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Republic of the Philippines

Department Of Education
Region XIII- CARAGA Region
Panikian, Carrascal, Surigao del Sur

Grade Level: Grade 10 Discipline: Writing

Subject Area: English Topic: Writing Research Report
Quarter: Quarter 4 Week: 6-8

MELC: Compose a research report on a relevant social issue

a. Describe what is a Research Report.
b. Use the functions, structure, and guidelines in writing a Research Report
c. Appreciate the importance of Research Report to solve eminent problems in the community.
Input – please see attached LAS
Process- please see attached LAS
Output – Please see attached LAS

Prepared by:

Teacher I

Checked and Validated by:

Master Teacher I


School Head
Republic of the Philippines
Department Of Education
Region XIII- CARAGA Region
Panikian, Carrascal, Surigao del Sur

Grade Level: Grade 10 Discipline: Writing

Subject Area: English Topic: Writing Research Report
Quarter: Quarter 4 Week: 6-8

I. Let’s study

What is a Research Report?

A research report is an expanded paper that presents

interpretations and analyses of a phenomenon based on
experiments and previous information so that the readers can
better understand it. It is a laborious work produced through formal
investigation and scientific inquiry.

Parts of a Research Report

1. Title Page – contains an informative title that describes the
content of the paper, the name of author/s, addresses or
affiliations, and date of submission. Examples of an
informative title are the following:
a. Effects of Facebook on the Academic %20report&selection=1&sort=popular&type=vec
Achievement of first Year Students tor%2Cpsd%2Cicon

b. Development and Validation of a Software for Detecting Plagiarism

2. Abstract – contains the summary of the research findings and conclusions. It briefly
presents the context of the study, research questions or objectives, methodology, major
findings, conclusions, and sometimes implications. An abstract does not contain any citation
or a great deal of statistical results. Its length ranges from 100 to 250 words.

3. Introduction – explains the current state of the field and identifies research gaps. It is also
the part where the research focus is presented by addressing the identified gaps in the
topic. It puts the research topic in context. It is usually three to five paragraphs long.
4. Literature Review – contains the summary and synthesis of all available sources directly
related to the study. In a research report, the literature review is divided into two sections:
related concepts and related studies.

Related concepts present some of the fundamental concepts needed by the readers to
better understand the study. Concepts and theories are defined, explained, and described.
Unlike related concepts, related studies are based on previously conducted studies directly
related to the paper. Both the related concepts and studies will help the writer explain the
phenomena that may arise in the study.

This section ends with a paragraph that synthesizes all of the studies presented and puts
the study in context. Hence, the last paragraph may include the topic and specific research
problems. The length may range from two to three pages. Note that some cases, the
literature review is integrated in the introduction section.

5. Methodology – describes how the experiments or tests in the research were conducted. It
presents the context within which the study was conducted, the participants, the instruments
used, data gathering procedure, and the data analysis. In discussing the context of the study
and the participants, the number and the demographic profiles of the participants are
explained as well as the place where the study was conducted.

The discussion of the instrument used presents the tools in gathering data. These tools
may be in the form of a questionnaire, interview, focus group discussion, survey, and tests,
among others. All of the instruments used should be described in detail, along with the
explanation of how they were validated. The data gathering sections presents the details on
how the data were collected while the data analysis section presents how the data were
analyzed, either qualitatively (coding scheme) or quantitatively (statistical tools). The past
tense is used in writing the methodology.

6. Results – factually describes the data gathered and the tables and graphs that summarize
the collected data. Along with the tables and graphs are their respective interpretations. The
flow of the results section should follow the flow of the research
questions/problems/objectives. It is expected that for each research problem or objective,
corresponding results are presented.

7. Discussion – provides an explanation of all the results in relation to the previous studies
presented in the literature review.
In this section, the research problems or objectives, as well as the major findings, are
restated in the first paragraph. The succeeding paragraphs should explain whether the study
supports or rejects the previous findings and explain the reasons for this. New findings
uncovered in the research should also be stated. Similar to the flow of the results, the
discussion part follows the flow of the research problems or objectives.

8. Conclusion – contains the restatement of the major findings, the limitations of the study, the
recommendations, and the implications. Note that in some cases, the conclusion is
integrated into the discussion.

9. References – contains the different sources used in the study. These may be academic
books, journals, and other online sources. Its format depends on the school, teacher, or field
of study.

Steps in Writing a Research Report

Writing a research report may seem like a daunting

task, but if you break down the process into small steps, you
will be able to accomplish it effectively. The stages of writing
a research report also follow the basic writing process, with the few additions to accommodate and
address the different parts of the report.
1. Select and narrow down the topic. Use any of your
preferred prewriting activities to generate ideas. dates=any&format=search&query=steps%20literature
2. Conduct a preliminary research by gathering the %2Cicon
initial references.
3. Formulate the thesis statement and research questions. A good thesis statement effectively
guides and controls the flow of your paper.
4. Prepare a preliminary outline.
5. Gather additional references. Use the preliminary outline as a guide for this stage.
6. Prepare the pre final outline.
7. Prepare your instruments, such as your questionnaire. Below are some guidelines in
preparing a survey instrument.
Preparing a Survey Instrument
A survey instrument is a document that lists planned questions used to
measure attitudes, perceptions, and opinions of the respondents. It contains
responses directly related to each specific research questions. It can either be in
the form of an interview guide or a questionnaire.
A survey instrument usually has four parts:

 Personal information section for participants/respondents (this is usually

optional since, except for disclosing the gender and age and other general
demographic information, most participants wish to remain anonymous)
 Basic questions that establish the eligibility of the participants/respondents
 Main questions that are directly linked to the research questions.
 Open-ended questions (optional)
When preparing a survey instrument, follow these steps:
a. Do a preliminary research. You may visit your library or use online
sources for this.
b. Talk to a person who is knowledgeable in preparing survey
c. Master the guidelines in preparing a questionnaire or interview
d. Clarify your research questions. Be sure that the items indicated in
your survey instruments are directly related to each specific
research questions/
e. Write the instrument using the appropriate format. Get model
instruments if needed.
f. Edit your instrument and match it with your research questions.
g. Revise when necessary.
h. Pilot your survey instrument to further improve its quality. This
means that you have to get some respondents (colleagues or a
small sample of the target respondents) to try to answer the
8. Implement the instrument and gather the data.
9. Analyze the collected data and interpret it through tables and graphs.
10. Write the methodology and result sections.
11. Write the introduction and literature review.
12. Write the discussion. Be sure to link the literature review to the discussion section.
13. Write the conclusion.
14. Prepare the reference list. Be sure to list all the items citied in the body of your paper. It is
useful to keep a separate word document or physical notebook where you can list your reference
as you come across them to make sure you do not leave anything out when you have to prepare
the reference list
15. Edit and format your paper. Observe the proper mechanics.

Guidelines in Writing a Research Report

Now that you are aware of the steps in writing a research report, follow the writing guidelines
below to ensure that your report is well-written.
1. Fifty to seventy-five percent of the paper should be devoted to results and discussion.
2. Be sure to cite all your sources whether they are paraphrased or directly quoted.
3. As with the previous types of written works, use direct quotations sparingly; paraphrase as
much as possible.
4. Strictly follow the required documentation style.
5. Topics should be relevant, interesting, current, and manageable in terms of resources, skills
needed, and time. They should not be too sensitive and too controversial.
6. Research questions should directly address the given topic or thesis statement.

Title: Effect of Facebook on the Academic Performance of Senior High School Students
Thesis statement: Facebook has an effect on the academic performance of senior high
school students

Research questions:
(1) Does exposure to Facebook affect students’ performance during examination?
(2) Does exposure to Facebook affect students’ attention span during class activities?
(3) Does exposure to Facebook affect students’ participation in curricular activities?

II. Let’s Process

Activity 1: Write T if the statement is true and F if false.

_____1. The research report follows a format similar to that of an academic essay.
_____2. The abstract should be written prior to writing a conclusion.
_____3. An informative title is preferred when writing a research report.
_____4. The conclusion contains the details of the finding obtained from the study.
_____5. Gathering references can be done recursively.
_____6. It is better to have as many direct quotations as possible.
_____7. Majority of the paper content should be devoted to literature review.
_____8. Survey instruments should be aligned to research questions.
_____9. Tables and graphs for the gathered data are presented under the
introduction section.
_____10. The discussion section presents the procedure undertaken to compete the
_____11. The introduction contains the purpose of the study and the current state of
the field of the study.
_____12. The literature review contains the explanation of relevant concepts and
related studies.
_____13. The methodology contains the description of participants and instruments.
_____14. Title and thesis statement are written differently.
_____15. Two different documentation styles can be used in one research report.
In writing a research report, you must
1. choose a topic that is interesting and relevant to your audience;
2. use the accepted format;
3. accomplish the purpose of each part of the report;
4. acknowledge the sources of the information you used in your report; and
5. be consistent with the citation style that you use. You must also keep in mind the
properties of a well-written text to make your writing appear more academic.

III. Let’s Practice

Write a research report using the parts given above based on the given data below.
Topic : Source: Critical Reading and Writing, Dayagbil, 2016 p. 145

Title : School Drop Outs: Fact or Fallacy

Research Method : Descriptive method
Respondents : Grade 6 students who stopped schooling from Panikian
National High School, a public school in the
mountain Barangay Panikian.
Procedure : Visited the homes of students who dropped out
Distributed survey instruments and conducted in-
depth interview

Results : Students dropped out from school due to the

following reasons: school is very far from home,
no money for school needs, too many
assignments, does not like the teacher

Research Report Writing Rubric

Good 10 points Fair 7 points Poor 5 point
The article is clearly but The article is clearly The article summary is
succinctly summarized - summarized, but some unclear or overly
only the key points of sub points are detailed, so long as to
the article are touched addressed along with appear more like a short,
upon. The article main points. The unclear article than a
summary takes up no summary is not succinct, summary.
more than one third of is too long and
the total assignment. cumbersome
Article selected is Article selected may be Article is barely related to
current (<5 years), topic current (<5 years) or task or is grossly out
is specific to task. Article somewhat older, topic is dated (> 10 years).
published in peer- related to task, but less Article not from
Article Choice
reviewed scholarly specific. Article acceptable source.
journal. published in peer-
reviewed scholarly
Summary is well Paper is organized, has Paper is not well
organized, and clearly an intro, body and organized, has an
stated. The points of the conclusion. The purpose unclear or non-existent
article are clear from the of the paper becomes intro, body and
Organization very beginning and the clear within the paper conclusion. The purpose
name and author of the and the name and of the paper is unclear
article is made clear author of the article is and the name and author
early in the paper. mentioned within the of the article is not stated
paper. or stated late.
APA and page length (1) APA and page length (2-
requirements are met APA and page length (1) 3 pages) requirements
Mechanics and there are no requirements are met are not met. There are
Requirements grammatical errors or and there are 1-4 5+ grammatical errors or
typos. grammatical errors or typos.

Key to answers
Activity 1 (Let’s Process)
1. T 6. F 11. T
2. F 7. F 12.T
3. T 8. T 13.F
4. T 9. F 14.F
5. T 10. T 15. F

Buhisan, Analyn,”Module 3 – Purposeful Writing in the disciplines and for
Professions.”Misamis Oriental Division. 26 May, 2020.

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