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Fiscal Printer SYNERGY PF-550

Fiscal Printer

SYNERGY PF-550 is a compact thermal printer with fiscal memory, which prints cash receipts and daily reports
on two separate paper rolls 58 mm wide. It is compatible to most European and World fiscal legislation systems.
The functions of the device are controlled with the help of buttons, located on its frontal part as well as commands,
sent via the serial interface. The couplings for the cable connections are conveniently located for fast access and easy
manipulations. The printing devices have low noise emission levels and high printing speeds - 50 mm/sec.
The printer has an automatic paper cutter. Optionally, it can support a display and a cash drawer.
Contemporary commercial activities and the demands of acting fiscal legislation systems demand a comparatively
good knowledge on the ways to operate fiscal devices of different kinds - cash registers, electronic scales, different
types of printing devices. It is for this reason, that the careful reading of this manual before starting work with the
printer may save you lots of time and trouble later on.


The over 50 different commands which the printer can execute may initially create the impression that learning to
work with it is a difficult job. Most of these commands, however, are related to the starting initialization, diagnostics
and the generating of reports thus decreasing greatly the number of commands directly engaged with the issuing of
receipts and other user’s operations.
As an example may serve the commands, which must be sent to the printer to make it generate a fiscal and a non-
fiscal receipt. Only the order numbers of the commands will be presented and the data there related without getting into
the details of the contents of the special symbols which guarantee the viability of the data and ensure the correct
communication between the printer and the personal computer.


The commands for sale are accepting as parameters the big letters А, Б, В, Г (ASCII codes 192, 193, 194, 195).
Neto value is calculated by the formula:
net_amount = ROUND(sale_amount / (1 + tax_rate))
Payed tax is calculated by the formula:
tax_amount = sale_amount - net_amount

If the user of the fiscal printer is TAX payer (the VAT number is not empty) then TAX categories А, Б and В
are accepted, and Г is refused.
If the user of the fiscal printer is not TAX payer (the VAT number is empty) then TAX category Г is accepted,
and А, Б and В are refused.


- If the user of the fiscal printer is TAX payer (the VAT number is not empty) then TAX categories А, Б and
В are accepted, and Г is refused.
- If the user of the fiscal printer is not TAX payer (the VAT number is empty) then TAX category Г is
accepted, and А, Б and В are refused.
- Daily report can be executed only once in a day.
Fiscal Printer SYNERGY PF-550



Command: 48 (30h)
Data: “1,000000,12”
The first number is the operator’s number (maximum 16), the second is the operator’s password while the third is
the order number of the point of sale (department or location). In a newly purchased printer the six zeros are the
operator’s default password – you may, naturally, enter your own. The third number is suitable only in commercial
centers with many points of sale (departments). After entering this command the printer will print out several “header”
lines which will contain the text registration number and the name and individual number of the operator.

Command: 49 (31h)
Data: “2 x 120 <TAB>B2.40”
A text of 25 symbols is printed /prior to the symbol there is a tab symbol - 09h/, the price of the item and its
relevant tax group, which is in the 40th position on the line. The commentary may be of only two lines, in which case
the lines will be divided with an <LF> (0Ah).

Command: 53 (35h)
The command is used for receiving the payment on the registered sales, after which new sales are forbidden. Before
the tab symbol the spacing might also have a descriptive text of one or two lines, which have not been presented in the
example. Symbol ‘P’ shows the type of payment employed - in this particular case “in cash” - after which the sum due
is printed out. The payment can be performed several times but the closing of the receipt is possible only if the overall,
paid sum is equal or greater than the sum of the sales.


Command: 56 (38h)
Data: “”
The command print a maximum of two lines of text - usually an advertisement “footer”- the reg. number of the
document, the quantity of the sales registered and the compulsory elements of any fiscal receipt: fiscal logo, date and
hour, serial number of the printer and the reg. number of the fiscal memory. After sending the command the paper is
cut, if automatic cutting is enabled. The printer is ready for a new document.

To function normally the program for operating the fiscal printer must be able to control the execution of the
commands, which often fail mainly due to the lack of paper, the sending of invalid commands or simply because of
some minor cable problem. The current status of the printer is monitored by 6 bytes, returned by every command. Part
of the bits are informative /opened non-fiscal receipt for instance/, others indicate error /no paper, invalid command,
etc./. The program must inform of existing errors or - if possible - react to these errors.
There are commands with the help of which the control program can acquire the whole needed information on the
current status of the printer. The printer saves this info in the memory as well as the accumulated sums (during the day
or only within the current receipt) even after it has been switched of from the power feed. If the device is in the
“document opened” mode it cannot close down automatically but only from the control program.


The functional control of the printer is performed with the help of buttons, located on its frontal part and
commands, sent via the serial interface. The coupling of the cable connections are located in such a way as to make
them easily connectable and the whole device fast to set up for normal operation.
Prior to using this device please read these instructions and the descriptions of the application programs carefully
and make sure that you have really learned how to operate the PF-550 .
Fiscal Printer SYNERGY PF-550


“Power” indicator
Lights in green when the printer is on and does not execute commands. When the light is out this is an indication
that the printer is “engaged” with a command.

“Error” indicator
Activated continuously when there is no paper in the device and blinks at the overheating of one/both printing
devices. Goes out when the error is cleared.

“Cash receipts” button

Moves the cash receipts paper roll forward. When the button is kept pressed down while power on, the printer
generates and prints out diagnostic information on both paper rolls.

“Journal paper roll” button

Moves forward the electronic journal paper roll. When pressed down while power on prints out the daily report
without clear (X-report). This can be also generated through a separate command.
When both buttons are pressed down while power on, the printer generates a short periodic report for the whole
period of exploitation if (and when) the printer is a fiscal device. The job will also be done through a special command.

The fiscal device operates under the control of an application program, with which it communicates via the RS232
serial connection. The device executes a previously set of wrapped commands, arranged according to the type of the
operations which have to be executed. The application program does not have a direct access to the resources of the
fiscal device although it can detect data connected with the status of the fiscal device and the fiscal memory.
The fiscal device performs the following types of operations:
 Saves the serial number of the fiscal device and the number of the fiscal memory;
 Saves fiscal parameters, like the tax registration number, the date of entering into exploitation, etc.;
 Saves information on the owner - name and address, etc.;
 Saves the daily turnover in the fiscal memory and generates a daily report;
 Generating reports on concluded sales and the content of the fiscal memory;
 Dispatching data to the application program.


Each concluded sale can be related to a certain taxation category (VAT) defining a tax rate, applicable to the base
price used for the formation of the sale price. The fiscal printer can operate with a maximum of 4 taxation categories,
which are most often indicated with the first letters of the language of the country, where the fiscal printer is used-in the
case of England these letters are A, B, C, D.
Each of the taxation groups has a set tax rate (in percent) which is expressed by a number not greater than 99.00
and by no more than two digits after the decimal point.
Part of the four standard categories may be forbidden by using Rates_fewer in the 83(53H) command. The
commands for registering sales read the said four letters as a parameter.


The fiscal device has two functional modes:
1. The tutorial mode. The device is not fiscalized and all data needed for its normal functioning are
entered and saved in the fiscal memory with the exception of the tax registration number of the owner. Fiscal
receipts can be opened and closed but they always bear the inscription that they are not fiscal. Daily financial
reports with clearing can be generated but they are not saved in the fiscal memory.
2. Normal mode. The device has been fiscalized and the tax registration number of the owner is saved in
the fiscal memory. Al fiscal rules apply.
Fiscal Printer SYNERGY PF-550


The status of the fiscal device can differ. Shifting from one to another condition is not always possible. The control
of the printer and the shifting between the different functions - when this is possible - is executed by the application
program Host (PC), which must relate to the included protocol. If this protocol is not applied correctly the printer might
enter into an undesirable status or to skip a given functional status, leading to an ERROR.

This is the functional status in which the date and the hour are set, the number of the fiscal memory is entered as
well as the serial number and the code of the country where the device will be operated.
The following commands must be performed in the order in which they are presented: 61 (3DH) and 91 (5BH).


This is the state in which the name of the currency is entered, the number of the digits after the decimal point and
the tax rates. After performing these operations the fiscal printer is ready for delivery to the future operator (owner).
This is also the status in which the device is kept in the warehouse of the manufacturer.
The following commands are performed in the order in which they are presented: 83 (53H) and 96 (60H).


In this functional state the header and the footer are set - the beginning and the end of each receipt. The header
contains information on the owner (name of the company, address etc.) while the footer is usually a short advertisement
The command 43 (2BH) is performed as many times as is the number of printed lines.

The fiscal printer is in this status prior to fiscalization. Receipts can be issued but it must be born in mind that they
will bear the mark “non-fiscal”. The generation of a daily turnover report with clear but it will not be saved into the
fiscal memory. A tax registration number is also entered but not into the fiscal memory and is subject to change. The
clearing of the memory does not cause an entry in the fiscal memory. The clock may be set arbitrarily.

In this functional status fiscal receipts may be issued and they will be marked “fiscal”. The daily report and clear is
registered in the fiscal memory and the setting of the date is possible only ahead in relation to the last entry in the fiscal
memory. The tax registration number is registered in the FM and cannot be changed from this point on. It is
IMPOSSIBLE for the printer to exit the fiscal mode without changing the fiscal memory.
The tax registration number of the owner of the device must be known prior to fiscalization. Command 98 (62H)
after which the command 72 (48H) must be executed.


This is the status of the printer when a serious technical or logical mistake has occurred as well as in case of fiscal
memory failure. After switching ON the device in this mode a bold sign “FATAL ERROR: 4” appears. The printer
does not perform commands for opening fiscal receipts as well as documents, which save data entries into the fiscal
memory. Only diagnostic commands and periodic reports can be executed. Clearing the RAM and placing a new fiscal
memory module must be performed because the module used before the error is now switched to the READ ONLY
The events, which can bring the printer to this state, are:
- Impossibility to make a correct entry in the fiscal memory;
- Invalid control sum, tax number, serial number, reg. No. of the fiscal memory or some of the entries which
contain the tax rates.
- Unidentified format of the fiscal memory module;
- If during the fiscal memory check up (immediately after switch ON) more than three invalid control sums
from a daily report fiscal entry are found.

The current status of the device is coded in a field 6 bytes long which is sent within each message of the fiscal
printer. Description of each byte in this field:
Fiscal Printer SYNERGY PF-550

Byte 0: General purpose

0.7 Reserved
0.6 Reserved
0.5 General error - OR of all errors marked with ‘#’
0.4 Failure in printing mechanism
0.3 Not used
0.2 The clock needs setting
0.1 # Code of incoming command is invalid
0.0 # Incoming data has syntax error
Byte 1: General purpose
1.7 Reserved
1.6 Reserved
1.5 Printer cover is opened
1.4 # RAM failure after switch ON
1.3 Not used
1.2 # Operational memory was cleared
1.1 # If command cannot be performed in the current fiscal mode
1.0 If during command some of the fields for the sums overflow. Status 1.1 will also be set and the
command will not cause changes to the data in the printer.
Byte 2: General purpose
2.7 Reserved
2.6 Reserved
2.5 If a non-fiscal receipt has been opened
2.4 Not enough journal paper
2.3 A fiscal receipt has been opened
2.2 Journal paper end
2.1 Not enough paper - both journal and receipt paper rolls.
2.0 # No paper - valid for both paper rolls. If the flag is raised during a print-related command it will be
rejected and the status of the printer will remain unchanged.
Byte 3: The status of the configuration keys
3.7 Reserved
3.6 Reserved
3.5 Not used
3.4 Not used
3.3 SW4 state. Sets the baud rate of the serial port.
3.2 SW3 state. Enables the “transparent display” mode.
3.1 SW2 state. Not used
3.0 SW1 state. Permits the automatic paper cutting function.
Byte 4: The fiscal memory
4.7 Reserved
4.6 Reserved
4.5 OR of all mistakes marked by ‘*’ from bytes 4 and 5.
4.4 * Fiscal memory is fully engaged.
4.3 If there is space for not more than 50 entries in the FM.
4.2 If there is no fiscal memory
4.1 Not used
4.0 * When there is an error during entry in the fiscal memory
Byte 5: The fiscal memory
5.7 Reserved
5.6 Reserved
5.5 If the serial number and the number of the fiscal memory are programmed in advance
5.4 If tax rates have been entered at least once
5.3 If the printer is in the fiscal mode
5.2 Not used
5.1 If the fiscal memory has been formatted
5.0 * If the fiscal memory is in the “read-only” mode
Fiscal Printer SYNERGY PF-550


The status of the printer at each particular moment is reflected in the so-called “status bytes”. The application
program must get information on the status of the printer when switched ON after a power cut-off. This is performed
by the commands 76 (4AH) and 103 (67H).
The application program must make a decision on the future behavior of the printer depending on its current status.
It is guaranteed that the fiscal memory will not be affected by the power failure as well as that all accumulated sums in
the operational memory of the device will be valid. If the power cut-off has occurred during a printing session, when
switched ON, again the printer will print a line containing the text “* POWER DROP *” in an expanded bold type and
will then complete the print.
If power has failed during the printing of a daily report, after switch ON, the device will print the message “PRINT
REPEAT” in an expanded bold type and will restart the execution of the command (i.e., printing will be resumed).


A fiscal receipt is first opened, the sales are registered, payment is performed and the receipt is finally closed.
The following commands are used: 48 (30H), 49 (31H), 51 (33H), 52 (34H), 53 (35H), 54 (36H) and 56 (38H). At
the end of the day a daily financial report and clear are performed in order to enter and save the accumulated
information in the fiscal memory. The function is started with the command 69 (45H).

Reports are generated singularly by the fiscal printer upon receiving the respective command from the PC. In these
reports the user’s program will not add any changes to the appearance and content of the reports, i.e., they appear
exactly as they have been defined in the fiscal printer. The following commands are used for the generation of reports:
50 (32H) Report on changes in tax rates and decimal points
69 (45H) Daily financial report with or without clear
79 (4FH) / 95 (5FH) Short financial report from date to date /from number to number of the respective fiscal



The fiscal printer performs the commands sent by the Host and returns messages, which depend on the result.
The fiscal printer cannot instigate asynchronous communications itself. Only responses to commands from the Host
are sent to the Host. These messages are either wrapped or single byte control codes. The fiscal printer maintains the
communication via the RS232 serial connection at baud rates of 19200 and 9600 b/s, 8N1. The baud rate is set by
adjusting the configuration switch SW4.


When the transmitting of messages from the Host is normal, Slave answers not later than 60 ms either with a
wrapped message or with a 1 byte code. Host must have 500 ms of time-out for receiving a message from Slave. If
there is no message during this period of time the Host will transmit the message again with the same sequence number
and the same command. After several unsuccessful attempts Host must indicate that there is either no connection to the
fiscal printer or there is a hardware fault.
Non-wrapped messages consist of one byte and they are:
A) NAK 15H
This code is sent by Slave when an error in the control sum or the form of the received message is found. When
Host receives a NAK it must again send a message with the same sequence number.
B) SYN 16H
This code is sent by Slave upon receiving a command which needs longer processing time. SYN is sent every 60
ms until the wrapped message is not ready for transmitting.

a) Host to printer (Send)

b) Printer to Host (Receive)

Fiscal Printer SYNERGY PF-550

<01> Preamble.
1 byte long. Value: 01H.
<LEN> Number of bytes from <01> preamble (excluded) to <05> (included) plus the fixed offset of 20H.
Length: 1 byte. Value: 20H - 7FH.
<SEQ> Sequence number of the frame.
Length : 1 byte. Value: 20H – FFH.
The fiscal printer saves the same <SEQ> in the return message. If the FP gets a message with the
same <SEQ> as the last message received it will not perform any operation, but will repeat the last
sent message.
<CMD> The code of the command.
Length: 1 byte. Value: 20H - 7FH.
The fiscal printer saves the same <CMD> in the return message. If the printer receives a non-
existing code it returns a wrapped message with zero length in the data field and sets the respective
status bit.
<DATA> Data.
Length: 0-91 bytes for Host to printer, 0-84 bytes for Printer to Host. Value: 20H – FFH.
The format and length of the field for storing data depends on the command. If the command has no
data the length of this field is zero. If there is a syntax error the respective status bit is established in
the data and a wrapped message is returned with zero field length.
<04> Separator (only for printer-to-Host massages)
Length: 1 byte. Value: 04H.
<STATUS> The field with the current status of the fiscal device.
Length: 6 bytes. Value: 80H-FFH.
<05> Postamble
Length: 1 byte. Value:05H.
<BCC> Control sum (0000H-FFFFH)
Length: 4 bytes. Value of each byte: 30H-3FH.
The sum includes between <01> preamble (excluded) to <05>. Each digit from the two bytes is sent
after 30H is added to it. For example the sum 1AE3H is presented as 31H, 3AH, 3EH, 33H.
<03> Terminator
Length: 1 byte. Value: 03H.


a) The data field depends on the command.
b) The parameters sent to the printer may be separated with a comma and/or may have a fixed length.
c) The comma between the parameters shows that it is mandatory.
d) When the parameters are closed by <> they are mandatory although the brackets themselves are not present in
the message. When a given parameter is closed in [ ] it is not mandatory - the bracket themselves are also not present in
the message. When parameters are separated by ‘|’ symbol, only one of them may present in the input data.
The symbols with ADCII codes under 32 (20H) have special meanings and their use is explained whenever
necessary. If such a symbol has to be sent for some reason (for example in an ESCAPE-command to the display) it
must be preceded by 16 (10H) with an added offset 40H.
Example: when we write 2500, 100, Text for the data field then in that field there will be 2D 32 35 30 2C 31 30 30
2C 54 65 78 74 where each hexadecimal digit is an ASCII value.
Fiscal Printer SYNERGY PF-550


This section contains a list of the fiscal printer commands arranged in groups depending on their functions:
3DH (61) Date and hour
65H (101) Entering the operator’s password
66H (102) Entering the name of the operator
6BH (107) Defining of and item’s report
30H (48) Opening a fiscal receipt
31H (49) Registering a sale
33H (51) Subtotal
34H (52) Registering a sale and showing it on the screen
35H (53) Sum calculation (tender).
38H (56) Closing a fiscal receipt
3AH (58) Registering an item sale
55H (85) Opening a void receipt
56H (86) Closing a void receipt.

45H (69) Daily financial report (with or without clear)
32H (50) Report on changed tax rates and decimal points through the period
49H (73) Detailed report of the fiscal memory (from number to number)
5EH (94) Detailed report of the fiscal memory (from date to date)
4FH (79) Short report of the fiscal memory (from number to number)
5FH (95) Short report of the fiscal memory (from date to date)
6FH (111) Items report
3EH (62) Turns back the date and the hour
40H (64) Information on the last fiscal entry
41H (65) Information on daily taxation
43H (67) Information on daily sums
44H (68) Number of free entries in the fiscal memory
4AH (74) Receiving the status bytes
4CH (76) Status of the fiscal transaction
5AH (90) Receiving diagnostic information
61H (97) Receiving the tax rates
63H (99) Tax registration number
67H (103) Information on the current receipt
6EH (110) Receiving information on the sums arranged according to the type of payments
70H (112) Receiving information on the operator
71H (113) Receiving information on the last printed document
72H (114) Receiving information on a fiscal entry for given number (from – to).
73H (115) Receiving information on a fiscal entry for given period (from – to).
2CH (44) Advance paper
2DH (45) Cut off.
21H (33) Clearing the display
23H (35) Showing a text (lower line)
2FH (47) Showing a text (upper line).
3FH (63) Showing the date and the hour.
64H (100) Display - full control.
Fiscal Printer SYNERGY PF-550

46H (70) Office cash-in and cash-out

47H (71) Print diagnostic information
6AH (106) Drawer kick-out
Fiscal Printer SYNERGY PF-550



Data field: No data
Response: None
A clear display command is sent. If a fiscal receipt is opened and SW3 is OFF only the lower line is cleared.


Data field: <Text>
Response: None
Text A text of up to 20 symbols sent directly to the display. Prior to this a command for positioning
and clearing the lower line is sent.


Data field: [Lines[,Option]
Response: None
Lines Advancing paper measured in lines. The programmed line count cannot be greater than 99 (1 or 2
bytes). If the parameter is not there the default setting is 1 line.
Option Defines which paper to be advanced:
“0” No effect
“1” The receipt paper roll is advanced
“2” The journal paper roll is advanced
“3” Both paper rolls are advanced to the set length.
If the second parameter is missing the default setting is to advance only the receipt paper roll.


Data field: None
Response: Result
Result The result from the execution of the command:
“P” Successful cut off
“F” The automatic cutter has blocked.
The command causes the cutting off of the printed, ready document. It must be considered that the program must
advance the paper with at least two lines or the document will not be cut off correctly. If the printer is in the “automatic
cut off” mode it positions the paper itself and the command becomes redundant.
When the printing mechanism blocks for some reason, the paper roll must be taken out of the cutter mechanism and
the command must be executed again. This will position the blade in the extreme right-end of the mechanism.


Data field: Text
Response: None
Text A text of 20 symbols which is sent directly to the display. Prior to this a command for the
positioning and clearing of the upper line. If a fiscal receipt is opened and SW3 is OFF the
command is rejected.


Data field: <OpCode>,<OpPwd>,<TillNmb>
Response: Allreceipt,FiscReceipt
OpCode Operator’s number (1 to 16)
OpPwd Operator’s password (4 to 6 digits)
TillNmb Number of the point of sale (a whole number of maximum 5 digits)
Allreceipt The number of all issued receipts (fiscal or not) from the last daily closure up to the moment (4
Fiscal Printer SYNERGY PF-550

FiscReceipt The number of all fiscal receipts from the last daily closure up to the moment (4 bytes).
The FP performs the following actions:
- Prints the HEADER
- Prints the tax registration number
- Prints the number and name of the operator as well as the cashier desk number
- Allreceipt and FiscReceipt are returned
The command will not be successful if:
- There is an opened fiscal or non-fiscal receipt
- The maximum number of receipts, as fixed for the day, has already been issued
- The fiscal memory is full
- The fiscal memory is damaged
- No code or operator password available or cashier desk number
- The HEADER contains less than 2 lines
- No tax registration number available
- Wrong operator password
- The clock needs setting
After entering three wrong operator’s passwords the printer blocks and must be switched off and ON again to
restart operating.


Data field: [<L1>][<Lf><L2>] <Tab>[<MKDItem>]<TaxCd><[Sign]Price>[*<Quan>][,Perc]
Response: None
L1 A text of 25 bytes containing one line of description of the sale.
Lf One byte, containing 0Ah.
L2 A text of 25 bytes containing a second line describing the sale.
Tab One byte containing 09h.
MKDItem One byte, containing 40h. This is non-mandatory field which marks current sale as a sale of a
product which is manufactured in Macedonia.
TaxCd One byte containing the letter which indicates the type of the tax. There is a restriction, depending
on the parameter Rates_fewer which is set together with the setting of the type of currency for use
with command 83 (53H).
Sign One byte with a value of ‘+’. Non-mandatory.
Price This is a singular price and it consists 8 meaningful digits.
Quan A non-mandatory parameter setting the quantity of the items for sale. By default this is 1.000.The
length of this parameter is 8 meaningful digits (not more than 3 after the decimal point). The
result Price*Quan is rounded up to the set number of digits and cannot be longer than 8
meaningful digits.
Perc This is also a non-mandatory parameter which sets the value of the discount or surcharge
(depending on the symbol) in percent over the currently performed sale. Possible values are
between - 99.00% and 99.00%, where up to 2 decimal places are acceptable.
The FP performs the following actions:
- The text, describing the sale is printed out together with the price and the code of the discount or
surcharge. If there is a set quantity the information on it is printed out too.
- The price of the items sold is accumulated to the sums already stored in the operational memory. In case
of memory overflow the value of the respective bites of the status field will be set.
- If there is a discount or a surcharge it is printed out on a separate line and is then added to a specially
maintained registers in the printer. The values for the day are printed out together with the daily financial
The command will not be correctly executed if and when:
- No fiscal receipt has been opened
- The maximum number of sales for one receipt have already been performed (99)
- The 35h command has been successfully executed
- The sum for some of the tax groups has become negative
- The sum of discounts and surcharges within the same receipt
Fiscal Printer SYNERGY PF-550


Data field: [<Start>,<End>]
Response: Data
Start The starting date for the period - DDMMYY/6 bytes/
End The end date for the period - DDMMYY /6 bytes/
Data 1 byte:
‘F’ if no tax rates for the period have been found or in case of error
‘PAA,BB,CC,DD,DDMMYY’ if rates have been found, where ‘P’ means ‘PASS’ after which the active rates
are listed out as well as the date of their entry. If there are unused groups (closed with Rates_fewer ) for them instead of
a rate in percent a ‘DT’ is returned (Disabled tax).
When Start and End are entered the comma is mandatory. In case the data field is empty only information on the
last entered rates is returned.
The command prints a report on the changes made in the decimal points and tax rates during the selected period.

Data field: <Print><Display>[,Perc]
Response: SubTotal,TaxA,TaxB,TaxC,TaxD
Print One byte, which if ‘1’ the sum of the subtotal will be printed out.
Display One byte which if ‘1’ the sum of the subtotal will appear on the display.
Perc A non-mandatory parameter which shows the value of the discount or surcharge in percent over
the sum accumulated so far.
SubTotal The sum accumulated for the current fiscal receipt (10 bytes).
TaxA The sum over tax group A/10 bytes/
TaxB The sum over tax group B/10 bytes/
TaxC The sum over tax group C/10 bytes/
TaxD The sum over tax group D/10 bytes/
The sum of all sales registered in the fiscal receipt is calculated. If necessary the sum may be printed out and/or
brought out on the display. The calculated total sum and the accumulated separate sums for each tax group are returned
to the PC. If a discount or surcharge is entered it is printed out on a separate line and the accumulated sums over the
different tax groups are respectively corrected.


Data field: [Line]]<Tab><TaxCd><[Sign]Price>[*Quan][,Perc]
Response: None
Line A 20 byte string containing a text which describes the sale.
Tab One byte containing 09h
TaxCd One byte containing the letter indicating the tax group (‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’). There is a restriction
which depends on Rates_fewer and it is set when the type of currency is entered in command 83.
Sign One byte with a value of ‘+’ or ‘-’.
Price This is the price - up to 8 valid digits
Quan This is a non-mandatory parameter setting the quantity of the items sold. By default its value is
1000 and its length is 8 valid digits.
Perc This is a non-mandatory parameter showing the value of the surcharge and discount (depending
on the sign) in percent over the current sale. Possible values are between -99.00% to 99.00%.
The fiscal printer will:
- Print out the text describing the sale together with the price and the code of the tax group.
- The price of the item sold is added to the accumulated sums in the registries of the operational memory.
In case of overflow the respective bits of the status bytes are set.
- If there is a surcharge or discount made on the sum it is printed out on a separate line and is added to
registries, specially reserved in the printer. The daily accumulated sums are printed out together with the
daily financial report.
The price of the item is shown on the upper line of the display and its description - on the lower.
The command will not be executed successfully if:
- No fiscal memory has been opened
- The maximum possible number of sales have already been performed
Fiscal Printer SYNERGY PF-550

- The command 53 (34H) has been successfully executed

- The sum under some of the tax groups has become negative
- The sum of the surcharge or discount within the receipt remains negative.


Data field: [<Line1>][<Lf><Line2>]<Tab>[[<PaidMode>]<[Sign]Amount>]
Resonse: <PaidCode><Amount>
Line1 A text of 25 bytes containing the first line
Lf One byte containing 0Ah
Line2 A text of 25 bytes containing the second line
Tab One byte containing 09h
PaidMode A non-mandatory code indicating the terms of payment. It may have the following values:
‘P’ Payment in cash
‘N’ Payment via credit
‘C’ Payment in cheques
‘D’ Payment with a debit card
Depending on the code the sums are accumulated in different registers and may be recovered in the daily report.
Sign One byte with a value ‘+’ indicating the Amount (the sum which has to be tendered)
Amount The sum tendered (up to 8 meaningful symbols)
PaidCode One byte - resulting from the execution of the command
‘F’ Error
‘E’ The calculated sub-total sum is negative. Payment is withheld and Amount will
contain a negative sub-total.
‘D’ If the paid sum is less than the sum of the receipt. The residual sum due for payment
is returned to Amount
‘R’ When the paid sum is greater than the sum of the receipt. A message “CHANGE”
will be printed out and the change will be returned to Amount.
‘I’ An error has occurred because the sum under one of the tax groups is negative. The
current subtotal is returned to Amount.
Amount Up to 9 digits with a sign. Depends on PaidCode.
This command starts the calculation of the sums from the fiscal receipt, the printing of the sum with a special font
and showing the result on the display. An additional text may also be printed.
When the command has been successfully executed a further command for opening a cash drawer is activated. If
there is no more data after the symbol <Tab> the printer will automatically pay out the whole available sum in cash.
The command will not be successful if:
- No fiscal receipt has been opened,
- The accumulated sum is negative,
- If some of the accumulated sums under taxation (tax group) is negative.
After the successful completion of the command the fiscal printer will not perform the commands 49 and 51 within the
opened receipt although it can still perform command 53.
Note: The codes of error ‘E’ and ‘I’ will never appear in this version of the printer because commands 49 and 52
(registering a sale) do not accept negative sums.


Data field: No data
Response: Allreceipt,FiscReceipt
Allreceipt All issued receipts from the last daily closure up to the moment
FiscReceipt All issued fiscal receipts from the last daily closure up to the moment
The accumulated sums from the fiscal receipt are added to the daily sums in the registries of the operational
The command will not be successful if:
- No fiscal receipt has been opened,
- Command 53 (35h) has failed,
- The sum paid under command 53 is less than the total sum of the fiscal receipt.
Fiscal Printer SYNERGY PF-550


Data field: <OpCode>,<OpPwd>,<TillNmb>
Response: FiscReceipt, StorReceipt
OpCode Operator’s number (1 to 16)
OpPwd Operator’s password (4 to 6 digits)
TillNmb Number of the point of sale (a whole number of maximum 5 digits)
Allreceipt The number of all issued receipts (fiscal or not) from the last daily closure up to the moment (4
FiscReceipt The number of all fiscal receipts from the last daily closure up to the moment (4 bytes).
The FP performs the following actions:
- Prints the HEADER
- Prints the tax registration number
- Prints the number and name of the operator as well as the cashier desk number
- FiscReceipt and StorReceipt are returned
The command will not be successful if:
- There is an opened fiscal or non-fiscal receipt
- The maximum number of receipts, as fixed for the day, has already been issued
- The fiscal memory is full
- The fiscal memory is damaged
- No code or operator password available or cashier desk number
- The HEADER contains less than 2 lines
- No tax registration number available
- Wrong operator password
- The clock needs setting
After entering three wrong operator’s passwords the printer blocks and must be switched off and ON again to
restart operating.


Data field: No data
Response: Allreceipt,FiscReceipt
Allreceipt All issued receipts from the last daily closure up to the moment
FiscReceipt All issued fiscal receipts from the last daily closure up to the moment
The accumulated sums from the fiscal receipt are added to the daily sums in the registries of the operational
The command will not be successful if:
- No fiscal receipt has been opened,
- Command 53 (35h) has failed,
- The sum paid under command 53 is less than the total sum of the fiscal receipt.


Data field: <[Sign]PLU[*Quan>][,Perc]
Response: None
Sign One byte with a value of ‘+’ or ‘-’
PLU The individual number of the item - a whole number between 1 and 9999 (not more than 4 digits).
Quan A non-mandatory parameter setting the quantity of the items for sale with a default value of
1.000. Length cannot be longer than 8 meaningful digits (not more than 3 after the decimal point).
The resulting singular price (*Quan) is rounded up to the set number of digits after the decimal
point and also cannot be greater than 8 meaningful digits.
Perc A non-mandatory parameter showing the value of the surcharge or discount (depending on the
symbol) in percent over the current sale. Possible values are between -99.00% to 99.00%. Up to 2
digits after the decimal point are acceptable.
The fiscal printer performs the following operations:
- The name, price and the tax group of the item is read from the items list, programmed in the printer.
Fiscal Printer SYNERGY PF-550

- Prints out the name of the item, the selected quantity and the singular price. The second printed line
contains the final price together with the letter, designating the tax group from which the sale will be
performed. The registries for accumulated sums and item quantities are updated.
- The price of the item is added to the accumulated sums in the registries of the operational memory. In
case of overflows the respective bytes from the status field will be set.
- If there is a discount or surcharge it is printed out on a separate line and is added in specially selected
registries in the printer. The values from the whole day will be printed together with the daily financial
The command will not be successful if:
- No item has been programmed under the given number,
- No fiscal receipt has been opened,
- The maximum number of sales for one receipt (99) have already been registered.
- The command 35h has been successfully executed,
- The sum under one or more of the tax groups has turned out negative,
- The sum of the surcharges and discounts within the receipt has remained negative.


Data field: <DD-MM-YY><space>HH:MM[:SS]>
Response: None
You cannot set a date which is earlier than the date of the last entry into the fiscal memory of the device and the
capacity of this memory includes the year 2099. After RESET of the memory this command must be executed -
otherwise the normal functioning of the device cannot be resumed. The printer’s real-time clock must always be set
correctly especially when more than 14 days have passed from the date of the last executed command.


Data field: None
Response: <DD-MM-YY><Space><HH:MM:SS>


Data field: None
Response: None
Current date and time are displayed on lower line using the format: DD-MM-YY HH:MM:SS.


Data field: None
Response: Logical,Physical
Logical The number of logical locations for fiscal entries (4 bytes)
Physical Not used. Repeats the previous entry.
The number of free fields in the fiscal memory, reserved for saving information from the daily report.


Data field: [<Option>[N]]
Response: Closure,FM_Total,TotalA,TotalB,TotalC,TotalD
Option A non-mandatory parameter controlling the type of generated report.
‘0’ The contents of the registries for interior credit and debit will not be printed out. The printout ends
with the inscriptions “FISCAL RECEIPT” or ”NON-FISCAL RECEIPT” depending on the status
of the printer (fiscalized or non-fiscalized).
‘1’ The contents of the registries reserved for interior debit and credit are printed out. The printout ends
with the inscriptions “FISCAL RECEIPT” or ”NON-FISCAL RECEIPT” depending on the status
of the printer
‘2’ A daily report without closure is generated, i.e., no entry into the fiscal memory is made and no
closures are performed. The printout ends with the inscription “OFFICIAL RECEIPT” and the
contents of the interior registries for debit and credit are not printed.
Fiscal Printer SYNERGY PF-550

N The presence of this symbol at the end of the data cancels the option to clear the data accumulated
on the operators during a report with clear.
Closure Fiscal closure (Daily report) number – 4 bytes.
FM_Total The sum of all sales for the day - 12 bytes with a sign.
TotalX The nett sums (Total –VAT) under all tax categories - A, B, C and D - 12 bytes with a sign.


Data field: [<Amount>]
Response: ExitCode,CashSum,ServIn,ServOut
Amount The sum which will be registered (up to 9 bytes). Depending on the sign of the digit this sum is
interpreted either as credit or debit (serveIn or serveOut).
ExitCode One byte:
‘P’ The order has been completed. If the ordered sum is not 0 the printer will print an
interior receipt for registering the operation.
‘F’ The order has been canceled. This happens if:
- The cash sum available is less than the ordered interior credit (serveIn),
- There is an opened fiscal and non-fiscal receipt.
CashSum Available cash. Apart from this command the sum grows after each payment in cash.
ServIn The sum from all commands “Interior credit”
ServOut The sum from all commands “Interior debit”
Changes the content of the cash availability register. Depending on the sign of the sum in question it is accumulated
in the register for interior debit-credit. The information is not saved in the fiscal memory of the device and is accessible
until the performance of the daily closure. It is printed out at the command 69 (45h) and at the generation of the daily
report without closure from the printer itself. At the successful completion of this command the drawer “kick-out”
function is automatically activated.


Data field: No data
Response: None
The command initiates the generation of an interior receipt containing diagnostic information as follows:
- Prints the date and the version of the employed software,
- Prints the control sum of the employed firmware,
- Prints the serial port’s baud rate,
- Prints out the status of the configuration keys and the number of the country, the status options being:
Sw1 - Automatic paper cutting,
Sw2 - Not used,
Sw3 - Sets the device to the “transparent display” mode,
Sw4 - Sets the display baud rate - ON=9600 and OFF=19200 bps
- Prints emergency time after power supply cut-off,
- Prints the number, date and hour of the last reset of the RAM (if there is such),
- Prints the current temperature of the two printer heads,
- Prints the overall number of fields in the fiscal memory and the number of the free fields,
- Prints the current date and hour.
The command will not be executed when there is an open receipt in progress or when the paper roll has finished. It
may also be activated by pressing the <RECEIPT> button while power on.


Data field: <Start>,<End>
Response: None
Start The number of the starting fiscal entry - 4 bytes
End The number of the ending fiscal entry - 4 bytes
The command leads to the printing of a detailed report of the fiscal memory from one selected number to another.
Fiscal Printer SYNERGY PF-550


Data field: [Option]
Response: <S0><S1><S2><S3><S4><S5>
Option One byte with the following meanings:
‘W’ All printer buffers must be printed out first.
‘X’ The status is returned immediately (default).
Sn Status byte n.


Data field: [Option]
Repsonse: Open,Items,Amount[,Tender]
Option =’T’ If the parameter has been selected the command will return the information on the current
state of the sum due for payment by the client.
Open One byte which is ‘1’ if a fiscal or a non-fiscal receipt has been opened (which it is can be
understood from the status bytes) and ‘0’ if there is no opened receipt.
Items The number of sales registered on the on the current or last fiscal receipt - 4 bytes.
Amount The sum from the last fiscal receipt - 9 bytes with a sign.
Tender The sum tendered against the current or the last receipt - 9 bytes with a sign (Only if Option is
The command supports the PC application’s ability to monitor the status and if needed to restore and complete am
already started fiscal operation which has been interrupted on emergency or out of time - for example as a result of a
power failure.

Data field: <Start>,<End>
Response: None
Start Starting date - 6 bytes (DDMMYY)
End End date - 6 bytes (DDMMYY)
The command generates the printing out of a short periodic financial report.


Data field: <Calc>
Response: <FwRev><Sp><FwDate><Sp><FwTime>,<Chk>,<Sw>,<Country>,<Ser>,<FM>
Calc If ’1’ the control sum of the fiscal memory is calculated - 1 byte.
FwRev The version of the software program - 4 bytes.
Sp Space - 1 byte.
FwDate The date of the software program DDMmmYY - 7 bytes.
Sp Space - 1 byte.
FwTime Hour of the software program HHMM - 4 bytes.
Chk The EPROM control sum - a 4 bytes string in the hexadecimal code. For example if the control
sum is 214Ah it will be presented as 32h, 31h, 34h, 42h
Sw The configuration switches from Sw1 to Sw4 - a 4 bytes string with ‘0’ or ‘1’.
Country The number of the country - 1 byte.
Ser The serial number - 8 bytes.
FM Number of the fiscal module - 8 bytes.


Data field: <Start>,<End>
Response: None
Start The starting date of the selected fiscal entry - 6 bytes DDMMYY
End Ending date of the fiscal entry - 6 bytes DDMMYY
Fiscal Printer SYNERGY PF-550

This command prints out a detailed financial report on the period between two selected dates.

Data field: <Start>,<End>
Response: None
Start Starting number of the fiscal entry
End End number of fiscal entry
The command starts the calculation and the printing of a short periodic financial report.


Data field: None
Response: TaxA,TaxB,TaxC,TaxD
TaxA Current tax rate A
TaxB Current tax rate B
TaxC Current tax rate C
TaxD Current tax rate D


Data field: None
Response: Text
Text The tax registration number as a text.


Data field: Text
Response: None
Text A text of no more than 40 symbols sent for displaying. If symbols with ASCII codes smaller than
20h (control symbols) they are increased with 40h and are preceded by 10h.
Example: To send 1Bh, 4Bh, 00h the data field will have to contain 10h, 5Bh, 10h, 40h.


Data field: <OpCode>,<OldPwd>,<NewPwd>
Response: None
OpCode Operator’s code (1 to 16)
OldPwd Old password (4 to 6 digits)
NewPwd New password (4 to 6 digits)
Sets one of the 16 operator’s passwords, which will be demanded upon opening a fiscal receipt. After three
erroneous password entries the printer will block, it must then be switched OFF and ON again to continue operating.
After intialization or reset of the operational memory all 16 passwords are “0000”.


Data field: <OpCode>,<Pwd>,<OpName>
Response: None
OpCode Operator’s code (1 to 16)
Pwd Password (4 to 6 digits)
OpName Name of the operator (up to 24 symbols)
Enters one of the 16 operator names. The number and the name of the operator are printed at the beginning of each
fiscal (clients) receipt. After three erroneous password entries the printer will block, it must then be switched OFF and
ON again to continue operating. After initialization or reset of the operational memory all eight passwords locations are
Fiscal Printer SYNERGY PF-550


Data field: None
Response: CanVd,TaxA,TaxB,TaxC,TaxD
CanVd Possible/impossible return (sale registration with a negative sign) [‘0’ / ’1’]
TaxA The sum accumulated under tax A
TaxB The sum accumulated under tax B
TaxC The sum accumulated under tax C
TaxD The sum accumulated under tax D
The command offers information on sums accumulated so far under the different tax groups and whether it is
possible to return the registered items sold.


Data field: [<mSec>]
Response: None
mSec The length of the impulse in milliseconds (5-25)
Sends an impulse for opening the cash drawer. This parameter sets a new value for the length of the impulse, which
is stored in the memory of the printer. If this parameter is skipped, the last entered value remains valid. After memory
RESET a value of 15 ms is set.


Data field: <Option>[Parameters]
Response: ErrorCode[,Data]
Option One byte, defining the type of the selected operation. Depending on this the command might - or
might not - demand the entering of additional parameters. The possible values are: ‘ P’, ‘D’, ‘R’,
‘F’, ‘N’.
ErrorCode One byte, showing the result from the operation and having the following meaning:
- ‘P’ A successful command
- ‘F’ Unsuccessful command
Parameters Data on the command - described in detail further on.
SUBCOMMANDS (depending on Option):
- ‘P’ Programming an item
Syntax: <P><TaxGr><PLU>,<SPrice>,<Name>
TaxGr Tax group. One byte (‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ or ‘D’).
PLU Number of the item (1 to 9999)
Sprice Singular price - up to 8 meaningful digits.
Name Name of the item - up to 25 bytes.
Up to 200 different item may be programmed and the command will be rejected if a similar item has already been
programmed in the memory of the printer and sales of this item have been registered. An item with zero accumulated
sums is subject to change. The number of the free items is returned after an ErrorCode parameter.
- ‘D’ Deleting an item
Syntax: <D><A | PLU | PLU1, PLU2>
A Delete all item with non-zero accumulated sums.
PLU Deletes article with selected number if there are no accumulated sums.
PLU1,PLU2 Deletes the articles within a set interval which do not have accumulated sums.
- ‘R’ Reading Item data
Syntax: <R><PLU>
PLU Item number
Returns: <P><PLU>,<Grp>,<Time>,<SPrice>,<Amount>,<Total>,<Name>
PLU Individual number of the item (1 to 9999)
Grp Tax group - 1 byte
Time Date of entry. Format DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS
Fiscal Printer SYNERGY PF-550

SPrice Singular price. A floating-point number – decimal places depend on the count set
using command 83 (53h).
Amount Accumulated quantity - a floating-point number with 3 decimal places.
Total Accumulated sum. This is the product of he upper two fields.
Name The name of the item.
If the item cannot be found one ‘F’ byte is returned.
- ‘F’ Returning the data on the first found programmed item.
Syntax: <F>
The returned data is similar to the subcommand ‘R’.
- ‘N’ Returning the data on the first found programmed item.
Syntax: <N>
The returned data is similar to the subcommand ‘R’.
The last two commands call all the stored data in the in the computer on all programmed items. The subcommand
’F’ is then activated followed by ‘N’ until the response ‘F’ comes. This means that the process of reading has ended
with the last available item.
The items are returned arranged according to their individual numbers.


Data field: None
Response: Cash,Credit,Debit,Cheque,Closure,Receipt
Cash Paid in cash
Credit Payment credited
Debit Paid with a debit card
Cheque Paid with a cheque
Closure Current (last) fiscal entry
Receipt Number of the next fiscal receipt
Returns information on the distribution of the daily sum according to the terms of payment used.


Data field: <Option>
Reponse: ErrorCode
Option Defines the type of the information under print. Possible values:
- ‘0’ Only sold items are printed out. The data on these items includes: the individual
number, name, singular price as well as the sold quantities and total turnover during the
- ‘1’ All programmed items are printed out but only their number, name and singular price.
Items are arranged according to their individual numbers. In a daily report with a closure the accumulated sums are


Data field: Operator
Response: Receipts,Total,Discount,Surcharge,Void,Name
Operator Number of the operator (1 to 8)
Receipts Number of fiscal receipts, issued by the operator
Total Number of registered sales and total accumulated sum, divided by a ‘;’
Discount Number of discounts and total number of discounts
Surcharge Number of surcharges and total number of surcharges made
Void Number of voids (and corrections of sums) and their total sum
Name Name of the operator
The command leads to the reading of the available information, which will be printed out in the operator’s report.
The sums are returned as floating-point numbers incorporating the currently set number of decimal places.
Fiscal Printer SYNERGY PF-550


Data field: None
Response: DocNum
DocNum The number of the last issued document (7 digits)


Data field: <Closure>[,<Type>[,Closure1]]
Response: ErrorCode,TaxX (up to 4)
Closure Number of the fiscal memory.
Type The type of the information demanded. One byte with value:
- ‘0’ The sum under the different tax groups are returned
- ‘1’ The net-sums under the different tax group
- ‘2’ The accumulated taxes under the different tax groups are returned
- ’3’ The tax rates are returned
- ’4’ The sums under the different tax groups for a selected time period are returned
- ‘5’ The net sums under the different tax groups for a selected time period are returned
- ‘6’ The accumulated taxes during the selected period are returned
Closure1 Number of the fiscal entry for references ‘4’ ‘5’ and ‘6’. For references ‘0’, ‘1’ ‘2’ and ‘3’ this
field is empty.
ErrorCode One byte with a value of:
- ’P’ The data is valid
- ‘F’ Wrong control sum in the entry
- ‘E’ The selected entry is empty
TaxX Sum or percent - depends on ‘Type’
The command returns information on the different tax groups for each separate entry and or a selected period of
time. Periodic references for longer time periods may take a few seconds to process.
Fiscal Printer SYNERGY PF-550


0_ 1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_ 6_ 7_ 8_ 9_ A_ B_ C_ D_ E_ F_

_0 0 @ P ` P А Р а р

_1 ! 1 A Q a Q Б С б с

_2 “ 2 B R b R В Т в т

_3 # 3 C S c S Г У г у

_4 $ 4 D T d T Д Ф д ф

_5 % 5 E U e u Е Х е х

_6 & 6 F V f v Ж Ц ж ц

_7 ‘ 7 G W g w З Ч з ч

_8 ( 8 H X h x И Ш и ш

_9 ) 9 I Y I y Й Щ й щ

_A * : J Z j z К Ъ к ъ

_B + ; K [ k { Л Ы л ы

_C , < L \ l | М Ь м ь

_D - = M ] m } Н Э н э

_E . > N ^ n ~ О Ю о ю

_F / ? O _ o П Я п я
Fiscal Printer SYNERGY PF-550


HEX DEC Function

21h (33) Clear the display
23h (35) Show text on lower line of display
2Ch (44) Advance paper
2Dh (45) Paper cut
2Fh (47) Showing text on upper line of display
30h (48) Open fiscal receipt (invoice)
31h (49) Register sale
32h (50) Tax rates set during selected period
33h (51) Subtotal
34h (52) Register sale and show on display
35h (53) Calculate TOTAL
38h (56) Close fiscal receipt
3Dh (61) Set date and hour
3Eh (62) Get current date and hour
3Fh (63) Show date and hour on display
40h (64) Info on last fiscal entry
41h (65) Info on daily taxes due
43h (67) Info on daily sums
45h (69) Daily financial report with/without closure
46h (70) Internal debiting/crediting
47h (71) Print diagnostic info
49h (73) Detailed report of the fiscal memory selected by number of entry
4Ah (74) Read statuses
4Ch (76) Status of the fiscal transaction
4Fh (79) Short report of the fiscal memory selected by date of entry
5Ah (90) Return diagnostic info
5Bh (91) Program serial number, country number and Fiscal memory number
5Eh (94) Detailed of fiscal memory (selected by date of entry)
5Fh (95) Short report of fiscal memory (selected by entry number)
61h (97) Return tax rates
63h (99) Return set tax registration number
64h (100) Show free text on display
65h (101) Set operator’s password
67h (103) Info on current receipt
69h (105) Operator report
6Ah (106) Drawer kick-out
6Bh (107) Define items and items info
6Ch (108) Detailed daily report
6Eh (110) Additional daily info
6Fh (111) Report on groups of items
70h (112) Reading info on operator
71h (113) Read the number of the last fiscal entry or period
72h (114) Read info on fiscal entry or period

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