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Present perfect tense quiz doc

The Present Perfect worksheet - Exercises By Viv Quarry ( Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense. 1. He_______________ (live) in London for two years and then _______________ (go) to Edinburgh. 2. When I left school I_______________ (cut) my hair and_______________ (wear) it short ever since. 3. My
brother_______________ (write) several plays. He_______________ (just/finish) his second tragedy. 4. I_______________ (not see) him for three years, I wonder where he is. 5. He_______________ (not smoke) for two weeks. He is trying to give up. 6. I_______________ (do) this sort of work when I_______________ (be) an apprentice. 7.
I_______________ (write) the letter but I can't find a stamp. 8. _______________ you_______________ (see) the moon last night? 9. The clock isn't slow, it_______________ (stop). 10. A: Who_______________ (you/vote) for in the last election? B: I_______________ (vote) for Mr. Pitt. A: He_______________ (not/be) elected, _______________ (be) he?
B: No, he_______________ (lose) his deposit. 11. A: _______________ (you/like) your last job? B: I_______________ (like) it at first but then I_______________ (quarrel) with my employer and he_______________ (dismiss) me. A: How long_______________ you there? B: I_______________ there for two weeks. 12. A: _______________ (Mary/feed)
the cat? B: Yes, she_______________ (feed) him before lunch. A: What_______________ (she/give) him? B: She_______________ (give) him some fish. 13. A: I_______________ (not see) your aunt recently. B: No, she_______________ (not be) out of the house since she_______________ (buy) her colour TV. 14. A: How_______________ (you/get)
that scar? B: I_______________ (got) it in a car accident a year ago. 15. She_______________ (say) she'd ring me this morning, but it's now 12.30 and she_______________ (not/ring) yet. 16. It_______________ (rain) for two hours and the ground is too wet to play on, so the match _______________ (be) postponed. 17. A: Why_______________
(you/make) such a horrible noise? B: I_______________ (lose) my key and I_______________ (try) to wake up my wife by throwing stones at her window. A: You_______________ (throw) stones at the wrong window. You live next door. 18. He_______________ (not/stop) since he arrived. 19. He_______________ (ride), that's why he's wearing a riding
hat. 20. A: How long_______________ (you/drive)? B: I_______________ (drive) for ten years. 21. _______________ (you/lock) the house before you left? 22. I can't go out because I_______________ (not/finish) my homework yet. 23. A: Where_______________ (you/be or go) B: I_______________ (be or go) to the dentist. A: _______________
(he/take) out your bad tooth? B: Yes, he_______________ . A: _______________ (it/hurt)? 24. I_______________ (ride) all the horses in this stable. 25. A: What_______________ (you/do)? B: We_______________ (pick) apples. A: How many_______________ (you/pick)? B: We_______________ (pick) ten basketfuls. 26. The car_______________
(make) a very funny noise ever since it _______________ (run out) of petrol. 27. Originally, horses used in bull fights_______________ (not/wear) any protection, but for some time now they_______________ (wear) special padding. 28. That pipe_______________ (leak) for ages. We must get it fixed. 29. A: _______________ (you/ever/try) to give up
smoking? B: Yes, I_______________ (try) last year, but then I_______________ (find) that I was getting fat so I_______________ (start) again. 30. A: _______________ (be) the plumber here yet? B: Yes, but he_______________ (only/stay) for an hour. A: What_______________ (he/do) in that time. B: He_______________ (turn off) the water
and_______________ (empty) the tank. Introduction to the present perfect When do I use the perfect tenses? Back to Grammar worksheets Home Index of contents Video: present perfect uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the
use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy.× › Cram Up › Tests › English Test on Present Perfect 1 Test your knowledge on the Present Perfect. After submitting your answers, you will see how well you have done in the test. a glass of water,1,action verbs,1,adjectives and adverbs,1,ambition,3,animals,7,animals birds,1,animals insects,1,animals
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appearances,3,design a pizza,3,determiners tests,1,diagnostic tree quiz,2,Dialogue completion: Making and responding to suggestions,1,Dialogue completion: Meeting each other,1,Dialogue completion: School life,1,Dialogue completion: Talking about past,1,Dialogue completion: Talking about people,1,Dialogue tests,5,do everyhing,1,do or make,1,do your
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vegetables,1,football,2,fredoom,1,freedom,1,friendship,6,fruits,1,fruits of labour,1,funny business,1,future,1,future continuous tense,1,future continuous tense tests,1,future forms,5,future forms tests,5,games,14,genious,1,go against the grain,1,go to pot,1,going to for future,4,going to tests,4,grammar games,5,grammar posters,4,grammar video
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pronouns tests,1,inspiration,2,irregular verbs worksheets,3,jeopardy,3,job,1,jobs,1,kitchen equipment,1,knowladge,1,knowledge,1,learn with pictures,41,learner,1,Lemon tree,1,lessons,38,life,10,live,1,lonely,2,look,1,lose / save face,1,love,1,madness,1,Making and responding an offer / invitation,1,making apologies,1,melancholy,1,memory
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tests,1,occupations,1,opportunities,1,passive tests,2,passives,4,past continuous,10,past continuous tests,8,past passive,3,past perfect tense,2,past perfect tense tests,2,past simple,35,Past simple tests,25,people,1,personal care vocabulary,1,personality,5,perspiration,1,phobias,1,phrasal verbs,18,picture dictionary,1,possessive adjectives,6,possessive
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tests,1,question words,2,quickmark data matrix reader,1,Quotes with pictures,55,reading,2,reading comprehension,6,reading comprehension tests,2,reading dates worksheets,1,reading materials,40,reading materials with exercises,23,reading worksheets,19,reality,2,regular -irregular verbs,4,relative pronouns,3,relative pronouns tests,1,run,1,saying
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neither,2,so - neither tests,1,so - such,1,so - such tests,1,some and any,2,some and any tests,1,song,3,sorrow,2,space destroyer,1,sports,3,stick,1,subject pronouns,5,success,1,sunrise,1,superlative adjectives worksheets,1,superlative tests,3,superlatives,8,talking about a landscape,1,talking about interests,1,talking about people,1,telling the time
worksheets,2,tests,159,The ant and the dove,1,the ant and the fly,1,the boy and the apple tree,1,the boy who cried wolf,1,The camel,1,the camel and the jackal,1,The cock and the jewel,1,the donkey and the dog,1,the eyes of love,1,The farmer and his sons,1,the foolish donkey,1,the foolish wolf's flute,1,the fox and the grapes,2,the fox and the stork,1,the
horse who wanted safety,1,the hunter and the dog,1,the jackal and the crow,1,the king and the spider,1,the king cobra and the ants,1,the monkey and the cats,1,the old man and the cat,1,The proud rose,1,The slave and the lion,1,the strong and the weak,1,the thirsty crow,1,the true person,1,the truthful woodcutter,1,the weather,1,The wind and the Sun,1,the
world,1,there is - there are,8,there is - there are tests,4,there is there are worksheets,3,this-these,2,time in English,5,time in English tests,2,to be,9,to be able to,3,to be able to tests,2,to be in present,4,to be tests,5,too & enough,3,transportation,1,Trouble with Mr. Bean,1,true wealth,1,TV programmes,1,two friends,1,uncountable nouns,1,Unity is
strength,1,verbs,3,Verbs + -ing / to tests,1,video,8,video lessons,5,videoworksheet,6,vocabulary activities,3,vocabulary games,10,Vocabulary posters,8,vocabulary quizzes,2,vocabulary worksheets,6,wait,1,wallpaper,1,was - were worksheets,2,was -were,5,wash,1,wear,1,What does the fox say?,1,What's for dinner?,1,who is the happiest?,2,will,3,will
tests,2,wisdom,3,Wonderful tonight,1,word order,1,Word search puzzle,1,wordsearch,2,working,2,worksheets,55,Worksheets about sports,2,write,1,you,1,zodiac signs,1,

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