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The Doctrine Smart Book is a concise collection of Army doctrine summaries
that reflects current approved doctrine and is prepared by the Combined
Arms Center at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Part one of the Doctrine Smart
Book provides a visual representation of the Army’s doctrinal hierarchy and
its corresponding joint doctrine. It illustrates the hierarchy of Army doctrine
publications (ADPs) and Army doctrine reference publications (ADRPs). It
then illustrates the hierarchy as it applies to the Army’s field manuals (FMs).
The remaining hierarchy details publications—including FMs and Army
techniques publications (ATPs)—by decisive action, types of operations,
warfighting functions, and centers of excellence. Part two of the Doctrine
Smart Book consists of one-page synopses of each current approved ADP,
ADRP, and FM. The first five publications listed are those approved by the
Chief of Staff of the Army. Each synopsis contains the characteristics,
fundamentals, terms, and ideas as they are discussed in each publication.
Part three of the Doctrine Smart Book contains three additional visual
references: decisive action in support of unified land operations, the military
decisionmaking process, and Army command and support relationships.
The principal audience for the Doctrine Smart Book is all readers of
doctrine—military, civilian, and contractor.
The Doctrine Smart Book uses Department of Defense terms where
The preparing agency is the Combined Arms Doctrine Directorate, United
States Army Combined Arms Center. Send questions, comments, and
recommendations to Commander, U.S. Army Combined Arms Center and
Fort Leavenworth, ATTN: ATZL-MCD (Doctrine Smart Book), 300
McPherson Avenue, Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027-2337 or by e-mail to
[email protected].

Release of this information does not imply any commitment or intent

on the part of the U.S. government to provide any additional
information on any topic presented herein. This briefing is provided
with the understanding that the recipient government will make
similar information available to the U.S. government upon request.

Further dissemination is only as directed by CAC, CADD, or higher

authority. This determination was made on 11 January 2018.
Doctrine Smart Book
16 January 2018

Part One: Doctrine Hierarchy .......................................................................................... 5
General hierarchy ................................................................................................ 6
ADPs and ADRPs ............................................................................................... 7
FMs ..................................................................................................................... 8
Decisive Action .................................................................................................... 9
Types of Operations .......................................................................................... 10
Mission Command ............................................................................................. 11
Maneuver .......................................................................................................... 12
Intelligence ........................................................................................................ 13
Fires .................................................................................................................. 14
Protection .......................................................................................................... 15
Maneuver Support Center of Excellence ........................................................... 16
Sustainment Transportation and Ordnance ....................................................... 17
Sustainment Quartermaster and Logistics ......................................................... 18
Sustainment Personnel and Health Services ..................................................... 19
Cyber ................................................................................................................ 20
Special Operations ............................................................................................ 21
Air Land Sea Application Center (ALSA) ........................................................... 22
Space & Global Ballistic Missile Defense........................................................... 23
Miscellaneous.................................................................................................... 24
Part Two: Doctrine Summaries ..................................................................................... 25
ADP 1, The Army .............................................................................................. 26
ADRP 1, The Army Profession .......................................................................... 27
ADP 3-0 / ADRP 3-0, Operations....................................................................... 28
ADP 6-22 / ADRP 6-22, Army Leadership ......................................................... 29
ADP 7-0 / ADRP 7-0, Training Units and Developing Leaders ........................... 30
ADP 1-01, Doctrine Primer ................................................................................ 31
ADP 1-02 / ADRP 1-02, Terms and Military Symbols ........................................ 32

ADRP 1-03, The Army Universal Task List ........................................................ 33
ADP 2-0 / ADRP 2-0, Intelligence ...................................................................... 34
ADP 3-05 / ADRP 3-05, Special Operations ...................................................... 35
ADP 3-07 / ADRP 3-07, Stability........................................................................ 36
ADP 3-09 / ADRP 3-09, Fires ............................................................................ 37
ADP 3-28 / ADRP 3-28, Defense Support of Civil Authorities ............................ 38
ADP 3-37 / ADRP 3-37, Protection .................................................................... 39
ADP 3-90 / ADRP 3-90, Offense and Defense................................................... 40
ADP 4-0 / ADRP 4-0, Sustainment .................................................................... 41
ADP 5-0 / ADRP 5-0, The Operations Process .................................................. 42
ADP 6-0 / ADRP 6-0, Mission Command........................................................... 43
FM 1-0, Human Resources Support .................................................................. 44
FM 1-04, Legal Support to the Operational Army............................................... 45
FM 1-05, Religious Support ............................................................................... 46
FM 1-06, Financial Management Operations ..................................................... 47
FM 2-0, Intelligence Operations ......................................................................... 48
FM 2-22.3, HUMINT Collector Operations ......................................................... 49
FM 3-0, Operations............................................................................................ 50
FM 3-01, U.S. Air and Missile Defense Operations ............................................ 51
FM 3-04, Army Aviation ..................................................................................... 52
FM 3-05, Army Special Operations .................................................................... 53
FM 3-07, Stability .............................................................................................. 54
FM 3-09, Field Artillery Operations and Fire Support ......................................... 55
FM 3-11, Multi-Service Doctrine for CBRN Operations ...................................... 56
FM 3-12, Cyberspace and Electronic Warfare Operations ................................. 57
FM 3-13, Information Operations ....................................................................... 58
FM 3-14, Army Space Operations ..................................................................... 59
FM 3-16, The Army in Multinational Operations ................................................. 60
FM 3-18, Special Forces Operations ................................................................. 61
FM 3-22, Army Support to Security Cooperation ............................................... 62
FM 3-24, Insurgencies and Countering Insurgencies ......................................... 63
FM 3-27, Army Global Ballistic Missile Defense Operations .............................. 64
FM 3-34, Engineer Operations .......................................................................... 65

FM 3-39, Military Police Operations ................................................................... 66
FM 3-50, Army Personnel Recovery .................................................................. 67
FM 3-52, Airspace Control ................................................................................. 68
FM 3-53, Military Information Support Operations ............................................. 69
FM 3-55, Information Collection ......................................................................... 70
FM 3-57, Civil Affairs Operations ....................................................................... 71
FM 3-61, Public Affairs Operations .................................................................... 72
FM 3-63, Detainee Operations .......................................................................... 73
FM 3-81, Maneuver Enhancement Brigade ....................................................... 74
FM 3-90-1, Offense and Defense ...................................................................... 75
FM 3-90-2, Reconnaissance, Security, and Tactical Enabling Tasks ................. 76
FM 3-94, Theater Army, Corps, and Division Operations ................................... 77
FM 3-96, Brigade Combat Team ....................................................................... 78
FM 3-98, Reconnaissance and Security Operations .......................................... 79
FM 3-99, Airborne and Air Assault Operations................................................... 80
FM 4-01, Army Transportation Operations ......................................................... 81
FM 4-02, Army Health System ........................................................................... 82
FM 4-30, Ordnance Operations ......................................................................... 83
FM 4-40, Quartermaster Operations .................................................................. 84
FM 4-95, Logistics Operations ........................................................................... 85
FM 6-0, Commander and Staff Organization and Operations ............................ 86
FM 6-02, Signal Support to Operations.............................................................. 87
FM 6-05, Conventional Forces and Special Operations Forces Integration,
Interoperability, and Interdependence .......................................................... 88
FM 6-22, Leader Development .......................................................................... 89
FM 6-99, U.S. Army Report and Message Formats ........................................... 90
FM 7-0, Train to Win in a Complex World .......................................................... 91
FM 7-22, Army Physical Readiness Training ..................................................... 92
Army Techniques Publications .......................................................................... 93
Part Three: Additional References ................................................................................ 99
Decisive action in support of unified land operations ....................................... 100
The military decisionmaking process ............................................................... 101
Army command and support relationships ....................................................... 102

Part One:
General hierarchy
ADPs and ADRPs
Decisive Action
Types of Operations
Mission Command
Maneuver Support Center of Excellence
Sustainment Transportation and Ordnance
Sustainment Quartermaster and Logistics
Sustainment Personnel and Health Services
Special Operations
Air Land Sea Application Center (ALSA)
Space & Global Ballistic Missile Defense

Army Doctrine Hierarchy

• Shows higher to lower relationship

• ADP 1 and ADP 3-0 are capstone
• ADPs – Contain overarching
fundamental principles

• ADRPs – Contain more details on
principles contained in ADPs
• FMs – Contain tactics and
• ATPs – Contain techniques

JP 1
ADPs and ADRPs
for 1 ADP 1-01
the Armed
Forces of the
The Army
United States Doctrine
ADRP 1 Primer

The Army

JP 3-0

ADP 6-22 Joint

ADP 3-0 ADP 7-0
ADRP 6-22
Army ADRP 3-0 ADRP 7-0
Leadership TBD
Army Operations
Leadership Units and


JP 3-07 JP 3-28

ADP 3-90 ADP 3-07 ADP 3-28 JointADP 5-0 (Joint
Joint Defense ADP 1-02 ADRP 1-03
Stability Support of
Defense Planning
Operationa Task List)
ADRP 3-90 ADRP 3-07
Operations Civil ADRP 5-0 ADRP 1-02
Offense Stability Support
Authorities The l Terms The Army
and Defense
Civil Operations and Universal
Defense Stability Support of
Authorities The
Process Terms and
Military Task List
and Civil Operations Military
Defense Authorities Process Symbols

Decisive Action References

JP 2-0 JP 4-0 JP 3-09 JP 3-31 JP 3-05

ADP 2-0
Joint ADP 4-0
Joint ADP 3-37 ADP
Joint Fire3-09 ADP 6-0
Command ADP 3-05
Intelligence Logistics Support and Control Special
ADRP 2-0 ADRP 4-0 ADRP 3-37 ADRP 3-09 of Joint
ADRP 6-0 Operations
ADRP 3-05
Intelligenc Sustainme Protection Fires Mission
Land Special
e nt Operations
Command Operations
Intelligence Sustainment Protection Fires Mission Special
Command Operations

Warfighting Functions Legend

Not Published
Published (Joint)
FM 3-07 FM 3-90-1 FM 3-90-2 FM 3-0 FM 3-81 FM 3-94 FM 7-22
Stability Offense and Recon, Maneuver Army
Operations Enhancement Army,
Defense Security, Corps, and Physical
and Tactical Brigade Readiness
Enabling Operations Training

Decisive Action FM 3-96 FM 3-98 Special

Brigade Recon and
FM 6-0 FM 6-22 FM 6-27 FM 6-99 FM 7-0 Combat Team Security
Commander Leader The Law of U.S. Army Train to Win
and Staff Development Land Report and in a
Organization Warfare Message Complex
and Formats World
Operations Under review at Other Echelons

Reference Publications
FM 1-0 FM 1-04 FM 1-05 FM 1-06 FM 2-0 FM 3-01 FM 3-04 FM 3-09 FM 3-11 FM 3-12 FM 3-18
U.S. Army
Human Legal Religious Financial Intelligence Air and Army Field CBRN Cyberspace Special
Resources Support to Support Management Operations Missile Aviation Artillery Operations and Forces

Support the Operations Defense Operations Electronic Operations
Operational Operations and Fire Multi-Service Warfare
Army Publication
Support Operations

FM 3-34 FM 3-39 FM 3-53 FM 3-57 FM 3-61 FM 4-01 FM 4-02 FM 4-30 FM 4-40 FM 6-02

Engineer Military Military Civil Affairs Public Army Army Health Ordnance Quartermaster Signal
Operations Police Information Operations Affairs Transportation System Operations Operations Support to
Operations Support Operations Operations

FM 2-22.3 FM 3-05 FM 3-13 FM 3-14 FM 3-16 FM 3-22 FM 3-24 FM 3-27
Insurgencies Army Global
Collector Army Information Army Space The Army in Army
Multinational and Ballistic
Operations Special Operations Operations Support to
Operations Countering Missile
Operations Security
Insurgencies Defense
Congressional Cooperation

FM 3-50 FM 3-52 FM 3-55 FM 3-63 FM 3-99 FM 4-95 FM 6-05

Forces and
Army Airspace Information Detainee Airborne Logistics Special Forces
Personnel Control Collection Operations and Air Operations Integration, Published
Recovery Assault and
Not Published
ALSA Published (Joint)

Types of Operations/Activities
JP 3-0
Decisive Action
ADP 3-0
ADRP 3-0
Operations FM 3-0

JP 3-07
Stability JP 3-28
ADP 3-07
ADRP 3-07 Defense ADP 3-28 JP 3-27
ADP 3-90
Stability Support of
ADRP 3-90 Stability Civil ADRP 3-28 Homeland
Offense and Authorities Defense
Defense Support of
Offense and
Support of
FM 3-07 Authorities

FM 3-90-1 Stability ATP 3-28.1

Offense and Support of
Defense Civil
JP 3-29 JP 3-07.3 JP 3-22 ALSA

Foreign Peace Foreign ATP 3-28.2
FM 3-90-2 Humanitarian Operations Internal
Recon, Assistance Defense
Security, and DSCA for
Tactical the
Tasks ATP 3-07.5 ATP 3-07.6 JP 3-20
Stability Protection Security ATP 3-28.3
Techniques of Civilians Cooperation
DSCA for
the Staff

ATP 3-07.10 ATP 3-07.31 FM 3-22

Advising Peace Army Support
Foreign Operations to Security

ATP 3-22.2
Force Legend
Assistance Published
Not Published
Published (Joint)
Types of Operations
JP 3-0
JointADP 3-0 Environments
Operations ADRP 3-0
Operations JP 3-06
Operations Joint Urban
Miscellaneous Operations ATP 3-06

JP 3-02 JP 3-03 JP 3-07.4 Urban

JP 3-50 Operations
Amphibious Joint Counterdrug JP 3-24
Operations Interdiction Operations Personnel
Counter- Recovery
insurgency FM 3-50
ATP 3-90.97 ATP 3-21.50
JP 3-08 JP 3-10 JP 3-16 Personnel Mountain Infantry
Recovery Warfare and Small Unit
organizational Joint Multinational FM 3-24 Cold Mountain
Cooperation Security Operations Weather Operations
Operations Insurgencies Operations
in Theater and ATP 3-50.20 ATP 3-50.3
Countering ATP 3-06.11 ATP 3-90.98
S.E.R.E Survival,
JP 3-25 JP 3-68 Planning Evasion, and
FM 3-16 Combined Jungle
and Recovery
Arms Operations

Countering Non- ATP 3-24.1 ATP 3-24.3 Preparation Operations
The Army in ALSA
Threat combatant in Urban
Multinational Operational Cultural and
Networks Evacuation Terrain
Operations Environment Situational ATP 3-50.21 ATP 3-50.22
and Causes Awareness
ATP 3-06.1 ATP 3-90.99
of Instability Survival Evasion
FM 3-55 ATP 3-72 ATP 1-20 Aviation Desert
Urban Operations
Nuclear Military ATP 3-24.4 ATP 3-24.5 Operations
Operations History
Collection Operations Shape, Clear, Populace and ALSA
Hold, Build, Resource ATP 3-50.23 ATP 3-50.24
Transition Control
Resistance Environ- ATP 3-06.20
and Escape mental
ATP 6-0.5 ATP 3-90.15 ATP 5-0.7 Survival Cordon and
Command Site A Planners ATP 3-24.6 ATP 3-24.2 Operations
Post Exploitation Guide to the
Organization Allocation Insurgency Tactics in ALSA
and of Forces Dynamics, Counter-
Operations Strategies, and insurgency
ATP 3-90.20 ATP 5-0.6
Regional Network
Support Engagement Legend
Group Published
Operations Not Published
Published (Joint)
Mission Command
JP 3-31 ADP 6-0 JP 5-0
ADRP 6-0 JP 6-0
and Control Mission Joint
of Joint Command
Mission Planning Joint
Land Command Communica-
Operations tions System
ADP 5-0
ADRP 5-0
JP 3-13 JP 3-33 FM 6-0 Operations
JP 3-52 The FM 6-02
Joint Task Commander Process
FM 3-13 Airspace
FM 3-52 and Staff
Operations Force Process Signal
Control Headquarters Organization Support to
Information Airspace and
Operations Control

FM 3-94 ATP 3-91 FM 6-99 ATP 5-0.1 ATP 5-19 ATP 6-02.40 ATP 6-02.43 ATP 6-02.45
Theater Division U.S. Army Army Design Risk Techniques Techniques Techniques
ATP 3-13.1 ATP 3-52.1 Army, Corps, Operations Methodology Management for Visual for the Signal for Signal
Report and
and Division Information Soldier in Support
Assessment Operations Message
Airspace Operations Support of
in the Control Formats Operations
Environment ATP 3-92 ATP 3-93 ATP 1-02.1 JP 2-01.3 ATP 2-01.3

ATP 6-02.53 ATP 6-02.54 ATP 6-02.60
ALSA Multi- Techniques
Corps Theater Joint
Service Preparation Techniques Techniques for the
ATP 3-52.2 Operations Army Brevity Intelligence for Tactical for Satellite Warfighter
Operations Preparation of
of the
Codes Battlefield/ Radio Communica- Information
Theater Air- the Operational Operations tions Network-
ALSA Environment
Ground Tactical
ATP 3-90.90 ATP 3-94.1 ATP 6-01.1 JP 3-60 ATP 3-60 ATP 6-02.70 ATP 6-02.71 ATP 6-02.72
Army Digital Techniques Joint Targeting Techniques Techniques Tactical
ATP 3-52.3 Tactical Liaison for Effective Targeting for Spectrum for Radios
Standard Detachment Knowledge Management LandWarNet
Joint Air Operating Management Network
Traffic Procedures Operations ALSA
ATP 3-94.2 ATP 5-02.2 JP 3-13.4 ATP 6-02.73 ATP 6-02.75
Deep Techniques Military Internet
Techniques for
Operations for Red Deception Tactical Chat
ATP 3-91.1 Communica-
Team in Support of
tions Security
The Joint
Air Ground ALSA
Not Published
Published (Joint)
JP 3-04
FM 3-90-2 JP 3-17 JP 3-18 Joint
FM 3-04
FM 3-96 Shipboard
Air Mobility Joint and Tiltroter
Brigade Army
Security, and Operations Forcible
Combat Team Entry Operations
Enabling Tasks Operations
ATP 3-90.6 FM 3-98 FM 3-99 ATP 3-04.1 ATP 3-04.2 ATP 3-21.18
Techniques Reconnaissance Airborne and Aviation Aircraft Foot
for the and Security Tactical Combat Marches
Operations Air Assault
Brigade Operations Employment Survivability
Combat (C)

ATP 3-21.20 ATP 3-21.21 ATP 3-90.5 ATP 3-20.96 ATP 3-20.97 ATP 3-21.38 ATP 3-04.94 ATP 3-04.64 ATP 3-22.40
Infantry SBCT Combined Cavalry Cavalry Pathfinder Forward Employment of Employment
Battalion Infantry Arms Squadron Troop Operations Arming and Unmanned of Nonlethal
Battalion Battalion Aircraft
Refueling Systems

ATP 3-21.10 ATP 3-21.11 ATP 3-90.1 ATP 3-20.98 ATP 3-55.4 ATP 3-99.1 ATP 3-06.1 ATP 3-17.2 ATP 3-21.90

Techniques for
The Infantry SBCT Armor and Reconnais- Tactical Airborne Aviation Airfield Tactical
Rifle Infantry Mechanized sance Information Operations Urban Opening Employment
Company Rifle Infantry Platoon Collection During Operations of Mortars
Company Company Operations Among
Team Populations ALSA ALSA

ATP 3-21.12 ATP 3-20.16 ATP 3-20.15 ATP 3-55.3 ATP 3-99.2 ATP 3-04.7 ATP 3-06.20
The Infantry Mobile Gun Tank Air Assault Army Cordon and
Weapons System Platoon Operations Aviation Search
and Recon
Company Platoon Maintenance Operations

ATP 3-21.8 ATP 3-21.91

Infantry Brigade
Platoon and Combat Team
Squad Weapons

Not Published
Published (Joint)
JP 2-0
ADP 2-0
ADRP 2-0
FM 2-0


JP 2-01 ATP 2-01 ATP 2-22.6 JP 2-03 ATP 2-22.4 ATP 2-22.85 JP 2-01.2
Joint and
National Plan Signals Geospatial Technical Biometrics CI and
Intelligence Requirements Intelligence Intelligence Intelligence HUMINT in
Support to and Assess Techniques in Joint Joint
Military Collection (TS) Operations Operations
Operations ALSA

ATP 2-91.7 ATP 2-19.1 ATP 2-01.3 ATP 2-22.6-2 ATP 2-22.7 ATP 2-22.82 FM 2-22.3 ATP 2-22.33
Signals (U) 2X
Intelligence EAC Intelligence Geospatial Biometrics- HUMINT Operations and

Support to Intelligence Preparation Techniques Intelligence Enabled Collector Source
DSCA Organzia- of the Vol II: Ref Intelligence Operations Validation
tions Battlefield/ Guide Techniques
(S//NF) Battlespace (TS) (S//NF)

ATP 2-19.3 ATP 2-33.4 ATP 2-22.8 ATP 2-22.9 ATP 2-22.31 ATP 2-22.2-1
Corps and Intelligence (U) Open- MILITARY CI
Division Analysis Measurement Source SOURCE Volume 1
Intelligence and Signature Intelligence OPERATIONS (S//NF)
Techniques Intelligence TECHNIQUES
(S//NF) (S//NF)

ATP 2-19.4 ATP 2-19.5 ATP 2-91.8 ATP 2-91.9 ATP 2-22.2-2
Brigade Techniques (U) Intelligence CI
Combat for Operations in
tional Teams Volume 2
Team Document a CEMA (S//NF)
Intelligence and Media Environment
Techniques Exploitation (TS)

Not Published
Published (Joint)
ADP 3-09
ADRP 3-09
JP 3-01 JP 3-09

Countering Joint Fire

Air and FM 3-01 Support FM 3-09
Threats U.S. Army Field Artillery
Air and Operations
Missile and Fire
Defense Support

ATP 3-01.94 ATP 3-01.9 ATP 3-01.91 ATP 3-01.31 ATP 3-09.23 ATP 3-09.24 ATP 3-09.30 JP 3-60 JP 3-09.3

Army Air And Army THAAD JLENS Field Techniques Observed Joint Close Air
Missile Integrated Techniques Operations Artillery for Fires Fire Targeting Support
Defense Air and Cannon Brigade
Command Missile Battalion
Operations Defense

ATP 3-01.7 ATP 3-01.15 ATP 3-01.87 ATP 3-01.50 ATP 3-09.42 ATP 3-09.50 ATP 3-09.36 ATP 3-60 ATP 3-09.34

ADA Integrated Patriot ADAM Cell Fire The The Joint Targeting Kill Box
Brigade Air Defense Battery Operation Support for Fires Planning and
Techniques System Techniques the BCT Artillery Observer Employment
Battery ALSA

ATP 3-01.85 ATP 3-01.16 ATP 3-01.18 ATP 3-01.8 ATP 3-09.60 ATP 3-09.70 ATP 3-09.32 ATP 3-60.1 ATP 3-55.6
Techniques Paladin Air-to-Surface
Patriot Air and Stinger for Techniques The Joint Dynamic
Operations Radar System
Battalion Missile Team for MLRS Application of Targeting
Techniques Defense Techniques Combined and Employment
IPB Arms for Air HIMARS

ATP 3-01.64 ATP 3-01.81 ATP 3-01.60 ATP 3-01.4 ATP 3-09.90 ATP 3-09.02 ATP 3-09.12
Avenger Counter- Counter- J-SEAD DIVARTY Field Field
Battalion Unmanned Rocket, Operations Artillery Artillery
and Battery Aircraft Artillery, and Fire Survey Target
Techniques System and Mortar Support for Acquisition
Techniques Operations ALSA Division Legend
ATP 3-01.48 ATP 3-09.13 ATP 3-60.2
Sentinel The Strike
Techniques Battlefield
Not Published Coordination
Coordination and Recon
Published (Joint)

ADP 3-37
ADRP 3-37

JP 3-11

Operations in
CBRN FM 3-39 JP 3-63 FM 3-81
EnvironmentFM 3-11
JP 3-34 FM 3-34
Military Detainee Joint Maneuver
CBRN Operations Engineer
Operations Police FM 3-63 Engineer Enhancement
Operations Operations Brigade

ATP 3-11.36 ATP 3-11.24 JP 3-40 ATP 3-39.10 JP 3-15 ATP 3-34.23 ATP 3-90.4 JP 3-15.1 JP 3-26

CBRN Technical Countering Police Barriers, Engineer Combined Counter- Counter-

Aspects of C2 CBRNE Force Weapons of Operations and Mine Operations-- Arms Improvised terrorism
Employment Mass Warfare for Echelons Mobility Explosive
Destruction Joint Above BCT Device

ATP 3-11.32 ATP 3-11.47 ATP 3-11.23 ATP 3-39.12 ATP 3-39.11 ATP 3-34.20 ATP 3-34.22 ATP 3-90.8 ATP 3-90.37 JP 3-07.2

CBRN CERFP and WMD-E Law MP Special Countering Engineer Combined Countering Antiterrorism
Passive HRF Operations Enforcement Reaction Explosive Operations-- Arms Improvised
Defense Operations Investigations Teams Hazards BCT and Counter- Explosive
Below mobility Devices

JP 3-41 ATP 3-11.41 ATP 3-11.46 ATP 3-39.30 ATP 3-39.20 ATP 3-34.5 ATP 3-90.61 ATP 3-37.34 ATP 3-37.15 ATP 3-37.2

CBRN CBRN WMD-CST Security and Police Environmental Brigade Survivability Countering Antiterrorism
Response Consequence Operations Mobility Intelligence Considerations Special Ops Insider
Management Support Operations Troops Threats
Operations Battalion

ATP 3-11.50 ATP 3-11.37 ATP 3-39.33 ATP 3-39.32 ATP 3-34.40 ATP 3-37.10 ATP 3-34.80 JP 3-13.3

Battlefield CBRN Civil Physical General Base Camps Geospatial Operations

Obscuration Reconnais- Disturbances Security Engineering Engineering Security
sance and

ATP 3-39.35 ATP 3-39.34 ATP 3-34.81 ATP 3-34.45 ATP 3-34.84

Protective Military Engineering Power Military Legend

Services Working Recon Generation Diving Published
Dogs and Operations
Distribution Not Published
Published (Joint)
Maneuver Support Center of Excellence
ADP 3-37
ADRP 3-37

FM 3-11 FM 3-39 FM 3-34

CBRN Military Engineer

Operations Police Operations

ATP 3-11.36 ATP 3-11.24 JP 3-40 FM 3-63 ATP 3-39.10 ATP 3-34.5 ATP 3-34.20 FM 3-81 ATP 3-37.2

CBRN Technical Countering Police Environmental Countering Maneuver Antiterrorism

Aspects of C2 CBRNE Force Weapons of Operations Considerations Explosive Enhancement
Employment Mass Hazards Brigade

ATP 3-11.32 ATP 3-11.47 ATP 3-11.23 ATP 3-39.11 ATP 3-39.12 ATP 3-34.23 ATP 3-34.22 ATP 3-37.10 ATP 3-37.15

CBRN CERFP and WMD-E MP Special Law Engineer Engineer Base Camps Countering
Passive HRF Operations Reaction Enforcement Operations-- Operations-- Insider
Defense Operations Teams Investigations Echelons BCT and Threats
Above BCT Below

JP 3-41 ATP 3-11.41 ATP 3-11.46 ATP 3-39.20 ATP 3-39.30 ATP 3-34.40 ATP 3-34.45 ATP 3-37.34 ATP 3-90.4

CBRN CBRN WMD-CST Police Security and General Power Survivability Combined
Response Consequence Operations Intelligence Mobility Engineering Generation Operations Arms Mobility
Management Operations Support and
Operations Distribution

ATP 3-90.40 ATP 3-39.32 ATP 3-39.33 ATP 3-34.80 ATP 3-34.81 ATP 3-90.8 ATP 3-90.37
ATP 3-11.37 ATP 3-11.50
Physical Civil Geospatial Engineering Combined Countering
CBRN Recon Battlefield Arms
Security Disturbances Engineering Recon Arms Improvised
and Obscuration Countering
Counter- Explosive
Surveillance Weapons of
mobility Devices
Destruction Operations

ATP 3-39.34 ATP 3-39.35 ATP 3-34.84 ATP 3-90.61

Military Protective Military Brigade

Working Services Diving Special Legend
Dogs Operations Troops Published
ALSA Not Published
Published (Joint)
Sustainment Transportation and
JP 4-0
ADP 4-0
JP 4-01 ADRP 4-0
The Defense t FM 4-30
FM 4-01
Army Operations

ATP 4-31 ATP 4-32

JP 3-35 JP 4-05 ATP 4-11
Recovery and Explosive
Deployment Joint Army Motor Battle Ordnance
and Mobilization Transport Damage Disposal
Redeployment Planning Operations Assessment Operations
Operations and Repair

ATP 4-32.1 ATP 4-32.2

ATP 3-35 ATP 3-35.1 ATP 4-16
EOD Group Explosive
Army Army Pre- Movement and Battalion Ordnance

Deployment positioned Control Headquarters
and Operations Operations
Redeployment ALSA

ATP 4-32.3 ATP 4-33

ATP 4-12 JP 4-01.5 ATP 4-01.45 EOD
Army Joint Tactical Operations
Platoon, and
Container Terminal Convoy Team
Operations Operations Operations Operations
ATP 4-35 ATP 4-35.1
ATP 4-14 JP 4-01.6 ATP 4-13 Ammunition
Munitions and
Expeditionary JLOTS Army Operations Explosives
Railway Expeditionary and Handler
Center Intermodal Distribution Safety
Operations Operations Techniques Techniques

JP 4-01.2 ATP 4-15

Sealift Army
Support to Watercraft
Operations Legend
Operations Published
Not Published
Published (Joint)
Sustainment Quartermaster and
JP 4-0
Joint ADP 4-0
ADRP 4-0

FM 4-40 JP 4-08 FM 4-95

Quartermaster Logistics in Logistics
Operations Support of Operations

JP 4-03 ATP 4-42 JP 4-06 ATP 4-94 JP 4-09 JP 4-10

Joint Bulk Mortuary Theater Distribution Operational
Supply and
Petroleum Affairs Sustainment Operations Contract
and Water Command Support

ATP 4-43 ATP 4-42.2 ATP 4-46.2 ATP 4-93 ATP 4-0.1 ATP 4-10

Petroleum Supply Mortuary Sustainment Army Theater Operational

Supply Support Affairs Brigade Distribution Contract
Operations Activity Contaminated Support
Operations Remains

ATP 4-44 ATP 4-41 ATP 4-46 ATP 4-93.1 ATP 4-0.6 ATP 4-92
Water Army Field Contingency Combat for Contracting
Support Feeding and Fatality Sustainment Sustainment Support to
Operations Class I Operations Support Information Unified Land
Operations Battalion Systems Operations

ATP 4-10.1 ATP 4-48 ATP 4-45 ATP 4-91 ATP 4-90 ATP 4-70
LOGCAP Aerial Force Army Field Brigade
Support to Delivery Provider Support Support
Support to
Unified Land Company Brigade Battalion
Unified Land

Not Published
Published (Joint)
Sustainment Personnel and Health
JP 4-0
ADP 4-0
ADRP 4-0
Sustainmen JP 4-02
Sustainment Joint Health
FM 4-02

JP 1-0 JP 1-05 JP 1-06 Health
JP 1-04
Joint System
FM 1-0 FM 1-04 Religious
FM 1-05 Financial
Personnel Legal FM 1-06
Support Affairs Management
Human Legal
Resources Support to Religious Financial ATP 4-02.1 ATP 4-02.2 ATP 4-02.3 ATP 4-02.42
Support the Support Management
Army Medical Medical AHS Support Army Health
Operational Operations
Logistics Evacuation to Maneuver System Support
Army Forces to Stability and
DSCA Tasks

ATP 1-0.1 ATP 1-05.01 ATP 1-06.1 ATP 1-06.2 ATP 4-02.43 ATP 4-02.46 ATP 4-02.5 ATP 4-02.55

G-1/AG and Religious Field Commanders' AHS Support Army Health Casualty Care Army Health

S-1 Support Ordering Emergency to ARSOF System System
Operations and the Officer and Response Support to Support
Operations Pay Agent Program Detainee Planning
Process Operations Operations

ATP 1-0.2 ATP 1-05.02 ATP 1-06.3 ATP 1-06.4 ATP 4-02.7 ATP 4-02.8 ATP 4-02.82 ATP 4-02.83
Theater-Level Support to Banking Internal Health Force Health Occupational Treatment of
HR Support Funerals and Operations Controls Service Protection and Nuclear and
Support in a Environmental Radiological
and Services CBRN Health Site Casualties
Environment Assessment

ATP 1-19 ATP 1-05.03 ATP 1-06.5 ATP 4-02.84 ATP 4-02.85 ATP 4-25.12 ATP 4-25.13
Treatment of
Army Music Religious Cost Treatment of CW Agent Unit Field Casualty
Support Management Biological Casualties and Sanitation Evacuation
and Warfare Conventional Teams
External Agent Chemical
Advisement Casualties Injuries

ATP 1-05.04 ATP 6-22.5

A Leader’s
Religious Guide to
Support Soldier
and Internal Health and Legend
Advisement Fitness
Not Published
Published (Joint)
JP 3-12 JP 3-13.1 JP 6-01
Cyberspace Electronic Electromag-
Operations Warfare netic
FM 3-12
Cyberspace Management
and Operations
Warfare ATP 3-36
ATP 3-12.1 Techniques

Not Published
Published (Joint)
JP 3-05 Special Operations
ADP 3-05
Special ADRP 3-05

FM 3-05 FM 6-05 FM 3-18 JP 3-13.2 JP 3-57

Forces and Special Military Civil-
Army Forces Integration, Special
Interoperability, Information Military
Special and Forces Support Operations
Operations Interdependence Operations Operations

JP 3-05.1 ATP 3-05.1 ATP 3-05.11 ATP 3-18.1 ATP 3-18.3 FM 3-53 FM 3-57
Un- Un- Special Special Forces (U) Special Military
conventional conventional Operations Unconventional Forces Direct Civil Affairs
Information Operations
Warfare Warfare Chemical, Warfare Action
Biological, Operations
Nuclear Ops (C) Operations

ATP 3-05.2 ATP 3-05.20 ATP 3-05.40 ATP 3-18.10 ATP 3-18.11 ATP 3-53.1 ATP 3-57.10 ATP 3-57.20

Foreign Special Special Special Special Military Civil Affairs Civil Affairs
Internal Operations Operations Forces Air Forces Information Support to Support to

Defense Intelligence Sustainment Operations Military in Special Populace And Foreign
Free-Fall Operations Resources Humanitarian
Operations Control Assistance

ATP 3-05.60 ATP 3-05.68 ATP 3-05.71 ATP 3-18.13 ATP 3-18.14 ATP 3-53.2 ATP 3-57.30 ATP 3-57.40
Special (C) Army
Special Operations Special Special Special Forces Military Civil Affairs Civil Affairs
Operations Non- Operations Forces Use of Vehicle- Information Support to Support to
Communica- combatant Forces Pack Animals Mounted in Nation Civil
tions System Evacuation Resistance Operations TTP Conventional Assistance Administration
Operations and Escape Operations

ATP 3-18.16 ATP 3-75 ATP 3-76 ATP 3-18.72 ATP 3-18.20 ATP 3-55.3 ATP 3-57.50 ATP 3-57.60
(U) Special Forces (U) Advanced
Guide to Ranger Special (U) Special Special Intelligence, Civil Affairs Civil Affairs
the Preparation Operations Operations Forces Operations Surveillance, and Civil Planning
of the Aviation Personnel Techniques Reconnaissance Information
Environment Recovery (S/NF) Optimization Management
(S//NF) (S/NF)

ATP 3-18.12 ATP 3-18.4 ATP 3-55.4 ATP 3-57.70 ATP 3-57.80
Techniques for
Special Special Forces Information Civil-Military Civil-Military
Forces Special Collection During Operations Engagement
Waterborne Reconnaissance Operations Among Center
Legend Operations Populations

Not Published
Published (Joint)
Air Land Sea Application Center (ALSA)

FM 6-05
Forces and Special
Forces Integration,

ATP 1-02.1 ATP 2-22.85 ATP 3-01.15 ATP 3-01.4 ATP 3-04.18 ATP 3-04.64 ATP 3-06.1
Aviation Urban
Multi- Operations Tactical Integrated J-SEAD Air Tactical Aviation
Service Employment of Air Defense Operations Employment Urban
Brevity Biometrics in System in Maritime of Unmanned Operations
Support of Surface Aircraft
Codes Systems
Operations Warfare

ATP 3-06.20 ATP 3-07.10 ATP 3-07.31 ATP 3-09.32 ATP 3-09.34 ATP 3-17.2 ATP 3-22.40
Cordon and Advising Peace The Joint Kill Box Airfield Employment
Search Foreign Operations Application of Planning and Opening of Nonlethal
Operations Security Firepower Employment Weapons

ATP 3-28.1 ATP 3-55.3 ATP 3-50.3 ATP 3-52.1 ATP 3-52.2 ATP 3-52.3 ATP 3-55.6
Defense Intelligence, Survival, Airspace Theater Air- Joint Air Air-to-
Support of Surveillance, Evasion, Control Ground Traffic Surface
Civil and Recon and System Control Radar
Authorities Optimization Recovery System

ATP 3-60.1 ATP 3-60.2 ATP 4-01.45 ATP 4-32.2 ATP 3-34.84 ATP 6-02.72 ATP 6-02.73
Dynamic Strike Tactical Military Tactical Internet
Explosive Tactical
Targeting Coordination Convoy Ordnance Diving Radios
and Recon Operations Operations Chat in
Support of

ATP 5-0.3 ATP 6-02.90

Operation Frequency
Assessment Military

Not Published
Published (Joint)
Space & Global Ballistic Missile

JP 3-14 ATP 3-86 JP 3-01 JP 3-27

Space High- Countering Homeland
FM 3-14
Operations Altitude Air and Defense
Operations Missile
Army Space Threats
FM 3-27
Army Global

ATP 3-14.5 ATP 3-27.3

Joint GMD
Tactical Operations


ATP 3-14.3 ATP 3-27.5

Techniques AM/TPY-2
for Army FBM Radar
Space Operations

Not Published
Published (Joint)

JP 3-61 ADP 6-22

Public ADRP 6-22
FM 3-61
Affairs Army
Public Affairs Leadership

FM 6-22


ATP 6-22.1


ATP 6-22.6
Army Team

Not Published
Published (Joint)
Part Two:

CSA-approved ADPs and ADRPs

Other ADPs and ADRPs



The Army
Our Service
o The Army provides the United States with landpower. Landpower is the
ability to gain, sustain, and exploit control over land, resources, and people.
o The Army vision captures the three strategic roles of the Army: prevent,
shape, and win.
o The Army derives its roles from the National Military Strategy and
Department of Defense directives. The roles clarify the enduring reasons for
which the Army is manned, trained, and equipped.
o U.S. law, Department of Defense directives, and the nature of landpower
mold the Army’s mission.
ADP 1 is the
The Army Mission
The mission of the United States Army is to fight and win the Nation’s wars capstone doctrine
through prompt and sustained land combat, as part of the joint force. The Army publication that
does this by— frames how
o Organizing, equipping, and training Army forces for prompt and sustained
Soldiers and
combat incident to operations on land.
o Integrating our capabilities with those of the other Armed Services. Civilians
o Accomplishing all missions assigned by the President, Secretary of Defense, of the United
and combatant commanders. States Army think
o Remaining ready while preparing for the future.
about the
Our Profession strategic
As a unique military profession, the Army is built upon an ethos of trust, which environment,
buttresses four other essential characteristics of our profession: military expertise,
honorable service, ésprit de corps, and stewardship. develop and
refine doctrine,
The Army and the Joint Force
and chart a
o Landpower complements air, maritime, and space-based power, and in turn
the other Services make the Army the preeminent ground force in the world. course into the
o Core and enabling competencies: future. It states
 Combined arms maneuver what the Army is,
 Wide area security
 Support security cooperation
what the Army
 Tailor forces for combatant commander does, how the
 Conduct entry operations Army does it, and
 Provide flexible mission command where the Army is
 Support joint and Army forces
 Support domestic civil authorities going. It
 Mobilize and integrate the Reserve Component establishes the
o Joint interdependence is the use of a specific Service capability to multiply Army’s
the effectiveness and redress the shortcomings of another.
Our Continuing Duty to America’s
The immediate focus for the Army is accomplishing the current mission. landpower and
Concurrently, the Army must also develop the future Army, sustain the readiness
of the Reserve Component, enhance the all-volunteer force, develop Army
delineates the
leaders, strengthen the Army Profession, and account for the Army veterans, who Army’s mission,
are Soldiers for life. purpose, and

September 2012

ADRP 1 FM 9-99.9
The Army Profession To be updated in 2018.
The Army Profession
The Army’s purpose is to contribute to the “common defense” and protect the rights and interests
of the American people. The Army has evolved, assuming a dual nature both as a military
department of government and as a trusted military profession. Each is essential to accomplish the
The Army Profession consists of two complementary communities of practice:
o The Profession of Arms – Soldiers of the Regular Army, Army National Guard, and the
United States Army Reserve.
o The Army Civilian Corps – Civilian professionals serving in the Department of Army.
Soldiers and Army Civilians embrace a shared identity as trusted Army Professionals. They fulfill
responsibilities in three roles:
o Honorable servants – professionals of character. Our Nation’s founders
o Army experts – competent professionals. created a republic in
o Stewards of the Army Profession – committed professionals.
which citizens of
The Army Ethic character work
The Army Ethic defines who we are, “why and how we serve,” and binds us together in common
moral purpose, motivating our commitment to accomplish the Army mission as expressed in our
together to establish
motto: This We’ll Defend. The Army Ethic informs and inspires Army professionals to— justice, ensure
o Seek the truth, decide what is right (ethical, effective, and efficient), and demonstrate the domestic tranquility,
character, competence, and commitment to act accordingly. provide for the
o Contribute honorable service in the conduct of the mission, performance of duty, and all
aspects of life.
common defense,
o Stand strong as stewards by strengthening the essential characteristics of the Army. promote the general
Profession and upholding the Army Ethic, preventing misconduct, and doing what is right to welfare, and secure
stop unethical practices. the blessings of liberty.
The Army Culture of Trust
The Army Profession reinforces its enduring bond of trust and confidence with the American Each generation
people through demonstration of its essential characteristics: inherits not only the
o Trust rights and privileges of
o Honorable service
o Military expertise being an American, but
o Stewardship of the profession also the responsibility
o Ésprit de corps to defend the
We are accountable to each other, the profession, and the American people.
As the strategic stewards of the Army Profession, the Army’s senior leaders have the special duty Constitution against all
to ensure that policies, regulations, programs, procedures, and systems are designed and enemies, foreign and
implemented in a manner that strengthens mutual trust and cohesion throughout the total Army. domestic.
Army professionals understand and accept that they may give their lives and justly take the lives of
others to accomplish the mission. The moral implications of this realization compel essential bonds Since 1775, our Army’s
of mutual trust within cohesive teams and permit the freedom to exercise disciplined initiative and
accept prudent risk under mission command.
vital, enduring role has
been to be ready to
Certification of Army Professionals
Certification is verification and validation of an Army professional’s character, competence, and fight and win our
commitment to fulfill responsibilities and successfully perform assigned duty, with discipline and to Nation’s wars. Doing
standard. so in a manner worthy
o Character: Dedication and adherence to the Army Ethic, including Army Values, as
of our professional
consistently and faithfully demonstrated in decisions and actions.
o Competence: Demonstrated ability to successfully perform duty with discipline and to
status in accordance
standard. with the moral
o Commitment: The resolve to contribute honorable service to the Nation and accomplish the principles of the Army
mission despite adversity, obstacles, and challenges. Ethic is the honorable
Every veteran of honorable service and retiree is a “Soldier for Life” who continues to be a valued
member of the Army Profession. As veterans transition to civilian life, they serve as exemplary role
service we provide the
models for their families and communities by demonstrating a continuing commitment to the Army American people.
Ethic in all aspects of their lives.

June 2015

Definition of Unified Land Operations
Simultaneous offensive, defensive, and stability or defense support of civil
authorities tasks to seize, retain, and exploit the initiative to shape operational
environments, prevent conflict, consolidate gains, and win our Nation’s wars as
part of unified action (ADRP 3-0).

Principles of Unified Land Operations

o Mission command
o Develop the situation through action
o Combined arms ADP 3-0 and
o Adhere to law of war
ADRP 3-0
o Establish and maintain security
o Create multiple dilemmas for the enemy constitute the
Army’s view of
Tenets of Unified Land Operations how the Army, as
o Simultaneity part of the joint
o Depth force, conducts
o Synchronization
o Flexibility prompt and
Operations Structure operations on
o Operations process land. ADP and
 Plan ADRP 3-0 set the
 Prepare
foundation for
 Execute
 Assess developing the
o Operational framework other principles,
 Area of operations tactics,
 Deep-close-support-consolidate techniques, and
 Decisive-shaping-sustaining procedures
 Main and supporting efforts
o Elements of combat power detailed in
 Warfighting functions subordinate
 Information publications.
 Leadership
ADP 3-0 and
Warfighting Functions
ADRP 3-0
o Mission command
o Movement and maneuver articulate the
o Intelligence Army’s
o Fires operational
o Sustainment concept for
o Protection unified land
Organizing Combat Power operations. These
o Force tailoring principles are
o Task-organizing further expanded
o Mutual support in FM 3-0.

October 2017

ADP/ADRP 6-22 FM 9-99.9
Army Leadership To be updated in 2018.
The leadership requirements model establishes the core set of
requirements (attributes and competencies) that inform leaders of
Army expectations.
Attributes by Category Special Conditions of
o Character Leadership
 Army Values o Formal
 Empathy o Informal
 Warrior Ethos/Service Ethos o Collective
 Discipline o Situational
o Presence ADP 6-22 and
 Military/Professional bearing Competencies by Category
 Fitness o Leads
ADRP 6-22 establish
 Confidence  Leads others and expand the
 Resilience  Builds trust Army leadership
o Intellect  Extends influence principles that apply
 Mental agility  Leads by example to officers,
 Judgment  Communicates noncommissioned
 Innovation o Develops
 Interpersonal tact  Creates a positive
officers, enlisted
 Expertise environment Soldiers, and Army
 Prepares self Civilians.
Levels of Leadership  Develops others
o Direct  Stewards the profession Leadership is the
o Organizational o Achieves process of
o Strategic  Gets results
 Integrates tasks, roles,
influencing people by
Methods of Influence resources, providing purpose,
o Pressure and priorities direction, and
o Legitimating  Improves performance motivation to
o Exchange  Gives feedback accomplish the
o Personal appeals  Executes and adjusts mission and improve
o Collaboration
o Rational persuasion
the organization.
o Apprising
o Inspirational appeals
o Participation

August 2012

Training Units and Developing Leaders To be updated in 2018.
Training To Win
o The Army must be prepared to fight and win in increasingly complex and
ambiguous operational environments.
o Training Soldiers and leaders to win in a complex world requires realistic and
demanding training.
o Training involves implementing three training domains: institutional, operational,
and self-development (also see AR 350-1).
o The commander is centric to the training process throughout the training process.

Readiness Is the First Priority

o Our ability to fight and win is directly related to the training readiness of the force. ADP 7-0 provides
o Individual training develops the Soldier-level mastery of fundamental skills. the Army’s doctrinal
o Collective training builds on the individual skills and competencies learned by
foundation for
o Unit training integrates and synchronizes individual and collective task skills. training. It states the
o Training applies to Army Civilians who support the force. importance of unit
o Unit training provides a key and significant venue for leader development.
o Commanders perform specific activities in unit training–understand, visualize,
training and the
describe, direct, lead. and assess. relationship to
attaining and
Principles of Training maintaining unit
o Train as you fight readiness.
o Training is commander driven
o Training is led by trained officers and NCOs
o Train to standard ADRP 7-0 expands
o Train using appropriate doctrine on the basic
o Training is protected
concepts and
o Training is resourced
o Train to sustain procedures
o Train to maintain discussed in
o Training is multiechelon and combined arms ADP 7-0. It details
the Army’s principles
Train To Win in a Complex World
o Units train using the Army operations process (plan, prepare, execute, and
of training as well as
assess). provides the basic
o Guidance from the higher commander starts the process to the determine what procedures of how
tasks the unit trains.
o Developing a unit training plan based on guidance determines how the unit will
units train.
o When planning training, units maximize the available training resources and the These procedures
mix of live, virtual, and constructive training environments.
o Multiechelon training ensures training is realistic and includes operating partners
are further expanded
and echelons. in FM 7-0. FM 7-0 is
o Senior commanders publish the unit training plans early enough in the training supported with the
cycle to ensure subordinates have sufficient time to develop their own training
online training
o Units conduct training as close as possible to how they operate. resources of the
o The unit commander assesses training proficiency, which is the basis for training Army Training
readiness reporting IAW AR 220-1.
Network (ATN).

August 2012

ADP 1-01
Doctrine Primer To be updated in 2018.

The Role of Doctrine Terms Used to Describe

o Provide a coherent vision of Organizations and Branches
warfare o Role
o Enhance operational effectiveness o Core competency
o Provide a common frame of o Function
reference o Characteristic
o Provide a common professional o Principles
o Discuss Army contributions to Terms Used to Describe an ADP 1-01
unified action Operational Environment
o State and foster desirable traits for
introduces the
o Doman
Soldiers o Operational environment
entire body of
o Operational variables professional
Five Types of Information in o Mission variables knowledge and
Doctrine beliefs that shape
o Principles Terms and Taxonomies for the the art and
o Tactics Conduct of Operations
o Techniques
science of the
o Operational concept
o Procedures o Decisive action
Army Profession.
o Terms and symbols  Offense
 Defense It addresses what
Types of Doctrine  Stability doctrine is, why it
o Joint  Defense support of civil authority is important, and
o Multinational o Mission command (philosophy)
o Multi-Service
which major ideas
o Warfighting functions
o Service o Combat power
underlie it. The
o The principles of joint operations publication also
Our Vision of War—the Nature of o Tenets of operations covers important
Operations o Operational art taxonomies and
o War is inherently chaotic o Operational approach terms used in
o War is a human endeavor o Operational framework
o War is conducted among people
operations and the
o Operations process
o Warfare is how war is conducted o The levels of warfare
way they fit
 Strategic level together as a
The Foundations of Army Doctrine  Operational level single coherent
o Combined arms operations  Tactical level whole.
o Mission command o Operation
o Adherence to law of war and o Mission
civilian control o Task
o All operations are joint operations o Control measure
o Area of operations
o Operation order or plan

September 2014

Terms and Military Symbols To be updated in 2018.
Terms Military Symbols
Military Terms Military Symbology Basics
o Approved Army doctrine defined o Framed symbols
terms o Location of amplifiers for framed symbols
o Approved for use in Army doctrinal o Lettering for all symbols
publications o The bounding octagon and the location of
o Joint and NATO terms used in icons and modifiers for framed symbols
Army doctrine o The building process for framed symbols
o Unframed symbols
Acronyms, Abbreviations, and
Units, Individuals, and Organizations
Country Codes ADP 1-02 and
o Main icons for units
o Acronyms and abbreviations o Main icons for individuals and organizations ADRP 1-02 provide
o Geographical entity codes (civilian) foundational
doctrine for
o Main icons for equipment establishing and
o Sector 1 modifiers for equipment using Army terms,
o Sector 2 modifiers for equipment acronyms, and
o Mobility indicator amplifier (field 13) symbols.
o Main icons for installations They describe how
o Sector 1 modifiers for installations doctrinal terms
o Sector 2 modifiers for installations and symbols
o Main icons for activities communication
o Sector 1 modifiers for activities among military
o Sector 2 modifiers for activities professionals and
ensure a common
Control Measure Symbols
o Basics of control measure symbols understanding of
o Point symbols doctrinal principles.
o Line symbols
o Boundary line symbols They constitute
o Area symbols
o Abbreviations and acronyms for use with approved U.S.
control measure symbols Army doctrinal
terminology and
Tactical Mission Tasks symbology for
o Tactical mission tasks defined
o Symbols for tactical mission tasks general use.

Course of Action Sketch

o Purpose of course of action sketch
o Makeup of course of action sketch
Online U.S. Army Terminology and Symbology Resources

ADP 1-02 August 2012 and ADRP 1-02 November 2016

ADRP 1-03
The Army Universal Task List To be updated in 2018.

Movement and Maneuver Warfighting Mission Command Warfighting

Function Function
o Perform tactical actions associated with o Conduct the operations process
force projection o Conduct command post operations
o Conduct tactical maneuver o Conduct knowledge management and
o Conduct tactical troop movements information management
o Conduct direct fires o Control tactical airspace
o Occupy a position o Execute command programs
o Conduct mobility operations o Integrate space operations
o Conduct countermobility operations o Conduct public affairs operations
o Conduct reconnaissance o Develop teams The Army Universal
o Employ obscurants o Conduct cyber electromagnetic Task List (AUTL) is
o Conduct maneuver support operations activities the catalog of Army
o Install, operate, and maintain the doctrinal collective
Intelligence Warfighting Function network
tasks that provides a
o Provide intelligence support to force o Conduct military deception
generation o Synchronize information-related common language
o Provide support to situational capabilities and reference
understanding o Conduct Soldier and leader system for doctrine,
o Conduct information collection engagements capability, and
o Provide intelligence support to targeting o Conduct civil affairs
training developers.
and information-related capabilities
Protection Warfighting Function
Fires Warfighting Function o Coordinate air and missile defense The AUTL’s link to
o Integrate fires o Conduct personnel recovery operations the Universal Joint
o Provide fire support o Implement physical security procedures Task List (UJTL) at
o Integrate air ground operations o Conduct operational area security
tactical, operational,
o Employ air and missile defense o Apply antiterrorism measures
o Conduct survivability operations and strategic levels
Sustainment Warfighting Function o Provide force health protection aids
o Provide logistics support o Conduct chemical, biological, analysts and
o Provide personnel support radiological, and nuclear operations planners in
o Provide health service support o Employ safety techniques
understanding the
o Implement operations security
o Provide explosive ordnance disposal Army’s role and
protection support integrating joint
o Conduct detention operations operations. The
o Conduct police operations AUTL complements
the UJTL by
Tactical Mission Tasks and Military
Operations providing tactical
o Conduct offensive tasks level of war, Army-
o Conduct defensive tasks specific tasks.
o Conduct stability tasks
o Conduct defense support of civil The AUTL divides the
o Conduct tactical mission tasks
warfighting functions
o Conduct military tasks into Army tactical
tasks (ARTs).

October 2015

Intelligence To be updated in 2018.

The Army conducts the intelligence warfighting function through these

fundamental doctrinal constructs

Core Competencies: Basic activities and tasks used to describe the

intelligence warfighting function and leverage the intelligence enterprise. The
intelligence enterprise is the sum total of all intelligence efforts of the entire
intelligence community.
o Intelligence synchronization (see ATP 2-01)
o Intelligence operations (see FM 2-0)
o Intelligence analysis (see ATP 2-33.4)
ADP 2-0 and
ADRP 2-0 describe
Intelligence Process: The intelligence process supports operations by the key aspects of
describing how the intelligence warfighting function facilitates situational intelligence support
understanding and supports decision making. to unified land
o Plan and direct
o Collect
o Produce
o Disseminate Joint and Army
intelligence is the
Continuing Activities product resulting
o Analyze from the collection,
o Assess
Intelligence Capabilities: The intelligence capabilities are those assets the integration,
intelligence warfighting function employs to execute the intelligence process. evaluation, analysis,
and interpretation of
o All-source intelligence information
o Single-source intelligence
concerning foreign
 Counterintelligence (see ATP 2-22.2 VOL I, VOL II, & VOL III)
 Geospatial intelligence (see ATP 2-22.7) nations, hostile
 Human intelligence (see FM 2-22.3, ATP 2-22.31, ATP 2-22.33) potentially hostile
 Measurement and signature intelligence (see ATP 2-22.8) forces or elements,
 Open-source intelligence (see ATP 2-22.9) or areas of actual or
 Signals intelligence (see ATP 2-22.6, ATP 2-22.6 VOL II) potential operations.
 Technical intelligence (see ATP 2-22.4)

o Complementary intelligence capabilities The Army

 Biometrics-enabled intelligence (see ATP 2-22.82) synchronizes its
 Cyber-enabled intelligence (see ATP 2-91.9 [when published]) intelligence efforts
 Document and media exploitation (see ATP 2-91.8) with unified action
 Forensic-enabled intelligence (see ATP 2-22.82)
partners to achieve
o Processing, exploitation, and dissemination (PED) unity of effort and to
meet the
commander’s intent.

August 2012

Special Operations To be updated in 2018.

Army Special Operations Characteristics

All Army special operations share particular characteristics that set them apart from
other elements of combat power. Army special operations have the following
o Are low-visibility when required.
o Have a minimal signature or small footprint.
o Are used to foster habitual (indigenous) relationships.
o Are used to employ precise and timely direct action.

Critical Capabilities
Army special operations have two critical capabilities: special warfare and surgical
strike. Army special operations are designed to execute these critical capabilities ADP 3-05 and
through either collaborative efforts (special warfare) with indigenous populations or ADRP 3-05 provide
unilateral actions (surgical strike). a broad
understanding of
Special Warfare Surgical Strike
Army special
Units capable of long-duration operations Units trained and equipped to provide a
in denied areas designed to train, advise, primarily unilateral, scalable, direct action operations by
and assist host nations in conducting capability that is skilled in hostage describing how
special operations, and to build the rescue, kill or capture operations against executing the two
indigenous warfighting capability. designated targets, and other specialized mutually supporting
tasks. critical capabilities
Regional Mechanisms Imperatives
of special warfare
o Assessment o Understand an operational and surgical strike
o Shaping environment contribute to unified
o Active deterrence o Recognize political implications land operations.
o Influence o Facilitate military and interagency
o Disruption activities
Army forces
o Engage the threat discriminately
Core Activities o Anticipate long-term effects seamlessly
o Unconventional warfare o Ensure legitimacy and credibility integrate lethal and
o Foreign internal defense o Anticipate and control psychological nonlethal special
o Security force assistance effects operations and
o Counterinsurgency o Operate with and through others conventional force
o Direct action o Develop multiple options
o Special reconnaissance o Support long-term engagement
capabilities while
o Counterterrorism o Provide sufficient intelligence maintaining unique
o Preparation of the environment o Balance security and synchronization cultures and
o Military information support capabilities that
operations shape the
o Civil affairs operations
environment and
o Counterproliferation of weapons of
mass destruction enable success of
o Hostage rescue and recovery the joint force in an
o Humanitarian assistance operational

August 2012

Stability To be updated in 2018.
Stability Principles Elements of the Security Sector
o Conflict transformation o State security providers
o Unity of effort and unity of o Government security
purpose management and oversight
o Legitimacy and host-nation bodies
ownership o Civil society and other nonstate
o Building partner capacity actors
o Nonstate security sector
Stability Framework providers
o Initial response phase ADP 3-07 and
o Transformation phase Efforts to Increase Stability ADRP 3-07 provide
o Fostering sustainability phase o Disarmament the Army’s doctrine
o Demobilization
for stability tasks.
End State Conditions o Reintegration
o A safe and secure environment
o Established rule of law District Stability Framework ADP 3-07 and
o Social well-being Encourages unity of effort by ADRP constitute
o Stable governance providing a common framework the Army’s view of
o A sustainable economy to— how to conduct
o Understand the environment stability tasks in
Primary Stability Tasks from a stability-focused operations on land
o Establish civil security perspective. and sets the
o Establish civil control o Include the local population and foundation for
o Restore essential services its perceptions. developing the
o Support to governance o Identify the local sources of other principles,
o Support to economic and instability.
tactics, techniques,
infrastructure development o Design activities that address
and procedures
the identified sources of
Activities Associated with instability. detailed in
Stability o Monitor and evaluate activity subordinate
o Security cooperation measures of performance and doctrinal
 Security assistance measures of effectiveness, as publications.
 Security force assistance well as changes in overall
 Foreign internal defense stability.
o Peace operations
 Peacekeeping.
 Peace enforcement.
 Peacemaking.
 Peace building.
 Conflict prevention
o Transitions
o Security sector reform

August 2012

Fires To be updated in 2018.
ADP 3-09 ADRP 3-09

The Fires Warfighting Function Fires in Support of Unified Land

o Roles Operations
o Core Competencies o Fires definitions
 Air defense artillery o Fires warfighting function
o Roles
 Filed artillery
o Core competencies
o Critical capabilities
 Air defense artillery
 Target acquisition  Field artillery
 Target discrimination o Fires in support of unified land ADP 3-09 and
 Target engagement operations ADRP 3-09
o Principles of fires o Fires in support of decisive action incorporate air and
 Precision  Scalable capabilities
missile defense
 Scalable o Fires in support of offensive tasks
o (AMD) and
 Synchronized Fires in support of defensive tasks
 Responsive o Fires in support of stability tasks electronic attack
 Networked  Principles (EA) in the Army
 Precision fires warfighting
o Characteristics
 Scalable function.
 All weather
 Synchronized
 Precision and near precision  Responsive
Expanding on the
fires  Networked Army’s fires
 Mass area fires o Characteristics warfighting
 Air and space integration o Fires and joint principles function, the term
 Inherently joint o Fires in relation to other warfighting fires now includes
o Fires in support of unified land functions
fires from other
operations o Fires and the operational framework
employment of fires Services, air
o Fires in support of offensive,
defense artillery
defensive, and stability tasks Fires Organizations and Key
o Scalable capabilities fires, and field
Personnel artillery fires.
o Air and missile defense o Fires organizations and personnel at
o Fire support the strategic level
o Targeting o Fires organizations and personnel at ADP 3-09 and
o Fires planning the operational level ADRP 3-09 are
 Air defense planning o Fires organizations and personnel at crafted to support
 Field artillery fire support the tactical level and guide
planning o ADA brigade integrated and
o Fires brigade
Fires in the Operations Process systems delivering
o The operational process accurate and
o Fires and targeting responsive fires
o Fires planning
with precision in
o Air defense planning
o FA fire support planning any environment at
any time.

August 2012

Defense Support of Civil Authorities To be updated in 2018.

Definition of Defense Support of Civil Authorities

DSCA is support provided by United States Federal military forces, DoD
civilians, DoD contract personnel, DoD component assets, and National Guard
forces (when the Secretary of Defense, in coordination with the Governors of
the States, elects and requests to use those forces in Title 32, United States
Code, status) in response to requests for assistance from civil authorities for
domestic emergencies, law enforcement support, and other domestic
activities, or from qualifying entities for special events.

Purpose for Army Support

o Save lives ADP 3-28 and
o Alleviate suffering ADRP 3-28
o Protect property describe a
Characteristics of Army Support
o State and federal laws define how military forces support civil authorities. foundation for the
o Civil authorities are in charge; military forces support them. Army’s
o Military forces depart when civil authorities are able to continue without contribution to
military support.
o Military forces must document costs of all direct and indirect support
defense support
provided. of civil authorities
(DSCA). They
Tasks for Army Support focus on the
o Provide support for domestic disasters
o Provide support for domestic chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear operational Army
incidents. battalions,
o Provide support for domestic civilian law enforcement agencies. brigades, division
o Provide other designated support.
headquarters, and
Organization for Army Support Army Service
o The Army National Guard component
 Has a dual role as a state military force under the governor and as a headquarters
Reserve Component of the Army that the POTUS may mobilize for
federal service.
 As a state resource, can activate units based on requirements in the DSCA with
state and is more flexible in terms of the range of missions forces may be support from the
assigned, particularly regarding law enforcement tasks. generating force.
o The Regular Army
 Can generate, provide, and sustain large forces in the interim between
when a governor calls up the state's National Guard and the arrival of DSCA tasks
substantial numbers of civilian responders from outside the state. stress the
o The Army Reserve
 Contains the capabilities most needed by civil authorities in an incident,
employment of
such as logistics, medical, construction, bridging capabilities, and many nondestructive
others. means to save
lives, alleviate
suffering, and
protect property.

ADP 3-28 June 2012 and ADRP 3-28 June 2013

Protection To be updated in 2018.
Definition of Protection Support Planning for Protection
Preservation of the effectiveness and o Coordinate, integrate, and synchronize
survivability of mission-related military and mobility, countermobility, and protection
nonmilitary personnel, equipment, facilities, o Use principles to assist in planning process
information, and infrastructure deployed or o Establish priorities for each phase of
located within or outside the boundaries of a operation
given operational area. (JP 3-0) o Integrate planning throughout the operation
Warfighting Function Protection Definition
Prepare for Protection
A group of tasks and systems (people,
organizations, information, and processes) o Revise and refine the plan
united by a common purpose that commanders o Determine protection indicators and
use to accomplish missions and training warnings for information collection
objectives. (ADRP 3-0) o Emplace systems to detect threats to the ADP 3-37 and
Warfighting Function Supporting Tasks and o Direct OPSEC measures ADRP 3-37 provide
Systems o Prepare and improve survivability positions guidance on
o Conduct operational area security o Liaison and coordinate with adjacent and
o Employ safety techniques (including fratricide protected units protection and the
avoidance) o Rehearse protection
o Implement OPSEC o Train with defended assets
o Provide intelligence support to protection o Implement vulnerability reduction measures warfighting function.
o Implement physical security protection
o Apply AT measures Execute for Protection
o Conduct law and order o Ensure that the protection focus supports These publications
o Conduct survivability operations the decisive operation provide the guiding
o Provide force health protection o Review and adjust the CCIR derived from
o Conduct CBRN operations protection tasks principles for
o Provide explosive EOD and protection o Review changes to graphic control commanders and
support measures and boundaries for the increased
o Coordinate air and missile defense risk of fratricide staffs who are
o Conduct personnel recover o Evaluate the effectiveness of tracking for
o Conduct internment and resettlement constraints on personnel recovery
responsible for
Principles of Protection
o Monitor the employment of security forces planning and
for gaps in protection or unintended
o Comprehensive patterns
executing protection
o Integrated o Evaluate the effectiveness of liaison in support of unified
o Layered personnel for protection actions
o Redundant o Evaluate movement coordination and land operations.
o Enduring control to protect critical paths
Considerations for Protection o Monitor adjacent unit coordination
procedures for terrain management Protection is
o Identify threats and hazards vulnerabilities
o Implement control measures to prevent or synchronized and
o Monitor readiness rates of response forces
mitigate enemy or adversary actions involved in fixed-site protection integrated to
o Manage capabilities to mitigate the effects o Monitor force health protection
and time to react or maneuver on the preserve combat
adversary to gain superiority and retain the Assess for Protection power, populations,
Plan for Protection o Continuous (planning, preparation, partners, essential
o Establish protection working group o Measures of effectiveness and equipment,
o Integrate protection in the operations process performance
o Conduct initial assessments o Lessons learned integration
resources, and
o Develop CAL and DAL critical infrastructure
o Organize protection tasks
o Develop scheme of protection from the effects of
o Establish protection priorities
o Refine running estimate
threats and hazards.
o Synchronize protection within combat power

August 2012

Offense and Defense To be updated in 2018.
Characteristics Characteristics
o Audacity o Disruption
o Concentration o Flexibility
o Surprise o Maneuver
o Tempo o Mass and concentration
o Operations in depth
Tasks o Preparation
o Movement to contact o Security
o Attack
 Ambush ADP 3-0
o Area defense
 Counterattack o Mobile Defense and ADRP 3-0 are
 Demonstration o Retrograde
 Feint guides for action
 Delay
 Spoiling attack  Withdrawal on conducting
 Raid  Retirement offensive and
o Exploitation
o Pursuit
Forms of the Defense
o Defense of a linear obstacle operations.
Forms of Maneuver o Perimeter defense
o Envelopment o Reverse slope defense Army forces use
o Flank attack
o Frontal attack Planning Considerations offensive
o Infiltration o Mission command operations to
o Penetration  The operations process seize, retain, and
o Turning movement  Team development
o Movement and maneuver exploit the
Planning Considerations  Exploit the advantages of terrain initiative.
o Mission command  Maintain security
 The operations process  Disrupt enemy attack
 Mass effects of combat power Army forces use
 Team development
o Movement and maneuver
 Ensure mutual support defensive
 Mobility and countermobility operations to
 Combat formations  Enemy airborne and air assault
 Limited visibility conditions  Smoke and obscuration create conditions
 Soldier's load  Limited visibility adjustments for a counter-
 Assured mobility o Intelligence
 Mobility and countermobility offensive, deny a
 IPB process
o Intelligence o Fires vital area, attrit or
 IPB process  Army indirect fires and joint fires fix the enemy,
o Fires  Air and missile defense respond to a
 Army indirect fires and joint o Sustainment
fires  Logistics (Classes IV and V, pre- surprise attack, or
 Air and missile defense positioning of supplies) increase the
o Sustainment  Health service support enemy’s
 Logistics o Protection
 Health service support  Area security, antiterrorism, and vulnerability.
o Protection physical security
 Survivability operations  Safety
 Survivability operations
 CBRN defense

August 2012

Sustainment To be updated in 2018. 4-0,
Principles of Sustainment Elements of Sustainment
o Anticipation o Logistics
o Responsiveness o Maintenance
o Simplicity o Transportation
o Economy o Supply
o Survivability o Field services.
o Continuity o Distribution.
o Improvisation o Operational contract ADP 4-0 and
support. ADRP 4-0 describe
Sustainment of Unified o General engineering principle-level
support. doctrine for the
Land Operations
sustainment of
o US Title 10 responsibilities Personnel Services forces during
o Executive agent o Human resources support decisive action
responsibilities o Financial management operations.
o Lead Service responsibilities operations For the Army,
o Directive authority for logistics o Legal support.
o Generating force o Religious support
responsibilities o Band support
Sustainment is the
o Operating force provision of logistics,
responsibilities Health Service Support personnel services,
o Intergovernmental o Casualty care and health service
coordination o Medical evacuation support necessary to
o Sustainment in multinational o Medical logistics maintain operations
operations until successful
mission completion.
Sustainment of Decisive
Action Sustainment is
o Mission command of through the
sustainment operations integration of
o Sustainment planning national and global
o Operational reach resources and
o Freedom of action
ensures Army forces
o Endurance
are physically
available and
properly equipped at
the right place and
time to support the

July 2012

ADP/ADRP 5-0 FM 9-99.9
The Operations Process To be updated in 2018.

Principles of the Operations Process

o Drive the operations process
o Build and maintain situational understanding
o Apply critical and creative thinking
o Encourage collaboration and dialogue

o Effective planning
 Commanders focus planning
 Develop simple, flexible plans through mission orders ADP 5-0 and
 Optimize available planning time ADRP 5-0 provide
 Continually refine the plan the framework for
o Planning methodologies exercising mission
 Troop leading procedures command through
 The military decisionmaking process
 Army design methodology
the operations
process: planning,
Preparation preparing,
o Secure and protect the force executing, and
o Improve situational understanding continuously
o Understand, rehearse, and refine the plan
o Integrate, organize, and configure the force
o Ensure forces and resources are ready and positioned
o Conduct preparation activities: Liaison – information collection – security – Commanders,
troop movement – network operations – manage terrain – prepare terrain – supported by their
confirmation briefs – rehearsals – plans-to-operations transition – refine the staffs, use the
plan – integrate Soldiers and units – task organize – train – pre-operations operations process
checks and inspections – build partnerships and teams
to drive the
Execution conceptual and
o Seize the initiative through action detailed planning
o Accept prudent risk to exploit opportunity necessary to
o Implement decision making during execution understand,
 Adjustment decisions
visualize, and
 Execution decisions
 Rapid decision-making and synchronization process describe their
Assessment environment; make
o Continuously assess and articulate
o Prioritize the assessment effort decisions; and
o Use caution when establishing cause and effect
o Combine quantitative and qualitative indicators
direct, lead, and
o Conduct assessment process assess military
 Monitor operations.
 Evaluate (measures of effectiveness and measures of performance)
 Make recommendations and direct action

May 2012

Mission Command To be updated in 2018.

Principles of Mission Command Philosophy of Command

o Build cohesive teams through mutual trust
o Create shared understanding
o Provide a clear commander’s intent
o Exercise disciplined initiative
o Use mission orders
o Accept prudent risk

Art of Command
o Authority ADP 6-0 and
o Decision making ADRP 6-0
o Leadership present the
Science of Control
Army’s guidance
o Information on command,
o Communications control,
o Structure and the mission
o Degree of control
Mission Command Warfighting Function warfighting
o Commander tasks: function.
 Drive the operations process through their activities of understanding,
visualizing, describing, directing, leading, and assessing operations.
 Develop teams, both within their own organizations and with joint, These
interagency, and multinational partners. publications
 Inform and influence audiences, inside and outside their organizations. concisely
o Staff tasks:
 Conduct the operations process
describe how
 Conduct knowledge management and information management commanders,
 Synchronize information-related capabilities supported by their
 Conduct cyber electromagnetic activities staffs, combine
o Additional tasks:
 Conduct military deception the art of
 Conduct civil affairs operations command and the
 Install, operate, and maintain the network science of
 Conduct airspace control control to
 Conduct information protection
Mission Command System situations, make
o Personnel decisions, direct
o Networks
o Information systems
action, and
o Processes and procedures accomplish
o Facilities and equipment missions.

May 2012

FM 1-0 FM 1-0
Human Resources Support Human
Human Resources Core Competencies
o Man the Force – Ensuring the Army acquires and retains the Nation’s best to ensure the
right people are available at the right places with right skills to provide commanders with
maximum flexibility to be operationally adaptable:
 Personnel readiness management
 Personnel accountability
 Strength reporting
 Retention operations
 Personnel information management
o Provide HR Services – Functions which directly impact a Soldier’s status, assignment,
qualifications, financial status, career progression, and quality of life which allow the Army
leadership to effectively manage the force: FM 1-0 provides the
 Essential personnel services fundamentals,
 Postal operations principles, and
 Casualty
o Coordinate Personnel Support – Those functions and activities which contribute to unit concepts of Army
readiness by promoting fitness, building morale and cohesion, enhancing quality of life, human resources
and providing recreational, social, and other support services for Soldiers, DOD Civilians, support doctrine that
and other personnel who deploy with the force:
 Morale, welfare, and recreation operations reinforce the Army’s
 Command interest programs vision that Soldiers
 Army band operations and readiness are
o Conduct HR Planning and Operations – The means by which HR leaders envision a
desired HR end state and articulates HR operations in support of the operational
the principle focus of
commander’s mission requirements: HR support.
 HR planning and operations
 Operate HR mission command nodes The objective of HR
Human Resources Enduring Principles support is to
o Integration – Maximizes efficiency by joining all elements of HR support (tasks, functions, maximize operational
systems, processes, and organizations) with operations ensuring unity of purpose and effectiveness of the
effort to accomplish the mission. total force by
o Anticipation – Relies on professional judgment resulting from experience, knowledge,
education, intelligence, and intuition to foresee events and requirements. anticipating,
o Responsiveness – Providing the right support to the right place at the right time. manning, and
o Synchronization – Ensure HR support operations effectively align with military actions, sustaining military
ensuring the HR operational process is planned, executed, and assessed.
o Timeliness – Ensures decision makers have access to relevant HR information and
analysis across all echelons of HR support, supporting current and future operations in a
near real-time common operational picture. Meeting the goal of
o Accuracy – Data input at the lowest level has a direct impact on decisions made at the providing efficient
highest level, as well as impacts on Soldiers and their Families. Accurate information
impacts their career, retention, compensation, promotions, general well being for family and effective HR
members, and is absolutely critical for casualty processing. support relies on
multifunctional HR
Focus of Human Resources Support leaders who focus
o Agile and clear HR policies
o Effective HR practices their knowledge and
o Competency-based skills skills in support of
o Outcome-oriented actions the Army’s most
o Self development
important asset—its

April 2014

FM 1-04
Legal Support to the Operational Army

The Core Legal Disciplines

o Military justice
o International and operational law
o Administrative and civil law
o Contract and fiscal law
o Claims
o Legal assistance
FM 1-04 is the
Rules of Engagement, Rules for the Use of Force, and Army’s manual for
Targeting operational legal
o ROE drafting considerations doctrine. It
 Operational requirements provides
 Policy authoritative
 Law doctrine and
o Specific ROE provisions practical guidance
 Hostility criteria for commanders,
 Escalation of force procedures judge advocates,
 Detention criteria legal
Detainee Operations and paralegal
o The Judge Advocate’s Role in Detainee Operations Soldiers across
o The Geneva Conventions the spectrum of
o Detainee Categories conflict.
o Detainee Treatment Act of 2005
It outlines how
Defense Support of Civil Authorities Operations The Judge
o Authorities for Military Support Advocate
o The Posse Comitatus Act General’s Corps
o Rules for the Use of Force (JAGC) will be
o Intelligence Oversight organized in
o Judge Advocate Responsibilities accordance with
the Army’s force
Financial Management and Contracting design and
o Fiscal triad discusses the
o Deployment contracting delivery of legal
support to the

March 2013

FM 1-05 FM 9-99.9
Religious Support FM TITLE
Religious Support (RS) Foundations
o Mission: The Army Chaplain Corps provides RS across the range of military
operations by assisting commanders in providing—
 Free exercise of religion
 Religious, moral, and ethical leadership
o Organization
 Chaplains and chaplain assistants at all echelons beginning at battalion
 Unit ministry teams (UMTs) at brigade echelons and below
 Chaplain sections at echelons above brigade (EAB)
o Core Competencies
FM 1-05 details
 Nurture the living principles of
 Care for the wounded religious support to
 Honor the dead help commanders,
their staffs, chaplain
Required Capabilities
o Provide: Performing functions across extended distances to include— sections, and unit
 Administration of religious rites, sacraments, and ordinances ministry teams plan
 Worship leadership (e.g., preaching, liturgical worship, memorials) and execute
 Pastoral care and counseling religious support
 Religious education throughout all
 Family-life ministry
 Spiritual fitness events
phases and all
o Advise: Advising commands on potential religious, ethical, moral, and morale echelons of unified
impacts on Soldiers, Families, authorized civilians, and unit operations: land operations.
 The command includes commanders, staff, and others making operational
decisions on behalf of the command The Chaplain Corps
 Externally, advising on potential impacts of local/indigenous populations’
fulfills Army required
religious beliefs and practices in the area of operations (e.g., holy days,
religious sites, liaison with local religious leaders) capabilities to
 Internally, advising the command on religious practices, spiritual needs, provide religious
and morale of Soldiers, Families, and authorized civilians within the support and advise
command, and moral and ethical implications of operational decisions the command at all
RS in Unified Land Operations echelons on
religion, morals,
RS at Different Echelons ethics and morale.
o Modular force considerations
o ASCC, Corps, and Division chaplain sections
Quality religious
o Brigade and battalion UMTs
o Chaplain Detachments: Four force-tailoring augmentation capabilities support builds
cohesive teams of
RS Integration into the Operations Process resilient Soldiers
o Planning RS: MDMP, SOPs, running estimates, religious support plans and ethical leaders
o Preparing RS to meet diverse
o Executing RS: RS in offensive, defensive, stability, and DSCA operations
o Assessing RS
challenges of
complex operational

October 2012

FM 1-06 FM 1-06
Financial Management Operations
Core Competencies of Financial Management Operations
o Fund the force
o Banking and disbursing
o Accounting support and cost management
o Pay support
o Management internal controls

Principles of Financial Management (FM)

o Stewardship – The Army operates under the mandate to use all available resources in
the most effective and efficient means possible to support the combatant commander.
o Synchronization – Synchronization of FM operations requires that FM leaders to
arrange the placement of FM units and personnel in time, space, and purpose in order to Field Manual 1-06
ensure commanders receive the requisite FM support.
o Anticipation – Financial managers must visualize future operations including flexible
provides doctrine
and responsive execution of operations in order to provide FM support to the right place, on how financial
at the right time, and in the right composition. management (FM)
o Improvisation – Financial managers must have the ability to adapt operations and plans supports unified
for FM to changing situations and missions. This includes task-organizing FM units in
non-traditional formations, submitting fiscal legislative proposals to acquire new fiscal land operations by
authorities, applying existing financial and communication technologies in new ways, and complementing
creating new tactics, techniques, and procedures to meet evolving requirements resulting combat power,
from changes in an operational environment and consequent mission modifications.
o Simplicity – This principle includes FM processes, procedures, and the requirement to
supporting strategic
minimize complexity in functions in order to reduce confusion, foster efficiency in the and operational
conduct of operations, and enhance the effective control of FM support to our forces. reach, and
o Consistency – Financial managers must coordinate with the appropriate DOD
organizations and other Services to ensure the uniform provision of support to all forces
in theater to include making appropriate provisions for pay and services, establishing endurance.
banking and cash management/currency support payment of travel entitlements, and
establishing cash operations to support the acquisition process. Financial
Financial Management Mission management is
o Analyze resource requirements defined as the
o Ensure commanders are aware of existing resource implications in order for them to make sustainment of the
resource informed decisions
o Obtain the necessary funding that allows the commander to accomplish the overall unit
U.S. Army and
mission. its unified action
partners through
Financial Management Key Tasks the execution of
o Advising the commander
o Identifying sources of funds fund the force,
o Analyzing requirements banking
o Forecasting and disbursing,
o Capturing, analyzing and managing costs
o Acquiring funds
accounting support
o Distributing and controlling funds and cost
o Certifying fund availability management, pay
o Managing commitments and obligations
o Managing reimbursement processes
support, and
o Documenting and communicating key controls to process owners management
o Establishing and managing the Army Managers’ Internal Control Program internal controls.

April 2014

FM 2-0
Intelligence Operations
FM 2-0 describes how military intelligence (MI) units and collection assets
conduct intelligence operations to accomplish the tasks developed during
information collection. FM 2-0 also contains the descriptions of the Army
tactical tasks included in the intelligence warfighting function, doctrine on
language support, and doctrine on employing remote sensors.

Information Collection
An activity that synchronizes and integrates the planning and employment
of sensors and assets as well as the processing, exploitation, and
FM 2-0 discusses
dissemination systems in direct support of current and future operations
conduct intelligence
(see FM 3-55).
operations. Conduct
Information Collection and Intelligence Operations
operations is one of
At the tactical level, reconnaissance, surveillance, security operations,
four primary tasks
and intelligence operations are the primary means by which a commander
conducted as part of
conducts information collection to answer the CCIRs and to support
operations. Information collection consists of the following tasks:
o Plan requirements and assess collection.
o Task and direct collection.
The primary purpose
o Execute collection.
of Army intelligence
operations is
Intelligence Operations
The tasks undertaken by military intelligence units and Soldiers to obtain
intelligence that
information to satisfy validated requirements (see ADRP 2-0).
supports the conduct
of planning,
Intelligence Operations Guidelines
They are not a checklist; rather, they describe ways to effectively and
execution, and
efficiently employ MI collection assets. Mirroring the fundamentals of
reconnaissance, the intelligence operations guidelines support efforts that
result in timely collection and reporting of the relevant, accurate
information needed to produce intelligence. Commanders determine
G-2s, intelligence
which guidelines to emphasize based on the situation:
planners, and
o Ensure continuous intelligence operations.
intelligence unit
o Orient on requirements.
commanders should
o Provide mixed and overlapping coverage.
be aware of the
o Gain and maintain sensor contact.
implications of
o Report information rapidly and accurately.
and considerations
o Provide early warning.
associated with the
o Retain freedom of maneuver.
general intelligence
provisions and

April 2014

FM 2-22.3
HUMINT Collector Operations
Important Note: HUMINT interrogation must remain consistent with U.S. law;
Law of War; relevant international law; DOD policy, directives, and instructions;
and orders. (For specifics see page vii, para 5-50, and Appendix A for key
extracts from the Geneva Conventions.)

FM 2-22.3 is the Army’s field manual on intelligence interrogation. Updated

Doctrine on other HUMINT missions is found in ATP 2-22.31 and ATP 2-22.33.

Intelligence interrogation is the systematic effort to procure information to

answer specific collection requirements by direct and indirect questioning
techniques of a person who is in the custody of the forces conducting the FM 2-22.3
questioning. Interrogations may only be conducted by personnel trained and discusses human
certified in the interrogation methodology, including personnel in MOSs 35M, intelligence
351M, or select others as may be approved by DOD policy. collection. Effective
immediately, an
The interrogation process is comprised of five areas:
o Screening
individual in the
o Planning and preparation custody or under
o Approach techniques and termination strategies the effective control
o Questioning of an officer,
o Reporting employee, or other
agent of the United
The 18 authorized interrogation approach techniques (they have varying
approval and authorization channels): States
o Direct approach Government,
o Incentive approach or detained within a
o Emotional approaches facility owned,
 Emotional Love Approach operated, or
 Emotional Hate Approach
 Emotional Fear-Up Approach
controlled by a
 Emotional Fear-Down Approach department
 Emotional Pride and Ego Up Approach or agency of the
 Emotional Pride United States, in
 Ego Down Approach any armed conflict,
 Emotional Futility Approach
shall not be
o Other Approaches
 We Know All, File and Dossier subjected
 Establish Your Identity to any interrogation
 Rapid Fire technique or
 Change of Scenery. approach, or any
treatment related to
Approaches requiring approval of the first 0-6 in the interrogators chain of
interrogation, that
o Mutt and Jeff is not authorized by
o False flag and listed in Army
o Restricted interrogation technique FM 2–22.3.
o Separation

September 2006

FM 3-0
Threats Large-scale Combat Operations
o Information warfare o Stability tasks
o Preclusion o Tactical-enabling tasks
o Isolation o Reconnaissance
o Sanctuary o Security operations
o Systems Warfare o Troop movement
Considerations for Army Operations o Relief in place
o Large-scale combat operations o Passage of lines
o Challenges for Army forces o Encirclement operations
o Anticipated operational environments o Mobility and countermobility operations
o Multi-domain extended battlefield Large-scale Defensive Operations
o Threats o Defensive tasks
o Joint operations • Area defense FM 3-0 provides a
o Army’s operational concept • Mobile defense doctrinal
o Operational art • Retrograde
o Strategic and operational reach o Enemy attack approach for our
o Operational framework o Defending encircled theater armies,
o Sequencing operations o Consolidation of gains
o Control measures Large-scale Offensive Operations corps, divisions
Army Echelons o Offensive tasks and brigades to
o Theater army • Movement to contact address the
o Expanded theater • Attack
o Other organizations for theater support • Exploitation challenges of
o Corps • Pursuit shaping
o Divisions o Forms of maneuver
o Brigade combat teams o Subordinate forms of attack operational
o Multifunctional and functional brigades • Ambush environments,
Operation Framework • Demonstration preventing
o Deep area • Feint
o Close area • Raid conflict, prevailing
o Support area o Tactical considerations during large-scale
o Consolidation area • Forward passage of lines
o Operational framework considerations • Use of terrain ground combat,
• Physical • Flank security and consolidating
• Temporal • Wet-gap crossing operations gains to follow
• Virtual • Breaching operations
• Cognitive • Encirclement operations through on tactical
Operations to Shape o Consolidation of gains success. It is
o Shaping activities Operations to Consolidate Gains
• Military engagement o Consolidation of gains activities about how we
• Security cooperation • Area security operations deter adversaries
• Other activities • Stability tasks and fight a peer
o Interagency coordination o Consolidation of gains responsibilities
o Army organizations Command and Support Relationships threat today, with
o Consolidate gains o Joint command relationships today’s forces and
Operations to Prevent o Army command relationships
o Prevent activities o Army support relationships capabilities.
• Execute flexible deterrent/response o Administrative control
options Risk Considerations
• Set the theater o Understand, balance, and take risks
• Tailor Army forces o Risk a function of command
• Project the force
o Sustainment preparation
o Deployment

October 2017

The data contained on this page is approved for public release.
FM 3-01 FM 3-09
Field Artillery
U.S. Air and Missile Defense Operations
Operations and Fire
Army Air and Missile Defense Sentinel Tactics
Operations o Capabilities Support
o AMD systems and coordination o Deployment
o Organizations JLENS Tactics
o Deployment consideration and o Capabilities
employment principles o Mission planning
o Engagement sequence
o Methods of fire
o The strategic environment
o Sectors of fire and primary and
o Threat tactics and objectives FM 3-01 provides the
secondary target lines
o Theater air and missile threat ADA mission and a
o Support relationships
o Air breathing threats general overview of
o AMD in support of unified land
o Strategic threat ADA organization,
o Defense support of civilian AMD Planning AMD mission
authorities o Critical asset list and defended command, AMD
Air and Missile Defense Mission asset list operations in support
Command o Operational planning process of ULO, and an ADA
o Mission command and its o Planning processes for AAMDC, systems overview.
relationship to AMD ADA brigade, and ADA battalion
o Principles of AMD mission o IPB process It discusses the ADA
unit organization that
o Joint and interdependent AMD Terminal High Altitude Area
o Command of army ADA forces supports ULO and
Defense Employment
o Command of army AMD fires o March order and emplacement provides employment
o Control of army AMD fires o Internal system integration and deployment tactics
o AMD engagement operations and procedures.
control Patriot Employment
Patriot Tactics o System emplacement and It discusses
o Patriot battalion key components initialization communication and fire
o Capabilities o Employment procedures control system
o Deployment planning integration in relation
considerations Avenger Employment
o Engaging aircraft Air Defense Mission
o Tactical movement and site Command. It discusses
selection o Engagement procedures
the ADA role in BMD to
Avenger Tactics C-RAM/Indirect Fire Protect best employ or deploy
o Capabilities
o Support of offensive, defensive,
Capability (IFPC) Employment THAAD’s, JLENS, and
o Tactical movement Patriot. It defines
and stability tasks
o Equipment operations THAAD's, JLENS, and
o Force operations
o Engagement operations Sentinel Employment Patriot's role in support
Counter-Rocket, Artillery, and o Positioning and employment of ULO, C-UAS
Mortar (C-RAM) Tactics o Sentinel initialization defense contribution,
o Capabilities and land and air
o Deployment JLENS Employment combat power
o Employment planning and o Positioning preservation.
positioning considerations o March order and emplacement
o Engagement operations

The data contained on this page is approved for public release.

November 2015

FM 3-04
Army Aviation
Army Aviation’s Role in Unified Land Operations
o Army aviation’s core competencies are indispensable to the Army Operating
o Army aviation cross-cuts all warfighting challenges and warfighting functions.
o Army aviation presents the enemy with multiple dilemmas, enabling the joint
combined arms team to seize, retain, and exploit the initiative by attacking the
enemy from multiple directions at the time and place of our choosing.
o In the future, Army aviation will support expeditionary maneuver across
multiple domains and all environments by rapidly projecting landpower across
wide areas to support tactical, operational, and strategic objectives.
Seven Core Competencies of Army Aviation
Aviation’s capstone
o Provide accurate and timely information collection on the enemy, terrain, local
publication, FM 3-04,
populations, and friendly forces.
o Provide reaction time and maneuver space. provides the context
o Destroy, defeat, disrupt, divert, or delay enemy forces. for employing and
o Air assault ground maneuver forces. integrating Army
o Air move personnel, equipment, and supplies. aviation into unified
o Evacuate wounded or recover isolated personnel. land operations
o Enable mission command over extended ranges and complex terrain. (ULO).
Air-Ground Operations
The simultaneous or synchronized employment of ground forces with aviation It discusses the wide
maneuver and fires to seize, retain, and exploit the initiative. range of threats
(traditional and
Manned-unmanned Teaming (MUM-T)
hybrid), and the
o The integrated maneuver of Army aviation rotary wing and unmanned aircraft
challenges and
systems (UASs) to conduct movement to contact, attack, reconnaissance, and
security tasks. opportunities of
o Comprehensive approach operating in varied
Aviation Attacks environments.
o Against enemy forces in close contact with friendly ground maneuver forces.
o Against enemy forces not in close contact with friendly ground maneuver
The manual includes
 Hasty or deliberate five chapters and
 Dependent on depth of planning, prior coordination, and synchronization one appendix:
 Army Attack Aviation Call for Fire (5-Line) 1. Army Aviation’s
Role in ULO
Living Doctrine Supplement
2. Organizations
o Located on the CAR by searching FM 3-04 Living Doctrine
and Mission
o The FM 3-04 Army Aviation Living Doctrine Supplement provides a series of
video graphic vignettes to enhance doctrinal understanding of an operational Command
environment and Army aviation operations. This supplement is only available in 3. Operations
PDF format with enhanced media functionality. 4. Sustainment
o To adequately experience this supplement, users must install additional 5. Capabilities and
applications such as Xodo for Android/iOS and Adobe Reader for Windows. Characteristics
Other applications may execute the PDF resulting in varying degrees of A. Support Requests,
functionality; however, Xodo and Adobe Reader are the only applications that Briefs, and
have been tested. Checklists

July 2015

FM 3-05
Army Special Operations
Overview Special Forces
o Support of global operations o United States Army Special Forces
o Security environment Command
o Range of military operations o Organization for employment
o Combat power o Special forces core activities
o Army special operations forces
o Organization for employment
o Termination of operations
o Employment considerations
Core Activities o Ranger role in national military
o Unconventional warfare strategy FM 3-05 provides
o Foreign internal defense o Manning and equipment doctrinal guidance on
o Security force assistance o Ranger logistics support the organization and
o Counterinsurgency capabilities of Army
Special Operations Aviation
o Direct action special operations
o Organization
o Special reconnaissance forces and outlines
o Functions
o Counterterrorism the necessary
o Responsibilities in support of Army
o Preparation of the environment requirements for
special operations forces core
o Military information support planning, preparing,
operations and executing Army
o Employment considerations
o Civil affairs operations special operations
o Counterproliferation of weapons of Sustainment forces missions.
mass destruction o Interdependence
o Humanitarian assistance and o Sustainment brigade (special It provides an
disaster relief operations) overview of Army
o Support of operations
Forces special operations
o Developed and undeveloped
o United States Special Operations forces and describes
theater of operations logistics
Command the security
o Host-nation support
o United States Army Special environment and
Operations Command Communications System the contributions
o United States Army Special Forces o Special operations communications Army special
Command o Special operations communications operations forces
o United States Army John F. support provide to the joint
Kennedy Special Warfare Center force across the
and School Intelligence
o Primary intelligence tasks range of military
o Military Information Support
o Threat center of gravity analysis operations.
Operations Command
o United States Army Special o Human intelligence and
counterintelligence FM 3-05 recognizes
Operations Aviation Command
o 95th Civil Affairs Brigade o Theater of operations intelligence and supports the
o 75th Ranger Regiment o Special operations intelligence interdependence
o 528th Sustainment Brigade (Special transactions between Army special
Operations) o Special operations unmanned operations forces and
aircraft systems the conventional force
from the strategic
through the tactical
levels of operations.

January 2014

FM 3-07
Stability Tasks in Military Operations
o Establish civil security
o Establish civil control
o Restore essential services
o Support to governance
o Support to economic and infrastructure development

Considerations for Transitions

o Overall Transition Principles
 Reconciliation FM 3-07 provides
 Transparency tactical guidance
 Patience
o Transition Phases
on the conduct of
 Transition Phase 1 – Repair and (Re)Establish Systems operations focused
 Transition Phase 2 – Normalize Systems on stability and
 Transition Phase 3 – Transfer and Exit addresses
employment of
Considerations to Achieve Unity of Effort forces in the
o Whole-of-Government Approach
 Interagency coordination
conduct of
 Types of funding operations focused
 The rule of law and criminal justice reform on stability.
 United States Agency for International Development (USAID) principles for
reconstruction and development Stability ultimately
o Comprehensive Approach
aims to establish
 Coordination with other partners
 Multinational operations conditions the local
 Building partner capacity populace regards
 Civil affairs in operations as legitimate,
 Working with nongovernmental humanitarian organizations acceptable, and
Stability Assessment Frameworks
o District Stability Framework
 Situational awareness Stabilization is a
 Analysis process in which
 Design personnel identify
 Monitoring and evaluation and mitigate
o Interagency Conflict Assessment Framework underlying sources
 Evaluate the context of the conflict
 Understand core grievances and sources of social and institutional
of instability to
resilience establish the
 Identify drivers of conflict and mitigating factors conditions for long-
 Describe opportunities for increasing or decreasing conflict term stability.

June 2014

FM 3-09 FM 3-09
Field Artillery
Field Artillery Operations and Fire Support
Field Artillery Operations Operations and Fire
o The mission and role of the field artillery
 Effects of fires
o Field artillery capabilities supporting offensive, defensive, and stability tasks
 Field artillery in support of offensive tasks
 Field artillery in support of defensive tasks
 Field artillery in support of tactical enabling tasks and other special considerations
 Field artillery in support of stability tasks
 Filed artillery in defense support of civil authorities
o Organization for combat and combat or support relationships
 Organization for combat
 Field artillery inherent responsibilities in Army command relationships
o Field artillery organization FM 3-09
 Field artillery brigade encompasses
 MLRS/HIMARS battalion tactics for field
 Cannon field artillery battalion
o Key considerations for field artillery employment artillery operations
 Five requirements for accurate fire and fire support
 Fire direction
 Counterfire
planning. Provides
 Tactical movement and positioning guidance for
 Survivability and security brigade, division,
 Sustainment
Fire Support and corps on the
o Fire support in unified land operations employment of field
 General considerations for fire support artillery and
o Information collection and target acquisition for fire support
 Information collection planning,
 Target acquisition preparation,
o Fire support attack resources execution, and
 Army munitions attributes
 Field artillery assessment of fire
 MLRS munitions support.
 Electronic attack
 Mortars
 Naval surface fire support This publication
 Air support describes
 Joint air attack team
 Army aviation capabilities of the
Fire Support and the Operations Process field artillery, how it
o Fire support planning, coordination and targeting is organized, and
o Fire support preparation
 Rehearsals how field artillery
o Fire support execution supports the
 Clearance of fires maneuver
 Special considerations for fire support
Fire Support Coordination and Other Control Measures commander
o Fire support coordination measures through the
 Permissive and restrictive FSCMS
o Boundary, phase line, and other key considerations for fire support
integration of all
 Boundaries forms of fires.
 Phase lines and trigger lines
 Position areas for artillery
o Target acquisition control and airspace coordinating measures
 Radar zones
 Airspace coordinating measures

April 2014

FM 3-11 FM 9-99.9
Multi-Service Doctrine for CBRN Operations

Definition of CBRN Operations Nonproliferation Activities

The employment of tactical capabilities Actions taken to prevent proliferation of
that counter the entire range of CBRN WMD
threats and hazards through WMD o Proliferation prevention
proliferation prevention, WMD o Security cooperation and partner
counterforce, CBRN defense, and activities
CBRN consequence management o Threat reduction
activities. CBRN operations support
operational and strategic objectives to Consequence Management Activities
combat WMD and operate safely in a o Processes FM 3-11 provides
CBRN environment.  Plan, prepare, respond, and tactical-level
recover commanders and
CBRN Threats and Hazards o Consequence management staffs with keystone
o Threats include the intentional operations doctrine for
employment of, or intent to employ,  Defense support of civil operations to
weapons or improvised devices to authorities during domestic
prevent, counter,
produce CBRN hazards. response
defend, and mitigate
o Hazards are elements that could  Defense support to a foreign
cause an adverse effect through request the entire range of
accidental or deliberate release,  DOD-led operations CBRN threats,
dissemination, or impacts. hazards, and
o Nuclear weapons and effects (such Installation Emergency Management effects—including
as blast and shock, thermal o Installation command and staff support to combating
radiation, fallout). responsibilities CWMD activities in
o Emergency management program all operational
U.S. Policy and Strategy environments.
o Three pillars—nonproliferation, Military Health System
counterproliferation, and o Health service support
It serves as a
consequence management o Force health protection
foundation for
o Strategic and operational context o Sampling and laboratory analysis
and consequence management o Patient decontamination, triage, developing multi-
treatment, and evacuation Service and
Counterproliferation Activities o Mortuary affairs Service–specific
Actions taken to defeat the threat manuals, standing
and/or use of WMD against the U.S. CBRN Hazards operating
and its military forces, friends, and o Chemical hazards procedures, and
allies o Biological hazards response standards
o WMD counterforce o Radiological hazards and for refining
 WMD interdiction operations o Nuclear hazards existing training
 WMD offensive operations
support packages,
 WMD elimination operations Treaties and Agreements
mission training
o CBRN defense Describes treaties, legal statutes, and
 Active defense policy strictures on proliferation, testing, plans, training center
 Passive defense possession, and employment of CBRN and unit exercises,
weapons. and Service school
Basic Standards of Proficiency curricula.
o Survival standards
o Operating standards

July 2011

FM 3-12
Cyberspace and Electronic Warfare Operations
Definition of cyberspace electromagnetic activities --The process of
planning, integrating, and synchronizing cyberspace and electronic
warfare operations in support of unified land operations (ADRP 3-0).

Definition of electronic warfare -- Military action involving the use of

electromagnetic and directed energy to control the electromagnetic
spectrum or to attack the enemy (JP 3-13.1).

Cyberspace and Electronic Electronic Warfare Operations

Warfare Operations Fundamentals o Electromagnetic spectrum FM 3-12 provides
o Cyberspace domain operations. tactics and
o Operations o Electronic warfare. procedures for the
o Missions and actions o Electronic attack.
• DOD Information Network o Electronic protection. coordination and
Operations o Electronic warfare support. integration of
• Defensive cyberspace operations o Electromagnetic interference. Army cyberspace
• Offensive cyberspace operations o Electronic warfare reprogramming.
and electronic
• Cyberspace actions
Electronic Warfare Employment warfare
o Electromagnetic spectrum
Considerations operations to
o Information environment
o Ground-based electronic warfare
• Physical dimension support unified
• Informational dimension
o Airborne electronic warfare land operations
• Cognitive dimension
considerations. and joint
o Cyberspace layers
o Electronic attack considerations.
• Physical network layer operations. It
o Electronic protection considerations.
• Logical network layer explains Army
o Electronic warfare reprogramming
• Cyber-persona layer
considerations. cyberspace and
Characteristics of Cyberspace electronic warfare
Spectrum Management
o Networked.
o Socially enabling.
o Spectrum management operations operations
functions. fundamentals,
o Technical.
o Electronic warfare coordination.
o Interdependent and interrelated. terms, and
o Frequency interference resolution.
o Vulnerable. definitions.
Risks in Cyberspace Relationships with Cyberspace
o Operational risks. and the Electromagnetic Spectrum
o Interdependencies. This publication
o Technical risks.
o Policy risks. o Information operations. provides
o Operations security risks. o Intelligence. overarching
o Space operations.
o Targeting.
guidance to
commanders and
staffs on Army
cyberspace and
electronic warfare
operations at all

April 2017

FM 3-13 FM 3-13
Information Operations INFORMATION
Information Operations Overview Preparation
o Section I – operational and o Improve situational understanding
information environments o Revise and refine plans and orders
o Section II – information operations o Conduct coordination and liaison
defined and described o Initiate information collection
o Section III – information operations o Initiate security operations
and combat power o Initiate troop movements
o Initiate network preparation
Information Operations and
o Manage and prepare terrain
Decisive Action o Conduct confirmation briefings
o Weighted efforts o Conduct rehearsals
FM 3-13 serves as
o Information operations enabling the Army’s
activities Execution foundational doctrine
o Information operations and strategic o Information operations working group
o Information operations
for information
o Decisive action responsibilities within the various operations. It aligns
o Stability operations command posts Army doctrine with
o Assessing during execution joint doctrine while
Roles, Responsibilities, o Decision making during execution
Relationships, and Organizations
recognizing the
o Other execution considerations unique requirements
o The commander
o The staff Targeting Integration of information
o The information operations officer o Targeting methodology operations in support
o Information-related capabilities o Decide of the land force. It
o Information operations support units o Detect
o Deliver discusses the
o Individual Soldiers and Army civilians
o Assess conduct of
Planning o Other targeting methodologies information
o Planning overview
Assessment operations in today’s
o Receipt of mission
o Mission analysis o Assessment prioritization complex global
o Course of action development o Assessment rationale security
o Course of action analysis and war- o Principles that enhance the environment, which
gaming effectiveness of information requires a dynamic
o Course of action comparison operations assessment
o Information operations assessment
range of capabilities
o Course of action approval
o Orders production, dissemination, considerations and skills. It provides
and transition overarching
Brigade and Below Information
guidance to
o Presence, profile, and posture effectively integrate
o Soldier and leader engagements information
o Leveraging other information-related operations into the
capabilities operations process
in order to create
decisive effects in
the information

December 2016

FM 3-14
Army Space Operations
Space operating environment is harsh. Possible impacts to mission should be taken into
account during all phases of planning cycles. Source of interference may come from—
o Operating environment (naturally occurring)
o Man-made (contested electromagnetic spectrum)

Satellite orbits are conducive to specific type of missions that support Army operations:
o Low Earth orbit – imagery, surveillance and reconnaissance, weather collection
o Medium Earth orbit – position, navigation, and timing (PNT)
o Geosynchronous Earth orbit – missile warning, surveillance and reconnaissance,
weather collection
FM 3-14 provides
Space mission areas are the framework to deliver effects and support to the warfighter:
guidance on the use
o Space Force Enhancement – increases effectiveness of Army/joint forces
 PNT and applicability of
 Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) space operations.
 Environmental Monitoring
 Missile Warning Army space
 Satellite communications (SATCOM) operations is firmly
 Navigation warfare (NAVWAR) established in
o Space Control – actions to supports freedom of actions in space
national and Service
 Defensive
 Offensive level policies.
o Space Situational Awareness – fundamental to conducing space operations;
involves characterizing space capabilities. Space capabilities
 Characterization enable the Army to
 Threat warning and assessment navigate,
 Detection, tracking, and identification communicate, target
 Data integration and exploitation
o Space Support – support operations such as spacelift and force reconstitution
the enemy, and
o Space Force Application – combat operations in, through, and from space to protect the forces.
influence the outcome of conflict; includes ICBMs and ballistic missile defense.
Space operations
Planning space operations requires integrating space with all other planning activities are an inherently
and processes of the organization to ensure effects are delivered and capabilities are joint venture and
available. Army space forces
o Annex N – Space Operations is used to describe how space operations support is
operate in joint, Inter-
integrated into the concept of operations described in the base plan or order.
organizational, and
Army space forces are integrated into all major combat elements: multinational
o An Army Space Support Element (SSE) primary mission is planning and is fully environments.
integrated into every Army, Corps, and Division headquarter staff.
o Army Space Support Teams are space force analysis and support teams who Space capabilities
provides capabilities, products, and situational awareness of space assets. They provide a global
integrate and provide support to SSEs, brigades, and Marine Expeditionary Force.
perspective as
Army space operations is also responsible for— satellites allow
o SATCOM – satellite transmission and payload control of all military narrowband and routine access to
wideband communications. anti-access and
o Friendly force tracking for U.S., joint, and allied forces. denied areas of the

August 2014

FM 3-16
The Army in Multinational Operations
Fundamentals of Multinational Inform and Influence Challenges in
Operations Multinational Operations
o Fundamentals o Information environment in multinational
o The structure of multinational forces operations
o The nature of multinational operations Protection in a Multinational
o The importance of mutual confidence
Command and Control in o Multinational force protection overview
Multinational Operations o Asymmetric threats
o Multinational operations purpose o Protection principles for commanders
o Command structure and command o Concept of protection
jurisdiction Civil Affairs Operations FM 3-16 provides
o United nations operations and NATO o Civil-military cooperation doctrinal guidance on
operations o Administration in hostile or occupied the organization and
o CFC, Korea and U.S. Force, Korea territory capabilities of the Army
operations o Principles of humanitarian action
o Multinational forces control
in a multinational
o Relationships between civil environment and
o Command and control interoperability organizations, governments, and the
Human Resource Challenges of
outlines the necessary
Multinational Operations requirements for
Resource Management Challenges in planning, preparing, and
o Human Resource Support Multinational Operations
o Legal Considerations for Commanders executing during
o Multinational resource management
o Environmental Considerations o Multinational resource manager multinational operations.
Intelligence Concerns for o Interorganizational resource guidance
Multinational Operations Medical Support in Multinational It provides an overview
o Multinational intelligence and Operations of the Army role within a
multinational information sharing o Army health system role and principles larger framework
o Multinational forces operations planning o Command relationships in medical (unified action) and its
o Multinational forces communications support focus on maximum
and processing o Health threat assessment flexibility through a
Planning Challenges for Operational Considerations for philosophy of mission
Multinational Operations Multinational Forces command and an
o Multinational operations overview o Military capabilities
o Early planning and campaign operations approach.
o Fire support
preparation o Interoperability and standardization in
o Force projection for multinational forces multinational forces
FM 3-16 recognizes
o Mission focus for the commander and multinational operations
commander’s intent Maritime Operations in Multinational
are conducted by forces
o Transition planning and transfer of Operations
o Characteristics of maritime forces
of two or more nations,
o Employment of maritime forces usually undertaken in
Sustainment Challenges in the structure of a
o Maritime constabulary functions
Multinational Operations coalition or alliance and
o Multinational logistics overview Air Operations in Multinational
Operations provides the user the
o Unity of effort between nations and
agencies o Multinational air operations principles necessary information
o Planning for logistics and movement in o Airfield operations to inquire for more
multinational force operations o Unmanned aircraft systems information (ask the
o Host-nation support and operational right questions) for
contract support mission success.

April 2014

FM 3-18
Special Forces Operations

The Role of Special Forces Organization

o Strategic context o United States Special Operations
o Special forces operations within Command
the range of military operations o United States Army Special
o Army unified land operations Operations Command
o Special forces–conventional force o United States Army John F.
coordination and integration Kennedy Special Warfare Center
o The nature and limitations of and School
special forces o United States Army Special
Forces Command FM 3-18 is the
Special Forces Principal Tasks principal manual
o Unconventional warfare Employment
o Foreign internal defense o Special forces operates under for special forces
o Preparation of the environment many varied command doctrine. It
o Counterinsurgency relationships describes special
o Security force assistance o Operations are inherently joint
forces roles,
o Special reconnaissance and frequently controlled by
o Direct action higher echelons missions,
o Counterterrorism o Certain functions or activities may capabilities,
o Counterproliferation require oversight at the national organization,
Special Forces Operational o Special forces personnel are
mission command,
Mission Criteria specially selected and trained to employment, and
o Must be an appropriate special work with indigenous partners in sustainment
forces mission or activity denied areas operations across
o Mission or tasks should support
Planning Considerations the range of
the joint force commander’s
campaign or operation plan or o For the conduct of unconventional military
special activities warfare operations.
o Mission or tasks must be o For the conduct of foreign internal
operationally feasible defense
o Required resources must be
Special forces
available to execute the mission Sustainment provides the United
o Expected outcome of the mission o Army special operations forces States with a
must justify the risks support small-footprint
o Host-nation support
o Contractor support option for
o Planning and executing theater influencing
operations support unfriendly regimes,
insurgencies, and
containing conflicts
that could
destabilize U.S.
allies and partners.

May 2014

FM 3-22
Army Support To Security Cooperation
Security Cooperation In Support of Combatant Commands
o Builds defense relationships that promote specific U.S security interests
o Develops allied and friendly military capabilities for self-defense and
multinational operations
o Provides U.S. forces with peacetime and contingency access to host nation

Army Role in Security Cooperation

o Builds institutional capacity in the host nation
o Develops the ability of partners to defend against internal and external threats
o Improves interoperability, making partners more capable of contributing to
multinational operations. FM 3-22 provides
o Assists other countries to provide for their own security doctrine for Army
support to DOD
Legal Foundations and Authorities
o U.S. forces participate in security cooperation according to a number of legal security
authorities codified in Titles 10 and 22, United States Code (USC) and in cooperation. It
provisions of the annual National Defense Authorization Acts. explains how
o Title 10, USC, authorizes certain types of military-to-military contacts,
exchanges, exercises, and limited forms of humanitarian and civic assistance
Army forces
in coordination with the U.S. ambassador to the host nation. conduct security
cooperation, from
Army Planning and Assessment Considerations theater army
Planning for conducting security cooperation tasks need to include considerations
within the operational variables of political, military, economic, social, information,
through brigade
infrastructure, physical environment, and time. levels.

Preparation and Execution Considerations It focuses on

Organization of foreign security forces includes all activities taken to create,
improve, and integrate doctrinal principles, organizational structures, and personnel
management. This may include doctrine development, unit design, mission cooperation
command and staff processes, and methods and policies for recruiting and assessment,
manning the foreign security forces. planning,
Brigade Operations
preparation, and
Once the unit has deployed and arrived in country, it begins employment. execution.
Employment is the conduct of security cooperation activities in partnership with the
host-nation military. Planning and coordination, of indirect and direct support It provides
approaches with the host nation, are multinational endeavors. Employment
includes foreign counterparts in the mission planning to increase the capability and the doctrinal
capacity of the host nation’s internal defense and development. guidance and
direction for how
Considerations for Working Effectively With Foreign Security Forces the Army trains,
Building relationships and partnerships is central to security cooperation whether
conducting military engagement or leader engagements with foreign security advises, assists,
forces. It is essential for the Soldier to place a considerable amount of time and equips, and
energy in establishing solid relationships among U.S. forces and foreign security assesses foreign
forces. An advisor must purposefully look to build solid relationships between U.S.
security forces.
and foreign security force commanders, staffs, and the defense establishment, as
well as a variety of governmental and nongovernmental entities.

January 2013

FM 3-24
Insurgencies and Countering Insurgencies
Strategic and Operational Context
o Understanding the strategic context
 U.S. strategy and policy
 Land forces and range of military operations
 Legitimacy and control
 Understanding unified action
 Strategic principles
o Understanding an operational environment
 Demographic and urbanization trends
 The operational variables FM 3-24 provides
 The mission variables and civil considerations doctrine on how to
o Culture understand a
 Understanding culture counterinsurgency
 Assessing a cultural situation environment,
 Organizing to understand culture determine the
Insurgencies problem, and plan
o Insurgency prerequisites and fundamentals and execute
 Intrastate war operations in that
 Insurgency prerequisites environment.
 Insurgency fundamentals
 Other analytical frameworks It provides
o Insurgency threat characteristics guidance to
 Disposition and activities commanders and
 Support activities staffs facing the
 Associated threats unique challenges
of countering an
Counterinsurgencies insurgency.
o Mission command and command and control
o Planning
o Intelligence
o Direct approaches
o Indirect methods
o Working with host-nation forces
o Assessments
o Legal considerations

May 2014

The data contained on this page is approved for public release.
FM 3-27 FM 9-99.9
Army Global Ballistic Missile Defense Operations FM TITLE
The ballistic missile defense system (BMDS) is a multi-Service, integrated, global system
of systems comprised of sensors, weapon systems, command, and information systems.
BMDS provides planning and battle management software and hardware. BMDS is the
operational concept of layered defenses to intercept ballistic missiles throughout the
boost, midcourse, and terminal flight phases. Ballistic missile defense activities do not
include defense against cruise or tactical air-to-surface missiles.

Global ballistic missile defense (GBMD) is defense against ballistic missile threats that
cross one or more geographical combatant command boundaries and requires
synchronization among the affected combatant commands.

Mission Command – GBMD is a joint operation by definition that drives FM 3-27 provides an
interdependency between all Services. Each Service component has unique
overview of Army
responsibilities that are critical to the success of the entire GBMD system.
GBMD operations
Operations – GBMD is the overarching characterization of the cumulative (worldwide) and provides
planning, synchronization, integration, coordination, and asset management of defensive doctrinal tenants
o Army GBMD based on joint principles: and procedures
 Unity of effort outlining how to
 Unity of command plan, integrate, and
 Centralized planning execute GBMD
 Decentralized execution
o Ground-based midcourse defense (GMD) operations: the mission is to defend the operations.
U.S. and designated areas against IRBM and ICBM attacks in the midcourse
phase of flight. GBMD is defense
o Protection operations: the mission is to preserve GBMD capability to include against ballistic
 Personnel
missile threats that
 Physical security system level assets cross one or more
 Information of the U.S. military geographic
Sustainment – each site is unique and poses its own challenges for sustainment and
operations. GBMD is contract dependent for logistics and operational support. commander
boundaries and
Communications – due to the globally dispersed nature of the GBMD, a robust
communications architecture is required in order to facilitate operations.
GBMD Components – located throughout the land, sea, and space environments, these among the affected
systems provide critical support to the GBMD mission. combatant
o GMD ground systems – fire control system, launch support system, interceptor
communication system and the GMD communications network. commanders.
o Space domain – Space Based Infra-Red System (SBIRS) constellation consists of
SBIRS satellites and legacy Defense Satellite Program satellites. GBMD consists of
o Land Domain – a network of ground-based radars. any defensive
o Sea Domain – Sea-based X-band radar and Aegis BMD naval vessels.
o GBMD battle management element – Command, Control, Battle Management, and measure designed
Communications system (C2BMC). to destroy, nullify, or
reduce the
Threat – Countries overtly hostile to the U.S. have acquired ballistic missile system effectiveness of an
capabilities. In the changing geopolitical environment, the proliferation of missile
technology has made the advancement of GBMD a critical aspect to U.S. national
enemy ballistic
security. missile attack.

The data contained on this page is approved for public release.

March 2014

FM 3-34 FM 9-99.9
Engineer Operations FM TITLE
Engineer Regiment
o The engineer regiment exists to provide the freedom of action for land power by
mitigating the effects of terrain
o Three engineer disciplines—combat, general, and geospatial engineering
o Engineer organizations operate concurrently with each other (United States Army
Corps of Engineers, Army military engineer units, and Army commands)
o Operating-force engineers (organic, EAB, and BCT)
o Engineer force tailoring (selecting forces based on a mission and recommended
deployment sequence
o United States Army Corps of Engineers (direct reporting unit, Emergency Support
Function #3 assistance to DHS)
Engineer Support to Unified Land Operations FM 3-34 provides a
o Engineer support is used by commanders throughout unified land operations across
common framework
the range of military operations, primarily to ensure mobility, enhance protection,
enable force projection and logistics, and build partner capacity and develop and language for
infrastructure engineer support to
o Lines of engineer support to operations is the ability to anticipate and analyze the operations and
problem and understand the operational environment constitutes the
o Engineers provide support not only to the six warfighting functions, but also to the
doctrinal foundation
special operations forces
o Tasks supporting decisive action for developing other
 Offensive (simultaneous application of combat, general, and geospatial fundamentals and
engineering disciplines through synchronizing warfighting functions and throughout tactics, techniques,
the depth of the area of operations) and procedures
 Defensive (simultaneous application of combat, general, and geospatial
detailed in
engineering capabilities through synchronizing warfighting functions throughout the
depth of the area of operations) subordinate doctrine.
 Stability (civil security, civil control, essential services restoration, support to
governance, and support to economic and infrastructure development) It presents the
 Defense support of civil authorities (support for domestic disasters, domestic overarching doctrinal
CBRN incidents, domestic civilian law enforcement agencies, and other
guidance and
designated support)
 Special considerations (assess relevance and impact of one or more urban areas direction for
as part of the mission) conducting engineer
Integrating Engineer Support activities and shows
o Integrated planning (input from subordinate commanders in the planning process) how it contributes to
 Engineer support to the planning process (considers speed, economy, flexibility,
decisive action.
decentralization of authority, and establishment of priorities)
 Engineer activities spanning the levels of war (strategic, operational, tactical)
o Staff processes (running estimates, framework of assured mobility, and development FM 3-34 focuses on
of essential tasks for M/CM/S) synchronizing and
 Planning processes that lead to the OPLAN or OPORD coordinating the
 The military decisionmaking process (operational and mission variables and
diverse range of
engineer staff running estimate)
 Plans and orders (prepares order or plan by turning the selected course of action capabilities in the
into a clear, concise concept of operations with the required supporting Engineer Regiment
information) to support the Army
 Considerations for unified land operations (support to unified land operations and and its mission
support across the range of military operations)
o Other tasks
 Facilities and construction planning (operational, logistical, force bed-down,
common-use, and protection facilities)
 Project management (coordinates for the skill and labor of personnel using
equipment and materials to form the desired structure; process begins at unit level
with construction directive)

April 2014

FM 3-39 FM 3-39
Military Police Operations MILITARY
Military Police Competencies Military Police Disciplines OPERATIONS
o Soldiering (integrated areas of expertise)
o Policing o Police operations
o Investigations  Perform law enforcement
o Corrections  Employ forensics support
 Conduct criminal
Policing Principles investigations
o Prevention  Provide support to
o Public Support security and civil support FM 3-39
o Restraint  Conduct traffic describes the
o Legitimacy management and operational
o Transparency enforcement doctrine of the
o Assessment  Conduct police
Military Police
Corps Regiment.
Military Police Organizations  Provide support to civil
o Military Police Corps law enforcement
Regiment  Provide custom Military police
o Joint, interagency, and  Provide evidence operations are
multinational response team support viewed through a
o Military police force tailoring o Detention policing and
 Confine U.S. military corrections lens
Support to Army Operations prisoners that focuses
o Combined arms operations  Conduct detainee efforts
o Application of military police operations on civil order
combat power through the  Conduct host-nation maintenance,
warfighting functions corrections training and threat mitigation,
o Other considerations support
and personnel
(support to security force o Security and mobility support
and asset
assistance, rule of law,  Provide support to
border operations, terrorism, populace and resource protection,
noncombatant evacuations, control regardless of an
site exploitation,  Provide support to operational
counterinsurgency, and security operations environment.
support to special operations  Provide support to
forces) mobility operations
 Provide military working
Sustainment Support dog support

August 2013

FM 3-50
Army Personnel Recovery
Personnel Recovery Mission
o Directed in DOD Directive 3002.01, Personnel Recovery in the DoD
o Planning, preparation, execution, and assessment efforts to recover and
reintegrate Army personnel that are isolated in an operational environment
o Additional components of personnel recovery include—
 Code of Conduct training
 Survival, evasion, resistance, and escape
 Post-isolation debriefing

Three Focal Groups

o Commander and staff— FM 3-50 defines
 Develop and disseminate general personnel recovery guidance personnel recovery as
 Produce isolated Soldier guidance from personnel recovery guidance the military efforts taken
 Maintain personnel accountability at all times to prepare for and
 Identify and provide guidance and tasks to the recovery force execute the recovery
 Execute mission command of the five personnel recovery tasks and reintegration of
o Unit— isolated personnel.
 Prepare for execution of immediate and deliberate personnel recovery
operations as a recovery force It describes personnel
 Prepare individuals for isolation recovery elements,
 Receive the mission and conduct the operations process organizations, planning,
 Execute the order and responsibilities
o Individual—
across the personnel
 Survive, evade, resist, and escape the enemy
recovery focal groups. It
 Execute isolated Soldier guidance and evasion plans of action
also provides
 Link-up with recovery forces
considerations for major
Five Tasks combat, stability, and
o Report defense support of civil
o Locate authorities operations.
o Support
o Recover Army leaders have a
o Reintegrate moral and legal
responsibility to train,
Four Methods educate, coordinate,
o Immediate recovery. Actions taken by an individual’s unit to locate and recover, and reintegrate
recover isolated personnel before the enemy understands the situation. Army personnel who are
o Deliberate recovery. Uses the military decision-making process and isolated in an
appropriate preparation to conduct personnel recovery operations when operational
immediate recovery was not successful or not attempted. environment. It is a
o External supported recovery. Army personnel recovery operations principle described in
supported by Service, joint, or multinational forces when mission the Warrior Ethos, Army
requirements exceed Army force capabilities. Civilian Corps Creed,
o Unassisted recovery. Units train and equip personnel to self-recover in and Executive Order
accordance with issued guidance in the event that the tactical situation 10631.
impedes successful recovery by combat forces.

September 2014

FM 3-52 FM 3-52
Airspace Control
FM 3-52
Airspace Control Operational Context
o Airspace in an operational
Collective Tasks for Airspace Control
o Planning and preparation
environment  Determine integrated airspace
o Joint airspace control user requirements
o Methods of Army airspace control  Develop airspace usage priorities
o Airspace control and the operations  Coordinate air traffic service,
process sensor emplacement, and data
Airspace Control in Operations  Determine combat identification
o Principles of Army airspace control authority and procedures for
 Airspace control is action executed airspace users
through combined arms  Develop rules of engagement and FM 3-52 provides
formations. early warning procedures for air
 Airspace control is a commander’s defense operations tactical guidance
responsibility based on the  Determine reporting requirements to execute
commander’s intent, priorities, and and monitoring methods for
risk guidance. manual reporting
airspace control.
 Airspace control is a continuing  Integrate airspace use within the Using the Army
activity of the operations process. area of operations air-ground
 Airspace control is an integral part  Develop airspace coordinating
of risk management. measures to support planned system and the
 Near-real-time airspace control operations operations
requires continuous assessment  Develop the airspace appendix
o Airspace control by echelon and role o Execution and assessment
process, the
 Theater army  Process of airspace orders and manual addresses
 Corps directives roles and
 Division  Manage airspace control
 Brigade information displays responsibilities, by
 Battalion  Determine track identification for echelon, between
 Company or troop airspace users
 Monitor assigned airspace and
Army and air
Airspace Control Planning and airspace users within assigned support agencies
Preparation area of operations of other
o Key documents for planning  Resolve real-time conflicts for
 Joint air operations plan airspace users within the area of Services in the
 Airspace control plan operations planning,
 Area air defense plan
 Airspace control order Types of Airspace Coordinating
 Air tasking order Measures execution, and
 Special instructions o Airspace coordinating measures (Air assessment of
 Airspace coordinating measure Corridor [AIRCOR])
request o Airspace coordinating measures airspace use.
 Air operations directive (Stand Alone)
 Tactical operational data o Airspace coordinating measures
 Operations task link (Restricted Operations Zone [ROZ])
o Airspace control battle rhythm o Fire support coordination measures
o Airspace control plan revision and (FSCMs)
rehearsals o Maneuver control measures (MAN)
o Air reference measures (AIRREF)
Common Reference Systems o Air defense measures (ADMEAS)
o Point reference systems o Marine defense measures
o Area reference systems (MARDEF)
o Altitude measuring systems o Air traffic control measures (ATC)

October 2016

FM 3-53
Military Information Support Operations
Military Information Support Operations Missions
o Military Information. Support to Department of Defense organizations
o Interagency-Intergovernmental Support. Support to non-Department of
Defense organizations and partner nations
o Civil Authority Information Support. Information dissemination support to a
lead federal agency during defense support of civil authorities

Five Core Tasks

o Advise
o Plan
o Develop FM 3-53 introduces
o Deliver military information
o Assess support operations as
the function formerly
Forces known as
o Two active groups support Army special operations forces missions and psychological
provide conventional force contingency support until U.S. Army Reserve operations.
forces are mobilized
o Two U.S. Army Reserve groups support conventional force missions It describes three
distinct missions, the
Planning and Execution Authorities
core tasks
o Development of a military information support operation program with
authority to conduct military information support operations
o Components of a program: operations Soldiers
 Proposed psychological objectives perform to execute the
 Potential target audiences military information
 Themes to stress and avoid support operations
 Proposed dissemination means function, and the
 General concept of operations (including planned attribution methods) capability the function
 Concept of assessment provides commanders.
o Authorization to execute in a theater of operations
o Approval of a series of messages and actions Military information
o Authorities for defense support of civil authorities
support operations are
planned operations to
Four Department of Defense Categories of Attribution
o Immediate U.S. attribution
convey selected
o Concurrence by host-nation or partner-nation organization information and
o Delayed attribution indicators to foreign
o Nonattribution audiences to influence
their emotions,
Psychological Operations Soldiers Advise Commanders On— motives, and objective
o Understanding the operational environment reasoning. The ultimate
o Visualizing the operational environment goal is to change the
o Describing the operational environment behavior of foreign
o Directing military information support operations to change behavior governments,
o Assessing changes in target audience behavior organizations, groups,
and individuals.

January 2013

FM 3-55 FM 9-99.9
Information Collection FM TITLE
o Information collection and knowledge
o Information collection and ISR
o Information collection activities
o Information collection purpose
o Primary information collection tasks and operations

Commander and Staff Roles and Responsibilities

o Commander’s role
o Commander’s needs FM 3-55 clarifies
o Commander’s guidance how the Army
o Staff’s role
o Working group’s input
prepares, and
Planning and Assessment executes
o Considerations information
o Personnel recovery support collection
o The MDMP and information collection planning activities in or
o Assessment
Tasking and Directing echelons.
o Importance of tasking and directing Knowledge is the
o Final information collection plan precursor to
o Information collection overlay effective action in
o Scheme of support the physical
Information Collection Assets
o Capability Information
o Collection plan by level collection is an
o Collection assets by phase activity that
o Collection assets by echelon synchronizes and
o Network-enabled information collection integrates the
Joint Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
planning and
o ISR and unified action employment of
o ISR concepts sensors and
o ISR doctrine assets as well as
o ISR resources the processing,
o ISR planning systems exploitation, and
o National ISR resources and guidelines
o Joint ISR
o Joint ISR organization systems
in direct support
Information Collection Annex to the Operation Order of current and
future operations.

May 2013

FM 3-57
Civil Affairs Operations

o To engage and influence unified action partners and
indigenous populations and institutions
o To establish and conduct military government operations
o To provide civil considerations expertise through the planning
and execution of civil affairs operations
o To enable civil-military operations
FM 3-57 clarifies the role
Intent of civil affairs forces in
the execution of civil
The intent of civil affairs operations is to enhance stability, set
affairs operations and in
conditions for the mitigation or defeat threats to civil society, and support of civil-military
to assist in establishing local government capability or operations.
enhancing capacity for deterring or defeating future civil threats.
It describes the core
tasks, organizations,
Civil Affairs Organizations functions,
o Civil-military operations center characteristics, and
o Civil affairs planning team limitations of Army civil
o Civil liaison team affairs forces in support
of unified land
o Civil information management cell
operations by both
o Civil affairs team conventional and special
operations forces during
Civil Affairs Operations all phases of operations.
o Support and are nested within the overall mission and
Civil affairs forces are
commander’s intent one of the primary
o Use civil affairs forces from the civil affairs team to the civil resources a commander
affairs command possess capabilities within their formations has to assist in dealing
for support with the complex and
o Conducted within the scope of five core tasks and may occur ever-changing civil
component of an
prior to, simultaneously, or sequentially with combat operational environment.
operations depending on an operational environment
Civil affairs forces are
Civil Affairs Operations Core Tasks trained, organized, and
equipped to plan,
o Populace and resources control
execute, and assess civil
o Foreign humanitarian assistance affairs operations in
o Civil information management support of the
o Nation assistance commander’s concept
o Support to civil administration for civil-military

October 2011

FM 3-61
Public Affairs Operations
The Army public affairs informs internal and external publics and fulfills the
Army’s obligation to keep the American people and the Army informed by—
o Establishing conditions that lead to trust in the Army
o Instilling confidence in Army readiness to conduct unified land

Public affairs professionals (military and civilians) at all echelons are FM 3-61 provides
responsible for executing public affairs functions tactics and procedures
to help public affairs
Primary Functions (PA) professionals
o Public information successfully accomplish
o Command information the command
o Community engagement information, public
information, and
community engagement
Core Tasks PA functions. It aligns
o Provide advise and counsel to the commander with current and
o Public affairs planning emerging Army and
o Public affairs training DOD PA policy and
o Media facilitation doctrine, and PA force
o Public communication structure and materiel
o Public affairs assessments requirements.
o Counter misinformation and disinformation
FM 3-61 focuses on
public affairs as a
Required Capabilities command responsibility
o Conducts public affairs activities while deployed, at home station and in and describes public
garrison to keep the American people and elected officials informed affairs roles, missions,
about the activities of the U.S. Army capabilities, and
o Synchronizes public affairs operations and activities with the operations organizations in
plan, the communications plan and information-related capabilities operational, home
station, and garrison
Discussions environments. It
o Public affairs in army operations provides principles for
public affairs
o Public affairs role as the commanders advisor
employment and public
o Public affairs planning process affairs support to unified
o Public affairs training guidance land operations.
o Traditional and nontraditional media facilitation
o Importance of community engagement The Army strategic
o Countering of misinformation and disinformation communication process
o Public affairs assessments of activities supports the unified and
o Public affairs organizations specified combatant
commands’ current and
o Employing current and emerging technologies
future operational

April 2014

FM 3-63 FM 3-63
Detainee Operations DETAINEE

Principles Detainee Operations

o Humane treatment o Capture, initial detention,
o Close contact and screening
o Care, custody, and control  Point of capture
o Accountability  Processing
o Segregation  Movement
o Minimum force o Intelligence and
interrogations FM 3-63 provides
Categories o Medical and dental support guidance for
o Enemy combatant (lawful o Legal considerations
commanders and
and unlawful) o Reporting
staffs on
o Civilian internees o Facilities
 Detainee collection point detention
o Retained persons
 Detainee holding area operations.
General Protection and  Theater detention facility
Detainee Care o Sustainment Detainee
o Humane treatment policies considerations operations are
o Interrogations o Disposition the range of
o Prosecution  Release actions taken by
o Abuse or mistreatment  Transfer U.S. armed
 Repatriation forces, beginning
Command and Staff Roles Host Nation Correction at the
and Responsibilities Training and Support point of capture;
o Provost marshal general o Challenges
o Combatant commander o Resources
movement to a
o Commander, detainee o End state
operations collection point,
o Detention facility detainee holding
area, or theater
o Medical office
detention facility;
o Military intelligence
battalion until detainee
o Military police support transfer, release,
o Detainee camp liaison repatriation,
detachment death or

April 2014

FM 3-81 FM 3-81
Maneuver Enhancement Brigade Maneuver
Mission and Organization
The maneuver enhancement brigade is a unique, multifunctional, mission
command headquarters that is organized to perform support area operations
for the echelon that it supports. It also has the Army capability to perform
maneuver support operations.

o Tailorable
o Modular FM 3-81 provides
o Expeditionary the maneuver
o Networked enhancement
o Multifunctional
o Joint interdependent
brigade (MEB)
o Agile doctrine.

Primary and Subordinate Tasks

o Conduct support area operations The MEB is
 Terrain management designed to
 Information collection provide mission
 CA operations
 Air and ground movement control
command of
 Clearance of fires forces from
 Protection, including personnel recovery, coordination of base multiple branches,
camp/base cluster defense, and response force operations but especially
 Liaison those that conduct
 Operational area security support area and
 Area damage control
o Conduct maneuver support operations
maneuver support
 Mobility operations for the
 Protection force.
 Sustainment
o Support to defense support of civil authorities
 Domestic disasters
 Domestic CBRN incidents
 Domestic civilian law enforcement agencies
 Other support as required
o Support to stability operations
 Civil security (including security force assistance)
 Civil control

April 2014

FM 3-90-1
Offense and Defense

Characteristics of the Offensive Characteristics of the Defense

o Surprise o Disruption
o Concentration o Flexibility
o Tempo o Maneuver
o Audacity o Massing effects
Army Offensive Tasks o Operations in depth
o Movement to contact o Preparation
 Search and attack o Security
 Cordon and search Army Defensive Tasks FM 3-90-1 provides
o Attack o Area defense guidance on the
 Ambush o Mobile defense conduct of the
 Demonstration o Retrograde offense and defense.
 Feint  Delay It describes both
 Raid  Withdrawal combat-tested tactics
 Spoiling attack  Retirement and procedures that
o Exploitation have been modified
Basic Tactical Control Measures
o Pursuit to exploit emerging
o Airspace coordinating
Army and joint
Forms of Offensive Maneuver measures
offensive and
o Envelopment o Area of operations
o Turning movement o Assembly areas
o Frontal attack o Boundaries
o Penetration o Checkpoint
FM 3-90-1 focuses
o Infiltration o Contact point
on the organization
o Flank attack o Critical friendly zone
of forces, minimum
Actions by friendly forces o Direct fire control measures
essential control
o Attack by fire o Fire support coordination
measures, and
o Breach measures
general planning,
o Bypass o Forward line of own troops
preparation, and
o Clear o Line of contact
o Control o Movement corridor
considerations for
o Counterreconnaisance o Named area of interest
each primary
o Disengagement o Obstacle control measures
offensive and
o Exfiltrate o Phase line
defense tasks. It is
o Follow and assume o Position area for artillery
the common
o Follow and support o Route
reference for all
o Occupy o Target area of interest
students of the art
o Retain o Common offensive control
and science of
o Secure measures
tactics, both in the
o Seize field and the Army
o Support by fire school system.

March 2013

FM 3-90-2 FM 3-90-2
Reconnaissance, Security, and Tactical Enabling Tasks Security, and
Reconnaissance Tactical Enabling
o General consideration of reconnaissance Tasks
o Reconnaissance objective
o Reconnaissance fundamentals
o Characteristics of reconnaissance assets
o Forms of reconnaissance
o Planning reconnaissance
o Executing reconnaissance
o Recuperation and reconstitution of reconnaissance assets
Security Operations FM 3-90-2 provides
o Security operations tasks guidance on the
o Fundamentals of security operations conduct of
o General considerations for security operations reconnaissance,
o Screen security, and other
o Guard tactical enabling
o Cover tasks. It describes
o Area security combat-tested tactics
o Local security and procedures
o Combat outposts modified to exploit
Troop Movement emerging Army and
o General considerations of troop movement joint offensive and
o Tactical road march defensive
o Approach march capabilities.
o Movement techniques
o Planning, preparing, and executing a troop movement FM 3-90-2 focuses
o Movement control on the organization
Relief in Place of forces, minimum
o General considerations of a relief in place essential control
o Organization of forces for a relief in place measures, and
o Control measures for a relief in place general planning,
o Planning, preparing, and executing relief in place preparation, and
Passage of Lines execution
o General Considerations of a Passage of Lines consideration for
o Organization of Forces for a Passage of Lines reconnaissance,
o Control Measures for a Passage of Lines security, troop
o Planning a Passage of Lines movement, relief in
o Forward Passage of Lines place, passage of
o Rearward Passage of Lines lines, and
Encirclement Operations encirclement
o Offensive encirclement operations. It is the
o Defending encircled common reference
o Breakout from an encirclement for all students of the
o Exfiltration art and science of
o Attacking deeper into enemy territory tactics.
o Linkup

March 2013

FM 3-94
Theater Army, Corps, and Division Operations
Land Power Tailored for the Joint Force
o Echelons above brigade:
 Combatant command through tactical units
 Operational and administrative chains of command
 Army Service component command and ARFOR in a JOA
 Army logistics and medical support
 Operational areas
o Theater army
 Army Service Component Command (ASCC assigned to GCC)
 Unified action in the GCC
 Theater army and campaigns FM 3-94 explains the
 Defense support of civil authorities roles and functions of
 Theater army headquarters
Army headquarters at
Theater-level Commands and Units echelons above
o Assigned and aligned theater forces brigade: theater army,
o Other theater-level forces corps, and division.
It describes the
The Army Corps relationships between
o Roles of the corps
o Subordinate forces
the echelons and
o The corps headquarters discusses the critical
transition from the
Corps Operations tactical to the
o Operations at corps operational levels of
o Deployment of a corps
o Task-organizing the corps
o The corps area of operations It describes how Army
o The corps and joint forces echelons above
o Decisive action brigade headquarters
o Operational framework exercise mission
o The corps and forcible entry operations
command over tactical
Division Roles and Organization operations, adapt to
o Roles of the division C2 joint force land
o Subordinate forces operations, or
o The division headquarters transition to form a
joint task force
Division Operations
headquarters for.
o The tactical environment
o Deployment of a division It discusses critical
o The division area of operations theater-level tasks
o Air Force support such as setting the
o Marine Corps units theater, theater
o Decisive action
ballistic missile
o Operational framework
defense, and Army
support to multiple

April 2014

FM 3-96
Brigade Combat Team
o Infantry brigade combat team
o Stryker brigade combat team
o Armored brigade combat team

Potential Threats
o States
o Nonstate organizations
o Criminal networks and opportunists
o Individuals
FM 3-96 provides
doctrine and describes
Fundamentals of BCT
o Addresses the fundamental nature and philosophy of mission
organizational roles
command. Addresses the mission command warfighting function as it
and functions,
assists the commander with blending the art of command with the
capabilities and
science of control.
limitations, and
o Discusses BCT command and staff operations and how the commander
responsibilities within
cross-functionally organizes his staff into cells and working groups.
the BCT.
o Describes the types and composition of command posts at brigade
Tactics is the
o Provides—
employment and
 The doctrinal basis for reconnaissance and security forces.
ordered arrangement
 An overview of the fundamentals and forms of reconnaissance.
of forces in relation to
 A discussion of information collection and reconnaissance handover.
each other. Tactics are
discussed and
Forms of BCT Reconnaissance
intended to be used as
o Zone reconnaissance
a guide for the BCT
o Area reconnaissance
during the conduct of
o Route reconnaissance
decisive action across
o Reconnaissance in force
the range of military
o Special reconnaissance
Fundamentals of BCT Security Operations
The principal audience
o Provide early and accurate warning
for this FM are
o Provide reaction time and maneuver space
commanders, staffs,
o Orient on the force or facility to be secured
officers, and
o Perform continuous reconnaissance
o Maintain enemy contact
officers of brigade,
battalions, and
Understand, Shape, Influence, and Consolidate Gains
squadrons within the
Addresses the missions and efforts required to shape and influence the
operational environment through understanding.

October 2015

FM 3-98
Reconnaissance and Security Operations
o Doctrinal guidance for commanders and staffs at the battalion or squadron and
brigade combat team levels.
o The role of cavalry formations and their contributions to the information
collection process
o Methods for conducting reconnaissance and security tasks across the range of
military operations.

Key Contributions and Characteristics of Cavalry Formations

o Enabling mission command
o Providing accurate and timely information to the operations process and FM 3-98 provides the
intelligence collection cycle.
commanders and staffs
o Operating as combined arms air-ground teams
o Providing reaction time and maneuver space of cavalry formations
o Preserving combat power and achieving economy of force with doctrine relevant
o Facilitating movement and transitions to the successful
o Fighting for information employment of
reconnaissance and
Key Aspects and Links security assets and
o Commander’s reconnaissance guidance formations.
o Intelligence preparation of the battlefield
o Linking decision points to priority intelligence requirements and named areas of
interest It explains how
o Cavalry support to the BCT targeting process effective
o Continuously updating the BCT information collection plan reconnaissance and
security operations
Areas of Emphasis for BCT Priority Intelligence Requirements generate depth, allow
o Management of reconnaissance assets commanders reaction
 Mixing time and maneuver
 Cueing
space, fight for
 Redundancy
o Reconnaissance-specific planning considerations information, collect
o Methods and techniques for conducting common reconnaissance tasks information through
 Zone stealth, protect against
 Area surprise, ease the
 Route Reconnaissance forward movement of
 Reconnaissance in Force follow-on forces, and
provide commanders
Security Themes
with flexibility and
o Providing appropriate security guidance
 Focus adaptability.
 Tempo
 Engagement or disengagement criteria FM 3-98 is applicable
 Displacement criteria across unified land
o Planning and execution of counterreconnaissance as part of security operations operations and
o Methods and techniques for conducting common security tasks provides doctrinal
 Screen guidance for all
 Guard formations assigned to
 Cover the ABCT, the IBCT,
 Area Security and SBCT.
 Local Security

July 2015

FM 3-99
Airborne and Air Assault Operations

Airborne and Air Assault Operations Key Constructs

o Operational access—forcible entry and vertical envelopment—within the
operational environment.
o Task force organization, mission, capabilities, and limitations as well as
the duties and responsibilities for the conduct of airborne and air assault
o Task force command and staff operations; cross-functional staff
organizations (cells, working groups, and centers) to assist in
o Meetings, working groups, and boards to integrate the staff, enhance FM 3-99 establishes
planning, and decision making within the task force. doctrine to govern the
o Airborne and air assault task force unique capabilities and planning activities and
considerations in transitioning to other tactical operations. performance of Army
forces in forcible entry
Principal Audience (specifically airborne
o Brigade, battalions, and companies within the brigade combat team— and air assault
 Commanders operations) and
 Staff provides the doctrinal
 Officers basis for vertical
 Noncommissioned officers envelopment and
o United States Army Training and Doctrine Command institutions and follow-on operations.
o United States Army Special Operations Command This publication
provides leaders with
Airborne and Air Assault Forces Seize, Retain, and Exploit the Initiative descriptive guidance
By Conducting— on how Army forces
o Forcible entry operations conduct vertical
o Vertical envelopment envelopment within the
Focus of Airborne Operations combination of offense,
o Organization and employment defense, and stability.
o Airborne assault planning
FM 3-99 encompasses
o Ground tactical plan
tactics for Army
o Landing plan
airborne and air assault
o Air movement plan
operations and
o Marshalling plan
describes how
commanders plan,
Focus of Air Assault Operations
prepare, and conduct
o Organization and employment
airborne and air assault
o Air assault planning
operations by means of
o Ground tactical plan
joint combined arms
o Landing plan
o Air movement plan
o Loading and staging

March 2015

FM 4-01 FM 4-01
Army Transportation Operations ARMY
o National Transportation Provider – Defense Transportation System
o Strategic Transportation Providers – Air Mobility Command, Military Sealift
Command, and Surface Deployment and Distribution Command
o Operational Transportation Providers – Port opening, containerization, port/terminal
operations, movement control, intermodal operations, and air/water/rail/motor
o Tactical Transportation Providers – freedom of action, prolonged endurance,
overland transport

o Integration – makes the right transportation available to move the appropriate materiel FM 4-01 provides
using all resources available to operate in a joint, multinational, or multiagency
o Anticipation – understands, visualizes, describes, and directs transportation resources doctrine for
o Responsiveness – provides a transportation system that is adaptable to changing transportation
situations and environments and capable of flexibility operations that
o Simplicity – allows for clear understanding and execution at the lowest levels
o Economy – allows for effective use of transportation assets support unified land
o Survivability – allows for redundancy of capabilities to compensate for losses and operations.
allows the transportation system to continue to function
o Continuity – allows for keeping the support, infrastructure, and processes of the
transportation system in place and flowing Transportation
o Improvisation – enables the ability to adapt to fulfill multiple transportation operations provide
requirements an overwhelming
capability for Army
Tenets of Army Transportation Operations
o Centralized control and decentralized execution and joint forces in
o Forward support achieving
o In-transit visibility (to include visibility of transportation assets) operational reach,
o Regulated movements
o Interoperability
freedom of action,
o Fluid and flexible movements and prolonged
o Effective use of assets and carrying capacity endurance.
Transportation Functions
o Mode operations – Surface (motor, water, and rail) and air (fixed and rotary wing)
o Intermodal operations – transporting cargo to and from different nodes using multiple operations are
modes critical for theater
o Movement control – allocating transportation assets and regulating movements based opening and the
on command priorities
o Theater distribution – coordinating and synchronizing joint force requirements from Army’s
point of origin to point of employment transportation
o In-transit visibility – tacking the identity, status, and location of cargo and passengers expeditionary
from origin to destination
o Enabling strategic reach – supporting force projection, sustaining the operational capabilities that
Army, and meeting operational needs play an important
o Enabling operational reach – theater opening, RSOI, distribution, redeployment, and role in early entry
theater closing

April 2014

FM 4-02
Army Health System
Army Health System (AHS) Mission’s Warfighting Functions
o Health service support (HSS)
o Force health protection (FHP)

Army Health System Fundamentals

o Holistic view of the entire AHS
o Interdependence information of each of the ten medical functions
o Operational guidance on the AHS’ echelon above brigade mission command
o Provides an in-depth discussion on the provisions of the Geneva Conventions,
the Law of Land Warfare, and medical ethics and their impact on conduct of FM 4-02 provides
AHS operations
doctrine for the
Health Service Support Mission Sets Army Health
o Casualty care aspects of the AHS mission System (AHS) in
o Medical evacuation, medical regulating, and the provision of en route care support of the
o Medical logistics inclusive of all functional subcomponents and services modular force. The
AHS is the
Force Health Protection
o Preventive medicine overarching
o Veterinary services concept of support
o Medical laboratory for providing timely
o Preventive aspects of combat and operational stress control AHS support to the
o Preventive aspects of dental services tactical
Roles of Medical Care
commander. It
o Role 1 - the first medical care a Soldier receives (unit-level medical care) discusses the
o Role 2 - is rendered by the area support squad, medical treatment platoon of current AHS force
medical companies structure
o Role 3 - the patient is treated in a field/combat support hospital staffed and modernized under
equipped to provide care to all categories of patients- to include resuscitation,
the Department of
initial wound surgery, damage control surgery, and postoperative treatment
o Role 4 - medical care is found in the continental United States-based hospitals the Army (DA)-
and other safe havens approved
AHS Medical Functions Reengineering
o Medical mission command Initiative and the
o Medical treatment (organic and area support)
o Hospitalization
Modular Medical
o Medical evacuation Force that is
o Dental services designed to
o Preventive medicine services support the brigade
o Combat and operational stress control combat
o Veterinary services
teams and
o Medical logistics (to include blood management)
o Medical laboratory services (to include both clinical and area laboratories) echelons above
brigade units.

August 2013

FM 4-30 FM 4-30
Ordnance Operations Ordnance
The Ordnance Corps
o The Ordnance Corps mission
o Ordnance functions
o Ordnance corps and the sustainment warfighting function

Munitions Operations
o Munitions mission
o Munitions support structure and stakeholders
o Strategic and joint partners
o Operational munitions stakeholders FM 4-30 provides
o Brigade-level munitions operations doctrine on the
o Ammunition support activities ordnance corps’
o Forward arming and refueling point
mission. The
o Ammunition requirements determination
o Disposition and retrograde ordnance corps
o Explosives safety provides munitions,
maintenance, and
Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Operations EOD support to
o Explosive ordnance disposal mission generate and
o Explosive ordnance disposal organization
maintain combat
o Brigade-level explosive ordnance disposal organizations
o Joint operational phasing construct power and to
provide protection
Maintenance Operations to Army, joint,
o Maintenance fundamentals intergovernmental,
o Two-level maintenance interagency, and
o Strategic maintenance partners
o United states army materiel command
o Echelons above brigade operational organizations forces.
o Modular organization maintenance responsibilities
o Echelons above brigade sustainment organizations FM 4-30 provides
o Theater sustainment command fundamental
o Expeditionary sustainment command guidance for the
o Sustainment brigade
o Combat sustainment support battalion
employment of
o Support maintenance company United States Army
o Brigade combat team maintenance support ordnance
o Field maintenance company maintenance
o Forward support company operations,
o Combat aviation brigade support
o Aviation support battalion
o Headquarters and support company operations and
o Forward support company explosive ordnance
o Test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment support disposal operations
o Contracted maintenance support in support of unified
o Systems support contracted capability land operations
and warfighting
April 2014

FM 4-40 FM 4-40
Quartermaster Operations Quartermaster
Quartermaster Operations
o Quartermaster functions
o Supply
o Field services
o Strategic partners
o Automated information systems
o Mission command
o Mission command communication systems
o Logistics information Quartermaster
o Materiel management functions operations are
o Operational energy management
comprised of
o Support relationships
supply and field
o Requirement for total asset visibility
o Support to joint and multinational operations services. Supply
o Executive agency enables freedom of
o Lead Service responsibilities action, extends
o Multinational support operational reach,
and prolongs
Supply Operations endurance. Field
o Supply operations overview services provide
o Supply Class I through Class X quality of life for
o Multi-nodal operations Soldiers conducting
o Aerial ports of debarkation and embarkation operations in any
o Seaports of debarkation and embarkation operational
o Distribution hubs environment.
o Supply support activities
o Unit supply operations
FM 4-40 provides
o Accountability and responsibility
o Property records inventories commanders an
o Property record adjustments understanding of
Field Service Operations principles,
o Aerial delivery organizations, and
o Airland procedures within
o Airdrop the context of
o Sling load decisive action.
o Food services The manual
o Shower and laundry provides a basic
o Mortuary affairs doctrinal discussion
o Water purification on the organization
o Force provider
and operations of
quartermaster units
within the Army.

October 2013

FM 4-95 FM 4-95
Logistics Operations Logistics

Logistics Overview
o Logistics support to unified land operations
o Principles of logistics
o Elements of logistics

Strategic Level Logistics

o Strategic and joint interfaces
FM 4-95 is the
o Army Title 10 logistics requirements
o Logistics related unified action partners
Army’s doctrine for
o Joint interdependence Army logistics
o Interagency coordination operations at the
o Multinational logistics operations strategic,
o Logistics support to power projection operational, and
o Generating force tactical levels of war.
o Operating force
Logistics is planning
Operational and Tactical Level Logistics and executing the
o Operational environment movement and
o Theater structure support of forces. It
o Geographic combatant command includes
o Theater logistics structure and mission command those aspects of
o Control military operations
o Command and support relationships that deal with design
and development;
Integrating Logistics Into Operations acquisition, storage,
o Integrating logistics into the operations process movement,
o Assessment for logistics operations distribution,
o Planning logistics operations
maintenance, and
o Preparing for logistics operations
o Executing logistics operations
disposition of
o Terminating joint operations materiel; acquisition
or construction,
operation, and
disposition of
facilities; and
acquisition or
furnishing of

April 2014

FM 6-0
Commander and Staff Organization and Operations
Types of Command Posts Types of Running Estimates Rapid Decision-Making And
o Main command post o Facts Synchronization Process
o Tactical command post o Assumptions o Compare the current
o Command group o Friendly force status situation to the order
o Early entry command post o Enemy activities and o Determine that a decision,
Functional and Integrating capabilities and what type is needed
Cells o Civil considerations o Develop a course of
o Plans cell o Conclusions and actions
o Current operations recommendations o Refine and validate the
integrating cell Steps of the Military course of actions
o Future operations Decisionmaking Process o Implement
Planning Horizons o Receipt of mission Assessment Activities
o Long range o Mission analysis o Monitoring the current
o Mid range o COA development situation to collect relevant FM 6-0 is
o Short range o COA analysis (war game) information
Primary Staff Responsibilities o COA comparison o Evaluating progress toward intended to serve
o Support the commander o COA approval attaining end state
o Assist subordinate o Orders production, conditions, achieving several purposes.
commanders, staffs, and
dissemination and transition
Steps of Troop Leading
objectives, and performing
First, it provides
o Inform units and Procedures o Recommending or directing commanders and
organizations outside the o Receive the mission action for improvement
headquarters o Issue a warning order Assessment Planning Steps staffs specific
Types of Staff Officer o Make a tentative plan o Gather tools and information they
o Coordinating o Initiate movement assessment data.
o Special o Conduct reconnaissance o Understand current and will need in the
o Personal o Complete the plan desired conditions
Knowledge Management o Issue the order o Develop an assessment
exercise of
Components o Supervise and refine framework mission
o People Military Deception Principles o Develop the collection plan
o Processes o Focus on the target o Assign responsibilities for command.
o Tools o Motivate the target to act conducting analysis and
o Organization o Centralized planning and generating
Second, the
Information Management control recommendations manual provides
Tasks o Security o Identify feedback
o Collect o Conforming to time mechanisms multiple templates
o Store available Types of After Action
o Display o Integration Reviews
and examples of
o Disseminate Rehearsals methods o Informal products that
o Protect o Backbrief o Formal
Types of Problems o Combined arms rehearsal Army Command commanders and
o Well structured o Support rehearsal Relationships staffs routinely
o Medium structured o Battle drill or SOP rehearsal o Organic
o Ill-structured Rehearsal Types o Assigned use in the conduct
Problem-Solving Process o Network o Attached
o Gather information and o Map o Operational control of operations.
knowledge o Sketch map o Tactical control Local standard
o Identify the problem o Digital terrain model Army Support Relationships
o Develop criteria o Terrain model o Direct support operating
o Generate possible o Key leader o General support
solutions o Full dress o Reinforcing procedures
o Analyze possible solutions Liaison Activities o General support-reinforcing (SOPs)
o Compare possible o Cooperation and Types of Plans
solutions Understanding among o Campaign plan may also provide
o Make and implement the different HQs o Operation plan
decision o Coordination on tactical o Supporting plan
examples of
Types of Military Briefings manners to achieve unity of o Concept plan products more
o Information effort o Branch
o Decision o Synchronization of lethal o Sequel suitable to specific
o Mission and nonlethal effects Types of Orders
o Staff o Understanding of implied or o Operation order
inferred coordination o Fragmentary order
measures to achieve o Warning order
synchronized results

May 2014

FM 6-02
Signal Support to Operations
Signal Support to Operations
o Support to warfighting functions
o Signals role in cyberspace operations

Core Competencies and Essential Capability of the Signal Corps

o Department of Defense information network operations
o Network transport and information services
o Spectrum management operations
o Visual information operations
o Communications security FM 6-02
describes signal
Roles and Responsibilities of Signal Organizations
o Units with organic signal assets support to the
 Corps Army’s mission,
 Division commanders,
 Brigade
staff officers, and
o Units without signal assets
 Functional brigades signal personnel.
 Functional battalions
 Types of units leveraged for support Signal units and
o Signal enabling command and staffs
o Requesting signal support
elements provide
the secure
Secure Network Supporting Operations network that
o Department of Defense information network enables mission
o Army network
 Network transport and information services
command and
 Department of Defense information network operations in Army networks integrates the
 Cyber threats other warfighting
Visual Information and Combat Camera
o Visual information support
o Combat camera units and documentation

January 2014

FM 6-05 Conventional Forces and Special Operations Forces
Integration, Interoperability, and Interdependence
This publication ensures coordinated multi-Service operations for conventional
forces and special operations forces to achieve unity of effort, reduce the potential
for fratricide, and achieve the JFC’s objectives.
o Describes the integration of CF and SOF missions and applies to CF and SOF
operating in the same area of operation.
o Provides joint force operational and tactical commanders and staffs with
planning guidance concerning missions, requirements, and capabilities of CF
and SOF.
o Applies across the range of military operations.
o Joint forces
This multi-Service
o Commanders tactics,
o Staffs techniques, and
Conventional Forces and Special Operations Forces Overview procedures
o Provides the framework for successful integration between CF and SOF.
o Provides CF and SOF planners mission planning guidelines and details the (MTTP)
various levels of CF and SOF concept of operations and the associated publication
approval levels. provides a
o Highlights and discusses differences in CF and SOF effects capabilities and
ways to streamline the fires process to engage the enemy quickly and
accurately while reducing chances for fratricide. reference for
o Provides information for the employment of conventional or special operations commanders and
aviation assets (fixed-wing, rotary-wing, and unmanned) in support of CF or staffs at the
o Describes intelligence fusion between CF and SOF and the planning
operational and
considerations for operations. It describes the intelligence and action planning tactical levels with
cycle. standardized
o Provides information regarding SOF’s limited internal sustainment and techniques and
protection capabilities and gives insight to the support they may require from
external units. procedures to
o Provides the framework for successful integration between CF and SOF. assist in planning
Conventional Forces and Special Operations Forces Checklists, Reports, and and executing
Lessons Learned
o SOF capabilities
o CF capabilities requiring
o Unit coordination checklist integration
o Mission planning and execution checklist (CF and SOF integrated missions) between
o Joint fire support checklist
o Liaison checklist
o Communications checklist forces (CF) and
o Reception and integration considerations special operations
o Reference considerations by joint functions forces (SOF)
o Training and leader development lessons learned for CF and SOF
occupying the
same area of

March 2014

FM 6-22
Leader Development
Tenets of Leader Development
o Commitment by Army, superiors, and individuals
o Clear purpose and intentionality (program creation and evaluation)
o Supportive conditions (relationships and culture of learning)
o Mutually supportive domains (institutional, operational, and self-development)
that enable education, training, and experience
o Providing, accepting, and acting upon assessment and feedback

Leaders must be developed to—

o Be an individual contributor
o Lead at the direct level
o Lead organizations FM 6-22 provides
o Lead functions a doctrinal
o Lead integration framework for all
o Lead large organizations
o Lead the enterprise
military and Army
Civilian leaders
Fundamentals of Leader Development covering methods
o Setting conditions to develop other
o Providing feedback
 Observation planning
leaders, improve
 Accurate observations and assessments: situation – observation – their
associate and assess – reinforce and recommend organizations,
 Feedback delivery build teams, and
o Enhancing learning
 Mentorship
 Guided discovery learning themselves.
 Coaching
 Study Leader
o Creating opportunities
 Challenging experiences development for
 Leader selection all Army leaders
 Leader succession occurs to enhance
 Career development and management
use of attributes
Self-development Process and improve
o Strengths and needs determination leadership
o Goal setting competencies,
o Self-enhanced learning
o Learning in action
providing expert
leaders and
Leader performance indicators provide a framework for accurate and cohesive teams.
descriptive observations.

June 2015

FM 6-99 FM 6-99
U.S. Army Report
U.S. Army Report and Message Formats and Message

Message Organization
o Heading
o Body
o conclusion

Report Formats Numbering System

o Line number and name
o Date and time group FM 6-99 provides
o Units a standardized,
o Locations
o Addition or deletion of line numbers
readily available
reference for
Army forces to
extract common
reports and
templates. This
manual is a
collection of
reports used by
units of all sizes. It
forms the base of
Army information
exchange in a
degraded network
FM 6-99 facilitates
a common
understanding of
reporting and
throughout U.S.
Army elements. It
is the keystone
for report and
message formats.

August 2013

FM 7-0
Train to Win in a Complex World
Training Fundamentals
o Training proficiency ratings (U, P-, P, T-, T)
o The band of excellence
o The role of leaders in unit training
o Battle focus
o Training environments
o Mission-essential task list (METL)
o Training for battle rhythm
o Multiechelon training
o The Army Training Management System (ATMS) FM 7-0 provides
o Publishing command training guidance (CTG) doctrinal guidance on
o Synchronizing installation training resources how unit commanders
o Commanders’ dialogues attain and maintain unit
training readiness.
Unit Training Plan
Using the framework of
o Attain and maintain training readiness the Army’s operations
o The Army Operations Process as the Army’s training framework process, each training
o Conduct Mission analysis event follows a plan,
o Develop courses of action (COA) prepare, execute, and
o Determine time management cycles assess approach.
o Determine the events to train
o Develop training objectives It provides the how-to
o Use a crawl-walk-run methodology details and procedures
o Consider the right mix of live-virtual-constructive (LVC) environments for unit leaders to
o Conduct the training briefing coordinate and
resource unit training
Training Events to obtain the most
o Plan, prepare, execute, and assess every training event effective training
o The 8-step training model results possible.
o The T-Week Concept
o Training meetings FM 7-0 supports the
o Quarterly and yearly training briefings fundamental training
o Assessing training doctrine found in
o External evaluations (EXEVALs) ADP 7-0 and
o After action reviews (AARs) ADRP 7-0.

Appendices: Additionally, FM 7-0 is

• Realistic training supported with the
• Training and evaluation outlines (T&EO) Web-based training
• Company training meetings resources found on the
• After action reviews (AAR) Army Training Network
• Lane training
• Unit training plan (UTP)
• All training briefings
• T-week concept
• Organization inspection program for training

October 2016

FM 7-22
Army Physical Readiness Training
Components of Physical Philosophy
Readiness Training o Approach
o Strength o System
 Muscular strength o Leadership
 Muscular endurance
o Endurance Strategy
 Anaerobic endurance o Types of programs
 Aerobic endurance o Planning considerations
o Mobility o Special conditioning programs
 Agility FM 7-22 provides
 Balance Activities the doctrinal
 Coordination o Execution of training guidance for
 Flexibility o Preparation and recovery
physical readiness
 Posture o Strength and mobility
 Stability o Endurance and mobility training.
 Speed
 Power Programs of Physical Readiness Physical readiness
Training training prepares
Phases of Physical Readiness o Initial military training Soldiers and units
Training o Advanced individual training
for the physical
o Initial conditioning phase o One station unit training
o Toughening phase o Warrant Officer Candidate challenges of
o Sustaining phase School fulfilling the mission
o Reconditioning o Basic officer leader courses in the
o Active and Reserve face of a wide range
Principles of Physical Readiness Components of threats, in
complex operational
o Precision Army Physical Fitness Test
o Progression o Push-ups environments, and
o Integration o Sit-ups with emerging
o Two-mile run technologies.
Types of Physical Readiness
Training Environmental Considerations
o On-ground training o Heat
o Off-ground training o Cold
o Combatives training o Hydration and nutrition
o Altitude
o Pollution
o Sunlight

October 2012

Army Techniques Publications
The following is a list of ATPs published and available as of 8 January 2018.

ATP 1-0.1 G-1/AG and S-1 Operations 03/23/2015

ATP 1-0.2 Theater-Level Human Resources Support 01/25/2017
ATP 1-02.1 Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Multi-Service Brevity Codes 07/26/2016
ATP 1-05.01 Religious Support and the Operations Process 05/12/2014
ATP 1-05.02 Religious Support to Funerals and Memorial Ceremonies and Services (includes change 1) 03/29/2013
ATP 1-05.03 Religious Support and External Advisement 05/03/2013
ATP 1-05.04 Religious Support and Internal Advisement 03/23/2017
ATP 1-06.1 Field Ordering officer (FOO) and Pay Agent (PA) Operations 05/10/2013
ATP 1-06.2 Commanders' Emergency Response Program 05/22/2017
ATP 1-06.3 Banking Operations 01/23/2015
ATP 1-06.4 Internal Controls 05/12/2016
ATP 1-19 Army Music 02/13/2015
ATP 1-20 Military History Operations (includes change 1) 06/09/2014
ATP 2-01 Plan Requirements and Assess Collection 08/19/2014
ATP 2-01.3 Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield/Battlespace (includes change 1) 11/10/2014
ATP 2-19.1 (U) Echelons Above Corps Intelligence Organizations (S) 12/17/2015
ATP 2-19.3 Corps and Division Intelligence Techniques (includes change 1) 03/26/2015
ATP 2-19.4 Brigade Combat Team Intelligence Techniques 02/10/2015
ATP 2-22.2-1 Counterintelligence Volume I: Investigations, Analysis and Production, and Technical 12/11/2015
Services and Support Activities (U)
ATP 2-22.2-2 (U) Counter Intelligence Volume II: Operations and Collection Activities (S) 12/22/2016
ATP 2-22.4 Technical Intelligence 11/04/2013
ATP 2-22.6 (U) Signals Intelligence Techniques (TS) 12/17/2015
ATP 2-22.6-2 (U) Signals Intelligence Volume II: Reference Guide 06/20/2017
ATP 2-22.7 Geospatial Intelligence 03/26/2015
ATP 2-22.8 (U) Measurement and Signature Intelligence (S//NF) 05/30/2014
ATP 2-22.9 Open-Source Intelligence (U) 06/30/2017
ATP 2-22.31 (U) Human Intelligence Military Source Operations Techniques (S//NF) 04/17/2015
ATP 2-22.33 (U) 2X Operations and Source Validation Techniques (S/NF) 09/09/2016
ATP 2-22.82 Biometrics-Enabled Intelligence (U) 11/02/2015
ATP 2-22.85 Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques and Procedures for Tactical Employment of Biometrics in 05/06/2016
Support of Operations
ATP 2-33.4 Intelligence Analysis 08/18/2014
ATP 2-91.7 Intelligence Support to Defense Support of Civil Authorities 06/29/2015
ATP 2-91.8 Techniques for Document and Media Exploitation 05/05/2015
ATP 2-91.9 (U) Intelligence Operations in a Cyberspace Electromagnetic Activities Environment (TS) 08/03/2017
(includes change 1)
ATP 3-01.4 Multi-Service Tactics Techniques and Procedures for Joint Suppression of Enemy Air 12/15/2015
Defense (J-SEAD)
ATP 3-01.7 Air Defense Artillery Brigade Techniques 03/16/2016
ATP 3-01.8 Techniques for Combined Arms for Air Defense 07/29/2016
ATP 3-01.15 Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for an Integrated Air Defense System 09/09/2014
(includes change 1)
ATP 3-01.16 Air and Missile Defense Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (AMD IPB) 03/31/2016
ATP 3-01.18 Stinger Team Techniques 08/23/2017
ATP 3-01.48 Sentinel Techniques 03/04/2016
ATP 3-01.50 Air Defense and Airspace Management (ADAM) Cell Operation 04/05/2013
ATP 3-01.60 Counter-Rocket, Artillery, and Mortar Operations 05/10/2013
ATP 3-01.64 Avenger Battalion and Battery Techniques 03/10/2016
ATP 3-01.81 Counter-Unmanned Aircraft System Techniques 04/13/2017
ATP 3-01.85 Patriot Battalion Techniques 03/22/2016

ATP 3-01.87 Patriot Battery Techniques (includes change 1) 04/15/2016
ATP 3-01.91 Terminal High Altitude Defense (THAAD) Techniques 08/26/2013
ATP 3-01.94 US Army Air and Missile Defense Command Operations 04/20/2016
ATP 3-04.1 Aviation Tactical Employment 04/13/2016
ATP 3-04.7 Army Aviation Maintenance 09/11/2017
ATP 3-04.18 Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Air Operations in Maritime Surface 02/15/2016
ATP 3-04.64 Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for the Tactical Employment of 01/22/2015
Unmanned Aircraft Systems
ATP 3-04.94 Army Techniques Publication for Forward Arming and Refueling Points 01/26/2012
ATP 3-05.1 Unconventional Warfare (includes change 1) 09/06/2013
ATP 3-05.2 Foreign Internal Defense 08/19/2015
ATP 3-05.11 Special Operations Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Operations 04/30/2014
ATP 3-05.20 Special Operations Intelligence 05/03/2013
ATP 3-05.40 Special Operations Sustainment 05/03/2013
ATP 3-05.60 Special Operations Communications System 11/30/2015
ATP 3-05.68 Special Operations Noncombatant Evacuation Operations 09/30/2014
ATP 3-05.71 (U) Army Special Operations Forces Resistance and Escape (C) 02/26/2014
ATP 3-06 Urban Operations 12/07/2017
ATP 3-06.1 Aviation Urban Operations Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Aviation 04/27/2016
Urban Operations
ATP 3-06.20 Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Cordon and Search Operations 08/18/2016
ATP 3-07.5 Stability Techniques 08/31/2012
ATP 3-07.6 Protection of Civilians 10/29/2015
ATP 3-07.10 Advising Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Advising Foreign Security 11/13/2017
ATP 3-07.31 Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Peace Operations (includes change 1) 11/01/2014
ATP 3-09.02 Field Artillery Survey 02/16/2016
ATP 3-09.12 Field Artillery Target Acquisition 07/24/2015
ATP 3-09.13 The Battlefield Coordination Detachment 07/24/2015
ATP 3-09.23 Field Artillery Cannon Battalion 09/24/2015
ATP 3-09.24 Techniques for the Fire Brigade 11/21/2012
ATP 3-09.30 Observed Fires 09/28/2017
ATP 3-09.32 JFIRE Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for the Joint Application of 01/21/2016
ATP 3-09.34 Kill Box Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Kill Box Planning and 04/16/2014
ATP 3-09.42 Fire Support for the Brigade Combat Team 03/01/2016
ATP 3-09.50 The Field Artillery Cannon Battery 05/04/2016
ATP 3-09.60 Techniques for Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) and High Mobility Artillery Rocket 01/10/2014
System (HIMARS) Operations
ATP 3-09.70 Paladin Operations 09/25/2015
ATP 3-09.90 Division Artillery Operations and Fire Support for the Division 10/12/2017
ATP 3-11.23 Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Weapons of Mass Destruction 11/01/2013
Elimination Operations
ATP 3-11.24 Technical Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives Force Employment 05/06/2014
ATP 3-11.32 Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, 05/13/2016
and Nuclear Passive Defense
ATP 3-11.36 Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, 11/01/2013
and Nuclear Aspects of Command and Control
ATP 3-11.37 Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, 03/25/2013
and Nuclear Reconnaissance and Surveillance (includes change 1)
ATP 3-11.41 Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, 07/30/2015
and Nuclear Consequence Management Operations
ATP 3-11.46 Weapons of Mass Destruction--Civil Support Team Operations (includes change 1) 05/20/2014

ATP 3-11.47 Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and High-Yield Explosives Enhanced Response 04/26/2013
Force Package (CERFP)/Homeland Response Force (HRF) Operations
ATP 3-11.50 Battlefield Obscuration 05/15/2014
ATP 3-14.5 Army Joint Tactical Ground Station (JTAGS) Operations 10/15/2014
ATP 3-17.2 Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Airfield Opening 06/18/2015
ATP 3-18.3 (U) Special Forces Direct Action Operations (C) 12/23/2015
ATP 3-18.4 Special Forces Special Reconnaissance 08/18/2015
ATP 3-18.10 Special Forces Air Operations (includes change 1) 02/24/2016
ATP 3-18.11 Special Forces Military Free-Fall Operations (includes changes 1 and 2) 08/18/2016
ATP 3-18.12 Special Forces Waterborne Operations (includes change 1) 07/14/2016
ATP 3-18.13 Special Forces Use of Pack Animals 10/30/2014
ATP 3-18.14 Special Forces Vehicle-Mounted Operations Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures 09/12/2014
ATP 3-18.20 (U) Advanced Special Operations Techniques (S//NF) 02/19/2016
ATP 3-18.72 (U) Special Forces Personnel Recovery (S//NF) 01/13/2016
ATP 3-20.15 Tank Platoon (includes change 1) 12/13/2012
ATP 3-20.16 Mobile Gun System Platoon 02/15/2013
ATP 3-20.96 Cavalry Squadron 05/12/2016
ATP 3-20.97 Cavalry Troop 09/01/2016
ATP 3-20.98 Reconnaissance Platoon 04/05/2013
ATP 3-21.8 Infantry Platoon and Squad (includes change 1) 04/12/2016
ATP 3-21.11 SBCT Infantry Rifle Company 02/04/2016
ATP 3-21.18 Foot Marches 04/17/2017
ATP 3-21.20 Infantry Battalion 12/28/2017
ATP 3-21.21 SBCT Infantry Battalion 03/18/2016
ATP 3-21.91 Stryker Brigade Combat Team Weapons Troop 05/15/2017
ATP 3-22.40 Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for the Employment of Nonlethal 02/13/2015
ATP 3-27.3 Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD) Operations 04/20/2016
ATP 3-27.5 AN/TPY-2 Forward Based Mode Radar Operations 04/13/2015
ATP 3-28.1 Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Defense Support of Civil Authorities 09/25/2015
ATP 3-34.5 Environmental Considerations 08/10/2015
ATP 3-34.20 Countering Explosive Hazards 01/21/2016
ATP 3-34.22 Engineer Operations--Brigade Combat Team and Below 12/05/2014
ATP 3-34.23 Engineer Operations - Echelons Above Brigade Combat Team 06/10/2015
ATP 3-34.40 General Engineering 02/25/2015
ATP 3-34.80 Geospatial Engineering 02/22/2017
ATP 3-34.81 Engineer Reconnaissance (includes change 1) 03/01/2016
ATP 3-34.84 Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Military Diving Operations 02/13/2015
ATP 3-35 Army Deployment and Redeployment (includes change 1) 03/23/2015
ATP 3-35.1 Army Pre-Positioned Operations 10/27/2015
ATP 3-36 Electronic Warfare Techniques 12/16/2014
ATP 3-37.2 Antiterrorism 06/03/2014
ATP 3-37.10 Base Camps 01/27/2017
ATP 3-37.34 Survivability Operations 06/28/2013
ATP 3-39.10 Police Operations 01/26/2015
ATP 3-39.11 Military Police Special Reaction Teams 11/26/2013
ATP 3-39.12 Law Enforcement Investigations 08/19/2013
ATP 3-39.20 Police Intelligence Operations 04/06/2015
ATP 3-39.30 Security and Mobility Support 10/30/2014
ATP 3-39.32 Physical Security 04/30/2014
ATP 3-39.33 Civil Disturbances 04/21/2014
ATP 3-39.34 Military Working Dogs 01/30/2015
ATP 3-39.35 Protective Services 05/31/2013
ATP 3-50.3 Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Survival, Evasion, and Recovery 09/11/2012

ATP 3-50.20 Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE) Planning and Preparation 11/29/2017
ATP 3-50.22 Evasion 11/29/2017
ATP 3-52.1 Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Airspace Control 04/09/2015
ATP 3-52.2 Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for the Theater Air-Ground System 06/30/2014
(includes change 1)
ATP 3-52.3 JATC Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Joint Air Traffic Control 04/18/2014
ATP 3-53.1 Military Information in Special Operations 04/23/2015
ATP 3-53.2 Military Information in Conventional Operations 08/07/2015
ATP 3-55.3 ISR Optimization Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Intelligence, 04/14/2015
Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Optimization
ATP 3-55.4 Techniques for Information Collection During Operations Among Populations 04/05/2016
ATP 3-55.6 Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Air-To-Surface Radar System 11/10/2015
ATP 3-57.10 Civil Affairs Support to Populace and Resources Control 08/06/2013
ATP 3-57.20 Multi-Service Techniques for Civil Affairs Support to Foreign Humanitarian Assistance 02/15/2013
ATP 3-57.30 Civil Affairs Support to Nation Assistance 05/01/2014
ATP 3-57.50 Civil Affairs Civil Information Management 09/06/2013
ATP 3-57.60 Civil Affairs Planning 04/27/2014
ATP 3-57.70 Civil-Military Operations Center 05/05/2014
ATP 3-57.80 Civil-Military Engagement 10/31/2013
ATP 3-60 Targeting 05/07/2015
ATP 3-60.1 Dynamic Targeting, Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Dynamic 09/10/2015
ATP 3-60.2 Scar Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Strike Coordination and 01/10/2014
Reconnaissance (includes change 1)
ATP 3-75 Ranger Operations 06/26/2015
ATP 3-76 Special Operations Aviation 02/10/2017
ATP 3-90.1 Armor and Mechanized Infantry Company Team 01/27/2016
ATP 3-90.4 Combined Arms Mobility 03/08/2016
ATP 3-90.5 Combined Arms Battalion 02/05/2016
ATP 3-90.8 Combined Arms Countermobility Operations 09/17/2014
ATP 3-90.15 Site Exploitation 07/28/2015
ATP 3-90.37 Countering Improvised Explosive Devices 07/29/2014
ATP 3-90.40 Combined Arms Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction 06/29/2017
ATP 3-90.61 Brigade Special Troops Battalion 08/17/2015
ATP 3-90.90 Army Tactical Standard Operating Procedures 11/01/2011
ATP 3-90.97 Mountain Warfare and Cold Weather Operations 04/29/2016
ATP 3-91 Division Operations 10/17/2014
ATP 3-91.1 The Joint Air Ground Integration Center 06/18/2014
ATP 3-92 Corps Operations 04/07/2016
ATP 3-93 Theater Army Operations 11/26/2014
ATP 3-94.1 Digital Liaison Detachment 12/28/2017
ATP 3-94.2 Deep Operations 09/01/2016
ATP 4-0.1 Army theater Distribution 10/29/2014
ATP 4-0.6 Techniques for Sustainment Information Systems Support 04/05/2013
ATP 4-01.45 Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Tactical Convoy Operations 02/22/2017
ATP 4-02.1 Army Medical Logistics 10/29/2015
ATP 4-02.2 Medical Evacuation (includes change 1) 08/12/2014
ATP 4-02.3 Army Health System Support to Maneuver Forces 06/09/2014
ATP 4-02.5 Casualty Care 05/10/2013
ATP 4-02.7 Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Health Service Support in a Chemical, 03/15/2016
Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Environment
ATP 4-02.8 Force Health Protection 03/09/2016
ATP 4-02.42 Army Health System Support to Stability and Defense Support of Civil Authorities Tasks 06/09/2014
ATP 4-02.43 Army Health System Support to Army Special Operations Forces 12/17/2015

ATP 4-02.46 Army Health System Support to Detainee Operations 04/12/2013
ATP 4-02.55 Army Health System Support Planning 09/16/2015
ATP 4-02.82 Occupational and Environmental Health Site Assessment 04/01/2012
ATP 4-02.83 Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Treatment of Nuclear and Radiological 05/05/2014
ATP 4-02.84 Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Treatment of Biological Warfare Agent 03/25/2013
ATP 4-02.85 Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques and Procedures for Treatment of Chemical Warfare Agent 08/02/2016
Casualties and Conventional Military Chemical Injuries
ATP 4-10 Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Operational Contract Support 02/18/2016
ATP 4-10.1 Logistics Civil Augmentation Program Support to Unified Land Operations 08/01/2016
ATP 4-11 Army Motor Transport Operations 07/05/2013
ATP 4-12 Army Container Operations (includes change 1) 05/10/2013
ATP 4-13 Army Expeditionary Intermodal Operations 04/16/2014
ATP 4-14 Expeditionary Railway Center Operations 05/29/2014
ATP 4-15 Army Watercraft Operations (includes change 1) 04/03/2015
ATP 4-16 Movement Control 04/05/2013
ATP 4-25.12 Unit Field Sanitation Teams 04/30/2014
ATP 4-25.13 Casualty Evacuation 02/15/2013
ATP 4-31 Recovery and Battle Damage Assessment and Repair 08/27/2014
ATP 4-32 Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Operations 09/30/2013
ATP 4-32.1 Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Group and Battalion Headquarters Operations 01/24/2017
ATP 4-32.2 Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Explosive Ordnance 07/15/2015
ATP 4-32.3 Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Company, Platoon, and Team Operations (includes 02/01/2017
change 1)
ATP 4-33 Maintenance Operations 04/14/2014
ATP 4-35 Munitions Operations and Distribution Techniques 09/05/2014
ATP 4-35.1 Ammunition and Explosives Handler Safety Techniques 11/08/2016
ATP 4-41 Army Field Feeding and Class I Operations 12/31/2015
ATP 4-42 General Supply and Field Services Operations 07/14/2014
ATP 4-42.2 Supply Support Activity Operations 06/09/2014
ATP 4-43 Petroleum Supply Operations 08/06/2015
ATP 4-44 Water Support Operations 10/02/2015
ATP 4-45 Force Provider Operations 11/24/2014
ATP 4-46 Contingency Fatality Operations 12/17/2014
ATP 4-48 Aerial Delivery 12/21/2016
ATP 4-70 Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology Forward Support 05/12/2014
to Unified Land Operations
ATP 4-90 Brigade Support Battalion (includes change 1) 04/02/2014
ATP 4-91 Army Field Support Brigade (includes changes 1 and 2) 12/15/2011
ATP 4-92 Contracting Support to Unified Land Operations 10/15/2014
ATP 4-93 Sustainment Brigade 04/11/2016
ATP 4-93.1 Combat Sustainment Support Battalion 06/19/2017
ATP 4-94 Theater Sustainment Command 06/28/2013
ATP 5-0.1 Army Design Methodology 07/01/2015
ATP 5-0.3 Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Operation Assessment 08/18/2015
ATP 5-0.6 Network Engagement 06/19/2017
ATP 5-19 Risk Management (includes change 1) 04/14/2014
ATP 6-0.5 Command Post Organization and Operations 03/01/2017
ATP 6-01.1 Techniques for Effective Knowledge Management 03/06/2015
ATP 6-02.40 Techniques for Visual Information Operations (includes change 1) 10/27/2014
ATP 6-02.53 Techniques for Tactical Radio Operations 01/07/2016
ATP 6-02.54 Techniques for Satellite Communications 06/05/2017
ATP 6-02.60 Techniques for Warfighter Information Network-Tactical 02/03/2016
ATP 6-02.70 Techniques for Spectrum Management Operations 12/31/2015

ATP 6-02.72 Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Tactical Radios 05/19/2017
ATP 6-02.73 Tactical Chat Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Internet Tactical Chat in 01/24/2014
Support of Operations
ATP 6-02.75 Techniques for Communications Security (COMSEC) Operations 08/17/2015
ATP 6-02.90 UHF SATCOM Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Ultrahigh Frequency 08/09/2013
Military Satellite Communications
ATP 6-22.1 The Counseling Process 07/01/2014
ATP 6-22.5 A Leaders Guide to Soldier Health and Fitness 02/10/2016
ATP 6-22.6 Army Team Building 10/30/2015

Part Three:

Decisive Action in Support of Unified Land Operations

The Military Decisionmaking Process
Army Command and Support Relationships

Army Command and Support Relationships
Then inherent responsibilities:
Can impose
Establish/ on gained
Have modified, Are Have
If relation- May be task- Provide maintain unit further
command ADCON assigned priorities
ship is: organized liaison communi- command
relation- responsi- position establish-
by:1 to: cations or support
ship with: bility goes or AO by: ed by:
with: relationship
All organic Attached;
Army HQ
forces OPCON;
specified in Organic Organic
Organic organized Organic HQ N/A N/A TACON;
organizing HQ HQ
with the GS; GSR;
As ASCC or
OPCON As required
Gaining Gaining required As required Service-
Assigned Gaining HQ chain of by OPCON
unit Army HQ by by OPCON assigned
command HQ
Unit to OPCON;
Gaining Gaining Gaining required Gaining
Attached Gaining unit which TACON;
unit Army HQ unit by gaining unit
attached GS; GSR;
Parent unit
and gaining
As As required OPCON;
unit; gaining
Gaining Gaining required by gaining Gaining TACON;
OPCON unit may Parent unit
unit unit by gaining unit and unit GS; GSR;
unit parent unit R; DS
lower HQ1

As As required
Gaining Gaining required by gaining Gaining TACON;GS
TACON Parent unit Parent unit
unit unit by gaining unit and unit GSR; R; DS
unit parent unit
Note: 1 In NATO, the gaining unit may not task-organize a multinational force. (See TACON.)

ADCON administrative control HQ headquarters

AO area of operations N/A not applicable
ASCC Army Service component command NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
DS direct support OPCON operational control
GS general support R reinforcing
GSR general support-reinforcing TACON tactical control


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