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Beijing MicroVec, inc.

Beijing Micro Vec,inc.
2013 September

Beijing MicroVec, inc.


Chapter I Brief Introduction ...................................................................................... 1

1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Hardware and software installation .............................................................. 3
1.3 Notes and Practice........................................................................................... 3
Chapter II Introduction of the hardware system...................................................... 4
2.1 Composition of the hardware system ............................................................ 4
2.2 Use of the hardware system ........................................................................... 5
2.3 Precautions .................................................................................................... 12
Chapter III Introduction of the software................................................................. 13
3.1 Composition of the software ........................................................................ 13
3.2 Use of the software ........................................................................................ 13
3.2.1 MicroVec Software ............................................................................. 13
3.2.2 Frame grabber .................................................................................... 17
3.2.3 Synchronizer ........................................................................................ 20
3.2.4 Dongle Drive ........................................................................................ 23
3.3 Configuration files of the software .............................................................. 24
3.4 Precautions .................................................................................................... 25
Chapter IV Summary of PIV .................................................................................... 26
4.1 PIV Fundamental .......................................................................................... 26
4.2 Cross-correlation theory .............................................................................. 27
4.3 Fluid Parameter Description ....................................................................... 29
4.4 Sub-pixel fitting ............................................................................................. 31
4.5 Error correction vector ................................................................................ 31
4.6 Image Bias...................................................................................................... 32
4.7 Iteration algorithm........................................................................................ 33
4.8 Window deformation algorithm .................................................................. 34
4.9 Measurement Accuracy ................................................................................ 35

Beijing MicroVec, inc.
Chapter V MicroVec Software Overview ................................................................ 37
5.1 File Menu ....................................................................................................... 38
5.1.1 New ....................................................................................................... 38
5.1.2 Open ..................................................................................................... 38
5.1.3 Command to open the image pair ..................................................... 38
5.1.4 Command to open image series ......................................................... 39
5.1.5 Save....................................................................................................... 39
5.1.6 Close ..................................................................................................... 39
5.1.7 Save as .................................................................................................. 39
5.1.8 Save Image series ................................................................................ 40
5.1.9 Vector File Setting............................................................................... 40
5.1.10 Open the vector file ........................................................................... 41
5.1.11 Save vector file................................................................................... 42
5.1.12 Vector file match ............................................................................... 42
5.1.13 Exit ..................................................................................................... 43
5.2 Edit Menu ...................................................................................................... 43
5.3 View Menu ..................................................................................................... 44
5.3.1 Toolbar ................................................................................................. 44
5.3.2 Status Bar Toolbar .............................................................................. 44
5.3.3 Image Control Toolbar ....................................................................... 44
5.3.4 Image analysis toolbar ........................................................................ 46
5.3.5 PIV calculation .................................................................................... 47
5.3.6 PTV computation ................................................................................ 50
5.3.7 Real-time calculation result show ...................................................... 51
5.3.8 System Information ............................................................................ 51
5.3.9 Image information window ................................................................ 54
5.3.10 Histogram window ............................................................................ 55
5.3.11 Grey Window .................................................................................... 55
5.3.12 Vector result ...................................................................................... 56
5.4 Image menu ................................................................................................... 57

Beijing MicroVec, inc.
5.4.1 The Live show image .......................................................................... 57
5.4.2 Snap one image .................................................................................... 57
5.4.3 Snap one pair images .......................................................................... 57
5.4.4 Stop all.................................................................................................. 58
5.4.5 Hardware Control ............................................................................... 58
5.4.6 Show first image .................................................................................. 65
5.4.7 Show previous image .......................................................................... 66
5.4.8 Show next image .................................................................................. 66
5.4.9 Image alternate display ...................................................................... 66
5.4.10 Show last image ................................................................................. 66
5.4.11 Show image ........................................................................................ 66
5.4.12 Image average.................................................................................... 66
5.4.13 Image Fill ........................................................................................... 67
5.4.14 Buffer Clear ....................................................................................... 68
5.4.15 Image output...................................................................................... 68
5.4.16 Image Mask ....................................................................................... 69
5.4.17 Image Correction (image calibrate) ................................................ 69
5.5 Analysis Menu ............................................................................................... 72
5.5.1 System Setting ..................................................................................... 72
5.5.2 Digital Ruler ........................................................................................ 73
5.5.3 Analysis result Output ........................................................................ 75
5.5.4 Particle analysis ................................................................................... 76
5.5.5 Concentration Field Tools .................................................................. 78
5.5.6 Scalar Field Tools ................................................................................ 79
5.5.7 3D vector calculate .............................................................................. 80
5.5.8 PIV batch process tools ...................................................................... 84
5.5.9 PTV batch process tool ....................................................................... 86
5.5.10 Single-point process tool ................................................................... 86
5.5.11 Data output ........................................................................................ 87
5.5.12 Vector Average .................................................................................. 87

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5.5.13 Multiple directory batch process ..................................................... 87
5.5.14 Display of PIV data results............................................................... 90
5.5.15 Vector Clear ...................................................................................... 92
5.5.16 Vector display setting ....................................................................... 92
5.6 Filter menu .................................................................................................... 92
5.6.1 Gray stretch ......................................................................................... 92
5.6.2 Image blur............................................................................................ 93
5.6.3 Contrast ............................................................................................... 93
5.6.4 Image roll ............................................................................................. 93
5.6.5 Image calculation ................................................................................ 93
5.6.6 Image negative Gray ........................................................................... 94
5.7 Window Menu ............................................................................................... 94
5.8 Help Menu ..................................................................................................... 94
5.8.1 Help Topics .......................................................................................... 94
5.8.2 About MicroVec .................................................................................. 94
5.8.3 About ....................................................................... 95
5.8.4 USB Key Driver Installation .............................................................. 95
Chapter VI Application examples ............................................................................ 96
6.1 Application examples of 2D particle image velocimetry system ............... 96
6.1.1 System introduction ............................................................................ 96
6.1.2 Experimental data acquisition ........................................................... 96
6.1.3 Analysis of experimental images ........................................................ 99
6.2 TR-PIV Application Examples .................................................................. 106
6.2.1 Continuous mode (without using synchronizer) ............................ 106
6.2.2 PIV mode (requires use of synchronizer) ....................................... 113
6.3 3D particle image velocimetry system application examples .................. 121
6.3.1 System Introduction.......................................................................... 121
6.3.2 Experimental Data Acquisition ....................................................... 121
6.3.3 Analysis of experimental images ...................................................... 128
6.4 Application examples synchronizer external trigger ............................... 132

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6.4.1 External Synchronization ................................................................. 132
6.4.2 Outer Gate ......................................................................................... 134
Chapter VII Appendix ............................................................................................. 136
7.1 Digital Camera ............................................................................................ 136
7.2 Laser ............................................................................................................. 137
7.3 Frame grabber ............................................................................................ 138
7.4 Interrogation window and step size........................................................... 140
7.5 Picture Cache .............................................................................................. 141
7.6 Tecplot .......................................................................................................... 141
7.7 Origin ........................................................................................................... 144
7.8 Standardized dimensions............................................................................ 144
7.9 Data File Format ......................................................................................... 145
7.9.1 PIV calculation result data file ........................................................ 145
7.9.2 Description of the physical realization of the code ........................ 146
7.9.3 PTV calculation result data file ....................................................... 148
7.9.4 The results of the batch process data file ........................................ 148
7.9.5 Analysis of the resulting data file output ........................................ 148
7.9.6 Data obtained by averaging the results file data files .................... 149
7.9.7 Analysis of the resulting data files concentration field .................. 149
7.9.8 The results of particle size analysis data file .................................. 149
7.10 TTL............................................................................................................. 149
7.11 Photoelectric switch .................................................................................. 150
Chapter VIII maintenance record sheet ................................................................ 153
Particle image velocimetry (PIV) usage procedures ............................................. 154

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

Chapter I Brief Introduction

About Microvec and MicroVec PIV systems:

Based on almost 10 years of technical cooperation with among others: Institute of Fluid
Mechanics of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Department of Mechanics of
Tsinghua University, MicroVec has developed multiple PIV systems on an world class level.
Researchers from many other academic institutions in the US, UK, Australia and Germany
collaborated on some of the software components of the systems implementing the newest
algorithms and techniques.. In addition Microvec selected some of the most advanced and reliable
hardware components from USA (cameras and frame grabbers), UK (lasers) and France (lasers).
Optical components are sourced from Japan and Germany.
MicroVec, offers different PIV systems, intended to meet various requirements. MicroVec has
successfully developed multiple PIV systems for example:
 2D and 3D PIV systems used for macroscopic flow field test;
 MicroPIV systems used for microscopic flow field test;
 MiniPIV systems used for research and educational purposes.
To offer fully integrated systems, MicroVec also designed own hardware like the "synchronous
timing controller" or patented Scheimpflug device.
Based on its core technology, MicroVec has created not only complex PIV products, but also
provides complete equipment applications for the majority of PIV users including affordable
educational systems.
Microvec was the first in the world to launched PIV system with 16 Megapixels resolution
camera. It offered the first PIV system using 500mJ high-energy PIV pulsed laser. It was also the
first manufacturer launching synchronizer with 250 picoseconds jitter, making it the most accurate at
that time. It was the first to apply 64 PCI-E technology (more than 2GB/s bandwidth) and its analysis
software was developed by using the latest third-generation multi-threaded parallel PIV algorithm.
Microvec has over 100 installations worldwide used for various applications like: Two-phase
flow image analysis module; large field test analysis module; burner flow field analysis module;
particle field (particle size analyzer / momentum field) analysis module; concentration field analysis
module; temperature measurement module.


Beijing MicroVec, inc.

1.1 Introduction
MicroVec Inc. developed independently Particle Image Velocimetry (referred PIV) system
(computer software copyright registration number:s 2003SR0083 2003SR12905 2010R11L076296;
patent registration numbers: 200 910 162 651, 200 720 140 441, 200 720 143 783, 200 920 144 898)
with independent intellectual property rights. The Company has engineering personnel highly
qualified in advanced hardware and software development and fluid control, strong technical
development abilities and diligent after-sale service support. The PIV system can easily and reliably
interconnect different hardware. It works together with multiple components sourced from best
high-tech companies, and combines them into fully integrated product to meet customers’
requirements for various experiments. Besides using the most advanced hardware, software offers a
full-featured and unique base system and data analysis tool modules (eg. particle size statistical
analysis for different particle size and particle displacement tracking/momentum measurement, and
spatial concentration field etc. scalar field analysis functions) combining with different experimental
requirements. Final Microvec product offers a comprehensive PIV solution, maintaining the flexibly
of using customer preferred or existing solutions or hardware combination to maximize the potential
of the customers’ laboratory equipment and provide powerful and effective protection for customers
in their research and development.
MicroVec system models supported in this manual include:

2D system 3D system
SM-2M100 DM-2M100
SM-2M200 DM-2M200
SM-4M200 DM-4M200
SM-4M350 DM-4M350
SM-4M500 DM-4M500
SM-11M350 DM-11M350
SM-11M500 DM-11M500
SM-16M500 DM-16M500

Company Address: Room 218, Section A, Wansheng Business Center, No. 120 Xiaoguan Street,
Garden Road, Haidian District, Beijing
Postal Code: 100083
Tel 010 -82080759
Fax 010 -82080760
E-mail: [email protected]
Company website:

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

1.2 Hardware and software installation

MicroVec, PIV system consists of hardware and software components. Hardware system
standard configuration includes: lasers, synchronizer, high-speed digital cameras, frame grabbers and
computer; software includes: integrated particle image velocimetry, particle image velocimetry
system tracking and concentration field analysis system, particle size analysis systems and digital
camera control system.
Entire particle image analysis system installation, first install the hardware system, connect the
corresponding signal lines and the synchronization control lines; lasers placed in accordance with the
manual requires a suitable experimental sites; connect synchronizer trigger cable. All hardware total
power requirements 220V 50Hz (or 110V 60Hz) 10A three-wire AC power supply, ground requires
reliable grounding. For hardware installation steps in detail, see chapter II.
After installing the appropriate software hardware, the first time you start the computer running
the appropriate installer. In addition MicroVec provides hardware key (dongle). Dongle installation
is explained in chapter III.

1.3 Notes and Practice

All hardware systems in the absence of reliable ground connection and connecting the signal
cable must be made before power run; are not allowed to connect non-MicroVec Provides third-party
hardware and confirmation; This system need to go through MicroVec Trained professional system
administrator operation and running.
Without MicroVec Trained or licensed operators who operate equipment without damage to the
equipment caused by man-made, not in MicroVec Provide free warranty service range.
Complete PIV equipment environmental requirements: Ambient temperature 10-30 degrees
Celsius, humidity less than 80%; camera sensor chip and associated optics note moisture and dust,
and avoid direct sunlight, prohibit direct laser irradiation camera lenses and related chips.
Based on the above hardware, particle image analysis system integrated software MicroVec V3
appropriate hardware control and real-time signal processing functions. Not lock or software source
code for software debugging or compilation.
(Recommended user manual final amplification procedures prominently placed in the

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

Chapter II Introduction of the hardware system

2.1 Composition of the hardware system

PIV test equipment hardware system developed by MicroVec includes: illumination laser,
synchronizer, frame grabber (placed inside the computer), high-speed digital camera(s) and computer
(see Figure 2.1):

Figure 2.1 PIV System Descriptions

Illumination laser is shown in Figure 2.2, Usually a Nd:YAG double pulse laser (also known as
PIV laser) is used as a light source. It uses two pulse lasers and sends out laser beam through an
optical beam combiner and a light path exit. Usually a combination of guide arm and sheet optics are
used, to expand the laser into a plane first and the plane into a thin sheet, resulting in pulse sheet light
source illuminating the flow field.

Figure 2.2 Nd: YAG double pulse laser

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Digital camera (see Figure 2.3) captures two images using a double exposure mode
synchronized with the double laser pulses. The capture is started by an external trigger; both captured
images are then sent in real-time to the computer memory through the frame grabber. Trigger signals
are provided by a synchronizer to be fully synchronized with the double pulsed laser.

Figure 2.3 PIV dedicated digital camera

Synchronizer (MicroPulse725) (see Figure 2.4) generates cycle pulse trigger signals by the
internal time base, simultaneously produces multiple delayed trigger signals through internal
time-delay channels. The synchronizer is used to control the laser, digital camera(s) and frame
grabber, so that all of them operate in strict synchronization, and ensure perfect coordination of
various parts.

Figure 2.4 Synchronizer

A computer is used for storing image data passed through the frame grabber. It is them used to
calculate, display and storage the velocity field in real-time through the particle image velocity
measuring system software

2.2 Use of the hardware system

PIV system uses laser as an independent lighting device. It can be used with or without the
synchronizer. If the synchronizer is not available, the internal synchronization of the laser can be
used to debug the optical path and laser energy (for the detailed steps please refer to the user manual
of laser).
Frame grabber takes a standard PCI slot (PCI-E) of the computer. The interface of the
acquisition board is mainly 26-pin CamLink standard digital camera connection

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

interface. MicroVec PIV system used digital cameras with a standard CamLink interface, it uses
three-10 meter signal lines to connect to the frame grabber; keeps trigger signals to make the digital
cameras synchronize with the pulse laser, and then connects with synchronizer’s output interface
through the coaxial signal cables via TTL trigger, which interfaces with the camera.
When synchronizer is available as part of the PIV system, the laser must be set in the external
synchronous mode (4-way delay signals of the synchronizer is output to controls of the
corresponding two sets of laser xenon lamp and Q-switch of the laser); while the digital camera is set
to "PIV work mode".
Specific wiring is as follows:
T1, T2, T3, T4 of the synchronizer are connected to four channels of the laser’s xenon lamp 1
(F1), Q switch 1, xenon lamp 2 (F2) and the Q switch 2. T5 and T6 are respectively connected to two
CCD signals (see figure 2.5 below), and T7 channel is reserved for future use.

Figure 2.5 Synchronizer wiring diagram

Figure 2.6 Control timing diagram for synchronizer

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

Their timing relationship is shown in Figure 2.6. Synchronizer provides cycle TTL external
trigger signals, two xenon lamps of the laser are lit to emit (luminous intensity curves is shown in the
figure) after an interval of certain time delay. When the xenon lamp’s luminous intensity reaches the
maximum peak, two channel Q-switches are synchronized triggered by delay signals, which are
provided by the synchronizer after appropriate delay, the laser emits double pulse light with a certain
time interval. Meanwhile, the digital camera also uses the software to set the exposure time of the
first image by the trigger signals provided by the synchronized controller, so that the first pulse light
of the laser falls within the first image exposure time period; then the digital camera can carry out
exposure of the second image through settings inter-frame time by software, the captured is the
laser’s second pulse light. This realizes the function to get two image frames to capture during the
pulse light of the dual pulse laser with only one trigger. Narrow time interval between the laser’s
dual pulses (not less than the inter-frame time of the digital camera) permits taking high-speed
motion flow field images, and use them to calculate the corresponding velocity field.
During installation and commissioning for the first time, user needs to avoid the phenomenon of
two laser pulses happening during the exposure period of the first or the second image. Exposure
time of the second frame is longer. It will shoot the relatively bright background light (the first frame
exposure time is about 200 nanoeconds, influence of the background light is almost negligible), and
then determine which frame picture do the two path lasers fall. If they fall simultaneously in the first
frame image, increase appropriately delay parameters of the synchronizer’s T5 channel (the channel
connected with the camera) until both laser pulses fall into two separate images. If both laser pulse
fall within the second frame image, reduce delay parameters of the T5 channel.
An example of 2D PIV system is shown in Figure 2.7:

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

Figure 2.7 Construction of 2D PIV system

In the 3D System, there is a certain angle between the camera and laser plane, the captured
image can be clear (Figure 2.8) as long as the camera chip plane, the lens plane and the image plane
captured, meet Scheimpflug optical conditions (extension lines of the laser plane, lens plane and
image plane of the camera chip intersect at a line).

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

Figure 2.8 Schematic of 3D PIV system

Each digital camera is fixed on a 3D stereoscopic mechanism; camera lens are fixed on the
fixed panel in front of the 3D stereoscopic mechanism, an example is shown in Figure 2.9.

Figure 2.9 Example of 3D stereological adjustment mechanism

Figure 2.10 shows various components of the stereo camera and the stereological adjustment
mechanism, the following are steps to install the camera and lens on the stereological adjustment
First, remove connection rings and lens from the camera, and fix the removed connection rings
on the frame seat (fixed with the positioning holes 7, 8 and positioning holes on the other side
through the top wire), and then mount the lens with connection rings; moreover, connect CCD
camera with the camera frame seat with screws respectively through holes 1,5 and 2,6 ; finally you
have the camera frame seat connected to the turntable through holes 3 and 4, rotary tables and
translation table are connected with the base plate via threaded connection. This base plate of the 3D
stereoscopic mechanism can be fixed in standard aluminum rails provided by MicroVec

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

During the test, angle of the CCD camera can be adjusted simply by angle knob, in order for the
camera chip plane, lens plane and laser plane meet Scheimpflug optical conditions, secure those
planes with lock nuts after determining the angle. (Note: When adjusting the angle knob on the
camera frame seat, the knob must be rotated and adjusted slowly to prevent damage to the

Figure 2.10 Camera disassembly diagram for 3D system

Construction of 3D system is shown in Figure 2.11:

Construction diagram of 3D PIV system

Figure 2.11 Sample 3D PIV system

From the system diagrams of the two systems one can see the scalability: 2D system can be
enhanced into a 3D system and vice versa, 3D system can be transformed into 2D. Note two

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

important points during such conversion: sheet light thickness need to be different (see Figure 2.12)
as well as way of the camera layout (see Figure 2.13):

Variation in sheet light thickness

Figure 2.12 3D light sheet thickness variation

Changes in the way of camera layout

Figure 2.13 3D system camera layout difference

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

2.3 Safety precautions

Pulsed lasers belong to high-energy lasers; Never look directly into the laser beam. Never
look at laser light reflected off of a highly reflective surface like a mirror or a ring. Instead,
view a reflection of the beam. Viewing laser light directly can burn your eye, causing
permanent damage!
Sensors used in digital camera are light-sensitive devices. Digital camera lens should never
be pointed directly into the sun or strong laser light for capturing images. The coherent laser
light can damage and burn the pixels of the camera.

When power is on, please don’t connect or disconnect any cables.

In the event of unknown failures and/or hardware system not working properly, you should first
put on lens cover of the digital camera; turn off the laser’s operating xenon lamps and Q-switch
It is not advisable to connect signal output ports of the synchronizer with any high voltage
power supply, or shorten the output ports. The synchronizer can be damaged.

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

Chapter III Introduction of the software

3.1 Composition of the software

The particle image analysis system, MicroVec V3 image control system, has been developed by
MicroVec, based on Windows2000/XP/Win7 operating systems (incl. 32-bit & 64-bit systems). It
has object-oriented software architecture. MicroVec V3 has integrated many modules for PIV, PTV,
analysis of concentration field and particle size etc.
Hardware controls include: real-time control of the digital cameras, laser control, control of
the frame grabber and the synchronizer.
Software modules include: General digital image display and processing; calculation of
real-time particle image velocimetry (PIV); particle tracking velocimetry (PTV); speed of partial area
and the entire image area in the cross-correlation calculation image; batch processing of large
numbers of images; set partitions with automatic calculation; support vector single-point correction /
single-point assignment / vector filtering / fixing all vectors; grayscale adjustment, filter, flip, reading,
blur, zoom, contrast adjustment and other general-purpose digital image processing functions;
real-time analysis of the particle size distribution in the image, including: particles’ equivalent
circular diameter, spatial position coordinates, equivalent rectangular parameters, particle
cross-sectional area and other parameters; include analysis tools of gray density field: analysis
changes in the spatial distribution of image gray level to get the relative concentration distribution
and achieve measurement of non-linear absolute concentration field through the calibration; include
tools to analysis particle number concentration distribution: real-time analysis of distribution of the
number of particles in different diameters in various areas; compatible with Tecplot flow field
analysis mapping software; compatible with other mathematical analysis software. (For detailed
functions of the software please refer to Chapter 5.)

3.2 Use of the software

Software installation consists of three parts: installation of frame grabber control software;
installation of MicroVec V3 software and dongle driver.

3.2.1 MicroVec Software

MicroVec V3 Installation guide:

Step 1: Double click to open and run the installation file “MicoVecV3.5.1_EN_Setup”.
Step 2: The Windows Account Control will display a message asking if you want to allow the
installer to make changes to your computer. Answer “Yes.”
Step 3: The Installer Setup window will appear (in English) as shown in Figure 3.1, informing
you that the install process has begun. Click on “Next.”

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

Figure 3.1

Step 4: The next window allows you to choose a location for the program. Select a location
(preferably default C:\MicroVec) and click on “Next.”.

Figure 3.2

Step 5: Confirm the installation, select "Install."

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

Figure 3.3

Step 6: Chose the “Next”,and finish the Installation.

Figure 3.4

When the "Dongle" plugs into the computer USB port in the first time, Windows automatically
detects the new inserted hardware and automatically prompts to install the driver. You can cancel the
Windows’ relevant dialog box and use the following manual installation mode.
If the driver of the "Dongle" is not installed correctly, the "dongle" green light is blinking; when
appropriate driver is installed correctly, the green light of "dongle" will be on.
Note: to those products manufactured after August 2007 by MicroVec, you can’t install the
"Dongle" driver (Windows will automatically recognize and install the corresponding driver).
Installation steps of the dongle driver are as follows:

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

1. Run MicroVec V3 program, click on the "Help" menu "V1/2 USB KEY installation"
command (see Figure 3.6):

Figure 3.6

2. "Hardware Installation" window will appear (see Figure 3.7), click "Continue" button;

Figure 3.7

3. Driver installation window will appear (see Figure 3.8): Click "OK", the driver will be

Figure 3.8 Dongles installed

4. Close MicroVec software and then re-start. All features of the software can be now used.
Hardware settings window will appear (see Figure 3.9) when the software starts.

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

Figure 3.9 Hardware settings window

Select "2D system" or "3D Systems' depends on what you have purchased."CCD Camera Type"
is used to select the relevant PIV camera model (hardware configuration file is in "MicroVec\
Camera" directory); "Synchronizer Type" is used to select the synchronizer model you have.

3.2.2 Frame grabber

Frame grabber control software is installed as follows:

1. Install the frame grabber into the PCI slot inside the computer, the Windows Plug & Play will
automatically detect the new hardware when the computer is first powered on and prompt the
relevant installation window.
2. "Cancel" the Windows prompt to install the drivers manually. Select the correct XCAP
software version to install (installation file can be found at C:\MicroVec\ FrameGrabber) according
to the operating system installed on your computer.
3. After installing XCAP, start XCAP software from the desktop through the shortcut "XCAP
for Windows", enter the serial number 53HR/25A4/NKZU (MicroVec XCAP licence number) and
complete the registration;
4. Reboot the computer to complete the installation of frame grabber control software.
After completing the frame grabber control software installation, you need to detect whether
installation of the frame grabber driver software has been successful:

1. Run XCAP software, select "PIXCI Open/Close" command in the "PIXCI " menu,.

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

Figure 3.10

2. Select "Multiple Devices" option (if the "Open" option is grayed out, you can’t click it
in this state, you need first click on "Close" option to turn off before entering working status
of the image space detection state) in the "Open/Close" window, the system will
automatically detect model of the frame grabber installed in your computer, shown as Figure
3.10. Otherwise it indicates the hardware or driver software might have some problems, you
need to reinstall it.
If image system works normally, you need to set the working memory to the image plane
(image buffer) as follows:

1. Run "XCAP for Window" program, and click the "ok" button in the interface shown in Figure

Figure 3.11 into EPIX program

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

2. The program will enter an image acquisition interface, which is not required when you set the
memory allocation, select "PIXCIO pen/Close" command (see Figure 3.12) in the "PIXCI "

Figure 3.12 Select PIXCI Open / Close command

3. The program will display the dialog window as shown in Figure 3.13, select "Close" command;

Figure 3.13 Figure 3.14

4. In the interface shown in Figure 3.14, select "Driver Assistant" command;

5. Select "Set Frame Buffer Memory Size" option;
6. Select "Request Normal Frame Buffer Allocation" option shown in Figure 3.15:

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

Figure 3.15 Image board memory settings interface

We recommend selecting "Request Normal Frame Buffer Allocation" (referred as Normal). On

the "Memory Requested for Frame Buffers", select memory less than 512M, then the computer will
reboot directly into the Windows system (this option will assigned small amount of cache to the
image system, the number of recordable pictures are restricted, but is has an advantage of high
management efficiency of the imaging systems and is very fast in image manipulation). If you
choose memory more than 512M, and the computer is Windows XP system, you need to select the
option "Request Forceful Frame Buffer Allocation" (abbreviated as Forceful), and then the computer
restarts and automatically prompts to choose to enter systematic way. In Forceful mode, you need to
manually set up allocation numbers of the first two memory selections, "Memory for Frame Buffer"
denotes the number assigned to the image buffer, "Memory for Windows" is assigned to the
Windows operating system. The specific number assigned should correspond with the actual
physical memory of the computer system (sum of two options’ number cannot exceed the computer's
memory capacity); leave the default value in the third setting.
What does this memory allocation means for the user? In a system using a single-mode capture,
a memory portion of the Normal 512MB is allocated to the image. For example, for the CCD camera
with resolution of 2048 × 2048 pixel, the size in 8bit is: 2048 × 2048 = 4194304 = 4MB x 2 (dual
exposure mode saves 2 frames), therefore the share in the computer memory is 8M. For 512M
memory allocation, the total number of images saved can be 512/8 = 64. In this case the software
will be able to save and display 64 acquired image sets.
If the computer has a much larger physical memory e.g. 2GB, and user selected "Memory for
Frame Buffer" to be 1GB, "Memory for Windows" is set to 1GB (recommended Window System is
higher than the reserved memory 512MB), the image buffer can be continuously save and display
1GB worth of image sets: for the CCD camera above it will be 1000/8 = 125.
Windows operating system allocates memory to the image cache. There is a number of
differences between 32-bit systems and 64-bit systems. 32-bit Windows supports up to 4GB memory.
In order not to affect the high-speed computing, 32-bit system memory allocation for the image
buffer should not exceed 512MB.
64-bit Windows supports up to 128GB memory. In order not to affect the high-speed
computation ability of the system, the image buffer memory allocation required should not exceed
16GB. Using US made CCD camera from IMPERX as an example (model VGA210), with
resolution of 640 × 480 and recording at 200 frames per second (fps) in 8 bit gray scale, Windows
32-bit system will have the maximum recording time (into the memory of the PC) of 50 seconds. The
number of results for velocity field can be up to 10,000. Using the same camera as an example, in
Windows 64-bit system, the maximum recording time is up to 2000 seconds and the number of
velocity field results can be up to 400,000!

3.2.3 Synchronizer

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

The synchronizer connects to the host computer through a USB cable. Upon first time
connection, Windows will prompt to install new hardware, (MicroVec version V5 synchronizer
doesn’t need to install the driver, Windows OS will automatically identify and install the appropriate
Specific installation steps are as follows:
Step 1. In the Hardware update wizard window (in English), select "Install from a list or
specific location" (see Figure 3.16), and click "Next";

Figure 3.16

Step 2. Select MicroVec3 software installation directory (eg. C:\MicroVec) (see Figure 3.17) in
the "Include this location in the search", and then click "Next";

Figure 3.17

Step 3. Search New Hardware window will appear, shown in Figure 3.18:

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Figure 3.18

Step 4. After the search is completed, "Hardware Installation" window will appear (see Figure
3.19), click "Continue"

Figure 3.19

Step 5. After the driver installation is completed successfully and MicroPulse725 synchronizer
is connected to the computer's USB port, the synchronizer will be seen in 'Universal Serial Bus
controllers' of the Windows system hardware device list. See Figure 3.20 below.

Figure 3.20 Synchronizer installation complete

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

Installation Notes:
When MicroPulse725 reconnects to the computer's USB port, if the connection port is the same
with that of last connection, Windows system will automatically recognize the device and can
continue to use MicroPulse725. When you reconnect to your computer's USB port, which are not the
same with the last connection, the system will automatically detect the new hardware, but need to
repeat the above procedure of hardware driver installation and refresh hardware drivers.

3.2.4 Hardware Key (Dongle) Installation (see above)

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3.3 Configuration files of the software

MicroVec installation directory (C:\MicroVec) has a system configuration file named
"MicroVec.fmt". This file contains information about parameters of the entire system software and
hardware. MicroVec software reads and saves the system information in following format: (see
specific parameters below):

MicroVec3.2.1 Initial File Meaning of the parameters

[System]: 32_2D There are 4 choices: 32-bit 2D and 3D system, 64-bit 2D and 3D systems
[CCD]: 51,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,2,12 7 figures represent the following: Range 0-55, type of the camera supported;
camera 1 gain (negative value indicates left channel gain is greater than that of
the right channel, a positive number means that the left channel gain is less
than that of the right channel (cameras 2,3 and 4 are consistent with this);
cameras 2 gain; cameras 3 gain; cameras 4 gain; camera channel settings (1 -
represents single channel, 2 - represents dual channel); camera bit depth (8-12
[MICROPULSE]: 4, Range 0-4; synchronizer version
[PARAMETER]: 0,0,50,0,0 The first parameter range 0-1 represent whether enable the "Image right key
menu responding"; second parameter range 0-1, represents to enable the
"image overlay displays message"; third parameter is to set the amount of
memory when GPU computing; the fourth parameter range 0-1 represents
whether to display vector nodes; fifth parameter range 0-1 represents whether
to enable "Image store contain vector files."
[Laser]: Representative of the various numerical order (time units are μs): laser 1
220.000, light-Q delay parameter; lasers two lights-Q delay parameter; synchronizer
220.000,236.000,235.000,233.0 Channel 5 in advance at the time of the laser Q1; channel 6 in advance of the
00,100.000,100.000,200000.000 laser Q1 Time; Channel 7 in advance in laser Q1 time; two laser cross-frame
,0.000 delay (computing speed time parameters); lasers senior set light threshold;
100.000, lasers duplication cycle; lasers two light time relative to the laser is a light
100.000,100.000,100.000,100.0 ahead of time The amount of time;
00,100.000,100.000,10,1,0,0,0 Synchronization Channel 1 output pulse width, pulse width channel 2,
channel 3 pulse width, channel 4 pulse width, pulse width channel 5, channel 6
pulse width, pulse width channel 7, the laser frequency limitation, the laser
light-Q divider value, divided by the laser light-Q flag, laser Channel 2 locking
channel 7 logo, external input trigger signal reverse (negative transition).
[DIRECTORY]: Contains three directory information: The first one is the system working
C:\MicroVec, directory; second is the English language help document path; third is Tecplot
C:\MicroVec\Help\ startup path (if after completing the installation of Tecplot, it can’t start
MicroVecManual.chm, properly from the MicroVec software, please check the path and file name, to
C:\Program Files\TEC100\ see if they match)

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

3.4 Precautions
The above mentioned particle image analysis system software requires Windows XP/Win7
32-bit or XP/Win7 64-bit operating system. Computer motherboards require Intel series chipset,
independent graphics to support and the minimum memory configuration requirements of 2GB.
Minimum Hard Disc size should be 400GB.
PIV image system requires power ground line to reliably grounding. In the case of poor ground,
there might generate static electricity or electromagnetic pulse interference to the camera or the
synchronizer, affecting high-speed image acquisition system. If the above phenomenon appears, it
needs to improve the overall system power ground connection and restart the entire system. In case
of serious adverse ground, there might be damage to corresponding components; such damage
is not covered in the warranty service range provided by MicroVec
The above software needs 2 hardware components to operate: EPIX frame grabber (MicroVec
software uses included XLIB digital processing library) as well as the USB hardware key (dongle).
Both are provided by MicroVec systems.

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

Chapter IV Summary of PIV

4.1 PIV Fundamentals

Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is an optical method of flow visualization used in education
and research. It is used to obtain instantaneous velocity measurements and related properties in fluids.
The fluid is seeded with tracer particles (like smoke in the air or small hollow beads with same
density as water) in the flow field which is illuminated by the laser to illuminate the particles to make
them visible and to capture images of them to tack them. The sequential images with tracker particles
in motion are then processed for cross correlation to calculate the speed and direction (the velocity
field) of the flow which is being observed. Further processing can flow vortices, flow lines and speed
lines, and flow field parameters distribution. Typical PIV system configuration consists of a digital
CCD or CMOS camera, a laser with an optical arrangement to limit the physical area to be
illuminated, a synchronizer to act as an external trigger for control and timing of the cameras and
laser, the seeding particles and the fluid under investigation. A laser light arm may be used
connecting the laser to the lens setup, which then converts the beam into a line or sheet. PIV software
is used to process the optical images. Sample system is shown in Figure 4.1:

Figure 4.1 Sample PIV System

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Two exposures of laser light are required upon the camera from the flow (with known time
interval Δt), while the tracer particles follow the fluid motion. Two images are recorded with the
different position as the particles moved according to the flow and are recorded on the CCD chip and
transferred to the PC. If we know that t1 and t2 the same time these two groups of micro-particle
displacement, particle image obtained from the recording medium, according to the speed of the
definition equation can be obtained particles of the velocity at time t1, as shown in below equation (4

v  lim
t 0 t

In general there are three assumptions in PIV technology:

1. Tracer particles follow the fluid motion.

Because of PIV uses measuring the velocity of tracer particles to determine fluid velocity, it
requires tracer particles to have good traceability relative to the fluid. Diameter d ≤ 10μm of tracer
particles and fluid follower is better.

2. Tracer particles are uniformly distributed in the flow field.

If the tracer particle in the flow field is not uniformly distributed, then the particle concentration
could be too large or too small and vector calculations can result in a significant error. There is
always a possibility to implement vector correction and the error can be minimized, but if the error
vector is too large from the start, it cannot be removed completely.

3. Interrogation window having a unique speed.

4.2 Cross-correlation theory

In the analysis of the acquired image pair, you first need to define a concept of "interrogation
window". The acquired pair of images is divided into smaller regions (interrogation windows). The
cross-correlation between these image sub-regions measures the optic flow (displacement or velocity
of the objects) within the image pair. By progressively decreasing the interrogation window size, a
better PIV resolution can be achieved. See Figure 4.2 below as an example. Image pair has been
taken by the system in t0 and t0 + Δt respectively shown in Image 1 and Image 2. The same
sub-regions in Image 1 and Image 2 are selected to obtain the interrogation window f (m, n) and g (m,
n). The coordinates (m, n) are the same for f and g in Image 1 and Image 2. The displacement s is
calculated for this interrogation window based on the relative position of f.

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Figure 4.2 Cross-correlation calculations Schematic

Interrogation window f, g and the displacement vector s relationship between the digital signal
transfer function is shown in Figure 4.3 (the figure corresponding uppercase letters are lowercase
Fourier transform):

Figure 4.3 Cross-correlation analysis of the transfer function diagram

In the Figure 4.3 f (m, n) is the system input, g (m, n) represents the system output, s (m, n)
represents spatial displacement function (corresponding to the system's impulse response), d (m, n)
represents additional noise, this noise is created by particles leaving interrogation window edges or
particles moving sideways (into 3rd dimension). Naturally f (m, n) and g (m, n) of the original sample
is bound to contain noise.
Image analysis PIV main task is to calculate spatial displacement function s (m, n), but the
presence of the noise d (m, n) adds additional complexity. The entire system working relationship is:

gm, n   f m, n  sm, n  d m, n (4-2)

F and s * represent the convolution operation. Dividing image pair displacement by the time
interval Δt gives an average displacement of the interrogation window.
Assuming that the noise signal can be ignored, for (4-2), respectively, on both sides of the
Fourier calculation formula is as follows:

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gm, n   f m, n   sm, n   Gu, v  Fu, vSu, v (4-3)

Capital letters represent the respective Discrete Fourier Transform of lowercase letters. S (u, v)
of the approximation given by Equation (4-2) to obtain, if d (m, n) the effects can be ignored, and
inverse transform S (u, v) can be restored displacement function s (m, n ).
In order to accelerate the operation speed of the above steps, performing discrete Fourier
transform, fast Fourier transform (Fast Fourier Transfer: FFT) to accelerate processing speed, DPIV
from the image analysis system to obtain the speed of the process shown in Figure 4.4:

Figure 4.4 Cross-correlation calculation step diagrams

Dx and dy, respectively, in the figure is the result of an inverse Fourier operation results after
the maximum relative to the central position in the x and y coordinates on the changes in both
directions, vx = dx / Δt, vy = dy / Δt.
Willert CE, Gharib M. Digital particle image velocimetry . Experiments in Fluids, 1991, 10:
181 ~ 193

4.3 Fluid Parameter Description

1. Vorticity
Physical meaning: fluid particles in the form of movement of the basic translation, deformation
and rotation. Vorticity mark fluid micelle rotation. Rotational movement and irrotational motion is to
press the vorticity is equal to zero and classification. The rate of change of velocity space consisting
of square matrix can be decomposed into a symmetric and an antisymmetric matrix, symmetric
matrix is represented by the vorticity tensor. Vorticity is a vector, is a function of spatial coordinates
and time, which determines the spatial distribution of vorticity field.

ex ey ez
   u u u u u u
  u   ( z  y )ex  ( x  z )ey  ( y  x )ez
x y z y z z x x y
ux uy uz

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

2. Amount of pulsation
Physical meaning: the amount of the change process pulsating concrete manifestation of the
random quantity irregular movements. The following formula:

 '   

Among  represents the instantaneous value of the random variable,  when the random
variable represents the mean

1 T2
T  2
 T  dt 。

3. Shear strain rate

Physical meaning: the shear strain per unit of time or speed the rate of change in a certain

Equation: du / dy , dv / dx , du / dx , dv / dy , dw / dz .

4. Turbulence
Physical meaning: free stream turbulence intensity is representative of the degree of perturbation

u' 2

u x '2  u y '2  u z '2 
The formula is: N  Wherein u '2 To u ' Rms, represents
u u

u ' The standard deviation, u For the incoming flow velocity, u ' As u pulsation volume, u x ' ,u y ' ,

u z ' For the three coordinate axis direction to flow velocity fluctuations.

5. Turbulent kinetic energy

Physical meaning: the turbulent kinetic energy characterization of fluid turbulence intensity.
1 1
Equation: . k   u 'i u 'i   (u '12  u '2 2  u '32 )
2 2
6. Reynolds stress

Physical meaning: the Reynolds stress [   u 'x u ' y ] Can be explained by the plane

perpendicular to the x-direction y-direction per unit volume of fluid momentum. u 'x Said unit time

on a plane normal to the x mass per unit area, by u ' y After the unit time per unit volume of fluid

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

momentum y direction, the [   u 'i u 'k ] Said that due to the turbulence caused by the average
momentum flow.

   ux ' ux '   ux ' u y '   ux ' uz '

 
Equation: .  xy '     u y ' u x '   u y ' u y '   u y ' u z '
 
   u z ' u x '   u z ' u y '   u z ' u z ' 

4.4 Sub-pixel fitting

As the current PIV experimental images recorded in the system of the CCD chip is the
minimum unit of one pixel, so the cross-correlation calculation error of ± 1 pixel, in general, the
sizes of N = 64-bit pixels interrogation window , according to the Nyquist sampling theorem, the
calculated displacement does not exceed N / 2, this time, the error is about 1 / (64-bit/2) = 3.13%, an
error of this magnitude in the extraction rate from the image of this part is can be accepted, therefore,
the researchers have used the results of curve fitting method to improve the accuracy of ±0.1 to pixel
accuracy (ie, sub-pixel accuracy), so that the error can be reduced to about 0.3%.
There are three main sub-pixel fitting method: center fitting parabola fitting and Gaussian fitting,
three of them Gaussian fitting the most widely used, the company developed the software used in
precisely this way fit.
Gaussian fitting formula is:

 ( x0  x)2
f ( x)  C exp[ ] (4-4)

4.5 Error correction vector

In the real world, since the image acquisition is not possible in each local region to meet the
requirements of uniform particle distribution; therefore the correlation calculation result often
includes a small error vector. Fast way of calculating a correction method is often essential.
Software correction of the error vector basic idea is: the fluid continuity equation, a calculation
points around the difference between speed and it cannot be too large, as shown in Figure 4.5:

U(4)=U2D(i-1,j+1) U(3)=U2D(i,j+1) U(2)=U2D(i+1,j+1)

U(5)=U2D(i-1,j) U(1)=U2D(i+1,j)

U(6)=U2D(i-1,j-1) U(7)=U2D(i,j-1) U(8)=U2D(i+1,j-1)

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Figure 4.5 Schematic error vector corrections

U 2D (i, j) represents the calculated result, U (1)-U (8), respectively, around 8 results.
MicroVec3 software error vector used in the correction formula is:
  
U diff ,n  U 2 D (mean)  U 2 D (i, j )   thresh  thresh  0 (4-5)

Among U 2 D (mean ) The U (1)-U (8) average the eight speeds. To determine the threshold

valueεthresh. (4-5) is expressed as U diff , n Greater than the threshold value εthresh , he said that the

calculated result is erroneous results, given removed and median filtering algorithm with the

calculation results instead of U 2 D (i, j ) .

Median filtering algorithm: the calculation result of the surrounding adjacent U (1)-U (8) these
eight results are sorted according to magnitude, the sorted intermediate values to replace the
calculation of this error.

4.6 Image Bias

Because PIV uses statistical cross-correlation to determine local flow velocity (see Section 4.2)
inherent errors arise from finite tracer particle numbers, sample volume size, and image resolution.
Normally the same position is selected for the interrogation window and used for cross-correlation
calculation. The errors occur mainly because of out-of-boundary particle motion, correlations
occurring between unmatched particle pairs, particle overlap, non-uniform particle distribution, and
variations in image intensity. Image bias is mainly based on the assumption that the cross-correlation
calculation results will show where there is a corresponding displacement of fluid particles.
Therefore rather than using the same position for selecting the second interrogation window, the
calculated vector displacement can be used to calculate a new position of the second interrogation
window (bias image) – see Figure 4.6. Using the cross-correlation calculation on a bias image will
generate more accurate results.

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Figure 4.6 Bias illustration image

Westerweel J, Dabiri D, Gharib M. The effect of a discrete window offset on the accuracy of
cross-correlation analysis of digital PIV recordings. Experiments in Fluids, 1997, 23: 20 ~ 28

4.7 Iteration algorithm

Seen from the foregoing, the image offset cross-correlation algorithm can improve the signal to
noise ratio calculation. If we calculate on the basis of the previous time, reduce interrogation window
size, and then into an image offset algorithm, the algorithm can be formed iteration. Due to the
consolidation of the cross-correlation calculation and image biasing techniques both of which feature,
iteration algorithm results than no iteration calculations more accurate, but iteration calculation
process is relatively time-consuming. MicroVec3 iteration added software algorithm, iteration times
can be set.
Interpretation of the corresponding cell size (in pixels) iteration changed to: 128 → 64-bit →
32-bit → 16 → 8 → 4.
Second iteration follows (using large interpretation of the last calculation result of the cell, as
the interpretation of a small cell next predicted values calculated using the predicted values of the
image offset calculated cross-correlation):

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Figure 4.7

Iteration algorithm used by the interpretation of a small cell size of a large amount of
displacement calculated (over interpretation cell size) as possible.

4.8 Window deformation algorithm

For the change or relatively strong vortex convection velocity gradient flow relatively large, the
same interpretation as the cell size of the particles in the moving direction and inconsistencies, the
results will lead to a certain error, and has a smoothing effect. This requires the introduction of
window deformation algorithm to solve this problem: iteration similar algorithm, the result of the
first rough calculation, the use of artificial image synthesis techniques, as the rate of increase in the
second image after flow deformation, again with a synthesis close to the image of the first image, for
cross-correlation calculation; and the result of this calculation to correct the results of the previous,
continuous cycle of calculation until the synthesized image and the second image is almost the same
date (by software and set the loop times). Through this window deformation calculation method can
effectively offset the dramatic changes in the velocity field caused calculation errors, continuous
cycle correction close to the real values.

Figure 4.8

MicroVec system, through a combination of the above algorithm is effective to achieve a

high-precision measurement technology for PIV experiments to improve the overall system test
measurements for different applications and reliability.

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

4.9 Measurement Accuracy

Figure 4.9 Artificial rotational velocity field results

Figure 4.10 Analysis of the velocity field over the center curve

1.5 of artificial particle image rotation error analysis results as shown in Figure 4.10 and 4.9
(the calculation interrogation window is 32-bit × 32-bit pixels square, calculated uncorrected). Figure
4.10 is the radial direction through the center of the velocity distribution, and linear fitting a straight
line through the linear regression, the actual results of the linear correlation is 0.99964, all of the
standard deviation is less than 0.1 pixels. If the measurement result of the actual range is 10 pixels
computing, software error is less than: 0.1/10 = 1%.
Above is typical analog simulation verification, can only measure the PIV imaging system a
major aspect of measurement error.
Throughout the PIV system accuracy, after Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
tunnel laboratory 1.2 meters teach low turbulence water tunnel test, a good measure of less than 1%
of the entire tunnel turbulence flow field, measure the water tunnel motor linear speed and the flow
rate is higher than 99.98%, the precision tunnel tests provide accurate standard parameters.
A typical PIV system conducts error analysis from systematic errors and random errors. But in
an actual PIV system, due to the presence of complex optical systems, laser systems, synchronizer,

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

software, and so on, it is difficult to distinguish clearly systematic errors and random errors. PIV
system in practical evaluation of the total measurement error is a common approach is to use
measurement bias and uncertainty manner; while PIV system as a measuring instrument can also be
used to mark a nominal error. And in actual measurement can also be a very good quality tunnel flow
to the actual calibration PIV system; another over the years we have used mathematical methods
accepted Monte Carlo (Monte Carlo simulations) to PIV image on a systematic analysis of the
system .
After conducting extensive testing and analysis of the actual argument, PIV measurement error
of the system with the following main aspects are primarily concerned with:
a, the particle diameter of the particle size of the image; b, the image of the particles in the
particle size of the actual displacement; c, the particle concentration of the particles in the image; d,
particle image gray level; e, particle image background noise; e, flow the velocity gradient; f,
particles perpendicular to the light sheet loss caused by the movement of the particles; g, external
trigger double pulse laser stability and consistency; h, synchronizer trigger signal accuracy; i, PIV
system software parameters selection and processing methods; j, PIV experimental system design.

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

Chapter V MicroVec Software Overview

MicroVec software developed by MicroVec integrates the following functions: hardware
control of particle image analysis system, real-time digital image display processing, real-time data
acquisition and analysis, synthetic particle image velocimetry - particle tracking velocimetry
(PIV-PTV), particle concentration, particle size real-time analysis. Lastly the software provides a
function module for measuring and analysis of the flow field and comprehensive experimental
measurement solutions.
Overall user interface is shown in Figure 5.1:

Figure 5.1 Overall view of the user interface

Interface is divided into four parts: menu area, toolbar area, the image display area and the
operating window area. Main functions of each part are as follows:
Menu area: Selections of menu commands;
Toolbar area: Displays shortcuts to commonly used commands;
Image Display: Displays various images and the calculated vector distribution map;
Operating window area: Place for various operating windows.
MicroVec V3 software's main functions are described below.

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5.1 File Menu

File menu includes open and store operations of versatile digital images and the velocity vector
data file. Specific functions are described below:

5.1.1 New

Open New Workspace command:

Creating a new workspace, and ready to start the image space. After proper image board
initialization, this command will be greyed out. In the 3D system, this command can be used to open
the corresponding image # 2 image board display area.

5.1.2 Open

Open command:

Open an image (. BMP), and display the image in the current image buffer. Image file formats
supported are: BMP / JPG / TIFF / AVI / RAW / BIN. If the image has not been saved in the
standard calculation size (currently supported camera spatial resolution), the image will be stretched
into a standard calculation size for display.
For image files in RAW or AVI format, you can use an image flip function to browse pictures
in different frames of corresponding files. When the file size in these two formats exceeds the total
size of image cache, input image buffer position number to be browsed in the image cache position
of the system Information window, if you want to browse pictures, which are more than the total
number of picture cache, refresh image display window with the right key. At this point you may
click flip function of the system Information window, and then return to the original picture
browsing mode.

5.1.3 Command to open the image pair

Open Image Pair command:

Open a pair of images. The two images are stored in the current and the next image cache, and

the first image is displayed. Image board window specifies the current image cache number.

Figures in these image files’ names must be continuous. For example: Image008.bmp and

Image009.bmp. If the current image buffer is specified as 2 in the Image board window, the
image Image008.bmp will be stored in the image buffer 2, and in the main window display, image
Image009.bmp will be stored in the image buffer 3.

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

If the image is not saved in a standard calculation size, the image which size is larger than the
current image will be scaled down to a standard size for display of the entire image. If the image is
smaller than the current default size, it will open and display the image in its original size in the
upper left corner of the window, and the blank area will be filled with black.

5.1.4 Command to open image series

Open the image series command (see Figure 5.2):

Open image series dialog box appears. Open the image series (. BMP) and start from the current
image cache to display the image series.

Figure 5.2 Open Image Series interface

If the image is not saved as a standard calculation size, the picture will be scaled to a standard
calculation size.
Range setting is used to set the image file you want to open, the starting point of the cache (left
input box) and end point (right input box).
Browse is used to select the path and name of the file you want to open (name of the first file
you want to open is displayed in the First file name).
Open button is used to open the corresponding image files into the image cache, each file is
sequentially stored in the image buffer according to number in the file name.

5.1.5 Save

Save command will save the current image(s) from the image buffer according to the default
name, path, and format.

5.1.6 Close

Close command closes the current workspace and image space.

5.1.7 Save as

Save As command:

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Save the current image cache image as a new image file.

5.1.8 Save Image Series

Save Image Series command (see Figure 5.3):

Displays Save Image Series dialog box to set the scope of the cache in order to save the image,
and generate a number of new image files.

Figure 5.3 Serial Interface stored images

Range setting is used to define the image series to be saved from the cache based on entered
starting and ending points.
Browse is use to select the file you want to store the path and name (displayed in the First File
Save button is used to save the image from the image buffer to the corresponding image files,
each file is automatically in the name of first file name to add a digital file number. Formats to save
the image file supports are: BMP / JPG / TIFF / AVI / RAW / BIN. If you select AVI file format, the

dialog box with parameters will be displayed in system settings command window.

5.1.9 Vector File Setting

Vector File Settings command (see Figure 5.4):

Set vector data in the current image buffer zone to be saved as a vector file (.dat) data format.

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Figure 5.4 Vector file parameter setting interface

The parameters are defined as follows:

Tecplot file Tecplot data format as the output format (this is the default software format), you can open
format and display output data files directly in the Tecplot software.
XYZ Used to set the display coordinates’ magnification and panning effect.
u, v, w Used to set the calibration and correction of PIV calculation result vector data.
a, b Used to set magnification ratio (a) and translation values (b) of all parameters.
Clear Clear imported images and speed magnification data, restore the default value parameter.

When stored as vector file, various parameters (coordinates, vector components and vortices) of
data in the vector file here are multiplied by the corresponding parameter. Here the parameter
settings are used to calculate the resulting image in pixels of the particle displacement results
combined exposure time into actual velocity field results are saved, but also facilitate the binding
characteristics of the original data size into dimensionless results (the calculation method is all data
components are stored in the data file by the form a * x + b).
The specific import parameters definitions refer to digital scale calibration process.

5.1.10 Open the vector file

Open the vector file commands:

Opens a vector file (.dat), and displays it in the current image cache.
MicroVec vector file must be generated by the software, and saved in the Tecplot format.
Corresponding calculation information is enclosed at the end of the file. The set parameters in the

vector file must be consistent with the calculation information enclosed at the end of the vector
file; otherwise it will affect the vector display.

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5.1.11 Save Vector File

Save Vector File command:

Vector data in the current image buffer zone is saved as a vector file (*.dat) in Tecplot format.
Vector file includes:
Header file: content and parameters compatible with the Tecplot file format.
Vector data: list of vector data files, each row includes vector’s position coordinates (x, y, z),
the two vector components (u, v, w), size of the vector and vortices weight perpendicular to the
image plane.

Calculated parameters: Calculates main calculation parameters, which are used in the

calculation window image and the original image file information, as well parameters in the
vector file setting are saved here.

5.1.12 Vector File Flatten

Vector File Flatten command:

This command takes a number of PIV result data files in different regions and automatically
matches them into a single data file (similar to flatten command in Photoshop). It avoids the flow
line incoherence or flow line cross errors phenomena, when opening PIV result files in multiple
different regions, Figure 5.5 explains the functionality of this command.

Figure 5.5 Vector File Flatten function

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Operation sequence: first click vector file flatten command in the File option, and then select the
data files you want to flatten (put in the same directory), see Figure 5.6:

Figure 5.6 Interface to select the desired data files to be flattened

Click OK and then "Save As" file dialog box will appear, to allow storing flattened result in a
new file.

5.1.13 Exit

Exit command:
Display exit dialog box, and choose whether to exit the PIV software.

5.2 Edit Menu

Undo command:
It erases the last change done to the current image cache vector calculation results reverting it to
an older state.

Cut command:

Extracts the currently displayed image (image becomes black background), to prepare for copy
and paste.

Copy command:

Copies the currently displayed image, to prepare for pasting into other image cache.

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Paste command:

The extracted or copied image is pasted into the current image cache.

5.3 View Menu

View Menu starts the most commonly used software and hardware control dialog window and
the corresponding shortcut toolbar of the MicroVec3 software.

5.3.1 Toolbar

Toolbar is used to show and hide common file operation shortcut toolbar (see Figure 5.7):

Figure 5.7 Toolbar shortcut toolbar

5.3.2 Status Bar Toolbar

The Status Bar Toolbar displays the coordinated of current mouse position, image position and
velocity calculations progress bar (only show in the iteration calculations or 3D calculations) (see
Figure 5.8) in the PIV software view area:

Figure 5.8 Status Bar

The parameters have the following meaning:

P Buffer number corresponding to the currently displayed.

X, Y Current mouse pixel coordinates (coordinate origin is in the upper left corner).

f Acquisition rate (frames / sec).

5.3.3 Image Control Toolbar

Image Control Toolbar displays image control buttons in the view area of PIV software, and set
the check characters in the menu (see Figure 5.9 and Figure 5.10):

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Figure 5.9 Image Control Toolbar

The icons have the following meaning:

Real-time display images acquired by the camera

Capture an image into the current image cache

Capture a pair of images to the current image cache and the next image cache

Stop running camera capture images

Hardware control window (including camera control, laser control and image
recording window)
Display the first image in the image cache

Display the last image in the image cache of the current position

Alternating display between the current and next image in the image cache of the
current position
Display the next image in the image cache of the current position

Display the last image in the image cache

Figure 5.10 Image control bar 2

The icons have the following meaning:

PIV calculation window

PTV calculation window

System information window

Image information window

Histogram window

Grayscale analysis window

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Vector calculation result window

Clear vector window

Digital ruler window

Image magnification window

5.3.4 Image Analysis Toolbar

Image Analysis Toolbar displays image analysis buttons in the view area of PIV software (see
Figure 5.11), and sets check character in the menu.

Figure 5.11 Image analysis toolbar

The icons have the following meaning:

System parameter setting window

Image Correction window

Output analysis result window

Particle analysis window

3D PIV-PTV calculation window

Multiple directory automatic calculation window

Gray stretch window

Image blur window

Contrast adjustment window

Image flip window

Image calculation window

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5.3.5 PIV Calculation

PIV Calculations window shows and sets the parameters for cross-correlation calculation
(see Figure 5.12). The methodology used for the calculation is the cross-correlation algorithm
explained in Chapter IV. This window will set the parameters for automatically calculated PIV batch
computing and setting calculation parameters in the 3D PIV calculations.

Figure 5.12 PIV Vector Calculation Window

The parameters in the window have the following meaning:

Image setting first Select the serial number of the first frame image in the image buffer, which is
used for the calculation.

second Select the serial number of the second frame image in the image buffer, which
is used for the calculation.

PIV Settings X, Y Calculating the coordinate origin in the top left; X represents the horizontal
direction, the positive direction is from left to right; Y represents the vertical
direction, the positive direction is from the top down. When saving the
calculation results to facilitate use in Tecplot software, this program makes the
corresponding flip according to the Tecplot data format (Cartesian coordinate
IW Selecting the window size for the cross- correlation calculation, by clicking the
interrogation up and down directional buttons, here are a total of six choices: 4, 8, 16, 32,
window 64, 128 (in pixels).

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step The calculated distance between two adjacent vectors (in pixels), which is the
spacing of vector grid (the recommended parameter is a half of interrogation
window size) of the final calculation.

PIV Advanced Iterative Iteration Algorithm: defined to first calculate result of the velocity vector by
Settings compute rough pre-calculation function, and then use the result to guide grid encryption
calculation (interrogation window size exponentially decreases and meshes
encrypt exponentially), so on the premise of increasing the number of vectors
and narrow interpretation of calculating the window size, computing time can
be significantly reduced.
This algorithm iteration frequency range: 1, 2, 3, respectively denotes a rough
calculation of the first interrogation window size is 1-3 times of the current
settings, and then reference the calculation results, which are doubly reduced
window size of the interrogation window by iteration calculations, until the
actual settings use the setup parameters.
If the final calculation interrogation window domain uses an 8 × 8 window,
selects the option iteration algorithm to be 3 times, MicroVec software first to
use 64 (8 × 2 × 2 ×2) window rough calculation, then use 32 (8 × 2 ×
2), 16 until window 8 the calculated.
image First, the cross-correlation to be calculated first and second gray-scale image
preprocess stretching and other digital image filtering processing, so that in the event of
the first and second images caused by uneven intensity of the light is relatively
large difference in luminance gradation, help to improve
the cross-correlation calculation accuracy of the velocity vector.
Image Mask Template using the image boundary detection area set calculation to calculate
masked area will not be calculated. This feature requires first 5.4.19 image
boundary detection function together.

GPU GPU stands for Graphic Processing Unit, which is graphics processor; it uses
acceleration graphics chip in the display card to replace CPU for calculation. Depending on
the different graphics card configuration, the calculation speed can be up to ten
times faster than that of just the CPU computing speed.

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Window Enables use of the image distortion correction function in the

Deformation cross-correlation calculation. After completing the complete general
PIV calculation, it conducts many times of additional window
deformation algorithm amendments, which are used to improve the accuracy of
If a value is set here, MicroVec completes the first general computation, and
then conducts a number of additional calculation cycles based on window
deformation algorithm and adds number of corrections. Each time the system
will automatically update the calculation results and amends the original
values. Since this calculation takes a long time, we recommend that the default
value should be no more that 2 or 3. This is a good compromise between the
calculation time and the effectiveness of the revised calculations.
Advanced settings window is shown in Figure 5.13:

Figure 5.13 PIV vector calculation Advanced Settings interface

Compute with current vector Using this feature, you can import a completed calculation result (typically a small
area using several iteration or window deformation algorithm), and then choose a
new calculation parameters based on the selected area to re-calculate
Prebias data Horizontal (right) The first frame before the calculation can be manually moved
laterally offset set number of pixels.
Vertical (down) The first frame image can be calculated before the artificial bias
longitudinal movement set number of pixels.
Background Threshold When this parameter is non-zero, the system will calculate the actual first two
images simultaneously before subtracting the value set here. This function is used to
subtract a uniform background light effect or residual noise common in CMOS
Peak Finding Cross-correlation analysis of the selected peak fitting algorithm, Gaussian fitting,
parabolic fitting, and the center of gravity fit in three ways.

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Use PTV Result (two-phase) Neglect PTV Performing cross-correlation analysis is not considered when
setting calculating the window particles PTV search parameters.
Apply PTV During cross-correlation analysis, PTV calculated using the
setting parameters in the search window particles for PIV calculation.
Apply PTV During cross-correlation analysis, PTV calculated using the
Remove particles parameters in the search window particles after striking out, and
then PIV calculation.

5.3.6 PTV computation

PTV computation shows the calculation parameters set window

This window provides Particle Tracking Velocimetry function (PTV), see Figure 5.14. It
identifies different sizes of particles and their spatial location, calculates each particle’s displacement
through the adjacent image pair, and combines with the exposure time to get the spatial distribution
position and speed information of each particle.

Figure 5.14 PTV Vector Calculation Window

The parameters have the following meaning:

Image setting First Number of the first picture in the image buffer involved in the PTV calculation.
Second Number of the second picture in the image buffer involved in the PTV calculation.
Refer PIV If the image is used for calculating PTV relatively high concentration of particles, we
result recommend using the first image PIV function to perform PIV calculation, and only then
use PTV calculation. Selecting this function to calculate high concentrations of particles, can
effectively improve the matching accuracy.
Pre-bias Horizontal Transverse image pre-bias of the second picture involved in the PTV calculation.
setting Vertical Longitudinal image pre-bias of the second picture involved in the PTV calculation.

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Vector length To search for setting the maximum particle displacement value (this value should be set to less
limit than the maximum distance between the particles, if the distance between particles is too large,
should minimize two short exposure time interval between the images, narrow vector length
limit; otherwise it will increase the probability of particle searching for matching error).
Particle Data X Lateral (positive direction from left to right)
Settings Y Longitudinal direction (positive direction from the top down)
Size lower Set To search for the smallest particles equivalent length and width of a rectangle
Size upper Set to search for the maximum particle equivalent length and width of a rectangle
Gray Distinguish between particles and the gray background threshold below this
threshold that is background information.
Gray Fill Pixels in found particles will be filled with this gray value (this value should be
lower than the gray threshold, default is 0).
Number of Set the maximum number of particles to be searched
Reference If it is in the white background, the image of the black particles need to use this
use PIV option.

5.3.7 Real-time calculation result show

Real-time calculation camera to particle map, and displayed continuously refreshed in real time,
before using this feature, you need to conduct a 2D PIV calculation.(Recommend appropriate
selection window size reduced for quick calculation and display refresh results)

5.3.8 System Information

Display system information window (see Figure 5.15): Display system parameters, vector
correction parameters and calculated results information.
System parameters displayed image board and system-related hardware information:

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Figure 5.15 System Information window

The parameters have the following meaning:

System Total Buffer PIV software memory for image buffer allocated total number of images that can
parameters be stored. (Specific image cache partitioning methods see chapter based software
Camera FPS The number of images per second acquisition system (frames / sec).
Vector length Length of the vector display image magnification, which shows the distribution
vector diagram to help larger.
Current Currently displayed image in the image buffer location, ranging from 1 to the
image cache number displayed in the image buffer.

Filter: displays velocity vector correction window (see Figure 5.16). In this window active,
right-click the result vector image window, you can click from the vector value as at the
recent correction window of velocity vector U, V and W values; Left-click on the result vector image
window, the window will be corrected using the velocity vector The options on the vector result
While this window active, but also on PIV batch, multi-dimensional PIV catalog automatic
batch and vector calculations automatically corrected.

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Figure 5.16 Vector correction window

The parameters have the following meaning:

All Point Correct all vectors obtained by calculation.

Vector filter Left-click anywhere on the screen velocity vector results, "the amount of filtering" will filter out
errors in the calculation point (see Chapter IV algorithm for error correction vector relevant
sections).The "amount of deviation of the" used in a predetermined cross-correlation calculation
range from the average, the figure of 10% means that less than 10% deviation vectors considered
correct vector, or that the error vector. This parameter ranges from 10-80%, for the velocity change
is not very dramatic situation, it is recommended to use more than 40% option, otherwise the result
will be a smooth process flow field effect; "filtering threshold value" calculation used to determine
whether to participate in correction, only the calculation result is greater than the set threshold, to be
involved in vector corrected.
Single-point The selected point from the left mouse button with the recent velocity vector averages around
eight velocity vector, and then with this value to the value instead of the original synthesis. Synthesis
point value is replaced to the original values occupy the center of gravity of the weight values.
Value set U, V, W, respectively, horizontal, vertical, and the vertical velocity component of
the UV plane. When this option is selected, you can right-click on vector maps, reading speed to the
nearest value to set; also enter the corresponding settings. Left-click vector maps, you can call the
current location of the mouse to set the nearest vectors to set.

Information: display calculation information results window (see Figure 5.17):

Calculation results window displays information (only after the end of the calculation velocity
vector can display this window), the window displays the most recent results, including the
calculation of time and the number of such vectors.

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Figure 5.17 Result information window

5.3.9 Image information window

Image Information window displays the left mouse button within the window at 9 × 9
image intensity information window (see Figure 5.18), and in the image at the corresponding
position in the display window scaling a rectangle (in pixels).

Figure 5.18 Image information window

The parameters have the following meaning:

X Horizontal x-coordinate of the selected point

Y Longitudinal Y-coordinate of the selected points
X0 x-coordinate of the velocity vector, which is the nearest from the selected point
Y0 y-coordinate of the velocity vector, which is the nearest from the selected point
U Horizontal component of the velocity vector

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V Vertical component of the velocity vector

W Velocity component in the third direction perpendicular to the XY plane
Length Size of the velocity vector

5.3.10 Histogram window

Histogram window displays the histogram distribution (see Figure 5.19):

Histogram is a measure of the amount of digital image exposure standard characteristic values;
the figure window shows the gray map images from left to right represent the number of pixels in the
darkest to the brightest statistical distribution of the number of pixels.
This window displays the current image pixel grayscales from 0 to 1023 (10) the statistical
distribution. Moving illustration of two triangles, then press "Apply" button at the calibration data
can be modified according to image gray value distribution. To carry out this operation allows the
entire image contrast deepened, the ruler of this command is often used in the shooting; right of
recovery command can automatically restore the most recent changes in imaging applications.
If the histogram distribution of emphasis on the left side of the window, indicating that most of
the pixel gray values is small, which means that the image brightness dim; conversely, if the
histogram distribution of the right side, the image brightness Bright. So for proper image exposure
histogram distribution, should be emphasis on the middle and more evenly distributed around.

Figure 5.19 Gray histogram window

5.3.11 Grey Window

Grey Window displays grayscale analysis window (see Figure 5.20):

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Online grayscale analysis window consists of two main parts: the left area displays the image in
the main window of each pixel on the line intensity distribution; characteristic parameters displayed
on the right lines.

Figure 5.20 Gray window

The parameters have the following meaning:

Horizontal In the main window, click the left mouse button and draw a horizontal line.
Vertical In the main window, click the left mouse button and draw a vertical line.
X x (horizontal) coordinate of points selected by the left mouse button.
Y y (vertical) coordinates of points selected by the left mouse button..
(+ / -) Image gray value on the line parity line contrast, the greater the contrast, the sharper the
image, the higher the value.

5.3.12 Vector result

Vector result show vector result list window (see Figure 5.21):

This window displays the calculated in accordance with vector file formats get the numeric
parameter vector coordinates and size information. The results shown in the window in order of
priority as: u-direction coordinate, v-direction coordinate, w-direction coordinate, u direction speed
component, v direction speed component, w direction speed component, synthetic velocity results
vorticity field results, u direction velocity standard deviation , v direction velocity standard deviation,
w direction velocity standard deviation, standard deviation and total velocity standard deviation of

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Figure 5.21 Vector results window

5.4 Image menu

Image menu includes a digital camera control command, the cache and the main image display
control command window picture display control commands.

5.4.1 The Live show image

Live show image command:

The digital camera to the image data are continuously into the current image buffer area and the
image is displayed continuously updated in real time.

5.4.2 snap one image

Snap one command:

Capturing an image to the current image buffer area, and displays the image.

5.4.3 Snap one pair images

Snap one pair images command:

A pair of image capture and the next image to the current buffer, and the current image
displayed in the image buffer.

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5.4.4 Stop all

Stop all orders:

Stop image board various working to freeze the current image in the image buffer

5.4.5 Hardware Control

Hardware control (see Figure 5.22) includes camera control, laser control and image
recording, if the sync connector is connected, then the normal open this window, otherwise it will
pop up an error message: No MicroPulse 725 V5 synchronizer! Please check your computer's USB
port is connected to the controller and synchronization! (MicroPulse controller software driver is in a
file in C:\Microvec\synchronous drive directory). Note Do not use a USB extension cord
synchronized control of the controller, otherwise it will lead to a communication control error
(Extended USB cable is too long and it will cause signal transmission interference).
Camera Window:

Figure 5.22 Camera control window

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Figure 5.23 Camera communication error

Camera Control window is used to detect and set the frame grabber to connect a digital camera
working condition, first opened through the "communication port" in the "CamLink" command to
initialize the camera detects the camera and working conditions, the detection will be shown
through 5.22 window, otherwise there will be an error message shown in Figure 5.23, the user needs
to check the appropriate hardware connections (including signal lines and power lines), but you can
plug the camera power on the camera software reset, but not hot-swappable Camera data cable.
Camera malfunction troubleshooting: If the camera does not work properly, you can detect if the
camera itself has failed or is it a signal failure. In the continuous mode, using real-time display
function, check that the camera acquisition rate and the image display is working normally. If it is
not the case, the camera itself failed. Check the power cable and/or CamLink cable to see if they are
properly connected; if continuous mode is normal, then the camera is ok. In this case select the PIV
mode, click “RUN” to see if the camera can capture frames. If it is not, check the synchronization of
the camera to see if the BNC cable is connected correctly or if it is faulty. You can also check the
synchronizer output signal (available via a synchronous control laser, check whether the normal laser
light to determine whether the sync signal is ok).

Speed The camera's clock frequency can be fine-tuned. This will affect the digital camera
acquisition rate.
Mode Continuous Set the camera to operate at maximum continuous acquisition mode, the camera will
automatically use the highest sampling rate and operate in continuous image acquisition
mode to acquire image into the cache, the exposure time for each image is based on
parameters set by the exposure time.
Trigger Digital camera is synchronized to the external TTL trigger input signal, the exposure
time for each image based on parameters set by the exposure time set.
Control Digital cameras TTL input the external trigger signal synchronization, the exposure time
of each image corresponds to the external input trigger signal pulse width settings.

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PIV mode PIV mode allows two events (two images) to be captured in rapid succession using a
single trigger pulse. Upon receiving the trigger signal the camera starts integration for
the first frame, completes the integration, transfers the information to the vertical
registers and then captures the second image. While capturing the second image the first
one is being read out. The minimum time between the frames is around 200 ns. In
PIV mode there are two important points: 1. If continuous light source is used, you will
find first image partially dark, because the second image exposure time (milliseconds) is
much larger than the first image exposure time (microseconds). 2 When double pulse
laser is used for lighting the and the images are different, it is because a pulsed laser
light intensity is not the same, the light intensity for pulses needs to be adjusted
FPS Control Set the image rate for camera, and camera capture images continuously. The exposure
time for each image is set by the exposure time.

Binning2 The process of combining the data in a group of pixels into a single pixel, such as a 2×2
to increase the brightness of the combined pixel by factor 4
BIT displacement This feature allows the user to change the group of bits sent to the camera output and
therefore manipulate the camera brightness. The user can implement up to 7 bits left or
right digital shift. The internal camera processing of the data is 14 bits. If the camera is
set to output 10 bits of data then the four least significant bits are truncated. In some
cases the user may need to convert from 14 to 10 bit by preserving the 4 least significant
bits and truncating the 4 most significant ones.

Laser Control window (see Figure 5.24):

Figure 5.24 Laser control window

Buttons corresponding to the following meaning:

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Run / Stop Run the system by setting parameters - laser emits laser work / stop operation of the
current system
Advance Set the system to run detailed parameters
Note: If you want to change the normal working hours laser operating parameters, as follows:
Click the "Stop" button to stop the system operation;
After setting the parameters, click the "RUN" button, the computer will change the settings in
the associated hardware device; system setup parameters to run under the new system.
Window parameters have the following meaning:

Pulse Delay Two double pulse laser light pulse interval is the time parameter calculation speed.
Frequency Sets the PIV system frequency. Indicated how many image pairs are captured per
second are captured.
Mode Sets internal synchronization of the entire system based on the PIV set frequency.
PIV system the entire external synchronization with the external synchronization input
signal (external input signal is connected to the synchronizer INPUT port).
Frequency External synchronization status only when the external input frequency signal divider
hardware to fit the PIV system frequency (for example: a 1KHzperiodic external trigger
signal can be set to a frequency of outer portion 100, so that the entire PIV system will
operate in1K/100 = 10Hz).
Laser energy You can use software trim to control the intensity of laser output pulse.
Phase delay Lasers operating in external sync and the outer gate, the lag time on the outside of the
trigger signal.
Click the "Advanced Settings" button, you can see the following time parameter setting window
(Figure 5.25):

Figure 5.25 Advanced settings window of laser control

The parameters have the following meaning:

Frequency Limit the operating frequency of the laser, which is determined by the camera synchronizer,
Limite laser systems such as hardware parameters of the decision; actual operating frequency is set

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outside the range of the software will be given a warning.

Laser threshold Here the parameters of the laser internal adjustment parameters, which means that
the Q-switched laser is higher than this value after at least open to the laser. This parameter only
on the software to adjust the laser output energy work, does not affect other functions.
Laser 1 and 2 Here the parameters of the laser internal adjustment parameters (discharge xenon lamp and
Q delay between the trigger signal, clear see detailed laser manual).
Channel 5, 6, 7 Working out the camera trigger or PIV mode, the laser light before (7 microseconds) to open
the double-pulse laser capture (camera work out for different trigger condition, it is recommended
parameter is 100 micro-seconds).
Note: TR-PIV system, the signal output channel 7 is channel 2and channel 4 signals or output
Lasers 2-1 Lu said that B Q-switched laser trigger signal ratio of channel A Q-switched laser trigger
Calibration signal advance or delay time.
Auto Laser When using this mode, the laser discharge xenon lamp will automatically multiplier to integer
Frequency multiples of the operating frequency, then it is less than equal to the Advanced Settings inside the
Multiple maximum operating frequency.
Laser2 Lock The second channel and the seventh channel locked to operate at the same frequency and
with Channel 7 phase.
Coupled channel The second channel and the fourth channel signal is coupled to the channel VII which uses a
2+4 to channel 7 two-way channel can be completed on the laser control (mainly used in the TR-PIV).
Input The external trigger signal to reverse, high into low, low rpm high; also a corresponding
Inverse(Negative conversion between rising and falling edges.
Pulse width The trigger signal pulse duration, which is the duration of each trigger signal.

Pulse delay settings:

PIV experiments carried out across the frame delay setting is critical parameter is set incorrectly
can cause post-processing images taken great trouble, not even calculate the correct results of the
data, so be sure to set this parameter Be careful. If the fluid flow rate can be controlled or can be
estimated, the software itself can be used to provide cross-frame interval estimation function; First
select the digital gauge, will select a rectangular area to cancel, open scale image, select the nominal
dimensions, in which the length of the value corresponding to the input; secondly Click image
magnification; exposure interval estimation and then click on the fluid actually known maximum
flow velocity fill inside; finally click interval estimates can be obtained, this estimate populated laser
control inside the cross-click inside the frame delay Set the parameters to complete the set (as shown
in Figure 5.26,5.27).
As estimated by the inter-frame time may not be the most suitable cross-frame delay, in order to
achieve better test results, it is necessary to estimate the inter-frame time to adjust. The estimate is
slightly out of the inter-frame time is increased or decreased to shoot some pictures of the vector
correction open, and then select the image of the local rough calculation, calculation after calculation
information window view, if the fix rate of 30% or less can basically meet the test requirements;

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

correction lower but if the length of the vector is smaller, by a slight increase to increase the
inter-frame time to reduce the length of the vector calculation error, to a certain extent if the
adjustment vector correction ratio exceeds 30%, the inter-frame time is slightly smaller then the test
tone; in flow conditions is unknown, can experience a number of experimental set: inter-frame delay
for supersonic test can be set to 1-2us; tunnel at wind speeds of several meters to the range of tens of
meters can be set within the range of 10-500us, normally set to tens of microseconds; tunnel
experiment fluid flow is usually a range of a few centimeters to several meters, the frame delay
setting range across several the range of microseconds to several milliseconds, you can usually set a
few hundred microseconds to several milliseconds; these reference values according to the above
principles to follow to make the appropriate adjustments, until you find the best parameters so far.

Figure 5.26 Exposure time estimation

Figure 5.27 pulse Delay settings

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Image recording window (see Figure 5.28):

Recording window for continuous recording by a digital camera to capture the digital image
data and the image buffer according to the preset number and serial saving mode is set; and image
buffer according to the serial number can be set to a display mode and displays an image sequence.
When recording images to the selected image board, this function mainly takes into account the
above two frame grabbers present in the system, flexible settings can be made.

Figure 5.28 Image recording window

The parameters have the following meaning:

Image Select the image acquisition card using the corresponding image space, using two CCD need to
bGrabber choose; tested using a single CCD default to the 1st image board.
Start and Digital cameras capture images are sequentially stored in the buffer area by the image start
position to the end position, the total number of images System Information window limited
number of image buffer.
Advanced Advanced image acquisition and display configuration options (see Figure5.29).
HD Record In the image acquisition process, the images are saved directly to the hard drive.As it relates to
hard disk operations, recorded slower (in order to ensure continuous recording speed, we recommend
using a disk array system; or reduce camera image acquisition rate), but the record a few more
pieces. When the digital ruler window is active, this function will save only the selected image area
digital scale.
Record In accordance with pre-set serial number and save the image cache method to collect images.
Live In accordance with pre-set serial number and save the image buffer in continuous display images.

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Figure 5.29 Image record parameter setting window

The parameters have the following meaning:

Record with display In the process of image acquisition, real-time refresh the screen displays the current
image capture and record keeping.
Live PIV computation In the image acquisition process, the real-time display the results, preferably with the
GPU functions.
Record Time Set adjacent to two consecutive images capture an image acquisition time interval, the
setting parameter is set to zero indicates that the camera work with the highest collection rate.
Odd-even Set the image on the two image acquisition time interval. In this case, the time interval
Inte between two adjacent means the time interval between the images.
Image Set this piece capture images with images acquired under a number of images skipped
interval between.
System Record System acquisition rate.
informatio speed
n Display System displays rate.
Note: Use the images recorded directly recorded images the hard way, if you want to record only part
of the image area, the method for opening digital gauge panel, select the image area to be recorded,
you can click on the recorded image. If you close the digital gauge window, with the image
recording mode to record the entire image.

5.4.6 Show first image

Show first image command:

The first image is set to the current image buffer cache, and displays the image in the image

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5.4.7 Show previous image

Show previous image command:

The current image buffer zone on an image to the current image cache, and displays the image
in the image buffer.
If the current image is the first image buffer cache, the command will be invalid and still display
the first image in the image buffer zone.

5.4.8 Show next image

Show next image command:

The next image is set to the current image buffer cache, and displays the image in the image
If the current image as the last image buffer cache, the command is invalid, still displays the last
image in the image buffer.

5.4.9 Image alternate display

Image Alternate display can be displayed alternately current image buffer and the next
image in the image buffer, used to assist manual identification of two images.

5.4.10 Show last image

Show last image command:

The last image is set to the current image buffer cache, and displays the image in the image

5.4.11 Show image

Show image command:

Only choose this command to be able to display the image. Otherwise it will be a black
background. (Cancel image display can show more clearly the results of vector distribution).

5.4.12 Image average

Image average command:

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Average command is used to capture the image of a series of images to gray scale, according to
the position corresponding to the superposition of space averaging process, and will calculate the
average of a new image is generated after the last image on the system cache, as shown in Figure

Figure 5.30 Image average window

The parameters have the following meaning:

Image interval The image needs to averaging interval 0 - means no interval, one -on behalf of
every one reprocessing one, and so on.
Image background For the image averaging process subtract a background value.
Image buffer Expressed the need to do image processing cache average starting and ending
Compute Integral Image buffer means for setting an image gray value for each point stacking process,
Mode average and take the average.
Equalization Image buffer means for setting an image gray value of each point to accumulate
integral calculation value exceeds the value of the highest grayscale, all set to the
maximum gray value.

5.4.13 Image Fill

Image Fill the window is used for the selected area in the image or the entire image into a set
filled with gray values. This feature can be filled with the digital scale selected area, in the absence
of digital gauge when it will automatically fill the entire image. (Filled gray value from small to large
corresponding image from dark to light)

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Figure 5.31

5.4.14 Buffer Clear

Click on this command button, the image stored in the cache will be fully cleared.

5.4.15 Image output

Image output contains four functions: Output Single, Output Seires, Output Screen single and
Output Screen series.
Output Single (see Figure 5.32): the current cache some or all of the output image. Select the
range of the output image (you can use digital gauge choice), click on "Browse" to select the storage
location, and then click the "Output" button.

Figure 5.32 Single image output

Output Series (see Figure 5.33): output of the selected area can follow a series of images. Select
the output image buffer range, click on "Browse" to select the storage location, and then click the
"Save" button.

Figure 5.33 A series of image output

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Output Screen single: display area of the window within the scope of the current cache image
screenshots and output.
Output Screen series: can be a window in the selected area of the image display area of a series
of screenshots and output.

5.4.16 Image Mask

Image boundary detection consists of two sub-functions: Mask preview, Mask Set.
Mask preview features:
Current setting will be automatically displayed in the template image last image cache.
Mask Set features:
The system will set the currently displayed image PIV calculation templates. This image can be
detected current results obtained image boundary, it can be in other image tools any image generated
(using imaging software such as Photoshop brush or hand-drawn black and white image: Black not
calculates the boundary area, white need to calculate the area PIV), and then transferred to MicroVec
system displays image files. You can use this command are set to the PIV calculation templates.

5.4.17 Image Correction (image calibration)

Image correction command (see Figure 5.34):

Before correction After correction

Figure 5.34 Image of image correction plate

Display image correction window (here takes correction calibration plate image as an
example). Select an image in the calibration plate 9 calibration points, while in the real space
coordinates corresponding to the input of the physical space coordinates, use the Create image
function can be calibrated images to the specified image cache.

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Actual corrected image space of a standard first use equally spaced 3 rows of 3 columns 9 dots
pattern (if the dot is black, the background needed for the bright white; if the dot is white, the
background needs to be black), the use of Image Correction window button automatic calibration, the
software will automatically find the nine dots. You can then open the corresponding need to calibrate
the image, use the correction calculation button to generate a new image after calibration.
This function is non-integrity software correction because the camera captured image distortion
caused by non-linear changes and image magnification, and gets similar upright shoot a new image

Figure 5.35 Image Calibration Window

The parameters have the following meaning:

Current Currently selected on the screen number of calibration points.

Target image After calibration will be generated image storage buffer number.
x, y Marker position in the object space. (Coordinate origin in the upper left corner of the screen,
x forward and backward from left to right, y positive direction from top to bottom).
X, Y Marker position in the image plane. (The coordinate origin and the pros and cons to above).
Range And the maximum recording surface of the object plane on the image plane corresponding to
the maximum size.
Input By the existing files *. rul) transferred nine markers point coordinates.
Output The nine marker coordinate data stored in *. rul) file.
Automatic In accordance with the information given nine markers automatic calibration, and calibration
calibration information appears in Figure 5.35, otherwise it will not be an image distortion correction. This

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will require further adjust the calibration setting parameters.

Correction Set calibration point to search for the size (specifically see below).
Correction Correction calculation according to the set parameters, the image is stretched into a square.
Correction Select the correction algorithm.
"Correction Settings" button in the corresponding window shown in Figure 5.36 (figure
dimensions are in pixels), when the auto calibration function cannot be achieved, the need to
manually adjust the calibration parameters in this window (affecting calibration point search results):

Figure 5.36 Calibration parameter setting window

The parameters have the following meaning:

Lower limit Horizontal rectangle containing the minimum Vertical rectangle containing the minimum
calibration point calibration point
Upper limit Maximum horizontal rectangle containing Maximum vertical rectangle containing calibration
calibration points points
Boundary The leftmost and rightmost calibration point Uppermost and lowermost calibration point distance
setting distance from the left and right borders from the upper and lower boundaries
Gray Search grayscale calibration point threshold (this value must be able to distinguish between the
Threhold calibration points and background intensity threshold, the general point can be set to standard values
and background gray middle value)
Region Because of the different imaging system (2D and 3D systems), the search area different calibration
points. For the ordinary 2D system can use full search, while the full 3D display system, to select the
left half or right half.

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5.5 Analysis Menu

Analysis menu contains a variety of image analysis tools velocity vector field and 3D velocity
vector field measurement tools.

5.5.1 System Setting

System settings command (see Figure 5.37):

Figure 5.37 Parameter settings window

The parameters have the following meaning:

Right click menu Set the main window, right-click on the pop-up screen image control menu functions.
Image information Sets whether the image display area "before image buffer when the number of", "image
overlap acquisition rate."
Vector node Manner with each vector dot node represented.
Image include Enable this option to save or open the image sequence, it will automatically save or open the

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vector file corresponding file / file name data files.

Display interval Real-time display digital camera captured images, the image on the computer screen refresh
time interval.
Snap time limit During this time, if the system does not capture the image, then automatically reset.
Grid display When this value is not 0, the system will be in the image window in accordance with the
interval actual figure (pixels) interval to display horizontal and vertical grid lines, positioning for target
GPU memory Set using GPU algorithms amount of memory used.
AVI file speed The number of consecutive images saved as AVI file, AVI file set realistic rates.
Image record After the image is recorded onto the hard disk, for continuous recording image buffer
buffer memory number. According to the actual system image buffer number, this number can be
Batch process In a multiple batch, if there is data correction results file exceeds this value, the system will
threshold calculate the multi-information file in the directory, the corresponding entries in this file added
at a "*" character display for prompting data here results exceeded vector correction rate setting
(where possible image quality problems).
MicroVec system Set MicroVec system working directory (this directory must be exactly the
directory same MicroVec installation directory).
MicroVec help Set MicroVec help document path.
Tecplot directory Select Tecplot installation directory for the start it directly from MicroVec.
Post process Set POD analysis paths.

5.5.2 Digital Ruler

Digital Ruler command (see Figure 5.38):

Displayed in the main window, drag to draw a straight line parameters. The image of the
calibration plate in the actual length (length of input parameters), we can calculate the magnification
of the captured image.
At the same time according to the maximum flow rate to be measured and calibration image
magnification can be calculated to estimate the two images need to set the exposure time interval
experimental parameters.
Digital ruler in the open state, the selected area will be in the other system commands MicroVec
function automatically. Including: PIV calculation, PTV calculations, image grayscale fill, particle
size analysis, image output, the concentration field analysis, the scalar field analysis, PIV batch
processing, PTV batch processing. Please note that numbers in the above operation ruler window

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Figure 5.38 Digital Scale

The parameters have the following meaning:

Rectangular Region In the current image settings rectangular computational domain (see Figure 5.39 Select
Show this option to cancel this option see Figure 5.40).
Round Region Show Set the current image in the calculation of a circular area (Figure 5.41), which can enter
the circular shape of "start" and "end point" to manually set the coordinates.
Ruler Lock Lock set the size of the computational domain, the successor calculations were
performed with the calculation of this size area.
Start Image plane left mouse button pressed selected location.
End Lift the left mouse button on the image plane in the selected location.
Length Users enter in this column object space and the corresponding start and end
point coordinates of the point.
Image Zoon Each pixel in the image corresponding to the actual length.
Frame Straddle(pulse In pixels, between the speed and the actual speed conversion relationship.
Time Estimate Can be measured according to the flow rate, the estimated time interval the two pulses
of light.
3D Demarcate According to 3D calculation results of the calibration window automatically estimate
the various 3D magnification parameters.
Displacement Max Settings vector length calculated value (exposure time interval for the estimate).
Max speed The flow field to be measured maximum flow rate.
Time Interval(ms) Estimate the associated measurement set two image exposure time interval, directing
laser control of cross-frame delay parameters.

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Figure 5.39 Select " Rectangular Region Show " Figure 5.40 Cancel " Rectangular Region Show."

When you cancel the "Display a rectangular area", click the left mouse button and drag a
straight line (see Figure 5.40). Clicking and dragging the mouse can also be done from left to right or
right to left; from the top down, or from the bottom up; or dragging along the diagonal direction.

Figure 5.41 Select " Round Region Show " option

5.5.3 Analysis Result Output

Analysis Result Output command (see Figure 5.42):

This window is used together with the digital gauge window, with a digital scale in the start
point and end point to define the start and end line data analysis position, analysis of each component
of the velocity vector line data to be stored in the specified file. Line velocity vector at each point of
the model is the point around which the recent four velocity vector interpolation fitting get. This
window is only finished in the calculation of the velocity vector to be effective. The "vector of step
size" is defined data analysis line direction in the x and y coordinates of the step size.

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Figure 5.42 Analysis result output window

Parameters in the analysis results have the following meaning:

Number Analysis of the data is the number of nodes

X X-axis
Y Y axis
U Velocity component U
V V velocity component
W W velocity component
Speed Closing speed
Vorticity Vorticity results
Speed-r Radial velocity of the line
Speed-t The tangential velocity of line
U-std Standard deviation of the velocity component U
V-std The standard deviation of the velocity component V
W-std The standard deviation of the velocity component W
Speed-std Closing speed of the standard deviation
Vorticity-std The standard deviation of vorticity
Speed-r-std Radial velocity of the standard deviation line
Speed-t-std Tangential line speed of the standard deviation

5.5.4 Particle analysis

Particle analysis, including particle diameter & particle momentum in two parts
Momentum modules.

Particle diameter commands (see Figure 5.43):

Particle size analysis window provides particle size real-time statistical analysis on the captured
images. The results include: the number of particles meet the conditions and the number not meeting
the conditions, the search space to the particle position coordinates of the center of gravity position,
particle area, equivalent circle diameter, the equivalent rectangular size, statistical analysis. After
search for the particles, the particles found are marked in red in the current image cache.

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Figure 5.43 Particle size analysis window

The parameters have the following meaning:

Starting position Set to start the search from the image position.
Lower limit Set the desired search transverse and longitudinal particle size limit (minimum).
Upper limit Set the desired search transverse and longitudinal particle size limit (maximum).
Gray threshold Matching Set brightness threshold gray particles (to distinguish the particles and the
background gray value).
Gray Fill Particle search, will the use of this gray fill.
Number limit Set search particle number limit.
Good particles Actual search to qualifying number of particles.
Inconformity particles Actual search does not meet the conditions to the number of particles.
Equivalent roundness The default search ellipse obtained particles.
Equivalent rectangle The resulting particles default search rectangle.
Analysis In the above setting operation of the particle size parameters analyzed.
Particle delete Delete the particles,and save the image
Data save Storage analysis results saved as. DAT data files.
Data preview Preview the particles data result by TXT
Particle extract Extract the good particles and save it
Search black particles You can search the white background, black particles.

Momentum field analysis module command:

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Momentum field analysis is based on the calculation result by PIV particle field, with particle
size analysis (calculated from the mass of particles), the output field of a particle momentum
Analysis is as follows: First, the image field by two to calculate the corresponding particle
velocity field, and particle size analysis using the sub-image is searched for in the second particles,
the particle size by searching the translation of each calculation cell particles interpretation quality,
and further, you can use this command to the current search to particle momentum field information
stored in the specified data file (*.dat) in.

5.5.5 Concentration Field Tool

Concentration Field Tool command (see Figure 5.44):

The particle concentration distribution of the output image data file (*. dat) format.

Figure 5.44 Particle concentration analysis window

The parameters have the following meaning:

Gray Concentration of the conditions set in accordance with the brightness threshold gray (background
gray threshold).
Window Setting calculates an area averaging window size (also forming a grid step size).
Equivalent If you set options using the particle size analysis, particle size analysis results will be used to
area partition the concentration analysis. Equivalent area will be obtained by dividing the number of
particles in the calculation of the window (if the value is zero, the direct output of the number of
search statistics, ignoring particle size).

Concentration field calculation results shown in Figure 5.45 (This picture is colorful, only the
electronic version or the online help documentation clearly shows):

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Figure 5.45 Calculation result of concentration field

Concentration field batch process command: Based on the above analysis of the concentration
field set parameters for multiple image analysis using the concentration field command for

5.5.6 Scalar Field Tools

Scalar measurements: By the principle of planar laser-induced fluorescence, based on the

fluorescence intensity fluorescent substance with the principle of temperature, when the laser energy
is much less than the saturation energy, the fluorescence intensity of S can be expressed as:
S = ηV c na f (T) BI g (νL, νa) F / (F + Q)
Where η is including optical path and the detector the overall collection efficiency; na to detect
molecular density; f (T) for the molecules absorb the laser coupling-state density detection of total
molecular density percentage, in the thermal equilibrium conditions, it is subject to glass Shields
MAN distribution law; ratio F / (F + Q) for the generation efficiency of fluorescence; BI pumping
efficiency of the laser, wherein B represents Einstein absorption coefficient, I represents the laser
power density; g (νL.νa) of the laser Spectral line gL and the collision, the Doppler frequency shift
and temporal broadening causes such as absorption lines superimposed linear coefficient ga.
In other experimental conditions unchanged, through good pre-calibrated flow field information
(flow calibration using images shot six times), you can post captured images of the flow field and the
look-up table to be calculated to obtain the corresponding flow-field images The quantitative results.
This tool can be used with digital gauge set specific area to be measured, or turn off digital
gauge, the whole area of the image calculated measure.
The following example describes the temperature field of the use of this function module:
In each test device is ready, set the grid step size (measured flow field formed by meshing
interval, the default value is 64), starting 10 times the calibration sequence number value of 1
(calibration first image), Click the Start button calibration, the current image acquisition to image

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cache fill calibration parameters (temperature measured here, you need to fill out the thermometer to
measure the temperature of the flow field is known), click on the calibration calculations; calibration
number will increase to 10 2, waiting for the actual flow temperature reaches the second calibration
parameters, fill in the calibration parameters in the second calibration parameters, click on the
calibration calculations ...... and so on, until all of the 10 calibration images. Then enter into the
actual measurement phase, the actual shooting of the flow field image, and then click the resulting
output, it can be captured image is stored as the current temperature field data file, you can use
Tecplot software displays the results.
In the calibration process, pay attention to 10 calibration parameters must be ordered
sequentially from small to large, and try to be measured at equal intervals covering the entire range.
Also note that, in the entire gray scale measurement range cannot appear too low or grayscale
photographic exposure saturation phenomenon, or need to adjust the camera exposure time or laser
energy recalibration 10 images, then the actual measurement.

5.5.7 3D vector calculate

3D vector calculate command (see Figure 5.46):

Figure 5.46 3D velocity measurement window

The parameters have the following meaning:

Left Select the Select the left corresponding to the image data cable to connect the camera board
Camera image board number.
First Image Place the first one cache corrected image.
Right Select the Select the right camera data cable to connect the corresponding image board number.
Camera image board
First frame Place the first one cache corrected image.
Camera difference If the laser light sheet placed in the middle of the physical layout of the two cameras,
configure the use of such calculations; if the laser in the two cameras on the same side, you do not

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have this option.

Z-direction Calibration process, each fine-tune the CCD moving distance.
3D vector open This feature is automatically put a picture (from left and right camera images to
synthesize a) split, and then were placed in different positions corresponding image board
3D vector save The left and right, respectively, at the same time the camera captured image
(corresponding to the position of different image board image) synthesized into an image,
and then stored in accordance with the order.
Grid Setup Corrected image created from the acquired correction grid computing.
Grid data input Previously calculated calibration parameters into the current 3D setting, the process
eliminate the need to establish the grid again.
Grid data Output Establish the parameters of the current grid settings are saved as a data file.
3D PIV 3D PIV calculations (this command you need to perform a 2D PIV calculation to
calculate initialization parameters need to choose 3D computational domain PIV
calculation, calculations were calculated for the entire image).
PIV batch process Use "3D PIV computing" command parameters used in the calculation of 3D images
of a large number of experimental PIV calculation.
3D PTV 3D PTV calculation (this command you need to perform a 2D PIV calculation to
calculate initialization parameters need to choose 3D computational domain
PTV calculation, calculations were calculated for the entire image).
PTV batch process Use "3D PTV computing" command calculation parameters used in a large number of
3D image PTV calculation.

Ordinary particle image velocimetry system can only be obtained within the 2D cross-sectional
test results of the 2D velocity field, could not get the test section perpendicular to the third
component of velocity. When the third component of velocity is large, the test results will bring 2D
non-negligible error, which greatly limits the PIV testing technology.
Stereo particle image velocimetry system is based on the original digital particle image
velocimetry system based on the use of similar biological principle of binocular vision, the use of
two sets of digital particle image velocimetry device space according to a certain tilt angle shot
simultaneously experimental area, by getting the 2D velocity vector is calculated into the test area
where the 3D velocity vector field results. This is not only to make up for the original 2D particle
image velocimetry system deficiencies, fixed-dimensional test results, and measured the real 3D flow
field velocity field results (see Figure 5.47):

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Figure 5.47 Schematic 3D velocity synthesis

Around two cameras captured calibration calibration point shown in Figure 5.48:

Figure 5.48 Calibration points corresponding to Figure

The actual 3D measurement calibration test requirements before shooting board space
First, asked about the two camera calibration standard maximum area on the same point: The
left camera tilt calibration points, it is possible to determine the maximum area of the grid, with the
right camera can determine the maximum grid corresponds exactly (corresponding to the real space
in horizontal, vertical share the same number of calibration points; around the camera can determine
the maximum corresponds exactly to the four corners of the grid).
In the adjustment and confirmation about the camera's shooting calibration points, the second
step is to move the spatial positioning calibration point shooting: the calibration standard fixed plane
light sheet placed on the plane, along with respect to the direction of the camera from far to near,
on-chip light move within two intervals, each about two cameras shooting three point calibration
standard images (a total of six) (the existing system has been replaced by standard plate does not
move, just move the camera the way). This six point calibration standards before and after moving
the grid around the image must also meet the above correspondence.

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After storing the captured image calibration points can be calculated in 3D velocity field
window to create a grid, you can perform the actual experimental particle image capture. Different
locations through the software automatically recognizes calibration points on the grid, 3D calculation
using the system tools can be directly calculated 3D velocity vector result.
3D velocity field calculated as follows:
1) To establish the spatial grid:
About choosing an image corresponding to the camera board, specify both captured images of a
moving grid storage location (specified in the first cache location for storing a moving image
shooting the first one index point, and then the actual The second and third shot amplitude
calibration point increase sequentially next to the image stored in the image buffer specified in the
first one back) in the Z direction, fill in the actual shooting moving image spatial position of the grid
spacing. Click the "Grid establish" button to generate a 3D computational grid, if the image does not
meet the matching requirements around the grid, the grid will prompt the process of establishing the
relevant error message.
Legend: the left camera three were placed on the moving mesh image board # 1, 2, 3 in the
cache, the right side of the camera's three mobile grid images were placed on the image plate # 2 in
image cache 4,5 and 6 (two image board image cache is independent of separate), fill in the Z
direction in the moving image plate spacing 1mm. Then click on the "Grid establish" button to
generate a 3D computational grid.
2) 3D velocity field calculation:
3D calculation to be carried out around the camera captured images into the appropriate image
cache: Left camera captured images into 3D velocity field calculation window specified by the
camera image on the left in the cache, the same shot into the right side of the camera image, click on
the Calculate button 3D velocity field can be used to generate a 3D grid in front of the camera about
the synthesis of 3D velocity field.
Example: Using the previous grid parameters can be left to the camera image into image board
# 1 image cache, the two images before and after the two moments into the image buffer 1 and 2, the
window specified in Section an image parameter is 1; right camera to the front and rear two images
into an image board # 2 cache 1 and 2, a picture window, specify the first parameter is 1, and then
click the button to calculate the 3D velocity field calculation 3D velocity field vector.
3) Store the results:
Right after the calculated results of the 3D velocity field data, you can use this button functions
for storage. Storage file types can choose to store the camera left and right cameras, and the 3D
velocity field after synthesis results.
4) Note:
Calibration standard for 3D image can be fixed using the printer to print in black on white paper
calibration points, shot calibration point image, to ensure that the background is uniform and is a
high-brightness (background gray value close to the camera saturation brightness values).

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Grid images captured images to black and white and the background gray uniform, dark gray
background camera cannot exceed 30% of the saturation intensity. This can properly adjust the
digital camera's exposure time or the number of the lens aperture adjustment; if necessary require
foreign ordinary light auxiliary lighting.
Regular intervals during the panning camera when shooting, the captured image will be moving
change, but the calibration points cannot appear to increase or decrease.

5.5.8 PIV batch process tools

PIV batch process tools (see Figure 5.49):

This command contains three commands: PIV calculation batch, save the batch results, save the
results and save radial direction results.
PIV calculation using batch command parameters set on a large number of image
cross-correlation calculation, to note that, in calling this command, you need a large number of
images on a two images to calculate a cross-correlation calculation parameters set, and then the batch
After the batch computing, will have just finished calculating the results of statistical averaging
process, and to save the results averaged and displayed in the final image cache.

Figure 5.49 PIV calculation batch process window

The parameters have the following meaning:

Start The first batch process image.

End The last batch process image.

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Frame straddle Batch process related calculations when the number of frames between pictures
compute interval Batch process A in the image of the frame spacing between the frame images.
GPU acceleration Algorithm using GPU accelerated computing.
Multi-thread Accelera Calculated using the CPU for parallel computing and set the set the number of threads.

Figure 5.49 in the cross-frame interval parameter is set to 1, the calculation interval parameter is
set to 2, the calculated range 1-400. PIV is calculated in batch process mode for the image buffer 1
and 2 of the image cross-correlation calculation, then the image buffer 3 and 4 of the image
cross-correlation calculation, then the image buffer 5 and 6 of the image cross-correlation count ...
and so on, until the image cache 399 and 400 of the image after the end of the cross-correlation
Save batch processing results command (see Figure 5.50) will be calculated every two PIV
images are saved as a data file will be saved after the implementation of a range of outcomes data
files, file format, see Chapter VII corresponding introduction.

Figure 5.50 Save the batch process results

The parameters have the following meaning:

Browse Set up a batch process result data file directory.

Save Save the batch process result data file.
File Name Batch process data file name.
Range The results need to be saved batch process number, serial number and participation PIV
this calculation corresponds to the first frame image buffer number corresponds to the image.
Note: Batch process calculation is completed, save the image cache in the final average results of the
batch process software need to manually save the vector function preservation.
Export radial results command corresponding digital gauge circular grid resulting data file,
follow the radial and tangential to store data files, V r (radial velocity) and V t (tangential velocity)
Figure 5.51 provides positive direction show:

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Figure 5.51 Illustration of radial results

5.5.9 PTV Batch Process tool

PTV Batch Process tool:

This setting has two commands: PTV batch process and save the batch process results. This two
commands and settings PIV calculation batch process uses the corresponding commands and
parameters of the same.

5.5.10 Single-Point Process tool

Single point process:This command needs to be executed after a batch process PIV carried out

mainly on the calculation results of processing multiple vectors, including two commands:
Result Preview and Result Output.

Result Preview command to give in units of one pixel in the set area of all the curves
calculated results (see Figure 5.52):

Figure 5.52 Result curve window

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The parameters have the following meaning:

U X-direction speed (coordinate origin in the upper left corner, positive direction from left to right).
V Y-direction speed (coordinate origin in the upper left corner, positive direction from top to bottom).
W Velocity perpendicular to the XY direction.
Velocity Velocity vector length.
Vorticity Vorticity.
Result Output will be followed by the results of the data stored in a given file, the file format,
see Chapter VII for instructions.

5.5.11 Data output

Exporting data is all the result of the command data stored in a data file, retaining all data,
export data formatted according to PIV / PTV results format (no file header information). This
applies to the entire space and time variable data for statistical analysis.

5.5.12 Vector Average

Vector Average command multiple PIV calculation results of each component of velocity
vectors were done mean and mean vector distribution placed after the last image cache.

5.5.13 Multiple directory batch process

Multiple directory batch process commands cannot limit the size of the image buffer to
handle any number of hard disk directory PIV image data files; and automatically save the file to the
corresponding calculation results directory. Automatic batch process multiple directories can be
calculated parameters already stored data file format, can also be calculated according to the
template files in the directory settings, as shown in Figure 5.53:

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Figure over 5.53 Multi-directory automatic batch process window

Multi-directory batch process commands can set 16 different automatic batch process file
directories, each directory can "browse" the selected image file to calculate the number of the first

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file, if you select the calculation parameters file, followed by the calculation of the batch process
mode, the software will calculate based on the currently selected parameters in the parameter file
batch process computing; calculation parameters if no file is selected, the system will automatically
according to the most recent set of PIV batch process command mode calculation. The system will
automatically select the first image file number, numbered sequentially cumulative basis, until the
calculated after this one numbering sequence of image files. The results obtained and the average
statistical average results are automatically stored in the corresponding memory image of the root
Note: The use of multi-function automatic batch processing of data directory, if you want to
speed up the computing speed, you can use the software GPU-accelerated computation or
multi-threaded parallel computing capabilities. This parameter is set automatically during batch
processing multiple directories prior to conduct a manual batch processing, in this batch process set
manually using the GPU accelerated computing, or multi-threaded CPU speed calculated parameters,
so that later carried out more directory will be set in accordance with good automatic batch process
functions for data processing.
Mask setting: Each group directory calculations can be individually set template file usage and
calculation of the parameter file settings similar. Template function can be selected according to
actual needs, if only need to calculate some irregular local image regions, in order to block out the
rest of the region, it is necessary to set a template, the template is only counted after loading the
software within the template image, the area outside the template no longer participate in
calculation. Template configuration steps are: the image buffer to the last one template image →
Open image→ Image menu → image mask → mask set, click OK to complete the template settings
for PIV calculation template should check on the image boundary, as shown in Figure 5.54:

Figure 5.54 Operating procedures of graphical border template setting

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Multi-directory batch process operation process are: Analysis→ Multi-directory batch

process operation process tool →Multi-directory batch process operation process →Select → Select
the starting position of the image to select an image sample data files → Templates → OK, click OK,
the software based on the relevant parameters are automatically calculated. The software
integrates batch process by setting the threshold to achieve the multi-directory automatic batch
process vector correction rate monitoring function, when a PIV data processing for image correction
rate exceeds a set threshold, the data will result in a saving while automatically generates a name for
the Error Note text document, which will put the data files exceeds the threshold relevant
information recorded. Setting process: Analysis → Parameter Settings → batch process data
threshold value is set, click OK on it; parameter values according to the actual size of the
requirements of the selection experiment, and the default threshold is 50%.
The function of data result file averaging can be that we have calculated the average of vector
files, use this feature, the software will automatically generate a set of data files and the original file
name contains the corresponding data-_HD_ labeled documents, this new data files generated an
increase of the flow field inside the corresponding Reynolds stress, turbulent kinetic energy, and
finally generate an average data file.
Data averaging the results file is very simple to use, the steps are: analysis of automatic batch
process →Multi directory data averages the results, select the following dialog box will pop up,
browse to select the required average starting position of the data file, In the following data file cache
settings which populate the data file numbering starting point is usually slightly larger than the end
of the data file number, and then click Open that data can be averaging.
Results mean treatment, it does not alter the original data file, and previously calculated average
data file does not participate in the calculation. If this data folder inside named different data files,
the software is only the selected file name matches the same number of different data files
calculated. If some of the data files during the calculation correction rate were higher than the
set threshold, the software will automatically generate a text document which gives Error
Note record, exceeding the threshold calculated data files still participate.
Using multi-directory batch process function should note the following points:

1. When calculating the sample data file, the calculation process can refer PIV data processing,
computational domain selected must be locked after the ruler.
2. Template Selection Considerations: on the one hand, the template file format software must
support; the other hand, the template must be clear black and white contrast, need to calculate
the area all white, all black mask area. Batch process software before you use this template to
open the image, to confirm whether the template to meet the requirements.

5.5.14 Display of PIV data results

MicroVec 3 shortcut panel can be connected directly related to Tecplot 10 software, make the
results of the current cache file on the PIV data show. Use of this feature: View → Enable Tecplot
(see Figure 5.55) → Select Initial Plot (click OK) → Start MicroVec (click) (see Figure 5.56), then

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

you can use this feature to view a data file. Use this function in the process described in the
following diagram:

Figure 5.55 Start Tecplot

Figure 5.56 Start Tecplot macro commands

It should pay attention when use this function: Tecplot software installation process must be
carried out according to the default directory, do not artificially modify the software installation
directory. Tecplot is a professional data files showed that software, its main function is to PIV flow

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

field data results U, V, W components of velocity, vorticity, fluctuating volume and other related
parameters are displayed.
Note copy MicroVec directory Tecplot.mcr file, overwriting any original Tecplot installation
directory tecplot file to display properly Chinese Speaking shortcut macro command panel.

5.5.15 Vector Clear

Vector Clear command is the current image or the entire image area delineated by the vector
result is set to 0, to avoid accidentally deleted, there will be an inquiry before the deletion
confirmation window, click "Yes" button to execute the delete command (see Figure 5.57):
If the current figure has selected a certain operating area, this command deletes the selected area
vector result; if not selected operating area, this command will delete all displayed vectors.

Figure 5.57 Confirm to clear vector window

5.5.16 Vector display setting

This feature vector is used to set the window display color, length ratio and other parameters,
and display the distribution grid vectors, as shown in 5.58:

Figure 5.58 Vector display settings window

5.6 Filter menu

MicroVec V3.2.1 provides versatile digital image filtering and image conversion tool.

5.6.1 Gray stretch

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Gray stretch: for digital image gray stretch, adjust the digital image grayscales.

5.6.2 Image blur

Image blur: blur for digital image processing, fuzzy parameters can be set.

5.6.3 Contrast

Contrast: for digital image contrast adjustments, changes in light and dark-enhanced

5.6.4 Image roll

Image roll: for digital image up and down, left and right or oblique axial symmetry reversal.

5.6.5 Image calculation

Image calculation: two images in the cache according to a certain method of calculation to
give another frame. Specific settings as shown in Figure 5.59:

Figure 5.59 Image calculation settings window

First Select involved in the calculation of the first image cache location
Average Calculation
Second Choose to participate in the calculated position of the second image cache
Results Set the resulting image cache location

Calculated by the following categories:

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Average + The two gray values together and then averaged into the resulting image
Integration + The two image gray values together (gray value results exceed the saturation value at saturation
value processing)
Subtract - The two gray value image subtraction (results take the absolute value)
AND Two images at the same location as the gray value is large, the resulting image gray value at
this position is large, otherwise the resulting image gray value smaller at this location
OR Two images, the first image gray value in a certain position is large, the resulting image gray
value at this position is large, otherwise the resulting image gray value at this position small.
XOR If the two images in the same position is an image gray value, another frame gradation value is
small, the result is the image gray value at this position large, otherwise the resulting image gray
value at this position small.
Contrast According to the first frame of image brightness, adjust the brightness of the second frame
Difference The two gray different parts into the resulting image (you can set the threshold gray involved in
the calculation, as shown in 5.60)

Figure 5.60

5.6.6 Image negative Gray

Image negative Gray: gray value of the image size of rollover in the same position of the
frame image to generate a new image.

5.7 Window Menu

Configure Windows operating system interface window display: New windows, Cascade, Tile
and Arrange Icons.

5.8 Help Menu

5.8.1 Help Topics

Help Topic: MicroVec V3.5.1 electronic online help file.

5.8.2 About MicroVec

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About MicroVec: MicroVec V3.5.1 display version information.

5.8.3 About

About If the computer is networked case, you can link to the MicroVec.
home page for a visit.

5.8.4 USB Key Driver Installation

Dongle Driver Installation: Install the dongle drive, open MicroVec3 all functional modules.

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

Chapter VI Application examples

In order to facilitate users to easily understand MicroVec Developed particle image analysis
system, to grasp the actual experimental techniques, this chapter will explain the specific examples
of different applications through system software and hardware used.

6.1 Application examples of 2D particle image velocimetry system

6.1.1. System introduction

2D particle image velocimetry system shown in Figure 6.1:

Figure 6.1 2D particle image velocimetry system diagram

6.1.2 Experimental data acquisition

This section describes the 2D image acquisition and calibration of PIV system work.
1. Adjust the layer sheet light to the measuring position
Will be adjusted to the light sheet thickness of about 1mm and study area with a chip light
irradiation (Note lasers’ related operation code).
2. Adjust the camera frame to the appropriate position
The camera stand (tripod or coordinate frame) placed in the proper position and adjusted to a
suitable height to place the camera.

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3. Install a CCD camera and lens

Attach the lens and the CCD camera on the CCD camera fixed on the rack; connect the power
cord and the CCD and image space between the data lines. Note: The installation needs to cut off
the mains outlet CCD, lens cap, lens aperture to the minimum (largest f-number).
4. Start running the software
Start running the software, bring up the "hardware control" window ("Image" menu "hardware

control" command or ), In the "Camera Control" column on the # 1 image plate corresponding
camera control window, select the communication port "CamLink", detection can be carried out after
the adoption of further work. If the test is not passed, the user can plug the camera's power on reset,
but not hot-swappable camera data cable, and then re-work the detection; if it is still is not, then shut
down the computer, turn off the power, the CCD re- data cable and power cable.
5. Measurement system focusing
The "Camera Control" window Camera "mode" is selected for "PIV mode."
Add tracer particles, run an experiment test section.

Bring up the "hardware control" window ("Image" menu "hardware control" command or ),
Select "lasers" column, the "Advanced Settings" in the corresponding entry set.
Click "Set Parameters" button, the laser operating parameters set up, click the "Run" button.
Live View shooting images recall function ("Image" menu "Live View image" command or

); Open the lens cover, will be adjusted to fit the size of the lens aperture, photo light irradiation
area by particles will display real-time image adjustment clear. Thus, the measurement system
focusing is completed, click "Laser Control" window in the "Stop" button to stop the laser work.
6. Images shot ruler
For images taken in the test section and the conversion between the actual size is no a clear
understanding of this, you need to take the ruler image.
Roughly scale images obtained in two ways, one is using some experiments in the captured
image feature size segment, such as the known pipe diameter or diameter size, or experimental
section of the actual length of an object, there will be shot These feature size image of the object can
be saved as a yardstick image (scale image specific usage see next section).
Another commonly used scale image is placed at an on-chip optical ruler (the laser energy
transfer is weak, the use of natural light, light flashlight to illuminate the ruler), as long as the ruler of
the captured image so clearly displayed on the scale This image can be used as the ruler scale
7. Image recording

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The laser energy is adjusted to normal, open the "Hardware Control" window ("Image" menu

"hardware control" command or ), Select "image recording" column in the "Image Cache"
column in the "starting position" and "off position" enter the store image cache location, for example,
"starting position" Input 1 "off position", enter 100, indicates the recorded images stored in the image
buffer 1-100, a total collection 100 figures.
Run the experiment, to the appropriate run-time, click on the "Laser Control" window "Run"
button to run the laser. Click the button to display real-time software displays real-time images at the
right time to click on the "image recording" window in the "record" button, the image will be
sequentially stored in the image buffer (Note: At this point the image stored in the memory and is
not saved on the hard disk ).
8. View image meets the test requirements
View image is divided into two steps, first check whether the distribution of particles in the
image better, the main indicator is the number of particles more and more evenly distributed.
Secondly, after the first step of screening images preliminary calculations:

Bring up the "digital scale" window ("View" menu "digital scale" command or ).

Images to be analyzed in selecting the appropriate computational domain, and call "PIV vector

computing" window ("View" menu "PIV calculation window" command or ), Set up the
appropriate calculation parameters for PIV calculation.
If the calculated vector distribution smoother, less obvious error vector, or the amended result is
quite satisfactory, and said the images acquired to meet the test requirements.
If you are not satisfied with the acquired images, repeat steps 6 and 7 to capture two to the
satisfaction of the particle images.
9. Save the recorded images
Open the "Save Image Sequence" window ("File" menu "Save Image Sequence" command or

), Click on "Browse" button to set the directory where the image is saved, you need to note that
the image sequence is automatically saved as an image label, the default label is 000001-999999, so
named in the image to the first one is recommended as Figure 6.2 shows "Twenty -" form, which is
the more common form of the first part of the file name is set to pulse light interval, the middle of a
"-" in order to allow subsequent image number and separate the front part of the file name.

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

Figure 6.2 Save sequential image naming

These 2D image acquisition PIV experiment flowchart is shown in Figure 6.3:

Flowchart of 2D PIV experiments

Figure 6.3 Flowchart of 2D PIV experiments

6.1.3 Analysis of experimental images

Experiment is impossible for each image specific analysis, this section will describe this

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To deal with a pair of images, for example, from the collection of images to analyze
experimental data obtained as follows:
1. Read the scale images.

Select the image of a cache location, open scale image ("File" menu "Open" command or ),
The ruler of the intercepted image shown in Figure 6.4:

Figure 6.4 Scale image

Scale image in the acquisition, due to collect enough light when the obtained scale image may

dim at this time, bring up the "Histogram" window ("View" menu "Histogram" command or )
(See Figure 6.5), can be seen from the figure, the overall image dark, gray distribution concentrated
in a relatively small part of the left mouse button click on the small triangle on the right and drag it to
the left, adjust the gray distribution shown in Figure 6.6:

Figure 6.5 Gray histogram Figure 6.6 Grayscale distribution adjustment

In this case, as shown in Figure 6.4 shows the scale image into a very clear picture Figure 6.7:

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Figure 6.7 Scale image after grayscale distribution adjustment

2. Image calibration

Bring up the "digital scale" window ("View" menu "digital scale" command or ),
Cancel "to display a rectangular area" option, pressing the left mouse button in the image, draw a
line along the scale line (see Figure 6.8):

Figure 6.8

Shown in Figure 6.9, the software automatically recognizes a straight line drawn in Figure 6.8 is
the actual length of 59.98mm, while automatically calculate the image magnification (magnification
0.0556936 image at this time), in the "cross-frame time" column, enter the experimental used when
the inter-frame time (here, the inter-frame time is 100us).
It is worth noting that, if the image quality is poor shooting ruler, or other non-standard ruler, an
object (such as experimental model used size) to calibrate, you need to manually "Length" column,
enter the actual draw a straight line length, then click on the "image magnification."

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

Figure 6.9

3. Reads particle image

Open the "Open Image Sequence" window ("File" menu "Open Image Sequence" command

or ), A large number of experimental images read into the set image buffer.

4. Analysis of a pair of images

A large number of images in a batch process before PIV, you first need to look at a pair of
images calculated in order to set up a batch process computing, and velocity correction calculation
Select the computational domain. In the actual experiment, sometimes acquired in the image
quality of the image that not all regions are better, or does not need to capture the whole image PIV
calculations are carried out at this time, you need to select the computational domain. Open the

"Digital Scale" window ("View" menu "digital scale" command or ), PIV analysis region
delineated required and select "Lock Ruler" option (see Figure 6.10). "Lock ruler" option the main
role of the image next batch process, all of the selected area are calculated.

Figure 6.10

Open the "PIV vector computing" window ("View" menu "PIV calculation window" command

or ), In accordance with the parameters set PIV calculation. If this vector results and revised
satisfied with the results, you can delete the results of this calculation parameters or re-select the
different regions is calculated ("Analysis" menu "Clear the current vector" command), in the pop-up
window asking "OK "button to delete the results of this calculation.
Select the appropriate magnification ratio display vector. If the calculated vector is too small, a

conditioning System Information window ("View" menu "System Information" command or ) in

the "vector length" column choose to use a suitable vector display length (see Figure 6.11):

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Figure 6.11 Select the vector display length

If you think vector display is not clear enough, you can select the "Image" menu "Display
Image" to show only vector images.
Open the "vector correction" window on the calculated vector field correction. Open the "vector
correction" window, another role is: to open this window, subsequent batch process computing will
call window parameters on the calculation results to be amended.
5. PIV image batch process
Open the "PIV Batch process" window ("Analysis" menu "PIV calculation Batch process" and
"PIV calculation batch process" command), and set the need for batch processing images (see Figure
6.12). Window "Start" indicates the image buffer to start the batch process number; "End" expressed
the need for batch process number of the last image buffer. In general, the default method of
calculating the batch process, click on the "OK" button, the software will set the image set in the
previous batch process and automatic correction of the correction parameter calculation results. At
this point the calculated vector distribution were preserved in 1, 3, 5 ...... image.

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

Figure 6.12 PIV calculation batch process

6. Save the calculation results

Before you save the results, you first need to look at the batch process results. In a number of
images acquired in the actual experiment, the results obtained do not rule out some vector field not
satisfactory, the result of such calculations, there are two methods, this calculation is not saved, the
other is to some drawings in which once again chosen calculation parameters are recalculated.
After completion of the above work, you need to save the result. Bring up the "Save Batch
process Results" window ("Analysis" menu "PIV calculation Batch process" and "save the batch
process results" command), set the file name to save the calculated results and the need to save the
range. It should be noted that, if the batch process using a first calculation, calculation of the second
half of the data file name 000001,000003,000005 ...... respectively.
7 the data for further processing
Thus, the data processing is completed, the user can use Tecplot, origin and other software for
the data file for further analysis.
The 2D PIV image analysis flowchart shown in Figure 6.13:

Image analysis

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Figure 6.13 Flowchart of 2D PIV image analysis

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6.2 TR-PIV Application Examples

6.2.1 Continuous mode (without using synchronizer)

Continuous mode of the TR-PIV system is applicable for measuring the flow field, which flow
rate is below of 0.5m / s, the experimental arrangement is shown in Figure 6.14:

Figure 6.14 TR-PIV system continuous layout mode

TR-PIV system continuous mode timing diagram is shown in Figure 6.15:

Figure 6.15 TR-PIV system continuous mode timing diagram

The following describes specific steps of the TR-PIV system in continuous mode:

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i. Test data collection

1. Will be adjusted to the light sheet measuring position

The laser modulation mode select switch to "TTL +", adjusted to the light sheet thickness of
about 1mm and study area with a chip light irradiation (Note lasers such code).

2. Adjust the camera frame to the appropriate position

The camera stand (tripod or coordinate frame) placed in the proper position and adjusted to a
suitable height to place the camera.

3. CCD camera and lens mounting

Attach the lens and the CCD camera on the CCD camera fixed on the rack; connect the power
cord and the CCD and image space between the data lines. Note: The installation needs to cut off
the mains outlet CCD, lens cap, lens aperture to the minimum (largest f-number).

4. Running the software

Running the software, bring up the "hardware control" window ("Image" menu "hardware

control" command or ), Then select the "Camera Control" button in the Camera Control window,
select the port "CamLink", test passed, the "Camera Control" window Camera "mode" is selected for
"continuous." If the camera can’t be connected, the user can plug the camera's power on reset, but
not hot-swappable camera data cable, and then re-work the detection; if it is still is not, then shut
down the computer, turn off the power, the CamLink cable and power cable.

5. Focus
Adding tracer particles (recommended to follow a ton of water particles in the proportion of 10
g), run the experiment test section.

Use “live show image” function ("Image" menu "Live show image" command or ); Open
the lens cover, lens aperture will be adjusted to fit small to large size, if the aperture adjustment to
the maximum figure is still very dark after the particles can be improved through the laser current
adjustment knob laser energy, or "Camera Control" window, " Electronic shutter "column to increase
the value. Photo by light irradiation area particles will display real-time image adjustment clear. Thus,
the measurement system focusing is completed. Stop the camera work ("Image" menu "stop all"

command or ).

6. Capture ruler image

Roughly ruler image obtained in two ways, one is using some experiments in the captured
image feature size segment, such as the known pipe diameter or diameter size, or experimental

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

section of the actual length of an object, there will be shot these features size image of the object can
be saved as a yardstick images.
Another commonly used ruler image is placed at an on-chip optical ruler (the laser energy
transfer is weak, the use of natural light, light flashlight to illuminate the ruler), as long as the ruler of
the captured image so clearly displayed on the scale This image can be used as the ruler scale

7. Particle Image recording

The laser energy adjustment to the normal value, in the "Hardware Control" window, select
"Record" button, select the "starting position" and "end position" in the “Frame grabber”, for
example, "Start Position "Input 1" off position ", enter 100, which means that the recorded images
stored in the image buffer 1-100, a total collection 100 chart. First click on the "Image" menu "Live

show image" command or . Until the system is stable, then click on the "record" button, the
image will be sequentially stored in the image buffer (Note: If the sync is in working condition,
and through the BNC signal line connected to the camera, disconnect the computer
synchronizer USB cable is connected, or disconnected synchronizer and camera BNC signal
line connected to prevent signal interference synchronizer camera records the image).

8. Check whether the image is consistent with experimental requirements

View image is divided into two steps, first check whether the distribution of particles in the
image better, the main indicator is the number of particles are more and more evenly distributed.
Secondly, after the first step of screening images preliminary calculations: bring up the "digital

scale" window ("View" menu "digital ruler" command or ). Images to be analyzed in selecting
the appropriate computational domain, and call "PIV vector computing" window ("View" menu

"PIV compute" command or ), Set up the appropriate calculation parameters for PIV
calculation. If the calculated flow vector distribution accord, an obvious error vector is small, or the
amended result is quite satisfactory, and said the images acquired to meet the test requirements.
If you are not satisfied with the acquired images, repeat steps 6 and 7 to capture two to the
satisfaction of the particle images.

9. Save the recorded image

Open the "Save Image Sequence" window ("File" menu "Save Image Series" command or ),
Click on "Browse" button to set the directory where the image is saved, you need to note that the
image sequence is automatically saved as an image label, the default label is 000001-999999, so
named in the image to the first one is recommended as Figure 6.16 shows "4.76ms-" in the form of
one of the more common form is the first part of the file name is set as pulse delay time, the middle
of a "-" in order to allow subsequent image number and separate the front part of the file name.

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Figure 6.16 Save image sequences naming

ii. Analysis of the test images ruler image.

Select the image of a cache location, open scale image ("File" menu "Open" command or ),
The ruler of the intercepted image shown in Figure 6.17:

Figure 6.17 scale image

Ruler image in the acquisition, due to collect enough light when the obtained scale image may

dim at this time, bring up the "Histogram" window ("View" menu "Histogram" command or )
(See Figure 6.18), can be seen from the figure, the overall image dark, gray distribution concentrated
in a relatively small part of the left mouse button click on the small triangle on the right and drag it to
the left, adjust the gray distribution shown in Figure 6.19:

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Figure 6.18 Grayscale histogram Figure 6.19 grayscale distribution adjustment

In this case, as shown in Figure 6.17 Figure 6.20 shows the scale image into a very clear

Figure 6.20 Scale image after grayscale distribution adjustment

2 image calibration

Bring up the "digital scale" window ("View" menu "digital scale" command or ), Uncheck
"rectangular region show" option, pressing the left mouse button in the image, draw a line along the
scale line (see Figure 6.21):

Figure 6.21

As shown in Figure 6.22, Figure 6.21 software automatically identifies the actual length of a
straight line drawn in as 59.98mm, while automatically calculate the image magnification

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

(magnification 0.0556936 image at this time), in the "cross-frame time" column, enter the
experimental used when the frame straddle (here, the frame straddle is 826us).
It is worth noting that, if the image quality is poor shooting ruler or other non-standard objects
(such as experimental model used size) to calibrate, you need to manually "Length" column, enter
the actual length of a straight line drawn, Then click the "image magnification."

Figure 6.22

2. Open the particle images

Open the "Open Image series " window ("File" menu "Open Image series" command or ),
A series of experimental images read into the set image buffer.

3. A pair of images analysis

If you need to select the computational domain, simply open the "digital scale" window ("View"

menu "digital scale" command or ), choose “rectangular region show”,and hold down the left
mouse button and drag to select the computational domain.

Open the "PIV vector computing" window ("View" menu "PIV compute" command or ),
Select the appropriate parameters for PIV calculation (you can also use the default value), until the
calculated satisfactory results so far.

4. PIV Batch process

Open the "PIV Batch process " window ("Analysis" menu "PIV Batch process tool" and "PIV
batch process" command), and set the need for batch processing images (see Figure 6.23). Window
"Start" indicates the image buffer to start the batch process number, "End" expressed the need for
batch process number of the last image buffer. Select the appropriate method of calculation (default

Beijing MicroVec, inc.

parameters can also be used), and select GPU computing acceleration or multi-threaded acceleration
(total number of images involved in the calculation must be an even multiple of the number of
threads), click on the "OK" button, the software will follow before the set the various parameters
involved in the calculation of the image batch processing.

Figure 6.23 PIV calculation batch process

5. Save the result

Before you save the results, you first need to look at the batch process results. In a number of
images acquired in the actual experiment, the results obtained do not rule out some vector field not
satisfactory, the result of such calculations, there are two methods, this calculation is not saved, the
other is to some drawings in which once again chosen calculation parameters are recalculated.
After completion of the above work, bring up the "Save Batch process Results" window
("Analysis" menu "PIV Batch process" and "save the batch process results" command), set the file
name to save the calculated results and the need to save the range. If you need to save the average
results of the batch process, you need an image in the final cache location (the batch process is
completed automatically result in an average of the last image cache), open the "Save Vector File"

window ("File" menu "Save Vector Files" or ), Choosing a storage location and click "Save."

6. Further processing of the data

Thus, the data processing is completed; the user can use Tecplot, origin and other software for
the data file for further analysis.

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6.2.2 PIV mode (requires use of synchronizers)

TR-PIV PIV system model for measuring the flow rate at 2m / s within the flow field, the
experimental arrangement is shown in Figure 6.24:

Figure 6.24 schematic of TR-PIV system PIV mode

TR-PIV system PIV mode timing is shown in Figure 6.25:

Figure 6.25 TR-PIV system PIV mode timing diagram

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The following describes the TR-PIV system PIV mode specific steps:

i. Test data collection

1. Will be adjusted to the light sheet measuring position

The laser modulation mode select switch to "TTL +", adjusted to the light sheet thickness of
about 1mm and study area with a chip and then irradiated with laser light modulation mode select
switch to "TTL-" (Note lasers such code).

2. Adjust the camera frame to the appropriate position

The camera stand (tripod or coordinate frame) placed in the proper position and adjusted to a
suitable height to place the camera.

3. CCD camera and lens mounting

Attach the lens and the CCD camera on the CCD camera fixed on the rack; connect the power
cord and the CCD and image space between the data lines. Note: The installation needs to cut off
the mains outlet CCD, lens cap, lens aperture to the minimum (largest f-number).

4. Using synchronizer to control the laser and camera

Trigger with a BNC cable to the camera's power line "TRIGGER" line and synchronizer "T5"
channel is connected with another one BNC TTL trigger lines to the laser signal interface "TTL IN"
and synchronizer T7 channel connected.

5. Running the software

Running the software, bring up the "hardware control" window ("Image" menu "hardware

control" command or ), Then select the "Camera Control" button in the Camera Control window,
select the communication port "CamLink", test passed, the "Camera Control" window Camera
"mode" is selected for "PIV mode." If the test is not passed, the user can plug the camera's power on
reset, but not hot-swappable camera data cable, and then re-work the detection; if it is still is not,
then shut down the computer, turn off the power, the CCD re- data cable and power cable.

6. System parameter settings and focus

Adding tracer particles (recommended to follow a ton of water particles in the proportion of 10
g), run the experiment test section.
In the "Hardware Control" window, select "Laser" button in the "Pulse Delay" enter an
appropriate value (refer to 5.4..5 "pulse delay settings " listed experience) Select the appropriate
"frequency", click "Advance " in the "Channel 7" "pulse width" column enter the appropriate value
(less than or equal cross-frame delay, it is recommended preferably below 2000μs, in order to avoid
damage to the camera), then in the "Hardware Control" window, select "Camera Control" Settings
"electronic shutter" column value, so that the "laser", "Advance" in the "Channel 7" and "pulse

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width" value consistent with ( Note that unit, "Exposure Time Control" column in milliseconds,
while the "pulse width" used in microseconds).
In the "laser" window, click "Run" to adjust the laser energy to the proper value, open the
camera lens cover and the lens aperture adjusted to fit small to large size, and then by photo
irradiation zone particles will display real-time image adjustment clear. Thus, the measurement
system focusing is completed. In the "laser" window, click "Stop" button to stop the system

7. Capture the ruler image

Roughly scale images obtained in two ways, one is using some experiments in the captured
image feature size segment, such as the known pipe diameter or diameter size, or experimental
section of the actual length of an object, there will be shot these features size image of the object can
be saved as a yardstick images.
Another commonly used scale image is placed at an on-chip optical ruler (the laser energy
transfer is weak, the use of natural light, light flashlight to illuminate the ruler), as long as the ruler of
the captured image so clearly displayed on the scale This image can be used as the ruler scale

8. Particle Image recording

The laser energy adjustment to the normal value, in the "Hardware Control" window, select
"Record" button,and select "starting position" and "end position", for example, "Start Position "Input
1" end position ", enter 100, which means that the recorded images stored in the image buffer 1-100,
a total collection 100 chart, click on the" laser "in the" Run ", the system was stabilized and then
click" Record "button, the image will be sequentially stored in the image buffer (Note: At this point
the image stored in the memory and is not saved on the hard disk).

9. Check whether the image is consistent with experimental requirements

View image is divided into two steps, first check whether the distribution of particles in the
image better, the main indicator is the number of particles is more and more evenly distributed.
Secondly, after the first step of screening images preliminary calculations: bring up the "digital

ruler" window ("View" menu "digital scale" command or ),choose “rectangular region
show”. Images to be analyzed in selecting the appropriate computational domain, and call "PIV

compute" window ("View" menu "PIV compute" command or ), Set up the appropriate
calculation parameters for PIV calculation. If the calculated flow vector distribution accord, an
obvious error vector is small, or the amended result is quite satisfactory, and said the images
acquired to meet the test requirements.
If you are not satisfied with the acquired images, repeat steps 6 and 7 two to the satisfaction of
the acquired particle image (if the calculated value is too large or too small, change "lasers" window
"cross-frame delay").

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10. Save the recorded image

Open the "Save Image Sequence" window ("File" menu "Save Image series" command or ),
Click on "Browse" button to set the directory where the image is saved, you need to note that the
image sequence is automatically saved as an image label, the default label is 000001-999999, so
named in the image to the first one is recommended as Figure 6.26 shows "1500us-" in the form of
one of the more common form is the first part of the file name is set as pulse delay time, the middle
of a "-" in order to allow subsequent image number and separate the front part of the file name.

Figure 6.26 save image sequences naming

ii. Analysis of the test image

1. Open ruler images.

Select the image of a cache location, open scale image ("File" menu "Open" command or ),
The ruler of the image in Figure 6.27 shows the interception:

Figure 6.27 scale image

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Scale image in the acquisition, due to collect enough light when the obtained scale image may

dim at this time, bring up the "Histogram" window ("View" menu "Histogram" command or )
(See Figure 6.28), can be seen from the figure, the overall image dark, gray distribution concentrated
in a relatively small part of the left mouse button click on the small triangle on the right and drag it to
the left, adjust the gray distribution as shown in Figure 6.29:

Figure 6.28 grayscale histogram Figure 6.29 grayscale distribution adjustment

In this case, as shown in Figure 6.27 shows the scale image into a very clear picture Figure

Figure 6.30 Scale image after grayscale distribution adjustment

2. Image calibration

Bring up the "digital scale" window ("View" menu "digital scale" command or ), Uncheck
"rectangular region show" option, pressing the left mouse button in the image, draw a line along the
scale line (see Figure 6.31):

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Figure 6.31

As shown in Figure 6.32, Figure 6.31 software automatically identifies the actual length of a
straight line drawn in to 59.98mm, while automatically calculate the image magnification
(magnification 0.0556936 image at this time), in the "frame straddle" column, enter the experimental
used when the inter-frame time (here, the inter-frame time is 826us).
It is worth noting that, if the image quality is poor shooting ruler, or other non-standard objects
(such as experimental model used size) to calibrate, you need to manually "Length" column, enter
the actual length of a straight line drawn, Then click the "image magnification."

Figure 6.32

2. Open particle images

Open the "Open Image series" window ("File" menu "Open Image series" command or ), A
series of experimental images read into the set image buffer.

3. Analysis of a pair of images

If you need to select the computational domain, simply open the "digital ruler" window ("View"

menu "digital ruler" command or ),choose the “rectangular region show”, And hold down the left
mouse button and drag to select the computational domain.

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Open the "PIV compute" window ("View" menu "PIV compute" command or ), Select the
appropriate parameters for PIV calculation (you can also use the default value), until the calculated
satisfactory results so far.

4. PIV batch process

Open the "PIV Batch process" window ("Analysis" menu "PIV Batch process tool" and "PIV
batch process" command), and set the need for batch processing images (see Figure 6.33). Window
"Start" indicates the image buffer to start the batch process number, "End" expressed the need for
batch process number of the last image buffer. Select the calculation method (in PIV mode
parameters can generally use the default), and choose GPU computing acceleration or multi-threaded
acceleration (total number of images involved in the calculation must be an even multiple of the
number of threads), click on the "OK" button, the software will follow before Set the various
parameters involved in calculating a good image of the batch process.

Figure 6.33 PIV calculation batch process

5. Save the result

Before you save the results, you first need to look at the batch process results. In a number of
images acquired in the actual experiment, the results obtained do not rule out some vector field not
satisfactory, the result of such calculations, there are two methods, this calculation is not saved, the
other is to some drawings in which once again chosen calculation parameters are recalculated.
After completion of the above work, bring up the "Save Batch process Results" window
("Analysis" menu "PIV Batch process tool" and "save the batch process results" command), set the
file name to save the calculated results and the need to save the range. If you need to save the
average results of the batch process, you need an image in the final cache location (the batch process

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is completed automatically result in an average of the last image cache), open the "Save Vector File"

window ("File" menu "Save Vector Files" or ), Choosing a storage location and click "Save."

6. Further processing of the data

Thus, the data processing is completed; the user can use Tecplot, origin and other software for
the data file for further analysis.

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6.3 3D particle image velocimetry system application examples

PIV system is used to measure the 3D velocity flow field of this process is divided into two
stages: the experimental data acquisition and image analysis experiments. This section will be
described in turn.

6.3.1 System Introduction

3D particle image velocimetry system shown in Figure 6.34:

Figure 6.34 Schematic 3D particle image velocimetry system

6.3.2 Experimental Data Acquisition

This section describes the 3D PIV system calibration, image acquisition and other work of
concrete steps.
1 Place 3D stereoscopic institutions
The two assembled 3D stereoscopic institutions (detailed assembly process, please refer to
chapter "Hardware system"), respectively, in accordance with certain fixed position on the rail, so
that the camera can shoot with a flow area (the area photographed placing calibration board image ).
(2) Adjusted to the laser light sheet measuring position
Identified the need for 3D measurement position, open the laser light sheet according to the
measurement position will be fixed accordingly (Note lasers such code), light sheet thickness of
about 2-8mm; calibration plate will be placed in the measuring position.
3 Connect the camera
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Connect the power cord and the CCD CCD and image space between the data lines. Are
described below, with the first one on the left CCD image board connected with the second block on
the right CCD image board connection example. Note: The installation needs to cut off the mains
outlet CCD, lens cap, lens aperture to the minimum.
4 start running the software

Start running the software, on the toolbar, use the "Open a new image board Window"
Function call up the # 2 image window; Use the mouse to select # 1 on the basis of the image
window, and then bring up the hardware control window ("Image" menu "hardware control"

command or ), In the "Camera Control" column, the first on the left side of the camera for
testing. Communication Port Selection "CamLink", detection can be carried out after the adoption of
further work. If the test is not passed, the user can plug the camera's power on reset, but not
hot-swappable camera data cable, and then re-work the detection, if the test is not passed yet, turn off
the computer, turn off the power, the CCD re- data cable and power cable. The left side of the
camera detects passed, "CCD choose" Select "Head2", then the right camera control window with
the current camera parameters to detect and set parameters.
5 coarse measurement system
Respectively, in the mouse to select # 1, # 2 windows based Live View shooting up the image

function ("Image" menu "Live View image" command or ), "Camera Control" operating mode
select "continuous mode", the lens aperture to maximum, if you need further adjust the display image
brightness by adjusting the "Camera Control" window "exposure time" option is set (different
camera exposure time can be switched "CCD Selection" Head1, Head2 be set).
Adjust the camera connected to the bottom of the fixed plate aluminum alloy coarse rotation
mechanism (camera and lens together rotation), the two cameras to coincide with the center of the
image area in the center of the plate calibration and shooting area overlap (see detailed operating
requirements chapters "analysis menu / 3D velocity field measurements").
Then the 3D stereoscopic institutional adjustment screw adjusted to a longitudinal direction
determined point (taken to remove the screw air-way). Adjust the lens focal length, the image
center area clear.
6 first shot calibration plate image
Two were adjusted 3D camera and lens is placed stereo institutions (lens still camera rotation),
making the camera chip plane, the lens plane and the captured image plane, which three planes meet
Scheimpflug optical conditions (shooting flow field object plane, the plane of the lens and the image
plane of the camera chip where extension lines intersect at a line), which is inclined to the camera all
the pictures clear. You cannote that "Gray Analysis" window ("View" menu "gray line" command

or ) Of (+ / -) displayed value, the greater the value, the better the image quality.

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At this time, the mouse to select the # 1 and # 2 on the basis of the window, through the

"Image" Menu "image capture" or " "Command, so take a picture of the two cameras are saved
to # 1 and # 2 image space corresponding to the first cache location. Then use the" Image "menu"

Display next image "or" "Function, respectively, # 1, # 2 adjust the image display window to the
second cache location to prepare to continue shooting.
7 The second shot calibration plate image
Two bodies were adjusted depending on the carriage body regulating screw, clockwise laps (lap
is 0.5mm), the camera moves to the calibration plate 1mm. The two cameras capture the resulting
image are saved to # 1 and # 2 image board for the first two corresponding to the cache. At this time,
the mouse to select the # 1 and # 2 on the basis of the window, through the "Image" Menu "image

capture" or " "Command, so take a picture of the two cameras are saved to # 1 and # 2 image
space corresponding to the second cache location.
8 The third shot calibration plate image (MicroVec3.0 above can omit this step)
Institutions on both stereo adjustment procedure with the second shot, except that the resulting
image captured are saved to # 1 and # 2 image board for the first three correspond to the cache.
Image capture is complete, the two cameras to minimum aperture (largest f-number).
9 Calibration settings and automatic calibration
# 1 in the mouse to select on the basis of the image window. Opens a corresponding image

board "Image Correction" window ("Analysis" menu "Image Correction" command or ), As

shown in Figure 6.35:

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Figure 6.35 Image Correction window

You first need to set up some attention "Calibration Settings" button corresponding to the
contents of the corresponding window shown in Figure 6.36:

Figure 6.36 Calibration parameter setting window

This window "size limit" and "Size Limit" correspond to the midpoint of the image
corresponding to the parameter calibration plate, therefore, need to determine the calibration point
parameters, follow these steps:

Open the "Digital Scale" window ("View" menu "digital scale" command or );

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Select "Display a rectangular area" option, at one point drawing a rectangle around the image
area, then, the "ruler Information" in the "coordinate (pixel)" column will display "start" and "end
point" of the pixel coordinates, as shown in 6.37 shows, the point of interest diameter
roughly :906-868 = 38 (pixel), thus, calibration point size parameter can pay attention to the image
size limit should be more than nine points for the calibration minimum diameter slightly smaller than
the size limit for the maximum nine points calibration diameter (preferably large 20 pixel above
because there are images in the final stretch of the course, a diameter slightly larger than the actual
shooting). While setting "gray threshold", that is set for each calibration point gray background gray

value (by using the "View" menu "Image Information" or " "function assist judgment).

Figure 6.37 Set the appropriate parameters calibration points

Then you can be "automatic calibration", if prompted to display the calibration is unsuccessful,
there are two reasons, one is "calibration settings" parameter is inappropriate, according to the above
steps to re-set the standard fixed parameters; other cases The first, second and third of these three
calibration plate image capture does not meet correction requirements, the need to re-start on the left
CCD 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th step work.
If the display calibration is successful, the description CCD captured images can be used
properly calibrated.
10 Save the calibration plate image
Respectively # 1 and # 2 image board image buffer corresponding calibration plate image is

saved to the hard drive ("File" menu "Save Image Sequence" command or ), You can also use

the "Analysis" menu "3D velocity measurements" command or (Figure 6.38), and then select
"Save 3D image," The # 1, # 2 cache location corresponding to an image together such an image to
be saved.
11 To establish the calibration grid
Open the "3D velocity measurement" window ("Analyze" menu, "3D velocity measurements"

command or ), As shown in Figure 6.38:

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Figure 6.38 3D velocity measurement window

Confirmation window set as follows:

"Left camera settings" select: "image board options: # 1", the first frame of an image: 1;
"The right camera settings" select: "image board options: # 2", the first frame of an image: 1;
Z direction: 1mm (If you use the opposite side shot where the camera respectively on both sides
of the laser light sheet, you need to select the "camera placed in the opposite side.")
Click the "grid to establish a" button, automatically generate a calibration grid.
Thus, the measurement system has been debugged, the following can be specific experimental
If the opposite side using the camera layout mode, the calibration is complete, the camera needs
to be left to the right side of the camera panning calibration target plate thickness in the distance.
12 image recording
In the "Camera Control" window, respectively Head1, Head2 camera "work mode" to "PIV

Open the "Hardware Control" window ("Image" menu "hardware control" command or ),
Select "image recording" column, confirm "image board settings" two image spaces are selected
according to need in the "Picture Cache Settings" to set the appropriate settings in the "starting
position" and "off position."

Bring up the "hardware control" window ("Image" menu "hardware control" command or ),
Select "lasers" column, the default "inter-frame time" experiment. Click "Run", according to the
brightness of the image to adjust the camera aperture and laser energy.
Click at the right time "image recording" window in the "record" button, the program will set
the acquisition in accordance with the appropriate number of recorded image and the image stored in

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13 View images compliance test requirements

Consider whether the experimental requirements capture images, roughly see two o'clock, one
thing is to see whether the particle capture clear images, particle image density is appropriate;
Another point is that the results of the acquired sample calculation to see whether the results
calculated to meet experimental requirements.
For the second point, the experiment for the selected image, use the "3D velocity measurement"
window "3D PIV Calculate" button to calculate the 3D PIV, if # 1 and # 2 image board vector
distribution corresponding to cache the results show fair or correction After the result is acceptable,
the investigation showed that meet the test requirements of the image, you can calculate several sets
of multiple images, view the results in the vector distribution.
If you think this image collection cannot meet the test requirements, repeat step 12 and step 13
to the satisfaction of the work to capture images; satisfied if the acquired images, can be the next
14 Save the recorded images
For # 1 and # 2 image board were saved the recorded experimental images ("File" menu "Save

Image Sequence" command or ). You can also use the "Analysis" menu "3D velocity

measurements" command or (Figure 6.38), and then select "Save 3D image," The # 1, # 2 cache
location corresponding to an image together such an image to be saved.
Thus, a 3D experimental work completed acquisition part, without changing the position of the
light sheet case, adjustable flow parameters and corresponding acquisition parameters (exposure
interval capture images or cache total), for measurement of other flow parameters. If you need to
change the position of the light sheet, you will need to re-calibrate, records and other work.
The steps can be summarized as follows dimensional PIV experiments flowchart (see Figure

3D flow PIV experiments

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Figure 6.39 Flowchart dimensional PIV experiments

6.3.3 Analysis of experimental images

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Image acquisition also conducted an analysis of experimental images, but that is the image in
order to see whether the experimental requirements capture carried out preliminary work, this section
describes the experimental system image analysis steps.
(1) Read calibration plate image
# 1 in the corresponding image cache image board image acquisition when you open the saved

three / two calibration plate image ("File" menu "Open Image Sequence" command or ), The
corrected image is saved in the cache board 1,2,3 swath; take the same steps in # 2 image board
image buffer corresponding to open three calibration plate images. You can also use the "3D velocity
measurement" and use the "Open 3D image" function to open the saved 3D images.
2 calibration settings, and automatic calibration
Here the calibration process and image acquisition process of "calibration settings and
automatic calibration" process is similar, because the image does not appear correct board does not
meet the requirements of the situation corrected, only need to pay attention "Calibration Settings" in
the "calibration point parameters," the settings.
3 Establish the calibration grid
With the image acquisition process "to establish calibration grid" process the same.
4 image calibration
Image calibration work to set each pixel corresponds to the size of the actual length.
Set Ruler information

Open the "Digital Scale" window ("View" menu, "Digital Scale" command or ), Click on
the "3D calibration" in the "ruler Information" section starting or ending point, enter the calibration
target plate calibration nine points for horizontal and vertical center distance. Figure 6.40, Figure

Figure 6.40 Input calibration data

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Click the "image magnification" button, and set the corresponding double exposure delay, the
system automatically calculates the good image magnification.

Figure 6.41 3D correction plate

5 Experimental image analyses

First, at # 1 on the basis of window is selected to conduct a 2D calculation, and calculating the
appropriate area, select the calculation parameters; then three-D PIV calculations. Calculate the
corresponding 3D PIV has two commands: "3D PIV computing" (calculated by a 3D PIV data) and
"PIV Batch process" (for 3D PIV batch process computing). May need to select these two commands
are calculated.
6 Save the calculation results

Select "File" menu "Save Vector File" command or click button, the 3D calculation results
accordingly saved. The use of "PIV batch process" command processing large amounts of data
obtained using the "Analysis" menu "PIV Batch process" in the "save the batch process results"
command to save large amounts of data.
7 Data for further processing
Origin in Tecplot software such right or calculated data for further analysis and processing.
Through the above 8 steps to complete the analysis of experimental images, the flow chart
shown in Figure 6.42:

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Image analysis

Figure 6.42 3D PIV image analysis procedure

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6.4 Application examples synchronizer external trigger

Application of the preceding sections are good synchronization of the set parameters, the less
synchronous manner. This section shows that the external synchronization signal in the receive
sample work. Of "external synchronization" and "Outer Gate" two kinds of external trigger mode.

6.4.1 External Synchronization

0-5 synchronizer receives an external volt TTL signal hopping (response delay of
about 200us), PIV system working again, the timing between channels set in advance in the software.
PIV system outside the synchronous operation mode timing diagram below (camera
using PIV mode):

Figure 6.43 External Synchronization Timing Diagram

Below to measure three propeller blades Genlock measurement program as an example.

Propeller with three blades, the rotational speed of 50 rev / sec (with blade shaft mounted
encoder disk or inductive sensors, output 3 per rotation pulse signal). If you want to shoot one of the
blades measuring the flow field at different times after photos, you can use the following scenarios:
Synchronizer T1, T3 channel corresponds to the laser trigger signal xenon lamp, T2, T4
corresponds to the time the light of Q, T5 correspond to the camera trigger signal, the synchronizer is
set outside the synchronization status (Figure 6.45), both of band frequency is set to 30 (count 30
external input pulse, ie rotating mechanical rotation 10 weeks working time, let synchronizer output
a pulse control signal), you can follow the laser parameters and light output. Light out set the delay

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interval T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 is used to trigger the camera shutter opens in advance, respectively T3,
T4 time two pulses of light to the camera to capture the two images. So you only need to increase or
decrease each channel together all sync pulse output time delay (phase delay), you can capture the
moment leaves turn at different phases of the flow field photograph (Figure 6.46, set in shooting
leaves turned 90 degrees position).
Note: The input signal after frequency division, the frequency of PIV not be higher than the
maximum operating frequency of the system, or to re-adjust the frequency divider, the output
signal of the synchronous frequency of less than or equal the maximum operating frequency of
PIV systems.

Figure 6.45 External synchronization parameter settings

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Figure 6.46 Genlock work renderings

6.4.2 Outer Gate

"Outer gate" way of working is to provide an external level of 0-5 volt signal to the
synchronizer (after synchronizer delay of about 200us), PIV system at a high level during the pre-set
frequency in the software, and Work; when checking to low, the system stops working. Software
setup shown in Figure 6.47.Operating frequency can be adjusted according to user needs (cannot
exceed the maximum operating frequency of the system). "External crossover" is used to adjust the
external signal frequency, "phase delay" can be set to an external signal and PIV system working
hours time difference.

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Figure 6.47 external gating parameters

PIV system outside the synchronous operation mode timing diagram is as follows (using
the PIV camera mode):

Figure 6.48 Timing diagram outside the gated

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Chapter VII Appendix

This chapter describes the use of particle image velocimetry software to terminology: Digital
cameras, lasers, frame grabbers, interrogation window, step size, the image buffer, Tecplot, Origin,
standardized dimensions, data file format, TTL and so on.

7.1 Digital Camera

Nowadays there digital cameras use mainly two types of photoelectric sensing chips: CCD and
CMOS. CCD is a Charge Coupled Device, CMOS is a Complementary
Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor. In both of them - CCD and CMOS photoelectric effect is used to
convert the optical signal into an electrical signal (voltage / current). Resulting electrical charge for
each pixel generates an image. Most standard PIV systems used mainly CCD cameras (Figure 7.1).

Figure 7.1 Digital Camera

Digital cameras from generation to now, the way the transmitted signal from the main points
both analog and digital formats. Which analogue video transmission protocol using ordinary
(PAL/NTSL), 25 or 30 frames per second image capture. This standard for digital cameras suitable
for continuous capture series images, but not single trigger capture images, so you cannot fit with the
pulsed laser for accurate velocity measurements.
Digital camera using a common standard digital signal transmission protocol RS422, and newer
RS644, its greatest feature is that it can achieve and external trigger signal and the trigger signal
synchronized with image acquisition, so that through the use of a certain time delay control can be
achieved multiple cameras and lasers synchronous control, to accurately capture the laser pulse light
is irradiated area.

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Digital camera CCD chip from structurally divided into three major (see Figure 7.2): A) Normal
(Full Frame), B) frame transfer type (Frame Transfer) and C) across the frame type (Frame Straddle
or Inter-line Transfer).
Normal (Full Frame) CCD chip ratio of each pixel sensor (Fill Factor) is close to 100%, the
image quality is good, but its drawback is that this chip exposure control only using conventional
mechanical shutter, and between the frames delay long (in the first frame image is not completed
before the transfer cannot be saved for the second frame capture), which limits the CCD chip used in
PIV measurements.
Frame transfer type (Frame Transfer) a photosensitive array of the chip while the parallel
position of the same size storage area of a non-light-sensitive, so the first image signal can be
instantly transferred to a storage area, followed by a second exposure of the frame, the second When
the image exposure frame, the storage area of the first image signals are transmitted
simultaneously. In this way a photosensitive chip ratio (Fill Factor) is close to 100%, and by way of
the frame transfer can be controlled exposure time of the first frame image, which achieved the
electronic shutter function (no mechanical shutter controls the exposure), This approach has been
basically close to the PIV measurement. However, due to the current level of chip manufacturing
process constraints, frame transfer time is milliseconds, cannot achieve the high-speed flow field
The third inter-frame type (Frame Straddle or Inter-line Transfer) CCD camera combines the
frame transfer method, each pixel is divided into two parts: one as a photosensitive element, partly as
a storage unit. So after shooting the first frame image, the signal can be instantly transferred to the
storage unit and the second frame image capture, transfer speed can be faster than the frame transfer
nearly 1,000 times (microsecond range, or even a few hundred nanoseconds). This will make up for
the lack of frame transfer speed disadvantage, can reach hypersonic flow field measurements. But
this structure also brings disadvantages photosensitive lower than (about 60%), the image exposure
to some extent.

Figure 7.2 CCD chip structure classification

7.2 Laser
State of matter from the point of view active medium, a laser can be divided into gas, liquid,
solid and semiconductor lasers, in the present PIV systems are more common solid-state lasers and
semiconductor lasers.

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Semiconductor lasers are semiconductor materials used as the working substance of a class of
lasers (see Figure 7.3). It works by incentives, the use of semiconductor material in the band
transitions between light, a semiconductor crystal cleavage plane mirror surface is formed as two
parallel mirrors, the cavity formed, the light oscillation, feedback, generating light radiation
amplification, the output laser. Semiconductor laser advantages of small size, light weight, reliable
operation, low power consumption and high efficiency.
Solid-state laser material using a laser as the working substance called solid-state lasers,
solid-state lasers are generally laser material, the pump system (excitation source), condenser system,
such as an optical resonator and the power of five parts (high power solid-state laser is also equipped
a cooling system). Solid-state laser working principle is: the energy radiated by the pump system,
through the focusing chamber, so that the working substance in the activation of solid particles can
effectively absorb solar energy, so that the working substance in the formation of a population
inversion by resonant cavity, thus the output laser beam (see Figure 7.4). Solid-state laser source as
only a portion of the emission spectrum is absorbed by the working substance, together with other
losses, and therefore energy conversion efficiency is not high, but the use of Q-switching technology
(by blocking and non-blocking access to suppress the reflection of light and generating laser pulses),
can be obtained in large energy nanosecond high-power short-pulse, high-speed PIV systems widely.

Figure 7.3 Semiconductor laser Figure 7.4 Schematic of solid pulse laser

7.3 Frame grabber

CCD camera signal transmission between computers bridge: computer through frame grabber to
achieve control of the CCD camera, while the CCD camera to capture real-time transmission of
digital video signals to a computer.
The image is sampled, quantized and later converted to a digital image input and stored in the
frame memory in the process, the image signal transmission to the high transmission speed, a
common transmission interface cannot meet the requirements, therefore need an frame grabber (see
Figure 7.3 ). Frame grabber is a digitized video image can obtain information that will capture the
image signal to the computer, in the form of data files stored on the hard drive, and play out the
hardware device.

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In PIV applications, usually black and white image, the image can be divided into 256, 1024,
4096 level gray scale, namely, 8, 10, 12 bits. In the frame grabber supporting software can capture an
image that will be set up gradation.
When the frame grabber signal input rate is high, consider the frame grabber and image
processing systems the bandwidth problem, in actual use, it is possible in the transmission moment
transfer rate cannot meet the high requirements. In order to avoid conflict with other PCI devices
losing data when the data should be cached frame grabber. PCI-E uses a computer, the acquisition
board acquisition rate will be higher, it is also often referred to as PCI frame grabber board, since the
high-speed PCI bus enables capture images directly to the host system memory, thus use
of PC memory scalability to achieve the required number of sequential images frame by frame
continuous acquisition, image processing and analysis sequence. Further, since the image can be
directly acquired from the host memory, the image processing can be carried out directly in the
memory, the image processing speed with the continuous improvement of the CPU speed is
improved, thereby making an image of the host memory for parallel real-time processing possible.
Further, the frame grabber is commonly used in CamLink interface, which provides a
bidirectional serial communication link channel, and the camera image space can communicate
through it, the user can send to the image space to complete the control command corresponding to
the camera's hardware set and change parameters, user-friendly way to programmatically control the
camera directly.
MicroVec uses PCI-E (bandwidth of 2GB / s) of the computer interface + CamLink (bandwidth
of 700MB / s) camera interface, ensuring high-speed, real-time PIV image acquisition and storage.

Figure 7.5 frame grabber

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7.4 Interrogation window and step size

During PIV calculation, you need to set two parameters: interrogation window and step size
(see Figure 7.3):

Figure 7.6 interrogation window and step size

Interrogation window meaning can be understood while reading 4.2.

Refers to the step size in the image with a local interrogation windowIW1 once after analysis,
when the analysis is used when the next interrogation windowIW2 IW1 the entire width with respect
to the change of position in the figure shown in Figure 7.4:

Figure 7.7 step size illustration

In interrogation window32pixel × 32pixel, step size16pixel × 8pixel example, the mesh

distribution and calculation results shown in Figure 7.8: in the horizontal direction, the distance
between two data points (16pixel) is the X direction, step size, two in the vertical direction distance
data points (8pixel) is the Y direction stepsize; the interrogation window is in the center of the
surrounding data points 32pixel × 32pixel region.

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Figure 7.8 PIV results grid distribution

7.5 Picture Cache

Save image data of computer memory area. In the PIV image acquisition and processing
software in the computer memory has opened up a separate area of memory dedicated to storing PIV
software processing digital images. And all the digital images stored here are numbered (starting
with 1, 2,3,4 ...), the total number of stored images depends on how much of your computer's
memory. In the PIV image acquisition and processing software, an image corresponding to each

number appears in Image board window, while the total number of cached images can be used
also displayed here.

7.6 Tecplot
Tecplot is a powerful data analysis and visualization software, widely used in a variety of
computational fluid dynamics and experimental results show. It provides a rich graphics formats,
including xy graphs, multiple formats of 2-D and three-D surface mapping, and three-D body
drawing format, while PIV software calculated the velocity vector field can be displayed through
various Tecplot hydrodynamic parameters, including speed u, v and synthetic component size,
direction and equivalent cloud; vorticity magnitude, direction and equivalent cloud;-dimensional
cross-sectional flow line; test results along the time evolution of the transformation animation. The
software easy to use and has a user friendly interface.
It can be read directly into a common grid, CAD graphics and CFD software (PHOENICS,
FLUENT, STAR-CD) generated files. It can directly import CGNS, DXF, EXCEL, GRIDGEN,

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PLOT3D format. Can export file formats including BMP, AVI, FLASH, JPEG, WINDOWS and
other popular formats. Use the mouse to click directly to know at any point in the flow field values
can freely add and delete the specified contours (surfaces). In engineering and scientific research,
Tecplot increasingly widespread application, users throughout the aerospace, defense, automotive,
petroleum and other industries as well as fluid mechanics, heat transfer, earth science and other
research institutions.

Figure 7.9 Tecplot macro command panel

The picture above shows the Company pursuant to Tecplot, PIV and knowledge of the
characteristics of the fluid, creating a Tecplot macro command panel, by clicking on a button to be
able to complete a series of commands to control. Just our software installation directory (C: \
Microvec) under Tecplot. mcr Tecplot files are copied to the installation directory (eg C: \ Program
Files \ TEC100) can be. Each macro command panel buttons have the following meaning:

Macro command button Macro command button significance

Start MicroVec Starts running macros
Http :/ / Macro developer (MicroVec) Website
Cloud pattern: Block Background equivalents cloud using massive display
Cloud pattern: Flood Background color variations equivalent manner using a continuous cloud
Contour mode: Color Line Background color contour line equivalent manner using cloud

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Cloud pattern: Black Line Cloud background with black contours equivalent way
Cloud pattern: Flood and Line Background equivalents cloud using a continuous mode color and black
Contour mode: OFF Turn off the display background cloud
Cloud Resolution: 15 Background color contour plot shows gradation of 15
Cloud Resolution: 30 Background color contour plot shows gradation of 30
Cloud Resolution: 100 Background color contour plot shows gradation of 100
Vector Mode: Color Displayed as a color gradient color vector
Vector mode: Black Is displayed in black color vector
Vector mode: OFF Close vectors show
Next Next
U Background contours show the distribution of velocity components U
V Background contours show the distribution of velocity components V
W Background contours show the distribution of velocity components W
Speed Background contours show the distribution of synthesis rate
du / dy Background contour display du / dy distribution
dv / dx Background contour display dv / dx distribution
du / dx Background contour display du / dx distribution
dv / dy Background contour display dv / dy distribution
dw / dz Background contour display dw / dz distribution
Vorticity Background vorticity distribution contour display
U Standard Deviation Background contour display pulsating volume velocity component U /
V Standard Deviation Background contour display pulsating volume velocity component V /
W Standard Deviation Background contour display pulsating volume velocity component W /
Speed Standard Deviation Background contour display synthesis rate fluctuation amount / turbulence
Vorticity Standard Deviation Background vorticity contour display the amount of pulsation
Dynamic display all layers Dynamic sequentially display all open data layers
Show all layers superimposed Overlay display all open data layers
Display: The first layer Showing a data layer
Show: one level Display a data layer
Display: next layer Display the next data layers
Show: final layer Displays the last data layers
Automatically adjust the length of Vector length automatically adjust according to the proportion of the velocity
the vector vector
Vector length slightly increased Show a small increase in the length of vector
Vector length slightly reduced Slightly reduced vector display length

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Vector length increases Substantial increase in vector display length

Vector length reduction Significantly reduce the vector display length
Vector length is automatically Size is displayed according to the speed vector length
Vector length locks Constant vector length
Interval Display: NON Close interval display data grid
Interval Display: I = I +1 Sparse data grid horizontal double
Interval Display: J = J +1 Longitudinal data grid sparse doubled
Interval Display: [I, J] = [I, J] +1 Data are sparse horizontal and vertical grid doubled
Flow line center: (Vertical) Flow lines equally spaced along the longitudinal direction
Flow line center: (horizontal) Flow lines equally spaced transverse
Streamline Left Flow line drawn at equal intervals from the left
Streamline the right of abode Flow line drawn at equal intervals from the right
Home on the flow line Flow line drawn from the top at regular intervals
Streamline living under Flow line drawn at equal intervals from the bottom
Streamline Clear Clear the painting flow line
Streamline number: 20 An automatic flow line drawn 20
Streamline number: 50 An automatic flow line drawn 50
Streamline number: 100 An automatic flow line drawn 100
Streamline number: 200 An automatic flow line drawn 200

7.7 Origin
Origin is a function of the more popular professional graphics software for a variety of data
display, calculation, analysis and mathematical statistics, both to meet the general needs of users
cartography, but also meet the advanced user data analysis, function fitting needs, Easy to learn,
flexible operation, powerful, like using Excel and Word Origin as simple as clicking the mouse,
select the menu command you can complete most of the work, to obtain satisfactory results.
Origin has two main functions: data analysis and mapping. Origin includes statistical data
analysis, signal processing, image processing, peak analysis and curve fitting, and other perfect
mathematical analysis. Ready for data, data analysis, simply select the data to be analyzed, and then
select the corresponding menu command. Origin's plot is based on a template, Origin itself provides
a 2D and 3D drawing dozens of templates and allows users to customize their own
templates. Drawing, just select the required template on the line. Users can customize the
mathematical functions, graphic styles and drawing templates; and a variety of database software,
office software, image processing software and other convenient connection.
Origin can be imported, including ASCII, Excel, pClamp including a variety of data. In addition,
it can put Origin graphics output to multiple formats of image files, such as JPEG, GIF, EPS, TIFF
and more.

7.8 Standardized dimensions

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Image buffer zone presses the camera image resolution display and preservation, size and

standard calculations Image board window correspond. More commonly used CCD
corresponding dimensions of approximately:

Panel Size (million H (pixels) V (pixels) Acquisition rate PIV velocity field results (counts / s)
pixels) (frames / sec.)
100 1004 1004 48 24
200 1600 1200 30 15
1920 1080 30 15
400 2048 2048 15 7.5
11000 4000 2672 5 2.5
16000 4872 3248 3 1.5

7.9 Data File Format

Hard disk storage supports four image file format: BMP, JPG, AVI and TIFF formats.
BMP image files for the Universal WINDOWS storage format, 8 bits per pixel (10-bit data
system will automatically adjust for the eight data storage, there is some data distortion), file storage
format to grayscale; JPG is a compressed format WINDOWS gray degree of image files; AVI
compression method is the use of the acquired images are combined together to form a video file;
TIFF file as an image analysis system-specific format (part of the image processing software is not
compatible), to retain the original image for each pixel than 8-bit data, gray storage format.
Image analysis system stores a variety of data file formats are stored in ASCII format using the
Windows common. You can use generic text editor to open and browse editing.

7.9.1 PIV calculation result data file

Figure 7.10 PIV calculation result data file header

Calculated using the data obtained PIV file contains three main parts (see Figure 7.5, Figure

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A. file header: contains the file characteristic information, data formats and data volume
label. Include the data type, data size, the coordinate information.
B. Data Area: according to the data and the 3D coordinates of each component in order of
If the results of the data is the result of a batch process file that contains the last five all time
relative to the average difference between the results (pulsating volume); if it is kept separate batch
process after the average results, is contained in the final five different moments in all difference
(pulse volume) of the rms result.
C. Parameter zones: a calculated data store various parameters, the source image file name,
information relevant calculation parameters.

Figure 7.11 PIV calculation result data file trailer

PIV calculation result data file contains the calculated end result of using this data calculation
parameters and algorithms based on multi-file information.

7.9.2 Description of the physical realization of the code

1 vorticity

du dv
(1) Seek first the shear strain rate dy and dx

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du U (i, j  1)  U (i, j  1) dv V (i  1, j )  V (i  1, j )
 , 
dy Y (i, j  1)  Y (i, j  1) dx X (i  1, j )  X (i  1, j )

(2) Then seek vorticity

dv du
 
dx dy

2. The amount of pulsation

(1) Seek first the time-averaged

1 T2
   T  dt
T 2

(2) Then seek pulsation value

 '   

3 shear strain rate

du / dy = [U (i, j +1)-U (i, j-1)] / [Y (i, j +1)-Y (i, j-1)]
dv / dx = [V (i +1, j)-V (i-1, j)] / [X (i +1, j)-X (i-1, j)]
du / dx = [U (i +1, j)-U (i-1, j)] / [X (i +1, j)-X (i-1, j)]
dv / dy = [V (i, j +1)-V (i, j-1)] / [Y (i, j +1)-Y (i, j-1)]
dw / dz = [V (i +1, j)-V (i-1, j)] / [X (i +1, j)-X (i-1, j)] + [U (i, j +1)-U (i, j-1)] / [Y (i, j +1)-Y (i,

4. Turbulence

u '(i, j )  U (i, j )  U (i, j )

5. Turbulent kinetic energy

1 1
k U 'i U 'i   (U '12  U '2 2  U '32 )
2 2
6 Reynolds stress

a. First, find the average speed

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U (i, j) V (i, j)
u (i, j )  n o
, v[i ][ j ]  n 0
. (N is the total number of velocity vectors)

b. Then calculated the value of each velocity component of the pulsation

u '(i, j )  U (i, j )  U (i, j ) , v '(i, j )  V (i, j )  V (i, j )

c. Final calculation of the Reynolds stress

 '   U '(i, j )V '(i, j)   '   U '(i, j )V '(i, j )

7.9.3 PTV calculation result data file

Using particle tracking velocimetry manner calculated velocity vector field, the data file format
does not contain the file header, direct enumeration of the data. Data listed in order from left to right:
No. No. Z coordinates X coordinate Y coordinate velocity component velocity components U V
W velocity component velocity particles synthesized pixel area occupied

7.9.4 The results of the batch process data file

Calculation results obtained using a batch process, you can use two ways to export: Exporting
single-point data results and export data results.
Alone exported data file using the same data in a mean way, each one of the data average, and
various pieces of all the results were stored in a data file. Data Format from left to right:
Serial Number velocity component velocity component U V W velocity component synthetic
velocity values
This data file for analysis of changes in the local time zone.
Exporting data is all the result of the command data stored in a data file, retaining all data,
export data formatted according to PIV / PTV results format (no file header information). It applies
to the entire space and time varying data for statistical analysis.

7.9.5 Analysis of the resulting data file output

Using the Tools menu in the "Output analysis results" command, you can figure ruler straight
regular intervals extracted data is stored as data files for a single image data analysis of the spatial
variation of the results.
Data format: Serial Number synthetic velocity values corresponding component

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7.9.6 Data obtained by averaging the results file data files

Use the Analyze menu "Data Averaging the results file" command, you can calculate the results
of the batch process calculation process again after storing the corresponding data file.
Data file format is:
File Header
ZX coordinates X coordinate Y coordinate direction Y direction speed speed speed synthetic
velocity value Z direction vorticity value X direction Y direction, speed velocity standard deviation
standard deviation standard deviation of the Z-direction speed synthesis rate standard deviation
standard deviation of vorticity XY coordinate plane The turbulent kinetic energy values YZ
coordinate plane XZ coordinate plane turbulent kinetic energy values of turbulent kinetic energy
within the numerical value of the Reynolds stress
Calculation parameters

7.9.7 Analysis of the resulting data files concentration field

Using the Tools menu in the "Concentration Analysis" command, a single image can be stored
as a result of the concentration of the corresponding data files. File format:
File Header
Coordinate X Coordinate Y concentration values

7.9.8 The results of particle size analysis data file

Using the Tools menu in the "particle size analysis" command, you can search for single
particle image is stored as a result of the corresponding data files. File format:
File Header
Serial Number Coordinate X Coordinate Y equivalent width equivalent rectangle
rectangular region of high particle number of pixels occupied

7.10 TTL
TTL stands for Transistor-Transistor Logic ie BJT-BJT logic gates, digital electronic
technology is commonly used as a logic gate, the application earlier, technology is more
mature. TTL mainly BJT (Bipolar Junction Transistor is a bipolar junction transistor, transistor) and
resistors, high speed characteristics. The first is the 74 series TTL gates, and later appeared 74H
series, 74L series, 74LS, 74AS, 74ALS other series.
TTL level signal: TTL level signal to be used because most of them are often required binary
data representation, +5 V is equivalent to a logical "1", 0V is equivalent to logic "0", it is called TTL

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(Transistor - Transistor logic level) signaling system, which is controlled by the computer processor
for communication between the various parts inside the device by standard techniques.
TTL output high> 2.4V, output low <0.4V. At room temperature, generally high output is 3.5V,
output low level is 0.2V. Minimum input high and low: Input high ≥ 2.0V, input low ≤ 0.8V, noise
margin is 0.4V.
TTL circuit is a current control device, TTL circuit speed, transmission delay time is short
(5-10ns), but the power consumption.

7.11 Photoelectric switch

PIV generic camera double exposure mode, the exposure time of the second frame (several
milliseconds to several hundred milliseconds) is much larger than the first frame exposure time
(microsecond order) to obtain particles of the second frame of Fig. background noise often large, it
requires PIV experiments conducted in the dark as much as possible, or to increase the laser
wavelength corresponding to the optical filter lens.
However, if the field is applied in the flame, the above method cannot be applied, so that the
second frame image background gray high, or not affect the calculation results of PIV. In our
PIV system, in front of the camera can add a photoelectric switch (Figure 7.12), the second laser
beam falls into the second frame, the photoelectric switch immediately began working man stopped
the second frame exposure, reduce the maximum flame effect on the particle diagram.

Figure 7.12 photoelectric switch

Increase the photoelectric switch, PIV system works timing diagram is as follows:

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Figure 7.13 increase photoelectric switch PIV System Timing Diagram

Specific software settings are as follows:

a. Q-switched laser trigger signal and optoelectronic switch trigger signal is set
to 0: Synchronous Channel 7 ("Image" menu "hardware control" command / "lasers" section /
"Advanced Settings" section) delay parameter is set to 0, and then the "Cross- frame time "("
Image "menu" hardware control "command /" lasers "section) is set to 0, click the" Run
"button to save parameters;
b. Locked laser 2 with synchronizer 7 Channel: Select the "locked lasers 2 and Channel 7 Sync"
button function ("Image" menu "hardware control" command / "lasers" section / "Advanced
Settings" section).
c. Depending on the experimental conditions set "inter-frame time" and then the experiment.

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Figure 7.14 software using photoelectric switch settings

Before and after using the particle graph compares the photoelectric switch as follows (the
second frame are selected particle images for comparison):

Figure 7.15 Particle photoelectric switch Figure 7.16 Particle photoelectric switch
photoelectric switch unused a particle diagram photoelectric switches using a particle diagram

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Chapter VIII maintenance record sheet

No. Processing phenomena Processing results Date of service Maintenance



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Particle image velocimetry (PIV) using procedures

1. Particle image velocimetry (PIV) operators need to go

through MicroVec Trained and qualified, and are familiar with particle
image velocimetry (PIV) Manual relevant regulations.
2. Particle image velocimetry (PIV) Power Requirements: 220V 18A (including
lasers and image acquisition system), and a reliable, comprehensive ground,
the laser system and the image acquisition system should use separate power
supply, respectively.
3. All hardware is powered on, you need to ensure that: a reliable power supply
signal ground, the camera lens cover is closed, the laser light sheet Gaiyan
light hole is closed, the laser light guide arm firmly secured to the respective
input and output signal lines are connected correctly, the signal is strictly
prohibited synchronizer output port to any high voltage power supply or the
output port circuit.
4. If you use the system is equipped with a double-pulse lasers, lasers require
strict accordance with the user manual provides power and ready to operate
the experiment. Then turn off the laser light control switch in the back to
avoid particle image velocimetry (PIV) software to adjust the laser process
5. In accordance with the particle image velocimetry (PIV) System Manual
provides imaging systems connected to the hardware.
6. Start MicroVec image acquisition control software, the first number to the
maximum aperture of the camera, the camera through software control
module detects camera work status; while MicroVec software set in the
real-time image display status, open the camera lens cover view camera
image effects. Lighting conditions according to the shooting area, with the
camera aperture camera software control to further adjust the exposure
time captured image (if the image brightness is also inadequate
software-controlled camera can further increase the gain factor).
7. Depending on the experimental requirements, the reference particle image
velocimetry (PIV) Manual provides further configure software camera
control mode, adjust the camera work in the respective state, shooting and
saving experimental flow field images.
8. Experimental work has been completed, first turn off the camera lens cover,
turn off the laser light sheet exports. Close image acquisition system. Turn
off lights and Q-switched laser, after stabilization before cooling off the laser

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9. Throughout the experimental procedure, if we find unknown fault
phenomenon, requiring strict accordance with the particle image
velocimetry (PIV) Manual regulations. Case of an emergency, you need to
turn off the camera lens cover, turn off the laser light sheet exports,
and Q-switch off the laser light. Other unknown matters please promptly
with MicroVec Ties and provide detailed breakdown phenomena in order to
10. Maintenance: complete PIV system requires dust, moisture, 15-25 ℃
environment; moving process required to prevent vibration damage to the
optical instrument; lasers need to be replaced every three-6 months cooling
water (6-8 liters of deionized water).


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