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An Open Letter To Every Athlete On Their

Senior Night
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened"
Dear Seniors,

For many of you, today was a day that you had always wished would come sooner, only to find
that when the day arrived wishing for it to come was the last thing you truly ever wanted.

When stepping out onto the court for the very last time today, take a moment to stand quietly and
look out into the crowd, look to your teammates, to your coaches, and to your fellow seniors, and
remember the way this made you feel, as this is a feeling you will remember for the rest of your

Today and every day moving forward will be filled with

memories that will last you a lifetime.
Today is a day bound to be filled with endless amounts of tears, both happy and sad, so let it be.
Let these feelings consume you, and serve as a reminder that no matter where you may go in life
from this very moment, that you have made a family of your own. That you have changed the
lives of others by just simply being in theirs.

That all the little things were really the big things, like the nicknames you had for your
teammates, or your favorite song to sing in the locker room before a game. These things that
never seemed to mean anything at the time are all the things that you will carry with you when
you leave this place you call your home away from home.

On this day, years from now you will not remember the wins
and losses of each season, but the people that took this
journey with you and never let you look back.
The teammates that picked you up and carried you through the good and the bad of each day.
The ones that taught you to see the good in all things. The ones who never let you live down the
stupid things you did, mainly because they did them with you. And even the ones that you
couldn't stand 99.9% percent of the time.

You will remember the coaches that pushed you and never
let you give up.
You will remember all the times they yelled and made you run until you couldn't walk. The
times that they depended on you to be the leaders we all knew you could be. But more than any
of that, you will remember the opportunity they gave you to play the game you learned to love,
the game that changed your life, the game that taught you more lessons about life, love and
dedication than anything ever could.

On this day I ask you to remember a few things. I ask that you remember that the impact you
have had on your teammates' lives is unmeasurable, never doubt that. The time you have spent
dedicated to this sport that you love was never, EVER a waste of your time, because you are a
better person because of it.

I ask you to remember that although the sadness you may hold in your heart overwhelms you,
that you have found a part of you along this journey that will help you follow your dreams,
whatever they may be.

Play your heart out today, and leave knowing you've given it all you've got just one last time.
Leave knowing that you are one of the lucky ones. Remember the love, remember the defeat,
remember the laughs and the tears, remember the battle wounds. Remember this feeling, always
and forever.

Best of Luck,

Your Biggest Fan

PLAYER NAME:______________________________________________________

What age did you start playing soccer?: ___________________________________

How many years have you played for Pasco High School?: _______________
What is the best advice you have ever been given? By whom?:

If you have a nickname, what is it and how did you get it?:
Do you have a motto? (Ex. “It’s all good”): _________________________________
Who is your favorite pro basketball player & team?: ______________
What are your future plans? (college, military...): _______________________
Have you chosen a desired major or career path?: ____________________
What is your highlight of your basketball career so far?:

What are your game day superstitions? (Ex. don’t wash socks if you win, eat
pancakes for breakfast...): ________________________________________

Is there a defining moment that changed you? (Ex. car accident, making varsity as a
sophomore...): _____________________________________________
What is your favorite candy?: _________________________________
What is your favorite food?: _________________________________
What do you like to do for recreation when not playing basketball?:

Do you have a favorite memory that involves one or more of your teammates?:

Are you involved in any clubs at school? If so, which ones?: __________________
Who do you credit for your basketball success and why?:

What are you going to miss most about high school?:

Are there any other accomplishments of yours that you would like to have
recognized? (Ex. Eagle Scout, National Honor Society...):
PLAYER NAME:___________________________________________

Parents’ Names?:

Siblings’ Names?:

Favorite inspirational quote? (Ex. “Don’t give up. Don’t ever give up. - Jimmy

Who would you like to be recognized and given special credit to helping you get to
where you are today? (this could be mom, dad, soccer coach, gym teacher, etc)
anyone who influenced you along the way? And you don’t need to pick just one
person.... I know it sounds corny/stupid, but it does take a village to raise a kid, so
the more people that influenced your life and helped you out along the way, the

Any personal comments or advice to underclassmen?:


Thank you so much for taking the time to fill out this questionnaire, we
know it isn’t fun. But please trust us that the thought that you put into it will
pay off on Senior Night. Your parents have committed their lives to your
basketball career so please take care when answering these questions.
This is a forum for you to give a little back to them, so please use it!!!
Senior Night is just as special and important to them as it is to you! !

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