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The Shaddah sign is written above the letter. The Shaddah will turn the letter into two identical

letters. The first of these letters will have Sukoon and the second one will have the Harakah that
comes with the Shaddah.

Task 1: Read the following words carefully

Task 2: On your mini whiteboard practise writing the words above in disconnected form. Look at
the examples below:
Suspended Alif

A small suspended alif (a mini alif) after a fatha lengthens the vowel to two counts.

Is pronounced exactly as

Task 1: Read the following words carefully

Task 2: Choose six of the words above and write them below in disconnected form:
Alif Maqsurah

An alif maqsurah is:

 bare yaa (without any dots) with a suspended alif above it

 the alif maqsurah lengthens the fatha to two counts

 you say the AA sound and not EE

Task 1: Read the following words carefully

Task 2: Break down the following words into its letters

ٰ + ‫ ﺩ‬+ ‫ ا‬+ ‫نَا َدىٰ = ن‬

= ٰ‫يَ ْغشَى‬

= ‫تَلَ ٰٮ َها‬
Natural Madd-Alif lengthens the Fatha

A bare alif (an alif without a hamzah, vowel or sukoon) is used to lengthen the Fatha.

When a fatha comes before a bare alif, it is lengthened to two counts.

Task 1: Read the following words carefully

Task 2: Underline the Natural Madd-Alif lengthens the fatha in the words above

Task 3: Separate the word into its letters = ُ‫كِتَابَه‬
Natural Madd-Yaa lengthens the Kasra

A bare yaa (a yaa without a hamzah, vowel or sukoon) is used to lengthen the Kasra.

When a kasra comes before a bare yaa, it is lengthened to two counts.

Task 1: Read the following words carefully

Task 2: Underline the Natural Madd-Yaa lengthens the kasra in the words above

Task 3: Separate the following words into its letters

= ُ‫ضلِيل‬
ْ َ‫ت‬
ُِ ‫ُال ِْف‬
= ‫يل‬
Natural Madd-Waw lengthens Dhamma

A bare waw (a waw without a hamzah, vowel or sukoon) is used to lengthen the Dhamma.

When a dhamma comes before a bare waw, it is lengthened to two counts.

Task 1: Read the following words carefully

Task 2: Underline the Natural Madd-Waw lengthens the dhamma in the words above

Task 3: Separate the word into its letters: ُ ‫ْال َم ْغ‬

= ِ‫ضوب‬

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