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The <img> element can use all the ARIA roles.


In CSS, select the property to set an image in a list instead of a standard bullet?

Which property of the image tag allows images from third-party sites that allow
cross-origin access to be reused with canvas?

In CSS, choose the correct option to select this image by its id? ``` <img
id=”mainpic” src=”cat.png”>
#mainpic { }

In CSS, select the property used to set the background color of an image?

Which property is used to specify a list of one or more strings separated by commas
indicating a set of possible image sources for the user agent to use.

Which property of the image tag provides an image decoding hint to the browser?

What is the default orientation within a flex container?

What will be the width value for the following code?

width:500px; flex-basis:1250px; min-width:750px; flex-shrink:0;

The order of grid-area property is ________.


The value/values that “writing-mode” can take is/are __________.

All the options

In the code flex: 1 0 auto, which property does the second value represent(here 0)?

Which of the following properties are not of a GRID-container?


Which of the Flexbox properties exists?


Which of the following css property is used to define the time it takes one
iteration of an animation to play?
transition-duration -- True

Which of the following css property is used to define a delay before an animation

Which of the following css property is used to define the animations that should be
All the options

Which of the following css property is used to indicate if an animation plays in

reverse or repeats itself every other iteration?
animation-direction -- True

Which of the following css property is used to define which properties a transition
will be applied to?
transition-property -- True

Which of the following css property allows elements to be offset, rotated, scaled,
and skewed in a variety of different ways?
transform -- True

Which of the following css property is used to define the number of times an
animation should play?
animation-iteration-count ---True


The “aria-hidden” attribute is equivalent to “hidden” attribute of HTML5.


Which feature/s will lead to better web design?

All the options

It is not a big concern if the UI components are inaccessible using assistive

technologies such as screen readers, magnifiers and braille displays.

Usage of red text on a blue blackground is avoided because ___________.

It will be fuzzy to read

What is the correct UCD cycle?



We can use GET request instead of PUT for creating a resource.


Void(0) is used to call another method without refreshing the page.


Which function is Used To Parse a String To Int?


How to force a word wrap using CSS3?

word-wrap: break-word;

Which are the different events that the <video> tag generates?
All the options

Using Responsive Web Design (RWD) ensures that site will display correctly in all
desktop browsers and mobile devices. You used a grid-based layout and resize-able
images, which is another RWD technique that you can use in responsive design?
Use relative units, such as percentages, for positioning page elements

When creating the manifest file and ensuring that the manifest attribute is
correct, which choice shows the correct text for the first line of text?

Choose the correct statement with respect to the Path an element takes.
When commands are in Upper Case, these represent Absolute Path.In case their Lower
Case commands are used, the Relative Path is used.

Event used to check an empty text-box is ___________.


What is the purpose of the evehat is the purpose of the event onAirEvent?
Content is played

JavaScript is a highly secure scripting language.


Which part of a webpage receives most of the users’ fixations?

Left half of the page

What is one advantage of sliders for application design?

They allow users to explore the effect of the control for the whole range of the
associated parameter.

Which method returns an object that contains image data of a specific ImageData

Which CSS 'table-layout' property value renders tables the fastest?


What is the necessity to have API?

Describe particular task

We cannot draw anything other than a rectangle in Canvas.


What can the 'direction' CSS property be useful for?

For setting the direction that images grow in

Which HTML5 attribute can be used with HTML5 date input type to limit date
max - Wrong

Which of the following does NOT usually appear in a service blueprint?

Customer emotions - Wrong
Choose the correct statement.
onload function runs when all the information on the page is loaded .
OnDocumentReady runs just after DOM is loaded.

Is it valid to pass an anonymous function as an argument to another function?


Which method checks if the browser can play the specified video type?

In REST API interaction is made via HTTP protocol.


Which of the following does JavaScript use to send HTTP or HTTPS requests to a Web
The XMLHttpRequest object

What is/are the types of the pop-up box/es available in JavaScript?

All the options

Which of the following attributes triggers event after the document has been

Objects can inherit from other objects in JavaScript.


For users that use the tab key to navigate websites, what property represents this
way of moving from one element to another?

The <img> element can use all the ARIA roles.


If we set autoplay=”false”, the video will play automatically when the page loads.

SVG supports pointer events, keyboard events, document events, but does not support
JavaScript/ECMAScript functions.

Which API makes the user’s current location available to browser-based application?
Geolocation API

Which of the following method retrieves the current geographic location of the

Which of the following delivers style instructions based on device capabilities

such as screen width?
CSS3 media properties

Which of the following functions of Number object would return a string version of
the number that may change according to the browser’s locale settings?

What are the values that preload attribute can take?

All the options

Which function is used to connect to the WEBSQL database?


What is the purpose of the event disconnectionEvent?

Player disconnects from the channel

What is a difference between a customer-journey map and an experience map?

The customer-journey map depicts events in chronological order, but the experience
map is not chronological or sequential. -- Wrong

Which of the following ensures additional interactivity mechanism?


What are the first three values of text-shadow in order?

horizontal, vertical, blur

A preprocessor is an abstraction layer built on top of CSS.


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