SRPC 2019 Paper 29

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Upgradation study of low grade Magnetite Iron ore from Bajaur Agency through gravity and magnetic


Aftab Khan Nisar Mohammad

Department of Mining Engineering, University of Assistant Professor
Engineering & Technology Department of Mining Engineering, University of
Peshawar, Pakistan Engineering & Technology
Email: [email protected] Peshawar, Pakistan
Email: [email protected]
Iron is a non-renewable natural resource. The high tons[2]. The total crude iron ore in the world are
grade deposits of iron are rapidly depleting and only estimated to be more than 800 billion tons which
low grade deposits are left there. About 1.3 billion contain more than 230 billion tons of iron. [3, 4] To
tons of iron is mined per annum to produce meet the industrial requirement, huge amount of iron
approximately 1 billion tons of steel worldwide. So it ore is mined annually. This has led to the depletion
is the need of hour to utilize the low grade iron ore of high grade deposits and only low grade deposits
deposit in order to fulfil the demand of steel industry. are currently available to meet the future market
The specification of iron ore for Steel Industry is (57- demands. The rate of depletion of high grade ore is so
60) % Fe (min), 8.5% SiO2 (max), 0.5% Al2O3 (max), high that middling and tailings of yesterday are
0.1% P. The Magnetite iron ore sample collected supposed to be the feed of today’s plant. Therefore
from Bajaur agency has a total of 28.9% Fe. Samples iron ores are beneficiated by different techniques to
were collected from the exposed outcrop. concentrate the iron content and reduce the amount of
Characterization of the ore was carried out by thin gangues so that the product can be used as feed for
section study and XRD analysis. The chemical steel industry.
analysis of the raw sample revealed that the ore Iron ores may have different composition of iron and
contain iron (Fe2O3) 40%, Silica 15.2%, CaO 25% other impurities like silica, alumina, lime and
and Alumina 7.6%, Magnesium oxide (MgO) 2.38%. magnesia as well as varying proportion of other
Thin section study shows that the rock is composed compounds such as Ni, S, Mn, P, Zn, Cu, Ti, Cr
mainly of calcite grains along with the inclusions of etc.[5]. At least 25% of iron (Fe) should be there in a
silica and alumina. The iron ore is medium grained deposit in order to consider it to be economical
mostly composed of magnetite. XRD analysis was deposit. However this can be lower than 25% if a
used to confirm the result. deposit is in large quantity and concentration and
Due to sufficient difference in the specific gravity transportation is possible at low cost. [6, 7]
and magnetic susceptibility of valuable and gangue Iron ores required for steel plants must have a high
minerals shaking table followed by magnetic content of iron and minimum content of gangue
separator was used for its upgradation. The minerals. Steel Industry of Pakistan is the largest
parameters of shaking table were varied and consumer of iron ore which has production of about
optimized for optimum grade and recovery. It was 1.1 million tons per year and has requirement of
found that the optimum grinding time is 40 minutes, about 1.8 million tons of iron per year to meet the
tilt angle is 5 degrees and flow of water is 4 liters per production targets. The specification of iron ore
minutes. The shaking table could produce a required for Steel Industry Karachi, is 57-60% Fe,
concentrate of 52% Fe with a recovery of 72%. It was maximum 8.5% silica and 3.75% alumina along with
passed from the magnetic separator which produced 0.1% phosphorous. [8] The reserves of good quality
an iron concentrate of assay 64.5 %Fe. iron are rapidly decreasing. So it is the need of hour
1. Introduction to utilize the low grade iron ore deposit to fulfil the
need of modern industrialization. [9]
Iron is mainly used for the production of steel Different types of separation techniques are available
worldwide. Compared to other metals, iron has low and are utilized by different researchers worldwide to
price and good mechanical properties due to which it upgrade different types of iron ores having different
has high consumption. Iron ore is mainly used as feed mineralogical and chemical composition. These
for iron and steel making and it is accounting for techniques include Scrubbers (Attrition & Drum),
98% globally of all the iron mined.[1] Iron ore Heavy media separation & jig, Teeter Bed Separator,
production in 2000 was 969 million tons. It has Centrifugal concentrator, flotation, gravity
increased in the following years and in 2015, the separation, magnetic separation and pelletisation and
production of iron reached up to 2280 million Roasting etc.[10] Iron ore from the different mines
may look the same but its response to beneficiation carried out by XRD analysis and thin sections to
technique may be different. This is because different study the mineral composition. Thin Sections were
iron ores have different mineralogical characteristics. prepared in the department of Geology, university of
Based on this it requires unique beneficiation process Peshawar and studied at National Centre of
followed by metallurgical process to get the required Excellence in Geology, UoP. The presence of various
product at lesser cost. So the selection of a specific minerals was confirmed by XRD.
beneficiation process is dependent upon the nature of The raw ore sample was crushed by using laboratory
ore and associated gangue minerals.[10] jaw crusher in order to reduce the size. The feed size
Literature suggests that for different type of iron ore, of the sample was 4 to 5 inches and the product size
a separate beneficiation technique should be used of the crusher contains ¼ inch material. The sample
keeping in view the nature and association of gangue collected from the jaw crusher was grinded in the rod
minerals with the valuable iron minerals. Sunati et. mill Model D.R, AMDEL Australia, Sr. No BRD –
al. worked on the iron ore having Fe content of about 104, in MTL.
58.13%. The amount of silica and alumina are 6.4% Sieve analysis was carried out to find out the
and 4.9% respectively. Hydro cyclone and wet high percentage of Fe at different size range. Sieve set
intensity magnetic separator was used to upgrade the comprises of the course size sieve was 250 micron
ore[11]. Swagat et al. worked on the complex iron and the fine size sieve was 45 micron. At the bottom
ore having 57% Fe from India. The ore is having fine of the sieve nest, a pan was placed to collect the
dispersion of silica particles. The study revealed that fines. The sieves were shaken during each time for 15
upgradation is possible through reduction roasting minutes by using an electric sieve shaker, Model
followed by magnetic separation.[12] Ahmed et al. ACTAGON 200, UK.
worked on the iron ore is having 36% Fe and 48% After grinding the sample in the rod mill, shaking
silica respectively. Due to gravity difference and table was used to separates the heavy iron particles
magnetic susceptibility of iron and gangues minerals, from the light gangue particles. Each time 200 gram
gravity separation followed by magnetic separation sample would pass from the shaking table. Finally the
was used for the upgradation. The results showed that concentrate of shaking table was passed from the
64% Fe at the recovery of 72% was achieved at magnetic separator to further upgrade the product to
optimum grinding to 150 micron. [13] Ishaque Abro
the required grade. For that purpose, each time 50 gm
et al. worked on the Dilband iron ore Pakistan having
of sample from the concentrate of shaking table was
intergrown structure and 39% Fe. The study revealed
that liberation size of iron is below 45 micron and passed from the magnetic separator which gave two
upgradation is possible by using selective products i.e. concentrate and tailing. Separate
flocculation technique. [14] chemical analysis was carried out for each
In the current research study, an attempt was made to concentrate and tailings to find the content of Fe and
beneficiate the Magnetite iron ore deposit, Anjokai other gangue minerals in them. Grade and recovery
area, Bajaur agency to the required grade of steel was calculated for all the products.
industry. By varying the parameters of beneficiation
3. Results and Discussion
process optimum parameter values were determined
to attain required grade and recovery. Since there is Mineralogy of the ore
sufficient difference between the specific gravity of It was found from the mineralogical study that the
iron and the associated gangue minerals so gravity iron ore is composed of magnetite, calcite, quartz,
separation is suggested for the upgradation of iron kaolin and feldspar. The magnetite is the major iron
ore. Also the magnetic susceptibility of iron and bearing constituent while calcite is the major gangue
associated gangue minerals suggested the use of mineral. Under optical microscope it was observed
magnetic separation on the concentrate of gravity that the host rock is composed mainly of calcite. The
separation. calcite grains also contain quartz inclusions.
Inclusion of chlorite is also observed. Grains are
2. Material and Methodology angular to sub rounded. The study also revealed that
iron ore is medium grained.
About 60 kg iron ore sample was collected from the
Anjokai Area of Tehsil Barang, Bajaur agency with
the help of FATA Development Authority Peshawar.
The chemical analysis of the raw sample was carried
out in the Mineral Testing Laboratory (MTL), Hayat
Abad Peshawar. Characterization of the ore was
Recovery Grade

Grade and Recovery





0 20 40 60
Grinding Time (minutes)

Figure 1 Thin Section view Figure 2 Effect of Grinding on Grade and

Chemical analysis
Table 1 presents the chemical analysis of the ore used b. Effect of Shaking table Tilt Angle
in this research work. The iron content in the ore is The figure 3 shows the effect of table inclination on
very low as compared to the required industrial the grade and recovery of shaking table concentrate.
grade. The major gangue minerals are SiO2 and It was found that the grade of Fe in the concentrate of
Al2O3 in the range of 15.2% and 7.6% respectively. shaking table increased with increasing the table tilt
4. Gravity separation angle. This is due to the fact that increasing the tilt
angle helps in the flow of particles towards the
Gravity separation was applied for the concentration gangue collection side of the shaking table. So most
of Magnetite iron ore as sufficient difference in the the gangue particles flowed out towards the gangue
specific gravity existed. The results are presented collection side with increasing the table tilt angle
below. results an increase in the grade of Fe. The recovery of
a. Effect of grinding Fe in the concentrate of shaking table decreased with
increasing the tilt angle. This decrease in the recovery
The figure 2 shows the effect of grinding on the is because of the fact that increasing slope on a
grade and recovery of shaking table concentrate. The surface causes the acceleration of both valuable as
grade of Fe in the concentrate is increasing as the well as gangue particles. So as the slope increases,
grinding time is increased. And at a grinding time of more particles tends to flow down with water toward
45 minutes it finally reaches to 54 % Fe. This is due tailings. So the result is that the weight of the
to the fact that grinding caused the Fe liberation concentrate starts decreasing with increasing the tilt
which is recovered in the concentrate. On the other angle. Since recovery is directly dependent up on the
hand, recovery of iron in the concentrate of shaking weight of the concentrate and grade of the
table is decreasing as the grinding is increased. This concentrate. So a decrease in the weight of
is because grinding causes size reduction of particles concentrate results in the decrease of recovery. At the
which flow out with flowing water on the surface of tilt angle of 5, 6 and 7 degrees, no sufficient increase
shaking table and lost in tailings. The recovery drop in the grade of Fe is observed but at the same time a
is very high at grinding time of 45 minutes. So for the sufficient decrease in the recovery is observed at this
Magnetite iron ore, the optimum grinding time is 40 point. So increasing the tilt angle further beyond 5
minutes in the rod mill which gives a shaking table degrees, there is no noticeable positive effect on the
concentrate of 52% Fe at a recovery of 72.9%. grade of the Fe. Instead, it causes a decrease in the
recovery of Fe. So it is concluded that the tilt angle of
5 degree is the optimum angle of inclination for the
grade and recovery of Magnetite iron ore through
gravity separation technique.
5. Result of Magnetic Separator
Effect of Tilt angle on Recovery
Magnetic separator was used to further upgrade the
100 Recovery Grade concentrate of shaking table. The concentrate resulted
from shaking table by varying its parameters was
80 passed from the magnetic separator. The results are

60 presented here.

40 a. Cleaning of shaking table concentrate of

differential grinding by magnetic separator
20 The concentrate of shaking table by varying the
grinding time of the feed in the rod mill increased the
Fe content ranging from 45.1% Fe at grinding time of
0 2 Tilt angle4(Degrees) 6 8 15 minutes to 54% Fe at grinding time of 45 minutes.
Figure 3 Effect of Tilt angle on grade and This concentrate was passed from the magnetic
recovery separator which further increased the Fe content in
the final product as shown in table 5. This increase is
c. Effect of Flow of Water due to the fact of liberation of iron particles from the
It is observed from the figure 4 that increasing the associated gangue minerals of silica, alumina etc.
rate of flow of water results an increase in the grade Effective grinding helps to efficiently separate the
of Fe. This is because the running water flushes the valuable minerals from the gangues. So grinding the
mineral grains with itself. Since, the grains of silica, sample for optimum time in the rod mill is necessary
alumina and related gangue minerals are lighter than to effectively upgrade the sample. If the sample is not
the associated Fe, so they were flushed out with the grinded properly, it may contain the gangue minerals
water resulted an increase in the grade of Fe in interlocked with the valuable minerals which will
concentrate. On the other hand increase in the rate of reduce the overall efficiency of the process in term of
flow of water has also a negative effect on the grade and recovery. However, if the sample is
recovery of Fe. This is because increasing the flow of grinded for more than the required time of grinding,
water flushes the valuable mineral grains with itself it will cause to produce slimes in the product. Slimes
which reduces the amount of concentrate. Since have negative effect and reduce the recovery of the
recovery is dependent on the mass and grade of process because valuable mineral is lost in the
concentrate, so if the mass of the concentrate is tailings. Hence optimum grinding time is required for
decreased, it will cause the decrease in the recovery a sample to upgrade it properly by shaking table and
of Fe. Studying the combined effect of rate of flow of magnetic separator.
water on the grade and recovery of Fe, it is concluded
that the flow rate of 4 liters per minute is the b. Cleaning of shaking table concentrate of
optimum flow rate. Because further increasing the differential tilt angle by magnetic separator
flow rate does not much improve the grade of Fe but Slope of the table has also an important effect on the
reduce the recovery. grade and recovery of Fe in the final concentrate. The
increase of tilt angle has positive effect on the grade
Effect of Water Flow on Recovery of the Fe in the final product. This is because
Recovery Grade increasing the inclination of the table 3 causes the
particles to move down with ease towards the tailings
80 collection point and hence is removed easily from the
valuable minerals. It was concluded from the current

60 study that table tilt angle of 5 degrees is an optimum

tilt angle. The results are presented in the table 2.
c. Cleaning of shaking table concentrate of
differential Water Flow by magnetic
0 separator
0 2 4 6 Flow of water on the table has also an important
Water Flow (liter/min) effect on both the grade and recovery of Fe in the
final concentrate. Flow of water through the table has
Figure 4 Effect of water flow on grade and positive effect on the grade of Fe. Increasing the
recovery quantity of water through the surface of the table
increases the flow rate of the slurry on table surface
which helps to separate effectively the gangue results in huge foreign exchange. So it is
minerals from the valuable minerals. So the grade of recommended that local low grade iron ores should
the final concentrate increases with the increase of be upgraded and used in the steel mill. Processing
flow rate of water through table surface. plant may be installed at the site to process the ore
So flow of water has an important effect on both and the concentrate can then be easily transported to
grade and recovery of Fe in the final concentrate as Steel Industry Karachi. So in this way local iron ore
shown in table 4. If the flow of water is high, the can be used in which will save foreign exchange and
grade will be high and recovery will be low. On the will help to increase GDP.
other hand, if the flow of water is low, recovery will
be high but grade will be low. So an optimum flow References
rate is necessary for the optimum grade and recovery.
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6. Conclusions Beneficiation of Ores and Minerals.
Technical Resource Document, Iron,,
The conclusions which are drawn from the 1994. 3.
characterization and beneficiation studies of
Magnetite iron ore are given below. 2. National Minerals Information Center,
Characterization of the Magnetite iron ore by thin U.G.S., Global iron ore production data;
section study revealed that the ore is mainly Clarification of reporting from the USGS.
composed of magnetite and the associated impurities FEBRUARY 2017.
are silica, alumina and calcium oxide. Their presence 3. Webb, Iron Mining and Processing.
was confirmed by XRD analysis. Literature survey Mining and Mineral processing
reveals that various beneficiation techniques are
available to upgrade low grade iron ore to the AngloAmerican, 22 June 2008.
required grade of steel industry depending upon the 4. USGS, Iron Ore. 2019, US Geological
composition of ore and nature of association of Survey.
gangue minerals. Based on the considerable 5. H. Purwanto, B.J., R. Takahashi, and J.
difference in the specific gravity and magnetic Yagi, Recovery of magnetite from
susceptibility of the valuable iron mineral and the leached laterite-residue by magnetic
associated gangue minerals, gravity separation
followed by magnetic separation was suggested for separation. ISIJ International, 2003. 43.
the upgradation of Magnetite iron ore. 6. Maranga, A.K.B.a.S.M., Considerations
Shaking table was used to upgrade the ore and its for Beneficiation of Low Grade Iron Ore
parameters such as feed size, tilt angle and flow of for Steel Making in Kenya. Proceedings
water were varied to obtain optimum grade and of the 2012 Mechanical Engineering
recovery. It was found that an optimum grade and Conference on Sustainable Research
recovery was obtained at grinding time of 40
minutes, shaking table tilt angle of 5 degrees and and Innovation, 3rd-4th May 2012,
water flow of 4 liters per minute. Passing the 2012. 4.
concentrate of the shaking table from magnetic 7. Weiss, N.L., (editor), SME Mineral
separator produced a concentrate of 64.5% Fe with Processing Handbook, Volumes 1 and 2.
optimum recovery. Hence it is concluded that the Society of Mining Engineers of the
shaking table followed by magnetic separator is American Institute of Mining,
suitable beneficiation technique for the upgradation
of Magnetite iron ore. Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers,
Inc. New York, New York. SME Mineral
7. Future Recommendations Processing Handbook, 1985. 1&2.
8. Muammad Ishaque Abro, D.A.H.M.,
Based on the results of the current research work it is Abdul Ghani Pathan, mont. Andreas
recommended that Magnetite iron ore could be easily Böhm, Mineralogical Characterization
upgraded to the required grade of steel industry. So it
is recommended that pilot scale work should be
of Dilband Iron Ore Deposits of
carried out on the deposit of Magnetite iron ore to Balochistan, Pakistan. BHM, 153. Jg.
make it suitable to be used as feed for steel industry. (2008), Heft 6, 2008.
Steel Industry imports iron ore from the other 9. Pakistan_Steel_Mill, Local Iron ore
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Selective Flocculation of Dilband Iron

Table 1- Chemical analysis of iron ore
Constituent Fe3O CaO SiO2 Al2O3 MnO2 MgO

% 40 25 15.2 7.6 0.36 4.38


Table 2- Cleaning of shaking table concentrate of differential grinding by magnetic separator

Grinding Time Variation

Recovery %
Grinding Feed Concentrate Tailings
Time wt wt Assay wt
S.No (minutes) Assay% (gm) (gm) % (gm) Fe %

1.0 15.0 45.1 50.0 33.0 57.2 17.0 19.0 68.70

2.0 20.0 46.2 50.0 33.5 58.0 16.5 18.0 67.41

3.0 25.0 47.5 50.0 34.0 59.0 16.0 16.4 65.50

4.0 30.0 48.2 50.0 34.8 62.0 15.2 15.7 67.00

5.0 35.0 49.5 50.0 35.5 63.0 14.0 14.5 65.42

6.0 40.0 52.0 50.0 37.5 64.5 12.5 13.2 66.64

7.0 45.0 54.0 50.0 37.2 65.0 12.8 14.0 55.93

Table 3- Cleaning of shaking table concentrate of differential tilt angle by magnetic separator

Slope Angle Variation

Feed Concentrate Tailings Recovery %
Slope Assay wt wt Assay wt Assay
S.No (degree) % (gm) (gm) % (gm) %
1.0 3.0 42.0 50.0 38.5 51.5 11.5 9.0 78.23
2.0 4.0 46.6 50.0 37.3 58.7 12.7 10.5 70.90
3.0 5.0 51.0 50.0 36.8 64.2 13.2 11.6 67.18
4.0 6.0 51.2 50.0 35.5 64.4 14.5 14.3 59.88
5.0 7.0 51.3 50.0 34.5 64.7 15.5 15.4 53.15

Table 4- Cleaning of shaking table concentrate of differential Water Flow by magnetic separator

Flow of Water variation

Feed Concentrate Tailings Recovery %
Water flow Assay wt wt Assay wt Assay
S.No (liter/min) % (gm) (gm) % (gm) %
1.0 2.0 43.3 50.0 39.8 51.4 10.2 9.6 75.64
2.0 3.0 48.2 50.0 37.4 59.8 13.0 11.0 71.74
3.0 4.0 51.3 50.0 36.5 64.3 12.5 12.0 64.90
4.0 5.0 51.8 50.0 35.6 64.6 14.4 14.4 56.71

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