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Version: 0.75
Image Credit : Sgt_Smile


Image Credit : Sgt_Smile

Designer’s notes:

The present documents aims at representing, as faithfully to the background as possible, the way the Death
Korps of Krieg behaves on the battlefield. These rules are not meant to be broken/overpowered and as such,
if anything where to seem unbalanced to you, feel free to comment/propose alternatives.

The inspiration for these rules are the Siege of Vraks (especially the single tome second edition, with rules
closest to those of 9th edition) and Fall of Orpheus books from Forge World, as well as the Death Korps
army list from the Imperial Armour Index for 8 th Edition, the Vigilus Defiant and Psychic Awakening: The
Greater Good campaign books, and obviously the Imperial Armour Compendium and Warhammer Legends.

Credit must also be given to several users of the Death Korps of Krieg Facebook group and the Death
Korps of Krieg subreddit, who provided great contributions, as well as playtesting.

The rationale for writing these rules is the following:

- Stay as close as possible to already published materiel;
- Bring back the options that were culled with the latest iteration of the rules released by Games Workshop;
- Introduce flavourful, yet useful, stratagems for the Krieg specific units;
- Reintroduce the close combat prowess of the Death Korps in the doctrine, without altering characteristics
of existing units (hence the “slum fighters” custom doctrine from Psychic Awakening: The Greater Good);
- Make the doctrine useful for morale purposes, without ignoring morale altogether;
- Keep the “shoot before removing from play” idea from the Forge World doctrine. I made it a Stratagem as
I felt it would give players the choice of when to use it and would be easier to balance (once per phase, CP

Changelog moved to the end of the document

If your army is Battle-forged and includes any Krieg Detachments (excluding Auxiliary Support Detachments), you
have access to the Stratagems shown here

Melta Bomb 1CP Smokescreen 1CP

Death Korps of Krieg Stratagem Death Korps of Krieg Stratagem
Melta bombs are fusion charges designed to burn Throwing down a hail of smoke grenades, the soldiers of Krieg
through an armoured hull in a matter of seconds. shield themselves from their enemies.
Use this Stratagem in the Fight phase, when a Krieg Use this Stratagem in your opponent’s Shooting phase, when a
Melta Bomb unit from your army is selected to fight. Krieg Smokescreen unit is selected as the target of an attack.
Select one model in that unit; that model can make one Until the end of the phase, each time an attack is made against
attack this phase, and must target a Vehicle unit with that that unit, substract 1 from that attack’s hit roll.
attack, but if a hit is scored, that unit suffers 2d3 mortal
wounds and the attack sequence ends.

Thundering Charge 1CP Wheel about! 2CP

Death Korps of Krieg Stratagem Death Korps of Krieg Stratagem
At a word from their officers, Death Riders gallop in Death Riders are highly skilled horsemen, able to handle their
tight, disciplined ranks, whose onslaught is nigh on mounts to retreat from a fight, only to charge again at full
unstoppable. speed with devastating effect.
Use this Stratagem in your Charge phase, when a Death Use this Stratagem in your Charge phase. Select a Death Rider
Rider Character from your army is selected to make a unit that made a Fall Back move this turn. That unit can be
charge move. Until the end of that phase, add 1 to charge selected to charge this turn.
rolls to friendly Death Rider units while they are within
12" of that Death Rider Character.

Carcass Shot 1CP Legacies of Martyrdom 1CP

Death Korps of Krieg Stratagem Death Korps of Krieg Stratagem
Death Korps Engineers often make use of specialised The deepest vaults of Krieg contain artifacts sacred to the
incendiary shotgun shells containing a pyrophoric liquid. Death Korps and pieces of deadly Archeotech.
Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase, when a Krieg Use this Stratagem before the battle when you are mustering
Combat Engineer Squad unit shoots. All shooting your army, if your Warlord has the Krieg keyword. Select one
attacks made with Engineer shotguns wound on a 2+, Krieg model from your army and give them one Heirloom of
unless it is targeting a Vehicle, in which case it wounds the Blessed Dead (this must be a Relic they could have). Each
on a 6+, and have a Damage characteristic of 2. Relic in your army must be unique, and you cannot use this
Stratagem to give a model two Relics. You can only use this
Stratagem once, unless you are playing a Strike Force battle (in
which case, you can use this Stratagem twice) or an Onslaught
battle (in which case, you can use this Stratagem three times).

Rapid Deployment 1CP Disciplined Fire 1CP

Death Korps of Krieg Stratagem Death Korps of Krieg Stratagem
Death Korps Grenadiers often deploy in vehicles as the Death Korps Grenadiers are perfectly drilled in the use of their
speartip of offensives, disembarking from their transports hot-shot lasguns and can unleash deadly volleys with pinpoint
to storm enemy defences. accuracy.
Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase when a Krieg Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase, when a Krieg
Death Korps Grenadier unit that disembarked from a Death Korps Grenadiers unit shoots. Each time a model from
Transport Vehicle this turn shoots. You can re-roll hit this unit makes an attack with a hot-shot lasgun or a hot-shot
rolls of 1 with that unit until the end of the phase. laspistol, an unmodified hit roll of 6 scores 1 additional hit.

Fortified Position 1CP Fire for effect! 1CP
Death Korps of Krieg Stratagem Death Korps of Krieg Stratagem
The Death Korps soldiers are unequaled in creating Masters Artillerist can call in additional close support artillery
makeshift fortifications, even the direst conditions. fire from behind the lines to pave the way for the Death Korps
Use this stratagem at the start of the game, after assault.
deployment but before the first battle round. Select a Use this Stratagem in your shooting phase. Select a Master
terrain feature completely within your deployment zone, Artillerist that has already fired its Artillery barrage weapon
this terrain feature provides an additional +1 to armour during this battle. This unit can fire this weapon one additional
save. This Stratagem can only be use once per battle. time. You may still only use one artillery barrage per turn. You
can only use this Stratagem once per battle.

Duty unto Death ! 2CP Battlefield Medicine 1CP

Death Korps of Krieg Stratagem Death Korps of Krieg Stratagem
With grim determination, the soldiers of the Death Korps Through exhortations of sacrifice and crude yet efficient field
fight till their last breath. surgery, Krieg Quartermasters can return mortally wounded
Use this Stratagem in the Shooting phase or the Fight soldiers to the field.
phase, when a Krieg Infantry or Cavalry unit from your Use this Stratagem at the end of your Movement phase. Select a
army is selected as the target of an attack. Until the end of Krieg Quartermaster Cadre unit from your army and then
the phase, each time a model in that unit is destroyed by select a Krieg Infantry or Cavalry unit that is not at its starting
an attack made by an enemy model, do not remove that Strength and is within 3” of that Quartermaster Cadre unit.
destroyed model from play - it can, after the attacking You can return up to D6 slain Infantry models – with heavy
model’s unit has finished making its attacks, either shoot weapons teams counting as 2 models – or D3 slain Cavalry
with one of its ranged weapons as if it were your models to that unit, with each set up in coherency and more
Shooting phase, or make one attack with one of its melee than 1” away from any enemy models – if it is not possible to
weapons as if it were the Fight phase. After resolving the place a model in such a way, it is not returned to the unit.
destroyed model’s attacks, it is then removed. Models are returned with its full wounds remaining.

Suppressive Fire 1CP Honoured Name 1CP

Death Korps of Krieg Stratagem Death Korps of Krieg Stratagem
Artillery rounds rain down from the sky, The shells are Through an act of extreme valour, this soldier has earned the
inaccurate, but serve to disrupt enemy movement. honour of a name and stands as an exemplar others aspire to.
Use this Stratagem at the start of your shooting phase. Use this Stratagem before the battle, after nominating your
Select a Basilisk, Wyvern, Armageddon-Pattern Warlord. Select one Krieg Character model from your army
Medusa, Medusa Carriage or Earthshaker Carriage (other than your Warlord or Death Korps Marshal Karis Venner)
from your army. Until the end of the phase, substract 1 and generate one Warlord Trait for it from the Krieg Warlord
from that attack's wound roll and, if a hit is scored against Traits table (pg 7); it is regarded as your Warlord for the
an enemy Infantry unit, then until the start of your next purposes of that Warlord Trait. Each Warlord Trait in your army
turn, halve the Move characteristic of models in the target must be unique (if randomly generated, re-roll duplicate
unit and substract 2 from Advance rolls and Charge rolls results). You can only use this Stratagem once per battle.
made by that unit.

Pounding Bombardment 3CP Carcass Shells 2CP

Death Korps of Krieg Stratagem Death Korps of Krieg Stratagem
Before offensives, the Death Korps blanket the battlefield Death Korps artillery often make use of incendiary rounds,
with artillery to shatter enemy defences. which burn with toxic vapours, to saturate enemy defensive
Use this Stratagem before the start of the battle if an positions.
Earthshaker Carriage or Medusa Carriage unit from Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase, when a Heavy
your army is on the battlefield. Place a marker at a point Mortar Battery, Griffon Mortar Carrier or Heavy Quad
of the battlefield. Roll a d6 for each unit within 6" of that Launcher Battery unit shoots. All attacks made with Heavy
point, add 1 if it is infantry or subtracting 1 if it is a Mortar, Griffon Heavy Mortar or Heavy Quad Launcher re-roll
character. On 2-5, the unit suffers D3 mortal wounds and failed rolls to wound, improve the Armour Penetration
on 6+ it suffers D6 mortal wounds. If your army includes characteristic of that weapon by 1 for that attack (eg. AP 0
a Master Artillerist, it costs 2CP, otherwise it costs 3CP. becomes AP -1) and the target does not receive the benefit of
You can only use this stratagem once cover to its saving throw.


If the Warlord of your army is a Krieg character, you can pick their Warlord Trait from the table below, or
roll a dice and consult the table to generate their Warlord Trait.

D6 Roll Result
1 Smoke Barrage: Many Death Korps attacks are preceded by an artillery barrage of smoke
and blind shells, blanketing the battlefield in a thick, obscuring smoke though which the
Death Korps advance like spectres.
In the first battle round of the game, all friendly Krieg units gain the benefit of light cover,
even if they are not in cover.
2 Siege Master: The warlord is a veteran of uncounted sieges and knows, with almost
preternatural skill, the vulnerabilites of his enemy’s defences.
At the start of the game, after deployment but before the first battle round, you may nominate
a single piece of terrain in the opposing player’s deployment zone. This piece of terrain no
longer provides cover (though it can still block line of sight as per normal rules).
3 Victory or Death: the warlord stands as an exemplar of the stubborn defiance of the Death
Korps and inspires his men to feats of courage beyond those of the average Guardsmen.
Re-roll hit rolls of 1 for your Warlord and friendly Krieg Infantry and Cavalry units within
6" in the Fight phase.
4 Shattering Bombardment: the Death Korps are justly famed for their devastating use of
artillery and tanks to shatter their foe’s defiance.
When rolling to determine the Type characteristic of any ranged weapon, Vehicle and
Artillery units within 6" of your Warlord may re-roll one of the dice.
5 Unflinching Defense: No matter what enemy or terror they face, the warlord stands as an
exemplar of the stubborn defiance of the people of Krieg and inspires them to feats of bravery
beyond those of the average Guardsmen
Each time an enemy unit declares a charge against a friendly Krieg Infantry units within 6”
of the Warlord, that unit can fire Overwatch before the charge rolls is made. When firing
Overwatch, the unit’s attacks successfully hit on a roll of 5 or 6, instead of only 6.
6 Martyr’s Defiance: The Death Korps regiments count themselves among the honored dead
even as they dig their trenches and man their fortifications, knowing they may be redeemed
by spending their life’s blood.
Friendly Krieg units within 6” of the Warlord may re-roll any roll of 1 during a combat
attrition test.

Named Characters and Warlord Traits

If the following character gains a Warlord Trait, it must have the one shown below:

Named Character Warlord Trait

Death Korps Marshal Karis Venner Martyr’s Defiance

Heirlooms of the Blessed Dead
If your army is led by a Krieg Warlord, you can, when mustering your army, give one of the following
Heirlooms of the Blessed Dead to a Krieg Character model in your army instead of giving them a Relic
from Codex: Astra Militarum. These are considered to be Heirlooms of Conquests for all rules purposes.

Named characters cannot be given any of the following Relics. Note that some Relics replace one of the
model’s existing items of wargear. When this is the case, you must, if your are using point values, still pay
the cost of the wargear that is being replaced. Write down any Heirloom of the Blessed Dead your models
have on your army roster.

Avenging Fury
Among the first gifted to Krieg by the Forge World of Gryphonne IV, this Vanquisher cannon is responsible for the
destruction of several Titan class engines. Recovered on several occasions from destroyed tanks, it remains the bane
of the enemies of mankind, punching through armour with the vengeful anger of the Emperor Himself.
Model equipped with a Gryphonne Vanquisher battle cannon only. This Relic replaces a Gryphonne
Vanquisher battle cannon and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Each time an attack is made with this weapon against a Vehicle
or Monster unit, add 1 to that attack’s hit roll. Each time an
Avenging Fury 72” Heavy 1 9 -3 D3+3 attack is made with this weapon, an unmodified wound roll of 6
inflicts D3 mortal wound on the target in addition to any normal

Ocularis-Aquila class Spotting Scope

Gifted by the Adeptus Mechancius after the successful defense of the Seratus Forge World against a Ork
invasion, these bulky archeotech sighting devices provide telemetry that make artillery and tanks barrages
In your Shooting Phase, select a Vehicle or Artillery unit within 6” of the bearer. Until the end of that
phase, when shooting with that unit, re-roll wound rolls of 1. In addition, enemy units do not receive the
benefit of cover when targeted by shooting attacks made by that unit.

Philatory of Colonel Jurten

Colonel Jurten was canonized by the Adeptus Ministorum for his defiance in the face of treachery. His body was
enshrined in ornamented reliquaries, his bones encased in rock crystal. The sight of such an ossuary fills the soldiers
of the Death Korps with righteous spite for the enemies of Mankind.
Friendly Krieg Infantry and Cavalry units within 6" of the bearer add 1 to their Leadership characteristics.
In addition, when resolving an attack made with a melee weapon by an Krieg Infantry or Cavalry units
within 6” of the bearer, an unmodified hit roll of 6 scores one additional hit.

Vitae Mortis
This mysterious and little-understood artifact incorporates advanced diagnostic and treatment systems to heal even
mortally wounded soldiers on the battlefield. It is even rumored to include a drug dispenser that could revive the
Quartermaster Revenant only. Add 3" to the Medi-Pack (aura) ability of that model. In addition, you can
re-roll rolls of 1 for the Medi-Pack (aura) ability of that model.


The Datasheets in this section represent units specific to the Death Korps of Krieg. When you include a unit
from Codex: Astra Militarum, other publications (such as the Imperial Armour Compendium) or
Warhammer Legends in your army, you must replace the <Regiment> keyword in every instance on its
datasheet with the Krieg keyword.

If your army is Battle-forged, you cannot include units from two different Regiments in the same
Detachment. You can find out more about Battle-Forged armies in the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book.

When selecting units, the following restrictions apply:

• Company Commander, Platoon Commander, Conscripts, Master of Ordnance and Veterans
units cannot have the Krieg keyword (they are replaced with the datasheets found in this section).

Some Datasheets from Codex: Astra Militarum can have access to different wargear options if they have the
Krieg keyword. When applicable, this is mentioned in the relevant Datasheet in this section.


If your army is Battle-forged, all units in a Krieg Detachment (excluding Auxiliary Support, Super-heavy
Auxiliary and Fortifications Network Detachments) gain the Krieg: The Cult of Sacrifice doctrine, so long
as every unit in that Detachment is drawn from the same regiment. All the usual rules and restrictions
regarding Regimental Doctrines, including all the rules for Advisors and Auxilia, as described in Codex:
Astra Militarum continue to apply.

Krieg: The Cult of Sacrifice

The Death Korps of Krieg are unafraid of death, famed for their willingness to fight no matter the odds
and sacrifice themselves on the field of battle in the Emperor’s name.

• When taking a Morale test for a unit with this doctrine, reduce the number of destroyed models this
turn by 1 (eg. if 3 models were destroyed this turn, only add 2 to the D6 when making a Morale
test). Each time a Combat Attrition test is taken for a unit with this doctrine, that unit is never
treated as being below half-strength.

• Each time a Vehicle model with this doctrine would lose a wound, roll one D6: on a 6+, that wound
is not lost.


Ginding Advance
For the purpose of this rule, the following weapons are also considered a turret weapon: Gryphonne
Vanquisher battle cannon, Avenging Fury.

if a friendly Krieg Officer is within 3” of a unit with a vox-caster when using the Voice of Command
ability, you may extend the range of the order to 18” if the target unit also contains a vox-caster.

Smoke Launchers
Once per game, instead of shooting any weapon in the Shooting phase, this model can use its smoke
launchers; until your next Shooting phase your opponent must subtract 1 from all hits rolls for ranged
weapons that target this vehicle.

Voice of Command
This unit may issue one order per turn to the soldiers under their command at the start of their Shooting
phase. Orders may only be issued to Infantry or Cavalry units within 6" of this unit that have the Krieg
keyword. To issue an order, pick a target unit and choose which order you wish to issue from the table
below. A unit may only be affected by one order per turn.

Take Aim Even amid the clangorous din of battle, the bellowed instructions of an officer recall the countless days
each soldier spent conducting targeted fire drills.
Re-roll hit rolls of 1 for all the models in the ordered unit until the end of the phase. 
First Rank, Fire! By sheer weight of fire, the mortal soldiers of the Astra Militarum can annihilate whole armies of
Second Rank, Fire enemies. A good officer is quick to take advantage of this.
All lasguns and all hot-shot lasguns in the ordered unit change their Type to Rapid Fire 2 until the end
of the phase. 
Bring it Down! Guided by the experienced eye of their leader, a squad is able to pinpoint an enemy’s weakest point,
and in doing so fell the most terrifying enemies of the Imperium.
Re-roll wound rolls of 1 for all the models in the ordered unit until the end of the phase. 
Forwards, for the With the correct motivation, Astra Militarum soldiers can march at full pace without eschewing their
Emperor! duty to fire upon their enemy.
The ordered unit can shoot this phase even if it Advanced in its Movement Phase.
Get Back into the To retreat is not always to concede defeat, and a tactical withdrawal can open up new opportunities for
Fight! troops to showcase their firing skills.
The ordered unit can shoot this phase even if it Fell Back in its Movement Phase.
Move! Move! Move! When the needs of the battle dictate, soldiers can be ordered to march double-time, moving quickly to
close range with the enemy or to secure an open flank.
Instead of shooting this phase the ordered unit immediately moves as if it were the Movement Phase. It
must Advance as part of this move, and cannot declare a charge during this turn.
Fix Bayonets! With a bellicose cry, troops can be ordered to descend upon their foe with close-quarter weaponry,
stabbing, slashing and bludgeoning until they have secured victory for the Emperor.
This order can only be issued to units that are within 1" of an enemy unit. The ordered unit immediately
fights as if it were the Fight Phase.
Dig In! Highly skilled in siege warfare, Death Korps soldiers are adept at digging foxholes and makeshift
fortifications. Once entrenched, they are difficult to dislodge.
Until the start of your next turn, if the ordered unit is receiving the benefit of cover, each time a ranged
attack is allocated to this unit, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll. The ordered unit cannot charge this
turn. This order cannot be issued to Cavalry units.


The following ability, which are used during deployment, is common to many Krieg datasheets.

Flanking Manoeuvres
During deployment, you can set this unit up behind enemy lines instead of setting them up on the
battlefield. If you do, then in the Reinforcements step of one of your Movement phases you can set up all
of these units wholly within 6" of the same battlefield edge and more than 9” away from any enemy

Death Korps Marshal Karis Venner 4 Power
No. Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
1 Death Korps Marshal Karis Venner 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 4 3 9 4+
A Death Korps Marshal is equipped with: hot-shot laspistol; power sword; frag grenades; krak grenades. You can only include
one Death Korps Marshal Karis Venner model in your army.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Hot-shot laspistol 6" Pistol 1 3 -2 1
Power sword Melee Melee +1 -3 1

Voice of Command (pg 9)
Refractor Field: this model has a 5+ invulnerable save.
Implacable Officer (Aura): Friendly Krieg units within 12” of this model may use his Leadership unless their own is higher.
Commander-in-Chief: This model may use the Voice of Command ability three times in each of your turns. Resolve the effects
of the first order before attempting the second order, and so on.
Memento Mori: Each time this model would lose a wound, role one D6; on a 5+, that wound is not lost.
FACTION KEYWORDS: Imperium, Astra Militarum, Krieg
KEYWORDS: Infantry, Character, Officer, Death Korps Marshal, Death Korps Marshal Karis Venner

Death Korps Marshal 2 Power

No. Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
1 Death Korps Marshal 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 4 3 9 4+
A Death Korps Marshal is equipped with: laspistol; power sword; frag grenades; krak grenades.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Laspistol 12" Pistol 1 3 0 1
Power sword Melee Melee +1 -3 1

Wargear Options
• This model’s laspistol can be replaced with one of the following: 1 bolt pistol; 1 plasma pistol, 1 hot-shot laspistol.
• This model’s power sword can be replaced with 1 chainsword.
• This model’s laspistol and power sword can be replaced with one of the following: 2 bolt pistols, 2 plasma pistols, 2 hot-
shot pistolts.
Voice of Command (pg 9)
Refractor Field: this model has a 5+ invulnerable save.
Senior Officer: This model may use the Voice of Command ability twice in each of your turns. Resolve the effects of the first
order before attempting the second order.
FACTION KEYWORDS: Imperium, Astra Militarum, Krieg
KEYWORDS: Infantry, Character, Officer, Death Korps Marshal

Death Rider Squadron Commander 3 Power
No. Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
1 Death Rider Squadron Commander 10" 3+ 3+ 3 4 5 3 8 4+
A Death Rider Squadron Commander is equipped with: death rider hunting lance; laspistol; power sword; frag grenades; savage
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Each time a melee attack is made with this weapon, if the
bearer’s unit made a charge move this turn, that attack has a
Death Rider Hunting Lance Melee Melee User -1 1 Strength characteristic of +2, an Armour Penetration
characteristic of -3 and a Damage characteristic of 2.
Power sword Melee Melee +1 -3 1
Melee Melee 4 -1 1 Each time the bearer fights, it makes 2 additional attacks with
Savage Claws this weapon and no more than 2 attacks can be made with this

Wargear Options
• This model’s laspistol can be replaced with one of the following: 1 bolt pistol; 1 plasma pistol, 1 hot-shot laspistol.
• This model’s power sword can be replaced with 1 chainsword.
Voice of Command (pg 9)
Augmented Mount: Each time this model would lose a wound, role one D6; on a 5+, that wound is not lost.
Refractor Field: this model has a 5+ invulnerable save.
Flanking Manoeuvres (pg 10)
FACTION KEYWORDS: Imperium, Astra Militarum, Krieg
KEYWORDS: Cavalry, Character, Officer, Death Rider, Squadron Commander

Tank Commander 12 Power

This datasheet gains the following wargear options.

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities

Gryphonne Vanquisher Each time an attack is made with this weapon against a Vehicle
72” Heavy 1 8 -3 D3+3 or Monster unit, add 1 to that attack’s hit roll.
battle cannon
Conqueror battle cannon 48” Heavy D6 8 -2 D3

Wargear Options
• This model can have its battle cannon replaced with one of the following:1 twin lascannon, 1 Gryphonne Vanquisher
battle cannon with co-axial heavy stubber, 1 Conqueror battle cannon with co-axial stormbolter.
• This model can be equipped with 1 Mars-Alpha Pattern hull.
Mars-Alpha Pattern hull: Each time a ranged attack is allocated to the bearer, add 1 to any armour saving throw made against
that attack.
Co-axial weapon: If this models fires its Conqueror battle cannon at the same target as its co-axial stormbolter or if it fires its
Gryphonne Vanquisher battle cannon at the same target as its co-axial heavy stubber, it may re-roll hit rolls of 1 with its
Conqueror battle cannon or with its Gryphone Vanquisher battle cannon.

Infantry Squad 3 Power

This datasheet gains the following wargear option.

Wargear Options
• The Sergeant can also have its laspistol replaced with the following: 1 lasgun.

Death Korps Grenadier Squad 2 Power
No. Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
4-9 Death Korps Grenadiers 6" 4+ 3+ 3 3 1 1 6 4+
1 Death Korps Grenadier Watchmaster 6" 4+ 3+ 3 3 1 2 7 4+
0-1 Death Korps Grenadier Weapons Team 6” 4+ 3+ 3 3 2 2 6 4+
If this contains 6 or more models, it has Power Rating 4. If this unit contains 1 Death Korps Grenadier Weapons Team, change
the numbers of Death Korps Grenadier to 2-7. Each Death Korps Grenadier is equipped with: hot-shot lasgun; frag grenades;
krak grenades. The Death Korps Grenadier Weapons Team is equipped with : heavy flamer; frag grenades; krak grenades. The
Death Korps Grenadier Watchmaster is equipped with: hot-shot laspistol; chainsword frag grenades; krak grenades.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Hot-shot lasgun 18” Rapid Fire 1 3 -2 1
Hot-shot laspistol 6" Pistol 1 3 -2 1
Chainsword Melee Melee User 0 1 When the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this
Heavy Flamer 12” Heavy D6 5 -1 1 This weapon automatically hits the target.

Wargear Options
• The Death Korps Grenadier Watchmaster‘s hot-shot laspistol can be replaced with one of the following: 1 bolt pistol, 1
plasma pistol, 1 boltgun, 1 hot-shot lasgun.
• The Death Korps Grenadier Watchmaster’s chainsword can be replaced with one of the following: 1 power sword, 1
power fist.
• 1 Death Korps Grenadier can be equipped with 1 vox-caster.
• Up to 2 other Death Korps Grenadiers can each have their hot-shot lasgun replaced with 1 item from the Special
Weapons list.
Vox Caster (pg 8)
Death Korps Grenadier Weapons Team: for the purposes of determining transport capacity, a Death Korps Grenadier Weapons
Team is considered to be a Heavy Weapons Team.
FACTION KEYWORDS: Imperium, Astra Militarum, Krieg
KEYWORDS: Infantry, Death Korps Grenadier

Death Korps Field Officer 2 Power

No. Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
1 Death Korps Field Officer 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 3 3 8 4+
A Death Korps Field Officer is equipped with: chainsword; laspistol; frag grenades, krak grenades.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Laspistol 12" Pistol 1 3 0 1
Chainsword Melee Melee User 0 1 When the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this

Wargear Options
• This model’s chainsword can be replaced with one of the following: 1 power sword, 1 power fist
• This model’s laspistol can be replaced with one of the following: 1 bolt pistol; 1 plasma pistol, 1 hot-shot laspistol.
Voice of Command (pg 9)
Refractor Field: this model has a 5+ invulnerable save.
FACTION KEYWORDS: Imperium, Astra Militarum, Krieg
KEYWORDS: Infantry, Character, Officer, Field Officer

Death Rider Command Squadron 3 Power
No. Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
4 Death Rider Veteran 10" 3+ 3+ 3 4 2 2 7 4+
Each Death Rider Veteran is equipped with: death rider hunting lance; laspistol; frag grenades; savage claws.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Each time a melee attack is made with this weapon, if the
bearer’s unit made a charge move this turn, that attack has a
Death Rider Hunting Lance Melee Melee User -1 1 Strength characteristic of +2, an Armour Penetration
characteristic of -3 and a Damage characteristic of 2.
Laspistol 12" Pistol 1 3 0 1
Melee Melee 4 -1 1 Each time the bearer fights, it makes 2 additional attacks with
Savage Claws this weapon and no more than 2 attacks can be made with this

Wargear Options
• One veteran can be equipped with a platoon standard.
Platoon Standard: All friendly Krieg units add 1 to their Leadership whilst they are within 6" of any Krieg veteran with a
platoon standard.
Augmented Mount: Each time this model would lose a wound, role one D6; on a 5+, that wound is not lost.
Flanking Manoeuvres (pg 9)
Command Squadron: For each Death Rider Squadron Commander unit included in a Detachment, one Death Rider
Command Squadron unit can be included in that Detachment without taking up a Battlefield Role slot. You can only include
one Command Squadron for each Death Rider Squadron Commander unit.
FACTION KEYWORDS: Imperium, Astra Militarum, Krieg
KEYWORDS: Cavalry, Death Rider, Death Rider Command Squadron

Death Rider Commissar 2 Power

No. Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
1 Death Rider Commissar 10" 3+ 3+ 3 4 4 3 8 4+
A Death Rider Commissar is equipped with: chainsword; laspistol; frag grenades, krak grenades; savage claws.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Laspistol 12" Pistol 1 3 0 1
Chainsword Melee Melee User 0 1 When the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional attack with this
Savage Claws Melee Melee 4 -1 1 Each time the bearer fights, it makes 2 additional attacks with
this weapon and no more than 2 attacks can be made with this

Wargear Options
• This model’s chainsword can be replaced with one of the following: 1 power sword, 1 power fist
• This model’s laspistol can be replaced with one of the following: 1 bolt pistol; 1 plasma pistol, 1 hot-shot laspistol.
Aura of discipline : Astra Militarum units within 6" of a friendly Commissar can use the Commissar’s Leadership instead of
their own.
Summary execution: The first time an Astra Militarum unit fails a Morale test during the Morale phase whilst it is within 6" of
any friendly COMMISSARS, you can execute a model. If you do, one model of your choice in that unit is slain and the Morale
test is re-rolled (do not include this slain model when re-rolling the Morale test).
Flanking Manoeuvres (pg 9)
FACTION KEYWORDS: Imperium, Astra Militarum, Ordo Prefectus, Krieg
KEYWORDS: Infantry, Character, Death Rider, Commissar, Death Rider Commissar

Combat Engineer Squad 2 Power
No. Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
4-9 Engineer 6" 4+ 3+ 3 3 1 1 6 4+
1 Engineer Watchmaster 6" 4+ 3+ 3 3 1 2 7 4+
0-1 Engineer Weapons Team 6" 4+ 3+ 3 3 2 2 6 4+
If this contains 6 or more models, it has Power Rating 4. If this unit contains 1 Engineer Weapons Team, change the number of
Engineers to 2-7. Each Engineer or Engineer Watchmaster is equipped with: Engineer shotgun; frag grenades; krak grenades, gas
bombs. An Engineer Weapons Team is equipped with: frag grenades, krak grenades, gas bombs.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Engineer shotgun 12” Assault 3 4 0 1
Gas bomb 6" Grenade D6 2 -2 1 Blast. Each time an attack is made with this weapons, a wound
roll of 2+ is always successful, unless the targer is a Vehicle or
Titanic unit.
Demolition Charge 6” Grenade D6 8 -3 D3 Blast. The bearer can only use this weapon once per battle.
Mole launcher 24” Heavy D6 5 -1 1 Blast. This weapon can target units that are not visible to the
Heavy Flamer 12” Heavy D6 5 -1 1 This weapon automatically hits the target.

Wargear Options
• The Watchmaster can be equipped with one of the following: 1 chainsword, 1 power fist, 1 power sword.
• The Watchmaster’s Engineer shotgun can be replaced with one of the following : 1 plasma pistol, 1 bolt pistol, 1
• One Engineer can be equipped with 1 vox-caster.
• One other Engineer can be equipped with 1 Demolition Charge.
• Up to two other Engineers can each have their Engineer shotgun replaced with 1 item from the Special Weapons list.
• The Engineer Weapons Team can be equipped with one of the following: 1 heavy flamer, 1 mole launcher.
Vox Caster (pg 8)
Engineer Weapons Team: for the purposes of determining transport capacity, an Engineer Weapons Team is considered to be a
Heavy Weapons Team.
Sappers: During deployment, if every model in this unit has this ability, then you can set up this unit underground instead of
setting it up on the battlefield. If you do, then in the Reinforcements step of one of your Movement phases, you can set up this
unit anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models.
FACTION KEYWORDS: Imperium, Astra Militarum, Krieg
KEYWORDS: Infantry, Combat Engineer Squad, Melta Bombs, Smokescreen

Command Squad 2 Power

This Datasheet has the following abilities.

Command Squad: For each Officer (excluding Tank Commander units) unit included in a Detachment, one Command
Squad unit can be included in that Detachment without taking up a Battlefield Role slot. You can only include one Command
Squad for each Officer unit (excluding Tank Commander units).

Quartermaster Cadre 2 Power
No. Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
2-4 Medicae-servitors 6" 5+ 5+ 3 3 1 1 6 4+
1 Quartermaster Revenant 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 2 2 7 4+
If this contains 4 or more models, it has Power Rating 3. Each Medicae-servitor is equipped with: medical scalpels. The
Quartermaster Revenant is equipped with: laspistol; frag grenades; krak grenades.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Each time an attack is made with this weapon against a unit
Medical scalpels Melee Melee User 0 1 (excluding Vehicle or Titanic units), an unmodified wound roll
of 2+ is always successful.

Wargear Options
• The Quartermaster Revenant’s hot-shot laspistol can be replaced with one of the following : 1 bolt pistol, 1 plasma
pistol, 1 boltgun, 1 hot-shot laspistol.
• The Quartermaster Revenant can be equipped with one of the following : 1 chainsword, 1 power sword, 1 power fist.
Mindlock: While they remain within 6” of a Quartermaster Revenant model, Medicae-servitors models in this unit have a
Weapon Skill Characteristic of 4+.
Mindless protectors: The first time this unit is set up, all models in this unit must set up within 2” of each other. From that point
onwards, the Quartermaster Revenant is treated as a separate unit. While the Quartermaster Revenant remains within 3” of a
Medicae-servitor from this unit, it cannot be targeted by shooting attacks.
Medi-pack (Aura): While a friendly Krieg Infantry unit is within 3” of the Quartermaster Revenant, each time a model in that
unit would lose a wound, roll one D6; on a 6, that wound is not lost.
Medical Orderlies: If a Medicae-servitor is within 3” of the Quartermaster Revenant, you can measure the distance for the
Medi-pack (Aura) ability from that model, instead of the Quartermaster Revenant.
FACTION KEYWORDS: Imperium, Astra Militarum, Krieg
KEYWORDS (Quartermaster Revenant): Infantry, Quartermaster Cadre, Quartermaster Revenant, Character
KEYWORDS (Medicae-servitors): Infantry, Quartermaster Cadre

Master Artillerist 2 Power

No. Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
1 Master Artillerist 6" 4+ 3+ 3 3 3 2 7 4+
A Master Artillerist is equipped with 1 laspistol and 1 artillery barrage.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Blast. This weapon can only be fired once per battle, and cannot
be used if the bearer moves. This weapon can target units that are
Artillery barrage 100” Heavy D6 9 -3 D3 not visible to the bearer (when doing so, subtract 1 from the hit
rolls). You may only use one artillery barrage per turn, regardless
of how many Masters Artillerist you have in your army.

Master of Ballistics: .You can re-roll any hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Krieg Basilisks, Wyverns, Manticores, Deathstrikes,
Colossus Bombard, Armageddon-Pattern Medusas, Earthshaker Carriages, Medusa Carriages, Griffon Mortar Carriers
when they target enemy units over 36" away in the Shooting phase, if they are within 6" of this model.
FACTION KEYWORDS: Imperium, Astra Militarum, Krieg
KEYWORDS: Infantry, Officer, Character, Master Artillerist

Death Rider Squadron 3 Power
No. Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
4-9 Death Rider 10" 3+ 4+ 3 4 2 2 6 4+
1 Death Rider Ridemaster 10" 3+ 4+ 3 4 2 3 7 4+
If this unit contains 6 or more models, it has Power Rating 6. Each Death Rider is equipped with: death rider hunting lance;
laspistol; frag grenades; savage claws. The Death Rider Ridemaster is equipped with: death rider hunting lance; laspistol; frag
grenades; savage claws.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Each time a melee attack is made with this weapon, if the
bearer’s unit made a charge move this turn, that attack has a
Death Rider Hunting Lance Melee Melee User -1 1 Strength characteristic of +2, an Armour Penetration
characteristic of -3 and a Damage characteristic of 2.
Melee Melee 4 -1 1 Each time the bearer fights, it makes 2 additional attacks with
Savage Claws this weapon and no more than 2 attacks can be made with this

Wargear Options
• The Death Rider Ridemaster’s laspistol can be replaced with one of the following: 1 bolt pistol, 1 plasma pistol.
• The Death Rider Ridemaster’s hunting lance can be replaced with one of the following : 1 chainsword, 1 power sword.
Augmented Mount: Each time this model would lose a wound, role one D6; on a 5+, that wound is not lost.
Flanking Manoeuvres (pg 9)
FACTION KEYWORDS: Imperium, Astra Militarum, Krieg
KEYWORDS: Cavalry, Death Rider, Death Rider Squadron

Heavy Weapons Squad 3 Power

This datasheet gains the following wargear option.

Wargear Options
• Each model can also be equipped with the following: 1 twin heavy stubber.

Leman Russ Battle Tanks 11 Power

This datasheet gains the following wargear options.

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities

Gryphonne Vanquisher Each time an attack is made with this weapon against a Vehicle
72” Heavy 1 8 -3 D3+3 or Monster unit, add 1 to that attack’s hit roll.
battle cannon
Conqueror battle cannon 48” Heavy D6 8 -2 D3

Wargear Options
• This model can have its battle cannon replaced with one of the following:
° 1 twin lascannon.
° 1 Gryphonne Vanquisher battle cannon with co-axial heavy stubber.
° 1 Conqueror battle cannon with co-axial stormbolter.
• This model can be equipped with 1 Mars-Alpha Pattern hull.
Mars-Alpha Pattern hull: Each time a ranged attack is allocated to the bearer, add 1 to any armour saving throw made against
that attack.
Co-axial weapon: If this models fires its Conqueror battle cannon at the same target as its co-axial stormbolter or if it fires its
Gryphonne Vanquisher battle cannon at the same target as its co-axial heavy stubber, it may re-roll hit rolls of 1 with its
Conqueror battle cannon or with its Gryphone Vanquisher battle cannon.

Centaur Artillery Tractor 4 Power
No. Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
1 Centaur Light Carrier 12" 6+ 4+ 5 6 7 2 7 3+
A Centaur Light Carrier is equipped with: 1 heavy stubber.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Heavy stubber 36” Heavy 3 4 0 1

Wargear Options
• This model can be equipped with 1 hunter-killer missile.
Smoke launchers (pg 8)
Artillery Tractor: In your Movement phase, each time this model is selected to make a Normal move it can tow 1 friendly
Krieg Artillery model within 1”of it. If it does, after this model has finished its move, that Artillery model can be moved into a
position on the battlefield that is within 12” of its original location on within 1” of this model. An Artillery model cannot be
towed more than once per turn. If an Artillery model is being towed, this unit cannot transport any model.
Explodes: When is model is destroyed, roll one D6 before removing it from play. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 3”
suffers 1 mortal wound.
This model has a transport capacity of 5 Astra Militarum Infantry models. Each Heavy Weapons Team model takes the space
of 2 models, and each Ogryn model takes the space of 3 models.
FACTION KEYWORDS: Imperium, Astra Militarum, Krieg
KEYWORDS: Vehicle, Transport, Centaur Light Carrier

Centaur Light Assault Carrier 4 Power

No. Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
1 Centaur Light Carrier 12" 6+ 4+ 5 6 8 2 7 3+
A Centaur Light Carrier is equipped with: 2 heavy stubbers.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Heavy stubber 36” Heavy 3 4 0 1

Wargear Options
• This model can be equipped with 1 hunter-killer missile.
Smoke launchers (pg 8)
Explodes: When is model is destroyed, roll one D6 before removing it from play. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 3”
suffers 1 mortal wound.
Assault Transport: If this model is set up at the start of the game with a Death Korps Grenadier Squad unit embarked within
it, at the start of the first battle round but before the first turns begins, you can move this model up to 9”. It cannot end this move
within 9” of enemy models. If both players have units that can move before the first turn begins, the player who is taking the
first turn moves their units first.
This model has a transport capacity of 5 Astra Militarum Infantry models. Each Heavy Weapons Team model takes the space
of 2 models, and each Ogryn model takes the space of 3 models.
FACTION KEYWORDS: Imperium, Astra Militarum, Krieg
KEYWORDS: Vehicle, Transport, Centaur Light Carrier

Storm Chimera 5 Power
Some of this model’s characteristics change as it suffers damage, as shown below.
No. Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
1 Storm Chimera (6+ wounds remaining) 12" 6+ 4+ 6 7 10 3 7 3+
Storm Chimera (3-6 wounds remaining) 8" 6+ 5+ 6 7 N/A D3 7 3+
Storm Chimera (1-2 wounds remaining) 4" 6+ 6+ 6 7 N/A 1 7 3+
A Storm Chimera is equipped with: autocannon; heavy bolter and two lasgun arrays.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Autocannon 48” Heavy 2 7 -1 2

Heavy bolter 36” Heavy 3 5 -1 2

This weapon can only be fired if a unit is embarked upon the
Lasgun array 24” Rapid Fire 3 3 0 1 vehicle equipped with it.

Wargear Options
• This model’s heavy bolter can be replaced with 1 heavy flamer.
• This model can be equipped with 1 hunter-killer missile.
• This model can be equipped with one of the following: 1 heavy stubber, 1 storm bolter.
• This model can be equipped within one of the following: 1 dozer blade, 1 track guards.
Smoke launchers (pg 8)
Explodes: When is model is destroyed, roll one D6 before removing it from play. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6”
suffers D3 mortal wound.
This model has a transport capacity of 12 Astra Militarum Infantry models. Each Heavy Weapons Team model takes the space
of 2 models, and each Ogryn model takes the space of 3 models.
FACTION KEYWORDS: Imperium, Astra Militarum, Krieg
KEYWORDS: Vehicle, Transport, Storm Chimera

Image Credit : Sgt_Smile

Gorgon Heavy Transport 17 Power
Some of this model’s characteristics change as it suffers damage, as shown below.
No. Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
1 Gorgon heavy transport (12+ wounds remaining) 10" 6+ 4+ 9 8 22 5 8 3+
Gorgon heavy transport (6-11 wounds remaining) 7" 6+ 5+ 9 8 N/A 3 8 3+
Gorgon heavy transport (1-5 wounds remaining) 4" 6+ 6+ 9 87 N/A D3 8 3+
A Gorgon Heavy Transport is equipped with: 2 Gorgon morters; 2 twin heavy stubbers.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Blast. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, the target
Gorgon mortar 48” Heavy 2D6 5 -1 1 does not receive the benefit of cover to its saving throw.
Twin heavy stubbers 36” Heavy 6 4 0 1

Wargear Options
• This model’s 2 Gorgon mortars can be replaced with one of the following: 4 heavy bolters, 4 heavy flamers, 4 heavy
• This model can be equipped with 1 hunter-killer missile.
Smoke launchers (pg 8)
Heavy Armoured Prow: This model has a 5+ Invulnerable save against ranged attacks.
Explodes: When is model is destroyed, roll one D6 before removing it from play. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 2D6”
suffers D6 mortal wound.
This model has a transport capacity of 50 Astra Militarum Infantry models. Each Heavy Weapons Team model takes the space
of 2 models, and each Ogryn model takes the space of 3 models.
FACTION KEYWORDS: Imperium, Astra Militarum, Krieg
KEYWORDS: Vehicle, Titanic, Transport, Gorgon Heavy Transport


Death Korps Marshal Karis Venner Death Korps Grenadier Squad Death Korps Field Officer
Unit size 1 model Unit size 5-10 models Unit size 1 model

Unit cost 60 pts Unit cost Unit cost 25 pts

• Death Korps Grenadier 7 pts/model • Bolt pistol +2 pts

Death Korps Marshal • Death Korps Grenadier 24 pts/model • Plasma pistol +5 pts

Unit size 1 model Weapons Team • Power sword +5 pts

Unit cost 35 pts • Bolt pistol +2 pts • Power fist +10 pts

• Bolt pistol +2 pts • Boltgun +2 pts

• Plasma pistol +5 pts • Flamer +5 pts Death Rider Command Squadron

• Grenade launcher +5 pts Unit size 4 models

• Heavy stubber +5 pts Unit cost 15 pts/model

Death Rider Squadron Commander • Meltagun +10 pts • Platoon standard +5 pts

Unit size 1 model • Plasma gun +10 pts

Unit cost 45 pts • Plasma pistol +5 pts Death Rider Commissar

• Bolt pistol +2 pts • Power sword +5 pts Unit size 1 model

• Plasma pistol +5 pts • Power fist +10 pts Unit cost 25 pts

• Vox-caster +5 pts • Plasma pistol +5 pts

Tank Commander • Power sword +5 pts

• Twin lascannon +25 pts • Power fist +10 pts

• Gryphonne Vanquisher battle +15 pts

cannon with co-axial heavy
stubber Combat Engineer Squad
• Conqueror battle cannon with +5 pts Unit size 5-10 models
co-axial stormbolter
Unit cost

• Mars-Alpha Pattern hull +10 pts • Engineer 8 pts/model

• Engineer Weapons 25 pts/model


• Bolt pistol +2 pts

• Boltgun +2 pts

• Demolition Charge + 5pts

• Flamer +5 pts

• Grenade launcher +5 pts

• Meltagun +10 pts

• Plasma gun +10 pts

• Plasma pistol +5 pts

• Power sword +5 pts

• Power fist +10 pts

• Vox-caster +5 pts


Quartermaster Cadre Death Rider Squadron Heavy Weapons Squad

Unit size 3-5 models Unit size 5-10 models • Twin heavy stubbers +10 pts

Unit cost Unit cost 15 pts/model

• Quartermaster Revenant 20 pts/model • Bolt pistol +2 pts Leman Russ Battle Tanks
• Medicae-Servitor 5 pts/model • Plasma pistol +5 pts • Twin lascannon +25 pts

• Bolt pistol +2 pts • Gryphonne Vanquisher +15 pts

battle cannon with co-axial
heavy stubber
• Boltgun +2 pts

• Plasma pistol +5 pts • Conqueror battle +5 pts

cannon with co-axial
• Power sword +5 pts stormbolter
• Power fist +10 pts • Mars-Alpha Pattern hull +10 pts

Master Artillerist Earthshaker Carriage Battery

Unit size 1 model Unit size 1-3 models

Unit cost 40 pts Unit cost 100 pts/model

Medusa Carriage Battery

Unit size 1-3 models

Unit cost 100 pts/model


Centaur Artillery Tractor Gorgon Heavy Transport Special Weapons

Unit size 1 model Unit size 1 model Flamer

Unit cost 45 pts Unit cost 320pts Grenade Launcher

• Hunter-killer missile +5 pts • Gorgon mortar +10 pts Heavy stubber (Death Korps Grenadier

• Heavy bolter +10 pts Squad only)

Centaur Light Assault Carrier • Heavy flamer +10 pts Meltagun

Unit size 1 model • Heavy stubber +5 pts Plasma Gun

Unit cost 50 pts • Hunter-killer missile +5 pts

• Hunter-killer missile +5 pts • Twin heavy stubber +10 pts

Storm Chimera
Unit size 1 model

Unit cost 85pts

• Dozer blade +5 pts

• Heavy stubber +5 pts

• Hunter-killer missile +5 pts

• Storm bolter +5 pts

• Track guard +5 pts

Version 0.8
• Added the lasgun array to the Storm Chimera;
• Rewrote the Mars Alpha pattern hull rule to give +1 armour save against shooting attacks;
• Folded the price of co-axial weapons into the cost of the main gun, leading to a small price reduction
of Leman Russ Gryphonne Vanquisher (-5pts) and Leman Russ Conqueror (-3pts);
• Increased the cost of the Carcass Shells Stratagem to 2 CP;
• Added the “Pounding Bombardment” Stratagem, as requested, to represent preliminary fire from
Earthshaker or Medusa Carriages;
• Added the “Fire for effect” Stratagem, to allow Master Artillerists to fire their Artillery Barrage
weapon, one additional time during a game;
• Corrected more typos and mistakes.

Version 0.75
• Corrected typos, grammar and spelling errors. Thanks to u/UHHHHHHH947 for his proof-reading;
• Change the vehicle part of the Cult of Sacrifice doctrine (again…). It is now a 6+ FNP save for
vehicles. Mars Alpha pattern hull has been changed accordingly to allowing rerolls of 1s for this
FNP save. This rule is proving tricky. I am not quite satisfied with this new version because it means
a lot of dice rolling. If it were not already half of the Valhallan doctrine, I would use doubling the
number of remaining wounds to determine the characteristics of a vehicle;
• Added the option of chainsword for the Death Korps Marshall as per the latest GW errata;
• Added the Master Artillerist, which replaces the Master of Ordnance from Codex Astra Militarum.
Upgraded his bombardment weapon to a Earthshaker equivalent (this seemed the bare minimum to
me) Please tell me if I forgot your favourite artillery. Please note I excluded Heavy Mortars and
Quad Launchers on purpose;
• Added Conqueror battle cannon with co-axial stormbolter to the Tank Commander and Leman Russ
and added a co-axial ability to both units for the Vanquisher and Conqueror guns;
• Reduced the price of the Storm Chimera from 95pts to 85pts, in line with the latest point costs

Version 0.7:
• Change the second part of the Cult of Sacrifice doctrine to reducing Damage by 1 and added an
example to clarify how the first part of the doctrine works (there seemed to be some confusion).
• Removed the Banner of Repentance and Phosphex shells relics because they cannot be given to a
character model. I will need to think on the manner to integrate them back
• Added the Ocularis-Aquila Spotting Scope relic.
• Split the Centaur datasheet between a cheaper dedicated artillery tractor and a light assault
• Added double pistol weapons to the Death Korps Marshall datasheet
• Added two new stratagems : battlefield medecine and suppressive fire
• Changed the point cost for Earthshaker and Medusa Carriage Batteries

Version 0.65 :
• Corrected errors and typos
• Added an ability to the Command Squad unit, akin to the Command Squadron ability for Death
Riders. Also brought back the limitation of 1 Command Squad/Squadron per officer
• Added flavour text

Version 0.6:
• Added a new illustration
• Added several stratagems: Carcass shells for several types of mortars, a Relic Stratagem and a
Warlord Trait Stratagem
• Added a new relic : phosphex shells

• Renamed the “Ossuary of Colonel Jurten” to “Philatory of Colonel” Jurten and changed the Attack
buff to affect only 1 unit (may be changed to upgrading exploding 6s to hit to exploding 5+ as an
aura) ;
• Rewrote the abilities of the Quartermaster Cadre to make it work in, I hope, a more logical way
• Added a datasheet and points value for the Gorgon Heavy Transport, as requested
• Corrected errors and typos
• Added flavour text to a few relics


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