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Subject Name: Human Resource Accounting and Auditing

Class: T.Y. BMS (HR Specialization) (Sem- VI)

Subject Teacher: Ms. Janvi Ailani

1.When the cost incurred on recruiting, training and developing the employees is
considered for determining the value of employees, it is called ____________ a) Historical
Cost Approach b) Opportunity cost approach c) Replacement cost approach d) Labour Market
2. The opportunity cost approach in human resource accounting was introduced by
______________ a) Hekimian and Jones b) Adam Smith c) Michael John d) Likert
3. The aggregate payment approach in human resource accounting was developed by
____________ a) Jones b) S. K. Chakraborty c) Hekimian d) Likert
4. The value of human resources is the function of the average salary of the employees and
their average employment tenure in the organization. This is the essence of the
____________ a) Economic value model b) Capitalisation of salary c) aggregate
payment model d) Distributive Justice Model
5. Fixing the value of an employee depending upon his productivity, promotability
transferability and retainability is the core of the _____________ a) stochastic reward
valuation model b) Valuation model c) aggregate payment model d) Capitalisation of Salary .
6. In 1960s ____________along with the other social researchers made an attempt to define
the concept of Human Resource Accounting. A) Rensis Likert b) Maslows c) Smith
d) Zethimal
7. The main aim of HRA is to depict the potential of HR in monetary terms, while preparing
the organization’s ___________ a) Balance sheets b) financial statements. c)
Marketing Schedule d) Annual report
8. ___________refers to the costs incurred in acquiring the right man for the right job at
the right time and in right quantity. A) Acquisition cost b) Replacement cost c)
Training Costs d) Opportunity costs
9. _______includes the costs of application blanks, administrative costs of processing
applications as well as conducting tests. a) Selection costs b) Recruitment costs c)
placement cost d) opportunity costs
10.___________training cost refers to the costs incurred in conventional training for the
orientation of an individual. So that he can operate the work. A) Informal b) Formal
c) On the job d) off the job
Subject Name: Human Resource Accounting and Auditing
Class: T.Y. BMS (HR Specialization) (Sem- VI)
Subject Teacher: Ms. Janvi Ailani

11. ___________is the compulsory contributory fund for the future of employees after their
retirement or for their dependents in case of their early death. A) Provident fund b)
Pension c) Gratuity d) Insurance Premium
12. _____________does not provide any scope for furnishing any significant information
about human resources in financial statements. a) The Indian companies Act b)
Minimum Wages Act c) Payment of wages Act d) Employee provident fund Act
13.The ____________provides assurance benefit to employees along with PF benefit.
A)EDLI b) ESOP c) Pension d) ESOS
14.Gratuity is calculated as__________________ a) Basic + DA/26* no. of years of
service*15 b) Basic + DA/26* no. of years of service*25 c) Fixed + DA/26* no. of
years of service*15 d) Variable + DA/26* no. of years of service*15
15.TDS deduction is carried out under _____________ of the income tax act, 1961. A)
section 192 b) Section 190 c) Section 198 d) Section 80
16. ____________method indicates that the present value of total future earnings of
homogeneous group of employees is estimated. A) Capitalisation of salary b)
Economic Value model c) Replacement model d) labour market model
17.EVA is the theory developed and trademarked by _______________ a) Stern Steward
and Co. b) Jones c) Smith d) Keth Davis
18.There is no opportunity cost for the employees that are available in ___________ a)
Abundant b) Scarce c) with skills d) with experience
19.Lack of management commitment is one of the __________of HR audit. A) limitation
b) Benefit c) factor d) determinant
20.Process of HR audit includes ______steps. A) Six b) Seven c) Eight d) five
21. ________________is the one in which auditors use standards set by an outside company
as benchmark. A) Outside authority approach b) Survey approach c) Inter Industry
Approach d) Market standard approach
22. ____________is used by an employee to put a candidate under intense pressure for
assessment. a) Structured Interview b) Unstructured Interview c) Stress interview
d) Observation method
23.Drawing inferences from various senses that are seen and are heard off is done in
Subject Name: Human Resource Accounting and Auditing
Class: T.Y. BMS (HR Specialization) (Sem- VI)
Subject Teacher: Ms. Janvi Ailani

_______________ a) Observation method b) Survey method c) Feedback method

d) Delphi Technique
24.Database to be maintained for the information of part time and full time employees is
done through____________ a) MIS b) HRIS c) EDI d) RFID
25.HR audit involves the measurement of Cost and ___________of the people in the
organization. A) value b) Objectives c) policies d) mission statment
26. _____________helps in quantifying the problems and understand the customers in better
and qualitative way. A) Statistical approach b) TQM based interventions c) Survey
d) Internal quality approach
27.Certificate education program is offered by __________in HRD audit. A) TVRLS b)
28.Valuation of Human resources can be done through _______________methods. A)
monetary and non-monetary b) Qualitative and quantitative methods c) Primary and
secondary objectives d) Basic and additional methods.
29.Expected realisable value method is a type of _____________ a) realizable methods b)
Non-monetary methods c) monetary methods d) non-realizable methods
30.There is ________of industry standard for human valuation. A) Absence b) Presence
c) excess d) benchmark
31.Monetary methods consider the ___________of human resources. A) economic value
b) non- economical value c) assets d) shareholders value
32.Opportunity cost method is a ____________of human resources. A) Primary method
b) monetary method c) non-monetary method d) Secondary method
33. ___________refers to the collective capability, knowledge and skills of the people that
are employed by an organization. A) Human capital b) Policies c) Human values
d) objectives
34.Decrease in value of assets is called as ______________ a) decapitalization b)
devaluation c) depreciation d) devestment
35.Capability of change is one of the factors considered for success of _____________ a)
Intervention of HR audit b) HR linkages c) HR based system d) HR accounting
36. The concept of ______________refers to the sacrifice that would have to be incurred
Subject Name: Human Resource Accounting and Auditing
Class: T.Y. BMS (HR Specialization) (Sem- VI)
Subject Teacher: Ms. Janvi Ailani

today to replace a person with a substitute capable of providing a set of services

equivalent to the individual being replaced. . A) Personal Replacement Cost b)
outlay cost c) Actual Costs d) standard costs
37. _________________is based on the economic concept of recognising humans as
wealth-providing sources of income, and relies on measurement of such wealth as a
present value of future income streams. A) Lev and Schwartz model b) Jaggi and lau
method c)Valuation Method d) Scanlon model
38. Human resource could not be placed in any formats of ____________
A) Policies B) financial statements c)Standards d) None of the above
39. There are ___ stages in the historical development of Human resource accounting.
A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D) 6
40. ___ stage of human resource accounting was purely academic research based process.
A) 4 B) 2 C) 3 D) 1
41. __ stage is for viability of the various research papers submitted in previous stage
A) 2 B) 4 C) 3 D) 6
42. __ stage shows a wide acceptability of the theory at international level.
A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D) 6
43. ___ Stage shows a decline of popularity at international level.
A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D) 6
44. __ stage shows a renewed vigour by economists and capitalist to treat employee as an
asset and not a machine.
A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D) 6
45. _____refers to the costs incurred in acquiring the right man for the right job at the right
time and in right quantity. A) Acquisition cost B) Replacement Cost C) Opportunity
Cost D) Cost of Capital
46. The cost of selection depends upon the ______ for which the person is being selected
A) position B) System C) Policies D) mission statement
47. Jaggi and Lau Model, values the human asset on a group basis. Such group implies------
a) Heterogeneous employees b) Homogeneous employees c) dependent employees d) Interns
Subject Name: Human Resource Accounting and Auditing
Class: T.Y. BMS (HR Specialization) (Sem- VI)
Subject Teacher: Ms. Janvi Ailani

48. ---------------- Human Resource Accounting approach assumes that the super normal
profit is generated in organization because of Exclusive Human Resource and not due to
any other resources. a) Unpurchased Goodwill Method b) Historical Cost Method
c) Replacement Cost Method d) opportunity cost method
49. ___________ process gives more optional allocation of personnel and a quantitative base
for planning, evaluating and developing human assets of the firm. a) Bidding b) Complex c)
lengthy d) Accounting
50. EDLI stands for ______________ a) Employees’ Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme
b) Employer Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme c) Employees’ Deposit linked Investment
Scheme d) Employer Deposit Liked Investment Option

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