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Unit XI: The

New 4p’s of
LEMERY, Bjorn Russel
MALIHOC, Ahira Dawn
NAGNAL, Florence
▸ Product
▸ Price
▸ Place
▸ Promotion
The New 4p’s of Pharmaceutical

 Predictive  Peer-to-peer
Modeling  Participation
 Personalization

▸ Predictive Modeling and Personalization are

“Controlled” because it’s easy for pharmaceutical
executives to buy into them. They are proactive
ideas based on proven technology.

▸ This is a statistical method of predicting future

behaviour that gives the pharmaceutical marketers
the insight that they need to know when, how, and
with what message to “intercept” the patient,
depending on where he or she is in the treatment
▸ For example, it is understood that acne sufferers generally follow a highly
predictable treatment protocol: self-treatment-OTC-OTX-prescription.
▸ Predictive modeling allows marketers to maximize patient value by
understanding where the acne sufferer is in that lifecycle, and accelerate
the time to prescription treatment.
▸ Personalized marketing communication uses specific
imagery and messaging to enhance relevance. With this
technique, a pharmaceutical company can provide vital
information to each patient based on demographic profile
and phase of treatment, using the most appropriate
language and visuals.
▸ In addition to making the patient feel “recognized” by the brand,
personalization helps:
 Facilitate patient-professional dialogue by prepping patients with
relevant questions to ask their physicians
 Extend post-visit care by reaching patients with relevant messages at
appropriate times in the treatment cycle and managing their
expectations. This, in turn, helps promote patient satisfaction.

▸ Are more reactive in nature

▸ Represent an area where information and
technology have merged in an exciting, but
uncontrolled new way.
▸ For pharmaceutical marketers, they can be highly
successful, but they should be approached with

▸ It is appropriate to facilitate and monitor peer-to-peer dialogue.

On the professional side, peer-to-peer has a tremendous upside
and branding is acceptable. For example, a pharmaceutical
company can align with key opinion leaders and create a peer-to-
peer relationship between doctors, including specialist to
generalist, to help drive understanding and education on disease
states and treatments.
▸ Due to regulatory constraints and governance, pharmaceutical companies
often must remain passive in this channel. From a positive perspective,
peer-to-peer initiatives allow democratization of brands and products. For
pharmaceuticals, this channel should focus on simple and clear objectives:
 Leverage key opinion leaders and influencers: Inspire
 Provide value: Inform
 Connect patients with one another: Facilitate
 Develop share-worthy content and assets: Create
▸ In the consumer realm, the company monitors opinion and social networking
sites to keep their fingers on the pulse of the market.
 What are consumers saying about their brands?
 In what context is a brand being discussed?
 Are there any reoccurring issues or myths that need to be addressed?
▸ One very successful tactic was an e-zine in which the specialist discussed
the product profile and clinical data, reaching not only fellow specialists but
also other frequent prescription writers in the category.
▸ Participation generally helps to define a brand. In the
pharmaceutical industry, patients don’t typically want to
“participate” with a disease. Patient participation is typically limited
to networking and communication built around modern “support
groups.” Via online forums, chats, and Web communities, people
are most interested in sharing and learning
▸ A pharmaceutical marketer intelligently stepped into the participation
waters by offering patients ways to participate in treatment “communities.”
This is typically done via unbranded Web sites that allow visitors to
consume and contribute content.
▸ For example, the sites may encourage conversation about the physical and
psychosocial aspects of a disease, via online treatment diaries or an FAQ.
For pharmaceuticals, this channel should focus on simple and clear objectives:
▸ Give stakeholders what they want to make their situations better: Educate
▸ Monitor for new insights and opportunities: Listen
▸ Provide connection to what stakeholders believe in: Advocate
▸ Develop tools and assets that allow user control: Empower
▸ Obviously the traditional Four P’s are still relevant. Yet pharmaceutical
marketers must understand the opportunities offered by new Four P’s
as well. They are not only effective, but also quick to deploy, cheap to
implement, and offer almost immediate results.
Unit XII:
Mass Marketing
Introduction to Health
Care Advertising
Combats Competitive claims
Builds Credibility
Maintains Brand Loyalty
Builds Company Image
The Institute of Practitioners in Advertising stated that:

“Advertising presents the most persuasive possible selling

message to the right prospects for the product or service at
the lowest possible cost”

Advertising may cost a lot of money but that cost is justified

if it works effectively and economically.
Objectives of Healthcare Advertising

To build primary organizations

To increase market share. demand of healthcare.

To create a reputation for service, To introduce a price deal.

reliability or research strength.

To help healthcare marketer by To build service recognition

building an awareness of a service or service insistence.
among patients or community.
Health communication is often a
sensitive subject as a whole, but
especially in regards to advertising
health products and services. In the
pharmaceutical market, it is always
the prescribers’ and the patients’
personal experiences that
determines if a pharmaceutical
product achieves a market
penetration and long life cycle.
FDA’s pharmaceutical advertising regulation
includes Section 502 of the Federal Food, Drug and
Cosmetic Act specifying that the advertising should
(1) The product’s established name.
(2) Its formula.
(3) A brief summary of its side effects,
contraindications, and effectiveness.
Advertising Planning and
a) Objective Setting
 Advertising objective is a critical step in advertising strategy creation.
 Based on their specific message objective, pharmaceutical advertising
approaches may be categorized as informative, persuasive, and
mnemonic (reminder).
b) Budget Definition and Allocation
 The allocation of financial resources to pharmaceutical advertising can be
done with various methods. These methods include: historically based all
you can afford, breakdown method, competitively based, build up method,
or research approach.
c) Message Decision
 Pharmaceutical advertising messages can be informative, persuasive, and
mnemonic (reminder)
d) Media Selection
 Media selection is an integral part of the overall advertising planning. The
criteria for selecting an advertising medium are campaign objectives, budget,
geographic focus, target audience, competitive environment, and timing.
e) Production
 Production refers to designing the creative strategy, its concept testing, and
final creation of the desired medium to be used for production process.
f) Evaluation
 The evaluation of pharmaceutical advertising effectiveness can be done either
directly (Communications effect) or indirectly (Sales effect)
Common Promotional
Promotion tools:
1. In-Clinic Promotion Mix 3. Leave Behind Material

2. Detailing Aid 4. Samples

Promotion tools:
5. Gift or Give aways 7. Clinical Trials or Studies

6. Out-of-Clinic promotional mix 8. Seminars/Symposium/ Round

Table Discussion.
Promotion tools:
9. Sponsorships 11. Public Relations

10. Advertisements 12. Free Medical camps

Promotion tools:
13. Corporate Marketing 15. E-marketing

14. Hospital or Ward improvement 16. Mobile Apps

Internet Promotion

▸ The development of World Wide Web has

changes the business environment forever.
Dot com fever has taken the industry and stock
markets by storm. The e-commerce revolution
promises to deliver a more efficient way of
conducting business.
Internet Promotion

▸ Pharmaceutical companies are exploring online marketing as an

alternative way to reach physicians. Emerging e-promotional activities
include live video detailing, online events, electronic sampling, and
physician customer service.
Mobile Apps

▸ Growth in the numbers of Apple and

Android devices has extended the
potential reach of apps, and companies
have responded by diversifying their
output. As well as adherence, diary and
text-based education apps.
Mobile Apps
▸ Pharmaceutical companies can add their customers in many ways by
developing B2C mobile applications. Features such as push notifications
help remind you to take your medicine or tell you when a prescription
has been delivered to your pharmacy. Also, customers can look up side
effects to their medicine if they cannot reach their clinician, or if they
have a quick question.

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