Flames of War - Romanian-Late-Axis

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By Wayne Turner and Phil Yates

The Romanian Army in 1944
At the start of 1944 the Romanians had already seen much the Germans held the rest.
combat against the Red Army. They had fought all the way to
The Romanian leader, Marshal Ion Antonescu, managed to
the gates of Stalingrad only to be pushed back to the Crimea.
get Hitler to agree to an evacuation and non-combat troops
They fought the Red Army in the Caucasus, in the Crimea
were shipped out between 14 and 27 April. Next were the
and now the red menace was beating at their door!
Cavalry divisions. By 28 April 13,330 Romanian troops were
Crimea 1943 to 1944 left in the Crimea when Hitler suspended the evacuation.
Romanian forces evacuated the Caucasus region through the During early May the Soviets began to escalate their attacks
Taman Peninsula in October 1943. The defeat and retreat against the northern sector, and the Romanian 2nd Mountain
after Stalingrad had left many of the Romanian divisions in Division bore the brunt of the attack. It wasn’t until nearby
a sorry state, with only the cavalry and mountain divisions German divisions were overrun that the Mountain Corps
in good condition. These units were pressed into combat by was forced to retreat to avoid being cut off.
the Germans holding the Crimea.
On 8 May Hitler finally allowed the Axis troops to be with-
These forces had already held off Soviet landings in November drawn from the Crimea after many previous requests were
1943 and in April 1944 the Soviets made a two-pronged ignored. The remaining Romanian troops were evacuated by
attack into the peninsula, through the Perekop Isthmus in 12 May, with only the troops of the 1st Mountain Division
the north and from the east through the Taman Peninsula. remaining to act as a rear guard. However, these last troops
were lost at Omega Bay the following day before they could
The successful Soviet break-in to the Crimea forced the
be evacuated. Of the 64,712 Romanians that started in
German and Romanian forces to withdraw towards the port
Crimea in 1944, 22,522 were lost during the fighting.
of Sevastopol due to insufficient reinforcements. However,
the Romanian Mountain Corps did not retreat. Instead they The combined losses of the Stalingrad, Caucasus and
were ordered to hold the northern defences of Sevastopol Crimean campaigns had cost almost the entire equipment of
and guard the Yaila Mountain passes to allow the German V the 24 divisions committed to the Soviet Front. These forces
Corps to retreat from Simferopol. As more mountain units had to be rebuilt during 1943 and 1944.
arrived in the city more were sent to man the old Soviet
defences that surrounded it. For the rest of April the 1st and The Army Rebuilds
2nd Mountain Divisions continued to hold off local Soviet While rebuilding their shattered divisions the Romanians
attacks with German artillery support. At the end of April also set about reinforcing their fortifications. It was realised,
the Romanians held 35% of the Sevastopol defences, while even with the rebuilt divisions, the Romanian army would

N Soviet Crimean Offensive

April to May 1944

Crimean Peninsula
Parpach Murfovka
Eupatoria Karasubazar Stary Krym

Simferopol Suduk
0 20 30 40km

Kacha Bakchisaral Alushta Axis Positions

Lakes and Sea
Sevastopol Towns
Railway Lines
Soviet Advances

be no match for the Soviets in mobile warfare. The natural Mountain Training, 7th and 8th Infantry divisions, found its
defences of the Carpathians and lower Danube offered designated defensive area already in Soviet hands and was
formidable obstacles for the Soviet invaders and these were forced to evacuate half a million refugees and withdraw.
further reinforced by fortifications in the 80km long Focsani-
Next to be under threat was Transnistria, a former Soviet
Namaloasa-Braila (FNB) gap on the lower Siret River.
area between the Dnestr and Bug Rivers, which had been
In February 1944 the ‘Cantemir’ Mixed Armoured Group under Romanian administration until April 1944, when
was organised, in lieu of a fully organised and equipped the Germans had formally taken over. Despite the 11%
Armoured Division being available, and sent to the front Moldavian (Romanian speaking) minority there was no real
to join the III Corps in Transnistria. The group consisted will on behalf of the Romanians to retain control of this terri-
of two medium tank companies (total of 2 T-3 and 30 T-4 tory. The Soviets broke through the German positions in the
tanks), an assault gun company (10 TA assault guns), two north of Transnistria and quickly out flanked the Romanian
tank-hunter batteries (total 14 TACAM T-60 tank-hunters) III Corps positions on the lower Bug and in Odessa. The
and two light tank companies (one of R-2 and one of R-35 Romanians withdrew across the Dnestr into Basarabia with
tanks). This force was withdrawn from Transnistria 28 March little or no fighting.
and its R2 and R-35 tanks were taken out of service.
Defence of Basarabia
It was then formed into the Rapid Armoured Detachment
While Romanian troops may have left Transnistria with little
and consisted of the elements of the 1st Armoured Division.
resistance, this was not to be the intention with Basarabia
It contained a motorised recon group, a motorised anti-
(the province to the south of Transnistria between the Bug
tank battalion (six TAC43 Resita 75mm guns), the 63rd
and Prut rivers). This province, lost in 1940, was the reason
Tank-hunter Battery (TACAM T-60), a Tank Battalion (two
the Romanians had entered the war in 1941 and they were
companies of 16 T-4 tanks each and an assault gun company
determined not to give it up again without a fight. The
of 10 TA assault guns), the Motorised Vanatori Battalion, a
Romanian and German units were in mixed commands,
Motorised Artillery Battalion (12 100mm Skoda howitzers)
Group Wöhler consisted of the German Eighth Army and
and an anti-aircraft company. While at the front the remain-
the Romanian Fourth Army and Group Dumitrescu con-
der of the 1st Armoured Division was built up around it.
tained the German Sixth Army and the Romanian Third
The Soviets Invade Army. Both Mixed army groups were under German Army
Group South Ukraine.
On 8 March the Soviets made a major breakthrough against
the Germans in the northern Ukraine and had overrun The Romanian Fourth Army dug-in on the hastily construct-
Northern Bucovina by 24 March. During this time the ed Traian fortified line positioned below the Carpathian
Romanian Fourth Army was activated to join the Third foothills on the Siret and Dnestr rivers covering the northern
Army in the field. The IV Corps, with the 5th Cavalry, 4th approaches to Basarabia. The German Sixth Army was posi-
tioned on the Stefan Line, a less complete position behind
the eastern Traian Line. The Romanian Third Army was
fortified along the lower Dnestr River. During May, Group
Dumitrescu’s positions on the Dnestr solidified, but those of
Group Wöhler in northern Basarabia remained precarious
into June.
The first of the re-constituted Romanian units in Group
Wöhler to enter combat were the specialist mountain ski
troops and frontier guards in the Carpathian passes fighting
alongside the German XVII Corps during April. Various

Soviet Second Ukrainian Front probing attacks were con- Guards Airborne Division and a supporting tank brigade
ducted along the front line of Groups Wöhler and Dumitrescu from the 18th Tank Corps. After several hours of intense
throughout late April. On 28 April a counterattack by the fighting the Soviets had broken through the Romanian posi-
German 23. Panzerdivision and 79. Infanteriedivision halted tions south of Helestieni. By noon they Soviets had cut the
the Soviet attacks towards Iasi. Pascani-Tirgu Frumos road and the Romanians had with-
drawn to a secondary fortified line.
Other counterattacks were launched in late April with the
Romanian Guard Division distinguishing itself while fighting Many of the nearby German Grossdeutschland units had held
alongside the elite German Grossdeutschland division north at strong defensive positions, disrupting the Soviet attack
of Tirgu Frumos. and forcing them to leave behind infantry to deal with the
stubborn defenders. The Grossdeutschland Panzer Regiment
Tirgu Frumos soon came to the rescue and drove the Soviets back towards
On 2 May a major Soviet attack was launched towards their initial positions. Various breakthrough and counterat-
Tirgu Frumos. It was preceded by a deafening 60-minute tacks continued throughout the day. Grossdeutschland was
artillery barrage followed by a wave of infantry and tanks. joined by 24. Panzerdivision from reserve and the attack/
The Romanian unit engaged by this assault was the Guard counterattack battle continued until 7 May when the final
Division who were hit by the full force of the Soviet 8th German counterattack halted the Soviet offensive.
The German Sixth Army made an effort to clear Soviet
bridgeheads across the Dnestr River during May with some
The Romanian Guard Division
success, but these operations were conducted by German
The Guards penetrated the defences of the Soviet troops who were more suited to offensive operations than
81st Guards Rifle Division and drove northward to the the supporting Romanian infantry formations.
outskirts of Harmanesti, turning the left flank of the
Soviet 8th Guards Airborne Division and forcing them Early June fighting – German
to withdraw. The Romanian attack was finally halted counteroffensive
at Harmanesti. One regiment of the division attacked
While the Soviets were still in planning for their drive into
northward up a valley to the southwest of Crivesti, but
Romania, the German Eighth Army had plans of its own.
was forced back by a counterattack by the Soviet 81st
Army Group Wöhler launched one of the few major offen-
Guards Rifle Division’s rear area troops supported by the
sives to be conducted by a German army during 1944 on
divisional artillery. To extract themselves from this diffi-
the eastern front. Intelligence had identified large concen-
cult situation they required the aid of the Grossdeutschland
trations of Soviet troop north of Iasi and General Wöhler
division’s Panzerregiment. After further fighting the
decided to form a Panzer group to attack and destroy these
position stabilised. The Germans and Romanians had
Soviet concentrations. In the region of Iasi, Romanian and
advanced the defensive lines about 6km.
German troops were intermingled defending the fortified

Soviet 16th Tank Corps Operation “Katja”, 2-6 June 1944

Soviet 73rd Rifle er
Corps Carpiti Pru
Soviet 33 Guards
rd t
Rifle Corps 373 RD rd
Soviet 48th Rifle
Podiul Mitropoliei Corps
206th RD Tipilesti 254th RD 111th RD
Popricenie Coarba Sarca
Epureni 294th RD
German 79. ID
Point 166 Riv
Point 152
German er
202nd RD 337th RD 23. PD a 213th RD
116 RD
th German
Point 198
50th RD 14. PD

Point 164 Point 167 Romanian

11th Infantry Division
Zahorna Point 162 Point 165
Point 93
Horlesti Point 165
Point 169
KG Vulturul
von Elnum Romanian
KG 3rd Infantry Division 0 2 4 6 8 10km
von Bulow
Tautesti N Axis Positions
German German Rivers
Grossdeutschland 24. Panzerdivision Towns
Panzergrenadier Soviet Attacks
Division German Attacks
Romanian 18th Mountain Division

lines. The Romanian 6th, Guard, and 4th divisions were in their supporting role, taking over freshly taken ground
the rearward line and the 1st, 18th Mountain, 3rd, and 11th each time the German Panzertruppen moved forward. The
Divisions in the forward lines. The 5th Cavalry Division was Romanian 3rd Infantry Division also finally took Hill 164
also held in reserve with the German 14. Panzerdivision. At with support from 24. Panzerdivision and Grossdeutschland
the end of May Wöhler concentrated the 14. Panzerdivision, panzergrenadiers.
23. Panzerdivision, 24. Panzerdivision and Grossdeutschland
Heavy fighting continued into 5 June with fighting north
Panzergrenadierdivision in the Iasi region. The operation was
of Hill 162. A Soviet counterattack almost overran the
launched in two stages with Operation Sonja starting on
Romanian 18th Mountain Division, but Grossdeutschland
30 May and Operation Katja on 2 June. Operation Sonja
intervention restored the situation. More Soviet forces
was conducted by 23. Panzerdivision and 24. Panzerdivision
shored up the Soviet line and fierce fighting continued into
and was launched north of Iasi towards the Soviet assembly
6 June, but the attacks by German Kampfgruppen halted and
areas. They were supported by 79. Infanteriedivision and
the Axis defenders settled into the former Soviet trenches.
the Romanian 11th Infantry Division. The Romanian 18th
The main objective had been achieved with the taking of
Mountain Division was to protect the attack’s left flank
the high ground overlooking the Jijia River. The Romanian
and the Romanian 3rd Infantry Division the right of the
18th Mountain and 3rd Infantry took up the defence and
second phase Operation Katja, conducted mainly by the
the 20th Infantry Division, German Grossdeutschland
Grossdeutschland Panzergrenadierdivision.
Panzergrenadierdivision and 23. Panzerdivision went into
Operation Sonja captured the area around the village of reserve behind the newly won positions. However, Epureni
Sarca (south of the town of Cirpiti) and threw back four still remained in Soviet hands and a number of small bridge-
Soviet Rifle Divisions on 30 May. The following day attacks heads remain on the southern bank of the Jijia River.
were launched against Soviet salients on their left flank. On
A number of counterattacks were launched on 7-8 June by
the right flank the Romanian 11th Infantry Division sup-
the Soviets, but most of the newly won ground was held and
ported 23. Panzerdivision Kampfgruppe. On the third day
fighting died down by the end of 8 June. For the remainder
24. Panzerdivision withdrew to prepare for Operation Katja
of June and July the front remained relatively quite as events
and left their positions to the 14. Panzerdivision and 79.
in Byelorussia drew Soviet and German attention elsewhere.
Infanteriedivision, reinforced by the Romanian 3rd and 11th
Infantry Divisions. Fourth Army: Iasi-Chisinau
Operation Katja During the summer Antonescu suggested a controlled
withdrawal to the more defensible Carpathian-Danube line,
The forces for Operation Katja formed around the village of
which was substantially more fortified. However, Hitler
Tautesti. The attack was launched on 2 June with the aim
refused with a promise to hold sufficient German troops
of taking the Soviet strong points at Horlesti and Zahorna,
in Basarabia. With the launch of the Soviet Operation
northwest of Iasi, before swinging right. The two regiments of
Bagration in late June, the Germans quickly started with-
the Romanian 3rd Infantry were to follow 24. Panzerdivision
drawing armoured formations to shore-up the situation in
and provide support and clean up bypassed pockets of resist-
Byelorussia. Also in the defensive line were the Romanian IV
ance. To the 24. Panzerdivision’s left was the Grossdeutschland
Corps (5th Motorised Cavalry, 7th and 3rd Infantry divisions
Panzergrenadierdivision with the aim of taking strong points
and 102nd Mountain command) and the German IV Corps
at Avantul, Movileni Station and Epureni before continuing
(German 376. Infanteriedivision and 79. Infanteriedivision
north to take the high ground overlooking the Jijia River.
and Romanian 11th Infantry Division) from the German
The Romanian 18th Mountain Division was to follow
Eighth Army.
Grossdeutschland to provide additional infantry support and
clear isolated enemy pockets. The Romanian 4th Infantry On 20 August the Soviets attacked both the Third Army south
Division would come up from reserve to take over the 18th of Tiraspol and the Fourth Army north of Iasi. The Germans
Mountain’s positions.
The German Panzer Kampfgruppen set off early on 2 June The Romanian Fourth Army included:
and quickly advanced against weak Soviet opposition (three Reserve:
Rifle Divisions). After the first days fighting Grossdeutschland
1st Armoured Division
had reached all its objectives and turned the sector west of
8th Infantry Division
Epureni over to the Romanian 18th Mountain Division and
18th Mountain Division
reinforced the 24. Panzerdivision’s wing.
German 20. Panzerdivision
The assault resumed on 3 June as Grossdeutschland and VII Corps (103rd and 104th Mountain Commands)
24. Panzerdivision continued their assaults on the Soviet
positions. The Romanian 3rd Infantry Division joined the I Corps (6th and 20th Infantry Divisions)
assault on the 24. Panzerdivision’s right. The Romanians as- V Corps (4th Infantry and Guard divisions)
saulted the positions north of Vulturi and south of Hill 164
held by the Soviet 116th Rifle Division. Fighting intensified VI Corps (5th Infantry Division, 101st Mountain
during 3 June as Soviet reinforcements arrived, including Command, German 76. ID)
tanks of the 16th Tank Corps and new IS-2 heavy tanks. German LVII Corps (Romanian 1st and 13th Infantry
By 4 June strong defences south of Epureni halted the Divisions, German 46. ID)).
Grossdeutschland advance. The Romanians continued in

and Romanians had some sense of what was coming and Iasi Attack
had prepared what little armour they had to counterattack.
The Soviet attack on the Fourth Army began on 20 August
In the Romanian Fourth Army the 1st Armoured Division,
with holding attacks along the front of I, V and German
under the German LVII Corps, had been split into two battle
LVII corps. The Romanian 20th Infantry Division held its
groups, A and B. They had been positioned forward of the
positions, while the Guard, 4th and 6th Infantry divisions
villages of Goesti, Crucea and Sinesti supporting the 1st and
suffered localised penetrations that were quickly retaken
5th Infantry Divisions where the Soviet blow was expected.
with counterattacks during the day. A secondary attack by
Two small German Assault Gun detachments had also been
the Soviet 7th Guards Army fell on the Romanian 1st Infantry
attached to the 1st Armoured Division, Kampfgruppen Kessel
Division and German 46. Infanteriedivision who held steady,
and Brausch. Once the expected Soviet assault had begun
but by evening events on the right of the 1st Infantry Division
the armoured forces were to counterattack north and north-
threatened the flank as the VI and IV Corps were pushed
east of it.
The Fourth Army faced the Soviet 7th Guards, 27th and 52nd
The main Soviet assault hit the VI and IV Corps after a
Armies in the front lines with the 53rd, 6th Guards Tank
1½-hour preparatory bombardment, with the initial weight
armies and 18th Mechanised Corps in reserve for the exploi-
of the attack and artillery falling on the positions of the
tation phase of the operation.
Romanian 5th Infantry Division. They were hit by the Soviet

Soviet 2nd

River D
Riv 53 Front 4G
Mo 40 6Tk
ldo Soviet
va Carpiti

103 7G 27 376 3rd Ukrainian
VII Corps
46 1 5 76 7
5C 79
11 XLIV Corps 5Sh Front
4 10PzG
20 6 G
Iasi Chisinau 7m
13 101 102
German LII Corps 302 4m
8 1A 18M 257
6th Army Tiraspol
Roman Romanian 15
4th Army 306

Vaslui Husi 4M
13Pz 21 9 46
Bacau 15
3rd Army
Slanic Barlad Riv

er K Akkerman

oga 110
153 lnik
r Sir

River Prut





River Danube



0 20 40 60 80 100
German Division
Romanian Division 9
Axis Positions
Soviet Armies/Corps
Constanta Soviet Attacks
Soviet Iasi-Chisinau Offensive,
Axis Attacks
20-23 August 1944

27th Army, which was heavily equipped with tanks and assault However, the Soviet tanks were in too greater number.
guns. The Romanians were smashed and their positions Kampfgruppe Kessel was forced back well short of Podul Iloaiei
quickly overrun. By 1230 hours the 27th Army had taken and Kampfgruppe Brausch could only reach Cosinteni. The
the village of Podul Iloaiei and had crossed the Bahlui River. 1st Armoured Division’s Battle Group B retook the heights of
On the 5th Infantry Division’s right the Soviet 52nd Army had Hoisesti, which they only held temporarily. By 1915 hours
also punched through the Romanian 7th Infantry Division the Soviets had flooded the area with masses of infantry
and broken the front of the German 76. Infanteriedivision and tanks. The hard pressed 18th Mountain Division began
between the two Romanian formations and forced them to to give and the flanks of the armoured units were exposed
retire. The destruction for the 5th Motorised Cavalry Division forcing them to withdraw.
on the 7th Infantry Division’s right forced it to withdraw to
During the night of 20/21 August the 1st Armoured
Tomesti to avoid being out flanked. The Romanian 11th
Division was reorganised, with the Battle Group A merging
Infantry Division, part of the German IV Corps to the right
with Kampfgruppen Kessel and Braucsh under Colonel
of the Romanian IV Corps, fought well holding off attacks
Constantinescu. This group contained the 4th Motorised
before also being forced to withdraw by its threatened left
Rifle Regiment, 1st Motorised Artillery Regiment, 101st
flank when the German 79. Infanteriedivision withdrew.
Anti-tank Battalion, an Armoured Infantry Company, a
Trench lines along the heights above the Bahlui River had Reconnaissance Group, TACAM Battery, and 10 German
been prepared over the summer and a secondary defensive Assault Guns (StuG G). Battle Group B, commanded
position was setup. The Romanian 18th Mountain and 3rd by Colonel Nistor, contained a Tank Battalion (20 T-4),
Infantry divisions were moved forward to occupy these posi- an Assault Gun Company (10 TA) and the 3rd Motorised
tions, with the gap between them being taken by the retreating Rifle Regiment. General Korne also signalled the German
German 76. Infanteriedivision. In reserve behind them was a 20. Panzerdivision to send forward the tanks and assault
small detachment of German Assault Guns. Unexpectedly guns left with them to train the Romanian 2nd Armoured
the Soviets had released the 6th Guards Tank Army early to Division. However, the Germans held on to the armour for
begin the breakthrough and the 18th Mountain Division ran their own use.
into this massive armoured formation as it pushed through
The Germans began to plan more counterattacks for 21
the breach made by the 27th Army at Podul Iloaiei. The 18th
August, but the limited armoured resources available could
Mountain Division fought stubbornly in the wooded hills
do little. 20. Panzerdivision was ready, 10. Panzergrenadier-
behind the Bahlui River.
division only had 20 tanks and made no impression on the
1st Armoured Division Counterattack 18th Mechanised Corps it was sent against and the Romanian
1st Armoured Division was just holding its own against the
While the 18th Mountain Division tried to hold the 6th
6th Tank Army without trying to launch an attack.
Tank Army, General Korne of the 1st Armoured Division
organised his counterattack for 1400 hours. His aim was to Soviet Breakthrough
push back the penetration made by the Soviet 6th Tank Army
Early on 21 August the 18th Mountain Division was finally
south of the Bahlui River. He sent German Kampfgruppe
overrun, forcing the supporting 1st Armoured Division
Kessel to retake Podul Iloaiei and Kampfgruppe Brausch to
Nestor detachment to withdraw on the Fortified Traian Line
take Cosinteni and Scobilteni. The 1st Armoured Division
to the positions of the 101st Mountain Command. Soviet
would attack Hoisesti.

53 18m
0 5 10 15 20km 20 August 52
Breakthrough at Iasi, 6Tk
5C 79
20-21 August 1944 27
7G 1 11

Tirgu Frumos
4 Podul Iloaiei
Cosinteni Hoisesti
G 1A
Oboroceni Crucea IASI
N Goesti 18M
Obrijeni Harpasesti 3
21 August
Stornesti Sinesti
Hindresti 13 21 August
101 102

Axis Positions Boghicea Frumusica

Madirjac Mogosesti
Rivers 3

Towns Bira
Soviet Attacks Poiana de Sus
Axis Attacks

forward momentum continued with 18th Mechanised Corps 22 August, but with dawn the overwhelming presence of the
moving south through Iasi and penetrating the front lines of Soviet Armour forced them to retreat south once again.
the Romanian 3rd Infantry Division.
As 23 August dawned the retreat had proved too much for the
On the right of the main penetration the Romanian I and 1st and 13th Infantry divisions who had disintegrated during
VII Corps we left relatively unmolested. The Romanian 1st the chaos of the night. The 1st Armoured Division and the
Infantry Division (German LVII Corps) was hit in the flank relatively intact V Corps (Guard and 4th Infantry divisions)
by the 23rd Tank Corps forcing them and the 4th Infantry were tasked with covering the next phase of the withdrawal
Division and German 46. Infanteriedivision to withdraw to the FNB Line from the Siret River to the Moldova River.
through Tirgu Frumos to the Traian Line. The Fourth Army’s last reserve division, the 8th Infantry,
was committed to the fight to hold a bridgehead at Bacau
By the end of the day the Soviets had broken through the
for the retreating forces. Relations between the German
Traian Line, getting as far as the counterattack assembly
20. Panzerdivision and the 8th Motorised Cavalry Division
positions of 1st Armoured Division’s 3rd Motorised Regiment
(training to become the 2nd Armoured Division) ended with
at Poiana de Sus and driving them south during the night
the Germans seizing all the tanks and heading north to cover
of 21/22 August. The line had been well and truly broken
the German Sixth Army’s withdrawal and the Romanians
and Hitler finally agreed to fall back on the FNB line that
being ordered to assemble on the FNB Line. A number of
Antonescu had first suggested during the summer.
other training division were also ordered to assemble on the
On 22 August the Romanian Fourth Army began a phased FNB Line. All the Romanian medium 88mm and 75mm
withdrawal on the FNB line (fortifications in the 80km anti-aircraft guns were also ordered to be relocated on the
Focsani-Namaloasa-Braila gap on the lower Siret River). The FNB Line from Bucharest and the Ploiesti oil fields.
VII Corps and the 20th Infantry Division moved to hold the
The I Corps continued to hold up against Soviet attacks
passes in the Carpathian passes. The Soviets attacked the I
throughout 23 August, beating off one as late as 2040 hours
and VII Corps on the same day with the aim of collapsing the
that evening. At 0030 hours on 24 August Romanian units
whole Romanian front, but the 103rd Mountain Command
of the Fourth Army were formally ordered to cease-fire.
(a brigade sized unit) and the 6th Infantry Division repulsed
the Soviet infantry assault. The 4th Infantry and Guard divi- Third Army: Iasi-Chisinau
sions also successfully held off attacks on the Traian Line.
The II Corps protected the coast round Dobrogea and the
However, the 13th Infantry Division did come under heavy
Marine and Frontier Guard units protected the Danube
Delta to their north. The III Corps was positioned on the
Meanwhile General Korne’s 1st Armoured Division reunited far right of the Axis line on the Basarabian coast. To their
around Boghicea and Bira, less the 3rd Motorised Rifle west was the German XXIX opposite the Soviet bridgehead
Regiment that had been driven off at Poiana de Sus. Under at Tiraspol. The Romanian 14th Infantry Division was
constant air attack they reorganised and counterattacked the included in the German Sixth Army on the Third Army’s
Soviet assaults on the 13th Infantry Division’s positions. The
two divisions held off the Soviets until midnight on 22/23 The Romanian Third Army included:
August when the line of the 4th Motorised Rifle Regiment
was breached, forcing the Romanians to withdraw. A 1st II Corps (9th, 10th Infantry, 9th Training divisions and
Armoured Division counterattack held the Soviets advancing Marine detachments),
out of Boghicea, allowing the Guard, 4th, 13th, 1st Infantry III Corps (110th Brigade, 2nd, 15th Infantry Divisions)
divisions and the German 46. Infanteriedivision to cross the
Siret River north of Roman during morning of 23 August. German XXIX Corps (Romanian 21st Infantry
and 4th Mountain divisions and the German
Despite being driven from Poiana de Sus the 3rd Motorised 9. Infanteriedivision).
Rifle Regiment held up further Soviet advances during early

left. In reserve was the 1st Cavalry Division, two companies Cavalry Division attempted to hold on the Kogalnik River
of obsolete R-35 tanks, the German 13. Panzerdivision and but was driven back by the advancing mechanised corps.
153. Infanteriedivision.
The same day the Soviet 46th Army made an amphibious
Chisinau Attack landing with 8000 troops against the III Corps’ 110thInfantry
Brigade on its coastal right flank. Despite a desperate coun-
The Soviet attacks on the Third Army and German Sixth
terattack by a regiment, the Soviets had taken Akkerman by
Army concentrated on intersection of the German Sixth
the late evening. The III Corps was now under threat of being
and Romanian Third Armies. The major blows of the
surrounded and cut off, withdrawal had become essential.
Soviet 37th Army fell on the German 15. Infanteriedivision
and 306. Infanteriedivision. Secondary assaults were The Third Army avoided being surrounded only because
launched against German 257. Infanteriedivision and the Soviet focus was on the German Sixth Army. The Soviet
302. Infanteriedivision by the 57th Army and the Romanian punch swung west behind the German positions, leaving
4th Mountain Division by the 46th Army. The Soviets reported the Romanian Third Army space to withdraw on the FNB
fierce fighting against the Romanian division, but by the end Line. However, on foot the Romanian units of the Third
of 20 August the 4th Mountain had been completely overrun. Army were still behind the Soviet flank when the cease-fire
The penetration of the Soviets drove up to 12km through was announced at 0030 hours on 24 August. Some units
the lines by the end of the day. The disintegration of the 4th kept fighting into the next day in an attempt to breakout
Mountain forced the 21st Infantry Division to withdraw to south. The fighting was centred on the towns of Jibrieni and
protect its exposed flank. The German divisions feared little Vilkov. It was not until the Soviets made another amphibi-
better, and a counterattack launched by 13. Panzerdivision ous landing at Jibrieni late on 24 August that the Third Army
was thrown back with the loss of 15 of its 35 tanks. finally capitulated.
Soviet Breakthrough The Coup
The complete destruction of the Romanian 4th Mountain On 23 August the Palace Guard arrested Ion Antonescu while
Division and German 306. Infanteriedivision early on 21 he was summoned before King Mihai. A new government
August and further failed counterattacks by the German 13. was formed. Cease-fire negotiations were completed with the
Panzerdivision and 153. Infanteriedivision allowed the Soviets Soviets, ironically Antonescu had already done most of the
to release their exploitation units, the 4th and 7th Mechanised groundwork, and at 0030 the Romanian forces in the field
Corps. This forced the collapse of the Romanian 21st Infantry were ordered to cease fighting the Red Army. The Romanian
Division and forced the German 9. Infanteriedivision to officer corps remained loyal to the King, and despite German
retreat. attempts they could not convince any Romanian units to
continue fighting.
The Soviet 4th and 7th Mechanised Corps advanced a further
80km on 22 August. The 13. Panzerdivision lost its last
tanks and its further offensive capability. The Romanian 1st

Guard Infantry Division

The Romanian Guard Infantry Division fought during the Royal Guard
summer campaign of 1944 in Basarabia. This elite division
The iron discipline of the Guardsmen keeps them steady
was more motivated than some of the other line divisions,
in battle. They hold against the Soviet onslaught when the
but hadn’t had the experience in Russia as a unit.
regulars have abandoned their posts.
You may field a Guard Puscasi Batalion. If you do, your
Guards Companies or Platoons fight to the last and may
Battalion HQ and all of your Combat, Weapons and Support
re-roll any failed Platoon Morale Checks. Your Company
Companies are Guard and cost an additional +10 points
Command team may re-roll Company Morale Checks.
per headquarters, company or platoon. They remain rated
They use the following special rule in addition to the other
Romanian special rules on page 10.

Romanian Special Rules

Peasant Army French Doctrine

Romania’s huge army was drawn from the rural peasant class, The Romanian troops are trained in the French doctrine of
officered by the aristocratic upper class, and disciplined by trench warfare. Their operational plan is to make a short
NCO’s using 18th Century-style corporal punishment. Men deliberate advance under cover of massed artillery fire, then
were regularly beaten for minor breaches in regulation and fortify their position to hold it while the artillery comes up
discipline. The separation of men, NCO’s, and officers even to repeat the process. While the advance is slow, it is sure and
went as far as meals that were supplied in three qualities, will eventually result in the defeat of the enemy.
with officers, naturally, getting the best. The officers were
Once entrenched, Romanian infantry set up crossfire posi-
also responsible for the training of their own units. This led
tions for every weapon allowing them to take any attack in
to a great variation in the quality of troops combat prepared-
ness. The distant relationship between the officers and their
largely-illiterate men combined with the harsh conditions of When entrenched in Foxholes or Gun Pits, Romanian
army life and sometimes poor training, led to mixed level of Gun teams can shoot over any Romanian Infantry team
performance and morale in the field. in Foxholes or Trenches, whether it shoots or not, when
conducting Defensive Fire.
To reflect the variable quality of the men and officers’ re-
lationship and performance, Romanian platoons are rated
as Regular or Elite. After deployment, but before the first Mounted Man-packed Guns
turn, roll a die for each platoon and its attached teams and To keep pace with the fast moving Romanian Cavalerie their
consult the Peasant Army table to determine their Training support weapons were also mounted. Machine-guns are
and Motivation characteristics. strapped to pack horses and keep pace with the cavalrymen
in the charge, ready to dismount and defend the objective
Peasant Army Table once it is taken. Some other types of infantry teams also find
Roll Regular Elite it difficult to fire their weapons while mounted.
1 Reluctant Trained Reluctant Veteran While mounted as Cavalry, Man-packed Gun teams,
2 Reluctant Veteran Reluctant Veteran Panzerfaust and Panzerschreck teams count as Infantry
3 Confident Trained Confident Trained teams like all other Cavalry teams, but cannot shoot until
they dismount. Of course cavalry limbers and wagons
4 Confident Trained Confident Trained
remain Transport teams.
5 Confident Trained Confident Veteran
6 Confident Veteran Confident Veteran

Defend the Homeland

Though the Romanian infantryman may have mixed treat-
ment from his officers and NCO’s, once in the thick of the
fighting they fought tenaciously when confronted by the
enemy. They were not interested in invading Russia or con-
quering the world, but simply fight stubbornly to defend
what they already have.
Romanian platoons use the British Bulldog special rule on
page 171 of the rulebook.

Special Order Catalogue

Remember the Romanians appear in the Special Order Catalogue where you can get the RSO101 Romanian Artillery Group
which comes with a Command Rifle team, Staff team, Observer Rifle team and 20 crew, enough for four guns. You can also get
RSO102 Romanian Panzerfausts and RSO103 Romanian Panzerschrek team.


Equipment Recognition Guide

Romanian Equipment Recognition Guide
Romanian Name Foreign Name Original Nationality Model to Use
R-2 Panzer 35(t) Czech RO010 or GE020
R-35 R-35 French IT060 or FR030
R-35 Vanatorul de Care R-35 with Soviet 45mm gun fitted French/Soviet IT060 & SU500
T-38 Panzer 38(t) Czech GE022
T-3 Panzer III N German GE034, GE036
T-4 Panzer IV H German GE046
TA StuG III G German GE123
TACAM T-60 T-60 mounting a F-22 gun Romanian/Soviet -
AB Sd Kfz 222 German GE301
TB 251 Sd Kfz 251 German GE241
Hotchkiss 13.2mm AA MG - French -
Mitral 20mm gun 2cm FlaK38 gun German GE542
TAC 47mm Bohler gun 47/32 gun Italian/Austrian IT560
TAC 47mm Schneider gun - French RBX02
TAC 38 50mm gun 5cm PaK38 gun German GE510
TAC 938 75mm gun 7.5cm PaK97/38 French/German GE515
TAC 40 75mm gun 7.5cm PaK40 gun German GE520
TAC 43 Resita 75mm gun - Romanian RBX02
76mm obr 1927 gun 76mm obr 1927 gun Soviet SU560
RF 75mm gun 76 K/02 gun Russian FI570
KF 75mm gun Krupp 75mm field gun M1907/12 German IT570
Skoda 100mm howitzer Skoda 100mm howitzer M1914/19 Czech IT580 or RBX02
Schneider 105mm M1936 gun - French -
Skoda 150mm M1934 howitzer - Czech -
1.5-ton truck Horch or Steyr 1500 or 2000 German or Czech GE413, GE426
3-ton truck ZIS-5, Opel Blitz Soviet, German SU422, GE431

Corps Heavy Artillery Battery

The artillery pieces of the Corps Heavy Artillery Battery currently do not have models, but can easily be represented by
models from the Flames Of War range. For the Schneider 105mm M1936 gun use the s10cm K18 gun model (GBX46, due
out in July 2011), and for the Skoda 150mm M1934 howitzer just use the 15cm sFH18 howitzer (GBX20). Modifications
that can be made to make them look more correct includes removing the top recoil piston from the guns and modifing the
shields. These models are only suggestions, you could also use guns from the French, US and Soviet ranges.

This Schneider 105mm M1936 gun

is a French example, but doesn’t
have a gun shield like that fitted to
the Romanian version.

For more information go to: http://www.worldwar2.ro Skoda 150mm M1934 howitzer.

Batalion Puscasi
Rifle Battalion

(Infantry Company)

You must field one company or platoon from each box shaded black and may field one company
or platoon from each box shaded grey.

Batalion Puscasi HQ
Combat Platoons and Companies

Divisional Support Platoons

Weapons Platoons and Companies

Infantry Anti-tank Armour

Tancuri Platoon (with T-38 tanks)

German Assault Gun Platoon
Puscasi Anti-tank 15

Puscasi Company Company

German Panzer Platoon


Heavy Anti-tank Company
Puscasi Heavy Mortar


Puscasi Company


Reconnaissance Pioneer Platoon

Cavalerie Company

Puscasi Scout Platoon

Cavalry Scout Platoon

Puscasi Company

German Grenadier Platoon
Machine-guns German Panzergrenadier

German Gepanzerte

Panzergrenadier Platoon

Puscasi Pioneer Platoon

Puscasi Machine-gun


Artillery Battalion
Allied Platoons German Motorised 49
Artillery Battery

Puscasi Mortar Platoon

German Heer Platoons in Artillery
your force are Allies and

Corps Heavy Artillery Battery

follow the Allies rules on
page 183 of the rulebook.
Eastern Legions Puscasi Anti-aircraft Platoon

While playing a Batalion Puscasi, whenever the rules talk

about a Platoon read that as a Puscasi Company. Where
the rules talk about a Company, read that as a Batalion AirCraft

Romanian Sporadic Air Support


German Sporadic Air Support


Batalion Puscasi
Motivation and Skill Regular
Romania’s contribution in 1944 has been reduced from 1942. However, they still contribute more men
to the conflict than any other Axis power except Germany. A Batalion Puscasi is rated Regular.


Batalion Puscasi HQ Maior

Company HQ 25 points
Company Command 2iC Command
Options Rifle team Rifle team
• Replace either or both Rifle teams with Command Battalion HQ
Panzerfaust SMG teams for +15 points per team.
• Add Panzerschreck teams for +25 points per team.
• Add up to three Sniper teams for +50 points per team.
Panzerschreck Panzerschreck
team team
After the loss of equipment and specialists during the Stalingrad
Anti-tank Section
campaign the infantry regiments were increased to three bat-
talions at the expense of the artillery and reconnaissance. Batalion Puscasi HQ

Combat Companies

Puscasi Company Capitan

Capitan Sergent
HQ Section with 60mm Brandt 60mm Brandt
Command mortar mortar
3 Puscasi Platoons 405 points Rifle/MG team
2 Puscasi Platoons 275 points HQ Section
60mm Brandt
1 Puscasi Platoon 145 points mortar
Options Mortar Section

• Replace the Command Rifle/MG team with a Locotenent Locotenent

Command Panzerfaust SMG team for +10 points.
• Add 60mm Brandt mortars for +20 points per
mortar. Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team

• Add Machine-gun Platoon for +100 points.

Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
The Romanian Infantryman has benefited from the experi-
ence of those that fought during 1941-43. Though still of
Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
mixed quality, they have a determination to defend their
homeland and fight with stubborn intensity in the right
situation. Though they may not have the same amount of Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
artillery and other specialists, they do get modern German Puscasi Platoon Puscasi Platoon
weapons such as the Panzerfaust and Panzerschreck as well as
closer support from German units fighting alongside them. Locotenent Locotenent

The Romanian Puscasi (Rifle) Company is a simple forma-

tion. With riflemen, machine-guns and 60mm mortars they Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team ZB53 HMG ZB53 HMG
can hold their own against attacking infantry. The ZB53
machine-guns of the machine-gunners lay down well set Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team ZB53 HMG ZB53 HMG
out fire that will stop any attack, providing crossfire support
from dug-in positions. Platoon
Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
The company can call on the heavy weapons from the bat-
talion, regiment and division for further support.
Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
Puscasi Platoon
Puscasi Company

Puscasi Machine-gun Platoon Locotenent
HQ Section with
Command Rifle team
2 Machine-gun Sections 110 points
HQ Section
The Czech designed ZB53 HMG of the machine-guns has
Sergent Sergent
proved an excellent support weapon. The gunners position
their ZB53 HMGs in good positions with well sighted lanes
of fire to give mutually supporting fire and to cover the ZB53 HMG ZB53 HMG ZB53 HMG ZB53 HMG
infantry’s positions. Machine-gun Machine-gun
Section Section

A Puscasi Machine-gun Platoon may make Combat Puscasi Machine-gun Platoon

Attachments to Combat Companies.

Puscasi Mortar Platoon Locotenent

HQ Section with Command Observer
2 Mortar Sections 95 points Rifle team Rifle team
HQ Section
• Add Observer Rifle team for +15 points. Sergent Sergent

Important close support is also provided by the 81.4mm 81.4mm Brandt 81.4mm Brandt 81.4mm Brandt 81.4mm Brandt
mortars. They place accurate fire on enemy positions as they mortar mortar mortar mortar
assemble for an attack and can be used to suppress enemy Mortar Section Mortar Section
fire prior to a counterattack.
Puscasi Mortar Platoon


Batalion Puscasi
Weapons Platoons
Puscasi Anti-tank Company Locotenent
HQ Section with Command
6 TAC Bohler 47mm guns 115 points Rifle team
4 TAC Bohler 47mm guns 80 points HQ Section
2 TAC Bohler 47mm guns 45 points
Sergent Sergent
6 TAC Schneider 47mm guns 130 points
4 TAC Schneider 47mm guns 90 points Anti-tank gun Anti-tank gun
2 TAC Schneider 47mm guns 50 points

6 TAC 38 50mm guns 140 points Horse-drawn limber Horse-drawn limber

4 TAC 38 50mm guns 100 points
2 TAC 38 50mm guns 60 points Anti-tank gun Anti-tank gun

Horse-drawn limber Horse-drawn limber
• Add horse-drawn limbers at no cost.
Anti-tank Section Anti-tank Section
The light anti-tank guns provide the infantry with a level of Sergent
protection from Soviet light and medium tanks. Positioned
well their fire can halt Red Army tank assaults. Anti-tank gun Anti-tank gun

Horse-drawn limber Horse-drawn limber

Anti-tank Section

Puscasi Anti-tank Company

Puscasi Heavy Mortar Company Locotenent

HQ Section with Command Observer
3 Mortar Sections 185 points Rifle team Rifle team
2 Mortar Sections 130 points HQ Section
1 Mortar Section 70 points
Sergent Sergent
• Add Observer Rifle team for +15 points.
120mm Resita Horse-drawn 120mm Resita Horse-drawn
• Add horse-drawn wagons at no cost. mortar wagon mortar wagon

A variety of Soviet equipment was captured in large numbers

between 1941 and 1943, one of the most successful was the 120mm Resita Horse-drawn 120mm Resita Horse-drawn
mortar wagon mortar wagon
120mm mortar. This proved so successful that copies were
Mortar Section Mortar Section
made by Resita and they became an integral part of the
Romanian arsenal. Sergent

The 120mm mortars provided the infantry with fast on

hand heavy firepower. The rounds of the heavy mortar can 120mm Resita Horse-drawn 120mm Resita Horse-drawn
dig even the most stubborn defenders out of their positions. mortar wagon mortar wagon
Mortar Section

Puscasi Heavy Mortar Company

Puscasi Scout Platoon Locotenent
HQ Section with Command
3 Scout Squads 150 points Rifle/MG team
2 Scout Squads 105 points HQ Section

Sergent Sergent
• Replace the Command Rifle/MG team with a
Command SMG team at no cost, or with a Command
Panzerfaust SMG team for +10 points. Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
• Replace all Rifle/MG teams with SMG teams at no
cost. Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
Scout Squad Scout Squad
These well trained reconnaissance infantry locate Soviet
positions and assembly points to bring in artillery and other
supporting troops to deal with them.
They are happy to use captured Soviet PPSh-41 submachine- Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
guns on their previous owners as well as the native Orita, Scout Squad
Italian Beretta and German Schmeisser. Puscasi Scout Platoon

A Puscasi Scout Platoon is a Reconnaissance Platoon.

Puscasi Pioneer Platoon Locotenent

HQ Section with Command Pioneer Pioneer Supply
3 Pioneer Squads 150 points Rifle/MG team horse-drawn wagon
2 Pioneer Squads 105 points HQ Section

Sergent Sergent
• Replace the Command Pioneer Rifle/MG team a
Command Panzerfaust Pioneer SMG team for +10
points. Pioneer Rifle/MG team Pioneer Rifle/MG team
• Replace all Rifle/MG teams with SMG teams at no
cost. Pioneer Rifle/MG team Pioneer Rifle/MG team
• Add Pioneer Supply horse-drawn wagon for Pioneer Squad Pioneer Squad
+20 points. Sergent

Each division had an Assault Pioneer Battalion. These con-

tained the most highly trained infantry whose tasks included Pioneer Rifle/MG team Pioneer Rifle/MG team
river crossing assaults, bunker busting and tank destruction. Pioneer Squad

You may replace up to one Pioneer Rifle/MG or SMG team Puscasi Pioneer Platoon
with a Flame-thrower team at the start of the game before


Batalion Puscasi
Support Platoons
Heavy Anti-tank Company Locotenent
HQ Section with Command Rifle team
6 TAC 938 75mm guns 145 points HQ Section
4 TAC 938 75mm guns 100 points
2 TAC 938 75mm guns 55 points Sergent Sergent

6 TAC 40 75mm guns 245 points Anti-tank gun Anti-tank gun

4 TAC 40 75mm guns 165 points
2 TAC 40 75mm guns 85 points
1.5-ton truck 1.5-ton truck
6 TAC 43 Resita 75mm guns 285 points
4 TAC 43 Resita 75mm guns 200 points Anti-tank gun Anti-tank gun
2 TAC 43 Resita 75mm guns 105 points
1.5-ton truck 1.5-ton truck
• Add 1.5-ton trucks for +5 points for the platoon.
Anti-tank Section Anti-tank Section

In 1944 each division’s artillery organised a second battery Sergent

of anti-tank guns. These divisional level anti-tank guns were
75mm guns for taking on the increasingly heavier Soviet
Anti-tank gun 1.5-ton truck
tanks. In the Crimea German supplied TAC 938 and TAC
40 guns are available, while in Romania the native TAC 43
Resita is re-equipping the divisions. Anti-tank gun 1.5-ton truck
Anti-tank Section

Heavy Anti-tank Company

Puscasi Anti-aircraft Platoon Locotenent

HQ Section with Command Rifle team
3 Mitral 20mm guns 65 points HQ Section
Sergent Sergent
• Add 3-ton trucks at for +5 points for the platoon.

The German designed Mitral 20mm gun (2cm FlaK38) Mitral 20mm gun 3-ton truck Mitral 20mm gun 3-ton truck
remained the mainstay of the anti-aircraft protection of the Anti-Aircraft Anti-Aircraft
infantry divisions into 1944. Section Section

Positioned and dug-in in key locations these light anti- Sergent

aircraft guns can provide excellent protection from maraud-
ing Soviet aircraft as well as additional fire support against
attacking Soviet infantry and light tanks. Mitral 20mm gun 3-ton truck
Anti-Aircraft Section

Puscasi Anti-aircraft Platoon

Artillery Battalion Maior
HQ Section with:
12 RF 75mm guns 225 points Command Horse-drawn wagon
Rifle team
8 RF 75mm guns 155 points
4 RF 75mm guns 95 points
Locotenent Locotenent
12 Skoda 100mm howitzers 320 points
8 Skoda 100mm howitzers 220 points Observer Rifle team Observer Rifle team
4 Skoda 100mm howitzers 135 points
Options Gun or Howitzer Gun or Howitzer

• Add Observer Rifle teams for +15 points per Gun

Battery. Horse-drawn limber Horse-drawn limber
• Add horse-drawn wagon and limbers at no cost.
Gun or Howitzer Gun or Howitzer
Due to the limited numbers of guns available after the
loses during the Stalingrad campaign the infantry divisions’
artillery was reduced to two two-battalion regiments in Horse-drawn limber Horse-drawn limber
Initially the Romanians planned to equip them with 100mm Gun or Howitzer Gun or Howitzer
and 150mm howitzers, but large numbers of 75mm guns
remained in service in 1944 and the 150mm guns and
Horse-drawn limber Horse-drawn limber
howitzers remained in independent units at corps level.
Eight Gun Batteries Gun or Howitzer Gun or Howitzer
The Romanians often grouped the batteries of an artillery
battalion into a single battery for fire missions.
Horse-drawn limber Horse-drawn limber
If a Bombarding Artillery Battalion has six or more weapons Gun Battery Gun Battery
firing, re-roll failed to hit rolls.
Twelve Gun Batteries
With the whole battalion firing the Romanians can lay down Observer Rifle team
a devastating wall of fire.
Romanian bombardments fired by nine or more guns use Gun or Howitzer Gun or Howitzer
a double-width Artillery Template (12”/30cm wide by
6”/15cm deep) to determine which teams can be hit. This Horse-drawn limber Horse-drawn limber
is in addition to re-rolling to hit for firing a bombardment
with six or more guns.
Gun or Howitzer Gun or Howitzer

You must purchase all the guns from one Gun Battery before Horse-drawn limber Horse-drawn limber
adding any teams from another Gun Battery. Gun Battery

Artillery Battalion

Romanian Infantry Division
Infantry Regiment Artillery Regiment
Engineer Company (12x MG’s)
Anti-tank Company (6x 50mm, 10x 47mm anti-tank guns)
Reconnaissance Company (16x MG’s, 2x 60mm Mortars) Artillery Battalion
Heavy Mortar Company (6x 120mm Mortars) (12x 100mm howitzers, 4x AAMG’s, 4x MG’s)

Artillery Battalion
Batalion Puscasi (12x 100mm howitzers, 4x AAMG’s, 4x MG’s)
Companie Puscasi (12x MG’s, 3x 60mm Mortars)
Companie Puscasi (12x MG’s, 3x 60mm Mortars)
Companie Puscasi (12x MG’s, 3x 60mm Mortars)
Machine-gun Company (16x HMG’s, 4x 81mm mortars) Artillery Regiment

Batalion Puscasi Artillery Battalion

(As first Batalion Puscasi) (12x 100mm howitzers, 4x AAMG’s, 4x MG’s)

Batalion Puscasi 2x Artillery Battalion

(12x 75mm guns, 4x AAMG’s, 4x MG’s)
(As first Batalion Puscasi)

Infantry Regiment Motorised Anti-aircraft Company

(12x 20mm anti-aircraft guns, 4x MG’s)
(As first Infantry Regiment)

Batalion Puscasi
(As first Batalion Puscasi)
Motoristed Anti-tank Battalion
Anti-tank Company (9x 75mm anti-tank guns, 4x MG’s)
Anti-tank Company (9x 75mm anti-tank guns, 4x MG’s)

Batalion Puscasi
(As first Batalion Puscasi)

Combat Engineer Battalion

Pioneer Company (9x MG’s, 6x Flame-throwers)
Batalion Puscasi
Pioneer Company (9x MG’s, 6x Flame-throwers)
(As first Batalion Puscasi)
Pioneer Company (9x MG’s, 6x Flame-throwers)

Infantry Regiment
(As first Infantry Regiment) Reconnaissance Battalion
Cavalerie Companie (12x MG’s, 3x 60mm Mortars)
Motorised Anti-tank Company (3x 75mm, 4x 47mm anti-tank)
Batalion Puscasi
(As first Batalion Puscasi)
This is the theoretical structure. In the field the number
and types of anti-tank guns and artillery weapons varied.
Batalion Puscasi
(As first Batalion Puscasi)

Batalion Puscasi
(As first Batalion Puscasi)

Batalion Vanatori de Munte
Mountain Infantry Battalion

(Infantry Company)

You must field one company or platoon from each box shaded black and may field one company
or platoon from each box shaded grey.

Batalion Vanatori de

Munte HQ
Combat Platoons and Companies

Divisional Support Platoons

Weapons Platoons and Companies

Infantry Artillery Armour

Tancuri Platoon (with T-38 tanks)

German Assault Gun Platoon
Vanatori de Munte Munte Heavy Mortar 22


Company German Panzer Platoon

Mountain Heavy Anti-tank


Munte Anti-tank Platoon

Vanatori de Munte


Reconnaissance Infantry

Pioneer Platoon

Cavalerie Company

Munte Scout Platoon

German Grenadier Platoon
Vanatori de Munte

Company German Panzergrenadier

Infantry Platoon
Machine-guns German Gepanzerte

Panzergrenadier Platoon

Munte Pioneer Platoon

Munte Machine-gun Artillery

Platoon Mountain Artillery Battalion
German Motorised

Artillery Artillery Battery
Allied Platoons


Munte Mortar Platoon German Heer Platoons in Corps Heavy Artillery Battery
your force are Allies and
follow the Allies rules on
page 183 of the rulebook. Anti-aircraft
Mountain Anti-aircraft Platoon

Eastern Legions
While playing a Batalion Vanatori de Munte, whenever the
rules talk about a Platoon read that as a Vanatori de Munte

Romanian Sporadic Air Support

Company. Where the rules talk about a Company, read that

German Sporadic Air Support

as a Batalion Vanatori de Munte.


Batalion Vanatori de Munte

Motivation and Skill
The mountain infantry are some of the best Romanian troops. These highly skilled professional Regular
soldiers are also well motivated and constantly withstand Soviet assaults when other units break. Elite
A Batalion Vanatori de Munte is rated Elite.

Batalion Vanatori de Munte HQ Maior
Company HQ 25 points
Company Command 2iC Command
Options Rifle team Rifle team
• Replace either or both Command Rifle teams with Battalion HQ
Panzerfaust SMG teams for +15 points per team.
• Add Panzerschreck teams for +25 points per team.
• Add up to three Sniper teams for +50 points per
team. Panzerschreck Panzerschreck
team team
The mountain divisions had a high proportion of regulars Anti-tank Section
who were professional soldiers even in peace time. By their Batalion Vanatori de Munte HQ
very nature as mountain troops they had a high level of
training, specialisation and expertise. The four divisions all The teams of a Batalion Vanatori de Munte HQ are
saw action in 1944 and fought well, as did their training Mountaineers.
elements as the 101st to 104th Mountain Commands.

Combat Companies

Vanatori de Munte Company Capitan

Capitan Sergent
HQ Section with 60mm Brandt 60mm Brandt
Command mortar mortar
3 Vanatori Platoons 335 points Rifle/MG team
Mortar Section
2 Vanatori Platoons 230 points HQ Section
1 Vanatori Platoon 125 points
Locotenent Locotenent
• Replace the Command Rifle/MG team with a
Command Panzerfaust SMG team for +10 points. Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team

• Add 60mm Brandt mortars for +20 points per

mortar. Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
• Add Machine-gun Platoon for +105 points.
Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
The hard fighting Vanatori de Munte of the mountain infantry Vanatori Platoon Vanatori Platoon
are equipped with rifles and ZB30 light machine-guns. Each
company also has supporting ZB53 heavy machine-guns Locotenent Locotenent
and 60mm mortars.
While fighting in the Crimea the Vanatori de Munte provided Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team ZB53 HMG ZB53 HMG
the main defenders in the northern Sevastopol defences as
the Axis forces desperately held the city. Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team ZB53 HMG ZB53 HMG
Their higher levels of morale and training allow them to be Machine-gun
more flexible and aggressive on defence. Platoon
Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
Vanatori Platoon
Vanatori de Munte Companies are Mountaineers.
Vanatori de Munte Company

Munte Machine-gun Platoon Locotenent
HQ Section with
Command Rifle team
2 Machine-gun Sections 120 points
HQ Section

Heavy machine-guns are equally valuable to mountain troops

Sergent Sergent
as they are to the regular infantry. Light and relatively easy
to move, they are able to stay with the infantry to provide
support at any time. Each Vanatori de Munte Battalion had ZB53 HMG ZB53 HMG ZB53 HMG ZB53 HMG
available four machine-gun platoons, allowing each company Machine-gun Machine-gun
Section Section
to have one in support with one platoon in reserve.
Munte Machine-gun Platoon
A Munte Machine-gun Platoon may make Combat
Attachments to Combat Companies. Munte Machine-gun Platoons are Mountaineers.

Munte Mortar Platoon Locotenent

HQ Section with Command Observer
2 Mortar Sections 105 points Rifle team Rifle team
HQ Section
• Add Observer Rifle team for +15 points. Sergent Sergent

Medium mortars are ideal for mountain warfare where they 81.4mm Brandt 81.4mm Brandt 81.4mm Brandt 81.4mm Brandt
can be loaded on a donkey or pulled up a cliff by rope. mortar mortar mortar mortar
Mortar Section Mortar Section
Munte Mortar Platoons are Mountaineers.
Munte Mortar Platoon

Weapons Platoons
Munte Heavy Mortar Company Locotenent
HQ Section with Command Observer
3 Mortar Sections 205 points Rifle team Rifle team
2 Mortar Sections 140 points HQ Section
1 Mortar Section 75 points
Sergent Sergent
• Add Observer Rifle team for +15 points.
120mm Resita Horse-drawn 120mm Resita Horse-drawn
• Add horse-drawn wagons at no cost. mortar wagon mortar wagon

The Mountain troops are also equipped with 120mm

120mm Resita Horse-drawn 120mm Resita Horse-drawn
mortars. Heavy mortars are an ideal compromise between mortar wagon mortar wagon
heavy firepower and easy mobility. They are an excellent Mortar Section Mortar Section
addition to the mountain division’s arsenal.
Rain down high explosive rounds on the Soviets with these
weapons and keep the Red Army at bay, they won’t find
protection in their trench from the explosive power of the 120mm Resita Horse-drawn 120mm Resita Horse-drawn
120mm mortars. mortar wagon mortar wagon
Mortar Section

Munte Heavy Mortar Company


Batalion Vanatori de Munte

Munte Anti-tank Platoon Locotenent
HQ Section with Command
2 TAC Bohler 47mm guns 50 points Rifle team
HQ Section
2 TAC Schneider 47mm guns 60 points
Sergent Sergent
2 TAC 38 50mm guns 65 points
Anti-tank gun Anti-tank gun
• Add horse-drawn limbers at no cost.
Horse-drawn limber Horse-drawn limber
With the Vanatori de Munte fighting in the line with the rest Anti-tank Section Anti-tank Section
of the infantry good anti-tank protection is important.
Munte Anti-tank Platoon

Munte Scout Platoon Locotenent

HQ Section with Command
3 Scout Squads 160 points Rifle/MG team
2 Scout Squads 115 points HQ Section

Sergent Sergent
• Replace the Command Rifle/MG team with a
Command SMG team at no cost, or with a Command
Panzerfaust SMG team for +10 points. Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
• Replace all Rifle/MG teams with SMG teams at no
cost. Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
Scout Squad Scout Squad
The scouts are the best of the best. These handpicked recon-
naissance specialists seek and find the enemy’s intentions, so
the Vanatori de Munte can be ready for the next onslaught.
Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
A Munte Scout Platoon is a Reconnaissance Platoon and Scout Squad
are Mountaineers.
Munte Scout Platoon

Munte Pioneer Platoon Locotenent

HQ Section with Command Pioneer Pioneer Supply
3 Pioneer Squads 160 points Rifle/MG team horse-drawn wagon
2 Pioneer Squads 115 points HQ Section

Options Sergent Sergent

• Replace the Command Pioneer Rifle/MG team
with a Command Pioneer Panzerfaust SMG team
for +10 points. Pioneer Rifle/MG team Pioneer Rifle/MG team

• Replace all Rifle/MG teams with SMG teams at no cost.

• Add Pioneer Supply horse-drawn wagon for Pioneer Rifle/MG team Pioneer Rifle/MG team
+20 points. Pioneer Squad Pioneer Squad
You may replace up to one Pioneer Rifle/MG or SMG team
with a Flame-thrower team at the start of the game before
deployment. Pioneer Rifle/MG team Pioneer Rifle/MG team
Pioneer Squad
Munte Pioneer Platoons are Mountaineers.
Munte Pioneer Platoon
Support Platoons
Mountain Heavy Anti-tank Company Locotenent
HQ Section with Command Rifle team
6 TAC Bohler 47mm guns 120 points HQ Section
4 TAC Bohler 47mm guns 85 points
2 TAC Bohler 47mm guns 50 points Sergent Sergent

6 TAC 938 75mm guns 165 points Anti-tank gun Anti-tank gun
4 TAC 938 75mm guns 115 points
2 TAC 938 75mm guns 65 points
Horse-drawn limber Horse-drawn limber
6 TAC 43 Resita 75mm guns 320 points
4 TAC 43 Resita 75mm guns 215 points Anti-tank gun Anti-tank gun
2 TAC 43 Resita 75mm guns 110 points
Options Horse-drawn limber Horse-drawn limber
• Add horse-drawn limbers at no cost. Anti-tank Section Anti-tank Section

• Replace horse-drawn limbers with 1.5-ton-trucks Sergent

for +5 points for the platoon.
Anti-tank gun Horse-drawn limber
With much of their fighting not in mountainous terrain the
mountain troops are vulnerable to tanks. However, more
anti-tank guns have been added to the divisions and the Anti-tank gun Horse-drawn limber
Vanatori de Munte can get 75mm anti-tank guns and lighter Anti-tank Section
47mm guns to support them. The TAC Bohler 47mm gun
is especially light and easy to manoeuvre and also makes an Mountain Heavy Anti-tank Company
excellent infantry support weapon.

Mountain Anti-aircraft Platoon Locotenent

HQ Section with Command Rifle team
4 Mitral 20mm guns 90 points HQ Section
3 Mitral 20mm guns 70 points
2 Mitral 20mm guns 50 points Sergent Sergent

Mitral 20mm gun Mitral 20mm gun
• Add horse-drawn wagons at no cost.

The light Mitral 20mm gun is light and easy to move. This Horse-drawn wagon Horse-drawn wagon
made it ideally suited to be used by the mountain troops. Anti-Aircraft Anti-Aircraft
Section Section
Its high rate of fire and all around traverse not only made it
ideal for anti-aircraft defence, but could also be put to good Sergent Sergent
use against a variety of ground targets.
Mitral 20mm gun Mitral 20mm gun

Horse-drawn wagon Horse-drawn wagon

Anti-Aircraft Anti-Aircraft
Section Section

Mountain Anti-aircraft Platoon


Batalion Vanatori de Munte

Mountain Artillery Battalion Maior
HQ Section with:
12 76mm obr 1927 guns 200 points Command Horse-drawn wagon
Rifle team
8 76mm obr 1927 guns 140 points
4 76mm obr 1927 guns 85 points
Locotenent Locotenent
12 RF 75mm guns 235 points
8 RF 75mm guns 160 points Observer Rifle team Observer Rifle team
4 RF 75mm guns 95 points
Gun or Howitzer Gun or Howitzer
12 Skoda 100mm howitzers 340 points
8 Skoda 100mm howitzers 230 points
4 Skoda 100mm howitzers 135 points Horse-drawn limber Horse-drawn limber

Gun or Howitzer Gun or Howitzer
• Add Observer Rifle teams for +15 points per Gun
• Add horse-drawn wagon and limbers at no cost. Horse-drawn limber Horse-drawn limber

The mountain division’s artillery was initially equipped with

Gun or Howitzer Gun or Howitzer
75mm mountain guns, but as the war progressed they were
frequently equipped with the 75mm field guns and 100mm
howitzers. Horse-drawn limber Horse-drawn limber

In the Crimea, captured Soviet infantry guns were pressed

into service with the mountain troops where the lightness Gun or Howitzer Gun or Howitzer
and mobility of these guns suited the mountain role.

Eight Gun Batteries Horse-drawn limber Horse-drawn limber

Gun Battery Gun Battery
The Romanians often grouped the batteries of an artillery
battalion into a single battery for fire missions. Locotenent

If a Bombarding Mountain Artillery Battalion has six or

Observer Rifle team
more weapons firing, re-roll failed to hit rolls.

Twelve Gun Batteries Gun or Howitzer Gun or Howitzer

With the whole battalion firing the Romanians can lay down
a devastating wall of fire. Horse-drawn limber Horse-drawn limber
Romanian bombardments fired by nine or more guns use
a double-width Artillery Template (12”/30cm wide by Gun or Howitzer Gun or Howitzer
6”/15cm deep) to determine which teams can be hit. This
is in addition to re-rolling to hit for firing a bombardment
with six or more guns. Horse-drawn limber Horse-drawn limber
Gun Battery

You must purchase all the guns from one Gun Battery before Mountain Artillery Battalion
adding any teams from another Gun Battery.

Batalion de Cavalerie
Cavalry Battalion

(Infantry Company)

You must field one company or platoon from each box shaded black and may field one company
or platoon from each box shaded grey.

Batalion de Cavalerie HQ
Combat Platoons and ACompanies

Divisional Support Platoons

Weapons Companies

Infantry Infantry Armour

German Assault Gun Platoon

Tancuri Platoon (with T-38 tanks)

Cavalerie Company Cavalerie Company

Dismounted Cavalerie Dismounted Cavalerie Anti-tank



Company Company

Cavalry Heavy Anti-tank Battery

Infantry Anti-tank


Pioneer Platoon
Cavalerie Anti-tank

Cavalerie Company Company

German Grenadier Platoon
Dismounted Cavalerie

Company Puscasi Company
Allied Platoons

Vanatori de Munte Company

Vanatori Motorizata Platoon

Cavalerie Machine-gun
German Heer Platoons in

Platoon your force are Allies and Reconnaissance

follow the Allies rules on

Cavalry Scout Platoon
Machine-guns page 183 of the rulebook.

Cavalerie Machine-gun

Platoon Artillery
Cavalry Heavy Mortar Company


Cavalerie Mortar Platoon


Horse Artillery Battalion

Eastern Legions Artillery

While playing a Batalion de Cavalerie, whenever the rules

Corps Heavy Artillery Battery

talk about a Platoon read that as a Cavalerie Company
or Dismounted Cavalerie Company. Where the rules talk
about a Company, read that as a Batalion de Cavalerie.
Cavalry Anti-aircraft Platoon


Romanian Sporadic Air Support


German Sporadic Air Support


Batalion de Cavalerie
Motivation and Skill
The Romanian Cavalry had many of the best recruits, often volunteers would join with their own horse
or motorcycle. A Batalion de Cavalerie is rated Elite.

Batalion de Cavalerie HQ Maior
Battalion HQ 40 points
Options Company Command 2iC Command
SMG team SMG team
• Replace either or both Command SMG teams with
Battalion HQ
Panzerfaust SMG teams for +10 points per team.
• Add Panzerschreck teams for +25 points per team. Sergent
• Mount all Panzerschreck teams as Cavalry teams for
+5 points for the section.
Panzerschreck Panzerschreck
Panzerschreck teams cannot shoot while mounted. team team
Anti-tank Section
The Romanian cavalry is traditionally divided into the
Batalion de Cavalerie HQ
Calarasi and Rosiori, but by 1939 any organisational or
training differences had disappeared. The 12 Rosiori and for the infantry and higher formations. By 1944 at least one
six Calarasi regiments made up the six Cavalry Divisions, cavalry regiment of the three in each division had become
while the other 7 Calarasi Regiments provided the cavalry fully motorised.

Combat Companies

Dismounted Cavalerie Company Capitan

Capitan Sergent
HQ Section with Command 60mm Brandt 60mm Brandt
mortar mortar
3 Cavalerie Platoons 330 points Rifle team
2 Cavalerie Platoons 225 points HQ Section
1 Cavalerie Platoon 120 points 60mm Brandt 60mm Brandt
mortar mortar
Options Mortar Section
• Replace the Command Rifle team with a Command
Panzerfaust SMG team for +15 points. Locotenent Locotenent

• Add 60mm Brandt mortars for +20 points per

mortar. Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
• Add Machine-gun Platoon for +105 points.
Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
Modern cavalry are not the shock arm as they were of days
gone by, though they are still more than capable of the odd
Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
dashing charge. Now they are like old fashion dragoons
Cavalerie Platoon Cavalerie Platoon
and fight as mounted infantry and are just as comfortable
fighting dismounted. Locotenent Locotenent
They would often hold defensive positions alongside the
infantry or, as happened during the fighting in Crimea, be Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team ZB53 HMG ZB53 HMG
forced to fight on foot because of a lack of horseflesh.
During the fighting in August 1944 the 5th, 6th and Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team ZB53 HMG ZB53 HMG
9th Cavalry divisions fought on foot.
Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
Cavalerie Platoon

Dismounted Cavalerie Company

Cavalerie Company Capitan
Capitan Sergent
HQ Section with 60mm Brandt mortar
3 Cavalerie Platoons 395 points Command
Rifle/MG team
2 Cavalerie Platoons 270 points
HQ Section 60mm Brandt mortar
1 Cavalerie Platoon 145 points
60mm Brandt mortar
• Replace the Command Rifle/MG team with a with a
Command Panzerfaust SMG team for +10 points.
60mm Brandt mortar
• Add 60mm Brandt mortars for +20 points per
Mortar Platoon
• Add Machine-gun Platoon for +120 points. Locotenent Locotenent

The cavalry are the elite of the Romanian army. They are
mobile, highly trained and motivated. The cavalry proved Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
time and time again some of the toughest troops in the
Romanian forces.
Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
Each company can have ZB53 heavy machine-guns and
60mm mortars to provide the rest of the company with
plenty of fire support. These support weapons are mounted Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
so they can keep pace to the cavalry troopers.
During the fighting in August 1944 the 1st Cavalry Division Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
was fully mounted.

A Cavalerie Company may elect to dismount before the Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
start of the game sending their horses to the rear and out of
play for the rest of the game.
Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
Cavalerie Platoon Cavalerie Platoon
60mm Brandt mortar and ZB53 HMG teams of a
Cavalerie Machine-gun Platoon follow the Mounted Man- Locotenent Locotenent
packed Guns special rule on page 10.

Rifle/MG team ZB53 HMG

Rifle/MG team ZB53 HMG

Rifle/MG team ZB53 HMG

Rifle/MG team ZB53 HMG

Rifle/MG team

Rifle/MG team
Cavalerie Platoon

Cavalerie Company


Batalion de Cavalerie
Cavalerie Machine-gun Platoon Locotenent
HQ Section with
2 Machine-gun Sections 135 points Command Rifle team
1 Machine-gun Section 75 points HQ Section

The machine-gun troops of the cavalry provide an important Sergent Sergent

role in any battle plan. Being mounted on horse allows them
to keep pace with the cavalry, but they must still dismount
their ZB53 HMGs to provide fire support.

A Cavalarie Machine-gun Platoon may make Combat ZB53 HMG ZB53 HMG
Attachments to Combat Companies. Machine-gun Machine-gun
Section Section
Cavalerie Machine-gun Platoon
A Cavalerie Machine-gun Platoon may elect to dismount
before the start of the game sending their horses to the rear ZB53 HMG teams of a Cavalerie Machine-gun Platoon follow
and out of play for the rest of the game. the Mounted Man-packed Guns special rule on page 10.

Cavalerie Mortar Platoon Locotenent

HQ Section with Command Observer
2 Mortar Sections 105 points Rifle team Rifle team
1 Mortar Section 60 points HQ Section

Options Sergent Sergent

• Add Observer Rifle team for +15 points.
• Add Cavalry Wagons at no cost. 81.4mm Brandt Cavalry wagon 81.4mm Brandt Cavalry wagon
mortar mortar
• Mount Command and Observer Rifle teams as
Cavalry for +5 points per team.
81.4mm Brandt Cavalry wagon 81.4mm Brandt Cavalry wagon
The mortar platoons provide mobile artillery support for a mortar mortar
cavalry battalion. When limbered they are able to keep up Mortar Section Mortar Section
with the cavalry. They dismount and deliver supporting fire
when they need to. Cavalerie Mortar Platoon

Weapons Platoons

Cavalerie Anti-tank Company Locotenent

HQ Section with Command Rifle team
6 TAC 37 45mm guns 130 points HQ Section
4 TAC 37 45mm guns 90 points
2 TAC 37 45mm guns 50 points Sergent Sergent

6 TAC 42 45mm guns 145 points Anti-tank gun Anti-tank gun

4 TAC 42 45mm guns 100 points
2 TAC 42 45mm guns 55 points
Cavalry limber Cavalry limber
6 TAC 38 50mm guns 160 points
4 TAC 38 50mm guns 110 points Anti-tank gun Anti-tank gun
2 TAC 38 50mm guns 60 points
Cavalry limber Cavalry limber
Anti-tank Section Anti-tank Section
• Add Cavalry limbers at no cost.

A Cavalerie Anti-tank Company uses the Horse Artillery Anti-tank gun Anti-tank gun
movement special rule (page 46 of the rulebook).
Cavalry limber Cavalry limber
Anti-tank Section
Cavalerie Anti-tank Company

Support Platoons
Cavalry Heavy Anti-tank Company Locotenent
HQ Section with Command Rifle team
6 TAC 938 75mm guns 160 points HQ Section
4 TAC 938 75mm guns 110 points
2 TAC 938 75mm guns 60 points Sergent Sergent

6 TAC 43 Resita 75mm guns 320 points Anti-tank gun Anti-tank gun
4 TAC 43 Resita 75mm guns 215 points
2 TAC 43 Resita 75mm guns 110 points
1.5-ton truck 1.5-ton truck
• Add 1.5-ton trucks for +5 points for the platoon. Anti-tank gun Anti-tank gun

One of the lessons learnt from the Stalingrad campaign was

the need for heavy anti-tank guns to deal with the Soviet 1.5-ton truck 1.5-ton truck
T-34 and KV tanks. Anti-tank Section Anti-tank Section

Initially the cavalry divisions received German converted Sergent

French 75mm field guns, the TAC 938 75mm gun (7.5cm
PaK97/38). The units refitted for the summer campaign on
Anti-tank gun 1.5-ton truck
the Romanian border were equipped with the home-grown
TAC 43 Resita 75mm gun.
Anti-tank gun 1.5-ton truck
Anti-tank Section

Cavalry Heavy Anti-tank Company


Batalion de Cavalerie
Cavalry Scout Platoon Locotenent
HQ Section with
2 Scout Squads 185 points Command Rifle/MG team
1 Scout Squad 105 points HQ Section

The mounted scouts provide the reconnaissance for the Sergent Sergent
cavalry divisions. These handpicked mounted troopers are
fast and can seek out the enemy’s intentions and uncover his
Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
ambushes with expert observation.

A Cavalry Scout Platoon is a Reconnaissance Platoon. Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team

A Cavalry Scout Platoon may elect to dismount before the Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
start of the game sending their horses to the rear and out of Scout Squad Scout Squad
play for the rest of the game.
Cavalry Scout Platoon

Cavalry Heavy Mortar Company Locotenent

HQ Section with Command Observer
3 Mortar Sections 205 points Rifle team Rifle team
2 Mortar Sections 140 points HQ Section
1 Mortar Section 75 points
Sergent Sergent
• Add Observer Rifle team for +15 points. 120mm Resita Cavalry wagon 120mm Resita Cavalry wagon
• Add Cavalry wagons at no cost. mortar mortar

The cavalry divisions were supplied with captured Soviet

120mm Resita Cavalry wagon 120mm Resita Cavalry wagon
120mm mortars and later with Romanian Resita copies. The mortar mortar
120mm mortars are transported in light wagons designed to Mortar Section Mortar Section
keep up with the cavalry. The 120mm mortars are easy to set
up and can be put into action quickly.
They provide excellent indirect fire capable of knocking out
entrenched enemy and the occasional vehicle. 120mm Resita Cavalry wagon 120mm Resita Cavalry wagon
mortar mortar
Mortar Section

Cavalry Heavy Mortar Company

Horse Artillery Battalion Maior
HQ Section with:
12 KF 75mm guns 245 points Command Cavalry wagon
Rifle team
8 KF 75mm guns 170 points
4 KF 75mm guns 100 points
12 Skoda 100mm howitzers 355 points
8 Skoda 100mm howitzers 240 points
4 Skoda 100mm howitzers 140 points
Options Gun or Howitzer Gun or Howitzer

• Add Observer Rifle teams for +15 points per Gun

Battery. Cavalry limber Cavalry limber
• Add Cavalry wagon and limbers at no cost.
• Mount Command and Observer Rifle teams as Gun or Howitzer Gun or Howitzer
Cavalry for +5 points per team.

The horse artillery are provided with more horses to allow Cavalry limber Cavalry limber
them to keep pace with the cavalry. They are also trained
to get into action as quickly as possible. They gallop into
Gun or Howitzer Gun or Howitzer
action, swinging the limber around at the last moment to
unhitch and get the gun ready to fire in just moments.
Cavalry limber Cavalry limber
A Horse Artillery Battalion uses the Horse Artillery
movement special rule (page 46 of the rulebook).
Gun or Howitzer Gun or Howitzer

Eight Gun Batteries

The Romanians often grouped the batteries of an artillery Cavalry limber Cavalry limber
battalion into a single battery for fire missions. Gun Battery
If a Bombarding Horse Artillery Battalion has six or more
weapons firing, re-roll failed to hit rolls.

Twelve Gun Batteries

With the whole battalion firing the Romanians can lay down Gun or Howitzer Gun or Howitzer
a devastating wall of fire.
Romanian bombardments fired by nine or more guns use Cavalry limber Cavalry limber
a double-width Artillery Template (12”/30cm wide by
6”/15cm deep) to determine which teams can be hit. This
is in addition to re-rolling to hit for firing a bombardment Gun or Howitzer Gun or Howitzer
with six or more guns.
Cavalry limber Cavalry limber
You must purchase all the guns from one Gun Battery before Gun Battery
adding any teams from another Gun Battery. Horse Artillery Battalion

Cavalry Anti-aircraft Platoon Locotenent
HQ Section with Command Rifle team
2 Anti-aircraft Sections 80 points HQ Section
1 Anti-aircraft Section 40 points
Sergent Sergent
• Add a 3-ton trucks for +5 points for the platoon.
13.2mm Hotchkiss AAMG 13.2mm Hotchkiss AAMG
Anti-aircraft cover for cavalry is provided by the divisional
anti-tank company armed with the 13.2mm Hotchkiss
model 1931 anti-aircraft machine-gun. This anti-aircraft 3-ton truck 3-ton truck
machine-gun was mounted on a seated tripod much like the
Italian Breda.
13.2mm Hotchkiss AAMG 13.2mm Hotchkiss AAMG

3-ton truck 3-ton truck

Anti-Aircraft Anti-Aircraft
Section Section

Cavalry Anti-aircraft Platoon

Companie Tancuri
Tank Company

(Tank Company)

You must field one company or platoon from each box shaded black and may field one company
or platoon from each box shaded grey.

Companie Tancuri HQ
Combat Platoons

Divisional Support Platoons

Weapons Platoons

Armour Armour Armour

Tank-hunter Platoon

German Assault Gun Platoon

Tancuri Platoon

Tancuri Medii Platoon


Pioneer Platoon

German Grenadier Platoon

Vanatori de Munte Company
Allied Platoons

Tancuri Platoon

Vanatori Blindata Platoon

Vanatori Motorizata Platoon
German Heer Platoons in
your force are Allies and
follow the Allies rules on Infantry

Pioneer Platoon
page 183 of the rulebook.

Tancuri Platoon

Vanatori Blindata Platoon

Armour Vanatori Motorizata Platoon


Armoured Car Platoon

Tancuri Platoon


Motorised Artillery Battery

Corps Heavy Artillery Battery


German Motorised

Artillery Battery

Motorised Anti-aircraft Platoon


Romanian Sporadic Air Support


German Sporadic Air Support


Companie Tancuri
Motivation and Skill
The armoured troops of the Romanian army, while not always equipped with the best, were always
well motivated and trained. A Companie Tancuri is rated Elite.

Companie Tancuri HQ Capitan
1 R-2 35 points
• Add up to two R-2 tanks for +35 points each. Company Command 2iC Command
tank tank
1 R-35 Vanatorul de Care 30 points
• Add up to two R-35 tanks for +20 points each or
R-35 Vanatorul de Care tanks for +25 point each. Tank
Battalion HQ
1 T-38 35 points
Companie Tancuri HQ
• Add up to two T-38 tanks for +35 points each.
If the Company HQ has more than one tank you cannot
The tankers are ably supported by armoured cars to find gaps have a forth Tancuri Platoon.
in the defences, motorised infantry to hold the gaps created
Your company must have at least one Tancuri Platoon with
and to rapidly move to support the tankers, motorised anti-
the same type of tank as the Company HQ.
tank gunners and TACAM tank-hunters to get quickly to
where they are needed to support the attack. T-38 armed companies only fought in the Crimea, so they
can only be fielded as a Company entirely equipped with
In the Crimea only the T-38 tanks of the 2nd Armoured
T-38 tanks, and may not have a Tancuri Medii Platoon or
Regiment were available to support the Romanian troops
a Tank-hunter Platoon as a Weapons or Support Platoon.
during the 1944 Crimean campaign.
The R-2, R-35 and R-35 Vanatorul de Care tanks served in
T-60 tank-hunters, and TA (StuG III G) assault guns.
the early part of the campaigns in Transistria and Basarabia in
Romania’s north east with the ‘Cantemir’ Mixed Armoured In March the R-2, R-35 and R-35 Vanatorul de Care tanks
Group. The Cantemir group contained supporting T-3 and were withdrawn from service, but were once more back in
T4 (Panzer III N and Panzer IV H) medium tanks, TACAM reserve for the Romanian 3rd Army in August 1944.

Combat Platoons

Tancuri Platoon Locotenent

3 R-2 105 points
Command tank
3 R-35 Vanatorul de Care 95 points
HQ Section
• Replace up to one R-35 Vanatorul de Care tank
with an R-35 tank for -10 points.
Sergent Sergent
3 T-38 105 points

The old light tanks of the Romanian armoured forces only Tank Tank
saw short service in 1944 before being withdrawn from any Tank Tank
real combat in March. Tancuri Platoon
The R-35 Vanatorul de Care converted the R-35 to take the gun. To protect it from infantry it would operate with
the Soviet 45mm obr 1938, which were captured in large un-converted R-35 tanks armed with a 37mm gun and a
numbers. This gave it improved anti-tank capabilities, co-axial machine-gun.
but the co-axial machine-gun had to be removed to fit

Companie Tancuri Medii
Medium Tank Company

(Tank Company)

You must field one company or platoon from each box shaded black and may field one company
or platoon from each box shaded grey.

Companie Tancuri Medii


Combat Platoons

Divisional Support Platoons

Weapons Platoons

Armour Armour Armour

Tank-hunter Platoon

German Assault Gun Platoon
Tancuri Platoon

Tancuri Medii Platoon (with R-2, R-35, or R-35
Vanatorul de Care) Infantry

Pioneer Platoon

Vanatori Blindata Platoon

Vanatori Motorizata Platoon
Allied Platoons

Tancuri Medii Platoon


Pioneer Platoon
German Heer Platoons in

Vanatori Blindata Platoon
your force are Allies and
follow the Allies rules on

Vanatori Motorizata Platoon
page 183 of the rulebook.

Tancuri Medii Platoon


Armoured Car Platoon


Tancuri Medii Platoon

Motorised Artillery Battery

Corps Heavy Artillery Battery 44

German Motorised Artillery


Tancuri Medii Platoon Anti-aircraft


Motorised Anti-aircraft Platoon

Air Support

Romanian Sporadic Air Support


German Sporadic Air Support


Companie Tancuri Medii

Motivation and Skill
The armoured troops of the Romanian army were always well motivated and trained. The troops of Regular
the medium tank companies have undergone additional training with the Germans in their new T-4 Elite
tanks and TA assault guns. A Companie Tancuri Medii is rated Elite.

Companie Tancuri Medii HQ Capitan
1 T-4 80 points
• Replace T-4 tank with a T-3 tank for -25 points. Company Command 2iC Command
• Add up to two T-4 tanks for +80 points each. tank tank

1 TA assault gun 80 points

• Add up to two TA assault guns for +80 points each. Tank
Battalion HQ
In 1943 further deliveries of German equipment started to Companie Tancuri Medii HQ
arrive in Romania, some were new, some were cast offs from
German Panzerdivisions, but all were welcome additions to If the Company HQ has more than one tank you cannot
the Romanian armoured forces. have a fifth Tancuri Medii Platoon.
The T-3, T-4 tanks and TA assault guns saw service from early Your company must have at least one Tancuri Medii Platoon
in 1944, first with the ‘Cantemir’ Mixed Armoured Group with the same type of tank as the Company HQ (although
and from March 1944 with the Rapid Armoured Detachment a T-3 Company Command tank must be accompanied by a
and finally, by August, with the full 1st Armoured Division. platoon of T-4 tanks).

Combat Platoons

Tancuri Medii Platoon Locotenent

3 T-4 240 points
Command tank
3 TA assault guns 240 points
HQ Section
The Tancuri Medii (Medium Tank) Platoons came from three
battalions, two were armed with T-4 tanks and the third was Sergent Sergent
an assault-gun battalion armed with TA assault guns.
These German vehicles provided the Romanians with armour
that would finally be effective against the Soviet T-34. Backed Tank Tank
up by the TACAM T-60 tank-hunter the Romanian armour Tank Tank
can really hold their own against the red steel. Tancuri Medii Platoon

Companie Vanatori Motorizata
Motorised Infantry Company

(Infantry Company)

You must field one company or platoon from each box shaded black and may field one company
or platoon from each box shaded grey.

Companie Vanatori

Motorizata HQ
Combat Platoons

Divisional Support Platoons

Weapons Platoons

Infantry Artillery Armour

Tancuri Platoon

Tancuri Medii Platoon
Vanatori Motorizata Motorizata Mortar Platoon

Platoon Tank-hunter Platoon

German Assault Gun Platoon
Infantry Anti-tank


Motorizata Anti-tank Tancuri Platoon

Vanatori Motorizata Platoon



Tancuri Medii Platoon

Infantry Tank-hunter Platoon
Regimental Support Platoons


Anti-tank Divisional Heavy Anti-tank

Vanatori Motorizata Platoon

Platoon Motorised Heavy Anti-


tank Platoon

German Anti-tank Gun Platoon

Cavalerie Company
Motorizata Machine-gun

Platoon Motorised Heavy Mortar

Vanatori Blindata Platoon


Infantry Reconnaissance
Allied Platoons 43
Armoured Car Platoon

Pioneer Platoon
German Heer Platoons in
your force are Allies and Artillery

Motorised Artillery Battery

follow the Allies rules on
page 183 of the rulebook. German Motorised Artillery



Motorised Artillery Battery


Corps Heavy Artillery Battery

Motorised Anti-aircraft Platoon

Air Support

Romanian Sporadic Air Support


German Sporadic Air Support


Companie Vanatori Motorizata

Motivation and Skill
The Vanatori of the 1st Armoured Division and the motorised cavalry regiments are the best and most ex- Regular
perienced troops in the Romanian Army. Often used as fire brigades, racing from crisis to crisis whenever Elite
the infantry cannot handle the situation alone. A Companie Vanatori Motorizata is rated Elite.

Companie Vanatori Motorizata HQ Capitan
Company HQ 25 points
Company Command 2iC Command 1.5-ton truck
Options Rifle team Rifle team
• Replace either or both Command Rifle teams with Battalion HQ
Panzerfaust SMG teams for +15 points per team.
Sergent Sergent
• Add 60mm Brandt mortars for +20 points per
60mm Brandt 60mm Brandt
• Add Panzerschreck teams for +25 points per Panzerschreck Panzerschreck mortar mortar
Panzerschreck team. team team

• Add additional 1.5-ton trucks for +5 points for the 60mm Brandt
Anti-tank Section and Mortar Section. mortar 1.5-ton truck
1.5-ton truck
Anti-tank Section Mortar Section
The Vanatori Motorizate (motorised light infantry) provided
the 1st Armoured Division with mobile infantry support. Companie Vanatori Motorizata HQ

During 1944 the 8th Cavalry Division was fully motorised

and was in the process of retraining as the 2nd Armoured
Division before the 20. Panzerdivison absconded with their
tanks in August.

Combat Platoons

Vanatori Motorizata Platoon Locotenent

HQ Section with Command MG team
4 Vanatori Squads 220 points HQ Section
3 Vanatori Squads 170 points
2 Vanatori Squads 120 points Sergent Sergent
• Replace the Command MG team with a Command MG team MG team MG team MG team
Panzerfaust SMG team for +10 points.

The elite motorised infantry’s role is to hold the positions 1.5-ton truck 1.5-ton truck
taken by the tanks, as well as rapidly moving to support Vanatori Squad Vanatori Squad
them. They ferret out the Soviet anti-tank guns and deal with
Sergent Sergent
them before they can knock out the Romanian tanks. Highly
motivated they will attack on the move, almost before their
trucks have even stopped. MG team MG team MG team MG team

1.5-ton truck 1.5-ton truck

Vanatori Squad Vanatori Squad

Vanatori Motorizata Platoon

Motorizata Machine-gun Platoon Locotenent
HQ Section with
Command Rifle team
2 Machine-gun Sections 115 points
HQ Section
• Add 1.5-ton trucks for +5 points for the platoon. Sergent Sergent

The motorised machine-guns give the vanatori fire support, ZB53 HMG ZB53 HMG ZB53 HMG ZB53 HMG
pinning the enemy down as they attack. In defence, their
high rate of fire mows down massed Soviet attacks. 1.5-ton truck 1.5-ton truck
Machine-gun Machine-gun
A Motorizata Machine-gun Platoon may make Combat Section Section
Attachments to Combat Platoons. Motorizata Machine-gun Platoon

Weapons Platoons

Motorizata Mortar Platoon Locotenent

HQ Section with Command Observer
2 Mortar Sections 100 points Rifle team Rifle team
HQ Section
• Add Observer Rifle team for +15 points. Sergent Sergent

• Add 3-ton trucks for +5 points for the platoon.

81.4mm Brandt 81.4mm Brandt 81.4mm Brandt 81.4mm Brandt
The motorised infantry’s own artillery, their mortars are mortar mortar mortar mortar
always on call for instant artillery support. While less
effective than artillery guns in prolonged bombardments, 3-ton truck 3-ton truck
the mortars get their rounds on target quicker, making them Mortar Section Mortar Section
more useful in hasty attacks.
Motorizata Mortar Platoon

Motorizata Anti-tank Platoon Locotenent

HQ Section with Command Rifle team
4 TAC Schneider 47mm guns 100 points HQ Section
3 TAC Schneider 47mm guns 75 points
Sergent Sergent
• Add 1.5-ton trucks for +5 points for the platoon.
TAC Schneider 47mm gun TAC Schneider 47mm gun

The French designed TAC Schneider 47mm gun is used by

1.5-ton truck 1.5-ton truck
the motorised infantry. It is small and has a low profile, but
provides a good punch. Anti-tank Section Anti-tank Section

Sergent Sergent

TAC Schneider 47mm gun TAC Schneider 47mm gun

1.5-ton truck 1.5-ton truck

Anti-tank Section Anti-tank Section
Motorizata Anti-tank Platoon


Companie Vanatori Motorizata

Regimental Support Platoons
Motorised Heavy Mortar Company Locotenent
HQ Section with Command Observer
3 Mortar Sections 205 points Rifle team Rifle team
2 Mortar Sections 140 points HQ Section
1 Mortar Sections 75 points
Sergent Sergent
• Add Observer Rifle team for +15 points. 120mm Resita 120mm Resita 120mm Resita 120mm Resita
• Add 3-ton trucks for +5 points for the platoon. mortar mortar mortar mortar

The 1st Armoured Division was supplied with captured Soviet 3-ton truck 3-ton truck
120mm mortars and later with Romanian Resita copies. Mortar Section Mortar Section
The 120mm mortars are transported in trucks designed to
keep up with the motorised infantry and tanks. The 120mm
mortar are easy to setup and can be put into action quickly.
They provide excellent indirect fire capable of knocking out 120mm Resita 120mm Resita 3-ton truck
mortar mortar
entrenched enemy and the occasional vehicle.
Mortar Section

Motorised Heavy Mortar Company

Motorised Heavy Anti-tank Platoon Locotenent

HQ Section with Command Rifle team
3 TAC 38 50mm guns 85 points HQ Section
2 TAC 38 50mm guns 60 points
Sergent Sergent
3 TAC 938 75mm guns 90 points
2 TAC 938 75mm guns 65 points Anti-tank gun Anti-tank gun
• Add 1.5-ton-trucks for +5 points for the platoon.
1.5-ton truck 1.5-ton truck
Anti-tank Section Anti-tank Section
The motorised infantry are provided with German supplied
50mm and 75mm anti-tank guns. These protect the infantry Sergent
from Soviet light and medium armour.

Anti-tank gun 1.5-ton truck

Anti-tank Section

Motorised Heavy Anti-tank Platoon

Support Platoons
Vanatori Blindata Platoon Locotenent
HQ Section with
Command MG team TB 251 half-track
4 Vanatori Squads 255 points HQ Section
3 Vanatori Squads 200 points
2 Vanatori Squads 145 points Sergent Sergent
• Replace the Command MG team with a Command MG team MG team MG team MG team
Panzerfaust SMG team for +10 points.

The 1st Armoured Division had a number of armoured TB 251 half-track TB 251 half-track
infantry platoons available mounted in TB (Sd Kfz 251) half- Vanatori Squad Vanatori Squad
tracks. Twenty half-tracks were supplied by the Germans and
Sergent Sergent
these were concentrated in a battalion and used to support
counterattacks as required during 1944.
MG team MG team MG team MG team
Vanatori Blindata Platoons use similar tactics to German
Gepanzerte Panzergrenadiers Platoons and may use the
TB 251 half-track TB 251 half-track
Mounted Assault special rule on page 167 of the rulebook.
Vanatori Squad Vanatori Squad

Vanatori Blindata Platoon

Motorised Anti-aircraft Platoon Locotenent

HQ Section with Command Rifle team
4 Mitral 20mm guns 85 points HQ Section
3 Mitral 20mm guns 65 points
2 Mitral 20mm guns 45 points Sergent Sergent

Mitral 20mm gun Mitral 20mm gun
• Add 3-ton trucks for +5 points for the platoon.

The light Mitral 20mm gun is light and easy to move. This 3-ton truck 3-ton truck
made it ideally suited to be used by mobile troops. Anti-Aircraft Anti-Aircraft
Section Section
Its high rate of fire and all around traverse not only made it
ideal for anti-aircraft defence, but could also be put to good Sergent Sergent
use against a variety of ground targets.
Mitral 20mm gun Mitral 20mm gun

3-ton truck 3-ton truck

Anti-Aircraft Anti-Aircraft
Section Section

Motorised Anti-aircraft Platoon


Companie Vanatori Motorizata

Divisional Heavy Anti-tank Platoon Locotenent
HQ Section with Command Rifle team
3 TAC 43 Resita 75mm guns 160 points HQ Section
2 TAC 43 Resita 75mm guns 110 points
Sergent Sergent
• Add 1.5-ton trucks for +5 points for the platoon.
TAC 43 Resita 75mm TAC 43 Resita 75mm

In 1944 each division’s artillery organised a second battery

of anti-tank guns. These divisional level anti-tank guns were 1.5-ton truck 1.5-ton truck
75mm guns for taking on the increasingly heavier Soviet Anti-tank Section Anti-tank Section
The 1st Armoured Division is equipped with the native TAC
43 Resita gun. This gun took the best of the German PaK40
and Soviet ZIS-3 and combined them into a design of its TAC 43 Resita 75mm 1.5-ton truck
own. Anti-tank Section

Divisional Heavy Anti-tank Platoon

Tank-hunter Platoon Locotenent

3 TACAM T-60 135 points
2 TACAM T-60 90 points
Command TACAM T-60

The TACAM T-60 is an ingenious combination of two HQ Section

bits of captured Soviet equipment, the T-60 light tank
and the 76.2mm obr 1936 field gun (FK36(r) as used by Sergent Sergent
the Germans). 34 vehicles were completed by the end of
1943 and assigned to the training unit of the 1st Armoured
Division where they were split into the 61st and 62nd TACAM TACAM T-60 TACAM T-60
companies. They saw service in Transnistria and Basarabia in Tank Tank
February to August 1944.
Tank-hunter Platoon

Armoured Car Platoon Locotenent

3 AB armoured cars 90 points
2 AB armoured cars 60 points
Command AB

Armed with modern light armoured cars supplied by the HQ Section

Germans these elite troops stealthily probe the Soviet front
line looking for gaps their tankers and motorised infantry Sergent Sergent
can exploit.

An Armoured Car Platoon is a Reconnaissance Platoon. AB AB

Armoured Car Armoured Car

Armoured Car Platoon

Motorised Artillery Battery Locotenent
HQ Section with:
4 Skoda 100mm howitzers 135 points Command 3-ton truck
Rifle team
2 Skoda 100mm howitzers 70 points
Options Sergent Sergent
• Add Observer Rifle teams for +15 points per Gun
• Add 3-ton trucks for +5 points for the platoon.

Like all other Romanian artillery the 1st Armoured Division Skoda 100mm Howitzer Skoda 100mm Howitzer
had its artillery upgraded to 100mm M14/19 Skoda
howitzers, replacing the old 75mm field guns.
3-ton truck 3-ton truck
Plans to introduce 150mm guns to each division were never
completed and the artillerymen had to make do with the
100mm howitzers only. Skoda 100mm Howitzer Skoda 100mm Howitzer

3-ton truck 3-ton truck

Motorised Artillery Battery

Divisional Support
Motivation and Skill
Romanian divisions are supported by a number of different platoons, some are particular to the type of division (found in each
Company or Battalion’s Intelligence Briefing above), but others are of a commonly shared organisation. The rating of the follow-
ing Divisional Support Platoons is indicated under each platoon.

Corps Heavy Artillery Battery Locotenent

HQ Section with:
4 Skoda 150mm M1934 howitzers 270 points Command 3-ton truck
Rifle team
2 Skoda 150mm M1934 howitzers 140 points
4 Schneider 105mm M1936 guns 190 points Sergent Sergent
2 Schneider 105mm M1936 guns 105 points
• Add Observer Rifle teams for +15 points per Gun
Gun or howitzer Gun or howitzer
• Add 3-ton trucks for +5 points for the platoon.

Each Romanian corps had an independent motorized heavy

3-ton truck 3-ton truck
artillery battalion and were made up of 105mm Schneider
model 1936 guns and 150mm Skoda model 1934 howitzers.
These were comparable in terms of firepower and mobility Gun or howitzer Gun or howitzer
with German regiments.

The corps artillery some of 3-ton truck 3-ton truck

the best troops. A Corps Heavy
Artillery Battery is rated Elite. Elite
Corps Heavy Artillery Battery

Pioneer Platoon

Divisional Support
HQ Section with
Command Pioneer Pioneer Supply
3 Pioneer Squads 160 points Rifle/MG team 3-ton truck
2 Pioneer Squads 115 points HQ Section

Sergent Sergent
• Replace the Command Pioneer Rifle/MG team with
a Command Panzerfaust Pioneer SMG team for
+10 points. Pioneer Rifle/MG team Pioneer Rifle/MG team
• Replace all Rifle/MG teams with SMG teams for no
cost. Pioneer Rifle/MG team Pioneer Rifle/MG team
• Add 3-ton trucks to the platoon for +5 points.
• Add Pioneer Supply 3-ton truck for +25 points.
3-ton truck 3-ton truck
Pioneer Squad Pioneer Squad
You may replace up to one Pioneer Rifle/MG or SMG team
per Pioneer Squad with a Flame-thrower team at the start
of the game before deployment.
Pioneer Rifle/MG team Pioneer Rifle/MG team 3-ton truck
A Romanian Pioneer Platoon is Pioneer Squad
rated Elite. Pioneer Platoon
Romania’s motorised combat pioneers are some of the best
trained and equipped troops in service. They can knock out
bunkers, destroy tanks or clear minefields.

Air Support Locotenent

Romanian Sporadic Air Support
Ju 87D Stuka 100 points
Ju 87G Stuka 100 points
Hs 129B 115 points Aircraft

The Romanian Royal Air Force had German Stuka dive-

bombers for ground attack work. The 38th Squadron was Aircraft Aircraft
armed with German Hs 129B ground attack aircraft. Flight


German Support
Motivation and Skill
The Romanians fight alongside the Germans and will often call on them to provide
support. German platoons supporting the Romanians are always rated Confident Motivation Skill
Veteran and follow the German special rules. Confident Veteran

They are Allies to the Romanians and follow the Allies rules on page 183 of the

German Assault Gun Platoon Leutnant

3 StuG G 285 points
2 StuG G 190 points
Command StuG G Begleit team
HQ Section
• Replace one StuG G assault gun with a StuH42
assault gun for +5 points. Unteroffizier Unteroffizier
• Mount a Begleit Assault Rifle team on each StuG
G or StuH42 assault gun for +30 points per Begleit
StuG G StuG G
If you have Begleit teams you must mount them on all
the StuG G or StuH42 assault guns in the platoon.
Begleit team Begleit team
Romanian troops were supported by various German assault ASSAULT GUN ASSAULT GUN
gun units during their campaigns in 1944. StuG assault SECTION SECTION
guns were in support of the infantry, cavalry and mountain Assault Gun Platoon
troops in Crimea and again during counterattacks against
the Soviets on the Basarabian frontier.

German Begleit Tank Rider Special Rules

Begleit Assault Rifle teams are normal Assault Rifle teams with Escort troops are assigned to protect their assault gun at all
the following special rules. costs. They spot threats to the vehicle and quickly assault
them before they can cause any harm.
While Begleit Assault Rifle teams are mounted on tanks from their
own platoon, they operate as tank riders (see pages 44 and 71 of A platoon with tanks and Begleit Assault Rifle teams carries on
the Flames Of War rulebook), but gain the following benefits: with its assault after being Pinned Down by Defensive Fire,
despite having Infantry teams in the platoon. If this happens,
• One team per assault gun can shoot as if dismounted if the tank
only the tanks fight in the first Assault Combat Round. The
moves 6”/15cm or less, but no teams can shoot at all if the tank
Begleit Assault Rifle teams remain in contact and can counter-
moves over 6”/15cm.
attack in subsequent rounds.
• They fight in assaults as if dismounted (they can roll to hit
The heroic Begleit tank riders deal with any threat to their
and be allocated hits separately from the tank).
assault guns, even at the cost of their own lives! Remember,
• If only one team is mounted on a tank, it has a 3+ save when in assault combat, you allocate hits. Therefore, it is best to
the tank is hit instead of the normal 5+ Passenger Save, but place hits from anti-tank teams like pioneers and anti-tank
is automatically Destroyed if the tank is Destroyed. rifles on your Begleit teams instead of your assault guns.
Ignore Destroyed Begleit Assault Rifle teams when determining During Assault Combat Rounds when the defender allocates
whether a StuG Platoon is below half strength and needs to hits, they must allocate a hit to each Begleit Assault Rifle team
take a Platoon Morale Check. before they can allocate any hits to the assault guns.


German Allied Support

German Panzer Platoon Leutnant
5 Panzer IV H 475 points
4 Panzer IV H 380 points
3 Panzer IV H 285 points Command tank
• Replace up to half of the Panzer IV H tanks with HQ tank
Panzer III M tanks for -25 points per tank or
Panzer III N tanks for -30 points per tank. Unteroffizier Unteroffizier

5 Panther D or A 940 points

4 Panther D or A 750 points Tank Tank
3 Panther D or A 560 points

During April and June Grossdeutschland Panzergrenadier,

14., 23. and 24. Panzer divisions were supported by the Tank Tank
18th Mountain and 3rd Infantry divisions during the counter- Panzer Section Panzer Section
offensive. German panzers also rescued the Guard Division Panzer Platoon
from a sticky situation.

German Gepanzerte Leutnant or oberfeldwebel

Panzergrenadier Platoon Leutnant or Oberfeldwebel

Command MG team Sd Kfz 251/1 half-track
HQ Section with:
HQ Section
3 Panzergrenadier Squads 275 points
2 Panzergrenadier Squads 200 points Unteroffizier Unteroffizier
• Replace Command MG team with a Command MG team MG team MG team MG team
Panzerknacker SMG team for +5 points or with a
Command Panzerfaust SMG team for +10 points.
• Replace Sd Kfz 251/1 half-track in HQ Section with Sd Kfz 251/1 half-track Sd Kfz 251/1 half-track
a Sd Kfz 251/10 (3.7cm) half-track at no cost. Panzergrenadier Panzergrenadier
Squad Squad
Where the German panzers go the panzergrenadiers are sure
to follow. When the German panzertruppen fought alongside
the Romanians the armoured infantry also fought. MG team MG team Sd Kfz 251/1 half-track
Panzergrenadier Squad
Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier Platoons may use the Mounted
Assault special rule on page 167 of the rulebook. Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier platoon

German Panzergrenadier Platoon Leutnant or oberfeldwebel
Leutnant or Oberfeldwebel
HQ Section with:
3 Panzergrenadier Squads 205 points Command MG team Kfz 15 field car
2 Panzergrenadier Squads 145 points HQ Section

Options Unteroffizier Unteroffizier

• Replace Command MG team with a Command
Panzerknacker SMG team for +5 points or with a
MG team MG team MG team MG team
Command Panzerfaust SMG team for +10 points.
• Remove Kfz 15 field car and replace Kfz 70 trucks
with 3-ton trucks at no cost. Kfz 70 truck Kfz 70 truck
Panzergrenadier Panzergrenadier
The 10. Panzergrenadierdivision launched a counterattack Squad Squad
against the Soviet breakthrough at Iasi on 20 August to stem Unteroffizier
the red tide. With only a few tanks the panzergrenadiers were
no match for the Soviets overwhelming numbers.
In May and June motorised panzergrenadiers also fought MG team MG team Kfz 70 truck
alongside the Romanians during Operations Sonja and Panzergrenadier Squad
Katja. Panzergrenadier platoon

German Grenadier Platoon Leutnant

HQ Section with:
3 Grenadier Squads 155 points Rifle/MG team
2 Grenadier Squads 110 points HQ Section
Unteroffizier Unteroffizier
• Replace Command Rifle/MG team with a Command
Panzerknacker SMG team for +5 points or with a
Command Panzerfaust SMG team for +10 points. Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team

During their fighting in Crimea and Basarabia the Romanians

Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
fought alongside many different German Infanterie divi-
Grenadier Squad Grenadier Squad
sions. Some of these grenadier units were fighting in direct
support, reinforcing or counterattacking from reserve or Unteroffizier
simply neighbouring divisions in the line fighting off heavy
Soviet attacks.
Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
Grenadier Squad
Grenadier Platoon

German Anti-tank Gun Platoon Leutnant
HQ Section with
Command SMG team Kfz 15 field car
4 7.5cm PaK40 215 points
3 7.5cm PaK40 165 points HQ Section
2 7.5cm PaK40 115 points
Unteroffizier Unteroffizier
• Add Kfz 15 field car and 3-ton trucks for +5 points 7.5cm PaK40 gun 7.5cm PaK40 gun
for the platoon.
• Replace all 3-ton trucks with RSO tractors at no
cost or Sd Kfz 11 half-tracks for +5 points for the 3-ton truck 3-ton truck
7.5cm PaK40 gun 7.5cm PaK40 gun
One asset the Germans could back up the Romanians with
was a good number of anti-tank guns. Supporting and
neighbouring German anti-tank units have the firepower to 3-ton truck 3-ton truck
hold off the Soviet tanks that the Romanians don’t always Anti-tank Anti-tank
have on hand. gun Section gun Section
Anti-tank gun Platoon

German Motorised Artillery Battery

HQ Section with
2 Gun Sections 220 points
1 Gun Section 125 points
• Add Kfz 15 field car, Kfz 68 radio truck and Sd Kfz 11
half-tracks at no cost.
• Replace all 10.5cm leFH18 howitzers and Sd Kfz 11
half-tracks with 15cm sFH18 howitzers and Sd Kfz
7 half-tracks for +60 points per Gun Section.
• Replace all Kübelwagon jeeps with Sd Kfz 250 half-
tracks for +5 points per half-track.

German artillery was also on hand to support Romanian

units, especially during combined operations.

Motorised Artillery Battery

Air Support LEUTNANT

German Sporadic Air support
Ju 87D Stuka 100 points
Ju 87G Stuka 100 points
The Luftwaffe will endeavour to destroy the Red Army at
any turn, whether it is attacking Germans or Romanians.
The scream of the Stuka dive-bomber is a welcome sound to Aircraft Aircraft
Romanians and Germans alike. Flight


Romanian Arsenal
Tank Teams
Name Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes
Weapon Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower

Light Tanks
R-2 (Panzer 35(t)) Fully-tracked 2 1 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Protected ammo, Unreliable.
3.7cm KwK35(t) gun 24”/60cm 2 6 4+
R-35 Fully-tracked 3 3 1 Co-ax MG, Slow tank.
37mm SA18 gun 16”/40cm 2 4 4+ One-man turret.
R-35 Vanatorul de Care Fully-tracked 3 3 1 Slow tank.
45mm obr 1938 gun 24”/60cm 2 7 4+ One-man turret.
T-38 (Panzer 38(t)) Fully-tracked 2 1 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Protected ammo, Unreliable.
3.7cm KwK35(t) gun 24”/60cm 2 6 4+

Medium Tanks
Panzer III M Fully-tracked 6 3 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Protected ammo, Schürzen.
5cm KwK39 gun 24”/60cm 3 9 4+
Panzer III N Fully-tracked 6 3 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Protected ammo, Schürzen.
7.5cm KwK36 gun 24”/60cm 2 9 3+
T-3 (Panzer III N) Fully-tracked 6 3 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Protected ammo.
7.5cm KwK36 gun 24”/60cm 2 9 3+
Panzer IV H Fully-tracked 6 3 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Protected ammo, Schürzen.
7.5cm KwK40 gun 32”/80cm 2 11 3+
T-4 (Panzer IV H) Fully-tracked 6 3 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Protected ammo, Schürzen.
7.5cm KwK40 gun 32”/80cm 2 11 3+
Panther D or A Fully-tracked 10 5 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Wide tracks.
7.5cm KwK42 gun 32”/80cm 2 14 3+

Assault Guns
TA (StuG G) Fully-tracked 7 3 1 Hull MG, Protected ammo, Schürzen.
7.5cm StuK40 gun 32”/80cm 2 11 3+ Hull mounted.
StuG G Fully-tracked 7 3 1 Hull MG, Protected ammo, Schürzen.
7.5cm StuK40 gun 32”/80cm 2 11 3+ Hull mounted.
StuH42 Fully-tracked 7 3 1 Hull MG, Protected ammo, Schürzen.
10.5cm StuH42 gun 32”/80cm 2 10 2+ Hull mounted, Smoke.

Self-propelled Anti-tank
TACAM T-60 Fully-tracked 1 0 0 AA MG, Overloaded.
76mm F-22 gun 32”/80cm 2 10 3+ Hull mounted.

Armoured Cars
AB (Sd Kfz 222) Wheeled 1 0 0 Co-ax MG, Hull rear MG.
2cm KwK38 gun 16”/40cm 3 5 5+ Self-defence anti-aircraft.

Vehicle Machine-guns
Vehicle MG 16”/40cm 3 2 6 ROF 1 if other weapons fire.


Gun Teams
Weapon Mobility Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower Notes
ZB 53 HMG Man-packed 24”/60cm 6 2 6 ROF 2 when pinned down.
60mm Brandt mortar Man-packed 24”/60cm 2 1 3+ Can fire over friendly troops.
firing bombardments 32”/80cm - 1 6
81.4mm Brandt mortar Man-packed 40”/100cm - 2 6 Smoke bombardment.
120mm Resita mortar Light 56”/140cm - 3 3+
Hotchkiss 13.2mm AA MG Light 16”/40cm 3 3 5+ Anti-aircraft, Turntable
Mitral 20mm gun (2cm FlaK38) Light 16”/40cm 4 5 5+ Anti-aircraft, Turntable.
TAC 37 45mm gun (obr 1937) Light 24”/60cm 3 7 4+ Gun shield.
TAC 42 45mm gun (obr 1942) Light 24”/60cm 3 8 4+ Gun shield.
TAC 47mm Bohler gun (47/32) Man-packed 24”/60cm 3 7 4+
TAC 47mm Schneider gun Medium 24”/60cm 3 8 4+ Gun shield.
TAC 38 50mm gun (5cm PaK38) Medium 24”/60cm 3 9 4+ Gun shield.
TAC 938 75mm gun (7.5cm PaK38/97) Medium 24”/60cm 2 10 3+ Gun shield.
TAC 40 75mm gun (7.5cm PaK40) Medium 32”/80cm 2 12 3+ Gun shield.
TAC 43 Resita 75mm gun Heavy 32”/80cm 2 13 3+ Gun shield.
76mm obr 1927 gun Light 16”/40cm 2 5 3+ Gun shield.
Firing bombardments 64”/160cm - 3 6
RF 75mm gun (76K/02) Heavy 24”/60cm 2 8 3+ Gun shield, Smoke.
Firing bombardments 64”/160cm - 3 6 Smoke bombardment.
KF 75mm gun (75/27) Heavy 24”/60cm 2 8 3+ Gun shield, Smoke.
Firing bombardments 64”/160cm - 3 6 Smoke bombardment.
Skoda 100mm howitzer (100/17) Immobile 24”/60cm 1 9 2+ Gun shield.
Firing bombardments 72”/180cm - 4 4+
Schneider 105mm M1936 gun Immobile 32”/80cm 1 12 2+ Gun shield.
Firing bombardments 88”/220cm - 4 4+
10.5cm leFH18 howitzer Immobile 24”/60cm 1 10 2+ Gun shield, Smoke.
Firing bombardments 80”/200cm - 4 4+ Smoke bombardment.
Skoda 150mm M1934 howitzer Immobile 32”/80cm 1 13 1+ Gun shield, Bunker buster.
Firing bombardments 88”/220cm - 5 2+
15cm sFH18 howitzer Immobile 24”/60cm 1 13 1+ Bunker buster, Smoke.
Firing bombardments 80”/200cm - 5 2+ Smoke bombardment.

Infantry Teams
Team Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower Notes
Rifle team 16”/40cm 1 2 6
Rifle/MG team 16”/40cm 2 2 6
MG team 16”/40cm 3 2 6
SMG team 4”/10cm 3 1 6 Full ROF when moving.
Assault Rifle team 8”/20cm 3 1 6 Full ROF when moving.
Panzerschreck team 8”/20cm 2 11 5+ Tank Assault 5.
Flame-thrower team 4”/10cm 2 - 6 Flame-thrower.
Staff team cannot shoot Moves as a Heavy Gun team.

Additional Training and Equipment

Panzerfaust 4”/10cm 1 12 5+ Tank Assault 6, Cannot shoot in the Shooting Step if moved in the
Movement Step.
Pioneer teams are rated as Tank Assault 4. Panzerknacker teams are rated as Tank Assault 5.

Transport Teams
Vehicle Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes
Weapon Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower

Kfz 15 field car or Kübelwagen jeep Jeep - - -
1.5-ton, 3-ton, Kfz 70, or Kfz 68 Radio truck Wheeled - - -
Horse-drawn wagon Wagon - - -
Cavalry wagon Cavalry Wagon - - -

RSO tractor Fully-tracked - - - Slow tank.
Sd Kfz 7 and 11 half-tracks Half-track - - -
Horse-drawn limber Wagon - - -
Cavalry limber Cavalry Wagon - - -

Armoured Personnel Carriers

TB 251 (Sd Kfz 251 D) Half-tracked 1 0 0 Hull MG, Passenger-fired AA MG.
Sd Kfz 250 Half-tracked 1 0 0 Hull MG, Passenger-fired AA MG.
Sd Kfz 251/1 D Half-tracked 1 0 0 Hull MG, Passenger-fired AA MG.
Sd Kfz 251/10 D Half-tracked 1 0 0 Passenger-fired AA MG.
3.7cm PaK36 gun 16”/40cm 2 6 4+ Hull mounted.

Aircraft Weapon To Hit Anti-tank Firepower Notes
Ju 87D Stuka Bombs 4+ 5 1+
Ju 87G Stuka Cannon 3+ 11 4+
Hs 129B Cannon 2+ 9 4+ Flying Tank.


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