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DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VIII : ENGLISH)

Module – 3
Section – A (Reading)
A. Read the given passage:
Born in 1775 in Steventon, Rectory, Hampshire, Jane Austen belonged to an upper
middle class family and enjoyed all comforts. She and her sister Cassandra had their
first lessons from their mother. Schooling in Oxford, South Hampton and at Abbey
School. Jane at the age of nine and Cassandra at the age of 11 were back home.
Both enjoyed reading poetry and great works of Shakespeare. At the age of 12,
Jane Austen looked better than a tomboy. Initially she started writing short
humorous stories. Her first full length novel titled „ Elinor and Marianne‟ started in
her late teens. At the age of 22, she wrote „ First Impressions‟ and later „Pride and
Prejudice‟. Jane Austen has portrayed in her novel things like niceties of decorum,
petty jealousies, vanity and affection. She has dealt with the superficialities of life.
„Pride and Prejudice‟ is the most interesting novel and the most popular because of
its interesting plot, a rich comedy, supreme theme, the sparkling life of characters, a
freshness of the scenery. A year or two later, she completed „Susan‟ which was
retitled „Northanger Abbey‟. Family circumstances made her leave Steventon and go
to Bath. But the memories of her widowed Sister, her friends and relatives, the
family rectory and the countryside haunted her and she could not be happy at Bath.
Like Casandra, Jane also had a love affair with a doctor but it ended in a tragedy.
After her father‟s death in 1805, she got support of her brother Edward and began a
comfortable life with a renewed interest. At the age of 41 she died and her two
novels „Persuasion‟ and „Northanger Abbey‟ were published after her death.
A.1. Based on reading of the passage, choose the correct option to answer the
questions that follow:
(i) How do you know that Jane was born with the spark for literary writing?
(a) she wrote short humorous stories.
(b) she used to read poetry and great works of Shakespeare at an early
(c) „Pride and Prejudice‟ is the most interesting novel.
(ii) Why could Jane not be happy at Bath?
(a) she missed everything about her life at the countryside.
(b) two of her books were published after her death.
(c) after her father‟s death, her brother was supporting her.


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DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VIII : ENGLISH)

A.2. Complete the following:

(i) After Austen‟s father died, her brother Edward _____________.
(ii) Jane had to face two tragedies when she was at Bath. Those were
(a) ______________ (b) ______________
A.3. Find the words from the passage which mean the same as:
(i) superb ______________
(ii) shallowness of things ______________
A.4. Find the antonyms of
(i) comedy ______________ (ii) staleness ______________
Section – B (Writing)
B.1. Write in about 250 words either For or Against the motion on any two of
the following topics :–
(i) Mobiles should be allowed in schools.
(ii) Western culture is having a negative impact on Indians.
(iii) Robo-men / maids can not replace man/maid servants.
(iv) Junk food is after all not all junk.
(v) Technology – a boon.
Section – C (Grammar)
C.1. Fill in the blanks with the words given in the brackets:
(i) Neither this suit nor those shirts _________ to me. (belong/ belongs)
(ii) You as well as I _________ responsible for our losses. (are/ am)
(iii) A black and white dog _________ fallen into the pit outside. (has/ have)
(iv) Either you or Gaurav _________ responsible for this mistake. (is/ are)
(v) Every boy and every girl __________ present in the class. (was/ were)
Section – D (Literature)
The Dance Lesson
D.1. ―A young girl losing all hope‖.
(i) Whom does „a young girl‟ refer to?
(ii) Why was she losing hope?


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DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VIII : ENGLISH)

D.2. ―Would she master the triple pirouette?‖

(i) What is a “Pirouette”?
(ii) Why did she need to master it?
D.3. What is the poem about?
D.4. Explain: ‗The world collapsed when she fell.‘
English is Fun- 1
Match the columns to learn about the different forms of poetry.
(i) haiku (a) a funny verse
(ii) lyric (b) a poem to mourn the death of someone
(iii) elegy (c) a story poem
(iv) limerick (d) a poem of 14 lines
(v) ballad (e) a tree-lined Japanese poem
(vi) blank verse (f) a poem that has a lofty theme
(vii) epic (g) a short poem
(viii) sonnet (h) a poem with no definite rhyme scheme
Proverb Time
P.6. A chain is no stronger than – The strength of a group depends on each
its weakest link. individual member.
P.7. A fault confessed is half – Confession is the beginning of forgiveness.


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