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Carbon 144 (2019) 582e590

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Melamine assisted liquid exfoliation approach for the synthesis of

nitrogen doped graphene-like carbon nano sheets from bio-waste
bagasse material and its application towards high areal density Li-S
Dasari Bosu Babu a, b, Kannadka Ramesha a, b, *
CSIR-Central Electrochemical Research Institute-Chennai Unit, CSIR-Madras Complex, Taramani, Chennai, 600113, India
Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), CSIR-CECRI, Karaikudi, 630003, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Li-S battery has received considerable attention as futuristic technology, however, solutions for chal-
Received 27 October 2018 lenging problems such as polysulfide shuttle and low sulfur loadings, etc. still remain elusive. Here we
Received in revised form report design of efficient polysulfide trap by preparing graphene like nitrogen doped carbon (NBC) sheets
20 December 2018
from bagasse (sugarcane waste). Further, we prepared S@NBC composites by chemical absorption of S
Accepted 28 December 2018
Available online 28 December 2018
onto NBC matrix and studied their beneficial aspects as cathode for Li-S battery. The S@NBC displays
extraordinarily good performance with a reversible capacity of 1169 mAh g1 at 0.2 C with 77% capacity
retention after 200 cycles which also exhibits remarkable 85% retention of higher order polysulfide even
Li-S battery
after 200 cycles. Moreover, by placing a second cathode layer the cyclability will be increased beyond 500
Nitrogen doped carbon cycles. The remarkable cycling performance is attributed to the effective chemisorption of sulfur and
Bagasse polysulfides by the nitrogen doped carbon. Further, sulfur loading is increased to 12 mg cm2 by stacking
Graphene like carbon sheets four cathode layers and we could achieve high areal capacity of 12 mAh cm2 which is three times higher
High energy density than the present day lithium ion battery.
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction polysulfide “shuttle effect “ are the determining factors in the cell
performance [5]. Moreover, the continuous charge-discharge pro-
Considering the environmental impacts and depletion of fossil cess involves repeated volume change (80%), that can results in
fuels, the electrochemical energy storage devices such as lithium pulverization of sulfur cathode [6]. To overcome these problems,
ion batteries are being considered as promising alternatives due to researchers are employing chemical modifications to cathode,
their high energy density and long cycle life [1]. But, the energy separator, electrolyte, and anode [7e11].
density of present day lithium-ion technology is limited by the The most hampering issues like insulating nature sulfur and
‘intercalation chemistry’ of electrode materials (387 Wh kg1 for polysulfide dissolution can be solved by employing conductive
LiCoO2/graphite) [2]. In this scenario Li-S battery draw huge inter- porous carbon as sulfur host, which can increase the conductivity of
est due to the conversion reaction of sulfur, i.e. S8 þ 16 Li þ þ16e- sulfur as well as encapsulate polysulfides in the porous architecture
/ 8Li2S with two electron transfer for each sulfur atom. This leads [12,13]. However, the non-polar nature of the carbon displays low
to high theoretical capacity of 1675 mAh g1 and an average voltage binding towards polysulfide, leading to detachment of the product
of 2.2 V V Li/Liþ. Hence Li-S system can offer energy density (Li2S) from the electrode resulting in loss of electrical contact and
2567 Wh kg1, which is 3e4 times of present lithium-ion battery capacity degradation [14]. Hence, heteroatom (Nitrogen, Sulfur,
[3,4]. On the other side, the insulating nature of sulfur and the Phosphorus, Oxygen, and Boron) doping in carbon matrix plays a
significant role in enhancing polysulfide capture and improving cell
performance [15e18]. Precisely, the nitrogen doping has distinct
importance because it offers more active sites for ion absorption
* Corresponding author. CSIR-Central Electrochemical Research Institute-Chennai and improves the electrochemical activity in addition to enhancing
Unit, CSIR-Madras Complex, Taramani, Chennai, 600113, India.
E-mail address: [email protected] (K. Ramesha).
the electronic conductivity and wettability of the carbon
0008-6223/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D.B. Babu, K. Ramesha / Carbon 144 (2019) 582e590 583

[17,19e22]. Nitrogen doping has been reported for CNTs, graphene ratifies that all sulfur is absorbed on the pores and surface of NBC.
and porous carbons [23e25]. Graphene has been explored widely This S@NBC composite was filtered and dried overnight at 65  C.
in Lithium - sulfur battery applications due to its remarkable high The XRD of sulfur powder, NBC-15 and composite S@NBC-15 are
electronic, thermal and mechanical properties [26,27]. But, the compared in Figure S1 which confirms the presence of sulfur on the
synthesis of graphene needs expensive raw materials and involve surface of NBC-15.
hazardous synthesis techniques [28]. These factors limit the wide
utilization of graphene. Hence the synthesis of graphene from the 2.2. Electrochemical measurements
bio-waste materials is highly promising for large-scale applications
due to cost-effective process and abundant raw material availabil- S@NBC composite is mixed with 10% SP carbon and 10% PVDF
ity. In this direction, graphene synthesis from bio-waste materials binder and made into slurry using NMP as solvent. The slurry is
like peanuts, rice husk, and disposal paper cups etc. has been re- coated on to CNT paper and used as cathode (the sulfur loading
ported [29e32]. 3.2 mg cm2). Lithium metal (foil thickness 700 mm) acts as both
Bagasse (fibrous dry matter of sugar cane) is widely available as reference and counter electrode. Celgard (2400) is used as the
bio waste. Annually about 54 million dry tons of bagasse is pro- separator. The electrolyte is 1 M bis (trifluoromethane) sulfonamide
duced worldwide as residue after the extraction of sugar from sugar lithium salt (LiTFSI, Sigma-Aldrich) in 1, 2-dimethoxyethane (DME,
cane [33]. Considering the abundance of availability we have Sigma-Aldrich) and 1, 3 Dioxalane (DOL, Sigma-Aldrich) in 1:1 V/V%
investigated conversion of the bio-waste into nitrogen-doped gra- with 0.25 M LiNO3 additive. Coin cells were assembled in argon
phene-like carbon adopting a simple hydrothermal synthesis and filled glove box (where O2, H2O levels restricted to 1 ppm). The
using melamine as nitrogen source. Interestingly, the amount of cells were galvanostatically cycled in the voltage range of 1.7e2.7 V.
melamine used during synthesis plays important role in the for- All experiments are carried out in VMP3Z Biologic multichannel
mation of graphene like carbon sheets. For the best our knowledge, galvanostat/potentiostat. The cycling voltammetry is performed at
this is the first report on use of nitrogen doped bagasse derived 0.01 mV scan speed within the potential range of 1.7e2.7 V and
carbon for the Lithium-sulfur battery applications. When pristine electrochemical impedance studies were performed over a fre-
carbon derived from bagasse was used for making cathode com- quency range of 400 kHz to 50 mHz. The capacities are calculated
posite, the Li-S cell shows 821 mAh g1 capacity, while the nitrogen based on mass of sulfur in the electrode.
doping onto this carbon enhances the reversible capacity to 1169
mAh g1 at 0.2 C rate. Also an excellent rate capacity of 454 mAh 3. Results and discussions
g1 at 4 C rate and long-term cycling stability with good capacity
retention up to 500 cycles was observed. We also achieved sulfur 3.1. Structural analysis
loading up to 12 mg cm2 with the exceptional high areal capacity
of 12 mAh cm2 which is 3 times higher than commercial lithium Fig. 1a shows the XRD of BC, NBC-5, NBC-10, NBC-15 and NBC-20
ion battery. respectively. All the XRD patterns show two broad diffraction peaks
corresponding to (002) and (100) planes of the hexagonal graphitic
2. Experimental section carbon. The structure and quality of the carbon materials are
characterized using Raman spectroscopy. The Raman spectrum of
2.1. Material preparation BC, NBC-5, NBC-10, NBC-15 and NBC-20 respectively are shown in
Fig. 1b. All spectra show peaks at 1585 cm1 and 1343 cm1 which
2.1.1. Nitrogen doped carbon preparation represents G and D bands of carbon.
Nitrogen (N) doped carbon sheets were prepared from bagasse The G band is due to the E2g stretching mode of graphite,
derived carbon and melamine as follows. Sugarcane bagasse, a assigned to the presence of sp2 carbon and the intensity provides
waste residue after juice extraction is received from local sugar the information about the degree of graphitization [34]. The D band
cane shop. A small quantity of this residue was dried at room (A1g symmetry) represents structural disorder in the sp2 carbon
temperature for 48 h. The dried cane pitch was crushed into small [17]. Hence, the disorder of the carbon can be quantified by the ID/IG
pieces and mixed with melamine at various weight ratios of ratio. The ID/IG ratio for BC, NBC-5, NBC-10, NBC-15 and NBC-20
bagasse to melamine 1:0, 1:5, 1:10, 1:15 and 1:20 in Teflon lined samples are 1.02, 1.06, 1.07, 1.085 and 1.15 respectively. The in-
autoclave. 25 ml of distilled water was added to the autoclave (50% crease in the ID/IG ratio indicates significant increase in number of
filling) and was maintained at 180  C for 10 h during hydrothermal defective sites that can be attributed to increased nitrogen doping.
synthesis followed by cooling to room temperature. The black color Along with G and D band, a small 2D band (at 2750 cm1) which is
product formed was filtered to remove excess amount of melamine, characteristics of graphene is also observed for NBC-10, NBC-15 and
washed with distilled water several times and dried in an oven at NBC-20 [35,36]. This 2D band is absent for pristine (BC) and NBC-5
70  C overnight. Further, the obtained product was heated at 850  C samples indicating that melamine quantity is playing a crucial role
for 3 h under argon atmosphere to obtain N-doped graphene like in exfoliation of graphitic carbon into graphene-like sheets.
carbon sheets. The product was washed with 0.1M ammonium di The XPS analysis is carried out to investigate functionality of
hydrogen fluoride and oven dried. Based on the weight ratio of nitrogen present in the sample. Fig. 1C shows nitrogen spectra for
melamine used during the synthesis the products are labelled as, NBC-10, NBC-15 and NBC-20. The spectra can be deconvoluted into
pristine bagasse carbon (BC), and N-doped carbons as NBC-5, NBC- 3 peaks corresponding to pyridinic, pyrrolic and graphitic nitrogen.
10, NBC-15 and NBC-20. The pyridinic, pyrrolic groups generate polarity to the carbon ma-
S@NBC preparation: 70 mg sulfur powder was sonicated for trix which will enhance polysulfide absorption as discussed later
30 min in 50 ml DMF solvent until yellow color sulfur dissolves. [37]. The graphitic nitrogen helps in increasing the electronic
About 30 mg of NBC was added to the above solution and again conductivity of the carbon [38]. Additionally, by using area under
sonicated for 30 min. The solution mixture was transformed to the curve the amount of pyridinic, pyrrolic and graphitic nitrogen
beaker containing 1000 ml de-ionized water, immediately the so- present in the compound is calculated and it is given in table S1. In
lution changes from colorless to white indicating colloidal sulfur three samples compared to pyridinic, pyrrolic nitrogen, graphitic
formation. The solution was further stirred for 4 h until the white nitrogen having higher percentage indicates good conductivity of
color disappears and the solution changes to colorless which carbon. By using CHNS analyzer, the amount of nitrogen present in
584 D.B. Babu, K. Ramesha / Carbon 144 (2019) 582e590

Fig. 1. (a) XRD and (b) Raman spectra of BC, NBC-5, NBC-10, NBC-15 and NBC-20 carbon samples (c) XPS spectra of NBC-10, NBC-15 and NBC-20 (d) percentage of various nitrogen
groups present in the total nitrogen content for NBC-10, NBC-15 and NBC-20. (A colour version of this figure can be viewed online.)

the NBC-5, NBC-10, NBC-15 and NBC-20 sample is evaluated which spheres ranging 50e200 nm are also seen in Fig. 2b (inset) which is
is tabulated in Table S2. The nitrogen content in the carbon samples attributed to conversion of leftover sucrose in the bagasse into
is proportional to the melamine weight ratio used during synthesis. carbon spheres during the hydrothermal process. Fig. 2 c is the SEM
The comparison of total nitrogen and the presence of different ni- of NBC-5 showing peeling off of thin carbon sheets on the surface of
trogen's in the samples is shown in Fig. 1d. carbon tubes. When the melamine percentage increases to 10 or
Fig. 2 shows SEM images of pristine (BC) and N-doped carbon above (NBC-10, NBC-15) the rate of exfoliation increases and gra-
samples. Fig. 2(a and b) displays the pristine carbon (BC) having phene like carbon sheets are observed (Fig. 2deg). Fig. 2g shows
tube like morphology with 1e2 mm wall thickness. Few carbon graphene like layered carbon sheets. Interestingly, carbon sheets

Fig. 2. SEM images of (a, b) pristine, (c) NBC-5, (d, e) NBC-10, (f, g) NBC-15, (h) NBC-20.
D.B. Babu, K. Ramesha / Carbon 144 (2019) 582e590 585

are found to be decorated with carbon spheres (Fig. 2e). However, carbon [45,46]. As the amount of melamine increases exfoliation
when the melamine content is increasing it is observed that the rate also increases yielding product with high surface area and
percentage of spheres decreased which may be due to the con- higher nitrogen content. XRD, IR spectra confirms the absence of
version of carbon spheres also into sheets. Finally, when the mel- graphitic nitride (Fig S2 & Fig S4) and Raman, AFM, TEM and
amine ratio further increases to 20 (Fig. 2 h) exfoliated graphene elemental analyses confirm nitrogen doped graphene like structure
like sheets found to be damaged which might be due to the high (Figs. 1 and 3& Fig S3). It is also to be noted that hydrothermal
amount of nitrogen present in the carbon matrix. treatment is an essential step in order to get graphene like struc-
The SEM image and elemental mapping of NBC-15 is displayed tures, direct heating of melamine and bagasse (without hydro-
in Fig. 3(a and b) which shows nitrogen doped graphene like thermal treatment) at 850  C resulted in tube like structures as seen
structure with uniform distribution of nitrogen throughout the by FESEM with most of region showing broken or pulverized tubes
carbon sheet. HRTEM images of NBC-15 (Fig. 3c and d) confirm (Fig. S5).
formation of carbon sheets and in addition, carbon spheres can also
be seen. HRTEM images of NBC-20 shown in Fig. 3e and f where the 3.3. Investigation of N-doped carbon sheets derived from bagasse as
carbon sheets are slightly damaged as shown by circled area. sulfur host for Li-S batteries

Considering the high surface area and graphene like

3.2. Possible mechanism for the formation graphene-like carbon morphology we presumed that NBC may be suitable as S host in Li-
from bagasse S batteries. Besides, the nitrogen doping can impart high polarity to
carbon scaffold which is useful in binding polysulfides and can
Bagasse consists of cellulose, hemi cellulose and lignin as major effectively reduce the shuttle phenomenon. For this NBC-S com-
organic compounds and these are rich in hydroxyl group. This posites (S@NBC) were prepared and used as cathode in Li-S battery.
functional groups can easily attract water molecules by hydrogen The electrochemical performance of the cells were investigated in
bonding, as a result water can easily spreads uniformly throughout detail as described below.
bagasse. In hydrothermal conditions melamine can dissolve in hot
water, hence melamine can easily intercalate into the structure 3.4. Electrochemical cyclic voltammetry
with the help of water. Due to the intercalation (absorption) of
melamine and water, bagasse fibers get laterally expanded and The Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) of S@BC, S@NBC-10, S@NBC-15
appear yellowish in color (otherwise black when melamine is not and S@NBC-20 Vs Li in the voltage range of 1.7e2.7 V are shown in
present) (Fig. 4b). Around 350  C, melamine melts and interacts Fig. 5a-d. The CV data shows that the reduction of the sulfur takes
with graphite sheet through p-p interactions [39]. Recent DFT place in two steps, in the initial cathodic scan the reduction peak at
calculations show that triazine groups (in melamine) have strong 2.4 V is related to conversion of sulfur to higher order lithium
affinity to absorb on graphitic carbon [40,41]. This molecular ab- polysulfides Li2Sn (4  n  8). The second reduction peak observed
sorption results 2D molecular assembly in graphite structure [42]. at 2.1 V is related to conversion of higher order polysulfides to the
Above the melting point, melamine distributes uniformly within final reduction product Li2S2/Li2S. Similarly, during anodic scan
the carbon matrix thereby effectively compensating the van der oxidation takes place in two step process, one at 2.35 V which is
waals force between the sheets [43]. When the temperature in- conversion of Li2S2/Li2S to polysulfide and the second is at 2.42 V
creases to 600  C, the polycondensation of melamine results in the which is conversion of polysulfide to elemental sulfur. Due to the
formation of carbon nitride [44]. The XRD of the sample heated at poor conductivity and week polysulfide absorption capability, the
600  C confirms the presence of g-C3N4 (Fig. S2), when the tem- area under CV is smaller for pristine carbon (S@BC). Further, peak
perature further increase to 850  C these chemical processes will intensities are decreasing with cycle number indicating the poly-
eventually lead to exfoliation of carbon structure into sheets con- sulfide dissolution [47]. Where as in case of S@NBC-10, S@NBC-15
taining 4e8 layer graphene as shown in AFM (Fig.S3). Concomi- and S@NBC-20, the peaks are relatively sharp and superimpose for
tantly, nitrogen groups from decomposed carbon nitride get several cycles indicating less polarization, good polysulfide reten-
attached to the active sites of the carbon to form nitrogen doped tion and cycling stability. Comparison of initial CV curves of S@BC,
S@NBC-10, S@NBC-15 and S@NBC-20 are shown in Fig. S6. The CV
reveals the positive effect of N doping into the carbon matrix which
improves conductivity and polysulfide retention ability.

3.5. Discharge- charge analysis

The comparison of corresponding initial cycle of the charge -

discharge data of S@BC, S@NBC-10, S@NBC-15 and S@NBC-20
respectively at 0.2 C rate are shown in Fig. 6a. The corresponding
first 5 cycle charge-discharge plots are shown in Fig. S7. The gal-
vanostatic discharge plots show two plateaus (at 2.4 V and 2.1 V)
similar to CV data. The small plateau at 2.4e2.1 V range in the
discharge data corresponds to the conversion of elemental sulfur S8
to higher order polysulfides i.e., Li2Sn (where 4  n  8). The long
discharge plateau (at 2.1 V) is due to the conversion of higher order
polysulfide to lower order sulfides Li2S2/Li2S. Similar to discharge,
the charging also consists two plateau regions, one upper plateau at
2.2 V corresponds to the conversion of Li2S/Li2S2 to higher order
Fig. 3. (a,b) SEM image and corresponding elemental mapping for nitrogen of NBC-15.
polysulfides and the other small plateau at 2.35 V is due to the
HRTEM images of (c, d) NBC-15 (e, f) NBC-20. (A colour version of this figure can be oxidation of polysulfides to elemental sulfur. The potential differ-
viewed online.) ence (DE) between discharge (at 2.1 V) and charge is calculated for
586 D.B. Babu, K. Ramesha / Carbon 144 (2019) 582e590

Fig. 4. (a) Schematic mechanism of nitrogen doped graphene like carbon sheets from sugarcane waste. (b) Color variations of bagasse after hydrothermal process, bagasse:
melamine is 1:0, 1:10 and 1:20. (A colour version of this figure can be viewed online.)

Fig. 5. (a-d) Cyclic voltammetamogram of S@BC, S@ NBC-10, S@NBC-15 and S@NBC-20. (A colour version of this figure can be viewed online.)

the initial 100 cycles of S@BC, S@NBC-10, S@NBC-15 and S@NBC-20 all, lowest DE is observed for S@NBC-15. Further, the impedance of
respectively (Fig. 6b). In the case of nitrogen doped carbon the the fresh cells (for S@BC, S@NBC-10, S@NBC-15 and S@NBC-20) are
polarization decreases which indicate nitrogen doping effectivity plotted in Fig. 6c. The decrease in charge transfer resistances of the
enhance the electronic properties sulfur-carbon composite. Among nitrogen doped carbon samples with respect to the pristine
D.B. Babu, K. Ramesha / Carbon 144 (2019) 582e590 587

Fig. 6. Comparison of S@BC, S@NBC-5, S@NBC-10, S@NBC-15 and S@NBC-20 samples (a) initial cycles charge curves (b) The average potential Vs cycle number (c) EIS of fresh cell (d)
Higher order polysulfide capacity Vs Cycle number. (A colour version of this figure can be viewed online.)

suggests increase in conductivity upon N-doping. Also, charge for S@NBC-15 due to the optimized nitrogen percentage in the
transfer resistance decreases with the increase in nitrogen per- carbon matrix.
centage in the samples.

3.7. Battery performance analysis

3.6. Polysulfide retention studies
Fig. 7a shows comparison of Li-S battery cycling performance of
During the galvanostatic discharge, we observe two plateaus; S@BC, S@NBC-10, S@NBC-15 and S@NBC-20 respectively at 0.2 C
one at 2.4 V (upper plateau) and another at 2.1 V (lower plateau). rate up to 200 cycles. When compared to the pristine carbon, the N-
Theoretical capacities of these plateau are 419 mAh g1 (25%) and doped carbons show higher capacity retention and better
1256 mAh g1 (75%) respectively. The upper plateau corresponds to coulombic efficiency. At 0.2 C rate, the observed initial capacities of
polysulfide concentration and decrease in its length during cycling S@BC, S@NBC-10, S@NBC-15 and S@NBC-20 respectively are 821,
indicates capacity loss in the battery due to the dissolution of 890, 1001, 1169 and 1100 mAhg1 and the final capacities are 347,
higher order polysulfides. It is highly important to control higher 531, 672, 898 and 790 mAhg1 respectively. The lower capacity of
order polysulfide dissolution for better cyclability. Due to the non- S@BC sample is due to the nonpolar nature of carbon and poor
polar nature, the pristine bagasse carbon cannot hold high amount binding to polysulfides species formed during the electrochemical
sulfur, resulting in poor cycling capacity and faster polysulfide reaction. The electron donating nitrogen species enhances the
dissolution. It has been shown that chemical interaction between conductivity of the carbon matrix which in turn improves sulfur
the carbon host and polysulfide species will have better stability activity, leading to superior Li-S battery performance. Also, nitro-
than physical interactions [25,48]. The nitrogen doping will make gen acts as a Lewis base to interact with strong Lewis acids of ter-
the carbon matrix positively charged that can increase the poly- minal Li atoms in lithium polysulfides (LiSn Liþ … N) through
sulfide affinity. Introduction of nitrogen, renders a stable higher dipole-dipole interactions [49,50]. Which can decrease the poly-
order polysulfide capacity (Qhps) (Fig. 6a) which improves with sulfide dissolution, restrict polysulfides to the cathode side and
increase in N-doping. Fig. 6d show comparison of Qhps with thereby can impart improved cycling performance. Among all
respect to cycle numbers for pristine and N-doped carbon samples compositions, S@NBC-15 exhibit higher cycling stability and less
for 200 cycles. The initial Qhps for S@BC, S@NBC-10, S@NBC-15 and polarization specifying the optimum nitrogen doping in the carbon
S@NBC-20 are 280, 220, 318, 325 and 346 mAh g1 respectively and matrix. The corresponding elemental mappings of the Pristine and
after 200 cycles the obtained Qhps values are 102, 155, 235, 275 and after 200 cycles are shown in Fig. S8, S9 which shows sulfur is
250 mAh g1 respectively. The higher order polysulfide capacity distributed throughout the electrode which confirms redistribution
retention (Qhps) can be calculated as (Qhps)final cycle/(Qhps)initial of polysulfides. The comparison of capacity retention of S@BC,
cycle x 100. The Qhps retention for S@BC, S@NBC-10, S@NBC-15 and S@NBC-10, S@NBC-15 and S@NBC-20 are shown in Fig. 7b.
S@NBC-20 are 36.5, 70.5, 74, 85 and 72% respectively. These values Comparative all S@NBC-15 shows good capacity retention 77% after
indicate that the highest polysulfide capacity retentions is observed 200 cycles at 0.2C. The rate capability of the S@NBC-15 carbon
588 D.B. Babu, K. Ramesha / Carbon 144 (2019) 582e590

Fig. 7. (a, b) Comparison of cycling performance and respective capacity retentions of S@BC, S@NBC-5, S@NBC-10, S@NBC-15 and S@NBC-20 at 0.2C. (A colour version of this figure
can be viewed online.)

along with the discharge - charge profile at different rates are strategy not only increases sulfur loading but also retards poly-
shown in Fig. 8(a and b). As seen, a high initial capacity of 1280 mAh sulfide shuttle effect.
g1 is achieved at 0.1 C rate which indicates 77% of sulfur utilization. To evaluate the advantages of cathode stacking, Li-S cells con-
As the cycling rate varies from 0.1 C to 4 C, the battery delivers sisting two cathode layers were fabricated and their long term
capacities of 1127, 1120, 932, 722, 548, 454 mAh g1 at 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, cycling performance was evaluated (Fig. 9a). At 0.5 C rate, the cell
2, 3 and 4 C respectively, indicating excellent cell performance. containing two cathode layers of S@NBC-15 showed an initial
The high amount of sulfur loading is difficult with conventional discharge capacity of 1098 mAh g1 while the cell with two cathode
Li-S system and most of the cases it is limited to sulfur loadings layers of S@NBC-20 showed 1299 mAh g1 capacity. After 500 cy-
<2 mg cm2. This low sulfur loading limits the energy density of Li- cles the capacity obtained for the above mentioned cells are 682
S batteries. Though S@NBC-15 exhibits best performance, still the and 563 mAh g1. As shown in Fig. 9b, using two cathode layers in
maximum areal sulfur loading possible is 3.2 mg cm2. For practical the Li-S system, we could achieve higher areal capacity compared
applications it is necessary that the areal loading of sulfur to conventional Li-ion batteries. The initial areal capacity of S@NBC-
is > 6 mg cm2 [6]. Though good stability is observed for 15, S@ NBC-20 are 6.8, 8 mAh cm2 at 0.5 C rate. These capacities
3.2 mg cm2 sulfur loaded cathode, the areal density is less than are nearly double to the conventional lithium ion batteries. Further
conventional lithium ion batteries. However, it is common in Li-S we applied this layer by layer strategy to stack multiple layers of
batteries that higher sulfur loading causes serious polysulfide S@NBC-15 to increase sulfur loading from 3.2 to 12 mg cm2. With
dissolution. This inevitable polysulfide dissolution calls for various 2 layer, 3 layer and 4 layers, the initial areal densities obtained are
engineering strategies to improve both sulfur loading (energy 8.5, 11, 12 mAh cm2 whereas the areal density of conventional
density) and cyclability (capacity retention). To increase the areal lithium ion batteries is around 4 mAh cm2.
sulfur loading, we adopted the strategy of multiple cathode layer The comparison of present work with previous reported litera-
stacking. The advantage of this approach is that the porous CNT ture of bio-derived materials is shown in Fig. 9d the corresponding
paper which is used as the positive current collector will also act as references and cycling data is shown as numbers which are given in
a physical barrier to absorb the dissolved polysulfides from the supporting information Table S3. It can be recognized that present
previous layer. Also the conductive nature of the CNT reactivates work reports improved performance in terms of sulfur loading,
the non-conductive reaction product (Li2S) which has agglomer- capacity retention and cycle life.
ated on the electrode surface. This multiple cathode stacking

Fig. 8. (a,b) Charge-discharge profile of S@NBC-15 at various rate and corresponding capacities. (A colour version of this figure can be viewed online.)
D.B. Babu, K. Ramesha / Carbon 144 (2019) 582e590 589

Fig. 9. (a, b) long cycling performance of S@NBC-15 and S@NBC-20 and respective areal capacities (c) Areal capacities of S@NBC-15 with various sulfur loading (d) Comparison of
capacity retention data of the present work with literature reports. The reference numbers cited here are listed in the supplementary information. The numbers in the bracket
indicate sulfur loadings in mg cm2. (A colour version of this figure can be viewed online.)

4. Conclusion V). The authors thank the Central Instrumentation Facility, CSIR-
CECRI, Karaikudi for providing characterization facilities.
Bio waste bagasse is converted into carbon (BC) and further
converted into nitrogen doped carbon (NBC) using melamine as Appendix A. Supplementary data
nitrogen source. NBC were prepared with varying weight ratios of
BC: Melamine as 1:5, 1:10, 1:15 and 1:20. When BC: Melamine ratio Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
is 1:15, nitrogen doped graphene-like carbon sheets (NBC-15) are
obtained. Further, S@NBC cathodes were prepared by absorption of
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