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Assignment no I
Software Engineering
Topic: “Data Flow Diagrams”

Department: BSCS-V

Submitted to: Sir Atif Iqbal

Submitted by: Rushna Sohail

Dated: 09-04-2021
Data Flow Diagrams
Businesses are built on systems and processes. A company
couldn’t operate without them. From lead nurturing
methods to the way a team interacts with customers, nearly
everything a business does involves a system of some sort.
And, when it comes to systems and processes, efficiency is
everything. In some cases, shaving even a minute or two off
can lead to substantial savings. There are countless ways to
analyze and improve efficiency, but one that stands out is
through data flow diagrams. 

Whether you are improving an existing process or

implementing a new one, a data flow diagram (DFD) will
make the task easier. However, if you’ve never created a
DFD before, getting started can be intimidating. There is a lot
to take in: different levels of diagrams, symbols and notation, not to mention actually creating
the diagram—navigating it all will take more than looking at a few examples. If you’re new to
data flow diagrams, this guide will help get you started.

What is a data flow diagram?

Also known as DFD, Data flow diagrams are used to graphically represent the flow of data in a
business information system. DFD describes the processes that are involved in a system to
transfer data from the input to the file storage and reports generation.

Data flow diagrams visually represent systems and processes that would be hard to describe in
a chunk of text. You can use these diagrams to map out an existing system and make it better or
to plan out a new system for implementation. Visualizing each element makes it easy to identify
inefficiencies and produce the best possible system. 
Physical and logical data flow diagrams
Logical data flow diagrams focus on what happens in a particular information flow, what
information is being transmitted, what entities are receiving that info, what general processes
occur, etc. The processes described in a logical DFD are business activities. A logical DFD doesn’t
delve into the technical aspects of a process or system. Non-technical employees should be
able to understand these diagrams.

Physical data flow diagrams focus on how things happen in an information flow. These
diagrams specify the software, hardware, files, and people involved in an information flow. A
detailed physical data flow diagram can facilitate the development of the code needed to
implement a data system.
Data flow diagram levels
A data flow diagram can dive into progressively more detail by using levels and layers, zeroing
in on a particular piece.  DFD levels are numbered 0, 1 or 2, and occasionally go to even Level 3
or beyond.

Level 0 DFDs: also known as context diagrams are the most basic data flow diagrams. They
provide a broad view that is easily digestible but offers little detail. Level 0 data flow diagrams
show a single process node and its connections to external entities. 

Level 1 DFDs: In a level 1 data flow diagram, the single process node from the context diagram
is broken down into sub processes. As these processes are added, the diagram will need
additional data flows and data stores to link them together. 
2-level DFD: 2-level DFD goes one step deeper into parts of 1-level DFD. It can be used to plan
or record the specific/necessary detail about the system’s functioning. 
Data flow diagram symbols and notation
There are essentially two different types of notations for data flow diagrams (Yourdon & Coad
or Gane & Sarson) defining different visual representations for processes, data stores, data flow
and external entities.

Yourdon and Coad type data flow diagrams are usually used for system analysis and design,
while Gane and Sarson type DFDs are more common for visualizing information systems.
Visually, the biggest difference between the two ways of drawing data flow diagrams is how
processes look. In the Yourdon and Coad way, processes are depicted as circles, while in the
Gane and Sarson diagram the processes are squares with rounded corners.

How to create a data flow diagram

Now that you have some background knowledge on data flow diagrams and how they are
categorized, you’re ready to build your own DFD. The process can be broken down into 5 steps:

1. Identify major inputs and outputs in your system 

Nearly every process or system begins with input from an external entity and ends with the
output of data to another entity or database. Identifying such inputs and outputs gives a macro
view of your system—it shows the broadest tasks the system should achieve. The rest of your
DFD will be built on these elements, so it is crucial to know them early on.
2. Build a context diagram

Once you’ve identified the major inputs and outputs, building a context diagram is simple. Draw
a single process node and connect it to related external entities. This node represents the most
general process information undergoes to go from input to output. 

The example below shows how information flows between various entities via an online
community. Data flows to and from the external entities, representing both input and output.
The center node, “online community,” is the general process. 

3. Expand the context diagram into a level 1 DFD

The single process node of your context diagram doesn’t provide much information. You need
to break it down into sub processes. In your level 1 data flow diagram, you should include
several process nodes, major databases, and all external entities. Walk through the flow of
information: where does the information start and what needs to happen to it before each data

4. Expand to a level 2+ DFD

To enhance the detail of your data flow diagram, follow the same process as in step 3. The
processes in your level 1 DFD can be broken down into more specific sub processes. Once again,
ensure you add any necessary data stores and flows. At this point you should have a fairly
detailed breakdown of your system. To progress beyond a level 2 data flow diagram, simply
repeat this process. Stop once you’ve reached a satisfactory level of detail.

5. Confirm the accuracy of your final diagram

When your diagram is completely drawn, walk through it. Pay close attention to the flow of
information: does it make sense? Are all necessary data stores included? By looking at your final
diagram, other parties should be able to understand the way your system functions. Before
presenting your final diagram, check with co-workers to ensure your diagram is

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