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TCS India Policy – Vaccination for COVID-19


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 2021

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without the written authorization of the Global Head - HR, TCS.

Document Release Notice

This India Policy for Vaccination for COVID-19, Version 1.0 is published for use in TATA Consultancy
Services (TCS) with effect from 1st May 2021.

This document is subject to TCS Document Control Procedure.

Sof t copy of the latest version of this document is available in MyHR in Knowmax.

This policy was last reviewed/updated on 24th June 2021.

Approved By: Sathya Narayana Mehta (Head - Policy and Talent Transformation)

Authorized By: Milind Lakkad (Global Head - HR)

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Right f rom the onset of the pandemic, TCS has taken several measures to ensure the safety and wellness
of our associates while catering to business continuity e.g., enabling remote working in SBWSTM, providing
COVID Care Centers/Isolation Centers for affected associates and their dependents, addition of provisions
under the Health Insurance Schemes to aid associates in time of need, to name a few.

In the battle against COVID-19, vaccination is the solution towards protecting ourselves as confirmed by
the governments, health authorities, and WHO. Vaccination provides the f irst line of defense against the
inf ection by prevention of moderate/severe disease and protection as more and more people get
vaccinated. The Government of India has been announcing vaccination drives by age group in phases and
has announced vaccination for all individuals who are in the age group of 18 years and above.

In line with above, TCS is arranging f or the vaccination of our associates and their dependents enrolled
under the company’s Health Insurance Scheme across various cities.

It becomes imperative f or all our associates to be adequately protected through vaccination against the
virus f or their own health and saf ety and the saf ety of their f amily, colleagues and the community.
Vaccination status of an associate will also determine his/her return to TCS of fices, his/her ability to
undertake work related travel (domestic or international), take up global assignments and health insurance
coverage of the associates and his/her dependents.

All associates are theref ore required to get vaccinated at the earliest f or their own saf ety, safety of their
f amilies and their colleagues either though the TCS organized drives or through external sources.

This document outlines the TCS India policy regarding vaccination and scenarios around the same.


With the onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020, there has been, an almost immediate acceptance from
the industry and business community at large, towards remote working, keeping in mind the health and
saf ety of associates and their f amilies. TCS immediately implemented the SBWSTM f ramework thereby
enabling associates to work from home wherever possible.

The Governments, Scientists and Medical community globally worked hard over the year of 2021 and have
achieved breakthrough in coming out with vaccines and thereby providing for reasonable protection against
the deadly virus. It is envisaged that the precautions against COVID-19 will continue for the f oreseeable
f uture.

The business community and industry now look f orward to reorganizing the work arrangements and
workplaces of the near f uture. Increasingly there is confidence in a hybrid work model wherein executing

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essential workplace activities that require the physical presence of associates will be transitioned into the
designated workplace (New Normal). Several of our global customers are gearing up for the next phase of
the New Normal and have commenced returning to operations from the assigned workplace. Additionally,
a host of our customers in public services, banks and stock exchanges, insurance and healthcare
institutions, telecom and utility providers, retail, consumer goods and travel, continue to operate f rom their
of fices, albeit at reduced strength, despite the Covid-19 situation. Thus, as IT service provider to these
industries and others, TCS is also preparing to transition to the New Normal, in line with our prevailing
25x25 operating model vision,

It theref ore becomes imperative for all associates to be adequately protected through vaccination against
the virus f or us to collectively contribute to:

1. A saf e workplace for self and colleagues to be able to physically work from office as customers and
TCS is gearing up for the next phase of the New Normal.
2. Protection of family members from undue exposure through associates who will need to travel to

Lastly, the associates are encouraged to be responsible citizens and actively participate in the fight against
COVID-19 so normal life can be resumed and the economic health of the country at large can be restored.


The policy is applicable to:

­ All TCS and TCS eServe International India employees working in India.

­ ACE Interns, Global Interns & BPO S grade associates working for TCS and TCS eServe International
Ltd in India

Any person/ persons engaged temporarily on contractual basis either directly or through an agency.

The above are hereaf ter referred to as “Associates”.

Note: TCS India employees deputed overseas and who have covered their dependents under the TCS
India HIS, may also leverage the provisions of this policy for eligible dependents in India.

“Eligible Dependents” in this document ref ers to the employee’s Parents, Parents in law, spouse and
children >=18 years of age who have been enrolled under the company’s Health Insurance Scheme and
whose details have been duly updated by the employee in GESS at the below path: Ultimatix  Employee
Services  Employee Self Service  Global ESS  Benefits and Taxes  Health Insurance Scheme
 Beneficiary Details.

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Dependents who have been enrolled in GESS as per TCS India Policy – Health Insurance Scheme who
are below 18 years of age are currently not eligible for vaccination.


1. TCS is partnering with service providers to provide vaccination for its associates, their enrolled eligible
dependents as per the TCS India Policy – Health Insurance Scheme and others covered by this

2. The cost of vaccination will be borne by the organization.

• Associates who have undertaken paid vaccination dose(s) externally can refer to TCS India
Policy – Health Insurance Scheme for details on reimbursement process.
• Associates are encouraged to get themselves and dependents vaccinated through external
sources if they get an earlier appointment.

3. All Associates are required to get themselves vaccinated at the earliest either through TCS or by
external sources unless a reasonable accommodation is approved. Please ref er to the Ultimatix >
MyHR >India > Benefits >Covid 19 TCS India Process Note – Vaccination for Covid 19 f or details
on the procedure to be f ollowed. The current TCS Vaccination drive f or Dose 1 is expected to be
completed by 15th July 2021. Associates are expected to complete their Dose 1 by this date and
complete their Dose 2 in line with the dosage schedule as proposed by the Govt of India.


Please refer Section on Reasonable Accommodation

4. Vaccination confirmation details of associate and dependents must be recorded in GESS.

5. Vaccination is a mandatory requirement towards (including but not limited to) the below work-related

• Work f rom Office (WFO): Future entry to the associate in to assigned offices.
• Participation by the associate in work assignments requiring the physical presence of associates
e.g., client visits, seminars, conferences. in-person meetings, trainings.
• Work related travel: Both Domestic and International travel by the associate.
• Continuation of the associate in an account where the customer / TCS requires physical presence
in the assigned workplace.

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• TCS India Health Insurance Scheme: may see changes to the HIS premium and coverage for
themselves and/or their dependents.

6. In keeping with the philosophy of ensuring necessary business agility in the new normal scenario, all
associates are expected to be available to work from their depute locations at reasonable notice. This
will be applicable irrespective of whether the associates are currently on Work from Office or working
f rom home on SBWSTM.

7. In the above circumstances, such associates not vaccinated by 15th July 2021 through company
arranged vaccination drives or vaccination drives conducted by public health services,

• will be required to undertake RT-PCR tests, from an ICMR approved laboratory, once every week
while on SBWSTM and provide the report to HR, since the associate maybe identified to work from
of fice at short notice. If the associate is identified to work from office, then the associate is required
to produce a RT-PCR test report not older than 3 days prior to the date of reporting to office. This
will not be a reimbursable expense. If the associate fails to produce the RT-PCR test reports every
week, then the associate will be put through disciplinary proceeding. If the reports provided are
f ound to be fraudulent, consequences may include severe disciplinary action including separation.
• may not be considered for international assignments,
• may not be considered f or assignments where Client or TCS requires all associates to be
vaccinated and hence may be asked to proceed on personal leave till such time the associate
completes the vaccination.
• may see changes to the HIS premium and coverage for themselves and/or their dependents .

Reasonable Accommodation

• In the event an associate has been medically advised to ref rain f rom vaccination by consulting
doctors due to prevailing health conditions, such associate may seek exemption from this policy.
• Such associate is required to submit a Request f or Exception f orm to their HRBP along with
supporting documents as applicable.
• Request f or Accommodations is subject to review by the Company’s panel doctors (and in certain
cases re-examination by the Company’s panel doctors) and the organization reserves the right to
duly accept or reject the request post necessary due diligence. Associates who are exempted will
not be required to undergo weekly RT-PCR while on SBWSTM. If / when they are required to come
to office, then the associate is required to produce a RT-PCR test report not older than 3 days prior
to the date of reporting to office.
• The Request f or Accommodation will be granted, to the extent possible, where they do not cause
the organization undue hardship or pose a direct threat to the health and safety of others.
• Any associate will be subject to disciplinary proceedings in case it is f ound that the associate is
deliberately avoiding vaccination without valid reason.

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Terms and Conditions
• During the TCS India Vaccination drive, vaccination will be provided as per availability and there
will be no choice of type of vaccine provided. However, If the associate or a dependent has taken
f irst dose of a vaccine, the second dose of the same vaccine will be provided, subject to the details
being uploaded in GESS.

• In case of any doubt, the associates are advised to consult the company’s doctors or go through

• The Vaccination centers provided by TCS are equipped with competent medical practitioners and
nursing staf f and other necessary inf rastructure to handle the Adverse Event Following
Immunization (AEFI) if any. TCS will not be responsible f or any reaction or side effects of the
vaccination. Associates may additionally consult their doctor for required guidance in case of any
medical conditions.

• TCS reserves the right to change or discontinue any or all provisions detailed in this document at
any point of time, as required.

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Revision List

Revision Document Rationale
Release/ Revision Section Change Document
Version Effective for
Revision Description No. type revision
No. Date Change

1.0 01 May 2021 24 June 2021 New Release NA NA NA NA

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