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Effects of Using Blended Learning in relationship between student characteristic,

design features and outcomes


The teaching and learning environment is embracing a number of innovations and some of these involve
the use of technology through blended learning. This innovative pedagogical approach has been
embraced rapidly though it goes through a process. The introduction of blended learning (combination
of face-to-face and online teaching and learning) initiatives is part of these innovations but its uptake,
especially in the developing world faces challenges for it to be an effective innovation in teaching and
learning. Blended learning effectiveness has quite number of underlying factors that pose challenges.
One big challenge is about how users can successfully use the technology and ensuring participants’
commitment given the individual learner characteristics and encounters with technology (Hofmann,
2014). Hofmann adds that users getting into difficulties with technology may result into abandoning the
learning and eventually failure of technological applications.
This study is done in the context of a plan to undertake innovative pedagogy involving use of a learning
management system for the first time in teaching and learning in Bacoor Elementary School. The learner
characteristics/backgrounds being investigated for blended learning effectiveness include self-
regulation, computer competence, workload management, social and family support, attitude to
blended learning, gender and age. We investigate the blended learning design features of learner
interactions, face-to-face support, learning management system tools and technology quality while the
outcomes considered include satisfaction, performance, intrinsic motivation and knowledge
construction. Establishing the significant predictors of outcomes in blended learning will help to inform
planners of such learning environments. In order to put in place necessary groundwork preparations for
designing blended learning as an innovative pedagogical approach.

However, blended learning effectiveness may be dependent on many other factors and among them
student characteristics, design features and learning outcomes. Research shows that the failure of
learners to continue their online education in some cases has been due to family support or increased
workload leading to learner dropout as well as little time for study. Additionally, it is dependent on
learner interactions with instructors since failure to continue with online learning is attributed to this.
Family and peer support for learners is important for success in online and face-to-face learning. Support
is needed for learners from all areas in web-based courses and this may be from family, friends, co-
workers as well as peers in class. Greer, In further noted that peer encouragement assisted new learners
in computer use and applications. It also show that learners need time budgeting, appropriate
technology tools and support from friends and family in web-based courses. Peer support is required by
learners who have no or little knowledge of technology, especially computers, to help them overcome

1. What are the student characteristics and blended learning design features for an effective
blended learning environment?
2. Which factors (among the learner characteristics and blended learning design features) predict
student satisfaction, learning outcomes, intrinsic motivation and knowledge construction?


When looking at the research into blended learning in kindergarten through grade six, three
major themes emerge in terms of the effects:

● engagement

● achievement

● student perceptions.

Achievement and student perceptions are easily defined, but engagement is a trickier concept. While
there are many definitions of engagement, perhaps the simplest way to define it is “the time and energy
students devote to educationally sound activities. One problem with this definition, and with
engagement in general, is that it is difficult to measure. Most studies respond to this difficulty in one of
two ways: using researcher observations or measuring on-task behaviors. Among the blended learning
design features, only learner interaction was a significant factor to learner satisfaction and knowledge

The focus of the present study is on examining the effectiveness of blended learning taking into
consideration learner characteristics/background, blended learning design elements and learning
outcomes and how the former are significant predictors of blended learning effectiveness.

Apart from the learner variables such as gender, age, experience, study time as tackled before, this study
considers social and background aspects of the learners such as family and social support, self
regulation, attitudes towards blended learning and management of workload to find out their
relationship to blended learning effectiveness. Identifying the various types of learner variables with
regard to their relationship to blended learning effectiveness is important in this study as we embark on
innovative pedagogy with technology in teaching and learning.
Participants of the Study

Cluster sampling was used to select a total of 100 learners to participate in this study Out of the whole
population of students, in the schools.

Data Gathering Methods

The Experimental Group: The experimental group was given a module. The researcher explained to the
group the use of the module. They were allowed to study the material within 5 days at home, after
which the post-test was administered.

The Control Group: The control group was taught by the researcher in the an online way using the
google class. The content of the lesson is the same as that of the module. The lessons were taken for
five days (40 minutes per day), after which the post-test was administered to them

The Instrument

The end of semester results were used to measure learner performance. The online self-regulated
learning questionnaire (Barnard, Lan, To, Paton, & Lai, 2009) and the intrinsic motivation inventory (Deci
& Ryan, 1982) were applied to measure the constructs on self-regulation in the student characteristics
and motivation in the learning outcome constructs. Other self-developed instruments were used for the
other remaining variables of attitudes, computer competence, workload management, social and family
support, satisfaction, knowledge construction, technology quality, interactions, learning management
system tools and resources and face-to-face support

Data Analysis Plan

First, descriptive statistics was conducted. Shapiro-Wilk test was done to test normality of the data for it
to qualify for parametric tests. The test results for normality of our data before the t-test resulted into
significant levels (Male = .003, female = .000) thereby violating the normality assumption. We therefore
used the skewness and curtosis results which were between −1.0 and +1.0 and assumed distribution to
be sufficiently normal to qualify the data for a parametric test, (Pallant, 2010). An independent samples
t-test was done to find out the differences in male and female performance to explain the gender
characteristics in blended learning effectiveness. A one-way ANOVA between subjects was conducted to
establish the differences in performance between age groups. Finally, multiple regression analysis was
done between student variables and design elements with learning outcomes to determine the
significant predictors for blended learning effectiveness.


In planning to design and implement blended learning, we are mindful of the implications raised by this
study which is a planning evaluation research for the design and eventual implementation of blended
learning. Universities should be mindful of the interplay between the learner characteristics, design
features and learning outcomes which are indicators of blended learning effectiveness. From this
research, learners manifest high potential to take on blended learning more especially in regard to
learner self-regulation exhibited. Blended learning is meant to increase learners’ levels of knowledge
construction in order to create analytical skills in them. Learner ability to assess and critically evaluate
knowledge sources is hereby established in our findings. This can go a long way in producing skilled
learners who can be innovative graduates enough to satisfy employment demands through creativity
and innovativeness. Technology being less of a shock to students gives potential for blended learning
design. Universities and other institutions of learning should continue to emphasize blended learning
approaches through installation of learning management systems along with strong internet to enable
effective learning through technology, especially in the developing world.


On the basis of the findings and conclusions of this study, the following plans are the following:

1. Used more of a flipped model than a truly blended model because they sent most of the online
activities home as homework, though they did do some online work in class. The online activities also
tended to be video lectures and not as many interactive, higher order thinking activities. It is possible
that students would have achieved even higher gains if they had been exposed to more engaging online

2. Had a blended environment that needed work. They were comparing online learning to a blended
environment, but in the blended classroom, the instructor was still not present in the classroom.
Instead, a facilitator helped students and worked to keep them engaged.

3. The ability to self-direct and self-pace are incredibly important skills in today society and job market.
These are some of the skills that teachers and business leaders are hoping to prepare students to have,
so it is actually positive that students saw these skills as necessary for a blended learning classroom.

4. Ensure that all teachers are aware of the best practices in implementing blended learning. When
blended learning becomes too technology based and lacks the appropriate amount of teacher
interaction, students are less likely to be engaged.

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