Course Outline. ENG-422. Language and Gender

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ENG- 422: Language and Gender

Course Code: ENG- 422 Course Title: Language and Gender

Instructor’s Name: Dr Musarat Yasmin Office (Room No): R-2

E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours:

Course Description This course aims at exploring the role of gender as a sociolinguistic
variable in the linguistic behaviour/patterns of males and females.
Participants will learn past and contemporary theoretical approaches to
the analysis of gendered linguistic practices, and examine these
practices against a range of contexts. Through the examination of
issues relating to gender and language use, participants will understand
how linguistic practices and patterns are shaped by gender, culture and
Course Type: Optional
Goals At the conclusion of the course, the participant will:
 describe and analyse the features of linguistic
patterns/practices in relation to gender;
 derive implications through evaluating various theoretical
frameworks/approaches to analysing gendered practices in
written, spoken and visual discourses
Recommended Books  Holmes, J. and Meyerhoff, (2008). The Handbook of
Language and Gender
 Lia Litosseliti, (2006). Gender and Language Theory and
 Felicity Titjen, Dan Clayton, Marcello Giovanelli (2018).
Language and Gender

Lectures 32 sessions

Attendance Policy A minimum of 70% attendance is required for a student to be

eligible to take the final examination.
The students with less than 70% of the attendance in a course shall be
given the grade SA (Short Attendance) in such a course and shall not
be allowed to take its End Term Exams and will have to reappear in
the course to get the required attendance to be eligible to sit in the
exam when the course is offered the next time.

Grading The course will be evaluated on the basis of the following percentage:
 Mid Term 25%
 Sessional work 25%
o Presentation 10%
o Assignment 10%
o Quiz 05%
 Final 50%

Session Schedule
Sessions/ Topics Readings
Week 1, 2, 3 Historical Perspective Titjen, (2018), Chapter 1
Folk Linguistics
Litosseliti, Chapter 2, 3
Influence of Feminism and Feminist Linguistics
Deficit Approach (Contribution of Lakoff)
Dominance Approach (Dale Spender)
Difference Approach (Maltz and Borker
Performance Approach
Week 4, 5 Language and Gender Eckert and McConnell-Ginet, Chap.1.
Sexism in Language
Litosseliti, chapter 1
Word-order, Generics, Marking gender
Shulz, Semantic Derogation of
Week 6, 7 Gender and Representation * Gender Stereotypes: Reproduction
and Challenge (Pp. 468)
Mary Talbot
* Gender and Identity: Representation
and Social Action (Pp.487)
Ann Weatherall and Cindy Gallois
Week 8,9 Gender representation in media *Litosseliti (91-121)
Gender in the world of magazines
The construction of gender in advertisement
Week 10 Gender and Language in Education *Litosseliti, chapter 4, 73-88
Gender and language in foreign language
Week 11, 12 Gender and Identity * Holmes & Meyerhoff, 528-549
Socially constructed selves * Titjen, Chapter 4 (Pp. 61-76)
Framing gender at work place *Litosseliti, chapter 6 (123-145)
Week 13, 14 Approaches to Gender and Language Research Sunderland, Unit A8, B8, C8
Week 15, 16 Presentations

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