HRM Final

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Name: __________________________________Course&Year: ______________

Schedule: _______________________________Date Submitted: _____________

Subject: _________________________________

VI. LEARNING ACTIVITIES (Offline or Asynchronous Assessment)

Answer Sheet for Evaluation Chapter # ___8___

1. A
2. E
3. C
4. D
5. F

VII. EVALUATION (Synchronous Assessment)

TRUE or False.

1. F
2. T
3. T
4. F
5. T
6. T
7. T
8. T
9. F
10. F
11. T
12. T
13. F
14. F
15. T
Name: __________________________________Course&Year: ______________
Schedule: _______________________________Date Submitted: _____________
Subject: _________________________________

VI. LEARNING ACTIVITIES (Offline or Asynchronous Assessment)

Answer Sheet for Evaluation Chapter # ___9___

Case Study

“The Tennis Match”

Noel is a computer programmer at Jonadel Corporation. He was delighted to know

that part of the company’s athletic program is a mixed doubles tennis tournament to be
held at the corporate tennis court. Grace, who works in the same department, used to
play with Noel in many occasions, and the two would like to compete in the tournament.
They feel that there is a great chance to win the annual tennis competition.

There is a growing interest among employees who are tennis players in the
corporation as it develops more productivity at work. The management themselves are
all tennis enthusiasts. The tournament is scheduled on Friday afternoon and
management declared this as a “tennis holiday”. It is a day of fun and workers can cheer
for their respective teams. Management supported the program with free snacks and fun
fairs to make the occasion memorable. It was a four-consecutive Fridays tournament.

Noel and Grace advanced to the final round. They were leading in the third set
which was the deciding point. On a smash, Noel twisted his ankle badly. Despite the
injury Noel and Grace continued the game until they won the set and were declared
tennis champions. Noel’s injury became worse and he head to be confined in the hospital
for 2 days as the X-ray results showed hairline fractures.

Noel missed two days of his work activities. He has no more sick leave or vacation
leave because company policy and ECC policy do not cover non – related work
accidents. Worker’s compensation provides payment if the worker is “functioning within
the scope of employment”

What should Noel do?

VII. EVALUATION (Synchronous Assessment)

I. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.

10. TRUE

II. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. B
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. B
6. A
7. C
8. A
9. C
10. B
Name: __________________________________Course&Year: ______________
Schedule: _______________________________Date Submitted: _____________
Subject: _________________________________

VIII. LEARNING ACTIVITIES (Offline or Asynchronous Assessment)

Case Study

“Employee Layoffs at the University Medical Center”

The University Medical Center is a medium-sized, 300 bed capacity hospital

in Dasmariṅas City. The facilities have grown gradually over the years and
considered one of the largest in the city. Although it is unionized, it has never
experienced an employee layoff since its inception.

Sister Lallaine Buenaobra, the Chief Executive Officer of the hospital for
eight years, presented a rather bleak financial picture during the most recent
quarterly meeting of the board of directors or BOD. This, according to her, is the
result of the declining occupancy rate brought about the opening of the biggest
government hospital in the province. This has affected the income of the hospital
posting a net loss in its latest income statement. Such declines have not been
unusual for this industry because of increasing competition. So far, the only
response to these changes has been tightening of requirements for equipment
and supply purchases. The projected deficit for the coming year is around P1, 300,
00.00 unless some additional revenues are identified or some additional savings
found. The BOD’s recommendation is employee layoffs, which according to the
board is the only realistic alternative. They recommend laying-off up to 25% of the
hospital’s employees.

Melinda Dumael, the HR Director of the hospital was given the task to
implement the recommendation of the board.

Help Melinda and sister Lallaine solve this problem by following the steps:

1. State the main problem of the hospital.

2. State the different areas of consideration following the guide below’
2.1 strengths of the hospital
2.2 weaknesses of the hospital
2.3 opportunities
2.4 threats
3. Give your proposed solutions/alternative courses of action or ACA (minimum
of three) to help the hospital overcome this problem.
4. State your recommendations based on your ACA.

XII. EVALUATION (Asynchronous Assessment)

I. Read the following statements. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and
FALSE if it is incorrect.
10. TRUE

II. Match column A with column B to establish the relationships of the two
given ideas.

1. C
2. E
3. A
4. D
5. B
6. H
7. I
8. F
9. J
10. G
Name: __________________________________Course&Year: ______________
Schedule: _______________________________Date Submitted: _____________
Subject: _________________________________


III. LEARNING ACTIVITIES (Offline or Asynchronous Assessment)

Case Study

“Permaja Montessori School (The Case of Ms. Joan”

Miss Joan was hired as assistant librarian at Permaja Montessori School

immediately after her graduation from the Philippine Normal University. She had
very good credentials and graduated with honors. During the last two years, her
performance was found to be very satisfactory. She was diligent in her duties and
responsibilities. Recognizing her good performance, she was promoted to the
position of Chief Librarian.

Miss Joan has a staff of 4 employees who are all secretarial graduates.
Yolly has been with the school for ten years and is a mother of two young boys
who are also enrolled in the school. Ms. Carol has been in the school for 8 years, a
mother of a young girl, 8 years old, and in the second grade also in the same
school. Ms. Carol is legally separated from her husband who lives far south. Ms.
Rhea is one of the youngest, about the same age as Ms. Joan, Mr. Armando
Loyola is a male employee who is one of the pioneers of the school and very
closely related to the owner.

In a closed door meeting with the President and the Board of Directors, Ms.
Joan reported the following:

“I was the youngest employee in the library when I was hired.

During the period of my employment, I found out that it is hard to
supervise older employees. They have less education and refuse to
improve their academic qualifications. I find difficulty, making them
follow instructions, and cooperation seems too difficult to attain in
the library. Even if meetings are held to discuss issues and
concerns of the students, still they refuse to cooperate. I think there
is a problem of keeping peace and harmony in my department.

Our old employee, in particular, doesn’t try to get along with

anyone in the department. She takes separate lunch and coffee
breaks. Every time we plan some sort of social event, or simple
gathering, she does not agree with anyone else. If her idea is not
carried out, she gets mad and will not cooperate with anyone else. It
is really hard to know the best way to handle such situation.”

With this statement before the Board of directors, the president puzzled on
what to do to maintain harmony in the library department.
Review Questions:

1. What is discipline? Why is it important in the making of an effective

2. What is the role of the HRD in maintaining discipline? What are the
roles of the line managers and supervisors?
3. Why do we develop self-control as an important means of discipline?
4. Discuss the major disciplinary problems in the present industrial
5. Discuss the role of counseling in discipline.

VII. EVALUATION (Asynchronous Assessment)

Read the following statements. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is

10. TRUE
Name: __________________________________Course&Year: ______________
Schedule: _______________________________Date Submitted: _____________
Subject: _________________________________

I. LEARNING ACTIVITIES (Offline or Asynchronous Assessment)

Case Study

“The Canteen Concessionaire”

PMP Manufacturing Corporation is engaged in the production of quality

spare parts for motorcycles for export and for local sales, the plant employs more
than 300 line workers and employs about 35 office personnel.

The canteen that serves snacks and regular meals is located inside the
plant. The operator is an outside concessionaire who pays no rent, water, power,
and electricity. While it is private in nature and independent of the company, the
canteen owner is relative of the company president. The company provides all the
facilities including plates, spoons, forks, and other kitchen utensils.

Angie, the concessionaire manager has been complaining to Mr. Nonoy

Padrones, the Personnel Manager that the cost of food has gone up since the
implementation of the EVAT law and that he cannot afford to serve meals at the
current price of viands at Php 20.00 per serving and rice at Php 5.00 per cup. Mr.
Padrones cannot give any definite answer to the problem of Ms. Angies as he has
to discuss this with management and the employees’ association.

In the meeting with the employees’ association, Ronald the president

complained that the employees are not satisfied with the kind of service the
canteen has been giving them. He stated that the food choices are limited and the
most servings are vegetables and meat; the food is almost the same every day. He
suggested that a new concessionaire be hired instead.

Mr. Padrones is in deep thought in his office on how to solve the problem, how to
tell the company president about the canteen concessionaire problem and the request of
the employees for a change in canteen operator.

He is thinking of either a food subsidy or allowance or to give the employees their

meal chits and charge meals to company funds.

Review and Discussion Questions:

1. What are the basic needs identified by Maslow? How do they relate to
maintenance of employee morale?
2. How can HRD develop employee morale? What measures would
influence the employee to stay in the employment of the company?
3. Discuss the different theories of motivation. How can these theories
help maintain the morale of employees?
4. What is the role of money as motivator for employees to stay in the
5. Identify the relationship between motivation and performance?

II. EVALUATION (Offline or Asynchronous Assessment)

I. Read the following statements. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and
FALSE if it is incorrect.

10. TRUE


As a manager, how can you motivate employees to perform their tasks willingly and

 One of the best things I can do as a manager to motivate my employees is

to lead them and be an example to them . Praise if they've done a good job,
encourage them to explore their skills more, treat them with respect, Allow
honest criticism and complaints, Ensure a healthy work life balance, Be
fair, Pay more attention to them.

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