dimensions have different kinds of energy matrixes (which expensive TW device that allows the user to open and close di-
may prevent technology from another dimension from function- mensional portals effortlessly by turning the nexus point’s energy
ing; see Rifts® Dimension Book 7: Megaverse® Builder, page in on itself.
15, for details). This device fixes that problem by attuning tech- Powers: The device can open, close and re-open dimensional
nological devices and weapons to the specific energy matrix of portals (equivalent to the spells Dimensional Portal, Close Rift,
the dimension the traveler is visiting. Unlike the Universal Ener- and Re-Open Gateway combined). All powers draw energy from
gy Matrix Converter from the Great Machine, which converts the the ley line as well as the user, and can only be used when on a
energy to that of the device, the Energy Matrix Harmonizer alters ley line or nexus point. Furthermore, the device provides a +15%
the device’s resonance frequency to match the dimension and any bonus to Rift into another dimension.
alien energy sources. This allows technology to operate within P.P.E. Activation Cost: 200
that dimension, or in the alternative, the device can be used to Device Level: 5
allow different technologies to function when used together in a P.P.E. Creation Cost: 967
universal energy matrix. The device can also be used to negate Creation Requirements: 75,000 in onyx, 2,000 in red zircon,
the effects of dimensional quirks as they pertain to technology. various other parts, and the spells Dimensional Portal (primary),
Weight: 1.5 pounds (0.68 kg). Close Rift, Re-Open Gateway, and Sorcerous Fury.
Market Cost: 30-50 million credits.
P.P.E. Activation Cost: 50 P.P.E. per day.
Device Level: 3
Damage: A normally M.D. weapon will always do S.D.C. in an
TW Portable Library
S.D.C. dimension. Damage is a point for point conversion, so a This TW device looks like an ordinary book with 300 bound
weapon that normally does 4D6 M.D. will do 4D6 S.D.C. How- pages and an internal memory chip built into the cover, on which
ever, payload is doubled, but range remains the same. up to three thousand books can be saved. When activated, the
An S.D.C. weapon in a Mega-Damage setting functions, but pages inside the book are temporarily printed with the desired
still only does its usual S.D.C.; no other changes. data, and remain so until the book is closed. Furthermore, the
P.P.E. Construction Cost: 1299 TW Portable Library can store data that is written directly into it
and can display it at a moment’s notice. This makes it an invalu-
Creation Requirements: A small circuit board, copper wire, a
able tool for Techno-Wizards, allowing them to store all kinds of
small vacuum tube, 37,500 in black garnet, 700 in fire opal, 2,000
information including spell formulae, TW schematics, magical
in red zircon, and the spells Enchant Weapon (Minor) (primary),
theories, diary entries, etc. To add a book to the Portable Library,
Reality Flux, and Impervious to Energy.
the physical book must be scanned, page by page, and the digital
Notes: 1. Applicable only to handheld devices no larger than a
files then transferred to the Library, which requires the expen-
large suitcase or rail gun.
diture of 30 P.P.E. per book or data file up to 2,000 pages. Each
2. Devices powered by magic still require P.P.E., not an alter-
activation requires 10 P.P.E.
nate energy source.
Weight: 5 pounds (2.25 kg).
3. Each device requires its own Energy Matrix Harmonizer
P.P.E. Activation Cost: 10 to call up a specific book title up to
built into it in order to function in different dimensions. They
300 pages. If larger, it must be read in 300 page sections.
are not easy to remove and swap out into another device; it takes
Device Level: 4
P.P.E. Construction Cost: 200
Creation Requirements: 300 pages of high quality paper, two
Wormwood Stones and Crystals
circuit boards, 50,000 in red zircon, 1,200 in fire agate and the Wormwood Techno-Wizards often incorporate Wormwood
spells Energy Bolt (primary), Eyes of Thoth, and Memory Bank. magic stones and crystals into their TW devices; however, these
Bonuses: +10% to any Technical skill rolls. will lose their powers and die/crumble to dust if taken off the
Market Cost: 500,000 credits. planet Wormwood. This modification allows the stones/crystals
to exist away from the planet as long as they are part of a weap-
on or suit of armor. Any Blood Stone or Crystal except the Eye
TW Healing Wrap Stones, Pure Stones, Control Gem, Crystal Ball, Life Essence
Crystal or any crystals that provide communion with Wormwood
This device is designed to accelerate the healing of wounds, spells, can be kept alive and functioning.
from cuts to broken bones. The Healing Wrap is a long strip of P.P.E. Activation Cost: 50 P.P.E. per day or the stone/crystal
cloth with thin wires running through it, and attached to a round will die.
doodad. When activated, the wrap increases the rate of healing to Device Level: 5
2D6 per 10 minutes when it is worn for up to one hour, and pro- P.P.E. Creation Cost: 365
vides a +15% bonus to save vs coma. Before the wrap is applied, Creation Requirements: Silver wire, small circuit board, small
the wounds must be bound and bones set. Bones are mended gold wire cage, 6,000 in amber, 1,000 in jade, 60 in red agate and
enough to walk or run after one hour. The patient cannot move or the spells Sustain (primary), Life Blast, and Light Healing.
fight while the wrap is on or the healing will be negated. Market Cost: 1-3 million credits; rare.
Weight: 3 ounces (85 g).
P.P.E. Activation Cost: 30 P.P.E. per hour.
Device Level: 3 TW Prosthetic Limbs
P.P.E. Construction Cost: 97 These artificial arms and legs are similar to TW bionics except
Creation Requirements: A strip of cloth, wires, a small circuit they are not implanted into the body. Instead, they are strapped
board, 1,000 in jade, 200 in topaz, 150 in rose quartz, 1,200 in red or adhered to the body. In all respects, the prosthetic limbs are
agate and the spells Life Blast, Negate Poison, Fortify Against like the artificial limbs the Coalition States has developed, except
Disease, and Greater Healing (primary). they are attached and powered by magic. No special features or
Market Cost: 25,000 credits. weapon systems can be built-in. All physical attributes are the
same as for the normal flesh and blood limb, and the TW Pros-
thetic Limb feels completely natural. If there is a downside, it’s
TW Magic Key that the TW prosthetic must be recharged with P.P.E. daily.
Weight: Varies.
This device is capable of opening any lock that requires a key
P.P.E. Activation Cost: Must be recharged with 20 P.P.E. every
or key card (including electronic locks).
day or 140 per week. Can draw on enough ambient P.P.E. for a
Weight: 1 ounce (28 g).
day’s use in one hour on a ley line.
P.P.E. Activation Cost: 6 per simple lock, 15 per elaborate lock,
Device Level: 5
and 30 per complex electronic lock.
P.P.E. Construction Cost: 580
Device Level: 4
Creation Requirements: A mannequin-like arm carved from
P.P.E. Construction Cost: 160
wood and enchanted with the Ironwood spell, copper wire, a
Creation Requirements: A small circuit board, a small vacuum
circuit board, EKG contact pads, 400 in amethyst, 13,000 in
tube with a gemstone in it, some wire, 10,000 in jade, 500 in
opal, 2,500 in malachite, 6,000 in black pearl, and the spells
opal, 300 in ruby quartz and the spells Escape (primary), Negate
Manipulate Objects (primary), Telekinesis, Feather Light, Car-
Mechanics, and Energy Disruption.
pet of Adhesion and Superhuman Strength. Additional TW and
Market Cost: Two to five million credits.
conventional features will require additional spells and materi-
TW Ward Eraser Market Cost: Varies; 150,000-500,000 credits each.

Used to overcome magical security measures and traps, and

will completely negate a ward without setting it off or alerting
TW Gem Extractor Tool
the creator of the ward. All wards get a saving throw vs magic. This Techno-Wizard device is a tool built for use by Techno-
Weight: 4 ounces (113 g). Wizards salvaging damaged or outdated TW devices, specifically
P.P.E. Activation Cost: 200 per each ward erased. the gemstones that are used in the devices. The Gem Extractor
Device Level: 4 Tool allows Techno-Wizards to remove gemstones that have
P.P.E. Construction Cost: 1,552 been bonded to a Techno-Wizard device without damaging the
Creation Requirements: A small circuit board, wires, capacitor, gem, and dispels any magic that has been imbued into the gem so
105,000 in lapis lazuli, 16,000 in emerald; the spells Negate Mag- that it can be reused.
ic (primary), Anti-Magic Cloud, and Invisibility: Simple; and a Weight: 1 pound (0.45 kg).
thorough understanding of Ward Magic (may require an assistant Power: Extracts a gemstone from a Techno-Wizard device with-
who is a practitioner). out damaging it and then dispels any magic imbued into it.
Market Cost: 50-100 million credits; extremely rare. Range: Touch.
P.P.E. to Activate: 30
Device Level: 1 4) Enchanted Bolt: 3D6 M.D. per single shot, 6D6 per 3 bolt
P.P.E. Construction Cost: 373 burst. Creation Requirements: A bolt and the Enchant Weapon
Creation Requirements: Gold wire, a vacuum tube, a laser spell. Cost: 500 credits per bolt. Note: One time use.
wand, 6,600 in amber, 10,000 in lapis lazuli, 500 in opal and the
spells Negate Magic, Negate Mechanics, Dispel Magic Barriers
and Mend the Broken (primary). Mystic Fury Blade
Market Cost: 1-2 million credits.
This weapon has similar powers to the Battle Fury Blade, but
has a number of additional features that make it more effective
Techno-Wizard Weapons at long range combat. When activated, the magical symbols on
the weapon glow blue and begin crackling with miniature, blue
lightning bolts. This weapon comes in a variety of shapes but is
TW Auto-Crossbow always an axe, pole arm, or sword.
This crossbow fires bolts in rapid succession. The weapon is Weight: 7 pounds (3.15 kg).
designed with vampire hunters (and to a lesser degree, demon Damage: 1D6 M.D. when not activated, 1D6x10 M.D. when ac-
slayers) with P.P.E. or I.S.P. (costs double the P.P.E. amount) in tivated.
mind. The Auto-Crossbow is cost effective and easy to produce. Powers: When activated, the weapon inflicts 1D6x10 M.D., the
Weight: 12 pounds (5.4 kg). user’s attacks per melee are increased by two, the weapon can
Damage: Varies. shoot blue lightning bolts (4D6 M.D., 500 foot/152 m range, each
Range: 1,200 feet (366 m). bolt counts as one melee attack action and is +2 to strike plus P.P.
Rate of Fire: Single shot or rapid-fire burst of three bolts. bonuses), and the user is encased in a suit of magical force with
Payload: 30 bolts per drum. 100 M.D.C.
P.P.E. Activation Cost: One P.P.E. (or two I.S.P.) per each bolt Duration: 2 minutes.
fired. P.P.E. Activation Cost: 60 P.P.E.
Device Level: 1 Device Level: 5
P.P.E. Construction Cost: 45 P.P.E. Construction Cost: 817
Creation Requirements: A crossbow, various copper compo- Creation Requirements: A silver-plated sword blade, silver
nents, an opal worth 2,000 credits, malachite worth 2,500 credits wire, 200,000 credits in red zircon, black garnet worth 2,500 cred-
and a clear zircon worth 3,500 credits, and the spells Telekinesis its, diamond worth 15,000 credits, a star sapphire worth 20,000
(primary), Fingers of the Wind, and Mystic Fulcrum. credits and a turquoise worth 480 credits. And the spells Sorcer-
Bonuses: +2 to strike. ous Fury (primary), Ensorcel, Speed Weapon, Power Weapon,
Market Cost: 30,000 credits. and Invincible Armor and Enchant Weapon.
Market Cost: 11-15 million credits.
Auto-Crossbow Drums and Bolt Types
These drums hold the specially shaped bolts for the Auto-
Crossbow. These are physical bolts made by Techno-Wizards
TW Hellfire
and other manufacturers. Guided Fire Ball Launcher
Weight: 1 pound (0.45 kg) loaded.
Creation Requirements: None, other than conventional materi- This weapon fires magical fire balls that pursue their targets
als needed to construct the drum. No spells are required. like smart bombs (see missile section in the Rifts® main book).
Market Cost: 1,000 credits plus the cost of the bolts. The user must have line of sight (optical enhancement can be
used for long-distance targets), and each fire ball is +3 to strike.
Bolt Types:
Damage: 4D6 M.D. per single shot, or 1D6x10 M.D. per triple
1) Wooden Bolt: 1D6 S.D.C. per single shot, 2D6 S.D.C. per blast.
3 bolt burst; double damage to vampires. Ordinary wooden bolts Range: 1,500 feet (457 m).
designed for this weapon’s drum. Rate of Fire: One at a time or as a triple blast.
2) Ironwood Bolt: 3D6 S.D.C. per single shot, 6D6 S.D.C. per Weight: 20 pounds (9 kg).
3 bolt burst; double damage to vampires and creatures vulnerable P.P.E. Cost to Recharge: 27 P.P.E. or 54 I.S.P. gives the weap-
to wood, and has a 75% chance of staking a vampire when a burst on three guided fire balls.
is fired into its chest. Creation Requirements: A wood bolt and Payload: Can hold up to nine guided fire balls.
the Ironwood spell. Cost: 100 credits per bolt. Note: Ironwood Device Level: 5
Bolts can be retrieved and reused over and over again. (S.D.C. P.P.E. Creation Cost: 275
fire does not burn wood enchanted with the Ironwood spell.) Creation Requirements: Copper coil, metal tube that is silver
3) Silver Bolt: 2D6 S.D.C. per single shot, 4D6 S.D.C. per 3 plated on the inside, 494,000 credits worth of red ruby, 150 in
bolt burst; double damage to vampires and creatures vulnerable smoky quartz, 3,500 in clear zircon, 500 in opal and the spells
to silver. Creation Requirements: None; it’s just a plain, silver- Fire Ball (primary), Ballistic Fire, Fire Globe, Dragon Fire, Wind
tipped bolt. Cost: 250 credits per bolt. Note: The silver bolt tips Rush, and Telekinesis.
can be retrieved and reused (in which case, reduce the cost of the Market Cost: Four million credits.
drum by half).

TW Power Halberd Creation Requirements: A laser weapon, silver wire, 62,000 in
jade, 60 in quartz and the spells Life Blast (primary) and Globe
A magically converted Power Halberd (see Rifts® Dimen- of Daylight.
sion Book 2: Phase World®, page 116) that no longer needs the Market Cost: 500,000 credits for the conversion of the weapon.
power cable or pack, making it lighter and easier to use.
Weight: 20 pounds (9 kg).
Damage: 4D6 S.D.C. unpowered, or 1D6x10 M.D. when pow- TW Light Rod
ered with P.P.E. This device consists of a long, glass rod with a metal grip that
P.P.E. Activation Cost: 30 for 3 minutes. is ornately engraved.
Device Level: 5 Powers: When activated, the glass tube glows like a Globe of
P.P.E. Creation Cost: 587 Daylight (same as the spell at 4th level), makes the user impervi-
Creation Requirements: 18,000 credits worth of ruby quartz, ous to lasers, and he can fire laser-like beams of light.
280 in turquoise, 2,500 in black garnet, a Power Halberd with a Weight: 2 pounds (0.9 kg).
silver-plated blade, and the spells Energy Field (primary), Power Damage: 2D6 M.D. per blast.
Bolt, Power Weapon, and Enchant Weapon. Rate of Fire: Each blast counts as one melee attack.
Market Cost: 1-2 million credits. Range: 1,000 feet (305 m) for laser-like blasts. Globe of Day-
light effect illuminates a 24 foot (7.3 m) radius around the device.
P.P.E. Activation Cost: 10 P.P.E. per melee round.
TW Plasma Cartridge Device Level: 4
Weapon Conversion P.P.E. Construction Cost: 216
Creation Requirements: A glass tube, gold wire, a small circuit
This is a Techno-Wizard conversion performed on Naruni board, metal handle, 10,000 in red zircon, 60 in clear quartz, and
plasma cartridge weapons, allowing them to use magical energy the spells Impervious to Energy (primary), Globe of Daylight,
instead of the plasma cartridges. The conversion also makes the and Energy Bolt.
weapon lighter. Market Cost: 1-4 million credits.
Weight: Varies; reduces the weapon’s normal weight by 25%.
Damage: 1D4x10 Mega-Damage or 5D6 Mega-Damage.
Range: As per weapon. TW Dark Slayer Blade
Rate of Fire: Varies by weapon type. This TW device is a powerful weapon of light that can wreak
Payload: Varies; as per original weapon. Each plasma bolt uses havoc on supernatural evil, especially vampires, Shadow Beasts,
12 P.P.E. (10 P.P.E. for the smaller, 5D6 M.D. weapons). Double Shadow Terrors and other creatures linked to darkness such as
the cost when I.S.P. is used. the Nightlords and their minions. The Dark Slayer Sword is usu-
Device Level: 3 ally a claymore or flamberge with a bright silver blade that has
P.P.E. Creation Cost: 135 magic symbols running down the length of the blood groove, but
Creation Requirements: Red ruby worth 190,000 credits, ruby it can be made from any large bladed weapon, including axes and
quartz worth 300 credits, smoky quartz worth 150 credits, copper polearms.
wire, a Naruni plasma cartage weapon and the spells Fire Ball Weight: 6 pounds (2.7 kg).
(primary), Fire Bolt, Fuel Flame, and Ignite Fire. Damage: 4D6 M.D.
Market Cost: 1-2 million credits for the converted weapon. Powers: Dark Slayer: By pumping 40 P.P.E. into the weapon, the
Notes: Weapons converted to magical energy can no longer use wielder of the sword can activate the Dark Slayer power. While
plasma cartridges. activated, the sword does 1D4x10 M.D. (double damage to crea-
tures vulnerable to silver and light like vampires). Supernatural
beings, including vampires, cannot regenerate damage inflicted
TW Sunlight Laser Conversion by the sword for 5 minutes.
The Sunlight Laser Conversion is a simple weapon modifica- P.P.E. Activation Cost: 25 P.P.E. per minute.
tion that gives laser weapons the ability to damage and kill vam- Device Level: 4
pires and other undead. P.P.E. Construction Cost: 1,090
Weight: Varies. Creation Requirements: A silver-plated blade, 2 glass bulbs,
Damage: Varies; does normal laser damage, but also inflicts full gold wire, 2,400 in clear quartz, 2,000 in red zircon, 700 in fire
laser damage to vampires (and other creatures vulnerable to sun- opal, 2,500 in black garnet and the spells Light Blade (primary),
light), and can kill a vampire if enough damage is inflicted. Enchant Weapon (Minor), Desiccate the Supernatural, and Sub-
Rate of Fire: As per weapon. Particle Acceleration.
Range: Varies; standard for the weapon used. Market Cost: 2-5 million credits.
P.P.E. Cost: 2 P.P.E. per laser blast to make the blast suitable
to inflict sunlight damage to vampires and others vulnerable to TW Transformable Pistol/
Payload: Varies; standard for the weapon used. Still requires its Hand-Held Computer
original power source (e.g. E-Clips) to fire laser blasts. This Techno-Wizard weapon appears to be an ordinary hand-
Device Level: 5 held computer, but when activated, the computer transforms into
P.P.E. Creation Cost: 152 a pistol with a stock and weapon sight.

Weight: 3 pounds (1.35 kg). ! Can recharge/power electronics by converting P.P.E. into elec-
Damage: 2D6 M.D. tricity.
Range: 400 feet (122 m).
! Can power most, simple electronic devices by holding them in
Rate of Fire: Each blast counts as one melee attack.
one hand and pumping in 1 P.P.E. point. Such items include
Payload: 20; 40 P.P.E. recharges the entire payload.
a flashlight, radio, video camera, portable computer, language
Duration: All transformations last until the device is transformed
translator, electric shaver, etc.
back into its other form.
P.P.E. Activation Cost: Transforming the computer into a weap- ! Recharge one small, S.D.C. energy battery for one P.P.E. point.
on requires 20 P.P.E., and an additional 20 P.P.E. is needed to ! Recharge large S.D.C. battery (the equivalent of an automobile
transform it back into a computer. battery) for 3 P.P.E. points.
Device Level: 3 ! Standard E-Clip (M.D. energy) for 20 P.P.E.
P.P.E. Construction Cost: 369 ! Long E-Clip (M.D. energy) for 40 P.P.E.
Creation Requirements: A hand-held computer, silver wire, ! Energy Canister for 80 P.P.E.
300 in ruby quartz, 30,000 in alexandrite, 500 in opal, 4,800 in
turquoise and the following spell chains: 1) Metamorphosis: Su- Rate of Fire: Equal to the user’s hand to hand attacks. Each blast
perior (primary) and Telekinesis. 2) Power Bolt (primary) and counts as one attack.
Energy Field. Duration: Recharging counts as two melee attacks/actions, ener-
Bonuses: +4 to strike on Aimed and Called Shots only. gization lasts 5 minutes.
Market Cost: 250,000-500,000 credits. P.P.E. Activation Cost: 20 P.P.E. to energize; powering/charg-
ing electrical devices varies.
Device Level: 5
TW Transformable Knife/Watch
P.P.E. Construction Cost: 566
This Techno-Wizard device appears to be an ordinary watch,
Creation Requirements: Rubber gloves with metal plates, cop-
but it can transform into a small Vibro-Blade. This makes it a
per wires, electrical circuits, 19,500 in red zircon, 300 in ruby
favorite of assassins and terrorists. The watch also contains the
quartz, 90,000 in white pearls and the following spell chains: 1)
equivalent to a Clock Calendar and Gyro-Compass.
Fist of Fury (primary), Sorcerous Fury, Lightning Arc, and Call
Weight: 2-3 ounces (57-85 g). Lightning. 2) Sub-Particle Acceleration (primary) and Energy
Damage: 1D4 M.D. Field.
Powers: The watch can transform into a small knife each time Bonuses: +4 to strike with energy blasts.
P.P.E. is channeled into it, but the transformation is permanent
Market Cost: 4-8 million credits.
until additional P.P.E. is channeled into it. The Vibro-Blade is
also powered by P.P.E.
Duration: The transformation lasts indefinitely until additional TW Fire Storm Pistol
P.P.E. is channeled into the device. The Vibro-Blade can be pow-
ered for 3 minutes per 6 P.P.E. Inspired by an illustration by Ramon Perez in Rifts® Coali-
P.P.E. Activation Cost: Each transformation requires 10 P.P.E. tion Wars® 6: Final Siege, page 123.
Powering the Vibro-Blade costs 6 P.P.E. for 3 minutes. One of the most powerful handguns on the planet, the Fire
Device Level: 3 Storm Pistol consists of a series of 8 large barrels arranged around
P.P.E. Construction Cost: 316 a circular central axis similar to an Old West Pepper Box Pistol.
Creation Requirements: A watch with a metal band, gold wire, Each of the barrels holds a small fire ball which can be fired one
30,000 in alexandrite, 15,000 in garnet, 500 in opal, 300 in ruby at a time or all at once, which is what gives the pistol its incred-
quartz and the following spell chains: 1) Metamorphosis: Supe- ible damage capacity.
rior (primary) and Telekinesis. 2) Sonic Blast (primary) and En- Weight: 3.5 pounds (1.58 kg).
ergy Field.
Damage: Each fire ball does 2D6+2 M.D.; 1D6x10+8 M.D. if the
Market Cost: 200,000-300,000 credits.
entire payload of eight is fired at once.
Range: 450 feet (137.2 m).
TW Capacitor Gauntlets Rate of Fire: Each blast counts as a melee attack.
These gauntlets allow the wearer to fire energy blasts from Payload: Eight. 10 P.P.E. reloads one round; 80 P.P.E. reloads
the palms, inflict M.D. with punches and power/charge electrical all eight.
devices. The gauntlets consist of a rubber glove with metal plates, Device Level: 5
wires and electrical circuits attached to it. The gauntlets crackle P.P.E. Construction Cost: 216
with blue electrical bolts when activated.
Creation Requirements: 8 barrels plated with gold on the in-
Weight: 2 pounds (0.9 kg). side, 304,000 in deep-red ruby, and the spells Ballistic Fire (pri-
Damage: 2D6 M.D. per bolt or per energized punch. 4D6 M.D. mary), and Fire Bolt.
per double energy blast from both hands simultaneously at the Penalties: -2 to strike due to the weight of the barrel.
same target, or per power punch (counts as two attacks).
Market Cost: 1-4 million credits.
Range: Touch. Bolts have a range of 1,000 feet (305 m).
TW Hand Grenades Device Level: 2
P.P.E. Creation Cost: 400
Creation Requirements: Wilk’s Beehive Grenade, red ruby
Grenade Note worth 19,000 credits, smoky quartz worth 150 credits, and the
Throwing range is typically 120 feet (36.6 m); 50% greater for spells Ballistic Fire (primary) and Fuel Flame.
those with Robot P.S., double for Supernatural P.S. Market Cost: 25,000-30,000 credits.

TW Shockwave Grenade TW Entity Dispersion Grenade

An antipersonnel grenade that produces a destructive shock This grenade creates a sparkling explosion which chases away
wave the same as the spell Shockwave at 5th level. 1D4 Entities within a 20 foot (6.1 m) radius. The Entities flee at
Damage: 2D4 Mega-Damage to a 6 foot (1.8 m) radius. Peo- least 1,000 feet (305 m) and hide. Most will not be active again
ple/objects within the blast area that weigh 500 pounds (225 kg) for 1D4x10 minutes. Greater Entities are +3 to save vs magic to
or less will be knocked off their feet and hurled 2D6 feet outside resist (need a 15 or better to save).
the blast area. All lose initiative and one melee attack. Damage: None.
Device Level: 5 Device Level: 1
P.P.E. Creation Cost: 662 P.P.E. Creation Cost: 666
Creation Requirements: A garnet worth 4,000 credits, opal Creation Requirements: Silver-plated metal parts, star sapphire
worth 500 credits, copper wire coil, circuits, various other parts, worth 20,000 credits, a ruby quartz worth 150 credits and the
and the spells Shockwave (primary) and Telekinesis. spells Constrain Being (primary), and Energy Field.
Market Cost: 40,000 credits. Market Cost: 200,000-500,000 credits.

TW Sunlight Flash Grenade TW Armor & Power Armor

This grenade produces a flash of sunlight that is absolutely
devastating to creatures that are vulnerable to sunlight, such as
TW Bulletproof Armor
Damage: 1D6x10 M.D./H.P. to all creatures vulnerable to sun- This armor protects the wearer from projectiles, arrows, bul-
light, 10 foot (3 m) blast radius. Does no damage to others, but the lets and shrapnel (but not physical hand to hand attacks), by creat-
brilliant flash temporarily blinds people for 1D4 melee rounds. ing bolts of lightning that vaporize the projectiles before they hit.
Device Level: 2 The enchantment has no effect on energy blasts or Telekinesis,
P.P.E. Creation Cost: 257 or magic unless the latter is a physical material like Shard of Ice.
Creation Requirements: Silver-plated metal parts, copper wire, Bulletproof Armor can be made from any type of body armor
glass cylinder, 270 in clear quartz, 2,000 in jade, and the spells or power armor. This is done by adding filiment that runs down
Globe of Daylight (primary), Blinding Flash, Life Blast, and Life the body, arms and legs (front, back and sides), replacing the hel-
Ward. met and adding a sort of mantle that covers the shoulders and
Market Cost: 30,000-60,000 credits each. chest. Any electronics or sensor systems in the original helmet
are incorporated into the replacement.
Weight: Varies; original weight of the armor used, plus 6 pounds
TW Water-Surge Grenade (2.7 kg).
This grenade creates an explosion of water that will damage Damage: Sufficient to vaporize most projectiles and 1D4 mini-
vampires and other creatures vulnerable to water. missiles that come within 10 feet (3 m).
Damage: 6D6 S.D.C./H.P. to creatures vulnerable to water with- M.D.C.: The M.D.C. of the armor varies, and is the same as the
in a 10 foot (3 m) blast radius. No damage to others, but they get armor used in the construction. The replacement helmet has 60
drenched. M.D.C., and usually has an animalistic, demonic or other stylized
Device Level: 1 shape, depending on the tastes of the Techno-Wizard creator. The
P.P.E. Creation Cost: 350 magic also provides an additional 50 M.D.C. points of magical
Creation Requirements: Plastic parts, silver wire, an aquama- protection when activated. Damage comes off the magic M.D.C.
rine worth 2,000 credits, a clear zircon worth 3,500, and the spells first.
Create Water (primary) and Wind Rush. Range: 10 feet (3 m) maximum.
Market Cost: 20,000-30,000 credits. Duration: Two minutes per activation.
P.P.E. Activation Cost: 25
TW Hellfire Grenade Device Level: 5
P.P.E. Construction Cost: 450
The Hellfire Grenade releases hundreds of mini-fire balls that Creation Requirements: A suit of armor, copper wire, 2,000
will lock onto the 5 nearest targets. This grenade is built using a in red zircon, 300 in ruby quartz, 600 in clear quartz, and the
Wilk’s Beehive Grenade. spells Sorcerous Fury, Energy Field, and Chromatic Protection
Damage: Sends out hundreds of mini-fire balls that fly at the 5 (primary).
nearest (within 30 feet/9.1 m) targets, inflicting 1D6 Mega-Dam- Market Cost: Cost of the body armor or power armor, plus the
age each. The fire balls are +3 to strike. The fire balls are too TW modifications (helmet, mantle and other changes) are another
small to attack, thus targets of the grenade can only dodge them. 500,000-700,000 credits.
Ecto-Skeleton Body Armor The jet pack uses a Telemechanic helmet that gives the pilot fast
and precise control and frees up his hands so that the pilot can
This unique device looks like a Juicer drug harness, but when carry and fire a weapon. The pack has no standard weapon sys-
activated, the device generates ectoplasm and forms it into a tems built in, but the flyer can use handheld weapons.
suit of non-environmental body armor. The ectoplasm still has a
wispy look, but provides M.D.C. protection, and the fact that the Crew: One pilot. One other can be carried in the pilot’s arms for
suit is the size of a Juicer harness makes it lightweight and easy to short distances.
conceal. No movement penalties. The harness can be worn under Speed: Hover to 120 mph top speed; double along ley lines.
clothing, over clothing or over conventional body armor. Ideal Range: Needs 10 P.P.E. points per minute of flight, or indefinite
for mages who cannot wear conventional body armor, but can when on a ley line.
wear Ecto-Skeleton armor without any negative effect on spell Maximum Altitude: 20,000 feet (6,096 m). However, most ley
casting. Also excellent for assassins and others who have a need lines are no taller than one mile (1.6 km) high, so one cannot fly
for unobtrusive, hidden armor. higher than that and remain “on” the ley line.
Class: Ectoplasm Body Armor. Size: 6 feet (1.83 m) wide, 3 feet (0.91 m) tall, 1.5 feet (0.46 m)
Model: EBA-12 wide.
Statistical Data: Weight: 60 pounds (27 kg).
Height: One foot (0.3 m) taller than the wearer when activated. M.D.C. by Location:
Width: One foot (0.3 m) wider than the wearer when activated. Main Body – 50
Length: One foot (0.3 m) longer than the wearer when activated. Engines (2) – 30 each
Weight: About 10 pounds (4.5 m) when activated; plus 6 lbs (2.7 Fins (2) – 10 each
kg) for the harness. Device Level: 5
Strength: As per usual for the character. P.P.E. Construction Cost: 1,232
M.D.C. By Location: Creation Requirements: 2 hovercycle jet engines, a small com-
*Head – 30 puter, 5 E-Clips, 7,000 in clear zircon, 600 in ruby quartz, 300 in
**Main Body – 90 smoky quartz, 2,000 in red zircon, 1,000 in opal, 3,000 in tiger
Arms – 30 each eye, 16,000 in sapphire, 150,000 in diamond, and the following
Legs – 30 each spells: Wind Rush, Ignite Fire, Fuel Flame, Fly (primary), Float
***Harness – 20 in Air, Energy Field, Energy Bolt, Telekinesis, Impervious to
* The head is a small target, -2 to strike on a Called Shot only. Fire, Calling, Negate Mechanics, and Mental Blast.
** Destroying the main body dispels the ectoplasm, but it can Bonuses: +6 to dodge when flying above 300 mph (480 km).
be reformed in 3 hours. The M.D.C. regenerates at 3D6 per hour. Market Cost: 300,000-400,000 credits.
*** The harness can only be damaged when all main body
M.D.C. has been depleted. Even then, it is a small target, and can
only be struck with a Called Shot at -3 to strike. If the harness
M.D.C. is depleted, the Ecto-Skeleton unit is destroyed.
Technical Stuff
Weapon Systems: None; only handheld weapon systems and
hand to hand combat. Additional Gem References
P.P.E. Activation Cost: 30 P.P.E. (or 60 I.S.P.) for 10 minutes, The following spells can be found in Rifts® Dimension
or until main body M.D.C. is reduced to zero. Book™ 12: Dimensional Outbreak™, Rifts® Dimension
Device Level: 5 Book™ 13: Fleets of the Three Galaxies™, Rifts® Chaos
P.P.E. Creation Cost: 195 Earth™ Sourcebook: The Rise of Magic™, Rifts® Adven-
Creation Requirements: A Juicer drug harness, silver wire, ture Sourcebook: Mercenary Adventures, Rifts® Dimension
EKG contact pads, a circuit board, 80,000 in citrine, 300 in ruby Book™ 7: Megaverse® Builder, Palladium Fantasy RPG®,
quartz, 15,000 in diamond, 12,000 in black pearl, 500 in opal, and Palladium RPG Book 12: Library of Bletherad™, Palladium
the spells Telekinesis, Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Speed, RPG Book 13: Northern Hinterlands™, Nightbane® RPG,
Invincible Armor, Astral Projection (primary) and Energy Field. Nightbane® Book 1: Between the Shadows™, Nightbane®
Market Cost: 200,000-350,000 credits. Book 3: Through the Glass Darkly™, Mystic China™, and
Mysteries of Magic™ Book 1: The Heart of Magic™.

TW Vehicles/ New Spell Categories

Vehicle Modifications Space Magic: Quartz or Tourmaline.
Demon Magic: Ivory or Andnodite.
TW Fire Wind Jet Pack Combat Magic: Turquoise or Zircon (Red).
Chi Magic: Jade or Emerald.
Inspired by an illustration in Rifts® Coalition Wars® 6: Final Blue Flame Magic: Ruby (Blue) or Star Sapphire.
Siege. Fleshsculptor Magic: Jade or Agate (Red-Orange).
This jet pack consists of two small hovercycle jet engines, Mirror Magic: Onyx or Diamond.
with two fins and a series of micro-jets attached to them. The en- Chaos Magic: Pearls or Garnet.
gines can perform VTOL maneuvers and can reach good speeds. Mystic Bulwarks Magic: Diamond or Onyx.
Fulmination Magic: Zircon (Red) or Quartz (Ruby). Ruby (Deep Red): Fire Fist (15), Flame Consuming Gem
Ice and Cold Magic: Garnet or Zircon (Clear). (125).
Shadow Casting Magic: Sapphire (Black) or Onyx. Ruby (Blue): Love Charm (40).
Star Sapphire: Watching Enchantment (40), Soul in a Bottle
Individual Spells, Listed by Gemstone (50), Immure Entity (200).
Agate (Red-Orange): Draught of Life and Death (50). Tiger Eye: Psychic Drain (200), Someone Makes Them (920),
Agate (Fire): Sense P.P.E. (3), Sense Nightbane (3), Impres- See Mystic Mark (4), Crystal Eye (42).
sion (4), Night Vision (6), Dream Senses (8), Observe Dream (4), Turquoise: Circle of Concealment (15 or 100), Power Staff
The Knowing Candle (5), Decipher Magic (4), Faerie Speak (5), (50+).
Sense Traps (7), Detect Poison (10), X-Ray Vision (25). Zircon (Clear): Midnight Wind (12).
Amber: Mend Cloth (12), Mend Wood (10). Zircon (Red): Lightning Fist (12), Lightning Strike (18),
Alexandrite: Control Beasts (18), Metamorphosis: Dragon Handful of Lightning (30), Lightning Ride (50).
(2,000), Cloud Animal Mind (5), Animal Eyes (23). Zircon (Yellow): Monster Insect (50 or 100), Rags to Rai-
Amethyst: Magic Armor (10), Paralysis: Superior (25), Cre- ments (13).
ate Bread & Milk (15), Cobwebs (5), Spider Webs (10), Rags to
Rope (13), Magic Weapon (25). Souped-Up TW Devices
Andnodite: An Eye for an Eye (30), Temporary Insanity (45), Experienced Techno-Wizards can modify TW devices in or-
Curse: Paranoia (70), Curse: Neurosis (95), Traitorous Hand der to get the most out of them. This involves making the device
(10), Friend in the Head (75), Fatal Growth (95), Maggots Curse more efficient, adjusting the flow of P.P.E. and altering the en-
(500), Faeries’ Dance (55), Seasickness (5). ergy resonant frequency, all of which increases all aspects of the
Chrysophase (Quartz): Summon Nightlord Avatar (150), device by +10%. Skill Penalties: -30% to TW Construction skill
Summon Nightlord (425), Summon & Control Astral Being: Ma- roll when souping-up the device, and takes twice as long to cre-
jor (200), Summon & Control Dream Being: Major (250). ate.
Citrine: Call Creature of Light (10), Call Nightlands Deni-
zen (15), Call Nightlord (25), Summon Nightlands Denizen (75),
Control Nightlands Denizen (85), Summon & Control Astral Be-
TW Malfunction Table (Optional)
ing: Minor (80), Summon & Control Dream Being: Minor (60), 01-10%: The device explodes. 01-40% small explosion doing
Call Ectoplasm from Others (40). 3D6 M.D., 41-70% medium explosion doing 5D6 M.D. to a 5
foot (1.5 m) area, 71-00% large explosion doing 1D6x10 to a 10
Diamond: Blood Ward (5+), Cloud of Slumber (6).
foot (3 m) area.
Garnet (Black): Charm Weapon (15), Temporary Enchant- 11-20%: Attracts 1D4 supernatural beings. Entities, the un-
ment (30), Enchant Weapon (300), Mystic Mark (3), Erase Mys- dead, demons or any number of things will be attracted to the
tic Mark (20), Create Magic Manikin (500). device when it is used.
Garnet (all other colors): Avalanche (60 or 100), Blow Snow 21-30%: Fizzle. Nothing happens. Device does not work.
(6), Cure Frostbite (12), Dig Through Snow (8), Ice Shield (10), 31-40%: Temporal disturbance. When the device is activated,
Ride Ice Flow (24), Shield from Light/Polarized Vision (4), Skate it causes a flash of light that blinds the character for what seems
Ice (8), Snow Walking (8), White Out (6), Wind Run (10), Ven- like a few seconds, but it has actually caused the user of the de-
triloquism (3), Hands of Stone (15), Semi-Impervious to Cold vice to disappear for: 01-40% 2D6 melee rounds, 41-70% 2D6
(15). minutes, 71-00% 1D6 hours. After this time, the user reappears
Jade: Bonding (80), Life Plant (8), Spirit Attack (15), Destroy where he was when he activated the device, with no idea how
Undead Flesh (100). much time has passed.
Ivory: Reanimate Flesh (4), Destroy Dead Flesh (3+), the 41-50%: Super-charged. The device works at double the
Druids’ Head (40), Mictlantecutli’s Command (150), and Aura range or damage, but for half the duration, and if used more than
of Undeath (12). 1D6 times a day it will explode, doing 4D6 M.D. to a 10 foot (3
Malachite: Increase Weight (4), Weightlessness (6), Immobi- m) radius.
lize (25), Witch Bottle (28). 51-60%: Half potency. Does half the damage and has only
half the range and duration at the normal activation cost.
Opal (Black): Reverse (18).
61-70%: Double the P.P.E. activation cost.
Opal (Fire): Bind Nightbane (70), Finger of Lictalon (150), 71-80%: Dimensional teleport. When activated, the device
Expel Demons or Deevils (35). teleports the holder to another dimension. Roll on the table of di-
Opal: Animate Object (15). mensions in Rifts® Dimension Book™ 7: Megaverse® Build-
Onyx: Nightlands Portal (50), Astral Portal (60), Dream Win- er.
dow (30), Open Pathway (170), Teleport: Self (120). 81-99%: The device destroys itself! All gems are destroyed
Pearl (Black): Fleet Feet (20), Size of the Behemoth (12). and cannot be salvaged.
00%: It’s a miracle! The device works at double the normal
Quartz (Clear): Radiate Light (8).
potency (range, damage, duration, speed, etc.) but the effect can-
Quartz (Smoky): Scarlet Pepper (10). not be replicated.

Grimoire P.P.E.: 65
Level: 10
This spell is similar to the Familiar Link spell, except it is
Technomancy meant only to link the mage and a Biomech creature and will not
work on any other living creature or machine. Once linked to the
The following spells are a brand of magic that can be used by mage, the Biomech will obey his every command, no matter how
Techno-Wizards normally without the usual penalties to range, wild it may have been.
damage, duration, etc. Other magic users can also use these spells,
but they will have to spend twice as much P.P.E. to cast them. Bonuses/Abilities from Link:
! The mage can see/sense what the Biomech can, but only when
within 600 feet (183 m) of each other.
Sense Machines ! The Biomech can run/fly 25% faster and can integrate twice
the normal number of cybernetics.
Range: 10 foot (3 m) radius.
Duration: One melee round per level.
Saving Throw: None.
! When the Biomech is damaged, so is the mage. For every
M.D.C. point lost from the Biomech, the owner suffers one
P.P.E.: 6
lost Hit Point.
Level: 1
Similar to the spells See Aura and Sense Magic, the Sense
! If the Biomech is killed, the mage permanently loses 5 Hit
Points and there is a 01-50% chance he will fall into a coma
Machine spell can be used to locate machines and to sense certain
for 1D6 hours.
information about machines.
! Locate all machines within the range of the spell, including ! Only Biomechs can be used as a Familiar when this spell is
hidden surveillance devices, listening bugs, etc.
Note: For more information about Biomech creatures, see be-
! Recognize androids and cyborgs made to look like a flesh and
blood being.
! Determine the level of sentience (e.g. drone, Robot Intelli-
gence, Neural Intelligence, completely sentient, etc.). Transfer Intelligence
! Determine if the machine has a mortal essence in it or is pos-
sessed by a supernatural being. Range: Self.
! Earth/human design or whether it is alien in origin or a TW Duration: Indefinite.
device. Saving Throw: None.
P.P.E.: 450
Level: 13
Machine Diagnosis With this ritual, the mage is able to transfer his intelligence
Range: Touch. (I.Q., M.E., M.A., memories, emotions, skills, etc.) and energies
Duration: Instant. (P.P.E. and I.S.P.) back and forth between a robot body and his
Saving Throw: None. original (if the mage’s body is stolen or destroyed, the mage will
P.P.E.: 6 be stuck in the robot body until the original body is recovered, if
Level: 1 possible), like a magical version of the Transferred Intelligence
The mage can pinpoint the location/cause of damage or mal- AI (see Rifts® Sourcebook One). While within the robot body,
functions and will know what needs to be done to correct it. the mage still has P.P.E./I.S.P. (regenerates and increases with
experience normally), and can use his psionic abilities but cannot
Mend Machines cast spells or use P.P.E. (natural/super powers may be affected;
G.M.’s call). He has all his skills and mental faculties in addition
Range: Touch. to robot features. The ritual leaves the original body an empty
Duration: Instant/permanent. but living shell which is magically sustained by this ritual (does
Saving Throw: None. not age, atrophy or starve) for up to one year per level of experi-
P.P.E.: 50 plus the cost of repairs. ence. After this period, the body must be sustained through other
Level: 10 means. While in the robot body, the mage is immune to pain, fa-
This spell is used to make simple repairs to electronics/ma- tigue, hunger, thirst, poison, toxins and does not breathe, though
chines that have been damaged. The spell repairs 1 S.D.C. per 1 3-5 hours of “rest/sleep” is still required to keep his mind sharp.
P.P.E. point, or 1 M.D.C. per 10 P.P.E. Repairing software and Spells and psionics that affect the mind and emotions still affect
malfunctions requires 5 P.P.E. per correction. All repair P.P.E. the mage normally, but spells and psionics that would only affect
costs are in addition to the initial P.P.E. requirement. a flesh and blood body do not work on the character. The mage
can live indefinitely in the robot body without aging; however,
the robot body can be destroyed and if that happens, the character
Biomech Familiar Link is forcibly returned to his body and he permanently loses 5% of
Range: Self and Biomech; 600 feet (183 m). his P.P.E. If the physical body is dead, the mind inside the de-
Duration: Indefinite. stroyed robot dies!
Saving Throw: None.

Create Parts
Range: Touch.
Biomech Familiars
Duration: Permanent. Biomechs were first discovered by Temporal Raiders and sor-
Saving Throw: Not applicable. cerers in the Three Galaxies and are sometimes sold in the di-
P.P.E.: 50 mensional markets on Phase World and in the United Worlds of
Level: 10 Warlock (UWW). Biomech animals are strange creatures from an
With this spell, the mage can create a duplicate of a simple unknown, alien dimension. They appear to be some sort of living
working part, or can re-create a part for a broken machine. In machines similar to a cyborg, but are not man-made creations at
both cases, the mage must have at least a basic understanding of all, but naturally occurring, living beings. This why they can be
machines and electronics, and the necessary scrap/raw materials. linked to by practitioners of magic as Familiars. How this can be,
and what kind of world would spawn bio-mechanical animals,
remains a mystery. Even stranger, why do they resemble Earth
Charge E-Clip animals?
Range: Touch. Biomechs take to being domesticated pets of humans and hu-
Duration: Until charge is used up. man-like beings quickly and easily. Those that become Familiars
Saving Throw: None. are fiercely loyal and protective of their mage, and happily obe-
P.P.E.: 25 dient. Non-humans, especially monstrous looking beings, plant
Level: 7 beings, demons and infernals, have a great deal of trouble with
The mage can recharge one E-Clip. The recharging process is Biomech animals. Biomechs tend to be rebellious, finicky and
safe and has no detrimental effect on the E-Clips, and takes one uncooperative for such beings, with the Temporal Raider being
full melee round. the lone exception. Biomech animals seem to have an immediate
disdain for evil supernatural beings, including the undead, de-
mons of all kinds, Deevils, the Splugorth, and dark gods.
Magic Tool Due to their mechanized nature, Biomech animals can have a
Range: Self. limited number of bionic and cybernetic systems added to them.
Duration: 5 minutes per level. How they arrive in our dimension is unknown, and even though
Saving Throw: None. Rifts Earth is a dimensional nexus with hundreds of ley line nex-
P.P.E.: 20 us points capable of Rifting to an, arguably, infinite number of
Level: 4 worlds, Biomechs are exceedingly rare. In fact, the few hundred
By casting this spell, a Techno-Wizard can create any one that may exist on Rifts Earth were brought there by dimensional
simple tool such as a screwdriver, wrench, hammer, etc., out of travelers. Even in the dimensional markets of the Splugorth’s At-
thin air. The tool is made out of a translucent material that glows lantis, there are seldom more than a few dozen sold every year.
slightly blue but has all the same features and capabilities of the
genuine article. The spell cannot create power tools or tools with Biomech animals appeal to many practitioners of magic, but
M.D. capabilities, like a laser torch or laser wand. especially to Ley Line Rifters, Shifters, Temporal Raiders, Tem-
poral Wizards and Techno-Wizards. Techno-Wizards find these
“living machines” to be fascinating and useful scouts and com-
Mystic Bomb panions. However, some people, including Lemurians, find me-
chanical animals with minds and personalities of their own to be
Range: Touch. Can be thrown 120 feet (36.6 m).
disturbing and “unnatural” (even though the creatures are natural
Duration: Can be stored for 1 year per level of experience.
to their mysterious, home dimension). The demand for Biomech
Saving Throw: None.
Familiars is way beyond supply at most places, and the creatures
P.P.E.: 20
remain exceedingly rare. On Rifts Earth, they can command one
Level: 7
million to several millions of credits depending on the individual
This spell creates a black orb the size of a tennis ball that when
and circumstance, but remain super-rare.
thrown, explodes on impact. The orb does 2D6 M.D., +1 M.D.
per level of experience, to a 3 foot (0.9 m) radius per level of Note: See Rifts® Dimension Book Seven: Megaverse®
experience. Builder for the first appearance of Biomech animals and stats for
the Avian and Saurian Biomech. This issue of The Rifter® offers
four new types of Biomechs, inspired by the Biomech concept
created and written by Carl Gleba.
Canine Biomech
Feline Biomech
Serpentine/Snake Biomech
Chiropteran/Bat Biomech

dust particles, but in its natural environment it feeds on other
Biomech animals.
Attacks per Melee: 4
Bonuses (in addition to attribute bonuses): +1 on initiative, +4
to strike, +2 to dodge, +3 to save vs Horror Factor and imper-
vious to diseases that afflict flesh and blood animals.
R.C.C. Skill Equivalents: Prowl 45%, Tracking (by smell) 80%,
Swimming 65%, Land Navigation 75% and Tailing 50%.
Damage: Bite does 2D6 M.D., claws do 1D4 M.D.
Magic: None.
Psionics: None, but due to the alien nature of their minds, they
save as if they were Minor Psychics (12 or higher). Familiars
share a link with their human partner.
Habitat: Primarily found in their native dimension only, on a half
dozen worlds.
Languages: None; communicates with other Canine Biomechs
with synthesized growls, whines, barks and howls. Familiars
respond to their human partner.
Enemies: None.
Physical Appearance: The Canine Biomech looks like a me-
chanical wolf or dog with silver or steel grey coloring. The
metallic coloring is offset by blue fiber optic cables.
Value: The Canine Biomech is one of the few Biomech animals
that can be domesticated and trained. A wild Canine Biomech
sells for 50,000-70,000 credits, and a trained Canine Biomech
Canine Biomech sells for 100,000-150,000 credits on Phase World, ten times as
Canine Biomechs are very popular pets not only among much on Rifts Earth.
Techno-Wizards and other magic users, but also among ordinary Notes: All Biomechs sustain themselves on a diet of other inor-
people because Canine Biomechs can be domesticated without ganic matter, preferably something with a high iron or nickel
having to use the Familiar Link spell. Canine Biomechs make content.
extremely loyal pets and Familiars that serve their masters in a
similar capacity as normal dogs.
Alignment: Scrupulous or Unprincipled as a Familiar or pet, An-
archist in the wild.
Attributes: I.Q. 1D4+4 (animal), M.E. 2D6+4, M.A. 3D6+3,
P.S. 2D6+7, P.P. 2D6+10, P.E. 3D6+3, P.B. 2D6+6, Spd
M.D.C.: P.E. x4.
Horror Factor: 9
Size: 1.5 feet (0.45 m) tall at the shoulder. 3 to 4.5 feet (0.9 to
1.4 m) long, with another 12-19 inches (30-46 cm) for the tail.
Weight: 40-60 pounds (18-27 kg).
Average Life Span: 15-20 years, but Familiars can live for three
times as long.
P.P.E.: 6D6 Feline Biomech
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 30 feet (9 m), can leap 4 feet (1.2
Like the Canine Biomech, the Feline Biomech can be domes-
m) high and 6 feet (1.8 m) long, has the equivalent of bionic
ticated, however the Feline is slightly more difficult to train. De-
amplified hearing, and a small, 3x3x4 inch (7.6x7.6x10 cm)
spite this, the Feline is a popular pet, the same size as a house cat.
compartment. Natural radar with a range of 1,000 feet (305
Alignment: Unprincipled as a Familiar or pet. Anarchist in the
m), but is completely fouled up by rain, fog, smoke, snow, and
dust storms. Strength is equal to Robotic and they have natural
Attributes: I.Q. 1D6+2 (animal), M.E. 2D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S.
weapons described under damage. The Biomech is also able
2D6+4, P.P. 2D6+12, P.E. 2D6+10, P.B. 2D6+8, Spd
to integrate additional mechanical items into its body. These
items can be any kind of cybernetics (or similar small mechan-
M.D.C.: P.E. x2.
ical items), from weapons to optics to sensors. The Biomech
Horror Factor: 6
is limited to 4 items total and can integrate them in 1D4 days
Size: 1.5 feet (0.46 m) long, plus another 1 foot (0.3 m) of tail.
without surgery. Recovers 3D6 M.D.C. every 12 hours, twice
Weight: 10-20 pounds (4.5-9 kg).
as fast if it has metal scraps to incorporate into its body. Can
Average Life Span: 16-25 years, but Familiars can live three
feed on metal scraps, bionic parts, metal shavings, and iron
times as long.

P.P.E.: 5D6 Average Life Span: 15-20 years, but Familiars can live three
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 200 feet (61 m), can leap 5 feet times as long.
(1.5 m) high and 6 feet (1.8 m) long. Natural radar with a P.P.E.: 6D6
range of 1,000 feet (305 m), but is completely fouled up by Natural Abilities: Nightvision 100 feet (30.5 m), sees in the in-
rain, fog, smoke, snow, and dust storms. Strength is equal to frared spectrum with a range of 100 feet, Natural radar with
Robotic, and they have natural weapons described under dam- a range of 1,000 feet (305 m), but is completely fouled up by
age. The Biomech is also able to integrate additional mechani- rain, fog, smoke, snow, and dust storms. Strength is equal to
cal items into its body. These items can be any kind of cy- Robotic, and they have natural weapons described under dam-
bernetics (or similar small mechanical items), from weapons age. The Biomech is also able to integrate additional mechani-
to optics to sensors. The Biomech is limited to 4 items total cal items into its body. These items can be any kind of cy-
and can integrate them in 1D4 days without surgery. Recovers bernetics (or similar small mechanical items), from weapons
3D6 M.D.C. every 12 hours, twice as fast if it has metal scraps to optics to sensors. The Biomech is limited to 2 items total
to incorporate into its body. Can feed on small metal scraps, and can integrate them in 1D4 days without surgery. Recovers
bionic parts, metal shavings, and iron dust particles, but in its 3D6 M.D.C. every 12 hours, twice as fast if it has metal scraps
natural environment it feeds on other Biomech animals. to incorporate into its body. Can feed on small metal scraps,
Attacks per Melee: 3 bionic parts, metal shavings, and iron dust particles, but in its
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +2 to strike, +2 to parry, +3 to dodge, natural environment it feeds on other Biomech animals.
+4 to roll with impact, and +1 to save vs Horror Factor. Attacks per Melee: 3
R.C.C. Skill Equivalents: Climbing 85%, Prowl 70%, Swim- Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +3 to strike, +1 to parry, +4 to auto-
ming 40%, Track Animals 50% and Tailing 80%. dodge, and +3 to save vs Horror Factor.
Damage: Claws do 1D6 M.D.; bite does 1D4 M.D. R.C.C. Skill Equivalents: Prowl 80%, Swimming 40%, Climb-
Magic: None. ing 70%.
Psionics: None, however due to the alien nature of their minds, Damage: A constricting squeeze does 2D6 S.D.C. Bite does 1D4
they save as if they were Minor Psychics (12 or higher). Fa- M.D., plus the synthetic venom does an additional 2D6 M.D.
miliars share a link with their human partner. (inflicts S.D.C. against organic beings) every melee for 1D4
Habitat: Primarily found in their native dimension only, on a half melee rounds, unless a successful save vs poison is made each
dozen worlds. melee round. Because this venom is composed of nano-ma-
Languages: None; has synthesized growl, hiss, purr and meow. chines, there is no anti-venom that can neutralize it, thus most
Familiars respond to their human partner. victims of the Serpentine must either wait out the venom or
get magical aid. Another alternative is to use an IRMSS (see
Enemies: None.
Rifts® Ultimate Edition, page 263), which will give the vic-
Physical Appearance: Looks like a mechanical domestic cat, tim one additional chance to save, and if that is successful, the
and comes in a variety of metallic colors and patterns offset damage stops immediately.
by green fiber optic cables along its body.
Magic: None.
Value: The Feline Biomech is one of the few Biomech animals
Psionics: None, however due to the alien nature of their minds,
that can be domesticated and trained. A wild Feline Biomech
they save as if they were Minor Psychics (12 or higher). Fa-
sells for 40,000-60,000 credits, and a domesticated Feline
miliars share a link with their human partner.
Biomech sells for 90,000-130,000 credits on Phase World, ten
times as much on Rifts Earth. Habitat: Primarily found in their native dimension only, on a half
dozen worlds.
Notes: All Biomechs sustain themselves on a diet of other inor-
ganic matter, preferably something with a high iron or nickel Languages: None; has a synthesized hiss but it is only used when
content. threatened. Familiars respond to their human partner.
Enemies: None.
Physical Appearance: A large, mechanical snake with a pattern
Serpentine Biomech of emerald green fiber optic cables running along the body.
Favored among magic users that specialize in assassination, Value: A wild Serpentine Biomech sells for 50,000-80,000 cred-
Serpentine Biomechs are capable of producing a sort of venom its on Phase World, ten times as much on Rifts Earth.
that is composed of thousands of nano-machines that begin Notes: All Biomechs sustain themselves on a diet of other inor-
breaking down whatever it comes in contact with. However, it ganic matter, preferably something with a high iron or nickel
is designed to break down other Biomech animals so it is not as content.
effective against organic beings.
Alignment: Unprincipled as a Familiar. Anarchist in the wild.
Attributes: I.Q. 1D4+2 (animal), M.E. 1D6+9, M.A. 1D6+4, P.S.
Chiropteran (Bat) Biomech
2D6+3, P.P. 2D6+6, P.E. 2D6+8, P.B. 1D6+3, Spd 2D6+6. Practitioners of magic who desire an out of the way guard for
M.D.C.: P.E. x3. their homes and lairs often opt for the Chiropteran Biomech. Not
Horror Factor: 12 only can the Chiropteran fly around patrolling the area, but it can
also hang someplace out of the way for hours at a time. This,
Size: 3-8 feet (0.9 to 2.4 m) long.
combined with its enhanced radar, makes it the perfect guard.
Weight: 10-20 pounds (4.5-9 kg).
Alignment: Unprincipled as a Familiar. Anarchist in the wild.
Habitat: Primarily found in their native dimension only, on a half
dozen worlds.
Languages: None; has a synthesized chirp but it is only used
when mating. Familiars respond to their human partner.
Enemies: None.
Physical Appearance: This Biomech looks like a mechanical
flying fox, with dark copper coloring around the neck and dark
grey everywhere else. Blue fiber optic cables run along the
body offsetting the coloring.
Value: None; cannot be domesticated but can command 50,000-
100,000 credits as a Familiar on Phase World, ten times as
much on Rifts Earth.
Notes: All Biomechs sustain themselves on a diet of other inor-
ganic matter, preferably something with a high iron or nickel

Attributes: I.Q. 1D6+2 (animal), M.E. 2D6+3, M.A. 2D6+6, Ground Zero
P.S. 1D6+8, P.P. 2D6+12, P.E. 2D6+6, P.B. 2D6, Spd 1D6x5.
M.D.C.: P.E. x2.
Horror Factor: 10
Getting Started
Ground Zero is an adventure for groups that have at least one
Size: One foot (0.3 m) tall/long body, six foot (1.83 m) wingspan, Techno-Wizard as part of the team. The adventure begins in
plus a small tail that is 2 feet (0.61 m) long. North America, either in the wilderness or perhaps a small town,
Weight: 15-25 pounds (6.75-11.25 kg). somewhere within 100 miles (160 km) of the Old Chicago ruins.
Average Life Span: 20-30 years in the wild but Familiars can The setting is 109 P.A., after the fall of Tolkeen. The characters
live for three times as long. may be exploring, traveling or escorting a client (NPC Techno-
P.P.E.: 5D6 Wizard maybe?) to some location when they come across the
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 1,000 feet (305 m). Natural radar site of a recent battle between the Coalition and a Tolkeen Ret-
with a range of 3,000 feet (914.4 m), but is completely fouled ribution Squad. Among the wreckage of a Mauler, a Glitter Boy
up by rain, fog, smoke, snow, and dust storms. Strength is Killer, 2 Super-SAMAS, and 10 Skelebots are 30 dead (25 Coali-
equal to Robotic and they have natural weapons described un- tion troops and 5 TRS members), most of whom are in horrible
der damage. The Biomech is also able to integrate additional condition. Characters with Tracking skill or who have psionic/
mechanical items into its body. These items can be any kind of magic abilities will be able to determine that the Coalition troops
cybernetics (or similar small mechanical items), from weapons ambushed the Tolkeen Retribution Squad and paid dearly for
to optics to sensors. The Biomech is limited to 2 items total it. Salvageable items include 20 E-Clips, 3 C-20 laser pistols, 2
and can integrate them in 1D4 days without surgery. Recovers C-30 pulse laser pistols, 3 CP-40 pulse laser rifles, 1 CP-50 Drag-
3D6 M.D.C. every 12 hours, twice as fast if it has metal scraps onfires, 1 C-29 heavy plasma rifles, 15 hand grenades (various),
to incorporate into its body. Can feed on small metal scraps, 10 Vibro-weapons, 1D6x1,000 credits in miscellaneous equip-
bionic parts, metal shavings, and iron dust particles, but in its ment, and a scroll case with some interesting information.
natural environment it feeds on other Biomech animals. The Scroll Case: The contents of the scroll case include a
Attacks per Melee: 4 schematic for a “Life Killer” bomb, a map of the Old Chicago
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +3 to strike, and +4 to dodge flying. ruins with the best route into the ruins through the underground
sewers marked out, and a document detailing what the Tolkeen
R.C.C. Skill Equivalents: Prowl 75%, Tailing 77%, and Land
Retribution Squad plans to do. If Techno-Wizard characters
Navigation 85%.
study the schematics, they will realize that this bomb will kill
Damage: Bite 1D6 M.D., wing slash 2D6 M.D., and can unleash all life within a 100 mile (160 km) radius from ground zero. The
a sonic blast that does 1D6 M.D. and has a range of 1,000 feet characters should feel compelled to stop the Tolkeen Retribution
(305 m). Squad’s plan even if they have no love for the Coalition States,
Magic: None. due to the fact that they will not be able to get out of the blast
Psionics: None, however due to the alien nature of their minds, area. Other than that, characters should also feel compelled to
they save as if they were Minor Psychics (12 or higher). Fa- stop them because the bomb will also kill many innocent people
miliars share a link with their human partner. (including friends or allies in the ‘Burbs).

SAMAS Attack to escape the remaining squad members and the Coalition troops.
The following are suggested options for a conclusion:
As the characters are about to leave, 6 Super-SAMAS swoop 1. The bomb is a dud; it simply does not work.
down out of the sky. Upon seeing the characters among the 2. Works but at a reduced effectiveness; the bomb only kills
wreckage and bodies of Coalition troops, the pilots immediately everything in a 1-2 mile (1.6-3.2 km) radius. Somehow, the char-
assume that the characters are responsible and attack. The pilots acters should manage to survive the effects of the bomb.
are all level 1D6+2. 3. Malfunction; the bomb causes a dimensional anomaly that
sends the characters to another dimension.

The Ins and Outs 4. The bomb causes euphoria (same as a Ley Line Storm) over
the 100 mile (150 km) radius, which lasts 1D6 hours.
Getting to the Old Chicago ruins will be uneventful, but get- 5. The bomb causes a Ley Line Storm that covers the Old
ting in will be a big problem. The characters will be unable to go Chicago ruins. The storm lasts 1D6 hours and should cover the
to the Coalition, thus they will have to sneak into the ruins and characters’ escape.
stop the Tolkeen Retribution Squad themselves. Getting into the
ruins will be impossible by air or ground because of SAMAS
and Sky Cycle patrols in the air and Spider Skull Walkers on the
ground, which leaves only water and the underground. The water
route will be the easiest, but the characters will still have to be
Hook, Line, Sinkers™
wary of Coalition patrols. Furthermore, any means of transporta-
tion will need to be small to avoid detection, which means that The Derelicts’ Call
vehicles, robots and perhaps power armor will have to be left
behind. Going through the underground will be another possibil-
ity. If the characters have a Stone Master, Earth Warlock or a
– Phase World®
TW magic miner, they will be able to dig their way into the ruins Hook: The characters find an abandoned UWW ship (any
without much trouble. Or the characters can use the same route type).
that the Tolkeen Retribution Squad used. Line: Why is the ship abandoned? Do the characters explore
it? Are there survivors or valuables aboard? What do the charac-
The Conflict Begins ters do?
Sinker: There is a reason the ship is abandoned and it could be
Finding the bomb will be very easy if they have a compe- anything from a dark coven planning to use the crew as sacrifices
tent Techno-Wizard, but will be virtually impossible otherwise. to monsters that devoured (most of) the crew. Whatever is still in
Techno-Wizard characters will have to roll under their Techno- the ship (good or bad) is up to the G.M.
Wizardry Construction skill at -30% to figure out that the bomb
requires a nexus point to power itself, and that all connecting ley
lines will be drained of P.P.E. The fact that there is only one Dimensional Deviance – Any
nexus point in the ruins, makes finding the bomb much easier.
The real challenge will be getting to the bomb and disarming it. Hook: One of the characters is ether tinkering with an experi-
The Tolkeen Retribution Squad will fight to the death to defend mental TW device (if a Techno-Wizard), testing a prototype for
the bomb and keep it armed, and the Coalition troops that occupy a Techno-Wizard NPC, or has purchased a defective TW device
the Old Chicago ruins will be attracted by any activity (especial- from an unscrupulous merchant.
ly magic), and will terminate anyone found in the ruins. Wise Line: A malfunction causes a dimensional anomaly which
characters will try to pit the Coalition troops against the Tolkeen will suck up all the characters of the player group and send them
Retribution Squad and then sneak into the area where the bomb to another dimension.
is being kept. The bomb is guarded by 2 Ley Line Walkers (8th Sinker: What dangers lurk in this world the characters were
level), 1 Shifter (6th level), 3 Greater Demons, 1 Necromancer sucked into? How do they get back home? Or do they stay and
(10th level) 6 zombies, 36 animated dead and 3 Juicers (6th level). explore this alien environment?
These opponents will be the characters’ main obstacle, and must
be eliminated or distracted if the characters are to get the chance
to disarm the bomb. Only a Techno-Wizard will be able to disarm The Worm’s Call
the bomb, because it does not play by conventional rules; roll
under the Techno-Wizardry Construction skill at -50%. – Wormwood™
Success or Failure Hook: The characters come across the scene of a recent battle
between a small force of demons and Cathedral warriors.
The conclusion of the adventure is left to the G.M. There are Line: While searching the site for survivors or loot, the char-
a number of options provided below, or the G.M. can come up acters find a survivor who is mortally wounded. The survivor
with his or her own ending. It should go without saying that the hands the characters a scroll case and with his dying breath, begs
Tolkeen Retribution Squad should not succeed. Furthermore, if them to take it to the Cathedral. The scroll case has a number of
the characters do manage to disarm the bomb, they will still have TW schematics in it which are experimental Cathedral designs.

Sinker: Both the Cathedral and the Unholy want the schemat-
ics and are willing to pay for them, however, if the characters take
Curiosity Killed the Faerie Bot
a side, the other will try to hunt them down.
– Rifts®
Do Skelebots Dream Hook: The characters are traveling in the wilderness on their
way to a town for some R&R, their next job, or the next step of
an adventure.
of Electric Sheep? – Rifts® Line: Suddenly, the characters hear a synthesized voice plead-
ing for mercy. If the characters investigate, they find a Faerie Bot
Hook: The characters are traveling in or near CS territory
(see Rifts® D-Bees of North America, page 76) surrounded by
when they spot a lone Coalition Skelebot with its lower half
a gang of bloodthirsty thugs.
blown off, crawling toward them.
Sinker: This intensely curious Faerie Bot was caught study-
Line: The Skelebot speaks to the characters, begging for help!
ing (i.e. taking apart) some vehicles that belonged to the thugs, so
It tells them that its people were captured by Coalition troops and
now they are hellbent on some murderous revenge.
that if the characters don’t help they will be destroyed.
Sinker: The characters may not believe the Skelebot, think-
ing that this is some kind of CS trap, but the Skelebot is telling
the truth. It and its people are a group of Techno-Wizards (and
Blood, Sweat, and Tears
their families) whose essence and intelligence were transferred
into various robots by an experimental TW device. If the charac- – Hades/Dyval
ters choose to help the Techno-Bots, they will have to work fast,
because the Coalition is planning to send the ‘Bots to a research Hook: The characters, an ally, or someone the characters
lab in Chi-Town. Furthermore, the characters may also be asked need, has been captured by demons/infernals and put to work in a
to help the ‘Bots to return their souls to their original bodies. TW manufacturing facility.
Line: Now the characters must escape or orchestrate a prison
break. If the characters are prisoners, they will only have what
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, they can scrounge up, jury-rig, or build at their disposal.
Sinker: It’s now or never. The characters have everything
they’ll need and now must fight their way out of the facility and
a Mining We Will Go escape.

– Scorched Lands
Hook: The characters are prospecting in the Scorched Lands
A Walk with the Dead
or have been hired to protect a mining crew.
Line: Success! The characters have hit the mother lode and
have begun extracting tons of whatever metal or gemstone they Hook: The characters are on patrol near enemy lines.
are looking for. The value of the gems or metal is 1D4 million Line: Suddenly, they are attacked by hordes of what they think
credits. are enemy soldiers, but something is wrong. The enemy soldiers
Sinker: All the activity and the payout have attracted the at- are using a mishmash of weapons, move in an odd manner, are
tention of demons, bandits or claim jumpers. Now the characters unaffected by bullets, and smell of death.
have to fight for their lives and the gems/metals. Sinker: The enemy soldiers are zombies. The Nazis have sent
an army of the undead against the Allies, and now the characters
must fight their way back to friendly territory and alert their com-
Emancipation manding officer to the attack.

– Scorched Lands
Hook: The characters are heading out into the Scorched Lands
Heavy Hitters
to do some prospecting.
Line: In the Scorched Lands, the characters encounter a group
of ragged-looking individuals. These people are slaves of Naruni Hook: The characters are locked in combat with the enemy.
Enterprises and are on the run. When they see the characters, the Line: Suddenly, they are attacked by a platoon of large enemy
slaves beg and plead with them for help. The slaves are being soldiers clad in heavy armor and wielding heavy weaponry.
pursued by 1D6 Repo-Bots, and all are malnourished and dehy- Sinker: Time to fight or die.
Sinker: Do the characters help these slaves, or turn them in to
the Naruni? Helping the slaves means making an enemy of the

The Lion, The Ditch & The Warlock
A Lopanic Games Adventure
Optional Material for the Palladium Fantasy RPG®
By Paul Herbert
Writer’s Note: Originally, this adventure began life as a with tourists, spectators, competing teams, guilds, vendors and
“Hook, Line and Sinker” idea for a manuscript submission en- thieves. Oh, you brought your items with you so as not to leave
titled “The Lopanic Games.” I then expanded on the story to en- them in your tent? Best hold on to them tightly in the bustling
dorse the manuscript at the Palladium Open House, as well as to streets of Lopania.
have a fun time running the adventure at this exhibition. What The actual city is split into five districts:
you see below are the details of that game. I used pre-generated
characters which are included at the back and at various points I
! Religious District: Temples, Alliance Park, Titan Park.
have interjected with the scenarios or given optional pointers of ! Merchant District (although this spills out to everywhere):
how the exhibition games went in playtest. The adventure was Markets, Stalls, Shops, Bazaars.
scheduled to last approximately 4 hours and due to its intended ! Official District: L.G.C. H.Q., Hospital.
nature, is quite linear in plot, but as you will see, it can easily ! Tournament District: Stadiums (no spoilers on the stadiums
be expanded upon further even without introducing many of the other than the Lopanic Bowl (outdoors).
other adventure avenues that abound around the Lopanic Games. ! Village District: Athletes housing, Training grounds.
With the pre-generated characters and the short, lead plot line, it
is a useful tool to other exhibitors and Megaversal Ambassadors.
The Lopanic Games
The Lopanic Games Overview Originally an Elven tournament to honor the charge of the
Alliance of Light and the defeat of the Dreaded Old Ones, the
Hopefully, the submitted manuscript is well received, print- Lopanic Games have since allowed entry by “friends of Elves,”
ed and an overview is not necessary (insert smiley here). But, namely Dwarves, Gnomes and humankind (although in the man-
with that possibility being versed in as much fantasy as the game uscript there is a clause to allow other non-humans). Oh, this is
you’re about to play, I guess I’ll just have to include an overview also a strictly male competition, sorry girls. Hosted every three
of the setting anyway, starting with the city of Lopania. years (a Lopaniad), the games consist of twenty-three regular
events (athletic, equestrian, aquatic and combat), thirteen free-
style events (where magic is allowed or even necessary!), and
Lopania six underground events (an unauthorized tournament). Entrants
must have been sponsored by a recognized merchant guild and
A city on the northwestern coast of Lopan, Lopania is built for compete for their chosen event all in one day. There are unique
one purpose: the Lopanic Games. Although open all year round prizes for the champions as well as notoriety throughout Palla-
(the stadiums are hired out to wealthy exhibitors), the majority of dium. Psionics are not allowed due to the inability to monitor
its industry is involved with the games, hosted once every three their fair play, although the L.G.C. has recently discovered a lim-
years (known as a Lopaniad). Therefore, when compared to oth- ited means to do this, thus allowing Minor Psychics entry who
er cities, Lopania can seem sparse. There is little in the way of are tested during the quarterfinals onwards. The L.G.C. does its
permanent buildings; only the largest structures in each district best to ensure fair play and prevent cheating with magical deter-
are made of stone, such as the stadiums, amphitheaters, arenas, rents, drug testing, and even an athlete oath to Rurga to abide by
temples, official buildings, embassies and the homes of the ri- the rules, but the sponsoring guilds, gamblers and bandits will
diculously wealthy. During the month of the games (they last for attempt to sway favor in their direction at any cost. The money
one week only), the city comes alive, and innumerable temporary generated by the Lopanic Games and an event’s outcome is life-
structures, tents, caravans, wooden makeshift taverns, fenced ar- changing for all involved.
eas and Earth Warlock-constructed shelters make up this unusual For further details, pester Palladium Books and tell them you
city-scape. Although the Lopanic Games Committee (L.G.C.) at- want to see the Lopanic Games manuscript printed! Ok, enough
tempt to organize the layout, this task is an impossible one and plugs, back to the story.
it generally becomes first come, first served. Ensure you have
some protection for your belongings, as it doesn’t take much to Before beginning, it is important to determine a couple of
break into a tent! The shops are also temporary and most streets things with the players. Why are they at the tournament: entering,
are lined with markets, stall, carts, vendors, traveling salesmen, spectating, gambling, working the streets? What are their inten-
preachers and the usual entertainers you would see on a market tions and goals: to win, to earn money, to rob people, to sell a new
day in any large city. During the month (especially week) of the item, to meet one of the celebrities, to gain employment? Where
games, every day and every street is overcrowded and packed is their base and what is it: camped in Lopania, on the outskirts,

in the nearby forest, rented accommodation in Lopania’s outra- processed or smoothed. Perhaps the age of the piece has worn it
geous hotels? through? There is no plaque at its base. In fact, there is no base!
The statue’s feet rest directly upon the grass beneath. The figure
itself is of a small human boy dressed in tattered clothes with
In the original playtest, the group consisted of the athlete a noticeably startled expression across his face. His hands are
(competing in the discus), his sponsoring representative, a Psi- raised, palms out, whilst his upper torso leans back, his feet bare-
Healer trainer and their hired protection. Their goal was for the ly supporting him. The weight of the statue against the ground
athlete to compete (and win). Their base was a collective group of shows that it has not been here long. Should it remain for much
single person tents on the outskirts of Lopania’s main entry road. over a week, the soft grass would sink and topple the statue onto
its side. There are no markings or signatures of any known sculp-
tors or monograms of the originator. The most useful skill to in-
terpret the mystery of this monument is Lore: Magic or Recog-
nize Enchantment, for if you haven’t realized by now, this is no
A Walk in the Park sculpture, but an actual boy magically petrified!
A psychometric reading will show nothing as the boy is no
On the evening of the first night, after the celebrations and object which may help the group determine the statue’s origins.
opening ceremony of the morning, it is customary for tourists to Somehow, they will ascertain that in order to return the boy to
explore the many Lopania parks. In particular, any athletes must his normal self, they will need to call upon the services of a mage
take the “trial of truth” in front of Rurga’s statue in Alliance Park with knowledge of the stone to flesh spell. In Lopania, this is most
and it is good luck to visit the statues of champions past in Titan likely to be either a Wizard (in abundance to witness the experi-
Park. The opening to this adventure begins during the group’s ences of the freestyle games) or an Earth Warlock (also in abun-
sightseeing in Titan Park... dance as their services are used to build temporary shelters and
reclaim the trodden lands during and after the mass influx of visi-
Read aloud to the players: tors). Both of these mages may also be competing in the freestyle
It is early evening on the first day of the Lopanic Games. games. One O.C.C. that may also be of assistance, should your
You are still regaling over the sights and sounds of this player group be of unscrupulous nature, is a Summoner. There
morning’s opening ceremony; the procession of athletes, are many creatures that can possess such knowledge, including
the acrobatic displays, the marching bands and the parade demons, Deevils, Elementals and Spirits of Light. Of course, the
of the carnival. All a wonder like none you believe you’ll player characters themselves may know the spell. G.M.s may use
ever see again. As with most tourists, you find yourselves whichever suits their campaign as it will not alter the main story
enjoying the scenery around Titan Park, one of Lopania’s plot. For this adventure (and the playtest), the characters’ knowl-
many picturesque gardens. This park has truly been well edge may lead them to sorcerous circles in search of a Wizard.
kept and all manner of the most beautiful and exotic plant After a few miscellaneous enquiries, the Wizard’s haunt aptly
life decorate the pathways, steps and grounds of the park, named “The Mystic Marquee” will be repeated by locals and for-
exquisitely framing the focus attractions – the celebrated mer patriots alike.
statues of the Lopanic Games’ former champions, each
poised in majestic stance and titled by the plaques at their
base. Slogans such as, “Ulthir Rysse, archery champion –
a bull’s-eye hit with the fans!” are etched onto each plaque
The Mystic Marquee
describing the individuals depicted. As your group moves This temporary yet popular tavern is in the form of a large, red
further to the far end of the park, the success of those por- marquee erected only during the week of the games. It can easily
trayed dwindles as do the crowds and beauty of your sur- hold over a hundred patrons comfortably and looks more like a
roundings. Neatly nestled between an enclosure of hedge- circus tent than a marquee if it were not for its rectangular shape.
rows, you [insert character here] notice something unusual There are two entrances on each of the easterly corners, both of
out of the corner of your eye. Bordered in, like the other which have symbolic circles carved into the ground. Rumors
statues in this area, there appears to be a sculpture unlike have it that these circles prevent anyone but mages (or those with
the rest. This figure is much smaller than the rest, possibly high P.P.E. reserves) from entering. In truth, these circles are not
of a different design and certainly not as splendorous as magical and are just an urban legend, for show. They increase
its companions. The stonework would equal any Spriggan the tavern’s popularity, as rarely are its occupants disturbed by
and is just as good if not better then what you have already the common folk or non-practitioners of magic. A factor that
witnessed. Each curve, each wrinkle is incredibly realistic, most Wizards find appeals to their arrogance. Occasionally, an
although the actual stone quality appears dull. The figure’s intrigued hopeful will attempt to sneak in through the side of the
pose also seems distinct as it is not celebrating its glory but canvas or an open flap, only to find the entire populace of the
seems to almost be cowering in fear! This uncanny monu- marquee staring and laughing at them as they flounder to gain
ment has you intrigued as something this out of place in a entry. This ridicule adds another reason as to why the Wizards
garden so precise in arrangement definitely requires fur- frequent this haunt whilst increasing their arrogance even further.
ther investigating. Other than the customer base and their conversations, one thing
that truly does make this tavern truly unique is its staff – there
Questions will abound about this statue. The stone is a dark isn’t any! The entire operation seems to be run by animated ob-
grey color and appears dull and rough as though it had not been jects all busy doing as they should be in real life.
Nyche Callister, Guild Leader
Read aloud to the players:
As you make your way to the bar at the far end of the Name: Nyche Zireb Callister.
marquee, it is quite apparent that if you are not a mage Race: Human.
of sorts then you are far from your comfort zone. The en- Alignment: Miscreant.
sembles of the many sorcerous orders are all that can be Attributes: I.Q. 17, M.E. 16, M.A. 18, P.S. 10, P.P. 10, P.E. 19,
seen, but most noticeable are the flamboyant colors of the P.B. 8, Spd 6.
“Drifters” (those who compete in the Ley Line Drifting Birth Order: Illegitimate.
event) and those of their fanboy followers, both male and Size: 6 feet tall (1.8 m). Weight: 150 pounds (68 kg).
female aplenty. Age: 58
A few tables and chairs are scattered around, although Disposition: Selfish. Opinionated. Cruel. Outwardly, a distinct
it is difficult to see through the bustling masses, all huddled yet arrogantly rude gentleman and inwardly, even worse! He
together. Patrons push past you and others as they make is bordering on diabolical.
new paths in the claustrophobic conditions toward their Land of Origin: Timiro.
destination. As you look around, you see a young Wizard Type of Environment: Large City (Old Timiro).
knocked off balance and into another. The bystander’s Social/Family Background: Magic.
drink is spilt and the angry mage begins to cast a spell. As Racial Hostilities/Biases: Forsaken Mages and Half-Wizards.
he does so, you notice, out of the corner of your eye, a hand Hit Points: 82. S.D.C.: 24.
protrude forth from one of the many crowds. In a wave of I.S.P.: 0. P.P.E.: 303.
his fingers, the other mage’s spell dissipates into thin air. Horror/Awe Factor: 12 (if you know of his power and are about
The young Wizard ducks off into the multitude as the ag- to fight Nyche, his reputation gives him a Horror Factor).
gressor questions, “who did that?!” with an angry scowl O.C.C.: Wizard.
on his face. The stranger’s hand extends forward as the Experience Level: 12
gathering around him shuffles to give him space. It belongs Natural/Racial Abilities: None.
to an elder gentleman adorned in golden jewelry and fine Magic: All spell magic levels 1-13 plus the following: Restora-
silks. He speaks in a confident, commanding manner as he tion, Summon Greater Familiar, Teleport: Superior, Barrier of
answers, “I am Nyche Callister, Leader of Old Timiro’s Thoth and Crimson Wall of Lictalon!
Wizard guild, and I will enjoy my wine in peace!” The ag- Psionics: None.
gressor, still with a scowl, nods in acknowledgment and Attacks per Melee: 4
turns back towards his comrades. The mob momentarily Combat Info: Hand to Hand: Basic, kick attack: 2D4 damage,
silenced by the outbreak follow suit and the marquee once Critical strike on natural 19 or 20, body flip/throw, W.P. Staff
again returns to the noisy, crammed tavern it was. The (+4 strike, +4 parry, +2 throw), W.P. Sword (+5 strike, +4
bar is at the most westerly end and although made of fine parry, +3 throw).
wood, looks as uninteresting as all others bars. The bar Combat Bonuses (including all bonuses): +4 to Spell Strength,
staff however is an instant shock as there are none. Glasses +2 to strike, +3 to parry and dodge, +2 to damage, +4 to pull
slide across the bar into the hands of thirsty patrons. A coin punch, +4 to roll with punch/fall/impact.
purse picks up the gold left on the bar and carries it over to Other Bonuses: +2 save vs magic, +2 save vs poison, +1 save vs
a self-opening kitty. At the opposite end of the bar, a Wiz- psionics, +8% save vs coma. Trust/intimidate 50%.
ard orders an ale by talking to the tankard in front of him, Weapons: Magical runic long staff named Yanis. Indestructible.
only to see it slide over to one of the many barrels racked I.Q. 14, damage 6D6. Knows all sensitive and physical psionic
up at the back of the room, the barrel then streaming ale powers which it will impart on its wielder. However, the sensi-
right on cue to fill it. Bowls of appetizers, nuts and fruits tive powers can only be accessed during the day and the physi-
also frequent the bar and as you approach, a stool pulls cal powers only during the night. Day and night varies accord-
itself out in front of you, ready to help rest your feet. A sign ing to location and is irrespective of a presence of light (i.e. it
above the bar reads in all human and Elven languages (no is still daytime even if the wielder is underground). I.S.P. 120.
Dwarven): ”What’s your potion?” Replenishes I.S.P. at the rate of six per hour.
Armor: None.
There are no knowledgeable barmen to question about hiring a Equipment: An entire magic guild’s resources at his fingertips.
Wizard so the players will have to rely on their charms. If they are He has most components and the more common texts brought
not magic users themselves then most of the mystic marquee’s with him to Lopania.
inhabitants will not acknowledge that they are being addressed Magic Items: Could have virtually anything on his person at any
let alone converse with them in a conversation or actually help. given time but always carries an Armor of Ithan ring and a
This goes double for Old Timiro’s Wizard guild leader, Nyche scroll of Teleportation: Superior in case of emergencies.
Callister, who will have his members block the players’ entrance Money: 20,000 Eastern crowns on his person! Millions in banks
before they ever come close. Any Wizard player character may in Old Timiro and Lopania.
approach Callister but had better be a good salesman not to be
One character of note sits alone by one of the intended en-
ridiculed and chastised by the arrogant mage. He will certainly
trances, head to the floor, clearly attempting not to make eye con-
not help the players with their hypothesis no matter what, as tasks
tact with anyone. It is the young Wizard from the scuffle. He will
like that are far beneath him.
introduce himself as “Davis” and is of an obviously timid dispo-

sition, unconfident, nervous and distracted by paranoia. If ques- Magic: Cloud of Smoke (2), Death Trance (1), Increase Weight
tioned about his occupation his tone will change. He describes (4), Thunderclap (4), Climb (3), Concealment (6), Weightless-
himself as a “self-taught Wizard,” more commonly referred to as ness (6), Faerie Speak (5), See Wards (8), Darklight (6), Stone
a Forsaken Mage, and is angered by anyone who would belittle to Flesh (30).
his trade. Davis can and will help the player characters as one of Psionics: None.
the few spells that he knows is Stone to Flesh. However, there is a Skills of Note: Lore: Demons & Monsters (specialized) 71%.
“but” to his efforts; he has a task for them as payment for services Attacks per Melee: 2
rendered. Davis will ask them to follow him and will escort them Combat Info: Hand to Hand: Basic, kick attack: 2D4 damage,
to his caravan on the main road into Lopania (Lopania Drive). W.P. Blunt (+2 strike, +2 parry).
This mage’s disposition is a nervous one, not revealing this task Combat Bonuses (including all bonuses): +1 to Spell Strength,
until he can be assured of privacy. Once inside his abode he will +2 to parry and dodge, +2 to pull punch, +2 to roll with punch/
calm down and reveal that he wishes the group to meet an ac- fall/impact.
quaintance of his in the woods outside Lopania, tonight! He will Other Bonuses: +1 save vs magic.
provide them with a quickly drawn map to this grove (it is not too Weapons: Arab Mace (2D6 damage).
far away) and informs them that his contact’s name is “Spooney.” Armor: Soft Leather (A.R.: 10, S.D.C.: 20) worn at all times
Davis will pull out, from a seemingly secret pocket in his coat, an under his cloak.
envelope and hand it to them, instructing them sternly that they Equipment: A collection of traveling clothes, including a coat
are to exchange it for another package and bring that back to him with 4 secret pockets woven into it, books on magic (com-
in his caravan at dawn the next day as long as they swear that mon), and useless Alchemical experiments. All kept in his
their discretion in this private matter is, of course, assured. caravan which is the only thing of worth. He has unfortunately
If at any point the players question Davis about his spell sold his horse for a night’s worth of recreational substances.
knowledge or Nyche Callister (or pry too much generally), they He is now out of those as well!
will hear the response of “You’re more inquisitive than Nyche Magic Items: Carries a supply of fumes, including Apparitions
Callister.” Davis can confirm that Nyche is “all powerful” but (4), Daze (6), Fire Candles (6), and Smoke Bombs (5).
has approached Davis about teaching him a rare spell known as Money: 800 Eastern crowns to his name.
Darklight, a Shadow Magic invocation. He does not like the ar-
rogant Wizard and whilst his “stocks” last, he will make do with
earning his funds in other ways. The Forsaken Mage will not dis-
close where he learnt this spell but only reveals; “When you make
Lopania Grove
a deal with an infernal make sure you know what you’re getting The grove is a group clearing of trees near a modest mush-
into and I can tell you, what I don’t know about demons, Deevils room patch just west of Lopania. The woods they are in belong to
and other monsters isn’t worth knowing!” Empress Jesslyn but this close to Lopania it is expected to have
tourists and other strangers exploring, so one would have to wan-
Davis, the Forsaken Mage der much farther west before encountering royal guards and rang-
ers. At this time of night there is only one type of stranger that the
True Name: Baltoric McDavis-Massedan. player characters will meet that is a shadowy one. The journey
Race: Human. can be as fraught or as simplistic as the G.M. desires.
Alignment: Unprincipled.
Attributes: I.Q. 11, M.E. 6, M.A. 7, P.S. 6, P.P. 9, P.E. 12, P.B.
9, Spd 10. In the original playtest there were no encounters on the way to
Birth Order: Last born of twins. His family are all long since the grove due to time restraints. G.M.s should put in any encoun-
deceased. ters they wish but they should also consider that at the grove, a
Size: 5 feet, 7 inches tall (1.7 m). Weight: 130 pounds (59 kg). fight may ensue so the characters should have most of their Hit
Age: 27 Points and S.D.C. when arriving.
Disposition: Timid, weak and cowardly. Likes to bully others
as he is bullied but is easily frightened by a small display of
backbone. Those who know him tend to tease and mistreat On the way, many an unscrupulous character may give in to
him. Those who don’t jump to the conclusion that he is a the urge to open the envelope from Davis. This may lead to an
washed out drug addict and poor excuse for a mage. argument within the group as those of good alignment will wish
Land of Origin: Old Kingdom Highlands. to honor their part of the bargain. Should the players examine the
Type of Environment: Medium tribe. contents they will find a blank note. The note registers in magic
Social/Family Background: Magic. and has been written in mystic ink. Should the players be able to
Racial Hostilities/Biases: Ogres. interpret the writings using the Decipher Magic spell or any form
Hit Points: 28. S.D.C.: 7. of See the Invisible, they will see that it reads:
I.S.P.: 0. P.P.E.: 60.
Horror/Awe Factor: None. Room 502, “Acba Zireb.”
O.C.C.: Forsaken Mage.
Experience Level: 3
Natural/Racial Abilities: None. I am a keen user of handouts and therefore, I would recom-
mend that the G.M. gives the group an actual envelope. In the
playtest I had this envelope be blank for additional shock value Land of Origin: Old Kingdom Highlands.
and then handed the player (Wizard) a piece of paper with the Type of Environment: Small wilderness tribe.
above writing once he had used the Decipher Magic spell. Price- Social/Family Background: Scavengers.
less. Racial Hostilities/Biases: Anyone bigger, stronger, smarter than
Spooney (so most).
Hit Points: 43. S.D.C.: 19.
Read aloud to the players: I.S.P.: 0. P.P.E.: 21.
When you all arrive at the point on the map, the tall Horror/Awe Factor: None.
trees clear, revealing a single large tree centered by rings O.C.C.: Thief.
of mushrooms. From behind the tree slowly walks a short, Experience Level: 7
hooded figure veiled by a black cloak. Although his hood Natural/Racial Abilities: Nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m), Under-
overcasts his face, his tattered cloak does little to hide his ground Tunneling 60%, Underground Architecture 50%, Un-
dirt ridden, scuffed rags, riddled with tears, divulging the derground Sense of Direction 50%.
greenish hue of his skin. As if you needed confirmation, the Magic: None. Psionics: None.
figure softly whispers in the Gobblely tongue, “It is late Combat Info: Hand to Hand: Expert, kick attack: 2D4 damage,
in the hour to be taking a walk in the woods. What reason Critical strike on natural 18, 19 or 20, paired weapons, W.P.
have you for this midnight stroll? Be you lovers perhaps, Blunt (+3 strike, +3 parry, +1 throw), and W.P. Knife (+3
seeking to enrich your virtues beneath the moonlight or strike, +3 parry, +3 throw).
maybe you suffer from the lycanthropic plague and seek to Attacks per Melee: 4
set boundary against this tree? Tell me. What matters do Combat Bonuses (including all bonuses): +4 to strike, +5 to
you have in the forest this night?” parry and dodge, +2 to pull punch, +2 to roll with punch/fall/
This Goblin is the contact, “Spooney.” He is quite a impact.
confident Goblin, which is unusual for his kind, especially Other Bonuses: +2 to save vs Horror Factor, +1 save vs Faerie
when alone and outnumbered in a dark wood. When he Magic.
realizes that the player characters have come as a party, Weapons: War Hammer (3D4 damage), Dagger (1D4 damage).
he will be more coy and all humor will cease. Spooney is Armor: Studded Leather (A.R.: 13, S.D.C.: 38).
here to do business, and ever the true professional, this will Equipment: Backpack, water skin, two large sacks, and two small
be the only focus of conversation. He has with him a bag, sacks (filled with “Bolt,” “Warlord” and the rare “Beast,” as
which he will display should the group mention their re- well as most common drugs).
cruiter and their intentions. The contents of the bag are a Magic Items: None.
variety of recreational drugs and herbs intended for Da- Money: 200 Eastern crowns.
vis but Spooney will never disclose the nature of the goods
nor the information in the envelope (unless under extreme
torture). This should be a simple trade but the real danger
Average Goblin Bandit
of this meeting lies with the player characters. Depending True Name: Various.
on how many have accompanied the envelope to Lopania Race: Goblin.
Grove and what dialogue the party have with Spooney, will Attributes: I.Q. 7, M.E. 8, M.A. 6, P.S. 9, P.P. 16, P.E. 10, P.B.
dictate just how nervous he becomes. Should he think that 7, Spd 12.
he is in danger at any point or feel that he is the victim of Birth Order: Various.
a trap, he will call in his reinforcements. Hiding amongst Size: 3 feet, 6 inches tall (1 m). Weight: 80 pounds (36 kg).
the trees, concealed by the leaves and branches are the rest Age: 25
of this smugglers’ guild. All ready to pounce. G.M.s should Disposition: Mean and lack initiative. They are used to combat
stagger the numbers accordingly to the quantity in the but overestimate their strength in numbers. They will fight vi-
players’ party. Whatever the outcome, hopefully the player ciously, only later realizing they should have fled at the mo-
characters will be successful in fulfilling their end of the ment when it is already too late.
bargain with Davis and bring him his mix of intoxicants. Land of Origin: Old Kingdom.
Type of Environment: Small wilderness tribes.
Social/Family Background: Thieves.
Racial Hostilities/Biases: Humans.
Spooney, the Drug Dealer Hit Points: 24. S.D.C.: 12.
True Name: Ghistle Rhyzz. I.S.P.: 0. P.P.E.: 18.
Race: Goblin. Horror/Awe Factor: None.
Alignment: Anarchist. O.C.C.: Mercenary Warrior.
Attributes: I.Q. 11, M.E. 10, M.A. 8, P.S. 11, P.P. 18, P.E. 11, Experience Level: 3
P.B. 6, Spd 13. Natural/Racial Abilities: Nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m), Under-
Birth Order: First born. ground Tunneling 60%, Underground Architecture 50%, and
Size: 3 feet tall (0.9 m). Weight: 70 pounds (31.5 kg). Underground Sense of Direction 50%.
Age: 38 Magic: None. Psionics: None.
Disposition: Paranoid, untrusting, suspicious of everyone and Combat Info: Hand to Hand: Expert, W.P. Sword (+2 strike, +1
scared of getting burnt on every deal. parry), W.P. Spear (+2 strike, +2 parry, +1 throw).

Attacks per Melee: 3 Birth Order: Illegitimate.
Combat Bonuses (including all bonuses): +3 to strike, +4 to Size: 5 feet, 4 inches tall (1.63 m). Weight: 160 pounds (72 kg).
parry and dodge, +2 to pull punch, and +2 to roll with punch/ Age: 15
fall/impact. Disposition: Shy, timid, but polite and respectful. He is stronger
Other Bonuses: +2 to save vs Horror Factor, +1 save vs Faerie than he looks and would make for a good man at arms. He has
Magic. dreams of becoming a gladiator should he one day receive the
Weapons: Short sword (2D4 damage), Javelin (2D4 damage). necessary training and could overcome his confidence issues.
Armor: Hard Leather (A.R.: 11, S.D.C.: 39). Land of Origin: Lopan.
Equipment: Water skin, one large sack. Type of Environment: Small resort town.
Magic Items: None. Social/Family Background: Peasant laborer.
Money: 20 Eastern crowns. Racial Hostilities/Biases: Supernatural (especially demons).
Hit Points: 20. S.D.C.: 15.
I.S.P.: 0. P.P.E.: 30.
Return to Titan Park Horror/Awe Factor: None.
O.C.C.: Peasant.
Should Davis be satisfied with his “purchase,” he will keep to Experience Level: 1
his promise and in the morning, he will accompany the group to Natural/Racial Abilities: None.
the enchanted statue. Read aloud to the players: Magic: None. Psionics: None.
As the Forsaken Mage gains some of his former glory and Combat Info: No hand to hand or weapon proficiencies.
weaves magic that you would never have thought possible within Attacks per Melee: 1
the man of lesser appearance standing before you, the energies Combat Bonuses (including all bonuses): +1 to damage.
surrounding the statue begin take hold. There is little wind in the Other Bonuses: None.
air but the leaves on the lawn begin to dance. The ground vibrates Weapons: None.
through the soles of your boots like the bass drum of a marching Armor: None.
band. Cracks begin to appear in the statue, splintering towards its Equipment: Clothes (which he is wearing), small coin purse,
zenith and spilling stone chips on the ground and rustling dust at little else.
its base. As the hardness of the stone turns translucent, the statue Magic Items: None.
cautiously moves, gaining new strength with each moment. The Money: 5 Eastern crowns.
cold grey tint transforms into the peach hue of skin and in a few
Davis wants nothing to do with the party and this weird pre-
short seconds, the fraudulent sculpture is replaced by the cower-
dicament. He has “more important issues” stressing him out at
ing figure of a boy who looks up, shielding his eyes from daylight
this juncture of his life and doesn’t care for any more. He will
and questions, “Wh-wh-what happened?”
wish them well in their visit to Lopania and with a parting, “En-
The petrified boy (pun intended) will introduce himself as
joy the games,” Davis will retreat back to his caravan. However,
“Marlen.” A second ago for Marlen it was twilight. In fact, he was
before he goes he may be able to confirm what Marlen knows of
turned to stone some time just barely before the player characters
Coram Findlay. Coram was once the long jump champion of the
discovered him in his petrified state (did the players disrupt the as-
Lopanic Games. He won the title at his debut appearance aged
sailant?). He claims to be a leisure attendant at the Lopanic Bowl
just sixteen and it has been at least six Lopaniads since then. Co-
stadium who works assembling and preparing the stadium grounds
ram announced his retirement two games ago but the distance he
for the upcoming events. He had finished working yesterday morn-
won with his debut jump still holds the record to this day. That is
ing (they work through the night) and was collecting his belong-
all the information most folks know of the current record holder
ings when, inside his overshirt pocket, he found a note that some-
but it is common knowledge that the Lover’s Leap tavern is the
one had left for him. He believes two other colleagues, Wesley
hub of long jump activity in Lopania. Marlen will leave the group
Harple & Simon Greaves, may have received notes but is not sure
and head to the Lopanic Bowl stadium in an effort to explain his
what the contents of the other boys’ notes were (he doesn’t get on
absence and hopefully, keep his job.
with them), but his read; “Meet me at Titan Park this evening!” It
was signed “Coram Findlay,” who is a well known celebrity of the
long jump event. Excited to meet a real celebrity, Marlen keenly
rushed to the park and after an hour or so of searching amongst the Lover’s Leap Tavern
thousands, he heard a voice whisper his name in the surrounding Indeed, the Lover’s Leap is the heart and soul of the long jump
hedgerow. When he turned into the concealed bushes, the last thing event during the Lopanic Games.
he remembers seeing is a giant, over twenty feet tall, wearing a
black, demonic mask. That is all he knows. Read aloud to the players:
This modest wooden tavern appears to be of little differ-
Marlen, the Petrified Boy ence than that of your average watering hole. But when you
True Name: Marlen Linstus. consider that this is a temporary structure built for less than
Race: Human. a month’s use, the quality of the lumber and the craftsman-
Alignment: Anarchist. ship is actually quite astounding. The Lover’s Leap Tavern
Attributes: I.Q. 5, M.E. 9, M.A. 13, P.S. 16, P.P. 15, P.E. 14, has definitely been marketed towards quality over quantity
P.B. 8, Spd 12. and proves that size doesn’t matter to everyone. Upon en-

Type of Environment: Small fishing community.
try, there are, again, few sights to amaze as the decor is Social/Family Background: Sailor.
bland and continues the wood theme, but the establishment Racial Hostilities/Biases: The supernatural. Demons in particu-
is clean, tidy, polished and a pleasant odor can be smelled lar.
circulating around the patrons which is an unusual experi- Hit Points: 62. S.D.C.: 32.
ence for any tavern drinker. However, quirky memorabilia I.S.P.: 0. P.P.E.: 12.
adorns each wall representing previous long jumpers, their Horror/Awe Factor: None.
successes as well as a few failures. Paintings, small tapes- O.C.C.: Professional Athlete (Long Jump).
tries, ornaments and record tallies can be seen all around. Experience Level: 9
Even an hourglass full of sand, allegedly taken from the pit Natural/Racial Abilities: None.
after the current Lopanic Games record was set, keeps time O.C.C. Abilities: Inner confidence, combat reputation/Horror
on the bar and behind it, a portrait of the record holder Factor (N/A), improved focus, improved coordination, im-
himself, entitled “Coram Findlay.” To the right of the bar, proved alertness, and event specialization.
a similar yet much older looking man to the painting can Magic: None. Psionics: None.
be seen. He sits atop a large table, one foot on the floor, the Attacks per Melee: 5
other poised on a chair propping up his elbow as he leans Combat Info: Hand to Hand: Basic, kick attack: 2D4 damage,
forward to address a small crowd settled around him. The Critical Strike on a Natural 19 or 20, body flip/throw, and
onlookers are hanging on his every word with eager smiles W.P. Sword (+4 strike, +3 parry, +2 throw).
spanning their faces and eyes wider than the Old Kingdom Combat Bonuses (including all bonuses): +3 to initiative, +1 to
River. The storyteller himself also appears to be enjoying strike, +2 to parry and dodge, +6 to damage, +5 to pull punch,
the lecture just as much as his audience as another listener and +2 to roll with punch/fall/impact.
brings him over a glass of wine. Other Bonuses: +3 to save vs Horror Factor, +1 save vs mind
control. Trust/intimidate 50%.
The man at the table is Coram Findlay. He is regaling some Weapons: Long sword (2D6+3 damage. It is magically eternally
of his glory stories to a group of interested fans and loving every sharp).
minute of it. If the player characters approach, Coram will finish Armor: Hard Leather (A.R.: 11, S.D.C.: 39) worn at all times,
his sentence to the rapturous laughter of the gathering in front of usually under his cape.
him. He will then turn his attention to what he believes are more Equipment: Coming to the ends of his amassed fortune, he now
fans come to hear his tales and welcome them over. As the play- savors his last few gold pieces (even though he actually has
ers begin to question (or just chat to) Coram, a giggling sound can plenty, see below) as he sees his celebrity income dying any
be heard outside and the doors of the tavern open. Through them, day now. He still has plenty of luxury items but does not in-
walks a young, muscular, attractive man with a pretty girl on each dulge himself in servants or slaves. Oh, he also has a certain
arm. These scantily glad maidens have the words “I love Andre urn still in his possession, ready to be used once more should
Pyke” sewn into their tiny blouses. The scraping sounds of chairs the opportunity arise.
being shuffled across the wooden floor suddenly fills the player Magic Items: Has a rare medallion that he wears at all times that
characters ears as the group of listeners around Coram vacate grants protection from supernatural evil. It bestows +2 to save
their seats and flock towards the newcomer. The record holder’s vs any magic cast as well as +2 to dodge or parry any strikes
smiling expression changes to a frown, as he mutters something made by supernatural evil.
under his breath. He will bid a sharp farewell to the player charac- Money: 100,000 Eastern crowns to his name tied up in the bank
ters and exit the tavern. The newcomer is Andre Pyke, the current of Lopania.
favorite to win the gold at this Lopaniads long jump event. He
has already beaten the record distance in a national tournament
and is likely to repeat the act in tomorrow’s contest. Needless to Andre Pyke, Current Contender
say, Coram seems (is) a little bitter about this and can’t stand to True Name: Andre Pyke.
be around the athlete. Race: Human.
Alignment: Scrupulous.
Coram Findlay, Former Champion Attributes: I.Q. 8, M.E. 16, M.A. 20, P.S. 23, P.P. 17, P.E. 14,
True Name: Coram Findlay. P.B. 15, Spd 25.
Race: Human. Birth Order: First born.
Alignment: Unprincipled. Size: 6 feet, 6 inches tall (1.98 m).
Attributes: I.Q. 10, M.E. 13, M.A. 18, P.S. 19, P.P. 12, P.E. 14, Weight: 210 pounds (95 kg).
P.B. 12, Spd 23. Age: 19
Birth Order: Illegitimate. Disposition: Pleasant, cheerful but very serious about the compe-
Size: 6 feet, 3 inches tall (1.9 m). Weight: 180 pounds (81 kg). tition – he lives for it. Andre seems quite child-like due to his
Age: 35 sheltered existence but is far from being immature.
Disposition: Courteous, polite, always greets people with a smile Land of Origin: Eastern Territory.
but is more than noticeably just going through the motions. Type of Environment: Little farm community.
Coram seems a little distant, not really listening and concern- Social/Family Background: Peasant Farmer.
ing thoughts of elsewhere. Racial Hostilities/Biases: Cheaters!
Land of Origin: Western Empire. Hit Points: 46. S.D.C.: 36.
I.S.P.: 0. P.P.E.: 2. entertaining the crowds, splashing out on girls, cards and other
Horror/Awe Factor: None. festivities. Marlen also mentions that he has been fired for his
O.C.C.: Professional Athlete (Long Jump). missed attendance and his “ridiculous excuse.” So did these other
Experience Level: 7 two boys who Marlen will describe should the player characters
Natural/Racial Abilities: None. seem eager to interview. Which tavern, you ask? The Lover’s
O.C.C. Abilities: Inner confidence, combat reputation/Horror Leap...
Factor (N/A), improved focus, improved coordination, im-
proved alertness, and event specialization.
Magic: None. Psionics: None.
Attacks per Melee: 3
Return to
Combat Info: Hand to Hand: Basic, kick attack: 2D4 damage,
Critical strike on natural 19 or 20, and W.P. Spear (+3 strike,
Lover’s Leap Tavern
+3 parry, +2 throw). The tavern is in full swing although the celebrity long jumpers
Combat Bonuses (including all bonuses): +2 to initiative, +2 have all since gone, for it is time for the long jump event, the pin-
to strike, +3 to parry and dodge, +10 to damage, +4 to pull nacle of the last three years, tomorrow, and for some, it is an early
punch, and +2 to roll with punch/fall/impact. start. Both Simon Greaves and Wesley Harple are just as Marlen
Other Bonuses: +3 to save vs Horror Factor, +1 save vs psionics, described and are easily identified by the crowd of hangers-on
+3 save vs mind control. Trust/intimidate 60%. and “yes” people trying to get a free ride (or drink) out of the two
Weapons: Short spear (1D6 damage). youths. Depending on how strong the player characters’ method
Armor: None, he has minders. of approach is with the two boys will depend on if they encounter
Equipment: Very little himself as he is given most of what he any trouble. Both the boys are easily scared and their coward-
uses by his sponsor and the current batch of franchisee mer- ice runs deep. But, they are surrounded currently by a group of
chants. freebooters who would gladly cash in on knocking a few heads
Magic Items: None. together for free drinks for the rest of the night. The boys will
Money: 2,000 Eastern crowns as an allowance from his sponsor. reveal all they know but all they are able to tell the group is that
He is destined to make hundreds of thousands of gold coins they too found notes in their coat pockets after work the same
should he win the Lopanic event. evening as Marlen. Both had exactly the same message, as well:
“Meet me at Titan Park this evening! - Coram Findlay.” But nei-

Coram’s Tent ther of the boys went to Titan Park, their excuse being, “Well,
he’s no Andre Pyke, is he?!” On the evening of the appointed
meeting, the pair instead headed to work as usual when a tall
If the player characters follow Coram (they haven’t gotten any (eight foot if questioned about it), hooded stranger stopped them
answers yet) then he will allow them to walk with him to his tent. in their stride. He showed them two small sacks containing 250
If they act like they are still his fans then he will be delighted and Eastern crowns each and told them to take the night off, saying
actually invite them inside so he can offer some insight to his that he would take care of their chores. Both boys snatched the
experiences over some wine! The more the player characters con- bags and ran, never looking back. The only clue they can recall is
verse with Coram, the more they will see that this man isn’t really that as they were running off they heard the “man” laugh deeply
a bitter (and certainly not vengeful) fellow. He is disappointed and mutter something about a lion. Yep, they said a lion!
that his record may be beaten as he enjoys his status but it will not
take long for him to come to terms with it as he realizes that he
has had more than generous longevity as a Lopanic Games cham- Wesley Harple
pion. One thing he can say as being true are the rumors about True Name: Wesley Harple.
Andre Pyke’s athletic prowess. Coram will verify two key points. Race: Human.
Firstly, he did not send the note to Marlen and does not know Alignment: Unprincipled.
who did (although he could make the correct assumption about Attributes: I.Q. 8, M.E. 7, M.A. 7, P.S. 12, P.P. 11, P.E. 14, P.B.
who did but won’t let on) and secondly, he does not know any- 9, Spd 11.
thing about any twenty foot tall giant with black demonic masks Birth Order: First born.
(a blatant lie but again, unless forced to tell, he will deny this Size: 5 feet, 5 inches tall (1.65 m). Weight: 140 pounds (63 kg).
until he is blue in the face). Coram will not divulge any further Age: 16
knowledge or useful information about Marlen and will play the Disposition: Bullish, disrespectful, filled with the arrogance of
incident down as people using his name, claiming that it happens youth. All of this is an act, however, and he and Simon are
all the time to celebrities. both easy intimidated.
Later that afternoon, when the players have left Coram’s tent Land of Origin: Lopan.
(if they ever went there), the boy, Marlen, hurriedly approaches Type of Environment: Small resort town.
the group glad that he has found them at last (it is a needle in a Social/Family Background: Peasant laborer.
haystack in the bustling city of Lopania during the games). He Racial Hostilities/Biases: Dwarves.
has news for the group. Marlen has spotted his two co-workers Hit Points: 20. S.D.C.: 9.
in a bar. Not an unusual pastime for these teenagers but they are I.S.P.: 0. P.P.E.: 15.
spending money like nobody’s business, money they simply Horror/Awe Factor: None.
didn’t have before, buying rounds of drinks for everyone and O.C.C.: Peasant.
Experience Level: 2 at this point in the day although the price will drop as the day goes
Natural/Racial Abilities: None. on), there is no legitimate way in. Bribing the steward will work
Magic: None. Psionics: None. but the steward is aware of the ticket prices and will only risk
Combat Info: No hand to hand, W.P. Sword (+1 strike, +1 par- his job for approximately 60-70% of the ticket value (depending
ry). on the players’ bartering skill or good role-playing). Breaking
Attacks per Melee: 1 in illegally is a possible decision for the players (don’t they al-
Combat Bonuses (including all bonuses): None. ways pick the illegal way, fraught with danger?) but the Lopanic
Other Bonuses: None. Games Security (L.G.S.) guards are never far away and take their
Weapons: Short sword (2D4 damage). job very seriously. Finding an L.G.S. guard who will take a bribe
Armor: None. would take all day.
Equipment: New clothes, large coin purse, little else. Whether or not the players get into the stadium or not and re-
Magic Items: None. gardless of what time of day they enter, they will be approached
Money: 302 Eastern crowns. by a tall, thin man introducing himself as Moffen Quentishall, the
stadium manager. Moffen has an interesting offer for them. Ad-
Simon Greaves dressing his conversation towards the wealthiest looking member
of the group, he will ask them if they are aware of his special
True Name: Simon Greaves. tours. These are an “after hours” affair whereby, for a small man-
Alignment: Unprincipled. agerial fee, he will open the doors and allow them free access to
Attributes: I.Q. 8, M.E. 7, M.A. 7, P.S. 12, P.P. 10, P.E. 15, P.B. see the stadium in its vacant glory, and even run along the track
11, Spd 10. before the grounds work is completed for the following day. The
Birth Order: Second born. price for this entry is an extortionate 500 Eastern crowns each
Size: 5 feet, 6 inches tall (1.67 m). Weight: 145 pounds (65 kg). (!) but he may do a 25% discount for large groups or a 25% ad-
Age: 16 ditional payment if trading in a foreign currency. If they question
Disposition: Similar to Wesley, as the two have known each Moffen about the previous night’s absences he will say that he
other since the previous Lopanic Games and fuel each other’s wasn’t aware of it until the early hours of this morning for their
worst traits. tasks all seemed to have been completed promptly and efficiently
Land of Origin: Lopan. upon his inspection. Of course, such a prominent manager does
Type of Environment: Small resort town. not tolerate absenteeism in “peasant boys” and he has no regrets
Social/Family Background: Peasant laborer. in dismissing the lads. If questioned about a 20 foot tall giant he
Racial Hostilities/Biases: Elves. will laugh and say that Marlen (“was that the boy’s name?”) gave
Hit Points: 22. S.D.C.: 12. him the same lame story which no sane man, Elf or Dwarf would
I.S.P.: 0. P.P.E.: 12. believe. Yet, if the player characters question Quentishall about
Horror/Awe Factor: None. the tall, hooded figure, his body language and expression will im-
O.C.C.: Peasant. mediately give him away, although he will do his best to disguise
Experience Level: 2 it. If pressed, intimidated or if any of the player characters are
Natural/Racial Abilities: None. able to interrogate him, he will relay that he too was approached
Magic: None. Psionics: None. by the shrouded figure late last night. He allowed him in on one
Combat Info: No hand to hand, W.P. Sword (+1 strike, +1 par- of his special tours and left him to his own devices (Moffen was/
ry). is extremely intimidated by the man). After a about an hour, the
Attacks per Melee: 1 man approached him again and gave him a further 500 Eastern
Combat Bonuses (including all bonuses): None. crowns to see the program or “line up” for tomorrow’s long jump
Other Bonuses: None. event, to which Moffen greedily obliged. The mysterious man
Weapons: Sabre (2D4 damage). didn’t look at it for more than a few seconds before handing it
Armor: None. back. He couldn’t have read more that the starting few names
Equipment: New clothes, large coin purse, little else. in that time. After that, he left. Moffen never saw his face but
Magic Items: None. confirms that he spoke in a deep, raspy voice. If the characters
Money: 258 Eastern crowns. enquire with Moffen as to the long jump events line up (which
comes at a price), they can see that the first five names are (in
chronological order): Andre Pyke, Lial Mallik, Billy Rotherson,
Lopanic Bowl Stadium Callip Freeman, Medeuque Shannilon...

Day two the Lopanic Bowl plays host to the long jump event
of the Pentathlon. This is a much smaller event and only two out
Moffen Quentishall,
of the possible four sand pits are used. The pentathlon draws a Lopanic Bowl Stadium Manager
loyal following and the stadium, although not full to capacity, is True Name: Moffen Quentishall.
certainly packed. The finals of most events do not take place until Race: Elf.
the early evening hours and today is no exception. Depending on Alignment: Unprincipled.
what time the players decide to investigate the stadium, they may Attributes: I.Q. 17, M.E. 9, M.A. 7, P.S. 9, P.P. 16, P.E. 8, P.B.
very well be met by closed doors and an L.G.C. steward. Without 25, Spd 8.
a ticket (available but costly – approximately 300 gold each still Birth Order: First born.
Size: 6 feet, 8 inches tall (2.03 m). Weight: 180 pounds (81 kg). doubled (with a few magical guards appointed) and a full-scale
Age: 434 fight would be the only way back in.
Disposition: Very serious at most times during the month sur- Note: No lions are to be seen anywhere!
rounding the Lopanic Games. Friendly enough at all other
times. Moffen is open to a little corruption and “back hander”
in regards to access to the stadium and minor details, but sabo-
Wyatt M’Kiln,
tage and violence are too much for this successful Elf to feel L.G.C. Director of Security
comfortable with. He wishes to retire at 450 but feels the pres-
sure of living up to the expectations of his already wealthy Wyatt hails from the Dwarven city of Northolme nestled in the
family, which in all reality, he will never be able to do unless Bruu-Gar-Belimar mountains. He lost his parents just as he was
he became king! reaching his adulthood and with no kin to look after him, the clan
Land of Origin: Phi. authorities decided that he should be trained as a soldier. He lived
Type of Environment: Large bustling city (Eldritch; the Capital (and worked) predominantly from the surface city, patrolling the
of Phi). forts between Northolme and the coastal town of Ladden where
Social/Family Background: Businessmen, well off. he would spend many winters. All of this interracial interaction
Racial Hostilities/Biases: Changelings. has made him a much more tolerant Dwarf than most would ex-
Hit Points: 43. S.D.C.: 10. pect. Any habitual prejudices he may have once had have since
I.S.P.: 0. P.P.E.: 27. passed and M’Kiln has only one thing he hates - trespassers!
Horror/Awe Factor: None. It was not through his military recognition that this Dwarf
O.C.C.: Merchant. ascended to his current position but with his ties to the many
Experience Level: 8 mercenary groups around Llorn and the Inland Sea, as well as
Natural/Racial Abilities: None. being in the right place at the right time. Wyatt would frequent
Magic: None. Psionics: None. the taverns and haunts of the visiting mercenaries and sailors and
Combat Info: Hand to Hand: Basic, kick attack: 2D4 damage, had made several solid friendships with some of the returning
Critical strike on natural 19 or 20, body flip/throw, and W.P. patrons. It was only a matter of time before he was invited to join
Sword (+3 strike, +3 parry, +2 throw). one of the mercenary bands and as soon as his service ended with
Attacks per Melee: 3 Northolme, having few ties to the Dwarven city, he accepted the
Combat Bonuses (including all bonuses): +2 to strike, +3 to invitation.
parry and dodge, +2 to damage, +2 to pull punch, and +2 to M’Kiln is a natural fighter and strategist but was no sailor.
roll with punch/fall/impact. Finding himself sea-sick once too often, he found work on the
Other Bonuses: Charm/Impress 75%. Island of Lopan through a friendly reference as an increasingly
Weapons: Short sword (2D4 damage). paranoid ex-Long Bowman Elf was securing his residence. The
Armor: Ironhide ring (A.R. 14). Elf happened to be director of the L.G.C. and quickly noticed
Equipment: Keys to the entire stadium, papers and identification the Dwarf’s expertise in defending and fortifying his home and
into most private areas of Lopania and the official program of quickly placed him in charge of his personal security. He also
events, including tomorrow’s running order. The latter two are frequently mentioned the Dwarf’s name to the executive board,
usually kept in his office. praising him for his excellent work. When the position as Secu-
Magic Items: Moffen has acquired an ironhide ring which he rity Director arose it was actually Lord Avery’s suggestion that
wears at all times. This ring confers him with a natural armor the person who fitted the specifications the best was this Dwarven
rating of 14. soldier that Garley raved about constantly (this suggestion was
Money: Plenty but always room for more. actually an attempt to lower the Nillion’s home security as well as
bringing some more Dwarven attention to the Lopanic Games).
Hopefully, the players will have some free time to explore Although Nillion opposed the decision, the majority ruled and
the stadium grounds in the late evening/dusk when everything Wyatt was appointed.
has already been immaculately prepared for the following day, Today he runs a tight ship (although he’ll not use that phrase
but (G.M. spoiler alert), as there is something untoward going as he gets a little nauseous at the mention of anything nautical).
on with one of the sand pits (see the G.M. section for details), Wyatt does his best to ensure all aspects of security are covered
the players shouldn’t be allowed to roam around for too long. for the hosting of the Lopanic Games but this responsibility is
Should the players get too close to the pit (there is three that are simply a never-ending, uphill struggle and M’Kiln is just not up
normal so G.M.s can guide the players to these), such as finding to the task. There are few permanent members of the Lopanic
out specifically which pit will be used to open the event, they will Games Security (L.G.S.) team with too many provisional mer-
be approached by a bold and muscular Dwarf armed from head cenaries to manage during the actual games to be able to guaran-
to toe. The Dwarf sternly announces that he is Wyatt M’Kiln, di- tee a safe and secure. Add into the mix the competing merchant
rector of security for the L.G.C.(!), and that the player characters guilds and athletes and you can see that this assignment is an
are unauthorized to be in here at this hour. As part of L.G.C. ex- impossible one. However, the L.G.S. does its duty where it can
ecutive board, he far outranks Moffen Quentishall (who may be and every post is manned by someone and the security around
about to get fired depending on what the players say about their Empress Jeslynn and President Garley are second to none. One
unauthorized presence). M’Kiln will immediately direct them to aspect of security that has recently caught the attention of this
exit the stadium. If they do so without hesitation, they will be al- Dwarf is a rumor regarding a secret cult that wishes to see the
lowed to leave peacefully with no prosecution. The guards will be downfall of the Lopanic Games, led by a strange woman known

only as “Maggie.” As such, M’Kiln is extremely paranoid of any ram will maintain his innocence in this mystery, although he is
female characters. acting edgy and nervous. He will put this down to the fact that
True Name: Wyatt M’Kiln. his Lopanic Games record is about to be broken and he has some
Race: Dwarf. reasonable anxiety about tomorrow’s long jump event.
Alignment: Scrupulous.
Hit Points: 86. S.D.C.: 60.
Height: 4 feet tall (1.2 m). By now it will be late and the player characters should be feel-
Weight: 200 pounds (90 kg) of pure muscle! ing the effects of sleep deprivation and will need to get some rest.
Age: 126 In the playtest, one of the characters was a Professional Athlete
P.P.E.: 4. I.S.P.: 0. O.C.C. (New!) and was in Lopania to compete in the discus event
Attributes: I.Q. 11, M.A. 10, M.E. 7, P.S. 32, P.P. 16, P.E. 20, the next day. Yes, the same day as the long jump to add to the
P.B. 10, Spd 18. sacrifice should he wish to help save Andre! Of course, if the
Disposition: Friendly and polite (some say he’s not assertive players are successful in spoiling the assassination plot then the
enough for the role of director; perhaps, but that is yet to be gratitude of Wyatt M’Kiln can pull any strings to get him into the
proven). He is currently suspicious of women due to the fresh discus event late.
information about an anti-Games organization.
Experience Level: 12th level Soldier.
Special Abilities: None.
Psionics: None. Magic: None.
Attacks per Melee: 5 A Sudden Awakening
Combat Info: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts, kick attack: 2D4
Wherever the player characters sleep, they will be awoken in
damage, Critical Strike on a Natural 18, 19 or 20, body flip/
the early hours of the morning by Marlen, the previously petri-
throw, disarm, all jump kicks, leap attack, Paired Weapons,
fied boy. For gaming purposes, I suggest that the time of day is
W.P. Shield, W.P. Sword, W.P. Axe, and W.P. Blunt.
described as just “morning” unless asked. Marlen has some new
Combat Bonuses (including all bonuses): +3 to strike, +7 to
information for them about the mysterious situation. He encoun-
parry and dodge, +21 damage, +4 to pull punch, +6 to roll with
tered Greaves and Harple last night in the streets, drunk and a
impact, + 1 initiative.
little bit worse for wear. They had blown most of their money
Other Bonuses: +3 to save vs magic, +3 to save vs poison, +4 to
on drinks for other people and been swindled out of the rest
save vs Horror Factor.
by miscreant thieves, gamblers and pickpockets (flashing cash
Weapons: M’Kiln uses nothing but the finest Dwarven weapons.
around in Lopania is not a good idea). But their story is not the
Any of his own personal collection (which he has dozens of!)
point of interest. Marlen is not sure whether the new information
will all have bonuses to strike, parry or damage!
is vital or not but he had to let the player characters know just
His favorite weapon of choice is a magical dagger that can
in case. Simon and Wesley remembered what it was that their
transform into a huge (for him) flamberge that does 3D6+4
mysterious benefactor muttered as he left their encounter: “Ant-
damage (plus his formidable P.S. bonus) and is +3 to strike
Lion.” Marlen has deduced that the two drunken boys have gotten
and parry! As a dagger, it maintains the bonuses but does 1D6
themselves in a muddle and that the phrase they are searching for
damage. His guards in the L.G.S. have named it “the Wyatt
is “lying, not lion, in ants” – has someone put ants, poisonous
Riot” as he has proven to be a one Dwarf show stopper.
ants, in the Lopanic Bowl sand pits? For those characters with
Armor: Plate and Chain: A.R. 15, S.D.C. 200 (magically in-
the Lore: Demons & Monsters skill, a roll will be necessary. A
creased S.D.C.).
successful roll means that the players can recall the name Ant-
Magic Items: The use of one magical sword is already too much
Lion as a demonic monstrosity that dwells in the nether-realm of
use of magic for this Dwarf although he does often use a va-
Hades’ desert of Taut. Much more about the creature is unknown
riety of magical powders such as sneezing powder, itching
(this is one of the rarest of demons) and more specialist advice
powder and fire dust.
must be sought. If only they knew of someone who could claim
Other Equipment: Nothing of note.
that “what I don’t know about demons, Deevils and other mon-
Money: More than he can handle. He has taken to collecting
sters isn’t worth knowing!” Someone like Davis, the Forsaken
Dwarven manufactured weapons as a means to “doing some-
Mage, perhaps...
thing with it.” He may well take it upon himself to equip the
most trusted members of the L.G.S. team with these one day
but for now, they rest secured in the armory of his home.
In the original playtest and some of the exhibition games, I
Should the players believe that the mysterious figure has ran short on time and therefore decided to leave out the following
something unscrupulous planned for Andre Pyke (which he does, scenario. If you are in that situation then similar action is recom-
although they shouldn’t have figured out what), they may want to mended and allowing those players who rolled successfully to
try and warn him. Not only is access to him impossible due to his have full knowledge about Ant-Lions and their behavior, or to
entourage of bodyguards and the fact that he needs his rest before have Davis in his caravan safe and sound and ready to answer all
tomorrow’s event (they will assume the player characters to be questions as helpfully as possible. If so, then skip ahead to the
saboteurs from a rival competitor), Andre would not believe them section entitled Return to the Lopanic Bowl Stadium.
anyway and nothing will stop him from becoming the champion
he is destined to be, especially scare tactics! If questioned, Co-
by the confines, she is led through the majestic entrance doors
When the player characters arrive at Davis’s caravan, whilst the other men clamber up to the roof of the carriage to
read the following aloud to the players: begin transporting her luggage to its new residence.
As you approach the mage’s caravan, you notice that How the player characters get to their location of room 502 is
the signs of morning are beginning to appear. Others are up to them but subtly is the best way to go. The opening descrip-
leaving their tents and lodgings and smoke can be seen ris- tion is designed to aid this should they wish to disguise them-
ing out of caravan windows and wagons alike. You notice selves as servants or even hotel porters. The hotel is plush and
that Davis’s caravan, too, has its windows open, wide open even at this hour (could be early morning or perhaps breakfast
in fact with the scraggily curtains flaying in the breeze. The time), many of the hotel’s staff are active and a visible presence
knocking sound of the door can also be heard is as it chimes is noticeable. With all typical well-to-do establishments, most of
to the rhythm of the wind suggesting that it is also ajar. the hotel’s staff are just as arrogant to their peers as the guests
Davis’s caravan does indeed have the door open, bash- (if you’re going to be a busboy then at least do it where you get
ing open then shut in the wind. Upon entry it is immedi- the largest tips). However, none are fighters of any kind. Should
ately obvious that Davis is not inside. His belongings and a more aggressive approach be used by the players, there will be
the rest of the caravan’s contents have been thrown care- little in the way of obstruction but the hotel staff will alert the
lessly across the floor. His wooden bath tub and other fur- L.G.S. as soon as possible and there are a half dozen guards sta-
niture have been smashed and his books and clothes have tioned in the hotel’s staff quarters for just such occasions. If the
been shredded torn except for his coat, which hangs on the players hesitate in their course during the following scenario then
swinging door. There is nothing much of worth inside the these guards will be encountered but most likely, as the player
ransacked caravan and no clues as to who may have done characters are fleeing the scene and not beforehand.
this. Within one of the secret pockets in Davis’s coat is an- On the fifth floor there is nothing but silence. No carts are in
other note. It reads: the halls, no maids, no porters and no sounds coming from any
Nyche Callister, Ras Magiras Hotel, Room 502. of the eight rooms (just eight). Each room faces out into a long,
straight corridor and they are numbered as odds and evens on op-
The note is part of the information that Davis gathered to take posing sides. Two stairwells seal the corridor at either end as does
vengeance on Nyche Callister’s arrogance towards Forsaken a stained glass window of a Warlock and depending on which
Mages. He gave the Wizard’s temporary residential address and way the player characters came, 502 is numbered as the first door
its magical password to the Goblin bandits so that they could plan on the right. There are no interruptions up to the door and even
a heist in the Wizard’s quarters and deal a blow to the otherwise on closer inspection, only the faint sound of voices can be heard
untouchable sorcerer. Depending on whether or not the player from within. The door will unlock with the spoken words “Acba
characters slaughtered them all in battle may affect this plan! Zireb,” otherwise it has 100 S.D.C. The large room consists of
If the players deduce that Nyche has been kidnaped (or killed), the basics of most modern hotels (which is luxurious in itself for
then a visit to his hotel room should be their next point of call Palladium), including a bed, side table, dining table with silver
(and therefore, as a G.M., you may wish to make the time of day cutlery and a platter of exotic fruits, writing desk and utensils,
slightly earlier for this detour). Otherwise, if the players are not wardrobe, and dressing table, as well as a separate bathroom for
the detectives you’d hoped for, have one of the remaining books all the guests sanitary requirements. All furniture is of the highest
be labeled as “Demons of Hades” and detail a section on Ant- quality. In the room there are Wizards (or as many as suits your
Lions, thus enabling the game to skip ahead to the section entitled games needs) and one in the bathroom that cannot be seen upon
Return to the Lopanic Bowl Stadium. first entry. One of the three Wizards stands in front of a podium
scribing texts whilst another sits at the table eating buttered bread

Ras Magiras Hotel and sipping tea. Davis can be seen chained to the wall in the far
corner as the third Wizard engages in the action of stabbing his
captive in the leg. Davis screams although no sound is heard.
As one of the more deluxe hotels in the city and one of the It is clear to any mage in the group that a faint glow of a Globe
limited permanent buildings, the hotel “Ras Magiras” is easy to of Silence enchantment shields the environment from Davis’s
locate. It is named after the equally luxurious Ras Magiras Desir screams! The Wizards will attack on sight and fight to the death
resort in southern Lopan, controlled and managed by innumer- (they are more frightened of Callister, and death is all that will
able Warlocks who ensure that the surrounding climate is always await them anyway should they fail), and don’t forget the one in
sublime and the sights and sounds are pleasant to the senses. It is the bathroom!
truly an exotic paradise and one of the most exclusive vacation
destinations on Palladium. Read aloud to the players: Average Park-Side Guild Wizard
The five story palace is a marvel that you see the moment you
step out of the tournament district. The closer you get to the hotel True Name: Various.
the easier on your feet the journey becomes as the dirt roads grad- Race: Predominantly human (stats as follows are for humans).
ually ease into smooth, cobbled streets. A fine carriage has just Attributes: I.Q. 13, M.E. 9, M.A. 12, P.S. 9, P.P. 11, P.E. 13,
pulled up outside the hotel’s grand entrance and its lady patron is P.B. 9, Spd 8.
assisted by three men attempting to help both her and her over- Birth Order: Various.
sized gown exit the cabin. Another man (a Dwarf actually) in a Size: 5 feet, 8 inches tall (1.73 m). Weight: 165 pounds (74 kg).
similar uniform attends at the rear of the horse as he discreetly Age: 21 (reflecting the young and easily influenced).
clears up the steed’s welcome gift. Once the lady is unrestricted Disposition: Most are greedy followers who are only part of the
guild because they worship Callister so much. The truth be
told, most are just so afraid of him after witnessing the things timate sacrifice to save someone else’s life! Did all of the exhibi-
he’s done that they would rather fight anyone else. They will tion players make the choice to help save Andre Pyke? Nope, but
never betray his loyalty because of this fear. hey, that’s role-playing!
Land of Origin: Timiro.
Type of Environment: Various.
Social/Family Background: Various.
Racial Hostilities/Biases: Forsaken Mages.
Hit Points: 26. S.D.C.: 5.
I.S.P.: 0. P.P.E.: 115.
Return to the
Horror/Awe Factor: None.
O.C.C.: Wizard.
Lopanic Bowl Stadium
Experience Level: 3
Natural/Racial Abilities: None. The player characters’ biggest problem about warning Andre
Magic: Any spells from levels 1-3. is that as soon as they arrive at the stadium, they’ll see that all
Psionics: None. entrances are closed. Similar to the previous day, the gates are
Combat Info: Hand to Hand: Basic, kick attack: 2D4 damage, manned and this time, guarded by members of the L.G.S. (the
and W.P. Staff (+2 strike, +1 parry). number depending on the G.M.). The tournament playoffs are
Attacks per Melee: 2 about to start (could be any time now) and without a ticket, the
Combat Bonuses (including all bonuses): +1 to Spell Strength, group cannot enter. The only real viable option with such an im-
+2 to parry and dodge, +2 to pull punch, and +2 to roll with mediate necessity is force. Of course, these guards are only do-
punch/fall/impact. ing their job and any serious injury would be diabolical assault.
Other Bonuses: None. Can the group defeat the L.G.S. forces unarmed? Who would
Weapons: Short staff (2D4 damage). have thought that hijacking Palladium’s biggest ever tournament
Armor: None. would be so tricky?
Equipment: None of note.
Magic Items: Potion of Superhuman Speed. Average L.G.S. Guard
Money: 150 Eastern crowns on their person. True Name: Various.
When the player characters have taken care of the kidnappers Race: Predominantly human (stats as follows are for humans).
and freed Davis (the chains are basic 25 S.D.C. shackles), he will Attributes: I.Q. 8, M.E. 9, M.A. 11, P.S. 17, P.P. 16, P.E. 14,
thank them profusely and explain that Nyche and his lackeys kid- P.B. 9, Spd 12.
naped and tortured him in an effort to get Davis to give over his Birth Order: Various.
knowledge of the rare Darklight spell. Needless to say, he had yet Size: 6 feet tall (1.8 m). Weight: 175 pounds (78.8 kg).
to deliver. Davis will be able to enlighten them with the informa- Age: 29 (reflecting the retired soldier constituency).
tion they seek on Ant-Lions (the detail may depend on how well Disposition: Most are fully prepared to do their duty and protect
healed the Forsaken Mage is). Indeed, these are a rare monster the grounds and the tournament with their life. These guards
from the deserts of Hades, only they dwell under the sands, not are not of the corruptible nature and will fight with the deadly
out in the open, and they lie in wait as their prey approaches. force they are authorised to use (and love).
Once within range, the beast strikes with extended mandibles and Land of Origin: Various. Most commonly Lopan or the Eastern
grabs its foes, pulling them into its giant, toothed maw where Territory/Llorn.
they are devoured. In case the obvious isn’t apparent, there is Type of Environment: Various.
an Ant-Lion in one of the sand pits in the Lopanic Games long Social/Family Background: Men-at-arms.
jump, and Andre Pyke is about to begin the event any minute! Racial Hostilities/Biases: Various, most commonly Wolfen.
He is in grave danger and only the players know about it. Only Hit Points: 28. S.D.C.: 35.
they can stop this terrible tragedy! Inevitably, one of the players I.S.P.: 0. P.P.E.: 5.
may suggest informing the authorities, in this case the L.G.S. Of Horror/Awe Factor: None.
course, the player characters will also need to explain the dead O.C.C.: Soldier.
Wizards and how they got into the hotel room as well as explain Experience Level: 4
how an unknown demon was buried by an unknown adversary in Natural/Racial Abilities: None.
one of the Lopanic Bowls sand pits which is about to eat Andre Magic: None. Psionics: None.
Pyke. Unless the character has an M.A. of 30, he’d best get over Combat Info: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts, disarm, kick attack:
to the stadium fast! Davis is a little shaken up from his ordeal (if 2D4 damage, W.P. Sword (+2 strike, +2 parry, +1 throw), and
fully healed physically) and will not help the group. Instead, he W.P. Shield (+1 strike, +2 parry).
thoroughly intends to get as far away from Nyche Callister and Attacks per Melee: 4
Lopania as is possible. Combat Bonuses (including all bonuses): +3 to strike, +4 to
parry and dodge, +2 to damage, +3 to pull punch, and +3 to
roll with punch/fall/impact.
In the playtest and Open House exhibition, as mentioned, one Other Bonuses: None.
of the characters was an athlete who should be headed towards Weapons: Broadsword (2D4+1 damage), large shield.
his own event at this point – a test I threw in to role-play the ul- Armor: Chain Mail (A.R.: 14, S.D.C.: 44).

Equipment: Uniformed Tabbard over the armor, blowhorn (for Disposition: Lagustal likes to play the political game of subter-
alerting other guards over the noise of the crowds). fuge. Manipulating or intimidating others to do his bidding
Magic Items: None. gives him the greater sense of satisfaction than just using his
Money: 120 Eastern crowns on their person. strength or powers. But be warned, he, like most demons, can
fight and is unreserved in his wrath.
Land of Origin: Hades.
The Finale Hit Points: 68. S.D.C.: 50.
I.S.P.: 70. P.P.E.: 500!
Unless specifically mentioned, the player characters will enter Horror/Awe Factor: 15
the stadium on the side closest to the ambush-laden sand pit. An- R.C.C.: Jinn.
dre Pyke can be seen at the other end of the runway and before Experience Level: 7
they can warn him, he begins his approach. The only way for Natural Abilities: Natural state is invisible, can turn visible and
the players to save Andre is to physically intervene using magic, invisible at will, turn into mist at will, metamorphosis into
psionics, or a football tackle on the athlete himself. an insect at will, resistant to fire and cold (magic attacks do
half damage), nightvision 90 ft (27.4 m), see the invisible, fly,
float, dimensional teleport 53%, magically knows all languag-
In the playtest, the Psi-Healer character had a high Speed at- es, Bio-Regenerate 3D6 S.D.C. or Hit Points once per melee
tribute and Telekinetic Leap. Combining the two, she ran towards round, and can increase size at will (24 ft/7.3 m tall maxi-
the pit and just as Andre leapt into the air, the Ant-Lion’s mandi- mum).
bles shot out from the sand to grab him, but our hero’s leap attack Vulnerabilities: All Jinn are creatures of the twilight and are
dramatically knocked him out of the way, saving his life. Unfor- strongest at night. During the daytime, whether sunny or over-
tunately for her, the Ant-Lion turned on her and a battle ensued. cast, all of their powers, abilities, number of attacks, bonuses,
physical S.D.C., etc., are reduced to half! Jinn are also vulner-
able to weapons made of silver (at any time of day or night).
Should a similar action occur, or even if the players fail to save Silver coated weapons inflict double damage. Magic weapons
Andre, the Ant-Lion will appear from the sand pit. The sight of do full damage.
the monster or even just its limbs is enough to cause a panic and Magic: Black Jinn: All earth elemental magic from levels 1-8.
the crowds will begin to flee in terror. Their screams echo around All at eighth level of proficiency (fourth during the day).
the stadium and players may feel obliged to help with some of the Psionics: Possess all sensitive and physical psionic powers at
dangers occurring due to the sudden mass evacuation. The L.G.S. fifth level proficiency.
and stadium stewards will certainly have their hands full with the Attacks per Melee: Six physical attacks per melee or two by
crowd and none will come to battle the demonic fiend. At some magic.
point shortly after the first melee with the Ant-Lion, one walking Supernatural Damage: 2D6 restrained punch, 6D6 full strength
Mud Mound for each player will rise from a grass freestyle track punch or 2D4x10 power punch.
close by, and launch an attack on the group, as if the Ant-Lion Combat Bonuses (including all bonuses): +2 on initiative, +6
alone wasn’t enough to deal with. For anyone who is able to see to strike, +5 to parry and dodge, +6 to dodge in flight, +23
the invisible, a twenty foot tall, black-skinned demon can be seen to damage, +5 to pull punch, +4 to roll with impact. Note:
hovering fifty feet above the stadium grounds. He is casting his Remember to reduce bonuses by one-half during the daytime
Elemental magic (such as Little Mud Mound) and is clearly the which will likely be when the players encounter this Jinn (+1
cause of this devilry (or demonry, in this case). The being is a on initiative, +2 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, +2 to dodge
Jinn, specifically an Earth Jinn, whose primary goal is to injure in flight, +3 to pull punch, and +2 to roll with impact).
or kill Andre so that he may not compete. That task can wait Other Bonuses (including all bonuses): +6 save vs psionics, +6
for the moment, as his anger with the player characters for foil- save vs magic, +6 save vs poison, +6% save vs coma. +4 save
ing his spectacular plot has just taken precedence. The Jinn will vs all other saving throws. Trust/intimidate 45%.
use spells such as Chasm (maybe unveiling all of the Ant-Lion), Weapons: None.
River of Lava (flowing down from the bleachers and endanger- Armor: Natural A.R. 14.
ing the lives of the innocent spectators) and Wall of Thorns (to Equipment: Nothing of note.
prevent any L.G.S. guards or heroic bystanders from attacking). Magic Items: None.
The final fight is with Lagustal, the Jinn. Money: 2,000 Eastern crowns on his person.

If the players are unable to see the invisible then the G.M. can
Lagustal, the Jinn have Davis find his courage and return to repay his debt to the
True Name: Unknown. group. He has gotten into the stadium and can cast his rare spell
Race: Demon. Darklight. This spell illuminates an area 40 feet (12.2 m) wide
Alignment: Miscreant. and will reveal all those invisible within its diameter. As with all
Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 18, M.A. 17, P.S. 38, P.P. 19, P.E. 18, super powerful final boss fights, some banter should go back and
P.B. 9, Spd 70 running or 180 flying. forth, assuming the player characters can see the demon. He may
Size: 8 to 24 feet (2.4-7.3 m) tall. Can change size at will. even reveal himself, as he is so overly confident. If the player
Weight: Varies with size. characters are near death and are struggling to defeat the Ant-
Age: Unknown. Lion and the Little Mud Mound foes, then the G.M. can use the

next ploy to save the characters’ lives. Either way, a Jinn is an His only difficult task was to transport the creature to the stadium
extremely difficult opponent to defeat (even in the daylight), for from the netherworld. The Jinn also needed to discover the run-
as soon as they are relatively close to dying, they are likely to ning order of the event which he forged whilst in front of an un-
flee and spend the next decade plotting a painful revenge against knowingly petrified stadium manager, Moffen Quentishall.
their vanquishers. After the Ant-Lion and Mud Mounds have
been bested and the player characters face only the Jinn, or are
low on Hit Points, another familiar face will enter the trackside Below are the pre-generated player characters I used for the
from his place in the stalls. It is Coram Findlay, the long jump Palladium Open House exhibition in all their glory. Because they
record holder (still). He runs towards the Jinn and stops suddenly. were intended to be used again and again by different players, I
Coram points at Lagustal and in a commanding voice, shouts, deliberately left out any background stories or history. Just the
“I WISH YOU GONE FROM THIS REALM, NEVER TO RE- alignment and disposition is enough to be prepared for as the
TURN!” With a demonic scream of “NOOOOOoooo – as you G.M. and it allowed each player to put his own, unique spin on
wish, master...” the Jinn vanishes in a flash of light! the character. Enjoy...
The L.G.S., led by Wyatt M’Kiln, will have cut through the
walls of thorns by then, and approach the player group for an
explanation. Coram will reveal his story, exonerating the play-
er characters, and face whatever punishment he deserves. The Gaston Mirr, Athlete
players have earned the gratitude of the L.G.S. director, Wyatt True Name: Gaston Mirr.
M’Kiln, Andre Pyke and all to the glory of the many other spec-
Race: Human.
tators in the stadium. Rewards may abound aplenty, and M’Kiln
will certainly grant as much favor as he can within the confines of Alignment: Scrupulous.
the Lopanic Games (as long as they are honorable requests). This Attributes: I.Q. 8, M.E. 11, M.A. 16, P.S. 26, P.P. 17, P.E. 16,
is always a good point to introduce other scenarios where N.P.C.s P.B. 16, Spd 15.
are looking to hire famous adventurers for their next quest... Birth Order: First born.
Size: 6 feet, 3 inches tall (1.9 m). Weight: 260 pounds (117 kg).
Age: 23
Ok, the lion is actually an Ant-Lion, the ditch is actually a
Disposition: Arrogant, self-obsessed. Naively believes himself
sand pit and the Warlock is actually an Elemental demon but you
to be unbeatable.
had fun anyway, right?
Land of Origin: Eastern Territory.
Type of Environment: Small city.
Social/Family Background: Craftsman (he hides his ignoble
Game Master Section Racial Hostilities/Biases: Nobles.
Hit Points: 31. S.D.C.: 48.
(Spoiler alert!) I.S.P.: 0. P.P.E.: 5.
Horror/Awe Factor: None.
Coram Findlay was a dedicated athlete who one day, whilst
O.C.C.: Professional Athlete (Discus).
practicing on the sand dunes of his hometown beach, landed on
a jar, cutting his foot badly and smashing the jar. From the bro- Experience Level: 4
ken glass came smoke, or rather mist, which then turned into ten Natural/Racial Abilities: None.
foot tall black creature, a Jinn, an Earth Elemental demon named O.C.C. Abilities: Inner confidence, combat reputation/Horror
Lagustal. It granted Coram three wishes and he took the first Factor (N/A), improved focus, improved co-ordination, im-
one straight away, asking to become a champion in the Lopanic proved alertness, and event specialization.
Games. Once this had been done and a new Palladium record Magic: None. Psionics: None.
set, Coram asked for his second wish: “Let my record never be
O.C.C. Skills: Language: Native Eastern at 98%, Language: El-
broken.” For this mammoth task, the Jinn flew away and had not
ven 75%, Athletics, Biology 50%, Mathematics: Basic 65%,
been seen since, until now, when it seems his tactics could not
W.P. Sword, Body Building, W.P. Throwing Weapons, W.P.
prevent Andre Pyke from competing altogether. Should the Jinn
Targeting, Sense of Balance 75%, Hand to Hand: Basic.
prove too much for the players to handle, a G.M. intervention of
Coram stopping the demon with his last commanding wish of the O.C.C. Related Skills: Sing 45%, Dance 45%, Swimming 55%,
Jinn is a handy thing to have up your sleeve. Language: Dwarven 55%, History 45%, Streetwise 37%,
Lagustal had wanted Marlen, Wesley and Simon, the stadium Prowl 40%, Holistic Medicine 35/25%.
attendants, out of his way so that he could discover which sand Secondary Skills: Wrestling, Boxing, Horsemanship: General
pit would not be used in the pentathlon event and be able to place 50/35%, Forced March, Climb 55/50%, First Aid 40%.
his magically controlled Ant-Lion in the pit. The boys were eas- Attacks per Melee: 4
ily duped although more expensively than his first plan. Covering Combat Info: Hand to Hand: Basic, kick attack: 2D4 damage,
up the deed and keeping other staff off his back was actually an W.P. Sword (+2 strike, +2 parry, +1 throw), W.P. Thrown
easy task for the Warlock and his magical powers of the earth. Weapons, W.P. Targeting (+2 throw).

Combat Bonuses (including all bonuses): +2 to initiative, +1 Attacks per Melee: 3
to strike, +5 to parry and dodge, +11 to damage, +2 to pull Combat Info: Hand to Hand: Basic, kick attack: 2D4 damage,
punch, +4 to roll with punch/fall/impact. W.P. Axe (+3 strike, +2 parry, +2 throw, +1D6 damage), W.P.
Other Bonuses: +3 to save vs Horror Factor, +1 save vs disease, Sword (+2 strike, +2 parry, +1 throw).
+2 save vs mind control, +1 save vs magic, +1 save vs poison, Combat Bonuses (including all bonuses): +2 to strike, +3 to
+4% save vs coma. Trust/Intimidate 40%, Charm/Impress parry and dodge, +3 to damage, +2 to pull punch, +2 to roll
30%. with punch/fall/impact.
Weapons: Two-handed Espandon (2D6+2 damage) and his mag- Other Bonuses: +2 to save vs Horror Factor, +1 save vs poison,
ical Chakram. +2 save vs magic, +4% save vs coma, +2 save vs possession.
Armor: Soft Leather (A.R. 10, S.D.C. 20). Weapons: Invisible & Eternally Sharp, Two-Headed Bipennis
Equipment: Two sets of clothing, one competing outfit (flam- Axe (2D6+3 + P.S. damage, +2 strike & parry!) and a normal
boyant or practical sportswear), a cloak or robe with a hood, quality short sword (2D4 damage).
boots, a pair of soft leather gloves, belt, 4 practice discuses, Armor: Cloak of Armor (A.R.: 14, S.D.C.: 100).
bedroll, backpack, a medium sized satchel, two small sacks, Equipment: Two sets of clothing, pair of boots, hat, bell blanket,
a water skin, 4 candles, a wooden cross, small mirror, box of backpack, one large sack, 6 small sacks, a water skin, bottle of
chalk dust and a flint & tinder box. wine, food rations for 1D4 weeks, a notebook, two crow quill
Magic Items: Chakram (1D6 + P.S. damage) that returns to pens, a bottle of ink, a small lantern and a tinder box.
wielder when thrown! Magic Items: Medallion of Telepathy: 10 minutes, twice daily.
Money: 200 Eastern crowns. The following potions (one dose each): Change Appearance
to Look Older (makes the character appear twenty years older;
Lyndham Durst, Merchant used for disguise, lasts 8 hours), Change Appearance to Look
Youthful (makes the character appear by fifteen years young-
True Name: Lyndham Durst.
er), Foresee the Future (Divination same as clergy), Healing
Race: Dwarf. (superior; 2D6 Hit Points or 4D6 S.D.C. are restored), Imper-
Alignment: Scrupulous. vious to Fire (no damage), Sleep (same as spell), and Might of
Attributes: I.Q. 12, M.E. 12, M.A. 6, P.S. 18, P.P. 16, P.E. 16, the Palladium (adds one additional attack per melee round and
P.B. 8, Spd 8. a bonus of +2 to strike, parry, dodge, and damage!).
Birth Order: Last born. Money: 2,000 Eastern crowns of his own money plus 1,200
Size: 4 feet tall (1.2 m). Weight: 200 pounds (90 kg). crowns in guild finances budgeted for the trip and a further
Age: 89 1,800 crowns from a dominion syndicate to bet at the games
Disposition: Blabbermouth, nice guy but talks too much. (who expect to see a return).
Land of Origin: Eastern Territory.
Type of Environment: Large city (Penington). Davina Connelly, Psi-Healer
Social/Family Background: Merchant (poor). True Name: Davina Connelly.
Racial Hostilities/Biases: Nobles. Race: Elf.
Hit Points: 48. S.D.C.: 15. Alignment: Principled.
I.S.P.: 0. P.P.E.: 10. Attributes: I.Q. 10, M.E. 10, M.A. 6, P.S. 12, P.P. 18, P.E. 18,
Horror/Awe Factor: None. P.B. 26, Spd 22.
O.C.C.: Merchant. Birth Order: Second born.
Experience Level: 5 Size: 5 feet, 8 inches tall (1.72 m). Weight: 140 pounds (63 kg).
Natural/Racial Abilities: Nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m), Under- Age: 45
ground Tunneling: 65%, Underground Architecture: 55%,
Disposition: Bubbly, lively, polite and friendly. Hard to get
Underground Sense of Direction: 65%, Metalworking: 65%,
down. Always has a positive outlook.
Recognize Precious Metals & Stones: 60%.
Magic: None. Psionics: None. Land of Origin: Lopan.
O.C.C. Skills: Basic Math 90%, Language: Dwarven 98%, Type of Environment: Large city (Ethaniel – Capital).
Language: Eastern 70%, Language: Western, 70%, Literacy: Social/Family Background: Merchant.
Dwarven 60%, Public Speaking 60%, W.P. Axe, W.P. Sword, Racial Hostilities/Biases: Dragons.
Hand to Hand: Basic. Hit Points: 32. S.D.C.: 32.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Language: Elven 70%, Literacy: Eastern I.S.P.: 130. P.P.E.: 2.
60%, Literacy: Western 60%, Sign Language 55%, Math: Ad-
Horror/Awe Factor: None.
vanced 75%, Carpentry 45%, Art 65%, Masonry 65%, Gener-
al Repair & Maintenance 55%, Sew 50%, Cryptography 35%. O.C.C.: Psi-Healer.
Secondary Skills: Streetwise 36%, Pick Pockets 45%, Palming Experience Level: 4
40%, Brewing 45/50%, Card Shark 36%, Concealment 32%, Natural/Racial Abilities: None.
Horsemanship: General 39/24%, Prowl 30%. Magic: None.

Psionics: Master; Deaden Pain (4), Exorcism (10), Healing Hit Points: 30. S.D.C.: 50.
Touch (6), Increased Healing (10), Psychic Diagnosis (4), I.S.P.: 0. P.P.E.: 30!
Psychic Purification (8), Psychic Surgery (14), See Aura (6), Horror/Awe Factor: 10
Empathy (4), Bio-Regeneration (6), Telekinetic Leap (8),
O.C.C.: Assassin.
Telekinetic Punch (6).
Experience Level: 4
O.C.C. Skills: Cook 55%, Biology 60%, Holistic Medicine
Natural/Racial Abilities: Shape changing ability.
65/55%, Identify Plants & Fruits 50%, Preserve Food 55%,
Language: Native Elven 98%, Language: Eastern 70%, Lan- Magic: None. Psionics: None.
guage: Dwarven 70%, Math: Basic 70%, W.P. Sword, W.P. O.C.C. Skills: Climb/Scale Walls 55/50%, Concealment 49%,
Blunt, and Hand to Hand: Basic. Detect Concealment & Traps 51/31%, Math: Basic 80%, Pick
O.C.C. Related Skills: Botany 50%, First Aid 55%, Surgery Locks 60%, Prowl 50%, Track Humanoids 50%, Language:
55/45%, Brewing 50/55%, Public Speaking 45%, Literacy: Native Elven 98%, Language: Eastern 70%, Language: West-
Elven 55%, and Animal Husbandry 60%. ern 70%, W.P. Sword, W.P. Knife, W.P. Grappling Hook,
W.P. Blunt, Hand to Hand: Assassin.
Secondary Skills: Athletics, Running, Gymnastics, Forced
march, Dance 30%, Prowl 25%. O.C.C. Related Skills: Disguise 60%, Imitate Voice & Imper-
sonation 58/38%, Use & Recognize poison 46/38%, Ventrilo-
Attacks per Melee: 3
quism 38%, Palming 45%, Escape Artist 50%, Land Naviga-
Combat Info: Hand to Hand: Basic, kick attack: 2D4 damage, tion 42%, Intelligence 52%, Streetwise 42%, Forgery 45%.
W.P. Sword (+2 strike, +2 parry, +1 throw), W.P. Blunt (+2
Secondary Skills: Boxing, Athletics, Paired Weapons.
strike, +2 parry).
Attacks per Melee: 4
Combat Bonuses (including all bonuses): +2 to strike, +4 to
Combat Info: Hand to Hand: Assassin, W.P. Sword (+2 strike,
parry and dodge, +2 to pull punch, +5 to roll with punch/fall/
+2 parry, +1 throw), W.P. Knife (+2 strike, +2 parry, +2
throw), W.P. Grappling Hook (+2 strike, +1 entangle), W.P.
Other Bonuses: +2 to save vs Horror Factor, +2 save vs poi- Blunt (+2 strike, +2 parry).
son, +2 save vs magic, +18% save vs coma, +1 save vs mind
Combat Bonuses (including all bonuses): +5 to strike, +3 to
controlling drugs, potions and charms, +7 save vs possession.
parry, +3 to dodge, +4 to damage, +4 to disarm, +3 to pull
Charm/impress 80%.
punch, +3 to roll with punch/fall/impact.
Weapons: Silver coated dagger (1D6 damage), Short sword
Other Bonuses: +3 save vs psionics, +4 save vs insanity, +2 save
(1D6 damage), Morning star (2D6 damage).
vs telepathic probes. Trust/intimidate 55%.
Armor: Soft Leather (A.R.: 10, S.D.C.: 20).
Weapons: Pair of Kobold made, silver coated daggers (1D6+1
Equipment: Two sets of clothing, boots, hat, belt, blanket, bed- damage), Sabre, short sword (2D4 damage), Cudgel (2D4
roll, backpack, two medium-sized sacks, six small sacks, a damage), Grappling hook.
water skin, small kettle, small frying pan, 5 vials (for herbs
Armor: Studded Leather (A.R. 13, S.D.C. 38).
and potions), small pouch with six surgical knives (each does
1D4 damage if used as a weapon), several rolls of cloth ban- Equipment: Two sets of clothing, a cape or cloak with hood
dages, first-aid kit, food rations for 2 weeks, cooking utensils, (with 6 inside pockets), boots, a pair of soft leather gloves,
a six inch (15 cm) wooden cross, a pocket mirror, 3 wooden belt, bedroll, purse, backpack, one medium-sized sack, three
stakes, a small mallet, tin of snuff and a tinder box. small sacks, a water skin, a set of lock picking tools, 50 feet
(15.2 m) of rope, grappling hook, 4 iron spikes, a small ham-
Magic Items: None.
mer, pocket mirror, and a tinder box.
Money: 300 Eastern crowns. Magic Items: None.
Money: 200 Eastern crowns.
Asteuce Ryne, Assassin
True Name: Asteuce Ryne. Lemmink Shawltry, Wizard
Race: Changeling. True Name: Lemmink Shawltry.
Alignment: Scrupulous. Race: Gnome.
Attributes: I.Q. 13, M.E. 21, M.A. 19, P.S. 13, P.P. 20, P.E. 8, Alignment: Principled.
P.B. 6, Spd 15.
Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 9, M.A. 19, P.S. 5, P.P. 18, P.E. 20,
Birth Order: Illegitimate. P.B. 17, Spd 13.
Size: 7 feet tall (2.13 m). Weight: 230 pounds (104 kg). Birth Order: First born.
Age: 102 Size: 2 feet tall (0.6 m). Weight: 30 pounds (13.5 kg).
Disposition: Tough guy, self reliant but out to make amends for Age: 176
his past.
Disposition: Paternal and over-protective. Has a sense of duty to
Land of Origin: Eastern Territory. help all children which is stemming to include all those young-
Type of Environment: Large city (Kaash). er than him (most races). They just have so much to learn that
Social/Family Background: Thief. they can’t protect themselves...
Racial Hostilities/Biases: Wolfen. Land of Origin: Western Empire.
Type of Environment: Large City where magic is common- Birth Order: Illegitimate.
place. Size: 6 feet, 1 inch tall (1.85 m). Weight: 255 pounds (115 kg).
Social/Family Background: Magical but one of the poorer fami- Age: 32
lies. Disposition: Sullen, quiet, always with a thought to elsewhere.
Racial Hostilities/Biases: Goblins. He is troubled by his past and finds little in the way of escap-
Hit Points: 35. S.D.C.: 14. ism other than when in battle.
I.S.P.: 0. P.P.E.: 178. Land of Origin: Land of the South Winds.
Horror/Awe Factor: None. Type of Environment: Large city.
O.C.C.: Wizard. Social/Family Background: Serf/Peasant Laborer.
Experience Level: 4 Racial Hostilities/Biases: Pirates.
Natural/Racial Abilities: Nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m), Under- Hit Points: 31. S.D.C.: 52.
ground Tunneling 45%, Underground Architecture 35%, Un- I.S.P.: 44. P.P.E.: 8.
derground Sense of Direction 35%.
Horror/Awe Factor: None.
Magic: Enchanted Cauldron 32%, Decipher Magic (4), Sense
O.C.C.: Gladiator.
Magic (4), Cloud of Slumber (6), Globe of Daylight (2),
Tongues (12), Detect Concealment (6), Levitation (5), Cha- Experience Level: 4
meleon (6), Armor of Ithan (10), Energy Bolt (5), Paralysis: Natural/Racial Abilities: None.
Lesser (5), Multiple Image (7). Magic: None.
Psionics: None. Psionics: Major; Deaden Pain (4), Resist Fatigue (4), Suppress
O.C.C. Skills: Literacy: Western 60%, Literacy: Elven 60%, Fear (8), Summon Inner Strength (4), Resist Hunger (2), Re-
Lore: Magic 60/50/45%, Lore: Geomancy & Ley Lines 55%, sist Thirst (6).
Mathematics: Basic 80%, W.p. Staff, Hand to Hand: Basic. O.C.C. Skills: Climb/Scale Walls 65%, Dance 55%, Disguise
O.C.C. Related Skills: Language: Western 65%, Language: El- 50%, Imitate Voices & Impersonation 55/35%, Language:
ven 55%, Literacy: Dwarven 55%, Writing 50%, Lore: Reli- Native Southern 98%, Recognize Weapon Quality 55%, Sign
gion 55%, Lore: Faerie Folk 50%, Lore: Demons & Monsters Language 50%, Streetwise 41%, W.P. Sword, W.P. Spear,
55%, Anthropology 45%, History 55%, Art 50%. W.P. Forked Weapons, W.P. Net, W.P. Shield, Hand to Hand:
Secondary Skills: Athletics, Forced March, Horsemanship: Gladiator.
General 50/35%, Horsemanship: Exotic 45/35%, Prowl 35%, O.C.C. Related Skills: Language: Eastern 65%, Language: El-
Swimming 50%. ven 65%, Streetwise 40%, Card Shark 44/24%, Wrestling.
Attacks per Melee: 3 Secondary Skills: Lore: Demons & Monsters 40%, Swimming
Combat Info: Hand to Hand: Basic, kick attack: 2D4 damage, 55%, Sailing 50/35%, Athletics, Boxing, Body Building.
W.P. Staff (+2 strike, +1 parry). Attacks per Melee: 4
Combat Bonuses (including all bonuses): +2 to Spell Strength, Combat Info: Hand to Hand: Basic, kick attack: 2D4 damage,
+2 to strike, +4 to parry and dodge, +2 to pull punch, +3 to roll disarm on a natural 19 or 20, Paired weapons, W.P. Sword (+2
with punch/fall/impact. strike, +2 parry, +1 throw), W.P. Spear (+2 strike, +2 parry, +1
Other Bonuses: +4 to save vs Horror Factor, +3 save vs poison, throw), W.P. Forked Weapons (+2 strike, +2 parry, +1 throw,
+1 save vs disease, +4 save vs magic, +10% save vs coma. +2 entangle), W.P. Net (+1 strike, +2 parry, +1 entangle),
Trust/Intimidate 55%, Charm/Impress 35%. W.P. Shield (+1 strike, +2 parry).
Weapons: Long staff (1D6 damage, 3 feet/0.9 m long). Combat Bonuses (including all bonuses): +5 to strike, +7 to
Armor: Soft Leather (A.R.: 10, S.D.C.: 20). parry and dodge, +10 to damage, +3 to pull punch, +4 to roll
with punch/fall/impact.
Equipment: Two sets of clothing, a cloak with a hood, boots,
a pair of soft leather gloves, belt, bedroll, backpack, a medi- Other Bonuses: +2 to save vs Horror Factor, +2 save vs poison,
um-sized satchel, two small sacks, a water skin, 11 sheets of +2 save vs magic, +6% save vs coma. Charm/Impress 30%.
parchment paper, a 100 page notebook, three crow quill pens, Weapons: Small shield, Short Sword (2D4 damage), Caestus
two bottles of ink (one black, one red), 4 sticks of graphite, 4 (weighted gloves) (1D6 damage), Trident (2D6+2 damage),
sticks of chalk, 4 candles, a wooden cross, flint & tinder box. Net.
Magic Items: None (yet). Armor: Scale Mail; half suit (A.R.: 11, S.D.C.: 35).
Money: 150 Eastern crowns. Equipment: Two sets of clothing, three sets of arena costumes,
bedroll, backpack, shoulder bag, a water skin, a tinder box.
Gallacus Bastion, Gladiator Magic Items: Has a set of magical, retractable forearm blades
built into his half suit of scale mail armor (2D6+2 damage
True Name: Gallacus Bastion. each).
Race: Human. Money: 200 Eastern crowns.
Alignment: Unprincipled.
Attributes: I.Q. 11, M.E. 7, M.A. 14, P.S. 23, P.P. 22, P.E. 18,
P.B. 18, Spd 17.

Explosives Data for the
Palladium Role-Playing System
Optional Rules for Any Palladium Game
By Thomas Morrison
In the real world, trinitrotoluene (TNT) is the standard against busts and turns into a large quantity of gas, sufficiently violently
which all explosives are measured in terms of effectiveness. Why to create a shock wave that will damage people and property
TNT? Because for the greater part of the past century, TNT has within 10 feet (3 m). Doubling the quantity of TNT should double
been the most common military-grade explosive. It is powerful, the quantity of gas produced. Since volume is a cubic measure
reliable, stable, and stores well. Conventional explosives are gen- and blast radius is a linear measure, the cube root of the volume
erally rated as having a “relative effectiveness” of between 55% determines the length of the radius. In the case of a doubling of
and 170% that of TNT, while nuclear weapons are described in explosive power, the blast radius would be the cube root of 2, or
terms of kilotons and megatons – the equivalent of thousands or 1.26, times the original radius of 10 feet (3 m): 10 x 1.26 = 12.6
millions of tons of TNT. In keeping with this convention, this feet (3.8 m). Thus, 7.2 ounces (200 g) of TNT would cause 20D6
paper will also use TNT as the standard by which the relative ef- (2D6x10) damage to a radius of 12.6 feet (3.8 m).
fectiveness of other explosives are rated. Fragmentation, however, provides another set of problems.
The Palladium RPG generally reflects that a 3.6-ounce (100 Just as a person can spit a watermelon seed farther than he or she
g) quantity of TNT causes 10D6 (1D6x10) damage to a radius can blow a puff of air, the metal fragments thrown out by military
of 10 feet (3 m). My personal research indicates that this is about ordnance travel much farther than the shock wave of an explo-
right. It then becomes an easy matter to determine the damage sive blast. Seeds and shrapnel lose less momentum over distance.
other explosives cause, given the quantity used and their relative My research has found that older military ordnance generally
effectiveness. relied upon the round’s cast iron or steel casing for fragmenta-
But what of blast radius? Does a doubling of explosive power tion effects, while more modern military ordnance has thinner,
double the effective radius of the explosion? Let us consider that higher-grade steel casings and specially-designed fragmentation
an explosion is the violent, rapid conversion of a solid, liquid, or sleeves for enhanced fragmentation effects. Explosives can throw
gas into (another) gas or gasses. In short, the stick of TNT com- individual fragments about ten times as far as the effective shock
wave of the blast itself, but the effective casualty radius of the forces stick to explosives with a better “shelf life,” like Composi-
shrapnel as a whole is, on average, about 2-4 times the explo- tion B and TNT.
sive’s blast radius. Ammonium Nitrate (AN): This deceptively simple compound
It is best to check with authoritative sources to determine the requires a large industrial facility to produce. Its primary use is as
effective casualty radii of military ordnance. Care must be taken, a high-grade fertilizer. It is a poor explosive on its own; however,
however, because not all sources will agree on the effective ca- when mixed with other explosives, it often has a synergistic ef-
sualty radius of a given type of ordnance. Russia, for example, fect.
uses TNT as the standard fill for its ordnance. The United States
uses similar fill weights of RDX compounds that have 1.3 to 2.2 Ammonium Nitrate – Fuel Oil (ANFO): This mixture of fertil-
times the power of TNT. The Russians, however, claim that their izer and Diesel fuel is highly explosive but somewhat unstable,
ordnance has the same effective casualty radii of American ord- earning it the nickname, “witches’ brew.” It is a good, cheap
nance, whereas American evaluations of captured Russian ord- choice for thrown and placed explosives such as hand grenades
nance do not support the Russian claims. The Russians may be and mines. It is not as safe as TNT for use in firearms, mortars,
evaluating their effective casualty radii by more liberal criteria artillery, or rockets: 15% chance that it will detonate prematurely
than the Americans. Alternatively, they may be exaggerating the upon launch. Given access to the ingredients, however, anyone
efficacy of their ordnance due to reasons of national pride, or to with a Chemistry skill and a container can create ANFO, making
avoid being at a competitive disadvantage in the highly lucra- it a favorite of terrorists and militias worldwide.
tive international arms market. Comparison of Russian ordnance Ammonium Perchlorate (AP): This compound is usually not
to Western TNT-filled ordnance of similar fill weight is instruc- used in pure form, but mixed with other explosive compounds for
tive. When in doubt, calculate the blast radius and assume that synergistic effect.
the effective casualty radius of the fragmentation is three times
Black Powder: Also known as gunpowder, this is a basic mix
the blast radius.
of potassium nitrate, powdered charcoal, and sulfur. It is the easi-
The foregoing discussion, of course, begs the question: What
est explosive to make from scratch, requiring only a Chemistry
is an effective casualty radius? According to the United States
skill, basic chemistry tools, and access to the raw materials (aged
Department of Defense, it is the distance from an explosion to a
urine and/or manure, wood ash, coal, and sulfur). It is stable and
radius where 50% of the persons exposed will become casualties
reliable, but useless when wet. It was the standard propellant
– dead or wounded. While death is self-explanatory, the defini-
in firearms and artillery until the advent of nitroglycerin-based
tion of a wound is fairly liberal – basically, anything that breaks
compounds like cordite (see below) and was known for its large
the skin. A scratch that draws blood counts as a wound. So when
smoke signature. Its relative effectiveness is highly variable, de-
an American M67 fragmentation grenade boasts a 50-foot (15 m)
pending on the skill of the chemist and the purity of the ingredi-
effective casualty radius, that means that at 50 feet, half the ex-
ents. Military and industrial black powder is high grade.
posed personnel will suffer some trauma ranging in severity from
death to a simple nick, but the other half will show no visible Composition A3: This U.S. explosive is 91% RDX and 9%
harm. Closer to the center of the explosion, of course, the odds of wax. It is often used in aircraft ordnance.
being hurt and the severity of the damage increase dramatically. Composition A5: This U.S. explosive is 98.5% RDX and
The below rules seek to capture that reality. 1.5% stearic acid. It is used in aircraft ordnance in place of Com-
The chart on the following page shows several common explo- position A3.
sives, their relative effectiveness, and their damage and blast radii
per 3.6 ounces (100 g). Below are descriptions of the explosives, Composition B: This U.S. explosive is 59.5% RDX, 39.5%
followed by special rules governing blast and fragmentation. TNT, and 1% paraffin wax. It is the standard fill for U.S. ord-
nance. It stores well and is highly effective. It is stable under
normal conditions; however, prolonged exposure to extreme fire
Descriptions may cause it to detonate and direct exposure to a powerful blast
may cause sympathetic detonation. As of 2011, Composition B
Aluminum: Powdered aluminum, while not exactly an ex- was being phased out in favor of more pure RDX-based explo-
plosive, is often used as an accelerant for other explosive com- sives that will not detonate from fire or other explosions.
pounds and mixtures. The optimal amount for a given compound
Composition C-4: This U.S. plastic explosive is 91% RDX,
or mixture varies between 5 and 20% and its precise effect for a
9% plasticizer, binder, and SAE 10 motor oil. It is used for de-
given blend of explosives is still a matter of scientific research,
molitions. Electricity detonates it; fire will cause it to burn, not
the results of which are not openly published. Because powdered
explode. American troops in Vietnam used to burn a pinch of C-4
aluminum is relatively easy to obtain, it is often added to ANFO
to heat up their morning coffee.
(see below).
Cordite: More powerful than black powder, this stable propel-
Amatol: This is a mixture of ammonium nitrate and TNT. It
lant is made from insoluble nitrocellulose, nitroglycerin, petro-
is cheaper and slightly more powerful than straight TNT. Data is
leum jelly, and various stabilizers. It was the standard propellant
given for both 20% ammonium nitrate/80% TNT and 50% am-
in the mid- to late-20th century. Cordite makes a unique scent
monium nitrate/50% TNT mixes. Amatol, with a higher ratio of
when used. It is known as a “smokeless” propellant, but it actu-
ammonium nitrate, is cheaper but less powerful than the 50/50
ally does make some smoke when used, just not nearly as much
mix. Amatol’s weakness is that it doesn’t store well: it readily
as black powder. Certain early blends of cordite became unstable
absorbs moisture, which reduces its effectiveness, making it a
over time, but modern, standard military cordite does not.
“use it or lose it” explosive. Except during wartime, most military
Relative Power of Explosives
Relative Damage per Blast radius, in Blast Radius, in
Name of Compound Effectiveness 3.6 Ounces (100 g) feet, for 3.6 Ounces meters, for 100 g
Amatol 80% TNT/20% AN 1.17 9D8 11 3.4
Amatol 50% TNT/50% AN 1.26 2D8x5 11 3.4
Ammonium Nitrate (AN) 0.42 4D6 7 2.1
Ammonium Nitrate-Fuel oil (ANFO) 0.80 8D6 9 2.7
Ammonium Perchlorate (AP) 0.79 8D6 9 2.7
Black Powder, low grade 0.20 2D6 6 1.8
Black Powder, high grade 0.55 8D4 8 2.4
Composition A3 1.46 2D4x10 11 3.4
Composition A5 1.58 2D10x5 12 3.7
Compostion B 1.30 2D8x5 11 3.4
Composition C4 1.34 2D8x5 11 3.4
Dinitroanisole (DNAN) 0.87 9D6 10 3.0
60% AN/40% Nitroglycerin 0.41 4D6 7 2.1
50% AN/50% Nitroglycerin 0.46 3D10 8 2.4
40% AN/60% Nitroglycerin 0.53 3D12 8 2.4
60% Nitrocellulose/40% Nitroglycerin 0.42 4D6 7 2.1
50% Nitrocellulose/50% Nitroglycerin 0.47 3D10 8 2.4
40% Nitrocellulose/60% Nitroglycerin 0.76 6D8 9 2.7
Military Grade, low velocity 0.92 9D6 10 3.0
Military Grade, medium velocity 1.22 12D6 11 3.4
Straight, 40% Nitroglycerin 0.65 5D8 9 2.7
Straight, 50% Nitroglycerin 0.79 5D10 9 2.7
Straight, 60% Nitroglycerin 0.83 8D6 9 2.7
HBX-1 1.33 2D8x5 11 3.4
HBX-3 1.11 7D10 10 3.0
HMX 1.70 2D10x5 12 3.7
Nitrocellulose 0.47 3D10 8 2.4
Nitroglycerin 1.50 3D6x5 11 3.4
PAX-2A 1.70 2D10x5 12 3.7
PAX-21 1.95 2D6x10 12 3.7
PAX-25 2.20 3D4x10 13 4.0
PE4 1.34 2D8x5 11 3.4
PETN 1.66 2D10x5 12 3.7
RDX 1.60 2D10x5 12 3.7
Semtex 1.66 2D10x5 12 3.7
Semtex 1A, Semtex H 1.34 2D8x5 11 3.4
Tetryl 1.25 8D10 11 3.4
Tetrytol 1.20 12D6 11 3.4
TNT 1.00 2D6x5 10 3.0

Dinitroanisole (DNAN): Technically, the chemical name for and turns nitroglycerin into a more stable gelatin. “Straight” dy-
this is “2, 4-dinitroanisole” to specify where the nitrogen atoms namite uses sawdust as an absorbent. Fire, electricity, or hard
are linked to the parent chemical chain. It is often used in com- shocks may cause dynamite to explode prematurely, as can thaw-
pounds with other explosives, particularly RDX, where it may ing it from a frozen state: 10% chance for AN- and nitrocellulose-
have a synergistic effect. mixed dynamite, 15% for straight. Dynamite that is stored for
Dynamite: There are many grades and blends of dynamite, too long (over 10 years) tends to “sweat” beads of nitroglycerin,
with varying degrees of effectiveness and stability. Typically, making it hazardous to handle: the chance per year over 10 that
dynamite consists of 40-60% nitroglycerin (by weight), some it will prematurely detonate if handled is 5% for AN- and ni-
type of absorbent, and a small amount of sodium carbonate. Since trocellulose-mixed dynamite, 7% for straight. Dynamite’s shock
nitroglycerin is dangerously shock-sensitive, the role of the ab- sensitivity makes it unsuitable for use in rockets or artillery. U.S.
sorbent (usually ammonium nitrate, nitrocellulose, or sawdust) “military grade dynamite” is actually not dynamite, but an RDX-
is to make it stable enough to handle. Ammonium nitrate (AN) TNT compound that stores better and is not shock-sensitive.
is cheap, but doesn’t have much of a synergistic effect with ni- HBX-1: High Brisance eXplosive-1 (HBX-1) is an explosive
troglycerin. Soluble nitrocellulose is explosive in its own right designed for naval munitions. It is a mix of 40% RDX, 38% TNT,

17% powdered aluminium, and 5% D-2 wax with calcium chlo- dogs. Back in the bad old days of Communism, the Czechs ex-
ride or lecithin as desensitizers. ported this to terrorists worldwide. Once democracy came to the
HBX-3: This variant of HBX is another naval explosive, with Czechs, blowing up civilian airplanes was no longer in their na-
a lower sensitivity to impact than HBX-1. tional interests. The unscented version of Semtex is no longer in
HMX: This is an RDX-type explosive. Like Composition B,
it is safe to handle and to store, but is prone to cook-off under Semtex 1A: This version of Czech Semtex is 76% PETN,
extreme heat and sympathetic detonations. As of 2011, the U.S. 4.6% RDX, 9.4% binder, 9% plasticizer, and 1% other. Unlike
Picatinny Arsenal was manufacturing a replacement explosive, the original Semtex, bomb-sniffing dogs can smell it.
PAX-2A (see below). Semtex H: This version of Czech Semtex is 40.9% PETN,
Nitrocellulose: This compound is made by treating cotton fi- 41.2% RDX, 9% binder, 7.9% plasticizer, and 1% other. Unlike
bers with nitroglycerine. It is more stable than nitroglycerine but the original Semtex, bomb-sniffing dogs can smell it. Despite the
less powerful. It is often mixed with nitroglycerine in the manu- big differences in the PETN/RDX mix between Semtex 1A and
facture of dynamite (see above). Semtex H, they are reportedly equally effective.

Nitroglycerin: This liquid explosive is extremely powerful Tetryl: Tetryl (2,4,6-trinitrophenyl-methylnitramine) is often
but also highly shock-sensitive. It can be handled gently. Most used in detonators and explosive booster charges, which are used
industrial use of nitroglycerin avoided the dangers inherent in to ensure the detonation of high-powered but low-sensitivity ex-
transporting it by mixing it on site from much safer precursor plosives.
chemicals. Nitroglycerin forms the basis for many other explo- Tetrytol: This is a 70/30 mix of tetryl and TNT, first used in
sives, such as dynamite and cordite (see above). auxiliary boosters for U.S. ordnance in World War II. Although
PAX-2A: Picatinny Arsenal eXplosive-2A is the RDX-based slightly less powerful, tetrytol is more reliable in ensuring deto-
replacement for HMX (see above). Like all the new Picatinny nation.
Arsenal explosives, it will melt rather than explode under intense TNT (Trinitrotoluene): This is a powerful, stable explosive,
heat and is immune to sympathetic detonations. Very little data is suitable for use in rockets, artillery shells, demolitions, etc., but
published about this explosive; however, it is at least as effective like Composition B, it is prone to “cook off” in fire and sympa-
as HMX. thetic detonation. TNT is the primary military explosive in the
PAX-21: Picatinny Arsenal eXplosive-21 is one of the two world. However, by the beginning of the 21st century, there were
replacements proposed for Composition B (see above). It is made no facilities in the U.S. that produced TNT, which forced the U.S.
of RDX, DNAN, AP and trace amounts of methyl-nitroaniline military to rely on foreign suppliers while it developed even more
(MNA) (for processability). It boasts a 25% greater blast radius stable RDX-based explosives (see PAX entries, above). TNT is
than Composition B, from which its relative effectiveness was the standard against which all other explosives are measured.
derived. It will melt rather than explode under intense heat and is
immune to sympathetic detonations. Its stability, however, has a
slight drawback: it is harder to detonate than previous-generation
Special Rules
explosives, requiring a more powerful fuse charge. Blast: Military explosives are designed to form a shock wave
– an expanding sphere of overpressure where air molecules are
PAX-25: Picatinny Arsenal eXplosive-25 is the second pro- so tightly pressed together that they strike everything in their path
posed replacement for Composition B (see above). It is made of with near-solid force, tearing flesh and rupturing the soft tissues
RDX, DNAN, AP and trace amounts of MNA (for processabili- of the ears, nose, lungs, and brain. Like a violent gust of wind,
ty). It boasts a 30% greater blast radius than Composition B, from blast can follow channels and wrap around small obstacles. It can
which its relative effectiveness was derived. Like PAX-21, it will even enter the noses and mouths of exposed personnel to cause
melt rather than explode under intense heat, is immune to sym- “blast lung,” bursting thousands of air sacs like miniature bal-
pathetic detonations, and requires a more powerful fuse charge. loons, leaving the victim to drown in his or her own blood. The
PE4: Plastic Explosive 4 is the United Kingdom’s version of following rules govern blast damage:
U.S. Composition C4 (see above), using different plasticizers. ! If a weapon does both Mega-Damage (M.D.) and blast (such
Pentaerythritol-tetranitrate (PETN): This chemical is the main as a High Explosive Anti-Tank warhead), the target directly
ingredient in Semtex (see below). struck takes the M.D., not the blast or shrapnel (if any).
RDX: Also known as hexogen, this explosive’s chemical ! Distance to blast is zero (i.e., a direct hit): Target takes the
name is cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine, a more-advanced com- listed damage and cannot reduce damage by rolling with the
pound than TNT. It is extremely stable and powerful – so stable, impact or dropping prone.
in fact, that it is normally mixed with another explosive to ensure ! Distance to blast is 1-5 feet (0.3-1.5 m) (e.g., a hand grenade
detonation. RDX forms the basis for almost all explosives made detonating by one’s feet): The target takes the listed damage
at Picatinny Arsenal as of 2011. There is an improved RDX (I- and cannot drop prone to reduce damage, but may roll with
RDX) that is chemically identical but manufactured in smaller the impact.
crystals for improved blast effects. ! Distance to blast is between 6 feet (1.8 m) and half the listed
Semtex: This is a Czech plastic explosive, composed of 94.3% blast radius (i.e., a near miss): All persons and objects take
PETN and 5.7% RDX. It was originally manufactured without half damage, but may reduce damage further by rolling with
any “marker scent” so as to be undetectable by bomb-sniffing the impact, dropping prone, and/or ducking behind cover.
! Distance to blast is greater than half the listed blast radius, - Hard cover that is not airtight: While the buttoned-up tank
out to maximum effective radius: All persons and objects take itself is airtight, these four henchmen are not inside it. One-
one-quarter damage, but may reduce damage further by roll- quarter damage (180 ÷ 4 = 45 points).
ing with the impact, dropping prone, and/or ducking behind - Body armor that is not airtight: The henchmen’s helmets and
cover. flak jackets would have absorbed up to half (45 ÷ 2 = 22.5)
! Body armor that is airtight (i.e., robot armor): Protects its of the damage, but the hero’s strike roll exceeded the ar-
wearer as normal, absorbing the full damage of the blast until mor’s A.R. of 11.
destroyed. - Dropping prone: This is not an option because dropping to
the ground in this case would put the henchmen closer to
! Body armor that is not airtight (i.e., everything other than robot the satchel charge and would negate the protective value of
armor): Provides partial protection, absorbing up to half the their cover – the hull of the tank.
blast damage until destroyed. - Rolling with the impact: Two of the henchmen succeed in
! Rolling with the impact: Success halves the damage, as nor- rolling with the force of the blast, halving the damage they
mal. suffer (45 ÷ 2 = 22.5, round up to 23). The two that failed
! Dropping prone: A successful Dodge against a ground burst take 45 points of damage each.
means that the character drops prone and “hugs the ground,”
minimizing exposure to the shock wave. This reduces damage Shrapnel: This is the fragments blown out from a blast. Unlike
to one-quarter; however, this maneuver is not effective against blast, shrapnel travels more or less in straight lines. The follow-
air bursts or when dropping prone would bring one closer to ing rules govern shrapnel damage:
the blast. If a weapon does both M.D. and shrapnel (such as a High Ex-
! Cover that is airtight (e.g., inside a sealed bunker or vehicle): plosive Dual Purpose warhead), the target directly struck takes
Unless the cover is destroyed, occupants take no damage from the M.D., not the shrapnel or blast (if any).
blasts that occur outside the cover. However, a blast inside ! Roll separate damage for each target subjected to shrapnel.
a solid, airtight space is extremely lethal, because the solid Someone may be killed while the person next to him or her is
structure concentrates the overpressure. If the enclosed area only grazed.
is smaller than the blast’s area of effect, then the occupants ! Unlike blast, shrapnel is piercing damage, so the target cannot
take maximum damage and cannot reduce damage by drop- roll with the impact of shrapnel.
ping prone or rolling with the impact. ! Since shrapnel damage represents hundreds or thousands of
! Cover that is not airtight (e.g., a wall or a building without harmful projectiles threatening a character, the penalty to
blast-proof windows): In an S.D.C. world, the attacker must Dodge is -5 and involves dropping prone or ducking behind
beat the A.R. of the cover to penetrate it. Unless the cover cover to minimize exposure.
itself is destroyed, anyone sheltering behind (or in) it takes - Against ground-burst shrapnel, a character who is already
one-quarter damage from blasts that are outside the cover. prone gains a +5 bonus to Dodge.
However, a blast inside an enclosed (but not airtight) area that - Against air-burst shrapnel, a character needs overhead cover;
is smaller than the blast’s area of effect means that the oc- dropping prone provides no bonus.
cupants cannot reduce damage by rolling with the impact, but - Ducking behind cover requires hard cover that can withstand
can attempt a dodge for one-half damage if another form of the blast and shrapnel damage, within five feet (1.5 m) of
hard cover is within 5 feet (1.5 m). the target.
! Cover that is destroyed: Destroyed cover means debris pelts ! Distance to shrapnel is zero (i.e., a direct hit): Target takes the
(or collapses on) anyone sheltering behind (or in) it. Anyone listed damage and cannot drop prone or duck behind cover.
sheltering behind cover that is destroyed takes damage as if ! Distance to shrapnel is 1-5 feet (0.3-1.5 m) (e.g., a hand gre-
the cover did not exist. nade detonating by one’s feet): The target takes the listed dam-
! Air burst: Only overhead cover and body armor protect against age and cannot drop prone to avoid damage. However, the tar-
air bursts. Dropping prone does not minimize exposure, but get may attempt to duck behind cover as above.
characters can roll with the impact as normal. ! Distance to blast is between 6 feet (1.8 m) and half the listed
! Air burst in a forest: This is especially deadly because the force casualty radius (i.e., a near miss): All persons and objects take
of the blast shreds the tree branches, adding giant wooden sliv- half damage, but may avoid damage by dropping prone or
ers to the hail of shrapnel. This causes an amount of additional ducking behind cover.
shrapnel damage equal to one quarter of the blast damage. ! Distance to blast is greater than half the listed casualty radius,
! Example of blast: A hero hurls a satchel charge at a villain’s out to the maximum effective radius: All persons and objects
tank, rolling a modified 12 on the strike. The satchel charge take one-quarter damage, but may avoid shrapnel damage by
detonates under the vehicle, inflicting 360 points of blast dam- dropping prone or ducking behind cover.
age. The tank survives the attack, which means that the tank ! Body armor: Protects its wearer as normal, absorbing the full
crew suffers no damage. However, four of the villain’s hench- damage of the shrapnel until destroyed.
men were riding on top of the tank. Each faces 360 points of ! Cover that is destroyed: Destroyed cover means debris pelts
blast damage that is reduced as follows: (or collapses on) anyone sheltering behind (or in) it. Anyone
- Distance to blast is greater than 5 feet (1.5 m; top of the tank) sheltering behind cover that is destroyed takes damage as if
but less than half the listed blast radius of 80 feet (24.4 m): the cover did not exist.
Half damage (360 ÷ 2 = 180 points).
! Air burst: Only overhead cover and body armor protect against does not protect him from Sally’s strike roll of 14, but the
air bursts. Dropping prone does not minimize exposure, but oak log, though it only provided cover equal to A.R. 10, is
characters may attempt to duck behind (under) overhead cov- solid and can provide hard cover if he ducks behind it. This
er, if available. henchman succeeds on his dodge roll (at +5 because he is
! Air burst in a forest: This is especially deadly because the force already prone) to avoid the shrapnel. Sally rolls 40 points
of the blast shreds the tree branches, adding giant wooden sliv- of shrapnel damage and 30 points of blast. However, the
ers to the hail of shrapnel. This causes an amount of additional distance from the grenade reduces the shrapnel damage to
shrapnel damage equal to one quarter of the blast damage. one half and the blast damage to one quarter: 20 points of
(See Blast, above.) shrapnel and 8 (30 ÷ 4 = 7.5, round up) points of blast. The
oak log had 200 S.D.C., so it is not destroyed; the hench-
! Example of shrapnel: Super Sally hurls a hand grenade at Evil man takes no damage from the shrapnel. The cover the log
Ed, the leader of a group of terrorists and rolls a modified 14 provides is not airtight, so he faces one-quarter of the re-
for her strike, beating Evil Ed’s modified dodge roll of 7. The maining blast damage, or 2 points (8 ÷ 4). The henchman
grenade lands at Evil Ed’s feet. Unfortunately for him, the gre- succeeds in rolling with the impact and suffers only 1 point
nade has an impact fuse, giving him no chance to pick it up and of blast damage. Since nothing broke his skin, he techni-
throw it back before it explodes. Evil Ed already failed in his cally isn’t a casualty, either.
dodge attempt, has no hard cover within five feet, and cannot - Henchman #3 was crouching behind a bush 25 feet (7.6 m)
drop prone. He fails to roll with the blast (see Blast, above), away when the grenade blew up. The bush, while it is ex-
so he suffers 70 points of damage (40 points of shrapnel and cellent concealment, cannot stop blast or fragmentation and
30 points of blast). Evil Ed’s mystic Armor of Ithan (A.R. 18) therefore, does not count as hard cover. His A.R. 12 vest
only had 65 Hit Points left and his concealed Kevlar jacket is likewise does not protect him from Sally’s strike roll of
only A.R. 10, so the remaining 5 points of damage wound him 14. This henchman also fails his dodge roll (at -5) to drop
slightly. However, Evil Ed had four henchmen with him, all of prone, but he is beyond the effective range of the blast.
whom are within the grenade’s casualty radius (blast 13 feet/4 Sally rolls only 30 points of shrapnel, which is halved due
m, shrapnel 50 feet/15.2 m). They suffer effects as follows: to the distance. The henchman marks off the 15 points of
- Henchman #1 was standing right next to Ed. Because the dis- damage; he is still alive and in the fight.
tance to the shrapnel is 5 feet or less, he can’t drop prone. - Henchman #4 was standing in the open 50 feet (15.2 m)
There is no hard cover within five feet, so there is nowhere away from Evil Ed when the grenade blew up. He, unfor-
to which he can dodge. He attempts to roll with the blast tunately, has no hard cover nearby and failed his dodge roll
and succeeds, halving it. His hard armor is A.R. 14, has (at -5) to drop prone; he is beyond the effective range of
150 S.D.C. remaining, and is not airtight. Sally rolls for the blast. He was wearing an A.R. 12 vest, but it provides
his damage separately: 60 points of shrapnel and 20 points him no protection because Sally’s strike roll of 14 exceeds
of blast. The henchman’s armor absorbs all 60 points of it. Sally rolls 50 points for the shrapnel damage. However,
shrapnel and half of the remaining 10 points of blast. The the distance from the grenade reduces the shrapnel damage
henchman suffers only 5 points of blast damage, but his to one quarter: 13 (50 ÷ 4 = 12.5, round up). The wounded
armor now has only 85 S.D.C. remaining. Since nothing henchman had only 11 Hit Points remaining, so he is in a
broke his skin, the United States Department of Defense coma and near death.
would not consider him a casualty.
- Henchman #2 was prone behind a big oak log 10 feet (3 m)
away when the grenade blew up. His A.R. 12 vest likewise

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