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Delphi Multi Property Edition

ISM Guide
EU Based MPE (Watford)
Version 1.3

Global Network & Hotel Engineering

© Hilton Global Network & Hotel Engineering Version: January 12

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Last saved: 17/01/2012 13:01 Printed: 17/01/2012 13:01
Document Version Control

Date History Version

16 Aug 2010 Creation from main document 1.0
03 Dec 2010 IIS Reset and Mapping S:\ 1.1
19 Sep 2011 URL Change and TS 9-12 1.2
17 Jan 2012 User Creation 1.3

Approval for Distribution

Date Approval Name Version

17 Jan 2012 Stuart Carr 1.3

© Hilton Global Network & Hotel Engineering Version: January 12

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1. Background ______________________________________________________________ 4
2. System Basics _____________________________________________________________ 5
2.1 Servers .............................................................................................................................................. 5
2.2 Clients ............................................................................................................................................... 5
3. Groups __________________________________________________________________ 6
4. Site Preparation (Local IT) ___________________________________________________ 7
4.1 FAQ ................................................................................................................................................... 7
5. Troubleshooting DMPE _____________________________________________________ 8
5.1 Active X control not installed ........................................................................................................... 9
5.2 S:\ Drive ............................................................................................................................................ 9
5.3 Ping ................................................................................................................................................... 9
5.4 Using Other Sites ............................................................................................................................ 10
6. Trouble Shooting Flow Chart________________________________________________ 11
7. Responsibilities __________________________________________________________ 12
7.1.1 Hilton Architecture Team .................................................................................................. 12
7.1.2 Newmarket ........................................................................................................................ 12
7.1.3 IBM..................................................................................................................................... 12
7.1.4 Accenture........................................................................................................................... 12
7.1.5 Maple Court IT Support (IBM) ........................................................................................... 12
7.1.6 Sales Technology Team...................................................................................................... 12
7.1.7 ISM ..................................................................................................................................... 12

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1. Background
This document is a basic guide for any IT Manager (ISM) that has users who use the International Delphi
Multi-property Edition (DMPE) system hosted at Maple Court

Currently this system is housed in the Maple Court offices server room and Maple Court IT support and
the IT Infrastructure teams ‘host’ the system..

Newmarket own the system hardware and control the operating system as well as the actual Delphi

Hilton’s provisioning includes: power, cooling, network, Antivirus, UPS, Microsoft patching. This much
like any hosted equipment.

Outside this Hilton have to provide IDM/AD access and control the groups that deliver these items.

Originally an ‘international’ project, the Sales Technology team now ‘own’ the Delphi part of this system
and deal with the training and setup for the users.

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2. System Basics

2.1 Servers

The system is fairly simple in design:

12 Windows 2008 Terminal servers in a load balanced cluster using the TS Web client.
Terminal Server licensing is held on the INTDELIS01 Server.
The 12 Terminal servers run the Delphi client and connect to the INTDELSQL01 Server’s SQL 2005

2.2 Clients

• Clients MUST have the Hilton standard Internet Explorer settings that allow Active X controls
to run (Needed by the Terminal Services Web client)

• Users need to have a valid IDM (ergo NA Active directory) account to use the system.

• Internally the user will need to be created in DMPE by the Sales Technology team to log in

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3. Groups
Each hotel with users that access the system will have an NA Active Directory group in the format:

This serves 2 functions:

• It gives the users regional settings for their country
• And gives them access to their site folder on the Delphi server.

All ISMs can add users to this group in hotels they manage.

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4. Site Preparation (Local IT)
! NA domain is also known as “Global AD” or its full DNS name of

Local IT should have done the following before the Newmarket Trainer comes to site:

1. □ If the hotel is already on the NA domain go to point 4

2. □ Make sure all Delphi users have a Hilton IDM account (Also known as OnQ Login)
3. □ Make sure all Delphi users have the “Property Front Desk / Network” IDM option selected
4. □ Have a list of all Delphi users and IDM IDs in spreadsheet format.
5. □ Each Hotel has a group in the NA domain for Delphi: G-INT-DELPHI-<Your Inncode> All users of
Delphi need to be in this group for it to work.
6. □ For sites that are in global AD YOU need to add your users to this group.
7. □ For sites that are still in a local AD YOU need to log a support ticket (F.A.O the IBM AD Admin
team) to add your users to this group. For speed listing IDM IDs separated by ; is preferred.

4.1 FAQ

• Can’t add users to G-INT-DELPHI-<Inncode>

o Log a support ticket (F.A.O the IBM AD Admin team) to request the ability to add users
to this group
• Can’t see G-INT-DELPHI-<Inncode> in Global AD for my site
o Escalate to Hilton Delphi Project lead
• Users cannot see S:\ in Delphi or cannot run the program
o Escalate to Hilton Delphi Project lead
• Where is the “Property Front Desk / Network” option?
o Halfway down the Assignments tab in IDM

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5. Troubleshooting DMPE
The first thing to bear in mind is this is a multi-country multi user system.

As such many of the trouble-shooting steps are determining if your user, your site, your WAN or indeed
the whole system are at fault.

The URL for accessing the system is

This can be tried by any user who meets the basic requirements listed earlier.
Even a user with no system access can connect and get to the landing page:

Equally Delphi can be started up:

If Delphi opens up to a login prompt any issue with logging in for the user is supported by Newmarket.
Delphi IDs are contained in the system and are not the Hilton AD logins.

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5.1 Active X control not installed

If the ActiveX control does not install do the following:

In IE8, got to Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced

Hit the Reset Button

Open a command prompt and run the command: GpUpdate /Force
Press Y to reboot when prompted.

5.2 S:\ Drive

For the S:\ drive part of this system to function correctly the user must not be able to see any hotel
drives from within Delphi.

The S:\ is mapped from a USRLOGON.CMD which is fired up by the OS when a user logs into a terminal
server. Then there is a hook to start the USRLOGN1.CMD which maps the S:\ to INTDELSQL01\UserDocs
This is all “in the browser” using the Remote Desktop client in IE8.

5.3 Ping

The IP addresses of the 12 terminal servers are :

• (Virtual, not used in PROD)

These can all be pinged to test whether the system is available.

The “round-robin” address can also be used.
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5.4 Using Other Sites

Most ISMs have access to more than one site now.

This is particularly useful in trouble shooting to determine whether it’s single user or multiple users that
have a problem (see the flow chart on the next page)

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6. Trouble Shooting Flow Chart

User/Site specific: Check

ALL users at location
NO machine(s), especially Internet
Explorer Active X settings


Does DMPE run

All other WAN based Can you ping the
YES YES from the support PC at
services OK? Terminal Servers?
another site?


Can you ping the

Potential System problem.
WAN problem. Terminal Servers from NO
Log with Newmarket
Contact HWTS as normal another location?


Does DMPE run

from the support PC in
the other site?

Delphi Specific WAN problem.

Contact HWTS for the WAN
problem to be verified/

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7. Responsibilities
7.1.1 Hilton Architecture Team

Manage the hosting of this system.

7.1.2 Newmarket

Newmarket own the system and deal with all internal Delphi issues.

7.1.3 IBM

Have no extra responsibilities for this system other than supporting the network and existing standards.
The P1 hardware escalation process from Newmarket to MCIT will come through this route
AD Admin team can be used to add users to the group for sites if needed.

7.1.4 Accenture

Have no extra responsibilities for this system other than supporting the network and existing standards.
In this area it is GPO verification (with IBM) and Internet Explorer settings

7.1.5 Maple Court IT Support (IBM)

Host the services, but only act when instructed directly.

7.1.6 Sales Technology Team

Hilton Internal team who deal with the training and configuration of the internals of the system.

7.1.7 ISM

The key to any dealings with this system are that a clean Internet Explorer installation with standard
settings will work if the system is up and the WAN is operational between the hotel and Maple Court.

As such consistency and meeting standards remove the bulk of the problems that this very simple
system can generate.

As discussed earlier, user preparation is also a job for the ISM

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