Gned 01 - Art Appreciation Lec 1

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HUMANITIES - came from the Latin word ● An artist is a person who performs any of
“humanus” which means human, cultured and the creative arts. This can range from
refined. painting to music. An artisan, on the other
● HUMAN hand, is a skilled worker who makes things
● CULTURED and REFINED by hand.
HUMANITIES - contains the records of man’s quest THE ART FORMS
for answers to the fundamental questions often ● Painting (SPOLIARIUM, MONA LISA)
asked about himself and about the world he lives ● Sculpture (BONIFACIO MONUMENT,
in. (Martin & Jacobus, 2004) DAVID)
● Humanities studies how people process PH BURJ, KHALIFA)
and document the human experience ● Music (Philippine’s Kundiman,
using philosophy, literature, religion, art Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5)
and history as their way of understanding ● Dance (TINIKLING, BALLET)
and recording their world. ● Literature (Homer’s Iliad Nick Joaquin’s
○ ARTS & MUSIC Woman Who Had Two Navels)
● HUMAN NATURE IS INHERENTLY GOOD ● Known for his famous Dialogues
● INDIVIDUALS ARE FREE AND ARE CAPABLE ● He was seen as a good literary stylist and
OF MAKING CHOICES a great story teller.
● HUMAN POTENTIAL FOR GROWTH AND ● Considered the art as threatening
DEVELOPMENT IS VIRTUALLY UNLIMITED ● The physical world is a copy of a perfect
● SELF-CONCEPT PLAYS AN IMPORTANT world, rational, eternal and changeless.
ARTS - comes from the Aryan root –ar. which Plato: Art is imitation
means “to join” or “put together” ● Plato explained that the art is an imitation
● Latin term sars, artis means everything of physical things which in turn are
that is artificially made or composed by imitations of the Forms. To put it simply, Art
man. is a copy of a copy which leads people
● It employs the use of perception , insights, farther from the truth.
feelings and intuition. Plato: Art is dangerous
FUNCTION OF ARTS ● According to plato, Art has power to stir
● FUNCTIONAL ART FORMS emotions, so the arts should not go
● NON- FUNCTIONAL uncensored (as mentioned in The
● The human need for expression. Aristotle (384-322 BCE)
● The social need for display, celebration ● He was a student of Plato
and communication. ● First distinguished between what is good
● The physical needs for functional objects. and what is beautiful
● Universal element of beauty (order, to the artists’ thoughts, moods, and the
symmetry and definiteness) genre the art work is presenting
● Physical manifestation of beauty is History
likewise affected by its size. ● Historical artworks depict real events
Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) which are verifiable facts that occurred
● “Beauty does not rest on the properties of from the past. The purpose of such works
the objects or things but rather on the are either to commemorate events or to
manner in which people respond to these teach history to the viewers
objects or things.” Legends
Subjective taste ● Artworks based on legends present to
● Beauty does not focus on the properties viewers of the art something tangible
of the object itself but rather on the even when unverified. Art brings life to the
pleasure one experiences as he responds stories.
to it. Religion
Universal taste ● Artworks are based on sacred texts; Many
● is non-aesthetic and does not consider artworks used the beautiful stories in the
the beauty of the work or the mystery of sacred texts to convey their beliefs. It was
the artist, but rather, the work is said that art is the handmaid of religion.
appreciated for what it is. Mythology
● Artworks can be based on the stories of
SUBJECT AND CONTENT the Gods and Goddesses of Ancient
What is Subject of Art? Greece, Rome, Celts, Norse, and the
● “Subject of Art refers to what the work Egyptians. These deities are depicted in
represents” human or animal forms and present
● Artworks that have subjects are called humanlike behavior.
Representational arts or objective arts Dreams & fantasy
and those that do not have are called ● The intrigue of the unconscious also
non-Representational or non-objective inspires artists to present it through art for
arts. others to see, relate and interpret. Artists
Sources of Subject believe that the content of the
● Art is human expression and the artists’ unconscious should be shared for others
choice of subject are clues to their inner to know and may be understood.
world which tells viewers how their art Technology
should be interpreted. ● The modern era with its tall buildings and
Nature amazing machines are also subject
● The most popular source of objective art. matter for the artist. Cityscapes, airplanes,
Mountains, trees, animals, landscapes, cars, ships and robotic technology are
seascapes, cloudscapes are some the object of interest.
examples of nature inspired art
● Human subjects, whether real or NATURALISM
imagined, are the most interesting. How ● Naturalism in art refers to the depiction of
the people are depicted can offer clues realistic objects in a natural setting.
● Shows natural shadows, lighting and the convey aside from what is being
physical attributes of an artwork is always observed.
accurate on a human figure. FAUVISM
REALISM ● This movement started in France
● In its specific sense realism refers to a mid ● Henri Matisse was the leader of this group.
nineteenth century artistic movement ● Fauvism literally means Wildebeest.
characterised by subjects painted from ● Used bright colors which show pictures of
everyday life in a naturalistic manner comfort, joy, and pleasure.
● Shows everyday situations and social DADAISM
realities. ● Does not follow the traditions and
ABSTRACTION principles in art
● “to move away orto separate from” ● Tried to shock and provoke the public
subject presentation moves away from with outrageous artworks
reality ● Playful/ experimental
● This is a form of abstraction results when ● The Movement began in Italy.Its goal was
the figures have been so arranged that its to capture the speed and force of the
proportion differs significantly from the modern industrial society.
reality. This is manifested when the subject ● Paintings and sculptures highlight the
is misshapen or twisted out. This is done to technologies of modern life.
dramatize the shape of a figure or to SURREALISM
create a dramatic/ emotional effect. ● It emphasized the activities of
B. ELONGATION subconscious mindshock the viewer and
● In this Type of abstraction, the subject is reveal what they consider to be deep,
stretched vertically and/or some parts true and ugly part of human nature
lengthened to give the impression of EXPRESSIONISM
thinness. ● Emotions aroused by objects and events
C. MANGLING ● Chaos, sadness,tragedy, defeat
● This might not be so common in paintings
but may be popular in other art forms THE ARTIST AND HIS MEDIUM
(sculpture,theater or film). Artists show VISUAL ARTIST
subjects as cut, lacerated, mutilated or ● Use the visual arts as their venue of
hacked with repeated blows. expression. This includes the painters,
CUBISM sculptors and the architects. They are also
● Abstract form is presented through the composed of filmmakers and graphic
use of figures: a cone,cylinder, sphere, artists.
triangle, square, cube, and circle in place CREATIVE ARTIST
of real pictorial elements. The cubist wants ● Are more adept at writing words and
to show forms in the basic geometrical arranging musical notes to entice the
shapes. imagination and evoke emotions. These
SYMBOLISM artists include writers, poets, playwrights,
● Draws the viewers’ attention to what novelists and composers.
other message the artist may be trying to PERFORMING ARTIST
● Express their act through execution in the sake of learning how to
front of an audience. These artists are the execute some forms; a sketch
dancers, singers, stage performers, actors which shows the general
and musicians. organization or a design of a
product being planned; or a
ARTS CAN BE CLASSIFIED INTO THE FOLLOWING cartoon which is full sized work
BASED ON MEDIUM: meant to be used or the basis for
ABOUT THE VISUAL ARTS the real work.
● Art forms that can be perceived by eyes, PENCIL
its medium are those materials that can ● Made out of graphite which comes in
be seen and occupy space. different hardness from soft to hard or
● Specifically these are the: thickness from thick to needle-like, making
○ Graphic or two dimensional arts possible a wide range of values.
■ Drawing, painting, ● Pencils, regardless of brand are usually
mosaics, collage and labelled 2B, 4B, 6B, which indicates the
printmaking softness of the lead.
○ Plastic or three dimensional arts 4 SHADING TECHNIQUE:
■ Sculpture, architecture A. HATCHING
and installations ● Is a drawing series of thin parallel
ABOUT AUDITORY AND TIME ARTS lines that run in the same direction.
● Medium for this art classification are those B. CROSS-HATCHING
that the viewers can hear and which are ● Is a drawing series of thin parallel
expressed in time. Belonging to these are lines and criss-crossing it with
music and literature. anothers et of thin parallel lines.
ABOUT COMBINED ARTS This creates a tone that is darker
● Medium for these art forms are those that than hatching.
the viewers can see and hear which C. STIPPLING
considers both time and space. ● Using the sharp point of the pencil
● These include dance, drama and to make a dot pattern is to create
cinema. This art form is also known as depth in some parts of the
THE PROCESS OF ART PRODUCTION ● Is at times accomplished with the
THE MEDIUM finger or a paper stump to
● In art, “medium” refers to the substance gradually change the tone from
that the artist uses to create a piece of dark to light.
artwork. For example, the medium, INK
Michelangelo used to create “David” ● Oldest material for drawing that is still in
(1501-1504) was marble use. Pen and ink drawings are
GRAPHIC OR TWO DIMENSIONAL ART: characterized by controlled and uniform
● DRAWING lines.
○ Drawing is the fundamental skill ● Ink is used in making the beautiful
needed in visual arts. The drawing handwritings produced in calligraphy
may be a study which is made for which in itself is an art.
PASTELS charcoal is made from loose charcoal
● Composed of dry pigment held together and mixed with a binder and pressed into
by a gum binder and compressed into sticks; the other one is the vine which
sticks. comes in thin sticks that is easy to blend
● There are three kinds of pastel: soft, hard and erase.
and oil pastel. The only difference PAPER
between soft and hard pastel is the ● Most common surface used in two
amount of the binder in the material. For dimensional art.
oil pastel, the binder is oil. ● The paper is an organic material that is
● When pastel work is done, artists used to made from wood, grass, linen rags. There
spray fixative on it to prevent the are generally three types of papers:
destruction of the work. hot-pressed is smooth, cold-pressed
5 PASTELS TECHNIQUE: paper has moderate texture and the
A. STIPPLING rough paper which has most texture
● Using pastels of different colors to (tooth).
produce small marks, thus,
creating a pattern. DIFFERENT MEDIA OF ARTS
● Using the point of the pastel to ● Wall or floor decorations made out of
make parallel strokes creating a small tiles, irregular cut pieces of colored
feather-like effect. stones, glass called “Tesserae.”
C. SCUMBLING ● These are meticulously fitted together to
● Is like layering but using pastel. The form a pattern and glued with plaster or
side of the pastel is lightly drawn cement.
on top of an existing color but still COLLAGE
making the color of the first layer ● Was derived from the french word
visible. “coller” which means to stick. Collage is
D. IMPASTO a technique of making an artwork by
● Is the technique of thickly applying gluing or pasting on a firm supporting
the pastel by pressing it hard on materials or found objects.
the paper creating an opaque ● How the pieces are arranged reflect the
effect. message the artist wants to convey. The
E. SGRAFFITO artist's presentation may be purely
● Is applying a thick deposit of aesthetic or sentimental. Collage as a
pastel on the support then using a graphic art was introduced by Picasso
blunt pen, scrapes it off to reveal and Braque, both cubist artists.
the underlying color and create PRINTMAKING
the design. ● The process used for making
reproductions of graphic works.
CHARCOAL Printmaking allows for the repeated
● An organic medium that comes from transfer of the master image from the
burntwood. printing plate (matrix) onto the surface.
● There are two kinds of charcoal: The result is an impression created by the
compressed charcoal or manufactured plate on the surface which is called print.
I. RELIEF PRINTING (RAISED) background, less
● Oldest method for printmaking. shadow is created.
The technique involves cutting ○ HIGH RELIEF
away certain parts of the surface, ■ Almost half of the
usually a block of wood and figures project in
leaving the “raise” parts of the the background,
image. Woodcut or wood more shadows are
engraving uses this technique. created.
● This technique is the opposite of ● Capable of movement by wind,
relief printing, instead of using the water or other forms of energy.
surface of the plate for the image,
the lines of the image are cut or PROCESS OF CREATING SCULPTURES
incised to a metal plate. I. SUBTRACTIVE PROCESS
● The incised or depressed part is ● Removing or cutting away pieces
the image. Examples of this are of the material to form the figure.
etching and drypoint. II. ADDITIVE PROCESS
III. SURFACE PRINTING (FLAT) ● Putting together bits of the
● This includes all processes in which material or by welding together
printing is done from a flat surface the parts to create figures.
(plane). Example of this type is III. SUBSTITUTION PROCESS
serigraphy or silkscreen printing. ● Also known as “casting.” Material
should be in a liquid form and be
SCULPTURE ● There are 3 types of casting:
● The word sculpture has originated from sand-casting, plastic-casting and
the latin word “sculpere” which means to lost-wax casting.
carve. It is defined as the practice of
making three dimensional forms. It is an DIFFERENT MEDIA OF SCULPTURE
art form that is described as having STONE
length, width and volume. ● Is a natural medium, hard and relatively
permanent. Sculptures made out of stone
THREE KINDS OF SCULPTURE will last for many years.
I. FREESTANDING (IN THE ROUND) ● Marble is deemed by sculptors as the
● Can be viewed from all sides. most beautiful stone for sculpture.
● Figures project from a ● As a natural medium, compared to stone,
background. wood is relatively easy to work on. Wood
● TWO VARIATIONS OF RELIEF varies in hardness and durability
SCULPTURES: depending on the kind of tree it came
○ LOW RELIEF from.
■ Slightly METAL
● Medium is used for sculpture because of ● Using the metal rod to gather the
its three unique qualities: tensile strength, molten glass from the furnace and
ductility and malleability. shape it using another tool.
● The two ways by which metal can turn B. COLD WORKING
into beautiful sculptures is assembling and ● Using a cold hardened glass. This
casting. involves sandblasting, engraving,
THREE EXAMPLES OF METAL MEDIUM polishing and grinding to create
A. STAINLESS STEEL the sculpture glass.
● Is also known as INOX STEEL. It is C. GLASS BLOWING
made from the combination of ● Gathering molten glass from the
steel and chromium. This medium furnace using a blowpipe. Air is
does not rust or stain when blown into the pipe and shapes
exposed to moisture and water. the glass before it cools down.
● Is an alloy of two elements: tin and ● A synthetic medium made from organic
copper. Its color is reddish-brown polymers. While plastic is soft, it can be
and will corrode if constantly molded into a form. Sculptures used are
exposed to waterland moisture. usually reproductions of original work.
● Is an alloy of copper and zinc that ARCHITECTURE
gives it a yellowish golden color. About ARCHITECTURE
Brass is more malleable than ● Architecture is the art and science of
bronze and has a lower melting designing buildings and other physical
point. structures. A wider definition often
PLASTER includes the design of the total built
● Plaster of Paris is finely ground gypsum environment from the macro level of town
mixed with water and poured into the planning, urban design, and landscape
mold. This material dries quickly, architecture to the micro level of
depending on the size of the mold and it construction details and, Sometimes,
can be painted with different colors. furniture. The term “Architecture” is also
TERRA COTTA (EARTH COOKED) used for the profession of providing
● Baked clay, or clay fired in a kiln at a architectural services.
relatively high temperature. Firing the clay
causes the moisture to evaporate, CONSTRUCTION PRINCIPLES
hardening the clay. Post & lintel
GLASS ● Post and Lintel is the oldest construction
● Is made by heating and cooling a system that makes use of two vertical
combination of sand and soda lime. Glass supports (Post) spanned by a horizontal
may be transparent, translucent, or beam (Lintel). It was invented by the
opaque. It can be molded into various Greeks.
shapes and colors. ARCH
THREE GLASS SCULPTURES TECHNIQUE ● Arch is a Roman invention that consists of
A. HOT SCULPTING separate pieces of wedge – shaped
blocks called voussoirs arranged in a
semicircle. Keystone is the most important, simple structures in its natural state.
it is placed at the center at the top, locks Bricks compare favorably with
the pieces together into a circle curve stones as a structural material.
structure. They are fire and water resistant,
easy to produce, transport and
● Barrel Vault is a succession of arches, one ● All parts of a building can be
placed directly behind another to constructed using wood except
produce a structure similar to a tunnel;it the foundations; its major
has two openings, one on each end. disadvantages are susceptibility to
Groin vault fire, mold and termites.
● Groin vault is a structure that is formed by III. IRON AND STEEL
intersecting arches resulting in four ● These provide far stronger and
openings. taller structures with less use of
Dome material when compared to stone
● Dome is a structure with the shape of an or wood.
inverted cup. The base was called the IV. CONCRETE
drum. ● This is a mixture of cement and
Cantilever water, with aggregates of sand
● Cantilever is a structure that makes use of and gravel, which hardens rapidly
a beam or slab that extends horizontally resulting in a fire resisting solid of
into space beyond its supporting post. great compressive strength.
● Buttress is a structure built as a support for
the wall. In European churches buttresses LITERATURE AND COMBINED ARTS
built to support the dome are called flying What is literature?
buttresses. ● Literature is the art of combining spoken
Truss or written words and their meanings into
● Truss is a system of triangular forms forms which have artistic and emotional
assembled to form a rigid framework. appeal. Language is the medium of
MEDIA OF ARCHITECTURE ● The writer uses words to build up his
● Since architecture is considered as the compositions. The words are used in
most functional of the arts, materials to be combination with other words and
used in construction must have arranged in certain patterns to suggest
compressive and tensile strength. The feelings and images. Not all writings which
following are materials that are used for use language, however, can be called
creating buildings and infrastructures: literature. The term only refers to works
I. Bricks and stones that exploit the suggestive power of
● Stones are favored over other language.
materials for its durability, ● ANY TYPE OF WRITING IN ANY SUBJECT
adaptability to sculptural MAY BE CONSIDERED A FORM OF
treatment and its use for building LITERATURE AS LONG AS IT IS ARTISTICALLY
DONE THUS, MAKING THE WORK WORTH Nonfiction works are all based on real
REMEMBERING. FOR INSTANCE, THE people and real world experiences. This
LITERARY THEME CAN BE, OF A COUNTRY genre is classified into two types: literary
OR A HISTORICAL PERIOD EXPRESSED IN nonfiction which includes biographies,
THE FORM OF POETRY, ESSAY, NOVEL OR autobiographies, and essay and
WORKS OF THE WRITER'S IMAGINATION. informative nonfiction. The purpose of
informative nonfiction is to explain or
FOUR MAIN GENRES OF LITERATURE inform the readers about a concept or
POETRY situation.
● All poems share similar characteristics ● Figurative language used are common
which makes it easy for the reader to phrases of everyday people. These works
recognize them. For instance, poems are are written in prose and divided into
written in lins and not in sentences or chapters. Non-fiction books are true,
paragraph form. Poems used to follow well-researched, verified accounts of
strict rules as to the number and length of history, politics, wars, Science, or
lines and stanzas but in recent years they technology, designed to inform or
have become more free-flowing. propose new theories and discussions.
● It is characterized by an abundance of DRAMA
figurative language. Poets use devices ● This genre includes all plays or any written
like simile, metaphor, hyperbole, rhyme, works That are meant to be performed.
and others. Poetry's emphasis is on This type of literature is written with the
imagination, emotions, and ideas. Poetry intention of being performed for an
is shorter than other genres but the type audience. plays of Shakespeare like
known as epic poetry is quite long. Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Midsummer
FICTION Night's, Dream and Florante at Laura of
● This is any written work that is not real and Francisco Baltazar.
which uses elaborate figurative
languages. Fiction, however, is more
structured than poetry. It is written in
sentences and paragraphs with all the
proper punctuation and grammar, which
makes it a prose. Fiction is divided into
● Since fiction is based on the writer's
creativity and imagination, the subject
matter can be anything. The work can be
of the past, present or future. It can be
based on fantasy or ideas of everyday
living. Some examples of Fiction are
legends, folk tales, fairy tales, short stories,
and any type of Novel.
● This is the opposite of fiction because the
subject matter comes from real life.

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