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Elements of Microprocessors
Lecture: 3p/week Paper: 100marks, 3 hrs
Practical: 3p/week Term work: 25 marks

1. 8085 Microprocessor:
Basic 8085 microprocessor architecture and its functional blocks, 8085
microprocessor IC pin outs and signals, address, data and control buses, clock signals,
instruction cycles, machine cycles, and timing states, instruction timing diagrams.

2. Programming of 8085 microprocessor:

Basic instruction set, writing assembly language programs, looping, counting and
indexing operations, stacks and subroutines, conditional call and return instructions,
debugging programs.

3. 8085 Interfacing and Interrupts:

Bus interfacing concepts, timing for the execution of input and output(I/O)
instructions, I/O address decoding, memory and I/O interfacing memory mapped I/O
interfacing of matrix input keyboard and output display, Serial I/O lines of 8085 and the
implementation asynchronous serial data communication using SOD and SID lines,
interrupt structure of 8085, RST(restart) instructions, vectored interrupt, interrupt process
and timing diagram of interrupt instruction execution, 8259 A interrupt controller,
principles block transfer( direct memory access) techniques.

4. Programmable Interface and peripheral devices:

Programming and applications of 8455/8156 programmable I/O ports and timer,
8255A programmable peripheral interface , 8253/8254 programmable interval timer, 8257
direct memory access controller, 8279 programmable keyboard/display interface

5. 8086 and 8088 Microprocessors:

Architecture and organization of 8086/8088 microprocessors family, bus interface
unit, 8086/8088 hardware pin signals, timing diagram of 8086 family microprocessors,
simplified read/ write bus cycles, 8086 minimum and maximum modes of operation,
8086/8088 memory addressing, address decoding, memory system design of 8086 family,
timing considerations for memory interfacing, input/output port addressing and decoding,
introduction to 8087 floating point coprocessor and its connection to host 8086.

6.8086 assemble language programming:

Addressing modes, 8086 instruction formats and instruction set, data transfer,
arithmetic, bit manipulation, string, program execution transfer and program control
instructions, machine codes of 8086 instructions, assemble language syntax, assembler
directives, initialization instructions, simple sequential and looping programs in assemble
language, debugging assembly language programs.

7. Advanced assembly level programming:

Conditional jumps and IF-THEN-ELSE, WHILE-DO –REPEAT-UNTIL, delay
loop programs, implementing procedure calls, passing parameters using pointers and stack,
reentrant and recursive procedures, call FAR procedures, assembler MACRO instructions,
software interrupts and interrupt service routines, software interrupt application such as in
basic input output system of IBM-PC computer, high level C-language programs with an
illustrative example.

Term work:
Each student has to appear for at least one written test during the term. Report on 8
experiments and assignments with a graded answer sheet shall be submitted as term work.

The distribution will be as follows:

Assignments - 15 marks:
Written Test - 10 marks

Text Books:

1. Microprocessor, Architecture, Programming and Application with 8085-Gaonkar,

John Wiley Eastern , Ltd, Publication
2. Microprocessors and interfacing-Douglas V Hall, Tata Mc-Graw Hill publication

Reference Books:
1. Microcomputer Systems: The 8086/8088 family-Yu-Chen Lin, Glen A Gibson, Prentice
Hall of India Publication
2. The 8086 Microprocessor : programming and interfacing the PC-Kenneth J Ayala,
Penram publication
3. The 8086 family: John Uffenbeck, Prentice Hall of India publication.

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